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PHP Decode
<?php /** * @project phpredis-json * @author Rafael Campoy <[email protected]> ..
Decoded Output download
* @project phpredis-json
* @author Rafael Campoy <[email protected]>
* @copyright 2019 Rafael Campoy <[email protected]>
* @license MIT
* @link
* Copyright and license information, is included in
* the LICENSE file that is distributed with this source code.
namespace Examples;
require(dirname(__DIR__) . '/vendor/autoload.php');
use Averias\RedisJson\Client\RedisJsonClient;
use Averias\RedisJson\Factory\RedisJsonClientFactory;
use Averias\RedisJson\Tests\Integration\BaseTestIntegration;
/** @var RedisJsonClientFactory $redisJsonClientFactory */
$redisJsonClientFactory = new RedisJsonClientFactory();
/** @var RedisJsonClient $defaultClient */
$client = $redisJsonClientFactory->createClient([
'database' => 15
// create a constant for the key name
const OBJECT_KEY = 'test-object';
const SECONDARY = 'secondary-test-object';
const COLORS_KEY = '.colors';
* store default data
* [
* 'name' => 'Peter',
* 'age' => 38,
* 'height' => 1.79,
* 'location' => [
* 'address' => 'Pub Street, 39',
* 'city' => 'Limerick',
* 'country' => 'Ireland'
* ],
* 'colors' => ['white', 'black'],
* 'license' => true
* ];
$client->jsonSet(OBJECT_KEY, BaseTestIntegration::$defaultData);
echo sprintf("*** Added object to '%s' key: %s", OBJECT_KEY, PHP_EOL);
echo json_encode($client->jsonGet(OBJECT_KEY)) . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
// append to array
$result = $client->jsonArrayAppend(OBJECT_KEY, COLORS_KEY, 'blue', 'white');
echo sprintf("*** Appended colors 'blue' and 'white' to '.colors' path %s", PHP_EOL);
echo sprintf("array after appending: %s %s", json_encode($client->jsonGet(OBJECT_KEY, COLORS_KEY), true), PHP_EOL);
echo sprintf("new length of the array: %d %s", $result, PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL);
// insert into array
$result = $client->jsonArrayInsert(OBJECT_KEY, COLORS_KEY, 3, 'green');
echo sprintf("*** Inserted color 'green' into '.colors' path in position (index) 3 %s", PHP_EOL);
echo sprintf("array after inserting: %s %s", json_encode($client->jsonGet(OBJECT_KEY, COLORS_KEY), true), PHP_EOL);
echo sprintf("new length of the array: %d %s", $result, PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL);
// get the index of one element in a array
$result = $client->jsonArrayIndex(OBJECT_KEY, 'white', COLORS_KEY);
echo sprintf("*** Index of color 'white' (duplicated) when searching from the beginning %s", PHP_EOL);
echo sprintf("index of 'white' color : %d %s", $result, PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL);
$result = $client->jsonArrayIndex(OBJECT_KEY, 'white', COLORS_KEY, -3);
echo sprintf("*** Index of color 'white' (duplicated) when searching from the end %s", PHP_EOL);
echo sprintf("index of 'white' color : %d %s", $result, PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL);
// remove element from array
$result = $client->jsonArrayPop(OBJECT_KEY, COLORS_KEY);
echo sprintf("*** Removed last element in '.colors' path %s", PHP_EOL);
echo sprintf("removed element: %s %s", $result, PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL);
$result = $client->jsonArrayPop(OBJECT_KEY, COLORS_KEY, 2);
echo sprintf("*** Removed element in index 2 in '.colors' path %s", PHP_EOL);
echo sprintf("removed element: %s %s", $result, PHP_EOL);
// length of the array
$result = $client->jsonArrayLength(OBJECT_KEY, COLORS_KEY);
echo sprintf("new length of the array after popping it: %s %s", $result, PHP_EOL);
echo sprintf("array after popping: %s %s", json_encode($client->jsonGet(OBJECT_KEY, COLORS_KEY), true), PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL);
// trim array
$result = $client->jsonArrayTrim(OBJECT_KEY, 1, 2, COLORS_KEY);
echo sprintf("*** Trim array in '.colors' path from index 1 to 2 %s", PHP_EOL);
echo sprintf("new length of the array after trimming: %s %s", $result, PHP_EOL);
echo sprintf("array after trimming: %s %s", json_encode($client->jsonGet(OBJECT_KEY, COLORS_KEY), true), PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL);
// get keys of a object as array
$result = $client->jsonObjectKeys(OBJECT_KEY); // by default path = '.' (root path)
echo sprintf("*** Get array of keys for the whole object ('.' path) %s", PHP_EOL);
echo sprintf("array of keys for the root object: %s %s", json_encode($result, true), PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL);
$result = $client->jsonObjectKeys(OBJECT_KEY, '.location');
echo sprintf("*** Get array of keys for '.location' object %s", PHP_EOL);
echo sprintf("array of keys for the object in '.location' path: %s %s", json_encode($result, true), PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL);
// object length
$result = $client->jsonObjectLength(OBJECT_KEY); // by default path = '.' (root path)
echo sprintf("*** Number keys for the whole object ('.' path) %s", PHP_EOL);
echo sprintf("key length for the root object: %s %s", $result, PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL);
$result = $client->jsonObjectLength(OBJECT_KEY, '.location');
echo sprintf("*** Number keys for '.location' object %s", PHP_EOL);
echo sprintf("key length for the object in '.location' path: %s %s", $result, PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL);
// append string
echo sprintf("*** Appended string ' Newman' to '.name' path %s", PHP_EOL);
echo sprintf("current value of '.name' path: %s %s", $client->jsonGet(OBJECT_KEY, '.name'), PHP_EOL);
$result = $client->jsonStringAppend(OBJECT_KEY, ' Newman', '.name');
echo sprintf(
"Value of '.name' path after appending string ' Newman': %s %s",
$client->jsonGet(OBJECT_KEY, '.name'),
echo sprintf("new string length of '.name' path: %s %s", $result, PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL);
// string length
echo sprintf("*** String length of '' path %s", PHP_EOL);
echo sprintf("value in '' path: %s %s", $client->jsonGet(OBJECT_KEY, ''), PHP_EOL);
$result = $client->jsonStringLength(OBJECT_KEY, '');
echo sprintf("length of '': %s %s", $result, PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL);
// delete
$client->jsonSet(OBJECT_KEY, "I'm afraid I'm gonna be deleted :(", '.toBeDeleted');
echo sprintf("*** Added value to path '.toBeDeleted' to %s key: %s", OBJECT_KEY, PHP_EOL);
echo json_encode($client->jsonGet(OBJECT_KEY), true) . PHP_EOL;
$client->jsonDelete(OBJECT_KEY, '.toBeDeleted');
echo sprintf("*** Deleted value in path '.toBeDeleted': %s", PHP_EOL);
echo json_encode($client->jsonGet(OBJECT_KEY), true) . PHP_EOL;
// get Redis Serialization Protocol (ESP)
echo sprintf("*** RESP of data stored in root path for %s key: %s", OBJECT_KEY, PHP_EOL);
echo json_encode($client->jsonGetAsResp(OBJECT_KEY), true) . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
// Get from 2 paths
echo sprintf("*** Getting data from paths '.colors' and '.location' for %s key: %s", OBJECT_KEY, PHP_EOL);
echo json_encode($client->jsonGet(OBJECT_KEY, COLORS_KEY, '.location'), true) . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
// increment by integer
echo sprintf("*** Incremented by 2 the value stored in path '.age' for %s key: %s", OBJECT_KEY, PHP_EOL);
echo sprintf("previous '.age': %d%s", $client->jsonGet(OBJECT_KEY, '.age'), PHP_EOL);
$result = $client->jsonIncrementNumBy(OBJECT_KEY, 2, '.age');
echo sprintf("updated '.age': %d%s", $result, PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL);
// increment by float
echo sprintf("*** Incremented by 0.03 the value stored in path '.height' for %s key: %s", OBJECT_KEY, PHP_EOL);
echo sprintf("previous '.height': %.2f%s", $client->jsonGet(OBJECT_KEY, '.height'), PHP_EOL);
$result = $client->jsonIncrementNumBy(OBJECT_KEY, 0.03, '.height');
echo sprintf("updated '.height': %.2f%s", $result, PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL);
// multiply by integer
echo sprintf("*** Multiplied by 2 the value stored in path '.age' for %s key: %s", OBJECT_KEY, PHP_EOL);
echo sprintf("previous '.age': %d%s", $client->jsonGet(OBJECT_KEY, '.age'), PHP_EOL);
$result = $client->jsonMultiplyNumBy(OBJECT_KEY, 2, '.age');
echo sprintf("updated '.age': %d%s", $result, PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL);
// multiply by float
echo sprintf("*** Multiplied by 1.03 the value stored in path '.height' for %s key: %s", OBJECT_KEY, PHP_EOL);
echo sprintf("previous '.height': %.4f%s", $client->jsonGet(OBJECT_KEY, '.height'), PHP_EOL);
$result = $client->jsonMultiplyNumBy(OBJECT_KEY, 1.03, '.height');
echo sprintf("updated '.height': %.4f%s", $result, PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL);
// memory usage
echo sprintf("*** Memory used by data stored in path '.' for %s key: %s", OBJECT_KEY, PHP_EOL);
echo sprintf("memory (bytes): %d%s", $client->jsonMemoryUsage(OBJECT_KEY), PHP_EOL);
$result = json_encode($client->jsonGet(OBJECT_KEY));
echo sprintf("data (array shown as json): %s%s", $result, PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL);
// multi get
echo sprintf("*** Setting new key '%s' with original default data %s", SECONDARY, PHP_EOL);
$client->jsonSet(SECONDARY, BaseTestIntegration::$defaultData);
echo sprintf(
"*** Getting '.color' path value for 3 keys: '%s', '%s' and '%s' (non-existent key) %s",
$result = $client->jsonMultiGet([OBJECT_KEY, SECONDARY, 'nonexistent'], COLORS_KEY);
echo sprintf("'.colors' in '%s' key: %s%s", OBJECT_KEY, json_encode($result[0]), PHP_EOL);
echo sprintf("'.colors' in '%s' key: %s%s", SECONDARY, json_encode($result[1]), PHP_EOL);
echo sprintf("'.colors' in '%s' key: %s%s", 'nonexistent', json_encode($result[2]), PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL);
// type
echo sprintf("*** Data type for the different paths in key '%s' %s", OBJECT_KEY, PHP_EOL);
echo sprintf("type for '.name' path: %s%s", $client->jsonType(OBJECT_KEY, '.name'), PHP_EOL);
echo sprintf("type for '.age' path: %s%s", $client->jsonType(OBJECT_KEY, '.age'), PHP_EOL);
echo sprintf("type for '.height' path: %s%s", $client->jsonType(OBJECT_KEY, '.height'), PHP_EOL);
echo sprintf("type for '.location' path: %s%s", $client->jsonType(OBJECT_KEY, '.location'), PHP_EOL);
echo sprintf("type for '.colors' path: %s%s", $client->jsonType(OBJECT_KEY, COLORS_KEY), PHP_EOL);
echo sprintf("type for '.license' path: %s%s", $client->jsonType(OBJECT_KEY, '.license'), PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL);
Did this file decode correctly?
Original Code
* @project phpredis-json
* @author Rafael Campoy <[email protected]>
* @copyright 2019 Rafael Campoy <[email protected]>
* @license MIT
* @link
* Copyright and license information, is included in
* the LICENSE file that is distributed with this source code.
namespace Examples;
require(dirname(__DIR__) . '/vendor/autoload.php');
use Averias\RedisJson\Client\RedisJsonClient;
use Averias\RedisJson\Factory\RedisJsonClientFactory;
use Averias\RedisJson\Tests\Integration\BaseTestIntegration;
/** @var RedisJsonClientFactory $redisJsonClientFactory */
$redisJsonClientFactory = new RedisJsonClientFactory();
/** @var RedisJsonClient $defaultClient */
$client = $redisJsonClientFactory->createClient([
'database' => 15
// create a constant for the key name
const OBJECT_KEY = 'test-object';
const SECONDARY = 'secondary-test-object';
const COLORS_KEY = '.colors';
* store default data
* [
* 'name' => 'Peter',
* 'age' => 38,
* 'height' => 1.79,
* 'location' => [
* 'address' => 'Pub Street, 39',
* 'city' => 'Limerick',
* 'country' => 'Ireland'
* ],
* 'colors' => ['white', 'black'],
* 'license' => true
* ];
$client->jsonSet(OBJECT_KEY, BaseTestIntegration::$defaultData);
echo sprintf("*** Added object to '%s' key: %s", OBJECT_KEY, PHP_EOL);
echo json_encode($client->jsonGet(OBJECT_KEY)) . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
// append to array
$result = $client->jsonArrayAppend(OBJECT_KEY, COLORS_KEY, 'blue', 'white');
echo sprintf("*** Appended colors 'blue' and 'white' to '.colors' path %s", PHP_EOL);
echo sprintf("array after appending: %s %s", json_encode($client->jsonGet(OBJECT_KEY, COLORS_KEY), true), PHP_EOL);
echo sprintf("new length of the array: %d %s", $result, PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL);
// insert into array
$result = $client->jsonArrayInsert(OBJECT_KEY, COLORS_KEY, 3, 'green');
echo sprintf("*** Inserted color 'green' into '.colors' path in position (index) 3 %s", PHP_EOL);
echo sprintf("array after inserting: %s %s", json_encode($client->jsonGet(OBJECT_KEY, COLORS_KEY), true), PHP_EOL);
echo sprintf("new length of the array: %d %s", $result, PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL);
// get the index of one element in a array
$result = $client->jsonArrayIndex(OBJECT_KEY, 'white', COLORS_KEY);
echo sprintf("*** Index of color 'white' (duplicated) when searching from the beginning %s", PHP_EOL);
echo sprintf("index of 'white' color : %d %s", $result, PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL);
$result = $client->jsonArrayIndex(OBJECT_KEY, 'white', COLORS_KEY, -3);
echo sprintf("*** Index of color 'white' (duplicated) when searching from the end %s", PHP_EOL);
echo sprintf("index of 'white' color : %d %s", $result, PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL);
// remove element from array
$result = $client->jsonArrayPop(OBJECT_KEY, COLORS_KEY);
echo sprintf("*** Removed last element in '.colors' path %s", PHP_EOL);
echo sprintf("removed element: %s %s", $result, PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL);
$result = $client->jsonArrayPop(OBJECT_KEY, COLORS_KEY, 2);
echo sprintf("*** Removed element in index 2 in '.colors' path %s", PHP_EOL);
echo sprintf("removed element: %s %s", $result, PHP_EOL);
// length of the array
$result = $client->jsonArrayLength(OBJECT_KEY, COLORS_KEY);
echo sprintf("new length of the array after popping it: %s %s", $result, PHP_EOL);
echo sprintf("array after popping: %s %s", json_encode($client->jsonGet(OBJECT_KEY, COLORS_KEY), true), PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL);
// trim array
$result = $client->jsonArrayTrim(OBJECT_KEY, 1, 2, COLORS_KEY);
echo sprintf("*** Trim array in '.colors' path from index 1 to 2 %s", PHP_EOL);
echo sprintf("new length of the array after trimming: %s %s", $result, PHP_EOL);
echo sprintf("array after trimming: %s %s", json_encode($client->jsonGet(OBJECT_KEY, COLORS_KEY), true), PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL);
// get keys of a object as array
$result = $client->jsonObjectKeys(OBJECT_KEY); // by default path = '.' (root path)
echo sprintf("*** Get array of keys for the whole object ('.' path) %s", PHP_EOL);
echo sprintf("array of keys for the root object: %s %s", json_encode($result, true), PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL);
$result = $client->jsonObjectKeys(OBJECT_KEY, '.location');
echo sprintf("*** Get array of keys for '.location' object %s", PHP_EOL);
echo sprintf("array of keys for the object in '.location' path: %s %s", json_encode($result, true), PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL);
// object length
$result = $client->jsonObjectLength(OBJECT_KEY); // by default path = '.' (root path)
echo sprintf("*** Number keys for the whole object ('.' path) %s", PHP_EOL);
echo sprintf("key length for the root object: %s %s", $result, PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL);
$result = $client->jsonObjectLength(OBJECT_KEY, '.location');
echo sprintf("*** Number keys for '.location' object %s", PHP_EOL);
echo sprintf("key length for the object in '.location' path: %s %s", $result, PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL);
// append string
echo sprintf("*** Appended string ' Newman' to '.name' path %s", PHP_EOL);
echo sprintf("current value of '.name' path: %s %s", $client->jsonGet(OBJECT_KEY, '.name'), PHP_EOL);
$result = $client->jsonStringAppend(OBJECT_KEY, ' Newman', '.name');
echo sprintf(
"Value of '.name' path after appending string ' Newman': %s %s",
$client->jsonGet(OBJECT_KEY, '.name'),
echo sprintf("new string length of '.name' path: %s %s", $result, PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL);
// string length
echo sprintf("*** String length of '' path %s", PHP_EOL);
echo sprintf("value in '' path: %s %s", $client->jsonGet(OBJECT_KEY, ''), PHP_EOL);
$result = $client->jsonStringLength(OBJECT_KEY, '');
echo sprintf("length of '': %s %s", $result, PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL);
// delete
$client->jsonSet(OBJECT_KEY, "I'm afraid I'm gonna be deleted :(", '.toBeDeleted');
echo sprintf("*** Added value to path '.toBeDeleted' to %s key: %s", OBJECT_KEY, PHP_EOL);
echo json_encode($client->jsonGet(OBJECT_KEY), true) . PHP_EOL;
$client->jsonDelete(OBJECT_KEY, '.toBeDeleted');
echo sprintf("*** Deleted value in path '.toBeDeleted': %s", PHP_EOL);
echo json_encode($client->jsonGet(OBJECT_KEY), true) . PHP_EOL;
// get Redis Serialization Protocol (ESP)
echo sprintf("*** RESP of data stored in root path for %s key: %s", OBJECT_KEY, PHP_EOL);
echo json_encode($client->jsonGetAsResp(OBJECT_KEY), true) . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
// Get from 2 paths
echo sprintf("*** Getting data from paths '.colors' and '.location' for %s key: %s", OBJECT_KEY, PHP_EOL);
echo json_encode($client->jsonGet(OBJECT_KEY, COLORS_KEY, '.location'), true) . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
// increment by integer
echo sprintf("*** Incremented by 2 the value stored in path '.age' for %s key: %s", OBJECT_KEY, PHP_EOL);
echo sprintf("previous '.age': %d%s", $client->jsonGet(OBJECT_KEY, '.age'), PHP_EOL);
$result = $client->jsonIncrementNumBy(OBJECT_KEY, 2, '.age');
echo sprintf("updated '.age': %d%s", $result, PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL);
// increment by float
echo sprintf("*** Incremented by 0.03 the value stored in path '.height' for %s key: %s", OBJECT_KEY, PHP_EOL);
echo sprintf("previous '.height': %.2f%s", $client->jsonGet(OBJECT_KEY, '.height'), PHP_EOL);
$result = $client->jsonIncrementNumBy(OBJECT_KEY, 0.03, '.height');
echo sprintf("updated '.height': %.2f%s", $result, PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL);
// multiply by integer
echo sprintf("*** Multiplied by 2 the value stored in path '.age' for %s key: %s", OBJECT_KEY, PHP_EOL);
echo sprintf("previous '.age': %d%s", $client->jsonGet(OBJECT_KEY, '.age'), PHP_EOL);
$result = $client->jsonMultiplyNumBy(OBJECT_KEY, 2, '.age');
echo sprintf("updated '.age': %d%s", $result, PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL);
// multiply by float
echo sprintf("*** Multiplied by 1.03 the value stored in path '.height' for %s key: %s", OBJECT_KEY, PHP_EOL);
echo sprintf("previous '.height': %.4f%s", $client->jsonGet(OBJECT_KEY, '.height'), PHP_EOL);
$result = $client->jsonMultiplyNumBy(OBJECT_KEY, 1.03, '.height');
echo sprintf("updated '.height': %.4f%s", $result, PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL);
// memory usage
echo sprintf("*** Memory used by data stored in path '.' for %s key: %s", OBJECT_KEY, PHP_EOL);
echo sprintf("memory (bytes): %d%s", $client->jsonMemoryUsage(OBJECT_KEY), PHP_EOL);
$result = json_encode($client->jsonGet(OBJECT_KEY));
echo sprintf("data (array shown as json): %s%s", $result, PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL);
// multi get
echo sprintf("*** Setting new key '%s' with original default data %s", SECONDARY, PHP_EOL);
$client->jsonSet(SECONDARY, BaseTestIntegration::$defaultData);
echo sprintf(
"*** Getting '.color' path value for 3 keys: '%s', '%s' and '%s' (non-existent key) %s",
$result = $client->jsonMultiGet([OBJECT_KEY, SECONDARY, 'nonexistent'], COLORS_KEY);
echo sprintf("'.colors' in '%s' key: %s%s", OBJECT_KEY, json_encode($result[0]), PHP_EOL);
echo sprintf("'.colors' in '%s' key: %s%s", SECONDARY, json_encode($result[1]), PHP_EOL);
echo sprintf("'.colors' in '%s' key: %s%s", 'nonexistent', json_encode($result[2]), PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL);
// type
echo sprintf("*** Data type for the different paths in key '%s' %s", OBJECT_KEY, PHP_EOL);
echo sprintf("type for '.name' path: %s%s", $client->jsonType(OBJECT_KEY, '.name'), PHP_EOL);
echo sprintf("type for '.age' path: %s%s", $client->jsonType(OBJECT_KEY, '.age'), PHP_EOL);
echo sprintf("type for '.height' path: %s%s", $client->jsonType(OBJECT_KEY, '.height'), PHP_EOL);
echo sprintf("type for '.location' path: %s%s", $client->jsonType(OBJECT_KEY, '.location'), PHP_EOL);
echo sprintf("type for '.colors' path: %s%s", $client->jsonType(OBJECT_KEY, COLORS_KEY), PHP_EOL);
echo sprintf("type for '.license' path: %s%s", $client->jsonType(OBJECT_KEY, '.license'), PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL);
Function Calls
None |
MD5 | fc058a46ebadc9aed7bb7f686f3b7ff0 |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 97 ms |