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declare (strict_types=1); namespace o1kro\mnWLp; use O1kRo\dqjwX; use O1kRo\dQjwX\l14S7; use o1Kro\DqJwx\l14S7\nVw84; use o1KRO\DQjWX\l14s7\tkuoM; use o1KRO\dqJWx\L14S7\fSGD1; use o1kro\DqJWX\Jgk1A; use o1kRo\dQjwx\Scalar; use O1Kro\dqJwx\Scalar\qM0t4; use O1kro\DqJwx\fXV82; use O1kRo\CTvVT; class raf6Q extends CtVVt { protected function PRHQf(DqJwX\hpWhJ $xEBv9) : string { return $this->HPZ60($xEBv9->OM9PA, true) . $this->g2KCu($xEBv9->flags) . ($xEBv9->D5Wc8 ? $this->TfVhJ($xEBv9->D5Wc8) . " " : '') . ($xEBv9->qD7MM ? "&" : '') . ($xEBv9->hsu0U ? "..." : '') . $this->tFvhJ($xEBv9->XufjI) . ($xEBv9->uq2dz ? " = " . $this->tFVhj($xEBv9->uq2dz) : ''); } protected function nCMjT(DqJWX\s80nV $xEBv9) : string { return ($xEBv9->name ? $xEBv9->name->G6m8b() . ": " : '') . ($xEBv9->qD7MM ? "&" : '') . ($xEBv9->MO9xo ? "..." : '') . $this->tfVHj($xEBv9->bzGLL); } protected function Qo7Nq(dqJwX\dag_x $xEBv9) : string { return "..."; } protected function hmxM_(DQjwx\CVjzD $xEBv9) : string { return $xEBv9->name . " = " . $this->tFvHj($xEBv9->bzGLL); } protected function Jgviq(dqJWx\YfaLR $xEBv9) : string { return "?" . $this->tFVHJ($xEBv9->D5Wc8); } protected function TU2tO(dQJWX\JhfGM $xEBv9) : string { goto JYt31; q9KZ3: eb0Fl: goto fz5ud; JYt31: $pgldh = []; goto ToDTS; fz5ud: return implode("|", $pgldh); goto WQ419; ToDTS: foreach ($xEBv9->UG1k0 as $xncG3) { goto Ls5vr; uuR57: p0JVW: goto jST0N; pMlKF: $pgldh[] = "(" . $this->TFVhj($xncG3) . ")"; goto glwRN; V97j5: wxwwq: goto oBXBO; Ls5vr: if (!$xncG3 instanceof dQjWxDgS) { goto p0JVW; } goto pMlKF; jST0N: $pgldh[] = $this->Tfvhj($xncG3); goto V97j5; glwRN: goto wxwwq; goto uuR57; oBXBO: } goto q9KZ3; WQ419: } protected function hhhrn(dQJWXDGS $xEBv9) : string { return $this->CeszA($xEBv9->UG1k0, "&"); } protected function YMYNd(dqjwx\fkKG2 $xEBv9) : string { return $xEBv9->name; } protected function gztyS(DQjwx\JbNoP $xEBv9) : string { return "$" . $xEBv9->name; } protected function vRLsb(dqJWx\Attribute $xEBv9) : string { return $this->tFvHJ($xEBv9->name) . ($xEBv9->EoM7h ? "(" . $this->rosYX($xEBv9->EoM7h) . ")" : ''); } protected function KsjOp(dqJwx\rZPz7 $xEBv9) : string { return "#[" . $this->ROSYX($xEBv9->XQHE0) . "]"; } protected function PKSeK(jGK1A $xEBv9) : string { return $xEBv9->name; } protected function K3RNO(JgK1A\SurZ6 $xEBv9) : string { return "\" . $xEBv9->name; } protected function IPBTr(jgK1A\rZidV $xEBv9) : string { return "namespace\" . $xEBv9->name; } protected function o22tG(qM0T4\Lw8nx $xEBv9) : string { return "__CLASS__"; } protected function Efff4(Qm0T4\Dir $xEBv9) : string { return "__DIR__"; } protected function hRF8J(qm0t4\File $xEBv9) : string { return "__FILE__"; } protected function Bj24V(qm0T4\Hybd4 $xEBv9) : string { return "__FUNCTION__"; } protected function SaLZl(QM0T4\NDXml $xEBv9) : string { return "__LINE__"; } protected function yRrPo(QM0T4\fhqeZ $xEBv9) : string { return "__METHOD__"; } protected function IJG1G(qm0t4\r2tSx $xEBv9) : string { return "__NAMESPACE__"; } protected function JuTuM(QM0t4\ubmj9 $xEBv9) : string { return "__TRAIT__"; } private function wqp1k(string $oqbAQ) : string { return str_replace("
", $this->tYJd8, $oqbAQ); } protected function Bfv7J(Scalar\LBWxT $xEBv9) : string { goto gAsBe; fZvl4: K0kj1: goto cAcCX; E366f: switch ($lygHO) { case Scalar\LbwXT::mGDdp: goto qpP2Z; Z6YXp: $vttIP = $UMQh5 ? $this->tYJd8 : $this->Qe6gE; goto caMMd; nogXS: return "<<<'{$N0_dM}'{$vttIP}{$N0_dM}{$this->RDY6Q}"; goto flhMM; wbu3g: $GnnYq = $UMQh5 ? $this->wQp1k($xEBv9->bzGLL) : $xEBv9->bzGLL; goto Dgua3; ZUf7B: if (!($xEBv9->bzGLL[strlen($xEBv9->bzGLL) - 1] !== "
")) { goto gkDMb; } goto wbu3g; caMMd: if (!($xEBv9->bzGLL === '')) { goto PG036; } goto nogXS; qpP2Z: $N0_dM = $xEBv9->getAttribute("docLabel"); goto LIAb5; LIAb5: if (!($N0_dM && !$this->M7ivA($xEBv9->bzGLL, $N0_dM))) { goto DS7A8; } goto VS1bH; VS1bH: $UMQh5 = $this->zboqR->AD7cd(); goto Z6YXp; L8FkS: gkDMb: goto uXmp8; flhMM: PG036: goto ZUf7B; Dgua3: return "<<<'{$N0_dM}'{$vttIP}{$GnnYq}{$vttIP}{$N0_dM}{$this->RDY6Q}"; goto L8FkS; uXmp8: DS7A8: goto DhJRS; DhJRS: case Scalar\lbWXT::ayAGq: return $this->HUQN8($xEBv9->bzGLL); case Scalar\lbWxt::Sl8pX: goto amkR2; uX6MU: $V8nwd = $this->I1Owq($xEBv9->bzGLL, null); goto j2hiJ; Psm4j: xb_Jr: goto Ygl4s; X_BH5: return "<<<{$N0_dM}{$vttIP}{$N0_dM}{$this->RDY6Q}"; goto Psm4j; FF0aK: if (!($V8nwd === '')) { goto xb_Jr; } goto X_BH5; j2hiJ: if (!($N0_dM && !$this->m7Iva($V8nwd, $N0_dM))) { goto ELiGh; } goto KK457; amkR2: $N0_dM = $xEBv9->getAttribute("docLabel"); goto uX6MU; KK457: $vttIP = $this->zboqR->ad7cd() ? $this->tYJd8 : $this->Qe6gE; goto FF0aK; Z_u1n: ELiGh: goto WndpV; Ygl4s: return "<<<{$N0_dM}{$vttIP}{$V8nwd}{$vttIP}{$N0_dM}{$this->RDY6Q}"; goto Z_u1n; WndpV: case Scalar\LbwxT::hjUfI: return """ . $this->i1oWq($xEBv9->bzGLL, """) . """; } goto fZvl4; cAcCX: Jyil4: goto kmMjL; gAsBe: $lygHO = $xEBv9->getAttribute("kind", Scalar\LBwxt::ayAGq); goto E366f; kmMjL: throw new \Exception("Invalid string kind"); goto xsBTH; xsBTH: } protected function g1mNp(Scalar\hc0qu $xEBv9) : string { goto MjqHq; cdTgI: $N0_dM = $xEBv9->getAttribute("docLabel"); goto g2H7O; ypG7N: luBM0: goto R2VZ9; SlMr_: u6jTC: goto ypG7N; CYj5T: return "<<<{$N0_dM}{$vttIP}{$N0_dM}{$this->RDY6Q}"; goto pnChW; O_uYG: return "<<<{$N0_dM}{$vttIP}" . $this->pyqmy($xEBv9->hu4ff, null) . "{$vttIP}{$N0_dM}{$this->RDY6Q}"; goto SlMr_; MjqHq: if (!($xEBv9->getAttribute("kind") === Scalar\lbwXt::Sl8pX)) { goto luBM0; } goto cdTgI; g2H7O: if (!($N0_dM && !$this->LTv03($xEBv9->hu4ff, $N0_dM))) { goto u6jTC; } goto zSK4o; zSK4o: $vttIP = $this->zboqR->aD7CD() ? $this->tYJd8 : $this->Qe6gE; goto X7OWy; R2VZ9: return """ . $this->PyQmY($xEBv9->hu4ff, """) . """; goto cMQ2W; X7OWy: if (!(count($xEBv9->hu4ff) === 1 && $xEBv9->hu4ff[0] instanceof DQJwx\KSbdS && $xEBv9->hu4ff[0]->bzGLL === '')) { goto uhAmF; } goto CYj5T; pnChW: uhAmF: goto O_uYG; cMQ2W: } protected function ys1v_(Scalar\hDuPT $xEBv9) : string { goto EWV7J; sXdDx: goto c4Gfg; goto b_iZa; aVXoV: jpNfi: goto Xs4ia; w_RDg: throw new \Exception("Invalid number kind"); goto PUHgq; QoNrh: if (!(Scalar\HdUpT::dFWbY === $lygHO)) { goto tAb8b; } goto tQ240; e3mEt: $oqbAQ = (string) -$xEBv9->bzGLL; goto jA0ie; QrtXr: $uA172 = "-"; goto e3mEt; nTtg2: $oqbAQ = (string) $xEBv9->bzGLL; goto sXdDx; EWV7J: if (!($xEBv9->bzGLL === -\PHP_INT_MAX - 1)) { goto PSyQj; } goto bLQwz; bLQwz: return "(-" . \PHP_INT_MAX . "-1)"; goto x2ah7; ulVY9: $uA172 = ''; goto nTtg2; Uo2t_: tAb8b: goto pAgNs; x2ah7: PSyQj: goto Xmde6; pAgNs: if ($xEBv9->bzGLL < 0) { goto T_m4K; } goto ulVY9; Tn3IU: switch ($lygHO) { case Scalar\HdUPt::va8v3: return $uA172 . "0b" . base_convert($oqbAQ, 10, 2); case Scalar\HDuPT::qg_Fm: return $uA172 . "0" . base_convert($oqbAQ, 10, 8); case Scalar\HduPT::pbw8k: return $uA172 . "0x" . base_convert($oqbAQ, 10, 16); } goto aVXoV; tQ240: return (string) $xEBv9->bzGLL; goto Uo2t_; Xmde6: $lygHO = $xEBv9->getAttribute("kind", Scalar\HdUpT::dFWbY); goto QoNrh; b_iZa: T_m4K: goto QrtXr; jA0ie: c4Gfg: goto Tn3IU; Xs4ia: T94od: goto w_RDg; PUHgq: } protected function n4GYC(Scalar\zoPlr $xEBv9) : string { goto Krl8E; H7Fdj: if ($xEBv9->bzGLL === -\INF) { goto vBowR; } goto MV8zq; h4wqT: vBowR: goto Lx78Z; fwTnC: if (!($xEBv9->bzGLL !== (float) $pw0uf)) { goto fTfJa; } goto dAHbH; dAHbH: $pw0uf = sprintf("%.17G", $xEBv9->bzGLL); goto vCBMf; iNWEW: return preg_match("/^-?[0-9]+$/", $pw0uf) ? $pw0uf . ".0" : $pw0uf; goto CWRXH; bSzFL: goto Qi0w3; goto h4wqT; cuEhz: if (!($xEBv9->bzGLL === \INF)) { goto jv7bh; } goto sF_Ny; waNQ2: Qi0w3: goto ICi70; Krl8E: if (is_finite($xEBv9->bzGLL)) { goto YKQPP; } goto cuEhz; vCBMf: fTfJa: goto S1fDm; sF_Ny: return "1.0E+1000"; goto kaiUe; S1fDm: $pw0uf = str_replace(",", ".", $pw0uf); goto iNWEW; ICi70: YKQPP: goto UWRR_; kaiUe: jv7bh: goto H7Fdj; Lx78Z: return "-1.0E+1000"; goto waNQ2; MV8zq: return "\NAN"; goto bSzFL; UWRR_: $pw0uf = sprintf("%.16G", $xEBv9->bzGLL); goto fwTnC; CWRXH: } protected function cVHsG(L14s7\F2pie $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->waH3O(l14s7\f2pie::class, $this->tfVhj($xEBv9->XufjI) . " = ", $xEBv9->fkrz7, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function L31SQ(L14S7\SXGo0 $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->Wah3O(L14s7\sXgo0::class, $this->tfvHJ($xEBv9->XufjI) . " =& ", $xEBv9->fkrz7, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function bU2l4(nVW84\ITzKS $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->waH3O(NVW84\ItZkS::class, $this->tFvHJ($xEBv9->XufjI) . " += ", $xEBv9->fkrz7, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function CGcvm(NVW84\iblsT $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->waH3O(nvw84\IbLsT::class, $this->tfvhJ($xEBv9->XufjI) . " -= ", $xEBv9->fkrz7, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function sFGms(NvW84\BjPyO $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->wah3o(nVw84\BjpYO::class, $this->TfVhJ($xEBv9->XufjI) . " *= ", $xEBv9->fkrz7, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function vVpzh(NVW84\DmRIC $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->wAh3O(nvW84\DMRIC::class, $this->tfVhj($xEBv9->XufjI) . " /= ", $xEBv9->fkrz7, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function fSt9C(NVW84\NwBg8 $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->wAH3o(NvW84\NWbg8::class, $this->TfvHj($xEBv9->XufjI) . " .= ", $xEBv9->fkrz7, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function pUHyE(Nvw84\d10Ai $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->WAh3o(NVW84\d10aI::class, $this->TFvhj($xEBv9->XufjI) . " %= ", $xEBv9->fkrz7, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function gAXZ3(NVW84\ZipFp $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->WaH3o(Nvw84\ZIPFp::class, $this->tFvhj($xEBv9->XufjI) . " &= ", $xEBv9->fkrz7, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function vN_6l(nvw84\g01UQ $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->WaH3o(nvw84\G01uq::class, $this->Tfvhj($xEBv9->XufjI) . " |= ", $xEBv9->fkrz7, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function gGkbp(nVW84\oa4bq $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->wAh3o(NVw84\oa4bq::class, $this->tfVhj($xEBv9->XufjI) . " ^= ", $xEBv9->fkrz7, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function CUBGJ(nvW84\u0Vf4 $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->WAH3O(NvW84\u0vf4::class, $this->tFvHj($xEBv9->XufjI) . " <<= ", $xEBv9->fkrz7, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function BmjdA(nVW84\qX8xA $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->waH3O(NvW84\QX8XA::class, $this->tFvHj($xEBv9->XufjI) . " >>= ", $xEBv9->fkrz7, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function nfDvM(NVw84\Pow $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->wah3o(NvW84\Pow::class, $this->TfvhJ($xEBv9->XufjI) . " **= ", $xEBv9->fkrz7, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function EYVCr(nvw84\suV0z $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->waH3O(NvW84\sUV0z::class, $this->TfVhj($xEBv9->XufjI) . " ??= ", $xEBv9->fkrz7, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function AaGYR(tKuom\ITZks $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->RVUxB(TkuOM\iTzks::class, $xEBv9->eNzMN, " + ", $xEBv9->CbQBs, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function Oj1CA(TKuom\iblsT $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->RVUxB(TKuOm\ibLst::class, $xEBv9->eNzMN, " - ", $xEBv9->CbQBs, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function K3VDc(TKuoM\BjPyo $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->rvuXb(tKuom\bJpyo::class, $xEBv9->eNzMN, " * ", $xEBv9->CbQBs, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function okrOK(TKUOM\DMrIC $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->rVuxb(tkuOM\DMRIC::class, $xEBv9->eNzMN, " / ", $xEBv9->CbQBs, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function BfyHO(tKuOM\NWbg8 $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->RVUXB(tkuom\nwBG8::class, $xEBv9->eNzMN, " . ", $xEBv9->CbQBs, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function IWgDY(tkuoM\D10AI $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->rVUXb(TKuoM\D10aI::class, $xEBv9->eNzMN, " % ", $xEBv9->CbQBs, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function qKR22(tkuoM\Fs0x8 $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->RVuxB(tKuoM\fS0X8::class, $xEBv9->eNzMN, " && ", $xEBv9->CbQBs, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function UnE1f(tKuom\CKM8b $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->RvUxb(TkuOM\CKM8B::class, $xEBv9->eNzMN, " || ", $xEBv9->CbQBs, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function LmC1l(tKuOM\zipfp $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->RvUXB(TKuOm\zIpfp::class, $xEBv9->eNzMN, " & ", $xEBv9->CbQBs, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function lhX_5(TkUoM\g01Uq $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->RVuxb(tkUOM\G01uQ::class, $xEBv9->eNzMN, " | ", $xEBv9->CbQBs, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function i2Vy3(tKuoM\OA4Bq $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->rVuxb(TKuoM\oa4Bq::class, $xEBv9->eNzMN, " ^ ", $xEBv9->CbQBs, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function YFX9U(tKuOm\U0vF4 $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->rvuxB(tKUoM\U0Vf4::class, $xEBv9->eNzMN, " << ", $xEBv9->CbQBs, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function Nba6T(tKuOm\qx8xA $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->RvuxB(TkuOm\qX8xA::class, $xEBv9->eNzMN, " >> ", $xEBv9->CbQBs, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function K3iVX(TKuOm\Pow $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->rvuxB(tKUOm\Pow::class, $xEBv9->eNzMN, " ** ", $xEBv9->CbQBs, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function p4ijn(TkUom\q_1Jx $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->rVUxB(TKUoM\q_1JX::class, $xEBv9->eNzMN, " and ", $xEBv9->CbQBs, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function engeO(TkUOm\kPDGP $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->rvuxb(TKuoM\KpDGp::class, $xEBv9->eNzMN, " or ", $xEBv9->CbQBs, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function XFywq(tkUOm\ofh2k $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->rVUXB(tKUOM\ofh2K::class, $xEBv9->eNzMN, " xor ", $xEBv9->CbQBs, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function z0GDu(TKUoM\C1PDC $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->rVUxb(tkUoM\c1pDc::class, $xEBv9->eNzMN, " == ", $xEBv9->CbQBs, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function aGCqt(TkUOM\XSY06 $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->RvUxb(TKUOm\xSy06::class, $xEBv9->eNzMN, " != ", $xEBv9->CbQBs, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function UP1FM(TkuoM\KyEj9 $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->rVUxB(TkuOm\KyEj9::class, $xEBv9->eNzMN, " === ", $xEBv9->CbQBs, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function zCnhs(TkuoM\EK2vL $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->rvUXB(tKuOm\Ek2Vl::class, $xEBv9->eNzMN, " !== ", $xEBv9->CbQBs, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function mzGFg(tKUoM\fMgTB $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->RvUxB(TKuoM\fmgtb::class, $xEBv9->eNzMN, " <=> ", $xEBv9->CbQBs, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function bC1pL(TkuoM\D3KFc $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->rVuXb(TKuOm\d3KFC::class, $xEBv9->eNzMN, " > ", $xEBv9->CbQBs, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function ASxh0(TkuOm\BTFW0 $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->RVUXb(Tkuom\Btfw0::class, $xEBv9->eNzMN, " >= ", $xEBv9->CbQBs, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function j0kjK(tKUOM\rAd0N $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->RvuXb(tkuom\RAd0N::class, $xEBv9->eNzMN, " < ", $xEBv9->CbQBs, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function csugF(tkuom\lEvfp $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->RvuXb(tKUOm\levFp::class, $xEBv9->eNzMN, " <= ", $xEBv9->CbQBs, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function I5fHS(tkuom\sUV0Z $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->RVuXB(TKUom\suV0z::class, $xEBv9->eNzMN, " ?? ", $xEBv9->CbQBs, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function Cy2GU(l14s7\mGszQ $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->MbS1e(l14s7\MgSZQ::class, $xEBv9->fkrz7, " instanceof " . $this->ObQsw($xEBv9->class), $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function IFau2(L14s7\A2yas $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->WAH3o(l14s7\a2Yas::class, "!", $xEBv9->fkrz7, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function enHEk(l14s7\EvQCl $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->wah3O(l14s7\EvqCl::class, "~", $xEBv9->fkrz7, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function buuXF(l14S7\FaMRq $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->wAh3o(l14S7\famRq::class, "-", $xEBv9->fkrz7, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function Iwvn7(l14s7\rEUT7 $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->waH3o(L14S7\reuT7::class, "+", $xEBv9->fkrz7, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function omfAF(L14s7\E7xJO $xEBv9) : string { return "++" . $this->TfVhJ($xEBv9->XufjI); } protected function ERKPB(l14S7\NyrSQ $xEBv9) : string { return "--" . $this->tFVhj($xEBv9->XufjI); } protected function olLMd(l14s7\tm9YA $xEBv9) : string { return $this->TFvHj($xEBv9->XufjI) . "++"; } protected function VvwrC(l14s7\qaND4 $xEBv9) : string { return $this->TfvHJ($xEBv9->XufjI) . "--"; } protected function U0hdE(L14s7\h2bKI $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->waH3o(l14S7\h2Bki::class, "@", $xEBv9->fkrz7, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function cyZPa(l14s7\UcDZw $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->Wah3O(l14s7\uCDZW::class, "yield from ", $xEBv9->fkrz7, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function gf04y(L14S7\KaXye $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->wAH3o(l14S7\KaXye::class, "print ", $xEBv9->fkrz7, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function c320S(fSgd1\hdUPT $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->WAh3O(FSGD1\hdUpT::class, "(int) ", $xEBv9->fkrz7, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function SncVE(FsgD1\l8dei $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { goto kE83w; F_ZPt: WhaK0: goto TVCcX; ECDcM: goto WhaK0; goto cX6md; rWDTC: $syZns = "(real)"; goto ECDcM; TVCcX: return $this->WAh3o(fSGd1\l8DEi::class, $syZns . " ", $xEBv9->fkrz7, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); goto x7q5F; t1xHM: Ro7RK: goto ao8KX; cX6md: X5RLv: goto TTEPW; WjORG: if ($lygHO === fsgd1\L8dEi::AjYEL) { goto X5RLv; } goto wOSn5; TTEPW: $syZns = "(double)"; goto Ar4oF; ao8KX: $syZns = "(float)"; goto F_ZPt; eT1pJ: assert($lygHO === fSgD1\l8dEI::Yb8Vn); goto rWDTC; kE83w: $lygHO = $xEBv9->getAttribute("kind", FSgD1\L8dei::AjYEL); goto WjORG; wOSn5: if ($lygHO === Fsgd1\L8Dei::Gn5eC) { goto Ro7RK; } goto eT1pJ; Ar4oF: goto WhaK0; goto t1xHM; x7q5F: } protected function G1Ctx(fsGD1\lBwxT $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->wah3O(FSgd1\lbWXt::class, "(string) ", $xEBv9->fkrz7, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function vDti2(FsGD1\m11VP $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->WAH3O(Fsgd1\m11vp::class, "(array) ", $xEBv9->fkrz7, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function ussIs(fSGd1\wFolG $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->WaH3O(FsGD1\wFolG::class, "(object) ", $xEBv9->fkrz7, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function nvVe4(FSGd1\zQBr0 $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->WAh3o(FSGD1\Zqbr0::class, "(bool) ", $xEBv9->fkrz7, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function TuqbK(fSgD1\Tfweb $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->Wah3O(FSGD1\TfWeb::class, "(unset) ", $xEBv9->fkrz7, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function rywQu(L14S7\XSlPV $xEBv9) : string { return $this->Hw6Ek($xEBv9->name) . "(" . $this->jeW9H($xEBv9->EoM7h) . ")"; } protected function TuzuO(l14s7\yWjcQ $xEBv9) : string { return $this->MdTJ2($xEBv9->XufjI) . "->" . $this->fkZrC($xEBv9->name) . "(" . $this->jew9H($xEBv9->EoM7h) . ")"; } protected function fIw6s(l14s7\aPgiT $xEBv9) : string { return $this->Mdtj2($xEBv9->XufjI) . "?->" . $this->fKZRC($xEBv9->name) . "(" . $this->JEw9H($xEBv9->EoM7h) . ")"; } protected function nbnBA(L14S7\xF_2t $xEBv9) : string { return $this->NUrPa($xEBv9->class) . "::" . ($xEBv9->name instanceof L14s7 ? $xEBv9->name instanceof l14s7\DVkaH ? $this->TFVhj($xEBv9->name) : "{" . $this->TfvHJ($xEBv9->name) . "}" : $xEBv9->name) . "(" . $this->jeW9h($xEBv9->EoM7h) . ")"; } protected function odFrX(l14S7\tWVli $xEBv9) : string { return "empty(" . $this->tFvhJ($xEBv9->fkrz7) . ")"; } protected function YwrUT(l14s7\vLyl5 $xEBv9) : string { return "isset(" . $this->rosYx($xEBv9->g2yYM) . ")"; } protected function ebvEL(l14S7\yDXAQ $xEBv9) : string { return "eval(" . $this->tFvHj($xEBv9->fkrz7) . ")"; } protected function s9FBm(l14s7\UWuq0 $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { static $tIr2B = [l14S7\uwuQ0::PZooI => "include", l14s7\UwUQ0::i67gI => "include_once", l14S7\Uwuq0::zTlGc => "require", L14s7\uWuq0::nb2Nn => "require_once"]; return $this->WAh3o(L14S7\uWUq0::class, $tIr2B[$xEBv9->D5Wc8] . " ", $xEBv9->fkrz7, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function YU9hb(l14s7\b9wiE $xEBv9) : string { goto bekZS; xM0Kj: if ($XvPQN === l14S7\B9WIE::tGMlb) { goto EF3pW; } goto AaR_I; S1aMx: ywi2w: goto NQwlX; bekZS: $XvPQN = $xEBv9->getAttribute("kind", $this->zboqR->W219d() ? l14s7\B9wiE::tGMlb : l14s7\b9Wie::PMQd7); goto xM0Kj; bVevG: return "[" . $this->jEw9h($xEBv9->Pp9JA, true) . "]"; goto S1aMx; AaR_I: return "list(" . $this->jEw9H($xEBv9->Pp9JA, true) . ")"; goto yjKcU; TWxWI: EF3pW: goto bVevG; yjKcU: goto ywi2w; goto TWxWI; NQwlX: } protected function lnfhp(l14S7\Error $xEBv9) : string { throw new \LogicException("Cannot pretty-print AST with Error nodes"); } protected function bMg05(L14S7\DVkah $xEBv9) : string { goto KHRf7; KHRf7: if ($xEBv9->name instanceof L14S7) { goto iqdZ0; } goto ZGtAZ; RoVIX: return "${" . $this->TFVHJ($xEBv9->name) . "}"; goto Lylg8; E4WPC: iqdZ0: goto RoVIX; ZGtAZ: return "$" . $xEBv9->name; goto bj594; bj594: goto rRMoY; goto E4WPC; Lylg8: rRMoY: goto kSjS5; kSjS5: } protected function rrpjh(L14S7\M11Vp $xEBv9) : string { goto qNbGB; BeeQb: ggT1Q: goto SRfZ6; c3Q8M: return "[" . $this->jEw9H($xEBv9->Pp9JA, true) . "]"; goto BeeQb; TYVYO: if ($XvPQN === L14s7\m11vP::uqJKo) { goto hVHmQ; } goto nGoss; qNbGB: $XvPQN = $xEBv9->getAttribute("kind", $this->T_Ru_ ? L14s7\M11Vp::uqJKo : L14S7\m11Vp::dhm96); goto TYVYO; qIgGl: hVHmQ: goto c3Q8M; Dp8wR: goto ggT1Q; goto qIgGl; nGoss: return "array(" . $this->jEw9h($xEBv9->Pp9JA, true) . ")"; goto Dp8wR; SRfZ6: } protected function qV2zj(?Node $xEBv9) : string { goto brVdI; Jj5UW: return ''; goto i3hKg; dQGd9: return $this->tfVHj($xEBv9, self::az_z5, $GecIM) . " => "; goto Xjfoa; M4iEA: $GecIM = $this->Xxn8h[L14S7\P5lPl::class][0]; goto dQGd9; brVdI: if (!($xEBv9 === null)) { goto oM4x2; } goto Jj5UW; i3hKg: oM4x2: goto M4iEA; Xjfoa: } protected function ID3mX(dQJWX\zCHr1 $xEBv9) : string { return $this->qv2zj($xEBv9->z5OnA) . ($xEBv9->qD7MM ? "&" : '') . ($xEBv9->MO9xo ? "..." : '') . $this->TfvHj($xEBv9->bzGLL); } protected function NQF0M(l14S7\MPAJc $xEBv9) : string { return $this->MDtJ2($xEBv9->XufjI) . "[" . (null !== $xEBv9->LvKbP ? $this->tfVHJ($xEBv9->LvKbP) : '') . "]"; } protected function NcIFU(l14s7\K1luA $xEBv9) : string { return $this->tfVHj($xEBv9->name); } protected function BKfc5(l14S7\tNcof $xEBv9) : string { return $this->nurPA($xEBv9->class) . "::" . $this->fkzRc($xEBv9->name); } protected function IDwjN(l14s7\DCB4z $xEBv9) : string { return $this->MDtj2($xEBv9->XufjI) . "->" . $this->FKzrC($xEBv9->name); } protected function krg7t(l14S7\pXwJ6 $xEBv9) : string { return $this->mdtj2($xEBv9->XufjI) . "?->" . $this->fKZrC($xEBv9->name); } protected function D0UWh(l14S7\syD_K $xEBv9) : string { return $this->NurPA($xEBv9->class) . "::$" . $this->fKZRC($xEBv9->name); } protected function hc5bz(L14s7\Zy3aF $xEBv9) : string { return "`" . $this->pYQmY($xEBv9->hu4ff, "`") . "`"; } protected function AbNL0(l14s7\Closure $xEBv9) : string { return $this->Hpz60($xEBv9->OM9PA, true) . $this->B8xfQ($xEBv9->OoOJs) . "function " . ($xEBv9->qD7MM ? "&" : '') . "(" . $this->JeW9H($xEBv9->params, $this->zboqR->Qtl9O()) . ")" . (!empty($xEBv9->OJjy_) ? " use (" . $this->ROsyX($xEBv9->OJjy_) . ")" : '') . (null !== $xEBv9->NzrCB ? ": " . $this->TFvhJ($xEBv9->NzrCB) : '') . " {" . $this->Q5xDo($xEBv9->eUWo1) . $this->tYJd8 . "}"; } protected function P1HWJ(l14S7\d85yy $xEBv9) : string { return "match (" . $this->TfVHj($xEBv9->utHiM) . ") {" . $this->pYo3Q($xEBv9->j3EJM, true) . $this->tYJd8 . "}"; } protected function wQYYM(Dqjwx\eqyep $xEBv9) : string { goto YXrkl; SYp77: $iRjBT .= $this->tfVhJ($xEBv9->Y13kA[$y6n6F]) . ", "; goto ypN6p; bGEJp: gKvoR: goto obh7Q; obh7Q: if (!($y6n6F + 1 < $AG1z8)) { goto nWNtK; } goto SYp77; Srjlv: $y6n6F++; goto SUuPq; ICM8z: qfrZk: goto SeUQW; Jmi28: $iRjBT .= $this->QV2zj($xEBv9->Y13kA[$y6n6F]); goto oeNLY; ypN6p: GdW93: goto Srjlv; qbCcD: $iRjBT = "default => "; goto ywXND; YV99R: if ($xEBv9->Y13kA) { goto qfrZk; } goto qbCcD; aLMb6: nWNtK: goto Jmi28; ToMNA: return $iRjBT . $this->tFvHJ($xEBv9->ona98); goto zKAjz; SeUQW: $y6n6F = 0; goto qx4LR; qx4LR: $AG1z8 = \count($xEBv9->Y13kA); goto bGEJp; ywXND: goto NTCfF; goto ICM8z; YXrkl: $iRjBT = ''; goto YV99R; oeNLY: NTCfF: goto ToMNA; SUuPq: goto gKvoR; goto aLMb6; zKAjz: } protected function GVJk7(l14S7\lN9IP $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->WAH3o(L14s7\Ln9iP::class, $this->hpZ60($xEBv9->OM9PA, true) . $this->B8xfq($xEBv9->OoOJs) . "fn" . ($xEBv9->qD7MM ? "&" : '') . "(" . $this->jEw9h($xEBv9->params, $this->zboqR->qtl9O()) . ")" . (null !== $xEBv9->NzrCB ? ": " . $this->tFVHJ($xEBv9->NzrCB) : '') . " => ", $xEBv9->fkrz7, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function Mjxbg(DqJwX\vqrBN $xEBv9) : string { return ($xEBv9->qD7MM ? "&" : '') . $this->TFvhJ($xEBv9->XufjI); } protected function n_PYh(L14s7\f6XDD $xEBv9) : string { goto IpCcg; IpCcg: if (!$xEBv9->class instanceof Fxv82\Lw8Nx) { goto Al12z; } goto gWg1V; HfLOT: return "new " . $this->obqsW($xEBv9->class) . "(" . $this->JEW9H($xEBv9->EoM7h) . ")"; goto rt_Tn; YPxOr: return "new " . $this->q7RTy($xEBv9->class, $I5irc); goto ZUbzL; ZUbzL: Al12z: goto HfLOT; gWg1V: $I5irc = $xEBv9->EoM7h ? "(" . $this->jew9H($xEBv9->EoM7h) . ")" : ''; goto YPxOr; rt_Tn: } protected function MiQGk(l14S7\TXG69 $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->wah3o(L14S7\txg69::class, "clone ", $xEBv9->fkrz7, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function eLb8I(L14S7\ISZq7 $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->rVuxb(L14s7\iSzq7::class, $xEBv9->utHiM, " ?" . (null !== $xEBv9->xqvra ? " " . $this->TFVHJ($xEBv9->xqvra) . " " : '') . ": ", $xEBv9->BAGu3, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function UtZpN(L14s7\GmRDx $xEBv9) : string { $lygHO = $xEBv9->getAttribute("kind", L14s7\GmRdx::Qt2Eu); return ($lygHO === l14s7\GMrdX::gD8VP ? "exit" : "die") . (null !== $xEBv9->fkrz7 ? "(" . $this->tFvhJ($xEBv9->fkrz7) . ")" : ''); } protected function qe3bn(l14S7\ow392 $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->WAH3o(l14s7\ow392::class, "throw ", $xEBv9->fkrz7, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function nsH3M(l14s7\P5lPl $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { goto Rv5aC; Rv5aC: if ($xEBv9->bzGLL === null) { goto gm9mh; } goto PjM54; A1fDH: kQb8N: goto fiVgu; PjM54: if ($this->zboqR->e6ugL()) { goto rEFwZ; } goto il_97; fhFm0: return $this->WAh3O(l14S7\p5lPl::class, "yield " . $this->qv2zJ($xEBv9->z5OnA), $xEBv9->bzGLL, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); goto ZFJ5n; il_97: return "(yield " . $this->QV2ZJ($xEBv9->z5OnA) . $this->tFvhj($xEBv9->bzGLL) . ")"; goto hbfLa; kH5NF: gm9mh: goto pdwzP; aJXSj: return $Vmppj >= $tO0zw ? "(yield)" : "yield"; goto A1fDH; ZFJ5n: goto kQb8N; goto kH5NF; pdwzP: $Vmppj = $this->Xxn8h[L14s7\P5lpL::class][0]; goto aJXSj; hbfLa: rEFwZ: goto fhFm0; fiVgu: } protected function bIlSE(Fxv82\R2TSX $xEBv9) : string { goto JQok2; d7lVl: return "namespace" . (null !== $xEBv9->name ? " " . $this->tFVhj($xEBv9->name) : '') . " {" . $this->q5xDo($xEBv9->eUWo1) . $this->tYJd8 . "}"; goto WXTq5; mlf5N: PjKqe: goto aXAdd; jEkof: k7kJF: goto nerX7; WXTq5: goto PjKqe; goto jEkof; JQok2: if ($this->f9_UQ) { goto k7kJF; } goto d7lVl; nerX7: return "namespace " . $this->TFvHJ($xEBv9->name) . ";" . $this->tYJd8 . $this->q5xdo($xEBv9->eUWo1, false); goto mlf5N; aXAdd: } protected function NgMOV(Fxv82\v1Cjx $xEBv9) : string { return "use " . $this->ElhgP($xEBv9->D5Wc8) . $this->RosYX($xEBv9->OJjy_) . ";"; } protected function nL7FV(FXv82\tsvZB $xEBv9) : string { return "use " . $this->elhGP($xEBv9->D5Wc8) . $this->pKSEK($xEBv9->F6SaY) . "\{" . $this->RosyX($xEBv9->OJjy_) . "};"; } protected function j0_V2(DQjWx\p3LIx $xEBv9) : string { return $this->ELhGP($xEBv9->D5Wc8) . $this->TfVhJ($xEBv9->name) . (null !== $xEBv9->AHxjK ? " as " . $xEBv9->AHxjK : ''); } protected function Elhgp(int $jIntr) : string { return $jIntr === FXv82\V1cJX::mV8t5 ? "function " : ($jIntr === fXV82\v1cJx::RR_Tw ? "const " : ''); } protected function P4fMf(FXV82\d1SkJ $xEBv9) : string { return $this->hpZ60($xEBv9->OM9PA) . "interface " . $xEBv9->name . (!empty($xEBv9->Jt4in) ? " extends " . $this->ROSYX($xEBv9->Jt4in) : '') . $this->tYJd8 . "{" . $this->Q5Xdo($xEBv9->eUWo1) . $this->tYJd8 . "}"; } protected function Wipis(fXv82\HQsOl $xEBv9) : string { return $this->HpZ60($xEBv9->OM9PA) . "enum " . $xEBv9->name . ($xEBv9->kdgaS ? " : " . $this->TfVHJ($xEBv9->kdgaS) : '') . (!empty($xEBv9->Wz3Rn) ? " implements " . $this->rOsYX($xEBv9->Wz3Rn) : '') . $this->tYJd8 . "{" . $this->Q5XdO($xEBv9->eUWo1) . $this->tYJd8 . "}"; } protected function mou7W(fXv82\LW8NX $xEBv9) : string { return $this->Q7RTY($xEBv9, " " . $xEBv9->name); } protected function FUsBh(fXv82\UBMJ9 $xEBv9) : string { return $this->hpz60($xEBv9->OM9PA) . "trait " . $xEBv9->name . $this->tYJd8 . "{" . $this->q5xDO($xEBv9->eUWo1) . $this->tYJd8 . "}"; } protected function nUYnG(FXV82\sOIbd $xEBv9) : string { return $this->HpZ60($xEBv9->OM9PA) . "case " . $xEBv9->name . ($xEBv9->fkrz7 ? " = " . $this->TfvHJ($xEBv9->fkrz7) : '') . ";"; } protected function WLsmr(fxv82\TSk4E $xEBv9) : string { return "use " . $this->rosYX($xEBv9->T3ofO) . (empty($xEBv9->UnM8c) ? ";" : " {" . $this->q5xDO($xEBv9->UnM8c) . $this->tYJd8 . "}"); } protected function fOu5Z(FXv82\dJSMv\CacOJ $xEBv9) : string { return $this->TFVhj($xEBv9->NfcTd) . "::" . $xEBv9->PRgRz . " insteadof " . $this->roSYx($xEBv9->FOFTD) . ";"; } protected function JzFOL(fxv82\djsMv\u9giP $xEBv9) : string { return (null !== $xEBv9->NfcTd ? $this->tfvhj($xEBv9->NfcTd) . "::" : '') . $xEBv9->PRgRz . " as" . (null !== $xEBv9->npPgQ ? " " . rtrim($this->G2kcu($xEBv9->npPgQ), " ") : '') . (null !== $xEBv9->w_RU4 ? " " . $xEBv9->w_RU4 : '') . ";"; } protected function j068p(fxv82\fTTtX $xEBv9) : string { return $this->HPz60($xEBv9->OM9PA) . (0 === $xEBv9->flags ? "var " : $this->g2KCU($xEBv9->flags)) . ($xEBv9->D5Wc8 ? $this->TFvHJ($xEBv9->D5Wc8) . " " : '') . $this->rosYx($xEBv9->CbTZm) . ";"; } protected function ocTRd(DqJWX\yap2P $xEBv9) : string { return "$" . $xEBv9->name . (null !== $xEBv9->uq2dz ? " = " . $this->tfvHJ($xEBv9->uq2dz) : ''); } protected function XUIXD(fxV82\iuKKx $xEBv9) : string { return $this->HpZ60($xEBv9->OM9PA) . $this->g2Kcu($xEBv9->flags) . "function " . ($xEBv9->qD7MM ? "&" : '') . $xEBv9->name . "(" . $this->JeW9H($xEBv9->params, $this->zboqR->Qtl9O()) . ")" . (null !== $xEBv9->NzrCB ? ": " . $this->tFvhJ($xEBv9->NzrCB) : '') . (null !== $xEBv9->eUWo1 ? $this->tYJd8 . "{" . $this->Q5xDO($xEBv9->eUWo1) . $this->tYJd8 . "}" : ";"); } protected function uWLx1(fXV82\rAtXt $xEBv9) : string { return $this->hpZ60($xEBv9->OM9PA) . $this->G2kcU($xEBv9->flags) . "const " . (null !== $xEBv9->D5Wc8 ? $this->tFvhj($xEBv9->D5Wc8) . " " : '') . $this->rOSyX($xEBv9->Mrmkp) . ";"; } protected function xDsBj(fxV82\HYbd4 $xEBv9) : string { return $this->HPZ60($xEBv9->OM9PA) . "function " . ($xEBv9->qD7MM ? "&" : '') . $xEBv9->name . "(" . $this->jew9H($xEBv9->params, $this->zboqR->qTL9o()) . ")" . (null !== $xEBv9->NzrCB ? ": " . $this->tFvhJ($xEBv9->NzrCB) : '') . $this->tYJd8 . "{" . $this->Q5xdO($xEBv9->eUWo1) . $this->tYJd8 . "}"; } protected function k03Nq(FxV82\CVjZD $xEBv9) : string { return "const " . $this->RoSYX($xEBv9->Mrmkp) . ";"; } protected function QFHe7(fxV82\hBjCk $xEBv9) : string { return "declare (" . $this->ROsyX($xEBv9->kGc2Q) . ")" . (null !== $xEBv9->eUWo1 ? " {" . $this->q5XDo($xEBv9->eUWo1) . $this->tYJd8 . "}" : ";"); } protected function Kczk5(dQjwx\ZsTG2 $xEBv9) : string { return $xEBv9->z5OnA . "=" . $this->TFVHj($xEBv9->bzGLL); } protected function mFZcb(fxV82\pRDqd $xEBv9) : string { return "if (" . $this->tfvHj($xEBv9->utHiM) . ") {" . $this->Q5XDO($xEBv9->eUWo1) . $this->tYJd8 . "}" . ($xEBv9->MlKRa ? " " . $this->cESzA($xEBv9->MlKRa, " ") : '') . (null !== $xEBv9->BAGu3 ? " " . $this->TfvHJ($xEBv9->BAGu3) : ''); } protected function bYHK0(fXV82\He8wq $xEBv9) : string { return "elseif (" . $this->TfVhj($xEBv9->utHiM) . ") {" . $this->Q5xDO($xEBv9->eUWo1) . $this->tYJd8 . "}"; } protected function GwSIb(fXV82\jeNhb $xEBv9) : string { goto Mvfl4; n015C: return "else " . $this->tFVHJ($xEBv9->eUWo1[0]); goto k0MCd; k0MCd: Jf7KD: goto VJ2Az; Mvfl4: if (!(\count($xEBv9->eUWo1) === 1 && $xEBv9->eUWo1[0] instanceof FXV82\pRdQD)) { goto Jf7KD; } goto n015C; VJ2Az: return "else {" . $this->Q5Xdo($xEBv9->eUWo1) . $this->tYJd8 . "}"; goto mQH7R; mQH7R: } protected function cWwOe(FxV82\VFaVX $xEBv9) : string { return "for (" . $this->RosYX($xEBv9->t_WNS) . ";" . (!empty($xEBv9->utHiM) ? " " : '') . $this->roSyx($xEBv9->utHiM) . ";" . (!empty($xEBv9->AYyC5) ? " " : '') . $this->Rosyx($xEBv9->AYyC5) . ") {" . $this->q5XDo($xEBv9->eUWo1) . $this->tYJd8 . "}"; } protected function rra_U(FXv82\nd822 $xEBv9) : string { return "foreach (" . $this->TFVHJ($xEBv9->fkrz7) . " as " . (null !== $xEBv9->TibYZ ? $this->TFvHJ($xEBv9->TibYZ) . " => " : '') . ($xEBv9->qD7MM ? "&" : '') . $this->tFVhJ($xEBv9->ZkjSI) . ") {" . $this->Q5Xdo($xEBv9->eUWo1) . $this->tYJd8 . "}"; } protected function LeUdP(Fxv82\Nbrjn $xEBv9) : string { return "while (" . $this->tFvhJ($xEBv9->utHiM) . ") {" . $this->Q5Xdo($xEBv9->eUWo1) . $this->tYJd8 . "}"; } protected function pgizT(fxv82\gDIve $xEBv9) : string { return "do {" . $this->Q5XDO($xEBv9->eUWo1) . $this->tYJd8 . "} while (" . $this->TFVHJ($xEBv9->utHiM) . ");"; } protected function apHDZ(FxV82\cVmMb $xEBv9) : string { return "switch (" . $this->TfVHJ($xEBv9->utHiM) . ") {" . $this->Q5xdO($xEBv9->KZfvd) . $this->tYJd8 . "}"; } protected function eNVCX(fxv82\mGBYw $xEBv9) : string { return (null !== $xEBv9->utHiM ? "case " . $this->tfvHJ($xEBv9->utHiM) : "default") . ":" . $this->Q5xDO($xEBv9->eUWo1); } protected function VY0Ze(FxV82\Qr8B6 $xEBv9) : string { return "try {" . $this->Q5XDo($xEBv9->eUWo1) . $this->tYJd8 . "}" . ($xEBv9->cKGts ? " " . $this->Cesza($xEBv9->cKGts, " ") : '') . ($xEBv9->w4UY_ !== null ? " " . $this->TFvhJ($xEBv9->w4UY_) : ''); } protected function Yj8zC(fxv82\LH_I1 $xEBv9) : string { return "catch (" . $this->cEsza($xEBv9->UG1k0, "|") . ($xEBv9->XufjI !== null ? " " . $this->Tfvhj($xEBv9->XufjI) : '') . ") {" . $this->q5xdO($xEBv9->eUWo1) . $this->tYJd8 . "}"; } protected function m7JVt(FXV82\Pi0gt $xEBv9) : string { return "finally {" . $this->Q5XDo($xEBv9->eUWo1) . $this->tYJd8 . "}"; } protected function aB8At(fXv82\oh455 $xEBv9) : string { return "break" . ($xEBv9->b9IGd !== null ? " " . $this->tFVhj($xEBv9->b9IGd) : '') . ";"; } protected function MfUFi(fxV82\l31i6 $xEBv9) : string { return "continue" . ($xEBv9->b9IGd !== null ? " " . $this->tfvhJ($xEBv9->b9IGd) : '') . ";"; } protected function lAqEh(FxV82\dYjbo $xEBv9) : string { return "return" . (null !== $xEBv9->fkrz7 ? " " . $this->tfVHJ($xEBv9->fkrz7) : '') . ";"; } protected function LnfNo(fXV82\qDwQL $xEBv9) : string { return $xEBv9->name . ":"; } protected function dXjST(fxv82\SmATY $xEBv9) : string { return "goto " . $xEBv9->name . ";"; } protected function fGTQx(fXV82\n_Q84 $xEBv9) : string { return $this->TfVhj($xEBv9->fkrz7) . ";"; } protected function nsMvb(fxV82\kh2SA $xEBv9) : string { return "echo " . $this->rosyx($xEBv9->jovFA) . ";"; } protected function WkZ6q(FXv82\eZhPk $xEBv9) : string { return "static " . $this->roSYX($xEBv9->g2yYM) . ";"; } protected function B1oq0(Fxv82\LoJKm $xEBv9) : string { return "global " . $this->rOsYx($xEBv9->g2yYM) . ";"; } protected function IyL5v(DQjwx\fV3CO $xEBv9) : string { return $this->TFvHJ($xEBv9->XufjI) . (null !== $xEBv9->uq2dz ? " = " . $this->tFVHj($xEBv9->uq2dz) : ''); } protected function L3lzX(FxV82\TfWEb $xEBv9) : string { return "unset(" . $this->RosYx($xEBv9->g2yYM) . ");"; } protected function V859t(FXV82\ji5_n $xEBv9) : string { $E9a1s = $xEBv9->getAttribute("hasLeadingNewline", true) ? $this->Qe6gE : ''; return "?>" . $E9a1s . $xEBv9->bzGLL . "<?php "; } protected function CGyTY(FxV82\r6aCu $xEBv9) : string { return "__halt_compiler();" . $xEBv9->Y43YO; } protected function YI9mc(fXV82\YvPy9 $xEBv9) : string { return ''; } protected function Qxp1X(fxV82\STNGg $xEBv9) : string { return "{" . $this->q5xDO($xEBv9->eUWo1) . $this->tYJd8 . "}"; } protected function q7RTY(FXv82\lw8nX $xEBv9, string $qvwW8) : string { return $this->Hpz60($xEBv9->OM9PA, $xEBv9->name === null) . $this->g2kcU($xEBv9->flags) . "class" . $qvwW8 . (null !== $xEBv9->Jt4in ? " extends " . $this->tFVHJ($xEBv9->Jt4in) : '') . (!empty($xEBv9->Wz3Rn) ? " implements " . $this->roSYX($xEBv9->Wz3Rn) : '') . $this->tYJd8 . "{" . $this->q5xDo($xEBv9->eUWo1) . $this->tYJd8 . "}"; } protected function FKzRC(dqjWX $xEBv9) : string { goto FlFOm; vPAow: return "{" . $this->TFVHJ($xEBv9) . "}"; goto oT2C3; FlFOm: if ($xEBv9 instanceof l14s7) { goto AR3HA; } goto Umkwn; W1JAd: goto lUTBt; goto IRZoA; NhHhQ: return $xEBv9->name; goto W1JAd; oT2C3: lUTBt: goto TT0DV; IRZoA: AR3HA: goto vPAow; Umkwn: assert($xEBv9 instanceof DqJwX\FkKG2); goto NhHhQ; TT0DV: } protected function PYqMy(array $qadlD, ?string $tH4ZX) : string { goto g2jbt; g2jbt: $QcVvo = ''; goto zP8Zo; nk4dj: r_nTk: goto lQT2w; lQT2w: return $QcVvo; goto v8FOk; zP8Zo: foreach ($qadlD as $PaS04) { goto Ixpx1; lIqYN: $QcVvo .= $this->i1OwQ($PaS04->bzGLL, $tH4ZX); goto mKKh4; Ixpx1: if ($PaS04 instanceof dqJwx\KsBds) { goto aJR91; } goto Eak6o; A7U5J: goto BECxq; goto n3M67; n3M67: aJR91: goto lIqYN; Ca1vC: gUmoa: goto Zu6VY; mKKh4: BECxq: goto Ca1vC; Eak6o: $QcVvo .= "{" . $this->tFVhj($PaS04) . "}"; goto A7U5J; Zu6VY: } goto nk4dj; v8FOk: } protected function HUqN8(string $OcFuk) : string { $TetFj = "/'|\\(?=['\\]|$)|(?<=\\)\\/"; return "'" . preg_replace($TetFj, "\\$0", $OcFuk) . "'"; } protected function I1oWQ(string $OcFuk, ?string $tH4ZX) : string { goto qLJLd; p1JTl: $V8nwd = addcslashes($OcFuk, "\xa
\x9\xc$" . $tH4ZX . "\"); goto CLxY4; n7V5Q: $V8nwd = preg_replace("/\r(?!\n)/", "\r", $V8nwd); goto T5sL7; X5tIG: $V8nwd = addcslashes($OcFuk, "\x9\xc\xb$\"); goto n7V5Q; hoBG3: return preg_replace_callback($TetFj, function ($otd9S) : string { goto kaHWP; kaHWP: assert(strlen($otd9S[0]) === 1); goto dcc4_; CaxWv: return "\x" . str_pad($Vc1Kq, 2, "0", \STR_PAD_LEFT); goto eLYzq; dcc4_: $Vc1Kq = dechex(ord($otd9S[0])); goto CaxWv; eLYzq: }, $V8nwd); goto NAloy; IRNw_: spetS: goto X5tIG; CLxY4: goto TLHxc; goto IRNw_; mM0M9: TLHxc: goto wqC3K; Lerm2: s1vFK: goto mM0M9; T5sL7: if (!$this->zboqR->Ad7cd()) { goto s1vFK; } goto hUkPM; hUkPM: $V8nwd = $this->WQp1k($V8nwd); goto Lerm2; wqC3K: $TetFj = "/(\xa [\x00-\x08\x0E-\x1F] # Control characters
| [\xC0-\xC1] # Invalid UTF-8 Bytes\xa | [\xF5-\xFF] # Invalid UTF-8 Bytes
| \xE0(?=[\x80-\x9F]) # Overlong encoding of prior code point\xa | \xF0(?=[\x80-\x8F]) # Overlong encoding of prior code point\xa | [\xC2-\xDF](?![\x80-\xBF]) # Invalid UTF-8 Sequence Start\xa | [\xE0-\xEF](?![\x80-\xBF]{2}) # Invalid UTF-8 Sequence Start
| [\xF0-\xF4](?![\x80-\xBF]{3}) # Invalid UTF-8 Sequence Start
| (?<=[\x00-\x7F\xF5-\xFF])[\x80-\xBF] # Invalid UTF-8 Sequence Middle\xa | (?<![\xC2-\xDF]|[\xE0-\xEF]|[\xE0-\xEF][\x80-\xBF]|[\xF0-\xF4]|[\xF0-\xF4][\x80-\xBF]|[\xF0-\xF4][\x80-\xBF]{2})[\x80-\xBF] # Overlong Sequence
| (?<=[\xE0-\xEF])[\x80-\xBF](?![\x80-\xBF]) # Short 3 byte sequence
| (?<=[\xF0-\xF4])[\x80-\xBF](?![\x80-\xBF]{2}) # Short 4 byte sequence\xa | (?<=[\xF0-\xF4][\x80-\xBF])[\x80-\xBF](?![\x80-\xBF]) # Short 4 byte sequence (2)\xa )/x"; goto hoBG3; qLJLd: if (null === $tH4ZX) { goto spetS; } goto p1JTl; NAloy: } protected function m7iva(string $OcFuk, string $N0_dM, bool $sB7LY = true) : bool { $PKk9d = $sB7LY ? "(?:^|[\r\n])[ \t]*" : "[\r\n][ \t]*"; return false !== strpos($OcFuk, $N0_dM) && preg_match("/" . $PKk9d . $N0_dM . "(?:$|[^_A-Za-z0-9\x80-\xff])/", $OcFuk); } protected function LTV03(array $Mb3lG, string $N0_dM) : bool { goto S1v_s; cEWus: ALDT9: goto xe_dI; xe_dI: return false; goto nPt0I; S1v_s: foreach ($Mb3lG as $y6n6F => $MOkXe) { goto S2TvH; S2TvH: if (!($MOkXe instanceof dQjwX\kSBds && $this->m7IVa($this->I1oWq($MOkXe->bzGLL, null), $N0_dM, $y6n6F === 0))) { goto cg6r4; } goto qQli5; J8OE5: rlbCS: goto xbBSf; e2led: cg6r4: goto J8OE5; qQli5: return true; goto e2led; xbBSf: } goto cEWus; nPt0I: } protected function mdtJ2(DQjWX $xEBv9) : string { goto QJdAd; Xe3k1: return $this->tFvhj($xEBv9); goto OVzy1; m60sZ: goto XpIcR; goto vKmYL; vKmYL: cTaeI: goto Xe3k1; QJdAd: if (!$this->z4bY0($xEBv9)) { goto cTaeI; } goto zfwnO; OVzy1: XpIcR: goto p9y7x; zfwnO: return "(" . $this->TFVhJ($xEBv9) . ")"; goto m60sZ; p9y7x: } protected function NuRPa(DqJwX $xEBv9) : string { goto H7AYa; Nwj8n: return $this->tfvHJ($xEBv9); goto VttKR; YdEof: JOfrp: goto Nwj8n; G2xD3: goto qZMbg; goto YdEof; OjMDB: return "(" . $this->tFvHJ($xEBv9) . ")"; goto G2xD3; H7AYa: if (!$this->lP722($xEBv9)) { goto JOfrp; } goto OjMDB; VttKR: qZMbg: goto ud3pd; ud3pd: } protected function Hw6eK(DQJWx $xEBv9) : string { goto KSM9H; c5FUR: tWCTb: goto MQj6P; BlQ3F: goto Y1gXJ; goto c5FUR; n3eBd: Y1gXJ: goto QSHon; m6RzV: return "(" . $this->tFVHj($xEBv9) . ")"; goto BlQ3F; MQj6P: return $this->TfVHj($xEBv9); goto n3eBd; KSM9H: if (!$this->thf7F($xEBv9)) { goto tWCTb; } goto m6RzV; QSHon: } protected function ObQsW(dQJWx $xEBv9) : string { goto nsc7Z; yDVCT: return "(" . $this->TFVHJ($xEBv9) . ")"; goto SUV15; nsc7Z: if (!$this->AVu0B($xEBv9)) { goto q7Ngr; } goto yDVCT; SXPEX: return $this->tFvHj($xEBv9); goto VKgoS; SUV15: goto qDKTM; goto tEyUh; VKgoS: qDKTM: goto wsiLR; tEyUh: q7Ngr: goto SXPEX; wsiLR: } protected function Qw3bt(array $JCB4U) : bool { goto flxQT; flxQT: foreach ($JCB4U as $xEBv9) { goto pI3V_; yd4eR: wu617: goto CRn6A; pI3V_: if (!($xEBv9 && $xEBv9->Tyt8v())) { goto wu617; } goto h2hza; CRn6A: zA4wV: goto S3S1Z; h2hza: return true; goto yd4eR; S3S1Z: } goto vgQJF; hzYPr: return false; goto WgnJ9; vgQJF: Pf0tu: goto hzYPr; WgnJ9: } protected function jEW9h(array $JCB4U, bool $lUaLN = false) : string { goto e6Rv2; e6Rv2: if (!$this->qW3bT($JCB4U)) { goto mGo0L; } goto cfQG8; MHpS5: FcABl: goto fI4i9; CpGRY: mGo0L: goto MQFdY; cfQG8: return $this->PYo3Q($JCB4U, $lUaLN) . $this->tYJd8; goto Lf4lH; MQFdY: return $this->rOSyx($JCB4U); goto MHpS5; Lf4lH: goto FcABl; goto CpGRY; fI4i9: } protected function hPZ60(array $JCB4U, bool $taeG8 = false) : string { goto TFY3s; TFY3s: $iRjBT = ''; goto xesD3; xesD3: $YJa3j = $taeG8 ? " " : $this->tYJd8; goto mJzoy; vlRbo: Rg5jI: goto yHS7r; yHS7r: return $iRjBT; goto DaiVH; mJzoy: foreach ($JCB4U as $xEBv9) { $iRjBT .= $this->TFvhJ($xEBv9) . $YJa3j; gRgkH: } goto vlRbo; DaiVH: } } ?>
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| Obfuscated by YAK Pro - Php Obfuscator 2.0.14 |
| on 2024-04-04 18:30:41 |
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declare (strict_types=1); namespace o1kro\mnWLp; use O1kRo\dqjwX; use O1kRo\dQjwX\l14S7; use o1Kro\DqJwx\l14S7\nVw84; use o1KRO\DQjWX\l14s7\tkuoM; use o1KRO\dqJWx\L14S7\fSGD1; use o1kro\DqJWX\Jgk1A; use o1kRo\dQjwx\Scalar; use O1Kro\dqJwx\Scalar\qM0t4; use O1kro\DqJwx\fXV82; use O1kRo\CTvVT; class raf6Q extends CtVVt { protected function PRHQf(DqJwX\hpWhJ $xEBv9) : string { return $this->HPZ60($xEBv9->OM9PA, true) . $this->g2KCu($xEBv9->flags) . ($xEBv9->D5Wc8 ? $this->TfVhJ($xEBv9->D5Wc8) . "\40" : '') . ($xEBv9->qD7MM ? "\46" : '') . ($xEBv9->hsu0U ? "\x2e\x2e\x2e" : '') . $this->tFvhJ($xEBv9->XufjI) . ($xEBv9->uq2dz ? "\40\75\40" . $this->tFVhj($xEBv9->uq2dz) : ''); } protected function nCMjT(DqJWX\s80nV $xEBv9) : string { return ($xEBv9->name ? $xEBv9->name->G6m8b() . "\72\40" : '') . ($xEBv9->qD7MM ? "\x26" : '') . ($xEBv9->MO9xo ? "\x2e\56\x2e" : '') . $this->tfVHj($xEBv9->bzGLL); } protected function Qo7Nq(dqJwX\dag_x $xEBv9) : string { return "\x2e\x2e\x2e"; } protected function hmxM_(DQjwx\CVjzD $xEBv9) : string { return $xEBv9->name . "\40\x3d\x20" . $this->tFvHj($xEBv9->bzGLL); } protected function Jgviq(dqJWx\YfaLR $xEBv9) : string { return "\77" . $this->tFVHJ($xEBv9->D5Wc8); } protected function TU2tO(dQJWX\JhfGM $xEBv9) : string { goto JYt31; q9KZ3: eb0Fl: goto fz5ud; JYt31: $pgldh = []; goto ToDTS; fz5ud: return implode("\x7c", $pgldh); goto WQ419; ToDTS: foreach ($xEBv9->UG1k0 as $xncG3) { goto Ls5vr; uuR57: p0JVW: goto jST0N; pMlKF: $pgldh[] = "\50" . $this->TFVhj($xncG3) . "\51"; goto glwRN; V97j5: wxwwq: goto oBXBO; Ls5vr: if (!$xncG3 instanceof dQjWx\x44gS) { goto p0JVW; } goto pMlKF; jST0N: $pgldh[] = $this->Tfvhj($xncG3); goto V97j5; glwRN: goto wxwwq; goto uuR57; oBXBO: } goto q9KZ3; WQ419: } protected function hhhrn(dQJWX\x44GS $xEBv9) : string { return $this->CeszA($xEBv9->UG1k0, "\x26"); } protected function YMYNd(dqjwx\fkKG2 $xEBv9) : string { return $xEBv9->name; } protected function gztyS(DQjwx\JbNoP $xEBv9) : string { return "\44" . $xEBv9->name; } protected function vRLsb(dqJWx\Attribute $xEBv9) : string { return $this->tFvHJ($xEBv9->name) . ($xEBv9->EoM7h ? "\x28" . $this->rosYX($xEBv9->EoM7h) . "\51" : ''); } protected function KsjOp(dqJwx\rZPz7 $xEBv9) : string { return "\43\x5b" . $this->ROSYX($xEBv9->XQHE0) . "\135"; } protected function PKSeK(jGK1A $xEBv9) : string { return $xEBv9->name; } protected function K3RNO(JgK1A\SurZ6 $xEBv9) : string { return "\x5c" . $xEBv9->name; } protected function IPBTr(jgK1A\rZidV $xEBv9) : string { return "\x6e\141\155\x65\x73\160\141\x63\x65\134" . $xEBv9->name; } protected function o22tG(qM0T4\Lw8nx $xEBv9) : string { return "\x5f\x5f\103\114\101\123\x53\137\x5f"; } protected function Efff4(Qm0T4\Dir $xEBv9) : string { return "\137\137\104\111\x52\137\137"; } protected function hRF8J(qm0t4\File $xEBv9) : string { return "\x5f\137\106\x49\114\105\137\137"; } protected function Bj24V(qm0T4\Hybd4 $xEBv9) : string { return "\x5f\137\106\x55\x4e\103\124\111\x4f\x4e\137\137"; } protected function SaLZl(QM0T4\NDXml $xEBv9) : string { return "\137\137\114\x49\116\105\x5f\137"; } protected function yRrPo(QM0T4\fhqeZ $xEBv9) : string { return "\x5f\137\x4d\x45\x54\110\x4f\x44\x5f\137"; } protected function IJG1G(qm0t4\r2tSx $xEBv9) : string { return "\x5f\x5f\116\101\115\x45\123\x50\101\x43\105\137\x5f"; } protected function JuTuM(QM0t4\ubmj9 $xEBv9) : string { return "\x5f\137\124\x52\101\x49\124\x5f\x5f"; } private function wqp1k(string $oqbAQ) : string { return str_replace("\12", $this->tYJd8, $oqbAQ); } protected function Bfv7J(Scalar\LBWxT $xEBv9) : string { goto gAsBe; fZvl4: K0kj1: goto cAcCX; E366f: switch ($lygHO) { case Scalar\LbwXT::mGDdp: goto qpP2Z; Z6YXp: $vttIP = $UMQh5 ? $this->tYJd8 : $this->Qe6gE; goto caMMd; nogXS: return "\x3c\x3c\74\x27{$N0_dM}\47{$vttIP}{$N0_dM}{$this->RDY6Q}"; goto flhMM; wbu3g: $GnnYq = $UMQh5 ? $this->wQp1k($xEBv9->bzGLL) : $xEBv9->bzGLL; goto Dgua3; ZUf7B: if (!($xEBv9->bzGLL[strlen($xEBv9->bzGLL) - 1] !== "\15")) { goto gkDMb; } goto wbu3g; caMMd: if (!($xEBv9->bzGLL === '')) { goto PG036; } goto nogXS; qpP2Z: $N0_dM = $xEBv9->getAttribute("\x64\157\143\114\x61\142\x65\x6c"); goto LIAb5; LIAb5: if (!($N0_dM && !$this->M7ivA($xEBv9->bzGLL, $N0_dM))) { goto DS7A8; } goto VS1bH; VS1bH: $UMQh5 = $this->zboqR->AD7cd(); goto Z6YXp; L8FkS: gkDMb: goto uXmp8; flhMM: PG036: goto ZUf7B; Dgua3: return "\74\74\x3c\x27{$N0_dM}\x27{$vttIP}{$GnnYq}{$vttIP}{$N0_dM}{$this->RDY6Q}"; goto L8FkS; uXmp8: DS7A8: goto DhJRS; DhJRS: case Scalar\lbWXT::ayAGq: return $this->HUQN8($xEBv9->bzGLL); case Scalar\lbWxt::Sl8pX: goto amkR2; uX6MU: $V8nwd = $this->I1Owq($xEBv9->bzGLL, null); goto j2hiJ; Psm4j: xb_Jr: goto Ygl4s; X_BH5: return "\74\74\74{$N0_dM}{$vttIP}{$N0_dM}{$this->RDY6Q}"; goto Psm4j; FF0aK: if (!($V8nwd === '')) { goto xb_Jr; } goto X_BH5; j2hiJ: if (!($N0_dM && !$this->m7Iva($V8nwd, $N0_dM))) { goto ELiGh; } goto KK457; amkR2: $N0_dM = $xEBv9->getAttribute("\144\x6f\143\114\x61\142\x65\x6c"); goto uX6MU; KK457: $vttIP = $this->zboqR->ad7cd() ? $this->tYJd8 : $this->Qe6gE; goto FF0aK; Z_u1n: ELiGh: goto WndpV; Ygl4s: return "\74\74\74{$N0_dM}{$vttIP}{$V8nwd}{$vttIP}{$N0_dM}{$this->RDY6Q}"; goto Z_u1n; WndpV: case Scalar\LbwxT::hjUfI: return "\x22" . $this->i1oWq($xEBv9->bzGLL, "\42") . "\x22"; } goto fZvl4; cAcCX: Jyil4: goto kmMjL; gAsBe: $lygHO = $xEBv9->getAttribute("\x6b\151\x6e\144", Scalar\LBwxt::ayAGq); goto E366f; kmMjL: throw new \Exception("\111\156\166\x61\x6c\x69\144\40\163\x74\x72\x69\156\147\x20\153\x69\x6e\x64"); goto xsBTH; xsBTH: } protected function g1mNp(Scalar\hc0qu $xEBv9) : string { goto MjqHq; cdTgI: $N0_dM = $xEBv9->getAttribute("\x64\x6f\x63\x4c\x61\142\145\x6c"); goto g2H7O; ypG7N: luBM0: goto R2VZ9; SlMr_: u6jTC: goto ypG7N; CYj5T: return "\x3c\74\74{$N0_dM}{$vttIP}{$N0_dM}{$this->RDY6Q}"; goto pnChW; O_uYG: return "\x3c\74\x3c{$N0_dM}{$vttIP}" . $this->pyqmy($xEBv9->hu4ff, null) . "{$vttIP}{$N0_dM}{$this->RDY6Q}"; goto SlMr_; MjqHq: if (!($xEBv9->getAttribute("\153\x69\x6e\144") === Scalar\lbwXt::Sl8pX)) { goto luBM0; } goto cdTgI; g2H7O: if (!($N0_dM && !$this->LTv03($xEBv9->hu4ff, $N0_dM))) { goto u6jTC; } goto zSK4o; zSK4o: $vttIP = $this->zboqR->aD7CD() ? $this->tYJd8 : $this->Qe6gE; goto X7OWy; R2VZ9: return "\x22" . $this->PyQmY($xEBv9->hu4ff, "\42") . "\42"; goto cMQ2W; X7OWy: if (!(count($xEBv9->hu4ff) === 1 && $xEBv9->hu4ff[0] instanceof DQJwx\KSbdS && $xEBv9->hu4ff[0]->bzGLL === '')) { goto uhAmF; } goto CYj5T; pnChW: uhAmF: goto O_uYG; cMQ2W: } protected function ys1v_(Scalar\hDuPT $xEBv9) : string { goto EWV7J; sXdDx: goto c4Gfg; goto b_iZa; aVXoV: jpNfi: goto Xs4ia; w_RDg: throw new \Exception("\x49\x6e\x76\x61\154\x69\144\40\x6e\165\x6d\x62\145\x72\40\153\151\156\144"); goto PUHgq; QoNrh: if (!(Scalar\HdUpT::dFWbY === $lygHO)) { goto tAb8b; } goto tQ240; e3mEt: $oqbAQ = (string) -$xEBv9->bzGLL; goto jA0ie; QrtXr: $uA172 = "\x2d"; goto e3mEt; nTtg2: $oqbAQ = (string) $xEBv9->bzGLL; goto sXdDx; EWV7J: if (!($xEBv9->bzGLL === -\PHP_INT_MAX - 1)) { goto PSyQj; } goto bLQwz; bLQwz: return "\50\55" . \PHP_INT_MAX . "\x2d\x31\x29"; goto x2ah7; ulVY9: $uA172 = ''; goto nTtg2; Uo2t_: tAb8b: goto pAgNs; x2ah7: PSyQj: goto Xmde6; pAgNs: if ($xEBv9->bzGLL < 0) { goto T_m4K; } goto ulVY9; Tn3IU: switch ($lygHO) { case Scalar\HdUPt::va8v3: return $uA172 . "\60\x62" . base_convert($oqbAQ, 10, 2); case Scalar\HDuPT::qg_Fm: return $uA172 . "\60" . base_convert($oqbAQ, 10, 8); case Scalar\HduPT::pbw8k: return $uA172 . "\x30\170" . base_convert($oqbAQ, 10, 16); } goto aVXoV; tQ240: return (string) $xEBv9->bzGLL; goto Uo2t_; Xmde6: $lygHO = $xEBv9->getAttribute("\x6b\151\x6e\x64", Scalar\HdUpT::dFWbY); goto QoNrh; b_iZa: T_m4K: goto QrtXr; jA0ie: c4Gfg: goto Tn3IU; Xs4ia: T94od: goto w_RDg; PUHgq: } protected function n4GYC(Scalar\zoPlr $xEBv9) : string { goto Krl8E; H7Fdj: if ($xEBv9->bzGLL === -\INF) { goto vBowR; } goto MV8zq; h4wqT: vBowR: goto Lx78Z; fwTnC: if (!($xEBv9->bzGLL !== (float) $pw0uf)) { goto fTfJa; } goto dAHbH; dAHbH: $pw0uf = sprintf("\45\x2e\61\67\107", $xEBv9->bzGLL); goto vCBMf; iNWEW: return preg_match("\57\136\55\77\x5b\60\x2d\x39\x5d\x2b\x24\57", $pw0uf) ? $pw0uf . "\56\60" : $pw0uf; goto CWRXH; bSzFL: goto Qi0w3; goto h4wqT; cuEhz: if (!($xEBv9->bzGLL === \INF)) { goto jv7bh; } goto sF_Ny; waNQ2: Qi0w3: goto ICi70; Krl8E: if (is_finite($xEBv9->bzGLL)) { goto YKQPP; } goto cuEhz; vCBMf: fTfJa: goto S1fDm; sF_Ny: return "\61\x2e\60\105\53\61\60\60\60"; goto kaiUe; S1fDm: $pw0uf = str_replace("\54", "\56", $pw0uf); goto iNWEW; ICi70: YKQPP: goto UWRR_; kaiUe: jv7bh: goto H7Fdj; Lx78Z: return "\55\61\56\x30\x45\53\61\x30\60\x30"; goto waNQ2; MV8zq: return "\x5c\116\x41\x4e"; goto bSzFL; UWRR_: $pw0uf = sprintf("\45\x2e\61\66\107", $xEBv9->bzGLL); goto fwTnC; CWRXH: } protected function cVHsG(L14s7\F2pie $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->waH3O(l14s7\f2pie::class, $this->tfVhj($xEBv9->XufjI) . "\x20\75\x20", $xEBv9->fkrz7, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function L31SQ(L14S7\SXGo0 $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->Wah3O(L14s7\sXgo0::class, $this->tfvHJ($xEBv9->XufjI) . "\x20\x3d\46\40", $xEBv9->fkrz7, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function bU2l4(nVW84\ITzKS $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->waH3O(NVW84\ItZkS::class, $this->tFvHJ($xEBv9->XufjI) . "\x20\53\x3d\40", $xEBv9->fkrz7, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function CGcvm(NVW84\iblsT $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->waH3O(nvw84\IbLsT::class, $this->tfvhJ($xEBv9->XufjI) . "\x20\55\x3d\40", $xEBv9->fkrz7, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function sFGms(NvW84\BjPyO $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->wah3o(nVw84\BjpYO::class, $this->TfVhJ($xEBv9->XufjI) . "\x20\52\75\40", $xEBv9->fkrz7, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function vVpzh(NVW84\DmRIC $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->wAh3O(nvW84\DMRIC::class, $this->tfVhj($xEBv9->XufjI) . "\40\57\x3d\40", $xEBv9->fkrz7, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function fSt9C(NVW84\NwBg8 $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->wAH3o(NvW84\NWbg8::class, $this->TfvHj($xEBv9->XufjI) . "\x20\x2e\x3d\x20", $xEBv9->fkrz7, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function pUHyE(Nvw84\d10Ai $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->WAh3o(NVW84\d10aI::class, $this->TFvhj($xEBv9->XufjI) . "\x20\x25\x3d\40", $xEBv9->fkrz7, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function gAXZ3(NVW84\ZipFp $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->WaH3o(Nvw84\ZIPFp::class, $this->tFvhj($xEBv9->XufjI) . "\40\x26\75\40", $xEBv9->fkrz7, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function vN_6l(nvw84\g01UQ $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->WaH3o(nvw84\G01uq::class, $this->Tfvhj($xEBv9->XufjI) . "\x20\174\x3d\x20", $xEBv9->fkrz7, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function gGkbp(nVW84\oa4bq $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->wAh3o(NVw84\oa4bq::class, $this->tfVhj($xEBv9->XufjI) . "\x20\136\75\40", $xEBv9->fkrz7, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function CUBGJ(nvW84\u0Vf4 $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->WAH3O(NvW84\u0vf4::class, $this->tFvHj($xEBv9->XufjI) . "\x20\x3c\x3c\75\x20", $xEBv9->fkrz7, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function BmjdA(nVW84\qX8xA $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->waH3O(NvW84\QX8XA::class, $this->tFvHj($xEBv9->XufjI) . "\40\76\76\75\40", $xEBv9->fkrz7, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function nfDvM(NVw84\Pow $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->wah3o(NvW84\Pow::class, $this->TfvhJ($xEBv9->XufjI) . "\40\x2a\x2a\x3d\x20", $xEBv9->fkrz7, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function EYVCr(nvw84\suV0z $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->waH3O(NvW84\sUV0z::class, $this->TfVhj($xEBv9->XufjI) . "\x20\x3f\x3f\x3d\40", $xEBv9->fkrz7, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function AaGYR(tKuom\ITZks $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->RVUxB(TkuOM\iTzks::class, $xEBv9->eNzMN, "\x20\53\x20", $xEBv9->CbQBs, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function Oj1CA(TKuom\iblsT $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->RVUxB(TKuOm\ibLst::class, $xEBv9->eNzMN, "\x20\x2d\40", $xEBv9->CbQBs, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function K3VDc(TKuoM\BjPyo $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->rvuXb(tKuom\bJpyo::class, $xEBv9->eNzMN, "\x20\x2a\40", $xEBv9->CbQBs, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function okrOK(TKUOM\DMrIC $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->rVuxb(tkuOM\DMRIC::class, $xEBv9->eNzMN, "\x20\x2f\x20", $xEBv9->CbQBs, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function BfyHO(tKuOM\NWbg8 $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->RVUXB(tkuom\nwBG8::class, $xEBv9->eNzMN, "\40\x2e\x20", $xEBv9->CbQBs, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function IWgDY(tkuoM\D10AI $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->rVUXb(TKuoM\D10aI::class, $xEBv9->eNzMN, "\x20\x25\x20", $xEBv9->CbQBs, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function qKR22(tkuoM\Fs0x8 $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->RVuxB(tKuoM\fS0X8::class, $xEBv9->eNzMN, "\40\46\46\x20", $xEBv9->CbQBs, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function UnE1f(tKuom\CKM8b $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->RvUxb(TkuOM\CKM8B::class, $xEBv9->eNzMN, "\x20\x7c\x7c\40", $xEBv9->CbQBs, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function LmC1l(tKuOM\zipfp $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->RvUXB(TKuOm\zIpfp::class, $xEBv9->eNzMN, "\40\46\40", $xEBv9->CbQBs, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function lhX_5(TkUoM\g01Uq $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->RVuxb(tkUOM\G01uQ::class, $xEBv9->eNzMN, "\x20\174\x20", $xEBv9->CbQBs, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function i2Vy3(tKuoM\OA4Bq $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->rVuxb(TKuoM\oa4Bq::class, $xEBv9->eNzMN, "\x20\x5e\x20", $xEBv9->CbQBs, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function YFX9U(tKuOm\U0vF4 $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->rvuxB(tKUoM\U0Vf4::class, $xEBv9->eNzMN, "\40\74\x3c\40", $xEBv9->CbQBs, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function Nba6T(tKuOm\qx8xA $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->RvuxB(TkuOm\qX8xA::class, $xEBv9->eNzMN, "\40\76\76\40", $xEBv9->CbQBs, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function K3iVX(TKuOm\Pow $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->rvuxB(tKUOm\Pow::class, $xEBv9->eNzMN, "\x20\x2a\52\x20", $xEBv9->CbQBs, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function p4ijn(TkUom\q_1Jx $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->rVUxB(TKUoM\q_1JX::class, $xEBv9->eNzMN, "\40\x61\156\144\x20", $xEBv9->CbQBs, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function engeO(TkUOm\kPDGP $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->rvuxb(TKuoM\KpDGp::class, $xEBv9->eNzMN, "\40\157\162\40", $xEBv9->CbQBs, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function XFywq(tkUOm\ofh2k $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->rVUXB(tKUOM\ofh2K::class, $xEBv9->eNzMN, "\x20\x78\157\162\40", $xEBv9->CbQBs, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function z0GDu(TKUoM\C1PDC $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->rVUxb(tkUoM\c1pDc::class, $xEBv9->eNzMN, "\x20\75\x3d\x20", $xEBv9->CbQBs, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function aGCqt(TkUOM\XSY06 $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->RvUxb(TKUOm\xSy06::class, $xEBv9->eNzMN, "\40\41\x3d\x20", $xEBv9->CbQBs, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function UP1FM(TkuoM\KyEj9 $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->rVUxB(TkuOm\KyEj9::class, $xEBv9->eNzMN, "\x20\75\x3d\x3d\40", $xEBv9->CbQBs, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function zCnhs(TkuoM\EK2vL $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->rvUXB(tKuOm\Ek2Vl::class, $xEBv9->eNzMN, "\x20\x21\75\75\40", $xEBv9->CbQBs, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function mzGFg(tKUoM\fMgTB $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->RvUxB(TKuoM\fmgtb::class, $xEBv9->eNzMN, "\40\x3c\x3d\76\40", $xEBv9->CbQBs, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function bC1pL(TkuoM\D3KFc $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->rVuXb(TKuOm\d3KFC::class, $xEBv9->eNzMN, "\x20\x3e\40", $xEBv9->CbQBs, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function ASxh0(TkuOm\BTFW0 $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->RVUXb(Tkuom\Btfw0::class, $xEBv9->eNzMN, "\x20\x3e\75\x20", $xEBv9->CbQBs, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function j0kjK(tKUOM\rAd0N $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->RvuXb(tkuom\RAd0N::class, $xEBv9->eNzMN, "\40\x3c\x20", $xEBv9->CbQBs, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function csugF(tkuom\lEvfp $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->RvuXb(tKUOm\levFp::class, $xEBv9->eNzMN, "\40\74\75\40", $xEBv9->CbQBs, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function I5fHS(tkuom\sUV0Z $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->RVuXB(TKUom\suV0z::class, $xEBv9->eNzMN, "\40\x3f\77\x20", $xEBv9->CbQBs, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function Cy2GU(l14s7\mGszQ $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->MbS1e(l14s7\MgSZQ::class, $xEBv9->fkrz7, "\40\151\156\163\164\141\x6e\143\145\157\146\40" . $this->ObQsw($xEBv9->class), $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function IFau2(L14s7\A2yas $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->WAH3o(l14s7\a2Yas::class, "\41", $xEBv9->fkrz7, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function enHEk(l14s7\EvQCl $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->wah3O(l14s7\EvqCl::class, "\176", $xEBv9->fkrz7, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function buuXF(l14S7\FaMRq $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->wAh3o(l14S7\famRq::class, "\x2d", $xEBv9->fkrz7, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function Iwvn7(l14s7\rEUT7 $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->waH3o(L14S7\reuT7::class, "\x2b", $xEBv9->fkrz7, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function omfAF(L14s7\E7xJO $xEBv9) : string { return "\x2b\x2b" . $this->TfVhJ($xEBv9->XufjI); } protected function ERKPB(l14S7\NyrSQ $xEBv9) : string { return "\x2d\55" . $this->tFVhj($xEBv9->XufjI); } protected function olLMd(l14s7\tm9YA $xEBv9) : string { return $this->TFvHj($xEBv9->XufjI) . "\x2b\x2b"; } protected function VvwrC(l14s7\qaND4 $xEBv9) : string { return $this->TfvHJ($xEBv9->XufjI) . "\55\55"; } protected function U0hdE(L14s7\h2bKI $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->waH3o(l14S7\h2Bki::class, "\100", $xEBv9->fkrz7, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function cyZPa(l14s7\UcDZw $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->Wah3O(l14s7\uCDZW::class, "\x79\x69\145\154\144\x20\146\x72\157\155\x20", $xEBv9->fkrz7, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function gf04y(L14S7\KaXye $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->wAH3o(l14S7\KaXye::class, "\x70\162\x69\156\164\40", $xEBv9->fkrz7, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function c320S(fSgd1\hdUPT $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->WAh3O(FSGD1\hdUpT::class, "\50\x69\x6e\164\x29\40", $xEBv9->fkrz7, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function SncVE(FsgD1\l8dei $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { goto kE83w; F_ZPt: WhaK0: goto TVCcX; ECDcM: goto WhaK0; goto cX6md; rWDTC: $syZns = "\50\162\145\x61\154\51"; goto ECDcM; TVCcX: return $this->WAh3o(fSGd1\l8DEi::class, $syZns . "\x20", $xEBv9->fkrz7, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); goto x7q5F; t1xHM: Ro7RK: goto ao8KX; cX6md: X5RLv: goto TTEPW; WjORG: if ($lygHO === fsgd1\L8dEi::AjYEL) { goto X5RLv; } goto wOSn5; TTEPW: $syZns = "\x28\x64\x6f\165\x62\154\145\x29"; goto Ar4oF; ao8KX: $syZns = "\50\x66\154\157\x61\164\x29"; goto F_ZPt; eT1pJ: assert($lygHO === fSgD1\l8dEI::Yb8Vn); goto rWDTC; kE83w: $lygHO = $xEBv9->getAttribute("\x6b\x69\156\144", FSgD1\L8dei::AjYEL); goto WjORG; wOSn5: if ($lygHO === Fsgd1\L8Dei::Gn5eC) { goto Ro7RK; } goto eT1pJ; Ar4oF: goto WhaK0; goto t1xHM; x7q5F: } protected function G1Ctx(fsGD1\lBwxT $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->wah3O(FSgd1\lbWXt::class, "\50\163\164\162\x69\156\147\51\x20", $xEBv9->fkrz7, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function vDti2(FsGD1\m11VP $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->WAH3O(Fsgd1\m11vp::class, "\x28\141\162\x72\141\x79\51\x20", $xEBv9->fkrz7, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function ussIs(fSGd1\wFolG $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->WaH3O(FsGD1\wFolG::class, "\50\x6f\142\x6a\145\x63\164\51\x20", $xEBv9->fkrz7, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function nvVe4(FSGd1\zQBr0 $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->WAh3o(FSGD1\Zqbr0::class, "\50\142\x6f\157\154\x29\x20", $xEBv9->fkrz7, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function TuqbK(fSgD1\Tfweb $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->Wah3O(FSGD1\TfWeb::class, "\50\165\156\163\x65\164\x29\x20", $xEBv9->fkrz7, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function rywQu(L14S7\XSlPV $xEBv9) : string { return $this->Hw6Ek($xEBv9->name) . "\50" . $this->jeW9H($xEBv9->EoM7h) . "\51"; } protected function TuzuO(l14s7\yWjcQ $xEBv9) : string { return $this->MdTJ2($xEBv9->XufjI) . "\x2d\76" . $this->fkZrC($xEBv9->name) . "\50" . $this->jew9H($xEBv9->EoM7h) . "\x29"; } protected function fIw6s(l14s7\aPgiT $xEBv9) : string { return $this->Mdtj2($xEBv9->XufjI) . "\77\55\x3e" . $this->fKZRC($xEBv9->name) . "\50" . $this->JEw9H($xEBv9->EoM7h) . "\51"; } protected function nbnBA(L14S7\xF_2t $xEBv9) : string { return $this->NUrPa($xEBv9->class) . "\x3a\x3a" . ($xEBv9->name instanceof L14s7 ? $xEBv9->name instanceof l14s7\DVkaH ? $this->TFVhj($xEBv9->name) : "\x7b" . $this->TfvHJ($xEBv9->name) . "\175" : $xEBv9->name) . "\x28" . $this->jeW9h($xEBv9->EoM7h) . "\x29"; } protected function odFrX(l14S7\tWVli $xEBv9) : string { return "\x65\155\x70\x74\x79\50" . $this->tFvhJ($xEBv9->fkrz7) . "\x29"; } protected function YwrUT(l14s7\vLyl5 $xEBv9) : string { return "\151\163\163\x65\x74\x28" . $this->rosYx($xEBv9->g2yYM) . "\x29"; } protected function ebvEL(l14S7\yDXAQ $xEBv9) : string { return "\145\166\x61\x6c\50" . $this->tFvHj($xEBv9->fkrz7) . "\51"; } protected function s9FBm(l14s7\UWuq0 $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { static $tIr2B = [l14S7\uwuQ0::PZooI => "\151\156\143\154\x75\x64\x65", l14s7\UwUQ0::i67gI => "\x69\x6e\143\x6c\165\144\145\x5f\157\x6e\x63\145", l14S7\Uwuq0::zTlGc => "\162\145\x71\x75\x69\162\145", L14s7\uWuq0::nb2Nn => "\x72\x65\161\165\x69\x72\x65\137\x6f\156\143\x65"]; return $this->WAh3o(L14S7\uWUq0::class, $tIr2B[$xEBv9->D5Wc8] . "\x20", $xEBv9->fkrz7, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function YU9hb(l14s7\b9wiE $xEBv9) : string { goto bekZS; xM0Kj: if ($XvPQN === l14S7\B9WIE::tGMlb) { goto EF3pW; } goto AaR_I; S1aMx: ywi2w: goto NQwlX; bekZS: $XvPQN = $xEBv9->getAttribute("\x6b\151\156\x64", $this->zboqR->W219d() ? l14s7\B9wiE::tGMlb : l14s7\b9Wie::PMQd7); goto xM0Kj; bVevG: return "\x5b" . $this->jEw9h($xEBv9->Pp9JA, true) . "\135"; goto S1aMx; AaR_I: return "\154\151\x73\x74\50" . $this->jEw9H($xEBv9->Pp9JA, true) . "\51"; goto yjKcU; TWxWI: EF3pW: goto bVevG; yjKcU: goto ywi2w; goto TWxWI; NQwlX: } protected function lnfhp(l14S7\Error $xEBv9) : string { throw new \LogicException("\103\x61\x6e\x6e\157\x74\40\x70\162\x65\164\x74\x79\x2d\x70\162\151\156\x74\40\x41\123\124\40\x77\151\164\x68\x20\x45\x72\x72\x6f\x72\40\156\157\x64\145\163"); } protected function bMg05(L14S7\DVkah $xEBv9) : string { goto KHRf7; KHRf7: if ($xEBv9->name instanceof L14S7) { goto iqdZ0; } goto ZGtAZ; RoVIX: return "\44\x7b" . $this->TFVHJ($xEBv9->name) . "\x7d"; goto Lylg8; E4WPC: iqdZ0: goto RoVIX; ZGtAZ: return "\x24" . $xEBv9->name; goto bj594; bj594: goto rRMoY; goto E4WPC; Lylg8: rRMoY: goto kSjS5; kSjS5: } protected function rrpjh(L14S7\M11Vp $xEBv9) : string { goto qNbGB; BeeQb: ggT1Q: goto SRfZ6; c3Q8M: return "\133" . $this->jEw9H($xEBv9->Pp9JA, true) . "\x5d"; goto BeeQb; TYVYO: if ($XvPQN === L14s7\m11vP::uqJKo) { goto hVHmQ; } goto nGoss; qNbGB: $XvPQN = $xEBv9->getAttribute("\153\x69\156\x64", $this->T_Ru_ ? L14s7\M11Vp::uqJKo : L14S7\m11Vp::dhm96); goto TYVYO; qIgGl: hVHmQ: goto c3Q8M; Dp8wR: goto ggT1Q; goto qIgGl; nGoss: return "\141\x72\x72\141\171\50" . $this->jEw9h($xEBv9->Pp9JA, true) . "\51"; goto Dp8wR; SRfZ6: } protected function qV2zj(?Node $xEBv9) : string { goto brVdI; Jj5UW: return ''; goto i3hKg; dQGd9: return $this->tfVHj($xEBv9, self::az_z5, $GecIM) . "\x20\75\76\x20"; goto Xjfoa; M4iEA: $GecIM = $this->Xxn8h[L14S7\P5lPl::class][0]; goto dQGd9; brVdI: if (!($xEBv9 === null)) { goto oM4x2; } goto Jj5UW; i3hKg: oM4x2: goto M4iEA; Xjfoa: } protected function ID3mX(dQJWX\zCHr1 $xEBv9) : string { return $this->qv2zj($xEBv9->z5OnA) . ($xEBv9->qD7MM ? "\46" : '') . ($xEBv9->MO9xo ? "\x2e\x2e\56" : '') . $this->TfvHj($xEBv9->bzGLL); } protected function NQF0M(l14S7\MPAJc $xEBv9) : string { return $this->MDtJ2($xEBv9->XufjI) . "\x5b" . (null !== $xEBv9->LvKbP ? $this->tfVHJ($xEBv9->LvKbP) : '') . "\135"; } protected function NcIFU(l14s7\K1luA $xEBv9) : string { return $this->tfVHj($xEBv9->name); } protected function BKfc5(l14S7\tNcof $xEBv9) : string { return $this->nurPA($xEBv9->class) . "\72\72" . $this->fkzRc($xEBv9->name); } protected function IDwjN(l14s7\DCB4z $xEBv9) : string { return $this->MDtj2($xEBv9->XufjI) . "\x2d\76" . $this->FKzrC($xEBv9->name); } protected function krg7t(l14S7\pXwJ6 $xEBv9) : string { return $this->mdtj2($xEBv9->XufjI) . "\x3f\55\x3e" . $this->fKZrC($xEBv9->name); } protected function D0UWh(l14S7\syD_K $xEBv9) : string { return $this->NurPA($xEBv9->class) . "\x3a\x3a\x24" . $this->fKZRC($xEBv9->name); } protected function hc5bz(L14s7\Zy3aF $xEBv9) : string { return "\x60" . $this->pYQmY($xEBv9->hu4ff, "\x60") . "\x60"; } protected function AbNL0(l14s7\Closure $xEBv9) : string { return $this->Hpz60($xEBv9->OM9PA, true) . $this->B8xfQ($xEBv9->OoOJs) . "\x66\165\x6e\143\164\151\x6f\156\40" . ($xEBv9->qD7MM ? "\x26" : '') . "\50" . $this->JeW9H($xEBv9->params, $this->zboqR->Qtl9O()) . "\51" . (!empty($xEBv9->OJjy_) ? "\x20\165\x73\145\x20\50" . $this->ROsyX($xEBv9->OJjy_) . "\51" : '') . (null !== $xEBv9->NzrCB ? "\x3a\40" . $this->TFvhJ($xEBv9->NzrCB) : '') . "\40\x7b" . $this->Q5xDo($xEBv9->eUWo1) . $this->tYJd8 . "\x7d"; } protected function P1HWJ(l14S7\d85yy $xEBv9) : string { return "\155\141\164\143\x68\40\x28" . $this->TfVHj($xEBv9->utHiM) . "\x29\40\x7b" . $this->pYo3Q($xEBv9->j3EJM, true) . $this->tYJd8 . "\175"; } protected function wQYYM(Dqjwx\eqyep $xEBv9) : string { goto YXrkl; SYp77: $iRjBT .= $this->tfVhJ($xEBv9->Y13kA[$y6n6F]) . "\54\40"; goto ypN6p; bGEJp: gKvoR: goto obh7Q; obh7Q: if (!($y6n6F + 1 < $AG1z8)) { goto nWNtK; } goto SYp77; Srjlv: $y6n6F++; goto SUuPq; ICM8z: qfrZk: goto SeUQW; Jmi28: $iRjBT .= $this->QV2zj($xEBv9->Y13kA[$y6n6F]); goto oeNLY; ypN6p: GdW93: goto Srjlv; qbCcD: $iRjBT = "\x64\x65\x66\x61\x75\x6c\x74\x20\75\x3e\40"; goto ywXND; YV99R: if ($xEBv9->Y13kA) { goto qfrZk; } goto qbCcD; aLMb6: nWNtK: goto Jmi28; ToMNA: return $iRjBT . $this->tFvHJ($xEBv9->ona98); goto zKAjz; SeUQW: $y6n6F = 0; goto qx4LR; qx4LR: $AG1z8 = \count($xEBv9->Y13kA); goto bGEJp; ywXND: goto NTCfF; goto ICM8z; YXrkl: $iRjBT = ''; goto YV99R; oeNLY: NTCfF: goto ToMNA; SUuPq: goto gKvoR; goto aLMb6; zKAjz: } protected function GVJk7(l14S7\lN9IP $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->WAH3o(L14s7\Ln9iP::class, $this->hpZ60($xEBv9->OM9PA, true) . $this->B8xfq($xEBv9->OoOJs) . "\146\156" . ($xEBv9->qD7MM ? "\46" : '') . "\50" . $this->jEw9h($xEBv9->params, $this->zboqR->qtl9O()) . "\x29" . (null !== $xEBv9->NzrCB ? "\x3a\x20" . $this->tFVHJ($xEBv9->NzrCB) : '') . "\x20\75\76\40", $xEBv9->fkrz7, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function Mjxbg(DqJwX\vqrBN $xEBv9) : string { return ($xEBv9->qD7MM ? "\46" : '') . $this->TFvhJ($xEBv9->XufjI); } protected function n_PYh(L14s7\f6XDD $xEBv9) : string { goto IpCcg; IpCcg: if (!$xEBv9->class instanceof Fxv82\Lw8Nx) { goto Al12z; } goto gWg1V; HfLOT: return "\x6e\145\167\x20" . $this->obqsW($xEBv9->class) . "\x28" . $this->JEW9H($xEBv9->EoM7h) . "\x29"; goto rt_Tn; YPxOr: return "\x6e\145\167\40" . $this->q7RTy($xEBv9->class, $I5irc); goto ZUbzL; ZUbzL: Al12z: goto HfLOT; gWg1V: $I5irc = $xEBv9->EoM7h ? "\50" . $this->jew9H($xEBv9->EoM7h) . "\x29" : ''; goto YPxOr; rt_Tn: } protected function MiQGk(l14S7\TXG69 $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->wah3o(L14S7\txg69::class, "\x63\154\x6f\x6e\x65\x20", $xEBv9->fkrz7, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function eLb8I(L14S7\ISZq7 $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->rVuxb(L14s7\iSzq7::class, $xEBv9->utHiM, "\x20\77" . (null !== $xEBv9->xqvra ? "\x20" . $this->TFVHJ($xEBv9->xqvra) . "\40" : '') . "\72\40", $xEBv9->BAGu3, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function UtZpN(L14s7\GmRDx $xEBv9) : string { $lygHO = $xEBv9->getAttribute("\x6b\x69\x6e\144", L14s7\GmRdx::Qt2Eu); return ($lygHO === l14s7\GMrdX::gD8VP ? "\x65\170\x69\164" : "\x64\x69\145") . (null !== $xEBv9->fkrz7 ? "\x28" . $this->tFvhJ($xEBv9->fkrz7) . "\x29" : ''); } protected function qe3bn(l14S7\ow392 $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { return $this->WAH3o(l14s7\ow392::class, "\164\x68\162\x6f\x77\x20", $xEBv9->fkrz7, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); } protected function nsH3M(l14s7\P5lPl $xEBv9, int $uIP5S, int $tO0zw) : string { goto Rv5aC; Rv5aC: if ($xEBv9->bzGLL === null) { goto gm9mh; } goto PjM54; A1fDH: kQb8N: goto fiVgu; PjM54: if ($this->zboqR->e6ugL()) { goto rEFwZ; } goto il_97; fhFm0: return $this->WAh3O(l14S7\p5lPl::class, "\171\x69\x65\154\x64\x20" . $this->qv2zJ($xEBv9->z5OnA), $xEBv9->bzGLL, $uIP5S, $tO0zw); goto ZFJ5n; il_97: return "\50\171\151\145\154\x64\x20" . $this->QV2ZJ($xEBv9->z5OnA) . $this->tFvhj($xEBv9->bzGLL) . "\51"; goto hbfLa; kH5NF: gm9mh: goto pdwzP; aJXSj: return $Vmppj >= $tO0zw ? "\50\171\151\x65\x6c\144\51" : "\171\x69\x65\x6c\144"; goto A1fDH; ZFJ5n: goto kQb8N; goto kH5NF; pdwzP: $Vmppj = $this->Xxn8h[L14s7\P5lpL::class][0]; goto aJXSj; hbfLa: rEFwZ: goto fhFm0; fiVgu: } protected function bIlSE(Fxv82\R2TSX $xEBv9) : string { goto JQok2; d7lVl: return "\156\141\155\x65\x73\160\x61\143\145" . (null !== $xEBv9->name ? "\x20" . $this->tFVhj($xEBv9->name) : '') . "\40\x7b" . $this->q5xDo($xEBv9->eUWo1) . $this->tYJd8 . "\175"; goto WXTq5; mlf5N: PjKqe: goto aXAdd; jEkof: k7kJF: goto nerX7; WXTq5: goto PjKqe; goto jEkof; JQok2: if ($this->f9_UQ) { goto k7kJF; } goto d7lVl; nerX7: return "\x6e\141\155\x65\163\x70\141\x63\x65\x20" . $this->TFvHJ($xEBv9->name) . "\73" . $this->tYJd8 . $this->q5xdo($xEBv9->eUWo1, false); goto mlf5N; aXAdd: } protected function NgMOV(Fxv82\v1Cjx $xEBv9) : string { return "\x75\x73\x65\x20" . $this->ElhgP($xEBv9->D5Wc8) . $this->RosYX($xEBv9->OJjy_) . "\73"; } protected function nL7FV(FXv82\tsvZB $xEBv9) : string { return "\x75\x73\145\40" . $this->elhGP($xEBv9->D5Wc8) . $this->pKSEK($xEBv9->F6SaY) . "\134\x7b" . $this->RosyX($xEBv9->OJjy_) . "\175\x3b"; } protected function j0_V2(DQjWx\p3LIx $xEBv9) : string { return $this->ELhGP($xEBv9->D5Wc8) . $this->TfVhJ($xEBv9->name) . (null !== $xEBv9->AHxjK ? "\x20\141\163\40" . $xEBv9->AHxjK : ''); } protected function Elhgp(int $jIntr) : string { return $jIntr === FXv82\V1cJX::mV8t5 ? "\146\x75\156\x63\164\151\x6f\156\40" : ($jIntr === fXV82\v1cJx::RR_Tw ? "\143\x6f\156\x73\x74\x20" : ''); } protected function P4fMf(FXV82\d1SkJ $xEBv9) : string { return $this->hpZ60($xEBv9->OM9PA) . "\151\156\x74\145\x72\146\x61\x63\145\x20" . $xEBv9->name . (!empty($xEBv9->Jt4in) ? "\x20\x65\x78\x74\x65\x6e\144\x73\x20" . $this->ROSYX($xEBv9->Jt4in) : '') . $this->tYJd8 . "\173" . $this->Q5Xdo($xEBv9->eUWo1) . $this->tYJd8 . "\175"; } protected function Wipis(fXv82\HQsOl $xEBv9) : string { return $this->HpZ60($xEBv9->OM9PA) . "\145\156\x75\155\x20" . $xEBv9->name . ($xEBv9->kdgaS ? "\x20\x3a\40" . $this->TfVHJ($xEBv9->kdgaS) : '') . (!empty($xEBv9->Wz3Rn) ? "\x20\x69\x6d\160\x6c\x65\x6d\x65\156\x74\x73\x20" . $this->rOsYX($xEBv9->Wz3Rn) : '') . $this->tYJd8 . "\x7b" . $this->Q5XdO($xEBv9->eUWo1) . $this->tYJd8 . "\x7d"; } protected function mou7W(fXv82\LW8NX $xEBv9) : string { return $this->Q7RTY($xEBv9, "\40" . $xEBv9->name); } protected function FUsBh(fXv82\UBMJ9 $xEBv9) : string { return $this->hpz60($xEBv9->OM9PA) . "\164\x72\x61\151\x74\40" . $xEBv9->name . $this->tYJd8 . "\x7b" . $this->q5xDO($xEBv9->eUWo1) . $this->tYJd8 . "\175"; } protected function nUYnG(FXV82\sOIbd $xEBv9) : string { return $this->HpZ60($xEBv9->OM9PA) . "\x63\141\163\145\40" . $xEBv9->name . ($xEBv9->fkrz7 ? "\x20\x3d\40" . $this->TfvHJ($xEBv9->fkrz7) : '') . "\73"; } protected function WLsmr(fxv82\TSk4E $xEBv9) : string { return "\x75\x73\145\x20" . $this->rosYX($xEBv9->T3ofO) . (empty($xEBv9->UnM8c) ? "\73" : "\40\173" . $this->q5xDO($xEBv9->UnM8c) . $this->tYJd8 . "\175"); } protected function fOu5Z(FXv82\dJSMv\CacOJ $xEBv9) : string { return $this->TFVhj($xEBv9->NfcTd) . "\x3a\x3a" . $xEBv9->PRgRz . "\x20\x69\156\163\x74\145\x61\x64\157\x66\40" . $this->roSYx($xEBv9->FOFTD) . "\x3b"; } protected function JzFOL(fxv82\djsMv\u9giP $xEBv9) : string { return (null !== $xEBv9->NfcTd ? $this->tfvhj($xEBv9->NfcTd) . "\x3a\x3a" : '') . $xEBv9->PRgRz . "\40\x61\163" . (null !== $xEBv9->npPgQ ? "\40" . rtrim($this->G2kcu($xEBv9->npPgQ), "\40") : '') . (null !== $xEBv9->w_RU4 ? "\40" . $xEBv9->w_RU4 : '') . "\73"; } protected function j068p(fxv82\fTTtX $xEBv9) : string { return $this->HPz60($xEBv9->OM9PA) . (0 === $xEBv9->flags ? "\x76\141\162\40" : $this->g2KCU($xEBv9->flags)) . ($xEBv9->D5Wc8 ? $this->TFvHJ($xEBv9->D5Wc8) . "\x20" : '') . $this->rosYx($xEBv9->CbTZm) . "\73"; } protected function ocTRd(DqJWX\yap2P $xEBv9) : string { return "\44" . $xEBv9->name . (null !== $xEBv9->uq2dz ? "\x20\x3d\40" . $this->tfvHJ($xEBv9->uq2dz) : ''); } protected function XUIXD(fxV82\iuKKx $xEBv9) : string { return $this->HpZ60($xEBv9->OM9PA) . $this->g2Kcu($xEBv9->flags) . "\x66\165\156\143\164\x69\157\156\x20" . ($xEBv9->qD7MM ? "\46" : '') . $xEBv9->name . "\50" . $this->JeW9H($xEBv9->params, $this->zboqR->Qtl9O()) . "\x29" . (null !== $xEBv9->NzrCB ? "\x3a\x20" . $this->tFvhJ($xEBv9->NzrCB) : '') . (null !== $xEBv9->eUWo1 ? $this->tYJd8 . "\173" . $this->Q5xDO($xEBv9->eUWo1) . $this->tYJd8 . "\175" : "\x3b"); } protected function uWLx1(fXV82\rAtXt $xEBv9) : string { return $this->hpZ60($xEBv9->OM9PA) . $this->G2kcU($xEBv9->flags) . "\x63\157\156\x73\164\40" . (null !== $xEBv9->D5Wc8 ? $this->tFvhj($xEBv9->D5Wc8) . "\x20" : '') . $this->rOSyX($xEBv9->Mrmkp) . "\x3b"; } protected function xDsBj(fxV82\HYbd4 $xEBv9) : string { return $this->HPZ60($xEBv9->OM9PA) . "\146\165\x6e\x63\x74\x69\157\156\40" . ($xEBv9->qD7MM ? "\46" : '') . $xEBv9->name . "\50" . $this->jew9H($xEBv9->params, $this->zboqR->qTL9o()) . "\51" . (null !== $xEBv9->NzrCB ? "\72\x20" . $this->tFvhJ($xEBv9->NzrCB) : '') . $this->tYJd8 . "\173" . $this->Q5xdO($xEBv9->eUWo1) . $this->tYJd8 . "\x7d"; } protected function k03Nq(FxV82\CVjZD $xEBv9) : string { return "\143\x6f\156\x73\x74\x20" . $this->RoSYX($xEBv9->Mrmkp) . "\73"; } protected function QFHe7(fxV82\hBjCk $xEBv9) : string { return "\144\145\143\x6c\141\x72\145\x20\50" . $this->ROsyX($xEBv9->kGc2Q) . "\51" . (null !== $xEBv9->eUWo1 ? "\40\173" . $this->q5XDo($xEBv9->eUWo1) . $this->tYJd8 . "\x7d" : "\x3b"); } protected function Kczk5(dQjwx\ZsTG2 $xEBv9) : string { return $xEBv9->z5OnA . "\x3d" . $this->TFVHj($xEBv9->bzGLL); } protected function mFZcb(fxV82\pRDqd $xEBv9) : string { return "\x69\146\40\50" . $this->tfvHj($xEBv9->utHiM) . "\x29\40\x7b" . $this->Q5XDO($xEBv9->eUWo1) . $this->tYJd8 . "\x7d" . ($xEBv9->MlKRa ? "\x20" . $this->cESzA($xEBv9->MlKRa, "\x20") : '') . (null !== $xEBv9->BAGu3 ? "\x20" . $this->TfvHJ($xEBv9->BAGu3) : ''); } protected function bYHK0(fXV82\He8wq $xEBv9) : string { return "\145\x6c\x73\x65\151\x66\x20\x28" . $this->TfVhj($xEBv9->utHiM) . "\x29\x20\173" . $this->Q5xDO($xEBv9->eUWo1) . $this->tYJd8 . "\175"; } protected function GwSIb(fXV82\jeNhb $xEBv9) : string { goto Mvfl4; n015C: return "\x65\x6c\163\x65\x20" . $this->tFVHJ($xEBv9->eUWo1[0]); goto k0MCd; k0MCd: Jf7KD: goto VJ2Az; Mvfl4: if (!(\count($xEBv9->eUWo1) === 1 && $xEBv9->eUWo1[0] instanceof FXV82\pRdQD)) { goto Jf7KD; } goto n015C; VJ2Az: return "\x65\154\163\145\40\x7b" . $this->Q5Xdo($xEBv9->eUWo1) . $this->tYJd8 . "\175"; goto mQH7R; mQH7R: } protected function cWwOe(FxV82\VFaVX $xEBv9) : string { return "\146\x6f\x72\40\50" . $this->RosYX($xEBv9->t_WNS) . "\73" . (!empty($xEBv9->utHiM) ? "\x20" : '') . $this->roSyx($xEBv9->utHiM) . "\x3b" . (!empty($xEBv9->AYyC5) ? "\x20" : '') . $this->Rosyx($xEBv9->AYyC5) . "\51\x20\x7b" . $this->q5XDo($xEBv9->eUWo1) . $this->tYJd8 . "\x7d"; } protected function rra_U(FXv82\nd822 $xEBv9) : string { return "\146\157\162\x65\141\x63\150\40\50" . $this->TFVHJ($xEBv9->fkrz7) . "\x20\141\163\x20" . (null !== $xEBv9->TibYZ ? $this->TFvHJ($xEBv9->TibYZ) . "\x20\x3d\76\x20" : '') . ($xEBv9->qD7MM ? "\x26" : '') . $this->tFVhJ($xEBv9->ZkjSI) . "\x29\x20\173" . $this->Q5Xdo($xEBv9->eUWo1) . $this->tYJd8 . "\x7d"; } protected function LeUdP(Fxv82\Nbrjn $xEBv9) : string { return "\x77\150\151\154\x65\x20\x28" . $this->tFvhJ($xEBv9->utHiM) . "\51\40\x7b" . $this->Q5Xdo($xEBv9->eUWo1) . $this->tYJd8 . "\x7d"; } protected function pgizT(fxv82\gDIve $xEBv9) : string { return "\x64\157\40\x7b" . $this->Q5XDO($xEBv9->eUWo1) . $this->tYJd8 . "\x7d\x20\x77\150\x69\154\x65\x20\50" . $this->TFVHJ($xEBv9->utHiM) . "\x29\73"; } protected function apHDZ(FxV82\cVmMb $xEBv9) : string { return "\163\x77\151\164\x63\150\40\50" . $this->TfVHJ($xEBv9->utHiM) . "\51\40\x7b" . $this->Q5xdO($xEBv9->KZfvd) . $this->tYJd8 . "\175"; } protected function eNVCX(fxv82\mGBYw $xEBv9) : string { return (null !== $xEBv9->utHiM ? "\143\141\x73\145\40" . $this->tfvHJ($xEBv9->utHiM) : "\x64\145\x66\141\x75\x6c\x74") . "\72" . $this->Q5xDO($xEBv9->eUWo1); } protected function VY0Ze(FxV82\Qr8B6 $xEBv9) : string { return "\x74\x72\x79\40\x7b" . $this->Q5XDo($xEBv9->eUWo1) . $this->tYJd8 . "\x7d" . ($xEBv9->cKGts ? "\x20" . $this->Cesza($xEBv9->cKGts, "\40") : '') . ($xEBv9->w4UY_ !== null ? "\x20" . $this->TFvhJ($xEBv9->w4UY_) : ''); } protected function Yj8zC(fxv82\LH_I1 $xEBv9) : string { return "\x63\141\x74\x63\150\40\50" . $this->cEsza($xEBv9->UG1k0, "\174") . ($xEBv9->XufjI !== null ? "\40" . $this->Tfvhj($xEBv9->XufjI) : '') . "\51\x20\173" . $this->q5xdO($xEBv9->eUWo1) . $this->tYJd8 . "\175"; } protected function m7JVt(FXV82\Pi0gt $xEBv9) : string { return "\x66\151\x6e\141\154\154\x79\x20\x7b" . $this->Q5XDo($xEBv9->eUWo1) . $this->tYJd8 . "\175"; } protected function aB8At(fXv82\oh455 $xEBv9) : string { return "\142\162\x65\x61\x6b" . ($xEBv9->b9IGd !== null ? "\40" . $this->tFVhj($xEBv9->b9IGd) : '') . "\73"; } protected function MfUFi(fxV82\l31i6 $xEBv9) : string { return "\x63\157\156\x74\x69\x6e\x75\x65" . ($xEBv9->b9IGd !== null ? "\x20" . $this->tfvhJ($xEBv9->b9IGd) : '') . "\x3b"; } protected function lAqEh(FxV82\dYjbo $xEBv9) : string { return "\162\145\x74\165\x72\x6e" . (null !== $xEBv9->fkrz7 ? "\x20" . $this->tfVHJ($xEBv9->fkrz7) : '') . "\73"; } protected function LnfNo(fXV82\qDwQL $xEBv9) : string { return $xEBv9->name . "\x3a"; } protected function dXjST(fxv82\SmATY $xEBv9) : string { return "\147\x6f\x74\157\40" . $xEBv9->name . "\x3b"; } protected function fGTQx(fXV82\n_Q84 $xEBv9) : string { return $this->TfVhj($xEBv9->fkrz7) . "\x3b"; } protected function nsMvb(fxV82\kh2SA $xEBv9) : string { return "\x65\143\150\157\40" . $this->rosyx($xEBv9->jovFA) . "\73"; } protected function WkZ6q(FXv82\eZhPk $xEBv9) : string { return "\163\164\141\x74\151\x63\40" . $this->roSYX($xEBv9->g2yYM) . "\x3b"; } protected function B1oq0(Fxv82\LoJKm $xEBv9) : string { return "\x67\x6c\157\142\x61\x6c\x20" . $this->rOsYx($xEBv9->g2yYM) . "\73"; } protected function IyL5v(DQjwx\fV3CO $xEBv9) : string { return $this->TFvHJ($xEBv9->XufjI) . (null !== $xEBv9->uq2dz ? "\x20\75\x20" . $this->tFVHj($xEBv9->uq2dz) : ''); } protected function L3lzX(FxV82\TfWEb $xEBv9) : string { return "\x75\156\x73\145\164\50" . $this->RosYx($xEBv9->g2yYM) . "\x29\x3b"; } protected function V859t(FXV82\ji5_n $xEBv9) : string { $E9a1s = $xEBv9->getAttribute("\150\141\x73\114\145\141\x64\x69\156\x67\x4e\145\x77\x6c\151\156\x65", true) ? $this->Qe6gE : ''; return "\77\x3e" . $E9a1s . $xEBv9->bzGLL . "\x3c\77\x70\150\160\40"; } protected function CGyTY(FxV82\r6aCu $xEBv9) : string { return "\x5f\x5f\x68\141\154\164\137\143\157\x6d\x70\151\154\x65\x72\x28\51\73" . $xEBv9->Y43YO; } protected function YI9mc(fXV82\YvPy9 $xEBv9) : string { return ''; } protected function Qxp1X(fxV82\STNGg $xEBv9) : string { return "\x7b" . $this->q5xDO($xEBv9->eUWo1) . $this->tYJd8 . "\x7d"; } protected function q7RTY(FXv82\lw8nX $xEBv9, string $qvwW8) : string { return $this->Hpz60($xEBv9->OM9PA, $xEBv9->name === null) . $this->g2kcU($xEBv9->flags) . "\143\154\x61\163\163" . $qvwW8 . (null !== $xEBv9->Jt4in ? "\40\145\170\x74\x65\x6e\x64\x73\40" . $this->tFVHJ($xEBv9->Jt4in) : '') . (!empty($xEBv9->Wz3Rn) ? "\x20\x69\x6d\160\154\x65\155\x65\x6e\164\x73\x20" . $this->roSYX($xEBv9->Wz3Rn) : '') . $this->tYJd8 . "\x7b" . $this->q5xDo($xEBv9->eUWo1) . $this->tYJd8 . "\x7d"; } protected function FKzRC(dqjWX $xEBv9) : string { goto FlFOm; vPAow: return "\173" . $this->TFVHJ($xEBv9) . "\x7d"; goto oT2C3; FlFOm: if ($xEBv9 instanceof l14s7) { goto AR3HA; } goto Umkwn; W1JAd: goto lUTBt; goto IRZoA; NhHhQ: return $xEBv9->name; goto W1JAd; oT2C3: lUTBt: goto TT0DV; IRZoA: AR3HA: goto vPAow; Umkwn: assert($xEBv9 instanceof DqJwX\FkKG2); goto NhHhQ; TT0DV: } protected function PYqMy(array $qadlD, ?string $tH4ZX) : string { goto g2jbt; g2jbt: $QcVvo = ''; goto zP8Zo; nk4dj: r_nTk: goto lQT2w; lQT2w: return $QcVvo; goto v8FOk; zP8Zo: foreach ($qadlD as $PaS04) { goto Ixpx1; lIqYN: $QcVvo .= $this->i1OwQ($PaS04->bzGLL, $tH4ZX); goto mKKh4; Ixpx1: if ($PaS04 instanceof dqJwx\KsBds) { goto aJR91; } goto Eak6o; A7U5J: goto BECxq; goto n3M67; n3M67: aJR91: goto lIqYN; Ca1vC: gUmoa: goto Zu6VY; mKKh4: BECxq: goto Ca1vC; Eak6o: $QcVvo .= "\173" . $this->tFVhj($PaS04) . "\175"; goto A7U5J; Zu6VY: } goto nk4dj; v8FOk: } protected function HUqN8(string $OcFuk) : string { $TetFj = "\57\x27\174\x5c\134\x28\77\x3d\x5b\47\x5c\134\135\174\44\51\x7c\x28\77\x3c\75\134\x5c\51\x5c\134\57"; return "\x27" . preg_replace($TetFj, "\134\x5c\x24\60", $OcFuk) . "\47"; } protected function I1oWQ(string $OcFuk, ?string $tH4ZX) : string { goto qLJLd; p1JTl: $V8nwd = addcslashes($OcFuk, "\xa\15\x9\xc\13\44" . $tH4ZX . "\134"); goto CLxY4; n7V5Q: $V8nwd = preg_replace("\x2f\x5c\162\50\77\x21\134\156\x29\57", "\x5c\x72", $V8nwd); goto T5sL7; X5tIG: $V8nwd = addcslashes($OcFuk, "\x9\xc\xb\x24\134"); goto n7V5Q; hoBG3: return preg_replace_callback($TetFj, function ($otd9S) : string { goto kaHWP; kaHWP: assert(strlen($otd9S[0]) === 1); goto dcc4_; CaxWv: return "\x5c\170" . str_pad($Vc1Kq, 2, "\60", \STR_PAD_LEFT); goto eLYzq; dcc4_: $Vc1Kq = dechex(ord($otd9S[0])); goto CaxWv; eLYzq: }, $V8nwd); goto NAloy; IRNw_: spetS: goto X5tIG; CLxY4: goto TLHxc; goto IRNw_; mM0M9: TLHxc: goto wqC3K; Lerm2: s1vFK: goto mM0M9; T5sL7: if (!$this->zboqR->Ad7cd()) { goto s1vFK; } goto hUkPM; hUkPM: $V8nwd = $this->WQp1k($V8nwd); goto Lerm2; wqC3K: $TetFj = "\x2f\x28\xa\x20\x20\x20\40\x20\40\40\x20\40\40\x20\x20\x20\40\133\x5c\x78\60\x30\55\134\x78\x30\70\134\x78\60\x45\x2d\x5c\x78\61\x46\135\40\x23\40\103\157\156\164\162\x6f\x6c\40\x63\150\x61\162\141\x63\x74\145\x72\x73\12\x20\x20\x20\x20\40\40\x20\x20\x20\40\x20\x20\174\40\133\x5c\170\x43\60\x2d\134\x78\103\x31\135\40\43\40\111\x6e\166\x61\154\x69\144\x20\125\x54\106\55\x38\x20\102\x79\164\145\163\xa\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\40\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\x20\174\x20\x5b\x5c\170\x46\65\55\x5c\x78\106\106\135\x20\43\x20\x49\x6e\166\x61\x6c\151\x64\x20\x55\x54\x46\55\70\x20\102\x79\164\145\x73\12\x20\40\40\x20\x20\x20\40\40\40\x20\40\40\174\x20\x5c\x78\x45\60\50\x3f\75\x5b\134\x78\x38\x30\x2d\x5c\x78\71\106\x5d\x29\40\43\x20\x4f\x76\145\162\154\x6f\156\x67\x20\145\x6e\x63\x6f\144\151\x6e\x67\40\x6f\x66\40\x70\162\151\x6f\162\40\143\157\x64\145\x20\160\x6f\151\x6e\164\xa\x20\40\x20\40\x20\40\x20\40\x20\40\x20\x20\174\40\134\170\106\x30\50\x3f\75\133\134\x78\70\x30\55\x5c\x78\70\x46\x5d\51\40\x23\x20\117\166\145\162\154\157\156\x67\x20\145\156\x63\157\144\x69\156\147\x20\157\146\40\160\162\x69\157\162\x20\x63\x6f\x64\x65\40\x70\157\x69\156\164\xa\x20\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\40\174\x20\x5b\134\170\103\62\x2d\134\170\104\x46\x5d\50\77\41\x5b\x5c\x78\70\x30\x2d\x5c\170\102\x46\135\x29\40\43\x20\x49\156\166\141\x6c\x69\144\x20\x55\x54\106\x2d\70\x20\x53\x65\x71\165\145\x6e\x63\x65\40\x53\164\141\162\164\xa\40\x20\x20\x20\40\40\40\40\x20\x20\40\x20\174\x20\133\134\x78\x45\60\x2d\134\x78\x45\106\x5d\50\77\41\133\134\170\70\x30\x2d\x5c\x78\102\x46\135\173\62\175\51\40\x23\40\111\156\166\x61\154\x69\144\x20\125\x54\x46\55\x38\40\x53\x65\161\x75\x65\156\143\145\40\123\x74\141\x72\164\12\x20\40\40\40\40\x20\40\x20\40\x20\40\x20\174\x20\133\134\170\106\x30\x2d\134\x78\106\x34\x5d\50\x3f\x21\133\x5c\x78\x38\x30\55\x5c\x78\102\106\135\x7b\63\x7d\x29\x20\x23\x20\111\x6e\166\141\x6c\x69\x64\40\x55\x54\x46\55\70\x20\123\x65\161\165\145\156\x63\145\x20\x53\x74\x61\162\164\12\x20\40\40\x20\x20\40\40\40\x20\x20\40\40\x7c\40\x28\77\x3c\x3d\133\134\x78\60\60\55\134\x78\67\106\x5c\x78\x46\65\55\x5c\x78\x46\x46\135\51\x5b\x5c\x78\70\x30\55\134\x78\102\106\135\40\43\x20\111\x6e\x76\141\x6c\x69\144\x20\x55\124\106\x2d\70\40\x53\x65\x71\165\x65\x6e\143\145\x20\x4d\x69\x64\x64\154\x65\xa\40\x20\x20\x20\x20\40\x20\x20\40\x20\x20\40\174\40\x28\x3f\x3c\x21\x5b\134\170\x43\62\55\134\170\x44\106\x5d\x7c\133\134\170\x45\x30\x2d\134\x78\105\x46\135\x7c\x5b\134\x78\x45\x30\x2d\x5c\x78\105\x46\x5d\133\134\170\70\60\x2d\x5c\x78\x42\x46\x5d\x7c\x5b\134\170\106\x30\x2d\x5c\170\x46\64\135\174\x5b\134\x78\106\60\55\x5c\170\x46\x34\135\x5b\x5c\170\x38\60\x2d\134\x78\102\106\135\174\133\134\x78\106\x30\55\x5c\x78\106\x34\x5d\x5b\x5c\x78\x38\x30\55\x5c\170\102\x46\x5d\x7b\62\x7d\51\x5b\134\170\x38\x30\x2d\134\170\102\x46\135\x20\43\x20\x4f\x76\145\x72\154\157\x6e\x67\x20\123\x65\161\x75\x65\156\x63\145\12\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\40\x20\40\40\x7c\40\x28\77\74\75\133\134\170\x45\x30\55\134\170\x45\x46\135\51\x5b\134\x78\70\x30\x2d\x5c\170\x42\106\135\50\x3f\41\x5b\134\x78\70\60\x2d\134\x78\x42\x46\135\51\40\x23\x20\x53\x68\x6f\x72\x74\40\63\x20\x62\x79\164\145\x20\163\x65\x71\165\145\x6e\143\145\12\40\x20\x20\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\40\40\40\40\x7c\x20\50\x3f\74\75\133\x5c\170\106\60\55\x5c\x78\106\64\x5d\51\x5b\x5c\x78\x38\x30\x2d\x5c\x78\x42\106\x5d\50\77\x21\x5b\134\170\x38\60\55\x5c\170\102\106\135\173\x32\x7d\51\40\43\40\x53\150\x6f\162\x74\40\64\x20\142\x79\164\x65\40\163\145\x71\165\145\156\x63\x65\xa\x20\x20\x20\40\x20\40\x20\40\x20\40\40\40\x7c\40\50\x3f\74\x3d\133\x5c\x78\x46\x30\55\x5c\170\x46\x34\x5d\133\134\170\x38\60\x2d\134\x78\102\x46\x5d\x29\x5b\x5c\x78\70\60\x2d\134\170\102\x46\135\x28\77\x21\x5b\x5c\170\x38\x30\x2d\x5c\170\x42\106\x5d\51\40\x23\40\x53\150\157\x72\x74\40\x34\40\x62\x79\x74\x65\40\x73\x65\x71\x75\145\x6e\x63\x65\40\50\62\51\xa\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\51\x2f\170"; goto hoBG3; qLJLd: if (null === $tH4ZX) { goto spetS; } goto p1JTl; NAloy: } protected function m7iva(string $OcFuk, string $N0_dM, bool $sB7LY = true) : bool { $PKk9d = $sB7LY ? "\50\x3f\72\x5e\174\133\134\x72\134\x6e\135\x29\133\x20\x5c\164\135\x2a" : "\x5b\x5c\x72\134\156\135\x5b\40\134\164\135\52"; return false !== strpos($OcFuk, $N0_dM) && preg_match("\x2f" . $PKk9d . $N0_dM . "\x28\77\x3a\44\x7c\133\x5e\137\x41\x2d\x5a\141\55\172\60\x2d\71\x5c\x78\x38\60\55\x5c\x78\x66\146\x5d\51\x2f", $OcFuk); } protected function LTV03(array $Mb3lG, string $N0_dM) : bool { goto S1v_s; cEWus: ALDT9: goto xe_dI; xe_dI: return false; goto nPt0I; S1v_s: foreach ($Mb3lG as $y6n6F => $MOkXe) { goto S2TvH; S2TvH: if (!($MOkXe instanceof dQjwX\kSBds && $this->m7IVa($this->I1oWq($MOkXe->bzGLL, null), $N0_dM, $y6n6F === 0))) { goto cg6r4; } goto qQli5; J8OE5: rlbCS: goto xbBSf; e2led: cg6r4: goto J8OE5; qQli5: return true; goto e2led; xbBSf: } goto cEWus; nPt0I: } protected function mdtJ2(DQjWX $xEBv9) : string { goto QJdAd; Xe3k1: return $this->tFvhj($xEBv9); goto OVzy1; m60sZ: goto XpIcR; goto vKmYL; vKmYL: cTaeI: goto Xe3k1; QJdAd: if (!$this->z4bY0($xEBv9)) { goto cTaeI; } goto zfwnO; OVzy1: XpIcR: goto p9y7x; zfwnO: return "\x28" . $this->TFVhJ($xEBv9) . "\51"; goto m60sZ; p9y7x: } protected function NuRPa(DqJwX $xEBv9) : string { goto H7AYa; Nwj8n: return $this->tfvHJ($xEBv9); goto VttKR; YdEof: JOfrp: goto Nwj8n; G2xD3: goto qZMbg; goto YdEof; OjMDB: return "\x28" . $this->tFvHJ($xEBv9) . "\x29"; goto G2xD3; H7AYa: if (!$this->lP722($xEBv9)) { goto JOfrp; } goto OjMDB; VttKR: qZMbg: goto ud3pd; ud3pd: } protected function Hw6eK(DQJWx $xEBv9) : string { goto KSM9H; c5FUR: tWCTb: goto MQj6P; BlQ3F: goto Y1gXJ; goto c5FUR; n3eBd: Y1gXJ: goto QSHon; m6RzV: return "\50" . $this->tFVHj($xEBv9) . "\x29"; goto BlQ3F; MQj6P: return $this->TfVHj($xEBv9); goto n3eBd; KSM9H: if (!$this->thf7F($xEBv9)) { goto tWCTb; } goto m6RzV; QSHon: } protected function ObQsW(dQJWx $xEBv9) : string { goto nsc7Z; yDVCT: return "\50" . $this->TFVHJ($xEBv9) . "\x29"; goto SUV15; nsc7Z: if (!$this->AVu0B($xEBv9)) { goto q7Ngr; } goto yDVCT; SXPEX: return $this->tFvHj($xEBv9); goto VKgoS; SUV15: goto qDKTM; goto tEyUh; VKgoS: qDKTM: goto wsiLR; tEyUh: q7Ngr: goto SXPEX; wsiLR: } protected function Qw3bt(array $JCB4U) : bool { goto flxQT; flxQT: foreach ($JCB4U as $xEBv9) { goto pI3V_; yd4eR: wu617: goto CRn6A; pI3V_: if (!($xEBv9 && $xEBv9->Tyt8v())) { goto wu617; } goto h2hza; CRn6A: zA4wV: goto S3S1Z; h2hza: return true; goto yd4eR; S3S1Z: } goto vgQJF; hzYPr: return false; goto WgnJ9; vgQJF: Pf0tu: goto hzYPr; WgnJ9: } protected function jEW9h(array $JCB4U, bool $lUaLN = false) : string { goto e6Rv2; e6Rv2: if (!$this->qW3bT($JCB4U)) { goto mGo0L; } goto cfQG8; MHpS5: FcABl: goto fI4i9; CpGRY: mGo0L: goto MQFdY; cfQG8: return $this->PYo3Q($JCB4U, $lUaLN) . $this->tYJd8; goto Lf4lH; MQFdY: return $this->rOSyx($JCB4U); goto MHpS5; Lf4lH: goto FcABl; goto CpGRY; fI4i9: } protected function hPZ60(array $JCB4U, bool $taeG8 = false) : string { goto TFY3s; TFY3s: $iRjBT = ''; goto xesD3; xesD3: $YJa3j = $taeG8 ? "\40" : $this->tYJd8; goto mJzoy; vlRbo: Rg5jI: goto yHS7r; yHS7r: return $iRjBT; goto DaiVH; mJzoy: foreach ($JCB4U as $xEBv9) { $iRjBT .= $this->TFvhJ($xEBv9) . $YJa3j; gRgkH: } goto vlRbo; DaiVH: } }
Function Calls
None |
MD5 | e16bb7f7208c7c61ed6ccc321081aee0 |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 126 ms |