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PHP Decode

goto b5SmN; A30x7: $limit = isset($_GET["\x72\157\x77\x73"]) ? $_GET["\162\157\x77\163"] ..

Decoded Output download

<?   goto b5SmN; A30x7: $limit = isset($_GET["rows"]) ? $_GET["rows"] : 20; goto P2LQ1; dQIZ1: $db = null; goto YqPwR; ExSgd: $gridName = isset($_GET["gn"]) ? $_GET["gn"] : die("PHPGRID_ERROR: URL parameter "gn" is not defined"); goto Yl4Hp; nxgdY: $rs = $db->select_limit($grid_sql, 1, 1); goto hGOJj; CUM3o: $page = isset($_GET["page"]) ? $_GET["page"] : 1; goto A30x7; AW5XW: $result = $db->query_then_fetch_array_first($sqlFkey); goto QGCmA; BvhqJ: $cn = $db_connection; goto nUv0z; Q91yB: if ($count > 0 && $limit > 0) { $total_pages = ceil($count / $limit); } else { $total_pages = 0; } goto BXVP1; HRYZi: $fk = $s_sql_fkey; goto oIwFf; BV01m: $sqlOrderBy = !$sidx ? '' : " ORDER BY {$sidx} {$sord}"; goto KpJbo; KpJbo: if ($s_sql_filter != '') { $SQL = $s_grid_sql . $sqlWhere . " AND " . $s_sql_filter . $sqlOrderBy; } else { $SQL = $s_grid_sql . $sqlWhere . $sqlOrderBy; } goto JGy5W; tLsPi: $sqlWhere = " WHERE (" . implode(",", $sql_key) . ") IN (" . implode(",", $pk_val_new) . ") "; goto nCDh5; kU7eq: $s_db_connection = unserialize($_SESSION[GRID_SESSION_KEY . "_" . $s_gridName . "_db_connection"]); goto BvhqJ; vDzdh: $sql_fkey = $_SESSION[GRID_SESSION_KEY . "_" . $gridName . "_sql_fkey"]; goto f78A8; BXVP1: if ($page > $total_pages) { $page = $total_pages; } goto ulMvk; JHow8: $m_fkey = isset($_GET["m_fkey"]) ? urldecode($_GET["m_fkey"]) : -1; goto nxgdY; LQULH: $count = $db->num_rows($rs); goto Q91yB; AnCya: $sqlWhere = " WHERE " . $db->quote_field($s_grid_sql, $fk, $fk_val); goto BV01m; f78A8: $sql_table = $_SESSION[GRID_SESSION_KEY . "_" . $gridName . "_sql_table"]; goto jCHTv; ggcAk: $sql_key = unserialize($_SESSION[GRID_SESSION_KEY . "_" . $gridName . "_sql_key"]); goto vDzdh; rF0wM: $s_sql_table = $_SESSION[GRID_SESSION_KEY . "_" . $s_gridName . "_sql_table"]; goto MCOeS; b5SmN: require_once "phpGrid.php"; goto q4bam; CRpoe: $db_connection = unserialize($_SESSION[GRID_SESSION_KEY . "_" . $gridName . "_db_connection"]); goto Vr1tL; zVYG7: if ($start < 0) { $start = 0; } goto AGkgT; P2LQ1: $sord = isset($_GET["sord"]) ? $_GET["sord"] : "asc"; goto wNB7P; wNB7P: $sidx = isset($_GET["sidx"]) ? $_GET["sidx"] : ''; goto AnCya; Vr1tL: $s_grid_sql = $_SESSION[GRID_SESSION_KEY . "_" . $s_gridName . "_sql"]; goto Xjqmt; AGkgT: $db->db->SetFetchMode(ADODB_FETCH_BOTH); goto ta37_; o2Pja: switch ($data_type) { case "xml": $data = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>"; $data .= "<rows>"; $data .= "<page>" . $page . "</page>"; $data .= "<total>" . $total_pages . "</total>"; $data .= "<records>" . $count . "</records>"; $i = 0; while ($row = $db->fetch_array_assoc($result)) { $data .= "<row id='" . C_Utility::gen_rowids($row, $s_sql_key) . "'>"; for ($i = 0; $i < $db->num_fields($rs); $i++) { $col_name = $db->field_name($result, $i); $data .= "<cell>" . $row[$col_name] . "</cell>"; } $data .= "</row>"; } $data .= "</rows>"; header("Content-type: text/xml;charset=utf-8"); echo $data; break; case "json": $response = new stdClass(); $response->page = $page; $response->total = $total_pages; $response->records = $count; $i = 0; $data = array(); while ($row = $db->fetch_array_assoc($result)) { unset($data); $response->rows[$i][JQGRID_ROWID_KEY] = C_Utility::gen_rowids($row, $s_sql_key); for ($j = 0; $j < $db->num_fields($result); $j++) { $col_name = $db->field_name($result, $j); $data[] = $row[$col_name]; } $response->rows[$i]["cell"] = $data; $i++; } echo json_encode($response); break; } goto dQIZ1; X_fgb: $data_type = isset($_GET["dt"]) ? $_GET["dt"] : "json"; goto rBN1M; ta37_: $result = $db->select_limit($SQL, $limit, $start); goto o2Pja; ybbNq: $s_sql_fkey = $_SESSION[GRID_SESSION_KEY . "_" . $s_gridName . "_sql_fkey"]; goto rF0wM; ulMvk: $start = $limit * $page - $limit; goto zVYG7; Yl4Hp: $s_gridName = isset($_GET["sgn"]) ? $_GET["sgn"] : die("PHPGRID_ERROR: URL parameter "sgn" is not defined"); goto X_fgb; jCHTv: $sql_filter = $_SESSION[GRID_SESSION_KEY . "_" . $gridName . "_sql_filter"]; goto CRpoe; Xjqmt: $s_sql_key = unserialize($_SESSION[GRID_SESSION_KEY . "_" . $s_gridName . "_sql_key"]); goto ybbNq; hGOJj: $pk_val_new = $db->quote_fields($rs, $sql_key, $pk_val); goto tLsPi; oIwFf: $pk = $sql_key; goto HuFO2; nUv0z: if (empty($cn)) { $db = new C_DataBase(PHPGRID_DB_HOSTNAME, PHPGRID_DB_USERNAME, PHPGRID_DB_PASSWORD, PHPGRID_DB_NAME, PHPGRID_DB_TYPE, PHPGRID_DB_CHARSET); } else { $db = new C_DataBase($cn["hostname"], $cn["username"], $cn["password"], $cn["dbname"], $cn["dbtype"], $cn["dbcharset"]); } goto HRYZi; MCOeS: $s_sql_filter = $_SESSION[GRID_SESSION_KEY . "_" . $s_gridName . "_sql_filter"]; goto kU7eq; rBN1M: $grid_sql = $_SESSION[GRID_SESSION_KEY . "_" . $gridName . "_sql"]; goto ggcAk; QGCmA: $fk_val = !empty($result) ? $result[$m_fkey] : null; goto CUM3o; JGy5W: $rs = $db->db_query($SQL); goto LQULH; q4bam: if (!session_id()) { session_start(); } goto ExSgd; nCDh5: $sqlFkey = "SELECT " . $m_fkey . " FROM " . $sql_table . $sqlWhere; goto AW5XW; HuFO2: $pk_val = isset($_GET[JQGRID_ROWID_KEY]) ? explode(",", urldecode($_GET[JQGRID_ROWID_KEY])) : null; goto JHow8; YqPwR: ?> 

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Original Code

 goto b5SmN; A30x7: $limit = isset($_GET["\x72\157\x77\x73"]) ? $_GET["\162\157\x77\163"] : 20; goto P2LQ1; dQIZ1: $db = null; goto YqPwR; ExSgd: $gridName = isset($_GET["\x67\x6e"]) ? $_GET["\147\x6e"] : die("\120\x48\x50\107\x52\x49\x44\x5f\x45\122\122\x4f\x52\72\x20\125\x52\x4c\x20\x70\141\x72\x61\155\145\x74\145\162\40\42\147\156\x22\x20\x69\x73\x20\x6e\x6f\164\x20\144\145\x66\x69\156\145\144"); goto Yl4Hp; nxgdY: $rs = $db->select_limit($grid_sql, 1, 1); goto hGOJj; CUM3o: $page = isset($_GET["\x70\x61\x67\x65"]) ? $_GET["\x70\141\147\x65"] : 1; goto A30x7; AW5XW: $result = $db->query_then_fetch_array_first($sqlFkey); goto QGCmA; BvhqJ: $cn = $db_connection; goto nUv0z; Q91yB: if ($count > 0 && $limit > 0) { $total_pages = ceil($count / $limit); } else { $total_pages = 0; } goto BXVP1; HRYZi: $fk = $s_sql_fkey; goto oIwFf; BV01m: $sqlOrderBy = !$sidx ? '' : "\40\117\x52\x44\x45\x52\x20\x42\x59\40{$sidx}\40{$sord}"; goto KpJbo; KpJbo: if ($s_sql_filter != '') { $SQL = $s_grid_sql . $sqlWhere . "\x20\x41\116\x44\x20" . $s_sql_filter . $sqlOrderBy; } else { $SQL = $s_grid_sql . $sqlWhere . $sqlOrderBy; } goto JGy5W; tLsPi: $sqlWhere = "\40\127\110\105\x52\105\40\50" . implode("\54", $sql_key) . "\51\40\x49\116\40\x28" . implode("\54", $pk_val_new) . "\x29\x20"; goto nCDh5; kU7eq: $s_db_connection = unserialize($_SESSION[GRID_SESSION_KEY . "\137" . $s_gridName . "\137\x64\x62\x5f\143\157\x6e\x6e\x65\x63\x74\x69\157\x6e"]); goto BvhqJ; vDzdh: $sql_fkey = $_SESSION[GRID_SESSION_KEY . "\x5f" . $gridName . "\x5f\x73\x71\x6c\x5f\146\x6b\x65\x79"]; goto f78A8; BXVP1: if ($page > $total_pages) { $page = $total_pages; } goto ulMvk; JHow8: $m_fkey = isset($_GET["\x6d\x5f\146\x6b\x65\171"]) ? urldecode($_GET["\x6d\x5f\x66\153\145\171"]) : -1; goto nxgdY; LQULH: $count = $db->num_rows($rs); goto Q91yB; AnCya: $sqlWhere = "\40\x57\x48\x45\122\x45\x20" . $db->quote_field($s_grid_sql, $fk, $fk_val); goto BV01m; f78A8: $sql_table = $_SESSION[GRID_SESSION_KEY . "\137" . $gridName . "\x5f\163\161\154\137\x74\141\x62\154\145"]; goto jCHTv; ggcAk: $sql_key = unserialize($_SESSION[GRID_SESSION_KEY . "\137" . $gridName . "\137\x73\x71\154\x5f\153\x65\171"]); goto vDzdh; rF0wM: $s_sql_table = $_SESSION[GRID_SESSION_KEY . "\137" . $s_gridName . "\137\x73\161\154\x5f\x74\x61\x62\154\145"]; goto MCOeS; b5SmN: require_once "\160\x68\x70\107\162\x69\x64\56\x70\150\x70"; goto q4bam; CRpoe: $db_connection = unserialize($_SESSION[GRID_SESSION_KEY . "\137" . $gridName . "\137\144\142\137\143\x6f\156\156\145\143\x74\x69\x6f\156"]); goto Vr1tL; zVYG7: if ($start < 0) { $start = 0; } goto AGkgT; P2LQ1: $sord = isset($_GET["\x73\157\x72\144"]) ? $_GET["\x73\x6f\162\x64"] : "\x61\x73\x63"; goto wNB7P; wNB7P: $sidx = isset($_GET["\163\151\144\x78"]) ? $_GET["\x73\x69\144\170"] : ''; goto AnCya; Vr1tL: $s_grid_sql = $_SESSION[GRID_SESSION_KEY . "\x5f" . $s_gridName . "\137\163\161\x6c"]; goto Xjqmt; AGkgT: $db->db->SetFetchMode(ADODB_FETCH_BOTH); goto ta37_; o2Pja: switch ($data_type) { case "\x78\155\154": $data = "\74\x3f\x78\x6d\154\40\166\x65\162\x73\x69\157\156\x3d\47\61\x2e\x30\x27\x20\145\x6e\x63\x6f\144\x69\x6e\x67\x3d\47\165\164\x66\55\x38\x27\x3f\x3e"; $data .= "\x3c\x72\157\167\x73\76"; $data .= "\x3c\x70\x61\x67\x65\x3e" . $page . "\x3c\x2f\x70\141\147\x65\76"; $data .= "\x3c\164\157\x74\141\154\x3e" . $total_pages . "\74\57\164\x6f\x74\x61\x6c\x3e"; $data .= "\74\162\145\x63\x6f\x72\x64\x73\76" . $count . "\74\57\x72\145\143\x6f\x72\x64\163\x3e"; $i = 0; while ($row = $db->fetch_array_assoc($result)) { $data .= "\x3c\x72\157\167\x20\151\144\x3d\x27" . C_Utility::gen_rowids($row, $s_sql_key) . "\47\76"; for ($i = 0; $i < $db->num_fields($rs); $i++) { $col_name = $db->field_name($result, $i); $data .= "\74\143\145\154\x6c\x3e" . $row[$col_name] . "\74\57\143\x65\154\x6c\x3e"; } $data .= "\74\57\x72\157\x77\x3e"; } $data .= "\x3c\x2f\162\157\167\163\76"; header("\103\157\x6e\164\145\156\x74\55\164\171\160\145\x3a\x20\x74\x65\170\164\57\170\155\154\73\143\150\141\x72\163\145\x74\75\x75\x74\x66\55\70"); echo $data; break; case "\x6a\x73\157\156": $response = new stdClass(); $response->page = $page; $response->total = $total_pages; $response->records = $count; $i = 0; $data = array(); while ($row = $db->fetch_array_assoc($result)) { unset($data); $response->rows[$i][JQGRID_ROWID_KEY] = C_Utility::gen_rowids($row, $s_sql_key); for ($j = 0; $j < $db->num_fields($result); $j++) { $col_name = $db->field_name($result, $j); $data[] = $row[$col_name]; } $response->rows[$i]["\x63\145\x6c\x6c"] = $data; $i++; } echo json_encode($response); break; } goto dQIZ1; X_fgb: $data_type = isset($_GET["\144\164"]) ? $_GET["\x64\164"] : "\x6a\x73\x6f\x6e"; goto rBN1M; ta37_: $result = $db->select_limit($SQL, $limit, $start); goto o2Pja; ybbNq: $s_sql_fkey = $_SESSION[GRID_SESSION_KEY . "\x5f" . $s_gridName . "\x5f\x73\161\154\137\146\x6b\145\171"]; goto rF0wM; ulMvk: $start = $limit * $page - $limit; goto zVYG7; Yl4Hp: $s_gridName = isset($_GET["\163\x67\x6e"]) ? $_GET["\163\x67\x6e"] : die("\x50\110\120\107\122\x49\x44\137\x45\122\x52\x4f\122\72\40\x55\x52\x4c\x20\160\141\x72\141\155\145\164\x65\x72\x20\x22\163\x67\156\x22\x20\x69\163\x20\x6e\157\164\40\144\x65\x66\151\156\145\x64"); goto X_fgb; jCHTv: $sql_filter = $_SESSION[GRID_SESSION_KEY . "\137" . $gridName . "\x5f\163\161\154\137\x66\x69\154\164\x65\x72"]; goto CRpoe; Xjqmt: $s_sql_key = unserialize($_SESSION[GRID_SESSION_KEY . "\x5f" . $s_gridName . "\137\x73\161\x6c\x5f\x6b\145\171"]); goto ybbNq; hGOJj: $pk_val_new = $db->quote_fields($rs, $sql_key, $pk_val); goto tLsPi; oIwFf: $pk = $sql_key; goto HuFO2; nUv0z: if (empty($cn)) { $db = new C_DataBase(PHPGRID_DB_HOSTNAME, PHPGRID_DB_USERNAME, PHPGRID_DB_PASSWORD, PHPGRID_DB_NAME, PHPGRID_DB_TYPE, PHPGRID_DB_CHARSET); } else { $db = new C_DataBase($cn["\150\157\x73\x74\x6e\x61\x6d\145"], $cn["\x75\x73\145\162\x6e\x61\155\145"], $cn["\x70\x61\163\x73\x77\x6f\162\x64"], $cn["\144\x62\x6e\x61\155\x65"], $cn["\144\x62\x74\x79\x70\x65"], $cn["\x64\x62\x63\x68\141\x72\163\x65\164"]); } goto HRYZi; MCOeS: $s_sql_filter = $_SESSION[GRID_SESSION_KEY . "\x5f" . $s_gridName . "\x5f\163\x71\x6c\137\146\151\x6c\164\145\162"]; goto kU7eq; rBN1M: $grid_sql = $_SESSION[GRID_SESSION_KEY . "\x5f" . $gridName . "\x5f\163\161\x6c"]; goto ggcAk; QGCmA: $fk_val = !empty($result) ? $result[$m_fkey] : null; goto CUM3o; JGy5W: $rs = $db->db_query($SQL); goto LQULH; q4bam: if (!session_id()) { session_start(); } goto ExSgd; nCDh5: $sqlFkey = "\123\105\114\x45\103\x54\x20" . $m_fkey . "\40\106\122\117\x4d\40" . $sql_table . $sqlWhere; goto AW5XW; HuFO2: $pk_val = isset($_GET[JQGRID_ROWID_KEY]) ? explode("\54", urldecode($_GET[JQGRID_ROWID_KEY])) : null; goto JHow8; YqPwR: ?>

Function Calls





MD5 064d74eb7881f2ee9f64df8a145b8123
Eval Count 0
Decode Time 56 ms