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<?php // Copyright 2011 Toby Zerner, Simon Zerner // This file is part of esoTalk. Please ..
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// Copyright 2011 Toby Zerner, Simon Zerner
// This file is part of esoTalk. Please see the included license file for usage information.
if (!defined("IN_ESOTALK")) exit;
* The conversation model provides functions for retrieving and managing conversation data. It also provides
* methods to handle conversation "labels".
* @package esoTalk
class ETConversationModel extends ETModel {
* An array of conversation "labels". A label is a flag that can apply to a conversation (sticky,
* private, draft, etc.) The array is in the form labelName => array(SQL expression (eg. IF(c.sticky,1,0)), icon class name)
* @var array
public static $labels = array();
* Class constructor; sets up the base model functions to use the conversation table.
* @return void
public function __construct()
* Adds a label to the collection.
* @param string $label The name of the label.
* @param string $expression The SQL expression that will determine whether or not the label is active.
* @param string $icon An icon classname to represent the label.
* @return void
public static function addLabel($label, $expression, $icon = "")
self::$labels[$label] = array($expression, $icon);
* Adds a SELECT field to an SQL query which will get the active state of conversation labels.
* We add one field, which we name 'labels', which contains a comma-separated list of
* label expressions defined by addLabel(). This field can then be expanded using expandLabels().
* @param ETSQLQuery The SQL query to add the SELECT component to.
* @return void
public static function addLabels(&$sql)
$expressions = array();
foreach (self::$labels as $label) $expressions[] = $label[0];
if (count($expressions)) $sql->select("CONCAT_WS(',',".implode(",", $expressions).")", "labels");
else $sql->select("NULL", "labels");
* Expands the value of a label field, added by addLabels(), to an array of active labels.
* @param string $labels The value of the 'label' field.
* @return array An array of active labels.
public static function expandLabels($labels)
$active = array();
if (count(self::$labels)) {
$labels = explode(",", $labels);
$i = 0;
foreach (self::$labels as $k => $v) {
if (!empty($labels[$i])) $active[] = $k;
return $active;
* Add a WHERE predicate to an SQL query which will filter out conversations that the user is not
* allowed to see.
* @param ETSQLQuery $sql The SQL query to add the WHERE predicate to.
* @param array $member The member to filter out conversations for. If not specified, the currently
* logged-in user will be used.
* @param string $table The conversation table alias used in the SQL query.
* @return void
// Get a WHERE clause that makes sure the currently logged in user is allowed to view a conversation.
public function addAllowedPredicate(&$sql, $member = false, $table = "c")
// If no member was specified, use the current user.
if (!$member) $member = ET::$session->user;
// If the user is a guest, they can only see conversations that are not drafts and that are not private.
if (!$member) $sql->where("$table.countPosts>0")->where("$table.private=0");
// If the user is logged in...
else {
// Construct a query to get a list of conversationIds that the user is explicitly allowed in.
$allowedQuery = ET::SQL()
->where("(type='member' AND id=:allowedMemberId) OR (type='group' AND id IN (:allowedGroupIds))")
// They must be the start member, or the conversation mustn't be a draft or private. If it is private, they must be allowed, using the query above.
$sql->where("($table.startMemberId=:startMemberId OR ($table.countPosts>0 AND ($table.private=0 OR $table.conversationId IN ($allowedQuery))))")
->bind(":allowedMemberId", $member["memberId"])
->bind(":allowedGroupIds", ET::groupModel()->getGroupIds($member["account"], array_keys($member["groups"])))
->bind(":startMemberId", $member["memberId"]);
// Additionally, the user must be allowed to view the channel that the conversation is in.
ET::channelModel()->addPermissionPredicate($sql, "view", $member, $table);
* Get a single conversation's details.
* This function returns an array of fields which is that "standard" for conversation data structure
* within this model.
* @param array $wheres An array of WHERE conditions. Regardless of how many conversations match, only
* the first will be returned.
* @return array The conversation details array.
public function get($wheres = array())
$sql = ET::SQL()
->select("sm.username", "startMember")
->select("sm.avatarFormat", "startMemberAvatarFormat")
->select("ch.title", "channelTitle")
->select("ch.description", "channelDescription")
->select("ch.slug", "channelSlug")
->select("ch.lft", "channelLft")
->select("ch.rgt", "channelRgt")
// Get the groups that are allowed to view this channel, and the names of those groups.
->select("GROUP_CONCAT(pv.groupId)", "channelPermissionView")
->select("GROUP_CONCAT(IF( IS NOT NULL,, ''))", "channelPermissionViewNames")
// Join the appropriate tables.
->from("conversation c")
->from("channel ch", "c.channelId=ch.channelId", "left")
->from("channel_group pv", "c.channelId=pv.channelId AND pv.view=1", "left")
->from("group pvg", "pv.groupId=pvg.groupId", "left")
->from("member_conversation s", "s.conversationId=c.conversationId AND type='member' AND", "left")->bind(":userId", ET::$session->userId)
->from("member sm", "sm.memberId=c.startMemberId", "left")
// Fetch the labels field as well.
// Make sure the user is allowed to view this conversation.
// Fetch the user's reply and moderate permissions for this conversation.
if (!ET::$session->isAdmin()) {
$sql->select("BIT_OR(p.reply)", "canReply")
->select("BIT_OR(p.moderate)", "canModerate")
->select("BIT_OR(p.moderate)", "canDeleteConversation")
->from("channel_group p", "c.channelId=p.channelId AND p.groupId IN (:groupIds)", "left")
->bind(":groupIds", ET::$session->getGroupIds());
// If the user is an administrator, they can always reply and moderate.
else {
$sql->select("1", "canReply")
->select("1", "canModerate")
->select("1", "canDeleteConversation");
// Execute the query.
$result = $sql->exec();
if (!$result->numRows()) return false;
// Get all the details from the result into an array.
$conversation = $result->firstRow();
// Expand the labels field into a simple array of active labels.
$conversation["labels"] = $this->expandLabels($conversation["labels"]);
// Convert the separate groups who have permission to view this channel ID/name fields into one.
$conversation["channelPermissionView"] = $this->formatGroupsAllowed($conversation["channelPermissionView"], $conversation["channelPermissionViewNames"]);
// If the conversation is locked and the user can't moderate, then they can't reply.
if ($conversation["locked"] and !$conversation["canModerate"]) $conversation["canReply"] = false;
// The user can edit members allowed if they are the author AND no one else has posted in this conversation.
$conversation["canEditMembersAllowed"] = ET::$session->userId == $conversation["startMemberId"] && $conversation["countPosts"] <= 1;
// If the current user owns this conversation, and it's a draft, or they're the only poster,
// then allow them to delete it. We can only know that they're the only poster if there is only
// one post in the conversation, or if there are two and the last one is theirs. In an ideal world,
// we would check all of the post authors, but it's probably not worth the performance hit here.
if ($conversation["startMemberId"] == ET::$session->userId
and ($conversation["countPosts"] <= 1
or ($conversation["countPosts"] == 2 and $conversation["lastPostMemberId"] == ET::$session->userId)))
$conversation["canDeleteConversation"] = true;
return $conversation;
* Get the conversation that the specified $postId is contained within.
* @param int $postId The ID of the post.
* @return array The conversation.
* @see get()
public function getByPostId($postId)
$subquery = ET::SQL()
->bind(":postId", (int)$postId)
return $this->get("c.conversationId=($subquery)");
* Get conversation data for the specified conversation ID.
* @param int $id The ID of the conversation.
* @return array The conversation.
* @see get()
public function getById($id)
return $this->get(array("c.conversationId" => (int)$id));
* Get an empty conversation details array for a non-existent conversation.
* @return array The conversation details array.
public function getEmptyConversation()
$conversation = array(
"conversationId" => null,
"title" => "",
"startMemberId" => ET::$session->userId,
"startMemberName" => ET::$session->user["username"],
"startMemberAvatarFormat" => ET::$session->user["avatarFormat"],
"countPosts" => 0,
"lastRead" => 0,
"draft" => "",
"private" => false,
"starred" => false,
"ingored" => false,
"locked" => false,
"channelId" => ET::$session->get("channelId"),
"channelTitle" => "",
"channelDescription" => "",
"channelSlug" => "",
"channelPermissionView" => array(),
"labels" => array(),
"canModerate" => true,
"canReply" => true,
"canEditMembersAllowed" => true
// Add the private label if there are entities in the membersAllowed session store.
if (ET::$session->get("membersAllowed")) {
$conversation["private"] = true;
$conversation["labels"][] = "private";
// Get the channel info.
$result = ET::SQL()
->select("GROUP_CONCAT(pv.groupId)", "channelPermissionView")
->select("GROUP_CONCAT(IF( IS NOT NULL,, ''))", "channelPermissionViewNames")
->from("channel c")
->from("channel_group pv", "pv.channelId=c.channelId", "left")
->from("group pvg", "pv.groupId=pvg.groupId", "left")
->bind(":channelId", $conversation["channelId"])
list($conversation["channelTitle"], $conversation["channelDescription"], $conversation["channelSlug"], $conversation["channelLft"], $conversation["channelRgt"], $conversation["channelPermissionView"], $channelPermissionViewNames) = array_values($result->firstRow());
// Convert the separate groups who have permission to view this channel ID/name fields into one.
$conversation["channelPermissionView"] = $this->formatGroupsAllowed($conversation["channelPermissionView"], $channelPermissionViewNames);
return $conversation;
* Combines two separate strings of group IDs and names into one (id => name).
* When we fetch conversation details in get() and getNew(), we select a field which contains a
* comma-separated list of group IDs which are allowed to view the conversation's channel, and a field
* with the names of those groups. This function combines those two fields into one nice array.
* @param string $permissionView The comma-separated list of group IDs.
* @param string $permissionViewNames The comma-separated list of respective group names.
* @return array A nice array of groupId => names.
private function formatGroupsAllowed($permissionView, $permissionViewNames)
// Get a list of group IDs that are allowed to view the channel.
$permissionView = array_combine(explode(",", $permissionView), explode(",", $permissionViewNames));
if (isset($permissionView[GROUP_ID_GUEST])) $permissionView[GROUP_ID_GUEST] = ACCOUNT_GUEST;
if (isset($permissionView[GROUP_ID_MEMBER])) $permissionView[GROUP_ID_MEMBER] = ACCOUNT_MEMBER;
// Add in administrators if they're not already in there, because they can always see every channel.
$permissionView = array_filter($permissionView);
return $permissionView;
* Get a list of members who are explicitly allowed to view the given conversation.
* Only members who have been explicitly added to the members allowed list will be returned;
* this function returns an empty array for non-private conversations.
* @see getMembersAllowedSummary() for an effective list of members/groups who are allowed to view
* a conversation (which takes channel permissions into consideration.)
* @param array The conversation details.
* @return array An array of entities allowed. Each entry is an array with the following elements:
* type: can be either 'member' or 'group'
* id: the ID of the entity (memberId or groupId)
* name: the name of the entity
* avatarFormat: the member's avatarFormat field (not relevant for groups)
* groups: an array of groups which the member is in (not relevant for groups)
public function getMembersAllowed($conversation)
$membersAllowed = array();
// If the conversation is not private, then everyone can view it - return an empty array.
if (!$conversation["private"] and $conversation["conversationId"]) return $membersAllowed;
// Construct separate queries for getting a list of the members and groups allowed in a conversation.
// We will marry these later on.
$qMembers = ET::SQL()
->select("'member'", "type")
->select("CAST(".($conversation["conversationId"] ? "" : "m.memberId")." AS SIGNED)")
$qGroups = ET::SQL()
->select("'group'", "type")
->select("", "id")
// If the conversation doesn't exist, the members allowed are in stored in the session.
// We'll have to get details from the database using the IDs stored in the session.
if (!$conversation["conversationId"]) {
$groups = $members = array();
$sessionMembers = (array)ET::$session->get("membersAllowed");
foreach ($sessionMembers as $member) {
if ($member["type"] == "group") {
// The adminisrtator/member groups aren't really groups, so we can't query the database
// for their information. Instead, add them to the members allowed array manually.
if ($member["id"] == GROUP_ID_ADMINISTRATOR or $member["id"] == GROUP_ID_MEMBER) {
elseif ($member["id"] == GROUP_ID_MEMBER) $name = ACCOUNT_MEMBER;
$membersAllowed[] = array("type" => "group", "id" => $member["id"], "name" => $name, "email" => null, "avatarFormat" => null, "groups" => null);
else $groups[] = $member["id"];
else $members[] = $member["id"];
if (!count($members)) $members[] = null;
if (!count($groups)) $groups[] = null;
// Get member details directly from the members table, and the group details directly from the groups table.
$qMembers->from("member m")->where("m.memberId IN (:memberIds)")->bind(":memberIds", $members);
$qGroups->select("g.groupId", "id")->from("group g")->where("g.groupId IN (:groupIds)")->bind(":groupIds", $groups);
// If the conversation does exist, we'll get the members allowed from the database.
else {
$qMembers->from("member_conversation s")
->from("member m", "", "left")
->where("s.conversationId=:conversationId")->bind(":conversationId", $conversation["conversationId"])
$qGroups->from("member_conversation s")
->from("group g", "", "left")
->where("s.conversationId=:conversationId")->bind(":conversationId", $conversation["conversationId"])
// Any objections?
$qMembers->from("member_group g", "m.memberId=g.memberId", "left");
// You may now kiss the bride.
$result = ET::SQL("(".$qMembers->get().") UNION (".$qGroups->get().")");
// Go through the results and construct our final "members allowed" array.
while ($entity = $result->nextRow()) {
list($type, $id, $name, $email, $avatarFormat, $account, $groups) = array_values($entity);
$groups = ET::groupModel()->getGroupIds($account, explode(",", $groups));
if ($type == "group") {
elseif ($id == GROUP_ID_MEMBER) $name = ACCOUNT_MEMBER;
$membersAllowed[] = array("type" => $type, "id" => $id, "name" => $name, "email" => $email, "avatarFormat" => $avatarFormat, "groups" => $groups);
// Sort the entities by name.
$membersAllowed = sort2d($membersAllowed, "name", "asc", true, false);
return $membersAllowed;
* Get a list of members who are effectively allowed to view the given conversation.
* This function will take into account both the members explicitly allowed to view a conversation
* and who has permission to view the conversation's channel.
* @see getMembersAllowed()
* @param array The conversation details.
* @param array An array of members explicitly allowed in the conversation, from getMembersAllowed().
* @return array An array of entities allowed in the same format as the return value of getMembersAllowed().
public function getMembersAllowedSummary($conversation, $membersAllowed = array())
$groups = array();
$members = array();
$channelGroupIds = array_keys($conversation["channelPermissionView"]);
// If the conversation ISN'T private...
if (!$conversation["private"]) {
// If guests aren't allowed to view this channel (i.e. not everyone), then we need to
// explicitly show who can view the channel.
if (!in_array(GROUP_ID_GUEST, $channelGroupIds)) {
// If members can view the channel, that covers everyone.
if (in_array(GROUP_ID_MEMBER, $channelGroupIds)) $groups[GROUP_ID_MEMBER] = ACCOUNT_MEMBER;
// Otherwise, go through each of the groups who can view the channel and add them to the groups array for later.
else {
foreach ($channelGroupIds as $id) $groups[$id] = $conversation["channelPermissionView"][$id];
// If the conversation IS private...
else {
// Sort the members.
$count = count($membersAllowed);
// Loop through the members allowed and filter out all the groups and members into separate arrays.
foreach ($membersAllowed as $k => $member) {
if ($member["type"] == "group") {
// Only add the group to the final list if it is allowed to view the channel.
if (!ET::groupModel()->groupIdsAllowedInGroupIds($member["id"], $channelGroupIds)) continue;
$groups[$member["id"]] = $member["name"];
else {
// Only add the member to the final list if they are allowed to view the channel.
if (!ET::groupModel()->groupIdsAllowedInGroupIds($member["groups"], $channelGroupIds)) continue;
$members[] = $member;
// Now, create a final list of members/groups who can view this conversation.
$membersAllowedSummary = array();
// If members are allowed to view this conversation, just show that (as members covers all members.)
if (isset($groups[GROUP_ID_MEMBER])) {
$membersAllowedSummary[] = array("type" => "group", "id" => GROUP_ID_MEMBER, "name" => ACCOUNT_MEMBER, "email" => null);
else {
// Loop through the groups allowed and add them to the summary.
foreach ($groups as $id => $name) {
$membersAllowedSummary[] = array("type" => "group", "id" => $id, "name" => $name, "email" => null);
// Loop through the members allowed and add them to the summary.
$groupIds = array_keys($groups);
foreach ($members as $member) {
// If the member is already covered by one of the groups being displayed, don't show them.
if (ET::groupModel()->groupIdsAllowedInGroupIds($member["groups"], $groupIds) or !$member["name"]) continue;
$membersAllowedSummary[] = $member;
// Whew! All done. Hopefully that wasn't too confusing.
return $membersAllowedSummary;
* Get a breadcrumb of channels leading to and including the channel that a conversation is in.
* @param array The conversation details.
* @return array An array containing the tree of channels and sub-channels that the conversation is in.
public function getChannelPath($conversation)
$channels = ET::channelModel()->getAll();
$path = array();
foreach ($channels as $channel) {
if ($channel["lft"] <= $conversation["channelLft"] and $channel["rgt"] >= $conversation["channelRgt"])
$path[] = $channel;
return $path;
* Start a new converastion. Assumes the creator is the currently logged in user.
* @param array $data An array of the conversation's details: title, channelId, content.
* @param array $membersAllowed An array of entities allowed to view the conversation, in the same format
* as the return value of getMembersAllowed()
* @param bool $isDraft Whether or not the conversation is a draft.
* @return bool|array An array containing the new conversation ID and the new post ID, or false if
* there was an error.
public function create($data, $membersAllowed = array(), $isDraft = false)
// We can't do this if we're not logged in.
if (!ET::$session->user) return false;
// If the title is blank but the user is only saving a draft, call it "Untitled conversation."
if ($isDraft and !$data["title"]) $data["title"] = T("Untitled conversation");
// Check for errors; validate the title and the post content.
$this->validate("title", $data["title"], array($this, "validateTitle"));
$this->validate("content", $data["content"], array(ET::postModel(), "validateContent"));
$content = $data["content"];
// Flood control!
if (ET::$session->isFlooding()) $this->error("flooding", sprintf(T("message.waitToReply"), C("esoTalk.conversation.timeBetweenPosts")));
// Make sure that we have permission to post in this channel.
$data["channelId"] = (int)$data["channelId"];
if (!ET::channelModel()->hasPermission($data["channelId"], "start"))
$this->error("channelId", "invalidChannel");
// Did we encounter any errors? Don't continue.
if ($this->errorCount()) return false;
// Start a notification group. This means that for all notifications sent out until endNotifcationGroup
// is called, each individual user will receive a maximum of one.
// Add some more data fields to insert into the database.
$time = time();
$data["startMemberId"] = ET::$session->userId;
$data["startTime"] = $time;
$data["lastPostMemberId"] = ET::$session->userId;
$data["lastPostTime"] = $time;
$data["private"] = !empty($membersAllowed);
$data["countPosts"] = $isDraft ? 0 : 1;
// Insert the conversation into the database.
$conversationId = parent::create($data);
// Update the member's conversation count.
->set("countConversations", "countConversations + 1", false)
->where("memberId", ET::$session->userId)
// Update the channel's converastion count.
->set("countConversations", "countConversations + 1", false)
->where("channelId", $data["channelId"])
// Get our newly created conversation.
$conversation = $this->getById($conversationId);
// Add the first post or save the draft.
$postId = null;
if ($isDraft) {
$this->setDraft($conversation, ET::$session->userId, $content);
else {
$postId = ET::postModel()->create($conversationId, ET::$session->userId, $content, $conversation["title"]);
// If the conversation is private, send out notifications to the allowed members.
if (!empty($membersAllowed)) {
$memberIds = array();
foreach ($membersAllowed as $member) {
if ($member["type"] == "member") $memberIds[] = $member["id"];
ET::conversationModel()->privateAddNotification($conversation, $memberIds, true, $content);
// If the conversation is private, add the allowed members to the database.
if (!empty($membersAllowed)) {
$inserts = array();
foreach ($membersAllowed as $member) $inserts[] = array($conversationId, $member["type"], $member["id"], 1);
->setMultiple(array("conversationId", "type", "id", "allowed"), $inserts)
->setOnDuplicateKey("allowed", 1)
// If the user has the "star on reply" or "star private" preferences checked, star the conversation.
if (ET::$session->preference("starOnReply") or ($conversation["private"] and ET::$session->preference("starPrivate")))
$this->setStatus($conversation["conversationId"], ET::$session->userId, array("starred" => true));
$this->trigger("createAfter", array($conversation, $postId, $content));
return array($conversationId, $postId);
* Add a reply to an existing conversation. Assumes the creator is the currently logged in user.
* @param array $conversation The conversation to add the reply to. The conversation's details will
* be updated (post count, last post time, etc.)
* @param string $content The post content.
* @return int|bool The new post's ID, or false if there was an error.
public function addReply(&$conversation, $content)
// We can't do this if we're not logged in.
if (!ET::$session->user) return false;
// Flood control!
if (ET::$session->isFlooding()) {
$this->error("flooding", sprintf(T("message.waitToReply"), C("esoTalk.conversation.timeBetweenPosts")));
return false;
// Start a notification group. This means that for all notifications sent out until endNotifcationGroup
// is called, each individual user will receive a maximum of one.
if (($returns = $this->trigger("addReplyBefore", array($conversation, &$content))) && count($returns)) {
return reset($returns);
// Create the post. If there were validation errors, get them from the post model and add them to this model.
$postModel = ET::postModel();
$postId = $postModel->create($conversation["conversationId"], ET::$session->userId, $content, $conversation["title"]);
if (!$postId) $this->error($postModel->errors());
// Did we encounter any errors? Don't continue.
if ($this->errorCount()) return false;
// Update the conversations table with the new post count, last post/action times, and last post member.
$time = time();
$update = array(
"countPosts" => ET::raw("countPosts + 1"),
"lastPostMemberId" => ET::$session->userId,
"lastPostTime" => $time,
// Also update the conversation's start time if this is the first post.
if ($conversation["countPosts"] == 0) $update["startTime"] = $time;
// If the user had a draft saved in this conversation before adding this reply, erase it now.
// Also, if the user has the "star on reply" option checked, star the conversation.
$updateStatus = array();
if ($conversation["draft"]) $updateStatus["draft"] = null;
if (ET::$session->preference("starOnReply")) $updateStatus["starred"] = true;
if (($returns = $this->trigger("addReplyBeforeUpdateConversation", array($conversation, &$update, &$updateStatus))) && count($returns)) {
return reset($returns);
// Commit our changes to the database!
$this->updateById($conversation["conversationId"], $update);
if (count($updateStatus)) {
$this->setStatus($conversation["conversationId"], ET::$session->userId, $updateStatus);
// Update the conversation details.
$conversation["lastPostTime"] = $time;
$conversation["lastPostMemberId"] = ET::$session->userId;
// Send out notifications to people who have starred this conversation.
// We get all members who have starred the conversation and have no unread posts in it.
$sql = ET::SQL()
->from("member_conversation s", "s.conversationId=:conversationId AND s.type='member' AND AND s.starred=1 AND s.lastRead>=:posts AND!=:userId", "inner")
->bind(":conversationId", $conversation["conversationId"])
->bind(":posts", $conversation["countPosts"] - 1)
->bind(":userId", ET::$session->userId);
$members = ET::memberModel()->getWithSQL($sql);
$data = array(
"conversationId" => $conversation["conversationId"],
"postId" => $postId,
"title" => $conversation["title"]
$emailData = array("content" => $content);
if (($returns = $this->trigger("addReplyBeforeCreateActivity", array($conversation, $postId, &$data, &$emailData))) && count($returns)) {
return reset($returns);
foreach ($members as $member) {
ET::activityModel()->create("post", $member, ET::$session->user, $data, $emailData);
// If this is the first reply (ie. the conversation was a draft and now it isn't), send notifications to
// members who are in the membersAllowed list.
if ($conversation["countPosts"] == 1 and !empty($conversation["membersAllowed"])) {
$memberIds = array();
foreach ($conversation["membersAllowed"] as $member) {
if ($member["type"] == "member") $memberIds[] = $member["id"];
$this->privateAddNotification($conversation, $memberIds, true);
$this->trigger("addReplyAfter", array($conversation, $postId, $content));
return $postId;
* Delete a conversation, and all its posts and other associations.
* @param array $wheres An array of WHERE predicates.
* @return bool true on success, false on error.
public function delete($wheres = array())
// Get conversation IDs that match these WHERE conditions.
$ids = array();
$result = ET::SQL()->select("conversationId")->from("conversation c")->where($wheres)->exec();
while ($row = $result->nextRow()) $ids[] = $row["conversationId"];
if (empty($ids)) return true;
// Decrease channel and member conversation/post counts for these conversations.
// There might be a more efficient way to do this than one query per conversation... but good enough for now!
foreach ($ids as $id) {
->set("countConversations", "GREATEST(0, CAST(countConversations AS SIGNED) - 1)", false)
->where("memberId = (".ET::SQL()->select("startMemberId")->from("conversation")->where("conversationId", $id)->get().")")
->set("countConversations", "GREATEST(0, CAST(countConversations AS SIGNED) - 1)", false)
->set("countPosts", "GREATEST(0, CAST(countPosts AS SIGNED) - (".ET::SQL()->select("countPosts")->from("conversation")->where("conversationId", $id)->get()."))", false)
->where("channelId = (".ET::SQL()->select("channelId")->from("conversation")->where("conversationId", $id)->get().")")
// Find all the members who posted in the conversation, and how many times they posted.
$result = ET::SQL()
->select("COUNT(memberId)", "count")
->where("conversationId", $id)
// Loop through each member and decrease its post count.
while ($row = $result->nextRow()) {
->set("countPosts", "GREATEST(0, CAST(countPosts AS SIGNED) - ".$row["count"].")", false)
->where("memberId", $row["memberId"])
// Delete the conversation, posts, member_conversation, and activity rows.
$sql = ET::SQL()
->delete("c, m, p")
->from("conversation c")
->from("member_conversation m", "m.conversationId=c.conversationId", "left")
->from("post p", "p.conversationId=c.conversationId", "left")
->from("activity a", "a.conversationId=c.conversationId", "left")
->where("c.conversationId IN (:conversationIds)")
->bind(":conversationIds", $ids);
$this->trigger("deleteBefore", array($sql, $ids));
return true;
* Delete an existing record in the model's table with a particular ID.
* @param mixed $id The ID of the record to delete.
* @return ETSQLResult
public function deleteById($id)
return $this->delete(array("c.conversationId" => $id));
* Set a member's status entry for a conversation (their record in the member_conversation table.)
* This should not be used directly for setting a draft or 'ignored'. setDraft and setIgnored should be
* used for that.
* @param array|int $conversationIds The conversation ID(s) to set the member(s) status for.
* @param array|int $memberIds The member(s) to set the status for.
* @param array $data An array of key => value data to save to the database.
* @param string $type The entity type (group or member).
* @return void
public function setStatus($conversationIds, $memberIds, $data, $type = "member")
$memberIds = (array)$memberIds;
$conversationIds = (array)$conversationIds;
$keys = array_merge(array("type", "id", "conversationId"), array_keys($data));
$inserts = array();
foreach ($memberIds as $memberId) {
foreach ($conversationIds as $conversationId) {
$inserts[] = array_merge(array($type, $memberId, $conversationId), array_values($data));
if (empty($inserts)) return;
->setMultiple($keys, $inserts)
* Set a member's draft for a conversation.
* @param array $conversation The conversation to set the draft on. The conversation array's labels
* and draft attribute will be updated.
* @param int $memberId The member to set the status for.
* @param string $draft The draft content.
* @return bool Returns true on success, or false if there is an error.
public function setDraft(&$conversation, $memberId, $draft = null)
// Validate the post content if applicable.
if ($draft !== null) $this->validate("content", $draft, array(ET::postModel(), "validateContent"));
if ($this->errorCount()) return false;
// Save the draft to the database if the conversation exists.
if ($conversation["conversationId"]) $this->setStatus($conversation["conversationId"], $memberId, array("draft" => $draft));
// Add or remove the draft label.
$this->addOrRemoveLabel($conversation, "draft", $draft !== null);
$conversation["draft"] = $draft;
$this->trigger("setDraftAfter", array($conversation, $memberId, $draft));
return true;
* Set a member's last read position for a conversation.
* @param array $conversation The conversation to set the last read position on. The conversation array's
* lastRead attribute will be updated.
* @param int $memberId The member to set the status for.
* @param int $lastRead The position of the post that was last read.
* @param bool $force Whether or not to set the last read even if it is lower than the current last read.
* @return bool Returns true on success, or false if there is an error.
public function setLastRead(&$conversation, $memberId, $lastRead, $force = false)
$lastRead = min($lastRead, $conversation["countPosts"]);
if ($lastRead <= $conversation["lastRead"] and !$force) return true;
// Set the last read status.
$this->setStatus($conversation["conversationId"], $memberId, array("lastRead" => $lastRead));
$conversation["lastRead"] = $lastRead;
return true;
* Mark a set of conversations as read for the specified user.
* @param array|int $conversationIds The conversation ID(s) to mark as read.
* @param array|int $memberId The member to set the status for.
* @return void
public function markAsRead($conversationIds, $memberId)
$conversationIds = array_values((array)$conversationIds);
// Get the postCount of all these conversations.
$rows = ET::SQL()
->where("conversationId IN (:conversationIds)")
->bind(":conversationIds", $conversationIds)
$keys = array("type", "id", "conversationId", "lastRead");
$inserts = array();
foreach ($rows as $row) {
$inserts[] = array("member", $memberId, $row["conversationId"], $row["countPosts"]);
if (empty($inserts)) return;
->setMultiple($keys, $inserts)
->setOnDuplicateKey("lastRead", "VALUES(lastRead)", false)
* Set a member's ignored flag for a conversation.
* @param array $conversation The conversation to set the flag on. The conversation array's labels
* and ignored attribute will be updated.
* @param int $memberId The member to set the flag for.
* @param bool $ignored Whether or not to set the conversation to ignored.
* @return void
public function setIgnored(&$conversation, $memberId, $ignored)
$ignored = (bool)$ignored;
$this->setStatus($conversation["conversationId"], $memberId, array("ignored" => $ignored));
$this->addOrRemoveLabel($conversation, "ignored", $ignored);
$conversation["ignored"] = $ignored;
* Set the sticky flag of a conversation.
* @param array $conversation The conversation to set the draft on. The conversation array's labels
* and sticky attribute will be updated.
* @param bool $sticky Whether or not the conversation is stickied.
* @return void
public function setSticky(&$conversation, $sticky)
$sticky = (bool)$sticky;
$this->updateById($conversation["conversationId"], array(
"sticky" => $sticky
$this->addOrRemoveLabel($conversation, "sticky", $sticky);
$conversation["sticky"] = $sticky;
* Set the locked flag of a conversation.
* @param array $conversation The conversation to set the draft on. The conversation array's labels
* and locked attribute will be updated.
* @param bool $locked Whether or not the conversation is locked.
* @return void
public function setLocked(&$conversation, $locked)
$locked = (bool)$locked;
$this->updateById($conversation["conversationId"], array(
"locked" => $locked
$this->addOrRemoveLabel($conversation, "locked", $locked);
$conversation["locked"] = $locked;
* Convenience method to add or remove a certain label from a conversation's labels array.
* @param array $conversation The conversation to add/remove the label from.
* @param string $label The name of the label.
* @param bool $add true to add the label, false to remove it.
* @return void
public function addOrRemoveLabel(&$conversation, $label, $add = true)
if ($add and !in_array($label, $conversation["labels"]))
$conversation["labels"][] = $label;
elseif (!$add and ($k = array_search($label, $conversation["labels"])) !== false)
* Set the title of a conversation.
* @param array $conversation The conversation to set the title of. The conversation array's title
* attribute will be updated.
* @param string $title The new title of the conversation.
* @return bool Returns true on success, or false if there is an error.
public function setTitle(&$conversation, $title)
$this->validate("title", $title, array($this, "validateTitle"));
if ($this->errorCount()) return false;
$this->updateById($conversation["conversationId"], array(
"title" => $title
// Update the title column in the posts table as well (which is used for fulltext searching).
ET::postModel()->update(array("title" => $title), array("conversationId" => $conversation["conversationId"]));
$conversation["title"] = $title;
return true;
* Validate the title of a conversation.
* @param string $title The conversation title.
* @return bool|string Returns an error string or false if there are no errors.
public function validateTitle($title)
if (!strlen(trim($title))) return "emptyTitle";
* Set the channel of a conversation.
* @param array $conversation The conversation to set the channel for. The conversation array's channelId
* attribute will be updated.
* @param int $channelId Whether or not the conversation is locked.
* @return bool Returns true on success, or false if there is an error.
public function setChannel(&$conversation, $channelId)
if (!ET::channelModel()->hasPermission($channelId, "start")) $this->error("channelId", T("message.noPermission"));
if ($this->errorCount()) return false;
// Decrease the conversation/post count of the old channel.
->set("countConversations", "countConversations - 1", false)
->set("countPosts", "countPosts - :posts", false)
->bind(":posts", $conversation["countPosts"])
->bind(":channelId", $conversation["channelId"])
$this->updateById($conversation["conversationId"], array(
"channelId" => $channelId
// Increase the conversation/post count of the new channel.
->set("countConversations", "countConversations + 1", false)
->set("countPosts", "countPosts + :posts", false)
->bind(":posts", $conversation["countPosts"])
->bind(":channelId", $channelId)
$conversation["channelId"] = $channelId;
return true;
* Given a name (intended to be the input of the "add members allowed" form), this function finds a matching
* group or member and returns an array of its details to be used in addMember().
* @param string $name The input.
* @return bool|array Returns an array of the entity's details (in the same format as getMembersAllowed()),
* or false if no entity was found.
public function getMemberFromName($name)
$memberId = $memberName = false;
// Get a list of all member groups, and add administrators + members to it.
$groups = ET::groupModel()->getAll();
$groups[GROUP_ID_MEMBER] = array("name" => ACCOUNT_MEMBER);
// Go through each of the groups and see if one of them matches the name. If so, return its details.
$lowerName = strtolower($name);
foreach ($groups as $id => $group) {
$group = $group["name"];
if ($lowerName == strtolower(T("group.$group.plural", $group))) {
return array("type" => "group", "id" => $id, "name" => $group);
// Otherwise, search for a member in the database with a matching name.
$name = str_replace("%", "", $name);
$result = ET::SQL()
->select("GROUP_CONCAT(g.groupId)", "groups")
->from("member m")
->from("member_group g", "m.memberId=g.memberId", "left")
->where("m.username=:name OR m.username LIKE :nameLike")
->bind(":name", $name)
->bind(":nameLike", "%".$name."%")
->orderBy("m.username=:nameOrder DESC")
->bind(":nameOrder", $name)
if (!$result->numRows()) return false;
// Get the result and return it as an array.
$row = $result->firstRow();
$row["groups"] = ET::groupModel()->getGroupIds($row["account"], explode(",", $row["groups"]));
return array("type" => "member", "id" => $row["memberId"], "name" => $row["username"], "avatarFormat" => $row["avatarFormat"], "groups" => $row["groups"]);
* Add a member to a conversation, i.e. give them permission to view it and make the conversation private.
* @param array $conversation The conversation to add the member to. The conversation array's membersAllowed
* and private attributes will be updated.
* @param array $member The entity to add. This can be from getMemberFromName().
* @return void
public function addMember(&$conversation, $member)
// If the conversation exists, add this member to the database as allowed.
if ($conversation["conversationId"]) {
// Email the member(s) - we have to do this before we put them in the db because it will only email them if they
// don't already have a record for this conversation in the status table.
if ($conversation["countPosts"] > 0 and $member["type"] == "member") $this->privateAddNotification($conversation, $member["id"]);
// Set the conversation's private field to true and update the last action time.
if (!$conversation["private"]) {
$this->updateById($conversation["conversationId"], array("private" => true));
$conversation["private"] = true;
// Allow the member to view the conversation in the status table.
$this->setStatus($conversation["conversationId"], $member["id"], array("allowed" => true), $member["type"]);
// Make sure the the owner of the conversation is allowed to view it.
$this->setStatus($conversation["conversationId"], $conversation["startMemberId"], array("allowed" => true));
// If the conversation doesn't exist, add this member to the session members allowed store.
else {
$membersAllowed = ET::$session->get("membersAllowed", array());
$member = array("type" => $member["type"], "id" => $member["id"]);
if (!in_array($member, $membersAllowed)) $membersAllowed[] = $member;
// Make sure the the owner of the conversation is allowed to view it.
$member = array("type" => "member", "id" => $conversation["startMemberId"]);
if (!in_array($member, $membersAllowed)) $membersAllowed[] = $member;
ET::$session->store("membersAllowed", $membersAllowed);
// Add the private label to the conversation.
$this->addOrRemoveLabel($conversation, "private", true);
$conversation["private"] = true;
* Remove a member from a conversation, i.e. revoke their permission to view it and make the conversation
* not private if there are no members left.
* @param array $conversation The conversation to remove the member from. The conversation array's membersAllowed
* and private attributes will be updated.
* @param array $member The entity to remove. This should have two elements: type and id.
* @return void
public function removeMember(&$conversation, $member)
// If the conversation exists, remove the member from the database.
if ($conversation["conversationId"]) {
// Disallow the member to view the conversation in the status table.
// Also unstar the conversation so they will no longer receive email notifications.
$this->setStatus($conversation["conversationId"], $member["id"], array("allowed" => false, "starred" => false), $member["type"]);
// Otherwise remove it from the session.
else {
$membersAllowed = ET::$session->get("membersAllowed", array());
foreach ($membersAllowed as $k => $m) {
if ($m["type"] == $member["type"] and $m["id"] == $member["id"]) unset($membersAllowed[$k]);
ET::$session->store("membersAllowed", $membersAllowed);
// Update the conversation's membersAllowed array.
foreach ($conversation["membersAllowed"] as $k => $m) {
if ($m["type"] == $member["type"] and $m["id"] == $member["id"]) unset($conversation["membersAllowed"][$k]);
// If there are no members left allowed in the conversation, then unmark the conversation as private.
if (empty($conversation["membersAllowed"])) {
$conversation["membersAllowed"] = array();
$conversation["private"] = false;
$this->addOrRemoveLabel($conversation, "private", false);
// Turn off conversation's private field in the database.
if ($conversation["conversationId"])
$this->updateById($conversation["conversationId"], array("private" => false));
* Send private conversation invitation notifications to a list of members. A notification will only
* be sent if this is the first time a member has been added to the conversation, to prevent intentional
* email spamming.
* @param array $conversation The conversation to that we're sending out notifications for.
* @param array $memberIds A list of member IDs to send the notifications to.
* @param bool $notifyAll If set to true, all members will be notified regardless of if they have been
* added to this conversation before.
* @return void
protected function privateAddNotification($conversation, $memberIds, $notifyAll = false, $content = null)
$memberIds = (array)$memberIds;
// Remove the currently logged in user from the list of member IDs.
if (($k = array_search(ET::$session->userId, $memberIds)) !== false) unset($memberIds[$k]);
if (!count($memberIds)) return;
// Get the member details for this list of member IDs.
$sql = ET::SQL()
->from("member_conversation s", "s.conversationId=:conversationId AND s.type='member' AND", "left")
->bind(":conversationId", $conversation["conversationId"])
->where("m.memberId IN (:memberIds)")
->bind(":memberIds", $memberIds);
// Only get members where the member_conversation row doesn't exist (implying that this is the first time
// they've been added to the conversation.)
if (!$notifyAll) $sql->where(" IS NULL");
$members = ET::memberModel()->getWithSQL($sql);
$data = array(
"conversationId" => $conversation["conversationId"],
"title" => $conversation["title"]
$emailData = array("content" => $content);
// Create the "privateAdd" activity which will send out a notification and an email if appropriate.
// Also get IDs of members who would like to automatically follow this conversation.
$followIds = array();
foreach ($members as $member) {
ET::activityModel()->create("privateAdd", $member, ET::$session->user, $data, $emailData);
if (!empty($member["preferences"]["starPrivate"])) $followIds[] = $member["memberId"];
// Follow the conversation for the appropriate members.
if (!empty($followIds)) $this->setStatus($conversation["conversationId"], $followIds, array("starred" => true));
// Add default labels.
ETConversationModel::addLabel("sticky", "IF(c.sticky=1,1,0)", "icon-pushpin");
ETConversationModel::addLabel("private", "IF(c.private=1,1,0)", "icon-envelope-alt");
ETConversationModel::addLabel("locked", "IF(c.locked=1,1,0)", "icon-lock");
ETConversationModel::addLabel("draft", "IF(s.draft IS NOT NULL,1,0)", "icon-pencil");
ETConversationModel::addLabel("ignored", "IF(s.ignored=1,1,0)", "icon-eye-close");
Did this file decode correctly?
Original Code
// Copyright 2011 Toby Zerner, Simon Zerner
// This file is part of esoTalk. Please see the included license file for usage information.
if (!defined("IN_ESOTALK")) exit;
* The conversation model provides functions for retrieving and managing conversation data. It also provides
* methods to handle conversation "labels".
* @package esoTalk
class ETConversationModel extends ETModel {
* An array of conversation "labels". A label is a flag that can apply to a conversation (sticky,
* private, draft, etc.) The array is in the form labelName => array(SQL expression (eg. IF(c.sticky,1,0)), icon class name)
* @var array
public static $labels = array();
* Class constructor; sets up the base model functions to use the conversation table.
* @return void
public function __construct()
* Adds a label to the collection.
* @param string $label The name of the label.
* @param string $expression The SQL expression that will determine whether or not the label is active.
* @param string $icon An icon classname to represent the label.
* @return void
public static function addLabel($label, $expression, $icon = "")
self::$labels[$label] = array($expression, $icon);
* Adds a SELECT field to an SQL query which will get the active state of conversation labels.
* We add one field, which we name 'labels', which contains a comma-separated list of
* label expressions defined by addLabel(). This field can then be expanded using expandLabels().
* @param ETSQLQuery The SQL query to add the SELECT component to.
* @return void
public static function addLabels(&$sql)
$expressions = array();
foreach (self::$labels as $label) $expressions[] = $label[0];
if (count($expressions)) $sql->select("CONCAT_WS(',',".implode(",", $expressions).")", "labels");
else $sql->select("NULL", "labels");
* Expands the value of a label field, added by addLabels(), to an array of active labels.
* @param string $labels The value of the 'label' field.
* @return array An array of active labels.
public static function expandLabels($labels)
$active = array();
if (count(self::$labels)) {
$labels = explode(",", $labels);
$i = 0;
foreach (self::$labels as $k => $v) {
if (!empty($labels[$i])) $active[] = $k;
return $active;
* Add a WHERE predicate to an SQL query which will filter out conversations that the user is not
* allowed to see.
* @param ETSQLQuery $sql The SQL query to add the WHERE predicate to.
* @param array $member The member to filter out conversations for. If not specified, the currently
* logged-in user will be used.
* @param string $table The conversation table alias used in the SQL query.
* @return void
// Get a WHERE clause that makes sure the currently logged in user is allowed to view a conversation.
public function addAllowedPredicate(&$sql, $member = false, $table = "c")
// If no member was specified, use the current user.
if (!$member) $member = ET::$session->user;
// If the user is a guest, they can only see conversations that are not drafts and that are not private.
if (!$member) $sql->where("$table.countPosts>0")->where("$table.private=0");
// If the user is logged in...
else {
// Construct a query to get a list of conversationIds that the user is explicitly allowed in.
$allowedQuery = ET::SQL()
->where("(type='member' AND id=:allowedMemberId) OR (type='group' AND id IN (:allowedGroupIds))")
// They must be the start member, or the conversation mustn't be a draft or private. If it is private, they must be allowed, using the query above.
$sql->where("($table.startMemberId=:startMemberId OR ($table.countPosts>0 AND ($table.private=0 OR $table.conversationId IN ($allowedQuery))))")
->bind(":allowedMemberId", $member["memberId"])
->bind(":allowedGroupIds", ET::groupModel()->getGroupIds($member["account"], array_keys($member["groups"])))
->bind(":startMemberId", $member["memberId"]);
// Additionally, the user must be allowed to view the channel that the conversation is in.
ET::channelModel()->addPermissionPredicate($sql, "view", $member, $table);
* Get a single conversation's details.
* This function returns an array of fields which is that "standard" for conversation data structure
* within this model.
* @param array $wheres An array of WHERE conditions. Regardless of how many conversations match, only
* the first will be returned.
* @return array The conversation details array.
public function get($wheres = array())
$sql = ET::SQL()
->select("sm.username", "startMember")
->select("sm.avatarFormat", "startMemberAvatarFormat")
->select("ch.title", "channelTitle")
->select("ch.description", "channelDescription")
->select("ch.slug", "channelSlug")
->select("ch.lft", "channelLft")
->select("ch.rgt", "channelRgt")
// Get the groups that are allowed to view this channel, and the names of those groups.
->select("GROUP_CONCAT(pv.groupId)", "channelPermissionView")
->select("GROUP_CONCAT(IF( IS NOT NULL,, ''))", "channelPermissionViewNames")
// Join the appropriate tables.
->from("conversation c")
->from("channel ch", "c.channelId=ch.channelId", "left")
->from("channel_group pv", "c.channelId=pv.channelId AND pv.view=1", "left")
->from("group pvg", "pv.groupId=pvg.groupId", "left")
->from("member_conversation s", "s.conversationId=c.conversationId AND type='member' AND", "left")->bind(":userId", ET::$session->userId)
->from("member sm", "sm.memberId=c.startMemberId", "left")
// Fetch the labels field as well.
// Make sure the user is allowed to view this conversation.
// Fetch the user's reply and moderate permissions for this conversation.
if (!ET::$session->isAdmin()) {
$sql->select("BIT_OR(p.reply)", "canReply")
->select("BIT_OR(p.moderate)", "canModerate")
->select("BIT_OR(p.moderate)", "canDeleteConversation")
->from("channel_group p", "c.channelId=p.channelId AND p.groupId IN (:groupIds)", "left")
->bind(":groupIds", ET::$session->getGroupIds());
// If the user is an administrator, they can always reply and moderate.
else {
$sql->select("1", "canReply")
->select("1", "canModerate")
->select("1", "canDeleteConversation");
// Execute the query.
$result = $sql->exec();
if (!$result->numRows()) return false;
// Get all the details from the result into an array.
$conversation = $result->firstRow();
// Expand the labels field into a simple array of active labels.
$conversation["labels"] = $this->expandLabels($conversation["labels"]);
// Convert the separate groups who have permission to view this channel ID/name fields into one.
$conversation["channelPermissionView"] = $this->formatGroupsAllowed($conversation["channelPermissionView"], $conversation["channelPermissionViewNames"]);
// If the conversation is locked and the user can't moderate, then they can't reply.
if ($conversation["locked"] and !$conversation["canModerate"]) $conversation["canReply"] = false;
// The user can edit members allowed if they are the author AND no one else has posted in this conversation.
$conversation["canEditMembersAllowed"] = ET::$session->userId == $conversation["startMemberId"] && $conversation["countPosts"] <= 1;
// If the current user owns this conversation, and it's a draft, or they're the only poster,
// then allow them to delete it. We can only know that they're the only poster if there is only
// one post in the conversation, or if there are two and the last one is theirs. In an ideal world,
// we would check all of the post authors, but it's probably not worth the performance hit here.
if ($conversation["startMemberId"] == ET::$session->userId
and ($conversation["countPosts"] <= 1
or ($conversation["countPosts"] == 2 and $conversation["lastPostMemberId"] == ET::$session->userId)))
$conversation["canDeleteConversation"] = true;
return $conversation;
* Get the conversation that the specified $postId is contained within.
* @param int $postId The ID of the post.
* @return array The conversation.
* @see get()
public function getByPostId($postId)
$subquery = ET::SQL()
->bind(":postId", (int)$postId)
return $this->get("c.conversationId=($subquery)");
* Get conversation data for the specified conversation ID.
* @param int $id The ID of the conversation.
* @return array The conversation.
* @see get()
public function getById($id)
return $this->get(array("c.conversationId" => (int)$id));
* Get an empty conversation details array for a non-existent conversation.
* @return array The conversation details array.
public function getEmptyConversation()
$conversation = array(
"conversationId" => null,
"title" => "",
"startMemberId" => ET::$session->userId,
"startMemberName" => ET::$session->user["username"],
"startMemberAvatarFormat" => ET::$session->user["avatarFormat"],
"countPosts" => 0,
"lastRead" => 0,
"draft" => "",
"private" => false,
"starred" => false,
"ingored" => false,
"locked" => false,
"channelId" => ET::$session->get("channelId"),
"channelTitle" => "",
"channelDescription" => "",
"channelSlug" => "",
"channelPermissionView" => array(),
"labels" => array(),
"canModerate" => true,
"canReply" => true,
"canEditMembersAllowed" => true
// Add the private label if there are entities in the membersAllowed session store.
if (ET::$session->get("membersAllowed")) {
$conversation["private"] = true;
$conversation["labels"][] = "private";
// Get the channel info.
$result = ET::SQL()
->select("GROUP_CONCAT(pv.groupId)", "channelPermissionView")
->select("GROUP_CONCAT(IF( IS NOT NULL,, ''))", "channelPermissionViewNames")
->from("channel c")
->from("channel_group pv", "pv.channelId=c.channelId", "left")
->from("group pvg", "pv.groupId=pvg.groupId", "left")
->bind(":channelId", $conversation["channelId"])
list($conversation["channelTitle"], $conversation["channelDescription"], $conversation["channelSlug"], $conversation["channelLft"], $conversation["channelRgt"], $conversation["channelPermissionView"], $channelPermissionViewNames) = array_values($result->firstRow());
// Convert the separate groups who have permission to view this channel ID/name fields into one.
$conversation["channelPermissionView"] = $this->formatGroupsAllowed($conversation["channelPermissionView"], $channelPermissionViewNames);
return $conversation;
* Combines two separate strings of group IDs and names into one (id => name).
* When we fetch conversation details in get() and getNew(), we select a field which contains a
* comma-separated list of group IDs which are allowed to view the conversation's channel, and a field
* with the names of those groups. This function combines those two fields into one nice array.
* @param string $permissionView The comma-separated list of group IDs.
* @param string $permissionViewNames The comma-separated list of respective group names.
* @return array A nice array of groupId => names.
private function formatGroupsAllowed($permissionView, $permissionViewNames)
// Get a list of group IDs that are allowed to view the channel.
$permissionView = array_combine(explode(",", $permissionView), explode(",", $permissionViewNames));
if (isset($permissionView[GROUP_ID_GUEST])) $permissionView[GROUP_ID_GUEST] = ACCOUNT_GUEST;
if (isset($permissionView[GROUP_ID_MEMBER])) $permissionView[GROUP_ID_MEMBER] = ACCOUNT_MEMBER;
// Add in administrators if they're not already in there, because they can always see every channel.
$permissionView = array_filter($permissionView);
return $permissionView;
* Get a list of members who are explicitly allowed to view the given conversation.
* Only members who have been explicitly added to the members allowed list will be returned;
* this function returns an empty array for non-private conversations.
* @see getMembersAllowedSummary() for an effective list of members/groups who are allowed to view
* a conversation (which takes channel permissions into consideration.)
* @param array The conversation details.
* @return array An array of entities allowed. Each entry is an array with the following elements:
* type: can be either 'member' or 'group'
* id: the ID of the entity (memberId or groupId)
* name: the name of the entity
* avatarFormat: the member's avatarFormat field (not relevant for groups)
* groups: an array of groups which the member is in (not relevant for groups)
public function getMembersAllowed($conversation)
$membersAllowed = array();
// If the conversation is not private, then everyone can view it - return an empty array.
if (!$conversation["private"] and $conversation["conversationId"]) return $membersAllowed;
// Construct separate queries for getting a list of the members and groups allowed in a conversation.
// We will marry these later on.
$qMembers = ET::SQL()
->select("'member'", "type")
->select("CAST(".($conversation["conversationId"] ? "" : "m.memberId")." AS SIGNED)")
$qGroups = ET::SQL()
->select("'group'", "type")
->select("", "id")
// If the conversation doesn't exist, the members allowed are in stored in the session.
// We'll have to get details from the database using the IDs stored in the session.
if (!$conversation["conversationId"]) {
$groups = $members = array();
$sessionMembers = (array)ET::$session->get("membersAllowed");
foreach ($sessionMembers as $member) {
if ($member["type"] == "group") {
// The adminisrtator/member groups aren't really groups, so we can't query the database
// for their information. Instead, add them to the members allowed array manually.
if ($member["id"] == GROUP_ID_ADMINISTRATOR or $member["id"] == GROUP_ID_MEMBER) {
elseif ($member["id"] == GROUP_ID_MEMBER) $name = ACCOUNT_MEMBER;
$membersAllowed[] = array("type" => "group", "id" => $member["id"], "name" => $name, "email" => null, "avatarFormat" => null, "groups" => null);
else $groups[] = $member["id"];
else $members[] = $member["id"];
if (!count($members)) $members[] = null;
if (!count($groups)) $groups[] = null;
// Get member details directly from the members table, and the group details directly from the groups table.
$qMembers->from("member m")->where("m.memberId IN (:memberIds)")->bind(":memberIds", $members);
$qGroups->select("g.groupId", "id")->from("group g")->where("g.groupId IN (:groupIds)")->bind(":groupIds", $groups);
// If the conversation does exist, we'll get the members allowed from the database.
else {
$qMembers->from("member_conversation s")
->from("member m", "", "left")
->where("s.conversationId=:conversationId")->bind(":conversationId", $conversation["conversationId"])
$qGroups->from("member_conversation s")
->from("group g", "", "left")
->where("s.conversationId=:conversationId")->bind(":conversationId", $conversation["conversationId"])
// Any objections?
$qMembers->from("member_group g", "m.memberId=g.memberId", "left");
// You may now kiss the bride.
$result = ET::SQL("(".$qMembers->get().") UNION (".$qGroups->get().")");
// Go through the results and construct our final "members allowed" array.
while ($entity = $result->nextRow()) {
list($type, $id, $name, $email, $avatarFormat, $account, $groups) = array_values($entity);
$groups = ET::groupModel()->getGroupIds($account, explode(",", $groups));
if ($type == "group") {
elseif ($id == GROUP_ID_MEMBER) $name = ACCOUNT_MEMBER;
$membersAllowed[] = array("type" => $type, "id" => $id, "name" => $name, "email" => $email, "avatarFormat" => $avatarFormat, "groups" => $groups);
// Sort the entities by name.
$membersAllowed = sort2d($membersAllowed, "name", "asc", true, false);
return $membersAllowed;
* Get a list of members who are effectively allowed to view the given conversation.
* This function will take into account both the members explicitly allowed to view a conversation
* and who has permission to view the conversation's channel.
* @see getMembersAllowed()
* @param array The conversation details.
* @param array An array of members explicitly allowed in the conversation, from getMembersAllowed().
* @return array An array of entities allowed in the same format as the return value of getMembersAllowed().
public function getMembersAllowedSummary($conversation, $membersAllowed = array())
$groups = array();
$members = array();
$channelGroupIds = array_keys($conversation["channelPermissionView"]);
// If the conversation ISN'T private...
if (!$conversation["private"]) {
// If guests aren't allowed to view this channel (i.e. not everyone), then we need to
// explicitly show who can view the channel.
if (!in_array(GROUP_ID_GUEST, $channelGroupIds)) {
// If members can view the channel, that covers everyone.
if (in_array(GROUP_ID_MEMBER, $channelGroupIds)) $groups[GROUP_ID_MEMBER] = ACCOUNT_MEMBER;
// Otherwise, go through each of the groups who can view the channel and add them to the groups array for later.
else {
foreach ($channelGroupIds as $id) $groups[$id] = $conversation["channelPermissionView"][$id];
// If the conversation IS private...
else {
// Sort the members.
$count = count($membersAllowed);
// Loop through the members allowed and filter out all the groups and members into separate arrays.
foreach ($membersAllowed as $k => $member) {
if ($member["type"] == "group") {
// Only add the group to the final list if it is allowed to view the channel.
if (!ET::groupModel()->groupIdsAllowedInGroupIds($member["id"], $channelGroupIds)) continue;
$groups[$member["id"]] = $member["name"];
else {
// Only add the member to the final list if they are allowed to view the channel.
if (!ET::groupModel()->groupIdsAllowedInGroupIds($member["groups"], $channelGroupIds)) continue;
$members[] = $member;
// Now, create a final list of members/groups who can view this conversation.
$membersAllowedSummary = array();
// If members are allowed to view this conversation, just show that (as members covers all members.)
if (isset($groups[GROUP_ID_MEMBER])) {
$membersAllowedSummary[] = array("type" => "group", "id" => GROUP_ID_MEMBER, "name" => ACCOUNT_MEMBER, "email" => null);
else {
// Loop through the groups allowed and add them to the summary.
foreach ($groups as $id => $name) {
$membersAllowedSummary[] = array("type" => "group", "id" => $id, "name" => $name, "email" => null);
// Loop through the members allowed and add them to the summary.
$groupIds = array_keys($groups);
foreach ($members as $member) {
// If the member is already covered by one of the groups being displayed, don't show them.
if (ET::groupModel()->groupIdsAllowedInGroupIds($member["groups"], $groupIds) or !$member["name"]) continue;
$membersAllowedSummary[] = $member;
// Whew! All done. Hopefully that wasn't too confusing.
return $membersAllowedSummary;
* Get a breadcrumb of channels leading to and including the channel that a conversation is in.
* @param array The conversation details.
* @return array An array containing the tree of channels and sub-channels that the conversation is in.
public function getChannelPath($conversation)
$channels = ET::channelModel()->getAll();
$path = array();
foreach ($channels as $channel) {
if ($channel["lft"] <= $conversation["channelLft"] and $channel["rgt"] >= $conversation["channelRgt"])
$path[] = $channel;
return $path;
* Start a new converastion. Assumes the creator is the currently logged in user.
* @param array $data An array of the conversation's details: title, channelId, content.
* @param array $membersAllowed An array of entities allowed to view the conversation, in the same format
* as the return value of getMembersAllowed()
* @param bool $isDraft Whether or not the conversation is a draft.
* @return bool|array An array containing the new conversation ID and the new post ID, or false if
* there was an error.
public function create($data, $membersAllowed = array(), $isDraft = false)
// We can't do this if we're not logged in.
if (!ET::$session->user) return false;
// If the title is blank but the user is only saving a draft, call it "Untitled conversation."
if ($isDraft and !$data["title"]) $data["title"] = T("Untitled conversation");
// Check for errors; validate the title and the post content.
$this->validate("title", $data["title"], array($this, "validateTitle"));
$this->validate("content", $data["content"], array(ET::postModel(), "validateContent"));
$content = $data["content"];
// Flood control!
if (ET::$session->isFlooding()) $this->error("flooding", sprintf(T("message.waitToReply"), C("esoTalk.conversation.timeBetweenPosts")));
// Make sure that we have permission to post in this channel.
$data["channelId"] = (int)$data["channelId"];
if (!ET::channelModel()->hasPermission($data["channelId"], "start"))
$this->error("channelId", "invalidChannel");
// Did we encounter any errors? Don't continue.
if ($this->errorCount()) return false;
// Start a notification group. This means that for all notifications sent out until endNotifcationGroup
// is called, each individual user will receive a maximum of one.
// Add some more data fields to insert into the database.
$time = time();
$data["startMemberId"] = ET::$session->userId;
$data["startTime"] = $time;
$data["lastPostMemberId"] = ET::$session->userId;
$data["lastPostTime"] = $time;
$data["private"] = !empty($membersAllowed);
$data["countPosts"] = $isDraft ? 0 : 1;
// Insert the conversation into the database.
$conversationId = parent::create($data);
// Update the member's conversation count.
->set("countConversations", "countConversations + 1", false)
->where("memberId", ET::$session->userId)
// Update the channel's converastion count.
->set("countConversations", "countConversations + 1", false)
->where("channelId", $data["channelId"])
// Get our newly created conversation.
$conversation = $this->getById($conversationId);
// Add the first post or save the draft.
$postId = null;
if ($isDraft) {
$this->setDraft($conversation, ET::$session->userId, $content);
else {
$postId = ET::postModel()->create($conversationId, ET::$session->userId, $content, $conversation["title"]);
// If the conversation is private, send out notifications to the allowed members.
if (!empty($membersAllowed)) {
$memberIds = array();
foreach ($membersAllowed as $member) {
if ($member["type"] == "member") $memberIds[] = $member["id"];
ET::conversationModel()->privateAddNotification($conversation, $memberIds, true, $content);
// If the conversation is private, add the allowed members to the database.
if (!empty($membersAllowed)) {
$inserts = array();
foreach ($membersAllowed as $member) $inserts[] = array($conversationId, $member["type"], $member["id"], 1);
->setMultiple(array("conversationId", "type", "id", "allowed"), $inserts)
->setOnDuplicateKey("allowed", 1)
// If the user has the "star on reply" or "star private" preferences checked, star the conversation.
if (ET::$session->preference("starOnReply") or ($conversation["private"] and ET::$session->preference("starPrivate")))
$this->setStatus($conversation["conversationId"], ET::$session->userId, array("starred" => true));
$this->trigger("createAfter", array($conversation, $postId, $content));
return array($conversationId, $postId);
* Add a reply to an existing conversation. Assumes the creator is the currently logged in user.
* @param array $conversation The conversation to add the reply to. The conversation's details will
* be updated (post count, last post time, etc.)
* @param string $content The post content.
* @return int|bool The new post's ID, or false if there was an error.
public function addReply(&$conversation, $content)
// We can't do this if we're not logged in.
if (!ET::$session->user) return false;
// Flood control!
if (ET::$session->isFlooding()) {
$this->error("flooding", sprintf(T("message.waitToReply"), C("esoTalk.conversation.timeBetweenPosts")));
return false;
// Start a notification group. This means that for all notifications sent out until endNotifcationGroup
// is called, each individual user will receive a maximum of one.
if (($returns = $this->trigger("addReplyBefore", array($conversation, &$content))) && count($returns)) {
return reset($returns);
// Create the post. If there were validation errors, get them from the post model and add them to this model.
$postModel = ET::postModel();
$postId = $postModel->create($conversation["conversationId"], ET::$session->userId, $content, $conversation["title"]);
if (!$postId) $this->error($postModel->errors());
// Did we encounter any errors? Don't continue.
if ($this->errorCount()) return false;
// Update the conversations table with the new post count, last post/action times, and last post member.
$time = time();
$update = array(
"countPosts" => ET::raw("countPosts + 1"),
"lastPostMemberId" => ET::$session->userId,
"lastPostTime" => $time,
// Also update the conversation's start time if this is the first post.
if ($conversation["countPosts"] == 0) $update["startTime"] = $time;
// If the user had a draft saved in this conversation before adding this reply, erase it now.
// Also, if the user has the "star on reply" option checked, star the conversation.
$updateStatus = array();
if ($conversation["draft"]) $updateStatus["draft"] = null;
if (ET::$session->preference("starOnReply")) $updateStatus["starred"] = true;
if (($returns = $this->trigger("addReplyBeforeUpdateConversation", array($conversation, &$update, &$updateStatus))) && count($returns)) {
return reset($returns);
// Commit our changes to the database!
$this->updateById($conversation["conversationId"], $update);
if (count($updateStatus)) {
$this->setStatus($conversation["conversationId"], ET::$session->userId, $updateStatus);
// Update the conversation details.
$conversation["lastPostTime"] = $time;
$conversation["lastPostMemberId"] = ET::$session->userId;
// Send out notifications to people who have starred this conversation.
// We get all members who have starred the conversation and have no unread posts in it.
$sql = ET::SQL()
->from("member_conversation s", "s.conversationId=:conversationId AND s.type='member' AND AND s.starred=1 AND s.lastRead>=:posts AND!=:userId", "inner")
->bind(":conversationId", $conversation["conversationId"])
->bind(":posts", $conversation["countPosts"] - 1)
->bind(":userId", ET::$session->userId);
$members = ET::memberModel()->getWithSQL($sql);
$data = array(
"conversationId" => $conversation["conversationId"],
"postId" => $postId,
"title" => $conversation["title"]
$emailData = array("content" => $content);
if (($returns = $this->trigger("addReplyBeforeCreateActivity", array($conversation, $postId, &$data, &$emailData))) && count($returns)) {
return reset($returns);
foreach ($members as $member) {
ET::activityModel()->create("post", $member, ET::$session->user, $data, $emailData);
// If this is the first reply (ie. the conversation was a draft and now it isn't), send notifications to
// members who are in the membersAllowed list.
if ($conversation["countPosts"] == 1 and !empty($conversation["membersAllowed"])) {
$memberIds = array();
foreach ($conversation["membersAllowed"] as $member) {
if ($member["type"] == "member") $memberIds[] = $member["id"];
$this->privateAddNotification($conversation, $memberIds, true);
$this->trigger("addReplyAfter", array($conversation, $postId, $content));
return $postId;
* Delete a conversation, and all its posts and other associations.
* @param array $wheres An array of WHERE predicates.
* @return bool true on success, false on error.
public function delete($wheres = array())
// Get conversation IDs that match these WHERE conditions.
$ids = array();
$result = ET::SQL()->select("conversationId")->from("conversation c")->where($wheres)->exec();
while ($row = $result->nextRow()) $ids[] = $row["conversationId"];
if (empty($ids)) return true;
// Decrease channel and member conversation/post counts for these conversations.
// There might be a more efficient way to do this than one query per conversation... but good enough for now!
foreach ($ids as $id) {
->set("countConversations", "GREATEST(0, CAST(countConversations AS SIGNED) - 1)", false)
->where("memberId = (".ET::SQL()->select("startMemberId")->from("conversation")->where("conversationId", $id)->get().")")
->set("countConversations", "GREATEST(0, CAST(countConversations AS SIGNED) - 1)", false)
->set("countPosts", "GREATEST(0, CAST(countPosts AS SIGNED) - (".ET::SQL()->select("countPosts")->from("conversation")->where("conversationId", $id)->get()."))", false)
->where("channelId = (".ET::SQL()->select("channelId")->from("conversation")->where("conversationId", $id)->get().")")
// Find all the members who posted in the conversation, and how many times they posted.
$result = ET::SQL()
->select("COUNT(memberId)", "count")
->where("conversationId", $id)
// Loop through each member and decrease its post count.
while ($row = $result->nextRow()) {
->set("countPosts", "GREATEST(0, CAST(countPosts AS SIGNED) - ".$row["count"].")", false)
->where("memberId", $row["memberId"])
// Delete the conversation, posts, member_conversation, and activity rows.
$sql = ET::SQL()
->delete("c, m, p")
->from("conversation c")
->from("member_conversation m", "m.conversationId=c.conversationId", "left")
->from("post p", "p.conversationId=c.conversationId", "left")
->from("activity a", "a.conversationId=c.conversationId", "left")
->where("c.conversationId IN (:conversationIds)")
->bind(":conversationIds", $ids);
$this->trigger("deleteBefore", array($sql, $ids));
return true;
* Delete an existing record in the model's table with a particular ID.
* @param mixed $id The ID of the record to delete.
* @return ETSQLResult
public function deleteById($id)
return $this->delete(array("c.conversationId" => $id));
* Set a member's status entry for a conversation (their record in the member_conversation table.)
* This should not be used directly for setting a draft or 'ignored'. setDraft and setIgnored should be
* used for that.
* @param array|int $conversationIds The conversation ID(s) to set the member(s) status for.
* @param array|int $memberIds The member(s) to set the status for.
* @param array $data An array of key => value data to save to the database.
* @param string $type The entity type (group or member).
* @return void
public function setStatus($conversationIds, $memberIds, $data, $type = "member")
$memberIds = (array)$memberIds;
$conversationIds = (array)$conversationIds;
$keys = array_merge(array("type", "id", "conversationId"), array_keys($data));
$inserts = array();
foreach ($memberIds as $memberId) {
foreach ($conversationIds as $conversationId) {
$inserts[] = array_merge(array($type, $memberId, $conversationId), array_values($data));
if (empty($inserts)) return;
->setMultiple($keys, $inserts)
* Set a member's draft for a conversation.
* @param array $conversation The conversation to set the draft on. The conversation array's labels
* and draft attribute will be updated.
* @param int $memberId The member to set the status for.
* @param string $draft The draft content.
* @return bool Returns true on success, or false if there is an error.
public function setDraft(&$conversation, $memberId, $draft = null)
// Validate the post content if applicable.
if ($draft !== null) $this->validate("content", $draft, array(ET::postModel(), "validateContent"));
if ($this->errorCount()) return false;
// Save the draft to the database if the conversation exists.
if ($conversation["conversationId"]) $this->setStatus($conversation["conversationId"], $memberId, array("draft" => $draft));
// Add or remove the draft label.
$this->addOrRemoveLabel($conversation, "draft", $draft !== null);
$conversation["draft"] = $draft;
$this->trigger("setDraftAfter", array($conversation, $memberId, $draft));
return true;
* Set a member's last read position for a conversation.
* @param array $conversation The conversation to set the last read position on. The conversation array's
* lastRead attribute will be updated.
* @param int $memberId The member to set the status for.
* @param int $lastRead The position of the post that was last read.
* @param bool $force Whether or not to set the last read even if it is lower than the current last read.
* @return bool Returns true on success, or false if there is an error.
public function setLastRead(&$conversation, $memberId, $lastRead, $force = false)
$lastRead = min($lastRead, $conversation["countPosts"]);
if ($lastRead <= $conversation["lastRead"] and !$force) return true;
// Set the last read status.
$this->setStatus($conversation["conversationId"], $memberId, array("lastRead" => $lastRead));
$conversation["lastRead"] = $lastRead;
return true;
* Mark a set of conversations as read for the specified user.
* @param array|int $conversationIds The conversation ID(s) to mark as read.
* @param array|int $memberId The member to set the status for.
* @return void
public function markAsRead($conversationIds, $memberId)
$conversationIds = array_values((array)$conversationIds);
// Get the postCount of all these conversations.
$rows = ET::SQL()
->where("conversationId IN (:conversationIds)")
->bind(":conversationIds", $conversationIds)
$keys = array("type", "id", "conversationId", "lastRead");
$inserts = array();
foreach ($rows as $row) {
$inserts[] = array("member", $memberId, $row["conversationId"], $row["countPosts"]);
if (empty($inserts)) return;
->setMultiple($keys, $inserts)
->setOnDuplicateKey("lastRead", "VALUES(lastRead)", false)
* Set a member's ignored flag for a conversation.
* @param array $conversation The conversation to set the flag on. The conversation array's labels
* and ignored attribute will be updated.
* @param int $memberId The member to set the flag for.
* @param bool $ignored Whether or not to set the conversation to ignored.
* @return void
public function setIgnored(&$conversation, $memberId, $ignored)
$ignored = (bool)$ignored;
$this->setStatus($conversation["conversationId"], $memberId, array("ignored" => $ignored));
$this->addOrRemoveLabel($conversation, "ignored", $ignored);
$conversation["ignored"] = $ignored;
* Set the sticky flag of a conversation.
* @param array $conversation The conversation to set the draft on. The conversation array's labels
* and sticky attribute will be updated.
* @param bool $sticky Whether or not the conversation is stickied.
* @return void
public function setSticky(&$conversation, $sticky)
$sticky = (bool)$sticky;
$this->updateById($conversation["conversationId"], array(
"sticky" => $sticky
$this->addOrRemoveLabel($conversation, "sticky", $sticky);
$conversation["sticky"] = $sticky;
* Set the locked flag of a conversation.
* @param array $conversation The conversation to set the draft on. The conversation array's labels
* and locked attribute will be updated.
* @param bool $locked Whether or not the conversation is locked.
* @return void
public function setLocked(&$conversation, $locked)
$locked = (bool)$locked;
$this->updateById($conversation["conversationId"], array(
"locked" => $locked
$this->addOrRemoveLabel($conversation, "locked", $locked);
$conversation["locked"] = $locked;
* Convenience method to add or remove a certain label from a conversation's labels array.
* @param array $conversation The conversation to add/remove the label from.
* @param string $label The name of the label.
* @param bool $add true to add the label, false to remove it.
* @return void
public function addOrRemoveLabel(&$conversation, $label, $add = true)
if ($add and !in_array($label, $conversation["labels"]))
$conversation["labels"][] = $label;
elseif (!$add and ($k = array_search($label, $conversation["labels"])) !== false)
* Set the title of a conversation.
* @param array $conversation The conversation to set the title of. The conversation array's title
* attribute will be updated.
* @param string $title The new title of the conversation.
* @return bool Returns true on success, or false if there is an error.
public function setTitle(&$conversation, $title)
$this->validate("title", $title, array($this, "validateTitle"));
if ($this->errorCount()) return false;
$this->updateById($conversation["conversationId"], array(
"title" => $title
// Update the title column in the posts table as well (which is used for fulltext searching).
ET::postModel()->update(array("title" => $title), array("conversationId" => $conversation["conversationId"]));
$conversation["title"] = $title;
return true;
* Validate the title of a conversation.
* @param string $title The conversation title.
* @return bool|string Returns an error string or false if there are no errors.
public function validateTitle($title)
if (!strlen(trim($title))) return "emptyTitle";
* Set the channel of a conversation.
* @param array $conversation The conversation to set the channel for. The conversation array's channelId
* attribute will be updated.
* @param int $channelId Whether or not the conversation is locked.
* @return bool Returns true on success, or false if there is an error.
public function setChannel(&$conversation, $channelId)
if (!ET::channelModel()->hasPermission($channelId, "start")) $this->error("channelId", T("message.noPermission"));
if ($this->errorCount()) return false;
// Decrease the conversation/post count of the old channel.
->set("countConversations", "countConversations - 1", false)
->set("countPosts", "countPosts - :posts", false)
->bind(":posts", $conversation["countPosts"])
->bind(":channelId", $conversation["channelId"])
$this->updateById($conversation["conversationId"], array(
"channelId" => $channelId
// Increase the conversation/post count of the new channel.
->set("countConversations", "countConversations + 1", false)
->set("countPosts", "countPosts + :posts", false)
->bind(":posts", $conversation["countPosts"])
->bind(":channelId", $channelId)
$conversation["channelId"] = $channelId;
return true;
* Given a name (intended to be the input of the "add members allowed" form), this function finds a matching
* group or member and returns an array of its details to be used in addMember().
* @param string $name The input.
* @return bool|array Returns an array of the entity's details (in the same format as getMembersAllowed()),
* or false if no entity was found.
public function getMemberFromName($name)
$memberId = $memberName = false;
// Get a list of all member groups, and add administrators + members to it.
$groups = ET::groupModel()->getAll();
$groups[GROUP_ID_MEMBER] = array("name" => ACCOUNT_MEMBER);
// Go through each of the groups and see if one of them matches the name. If so, return its details.
$lowerName = strtolower($name);
foreach ($groups as $id => $group) {
$group = $group["name"];
if ($lowerName == strtolower(T("group.$group.plural", $group))) {
return array("type" => "group", "id" => $id, "name" => $group);
// Otherwise, search for a member in the database with a matching name.
$name = str_replace("%", "", $name);
$result = ET::SQL()
->select("GROUP_CONCAT(g.groupId)", "groups")
->from("member m")
->from("member_group g", "m.memberId=g.memberId", "left")
->where("m.username=:name OR m.username LIKE :nameLike")
->bind(":name", $name)
->bind(":nameLike", "%".$name."%")
->orderBy("m.username=:nameOrder DESC")
->bind(":nameOrder", $name)
if (!$result->numRows()) return false;
// Get the result and return it as an array.
$row = $result->firstRow();
$row["groups"] = ET::groupModel()->getGroupIds($row["account"], explode(",", $row["groups"]));
return array("type" => "member", "id" => $row["memberId"], "name" => $row["username"], "avatarFormat" => $row["avatarFormat"], "groups" => $row["groups"]);
* Add a member to a conversation, i.e. give them permission to view it and make the conversation private.
* @param array $conversation The conversation to add the member to. The conversation array's membersAllowed
* and private attributes will be updated.
* @param array $member The entity to add. This can be from getMemberFromName().
* @return void
public function addMember(&$conversation, $member)
// If the conversation exists, add this member to the database as allowed.
if ($conversation["conversationId"]) {
// Email the member(s) - we have to do this before we put them in the db because it will only email them if they
// don't already have a record for this conversation in the status table.
if ($conversation["countPosts"] > 0 and $member["type"] == "member") $this->privateAddNotification($conversation, $member["id"]);
// Set the conversation's private field to true and update the last action time.
if (!$conversation["private"]) {
$this->updateById($conversation["conversationId"], array("private" => true));
$conversation["private"] = true;
// Allow the member to view the conversation in the status table.
$this->setStatus($conversation["conversationId"], $member["id"], array("allowed" => true), $member["type"]);
// Make sure the the owner of the conversation is allowed to view it.
$this->setStatus($conversation["conversationId"], $conversation["startMemberId"], array("allowed" => true));
// If the conversation doesn't exist, add this member to the session members allowed store.
else {
$membersAllowed = ET::$session->get("membersAllowed", array());
$member = array("type" => $member["type"], "id" => $member["id"]);
if (!in_array($member, $membersAllowed)) $membersAllowed[] = $member;
// Make sure the the owner of the conversation is allowed to view it.
$member = array("type" => "member", "id" => $conversation["startMemberId"]);
if (!in_array($member, $membersAllowed)) $membersAllowed[] = $member;
ET::$session->store("membersAllowed", $membersAllowed);
// Add the private label to the conversation.
$this->addOrRemoveLabel($conversation, "private", true);
$conversation["private"] = true;
* Remove a member from a conversation, i.e. revoke their permission to view it and make the conversation
* not private if there are no members left.
* @param array $conversation The conversation to remove the member from. The conversation array's membersAllowed
* and private attributes will be updated.
* @param array $member The entity to remove. This should have two elements: type and id.
* @return void
public function removeMember(&$conversation, $member)
// If the conversation exists, remove the member from the database.
if ($conversation["conversationId"]) {
// Disallow the member to view the conversation in the status table.
// Also unstar the conversation so they will no longer receive email notifications.
$this->setStatus($conversation["conversationId"], $member["id"], array("allowed" => false, "starred" => false), $member["type"]);
// Otherwise remove it from the session.
else {
$membersAllowed = ET::$session->get("membersAllowed", array());
foreach ($membersAllowed as $k => $m) {
if ($m["type"] == $member["type"] and $m["id"] == $member["id"]) unset($membersAllowed[$k]);
ET::$session->store("membersAllowed", $membersAllowed);
// Update the conversation's membersAllowed array.
foreach ($conversation["membersAllowed"] as $k => $m) {
if ($m["type"] == $member["type"] and $m["id"] == $member["id"]) unset($conversation["membersAllowed"][$k]);
// If there are no members left allowed in the conversation, then unmark the conversation as private.
if (empty($conversation["membersAllowed"])) {
$conversation["membersAllowed"] = array();
$conversation["private"] = false;
$this->addOrRemoveLabel($conversation, "private", false);
// Turn off conversation's private field in the database.
if ($conversation["conversationId"])
$this->updateById($conversation["conversationId"], array("private" => false));
* Send private conversation invitation notifications to a list of members. A notification will only
* be sent if this is the first time a member has been added to the conversation, to prevent intentional
* email spamming.
* @param array $conversation The conversation to that we're sending out notifications for.
* @param array $memberIds A list of member IDs to send the notifications to.
* @param bool $notifyAll If set to true, all members will be notified regardless of if they have been
* added to this conversation before.
* @return void
protected function privateAddNotification($conversation, $memberIds, $notifyAll = false, $content = null)
$memberIds = (array)$memberIds;
// Remove the currently logged in user from the list of member IDs.
if (($k = array_search(ET::$session->userId, $memberIds)) !== false) unset($memberIds[$k]);
if (!count($memberIds)) return;
// Get the member details for this list of member IDs.
$sql = ET::SQL()
->from("member_conversation s", "s.conversationId=:conversationId AND s.type='member' AND", "left")
->bind(":conversationId", $conversation["conversationId"])
->where("m.memberId IN (:memberIds)")
->bind(":memberIds", $memberIds);
// Only get members where the member_conversation row doesn't exist (implying that this is the first time
// they've been added to the conversation.)
if (!$notifyAll) $sql->where(" IS NULL");
$members = ET::memberModel()->getWithSQL($sql);
$data = array(
"conversationId" => $conversation["conversationId"],
"title" => $conversation["title"]
$emailData = array("content" => $content);
// Create the "privateAdd" activity which will send out a notification and an email if appropriate.
// Also get IDs of members who would like to automatically follow this conversation.
$followIds = array();
foreach ($members as $member) {
ET::activityModel()->create("privateAdd", $member, ET::$session->user, $data, $emailData);
if (!empty($member["preferences"]["starPrivate"])) $followIds[] = $member["memberId"];
// Follow the conversation for the appropriate members.
if (!empty($followIds)) $this->setStatus($conversation["conversationId"], $followIds, array("starred" => true));
// Add default labels.
ETConversationModel::addLabel("sticky", "IF(c.sticky=1,1,0)", "icon-pushpin");
ETConversationModel::addLabel("private", "IF(c.private=1,1,0)", "icon-envelope-alt");
ETConversationModel::addLabel("locked", "IF(c.locked=1,1,0)", "icon-lock");
ETConversationModel::addLabel("draft", "IF(s.draft IS NOT NULL,1,0)", "icon-pencil");
ETConversationModel::addLabel("ignored", "IF(s.ignored=1,1,0)", "icon-eye-close");
Function Calls
defined | 1 |
MD5 | 075074de138357ad5b26859d3f9d37d8 |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 200 ms |