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/*   __________________________________________________
    |  Obfuscated by YAK Pro - Php Obfuscator  2.0.14  |
    |              on 2024-04-04 18:32:24              |
    |    GitHub:    |
 namespace kGE49\Readline\a8FCt; class q0d1n extends nEt8W implements vE34b, FkY1u, DijU3 { const SIGHUP = 1; const SIGINT = 2; const SIGQUIT = 3; const SIGILL = 4; const SIGTRAP = 5; const SIGABRT = 6; const Oo7IK = 7; const SIGFPE = 8; const SIGKILL = 9; const SIGBUS = 10; const SIGSEGV = 11; const SIGSYS = 12; const SIGPIPE = 13; const SIGALRM = 14; const SIGTERM = 15; const SIGURG = 16; const SIGSTOP = 17; const SIGTSTP = 18; const SIGCONT = 19; const SIGCHLD = 20; const SIGTTIN = 21; const SIGTTOU = 22; const SIGIO = 23; const SIGXCPU = 24; const SIGXFSZ = 25; const SIGVTALRM = 26; const SIGPROF = 27; const SIGWINCH = 28; const cMF82 = 29; const SIGUSR1 = 30; const SIGUSR2 = 31; protected $GHzf0 = null; protected $vhbyA = []; protected $LVen_ = null; protected $EdWGt = null; protected $SnuCt = 30; protected $TQXQR = [0 => ["pipe", "r"], 1 => ["pipe", "w"], 2 => ["pipe", "w"]]; protected $Y083q = null; protected $swh2t = []; public function __construct(string $MAtby, ?array $eHq1_ = null, ?array $hWizq = null, ?string $tfC_t = null, ?array $EJaGJ = null, int $E2lVI = 30) { goto BA7ig; b3tIT: foreach ($hWizq as $jXsjX => $wHlCo) { goto khusx; GZzGm: hKdzq: goto f7B27; f7B27: $this->TQXQR[$jXsjX] = $wHlCo; goto sfWXy; tuA3I: throw new cJUQs("Pipe descriptor %d already exists, cannot " . "redefine it.", 0, $jXsjX); goto GZzGm; sfWXy: JpfOp: goto WF4uV; khusx: if (!isset($this->TQXQR[$jXsjX])) { goto hKdzq; } goto tuA3I; WF4uV: } goto dCoy3; ZHwF1: $this->uythG($EJaGJ); goto Pkn3U; BA7ig: $this->Ikeox($MAtby); goto XzKjW; fIKox: if (!(null !== $EJaGJ)) { goto feaya; } goto ZHwF1; pUeoo: $this->EgF5I()->YFTLt(["input", "output", "timeout", "start", "stop"]); goto vZIQC; Pkn3U: feaya: goto Yocpl; dCoy3: r_2sW: goto ldUNq; Yocpl: $this->LIyPo($E2lVI); goto bP0Ho; n9B3q: $this->bUhtv($tfC_t ?: \getcwd()); goto fIKox; Hapi1: $this->HqyaA($eHq1_); goto OUjAc; XzKjW: if (!(null !== $eHq1_)) { goto Kz0hx; } goto Hapi1; K0_6T: $this->TQXQR = []; goto b3tIT; OUjAc: Kz0hx: goto jy0wi; jy0wi: if (!(null !== $hWizq)) { goto iDan2; } goto K0_6T; vZIQC: return; goto LiWtk; ldUNq: iDan2: goto n9B3q; bP0Ho: parent::__construct($this->OKbo7(), null, true); goto pUeoo; LiWtk: } protected function &Xsk5o(string $EhnOw, ?StreamContext $yMlgO = null) { goto dYtCu; MT824: return $kyfTJ; goto DsxKH; dYtCu: $kyfTJ = @\proc_open($EhnOw, $this->TQXQR, $this->Y083q, $this->getCwd(), $this->R08jX()); goto XjJEQ; XjJEQ: if (!(false === $kyfTJ)) { goto XbFqs; } goto E_b0F; E_b0F: throw new Cjuqs("Something wrong happen when running %s.", 1, $EhnOw); goto CZnDj; CZnDj: XbFqs: goto MT824; DsxKH: } protected function VI2c9() : bool { goto RVpSA; ZMo6Y: return (bool) @\proc_close($this->g_D95()); goto ExvHK; RVpSA: foreach ($this->Y083q as $dg8XC) { @\fclose($dg8XC); X9vcm: } goto YkHHf; YkHHf: UuExT: goto ZMo6Y; ExvHK: } public function dJdFH() { goto qagOQ; x8aaT: if (!empty($cl3OS)) { goto vcQ_m; } goto sN359; GwYDd: RUDBI: goto MGXn_; aFZua: $this->open(); goto efGKT; TQC08: foreach ($this->Y083q as $FYr96 => $dg8XC) { goto oAqua; fgixF: wvJ36: goto Hg25p; jVm4L: DGXNW: goto vFjUE; oAqua: switch ($this->TQXQR[$FYr96][1]) { case "r": goto MYXhX; EXtjN: $J0HTw[] = $dg8XC; goto eAhNU; MYXhX: \stream_set_blocking($dg8XC, false); goto EXtjN; eAhNU: goto XsJ5w; goto H7R8D; H7R8D: case "w": case "a": goto ppUbO; ppUbO: \stream_set_blocking($dg8XC, true); goto GGhIO; ozdpr: goto XsJ5w; goto yj0aV; GGhIO: $cl3OS[] = $dg8XC; goto ozdpr; yj0aV: } goto jVm4L; vFjUE: XsJ5w: goto fgixF; Hg25p: } goto MkwiT; bEBSt: goto cpHN_; goto RNAxm; m5g7L: fwubV: goto xJZ28; p6MVr: $QvxrE = $jQING; goto B0sJz; fGzqG: gFvSN: goto AD0Mq; LDt4Y: Lq68w: goto U4ysr; MGXn_: if (!true) { goto cpHN_; } goto REsgk; MkwiT: k7PNn: goto GwYDd; YUmJZ: vcQ_m: goto cIDTx; RNAxm: uYyXT: goto PoDPC; B0sJz: $f9Hl1 = \stream_select($NJdSI, $J74Sy, $QvxrE, $this->SKT8F()); goto InudQ; E2VtF: $cl3OS = []; goto Jz0ra; PoDPC: foreach ($NJdSI as $LxLP_ => $AvDof) { goto Pk0zQ; IKPem: if (false === $oaCC2) { goto elcmU; } goto FR3Fp; Q3g71: o0Jv_: goto BSc9K; Peai9: \fclose($AvDof); goto Y6UGN; FR3Fp: $wNEkA = $this->eGF5I()->z8iJt("output", new iPw3L(["pipe" => $dg8XC, "line" => $oaCC2])); goto IcwBs; Pk0zQ: $dg8XC = \array_search($AvDof, $this->Y083q); goto kfUsl; n20Pa: eq3pg: goto CrLbp; JSdJ2: E80bY: goto n20Pa; BSc9K: if (!(true === \feof($AvDof) || \in_array(false, $wNEkA, true))) { goto E80bY; } goto Peai9; FVDda: goto O4Zbl; goto JSdJ2; tfw6H: elcmU: goto SGC6o; Y6UGN: unset($cl3OS[$LxLP_]); goto FVDda; IcwBs: goto o0Jv_; goto tfw6H; SGC6o: $wNEkA = [false]; goto Q3g71; kfUsl: $oaCC2 = $this->readLine($dg8XC); goto IKPem; CrLbp: } goto ALTXM; efGKT: sfkmK: goto qhxRn; U5hkt: $this->egF5I()->Z8IJt("timeout", new ipW3L()); goto bEBSt; uLtwX: U9Clc: goto aFZua; n0TmT: goto cpHN_; goto LDt4Y; qagOQ: if (false === $this->ZFwmj()) { goto U9Clc; } goto esLLG; qhxRn: $this->EGf5I()->Z8ijt("start", new IpW3L()); goto E2VtF; ALTXM: O4Zbl: goto I6z4r; esLLG: $this->vI2c9(); goto EslKW; REsgk: foreach ($cl3OS as $LxLP_ => $RjVV7) { goto pmfHY; pmfHY: if (!(false === \is_resource($RjVV7))) { goto ikxAm; } goto yvecN; yvecN: unset($cl3OS[$LxLP_]); goto eQ8HB; YRiDz: LOmdU: goto RfNRw; eQ8HB: ikxAm: goto YRiDz; RfNRw: } goto m5g7L; ncxyT: goto sfkmK; goto uLtwX; cIDTx: goto RUDBI; goto qaUHM; AD0Mq: foreach ($jQING as $LxLP_ => $vb3xE) { goto msrJp; DVyCI: Ea4C3: goto J0arU; msrJp: if (!(false === \is_resource($vb3xE))) { goto hOwjY; } goto Xlp4Z; Xlp4Z: unset($jQING[$LxLP_]); goto fI4ni; fI4ni: hOwjY: goto DVyCI; J0arU: } goto tnoGS; sN359: goto cpHN_; goto YUmJZ; Jz0ra: $J0HTw = []; goto rq1qv; ie2jB: $this->EGF5i()->Z8Ijt("stop", new Ipw3L()); goto V8Gf1; rq1qv: $jQING = []; goto TQC08; InudQ: if (!(0 === $f9Hl1)) { goto uYyXT; } goto U5hkt; EslKW: $this->YVC6A($this->xsk5O($this->l4qxW(), $this->oxQ6M())); goto ncxyT; V8Gf1: return; goto VbEW4; I6z4r: foreach ($J74Sy as $aGglS => $QtV6r) { goto QDM_U; IGsxL: \fclose($QtV6r); goto EFRi1; nMpbj: if (!(true === \feof($QtV6r) || \in_array(false, $wNEkA, true))) { goto oSkGr; } goto IGsxL; YeVHK: QAVRa: goto O82IN; QDM_U: $wNEkA = $this->eGF5I()->Z8Ijt("input", new Ipw3l(["pipe" => \array_search($QtV6r, $this->Y083q)])); goto nMpbj; QMLO4: oSkGr: goto YeVHK; EFRi1: unset($J0HTw[$aGglS]); goto QMLO4; O82IN: } goto PJAHP; xJZ28: foreach ($J0HTw as $LxLP_ => $MQa7v) { goto deMxP; deMxP: if (!(false === \is_resource($MQa7v))) { goto uerOp; } goto RXzcO; XU6Kl: N7lkV: goto kLiwe; RXzcO: unset($J0HTw[$LxLP_]); goto LQ3ba; LQ3ba: uerOp: goto XU6Kl; kLiwe: } goto fGzqG; U4ysr: $NJdSI = $cl3OS; goto jd17P; zgN3N: if (!(empty($cl3OS) && empty($J0HTw) && empty($jQING))) { goto Lq68w; } goto n0TmT; jd17P: $J74Sy = $J0HTw; goto p6MVr; qaUHM: cpHN_: goto ie2jB; tnoGS: jCO2m: goto zgN3N; PJAHP: p231r: goto x8aaT; VbEW4: } protected function kqGDK(int $dg8XC) { goto bTIho; Nex9M: return $this->Y083q[$dg8XC]; goto epDu7; PrAy2: throw new CJUQS("Pipe descriptor %d does not exist, cannot read from it.", 2, $dg8XC); goto g86UZ; g86UZ: KUtMx: goto Nex9M; bTIho: if (isset($this->Y083q[$dg8XC])) { goto KUtMx; } goto PrAy2; epDu7: } protected function El6Pl(int $dg8XC) : bool { goto QSNss; QvyNw: $IqT02 = \stream_get_meta_data($KfWWH); goto mtvBT; mtvBT: $this->swh2t[$dg8XC] = $IqT02["seekable"]; goto IdmKY; QSNss: if (isset($this->swh2t[$dg8XC])) { goto fuLjx; } goto ihne7; IdmKY: fuLjx: goto NFM6I; ihne7: $KfWWH = $this->kqgDk($dg8XC); goto QvyNw; NFM6I: return $this->swh2t[$dg8XC]; goto ttVmm; ttVmm: } public function eof(int $dg8XC = 1) : bool { return \feof($this->KqGDk($dg8XC)); } public function read(int $PAuyL, int $dg8XC = 1) { goto av3R9; zTZPw: throw new CJUQs("Length must be greater than 0, given %d.", 3, $PAuyL); goto cWJVp; av3R9: if (!(0 > $PAuyL)) { goto TOQhE; } goto zTZPw; qu0FL: return \fread($this->kQGDK($dg8XC), $PAuyL); goto RiSWV; cWJVp: TOQhE: goto qu0FL; RiSWV: } public function ogT6n(int $PAuyL, int $dg8XC = 1) { return $this->read($PAuyL, $dg8XC); } public function p8Mkw(int $dg8XC = 1) { return \fgetc($this->kqGDk($dg8XC)); } public function ZNfy_(int $dg8XC = 1) { return (bool) $this->read(1, $dg8XC); } public function Rjwda(int $PAuyL = 1, int $dg8XC = 1) { return (int) $this->read($PAuyL, $dg8XC); } public function jxMw0(int $PAuyL = 1, int $dg8XC = 1) { return (float) $this->read($PAuyL, $dg8XC); } public function e8bgr(?string $CzUqO = null, int $dg8XC = 1) { return $this->WgaLo($CzUqO, $dg8XC); } public function readLine(int $dg8XC = 1) { return \stream_get_line($this->kqgDk($dg8XC), 1 << 15, "
"); } public function CyxJ_(int $ZT433 = -1, int $dg8XC = 1) { goto nc34e; nc34e: $KfWWH = $this->kqGDk($dg8XC); goto QIs9O; NCzW4: goto nYMMe; goto Jv54S; Uvdhy: $ZT433 = -1; goto NCzW4; ciTpT: $ZT433 += \ftell($KfWWH); goto JLrpK; a8jPO: return \stream_get_contents($KfWWH, -1, $ZT433); goto p5zPS; JLrpK: nYMMe: goto a8jPO; Jv54S: Rggkm: goto ciTpT; QIs9O: if (true === $this->el6pL($dg8XC)) { goto Rggkm; } goto Uvdhy; p5zPS: } public function wGaLO(string $CzUqO, int $dg8XC = 1) : array { return \fscanf($this->KQGdK($dg8XC), $CzUqO); } public function write(string $W5gJo, int $PAuyL, int $dg8XC = 0) { goto adMIU; S4xWy: throw new cJuQS("Length must be greater than 0, given %d.", 4, $PAuyL); goto wNxgM; adMIU: if (!(0 > $PAuyL)) { goto shk5Y; } goto S4xWy; a5YLp: return \fwrite($this->Kqgdk($dg8XC), $W5gJo, $PAuyL); goto MS5ro; wNxgM: shk5Y: goto a5YLp; MS5ro: } public function nwqFl(string $W5gJo, int $dg8XC = 0) { $W5gJo = (string) $W5gJo; return $this->write($W5gJo, \strlen($W5gJo), $dg8XC); } public function dK1pH(string $QJln5, int $dg8XC = 0) { return $this->write((string) $QJln5[0], 1, $dg8XC); } public function lvmqP(bool $KkoCf, int $dg8XC = 0) { return $this->write((string) (bool) $KkoCf, 1, $dg8XC); } public function Sms4f(int $cgdJp, int $dg8XC = 0) { $cgdJp = (string) (int) $cgdJp; return $this->write($cgdJp, \strlen($cgdJp), $dg8XC); } public function CghBH(float $v5WzK, int $dg8XC = 0) { $v5WzK = (string) (float) $v5WzK; return $this->write($v5WzK, \strlen($v5WzK), $dg8XC); } public function KMcXf(array $ywWB1, int $dg8XC = 0) { $ywWB1 = \var_export($ywWB1, true); return $this->write($ywWB1, \strlen($ywWB1), $dg8XC); } public function Qy96b(string $oaCC2, int $dg8XC = 0) { goto yOy2L; yOy2L: if (!(false === ($UKoqO = \strpos($oaCC2, "\xa")))) { goto giW_u; } goto T4yvp; TTBSM: return $this->write(\substr($oaCC2, 0, $UKoqO), $UKoqO, $dg8XC); goto RQ21V; T4yvp: return $this->write($oaCC2 . "\xa", \strlen($oaCC2) + 1, $dg8XC); goto Ulnac; Ulnac: giW_u: goto DGtMu; DGtMu: ++$UKoqO; goto TTBSM; RQ21V: } public function RDhCF(string $W5gJo, int $dg8XC = 0) { return $this->write($W5gJo, \strlen($W5gJo), $dg8XC); } public function LPFdM(int $aqmml, int $dg8XC = 0) : bool { return \ftruncate($this->KqgDK($dg8XC), $aqmml); } public function getBasename() : string { return \basename($this->bSa4s()); } public function oOOyS() : string { return \dirname($this->BSa4S()); } public function cmGxd() : array { return \proc_get_status($this->G_d95()); } public function Y0YXN() : int { $sywMb = $this->CmgXd(); return $sywMb["exitcode"]; } public function bD0qH() : bool { return 0 === $this->Y0yxN(); } public function OBbCH(int $dpTWA = self::SIGTERM) : bool { return \proc_terminate($this->G_d95(), $dpTWA); } protected function iKEoX(string $MAtby) { goto yY3Y9; Hft6d: return $wsy_4; goto v1Eot; yY3Y9: $wsy_4 = $this->GHzf0; goto Ob9fB; Ob9fB: $this->GHzf0 = \escapeshellcmd($MAtby); goto Hft6d; v1Eot: } public function bsA4S() { return $this->GHzf0; } protected function HQyAa(array $eHq1_) : array { goto JvMMz; nG7F8: qqMD4: goto q83RA; VUcre: $this->vhbyA = $eHq1_; goto cwZTi; cwZTi: return $wsy_4; goto OEHyj; JvMMz: foreach ($eHq1_ as &$oA0EI) { $oA0EI = \escapeshellarg($oA0EI); oVMky: } goto nG7F8; q83RA: $wsy_4 = $this->vhbyA; goto VUcre; OEHyj: } public function W8LqQ() : array { return $this->vhbyA; } public function oKBO7() : string { goto gST93; aNkI7: P2Ia7: goto tk4xB; cTrtZ: foreach ($this->W8Lqq() as $EBRrU => $TAXk_) { goto vxNBB; D3LdV: ktlp9: goto Fkqcc; WMk2A: $kyfTJ .= " " . $EBRrU . "=" . $TAXk_; goto aFn99; KGOQV: xjHHx: goto WMk2A; x66Gp: goto G3Qog; goto KGOQV; aFn99: G3Qog: goto D3LdV; TVh_Y: $kyfTJ .= " " . $TAXk_; goto x66Gp; vxNBB: if (!\is_int($EBRrU)) { goto xjHHx; } goto TVh_Y; Fkqcc: } goto aNkI7; tk4xB: return $kyfTJ; goto D5w_w; gST93: $kyfTJ = $this->bSA4s(); goto cTrtZ; D5w_w: } protected function buHTv(string $tfC_t) { goto is2vV; ZynoE: return $wsy_4; goto uDeKw; is2vV: $wsy_4 = $this->LVen_; goto pbRb1; pbRb1: $this->LVen_ = $tfC_t; goto ZynoE; uDeKw: } public function getCwd() : string { return $this->LVen_; } protected function UYThg(array $EJaGJ) { goto PnPl0; PnPl0: $wsy_4 = $this->EdWGt; goto bfsap; Gdh3C: return $wsy_4; goto Atl0e; bfsap: $this->EdWGt = $EJaGJ; goto Gdh3C; Atl0e: } public function r08jX() { return $this->EdWGt; } public function LIYpo(int $E2lVI) { goto UQq3n; UQq3n: $wsy_4 = $this->SnuCt; goto bUUNP; geEOz: return $wsy_4; goto jrDDx; bUUNP: $this->SnuCt = $E2lVI; goto geEOz; jrDDx: } public function sKT8F() : int { return $this->SnuCt; } public static function cNJAV(string $thvXA) { \cli_set_process_title($thvXA); } public static function vWekd() { return \cli_get_process_title(); } public static function OEeD8(string $aWypA) { goto W04aY; Ra3kO: NKVOX: goto OA7d2; AMJvL: return null; goto zXv13; KBdnH: wwYNT: goto PK89o; l5Oto: return null; goto eMLp2; PK89o: foreach (\explode($ZfGav, $A1FEI) as $eVMS8) { goto CvKXt; tXgCC: return $kyfTJ; goto ebLxv; ebLxv: UssHd: goto WAvyX; CvKXt: if (!(true === \file_exists($kyfTJ = $eVMS8 . \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $aWypA))) { goto UssHd; } goto tXgCC; WAvyX: e6_2f: goto alHn0; alHn0: } goto bJVdm; OA7d2: $ZfGav = ":"; goto Wvc63; bJVdm: cu5ur: goto l5Oto; HXuQU: $ZfGav = ":"; goto S2DZt; v3Zsm: if (isset($_SERVER["Path"])) { goto p7ltI; } goto AMJvL; pitrg: goto wwYNT; goto nHOG9; c_Hep: if (isset($_SERVER["PATH"])) { goto VekH1; } goto v3Zsm; muNlG: $ZfGav = ";"; goto Ubfjc; EyFOu: goto wwYNT; goto SNl3U; zXv13: goto wwYNT; goto Ra3kO; Ubfjc: $A1FEI =& $_SERVER["Path"]; goto KBdnH; S2DZt: $A1FEI =& $_SERVER["PATH"]; goto EyFOu; SNl3U: p7ltI: goto muNlG; W04aY: if (isset($_ENV["PATH"])) { goto NKVOX; } goto c_Hep; Wvc63: $A1FEI =& $_ENV["PATH"]; goto pitrg; nHOG9: VekH1: goto HXuQU; eMLp2: } public static function execute(string $OYelI, bool $Z1ORV = true) : string { goto K96f6; SRPQS: $OYelI = \escapeshellcmd($OYelI); goto exkVL; K96f6: if (!(true === $Z1ORV)) { goto H0MJZ; } goto SRPQS; exkVL: H0MJZ: goto SRQUf; SRQUf: return \rtrim(\shell_exec($OYelI) ?? ''); goto vJUFm; vJUFm: } } ?>

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Original Code

/*   __________________________________________________
    |  Obfuscated by YAK Pro - Php Obfuscator  2.0.14  |
    |              on 2024-04-04 18:32:24              |
    |    GitHub:    |
 namespace kGE49\Readline\a8FCt; class q0d1n extends nEt8W implements vE34b, FkY1u, DijU3 { const SIGHUP = 1; const SIGINT = 2; const SIGQUIT = 3; const SIGILL = 4; const SIGTRAP = 5; const SIGABRT = 6; const Oo7IK = 7; const SIGFPE = 8; const SIGKILL = 9; const SIGBUS = 10; const SIGSEGV = 11; const SIGSYS = 12; const SIGPIPE = 13; const SIGALRM = 14; const SIGTERM = 15; const SIGURG = 16; const SIGSTOP = 17; const SIGTSTP = 18; const SIGCONT = 19; const SIGCHLD = 20; const SIGTTIN = 21; const SIGTTOU = 22; const SIGIO = 23; const SIGXCPU = 24; const SIGXFSZ = 25; const SIGVTALRM = 26; const SIGPROF = 27; const SIGWINCH = 28; const cMF82 = 29; const SIGUSR1 = 30; const SIGUSR2 = 31; protected $GHzf0 = null; protected $vhbyA = []; protected $LVen_ = null; protected $EdWGt = null; protected $SnuCt = 30; protected $TQXQR = [0 => ["\160\151\160\145", "\162"], 1 => ["\x70\151\x70\145", "\167"], 2 => ["\160\151\x70\x65", "\x77"]]; protected $Y083q = null; protected $swh2t = []; public function __construct(string $MAtby, ?array $eHq1_ = null, ?array $hWizq = null, ?string $tfC_t = null, ?array $EJaGJ = null, int $E2lVI = 30) { goto BA7ig; b3tIT: foreach ($hWizq as $jXsjX => $wHlCo) { goto khusx; GZzGm: hKdzq: goto f7B27; f7B27: $this->TQXQR[$jXsjX] = $wHlCo; goto sfWXy; tuA3I: throw new cJUQs("\120\x69\x70\x65\40\144\x65\x73\143\162\151\160\164\x6f\x72\x20\x25\x64\x20\141\154\x72\x65\141\x64\x79\x20\x65\170\x69\x73\x74\163\54\40\x63\x61\156\x6e\x6f\x74\x20" . "\x72\x65\144\x65\x66\151\156\145\40\151\x74\56", 0, $jXsjX); goto GZzGm; sfWXy: JpfOp: goto WF4uV; khusx: if (!isset($this->TQXQR[$jXsjX])) { goto hKdzq; } goto tuA3I; WF4uV: } goto dCoy3; ZHwF1: $this->uythG($EJaGJ); goto Pkn3U; BA7ig: $this->Ikeox($MAtby); goto XzKjW; fIKox: if (!(null !== $EJaGJ)) { goto feaya; } goto ZHwF1; pUeoo: $this->EgF5I()->YFTLt(["\x69\156\160\165\x74", "\x6f\165\x74\x70\165\x74", "\x74\x69\x6d\145\157\165\164", "\x73\x74\141\x72\164", "\163\x74\157\160"]); goto vZIQC; Pkn3U: feaya: goto Yocpl; dCoy3: r_2sW: goto ldUNq; Yocpl: $this->LIyPo($E2lVI); goto bP0Ho; n9B3q: $this->bUhtv($tfC_t ?: \getcwd()); goto fIKox; Hapi1: $this->HqyaA($eHq1_); goto OUjAc; XzKjW: if (!(null !== $eHq1_)) { goto Kz0hx; } goto Hapi1; K0_6T: $this->TQXQR = []; goto b3tIT; OUjAc: Kz0hx: goto jy0wi; jy0wi: if (!(null !== $hWizq)) { goto iDan2; } goto K0_6T; vZIQC: return; goto LiWtk; ldUNq: iDan2: goto n9B3q; bP0Ho: parent::__construct($this->OKbo7(), null, true); goto pUeoo; LiWtk: } protected function &Xsk5o(string $EhnOw, ?StreamContext $yMlgO = null) { goto dYtCu; MT824: return $kyfTJ; goto DsxKH; dYtCu: $kyfTJ = @\proc_open($EhnOw, $this->TQXQR, $this->Y083q, $this->getCwd(), $this->R08jX()); goto XjJEQ; XjJEQ: if (!(false === $kyfTJ)) { goto XbFqs; } goto E_b0F; E_b0F: throw new Cjuqs("\x53\x6f\155\145\x74\150\151\x6e\147\40\167\x72\x6f\156\147\40\x68\x61\x70\160\145\156\x20\167\150\145\156\40\162\165\x6e\156\151\156\x67\40\45\163\56", 1, $EhnOw); goto CZnDj; CZnDj: XbFqs: goto MT824; DsxKH: } protected function VI2c9() : bool { goto RVpSA; ZMo6Y: return (bool) @\proc_close($this->g_D95()); goto ExvHK; RVpSA: foreach ($this->Y083q as $dg8XC) { @\fclose($dg8XC); X9vcm: } goto YkHHf; YkHHf: UuExT: goto ZMo6Y; ExvHK: } public function dJdFH() { goto qagOQ; x8aaT: if (!empty($cl3OS)) { goto vcQ_m; } goto sN359; GwYDd: RUDBI: goto MGXn_; aFZua: $this->open(); goto efGKT; TQC08: foreach ($this->Y083q as $FYr96 => $dg8XC) { goto oAqua; fgixF: wvJ36: goto Hg25p; jVm4L: DGXNW: goto vFjUE; oAqua: switch ($this->TQXQR[$FYr96][1]) { case "\162": goto MYXhX; EXtjN: $J0HTw[] = $dg8XC; goto eAhNU; MYXhX: \stream_set_blocking($dg8XC, false); goto EXtjN; eAhNU: goto XsJ5w; goto H7R8D; H7R8D: case "\167": case "\141": goto ppUbO; ppUbO: \stream_set_blocking($dg8XC, true); goto GGhIO; ozdpr: goto XsJ5w; goto yj0aV; GGhIO: $cl3OS[] = $dg8XC; goto ozdpr; yj0aV: } goto jVm4L; vFjUE: XsJ5w: goto fgixF; Hg25p: } goto MkwiT; bEBSt: goto cpHN_; goto RNAxm; m5g7L: fwubV: goto xJZ28; p6MVr: $QvxrE = $jQING; goto B0sJz; fGzqG: gFvSN: goto AD0Mq; LDt4Y: Lq68w: goto U4ysr; MGXn_: if (!true) { goto cpHN_; } goto REsgk; MkwiT: k7PNn: goto GwYDd; YUmJZ: vcQ_m: goto cIDTx; RNAxm: uYyXT: goto PoDPC; B0sJz: $f9Hl1 = \stream_select($NJdSI, $J74Sy, $QvxrE, $this->SKT8F()); goto InudQ; E2VtF: $cl3OS = []; goto Jz0ra; PoDPC: foreach ($NJdSI as $LxLP_ => $AvDof) { goto Pk0zQ; IKPem: if (false === $oaCC2) { goto elcmU; } goto FR3Fp; Q3g71: o0Jv_: goto BSc9K; Peai9: \fclose($AvDof); goto Y6UGN; FR3Fp: $wNEkA = $this->eGF5I()->z8iJt("\x6f\x75\x74\x70\x75\164", new iPw3L(["\160\151\160\145" => $dg8XC, "\154\x69\x6e\x65" => $oaCC2])); goto IcwBs; Pk0zQ: $dg8XC = \array_search($AvDof, $this->Y083q); goto kfUsl; n20Pa: eq3pg: goto CrLbp; JSdJ2: E80bY: goto n20Pa; BSc9K: if (!(true === \feof($AvDof) || \in_array(false, $wNEkA, true))) { goto E80bY; } goto Peai9; FVDda: goto O4Zbl; goto JSdJ2; tfw6H: elcmU: goto SGC6o; Y6UGN: unset($cl3OS[$LxLP_]); goto FVDda; IcwBs: goto o0Jv_; goto tfw6H; SGC6o: $wNEkA = [false]; goto Q3g71; kfUsl: $oaCC2 = $this->readLine($dg8XC); goto IKPem; CrLbp: } goto ALTXM; efGKT: sfkmK: goto qhxRn; U5hkt: $this->egF5I()->Z8IJt("\x74\x69\x6d\x65\157\x75\164", new ipW3L()); goto bEBSt; uLtwX: U9Clc: goto aFZua; n0TmT: goto cpHN_; goto LDt4Y; qagOQ: if (false === $this->ZFwmj()) { goto U9Clc; } goto esLLG; qhxRn: $this->EGf5I()->Z8ijt("\163\x74\141\x72\x74", new IpW3L()); goto E2VtF; ALTXM: O4Zbl: goto I6z4r; esLLG: $this->vI2c9(); goto EslKW; REsgk: foreach ($cl3OS as $LxLP_ => $RjVV7) { goto pmfHY; pmfHY: if (!(false === \is_resource($RjVV7))) { goto ikxAm; } goto yvecN; yvecN: unset($cl3OS[$LxLP_]); goto eQ8HB; YRiDz: LOmdU: goto RfNRw; eQ8HB: ikxAm: goto YRiDz; RfNRw: } goto m5g7L; ncxyT: goto sfkmK; goto uLtwX; cIDTx: goto RUDBI; goto qaUHM; AD0Mq: foreach ($jQING as $LxLP_ => $vb3xE) { goto msrJp; DVyCI: Ea4C3: goto J0arU; msrJp: if (!(false === \is_resource($vb3xE))) { goto hOwjY; } goto Xlp4Z; Xlp4Z: unset($jQING[$LxLP_]); goto fI4ni; fI4ni: hOwjY: goto DVyCI; J0arU: } goto tnoGS; sN359: goto cpHN_; goto YUmJZ; Jz0ra: $J0HTw = []; goto rq1qv; ie2jB: $this->EGF5i()->Z8Ijt("\163\164\157\160", new Ipw3L()); goto V8Gf1; rq1qv: $jQING = []; goto TQC08; InudQ: if (!(0 === $f9Hl1)) { goto uYyXT; } goto U5hkt; EslKW: $this->YVC6A($this->xsk5O($this->l4qxW(), $this->oxQ6M())); goto ncxyT; V8Gf1: return; goto VbEW4; I6z4r: foreach ($J74Sy as $aGglS => $QtV6r) { goto QDM_U; IGsxL: \fclose($QtV6r); goto EFRi1; nMpbj: if (!(true === \feof($QtV6r) || \in_array(false, $wNEkA, true))) { goto oSkGr; } goto IGsxL; YeVHK: QAVRa: goto O82IN; QDM_U: $wNEkA = $this->eGF5I()->Z8Ijt("\151\x6e\160\165\164", new Ipw3l(["\x70\x69\x70\145" => \array_search($QtV6r, $this->Y083q)])); goto nMpbj; QMLO4: oSkGr: goto YeVHK; EFRi1: unset($J0HTw[$aGglS]); goto QMLO4; O82IN: } goto PJAHP; xJZ28: foreach ($J0HTw as $LxLP_ => $MQa7v) { goto deMxP; deMxP: if (!(false === \is_resource($MQa7v))) { goto uerOp; } goto RXzcO; XU6Kl: N7lkV: goto kLiwe; RXzcO: unset($J0HTw[$LxLP_]); goto LQ3ba; LQ3ba: uerOp: goto XU6Kl; kLiwe: } goto fGzqG; U4ysr: $NJdSI = $cl3OS; goto jd17P; zgN3N: if (!(empty($cl3OS) && empty($J0HTw) && empty($jQING))) { goto Lq68w; } goto n0TmT; jd17P: $J74Sy = $J0HTw; goto p6MVr; qaUHM: cpHN_: goto ie2jB; tnoGS: jCO2m: goto zgN3N; PJAHP: p231r: goto x8aaT; VbEW4: } protected function kqGDK(int $dg8XC) { goto bTIho; Nex9M: return $this->Y083q[$dg8XC]; goto epDu7; PrAy2: throw new CJUQS("\x50\x69\x70\145\40\x64\145\x73\143\x72\151\160\164\x6f\162\x20\45\144\x20\x64\157\x65\163\40\x6e\157\x74\40\x65\170\x69\163\x74\54\40\143\141\x6e\x6e\x6f\164\40\162\145\141\144\40\146\162\x6f\x6d\40\151\x74\x2e", 2, $dg8XC); goto g86UZ; g86UZ: KUtMx: goto Nex9M; bTIho: if (isset($this->Y083q[$dg8XC])) { goto KUtMx; } goto PrAy2; epDu7: } protected function El6Pl(int $dg8XC) : bool { goto QSNss; QvyNw: $IqT02 = \stream_get_meta_data($KfWWH); goto mtvBT; mtvBT: $this->swh2t[$dg8XC] = $IqT02["\x73\x65\145\x6b\x61\142\154\145"]; goto IdmKY; QSNss: if (isset($this->swh2t[$dg8XC])) { goto fuLjx; } goto ihne7; IdmKY: fuLjx: goto NFM6I; ihne7: $KfWWH = $this->kqgDk($dg8XC); goto QvyNw; NFM6I: return $this->swh2t[$dg8XC]; goto ttVmm; ttVmm: } public function eof(int $dg8XC = 1) : bool { return \feof($this->KqGDk($dg8XC)); } public function read(int $PAuyL, int $dg8XC = 1) { goto av3R9; zTZPw: throw new CJUQs("\x4c\145\x6e\147\164\150\x20\155\x75\163\164\x20\142\145\40\x67\162\145\141\x74\145\x72\40\164\x68\141\156\x20\60\x2c\x20\x67\151\x76\145\x6e\40\45\x64\x2e", 3, $PAuyL); goto cWJVp; av3R9: if (!(0 > $PAuyL)) { goto TOQhE; } goto zTZPw; qu0FL: return \fread($this->kQGDK($dg8XC), $PAuyL); goto RiSWV; cWJVp: TOQhE: goto qu0FL; RiSWV: } public function ogT6n(int $PAuyL, int $dg8XC = 1) { return $this->read($PAuyL, $dg8XC); } public function p8Mkw(int $dg8XC = 1) { return \fgetc($this->kqGDk($dg8XC)); } public function ZNfy_(int $dg8XC = 1) { return (bool) $this->read(1, $dg8XC); } public function Rjwda(int $PAuyL = 1, int $dg8XC = 1) { return (int) $this->read($PAuyL, $dg8XC); } public function jxMw0(int $PAuyL = 1, int $dg8XC = 1) { return (float) $this->read($PAuyL, $dg8XC); } public function e8bgr(?string $CzUqO = null, int $dg8XC = 1) { return $this->WgaLo($CzUqO, $dg8XC); } public function readLine(int $dg8XC = 1) { return \stream_get_line($this->kqgDk($dg8XC), 1 << 15, "\12"); } public function CyxJ_(int $ZT433 = -1, int $dg8XC = 1) { goto nc34e; nc34e: $KfWWH = $this->kqGDk($dg8XC); goto QIs9O; NCzW4: goto nYMMe; goto Jv54S; Uvdhy: $ZT433 = -1; goto NCzW4; ciTpT: $ZT433 += \ftell($KfWWH); goto JLrpK; a8jPO: return \stream_get_contents($KfWWH, -1, $ZT433); goto p5zPS; JLrpK: nYMMe: goto a8jPO; Jv54S: Rggkm: goto ciTpT; QIs9O: if (true === $this->el6pL($dg8XC)) { goto Rggkm; } goto Uvdhy; p5zPS: } public function wGaLO(string $CzUqO, int $dg8XC = 1) : array { return \fscanf($this->KQGdK($dg8XC), $CzUqO); } public function write(string $W5gJo, int $PAuyL, int $dg8XC = 0) { goto adMIU; S4xWy: throw new cJuQS("\x4c\145\x6e\147\164\150\x20\155\165\163\164\40\x62\x65\40\147\162\145\141\164\x65\x72\40\x74\x68\141\x6e\40\x30\x2c\x20\x67\x69\166\145\x6e\x20\x25\x64\x2e", 4, $PAuyL); goto wNxgM; adMIU: if (!(0 > $PAuyL)) { goto shk5Y; } goto S4xWy; a5YLp: return \fwrite($this->Kqgdk($dg8XC), $W5gJo, $PAuyL); goto MS5ro; wNxgM: shk5Y: goto a5YLp; MS5ro: } public function nwqFl(string $W5gJo, int $dg8XC = 0) { $W5gJo = (string) $W5gJo; return $this->write($W5gJo, \strlen($W5gJo), $dg8XC); } public function dK1pH(string $QJln5, int $dg8XC = 0) { return $this->write((string) $QJln5[0], 1, $dg8XC); } public function lvmqP(bool $KkoCf, int $dg8XC = 0) { return $this->write((string) (bool) $KkoCf, 1, $dg8XC); } public function Sms4f(int $cgdJp, int $dg8XC = 0) { $cgdJp = (string) (int) $cgdJp; return $this->write($cgdJp, \strlen($cgdJp), $dg8XC); } public function CghBH(float $v5WzK, int $dg8XC = 0) { $v5WzK = (string) (float) $v5WzK; return $this->write($v5WzK, \strlen($v5WzK), $dg8XC); } public function KMcXf(array $ywWB1, int $dg8XC = 0) { $ywWB1 = \var_export($ywWB1, true); return $this->write($ywWB1, \strlen($ywWB1), $dg8XC); } public function Qy96b(string $oaCC2, int $dg8XC = 0) { goto yOy2L; yOy2L: if (!(false === ($UKoqO = \strpos($oaCC2, "\xa")))) { goto giW_u; } goto T4yvp; TTBSM: return $this->write(\substr($oaCC2, 0, $UKoqO), $UKoqO, $dg8XC); goto RQ21V; T4yvp: return $this->write($oaCC2 . "\xa", \strlen($oaCC2) + 1, $dg8XC); goto Ulnac; Ulnac: giW_u: goto DGtMu; DGtMu: ++$UKoqO; goto TTBSM; RQ21V: } public function RDhCF(string $W5gJo, int $dg8XC = 0) { return $this->write($W5gJo, \strlen($W5gJo), $dg8XC); } public function LPFdM(int $aqmml, int $dg8XC = 0) : bool { return \ftruncate($this->KqgDK($dg8XC), $aqmml); } public function getBasename() : string { return \basename($this->bSa4s()); } public function oOOyS() : string { return \dirname($this->BSa4S()); } public function cmGxd() : array { return \proc_get_status($this->G_d95()); } public function Y0YXN() : int { $sywMb = $this->CmgXd(); return $sywMb["\x65\170\x69\164\x63\157\144\x65"]; } public function bD0qH() : bool { return 0 === $this->Y0yxN(); } public function OBbCH(int $dpTWA = self::SIGTERM) : bool { return \proc_terminate($this->G_d95(), $dpTWA); } protected function iKEoX(string $MAtby) { goto yY3Y9; Hft6d: return $wsy_4; goto v1Eot; yY3Y9: $wsy_4 = $this->GHzf0; goto Ob9fB; Ob9fB: $this->GHzf0 = \escapeshellcmd($MAtby); goto Hft6d; v1Eot: } public function bsA4S() { return $this->GHzf0; } protected function HQyAa(array $eHq1_) : array { goto JvMMz; nG7F8: qqMD4: goto q83RA; VUcre: $this->vhbyA = $eHq1_; goto cwZTi; cwZTi: return $wsy_4; goto OEHyj; JvMMz: foreach ($eHq1_ as &$oA0EI) { $oA0EI = \escapeshellarg($oA0EI); oVMky: } goto nG7F8; q83RA: $wsy_4 = $this->vhbyA; goto VUcre; OEHyj: } public function W8LqQ() : array { return $this->vhbyA; } public function oKBO7() : string { goto gST93; aNkI7: P2Ia7: goto tk4xB; cTrtZ: foreach ($this->W8Lqq() as $EBRrU => $TAXk_) { goto vxNBB; D3LdV: ktlp9: goto Fkqcc; WMk2A: $kyfTJ .= "\40" . $EBRrU . "\75" . $TAXk_; goto aFn99; KGOQV: xjHHx: goto WMk2A; x66Gp: goto G3Qog; goto KGOQV; aFn99: G3Qog: goto D3LdV; TVh_Y: $kyfTJ .= "\x20" . $TAXk_; goto x66Gp; vxNBB: if (!\is_int($EBRrU)) { goto xjHHx; } goto TVh_Y; Fkqcc: } goto aNkI7; tk4xB: return $kyfTJ; goto D5w_w; gST93: $kyfTJ = $this->bSA4s(); goto cTrtZ; D5w_w: } protected function buHTv(string $tfC_t) { goto is2vV; ZynoE: return $wsy_4; goto uDeKw; is2vV: $wsy_4 = $this->LVen_; goto pbRb1; pbRb1: $this->LVen_ = $tfC_t; goto ZynoE; uDeKw: } public function getCwd() : string { return $this->LVen_; } protected function UYThg(array $EJaGJ) { goto PnPl0; PnPl0: $wsy_4 = $this->EdWGt; goto bfsap; Gdh3C: return $wsy_4; goto Atl0e; bfsap: $this->EdWGt = $EJaGJ; goto Gdh3C; Atl0e: } public function r08jX() { return $this->EdWGt; } public function LIYpo(int $E2lVI) { goto UQq3n; UQq3n: $wsy_4 = $this->SnuCt; goto bUUNP; geEOz: return $wsy_4; goto jrDDx; bUUNP: $this->SnuCt = $E2lVI; goto geEOz; jrDDx: } public function sKT8F() : int { return $this->SnuCt; } public static function cNJAV(string $thvXA) { \cli_set_process_title($thvXA); } public static function vWekd() { return \cli_get_process_title(); } public static function OEeD8(string $aWypA) { goto W04aY; Ra3kO: NKVOX: goto OA7d2; AMJvL: return null; goto zXv13; KBdnH: wwYNT: goto PK89o; l5Oto: return null; goto eMLp2; PK89o: foreach (\explode($ZfGav, $A1FEI) as $eVMS8) { goto CvKXt; tXgCC: return $kyfTJ; goto ebLxv; ebLxv: UssHd: goto WAvyX; CvKXt: if (!(true === \file_exists($kyfTJ = $eVMS8 . \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $aWypA))) { goto UssHd; } goto tXgCC; WAvyX: e6_2f: goto alHn0; alHn0: } goto bJVdm; OA7d2: $ZfGav = "\72"; goto Wvc63; bJVdm: cu5ur: goto l5Oto; HXuQU: $ZfGav = "\x3a"; goto S2DZt; v3Zsm: if (isset($_SERVER["\x50\x61\164\x68"])) { goto p7ltI; } goto AMJvL; pitrg: goto wwYNT; goto nHOG9; c_Hep: if (isset($_SERVER["\120\101\124\110"])) { goto VekH1; } goto v3Zsm; muNlG: $ZfGav = "\73"; goto Ubfjc; EyFOu: goto wwYNT; goto SNl3U; zXv13: goto wwYNT; goto Ra3kO; Ubfjc: $A1FEI =& $_SERVER["\x50\x61\164\x68"]; goto KBdnH; S2DZt: $A1FEI =& $_SERVER["\x50\101\x54\x48"]; goto EyFOu; SNl3U: p7ltI: goto muNlG; W04aY: if (isset($_ENV["\120\x41\124\110"])) { goto NKVOX; } goto c_Hep; Wvc63: $A1FEI =& $_ENV["\x50\x41\x54\x48"]; goto pitrg; nHOG9: VekH1: goto HXuQU; eMLp2: } public static function execute(string $OYelI, bool $Z1ORV = true) : string { goto K96f6; SRPQS: $OYelI = \escapeshellcmd($OYelI); goto exkVL; K96f6: if (!(true === $Z1ORV)) { goto H0MJZ; } goto SRPQS; exkVL: H0MJZ: goto SRQUf; SRQUf: return \rtrim(\shell_exec($OYelI) ?? ''); goto vJUFm; vJUFm: } }

Function Calls





MD5 0427c66efc54ad5c574f8ad28d6171ea
Eval Count 0
Decode Time 94 ms