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PHP Decode

<?php namespace App\Services; use App\Events\SongLikeToggled; use App\Events\SongsBatchL..

Decoded Output download


namespace App\Services;

use App\Events\SongLikeToggled;
use App\Events\SongsBatchLiked;
use App\Events\SongsBatchUnliked;
use App\Models\Interaction;
use App\Models\Song;
use App\Models\User;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;

class InteractionService
     * Increase the number of times a song is played by a user.
     * @return Interaction The affected Interaction object
    public function increasePlayCount(string $songId, User $user): Interaction
        return tap(Interaction::query()->firstOrCreate([
            'song_id' => $songId,
            'user_id' => $user->id,
        ]), static function (Interaction $interaction): void {
            if (!$interaction->exists) {
                $interaction->liked = false;

            $interaction->last_played_at = now();


     * Like or unlike a song as a user.
     * @return Interaction the affected Interaction object
    public function toggleLike(string $songId, User $user): Interaction
        return tap(Interaction::query()->firstOrCreate([
            'song_id' => $songId,
            'user_id' => $user->id,
        ]), static function (Interaction $interaction): void {
            $interaction->liked = !$interaction->liked;

            event(new SongLikeToggled($interaction));

     * Like several songs at once as a user.
     * @param array<string> $songIds
     * @return array<Interaction>|Collection The array of Interaction objects
    public function batchLike(array $songIds, User $user): Collection
        $interactions = collect($songIds)->map(static function ($songId) use ($user): Interaction {
            return tap(Interaction::query()->firstOrCreate([
                'song_id' => $songId,
                'user_id' => $user->id,
            ]), static function (Interaction $interaction): void {
                $interaction->play_count ??= 0;
                $interaction->liked = true;

        event(new SongsBatchLiked($interactions->map(static fn (Interaction $item) => $item->song), $user));

        return $interactions;

     * Unlike several songs at once.
     * @param array<string> $songIds
    public function batchUnlike(array $songIds, User $user): void
            ->whereIn('song_id', $songIds)
            ->where('user_id', $user->id)
            ->update(['liked' => false]);

        event(new SongsBatchUnliked(Song::query()->find($songIds), $user));

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Original Code


namespace App\Services;

use App\Events\SongLikeToggled;
use App\Events\SongsBatchLiked;
use App\Events\SongsBatchUnliked;
use App\Models\Interaction;
use App\Models\Song;
use App\Models\User;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;

class InteractionService
     * Increase the number of times a song is played by a user.
     * @return Interaction The affected Interaction object
    public function increasePlayCount(string $songId, User $user): Interaction
        return tap(Interaction::query()->firstOrCreate([
            'song_id' => $songId,
            'user_id' => $user->id,
        ]), static function (Interaction $interaction): void {
            if (!$interaction->exists) {
                $interaction->liked = false;

            $interaction->last_played_at = now();


     * Like or unlike a song as a user.
     * @return Interaction the affected Interaction object
    public function toggleLike(string $songId, User $user): Interaction
        return tap(Interaction::query()->firstOrCreate([
            'song_id' => $songId,
            'user_id' => $user->id,
        ]), static function (Interaction $interaction): void {
            $interaction->liked = !$interaction->liked;

            event(new SongLikeToggled($interaction));

     * Like several songs at once as a user.
     * @param array<string> $songIds
     * @return array<Interaction>|Collection The array of Interaction objects
    public function batchLike(array $songIds, User $user): Collection
        $interactions = collect($songIds)->map(static function ($songId) use ($user): Interaction {
            return tap(Interaction::query()->firstOrCreate([
                'song_id' => $songId,
                'user_id' => $user->id,
            ]), static function (Interaction $interaction): void {
                $interaction->play_count ??= 0;
                $interaction->liked = true;

        event(new SongsBatchLiked($interactions->map(static fn (Interaction $item) => $item->song), $user));

        return $interactions;

     * Unlike several songs at once.
     * @param array<string> $songIds
    public function batchUnlike(array $songIds, User $user): void
            ->whereIn('song_id', $songIds)
            ->where('user_id', $user->id)
            ->update(['liked' => false]);

        event(new SongsBatchUnliked(Song::query()->find($songIds), $user));

Function Calls





MD5 e7051a34921e67ab5cc2dd46c324b654
Eval Count 0
Decode Time 97 ms