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PHP Decode

<?php if (!defined('_INDEX_')) define('_INDEX_', true); if ($config['cf_theme'] !== 'p..

Decoded Output download

if (!defined('_INDEX_')) define('_INDEX_', true); 
if ($config['cf_theme'] !== 'premium') { 
	sql_query(" update {$g5['config_table']} set cf_theme = 'premium' "); 
if ($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] == '' || $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] == '' || $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] == ''  || $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] == '' || $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] == ''|| $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] == '') { 
} else { 
if ($_GET['entraModi'] == 'origin') { 
	setcookie('entraModi', 'origin', time() + 360000, '/'); 
} else { 
	if (isset($_COOKIE['entraModi'])) { 
        setcookie('entraModi', null, -1, '/'); 
if (isset($_COOKIE['entraModi']) && $_COOKIE['entraModi'] === 'origin' || $_GET['entraModi'] == 'origin') { 
$isOrigin = "origin"; 
} else { 
$isOrigin = "modify"; 
if (!$langCode) {  
	$langCode = ''; 
	if (strpos($board['bo_table'], 'en_') === 0) { 
		$langCode = 'en'; 
	} else { 
		$langCode = ''; 
$lang_link1 = (empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? 'http' : 'https') . "://$_SERVER[HTTP_HOST]"; 
$lang_link2 = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; 
$lang_link2 = str_replace("/en","",$lang_link2); 
$lang_link2 = str_replace("/cn","",$lang_link2); 
if ($bo_table) { 
$lang_link2 = str_replace("bo_table=en_","bo_table=",$lang_link2); 
$lang_link2 = str_replace("bo_table=cn_","bo_table=",$lang_link2); 
$lang_link['kr'] = $lang_link1.$lang_link2; 
$lang_link['en'] = $lang_link1."/en".$lang_link2; 
$lang_link['cn'] = $lang_link1."/cn".$lang_link2; 
if ($bo_table) { 
$lang_link['en'] = str_replace("bo_table=","bo_table=en_",$lang_link['en']); 
$lang_link['cn'] = str_replace("bo_table=","bo_table=cn_",$lang_link['cn']); 
function sanitize_output($buffer) { // html minify 
    $search = array( 
        '/\;[^\S ]+/s',     // ; js    
        '/\}[^\S ]+/s',     // ; css    
        '/\>[^\S ]+/s',     // strip whitespaces after tags, except space 
        '/[^\S ]+\</s',     // strip whitespaces before tags, except space 
        '/(\s)+/s',         // shorten multiple whitespace sequences 
        '/<!--(.|\s)*?-->/' // Remove HTML comments 
    $replace = array( 
    $buffer = preg_replace($search, $replace, $buffer); 
    return $buffer; 
$entra = array(); 
$entra['asset_ver'] = time(); // js, css  
$entra['path']['theme'] = G5_THEME_PATH; 
if (!$langCode) { 
$entra['path']['content'] =  $entra['path']['theme'].'/contents'; 
} else { 
$entra['path']['content'] =  $entra['path']['theme'].'/contents_'.$langCode; 
$entra['path']['download'] =  G5_THEME_PATH.'/exam-data'; //   
$entra['url']['domain'] = ""; 
$entra['url']['root'] = G5_URL; 
$entra['url']['theme'] = G5_THEME_URL; 
$entra['url']['content'] = $entra['url']['theme'].'/contents'; 
$entra['url']['img'] = G5_URL.'/images'; 
$entra['url']['css'] = $entra['url']['theme'].'/css'; 
$entra['url']['js'] = $entra['url']['theme'].'/js'; 
$entra['url']['plugin'] = G5_URL.'/entra-plugin'; 
$entra['url']['download'] = G5_URL.'/exam-data'; //   
$entra['com']['email'] = $config['cf_admin_email']; 
$entra['mail']['smtp_email'] = '[email protected]'; 
if (in_array($board['bo_table'], ['schedule','exam_location'])) { 
$gr_code = "3"; 
$gr_title = ""; 
$visual_title = ""; 
$visual_copy = ""; 
} else if (in_array($board['bo_table'], ['notice'])) { 
$gr_code = "5"; 
$gr_title = ""; 
$visual_title = ""; 
$visual_copy = ""; 
} else if (in_array($board['bo_table'], ['exam_registration'])) { 
$gr_code = "6"; 
$gr_title = ""; 
$visual_title = ""; 
$visual_copy = ""; 
if (in_array($board['bo_table'], ['en_news','en_footage'])) { 
$gr_code = "4"; 
$gr_title = "Media Center"; 
$visual_title = "Media Center"; 
$visual_copy = "Actively Cultivating Positive Energy for the Environment"; 
} else if (in_array($board['bo_table'], ['en_buy'])) { 
$gr_code = "5"; 
$gr_title = "Product Inquiry"; 
$visual_title = "Product Inquiry"; 
$visual_copy = "Actively Cultivating Positive Energy for the Environment"; 
} else if (in_array($board['bo_table'], ['en_qna'])) { 
$gr_code = "6"; 
$gr_title = "ENQUIRY "; 
$visual_title = "ENQUIRY "; 
$board[bo_subject] = "ENQUIRY "; 
$visual_copy = "Actively Cultivating Positive Energy for the Environment"; 
if ($board['bo_table']) { 
$pg_code = $board['bo_order']; 
$pg_title= $board['bo_subject']; 
$pg_title_en= $board['bo_1_subj']; 
$is_board_wapper =true; 
$yoil = array("","","","","","",""); 
$file_name_now =basename($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); 
$file_name_array_member = array("login.php", "member_confirm.php", "member_cert_refresh.php", "password_lost.php", "password_reset.php", "register.php", "register_email.php", "register_form.php", "register_result.php");  //      
if (in_array($file_name_now, $file_name_array_member)) { 
$gr_code = "90"; 
$gr_title = "Member"; 
$visual_title = "Member"; 
$is_board_wapper =true; 
$file_name_array3 = array("login.php");  //      
if (in_array($file_name_now, $file_name_array3)) { 
$pg_code = "12"; 
$pg_title = "Member Login"; 
$pg_title_en = "KEEC"; 
$is_board_wapper =true; 
$file_name_array3 = array("register.php");  //      
if (in_array($file_name_now, $file_name_array3)) { 
$pg_code = "11"; 
$pg_title = "Member Join"; 
$pg_title_en = "KEEC"; 
$is_board_wapper =true; 
$file_name_array3 = array("register_form.php");  //      
if (in_array($file_name_now, $file_name_array3)) { 
$pg_code = "11"; 
if ($w=='u') $pg_title = ""; 
else  $pg_title = ""; 
$is_board_wapper =true; 
$file_name_array3 = array("register_result.php");  //      
if (in_array($file_name_now, $file_name_array3)) { 
$pg_code = "11"; 
$pg_title = " "; 
$pg_title_en = "KEEC"; 
$is_board_wapper =true; 
$file_name_array2 = array("search.php");  //      
if (in_array($file_name_now, $file_name_array2)) { 
$pg_title = ""; 
$is_board_wapper =true; 
if (in_array($gr_code, ['999','99990','99993'])) { 
	$isStick = " entra-hstick-wrap"; 
if ($gr_code !== 'index') { 
$g5['body_script'] = $g5['body_script'].' class="entra-sub entra-sub'.$gr_code.'"'; 
$g5['body_script'] = $g5['body_script'].' id="entrance"'; 
$file_path = $entra['path']['content'].'/_doc_privacy.php'; 
$file_content = file_get_contents($file_path); 
$plain_text = strip_tags($file_content); 
$config['cf_stipulation'] =  $plain_text; 
if ($langCode == 'en') { 
function get_board_sfl_select_options_en($sfl){ 
    global $is_admin; 
    $str = ''; 
    $str .= '<option value="wr_subject" '.get_selected($sfl, 'wr_subject', true).'>Title</option>'; 
    $str .= '<option value="wr_content" '.get_selected($sfl, 'wr_content').'>Content</option>'; 
    $str .= '<option value="wr_subject||wr_content" '.get_selected($sfl, 'wr_subject||wr_content').'>Title+Content</option>'; 
    if ( $is_admin ){ 
        $str .= '<option value="mb_id,1" '.get_selected($sfl, 'mb_id,1').'>ID</option>'; 
        $str .= '<option value="mb_id,0" '.get_selected($sfl, 'mb_id,0').'>ID(Comment)</option>'; 
    $str .= '<option value="wr_name,1" '.get_selected($sfl, 'wr_name,1').'>Author</option>'; 
    $str .= '<option value="wr_name,0" '.get_selected($sfl, 'wr_name,0').'>Author(Comment)</option>'; 
    return run_replace('get_board_sfl_select_options', $str, $sfl); 
function get_qa_sfl_select_options_en($sfl) { 
    global $is_admin; 
    $str = ''; 
    $str .= '<option value="qa_subject" '.get_selected($sfl, 'qa_subject', true).'>Title</option>'; 
    $str .= '<option value="qa_content" '.get_selected($sfl, 'qa_content').'>Content</option>'; 
    $str .= '<option value="qa_name" '.get_selected($sfl, 'qa_name').'>Author</option>'; 
    if ($is_admin) 
        $str .= '<option value="mb_id" '.get_selected($sfl, 'mb_id').'>ID</option>'; 
    return run_replace('get_qa_sfl_select_options', $str, $sfl); 
} //if ($langCode == 'en') { 
$config['cf_captcha_mp3'] = "entra_basic"; 
if ($langCode == 'en') { 
$config['cf_captcha_mp3'] = "entra_english"; 
// keec      
//$with_price = 1      _exam_price         
/* echo   
function get_exam_info($key, $exam_mapping, $with_price = 0) { 
    if (isset($exam_mapping[$key])) { 
        $name = $exam_mapping[$key]['name']; 
        $price = number_format($exam_mapping[$key]['price']); 
        if ($with_price == 1) { 
	        echo "$key999$name - $price "; 
        } else { 
	        echo "$key999$name"; 
    } else { 
        // TKT    
        foreach ($exam_mapping['TKT'] as $sub_value) { 
            if ($sub_value['name'] === $key) { 
                $name = "TKT Module " . explode(" ", $sub_value['name'])[1]; 
                $price = number_format($sub_value['price']); 
	        if ($with_price == 1) { 
		        echo "$key999$name - $price "; 
	        } else { 
		        echo "$key999$name"; 
        echo "   ."; 
echo   */  
function get_exam_info($key, $exam_mapping, $with_price = 0) { 
    if (isset($exam_mapping[$key])) { 
        $name = $exam_mapping[$key]['name']; 
        $price = number_format($exam_mapping[$key]['price']); 
        if ($with_price == 1) { 
            return "$key999$name - $price "; 
        } else { 
            return "$key999$name"; 
    } else { 
        // TKT    
        foreach ($exam_mapping['TKT'] as $sub_value) { 
            if ($sub_value['name'] === $key) { 
                $name = "TKT Module " . explode(" ", $sub_value['name'])[1]; 
                $price = number_format($sub_value['price']); 
                if ($with_price == 1) { 
                    return "$key999$name - $price "; 
                } else { 
                    return "$key999$name"; 
        return "   ."; 
function get_exam_price($var2, $exam_mapping) { 
    if (isset($exam_mapping[$var2])) { 
        return $exam_mapping[$var2]['price']; 
    } else { 
        foreach ($exam_mapping['TKT'] as $sub_exam) { 
            if ($sub_exam['name'] === $var2) { 
                return $sub_exam['price']; 
    return null; //     null  
function calculateAge($birthdate) { 
    $birthTimestamp = strtotime($birthdate); 
    $currentTimestamp = strtotime(date("Y-m-d")); 
    $ageInSeconds = $currentTimestamp - $birthTimestamp; 
    $ageInYears = floor($ageInSeconds / (365 * 24 * 60 * 60)); 
    return $ageInYears; 
function get_edu_select($this_bo_table = '') 
    global $g5, $board, $write, $examDate, $yoil; 
    $str = ''; 
    if ($this_bo_table) { 
        $sqlz = "select DATE(wr_1) AS exam_date from {$g5['write_prefix']}{$this_bo_table} where wr_is_comment = 0 and wr_1 > NOW() and wr_3 > NOW() group by exam_date order by wr_1 asc"; 
        $resultz = sql_query($sqlz); 
        $has_results = false; 
        for ($z = 0; $rowz = sql_fetch_array($resultz); $z++) { 
            if (!$rowz['exam_date']) continue; 
            $has_results = true;  //      
            //$str .= "<option value=\"".date('Y-m-d', strtotime($rowz['wr_1']))."\""; 
            $str .= "<option value=\"{$rowz['exam_date']}\""; 
            if ($rowz['exam_date'] == $write['wr_subject'] || $rowz['exam_date'] == $examDate) { 
                $str .= ' selected="selected"'; 
            //$str .= ">".date('Y-m-d', strtotime($rowz['wr_1']))."(".$yoil[date('w', strtotime($rowz['wr_1']))].")</option>
            $str .= ">".$rowz['exam_date']."(".$yoil[date('w', strtotime($rowz['exam_date']))].")</option>
        //      (  ) 
        if (!$has_results) { 
            $str .= "<option value=\"\" disabled>   .</option>
    return $str; 
function get_edu_select($this_bo_table = '') 
    global $g5, $board, $write, $examDate, $examPlace, $yoil; 
    $str = ''; 
    if ($this_bo_table) { 
        //$sqlz = "select DATE(wr_1) AS exam_date from {$g5['write_prefix']}{$this_bo_table} where wr_is_comment = 0 and wr_1 > NOW() and wr_3 > NOW() group by exam_date order by wr_1 asc"; 
        $sqlz = "select DATE(wr_1) AS exam_date, wr_content AS exam_place from {$g5['write_prefix']}{$this_bo_table} where wr_is_comment = 0 and wr_1 > NOW() and wr_3 > NOW() order by wr_1 asc"; 
        $resultz = sql_query($sqlz); 
        $has_results = false; 
        for ($z = 0; $rowz = sql_fetch_array($resultz); $z++) { 
            if (!$rowz['exam_date']) continue; 
            $has_results = true;  //      
            //$str .= "<option value=\"".date('Y-m-d', strtotime($rowz['wr_1']))."\""; 
            $str .= "<option value=\"{$rowz['exam_date']}\""; 
            $str .= " data-place=\"{$rowz['exam_place']}\""; 
            if ( ($rowz['exam_date'] == $write['wr_subject'] || $rowz['exam_date'] == $examDate) && ($rowz['exam_place'] == $write['wr_facebook_user'] || $rowz['exam_place'] == $examPlace)  ) { 
                $str .= ' selected="selected"'; 
            //$str .= ">".date('Y-m-d', strtotime($rowz['wr_1']))."(".$yoil[date('w', strtotime($rowz['wr_1']))].")</option>
            $str .= ">".$rowz['exam_date']."(".$yoil[date('w', strtotime($rowz['exam_date']))].") - ".$rowz['exam_place']."</option>
        //      (  ) 
        if (!$has_results) { 
            $str .= "<option value=\"\" disabled>   .</option>
    return $str; 
if ($bo_table == "exam_registration") { 
	$config['cf_page_rows'] = '100'; 
	$board['bo_page_rows'] = '100'; 
	$board['bo_use_list_content'] = 1; 
// ok   ================================================= 
function munja_remain_check($msg_type) { 
$host = ""; 
$data = array(); 
$data['remote_id'] = "beltenglish"; //  
$data['remote_pass'] = "belt202~"; //  
$data['remote_request'] = $msg_type; 
$path      = "/Remote/RemoteCheck.html"; 
$host_url = $host.$path; 
$curl = curl_init(); 
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $host_url); 
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); 
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 10); 
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); 
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($data)); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true); 
$return = curl_exec($curl); curl_close($curl); 
return $return; 
}//         end fuction 
function munja_send($mtype, $name, $phone, $msg, $callback, $contents, $reserve="", $reserve_time="", $etc1="", $etc2="") { 
	$host = ""; 
	$data = array(); 
	$data['remote_id'] = "beltenglish"; //   
	$data['remote_pass'] = "belt202~"; //   
	$data['remote_reserve'] = $reserve; 
	$data['remote_reservetime'] = $reserve_time; 
	$data['remote_name'] = $name; 
	$data['remote_phone'] = $phone; 
	$data['remote_callback'] = $callback; 
	$data['remote_subject'] = "()  "; //    
	$data['remote_msg'] = $msg; 
	$data['remote_contents'] = $contents; 
	$data['remote_etc1'] = $etc1; 
	$data['remote_etc2'] = $etc2; 
	if (empty($mtype)) $mtype = "sms"; 
	if ($mtype == "lms" || $mtype == "mms") { 
	  $path = "/Remote/RemoteMms.html"; 
	} else { 
	  $path = "/Remote/RemoteSms.html"; 
	$host_url = $host.$path; 
	$curl = curl_init(); 
	curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $host_url); 
	curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); 
	curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 10); 
	curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); 
	curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($data)); 
	curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true); 
	$return = curl_exec($curl); 
	return $return; 
} // end function 
$sms_callback = "02-3431-8202"; // 
// ok   ================================================= 
//      ,     
function capitalizeWords($value) { 
    //    ,       
    $words = explode(' ', $value); 
    $capitalizedWords = array_map(function($word) { 
        return ucfirst(strtolower($word)); 
    }, $words); 
    return implode(' ', $capitalizedWords); 
function isValidPhoneNumber($phoneNumber) { 
    $pattern = '/^(01[0-9])-(\d{3,4})-(\d{4})$/'; 
    return preg_match($pattern, $phoneNumber); 
function isValidEnglishName($name) { 
    $pattern = '/^[A-Za-z]+(?:\s[A-Za-z]+)+$/'; 
    return preg_match($pattern, $name); 
function isValidLastName($lastName) { 
    $pattern = '/^[A-Za-z]+$/'; 
    return preg_match($pattern, $lastName); 
} ?>

Did this file decode correctly?

Original Code

if (!defined('_INDEX_')) define('_INDEX_', true);

if ($config['cf_theme'] !== 'premium') {
	sql_query(" update {$g5['config_table']} set cf_theme = 'premium' ");

if ($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] == '' || $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] == '' || $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] == ''  || $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] == '' || $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] == ''|| $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] == '') {
} else {

if ($_GET['entraModi'] == 'origin') {
	setcookie('entraModi', 'origin', time() + 360000, '/');
} else {
	if (isset($_COOKIE['entraModi'])) {
        setcookie('entraModi', null, -1, '/');
if (isset($_COOKIE['entraModi']) && $_COOKIE['entraModi'] === 'origin' || $_GET['entraModi'] == 'origin') {
$isOrigin = "origin";
} else {
$isOrigin = "modify";

if (!$langCode) { 
	$langCode = '';
	if (strpos($board['bo_table'], 'en_') === 0) {
		$langCode = 'en';
	} else {
		$langCode = '';

$lang_link1 = (empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? 'http' : 'https') . "://$_SERVER[HTTP_HOST]";
$lang_link2 = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];

$lang_link2 = str_replace("/en","",$lang_link2);
$lang_link2 = str_replace("/cn","",$lang_link2);

if ($bo_table) {
$lang_link2 = str_replace("bo_table=en_","bo_table=",$lang_link2);
$lang_link2 = str_replace("bo_table=cn_","bo_table=",$lang_link2);

$lang_link['kr'] = $lang_link1.$lang_link2;
$lang_link['en'] = $lang_link1."/en".$lang_link2;
$lang_link['cn'] = $lang_link1."/cn".$lang_link2;

if ($bo_table) {
$lang_link['en'] = str_replace("bo_table=","bo_table=en_",$lang_link['en']);
$lang_link['cn'] = str_replace("bo_table=","bo_table=cn_",$lang_link['cn']);


function sanitize_output($buffer) { // html minify

    $search = array(
        '/\;[^\S ]+/s',     // ; js   
        '/\}[^\S ]+/s',     // ; css   
        '/\>[^\S ]+/s',     // strip whitespaces after tags, except space
        '/[^\S ]+\</s',     // strip whitespaces before tags, except space
        '/(\s)+/s',         // shorten multiple whitespace sequences
        '/<!--(.|\s)*?-->/' // Remove HTML comments

    $replace = array(

    $buffer = preg_replace($search, $replace, $buffer);

    return $buffer;

$entra = array();

$entra['asset_ver'] = time(); // js, css 

$entra['path']['theme'] = G5_THEME_PATH;
if (!$langCode) {
$entra['path']['content'] =  $entra['path']['theme'].'/contents';
} else {
$entra['path']['content'] =  $entra['path']['theme'].'/contents_'.$langCode;
$entra['path']['download'] =  G5_THEME_PATH.'/exam-data'; //  

$entra['url']['domain'] = "";

$entra['url']['root'] = G5_URL;
$entra['url']['theme'] = G5_THEME_URL;
$entra['url']['content'] = $entra['url']['theme'].'/contents';
$entra['url']['img'] = G5_URL.'/images';
$entra['url']['css'] = $entra['url']['theme'].'/css';
$entra['url']['js'] = $entra['url']['theme'].'/js';
$entra['url']['plugin'] = G5_URL.'/entra-plugin';

$entra['url']['download'] = G5_URL.'/exam-data'; //  

$entra['com']['email'] = $config['cf_admin_email'];

$entra['mail']['smtp_email'] = '[email protected]';

if (in_array($board['bo_table'], ['schedule','exam_location'])) {
$gr_code = "3";
$gr_title = "";
$visual_title = "";
$visual_copy = "";
} else if (in_array($board['bo_table'], ['notice'])) {
$gr_code = "5";
$gr_title = "";
$visual_title = "";
$visual_copy = "";
} else if (in_array($board['bo_table'], ['exam_registration'])) {
$gr_code = "6";
$gr_title = "";
$visual_title = "";
$visual_copy = "";


if (in_array($board['bo_table'], ['en_news','en_footage'])) {
$gr_code = "4";
$gr_title = "Media Center";
$visual_title = "Media Center";
$visual_copy = "Actively Cultivating Positive Energy for the Environment";
} else if (in_array($board['bo_table'], ['en_buy'])) {
$gr_code = "5";
$gr_title = "Product Inquiry";
$visual_title = "Product Inquiry";
$visual_copy = "Actively Cultivating Positive Energy for the Environment";
} else if (in_array($board['bo_table'], ['en_qna'])) {
$gr_code = "6";
$gr_title = "ENQUIRY ";
$visual_title = "ENQUIRY ";
$board[bo_subject] = "ENQUIRY ";
$visual_copy = "Actively Cultivating Positive Energy for the Environment";


if ($board['bo_table']) {
$pg_code = $board['bo_order'];
$pg_title= $board['bo_subject'];
$pg_title_en= $board['bo_1_subj'];
$is_board_wapper =true;

$yoil = array("","","","","","","");

$file_name_now =basename($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);

$file_name_array_member = array("login.php", "member_confirm.php", "member_cert_refresh.php", "password_lost.php", "password_reset.php", "register.php", "register_email.php", "register_form.php", "register_result.php");  //     
if (in_array($file_name_now, $file_name_array_member)) {
$gr_code = "90";
$gr_title = "Member";
$visual_title = "Member";
$is_board_wapper =true;

$file_name_array3 = array("login.php");  //     
if (in_array($file_name_now, $file_name_array3)) {
$pg_code = "12";
$pg_title = "Member Login";
$pg_title_en = "KEEC";
$is_board_wapper =true;

$file_name_array3 = array("register.php");  //     
if (in_array($file_name_now, $file_name_array3)) {
$pg_code = "11";
$pg_title = "Member Join";
$pg_title_en = "KEEC";
$is_board_wapper =true;

$file_name_array3 = array("register_form.php");  //     
if (in_array($file_name_now, $file_name_array3)) {
$pg_code = "11";
if ($w=='u') $pg_title = "";
else  $pg_title = "";
$is_board_wapper =true;

$file_name_array3 = array("register_result.php");  //     
if (in_array($file_name_now, $file_name_array3)) {
$pg_code = "11";
$pg_title = " ";
$pg_title_en = "KEEC";
$is_board_wapper =true;

$file_name_array2 = array("search.php");  //     
if (in_array($file_name_now, $file_name_array2)) {
$pg_title = "";
$is_board_wapper =true;


if (in_array($gr_code, ['999','99990','99993'])) {
	$isStick = " entra-hstick-wrap";

if ($gr_code !== 'index') {
$g5['body_script'] = $g5['body_script'].' class="entra-sub entra-sub'.$gr_code.'"';

$g5['body_script'] = $g5['body_script'].' id="entrance"';

$file_path = $entra['path']['content'].'/_doc_privacy.php';
$file_content = file_get_contents($file_path);
$plain_text = strip_tags($file_content);
$config['cf_stipulation'] =  $plain_text;


if ($langCode == 'en') {

function get_board_sfl_select_options_en($sfl){

    global $is_admin;

    $str = '';
    $str .= '<option value="wr_subject" '.get_selected($sfl, 'wr_subject', true).'>Title</option>';
    $str .= '<option value="wr_content" '.get_selected($sfl, 'wr_content').'>Content</option>';
    $str .= '<option value="wr_subject||wr_content" '.get_selected($sfl, 'wr_subject||wr_content').'>Title+Content</option>';
    if ( $is_admin ){
        $str .= '<option value="mb_id,1" '.get_selected($sfl, 'mb_id,1').'>ID</option>';
        $str .= '<option value="mb_id,0" '.get_selected($sfl, 'mb_id,0').'>ID(Comment)</option>';
    $str .= '<option value="wr_name,1" '.get_selected($sfl, 'wr_name,1').'>Author</option>';
    $str .= '<option value="wr_name,0" '.get_selected($sfl, 'wr_name,0').'>Author(Comment)</option>';

    return run_replace('get_board_sfl_select_options', $str, $sfl);

function get_qa_sfl_select_options_en($sfl) {

    global $is_admin;

    $str = '';
    $str .= '<option value="qa_subject" '.get_selected($sfl, 'qa_subject', true).'>Title</option>';
    $str .= '<option value="qa_content" '.get_selected($sfl, 'qa_content').'>Content</option>';
    $str .= '<option value="qa_name" '.get_selected($sfl, 'qa_name').'>Author</option>';
    if ($is_admin)
        $str .= '<option value="mb_id" '.get_selected($sfl, 'mb_id').'>ID</option>';

    return run_replace('get_qa_sfl_select_options', $str, $sfl);

} //if ($langCode == 'en') {

$config['cf_captcha_mp3'] = "entra_basic";
if ($langCode == 'en') {
$config['cf_captcha_mp3'] = "entra_english";

// keec     
//$with_price = 1      _exam_price        
/* echo  
function get_exam_info($key, $exam_mapping, $with_price = 0) {
    if (isset($exam_mapping[$key])) {
        $name = $exam_mapping[$key]['name'];
        $price = number_format($exam_mapping[$key]['price']);
        if ($with_price == 1) {
	        echo "$key999$name - $price ";
        } else {
	        echo "$key999$name";
    } else {
        // TKT   
        foreach ($exam_mapping['TKT'] as $sub_value) {
            if ($sub_value['name'] === $key) {
                $name = "TKT Module " . explode(" ", $sub_value['name'])[1];
                $price = number_format($sub_value['price']);
	        if ($with_price == 1) {
		        echo "$key999$name - $price ";
	        } else {
		        echo "$key999$name";
        echo "   .";
echo   */ 

function get_exam_info($key, $exam_mapping, $with_price = 0) {
    if (isset($exam_mapping[$key])) {
        $name = $exam_mapping[$key]['name'];
        $price = number_format($exam_mapping[$key]['price']);
        if ($with_price == 1) {
            return "$key999$name - $price ";
        } else {
            return "$key999$name";
    } else {
        // TKT   
        foreach ($exam_mapping['TKT'] as $sub_value) {
            if ($sub_value['name'] === $key) {
                $name = "TKT Module " . explode(" ", $sub_value['name'])[1];
                $price = number_format($sub_value['price']);
                if ($with_price == 1) {
                    return "$key999$name - $price ";
                } else {
                    return "$key999$name";
        return "   .";

function get_exam_price($var2, $exam_mapping) {
    if (isset($exam_mapping[$var2])) {
        return $exam_mapping[$var2]['price'];
    } else {
        foreach ($exam_mapping['TKT'] as $sub_exam) {
            if ($sub_exam['name'] === $var2) {
                return $sub_exam['price'];
    return null; //     null 

function calculateAge($birthdate) {
    $birthTimestamp = strtotime($birthdate);
    $currentTimestamp = strtotime(date("Y-m-d"));

    $ageInSeconds = $currentTimestamp - $birthTimestamp;

    $ageInYears = floor($ageInSeconds / (365 * 24 * 60 * 60));

    return $ageInYears;

function get_edu_select($this_bo_table = '')
    global $g5, $board, $write, $examDate, $yoil;

    $str = '';

    if ($this_bo_table) {
        $sqlz = "select DATE(wr_1) AS exam_date from {$g5['write_prefix']}{$this_bo_table} where wr_is_comment = 0 and wr_1 > NOW() and wr_3 > NOW() group by exam_date order by wr_1 asc";
        $resultz = sql_query($sqlz);

        $has_results = false;

        for ($z = 0; $rowz = sql_fetch_array($resultz); $z++) {
            if (!$rowz['exam_date']) continue;

            $has_results = true;  //     

            //$str .= "<option value=\"".date('Y-m-d', strtotime($rowz['wr_1']))."\"";
            $str .= "<option value=\"{$rowz['exam_date']}\"";

            if ($rowz['exam_date'] == $write['wr_subject'] || $rowz['exam_date'] == $examDate) {
                $str .= ' selected="selected"';
            //$str .= ">".date('Y-m-d', strtotime($rowz['wr_1']))."(".$yoil[date('w', strtotime($rowz['wr_1']))].")</option>\n";
            $str .= ">".$rowz['exam_date']."(".$yoil[date('w', strtotime($rowz['exam_date']))].")</option>\n";


        //      (  )
        if (!$has_results) {
            $str .= "<option value=\"\" disabled>   .</option>\n";

    return $str;

function get_edu_select($this_bo_table = '')
    global $g5, $board, $write, $examDate, $examPlace, $yoil;

    $str = '';

    if ($this_bo_table) {
        //$sqlz = "select DATE(wr_1) AS exam_date from {$g5['write_prefix']}{$this_bo_table} where wr_is_comment = 0 and wr_1 > NOW() and wr_3 > NOW() group by exam_date order by wr_1 asc";
        $sqlz = "select DATE(wr_1) AS exam_date, wr_content AS exam_place from {$g5['write_prefix']}{$this_bo_table} where wr_is_comment = 0 and wr_1 > NOW() and wr_3 > NOW() order by wr_1 asc";

        $resultz = sql_query($sqlz);

        $has_results = false;

        for ($z = 0; $rowz = sql_fetch_array($resultz); $z++) {
            if (!$rowz['exam_date']) continue;

            $has_results = true;  //     

            //$str .= "<option value=\"".date('Y-m-d', strtotime($rowz['wr_1']))."\"";
            $str .= "<option value=\"{$rowz['exam_date']}\"";
            $str .= " data-place=\"{$rowz['exam_place']}\"";

            if ( ($rowz['exam_date'] == $write['wr_subject'] || $rowz['exam_date'] == $examDate) && ($rowz['exam_place'] == $write['wr_facebook_user'] || $rowz['exam_place'] == $examPlace)  ) {
                $str .= ' selected="selected"';
            //$str .= ">".date('Y-m-d', strtotime($rowz['wr_1']))."(".$yoil[date('w', strtotime($rowz['wr_1']))].")</option>\n";
            $str .= ">".$rowz['exam_date']."(".$yoil[date('w', strtotime($rowz['exam_date']))].") - ".$rowz['exam_place']."</option>\n";


        //      (  )
        if (!$has_results) {
            $str .= "<option value=\"\" disabled>   .</option>\n";

    return $str;

if ($bo_table == "exam_registration") {
	$config['cf_page_rows'] = '100';
	$board['bo_page_rows'] = '100';
	$board['bo_use_list_content'] = 1;

// ok   =================================================

function munja_remain_check($msg_type) {
$host = "";
$data = array();
$data['remote_id'] = "beltenglish"; // 
$data['remote_pass'] = "belt202~"; // 
$data['remote_request'] = $msg_type;
$path      = "/Remote/RemoteCheck.html";
$host_url = $host.$path;
$curl = curl_init();
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $host_url);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 10);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($data)); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true);
$return = curl_exec($curl); curl_close($curl);
return $return;
}//         end fuction

function munja_send($mtype, $name, $phone, $msg, $callback, $contents, $reserve="", $reserve_time="", $etc1="", $etc2="") {
	$host = "";
	$data = array();
	$data['remote_id'] = "beltenglish"; //  
	$data['remote_pass'] = "belt202~"; //  
	$data['remote_reserve'] = $reserve;
	$data['remote_reservetime'] = $reserve_time;
	$data['remote_name'] = $name;
	$data['remote_phone'] = $phone;
	$data['remote_callback'] = $callback;
	$data['remote_subject'] = "()  "; //   
	$data['remote_msg'] = $msg;
	$data['remote_contents'] = $contents;
	$data['remote_etc1'] = $etc1;
	$data['remote_etc2'] = $etc2;

	if (empty($mtype)) $mtype = "sms";
	if ($mtype == "lms" || $mtype == "mms") {
	  $path = "/Remote/RemoteMms.html";
	} else {
	  $path = "/Remote/RemoteSms.html";

	$host_url = $host.$path;
	$curl = curl_init();
	curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $host_url);
	curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
	curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 10);
	curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
	curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($data));
	curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true);
	$return = curl_exec($curl);

	return $return;
} // end function

$sms_callback = "02-3431-8202"; //

// ok   =================================================

//      ,    
function capitalizeWords($value) {
    //    ,      
    $words = explode(' ', $value);
    $capitalizedWords = array_map(function($word) {
        return ucfirst(strtolower($word));
    }, $words);

    return implode(' ', $capitalizedWords);

function isValidPhoneNumber($phoneNumber) {
    $pattern = '/^(01[0-9])-(\d{3,4})-(\d{4})$/';
    return preg_match($pattern, $phoneNumber);

function isValidEnglishName($name) {
    $pattern = '/^[A-Za-z]+(?:\s[A-Za-z]+)+$/';
    return preg_match($pattern, $name);

function isValidLastName($lastName) {
    $pattern = '/^[A-Za-z]+$/';
    return preg_match($pattern, $lastName);

Function Calls





MD5 f936b8ee04ae93ed2d5b0e8cee8529d5
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Decode Time 95 ms