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PHP Decode
<?php goto JnyQv; jP5V2: echo $movie_info["\x6a\141\166\x6c\x69\x62"]["\143\x6f\x64\145\x..
Decoded Output download
goto JnyQv; jP5V2: echo $movie_info["javlib"]["code_36"] ? "?v=" . $movie_info["javlib"]["code_36"] : "vl_searchbyid.php?keyword=" . $movie_info["censored_id"]; goto XPXQO; wDtia: if (count($res_star) < 1) { ?>
<?php } goto r2a_I; ME0oE: echo $movie_info["movie_title"]; goto TfBVL; n0SCp: ?>
"> <span style="color:#CC0000;"><?php goto fSwY4; MjGF9: $sh = ''; goto Dj5pZ; tmMMB: ?>
"> <span style="color:#CC0000;"><?php goto Tsfmg; Sv3Y2: echo $movie_info["release_date"]; goto p3Ruv; QMWNn: ?>
<script type="text/javascript">
var n=0;
// function check_remove(obj) { // onload ="check_remove(this)" onerror="this.src='avbook/defts.jpg'"
// if (obj.width==66 && obj.height==90){
// $(obj).remove();
// }
// }
//console.log( this.width+'=='+this.height);
$(function () {
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var img = $(this);
img.load(function () {
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if(img.width()==66 ){
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img.error(function() {
// console.log(6);
<h4 id="mag-submit-show" style="cursor: pointer;"> <span id="mag-submit-toggle" class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus"></span><?php goto xjUDF; yuKvX: foreach ($res_star as $key => $val) { ?>
<div id="star_<?php echo $val["code_36"]; ?>
" class="star-box star-box-common star-box-up idol-box" style="left: 1047px; top: 326px; position: fixed; display: none;">
<a href="censored?st=<?php echo $val["code_36"]; ?>
"><img dsrc="<?php echo $val["star_pic"]; ?>
src = '{{$val['code_36']}}_a.jpg' title=""></a>
<div class="star-name"><a href="censored?st=<?php echo $val["code_36"]; ?>
&mg=1<itle[]={{$val['star_name']}}" title="<?php echo $val["star_name"]; ?>
"><?php echo $val["star_name"]; ?>
<?php } goto UH3Ux; un7Lq: foreach ($genre_config as $key => $val) { ?>
<a class="btn btn-mini-new <?php if (isset($genre_map[$key . "_"])) { echo "btn-warning" title = "" . $val . " {$key}"; } else { echo "btn-default" title = "" . $val . " {$key}"; } ?>
onclick="change_genre(this,'{{$key}}')" >{{$val}}</a>
<?php } goto PTl_w; PTl_w: ?>
<input type="text" class="kv-fa-heart rating-loading" value="{{$movie_info['favorite']}}" data-size="xs" title="">
<span class="header">:</span>
<?php goto qaWLn; MNOmb: ?>
<?php goto qrVmS; oDPJQ: echo $sh . $movie_info["censored_id"] . " " . $movie_info["movie_title"]; goto QMWNn; G88E9: echo $pic_video; goto wOPPv; ypySc: ?>
"> <span ><?php goto dRK47; r2a_I: ?>
<?php goto v_AaW; FvU0J: ?>
"><?php goto ukO2j; RBJ9N: echo $movie_info["censored_id"]; goto E95FZ; YmVye: ?>
"><?php goto NovTM; L8GW3: ?>
<div id="sample-waterfall">
<?php goto Cw3oc; E95FZ: ?>
"> <span style="color:#CC0000;"><?php goto bLNSU; YfzWF: ?>
<a title=" {{$last_censored_id}}" href="movie?censored_id={{$last_censored_id}}"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left"></span> |</a><a
title=" {{$next_censored_id}}" href="movie?censored_id={{$next_censored_id}}"> <span style = "height:20px" class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right" ></span></a> <a href = '' title="// wait to do " > </a>
<a id = "a_img" class='blogjavimg' href = '' ></a>
<p><span class="header">:</span><a target="_blank" href="{{$url_config['btsourl']}}<?php goto RBJ9N; wOPPv: ?>
"> <span ><?php goto b8T3M; Cw3oc: $heade = str_replace("digital/", '', str_replace("pl.jpg", '', $movie_info["movie_pic_cover"])); goto FsZ1f; Dj5pZ: if ($movie_info["have_file"] == 3) { $sh = "<span style="color:red;">[]</span>"; } goto oDPJQ; Tsfmg: echo $movie_info["censored_id"]; goto sieST; tFVDj: echo $sh . mb_substr($movie_info["movie_title"], 0, 70); goto JGb8D; JGb8D: ?>
<div class="row movie"><!-->
<div class="col-md-9 screencap">
<a class="bigImage" href="<?php goto D7yJA; uLYxa: foreach ($arr as $key => $val) { ?>
<?php if ($val) { ?>
<a class="sample-box" href="<?php echo $picurl . $val; ?>
" title="<?php echo $movie_info["movie_title"]; ?>
- -- 1">
<div class="photo-frame">
<img class="sample-img-load" src="<?php echo $picurl . str_replace("jp-", "-", $val); ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php } goto sUs4j; e5gFE: $arr = explode("|", $movie_info["sample_dmm"]); goto uLYxa; QOAin: ?>
@if ($movie_info['Label'])
<p><span class="header">: </span><a href="censored?Label=<?php goto iJjTF; JtFqa: ?>
" >
<img class = "bigImagesrc" src="<?php goto i0Oon; zJsaz: $movie_info["sample_dmm"] = $m ? $m : $movie_info["sample_dmm"]; goto e5gFE; y13lp: $pic_video = $movie_info["javlib"]["movie_pic_cover"]; goto kNmgB; l6StH: foreach ($res_star as $key => $val) { ?>
<a class="avatar-box" href="censored?st=<?php echo $val["code_36"]; ?>
<div class="photo-frame">
<img src="<?php echo str_replace("/digital/video", '', $picurl) . "/mono/actjpgs/" . $val["star_pic"]; ?>
" dsrc = '{{$val['code_36']}}_a.jpg' title="">
<span><?php echo $val["star_name"]; ?>
<?php } goto GpL1A; lmLgA: echo $movie_info["code_36"]; goto PkFOZ; GpL1A: ?>
<div class="clearfix"></div>
<div id="related-waterfall" class="mb20">
<?php goto ATRIz; dRK47: echo str_replace("_dmb_w.mp4", '', basename($pic_video)); goto tHY6V; NX7X0: $genre_map = array(); goto Jp5Tv; zhakP: ?>
@if ($movie_info['Studio'])
<p><span class="header">: </span><a href="censored?Studio=<?php goto j1961; CAhdG: ?>
@if ($movie_info['Series'])
<p><span class="header sphfont " >:</span><a target="_blank" href="censored?Series=<?php goto AU87V; ukO2j: echo $movie_info["director_name"]["director_name"]; goto zhakP; izOTc: if (isset($_GET["picurl"])) { } goto iXFXh; JnyQv: ?>
@section('title', $movie_info['censored_id'].$movie_info['movie_title'])
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="avbook/movie.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="avbook/movie-box.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="avbook/star-rating.min.css" media="all" type="text/css"/>
<script src="avbook/star-rating.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
{{--<script src="avbook/themes/zh.js" type="text/javascript"></script>--}}
{{--<link rel="stylesheet" href="avbook/themes/krajee-fa/theme.css" media="all" type="text/css"/>--}}
{{--<script src="avbook/themes/krajee-fa/theme.js" type="text/javascript"></script>--}}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="avbook/font-awesome.min.css">
var censored_id = "{{$movie_info['censored_id']}}";
var gid = "{{$avbus->gid ?? ''}}";
var code_36 = "<?php goto lmLgA; iXFXh: if ($b == 1) { $picurl = ""; } elseif ($b == 2) { $picurl = ""; } goto E2IxD; NovTM: echo $movie_info["studio_name"]["studio_name"]; goto QOAin; UJZGr: echo $movie_info["series_name"]["series_name"]; goto cJXHH; XPXQO: ?>
"> <span style=" "><?php goto o8g4d; ITNs2: $pic_video = $movie_info["movie_pic_cover"]; goto hK1mC; Jp5Tv: ?>
<?php goto oJ2Ve; hK1mC: if (is_numeric(substr($pic_video, 0, 1))) { $pic_video = substr($pic_video, 0, strpos($pic_video, "/")); $idx = strpos($pic_video, "00"); $pic_video = substr($pic_video, 0, $idx) . substr($pic_video, $idx + 2, strlen($pic_video) - $idx - 2); $pic_video = "{$pic_video}/{$pic_video}pl.jpg"; } goto rGJC2; PkFOZ: ?>
var uc = 0;
var img = '';
<style type="text/css">
#add-loading {
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<div id="add-loading">
<table class="search-loading-box" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td align="center">
<table height="80" width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td height="40" align="center">
<div class="search-loading-text" id='addmsg'>s...</div>
<td height="40" align="center">
<img src="avbook/search_loading.gif" border="0">
<div class="container">
<?php goto N90co; NIB0F: echo $movie_info["code_36"]; goto n0SCp; FtE51: echo $movie_info["Director"]; goto FvU0J; bLNSU: echo $movie_info["censored_id"]; goto ZB14n; o5oLA: ?>
"><?php goto UJZGr; rGJC2: $pic_video = substr($pic_video, 0, 1) . "/" . substr($pic_video, 0, 3) . "/" . str_replace("pl.jpg", "_dmb_w.mp4", $pic_video); goto G88E9; OJAqr: ?>
@if ($movie_info['Director'])
<p><span class="header">:</span> <a href="censored?director=<?php goto FtE51; o8g4d: echo $movie_info["censored_id"] . "({$movie_info["javlib"]["usersowned"]})({$movie_info["javlib"]["userswanted"]})({$movie_info["javlib"]["userswatched"]})"; goto vDM2L; P_60v: echo $movie_info["censored_id"]; goto tmMMB; UH3Ux: ?>
<?php goto wDtia; LbRyr: ?>
<a class="btn btn-mini-new btn-default" title = " {{$movie_info['visited']}} "
onclick="change_state('visited','0');$(this).html(0);" >{{$movie_info['visited']}}</a>
<p class="star-show">
<span class="header" style="cursor: pointer;"></span>:
<span id="star-toggle" class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus" style="cursor: pointer;"></span>
<?php goto yuKvX; i0Oon: echo $picurl . $movie_info["movie_pic_cover"]; goto ZPwOk; JY3Bq: echo $movie_info["label_name"]["label_name"]; goto CAhdG; xjUDF: if ($movie_info["owned"] == 1 || $movie_info["have_file"] == 3 || $movie_info["have_file"] == 1) { ?>
<a class="btn btn-mini-new btn-danger disabled " ></a>
<?php } goto MNOmb; v_AaW: foreach ($res_star as $key => $val) { ?>
<span class="genre" onmouseover="hoverdiv(event,'star_<?php echo $val["code_36"]; ?>
')" onmouseout="hoverdiv(event,'star_<?php echo $val["code_36"]; ?>
<a href="censored?st=<?php echo $val["code_36"]; ?>
&mg=1<itle[]={{$val['star_name']}}"><?php echo $val["star_name"]; ?>
<?php } goto L8GW3; sieST: ?>
<p><span class="header">avmoo:</span><a target="_blank" href="https://{{$url_config['avmoohost']}}/cn/movie/<?php goto NIB0F; LpA0I: ?>
"><?php goto JY3Bq; XXUDT: ?>
<div class="col-md-3 info i4444">
<div id="related-waterfall2" class="mb20">
function change_genre(obj,s){
var t = "/api/change_genre?Genre="+s+"&code_36="+code_36 ;
var obj = $(obj);
url: t,
type: "GET",
success: function(res) {
// $("a[datagenre='"+s+"']").remove()
// location.reload()
function change_state(key,value,objs){
var t = "/api/change_state?statekey="+key+"&statevalue="+value +"&code_36="+code_36 ;
var obj = $(objs);
url: t,
type: "GET",
success: function(res) {
if (!objs)
type: 'image',
closeOnContentClick: true,
closeBtnInside: false,
fixedContentPos: true,
mainClass: 'mfp-no-margins mfp-with-zoom',
image: {
verticalFit: true,
titleSrc: function(item) {
return 'fg';
zoom: {
enabled: true,
duration: 300
var config ={
delegate: 'a',
type: 'image',
closeOnContentClick: false,
closeBtnInside: false,
mainClass: 'mfp-with-zoom mfp-img-mobile ',
image: {
verticalFit: true,
titleSrc: function(item) {
return '<?php goto ME0oE; p3Ruv: ?>
@if ( $movie_info['movie_length'])
<span class="header">:</span><?php goto N5pdO; AU87V: echo $movie_info["Series"]; goto o5oLA; ka1Zq: foreach ($state_config as $key => $val) { ?>
<a class="btn btn-mini-new btncl-{{$key}} <?php if ($movie_info[$key] > 0) { echo "btn-success" title = "" . $val[0] . " {$key} " . $val[1]; } else { echo "btn-default" title = "" . $val[0] . " {$key} " . $val[1]; } $newstate = !$movie_info[$key]; ?>
onclick="change_state('{{$key}}','{{$newstate}}',this)" >{{$val[0]}}</a>
<?php } goto LbRyr; iJjTF: echo $movie_info["Label"]; goto LpA0I; E2IxD: ?>
{{--<h3 >
@include('itemtag', ['movie_info' => $movie_info])
<?php goto ttAd_; fSwY4: echo $movie_info["censored_id"]; goto R4Mo0; nxCrA: echo $movie_info["censored_id"]; goto YfzWF; qaWLn: $state_config = array("wanted" => array("", "( )"), "watched" => array("", ''), "owned" => array("", '')); goto ka1Zq; zt5fL: ?>
<a target="_blank" href="<?php goto y13lp; cJXHH: ?>
<span class="header">: </span>
<?php goto NX7X0; ATRIz: foreach ($res_more as $key => $val) { ?>
<a title="<?php echo $val["movie_title"]; ?>
" class="movie-box" href="/movie?censored_id=<?php echo $val["censored_id"]; ?>
&id=<?php echo $val["code_36"]; ?>
" style="display:inline-block; margin:5px;">
<div class="photo-frame">
<img src="<?php echo $picurl . str_replace("pl.jpg", "ps.jpg", $val["movie_pic_cover"]); ?>
<div class="photo-info" style="height:36px; overflow:hidden; text-align:center;">
<span><?php echo $val["censored_id"]; ?>
</span> @include('itemtag', ['movie_info' => $val])
<?php } goto XXUDT; SBZxC: ?>
<span class="header">:</span>
<?php goto un7Lq; N90co: $b = 1; goto izOTc; ttAd_: $sh = ''; goto nz6PA; N5pdO: echo $movie_info["movie_length"]; goto OJAqr; D7yJA: echo $picurl . $movie_info["movie_pic_cover"]; goto JtFqa; vDM2L: ?>
<!-- //
<p><span class="header">:</span>
<a target="_blank" href="<?php goto ITNs2; qrVmS: if ($movie_info["have_file"] != 0) { ?>
<a class="btn btn-mini-new btn-primary disabled " ><?php echo $movie_info["have_file"]; ?>
<?php } goto lRboj; ZB14n: ?>
<p><span class="header">javbus:</span><a target="_blank" href="https://{{$url_config['javbushost']}}/<?php goto P_60v; kT38_: if ($movie_info["sample_dmm"] == 0) { for ($i = 0; $i < 21; $i++) { $a = $heade . "jp-" . $i . ".jpg"; $m = $m . "|" . $a; } } elseif (strlen($movie_info["sample_dmm"]) < 10) { for ($i = 1; $i < intval($movie_info["sample_dmm"]) + 1; $i++) { $a = $heade . "jp-" . $i . ".jpg"; $m = $m . "|" . $a; } } goto zJsaz; ZPwOk: ?>
<!-- onerror="this.src='avbook/cheshen.jpg'"
<a title=" {{$last_censored_id}}" href="movie?censored_id={{$last_censored_id}}"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left"></span>=== </a><a
title=" {{$next_censored_id}}" href="movie?censored_id={{$next_censored_id}}"> ===<span style = "height:20px" class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right" ></span></a>
<span title="" value="" class="mypointer favicon" style="color:#777; font-size: 18px;"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-heart-empty"></span></span>
<div class="col-md-3 info">
<p><span class="header">:</span><a href="{{url()->full()}}"><span style="color:#CC0000;"><?php goto nxCrA; j1961: echo $movie_info["Studio"]; goto YmVye; oJ2Ve: foreach ($res_genre as $key => $val) { ?>
<span class="genre"><a datagenre= "{{$val['genre_code']}}" href="censored?gc[]=<?php echo $val["genre_code"]; ?>
&mg=1<itle[]={{$val['genre_dsce']}}"><?php echo $val["genre_dsce"]; ?>
<?php $genre_map[$val["genre_code"] . "_"] = 1; ?>
<?php } goto SBZxC; b8T3M: echo str_replace("_dmb_w.mp4", '', basename($pic_video)); goto zt5fL; R4Mo0: ?>
<p><span class="header">javlibrary:</span>
<a target="_blank" href="http://{{$url_config['javlibhost']}}/cn/<?php goto jP5V2; nz6PA: if ($movie_info["owned"] == 1) { $sh = "<a class="btn btn-mini-new btn-danger disabled " ></a>"; } goto tFVDj; tHY6V: ?>
@if ($movie_info['release_date'])
<span class="header">:</span><?php goto Sv3Y2; FsZ1f: $m = ''; goto kT38_; C2YET: echo $pic_video; goto ypySc; kNmgB: $pic_video = substr($pic_video, 0, 1) . "/" . substr($pic_video, 0, 3) . "/" . str_replace("pl.jpg", "_dmb_w.mp4", $pic_video); goto C2YET; sUs4j: ?>
<a title=" {{$last_censored_id}}" href="movie?censored_id={{$last_censored_id}}"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left"></span> </a><a
title=" {{$next_censored_id}}" href="movie?censored_id={{$next_censored_id}}"> <span style = "height:20px" class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right" ></span></a>
<?php goto MjGF9; lRboj: ?>
<div id="mag-submit" class="movie" style="padding:30px 20px 30px 5px;">
<div id="mag-submit-hide" class="close" style="margin:-25px -13px 0 0;"></div>
<div class="col-md-11 col-xs-10">
<div class="input-group">
<div class="input-group-addon">magnet:</div>
<input type="text" class="form-control" id="appendedInputButton">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default col-md-1 col-xs-2" onclick="checktxt()" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#magneturlpost"></button>
<!-- Magnet Verify Modal -->
<div id="magneturlpost" class="modal fade" tabindex="-1" role="dialog"></div>
<div class="movie" style="padding:12px; margin-top:15px">
<table id="magnet-table" class="table table-condensed table-striped table-hover" style="margin-bottom:0;">
<tbody><tr style="font-weight:bold;">
<td> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-magnet"></span></td>
<td style="text-align:center;white-space:nowrap"></td>
<td style="text-align:center;white-space:nowrap"></td>
<div id="movie-loading" style="display: none;">
<table width="120" border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0">
<td align="center">
<font class="ajax-text"><img src="avbook/movie_loading.gif" border="0"></font>
<td align="center">
<font class="ajax-text">...</font>
<table id="magnet-table2" class="table table-condensed table-striped table-hover" style="margin-bottom:0;">
<div class="row ptb30">
<div class="col-xs-6 text-center">
<a href="" class="btn btn-lg btn-primary btn-block" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-play"></span> </a>
<div class="col-xs-6 text-center">
<a href="" class="btn btn-lg btn-warning btn-block" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-save"></span> </a>
<div id="star-div">
<h4 id="star-hide" style="cursor: pointer;"> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-minus"></span></h4>
<div id="avatar-waterfall">
<?php goto l6StH; TfBVL: ?>
gallery: {
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opener: function(element) {
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// console.log(blurimg);
$(function() {
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var t = '/api/magnetlinks?gid='+gid +'&censored_id=' +censored_id ;
url: t,
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starCaptions: function (rating) {
return rating;
theme: 'krajee-fa',
filledStar: '<i class="fa fa-heart"></i>',
emptyStar: '<i class="fa fa-heart-o"></i>'
$('.kv-fa-heart').on('rating:change', function(event, value, caption) {
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var heartstate = true;
function resetheartstate(obj,state) {
obj.html('<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-heart"></span>');
obj.html('<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-heart-empty"></span>');
return !heartstate
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var obj = $(this);
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var token = $("#token").val();
var e = "../ajax/addfavorite.php?code=" + encodeURIComponent(code) + "&token=" + encodeURIComponent(token) + "&floor=" + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1e3 + 1);
heartstate = resetheartstate(obj,heartstate)
// $.ajax({
// url: e,
// type: "POST",
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// cache:false,
// success: function (json) {
// //obj.html(json);
// ajaxobj=eval("("+json+")");
// if(ajaxobj.act=='err'){
// alert('');
// }else{
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}, function () {
$(".glyphicon-heart").hover(function () {
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<script src="avbook/gallery.js"></script>
Did this file decode correctly?
Original Code
goto JnyQv; jP5V2: echo $movie_info["\x6a\141\166\x6c\x69\x62"]["\143\x6f\x64\145\x5f\63\66"] ? "\77\x76\75" . $movie_info["\152\141\166\154\x69\x62"]["\x63\x6f\144\x65\x5f\63\66"] : "\166\x6c\137\x73\x65\x61\x72\143\150\x62\x79\151\144\x2e\160\150\x70\x3f\153\145\171\167\x6f\162\x64\x3d" . $movie_info["\143\x65\156\x73\x6f\162\x65\144\137\x69\144"]; goto XPXQO; wDtia: if (count($res_star) < 1) { ?>
<?php } goto r2a_I; ME0oE: echo $movie_info["\155\x6f\166\151\145\x5f\164\151\x74\x6c\x65"]; goto TfBVL; n0SCp: ?>
"> <span style="color:#CC0000;"><?php goto fSwY4; MjGF9: $sh = ''; goto Dj5pZ; tmMMB: ?>
"> <span style="color:#CC0000;"><?php goto Tsfmg; Sv3Y2: echo $movie_info["\x72\145\x6c\x65\x61\163\x65\137\144\x61\x74\x65"]; goto p3Ruv; QMWNn: ?>
<script type="text/javascript">
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<h4 id="mag-submit-show" style="cursor: pointer;"> <span id="mag-submit-toggle" class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus"></span><?php goto xjUDF; yuKvX: foreach ($res_star as $key => $val) { ?>
<div id="star_<?php echo $val["\x63\157\144\145\x5f\x33\x36"]; ?>
" class="star-box star-box-common star-box-up idol-box" style="left: 1047px; top: 326px; position: fixed; display: none;">
<a href="censored?st=<?php echo $val["\143\157\x64\x65\137\x33\66"]; ?>
"><img dsrc="<?php echo $val["\x73\164\141\x72\x5f\160\x69\143"]; ?>
src = '{{$val['code_36']}}_a.jpg' title=""></a>
<div class="star-name"><a href="censored?st=<?php echo $val["\x63\157\144\145\137\63\x36"]; ?>
&mg=1<itle[]={{$val['star_name']}}" title="<?php echo $val["\x73\164\x61\162\x5f\x6e\x61\x6d\x65"]; ?>
"><?php echo $val["\163\164\141\x72\137\x6e\x61\x6d\x65"]; ?>
<?php } goto UH3Ux; un7Lq: foreach ($genre_config as $key => $val) { ?>
<a class="btn btn-mini-new <?php if (isset($genre_map[$key . "\137"])) { echo "\142\164\156\x2d\x77\x61\162\156\x69\156\x67\42\x20\x74\x69\x74\154\145\40\x3d\40\x22\345\x88\240\xe9\x99\xa4\347\xb1\xbb\345\x88\xab\xef\xbc\x9a" . $val . "\x20{$key}"; } else { echo "\142\164\x6e\x2d\x64\x65\x66\x61\x75\154\164\42\x20\x74\x69\164\154\x65\40\75\40\42\xe6\267\xbb\xe5\212\240\347\xb1\273\345\210\253\357\274\232" . $val . "\40{$key}"; } ?>
onclick="change_genre(this,'{{$key}}')" >{{$val}}</a>
<?php } goto PTl_w; PTl_w: ?>
<input type="text" class="kv-fa-heart rating-loading" value="{{$movie_info['favorite']}}" data-size="xs" title="">
<span class="header">:</span>
<?php goto qaWLn; MNOmb: ?>
<?php goto qrVmS; oDPJQ: echo $sh . $movie_info["\x63\x65\156\x73\x6f\x72\x65\x64\137\151\144"] . "\40" . $movie_info["\155\x6f\166\151\x65\137\x74\x69\x74\154\x65"]; goto QMWNn; G88E9: echo $pic_video; goto wOPPv; ypySc: ?>
"> <span ><?php goto dRK47; r2a_I: ?>
<?php goto v_AaW; FvU0J: ?>
"><?php goto ukO2j; RBJ9N: echo $movie_info["\x63\x65\156\163\157\x72\145\x64\137\x69\x64"]; goto E95FZ; YmVye: ?>
"><?php goto NovTM; L8GW3: ?>
<div id="sample-waterfall">
<?php goto Cw3oc; E95FZ: ?>
"> <span style="color:#CC0000;"><?php goto bLNSU; YfzWF: ?>
<a title=" {{$last_censored_id}}" href="movie?censored_id={{$last_censored_id}}"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left"></span> |</a><a
title=" {{$next_censored_id}}" href="movie?censored_id={{$next_censored_id}}"> <span style = "height:20px" class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right" ></span></a> <a href = '' title="// wait to do " > </a>
<a id = "a_img" class='blogjavimg' href = '' ></a>
<p><span class="header">:</span><a target="_blank" href="{{$url_config['btsourl']}}<?php goto RBJ9N; wOPPv: ?>
"> <span ><?php goto b8T3M; Cw3oc: $heade = str_replace("\x64\x69\147\x69\x74\x61\154\57", '', str_replace("\160\154\56\152\x70\147", '', $movie_info["\155\x6f\166\x69\145\x5f\160\151\x63\137\x63\x6f\166\145\162"])); goto FsZ1f; Dj5pZ: if ($movie_info["\x68\141\166\145\x5f\x66\151\154\145"] == 3) { $sh = "\74\x73\x70\x61\x6e\x20\163\164\x79\x6c\145\75\x22\x63\x6f\154\157\x72\72\x72\145\144\73\x22\x3e\133\xe5\xb7\xb2\346\x9c\211\346\226\x87\xe4\xbb\xb6\135\x3c\57\163\160\141\156\x3e"; } goto oDPJQ; Tsfmg: echo $movie_info["\x63\145\x6e\x73\157\x72\x65\x64\x5f\x69\x64"]; goto sieST; tFVDj: echo $sh . mb_substr($movie_info["\155\157\x76\151\145\137\164\151\164\x6c\x65"], 0, 70); goto JGb8D; JGb8D: ?>
<div class="row movie"><!-->
<div class="col-md-9 screencap">
<a class="bigImage" href="<?php goto D7yJA; uLYxa: foreach ($arr as $key => $val) { ?>
<?php if ($val) { ?>
<a class="sample-box" href="<?php echo $picurl . $val; ?>
" title="<?php echo $movie_info["\155\x6f\166\x69\x65\137\x74\151\x74\x6c\145"]; ?>
- -- 1">
<div class="photo-frame">
<img class="sample-img-load" src="<?php echo $picurl . str_replace("\x6a\160\55", "\55", $val); ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php } goto sUs4j; e5gFE: $arr = explode("\174", $movie_info["\163\x61\x6d\160\154\x65\x5f\144\x6d\155"]); goto uLYxa; QOAin: ?>
@if ($movie_info['Label'])
<p><span class="header">: </span><a href="censored?Label=<?php goto iJjTF; JtFqa: ?>
" >
<img class = "bigImagesrc" src="<?php goto i0Oon; zJsaz: $movie_info["\x73\x61\x6d\160\154\x65\137\144\155\x6d"] = $m ? $m : $movie_info["\x73\x61\x6d\160\x6c\145\137\x64\155\155"]; goto e5gFE; y13lp: $pic_video = $movie_info["\x6a\x61\x76\154\151\x62"]["\155\157\166\x69\145\137\x70\x69\143\137\143\x6f\166\x65\162"]; goto kNmgB; l6StH: foreach ($res_star as $key => $val) { ?>
<a class="avatar-box" href="censored?st=<?php echo $val["\x63\157\144\145\x5f\x33\66"]; ?>
<div class="photo-frame">
<img src="<?php echo str_replace("\57\144\x69\147\151\x74\x61\154\x2f\166\x69\x64\x65\x6f", '', $picurl) . "\57\x6d\x6f\156\157\57\x61\143\x74\x6a\x70\x67\163\57" . $val["\x73\x74\141\162\137\x70\151\x63"]; ?>
" dsrc = '{{$val['code_36']}}_a.jpg' title="">
<span><?php echo $val["\x73\164\x61\x72\137\156\141\x6d\145"]; ?>
<?php } goto GpL1A; lmLgA: echo $movie_info["\143\157\x64\x65\x5f\x33\x36"]; goto PkFOZ; GpL1A: ?>
<div class="clearfix"></div>
<div id="related-waterfall" class="mb20">
<?php goto ATRIz; dRK47: echo str_replace("\x5f\x64\x6d\x62\137\167\x2e\x6d\x70\x34", '', basename($pic_video)); goto tHY6V; NX7X0: $genre_map = array(); goto Jp5Tv; zhakP: ?>
@if ($movie_info['Studio'])
<p><span class="header">: </span><a href="censored?Studio=<?php goto j1961; CAhdG: ?>
@if ($movie_info['Series'])
<p><span class="header sphfont " >:</span><a target="_blank" href="censored?Series=<?php goto AU87V; ukO2j: echo $movie_info["\144\151\162\145\x63\x74\x6f\162\x5f\156\x61\x6d\145"]["\x64\151\x72\145\143\x74\x6f\x72\x5f\x6e\x61\x6d\145"]; goto zhakP; izOTc: if (isset($_GET["\x70\x69\143\165\162\154"])) { } goto iXFXh; JnyQv: ?>
@section('title', $movie_info['censored_id'].$movie_info['movie_title'])
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="avbook/movie.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="avbook/movie-box.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="avbook/star-rating.min.css" media="all" type="text/css"/>
<script src="avbook/star-rating.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
{{--<script src="avbook/themes/zh.js" type="text/javascript"></script>--}}
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{{--<script src="avbook/themes/krajee-fa/theme.js" type="text/javascript"></script>--}}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="avbook/font-awesome.min.css">
var censored_id = "{{$movie_info['censored_id']}}";
var gid = "{{$avbus->gid ?? ''}}";
var code_36 = "<?php goto lmLgA; iXFXh: if ($b == 1) { $picurl = "\x68\164\x74\160\x73\72\x2f\x2f\152\160\56\156\145\x74\x63\144\x6e\x2e\x73\x70\x61\143\145\x2f\x64\x69\147\151\x74\141\154\x2f\166\x69\x64\x65\157\57"; } elseif ($b == 2) { $picurl = "\150\164\164\160\x73\72\x2f\57\160\x69\143\x73\56\x64\155\x6d\x2e\x63\157\56\152\x70\x2f\x64\151\x67\x69\x74\141\x6c\x2f\166\151\x64\145\157\57"; } goto E2IxD; NovTM: echo $movie_info["\163\x74\165\144\151\157\x5f\x6e\x61\x6d\x65"]["\163\164\x75\144\151\x6f\x5f\156\141\x6d\x65"]; goto QOAin; UJZGr: echo $movie_info["\163\x65\162\x69\x65\x73\137\x6e\x61\x6d\x65"]["\x73\x65\162\151\145\x73\x5f\x6e\141\x6d\145"]; goto cJXHH; XPXQO: ?>
"> <span style=" "><?php goto o8g4d; ITNs2: $pic_video = $movie_info["\x6d\157\166\151\x65\137\x70\151\x63\x5f\x63\x6f\166\145\x72"]; goto hK1mC; Jp5Tv: ?>
<?php goto oJ2Ve; hK1mC: if (is_numeric(substr($pic_video, 0, 1))) { $pic_video = substr($pic_video, 0, strpos($pic_video, "\57")); $idx = strpos($pic_video, "\x30\60"); $pic_video = substr($pic_video, 0, $idx) . substr($pic_video, $idx + 2, strlen($pic_video) - $idx - 2); $pic_video = "{$pic_video}\57{$pic_video}\160\154\x2e\152\160\147"; } goto rGJC2; PkFOZ: ?>
var uc = 0;
var img = '';
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<table height="80" width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td height="40" align="center">
<div class="search-loading-text" id='addmsg'>s...</div>
<td height="40" align="center">
<img src="avbook/search_loading.gif" border="0">
<div class="container">
<?php goto N90co; NIB0F: echo $movie_info["\x63\x6f\x64\x65\137\63\x36"]; goto n0SCp; FtE51: echo $movie_info["\104\x69\162\145\x63\x74\x6f\x72"]; goto FvU0J; bLNSU: echo $movie_info["\x63\x65\156\163\157\162\145\144\137\x69\144"]; goto ZB14n; o5oLA: ?>
"><?php goto UJZGr; rGJC2: $pic_video = substr($pic_video, 0, 1) . "\x2f" . substr($pic_video, 0, 3) . "\57" . str_replace("\160\154\x2e\152\160\x67", "\x5f\x64\155\x62\137\x77\56\155\x70\x34", $pic_video); goto G88E9; OJAqr: ?>
@if ($movie_info['Director'])
<p><span class="header">:</span> <a href="censored?director=<?php goto FtE51; o8g4d: echo $movie_info["\143\x65\156\163\157\x72\x65\144\x5f\151\144"] . "\x28{$movie_info["\152\x61\x76\x6c\151\x62"]["\165\x73\x65\162\x73\157\x77\x6e\x65\144"]}\51\x28{$movie_info["\x6a\x61\166\x6c\151\142"]["\x75\163\x65\x72\x73\167\x61\x6e\x74\x65\144"]}\x29\x28{$movie_info["\152\141\x76\x6c\151\142"]["\x75\163\x65\x72\163\x77\141\x74\x63\150\x65\144"]}\51"; goto vDM2L; P_60v: echo $movie_info["\x63\145\156\x73\157\162\145\144\137\x69\x64"]; goto tmMMB; UH3Ux: ?>
<?php goto wDtia; LbRyr: ?>
<a class="btn btn-mini-new btn-default" title = " {{$movie_info['visited']}} "
onclick="change_state('visited','0');$(this).html(0);" >{{$movie_info['visited']}}</a>
<p class="star-show">
<span class="header" style="cursor: pointer;"></span>:
<span id="star-toggle" class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus" style="cursor: pointer;"></span>
<?php goto yuKvX; i0Oon: echo $picurl . $movie_info["\x6d\157\x76\x69\145\x5f\x70\151\x63\137\x63\x6f\x76\145\x72"]; goto ZPwOk; JY3Bq: echo $movie_info["\x6c\x61\142\145\x6c\x5f\156\141\155\145"]["\154\141\x62\x65\154\137\156\141\155\145"]; goto CAhdG; xjUDF: if ($movie_info["\x6f\167\x6e\145\x64"] == 1 || $movie_info["\x68\141\x76\x65\x5f\x66\x69\x6c\145"] == 3 || $movie_info["\x68\x61\x76\145\137\146\x69\x6c\145"] == 1) { ?>
<a class="btn btn-mini-new btn-danger disabled " ></a>
<?php } goto MNOmb; v_AaW: foreach ($res_star as $key => $val) { ?>
<span class="genre" onmouseover="hoverdiv(event,'star_<?php echo $val["\143\x6f\144\x65\137\63\66"]; ?>
')" onmouseout="hoverdiv(event,'star_<?php echo $val["\143\x6f\x64\145\137\63\66"]; ?>
<a href="censored?st=<?php echo $val["\143\x6f\144\145\137\x33\66"]; ?>
&mg=1<itle[]={{$val['star_name']}}"><?php echo $val["\163\x74\141\x72\137\x6e\x61\x6d\145"]; ?>
<?php } goto L8GW3; sieST: ?>
<p><span class="header">avmoo:</span><a target="_blank" href="https://{{$url_config['avmoohost']}}/cn/movie/<?php goto NIB0F; LpA0I: ?>
"><?php goto JY3Bq; XXUDT: ?>
<div class="col-md-3 info i4444">
<div id="related-waterfall2" class="mb20">
function change_genre(obj,s){
var t = "/api/change_genre?Genre="+s+"&code_36="+code_36 ;
var obj = $(obj);
url: t,
type: "GET",
success: function(res) {
// $("a[datagenre='"+s+"']").remove()
// location.reload()
function change_state(key,value,objs){
var t = "/api/change_state?statekey="+key+"&statevalue="+value +"&code_36="+code_36 ;
var obj = $(objs);
url: t,
type: "GET",
success: function(res) {
if (!objs)
type: 'image',
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closeBtnInside: false,
fixedContentPos: true,
mainClass: 'mfp-no-margins mfp-with-zoom',
image: {
verticalFit: true,
titleSrc: function(item) {
return 'fg';
zoom: {
enabled: true,
duration: 300
var config ={
delegate: 'a',
type: 'image',
closeOnContentClick: false,
closeBtnInside: false,
mainClass: 'mfp-with-zoom mfp-img-mobile ',
image: {
verticalFit: true,
titleSrc: function(item) {
return '<?php goto ME0oE; p3Ruv: ?>
@if ( $movie_info['movie_length'])
<span class="header">:</span><?php goto N5pdO; AU87V: echo $movie_info["\x53\145\162\151\145\x73"]; goto o5oLA; ka1Zq: foreach ($state_config as $key => $val) { ?>
<a class="btn btn-mini-new btncl-{{$key}} <?php if ($movie_info[$key] > 0) { echo "\142\164\x6e\55\163\165\143\143\x65\x73\x73\x22\x20\x74\151\164\154\145\x20\75\40\42\345\210\xa0\xe9\x99\xa4\xe7\x8a\266\xe6\200\201\xef\xbc\232" . $val[0] . "\40{$key}\x20" . $val[1]; } else { echo "\x62\x74\156\x2d\x64\x65\146\141\x75\154\164\42\x20\x74\151\164\x6c\x65\40\75\x20\42\346\xb7\xbb\345\212\240\xe7\212\266\xe6\x80\x81\357\274\x9a" . $val[0] . "\40{$key}\40" . $val[1]; } $newstate = !$movie_info[$key]; ?>
onclick="change_state('{{$key}}','{{$newstate}}',this)" >{{$val[0]}}</a>
<?php } goto LbRyr; iJjTF: echo $movie_info["\x4c\x61\142\x65\154"]; goto LpA0I; E2IxD: ?>
{{--<h3 >
@include('itemtag', ['movie_info' => $movie_info])
<?php goto ttAd_; fSwY4: echo $movie_info["\143\145\156\x73\x6f\x72\145\144\x5f\151\144"]; goto R4Mo0; nxCrA: echo $movie_info["\x63\x65\156\x73\x6f\x72\x65\x64\x5f\151\144"]; goto YfzWF; qaWLn: $state_config = array("\x77\x61\156\x74\x65\144" => array("\xe6\x83\xb3\350\246\x81\347\x9a\204", "\x28\346\xb2\241\xe6\x9c\211\350\265\x84\xe6\xba\x90\40\346\234\x89\xe8\xb5\x84\xe6\xba\220\xe6\x97\240\xe6\xb3\225\344\270\x8b\xe8\xbd\xbd\x29"), "\x77\141\x74\x63\x68\x65\144" => array("\xe5\xb7\262\347\234\213\xe8\xbf\x87", ''), "\x6f\167\156\145\x64" => array("\xe5\267\xb2\xe6\213\xa5\xe6\x9c\211", '')); goto ka1Zq; zt5fL: ?>
<a target="_blank" href="<?php goto y13lp; cJXHH: ?>
<span class="header">: </span>
<?php goto NX7X0; ATRIz: foreach ($res_more as $key => $val) { ?>
<a title="<?php echo $val["\x6d\x6f\x76\x69\x65\137\x74\x69\x74\154\145"]; ?>
" class="movie-box" href="/movie?censored_id=<?php echo $val["\x63\x65\156\x73\157\x72\145\144\137\x69\144"]; ?>
&id=<?php echo $val["\143\x6f\144\145\x5f\x33\x36"]; ?>
" style="display:inline-block; margin:5px;">
<div class="photo-frame">
<img src="<?php echo $picurl . str_replace("\x70\154\x2e\x6a\x70\147", "\x70\x73\x2e\152\160\x67", $val["\155\x6f\x76\151\145\x5f\160\151\143\137\143\157\166\145\x72"]); ?>
<div class="photo-info" style="height:36px; overflow:hidden; text-align:center;">
<span><?php echo $val["\143\145\x6e\x73\x6f\162\145\144\137\x69\x64"]; ?>
</span> @include('itemtag', ['movie_info' => $val])
<?php } goto XXUDT; SBZxC: ?>
<span class="header">:</span>
<?php goto un7Lq; N90co: $b = 1; goto izOTc; ttAd_: $sh = ''; goto nz6PA; N5pdO: echo $movie_info["\155\157\x76\151\145\137\154\145\x6e\x67\x74\x68"]; goto OJAqr; D7yJA: echo $picurl . $movie_info["\x6d\157\x76\x69\145\x5f\160\151\143\137\143\157\x76\x65\x72"]; goto JtFqa; vDM2L: ?>
<!-- //
<p><span class="header">:</span>
<a target="_blank" href="<?php goto ITNs2; qrVmS: if ($movie_info["\150\x61\166\x65\x5f\x66\151\154\145"] != 0) { ?>
<a class="btn btn-mini-new btn-primary disabled " ><?php echo $movie_info["\x68\141\x76\145\x5f\146\x69\x6c\145"]; ?>
<?php } goto lRboj; ZB14n: ?>
<p><span class="header">javbus:</span><a target="_blank" href="https://{{$url_config['javbushost']}}/<?php goto P_60v; kT38_: if ($movie_info["\163\141\x6d\x70\x6c\145\x5f\144\155\x6d"] == 0) { for ($i = 0; $i < 21; $i++) { $a = $heade . "\152\160\x2d" . $i . "\56\x6a\160\147"; $m = $m . "\174" . $a; } } elseif (strlen($movie_info["\163\x61\155\160\154\145\137\144\x6d\x6d"]) < 10) { for ($i = 1; $i < intval($movie_info["\163\x61\x6d\160\x6c\x65\x5f\x64\x6d\155"]) + 1; $i++) { $a = $heade . "\x6a\x70\55" . $i . "\x2e\152\160\x67"; $m = $m . "\x7c" . $a; } } goto zJsaz; ZPwOk: ?>
<!-- onerror="this.src='avbook/cheshen.jpg'"
<a title=" {{$last_censored_id}}" href="movie?censored_id={{$last_censored_id}}"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left"></span>=== </a><a
title=" {{$next_censored_id}}" href="movie?censored_id={{$next_censored_id}}"> ===<span style = "height:20px" class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right" ></span></a>
<span title="" value="" class="mypointer favicon" style="color:#777; font-size: 18px;"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-heart-empty"></span></span>
<div class="col-md-3 info">
<p><span class="header">:</span><a href="{{url()->full()}}"><span style="color:#CC0000;"><?php goto nxCrA; j1961: echo $movie_info["\123\164\165\144\x69\157"]; goto YmVye; oJ2Ve: foreach ($res_genre as $key => $val) { ?>
<span class="genre"><a datagenre= "{{$val['genre_code']}}" href="censored?gc[]=<?php echo $val["\x67\x65\x6e\x72\x65\137\143\x6f\x64\145"]; ?>
&mg=1<itle[]={{$val['genre_dsce']}}"><?php echo $val["\147\145\156\162\145\137\144\163\x63\x65"]; ?>
<?php $genre_map[$val["\x67\x65\x6e\x72\x65\137\143\x6f\144\x65"] . "\137"] = 1; ?>
<?php } goto SBZxC; b8T3M: echo str_replace("\x5f\x64\155\142\x5f\167\x2e\155\x70\x34", '', basename($pic_video)); goto zt5fL; R4Mo0: ?>
<p><span class="header">javlibrary:</span>
<a target="_blank" href="http://{{$url_config['javlibhost']}}/cn/<?php goto jP5V2; nz6PA: if ($movie_info["\157\167\x6e\x65\144"] == 1) { $sh = "\74\141\40\x63\x6c\x61\163\x73\x3d\x22\x62\164\156\40\x62\x74\x6e\x2d\155\151\x6e\151\55\x6e\x65\x77\40\x62\x74\x6e\x2d\144\141\x6e\x67\145\x72\40\x64\151\163\141\x62\x6c\x65\144\x20\40\42\x20\x20\x3e\xe5\267\xb2\346\213\245\xe6\x9c\211\74\x2f\x61\76"; } goto tFVDj; tHY6V: ?>
@if ($movie_info['release_date'])
<span class="header">:</span><?php goto Sv3Y2; FsZ1f: $m = ''; goto kT38_; C2YET: echo $pic_video; goto ypySc; kNmgB: $pic_video = substr($pic_video, 0, 1) . "\57" . substr($pic_video, 0, 3) . "\57" . str_replace("\160\154\x2e\x6a\160\x67", "\x5f\144\155\x62\x5f\167\x2e\155\160\x34", $pic_video); goto C2YET; sUs4j: ?>
<a title=" {{$last_censored_id}}" href="movie?censored_id={{$last_censored_id}}"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left"></span> </a><a
title=" {{$next_censored_id}}" href="movie?censored_id={{$next_censored_id}}"> <span style = "height:20px" class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right" ></span></a>
<?php goto MjGF9; lRboj: ?>
<div id="mag-submit" class="movie" style="padding:30px 20px 30px 5px;">
<div id="mag-submit-hide" class="close" style="margin:-25px -13px 0 0;"></div>
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<div class="input-group">
<div class="input-group-addon">magnet:</div>
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<div id="movie-loading" style="display: none;">
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<font class="ajax-text"><img src="avbook/movie_loading.gif" border="0"></font>
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<a href="" class="btn btn-lg btn-primary btn-block" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-play"></span> </a>
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<a href="" class="btn btn-lg btn-warning btn-block" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-save"></span> </a>
<div id="star-div">
<h4 id="star-hide" style="cursor: pointer;"> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-minus"></span></h4>
<div id="avatar-waterfall">
<?php goto l6StH; TfBVL: ?>
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Function Calls
None |
MD5 | e83b70227cc437b94e6381ab6aac5e85 |
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Decode Time | 119 ms |