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PHP Decode

<?php /** * SEOstats Example - Get Social Network Metrics * * @package SEOstats * @..

Decoded Output download

 * SEOstats Example - Get Social Network Metrics
 * @package    SEOstats
 * @author     Stephan Schmitz <[email protected]>
 * @copyright  Copyright (c) 2010 - present Stephan Schmitz
 * @license  MIT License
 * @updated    2013/12/17

// NOTE: The given path to the autoload.php assumes that you installed SEOstats via composer 
// and copied this example file from ./vendor/seostats/seostats/example/example.php to ./example.php
// If you did NOT installed SEOstats via composer but instead downloaded the zip file from, 
// you need to follow this steps:
// 1. Comment-in line 24 (remove hash char "#") and comment-out line 25 (prepend hash char "#")
// 2. Copy this example file (and the others) from ./example/example.php to ./example.php
// For further reference see:

// Bootstrap the library / register autoloader
#require_once realpath(__DIR__ . '/SEOstats/bootstrap.php');
require_once realpath(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

use \SEOstats\Services\Social as Social;

try {
    $url = '';

    // Create a new SEOstats instance.
    $seostats = new \SEOstats\SEOstats;

    // Bind the URL to the current SEOstats instance.
    if ($seostats->setUrl($url)) {

        echo "Social network metrics for " . $url . PHP_EOL;

         *  Get the total count of +1s for $url on Google+.
        echo "Google+ Shares:          " .
            Social::getGooglePlusShares() . PHP_EOL;

         *  Get the total count of mentions of $url on Twitter.
        echo "Twitter Shares:          " .
            Social::getTwitterShares() . PHP_EOL;

         *  Get interaction counts (shares, likes, comments, clicks) for $url on Facebook.
        echo "Facebook Shares:         ";

         *  Get the total count of shares for $url via VKontakte.
        echo "VKontakte Shares:        " .
            Social::getVKontakteShares() . PHP_EOL;

         *  Get the total count of shares for $url via Pinterest.
        echo "Pinterest Shares:        " .
            Social::getPinterestShares() . PHP_EOL;

         *  Get the total count of shares for $url via LinkedIn.
        echo "LinkedIn Shares:         " .
            Social::getLinkedInShares() . PHP_EOL;

         *  Get interaction counts (shares, comments, clicks, reach) for host of $url on Xing.
        echo "Xing Shares:             ";

         *  Get the total count of shares for $url via Delicious.
        echo "Delicious Shares:        " .
            Social::getDeliciousShares() . PHP_EOL;

         *  Get the Top10 tags for $url from Delicious.
        echo "Xing Shares:             ";

         *  Get the total count of shares for $url via Digg.
        echo "Digg Shares:             " .
            Social::getDiggShares() . PHP_EOL;

         *  Get the total count of shares for $url via StumpleUpon.
        echo "StumpleUpon Shares:      " .
            Social::getStumbleUponShares() . PHP_EOL;
catch (\Exception $e) {
    echo 'Caught SEOstatsException: ' .  $e->getMessage();

Did this file decode correctly?

Original Code

 * SEOstats Example - Get Social Network Metrics
 * @package    SEOstats
 * @author     Stephan Schmitz <[email protected]>
 * @copyright  Copyright (c) 2010 - present Stephan Schmitz
 * @license  MIT License
 * @updated    2013/12/17

// NOTE: The given path to the autoload.php assumes that you installed SEOstats via composer 
// and copied this example file from ./vendor/seostats/seostats/example/example.php to ./example.php
// If you did NOT installed SEOstats via composer but instead downloaded the zip file from, 
// you need to follow this steps:
// 1. Comment-in line 24 (remove hash char "#") and comment-out line 25 (prepend hash char "#")
// 2. Copy this example file (and the others) from ./example/example.php to ./example.php
// For further reference see:

// Bootstrap the library / register autoloader
#require_once realpath(__DIR__ . '/SEOstats/bootstrap.php');
require_once realpath(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

use \SEOstats\Services\Social as Social;

try {
    $url = '';

    // Create a new SEOstats instance.
    $seostats = new \SEOstats\SEOstats;

    // Bind the URL to the current SEOstats instance.
    if ($seostats->setUrl($url)) {

        echo "Social network metrics for " . $url . PHP_EOL;

         *  Get the total count of +1s for $url on Google+.
        echo "Google+ Shares:          " .
            Social::getGooglePlusShares() . PHP_EOL;

         *  Get the total count of mentions of $url on Twitter.
        echo "Twitter Shares:          " .
            Social::getTwitterShares() . PHP_EOL;

         *  Get interaction counts (shares, likes, comments, clicks) for $url on Facebook.
        echo "Facebook Shares:         ";

         *  Get the total count of shares for $url via VKontakte.
        echo "VKontakte Shares:        " .
            Social::getVKontakteShares() . PHP_EOL;

         *  Get the total count of shares for $url via Pinterest.
        echo "Pinterest Shares:        " .
            Social::getPinterestShares() . PHP_EOL;

         *  Get the total count of shares for $url via LinkedIn.
        echo "LinkedIn Shares:         " .
            Social::getLinkedInShares() . PHP_EOL;

         *  Get interaction counts (shares, comments, clicks, reach) for host of $url on Xing.
        echo "Xing Shares:             ";

         *  Get the total count of shares for $url via Delicious.
        echo "Delicious Shares:        " .
            Social::getDeliciousShares() . PHP_EOL;

         *  Get the Top10 tags for $url from Delicious.
        echo "Xing Shares:             ";

         *  Get the total count of shares for $url via Digg.
        echo "Digg Shares:             " .
            Social::getDiggShares() . PHP_EOL;

         *  Get the total count of shares for $url via StumpleUpon.
        echo "StumpleUpon Shares:      " .
            Social::getStumbleUponShares() . PHP_EOL;
catch (\Exception $e) {
    echo 'Caught SEOstatsException: ' .  $e->getMessage();

Function Calls





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Eval Count 0
Decode Time 89 ms