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PHP Decode

<?php // error_reporting(E_ALL); // This is a more advanced version of the forecast scri..

Decoded Output download

// error_reporting(E_ALL); 
// This is a more advanced version of the forecast script 
// It uses file caching and feed failure to better handle when NOAA is down 
//  Version 2.00 - 15-Jan-2007 - modified Tom's script for XHTML 1.0-Strict 
//  Version 2.01 - 14-Feb-2007 - modified for ERH-> redirects (no point forecasts) 
//  Version 2.02 - 02-Mar-2007 - added auto-failover to CRH and better include in page. 
//  Version 2.03 - 29-Apr-2007 - modified for /images/wtf -> /forecast/images change 
//  Version 2.04 - 05-Jun-2007 - improvement to auto-failover 
//  Version 2.05 - 29-Jun-2007 - additional check for alternative no-icon forecast, then failover. 
//  Version 2.06 - 24-Nov-2007 - rewrite for zone forecast, intrepret icons from text-only forecast 
//  Version 2.07 - 24-Nov-2007 - support new zone forecast with different temp formats 
//  Version 2.08 - 25-Nov-2007 - fix zone forecast icons, new temp formats supported 
//  Version 2.09 - 26-Nov-2007 - add support for new temperature phrases and below zero temps 
//  Version 2.10 - 17-Dec-2007 - added safety features from Mike Challis 
//  Version 2.11 - 20-Dec-2007 - added cache-refresh on request, fixed rising/falling temp arrow 
//  Version 2.12 - 31-Dec-2007 - fixed New Year"s to New Year's display problem 
//  Version 2.13 - 01-Jan-2008 - added integration features for carterlake/WD/PHP/AJAX template set 
//  Version 2.14 - 14-Jan-2009 - corrected Zone forecast parsing for below zero temperatures 
//  Version 2.15 - 28-Feb-2010 - updated Zone forecast parsing for new phrases 
//  Version 2.16 - 14-Dec-2010 - added support for warning messages from NWS and $forecastwarnings string 
//  Version 2.17 - 08-Jan-2011 - fixed validation issue when NWS uses '&' in condition 
//  Version 2.18 - 27-Feb-2011 - added support for common cache directory 
//  Version 3.00 - 12-Mar-2011 - support for multi-forecast added by Curly at 
//  Version 3.01 - 01-Oct-2011 - added support for alternative animated icon set from 
//  Version 3.02 - 05-Oct-2011 - corrected warning links to 
//  Version 3.03 - 02-Jul-2012 - added fixes for NWS website changes 
//  Version 3.04 - 03-Jul-2012 - added fixes for W3C validation issues 
//  Version 3.05 - 05-Jul-2012 - added fixes for Zone forecast use with new NWS website design 
//  Version 3.06 - 07-Jul-2012 - fixed validation issue for Rising/Falling temp arrows with new NWS website design 
//  Version 3.07 - 09-Aug-2012 - fixed failover to Zone forecast with new NWS website design 
//  Version 3.08 - 23-Nov-2012 - fixed issue with Zone forecast parsing due to NWS website changes 
//  Version 3.09 - 28-Jun-2013 - added fixes for Zone forecast parsing due to NWS website changes 
//  Version 3.10 - 18-Nov-2013 - fixed issue with Zone forecast URL due to NWS website changes 
//  Version 3.11 - 13-Mar-2014 - fixed point forecast text non-display due to NWS website changes 
//  Version 3.12 - 15-Mar-2014 - fixes for Zone forecast, warnings and auto-correct old URLs 
//  Version 3.13 - 17-Mar-2015 - fixes for Zone forecast w/new NWS site design 
//  Version 3.14 - 31-Mar-2015 - fixes for NWS site changes 
//  Version 3.15 - 13-May-2015 - fix for Zone forecast w/NWS website change 
//  Version 3.16 - 15-May-2015 - fixes for different Zone forecast format in failover 
//  Version 4.00 - 06-Jul-2015 - added support for DualImage processing 
//  Version 4.01 - 07-Jul-2015 - fixed HTML for $forecasticons for new NWS website 
//  Version 4.02 - 07-Nov-2015 - fixed Zone forecast when using .gif icons issue 
//  Version 5.00 - 22-Apr-2017 - complete rewrite to use JSON feeds for forecasts and alerts 
//  Version 5.01 - 26-Apr-2017 - switch to use test NWS site for data waiting for June 19, 2017 prod cutover 
//  Version 5.02 - 22-May-2017 - added temperature trend indicator 
//  Version 5.03 - 16-Jul-2017 - if point forecast HTTP return code > 400, force zone forecast fetch 
//  Version 5.04 - 11-Oct-2017 - fix for stale point-forecast via API to failover to Zone forecast 
//  Version 5.05 - 27-Feb-2018 - more fixes for point-forecast/refetch fail->Zone failover 
//  Version 5.06 - 12-Apr-2018 - fix PHP warning when no alerts available 
//  Version 5.07 - 14-Apr-2018 - add caching for point->gridpoint forecast URLs + WFO info on Zone fcst 
//  Version 5.08 - 25-May-2018 - fixes for point/zone JSON changes from 
//  Version 5.09 - 26-May-2018 - added new NWS API icons for tropical storm/hurricane 
//  Version 5.10 - 13-Apr-2019 - fix for HTTP/2 responses from 
//  Version 5.11 - 30-Apr-2019 - use new point->meta->gridpoint method for point forecast URL data 
//  Version 5.12 - 01-May-2019 - fix for link URL at bottom of page 
//  Version 5.13 - 08-Sep-2019 - fix for link URL with NWS discontinuation of site 
//  Version 5.14 - 10-May-2020 - fix for Alert link URL for (Thanks Jasiu!) 
//  Version 5.15 - 25-Jun-2020 - updated diagnostic info to help diagnose Akamai cache issues from site 
//  Version 5.16 - 08-Jul-2020 - added diagnostic logging capability ($doLogging = true; to enable); 
//  Version 5.17 - 15-Jul-2020 - switch to geo+json queries from ld+json queries for; cache file name changes too. 
//  Version 5.18 - 18-Jan-2022 - added fix for PHP8.1 Deprecated errata 
//  Version 5.18a - 07-Feb-2022 - use 'updateTime' instead of deprecated 'updated' for age of gridpoint forecast 
//  Version 5.19 - 27-Dec-2022 - fixes for PHP 8.2 
$Version = 'advforecast2.php (JSON) - V5.19 - 27-Dec-2022'; 
// import NOAA Forecast info 
// data ends up in four different arrays: 
// $forecasticons[x]  x = 0 thru 13   This is the icon and text around it 
// $forecasttemp[x] x= 0 thru 13    This is forecast temperature with styling 
// $forecasttitles[x]  x = 0 thru 13   This is the title word for the text forecast time period 
// $forecasttext[x]  x = 0 thru 13  This is the detail text for the text forecast time period 
// $forecastupdated  This is the time of last update 
// $forecastcity    This is the city name for the forecast 
// $forecastoffice  This is the NWS Office providing the forecast 
// $forecastwarnings This is the text/links to NWS Warnings, Watches, Advisories, Outlooks, Special Statements 
// Also, in order for this to work correctly, you need the NOAA icons (or make your own... 
// there are 750!). 
// unzip the above and upload to your site (preserving the directory structure): 
// ./forecast/images (for the static images) 
// ./forecast/icon-templates (for the dual-image icon master files) 
// ./DualImage.php (script to create the dual-image icons as required by the forecast) 
// The URL(s) below --MUST BE-- the Printable Point Forecast from the NOAA website 
// Not every area of the US has a printable point forecast 
// This script will ONLY WORK with a printable point forecast of either the OLD format like: 
//  CityName=Saratoga&state=CA&site=MTR&textField1=37.2639&textField2=-122.022 
//  &e=1&TextType=2 
// or the new format (after June 24, 2019 ) of 
// To find yours in your area: 
// Go to 
// Put your city, state in the search box and press Search 
// copy the URL from your browser into the $fileName variable below. 
// Also put your NOAA Warning Zone (like ssZnnn) in caps in the $NOAAZone variable below. 
// It is used for automatic backup in case the point printable forecast is not available. 
// ----------------------SETTINGS--------------------------------------------- 
// V3.00 -- this following array can be used for multiple forecasts in *standalone* mode 
//  for Saratpga template use, add a $SITE['NWSforecasts'] entry in Settings.php to have these entries. 
//  To activate the definitions below, replace the /* with //* to uncomment the array definition 
$NWSforecasts = array( 
  // the entries below are for testing use.. replace them with your own entries if using the script 
  // outside the AJAX/PHP templates. 
  // ZONE|Location|point-forecast-URL  (separated by | characters 
  "CAZ513|Saratoga, CA (WRH)|", 
  "NEZ052|Omaha, NE (CRH)|", 
  "ALZ266|Gulf Shores, AL (SRH)|", 
  'MDZ022|Salisbury, MD (ERH)|', 
  'AKZ101|Anchorage, AK (ARH)|', 
  'HIZ005|Honolulu, HI (HRH)|', 
  'IAZ068|Riverdale, IA|', 
  'MEZ030|Bar Harbor, ME|', 
  'TXZ147|Fairfield, TX|', 
  'SDZ021|Millbank, SD|', 
  'MNZ034|Brainerd, MN|', 
  'COZ010|Vail, CO|', 
  'CAZ072|South Lake Tahoe, CA| Vista&state=CA&site=MTR&textField1=39.2425194&textField2=-120.0604858&e=1&TextType=2', 
  'WAZ037|Colville, WA|', 
  'ILZ103|Hoffman Estates, IL|', 
  'NDZ027|Grand Forks,  ND|', 
  'MTZ055|Bozeman, MT|', 
  'KSZ078|Dodge City, KS|', 
  'OKZ020|Stillwater, OK|', 
  'GAZ034|Lawrenceville, GA|', 
  'ARZ011|Rockhouse, AR|', 
  'ARZ040|Mena, AR|', 
  'MOZ090|Springfield, MO|', 
  'MTZ019|Plentywood, MT|', 
  'ARZ044|Little Rock, AR|', 
  "NYZ040|Hessville, NY|", 
  "NYZ049|Albany, NY|", 
  "NYZ056|Binghamton, NY|", 
  "MAZ017|Boston, MA|", 
  "MNZ060|Robbinsdale, MN|", 
	"FLZ112|Upper Grand Lagoon, FL|", 
	"MSZ066|Ellisville, MS|", 
  "NEZ066|Lincoln, NE|", 
	"IAZ066|Clinton, IA|,-90.192", 
	'ALZ266|Gulf Shores, AL|', 
	'KSZ050|3 Miles SE Lyons KS|', 
	'ILZ029|Glasford IL|', 
$NOAAZone = 'CAZ513'; // change this line to your NOAA warning zone. 
// set $fileName to the URL for the point-printable forecast for your area 
// NOTE: this value (and $NOAAZone) will be overridden by the first entry in $NWSforecasts if it exists. 
$fileName = ""; 
$showTwoIconRows = true; // =true; show all icons, =false; show 9 icons in one row (new V5.00) 
$showZoneWarning = true; // =true; show note when Zone forecast used. =false; suppress Zone warning (new V5.00) 
// $iconDir = './forecast/imagesPNG-86x86/'; // testing only 
// $iconDir = './forecast/imagesGIF-55x58/'; // testing only 
$iconDir = './forecast/images/'; 
$iconType = '.jpg'; // default type='.jpg' -- use '.gif' for animated icons from 
$cacheFileDir = './'; // default cache file directory 
$iconHeight = 55; // default height of conditions icon ( 
$iconWidth = 55; // default width of conditions icon  ( 
$refreshTime = 600; // default refresh of cache 600=10 minutes 
$ourTZ = 'America/Los_Angeles'; // default timezone (new V5.00) 
// $timeFormat = 'd-M-Y g:ia T';  // Fri, 31-Mar-2006 6:35pm TZone (new V5.00) 
$timeFormat = 'g:i a T M d, Y'; // 3:17 am PST Jan 28, 2017 (new V5.00, like old forecast timestamp display) 
# V5.16 logging capability for curl accesses to  
$doLogging = true;       // =true to enable summary logging, =false for no summary log file 
# log saved to $cacheFileDir/advforecast2-log-YYYY-MM-DD.csv  (tab-delimited CSV file) 
$doLoggingDetail = true; // =true to eanable detail logging, =false for no detail file 
# log saved to $cacheFileDir/advforecast2-log-YYYY-MM-DD.txt 
// ----------------------END OF SETTINGS-------------------------------------- 
// changing stuff below this may cause you issues when updates to the script are done. 
// you change it, you own it :) 
$useProdNWS = false; // =false, use preview V3 sites, =true, use production sites (after June 24, 2019) 
$forceDualIconURL = false; // for TESTING prior to 7-Jul-2015 when new icons were used by NWS 
// following is for possible FUTURE use 
$getGridpointData = false; // =true; for getting gridpoint data, =false for not getting the data 
// following is for possible FUTURE hourly forecast/graphics use 
$getHourlyData = false; // =true; for getting hourly data, =false for not getting the data 
if(file_exists('Settings.php')) { include_once('Settings.php'); } 
// overrides from Settings.php if available 
global $SITE; 
if (isset($SITE['NWSforecasts']))    {$NWSforecasts = $SITE['NWSforecasts']; } 
if (isset($SITE['cacheFileDir']))    {$cacheFileDir = $SITE['cacheFileDir']; } 
if (isset($SITE['noaazone']))        {$NOAAZone = $SITE['noaazone'];} 
if (isset($SITE['fcsturlNWS']))      {$fileName = $SITE['fcsturlNWS'];} 
if (isset($SITE['fcsticonsdir']))    {$iconDir = $SITE['fcsticonsdir'];} 
if (isset($SITE['fcsticonstype']))   {$iconType = $SITE['fcsticonstype'];} 
if (isset($SITE['fcsticonsheight'])) {$iconHeight = $SITE['fcsticonsheight'];} 
if (isset($SITE['fcsticonswidth']))  {$iconWidth = $SITE['fcsticonswidth'];} 
if (isset($SITE['tz']))              {$ourTZ = $SITE['tz'];} // V5.00 
if (isset($SITE['timeFormat']))      {$timeFormat = $SITE['timeFormat'];} // V5.00 
if (isset($SITE['showTwoIconRows'])) {$showTwoIconRows = $SITE['showTwoIconRows'];} // V5.00 
if (isset($SITE['showZoneWarning'])) {$showZoneWarning = $SITE['showZoneWarning'];} // V5.00 
if (isset($SITE['advLogging']))      {$doLogging = $SITE['advLogging'];} // V5.16 
if (isset($SITE['advLoggingDetail'])) {$doLoggingDetail = $SITE['advLoggingDetail'];} // V5.16 
// end of overrides from Settings.php 
$doDebug = (isset($_REQUEST['debug']) and preg_match('|y|i',$_REQUEST['debug']))?true:false; 
if (isset($_REQUEST['rows'])) { 
  if ($_REQUEST['rows'] == '1') { 
    $showTwoIconRows = false; 
  if ($_REQUEST['rows'] == '2') { 
    $showTwoIconRows = true; 
// hosts providing API and Forecasts and Alerts 
if ($useProdNWS) { 
  // final production URLs 
  define('APIURL', ""); 
  define('FCSTURL', ""); 
  define('ALERTAPIURL', ''); 
  define('ALERTURL', ''); 
else { 
  // pre-production/testing URLs 
  define('APIURL', ""); 
  define('FCSTURL', ""); 
  define('ALERTURL', ''); // Jasiu fix 10-May-2020 
// get the selected zone code 
$haveZone = '0'; 
if (!empty($_GET['z']) && preg_match("/^[0-9]+$/i", htmlspecialchars($_GET['z']))) { 
  $haveZone = htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($_GET['z'])); // valid zone syntax from input 
$DualImageAvailable = file_exists("./DualImage.php") ? true : false; 
// $DualImageAvailable = false; 
if (isset($_REQUEST['convert'])) { // display new URLs if requested 
if (!isset($NWSforecasts[0])) { 
  // print "<!-- making NWSforecasts array default -->
  $NWSforecasts = array( 
  ); // create default entry 
//  print "<!-- NWSforecasts
".print_r($NWSforecasts,true). " -->
// Set the default zone. The first entry in the $SITE['NWSforecasts'] array. 
list($Nz, $Nl, $Nn) = explode('|', $NWSforecasts[0] . '|||'); 
$NOAAZone = $Nz; 
$NOAAlocation = $Nl; 
$fileName = $Nn; 
$newFormat = false; 
if (!isset($NWSforecasts[$haveZone])) { 
  $haveZone = 0; 
// locations added to the drop down menu and set selected zone values 
$dDownMenu = ''; 
for ($m = 0; $m < count($NWSforecasts); $m++) { // for each locations 
  list($Nzone, $Nlocation, $Nname) = explode('|', $NWSforecasts[$m] . '|||'); 
  $dDownMenu.= "     <option value=\"" . $m . "\">" . $Nlocation . "</option>
  if ($haveZone == $m) { 
    $NOAAZone = $Nzone; 
    $NOAAlocation = $Nlocation; 
    $fileName = $Nname; 
// build the drop down menu 
$ddMenu = ''; 
// create menu if at least two locations are listed in the array 
if (isset($NWSforecasts[0]) and isset($NWSforecasts[1])) { 
  $ddMenu.= '<tr align="center"> 
	<td style="font-size: 14px; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"> 
	<script type="text/javascript"> 
		function menu_goto( menuform ){ 
		 selecteditem = menuform.logfile.selectedIndex ; 
		 logfile = menuform.logfile.options[ selecteditem ].value ; 
		 if (logfile.length != 0) { 
			location.href = logfile ; 
		// --> 
 <form action="" method="get"> 
 <p><select name="z" onchange="this.form.submit()"> 
 <option value=""> - Select Forecast - </option> 
' . $dDownMenu . $ddMenu . '     </select></p> 
	 <div><noscript><pre><input name="submit" type="submit" value="Get Forecast" /></pre></noscript></div> 
// You can now force the cache to update by adding ?force=1 to the end of the URL 
if (empty($_REQUEST['force'])) $_REQUEST['force'] = "0"; 
$Force = $_REQUEST['force']; 
$forceBackup = false; 
if ($Force > 1) { 
  $forceBackup = true; 
$cacheName = $cacheFileDir . "forecast-" . $NOAAZone . "-$haveZone-geojson.txt"; 
// dont change the $backupfileName! 
// new Zone URL with V5.00: 
$Status = "<!-- $Version on PHP " . phpversion() . "-->
<!-- RAW NWS URL: $fileName  zone=$NOAAZone -->
if (isset($_REQUEST['sce']) && strtolower($_REQUEST['sce']) == 'view') { 
  // --self downloader -- 
  $filenameReal = __FILE__; 
  $download_size = filesize($filenameReal); 
  header('Pragma: public'); 
  header('Cache-Control: private'); 
  header('Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate'); 
  header("Content-type: text/plain,charset=ISO-8859-1"); 
  header("Accept-Ranges: bytes"); 
  header("Content-Length: $download_size"); 
  header('Connection: close'); 
global $fcstPeriods, $NWSICONLIST; 
$usingFile = ""; 
if (!function_exists('date_default_timezone_set')) { 
  if (!ini_get('safe_mode')) { 
    putenv("TZ=$ourTZ"); // set our timezone for 'as of' date on file 
else { 
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3', '<')) { 
  print "<p>This script requires PHP V5.3+ to operate. You are running PHP " . PHP_VERSION . "<br/>"; 
  print "Please update PHP to be able to run $Version script</p>
  $forecasttitles = array(); 
  $forecasttext = array(); 
  $forecasticons = array(); 
  $forecasttemp = array(); 
  print $Status; 
// grab the meta info for point, zone and forecast office + gridpoint URLs to use 
if (strpos($iconType, 'gif') !== false and $DualImageAvailable) { 
  $DualImageAvailable = false; 
  $Status.= "<!-- DualImage function is not available with $iconType icons;     -->
  $Status.= "<!-- first image of any dual-image found will be displayed instead -->
$oldFileName = $fileName; 
$backupfileName = APIURL . "/zones/forecast/$NOAAZone/forecast"; 
list($fileName, $pointURL) = convert_filename($fileName, $NOAAZone); // correct the filename if necessary to API format 
$META = array(); 
$META = get_meta_info($cacheName, $fileName, $backupfileName); 
if (isset($META['forecastZone']) and $META['forecastZone'] !== $NOAAZone) { 
  $Status.= "<!-- WARNING: NOAAZone='$NOAAZone' is not correct.  Will use '" . $META['forecastZone'] . "' for this point location per NWS. -->
	$NOAAZone = $META['forecastZone']; 
// V5.11 - use the META data for the real gridpoint forecast and zone forecast URLs. 
$pointURL = $META['forecastURL']; 
$fileName = $META['forecastURL']; 
$backupfileName = APIURL . "/zones/forecast/".$META['forecastZone']."/forecast"; 
if($fileName == '') { 
	$Status .= "<!-- pointURL is null. Using Zone URL instead -->
	$fileName = $backupfileName; 
$Status .= "<!-- point forecastURL = '$pointURL' -->
$Status .= "<!-- zone  forecastURL = '$backupfileName' -->
$html = ''; 
$lastURL = ''; 
if ($Force == 1 or  
    !file_exists($cacheName) or  
		(file_exists($cacheName) and filemtime($cacheName) + $refreshTime < time())) { 
  $html = ADV_fetchUrlWithoutHanging($fileName); 
  $stuff = explode("

",$html); // maybe we have more than one header due to redirects. 
  $content = (string)array_pop($stuff); // last one is the content 
  $headers = (string)array_pop($stuff); // next-to-last-one is the headers 
  preg_match('/HTTP\/\S+ (\d+)/', $headers, $m); 
	//$Status .= "<!-- m=".print_r($m,true)." -->
	//$Status .= "<!-- html=".print_r($html,true)." -->
	if(isset($m[1])) {$lastRC = (string)$m[1]; } else {$lastRC = '0'; } 
  if ($lastRC >= '400') { 
    $Force = 2; 
    $Status.= "<!-- Oops.. point forecast unavailable RC=" . $lastRC . " - using Zone instead -->
  } else { 
    $lastURL = $fileName; // remember if error encountered 
    $fSize = strlen($html); 
    $Status.= "<!-- loaded point-forecast $fileName - $fSize bytes -->
		if (strpos($content, '{') !== false and $lastRC == '200') { // got a file.. save it 
			$fp = fopen($cacheName, "w"); 
			if ($fp) { 
				$write = fputs($fp, $html); 
				$Status.= "<!-- wrote cache file $cacheName -->
			} else { 
				$Status.= "<!-- unable to write cache file $cacheName -->
if ($Force == 2) { 
  $usingFile = "(Zone forecast)"; 
  $html = ADV_fetchUrlWithoutHanging($backupfileName); 
  $lastURL = $backupfileName; // remember if error encountered 
  $fSize = strlen($html); 
  $Status.= "<!-- loaded $usingFile $backupfileName - $fSize bytes -->
  $stuff = explode("

",$html); // maybe we have more than one header due to redirects. 
  $content = (string)array_pop($stuff); // last one is the content 
  $headers = (string)array_pop($stuff); // next-to-last-one is the headers 
  preg_match('/HTTP\/\S+ (\d+)/', $headers, $m); 
	//$Status .= "<!-- m=".print_r($m,true)." -->
	//$Status .= "<!-- html=".print_r($html,true)." -->
	if(isset($m[1])) {$lastRC = (string)$m[1];} else {$lastRC = '0';} 
  if (strpos($html, '{') !== false and $lastRC == '200') { // got a file.. save it 
    $fp = fopen($cacheName, "w"); 
    if ($fp) { 
      $write = fputs($fp, $html); 
      $Status.= "<!-- wrote cache file $cacheName -->
    else { 
      $Status.= "<!-- unable to write cache file $cacheName -->
if (strlen($html) < 50 and file_exists($cacheName)) { // haven't loaded it by fetch.. load from cache 
  $html = file_get_contents($cacheName); 
  $fSize = strlen($html); 
  $Status.= "<!-- loaded cache file $cacheName - $fSize bytes -->
  $stuff = explode("

",$html); // maybe we have more than one header due to redirects. 
  $content = (string)array_pop($stuff); // last one is the content 
  $headers = (string)array_pop($stuff); // next-to-last-one is the headers 
  if (preg_match('/Temporary|Location:|defaulting to|window\.location\.href\=/Uis', $headers)) { 
    $usingFile = "(Zone forecast)"; 
    $html = ADV_fetchUrlWithoutHanging($backupfileName); 
    $lastURL = $backupfileName; // remember if error encountered 
    $fSize = strlen($html); 
    $Status.= "<!-- loaded $usingFile $backupfileName - $fSize bytes -->
if ($Force != 2) { 
  // check point-forecast age and load zone forecast if too old 
  preg_match('!"updateTime":\s*"([^"]+)"!is', $html, $matches); 
  if (isset($matches[1])) { 
    $age = time() - strtotime($matches[1]); 
		$ts = $matches[1]; 
    if ($age > 18 * 60 * 60) { 
      $agehms = sec2hmsADV($age); 
      $Status.= "<!-- point forecast more than 18hrs old (age h:m:s is $agehms) updated:'$ts' .. use Zone forecast instead -->
			list($headers,$content) = explode("

			$Status .= "<!-- headers from the gridpoint request
			ADV_log('Stale',"Forecast Stale Age=$agehms from gridpoint - use Zone forecast instead
      $Force = 2; 
      $usingFile = "(Zone forecast)"; 
      $html = ADV_fetchUrlWithoutHanging($backupfileName); 
      $lastURL = $backupfileName; // remember if error encountered 
      $fSize = strlen($html); 
      $Status.= "<!-- loaded $usingFile $backupfileName - $fSize bytes -->
      if (strpos($html, '{') !== false) { // got a file.. save it 
        $fp = fopen($cacheName, "w"); 
        if ($fp) { 
          $write = fputs($fp, $html); 
          $Status.= "<!-- wrote cache file $cacheName -->
        else { 
          $Status.= "<!-- unable to write cache file $cacheName -->
// now split off the headers from the contents of the return 
$stuff = explode("

",$html); // maybe we have more than one header due to redirects. 
$content = (string)array_pop($stuff); // last one is the content 
$headers = (string)array_pop($stuff); // next-to-last-one is the headers 
// check age of forecast 
preg_match('!"updateTime":\s*"([^"]+)"!is', $html, $matches); 
if(!isset($matches[1])) { 
  preg_match('!"updated":\s*"([^"]+)"!is', $html, $matches); 
if (isset($matches[1])) { 
	$age = time() - strtotime($matches[1]); 
	$ts = $matches[1]; 
	if ($age > 18 * 60 * 60) { 
		$agehms = sec2hmsADV($age); 
		$Status.= "<!-- forecast more than 18hrs old (age h:m:s is $agehms) updated:'$ts' -->
		list($headers,$content) = explode("

		$Status .= "<!-- headers from the $usingFile request
$rawJSON = json_decode($content, true); // parse the JSON into an associative array 
$FCSTJSON = $rawJSON['properties'];      // geoJSON format 
if (strlen($content > 10) and function_exists('json_last_error')) { // report status, php >= 5.3.0 only 
  switch (json_last_error()) { 
    $JSONerror = '- No errors'; 
    $JSONerror = '- Maximum stack depth exceeded'; 
    $JSONerror = '- Underflow or the modes mismatch'; 
    $JSONerror = '- Unexpected control character found'; 
    $JSONerror = '- Syntax error, malformed JSON'; 
  case JSON_ERROR_UTF8: 
    $JSONerror = '- Malformed UTF-8 characters, possibly incorrectly encoded'; 
    $JSONerror = '- Unknown error'; 
  $Status.= "<!-- JSON decode $JSONerror -->
  if (json_last_error() !== JSON_ERROR_NONE) { 
    $Status.= "<!-- content='" . print_r($content, true) . "' -->
"periods": [ 
"number": 1, 
"name": "Today", 
"startTime": "2017-05-01T07:00:00-07:00", 
"endTime": "2017-05-01T18:00:00-07:00", 
"isDaytime": true, 
"temperature": 83, 
"temperatureUnit": "F", 
"temperatureTrend": null, 
"windSpeed": "8 to 17 mph", 
"windDirection": "NW", 
"icon": "", 
"shortForecast": "Sunny", 
"detailedForecast": "Sunny, with a high near 83. Northwest wind 8 to 17 mph, with gusts as high as 23 mph." 
"number": 2, 
"name": "Tonight", 
"startTime": "2017-05-01T18:00:00-07:00", 
"endTime": "2017-05-02T06:00:00-07:00", 
"isDaytime": false, 
"temperature": 53, 
"temperatureUnit": "F", 
"temperatureTrend": "rising", 
"windSpeed": "3 to 17 mph", 
"windDirection": "NW", 
"icon": "", 
"shortForecast": "Clear", 
"detailedForecast": "Clear. Low around 53, with temperatures rising to around 55 overnight. Northwest wind 3 to 17 mph, with gusts as high as 23 mph." 
if ($getGridpointData and isset($META['forecastGridDataURL'])) { 
  // grab the gridpoint JSON if need be 
  get_gridpoint_data($cacheName, $META['forecastGridDataURL'], $Force, 3600); 
if ($getHourlyData and isset($META['forecastHourlyURL'])) { 
  // grab the Hourly JSON if need be 
  get_hourly_data($cacheName, $META['forecastHourlyURL'], $Force, 3600); 
// now process the point or zone forecast 
if (isset($FCSTJSON['periods'][0]['icon']) and  
		strpos($FCSTJSON['periods'][0]['icon'], 'icons') !== false) { // got a point forecast 
  // -------------- POINT forecast process ----------------- 
  $isZone = false; 
  $rawForecasts = $FCSTJSON['periods']; 
  $Status.= "<!-- point forecast processing -->

  <!-- rawForecasts 
  [0] => Array 
  [number] => 1 
  [name] => Today 
  [startTime] => 2016-11-16T08:00:00-08:00 
  [endTime] => 2016-11-16T18:00:00-08:00 
  [isDaytime] => 1 
  [temperature] => 66 
  [windSpeed] => 15 mph 
  [windDirection] => NW 
  [icon] =>,20/sct,20?size=medium 
  [shortForecast] => Slight Chance Rain Showers then Mostly Sunny 
  [detailedForecast] => A slight chance of rain showers, mainly before 10am. Mostly sunny, with a high near 66. Northwest wind around 15 mph, with gusts as high as 20 mph. Chance of precipitation is 20%. New rainfall amounts less than a tenth of an inch possible. 
  [1] => Array 
  [number] => 2 
  [name] => Tonight 
  [startTime] => 2016-11-16T18:00:00-08:00 
  [endTime] => 2016-11-17T06:00:00-08:00 
  [isDaytime] => 
  [temperature] => 45 
  [windSpeed] =>  6 to 15 mph 
  [windDirection] => NW 
  [icon] => 
  [shortForecast] => Partly Cloudy 
  [detailedForecast] => Partly cloudy, with a low around 45. Northwest wind 6 to 15 mph, with gusts as high as 20 mph. 
  $rawUpdated = $FCSTJSON['updateTime']; 
  if (isset($META['timeZone'])) { 
  $forecastupdated = date($timeFormat, strtotime($rawUpdated)); 
	$ourPoint = ''; 
	if (preg_match('|/([^/]+)/forecast|i', $fileName, $matches)) { 
		$ourPoint = $matches[1]; 
	$forecastlatlong = $ourPoint; 
  $forecastcity = $NOAAlocation; 
  $i = 0; 
  foreach($rawForecasts as $ptr => $FCST) { 
    // we'll be setting up: 
    // $forecasticons[x]  x = 0 thru 13   This is the icon and text around it 
    // $forecasttemp[x] x= 0 thru 13    This is forecast temperature with styling 
    // $forecasttitles[x]  x = 0 thru 13   This is the title word for the text forecast time period 
    // $forecasttext[x]  x = 0 thru 13  This is the detail text for the text forecast time period 
    // $Status .= "<!-- FCST[$i]
".print_r($FCST,true)." -->
    if (strlen($FCST['name']) < 5) { // sometimes have a left-over entry w/o a name.. skip it 
    $forecastcond[$i] = $FCST['shortForecast']; 
    $forecasticon[$i] = convert_to_local_icon($FCST['icon']); 
    if ($FCST['isDaytime']) { 
      $color = '#FF0000'; 
      $tHL = 'Hi'; 
    else { 
      $color = '#0000FF'; 
      $tHL = 'Lo'; 
    $tTrend = ''; 
    if (!is_null($FCST['temperatureTrend'])) { 
      if ($FCST['temperatureTrend'] == 'rising') { 
        $tTrend = ' &uarr;'; 
      if ($FCST['temperatureTrend'] == 'falling') { 
        $tTrend = ' &darr;'; 
    $forecasttemp[$i] = "$tHL <span style=\"color: $color;\">" . round($FCST['temperature'], 0) . " &deg;F$tTrend</span>"; 
    $forecasttitles[$i] = $FCST['name']; 
    $forecasttext[$i] = str_replace("
", ' ', $FCST['detailedForecast']); // sub blank for embedded NL 
    $forecasticons[$i] = make_local_icon($forecasticon[$i], $forecasttitles[$i], $forecastcond[$i], $forecasttemp[$i], $forecasttext[$i]); 
    $forecasticons[$i] = preg_replace('/&/', '&amp;', $forecasticons[$i]); 
    if ($doDebug) { 
      $Status.= "<!-- i=$i name='" . $forecasttitles[$i] . "' " . "cond='" . $forecastcond[$i] . "' " . "temp='" . $forecasttemp[$i] . "' " . "
rawicon='" . $FCST['icon'] . "' " . "
cvticon='" . $forecasticon[$i] . "' " . "
detail='" . $forecasttext[$i] . "' " . "
icon='" . $forecasticons[$i] . "' -->

  } // end foreach FCST point processing 
elseif (isset($FCSTJSON['periods'])) { // got a ZONE forecast 
  // $Status .= "<!-- FCSTJSON 
".print_r($FCSTJSON,true)." -->
  // -------------- ZONE forecast process ----------------- 
  $isZone = true; 
  $Status.= "<!-- ZONE forecast processing -->

  $rawForecasts = $FCSTJSON['periods']; 
  $rawUpdated = $FCSTJSON['updated']; 
  if (isset($META['timeZone'])) { 
  $forecastupdated = date($timeFormat, strtotime($rawUpdated)); 
  $forecastlatlong = $NOAAZone; 
  $forecastcity = $NOAAlocation; 
  $usingFile = "(Zone forecast)"; 
  $Conditions = array(); // prepare for parsing the icon based on the text forecast 
  load_cond_data(); // initialize the conditions to look for 
  <!-- FCSTJSON 
  [periods] => Array 
  [0] => Array 
  [number] => 1 
  [name] => Today 
  [detailedForecast] => Partly sunny this morning 
  [1] => Array 
  [number] => 2 
  [name] => Tonight 
  [detailedForecast] => Partly cloudy. Lows around 40. North winds 5 to 10 mph 
  with gusts up to 20 mph. 
  [2] => Array 
  [number] => 3 
  [name] => Saturday 
  [detailedForecast] => Partly sunny in the morning 
  [3] => Array 
  [number] => 4 
  [name] => Saturday Night 
  [detailedForecast] => Mostly cloudy with a 40 percent chance of 
  showers. Lows in the lower 40s. Northeast winds 5 to 10 mph 
  //     Breakup multi-day forecasts if needed 
  $i = 0; 
  //  foreach ($headers[1] as $j => $period) { 
  foreach($FCSTJSON['periods'] as $j => $FCST) { 
    $period = $FCST['name']; 
    $fcsttext = $FCST['detailedForecast']; 
    // $Status .= "<!-- raw $j='$period' '$fcsttext' -->
    $fcsttext = str_replace("
", ' ', $fcsttext);     // remove embedded new-line characters 
		$fcsttext = preg_replace('|\s+|is',' ',$fcsttext); // remove extra spaces 
    if (strpos($fcsttext, '&&') !== false) { 
      $fcsttext = substr($fcsttext, 0, strpos($fcsttext, '&&') - 1); 
    $fcsttext = trim($fcsttext); 
    $Status.= "<!-- adj FCSTJSON['periods'][$j]='$period' '$fcsttext' -->
    if (preg_match('/^(.*) (Through|And) (.*)/i', $period, $mtemp)) { // got period1 thru period2 
      list($fcstLow, $fcstHigh) = explode("	", split_fcst($fcsttext)); 
      $startPeriod = $mtemp[1]; 
      $periodType = $mtemp[2]; 
      $endPeriod = $mtemp[3]; 
      $startIndex = 0; 
      $endIndex = 0; 
      $Status.= "<!-- splitting $periodType '$period'='$fcsttext' -->
      for ($k = 0; $k < count($fcstPeriods); $k++) { // find Starting and ending period indices 
        if (!$startIndex and $startPeriod == $fcstPeriods[$k]) { 
          $startIndex = $k; 
        if ($startIndex and !$endIndex and $endPeriod == $fcstPeriods[$k]) { 
          $endIndex = $k; 
      for ($k = $startIndex; $k <= $endIndex; $k++) { // now generate the period names and appropriate fcst 
        if (preg_match('|night|i', $fcstPeriods[$k])) { 
          $forecasttext[$i] = $fcstLow; 
        else { 
          $forecasttext[$i] = $fcstHigh; 
        $forecasttitles[$i] = $fcstPeriods[$k]; 
        $Status.= "<!-- $periodType $j, $i, '" . $forecasttitles[$i] . "'='" . $forecasttext[$i] . "' -->
      $Status.= "<!-- end splitting -->

    $forecasttitles[$i] = $period; 
    $forecasttext[$i] = strip_tags($fcsttext); 
    $Status.= "<!-- normal $j, $i, '" . $forecasttitles[$i] . "'='" . $forecasttext[$i] . "' -->

  } // end of multi-day forecast split 
  $nfcsts = $i - 1; 
  for ($i = 0; $i <= $nfcsts; $i++) { // interpret the text for icons, summary, temp, PoP 
    list($forecasticons[$i], $forecasttemp[$i], $forecastpop[$i]) = explode("	", make_zone_icon($forecasttitles[$i], $forecasttext[$i])); 
    $forecasticons[$i] = preg_replace('/&/', '&amp;', $forecasticons[$i]); 
    if ($doDebug) { 
      $Status.= "<!-- i=$i name='" . $forecasttitles[$i] . "' " . "temp='" . $forecasttemp[$i] . "' " . "
detail='" . $forecasttext[$i] . "' " . "
icon='" . $forecasticons[$i] . "' -->

  } // end interpret text for icons 
  // end forecast ZONE processing 
else { // Oops.. got neither point nor zone forecast. 
  $forecasttitles = array(); 
  $forecasttext = array(); 
  $forecasticons = array(); 
  $forecasttemp = array(); 
  $PrintMode = true; 
  if (isset($doPrintNWS) && !$doPrintNWS) { 
    $PrintMode = false;; 
  if (isset($_REQUEST['inc']) && strtolower($_REQUEST['inc']) == 'noprint') { 
    $PrintMode = false; 
  if ($PrintMode) { ?> 
  <table style="width: 640px; border: none;"> 
    <tr style="text-align: center;"> 
      <td><b>National Weather Service Forecast for: </b><span style="color: green;"> 
    echo $NOAAlocation; ?></span> 
    echo $ddMenu ?> 
  if ($PrintMode) { 
    print "<p>Sorry.. the forecast for $NOAAlocation is not available at this time.</p>
  print $Status; 
  if ($PrintMode and strlen($headers) > 0) { 
    print "<p>NWS server $lastURL has an error.</p>
    print "<p>View the source of this page for additional information in HTML comments.</p>
  $forecastValid = false; 
  return; // back to the calling program (if any) 
} // end zone/point/nada forecast processing 
$forecastValid = true; 
$Status.= "<!-- forecast updated '$rawUpdated' ($forecastupdated) for lat,long or zone '$forecastlatlong' -->
// -- now get an alert for the zone (if any) 
$forecastwarnings = ''; 
$alertCacheName = str_replace('.txt', '-alerts.txt', $cacheName); 
$alerthtml = ''; 
if ($Force == 1 or $Force == 2 or !file_exists($alertCacheName) or (file_exists($alertCacheName) and filemtime($alertCacheName) + 300 < time())) { 
  $alerthtml = ADV_fetchUrlWithoutHanging($alertURL); 
  $fSize = strlen($alerthtml); 
  $Status.= "<!-- loaded alert for $NOAAZone from $alertURL - $fSize bytes -->
  if (preg_match('/Location: (.*)
/Uis', $alerthtml, $matches)) { 
    $newLoc = $matches[1]; 
    $newurl = APIURL . $newLoc; 
    $alerthtml = ADV_fetchUrlWithoutHanging($newurl); 
    $fSize = strlen($alerthtml); 
    $Status.= "<!-- loaded alert from redirect $newurl - $fSize bytes -->
  if (strpos($alerthtml, '[') !== false) { // got a file.. save it 
    $fp = fopen($alertCacheName, "w"); 
    if ($fp) { 
      $write = fputs($fp, $alerthtml); 
      $Status.= "<!-- wrote cache file $alertCacheName -->
    else { 
      $Status.= "<!-- unable to write cache file $alertCacheName -->
elseif (file_exists($alertCacheName)) { 
  $alerthtml = file_get_contents($alertCacheName); 
  $Status.= "<!-- alerts loaded from $alertCacheName -->
else { 
  $Status.= "<!-- alerts information not available -->
list($alertHeaders, $alertContents) = explode("

", $alerthtml . "

if (strlen($alertContents) > 1) { // got some alerts.. process 
  $ALERTJSON = json_decode($alertContents, true); 
  if($doDebug) {$Status.= "<!-- ALERTJSON
" . print_r($ALERTJSON, true) . " -->
  [0] => Array 
  [id] => NWS-IDP-PROD-2135097-1993381 
  [event] => Wind Advisory 
  [product_issued] => 2016-11-19T11:29:39+00:00 
  [product_expires] => 2016-11-19T18:00:00+00:00 
  [event_starts] => 2016-11-19T11:29:00+00:00 
  [event_ends] => 2016-11-20T02:00:00+00:00 
  [headline] => Wind Advisory issued November 19 at 3:29AM PST expiring November 19 at 6:00PM PST by NWS San Francisco CA 
  [urgency] => Expected 
  [severity] => Moderate 
  [certainty] => Likely 
  [description] => * TIMING...TO 6 PM SATURDAY EVENING. 
  // use the API alerts feed 
  if (is_array($ALERTJSON) and isset($ALERTJSON['features'][0])) { 
    $Status.= "<!-- preparing " . count($ALERTJSON['features']) . " warning links -->
    $Status.= "<!-- now " . date($timeFormat) . " (" . gmdate($timeFormat) . ") -->
    foreach($ALERTJSON['features'] as $i => $rawALERT) { 
			$ALERT = $rawALERT['properties'];  // geo+json format 
      $expireUTC = strtotime($ALERT['expires']); 
      $Status.= "<!-- alert expires " . date($timeFormat, $expireUTC) . " (" . $ALERT['expires'] . ") -->
      if (  
			    (time() < $expireUTC)  && // V5.15 unexpired alerts w/in one of our zones - thanks to Jasiu! 
					  (in_array($META["forecastZone"], $ALERT["geocode"]["UGC"]) ) || 
            (in_array($META["fireWeatherZone"], $ALERT["geocode"]["UGC"]) ) || 
            (in_array($META["countyZone"], $ALERT["geocode"]["UGC"]) )  
        $forecastwarnings.= '<a href="' . ALERTURL . $ALERT['id'] . '"' . ' title="' . $ALERT['headline'] . "
" . $ALERT['description'] . '" target="_blank">' . '<strong><span style="color: red">' . $ALERT['event'] . "</span></strong></a><br/>
      else { 
        $Status.= "<!-- alert " . $ALERT['id'] . " " . $ALERT['headline'] . " expired - " . $ALERT['expires'] . " -->
  else { 
    $Status.= "<!-- no current hazard alerts for $NOAAZone -->
} // end API feed processing 
if(!file_put_contents($URLcacheFile,serialize($URLcache))) { 
	$Status .= "<!-- Error: unable to save URLcache $URLcacheFile -->
} else { 
	$Status .= "<!-- URL cache saved to $URLcacheFile with ".count($URLcache). " entries. -->
$forecastoffice = ''; 
if (isset($META['WFOname'])) { 
  $forecastoffice = "National Weather Service " . $META['WFOname']; 
if (isset($META['city']) and isset($META['state'])) { 
  $forecastcity = $META['city'] . ', ' . $META['state']; 
$IncludeMode = false; 
$PrintMode = true; 
if (isset($doPrintNWS) && !$doPrintNWS) { 
  print $Status; // <------ print before return 
if (isset($_REQUEST['inc']) && strtolower($_REQUEST['inc']) == 'noprint') { 
  print $Status; // <------ print before return 
if (isset($_REQUEST['inc']) && strtolower($_REQUEST['inc']) == 'y') { 
  $IncludeMode = true; 
if (isset($doIncludeNWS)) { 
  $IncludeMode = $doIncludeNWS; 
// finally, we can print the results if desired 
if (!$IncludeMode and $PrintMode) { ?> 
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" 
<html xmlns=""> 
<title>NWS Forecast for <?php 
  echo $forecastcity; ?></title> 
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> 
<body style="font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:12px; background-color:#FFFFFF"> 
print $Status; 
// if the forecast text is blank, prompt the visitor to force an update 
if (strlen($forecasttext[0]) < 2 and $PrintMode) { 
  if (!isset($PHP_SELF)) { 
  echo '<br/><br/>Forecast blank? <a href="' . $PHP_SELF . '?force=1">Force Update</a><br/><br/>'; 
if ($PrintMode) { 
  $tw = ($iconWidth + 8) * (1 + count($forecasticons) / 2); 
  if ($tw < 620) { 
    $tw = 620; 
  $wdth = $iconWidth + 10 . 'px'; 
  <table style="width: <?php 
  echo $tw; ?>px; border: none;"> 
    <tr style="text-align: center;"> 
      <td><b>National Weather Service Forecast for: </b><span style="color: green;"> 
  echo $forecastcity; ?></span><br /> 
        Issued by: <?php 
  echo $forecastoffice; ?> 
      <td style="text-align: center">Updated: <?php 
  echo $forecastupdated; ?> 
          </td><!--end forecastupdated--> 
  echo $ddMenu ?> 
	  <td style="text-align: center; font-size: 18px; margin: 0px auto;"><b><?php 
  echo $NOAAlocation; ?></b> 
  if ($showZoneWarning and $isZone <> '') { 
    print "<br/><div style=\"border: 1px solid red; padding: 5px; font-size: 12px; margin: 3px;\">"; 
    print "<small>The detailed point forecast weather data is not currently available.<br/>"; 
    print "The zone forecast data for $NOAAZone (" . $META['zoneName'] . ") "; 
    print "will be displayed<br/>until the point forecast data is again available."; 
		if(isset($META['WFOphone']) and isset($META['WFOemail'])) { 
			$t = parse_url($META['forecastGridDataURL']); 
			print "<br/>If this persists, contact the NWS ".$META['WFOname']." WFO <br/> at ". 
			  $META['WFOphone'] . " or email at ". $META['WFOemail']. 
				"<br/> to have them update the point forecast for " . $t['path'] .  
				" on " . $t['host']; 
    print "</small></div>
     <td align="center">&nbsp; 
   <table style="width: <?php 
  echo $tw; ?>px; border: none; border-collapse: collapse; border-spacing: 2px;"> 
  if ($showTwoIconRows) { // show all icons in two rows 
    // now loop over the $forecasticons array to build the two table rows with icons 
    if (stripos($forecasttitles[0], 'night') !== false) { 
      $iStart = - 1; 
    else { 
      $iStart = 0; 
    print "<tr>
    for ($i = 0; $i <= count($forecasticons); $i = $i + 2) { // day icon+cond 
      print '<td style="width: ' . $wdth . '; text-align: center; vertical-align: top;">'; 
      if (isset($forecasticons[$i + $iStart])) { 
        print $forecasticons[$i + $iStart]; 
      else { 
        print "&nbsp;"; 
      print "</td>
    print "</tr>
    print "<tr>
    for ($i = 0; $i <= count($forecasticons); $i = $i + 2) { // day temperatures 
      print '<td style="width: ' . $wdth . '; text-align: center; vertical-align: top;">'; 
      if (isset($forecasttemp[$i + $iStart])) { 
        print $forecasttemp[$i + $iStart]; 
      else { 
        print "&nbsp;"; 
      print "</td>
    print "</tr>
    print "<tr><td colspan=\"8\">&nbsp;</td></tr>
    print "<tr>
    for ($i = 1; $i <= count($forecasticons) + 1; $i = $i + 2) { // night icons+conds 
      print '<td style="width: ' . $wdth . '; text-align: center; vertical-align: top;">'; 
      if (isset($forecasticons[$i + $iStart])) { 
        print $forecasticons[$i + $iStart]; 
      else { 
        print "&nbsp;"; 
      print "</td>
    print "</tr>
    print "<tr>
    for ($i = 1; $i <= count($forecasticons) + 1; $i = $i + 2) { // night temperatures 
      print '<td style="width: ' . $wdth . '; text-align: center; vertical-align: top;">'; 
      if (isset($forecasttemp[$i + $iStart])) { 
        print $forecasttemp[$i + $iStart]; 
      else { 
        print "&nbsp;"; 
      print "</td>
    print "</tr>
    print "</table>

    print "</td>
  else { // show only first 9 icons (old style) 
      <tr valign ="top" align="center"> 
    for ($i = 0; $i < 9; $i++) { 
      print "<td style=\"width: 11%;\"><span style=\"font-size: 8pt;\">$forecasticons[$i]</span></td>
  <tr valign ="top" align="center"> 
    for ($i = 0; $i < 9; $i++) { 
      print "<td style=\"width: 11%;\">$forecasttemp[$i]</td>
  } // end show only first 9 icons (old style) 
  if ($forecastwarnings <> '') { 
    print $forecastwarnings; 
<table style="width: <?php 
  echo $tw; ?>px; border: none; border-collapse: collapse; border-spacing: 2px;"> 
  for ($i = 0; $i < count($forecasttitles); $i++) { 
    print "<tr>
    print "<td style=\"width: 20%; text-align: left; vertical-align: top;\"><b>$forecasttitles[$i]</b><br />&nbsp;<br /></td>
    print "<td style=\"width: 80%; text-align: left; vertical-align: top;\">$forecasttext[$i]</td>
    print "</tr>
<p>Forecast from <a href="<?php 
  if (strlen($usingFile) > 0) { 
    echo htmlspecialchars(''.$META['forecastZone'].'&zflg=1'); 
  else { 
		list($lat,$lon) = explode(',',$META['point']); 
		echo htmlspecialchars("$lat&lon=$lon&unit=0&lg=english"); 
//    echo htmlspecialchars( FCSTURL."/point/".$META['point']); 
  } ?>">NOAA-NWS</a> 
for <?php 
  echo $forecastcity; ?>. <?php 
  if ($isZone) { 
    echo "(Zone forecast for " . $META['zoneName'] . ")"; 
  else { 
    echo $usingFile; 
  if ($iconType == '.gif') { 
    print "<br/>Animated forecast icons courtesy of <a href=\"\"></a>."; 
} // end printmode 
if (!$IncludeMode and $PrintMode) { ?> 
// end mainline code -- used functions are below 
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
function ADV_fetchUrlWithoutHanging($inurl) 
  // get contents from one URL and return as string 
  global $Status, $needCookie,$doDebug,$doLogging,$curlStatus,$Version /*, $URLcache */; 
  $useFopen = false; 
  $overall_start = time(); 
	$curlStatus = ''; 
  if (!$useFopen) { 
    // Set maximum number of seconds (can have floating-point) to wait for feed before displaying page without feed 
    $numberOfSeconds = 6; 
		$url = $inurl; 
    // Thanks to Curly from for the cURL fetch functions 
    $data = ''; 
    $domain = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_HOST); 
    $theURL = str_replace('nocache', '?' . $overall_start, $url); // add cache-buster to URL if needed 
    $curlStatus.= "<!-- curl fetching '$theURL' -->
    $ch = curl_init(); // initialize a cURL session 
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $theURL); // connect to provided URL 
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0); // don't verify peer certificate 
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Mozilla/5.0 (advforecast2.php (JSON) -'); 
//    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:58.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/58.0'); 
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, // request LD-JSON format 
      "Accept: application/geo+json", 
			"Cache-control: no-cache", 
			"Pragma: akamai-x-cache-on, akamai-x-get-request-id" 
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $numberOfSeconds); //  connection timeout 
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, $numberOfSeconds); //  data timeout 
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); // return the data transfer 
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY, false); // set nobody 
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, true); // include header information 
      curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);              // follow Location: redirect 
      curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, 1);                      //   but only one time 
    if (isset($needCookie[$domain])) { 
      curl_setopt($ch, $needCookie[$domain]); // set the cookie for this request 
      curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIESESSION, true); // and ignore prior cookies 
      $Status.= "<!-- cookie used '" . $needCookie[$domain] . "' for GET to $domain -->
    $data = curl_exec($ch); // execute session 
    if (curl_error($ch) <> '') { // IF there is an error 
      $curlStatus.= "<!-- curl Error: " . curl_error($ch) . " -->
"; //  display error notice 
    $cinfo = curl_getinfo($ch); // get info on curl exec. 
    curl info sample 
    [url] => 
    [content_type] => text/plain 
    [http_code] => 200 
    [header_size] => 266 
    [request_size] => 141 
    [filetime] => -1 
    [ssl_verify_result] => 0 
    [redirect_count] => 0 
    [total_time] => 0.125 
    [namelookup_time] => 0.016 
    [connect_time] => 0.063 
    [pretransfer_time] => 0.063 
    [size_upload] => 0 
    [size_download] => 758 
    [speed_download] => 6064 
    [speed_upload] => 0 
    [download_content_length] => 758 
    [upload_content_length] => -1 
    [starttransfer_time] => 0.125 
    [redirect_time] => 0 
    [redirect_url] => 
    [primary_ip] => 
    [certinfo] => Array 
    [primary_port] => 80 
    [local_ip] => 
    [local_port] => 54156 
		if($url !== $cinfo['url'] and $cinfo['http_code'] == 200 and 
		   strpos($url,'/points/') > 0 and strpos($cinfo['url'],'/gridpoints/') > 0) { 
			# only cache point forecast->gridpoint forecast successful redirects 
			$curlStatus .= "<!-- note: fetched '".$cinfo['url']."' after redirect was followed. -->
			//$URLcache[$inurl] = $cinfo['url']; 
			//$curlStatus .= "<!-- $inurl added to URLcache -->
    $curlStatus.= "<!-- HTTP stats: " . " RC=" . $cinfo['http_code']; 
		if (isset($cinfo['primary_ip'])) { 
			$curlStatus .= " dest=" . $cinfo['primary_ip']; 
    if (isset($cinfo['primary_port'])) { 
      $curlStatus .= " port=" . $cinfo['primary_port']; 
    if (isset($cinfo['local_ip'])) { 
      $curlStatus.= " (from sce=" . $cinfo['local_ip'] . ")"; 
    $curlStatus.= "
      Times:" .  
		" dns=" . sprintf("%01.3f", round($cinfo['namelookup_time'], 3)) .  
		" conn=" . sprintf("%01.3f", round($cinfo['connect_time'], 3)) .  
		" pxfer=" . sprintf("%01.3f", round($cinfo['pretransfer_time'], 3)); 
    if ($cinfo['total_time'] - $cinfo['pretransfer_time'] > 0.0000) { 
      $curlStatus.= " get=" . sprintf("%01.3f", round($cinfo['total_time'] - $cinfo['pretransfer_time'], 3)); 
    $curlStatus.= " total=" . sprintf("%01.3f", round($cinfo['total_time'], 3)) . " secs -->
    // $curlStatus .= "<!-- curl info
".print_r($cinfo,true)." -->
    curl_close($ch); // close the cURL session 
    // $curlStatus .= "<!-- raw data
    $stuff = explode("

",$data); // maybe we have more than one header due to redirects. 
    $content = (string)array_pop($stuff); // last one is the content 
    $headers = (string)array_pop($stuff); // next-to-last-one is the headers 
    if ($cinfo['http_code'] <> '200') { 
      $curlStatus.= "<!-- headers returned:
" . $headers . "
			if($doLogging) {ADV_log('Fetch fail',$curlStatus); } 
    $Status .= $curlStatus; 
    return $data; // return headers+contents 
  else { 
    //   print "<!-- using file_get_contents function -->
    $STRopts = array( 
      'http' => array( 
        'method' => "GET", 
        'protocol_version' => 1.1, 
        'header' => "Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate
" .  
					"Cache-control: max-age=0
" .  
					"Connection: close
" .  
					"User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (advforecast2.php -
" .  
					"Accept: application/geo+json
      ) , 
      'ssl' => array( 
        'method' => "GET", 
        'protocol_version' => 1.1, 
				'verify_peer' => false, 
        'header' => "Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate
" .  
					"Cache-control: max-age=0
" .  
					"Connection: close
" .  
					"User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (advforecast2.php -
" .  
					"Accept: application/geo+json
    $STRcontext = stream_context_create($STRopts); 
    $T_start = ADV_fetch_microtime(); 
    $xml = file_get_contents($inurl, false, $STRcontext); 
    $T_close = ADV_fetch_microtime(); 
    $headerarray = get_headers($url, 0); 
    $theaders = join("
", $headerarray); 
    $xml = $theaders . "

" . $xml; 
    $ms_total = sprintf("%01.3f", round($T_close - $T_start, 3)); 
    $curlStatus.= "<!-- file_get_contents() stats: total=$ms_total secs -->
    $curlStatus.= "<-- get_headers returns
" . $theaders . "
    //   print " file() stats: total=$ms_total secs.
    $overall_end = time(); 
    $overall_elapsed = $overall_end - $overall_start; 
    $curlStatus.= "<!-- fetch function elapsed= $overall_elapsed secs. -->
    //   print "fetch function elapsed= $overall_elapsed secs.
    $Status .= $curlStatus; 
    return ($xml); 
} // end ADV_fetchUrlWithoutHanging 
// ------------------------------------------------------------------ 
function ADV_fetch_microtime() 
  list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime()); 
  return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec); 
// ------------------------------------------------------------------ 
function ADV_log($msg,$details) 
	global $doLogging,$doLoggingDetail,$Version,$cacheFileDir,$Status,$META; 
	if(!$doLogging and !$doLoggingDetail) {return; } 
	$text = "---------------------------------------------
	$text .= gmdate('c').' (local: '.date('r').") - $Version
	$text .= "$msg
	$text .= "$details
	$fname = $cacheFileDir.'advforecast2-log-'.date('Y-m-d').'.txt'; 
	if(isset($doLoggingDetail) and $doLoggingDetail) { 
	  $Status .= "<!-- logged '$msg' to '$fname' -->
	if(!$doLogging) { return; } 
<!-- curl fetching ',134/forecast' --> 
<!-- HTTP stats:  RC=500 dest= port=443 (from sce= 
      Times: dns=0.002 conn=0.015 pxfer=0.060 get=1.182 total=1.242 secs --> 
<!-- headers returned: 
HTTP/2 500  
server: nginx/1.16.1 
content-type: application/problem+json 
access-control-allow-origin: * 
access-control-allow-headers: Feature-Flags 
x-request-id: a81c0162-6bc5-414e-aaa3-948837fd9487 
x-correlation-id: a81c0162-6bc5-414e-aaa3-948837fd9487 
pragma: no-cache 
content-length: 325 
cache-control: private, must-revalidate, max-age=883 
expires: Wed, 08 Jul 2020 19:09:06 GMT 
date: Wed, 08 Jul 2020 18:54:23 GMT 
vary: Accept,Feature-Flags,Accept-Language 
strict-transport-security: max-age=31536000 ; includeSubDomains ; preload 
	preg_match('!curl fetching \'(\S+)\' !Uis',$details,$m); 
	if(isset($m[1])) {$url = trim($m[1]);} else {$url = '';} 
	preg_match('!RC=(\S+) dest=(\S+) .*from sce=(\S+)\)!Uis',$details,$m); 
	if(isset($m[2])) { 
		$RC = $m[1]; 
		$IP = $m[2]; 
		$SIP = $m[3]; 
	} else { 
		$RC = ''; 
		$IP = ''; 
		$SIP = ''; 
	if(preg_match('!Stale Age=(\S+) !Uis',$details,$m)) { 
		$RC = 'stale ' . trim($m[1]); 
		if($url == '' and isset($META['forecastURL'])) {$url = $META['forecastURL']; } 
	if($RC == '0' and preg_match('!timed out after (\S+) !Uis',$details,$m)) { 
		$RC = 'timeout ' . trim($m[1]).'ms'; 
	preg_match('!x-server-id: (.+)
	if(isset($m[1])) { $svrid = trim($m[1]); } else {$svrid= '';} 
	preg_match('!x-request-id: (.+)
	if(isset($m[1])) { $reqid = trim($m[1]); } else {$reqid= '';} 
	preg_match('!x-cache: (.+)
	if(isset($m[1])) { $cache = trim($m[1]); } else {$cache= '';} 
	preg_match('!date: (.+)
	if(isset($m[1])) { $cdate = trim($m[1]); } else {$cdate= '';} 
	preg_match('!expires: (.+)
	if(isset($m[1])) { $edate = trim($m[1]); } else {$edate= '';} 
	$text = join("	",array(date('c'),$url,$RC,$IP,$svrid,$reqid,$cache,$cdate,$edate,$SIP))."
	$fname = $cacheFileDir.'advforecast2-log-'.date('Y-m-d').'.csv'; 
	if(!file_exists($fname)) { 
		$text = join("	",array('Date','URL','RC','IP','SRV-ID','REQ-ID','X-Cache','Hdr-Date','Expires','FromIP'))."
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
// split off Low and High from multiday forecast 
function split_fcst($fcst) 
  global $Status; 
  $f = explode(". ", $fcst . ' '); 
  $lowpart = 0; 
  $highpart = 0; 
  foreach($f as $n => $part) { // find the Low and High sentences 
    if (preg_match('/Low/i', $part)) { 
      $lowpart = $n; 
    if (preg_match('/High/i', $part)) { 
      $highpart = $n; 
  $f[$lowpart] = preg_replace('|(\d+) below|s', "-$1", $f[$lowpart]); 
  $f[$lowpart] = preg_replace('/( above| below| zero)/s', '', $f[$lowpart]); 
  $f[$lowpart].= '.'; 
  $f[$highpart] = preg_replace('|(\d+) below|s', "-$1", $f[$highpart]); 
  $f[$highpart] = preg_replace('/( above| below| zero)/s', '', $f[$highpart]); 
  $f[$highpart].= '.'; 
  $replpart = min($lowpart, $highpart) - 1; 
  $fcststr = ''; 
  for ($i = 0; $i <= $replpart; $i++) { 
    $fcststr.= $f[$i] . '. '; 
  } // generate static fcst text 
  $fcstLow = $fcststr . ' ' . $f[$lowpart]; 
  $fcstHigh = $fcststr . ' ' . $f[$highpart]; 
  return ("$fcstLow	$fcstHigh"); 
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
// function make_zone_icon: parse text and find suitable icon from zone forecast text for period 
function make_zone_icon($day, $textforecast) 
  global $Conditions, $Status, $iconDir, $iconType, $doDebug, $iconHeight, $iconWidth; 
  $icon = "<strong>"; 
  if (strpos($day, ' ') !== false) { 
    $icon.= wordwrap($day, 10, "<br/>", false) . '<br/>'; 
  else { 
    $icon.= $day . '<br/><br/>'; 
  $icon.= '</strong>'; 
  $temperature = 'n/a'; 
  $pop = ''; 
  $iconimage = 'na.jpg'; 
  $condition = 'N/A'; 
  if (preg_match('|(\S+) (\d+) percent|', $textforecast, $mtemp)) { // found a PoP 
    $pop = $mtemp[2]; 
  if (preg_match('|Chance of precipitation is (\d+)\s*%|', $textforecast, $mtemp)) { // found a zone pop 
    $pop = $mtemp[1]; 
    if ($doDebug) { 
      $Status.= "<!-- pop='$pop' found -->
  // handle negative temperatures in zone forecast 
  $textforecast = preg_replace('/([\d|-]+) below/i', "-$1", $textforecast); 
  $textforecast = preg_replace('/zero/', '0', $textforecast); 
  if (preg_match('/(High[s]{0,1}|Low[s]{0,1}|Temperatures nearly steady|Temperatures falling to|Temperatures rising to|Near steady temperature|with a high|with a low) (in the upper|in the lower|in the mid|in the low to mid|in the lower to mid|in the mid to upper|in the|around|near|nearly|above|below|from) ([\d|-]+)[s]{0,1}/i', $textforecast, $mtemp)) { // found temp 
    if ($doDebug) { 
      $Status.= "<!-- mtemp " . print_r($mtemp, true) . " -->
    if (isset($mtemp[1]) and preg_match('|with a |', $mtemp[1])) { 
      $mtemp[1] = ucfirst(preg_replace('|with a |', '', $mtemp[1])); 
      if ($doDebug) { 
        $Status.= "<!-- mtemp modded to " . print_r($mtemp, true) . " -->
    if (substr($mtemp[1], 0, 1) == 'T' or substr($mtemp[1], 0, 1) == 'N') { // use day for highs/night for lows if 'Temperatures nearly steady' 
      $mtemp[1] = 'Highs'; 
      if (preg_match('|night|i', $day)) { 
        $mtemp[1] = 'Lows'; 
    $tcolor = '#FF0000'; 
    if (strtoupper(substr($mtemp[1], 0, 1)) == 'L') { 
      $tcolor = '#0000FF'; 
    $temperature = ucfirst(substr($mtemp[1], 0, 2) . ' <span style="color: ' . $tcolor . '">'); 
    $t = $mtemp[3]; // the raw temp 
    if (preg_match('/(low to mid|lower to mid|mid to upper|upper|lower|mid)/', $mtemp[2], $ttemp)) { 
      if ($doDebug) { 
        $Status.= "<!-- ttemp " . print_r($ttemp, true) . " -->
      $t = $t + 5; 
      if ($ttemp[1] == 'upper') { 
        $temperature.= '&gt;' . $t; 
      if ($ttemp[1] == 'lower') { 
        $temperature.= '&lt;' . $t; 
      if ($ttemp[1] == 'mid') { 
        $temperature.= '&asymp;' . $t; 
      if ($ttemp[1] == 'low to mid' or $ttemp[1] == 'lower to mid') { 
        $t = $t - 2; 
        $temperature.= '&asymp;' . $t; 
      if ($ttemp[1] == 'mid to upper') { 
        $t = $t + 2; 
        $temperature.= '&asymp;' . $t; 
    if (!isset($ttemp[1]) and !preg_match('/(near|around)/', $mtemp[2])) { 
      // special case '[Highs|Lows] in the dds.' 
      $t = $t + 5; 
      $temperature.= '&asymp;' . $t; 
    elseif (preg_match('/(near|around)/', $mtemp[2], $ttemp)) { 
      $temperature.= '&asymp;' . $mtemp[3]; 
    $temperature.= '&deg;F</span>'; 
  if (preg_match('/(Highs|Lows) ([\d|-]+) to ([\d|-]+)/i', $textforecast, $mtemp)) { // temp range forecast 
    $tcolor = '#FF0000'; 
    if (strtoupper(substr($mtemp[1], 0, 1)) == 'L') { 
      $tcolor = '#0000FF'; 
    $temperature = ucfirst(substr($mtemp[1], 0, 2) . ' <span style="color: ' . $tcolor . '">'); 
    $tavg = sprintf("%0d", round(($mtemp[3] + $mtemp[2]) / 2, 0)); 
    $temperature.= '&asymp;' . $tavg . '&deg;F</span>'; 
  if ($temperature == 'n/a') { 
    if (preg_match('|night|i', $day)) { 
      $temperature = 'Lo ' . $temperature; 
    else { 
      $temperature = 'Hi ' . $temperature; 
  // now look for harshest conditions first.. (in order in -data file 
  reset($Conditions); // Do search in load order 
  foreach($Conditions as $cond => $condrec) { // look for matching condition 
    if (preg_match("!$cond!i", $textforecast, $mtemp)) { 
      list($dayicon, $nighticon, $condition) = explode("	", $condrec); 
      if (preg_match('|night|i', $day)) { 
        $iconimage = $nighticon . $pop . $iconType; 
      else { 
        $iconimage = $dayicon . $pop . $iconType; 
  } // end of conditions search 
  $iconimage = preg_replace('|skc\d+|', 'skc', $iconimage); // handle funky SKC+a POP in forecast. 
  $shortCond = str_replace('hunderstorm', "-Storm", $condition); 
  $icon.= '<img src="' . $iconDir . $iconimage . 
	  '" height="' . $iconHeight . '" width="' . $iconWidth . '" ' . 
		'alt="' . $condition . '" title="' . $condition . '" /><br/>' . $shortCond; 
  return ("$icon	$temperature	$pop"); 
} // end make_zone_icon function 
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
// load the $Conditions array for icon selection based on key phrases 
function load_cond_data() 
  global $Conditions, $Status; 
  $Condstring = ' 
cond|tornado|nsvrtsra|nsvrtsra|Severe storm| 
cond|showery or intermittent. Some thunder|scttsra|nscttsra|Showers storms| 
cond|thunder possible|scttsra|nscttsra|Showers storms| 
cond|thunder|tsra|ntsra|Thunder storm| 
cond|rain and sleet|raip|nraip|Rain Sleet| 
cond|freezing rain and snow|fzra_sn|nfzra_sn|FrzgRn Snow| 
cond|snow and freezing rain|fzra_sn|nfzra_sn|FrzgRn Snow| 
cond|chance of snow and rain|rasn|nrasn|Chance Snow/Rain| 
cond|chance of rain and snow|rasn|nrasn|Chance Snow/Rain| 
cond|rain and snow|rasn|nrasn|Rain and Snow| 
cond|rain or snow|rasn|nrasn|Rain or Snow| 
cond|freezing rain|fzra|fzra|Freezing Rain| 
cond|rain likely|ra|nra|Rain likely| 
cond|snow showers|sn|nsn|Snow showers| 
cond|showers likely|shra|nshra|Showers likely| 
cond|chance showers|shra|nshra|Chance showers| 
cond|isolated showers|shra|nshra|Isolated showers| 
cond|scattered showers|shra|nshra|Scattered showers| 
cond|chance of rain|ra|nra|Chance rain| 
cond|fog in the morning|sctfg|nbknfg|Fog a.m.| 
cond|fog after midnight|sctfg|nbknfg|Fog late| 
cond|wind chill down to -|cold|cold|Very Cold| 
cond|heat index up to 1|hot|hot|Very Hot| 
cond|mostly cloudy|bkn|nbkn|Mostly Cloudy| 
cond|partly cloudy|sct|nsct|Partly Cloudy| 
cond|partly sunny and windy|wind_sct|nwind_sct|Partly Sunny| 
cond|mostly sunny and windy|wind_few|nwind_few|Mostly Sunny| 
cond|partly sunny and breezy|wind_sct|nwind_sct|Partly Sunny| 
cond|mostly sunny and breezy|wind_few|nwind_few|Mostly Sunny| 
cond|partly sunny|sct|nsct|Partly Sunny| 
cond|mostly sunny|few|nfew|Mostly Sunny| 
cond|mostly clear|few|nfew|Mostly Clear| 
cond|cloud|bkn|nbkn|Variable Clouds| 
  $config = explode("
", $Condstring); 
  foreach($config as $key => $rec) { // load the parser condition strings 
    $recin = trim($rec); 
    if ($recin and substr($recin, 0, 1) <> '#') { // got a non comment record 
      list($type, $keyword, $dayicon, $nighticon, $condition) = explode('|', $recin . '|||||'); 
      if (isset($type) and strtolower($type) == 'cond' and isset($condition)) { 
        $Conditions["$keyword"] = "$dayicon	$nighticon	$condition"; 
    } // end if not comment or blank 
  } // end loading of loop over config recs 
} // end of load_cond_data function 
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
function load_lookups() 
  // static lookup arrays 
  global $fcstPeriods, $NWSICONLIST; 
  $fcstPeriods = array( // for filling in the '<period> Through <period>' zone forecasts. 
    'Monday Night', 
    'Tuesday Night', 
    'Wednesday Night', 
    'Thursday Night', 
    'Friday Night', 
    'Saturday Night', 
    'Sunday Night', 
    'Monday Night', 
    'Tuesday Night', 
    'Wednesday Night', 
    'Thursday Night', 
    'Friday Night', 
    'Saturday Night', 
    'Sunday Night' 
  /* original list: 
  $NWSICONLIST = array( 
  #  index is new icon name 
  #  imagename is original image name (for which we have icons available) 
  #  PoP flag controls if PoP is written on output or not. 
  #  ScePosition controls if image is pulled from Left, Middle or Right of source image 
  #  Text Name - optional, just a reminder of what it means 
  #  imgname | PoP?=[YN] | ScePosition=[LMR] | Text Name (optional) 
  'bkn' =>  'bkn|N|L|Broken Clouds', 
  'night/bkn' =>  'nbkn|N|L|Night Broken Clouds', 
  'blizzard' =>  'blizzard|Y|L|Blizzard', 
  'night/blizzard' =>  'nblizzard|Y|L|Night Blizzard', 
  'cold' =>  'cold|Y|L|Cold', 
  'night/cold' =>  'cold|Y|L|Cold', 
  #  'cloudy' =>  'cloudy|Y|L|Overcast (old cloudy)', 
  'dust' =>  'du|N|M|Dust', 
  'night/dust' =>  'ndu|N|M|Night Dust', 
  #  'fc' =>  'fc|N|L|Funnel Cloud', 
  #  'nsvrtsra' =>  'nsvrtsra|N|L|Funnel Cloud (old)', 
  'few' =>  'few|Y|L|Few Clouds', 
  'night/few' =>  'nfew|Y|L|Night Few Clouds', 
  #  'fg' =>  'fg|N|R|Fog', 
  #  'br' =>  'br|Y|R|Fog / mist old', 
  #  'fu' =>  'fu|N|L|Smoke', 
  'fog' =>  'nfg|N|R|Night Fog', 
  'night/fog' =>  'nfg|N|R|Night Fog', 
  'fzra' =>  'fzra|Y|L|Freezing rain', 
  'night/fzra' =>  'nfzra|Y|L|Night Freezing Rain', 
  #  'fzrara' =>  'fzrara|Y|L|Rain/Freezing Rain (old)', 
  'snow_fzra' =>  'fzra_sn|Y|L|Freezing Rain/Snow', 
  'night/snow_fzra' =>  'nfzra_sn|Y|L|Night Freezing Rain/Snow', 
  #  'mix' =>  'mix|Y|L|Freezing Rain/Snow', 
  #  'hi_bkn' =>  'hi_bkn|Y|L|Broken Clouds (old)', 
  #  'hi_few' =>  'hi_few|Y|L|Few Clouds (old)', 
  #  'hi_sct' =>  'hi_sct|N|L|Scattered Clouds (old)', 
  #  'hi_skc' =>  'hi_skc|N|L|Clear Sky (old)', 
  #  'hi_nbkn' =>  'hi_nbkn|Y|L|Night Broken Clouds (old)', 
  #  'hi_nfew' =>  'hi_nfew|Y|L|Night Few Clouds (old)', 
  #  'hi_nsct' =>  'hi_nsct|N|L|Night Scattered Clouds (old)', 
  #  'hi_nskc' =>  'hi_nskc|N|L|Night Clear Sky (old)', 
  #  'hi_nshwrs' =>  'hi_nshwrs|Y|R|Night Showers', 
  #  'hi_ntsra' =>  'hi_ntsra|Y|L|Night Thunderstorm', 
  #  'hi_shwrs' =>  'hi_shwrs|Y|R|Showers', 
  #  'hi_tsra' =>  'hi_tsra|Y|L|Thunderstorm', 
  'hur_warn' =>  'hur_warn|N|L|Hurrican Warning', 
  'night/hur_warn' =>  'hur_warn|N|L|Hurrican Warning', 
  'hur_watch' =>  'hur_watch|N|L|Hurricane Watch', 
  'night/hur_watch' =>  'hur_watch|N|L|Hurricane Watch', 
  #  'hurr' =>  'hurr|N|L|Hurrican Warning old', 
  #  'hurr-noh' =>  'hurr-noh|N|L|Hurricane Watch old', 
  'hazy' =>  'hz|N|L|Haze', 
  'night/hazy' =>  'hz|N|L|Haze', 
  #  'hazy' =>  'hazy|N|L|Haze old', 
  'hot' =>  'hot|N|R|Hot', 
  'night/hot' =>  'hot|N|R|Hot', 
  'sleet' =>  'ip|Y|L|Ice Pellets', 
  'night/sleet' =>  'nip|Y|L|Night Ice Pellets', 
  #  'minus_ra' =>  'minus_ra|Y|L|Stopped Raining', 
  #  'ra1' =>  'ra1|N|L|Stopped Raining (old)', 
  #  'mist' =>  'mist|N|R|Mist (fog) (old)', 
  #  'ncloudy' =>  'ncloudy|Y|L|Overcast night(old ncloudy)', 
  #  'ndu' =>  'ndu|N|M|Night Dust', 
  #  'nfc' =>  'nfc|N|L|Night Funnel Cloud', 
  #  'nbr' =>  'nbr|Y|R|Night Fog/mist (old)', 
  #  'nfu' =>  'nfu|N|L|Night Smoke', 
  #  'nmix' =>  'nmix|Y|30|Night Freezing Rain/Snow (old)', 
  #  'nrasn' =>  'nrasn|Y|M|Night Snow (old)', 
  #  'pcloudyn' =>  'pcloudyn|Y|L|Night Partly Cloudy (old)', 
  #  'nscttsra' =>  'nscttsra|Y|M|Night Scattered Thunderstorm', 
  #  'nsn_ip' =>  'nsn_ip|Y|L|Night Snow/Ice Pellets (old)', 
  #  'nwind' =>  'nwind|N|5|Night Windy/Clear (old)', 
  'ovc' =>  'ovc|N|L|Overcast', 
  'night/ovc' =>  'novc|N|L|Night Overcast', 
  'rain' =>  'ra|Y|30|Rain', 
  'night/rain' =>  'nra|Y|30|Night Rain', 
  'rain_sleet' =>  'raip|Y|M|Rain/Ice Pellets', 
  'night/rain_sleet' =>  'nraip|Y|M|Night Rain/Ice Pellets', 
  'rain_fzra' =>  'ra_fzra|Y|30|Rain/Freezing Rain', 
  'night/rain_fzra' =>  'nra_fzra|Y|30|Night Freezing Rain', 
  'rain_snow' =>  'ra_sn|Y|M|Rain/Snow', 
  'night/rain_snow' =>  'nra_sn|Y|M|Night Rain/Snow', 
  #  'rasn' =>  'rasn|Y|M|Rain/Snow (old)', 
  'sct' =>  'sct|N|L|name', 
  'night/sct' =>  'nsct|N|L|Night Scattered Clouds', 
  #  'pcloudy' =>  'pcloudy|Y|L|Partly Cloudy (old)', 
  #  'scttsra' =>  'scttsra|Y|M|name', 
  'rain_showers' =>  'shra|Y|10|Rain Showers', 
  'night/rain_showers' =>  'nshra|Y|8|Night Rain Showers', 
  #  'shra2' =>  'shra2|N|10|Rain Showers (old)', 
  'skc' =>  'skc|N|L|Clear', 
  'night/skc' =>  'nskc|N|L|Night Clear', 
  'snow' =>  'sn|Y|L|Snow', 
  'night/snow' =>  'nsn|Y|L|Night Snow', 
  'snow_sleet' =>  'snip|Y|L|Snow/Ice Pellets', 
  'night/snow_sleet' =>  'nsnip|Y|L|Night Snow/Ice Pellets', 
  'smoke' =>  'smoke|N|L|Smoke', 
  'night/smoke' =>  'nsmoke|N|L|Smoke', // NEW - Nov-2016 
  #  'sn_ip' =>  'sn_ip|Y|L|Snow/Ice Pellets (old)', 
  #  'tcu' =>  'tcu|N|L|Towering Cumulus (old)', 
  'tornado' =>  'tor|N|L|Tornado', 
  'night/tornado' =>  'ntor|N|L|Night Tornado', 
  'tsra' =>  'tsra|Y|10|Thunderstorm', 
  'night/tsra' =>  'ntsra|Y|8|Night Thunderstorm', 
  #  'tstormn' =>  'tstormn|N|L|Thunderstorm night (old)', 
  #  'ts_nowarn' =>  'ts_nowarn|N|L|Tropical Storm', 
  'ts_warn' =>  'ts_warn|N|L|Tropical Storm Warning', 
  'night/ts_warn' =>  'ts_warn|N|L|Tropical Storm Warning', 
  #  'tropstorm-noh' =>  'tropstorm-noh|N|L|Tropical Storm old', 
  #  'tropstorm' =>  'tropstorm|N|L|Tropical Storm Warning old', 
  'ts_watch' =>  'ts_watch|N|L|Tropical Storm Watch', 
  'night/ts_watch' =>  'ts_watch|N|L|Tropical Storm Watch', 
  #  'ts_hur_flags' =>  'ts_hur_flags|Y|L|Hurrican Warning old', 
  #  'ts_no_flag' =>  'ts_no_flag|Y|L|Tropical Storm old', 
  'wind_bkn' =>  'wind_bkn|N|8|Windy/Broken Clouds', 
  'night/wind_bkn' =>  'nwind_bkn|N|5|Night Windy/Broken Clouds', 
  'wind_few' =>  'wind_few|N|8|Windy/Few Clouds', 
  'night/wind_few' =>  'nwind_few|N|5|Night Windy/Few Clouds', 
  'wind_ovc' =>  'wind_ovc|N|8|Windy/Overcast', 
  'night/wind_ovc' =>  'nwind_ovc|N|5|Night Windy/Overcast', 
  'wind_sct' =>  'wind_sct|N|8|Windy/Scattered Clouds', 
  'night/wind_sct' =>  'nwind_sct|N|5|Night Windy/Scattered Clouds', 
  'wind_skc' =>  'wind_skc|N|8|Windy/Clear', 
  'night/wind_skc' =>  'nwind_skc|N|5|Night Windy/Clear', 
  #  'wind' =>  'wind|N|L|Windy/Clear (old)', 
  'na'       => 'N|L|Not Available', 
  $NWSICONLIST = array( 
    //  index is new icon name 
    //  imagename is original image name (for which we have icons available) 
    //  PoP flag controls if PoP is written on output or not. 
    //  ScePosition controls if image is pulled from Left, Middle or Right of source image 
    //  Text Name - optional, just a reminder of what it means 
    //  imgname | PoP?=[YN] | ScePosition=[LMR] | Text Name (optional) 
    'bkn' => 'bkn|N|L|Broken Clouds', 
    'night/bkn' => 'nbkn|N|L|Night Broken Clouds', 
    'blizzard' => 'blizzard|Y|L|Blizzard', 
    'night/blizzard' => 'nblizzard|Y|L|Night Blizzard', 
    'cold' => 'cold|Y|L|Cold', 
    'night/cold' => 'cold|Y|L|Cold', 
    //  'cloudy' =>  'cloudy|Y|L|Overcast (old cloudy)', 
    'dust' => 'du|N|22|Dust', 
    'night/dust' => 'ndu|N|22|Night Dust', 
    //  'fc' =>  'fc|N|L|Funnel Cloud', 
    //  'nsvrtsra' =>  'nsvrtsra|N|L|Funnel Cloud (old)', 
    'few' => 'few|Y|L|Few Clouds', 
    'night/few' => 'nfew|Y|L|Night Few Clouds', 
    //  'fg' =>  'fg|N|R|Fog', 
    //  'br' =>  'br|Y|R|Fog / mist old', 
    //  'fu' =>  'fu|N|L|Smoke', 
    'fog' => 'fg|N|R|Fog', 
    'night/fog' => 'nfg|N|R|Night Fog', 
    'fzra' => 'fzra|Y|L|Freezing rain', 
    'night/fzra' => 'nfzra|Y|L|Night Freezing Rain', 
    //  'fzrara' =>  'fzrara|Y|L|Rain/Freezing Rain (old)', 
    'snow_fzra' => 'fzra_sn|Y|L|Freezing Rain/Snow', 
    'night/snow_fzra' => 'nfzra_sn|Y|L|Night Freezing Rain/Snow', 
    //  'mix' =>  'mix|Y|L|Freezing Rain/Snow', 
    //  'hi_bkn' =>  'hi_bkn|Y|L|Broken Clouds (old)', 
    //  'hi_few' =>  'hi_few|Y|L|Few Clouds (old)', 
    //  'hi_sct' =>  'hi_sct|N|L|Scattered Clouds (old)', 
    //  'hi_skc' =>  'hi_skc|N|L|Clear Sky (old)', 
    //  'hi_nbkn' =>  'hi_nbkn|Y|L|Night Broken Clouds (old)', 
    //  'hi_nfew' =>  'hi_nfew|Y|L|Night Few Clouds (old)', 
    //  'hi_nsct' =>  'hi_nsct|N|L|Night Scattered Clouds (old)', 
    //  'hi_nskc' =>  'hi_nskc|N|L|Night Clear Sky (old)', 
    //  'hi_nshwrs' =>  'hi_nshwrs|Y|R|Night Showers', 
    //  'hi_ntsra' =>  'hi_ntsra|Y|L|Night Thunderstorm', 
    //  'hi_shwrs' =>  'hi_shwrs|Y|R|Showers', 
    //  'hi_tsra' =>  'hi_tsra|Y|L|Thunderstorm', 
    'hur_warn' => 'hur_warn|N|L|Hurrican Warning', 
    'night/hur_warn' => 'hur_warn|N|L|Hurrican Warning', 
    "hurr_warn" => "hurr|N|L|Hurricane warning", // New NWS list 
    "night/hurr_warn" => "hurr|N|L|Night Hurricane warning", // New NWS list 
    'hur_watch' => 'hur_watch|N|L|Hurricane Watch', 
    'night/hur_watch' => 'hur_watch|N|L|Hurricane Watch', 
    "hurr_watch" => "hurr-noh|N|L|Hurricane watch", // New NWS list 
    "night/hurr_watch" => "hurr-noh|N|L|Night Hurricane watch", // New NWS list 
    'hurricane' =>  'hurr-noh|Y|L|Hurricane', 
    'night/hurricane' =>  'hurr-noh|Y|L|Hurricane', 
    //  'hurr' =>  'hurr|N|L|Hurrican Warning old', 
    //  'hurr-noh' =>  'hurr-noh|N|L|Hurricane Watch old', 
    'hazy' => 'hz|N|L|Haze', 
    'night/hazy' => 'hz|N|L|Haze', 
    "haze" => "hz|N|L|Haze", // New NWS list 
    "night/haze" => "hz|N|L|Night Haze", // New NWS list 
    //  'hazy' =>  'hazy|N|L|Haze old', 
    'hot' => 'hot|N|R|Hot', 
    'night/hot' => 'hot|N|R|Hot', 
    'sleet' => 'ip|Y|L|Ice Pellets', 
    'night/sleet' => 'nip|Y|L|Night Ice Pellets', 
    //  'minus_ra' =>  'minus_ra|Y|L|Stopped Raining', 
    //  'ra1' =>  'ra1|N|L|Stopped Raining (old)', 
    //  'mist' =>  'mist|N|R|Mist (fog) (old)', 
    //  'ncloudy' =>  'ncloudy|Y|L|Overcast night(old ncloudy)', 
    //  'ndu' =>  'ndu|N|M|Night Dust', 
    //  'nfc' =>  'nfc|N|L|Night Funnel Cloud', 
    //  'nbr' =>  'nbr|Y|R|Night Fog/mist (old)', 
    //  'nfu' =>  'nfu|N|L|Night Smoke', 
    //  'nmix' =>  'nmix|Y|30|Night Freezing Rain/Snow (old)', 
    //  'nrasn' =>  'nrasn|Y|M|Night Snow (old)', 
    //  'pcloudyn' =>  'pcloudyn|Y|L|Night Partly Cloudy (old)', 
    //  'nscttsra' =>  'nscttsra|Y|M|Night Scattered Thunderstorm', 
    //  'nsn_ip' =>  'nsn_ip|Y|L|Night Snow/Ice Pellets (old)', 
    //  'nwind' =>  'nwind|N|5|Night Windy/Clear (old)', 
    'ovc' => 'ovc|N|L|Overcast', 
    'night/ovc' => 'novc|N|L|Night Overcast', 
    'rain' => 'ra|Y|30|Rain', 
    'night/rain' => 'nra|Y|30|Night Rain', 
    'rain_showers' => 'shra|Y|12|Rain Showers', 
    'night/rain_showers' => 'nshra|Y|12|Night Rain Showers', 
    "rain_showers_hi" => "hi_shwrs|Y|45|Rain showers (low cloud cover)", // New NWS list 
    "night/rain_showers_hi" => "hi_nshwrs|Y|45|Night Rain showers (low cloud cover)", // New NWS list 
    'rain_sleet' => 'raip|Y|M|Rain/Ice Pellets', 
    'night/rain_sleet' => 'nraip|Y|M|Night Rain/Ice Pellets', 
    'rain_fzra' => 'ra_fzra|Y|30|Rain/Freezing Rain', 
    'night/rain_fzra' => 'nra_fzra|Y|30|Night Freezing Rain', 
    'rain_snow' => 'ra_sn|Y|22|Rain/Snow', 
    'night/rain_snow' => 'nra_sn|Y|22|Night Rain/Snow', 
    //  'rasn' =>  'rasn|Y|M|Rain/Snow (old)', 
    'sct' => 'sct|N|L|name', 
    'night/sct' => 'nsct|N|L|Night Scattered Clouds', 
    //  'pcloudy' =>  'pcloudy|Y|L|Partly Cloudy (old)', 
    //  'scttsra' =>  'scttsra|Y|M|name', 
    //  'shra2' =>  'shra2|N|10|Rain Showers (old)', 
    'skc' => 'skc|N|L|Clear', 
    'night/skc' => 'nskc|N|L|Night Clear', 
    'snow' => 'sn|Y|L|Snow', 
    'night/snow' => 'nsn|Y|L|Night Snow', 
    'snow_sleet' => 'sn_ip|Y|L|Snow/Ice Pellets', 
    'night/snow_sleet' => 'nsn_ip|Y|L|Night Snow/Ice Pellets', 
    'smoke' => 'fu|N|L|Smoke', 
    'night/smoke' => 'nfu|N|L|Smoke', // NEW - Nov-2016 
    //  'sn_ip' =>  'sn_ip|Y|L|Snow/Ice Pellets (old)', 
    //  'tcu' =>  'tcu|N|L|Towering Cumulus (old)', 
    'tornado' => 'tor|N|L|Tornado', 
    'night/tornado' => 'ntor|N|L|Night Tornado', 
    'tsra' => 'tsra|Y|10|Thunderstorm', 
    'night/tsra' => 'ntsra|Y|10|Night Thunderstorm', 
    "tsra_sct" => "scttsra|Y|20|Thunderstorm (medium cloud cover)", // New NWS list 
    "night/tsra_sct" => "nscttsra|Y|20|Night Thunderstorm (medium cloud cover)", // New NWS list 
    "tsra_hi" => "hi_tsra|Y|L|Thunderstorm (low cloud cover)", // New NWS list 
    "night/tsra_hi" => "hi_ntsra|Y|L|Night Thunderstorm (low cloud cover)", // New NWS list 
    //  'tstormn' =>  'tstormn|N|L|Thunderstorm night (old)', 
    //  'ts_nowarn' =>  'ts_nowarn|N|L|Tropical Storm', 
    "ts_hurr_warn" => "ts_hur_flags|N|L|Tropical storm with hurricane warning in effect", // New NWS list 
    "night/ts_hurr_warn" => "ts_hur_flags|N|L|Night Tropical storm with hurricane warning in effect", // New NWS list 
		'tropical_storm' => 'tropstorm-noh|Y|L|Tropical Storm Warning', 
		'night/tropical_storm' => 'tropstorm-noh|Y|L|Tropical Storm Warning', 
    'ts_warn' => 'tropstorm|Y|L|Tropical Storm Warning', 
    'night/ts_warn' => 'tropstorm|Y|L|Tropical Storm Warning', 
    //  'tropstorm-noh' =>  'tropstorm-noh|N|L|Tropical Storm old', 
    //  'tropstorm' =>  'tropstorm|N|L|Tropical Storm Warning old', 
    'ts_watch' => 'tropstorm-noh|Y|L|Tropical Storm Watch', 
    'night/ts_watch' => 'tropstorm-noh|Y|L|Tropical Storm Watch', 
    //  'ts_hur_flags' =>  'ts_hur_flags|Y|L|Hurrican Warning old', 
    //  'ts_no_flag' =>  'ts_no_flag|Y|L|Tropical Storm old', 
    'wind_bkn' => 'wind_bkn|N|7|Windy/Broken Clouds', 
    'night/wind_bkn' => 'nwind_bkn|N|7|Night Windy/Broken Clouds', 
    'wind_few' => 'wind_few|N|7|Windy/Few Clouds', 
    'night/wind_few' => 'nwind_few|N|7|Night Windy/Few Clouds', 
    'wind_ovc' => 'wind_ovc|N|7|Windy/Overcast', 
    'night/wind_ovc' => 'nwind_ovc|N|7|Night Windy/Overcast', 
    'wind_sct' => 'wind_sct|N|7|Windy/Scattered Clouds', 
    'night/wind_sct' => 'nwind_sct|N|7|Night Windy/Scattered Clouds', 
    'wind_skc' => 'wind_skc|N|7|Windy/Clear', 
    'night/wind_skc' => 'nwind_skc|N|7|Night Windy/Clear', 
    //  'wind' =>  'wind|N|L|Windy/Clear (old)', 
    'na' => 'na|N|L|Not Available', 
} // end load_lookups function 
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
function convert_to_local_icon($icon) 
  // input:,20/sct,20?size=medium 
  // output: {iconDir}{icon}.{$iconType} or 
  //         DualImage.php?i={lefticon}&j={righticon}&ip={leftpop}&jp={rightpop} 
  global $Status, $NWSICONLIST, $iconDir, $iconType, $iconHeight, $iconWidth, $DualImageAvailable; 
  $newicon = $icon; // for testing 
  $uparts = parse_url($icon); 
  $iparts = array_slice(explode('/', $uparts['path']) , 3); //get day|night/icon[/icon] 
  // $Status .= "<!-- iparts 
".print_r($iparts,true)." -->
  $daynight = ($iparts[0] == 'day') ? '' : 'night/'; 
  list($icon1, $pop1) = explode(',', $iparts[1] . ','); 
  $doDual = false; 
  if (isset($iparts[2])) { 
    $doDual = true; 
    list($icon2, $pop2) = explode(',', $iparts[2] . ','); 
  else { 
    $icon2 = ''; 
    $pop2 = ''; 
  // convert new API icon names to old image names 
  if (isset($NWSICONLIST["{$daynight}{$icon1}"])) { 
    list($nicon1, $rest) = explode('|', $NWSICONLIST["{$daynight}{$icon1}"]); 
    $icon1 = $nicon1; 
  else { 
    $Status.= "<!-- icon1='$icon1' not found - na used instead -->
    $icon1 = 'na'; 
  if ($icon2 <> '') { 
    if (isset($NWSICONLIST["{$daynight}{$icon2}"])) { 
      list($nicon2, $rest) = explode('|', $NWSICONLIST["{$daynight}{$icon2}"]); 
      $icon2 = $nicon2; 
    else { 
      $Status.= "<!-- icon2='$icon2' not found - na used instead -->
      $icon2 = 'na'; 
  //  $Status .= "<!-- doDual='$doDual' DualImageAvailable='$DualImageAvailable' icon1=$icon1 icon2=$icon2 -->
  if ($doDual and $DualImageAvailable) { // generate the DualImage.php script calling sequence for image 
    $newicon = "DualImage.php?"; 
    $newicon.= "i=$icon1"; 
    if ($pop1 <> '') { 
      $newicon.= "&ip=$pop1"; 
    $newicon.= "&j=$icon2"; 
    if ($pop2 <> '') { 
      $newicon.= "&jp=$pop2"; 
    $Status.= "<!-- dual image '$newicon' used-->
  elseif (file_exists("{$iconDir}{$icon1}{$pop1}{$iconType}")) { // use the image as-is 
    $newicon = "{$iconDir}{$icon1}{$pop1}{$iconType}"; 
    /*  } elseif ( $DualImageAvailable ) { // oops... pop icon doesn't exist but we can generate it 
    $newicon = "DualImage.php?"; 
    $newicon .= "i=$icon1"; 
    if($pop1 <> '') { $newicon .= "&ip=$pop1"; } 
    $Status .= "<!-- missing icon '{$iconDir}{$icon1}{$pop1}{$iconType}' .. using '$newicon' instead -->
  elseif (file_exists("{$iconDir}{$icon1}{$iconType}")) { // oops... pop icon doesn't exist 
    $newicon = "{$iconDir}{$icon1}{$iconType}"; 
    $Status.= "<!-- missing icon '{$iconDir}{$icon1}{$pop1}{$iconType}' .. " . "using '{$iconDir}{$icon1}{$iconType}' instead -->
  else { 
    $newicon = "{$iconDir}na{$iconType}"; 
    $Status.= "<!-- missing icon '{$iconDir}{$icon1}{$pop1}{$iconType}' .. " . "using '{$iconDir}na{$iconType}' instead -->
  return ($newicon); 
} // end convert_to_local_icon 
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
function make_local_icon($icon, $period, $cond, $temperature, $details) 
  // assemble the full icon to use 
  $ticon = '<strong>'; 
  if (strpos($period, ' ') !== false) { 
    $ticon.= wordwrap($period, 10, "<br/>", false) . '<br/>'; 
    // $ticon = str_replace(' ','<br/>',$ticon) . '<br/>'; 
  else { 
    $ticon.= $period . '<br/><br/>'; 
  $ticon.= '</strong>'; 
  $shortCond = str_replace('hunderstorm', "-Storm", $cond); 
  $ticon.= '<img src="' . $icon . '" ' . "alt=\"$period: $cond\" " . "title=\"$period: $details\" /><br/>" . "$shortCond <br/>"; 
  $ticon = str_replace('size=medium', 'size=small', $ticon); 
  return ($ticon); 
} // end make_local_icon 
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
function get_meta_info($mainCache, $pointURL, $zoneURL) 
  // this function saves up-to 3 accesses to the API site for metadata regarding the 
  // point, zone and WFO info.  The three accesses are done, the JSON parsed and 
  // saved into a -json-meta.txt file as straight JSON for use in the $META array 
  // in the main script. 
  // Note: the logic below assumes that the JSON-LD format is returned by the API. 
  global $Status, $doDebug; 
  $compass = array( 
  // get and cache the meta information from the point, zone and WFO entries for the 'point'. 
  // use a new JSON cache file to store the meta information we need 
  $metaCache = str_replace('-geojson.txt', '-geojson-meta.txt', $mainCache); 
  // make the point-forecast URL into a metadata request URL 
  $metaPointURL = str_replace('/forecast', '', $pointURL); 
  $ourPoint = ''; 
  if (preg_match('|/([^/]+)/forecast|i', $pointURL, $matches)) { 
    $ourPoint = $matches[1]; 
  // make the zone forecast URL into a metadata request URL 
  $metaZoneURL = $zoneURL; 
  $metaZoneURL = preg_replace('!/forecast$!is', '', $metaZoneURL); 
  //$metaZoneURL = str_replace('JSON-LD', 'forecast', $metaZoneURL); 
  $ourZone = ''; 
  if (preg_match('|/([^/]+)/forecast|i', $zoneURL, $matches)) { 
    $ourZone = $matches[1]; 
  $Status.= "<!-- meta info re: point='$ourPoint' zone='$ourZone' metacache= '$metaCache' -->
  $Status.= "<!-- metaZoneURL='$metaZoneURL' -->
  $META = array(); 
  // First.. see if we've already cached this meta info.. it won't change once discovered for a point 
	if(file_exists($metaCache)) { 
		$age = time() - filemtime($metaCache); 
    $Status.= "<!-- meta cache $metaCache age=".sec2hmsADV($age)." h:m:s -->
  if (file_exists($metaCache) and filemtime($metaCache) + 24*60*60 > time() ) { 
    $recs = file_get_contents($metaCache); 
		$age = time() - filemtime($metaCache); 
    $META = json_decode($recs, true); 
    $Status.= "<!-- loaded meta info from $metaCache age=".sec2hmsADV($age)." h:m:s -->
    if (isset($META['point']) and $META['point'] !== $ourPoint) { 
      // oops... changed the lat/long for the point .. reload the meta data 
      $Status.= "<!-- point '" . $ourPoint . "' changed from '" . $META['point'] . "' - reloading meta data -->
      $META = array(); 
  else { // JSON ERROR 
    $Status.= "<!-- Meta cache file not found or more than 24hrs old .. reloading meta data from NWS site -->
  $saveNew = false; 
  if (!isset($META['city']) or !isset($META['forecastURL'])) { // no city data or fcstURL in the saved metadata so load it 
    $Status.= "<!-- getting metadata for point from $metaPointURL -->
    $rawhtml = ADV_fetchUrlWithoutHanging($metaPointURL); 
    $stuff = explode("

",$rawhtml); // maybe we have more than one header due to redirects. 
    $content = (string)array_pop($stuff); // last one is the content 
    $headers = (string)array_pop($stuff); // next-to-last-one is the headers 
    $rawPJSON = json_decode($content, true); // parse the JSON into an associative array 
		$PJSON = $rawPJSON['properties'];        // geojson format 
    if (json_last_error() == JSON_ERROR_NONE) { // got the point METADATA.. stuff it away 
      if ($doDebug) { 
        $Status.= "<!-- PJSON raw data
" . var_export($PJSON, true) . " -->
      if (isset($PJSON['relativeLocation']['properties']['city'])) { 
        $META['city'] = $PJSON['relativeLocation']['properties']['city']; 
        $META['state'] = $PJSON['relativeLocation']['properties']['state']; 
        $distance = $PJSON['relativeLocation']['properties']['distance']['value']; 
        $distance = floor(0.000621371 * $distance); // truncate to nearest whole mile 
        $Status.= "<!-- distance=$distance from " . $META['city'] . " -->
        if ($distance >= 2) { 
          $angle = $PJSON['relativeLocation']['properties']['bearing']['value']; 
          $direction = $compass[round($angle / 22.5) % 16]; 
          $t = $distance . ' '; 
          $t.= ($distance > 1) ? "Miles" : "Mile"; 
          $t.= " $direction "; 
          $META['city'] = $t . $META['city']; 
        $META['point'] = $ourPoint; 
        $META['forecastOfficeURL'] = $PJSON['forecastOffice']; 
				$META['forecastURL'] = $PJSON['forecast']; 
        $META['forecastZoneURL'] = $PJSON['forecastZone']; 
        $META['forecastZone'] = substr($META['forecastZoneURL'], strrpos($META['forecastZoneURL'], '/') + 1); 
        $META['forecastHourlyURL'] = $PJSON['forecastHourly']; 
        $META['forecastGridDataURL'] = $PJSON['forecastGridData']; 
        $META['observationStationsURL'] = $PJSON['observationStations']; 
        $META['countyZoneURL'] = $PJSON['county']; 
        $META['countyZone'] = substr($META['countyZoneURL'], strrpos($META['countyZoneURL'], '/') + 1); 
        $META['fireWeatherZoneURL'] = $PJSON['fireWeatherZone']; 
        $META['fireWeatherZone'] = substr($META['fireWeatherZoneURL'], strrpos($META['fireWeatherZoneURL'], '/') + 1); 
        $META['timeZone'] = $PJSON['timeZone']; 
        $META['radarStation'] = $PJSON['radarStation']; 
        $saveNew = true; 
        if ($doDebug) { 
          $Status.= "<!-- META data
" . print_r($META, true) . " -->
    else { // JSON ERROR 
      $Status.= "<!-- JSON ERROR with Point metadata content='" . print_r($content, true) . " -->
  if (!isset($META['zoneName'])) { // no zone data.. load it 
    $Status.= "<!-- getting metadata for forecast zone from $metaZoneURL -->
    $rawhtml = ADV_fetchUrlWithoutHanging($metaZoneURL); 
    $stuff = explode("

",$rawhtml); // maybe we have more than one header due to redirects. 
    $content = (string)array_pop($stuff); // last one is the content 
    $headers = (string)array_pop($stuff); // next-to-last-one is the headers 
    $rawPJSON = json_decode($content, true); // parse the JSON into an associative array 
		$PJSON  = $rawPJSON['properties'];       // geojson format 
    if (json_last_error() == JSON_ERROR_NONE) { // got the point METADATA.. stuff it away 
      if ($doDebug) { 
        $Status.= "<!-- zone raw data
" . print_r($PJSON, true) . " -->
      if (isset($PJSON['name'])) { 
        $META['zoneName'] = $PJSON['name']; 
        $saveNew = true; 
    else { // JSON ERROR 
      $Status.= "<!-- JSON ERROR with Zone metadata content='" . print_r($content, true) . " -->
  if (!isset($META['WFOemail']) and isset($META['forecastOfficeURL'])) { 
    // GET the WFO data 
    $WFOmetaURL = $META['forecastOfficeURL']; 
    $WFOmetaURL = str_replace('http://', 'https://', $WFOmetaURL); 
    $Status.= "<!-- getting metadata for forecast office from $WFOmetaURL -->
    $rawhtml = ADV_fetchUrlWithoutHanging($WFOmetaURL); 
    $stuff = explode("

",$rawhtml); // maybe we have more than one header due to redirects. 
    $content = (string)array_pop($stuff); // last one is the content 
    $headers = (string)array_pop($stuff); // next-to-last-one is the headers 
    $PJSON = json_decode($content, true); // parse the JSON into an associative array 
    if (json_last_error() == JSON_ERROR_NONE) { // got the point METADATA.. stuff it away 
      if ($doDebug) { 
        $Status.= "<!-- WFO raw data
" . var_export($PJSON, true) . " -->
      if (isset($PJSON['name'])) { 
        $META['WFOname'] = $PJSON['name']; 
        if (isset($PJSON['address']['addressLocality']) and stripos($META['WFOname'], $PJSON['address']['addressLocality']) === false) { 
          $META['WFOname'] = str_replace(',', '/' . $PJSON['address']['addressLocality'] . ',', $META['WFOname']); 
			  if (isset($PJSON['telephone'])) { 
					$META['WFOphone'] = trim($PJSON['telephone']); 
				if (isset($PJSON['email'])) { 
					$META['WFOemail'] = trim($PJSON['email']); 
        $saveNew = true; 
    else { // JSON ERROR 
      $Status.= "<!-- JSON ERROR with WFO metadata content='" . print_r($content, true) . " -->
  if ($doDebug) { 
    $Status.= "<!-- final META data
" . var_export($META, true) . "
 saveNew=$saveNew -->
  if ($saveNew) { // save the file if we changed anything 
    $outJSON = json_encode($META); 
    $fp = fopen($metaCache, "w"); 
    if ($fp) { 
      $write = fputs($fp, $outJSON); 
      $Status.= "<!-- wrote meta cache file $metaCache -->
    else { 
      $Status.= "<!-- unable to write meta cache file $metaCache -->
  $Status.= "<!-- META
" . var_export($META, true) . " -->
  return $META; 
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
function get_gridpoint_data($mainCache, $gridpointURL, $forceFlag, $refreshTime) 
  global $Status, $doDebug; 
  // get and cache the gridpoint information 
  $gpCache = str_replace('-geojson.txt', '-geojson-gridpoint.txt', $mainCache); 
  $gpURL = str_replace('http://', 'https://', $gridpointURL); 
  $Status.= "<!-- gridpoint data cache= '$gpCache' from '$gpURL' -->
  if ($forceFlag > 0 or !file_exists($gpCache) or (file_exists($gpCache) and filemtime($gpCache) + $refreshTime < time())) { 
    $Status.= "<!-- getting gridpoint data -->
    $rawhtml = ADV_fetchUrlWithoutHanging($gpURL); 
    $stuff = explode("

",$rawhtml); // maybe we have more than one header due to redirects. 
    $content = (string)array_pop($stuff); // last one is the content 
    $headers = (string)array_pop($stuff); // next-to-last-one is the headers 
    if (strlen($content) > 500) { 
      $fp = fopen($gpCache, "w"); 
      if ($fp) { 
        $write = fputs($fp, $content); 
        $Status.= "<!-- wrote " . strlen($content) . " bytes to gridpoint data cache file $gpCache -->
      else { 
        $Status.= "<!-- unable to write gridpoint data cache file $gpCache -->
    else { 
      $Status.= "<!-- unable to obtain gridpoint data .. headers:
" . print_r($headers, true) . "
    } // end got some content 
  else { 
    $gpAge = time() - filemtime($gpCache); 
    $Status.= "<!-- gridpoint data cache is current (".sec2hmsADV($gpAge)." h:m:s old). -->
  } // end reload gridpoint data 
} // end get_gridpoint_data 
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
function get_hourly_data($mainCache, $gridpointURL, $forceFlag, $refreshTime) 
  global $Status, $doDebug; 
  // get and cache the gridpoint information 
  $gpCache = str_replace('-geojson.txt', '-geojson-hourly.txt', $mainCache); 
  $gpURL = str_replace('http://', 'https://', $gridpointURL); 
  $Status.= "<!-- hourly data cache= '$gpCache' from '$gpURL' -->
  if ($forceFlag > 0 or !file_exists($gpCache) or (file_exists($gpCache) and filemtime($gpCache) + $refreshTime < time())) { 
    $Status.= "<!-- getting hourly -->
    $rawhtml = ADV_fetchUrlWithoutHanging($gpURL); 
    $stuff = explode("

",$rawhtml); // maybe we have more than one header due to redirects. 
    $content = (string)array_pop($stuff); // last one is the content 
    $headers = (string)array_pop($stuff); // next-to-last-one is the headers 
    if (strlen($content) > 500) { 
      $fp = fopen($gpCache, "w"); 
      if ($fp) { 
        $write = fputs($fp, $content); 
        $Status.= "<!-- wrote " . strlen($content) . " bytes to hourly data cache file $gpCache -->
      else { 
        $Status.= "<!-- unable to write hourly data cache file $gpCache -->
    else { 
      $Status.= "<!-- unable to obtain hourly data .. headers:
" . print_r($headers, true) . "
    } // end got some content 
  else { 
    $gpAge = time() - filemtime($gpCache); 
    $Status.= "<!-- hourly data cache is current ($gpAge secs old). -->
  } // end reload hourly data 
} // end get_hourly_data 
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
function convert_filename($inURL, $NOAAZone) 
  global $Status, $metaURL, $zoneURL, $alertURL; 
  $fileName = $inURL; 
  // handle OLD formats of NWS URLS 
  // autocorrect the point-forecast URL if need be 
  // from: 
  // to:,-116.842/forecast 
  NOTE: the lat,long must be decimal numbers with up-to 4 decimal places and no trailing zeroes 
  that's why the funky code: 
  $t = sprintf("%01.4f",$matches[1]);  // forces 4 decimal places on number 
  $t = (float)$t;                      // trims trailing zeroes by casting to float type. 
  is used to enforce those API limits. 
  if (preg_match('|textField1=|i', $fileName)) { 
    $newlatlong = ''; 
    preg_match('|textField1=([\d\.]+)|i', $fileName, $matches); 
    if (isset($matches[1])) { 
      $t = sprintf("%01.4f", $matches[1]); 
      $t = (float)$t; 
      $newlatlong.= $t; 
    preg_match('|textField2=([-\d\.]+)|i', $fileName, $matches); 
    if (isset($matches[1])) { 
      $t = sprintf("%01.4f", $matches[1]); 
      $t = (float)$t; 
      $newlatlong.= ",$t"; 
    $newurl = APIURL . '/points/' . $newlatlong . '/forecast'; 
    $metaURL = APIURL . '/points/' . $newlatlong; 
    $pointURL = FCSTURL . '/point/' . $newlatlong; 
    $zoneURL = FCSTURL . '/zone/' . $NOAAZone; 
//    $alertURL = ALERTAPIURL.$NOAAZone; 
    $alertURL = ALERTAPIURL . $newlatlong; 
    return (array( 
  // from: 
  // to:,-75.5976/forecast 
  if (preg_match('|lat=|i', $fileName)) { 
    $newlatlong = ''; 
    preg_match('|lat=([\d\.]+)|i', $fileName, $matches); 
    if (isset($matches[1])) { 
      $t = sprintf("%01.4f", $matches[1]); 
      $t = (float)$t; 
      $newlatlong.= $t; 
    preg_match('|lon=([-\d\.]+)|i', $fileName, $matches); 
    if (isset($matches[1])) { 
      $t = sprintf("%01.4f", $matches[1]); 
      $t = (float)$t; 
      $newlatlong.= ",$t"; 
    $newurl = APIURL . '/points/' . $newlatlong . '/forecast'; 
    $metaURL = APIURL . '/points/' . $newlatlong; 
    $pointURL = FCSTURL . '/point/' . $newlatlong; 
    $zoneURL = FCSTURL . '/zone/' . $NOAAZone; 
//    $alertURL = ALERTAPIURL.$NOAAZone; 
    $alertURL = ALERTAPIURL . $newlatlong; 
    return (array( 
  // handle NEW format of point URL 
  if (preg_match('|/point/([\d\.]+),([\-\d\.]+)|i', $fileName, $matches)) { 
    $newlatlong = ''; 
    if (isset($matches[1])) { 
      $t = sprintf("%01.4f", $matches[1]); 
      $t = (float)$t; 
      $newlatlong.= $t; 
    if (isset($matches[2])) { 
      $t = sprintf("%01.4f", $matches[2]); 
      $t = (float)$t; 
      $newlatlong.= ",$t"; 
    $newurl = APIURL . '/points/' . $newlatlong . '/forecast'; 
    $metaURL = APIURL . '/points/' . $newlatlong; 
    $pointURL = FCSTURL . '/point/' . $newlatlong; 
    $zoneURL = FCSTURL . '/zone/' . $NOAAZone; 
//    $alertURL = ALERTAPIURL.$NOAAZone; 
    $alertURL = ALERTAPIURL . $newlatlong; 
    return (array( 
  return (array( 
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
function sec2hmsADV($sec, $padHours = false) 
  $hms = ""; 
  if (!is_numeric($sec)) { 
    return ($sec); 
  // there are 3600 seconds in an hour, so if we 
  // divide total seconds by 3600 and throw away 
  // the remainder, we've got the number of hours 
  $hours = intval(intval($sec) / 3600); 
  // add to $hms, with a leading 0 if asked for 
  $hms.= ($padHours) ? str_pad($hours, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT) . ':' : $hours . ':'; 
  // dividing the total seconds by 60 will give us 
  // the number of minutes, but we're interested in 
  // minutes past the hour: to get that, we need to 
  // divide by 60 again and keep the remainder 
  $minutes = intval(fmod($sec / 60, 60)); 
  // then add to $hms (with a leading 0 if needed) 
  $hms.= str_pad($minutes, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT) . ':'; 
  // seconds are simple - just divide the total 
  // seconds by 60 and keep the remainder 
  $seconds = intval(fmod($sec , 60)); 
  // add to $hms, again with a leading 0 if needed 
  $hms.= str_pad($seconds, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); 
  // done! 
  return $hms; 
} // end sec2hmsADV function 
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
function gen_new_settings() 
  global $fileName, $NOAAZone, $NWSforecasts, $SITE, $Version, $showTwoIconRows, $showZoneWarning; 
  list($newAPI, $newFileName) = convert_filename($fileName, $NOAAZone); 
  $newNWSforecasts = array(); 
  if (!isset($NWSforecasts)) { 
    $NWSforecasts = array(); 
    $newZone = $NOAAZone; 
  foreach($NWSforecasts as $m => $rec) { // for each locations 
    list($Nzone, $Nlocation, $Nname) = explode('|', $NWSforecasts[$m] . '|||'); 
    list($newAPI, $newName) = convert_filename($Nname, $Nzone); 
    if ($m == 0) { 
      $newFileName = $newName; 
      $newZone = $Nzone; 
    $newNWSforecasts[$m] = "$Nzone|$Nlocation|$newName"; 
  header('Content-type: text/plain,charset=ISO-8859-1'); 
  print "// $Version 
  print "// settings converted to new point-forecast request URLs.
  print "// Put these in "; 
  print isset($SITE['noaazone']) ? 'Settings.php' : 'advforecast2.php'; 
  print " to update the settings there.
  print "
  print "// -- start of converted settings for advforecast2.php JSON version.
  print isset($SITE['NWSforecasts']) ? "\$SITE['NWSforecasts']" : "\$NWSforecasts"; 
  print " = array(
  print "// the entries below are for testing use.. replace them with your own entries if using the script
  print "// outside the Saratoga AJAX/PHP templates.
  print "// ZONE|Location|point-forecast-URL  (separated by | characters
  foreach($newNWSforecasts as $m => $rec) { 
    print " '$rec',
  print "
  print "//
  print isset($SITE['noaazone']) ? "\$SITE['noaazone']" : "\$NOAAZone"; 
  print " = '$newZone'; // change this line to your NOAA warning zone.
  print "//
  print "// set "; 
  print isset($SITE['fcsturlNWS']) ? "\$SITE['fcsturlNWS']" : "\$fileName"; 
  print "  to the URL for the point-printable forecast for your area
  print "// NOTE: this value (and "; 
  print isset($SITE['noaazone']) ? "\$SITE['noaazone']" : "\$NOAAZone"; 
  print ") will be overridden by the first entry in "; 
  print isset($SITE['NWSforecasts']) ? "\$SITE['NWSforecasts']" : "\$NWSforecasts"; 
  print " if it exists.
  print "//
  print isset($SITE['fcsturlNWS']) ? "\$SITE['fcsturlNWS']" : "\$fileName"; 
  print " = '$newFileName';
  print "//
  print isset($SITE['noaazone']) ? "\$SITE['showTwoIconRows']" : "\$showTwoIconRows"; 
  print " = "; 
  print $showTwoIconRows ? 'true;' : 'false;'; 
  print "   // =true; show all icons, =false; show 9 icons in one row (new V5.00)
  print "//
  print isset($SITE['noaazone']) ? "\$SITE['showZoneWarning']" : "\$showZoneWarning"; 
  print " = "; 
  print $showZoneWarning ? 'true;' : 'false;'; 
  print "   // =true; show note when Zone forecast used. =false; suppress Zone warning (new V5.00)
  print "//
  print "// -- end of converted settings for advforecast2.php JSON version.
} // end gen_new_settings function 
// end of advforecast2.php script ?>

Did this file decode correctly?

Original Code

// error_reporting(E_ALL);
// This is a more advanced version of the forecast script
// It uses file caching and feed failure to better handle when NOAA is down
//  Version 2.00 - 15-Jan-2007 - modified Tom's script for XHTML 1.0-Strict
//  Version 2.01 - 14-Feb-2007 - modified for ERH-> redirects (no point forecasts)
//  Version 2.02 - 02-Mar-2007 - added auto-failover to CRH and better include in page.
//  Version 2.03 - 29-Apr-2007 - modified for /images/wtf -> /forecast/images change
//  Version 2.04 - 05-Jun-2007 - improvement to auto-failover
//  Version 2.05 - 29-Jun-2007 - additional check for alternative no-icon forecast, then failover.
//  Version 2.06 - 24-Nov-2007 - rewrite for zone forecast, intrepret icons from text-only forecast
//  Version 2.07 - 24-Nov-2007 - support new zone forecast with different temp formats
//  Version 2.08 - 25-Nov-2007 - fix zone forecast icons, new temp formats supported
//  Version 2.09 - 26-Nov-2007 - add support for new temperature phrases and below zero temps
//  Version 2.10 - 17-Dec-2007 - added safety features from Mike Challis
//  Version 2.11 - 20-Dec-2007 - added cache-refresh on request, fixed rising/falling temp arrow
//  Version 2.12 - 31-Dec-2007 - fixed New Year"s to New Year's display problem
//  Version 2.13 - 01-Jan-2008 - added integration features for carterlake/WD/PHP/AJAX template set
//  Version 2.14 - 14-Jan-2009 - corrected Zone forecast parsing for below zero temperatures
//  Version 2.15 - 28-Feb-2010 - updated Zone forecast parsing for new phrases
//  Version 2.16 - 14-Dec-2010 - added support for warning messages from NWS and $forecastwarnings string
//  Version 2.17 - 08-Jan-2011 - fixed validation issue when NWS uses '&' in condition
//  Version 2.18 - 27-Feb-2011 - added support for common cache directory
//  Version 3.00 - 12-Mar-2011 - support for multi-forecast added by Curly at
//  Version 3.01 - 01-Oct-2011 - added support for alternative animated icon set from
//  Version 3.02 - 05-Oct-2011 - corrected warning links to
//  Version 3.03 - 02-Jul-2012 - added fixes for NWS website changes
//  Version 3.04 - 03-Jul-2012 - added fixes for W3C validation issues
//  Version 3.05 - 05-Jul-2012 - added fixes for Zone forecast use with new NWS website design
//  Version 3.06 - 07-Jul-2012 - fixed validation issue for Rising/Falling temp arrows with new NWS website design
//  Version 3.07 - 09-Aug-2012 - fixed failover to Zone forecast with new NWS website design
//  Version 3.08 - 23-Nov-2012 - fixed issue with Zone forecast parsing due to NWS website changes
//  Version 3.09 - 28-Jun-2013 - added fixes for Zone forecast parsing due to NWS website changes
//  Version 3.10 - 18-Nov-2013 - fixed issue with Zone forecast URL due to NWS website changes
//  Version 3.11 - 13-Mar-2014 - fixed point forecast text non-display due to NWS website changes
//  Version 3.12 - 15-Mar-2014 - fixes for Zone forecast, warnings and auto-correct old URLs
//  Version 3.13 - 17-Mar-2015 - fixes for Zone forecast w/new NWS site design
//  Version 3.14 - 31-Mar-2015 - fixes for NWS site changes
//  Version 3.15 - 13-May-2015 - fix for Zone forecast w/NWS website change
//  Version 3.16 - 15-May-2015 - fixes for different Zone forecast format in failover
//  Version 4.00 - 06-Jul-2015 - added support for DualImage processing
//  Version 4.01 - 07-Jul-2015 - fixed HTML for $forecasticons for new NWS website
//  Version 4.02 - 07-Nov-2015 - fixed Zone forecast when using .gif icons issue
//  Version 5.00 - 22-Apr-2017 - complete rewrite to use JSON feeds for forecasts and alerts
//  Version 5.01 - 26-Apr-2017 - switch to use test NWS site for data waiting for June 19, 2017 prod cutover
//  Version 5.02 - 22-May-2017 - added temperature trend indicator
//  Version 5.03 - 16-Jul-2017 - if point forecast HTTP return code > 400, force zone forecast fetch
//  Version 5.04 - 11-Oct-2017 - fix for stale point-forecast via API to failover to Zone forecast
//  Version 5.05 - 27-Feb-2018 - more fixes for point-forecast/refetch fail->Zone failover
//  Version 5.06 - 12-Apr-2018 - fix PHP warning when no alerts available
//  Version 5.07 - 14-Apr-2018 - add caching for point->gridpoint forecast URLs + WFO info on Zone fcst
//  Version 5.08 - 25-May-2018 - fixes for point/zone JSON changes from
//  Version 5.09 - 26-May-2018 - added new NWS API icons for tropical storm/hurricane
//  Version 5.10 - 13-Apr-2019 - fix for HTTP/2 responses from
//  Version 5.11 - 30-Apr-2019 - use new point->meta->gridpoint method for point forecast URL data
//  Version 5.12 - 01-May-2019 - fix for link URL at bottom of page
//  Version 5.13 - 08-Sep-2019 - fix for link URL with NWS discontinuation of site
//  Version 5.14 - 10-May-2020 - fix for Alert link URL for (Thanks Jasiu!)
//  Version 5.15 - 25-Jun-2020 - updated diagnostic info to help diagnose Akamai cache issues from site
//  Version 5.16 - 08-Jul-2020 - added diagnostic logging capability ($doLogging = true; to enable);
//  Version 5.17 - 15-Jul-2020 - switch to geo+json queries from ld+json queries for; cache file name changes too.
//  Version 5.18 - 18-Jan-2022 - added fix for PHP8.1 Deprecated errata
//  Version 5.18a - 07-Feb-2022 - use 'updateTime' instead of deprecated 'updated' for age of gridpoint forecast
//  Version 5.19 - 27-Dec-2022 - fixes for PHP 8.2

$Version = 'advforecast2.php (JSON) - V5.19 - 27-Dec-2022';

// import NOAA Forecast info
// data ends up in four different arrays:
// $forecasticons[x]  x = 0 thru 13   This is the icon and text around it
// $forecasttemp[x] x= 0 thru 13    This is forecast temperature with styling
// $forecasttitles[x]  x = 0 thru 13   This is the title word for the text forecast time period
// $forecasttext[x]  x = 0 thru 13  This is the detail text for the text forecast time period
// $forecastupdated  This is the time of last update
// $forecastcity    This is the city name for the forecast
// $forecastoffice  This is the NWS Office providing the forecast
// $forecastwarnings This is the text/links to NWS Warnings, Watches, Advisories, Outlooks, Special Statements
// Also, in order for this to work correctly, you need the NOAA icons (or make your own...
// there are 750!).
// unzip the above and upload to your site (preserving the directory structure):
// ./forecast/images (for the static images)
// ./forecast/icon-templates (for the dual-image icon master files)
// ./DualImage.php (script to create the dual-image icons as required by the forecast)
// The URL(s) below --MUST BE-- the Printable Point Forecast from the NOAA website
// Not every area of the US has a printable point forecast
// This script will ONLY WORK with a printable point forecast of either the OLD format like:
//  CityName=Saratoga&state=CA&site=MTR&textField1=37.2639&textField2=-122.022
//  &e=1&TextType=2
// or the new format (after June 24, 2019 ) of
// To find yours in your area:
// Go to
// Put your city, state in the search box and press Search
// copy the URL from your browser into the $fileName variable below.
// Also put your NOAA Warning Zone (like ssZnnn) in caps in the $NOAAZone variable below.
// It is used for automatic backup in case the point printable forecast is not available.
// ----------------------SETTINGS---------------------------------------------
// V3.00 -- this following array can be used for multiple forecasts in *standalone* mode
//  for Saratpga template use, add a $SITE['NWSforecasts'] entry in Settings.php to have these entries.
//  To activate the definitions below, replace the /* with //* to uncomment the array definition
$NWSforecasts = array(
  // the entries below are for testing use.. replace them with your own entries if using the script
  // outside the AJAX/PHP templates.
  // ZONE|Location|point-forecast-URL  (separated by | characters
  "CAZ513|Saratoga, CA (WRH)|",
  "NEZ052|Omaha, NE (CRH)|",
  "ALZ266|Gulf Shores, AL (SRH)|",
  'MDZ022|Salisbury, MD (ERH)|',
  'AKZ101|Anchorage, AK (ARH)|',
  'HIZ005|Honolulu, HI (HRH)|',
  'IAZ068|Riverdale, IA|',
  'MEZ030|Bar Harbor, ME|',
  'TXZ147|Fairfield, TX|',
  'SDZ021|Millbank, SD|',
  'MNZ034|Brainerd, MN|',
  'COZ010|Vail, CO|',
  'CAZ072|South Lake Tahoe, CA| Vista&state=CA&site=MTR&textField1=39.2425194&textField2=-120.0604858&e=1&TextType=2',
  'WAZ037|Colville, WA|',
  'ILZ103|Hoffman Estates, IL|',
  'NDZ027|Grand Forks,  ND|',
  'MTZ055|Bozeman, MT|',
  'KSZ078|Dodge City, KS|',
  'OKZ020|Stillwater, OK|',
  'GAZ034|Lawrenceville, GA|',
  'ARZ011|Rockhouse, AR|',
  'ARZ040|Mena, AR|',
  'MOZ090|Springfield, MO|',
  'MTZ019|Plentywood, MT|',
  'ARZ044|Little Rock, AR|',
  "NYZ040|Hessville, NY|",
  "NYZ049|Albany, NY|",
  "NYZ056|Binghamton, NY|",
  "MAZ017|Boston, MA|",
  "MNZ060|Robbinsdale, MN|",
	"FLZ112|Upper Grand Lagoon, FL|",
	"MSZ066|Ellisville, MS|",
  "NEZ066|Lincoln, NE|",
	"IAZ066|Clinton, IA|,-90.192",
	'ALZ266|Gulf Shores, AL|',
	'KSZ050|3 Miles SE Lyons KS|',
	'ILZ029|Glasford IL|',

$NOAAZone = 'CAZ513'; // change this line to your NOAA warning zone.
// set $fileName to the URL for the point-printable forecast for your area
// NOTE: this value (and $NOAAZone) will be overridden by the first entry in $NWSforecasts if it exists.
$fileName = "";
$showTwoIconRows = true; // =true; show all icons, =false; show 9 icons in one row (new V5.00)
$showZoneWarning = true; // =true; show note when Zone forecast used. =false; suppress Zone warning (new V5.00)
// $iconDir = './forecast/imagesPNG-86x86/'; // testing only
// $iconDir = './forecast/imagesGIF-55x58/'; // testing only
$iconDir = './forecast/images/';
$iconType = '.jpg'; // default type='.jpg' -- use '.gif' for animated icons from
$cacheFileDir = './'; // default cache file directory
$iconHeight = 55; // default height of conditions icon (
$iconWidth = 55; // default width of conditions icon  (
$refreshTime = 600; // default refresh of cache 600=10 minutes
$ourTZ = 'America/Los_Angeles'; // default timezone (new V5.00)
// $timeFormat = 'd-M-Y g:ia T';  // Fri, 31-Mar-2006 6:35pm TZone (new V5.00)
$timeFormat = 'g:i a T M d, Y'; // 3:17 am PST Jan 28, 2017 (new V5.00, like old forecast timestamp display)

# V5.16 logging capability for curl accesses to 
$doLogging = true;       // =true to enable summary logging, =false for no summary log file
# log saved to $cacheFileDir/advforecast2-log-YYYY-MM-DD.csv  (tab-delimited CSV file)
$doLoggingDetail = true; // =true to eanable detail logging, =false for no detail file
# log saved to $cacheFileDir/advforecast2-log-YYYY-MM-DD.txt
// ----------------------END OF SETTINGS--------------------------------------
// changing stuff below this may cause you issues when updates to the script are done.
// you change it, you own it :)
$useProdNWS = false; // =false, use preview V3 sites, =true, use production sites (after June 24, 2019)
$forceDualIconURL = false; // for TESTING prior to 7-Jul-2015 when new icons were used by NWS

// following is for possible FUTURE use
$getGridpointData = false; // =true; for getting gridpoint data, =false for not getting the data
// following is for possible FUTURE hourly forecast/graphics use
$getHourlyData = false; // =true; for getting hourly data, =false for not getting the data

if(file_exists('Settings.php')) { include_once('Settings.php'); }
// overrides from Settings.php if available
global $SITE;
if (isset($SITE['NWSforecasts']))    {$NWSforecasts = $SITE['NWSforecasts']; }
if (isset($SITE['cacheFileDir']))    {$cacheFileDir = $SITE['cacheFileDir']; }
if (isset($SITE['noaazone']))        {$NOAAZone = $SITE['noaazone'];}
if (isset($SITE['fcsturlNWS']))      {$fileName = $SITE['fcsturlNWS'];}
if (isset($SITE['fcsticonsdir']))    {$iconDir = $SITE['fcsticonsdir'];}
if (isset($SITE['fcsticonstype']))   {$iconType = $SITE['fcsticonstype'];}
if (isset($SITE['fcsticonsheight'])) {$iconHeight = $SITE['fcsticonsheight'];}
if (isset($SITE['fcsticonswidth']))  {$iconWidth = $SITE['fcsticonswidth'];}
if (isset($SITE['tz']))              {$ourTZ = $SITE['tz'];} // V5.00
if (isset($SITE['timeFormat']))      {$timeFormat = $SITE['timeFormat'];} // V5.00
if (isset($SITE['showTwoIconRows'])) {$showTwoIconRows = $SITE['showTwoIconRows'];} // V5.00
if (isset($SITE['showZoneWarning'])) {$showZoneWarning = $SITE['showZoneWarning'];} // V5.00
if (isset($SITE['advLogging']))      {$doLogging = $SITE['advLogging'];} // V5.16
if (isset($SITE['advLoggingDetail'])) {$doLoggingDetail = $SITE['advLoggingDetail'];} // V5.16
// end of overrides from Settings.php

$doDebug = (isset($_REQUEST['debug']) and preg_match('|y|i',$_REQUEST['debug']))?true:false;

if (isset($_REQUEST['rows'])) {
  if ($_REQUEST['rows'] == '1') {
    $showTwoIconRows = false;

  if ($_REQUEST['rows'] == '2') {
    $showTwoIconRows = true;

// hosts providing API and Forecasts and Alerts

if ($useProdNWS) {
  // final production URLs
  define('APIURL', "");
  define('FCSTURL', "");
  define('ALERTAPIURL', '');
  define('ALERTURL', '');
else {
  // pre-production/testing URLs
  define('APIURL', "");
  define('FCSTURL', "");
  define('ALERTURL', ''); // Jasiu fix 10-May-2020

// get the selected zone code
$haveZone = '0';
if (!empty($_GET['z']) && preg_match("/^[0-9]+$/i", htmlspecialchars($_GET['z']))) {
  $haveZone = htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($_GET['z'])); // valid zone syntax from input
$DualImageAvailable = file_exists("./DualImage.php") ? true : false;
// $DualImageAvailable = false;

if (isset($_REQUEST['convert'])) { // display new URLs if requested

if (!isset($NWSforecasts[0])) {
  // print "<!-- making NWSforecasts array default -->\n";
  $NWSforecasts = array(
  ); // create default entry

//  print "<!-- NWSforecasts\n".print_r($NWSforecasts,true). " -->\n";
// Set the default zone. The first entry in the $SITE['NWSforecasts'] array.

list($Nz, $Nl, $Nn) = explode('|', $NWSforecasts[0] . '|||');
$NOAAZone = $Nz;
$NOAAlocation = $Nl;
$fileName = $Nn;
$newFormat = false;

if (!isset($NWSforecasts[$haveZone])) {
  $haveZone = 0;

// locations added to the drop down menu and set selected zone values

$dDownMenu = '';

for ($m = 0; $m < count($NWSforecasts); $m++) { // for each locations
  list($Nzone, $Nlocation, $Nname) = explode('|', $NWSforecasts[$m] . '|||');
  $dDownMenu.= "     <option value=\"" . $m . "\">" . $Nlocation . "</option>\n";
  if ($haveZone == $m) {
    $NOAAZone = $Nzone;
    $NOAAlocation = $Nlocation;
    $fileName = $Nname;

// build the drop down menu

$ddMenu = '';

// create menu if at least two locations are listed in the array

if (isset($NWSforecasts[0]) and isset($NWSforecasts[1])) {
  $ddMenu.= '<tr align="center">
	<td style="font-size: 14px; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">
	<script type="text/javascript">
		function menu_goto( menuform ){
		 selecteditem = menuform.logfile.selectedIndex ;
		 logfile = menuform.logfile.options[ selecteditem ].value ;
		 if (logfile.length != 0) {
			location.href = logfile ;

		// -->

 <form action="" method="get">
 <p><select name="z" onchange="this.form.submit()">
 <option value=""> - Select Forecast - </option>
' . $dDownMenu . $ddMenu . '     </select></p>
	 <div><noscript><pre><input name="submit" type="submit" value="Get Forecast" /></pre></noscript></div>

// You can now force the cache to update by adding ?force=1 to the end of the URL

if (empty($_REQUEST['force'])) $_REQUEST['force'] = "0";
$Force = $_REQUEST['force'];
$forceBackup = false;

if ($Force > 1) {
  $forceBackup = true;

$cacheName = $cacheFileDir . "forecast-" . $NOAAZone . "-$haveZone-geojson.txt";

// dont change the $backupfileName!
// new Zone URL with V5.00:

$Status = "<!-- $Version on PHP " . phpversion() . "-->\n<!-- RAW NWS URL: $fileName  zone=$NOAAZone -->\n";

if (isset($_REQUEST['sce']) && strtolower($_REQUEST['sce']) == 'view') {

  // --self downloader --

  $filenameReal = __FILE__;
  $download_size = filesize($filenameReal);
  header('Pragma: public');
  header('Cache-Control: private');
  header('Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate');
  header("Content-type: text/plain,charset=ISO-8859-1");
  header("Accept-Ranges: bytes");
  header("Content-Length: $download_size");
  header('Connection: close');

global $fcstPeriods, $NWSICONLIST;
$usingFile = "";

if (!function_exists('date_default_timezone_set')) {
  if (!ini_get('safe_mode')) {
    putenv("TZ=$ourTZ"); // set our timezone for 'as of' date on file
else {

if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3', '<')) {
  print "<p>This script requires PHP V5.3+ to operate. You are running PHP " . PHP_VERSION . "<br/>";
  print "Please update PHP to be able to run $Version script</p>\n";
  $forecasttitles = array();
  $forecasttext = array();
  $forecasticons = array();
  $forecasttemp = array();
  print $Status;

// grab the meta info for point, zone and forecast office + gridpoint URLs to use

if (strpos($iconType, 'gif') !== false and $DualImageAvailable) {
  $DualImageAvailable = false;
  $Status.= "<!-- DualImage function is not available with $iconType icons;     -->\n";
  $Status.= "<!-- first image of any dual-image found will be displayed instead -->\n";

$oldFileName = $fileName;
$backupfileName = APIURL . "/zones/forecast/$NOAAZone/forecast";
list($fileName, $pointURL) = convert_filename($fileName, $NOAAZone); // correct the filename if necessary to API format

$META = array();
$META = get_meta_info($cacheName, $fileName, $backupfileName);

if (isset($META['forecastZone']) and $META['forecastZone'] !== $NOAAZone) {
  $Status.= "<!-- WARNING: NOAAZone='$NOAAZone' is not correct.  Will use '" . $META['forecastZone'] . "' for this point location per NWS. -->\n";
	$NOAAZone = $META['forecastZone'];

// V5.11 - use the META data for the real gridpoint forecast and zone forecast URLs.
$pointURL = $META['forecastURL'];
$fileName = $META['forecastURL'];
$backupfileName = APIURL . "/zones/forecast/".$META['forecastZone']."/forecast";
if($fileName == '') {
	$Status .= "<!-- pointURL is null. Using Zone URL instead -->\n";
	$fileName = $backupfileName;
$Status .= "<!-- point forecastURL = '$pointURL' -->\n";
$Status .= "<!-- zone  forecastURL = '$backupfileName' -->\n";

$html = '';
$lastURL = '';

if ($Force == 1 or 
    !file_exists($cacheName) or 
		(file_exists($cacheName) and filemtime($cacheName) + $refreshTime < time())) {

  $html = ADV_fetchUrlWithoutHanging($fileName);
  $stuff = explode("\r\n\r\n",$html); // maybe we have more than one header due to redirects.
  $content = (string)array_pop($stuff); // last one is the content
  $headers = (string)array_pop($stuff); // next-to-last-one is the headers
  preg_match('/HTTP\/\S+ (\d+)/', $headers, $m);
	//$Status .= "<!-- m=".print_r($m,true)." -->\n";
	//$Status .= "<!-- html=".print_r($html,true)." -->\n";
	if(isset($m[1])) {$lastRC = (string)$m[1]; } else {$lastRC = '0'; }
  if ($lastRC >= '400') {
    $Force = 2;
    $Status.= "<!-- Oops.. point forecast unavailable RC=" . $lastRC . " - using Zone instead -->\n";
  } else {
    $lastURL = $fileName; // remember if error encountered
    $fSize = strlen($html);
    $Status.= "<!-- loaded point-forecast $fileName - $fSize bytes -->\n";
		if (strpos($content, '{') !== false and $lastRC == '200') { // got a file.. save it
			$fp = fopen($cacheName, "w");
			if ($fp) {
				$write = fputs($fp, $html);
				$Status.= "<!-- wrote cache file $cacheName -->\n";
			} else {
				$Status.= "<!-- unable to write cache file $cacheName -->\n";

if ($Force == 2) {
  $usingFile = "(Zone forecast)";
  $html = ADV_fetchUrlWithoutHanging($backupfileName);
  $lastURL = $backupfileName; // remember if error encountered
  $fSize = strlen($html);
  $Status.= "<!-- loaded $usingFile $backupfileName - $fSize bytes -->\n";
  $stuff = explode("\r\n\r\n",$html); // maybe we have more than one header due to redirects.
  $content = (string)array_pop($stuff); // last one is the content
  $headers = (string)array_pop($stuff); // next-to-last-one is the headers
  preg_match('/HTTP\/\S+ (\d+)/', $headers, $m);
	//$Status .= "<!-- m=".print_r($m,true)." -->\n";
	//$Status .= "<!-- html=".print_r($html,true)." -->\n";
	if(isset($m[1])) {$lastRC = (string)$m[1];} else {$lastRC = '0';}
  if (strpos($html, '{') !== false and $lastRC == '200') { // got a file.. save it
    $fp = fopen($cacheName, "w");
    if ($fp) {
      $write = fputs($fp, $html);
      $Status.= "<!-- wrote cache file $cacheName -->\n";
    else {
      $Status.= "<!-- unable to write cache file $cacheName -->\n";

if (strlen($html) < 50 and file_exists($cacheName)) { // haven't loaded it by fetch.. load from cache
  $html = file_get_contents($cacheName);
  $fSize = strlen($html);
  $Status.= "<!-- loaded cache file $cacheName - $fSize bytes -->\n";
  $stuff = explode("\r\n\r\n",$html); // maybe we have more than one header due to redirects.
  $content = (string)array_pop($stuff); // last one is the content
  $headers = (string)array_pop($stuff); // next-to-last-one is the headers

  if (preg_match('/Temporary|Location:|defaulting to|window\.location\.href\=/Uis', $headers)) {
    $usingFile = "(Zone forecast)";
    $html = ADV_fetchUrlWithoutHanging($backupfileName);
    $lastURL = $backupfileName; // remember if error encountered
    $fSize = strlen($html);
    $Status.= "<!-- loaded $usingFile $backupfileName - $fSize bytes -->\n";

if ($Force != 2) {

  // check point-forecast age and load zone forecast if too old

  preg_match('!"updateTime":\s*"([^"]+)"!is', $html, $matches);
  if (isset($matches[1])) {
    $age = time() - strtotime($matches[1]);
		$ts = $matches[1];
    if ($age > 18 * 60 * 60) {
      $agehms = sec2hmsADV($age);
      $Status.= "<!-- point forecast more than 18hrs old (age h:m:s is $agehms) updated:'$ts' .. use Zone forecast instead -->\n";
			list($headers,$content) = explode("\r\n\r\n",$html);
			$Status .= "<!-- headers from the gridpoint request\n".$headers."\n -->\n";
			ADV_log('Stale',"Forecast Stale Age=$agehms from gridpoint - use Zone forecast instead\n".$curlStatus."\n".$headers,"\n");
      $Force = 2;
      $usingFile = "(Zone forecast)";
      $html = ADV_fetchUrlWithoutHanging($backupfileName);
      $lastURL = $backupfileName; // remember if error encountered
      $fSize = strlen($html);
      $Status.= "<!-- loaded $usingFile $backupfileName - $fSize bytes -->\n";
      if (strpos($html, '{') !== false) { // got a file.. save it
        $fp = fopen($cacheName, "w");
        if ($fp) {
          $write = fputs($fp, $html);
          $Status.= "<!-- wrote cache file $cacheName -->\n";
        else {
          $Status.= "<!-- unable to write cache file $cacheName -->\n";

// now split off the headers from the contents of the return

$stuff = explode("\r\n\r\n",$html); // maybe we have more than one header due to redirects.
$content = (string)array_pop($stuff); // last one is the content
$headers = (string)array_pop($stuff); // next-to-last-one is the headers
// check age of forecast
preg_match('!"updateTime":\s*"([^"]+)"!is', $html, $matches);
if(!isset($matches[1])) {
  preg_match('!"updated":\s*"([^"]+)"!is', $html, $matches);
if (isset($matches[1])) {
	$age = time() - strtotime($matches[1]);
	$ts = $matches[1];
	if ($age > 18 * 60 * 60) {
		$agehms = sec2hmsADV($age);
		$Status.= "<!-- forecast more than 18hrs old (age h:m:s is $agehms) updated:'$ts' -->\n";
		list($headers,$content) = explode("\r\n\r\n",$html);
		$Status .= "<!-- headers from the $usingFile request\n".$headers."\n -->\n";
$rawJSON = json_decode($content, true); // parse the JSON into an associative array
$FCSTJSON = $rawJSON['properties'];      // geoJSON format
if (strlen($content > 10) and function_exists('json_last_error')) { // report status, php >= 5.3.0 only
  switch (json_last_error()) {
    $JSONerror = '- No errors';

    $JSONerror = '- Maximum stack depth exceeded';

    $JSONerror = '- Underflow or the modes mismatch';

    $JSONerror = '- Unexpected control character found';

    $JSONerror = '- Syntax error, malformed JSON';

    $JSONerror = '- Malformed UTF-8 characters, possibly incorrectly encoded';

    $JSONerror = '- Unknown error';

  $Status.= "<!-- JSON decode $JSONerror -->\n";
  if (json_last_error() !== JSON_ERROR_NONE) {
    $Status.= "<!-- content='" . print_r($content, true) . "' -->\n";

"periods": [
"number": 1,
"name": "Today",
"startTime": "2017-05-01T07:00:00-07:00",
"endTime": "2017-05-01T18:00:00-07:00",
"isDaytime": true,
"temperature": 83,
"temperatureUnit": "F",
"temperatureTrend": null,
"windSpeed": "8 to 17 mph",
"windDirection": "NW",
"icon": "",
"shortForecast": "Sunny",
"detailedForecast": "Sunny, with a high near 83. Northwest wind 8 to 17 mph, with gusts as high as 23 mph."
"number": 2,
"name": "Tonight",
"startTime": "2017-05-01T18:00:00-07:00",
"endTime": "2017-05-02T06:00:00-07:00",
"isDaytime": false,
"temperature": 53,
"temperatureUnit": "F",
"temperatureTrend": "rising",
"windSpeed": "3 to 17 mph",
"windDirection": "NW",
"icon": "",
"shortForecast": "Clear",
"detailedForecast": "Clear. Low around 53, with temperatures rising to around 55 overnight. Northwest wind 3 to 17 mph, with gusts as high as 23 mph."


if ($getGridpointData and isset($META['forecastGridDataURL'])) {

  // grab the gridpoint JSON if need be

  get_gridpoint_data($cacheName, $META['forecastGridDataURL'], $Force, 3600);

if ($getHourlyData and isset($META['forecastHourlyURL'])) {

  // grab the Hourly JSON if need be

  get_hourly_data($cacheName, $META['forecastHourlyURL'], $Force, 3600);

// now process the point or zone forecast

if (isset($FCSTJSON['periods'][0]['icon']) and 
		strpos($FCSTJSON['periods'][0]['icon'], 'icons') !== false) { // got a point forecast

  // -------------- POINT forecast process -----------------

  $isZone = false;
  $rawForecasts = $FCSTJSON['periods'];
  $Status.= "<!-- point forecast processing -->\n\n";
  <!-- rawForecasts
  [0] => Array
  [number] => 1
  [name] => Today
  [startTime] => 2016-11-16T08:00:00-08:00
  [endTime] => 2016-11-16T18:00:00-08:00
  [isDaytime] => 1
  [temperature] => 66
  [windSpeed] => 15 mph
  [windDirection] => NW
  [icon] =>,20/sct,20?size=medium
  [shortForecast] => Slight Chance Rain Showers then Mostly Sunny
  [detailedForecast] => A slight chance of rain showers, mainly before 10am. Mostly sunny, with a high near 66. Northwest wind around 15 mph, with gusts as high as 20 mph. Chance of precipitation is 20%. New rainfall amounts less than a tenth of an inch possible.
  [1] => Array
  [number] => 2
  [name] => Tonight
  [startTime] => 2016-11-16T18:00:00-08:00
  [endTime] => 2016-11-17T06:00:00-08:00
  [isDaytime] =>
  [temperature] => 45
  [windSpeed] =>  6 to 15 mph
  [windDirection] => NW
  [icon] =>
  [shortForecast] => Partly Cloudy
  [detailedForecast] => Partly cloudy, with a low around 45. Northwest wind 6 to 15 mph, with gusts as high as 20 mph.
  $rawUpdated = $FCSTJSON['updateTime'];
  if (isset($META['timeZone'])) {

  $forecastupdated = date($timeFormat, strtotime($rawUpdated));
	$ourPoint = '';
	if (preg_match('|/([^/]+)/forecast|i', $fileName, $matches)) {
		$ourPoint = $matches[1];

	$forecastlatlong = $ourPoint;
  $forecastcity = $NOAAlocation;
  $i = 0;
  foreach($rawForecasts as $ptr => $FCST) {

    // we'll be setting up:
    // $forecasticons[x]  x = 0 thru 13   This is the icon and text around it
    // $forecasttemp[x] x= 0 thru 13    This is forecast temperature with styling
    // $forecasttitles[x]  x = 0 thru 13   This is the title word for the text forecast time period
    // $forecasttext[x]  x = 0 thru 13  This is the detail text for the text forecast time period
    // $Status .= "<!-- FCST[$i]\n".print_r($FCST,true)." -->\n";

    if (strlen($FCST['name']) < 5) { // sometimes have a left-over entry w/o a name.. skip it

    $forecastcond[$i] = $FCST['shortForecast'];
    $forecasticon[$i] = convert_to_local_icon($FCST['icon']);
    if ($FCST['isDaytime']) {
      $color = '#FF0000';
      $tHL = 'Hi';
    else {
      $color = '#0000FF';
      $tHL = 'Lo';

    $tTrend = '';
    if (!is_null($FCST['temperatureTrend'])) {
      if ($FCST['temperatureTrend'] == 'rising') {
        $tTrend = ' &uarr;';

      if ($FCST['temperatureTrend'] == 'falling') {
        $tTrend = ' &darr;';

    $forecasttemp[$i] = "$tHL <span style=\"color: $color;\">" . round($FCST['temperature'], 0) . " &deg;F$tTrend</span>";
    $forecasttitles[$i] = $FCST['name'];
    $forecasttext[$i] = str_replace("\n", ' ', $FCST['detailedForecast']); // sub blank for embedded NL
    $forecasticons[$i] = make_local_icon($forecasticon[$i], $forecasttitles[$i], $forecastcond[$i], $forecasttemp[$i], $forecasttext[$i]);
    $forecasticons[$i] = preg_replace('/&/', '&amp;', $forecasticons[$i]);
    if ($doDebug) {
      $Status.= "<!-- i=$i name='" . $forecasttitles[$i] . "' " . "cond='" . $forecastcond[$i] . "' " . "temp='" . $forecasttemp[$i] . "' " . "\nrawicon='" . $FCST['icon'] . "' " . "\ncvticon='" . $forecasticon[$i] . "' " . "\ndetail='" . $forecasttext[$i] . "' " . "\nicon='" . $forecasticons[$i] . "' -->\n\n";

  } // end foreach FCST point processing
elseif (isset($FCSTJSON['periods'])) { // got a ZONE forecast

  // $Status .= "<!-- FCSTJSON \n".print_r($FCSTJSON,true)." -->\n";
  // -------------- ZONE forecast process -----------------

  $isZone = true;
  $Status.= "<!-- ZONE forecast processing -->\n\n";
  $rawForecasts = $FCSTJSON['periods'];
  $rawUpdated = $FCSTJSON['updated'];
  if (isset($META['timeZone'])) {

  $forecastupdated = date($timeFormat, strtotime($rawUpdated));
  $forecastlatlong = $NOAAZone;
  $forecastcity = $NOAAlocation;
  $usingFile = "(Zone forecast)";
  $Conditions = array(); // prepare for parsing the icon based on the text forecast
  load_cond_data(); // initialize the conditions to look for
  [periods] => Array
  [0] => Array
  [number] => 1
  [name] => Today
  [detailedForecast] => Partly sunny this morning
  [1] => Array
  [number] => 2
  [name] => Tonight
  [detailedForecast] => Partly cloudy. Lows around 40. North winds 5 to 10 mph
  with gusts up to 20 mph.
  [2] => Array
  [number] => 3
  [name] => Saturday
  [detailedForecast] => Partly sunny in the morning
  [3] => Array
  [number] => 4
  [name] => Saturday Night
  [detailedForecast] => Mostly cloudy with a 40 percent chance of
  showers. Lows in the lower 40s. Northeast winds 5 to 10 mph

  //     Breakup multi-day forecasts if needed

  $i = 0;

  //  foreach ($headers[1] as $j => $period) {

  foreach($FCSTJSON['periods'] as $j => $FCST) {
    $period = $FCST['name'];
    $fcsttext = $FCST['detailedForecast'];

    // $Status .= "<!-- raw $j='$period' '$fcsttext' -->\n";

    $fcsttext = str_replace("\n", ' ', $fcsttext);     // remove embedded new-line characters
		$fcsttext = preg_replace('|\s+|is',' ',$fcsttext); // remove extra spaces
    if (strpos($fcsttext, '&&') !== false) {
      $fcsttext = substr($fcsttext, 0, strpos($fcsttext, '&&') - 1);

    $fcsttext = trim($fcsttext);
    $Status.= "<!-- adj FCSTJSON['periods'][$j]='$period' '$fcsttext' -->\n";
    if (preg_match('/^(.*) (Through|And) (.*)/i', $period, $mtemp)) { // got period1 thru period2
      list($fcstLow, $fcstHigh) = explode("\t", split_fcst($fcsttext));
      $startPeriod = $mtemp[1];
      $periodType = $mtemp[2];
      $endPeriod = $mtemp[3];
      $startIndex = 0;
      $endIndex = 0;
      $Status.= "<!-- splitting $periodType '$period'='$fcsttext' -->\n";
      for ($k = 0; $k < count($fcstPeriods); $k++) { // find Starting and ending period indices
        if (!$startIndex and $startPeriod == $fcstPeriods[$k]) {
          $startIndex = $k;

        if ($startIndex and !$endIndex and $endPeriod == $fcstPeriods[$k]) {
          $endIndex = $k;

      for ($k = $startIndex; $k <= $endIndex; $k++) { // now generate the period names and appropriate fcst
        if (preg_match('|night|i', $fcstPeriods[$k])) {
          $forecasttext[$i] = $fcstLow;
        else {
          $forecasttext[$i] = $fcstHigh;

        $forecasttitles[$i] = $fcstPeriods[$k];
        $Status.= "<!-- $periodType $j, $i, '" . $forecasttitles[$i] . "'='" . $forecasttext[$i] . "' -->\n";

      $Status.= "<!-- end splitting -->\n\n";

    $forecasttitles[$i] = $period;
    $forecasttext[$i] = strip_tags($fcsttext);
    $Status.= "<!-- normal $j, $i, '" . $forecasttitles[$i] . "'='" . $forecasttext[$i] . "' -->\n\n";
  } // end of multi-day forecast split
  $nfcsts = $i - 1;
  for ($i = 0; $i <= $nfcsts; $i++) { // interpret the text for icons, summary, temp, PoP
    list($forecasticons[$i], $forecasttemp[$i], $forecastpop[$i]) = explode("\t", make_zone_icon($forecasttitles[$i], $forecasttext[$i]));
    $forecasticons[$i] = preg_replace('/&/', '&amp;', $forecasticons[$i]);
    if ($doDebug) {
      $Status.= "<!-- i=$i name='" . $forecasttitles[$i] . "' " . "temp='" . $forecasttemp[$i] . "' " . "\ndetail='" . $forecasttext[$i] . "' " . "\nicon='" . $forecasticons[$i] . "' -->\n\n";
  } // end interpret text for icons

  // end forecast ZONE processing

else { // Oops.. got neither point nor zone forecast.
  $forecasttitles = array();
  $forecasttext = array();
  $forecasticons = array();
  $forecasttemp = array();
  $PrintMode = true;
  if (isset($doPrintNWS) && !$doPrintNWS) {
    $PrintMode = false;;

  if (isset($_REQUEST['inc']) && strtolower($_REQUEST['inc']) == 'noprint') {
    $PrintMode = false;

  if ($PrintMode) { ?>
  <table style="width: 640px; border: none;">
    <tr style="text-align: center;">
      <td><b>National Weather Service Forecast for: </b><span style="color: green;">
    echo $NOAAlocation; ?></span>
    echo $ddMenu ?>

  if ($PrintMode) {
    print "<p>Sorry.. the forecast for $NOAAlocation is not available at this time.</p>\n";

  print $Status;
  if ($PrintMode and strlen($headers) > 0) {
    print "<p>NWS server $lastURL has an error.</p>\n";
    print "<p>View the source of this page for additional information in HTML comments.</p>\n";

  $forecastValid = false;
  return; // back to the calling program (if any)
} // end zone/point/nada forecast processing
$forecastValid = true;
$Status.= "<!-- forecast updated '$rawUpdated' ($forecastupdated) for lat,long or zone '$forecastlatlong' -->\n";

// -- now get an alert for the zone (if any)

$forecastwarnings = '';
$alertCacheName = str_replace('.txt', '-alerts.txt', $cacheName);
$alerthtml = '';

if ($Force == 1 or $Force == 2 or !file_exists($alertCacheName) or (file_exists($alertCacheName) and filemtime($alertCacheName) + 300 < time())) {
  $alerthtml = ADV_fetchUrlWithoutHanging($alertURL);
  $fSize = strlen($alerthtml);
  $Status.= "<!-- loaded alert for $NOAAZone from $alertURL - $fSize bytes -->\n";
  if (preg_match('/Location: (.*)\r\n/Uis', $alerthtml, $matches)) {
    $newLoc = $matches[1];
    $newurl = APIURL . $newLoc;
    $alerthtml = ADV_fetchUrlWithoutHanging($newurl);
    $fSize = strlen($alerthtml);
    $Status.= "<!-- loaded alert from redirect $newurl - $fSize bytes -->\n";

  if (strpos($alerthtml, '[') !== false) { // got a file.. save it
    $fp = fopen($alertCacheName, "w");
    if ($fp) {
      $write = fputs($fp, $alerthtml);
      $Status.= "<!-- wrote cache file $alertCacheName -->\n";
    else {
      $Status.= "<!-- unable to write cache file $alertCacheName -->\n";
elseif (file_exists($alertCacheName)) {
  $alerthtml = file_get_contents($alertCacheName);
  $Status.= "<!-- alerts loaded from $alertCacheName -->\n";
else {
  $Status.= "<!-- alerts information not available -->\n";

list($alertHeaders, $alertContents) = explode("\r\n\r\n", $alerthtml . "\r\n\r\n");

if (strlen($alertContents) > 1) { // got some alerts.. process
  $ALERTJSON = json_decode($alertContents, true);
  if($doDebug) {$Status.= "<!-- ALERTJSON\n" . print_r($ALERTJSON, true) . " -->\n";}
  [0] => Array
  [id] => NWS-IDP-PROD-2135097-1993381
  [event] => Wind Advisory
  [product_issued] => 2016-11-19T11:29:39+00:00
  [product_expires] => 2016-11-19T18:00:00+00:00
  [event_starts] => 2016-11-19T11:29:00+00:00
  [event_ends] => 2016-11-20T02:00:00+00:00
  [headline] => Wind Advisory issued November 19 at 3:29AM PST expiring November 19 at 6:00PM PST by NWS San Francisco CA
  [urgency] => Expected
  [severity] => Moderate
  [certainty] => Likely
  [description] => * TIMING...TO 6 PM SATURDAY EVENING.

  // use the API alerts feed

  if (is_array($ALERTJSON) and isset($ALERTJSON['features'][0])) {
    $Status.= "<!-- preparing " . count($ALERTJSON['features']) . " warning links -->\n";
    $Status.= "<!-- now " . date($timeFormat) . " (" . gmdate($timeFormat) . ") -->\n";
    foreach($ALERTJSON['features'] as $i => $rawALERT) {
			$ALERT = $rawALERT['properties'];  // geo+json format
      $expireUTC = strtotime($ALERT['expires']);
      $Status.= "<!-- alert expires " . date($timeFormat, $expireUTC) . " (" . $ALERT['expires'] . ") -->\n";
      if ( 
			    (time() < $expireUTC)  && // V5.15 unexpired alerts w/in one of our zones - thanks to Jasiu!
					  (in_array($META["forecastZone"], $ALERT["geocode"]["UGC"]) ) ||
            (in_array($META["fireWeatherZone"], $ALERT["geocode"]["UGC"]) ) ||
            (in_array($META["countyZone"], $ALERT["geocode"]["UGC"]) ) 
        $forecastwarnings.= '<a href="' . ALERTURL . $ALERT['id'] . '"' . ' title="' . $ALERT['headline'] . "\n---\n" . $ALERT['description'] . '" target="_blank">' . '<strong><span style="color: red">' . $ALERT['event'] . "</span></strong></a><br/>\n";
      else {
        $Status.= "<!-- alert " . $ALERT['id'] . " " . $ALERT['headline'] . " expired - " . $ALERT['expires'] . " -->\n";
  else {
    $Status.= "<!-- no current hazard alerts for $NOAAZone -->\n";
} // end API feed processing

if(!file_put_contents($URLcacheFile,serialize($URLcache))) {
	$Status .= "<!-- Error: unable to save URLcache $URLcacheFile -->\n";
} else {
	$Status .= "<!-- URL cache saved to $URLcacheFile with ".count($URLcache). " entries. -->\n";

$forecastoffice = '';

if (isset($META['WFOname'])) {
  $forecastoffice = "National Weather Service " . $META['WFOname'];

if (isset($META['city']) and isset($META['state'])) {
  $forecastcity = $META['city'] . ', ' . $META['state'];

$IncludeMode = false;
$PrintMode = true;

if (isset($doPrintNWS) && !$doPrintNWS) {
  print $Status; // <------ print before return

if (isset($_REQUEST['inc']) && strtolower($_REQUEST['inc']) == 'noprint') {
  print $Status; // <------ print before return

if (isset($_REQUEST['inc']) && strtolower($_REQUEST['inc']) == 'y') {
  $IncludeMode = true;

if (isset($doIncludeNWS)) {
  $IncludeMode = $doIncludeNWS;

// finally, we can print the results if desired

if (!$IncludeMode and $PrintMode) { ?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="">
<title>NWS Forecast for <?php
  echo $forecastcity; ?></title>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<body style="font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:12px; background-color:#FFFFFF">


print $Status;

// if the forecast text is blank, prompt the visitor to force an update

if (strlen($forecasttext[0]) < 2 and $PrintMode) {
  if (!isset($PHP_SELF)) {

  echo '<br/><br/>Forecast blank? <a href="' . $PHP_SELF . '?force=1">Force Update</a><br/><br/>';

if ($PrintMode) {
  $tw = ($iconWidth + 8) * (1 + count($forecasticons) / 2);
  if ($tw < 620) {
    $tw = 620;

  $wdth = $iconWidth + 10 . 'px';
  <table style="width: <?php
  echo $tw; ?>px; border: none;">
    <tr style="text-align: center;">
      <td><b>National Weather Service Forecast for: </b><span style="color: green;">
  echo $forecastcity; ?></span><br />
        Issued by: <?php
  echo $forecastoffice; ?>
      <td style="text-align: center">Updated: <?php
  echo $forecastupdated; ?>
          </td><!--end forecastupdated-->
  echo $ddMenu ?>
	  <td style="text-align: center; font-size: 18px; margin: 0px auto;"><b><?php
  echo $NOAAlocation; ?></b>
  if ($showZoneWarning and $isZone <> '') {
    print "<br/><div style=\"border: 1px solid red; padding: 5px; font-size: 12px; margin: 3px;\">";
    print "<small>The detailed point forecast weather data is not currently available.<br/>";
    print "The zone forecast data for $NOAAZone (" . $META['zoneName'] . ") ";
    print "will be displayed<br/>until the point forecast data is again available.";
		if(isset($META['WFOphone']) and isset($META['WFOemail'])) {
			$t = parse_url($META['forecastGridDataURL']);
			print "<br/>If this persists, contact the NWS ".$META['WFOname']." WFO <br/> at ".
			  $META['WFOphone'] . " or email at ". $META['WFOemail'].
				"<br/> to have them update the point forecast for " . $t['path'] . 
				" on " . $t['host'];
    print "</small></div>\n";

     <td align="center">&nbsp;
   <table style="width: <?php
  echo $tw; ?>px; border: none; border-collapse: collapse; border-spacing: 2px;">
  if ($showTwoIconRows) { // show all icons in two rows

    // now loop over the $forecasticons array to build the two table rows with icons

    if (stripos($forecasttitles[0], 'night') !== false) {
      $iStart = - 1;
    else {
      $iStart = 0;

    print "<tr>\n";
    for ($i = 0; $i <= count($forecasticons); $i = $i + 2) { // day icon+cond
      print '<td style="width: ' . $wdth . '; text-align: center; vertical-align: top;">';
      if (isset($forecasticons[$i + $iStart])) {
        print $forecasticons[$i + $iStart];
      else {
        print "&nbsp;";

      print "</td>\n";

    print "</tr>\n";
    print "<tr>\n";
    for ($i = 0; $i <= count($forecasticons); $i = $i + 2) { // day temperatures
      print '<td style="width: ' . $wdth . '; text-align: center; vertical-align: top;">';
      if (isset($forecasttemp[$i + $iStart])) {
        print $forecasttemp[$i + $iStart];
      else {
        print "&nbsp;";

      print "</td>\n";

    print "</tr>\n";
    print "<tr><td colspan=\"8\">&nbsp;</td></tr>\n";
    print "<tr>\n";
    for ($i = 1; $i <= count($forecasticons) + 1; $i = $i + 2) { // night icons+conds
      print '<td style="width: ' . $wdth . '; text-align: center; vertical-align: top;">';
      if (isset($forecasticons[$i + $iStart])) {
        print $forecasticons[$i + $iStart];
      else {
        print "&nbsp;";

      print "</td>\n";

    print "</tr>\n";
    print "<tr>\n";
    for ($i = 1; $i <= count($forecasticons) + 1; $i = $i + 2) { // night temperatures
      print '<td style="width: ' . $wdth . '; text-align: center; vertical-align: top;">';
      if (isset($forecasttemp[$i + $iStart])) {
        print $forecasttemp[$i + $iStart];
      else {
        print "&nbsp;";

      print "</td>\n";

    print "</tr>\n";
    print "</table>\n\n";
    print "</td>\n</tr>\n";
  else { // show only first 9 icons (old style)
      <tr valign ="top" align="center">
    for ($i = 0; $i < 9; $i++) {
      print "<td style=\"width: 11%;\"><span style=\"font-size: 8pt;\">$forecasticons[$i]</span></td>\n";

  <tr valign ="top" align="center">
    for ($i = 0; $i < 9; $i++) {
      print "<td style=\"width: 11%;\">$forecasttemp[$i]</td>\n";

  } // end show only first 9 icons (old style)
  if ($forecastwarnings <> '') {
    print $forecastwarnings;


<table style="width: <?php
  echo $tw; ?>px; border: none; border-collapse: collapse; border-spacing: 2px;">
  for ($i = 0; $i < count($forecasttitles); $i++) {
    print "<tr>\n";
    print "<td style=\"width: 20%; text-align: left; vertical-align: top;\"><b>$forecasttitles[$i]</b><br />&nbsp;<br /></td>\n";
    print "<td style=\"width: 80%; text-align: left; vertical-align: top;\">$forecasttext[$i]</td>\n";
    print "</tr>\n";


<p>Forecast from <a href="<?php
  if (strlen($usingFile) > 0) {
    echo htmlspecialchars(''.$META['forecastZone'].'&zflg=1');
  else {
		list($lat,$lon) = explode(',',$META['point']);
		echo htmlspecialchars("$lat&lon=$lon&unit=0&lg=english");
//    echo htmlspecialchars( FCSTURL."/point/".$META['point']);
  } ?>">NOAA-NWS</a>
for <?php
  echo $forecastcity; ?>. <?php
  if ($isZone) {
    echo "(Zone forecast for " . $META['zoneName'] . ")";
  else {
    echo $usingFile;

  if ($iconType == '.gif') {
    print "<br/>Animated forecast icons courtesy of <a href=\"\"></a>.";

} // end printmode

if (!$IncludeMode and $PrintMode) { ?>
// end mainline code -- used functions are below
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

function ADV_fetchUrlWithoutHanging($inurl)

  // get contents from one URL and return as string

  global $Status, $needCookie,$doDebug,$doLogging,$curlStatus,$Version /*, $URLcache */;
  $useFopen = false;
  $overall_start = time();
	$curlStatus = '';
  if (!$useFopen) {

    // Set maximum number of seconds (can have floating-point) to wait for feed before displaying page without feed

    $numberOfSeconds = 6;
		$url = $inurl;
    // Thanks to Curly from for the cURL fetch functions

    $data = '';
    $domain = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_HOST);
    $theURL = str_replace('nocache', '?' . $overall_start, $url); // add cache-buster to URL if needed
    $curlStatus.= "<!-- curl fetching '$theURL' -->\n";
    $ch = curl_init(); // initialize a cURL session
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $theURL); // connect to provided URL
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0); // don't verify peer certificate
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Mozilla/5.0 (advforecast2.php (JSON) -');
//    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:58.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/58.0');
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, // request LD-JSON format
      "Accept: application/geo+json",
			"Cache-control: no-cache",
			"Pragma: akamai-x-cache-on, akamai-x-get-request-id"
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $numberOfSeconds); //  connection timeout
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, $numberOfSeconds); //  data timeout
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); // return the data transfer
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY, false); // set nobody
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, true); // include header information

      curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);              // follow Location: redirect
      curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, 1);                      //   but only one time

    if (isset($needCookie[$domain])) {
      curl_setopt($ch, $needCookie[$domain]); // set the cookie for this request
      curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIESESSION, true); // and ignore prior cookies
      $Status.= "<!-- cookie used '" . $needCookie[$domain] . "' for GET to $domain -->\n";

    $data = curl_exec($ch); // execute session
    if (curl_error($ch) <> '') { // IF there is an error
      $curlStatus.= "<!-- curl Error: " . curl_error($ch) . " -->\n"; //  display error notice

    $cinfo = curl_getinfo($ch); // get info on curl exec.
    curl info sample
    [url] =>
    [content_type] => text/plain
    [http_code] => 200
    [header_size] => 266
    [request_size] => 141
    [filetime] => -1
    [ssl_verify_result] => 0
    [redirect_count] => 0
    [total_time] => 0.125
    [namelookup_time] => 0.016
    [connect_time] => 0.063
    [pretransfer_time] => 0.063
    [size_upload] => 0
    [size_download] => 758
    [speed_download] => 6064
    [speed_upload] => 0
    [download_content_length] => 758
    [upload_content_length] => -1
    [starttransfer_time] => 0.125
    [redirect_time] => 0
    [redirect_url] =>
    [primary_ip] =>
    [certinfo] => Array
    [primary_port] => 80
    [local_ip] =>
    [local_port] => 54156
		if($url !== $cinfo['url'] and $cinfo['http_code'] == 200 and
		   strpos($url,'/points/') > 0 and strpos($cinfo['url'],'/gridpoints/') > 0) {
			# only cache point forecast->gridpoint forecast successful redirects
			$curlStatus .= "<!-- note: fetched '".$cinfo['url']."' after redirect was followed. -->\n";
			//$URLcache[$inurl] = $cinfo['url'];
			//$curlStatus .= "<!-- $inurl added to URLcache -->\n";

    $curlStatus.= "<!-- HTTP stats: " . " RC=" . $cinfo['http_code'];
		if (isset($cinfo['primary_ip'])) {
			$curlStatus .= " dest=" . $cinfo['primary_ip'];
    if (isset($cinfo['primary_port'])) {
      $curlStatus .= " port=" . $cinfo['primary_port'];

    if (isset($cinfo['local_ip'])) {
      $curlStatus.= " (from sce=" . $cinfo['local_ip'] . ")";

    $curlStatus.= "\n      Times:" . 
		" dns=" . sprintf("%01.3f", round($cinfo['namelookup_time'], 3)) . 
		" conn=" . sprintf("%01.3f", round($cinfo['connect_time'], 3)) . 
		" pxfer=" . sprintf("%01.3f", round($cinfo['pretransfer_time'], 3));
    if ($cinfo['total_time'] - $cinfo['pretransfer_time'] > 0.0000) {
      $curlStatus.= " get=" . sprintf("%01.3f", round($cinfo['total_time'] - $cinfo['pretransfer_time'], 3));

    $curlStatus.= " total=" . sprintf("%01.3f", round($cinfo['total_time'], 3)) . " secs -->\n";

    // $curlStatus .= "<!-- curl info\n".print_r($cinfo,true)." -->\n";

    curl_close($ch); // close the cURL session

    // $curlStatus .= "<!-- raw data\n".$data."\n -->\n";
    $stuff = explode("\r\n\r\n",$data); // maybe we have more than one header due to redirects.
    $content = (string)array_pop($stuff); // last one is the content
    $headers = (string)array_pop($stuff); // next-to-last-one is the headers

    if ($cinfo['http_code'] <> '200') {
      $curlStatus.= "<!-- headers returned:\n" . $headers . "\n -->\n";
			if($doLogging) {ADV_log('Fetch fail',$curlStatus); }
    $Status .= $curlStatus;
    return $data; // return headers+contents
  else {

    //   print "<!-- using file_get_contents function -->\n";

    $STRopts = array(
      'http' => array(
        'method' => "GET",
        'protocol_version' => 1.1,
        'header' => "Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate\r\n" . 
					"Cache-control: max-age=0\r\n" . 
					"Connection: close\r\n" . 
					"User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (advforecast2.php -\r\n" . 
					"Accept: application/geo+json\r\n"
      ) ,
      'ssl' => array(
        'method' => "GET",
        'protocol_version' => 1.1,
				'verify_peer' => false,
        'header' => "Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate\r\n" . 
					"Cache-control: max-age=0\r\n" . 
					"Connection: close\r\n" . 
					"User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (advforecast2.php -\r\n" . 
					"Accept: application/geo+json\r\n"
    $STRcontext = stream_context_create($STRopts);
    $T_start = ADV_fetch_microtime();
    $xml = file_get_contents($inurl, false, $STRcontext);
    $T_close = ADV_fetch_microtime();
    $headerarray = get_headers($url, 0);
    $theaders = join("\r\n", $headerarray);
    $xml = $theaders . "\r\n\r\n" . $xml;
    $ms_total = sprintf("%01.3f", round($T_close - $T_start, 3));
    $curlStatus.= "<!-- file_get_contents() stats: total=$ms_total secs -->\n";
    $curlStatus.= "<-- get_headers returns\n" . $theaders . "\n -->\n";

    //   print " file() stats: total=$ms_total secs.\n";

    $overall_end = time();
    $overall_elapsed = $overall_end - $overall_start;
    $curlStatus.= "<!-- fetch function elapsed= $overall_elapsed secs. -->\n";

    //   print "fetch function elapsed= $overall_elapsed secs.\n";
    $Status .= $curlStatus;
    return ($xml);
} // end ADV_fetchUrlWithoutHanging

// ------------------------------------------------------------------

function ADV_fetch_microtime()
  list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());
  return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);

// ------------------------------------------------------------------

function ADV_log($msg,$details)
	global $doLogging,$doLoggingDetail,$Version,$cacheFileDir,$Status,$META;
	if(!$doLogging and !$doLoggingDetail) {return; }
	$text = "---------------------------------------------\n";
	$text .= gmdate('c').' (local: '.date('r').") - $Version\n";
	$text .= "$msg\n";
	$text .= "$details\n";
	$fname = $cacheFileDir.'advforecast2-log-'.date('Y-m-d').'.txt';
	if(isset($doLoggingDetail) and $doLoggingDetail) {
	  $Status .= "<!-- logged '$msg' to '$fname' -->\n";
	if(!$doLogging) { return; }
<!-- curl fetching ',134/forecast' -->
<!-- HTTP stats:  RC=500 dest= port=443 (from sce=
      Times: dns=0.002 conn=0.015 pxfer=0.060 get=1.182 total=1.242 secs -->
<!-- headers returned:
HTTP/2 500 
server: nginx/1.16.1
content-type: application/problem+json
access-control-allow-origin: *
access-control-allow-headers: Feature-Flags
x-request-id: a81c0162-6bc5-414e-aaa3-948837fd9487
x-correlation-id: a81c0162-6bc5-414e-aaa3-948837fd9487
pragma: no-cache
content-length: 325
cache-control: private, must-revalidate, max-age=883
expires: Wed, 08 Jul 2020 19:09:06 GMT
date: Wed, 08 Jul 2020 18:54:23 GMT
vary: Accept,Feature-Flags,Accept-Language
strict-transport-security: max-age=31536000 ; includeSubDomains ; preload
	preg_match('!curl fetching \'(\S+)\' !Uis',$details,$m);
	if(isset($m[1])) {$url = trim($m[1]);} else {$url = '';}
	preg_match('!RC=(\S+) dest=(\S+) .*from sce=(\S+)\)!Uis',$details,$m);
	if(isset($m[2])) {
		$RC = $m[1];
		$IP = $m[2];
		$SIP = $m[3];
	} else {
		$RC = '';
		$IP = '';
		$SIP = '';
	if(preg_match('!Stale Age=(\S+) !Uis',$details,$m)) {
		$RC = 'stale ' . trim($m[1]);
		if($url == '' and isset($META['forecastURL'])) {$url = $META['forecastURL']; }
	if($RC == '0' and preg_match('!timed out after (\S+) !Uis',$details,$m)) {
		$RC = 'timeout ' . trim($m[1]).'ms';
	preg_match('!x-server-id: (.+)\n!Uis',$details,$m);
	if(isset($m[1])) { $svrid = trim($m[1]); } else {$svrid= '';}
	preg_match('!x-request-id: (.+)\n!Uis',$details,$m);
	if(isset($m[1])) { $reqid = trim($m[1]); } else {$reqid= '';}
	preg_match('!x-cache: (.+)\n!Uis',$details,$m);
	if(isset($m[1])) { $cache = trim($m[1]); } else {$cache= '';}
	preg_match('!date: (.+)\n!Uis',$details,$m);
	if(isset($m[1])) { $cdate = trim($m[1]); } else {$cdate= '';}
	preg_match('!expires: (.+)\n!Uis',$details,$m);
	if(isset($m[1])) { $edate = trim($m[1]); } else {$edate= '';}
	$text = join("\t",array(date('c'),$url,$RC,$IP,$svrid,$reqid,$cache,$cdate,$edate,$SIP))."\n";
	$fname = $cacheFileDir.'advforecast2-log-'.date('Y-m-d').'.csv';
	if(!file_exists($fname)) {
		$text = join("\t",array('Date','URL','RC','IP','SRV-ID','REQ-ID','X-Cache','Hdr-Date','Expires','FromIP'))."\n".$text;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// split off Low and High from multiday forecast

function split_fcst($fcst)
  global $Status;
  $f = explode(". ", $fcst . ' ');
  $lowpart = 0;
  $highpart = 0;
  foreach($f as $n => $part) { // find the Low and High sentences
    if (preg_match('/Low/i', $part)) {
      $lowpart = $n;

    if (preg_match('/High/i', $part)) {
      $highpart = $n;

  $f[$lowpart] = preg_replace('|(\d+) below|s', "-$1", $f[$lowpart]);
  $f[$lowpart] = preg_replace('/( above| below| zero)/s', '', $f[$lowpart]);
  $f[$lowpart].= '.';
  $f[$highpart] = preg_replace('|(\d+) below|s', "-$1", $f[$highpart]);
  $f[$highpart] = preg_replace('/( above| below| zero)/s', '', $f[$highpart]);
  $f[$highpart].= '.';
  $replpart = min($lowpart, $highpart) - 1;
  $fcststr = '';
  for ($i = 0; $i <= $replpart; $i++) {
    $fcststr.= $f[$i] . '. ';
  } // generate static fcst text
  $fcstLow = $fcststr . ' ' . $f[$lowpart];
  $fcstHigh = $fcststr . ' ' . $f[$highpart];
  return ("$fcstLow\t$fcstHigh");

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// function make_zone_icon: parse text and find suitable icon from zone forecast text for period

function make_zone_icon($day, $textforecast)
  global $Conditions, $Status, $iconDir, $iconType, $doDebug, $iconHeight, $iconWidth;

  $icon = "<strong>";
  if (strpos($day, ' ') !== false) {
    $icon.= wordwrap($day, 10, "<br/>", false) . '<br/>';
  else {
    $icon.= $day . '<br/><br/>';

  $icon.= '</strong>';
  $temperature = 'n/a';
  $pop = '';
  $iconimage = 'na.jpg';
  $condition = 'N/A';
  if (preg_match('|(\S+) (\d+) percent|', $textforecast, $mtemp)) { // found a PoP
    $pop = $mtemp[2];

  if (preg_match('|Chance of precipitation is (\d+)\s*%|', $textforecast, $mtemp)) { // found a zone pop
    $pop = $mtemp[1];
    if ($doDebug) {
      $Status.= "<!-- pop='$pop' found -->\n";

  // handle negative temperatures in zone forecast

  $textforecast = preg_replace('/([\d|-]+) below/i', "-$1", $textforecast);
  $textforecast = preg_replace('/zero/', '0', $textforecast);
  if (preg_match('/(High[s]{0,1}|Low[s]{0,1}|Temperatures nearly steady|Temperatures falling to|Temperatures rising to|Near steady temperature|with a high|with a low) (in the upper|in the lower|in the mid|in the low to mid|in the lower to mid|in the mid to upper|in the|around|near|nearly|above|below|from) ([\d|-]+)[s]{0,1}/i', $textforecast, $mtemp)) { // found temp
    if ($doDebug) {
      $Status.= "<!-- mtemp " . print_r($mtemp, true) . " -->\n";

    if (isset($mtemp[1]) and preg_match('|with a |', $mtemp[1])) {
      $mtemp[1] = ucfirst(preg_replace('|with a |', '', $mtemp[1]));
      if ($doDebug) {
        $Status.= "<!-- mtemp modded to " . print_r($mtemp, true) . " -->\n";

    if (substr($mtemp[1], 0, 1) == 'T' or substr($mtemp[1], 0, 1) == 'N') { // use day for highs/night for lows if 'Temperatures nearly steady'
      $mtemp[1] = 'Highs';
      if (preg_match('|night|i', $day)) {
        $mtemp[1] = 'Lows';

    $tcolor = '#FF0000';
    if (strtoupper(substr($mtemp[1], 0, 1)) == 'L') {
      $tcolor = '#0000FF';

    $temperature = ucfirst(substr($mtemp[1], 0, 2) . ' <span style="color: ' . $tcolor . '">');
    $t = $mtemp[3]; // the raw temp
    if (preg_match('/(low to mid|lower to mid|mid to upper|upper|lower|mid)/', $mtemp[2], $ttemp)) {
      if ($doDebug) {
        $Status.= "<!-- ttemp " . print_r($ttemp, true) . " -->\n";

      $t = $t + 5;
      if ($ttemp[1] == 'upper') {
        $temperature.= '&gt;' . $t;

      if ($ttemp[1] == 'lower') {
        $temperature.= '&lt;' . $t;

      if ($ttemp[1] == 'mid') {
        $temperature.= '&asymp;' . $t;

      if ($ttemp[1] == 'low to mid' or $ttemp[1] == 'lower to mid') {
        $t = $t - 2;
        $temperature.= '&asymp;' . $t;

      if ($ttemp[1] == 'mid to upper') {
        $t = $t + 2;
        $temperature.= '&asymp;' . $t;

    if (!isset($ttemp[1]) and !preg_match('/(near|around)/', $mtemp[2])) {

      // special case '[Highs|Lows] in the dds.'

      $t = $t + 5;
      $temperature.= '&asymp;' . $t;
    elseif (preg_match('/(near|around)/', $mtemp[2], $ttemp)) {
      $temperature.= '&asymp;' . $mtemp[3];

    $temperature.= '&deg;F</span>';

  if (preg_match('/(Highs|Lows) ([\d|-]+) to ([\d|-]+)/i', $textforecast, $mtemp)) { // temp range forecast
    $tcolor = '#FF0000';
    if (strtoupper(substr($mtemp[1], 0, 1)) == 'L') {
      $tcolor = '#0000FF';

    $temperature = ucfirst(substr($mtemp[1], 0, 2) . ' <span style="color: ' . $tcolor . '">');
    $tavg = sprintf("%0d", round(($mtemp[3] + $mtemp[2]) / 2, 0));
    $temperature.= '&asymp;' . $tavg . '&deg;F</span>';

  if ($temperature == 'n/a') {
    if (preg_match('|night|i', $day)) {
      $temperature = 'Lo ' . $temperature;
    else {
      $temperature = 'Hi ' . $temperature;

  // now look for harshest conditions first.. (in order in -data file

  reset($Conditions); // Do search in load order
  foreach($Conditions as $cond => $condrec) { // look for matching condition
    if (preg_match("!$cond!i", $textforecast, $mtemp)) {
      list($dayicon, $nighticon, $condition) = explode("\t", $condrec);
      if (preg_match('|night|i', $day)) {
        $iconimage = $nighticon . $pop . $iconType;
      else {
        $iconimage = $dayicon . $pop . $iconType;

  } // end of conditions search
  $iconimage = preg_replace('|skc\d+|', 'skc', $iconimage); // handle funky SKC+a POP in forecast.
  $shortCond = str_replace('hunderstorm', "-Storm", $condition);
  $icon.= '<img src="' . $iconDir . $iconimage .
	  '" height="' . $iconHeight . '" width="' . $iconWidth . '" ' .
		'alt="' . $condition . '" title="' . $condition . '" /><br/>' . $shortCond;
  return ("$icon\t$temperature\t$pop");
} // end make_zone_icon function

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// load the $Conditions array for icon selection based on key phrases

function load_cond_data()
  global $Conditions, $Status;
  $Condstring = '
cond|tornado|nsvrtsra|nsvrtsra|Severe storm|
cond|showery or intermittent. Some thunder|scttsra|nscttsra|Showers storms|
cond|thunder possible|scttsra|nscttsra|Showers storms|
cond|thunder|tsra|ntsra|Thunder storm|
cond|rain and sleet|raip|nraip|Rain Sleet|
cond|freezing rain and snow|fzra_sn|nfzra_sn|FrzgRn Snow|
cond|snow and freezing rain|fzra_sn|nfzra_sn|FrzgRn Snow|
cond|chance of snow and rain|rasn|nrasn|Chance Snow/Rain|
cond|chance of rain and snow|rasn|nrasn|Chance Snow/Rain|
cond|rain and snow|rasn|nrasn|Rain and Snow|
cond|rain or snow|rasn|nrasn|Rain or Snow|
cond|freezing rain|fzra|fzra|Freezing Rain|
cond|rain likely|ra|nra|Rain likely|
cond|snow showers|sn|nsn|Snow showers|
cond|showers likely|shra|nshra|Showers likely|
cond|chance showers|shra|nshra|Chance showers|
cond|isolated showers|shra|nshra|Isolated showers|
cond|scattered showers|shra|nshra|Scattered showers|
cond|chance of rain|ra|nra|Chance rain|
cond|fog in the morning|sctfg|nbknfg|Fog a.m.|
cond|fog after midnight|sctfg|nbknfg|Fog late|
cond|wind chill down to -|cold|cold|Very Cold|
cond|heat index up to 1|hot|hot|Very Hot|
cond|mostly cloudy|bkn|nbkn|Mostly Cloudy|
cond|partly cloudy|sct|nsct|Partly Cloudy|
cond|partly sunny and windy|wind_sct|nwind_sct|Partly Sunny|
cond|mostly sunny and windy|wind_few|nwind_few|Mostly Sunny|
cond|partly sunny and breezy|wind_sct|nwind_sct|Partly Sunny|
cond|mostly sunny and breezy|wind_few|nwind_few|Mostly Sunny|
cond|partly sunny|sct|nsct|Partly Sunny|
cond|mostly sunny|few|nfew|Mostly Sunny|
cond|mostly clear|few|nfew|Mostly Clear|
cond|cloud|bkn|nbkn|Variable Clouds|
  $config = explode("\n", $Condstring);
  foreach($config as $key => $rec) { // load the parser condition strings
    $recin = trim($rec);
    if ($recin and substr($recin, 0, 1) <> '#') { // got a non comment record
      list($type, $keyword, $dayicon, $nighticon, $condition) = explode('|', $recin . '|||||');
      if (isset($type) and strtolower($type) == 'cond' and isset($condition)) {
        $Conditions["$keyword"] = "$dayicon\t$nighticon\t$condition";
    } // end if not comment or blank
  } // end loading of loop over config recs
} // end of load_cond_data function

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

function load_lookups()

  // static lookup arrays

  global $fcstPeriods, $NWSICONLIST;
  $fcstPeriods = array( // for filling in the '<period> Through <period>' zone forecasts.
    'Monday Night',
    'Tuesday Night',
    'Wednesday Night',
    'Thursday Night',
    'Friday Night',
    'Saturday Night',
    'Sunday Night',
    'Monday Night',
    'Tuesday Night',
    'Wednesday Night',
    'Thursday Night',
    'Friday Night',
    'Saturday Night',
    'Sunday Night'
  /* original list:
  $NWSICONLIST = array(
  #  index is new icon name
  #  imagename is original image name (for which we have icons available)
  #  PoP flag controls if PoP is written on output or not.
  #  ScePosition controls if image is pulled from Left, Middle or Right of source image
  #  Text Name - optional, just a reminder of what it means
  #  imgname | PoP?=[YN] | ScePosition=[LMR] | Text Name (optional)
  'bkn' =>  'bkn|N|L|Broken Clouds',
  'night/bkn' =>  'nbkn|N|L|Night Broken Clouds',
  'blizzard' =>  'blizzard|Y|L|Blizzard',
  'night/blizzard' =>  'nblizzard|Y|L|Night Blizzard',
  'cold' =>  'cold|Y|L|Cold',
  'night/cold' =>  'cold|Y|L|Cold',
  #  'cloudy' =>  'cloudy|Y|L|Overcast (old cloudy)',
  'dust' =>  'du|N|M|Dust',
  'night/dust' =>  'ndu|N|M|Night Dust',
  #  'fc' =>  'fc|N|L|Funnel Cloud',
  #  'nsvrtsra' =>  'nsvrtsra|N|L|Funnel Cloud (old)',
  'few' =>  'few|Y|L|Few Clouds',
  'night/few' =>  'nfew|Y|L|Night Few Clouds',
  #  'fg' =>  'fg|N|R|Fog',
  #  'br' =>  'br|Y|R|Fog / mist old',
  #  'fu' =>  'fu|N|L|Smoke',
  'fog' =>  'nfg|N|R|Night Fog',
  'night/fog' =>  'nfg|N|R|Night Fog',
  'fzra' =>  'fzra|Y|L|Freezing rain',
  'night/fzra' =>  'nfzra|Y|L|Night Freezing Rain',
  #  'fzrara' =>  'fzrara|Y|L|Rain/Freezing Rain (old)',
  'snow_fzra' =>  'fzra_sn|Y|L|Freezing Rain/Snow',
  'night/snow_fzra' =>  'nfzra_sn|Y|L|Night Freezing Rain/Snow',
  #  'mix' =>  'mix|Y|L|Freezing Rain/Snow',
  #  'hi_bkn' =>  'hi_bkn|Y|L|Broken Clouds (old)',
  #  'hi_few' =>  'hi_few|Y|L|Few Clouds (old)',
  #  'hi_sct' =>  'hi_sct|N|L|Scattered Clouds (old)',
  #  'hi_skc' =>  'hi_skc|N|L|Clear Sky (old)',
  #  'hi_nbkn' =>  'hi_nbkn|Y|L|Night Broken Clouds (old)',
  #  'hi_nfew' =>  'hi_nfew|Y|L|Night Few Clouds (old)',
  #  'hi_nsct' =>  'hi_nsct|N|L|Night Scattered Clouds (old)',
  #  'hi_nskc' =>  'hi_nskc|N|L|Night Clear Sky (old)',
  #  'hi_nshwrs' =>  'hi_nshwrs|Y|R|Night Showers',
  #  'hi_ntsra' =>  'hi_ntsra|Y|L|Night Thunderstorm',
  #  'hi_shwrs' =>  'hi_shwrs|Y|R|Showers',
  #  'hi_tsra' =>  'hi_tsra|Y|L|Thunderstorm',
  'hur_warn' =>  'hur_warn|N|L|Hurrican Warning',
  'night/hur_warn' =>  'hur_warn|N|L|Hurrican Warning',
  'hur_watch' =>  'hur_watch|N|L|Hurricane Watch',
  'night/hur_watch' =>  'hur_watch|N|L|Hurricane Watch',
  #  'hurr' =>  'hurr|N|L|Hurrican Warning old',
  #  'hurr-noh' =>  'hurr-noh|N|L|Hurricane Watch old',
  'hazy' =>  'hz|N|L|Haze',
  'night/hazy' =>  'hz|N|L|Haze',
  #  'hazy' =>  'hazy|N|L|Haze old',
  'hot' =>  'hot|N|R|Hot',
  'night/hot' =>  'hot|N|R|Hot',
  'sleet' =>  'ip|Y|L|Ice Pellets',
  'night/sleet' =>  'nip|Y|L|Night Ice Pellets',
  #  'minus_ra' =>  'minus_ra|Y|L|Stopped Raining',
  #  'ra1' =>  'ra1|N|L|Stopped Raining (old)',
  #  'mist' =>  'mist|N|R|Mist (fog) (old)',
  #  'ncloudy' =>  'ncloudy|Y|L|Overcast night(old ncloudy)',
  #  'ndu' =>  'ndu|N|M|Night Dust',
  #  'nfc' =>  'nfc|N|L|Night Funnel Cloud',
  #  'nbr' =>  'nbr|Y|R|Night Fog/mist (old)',
  #  'nfu' =>  'nfu|N|L|Night Smoke',
  #  'nmix' =>  'nmix|Y|30|Night Freezing Rain/Snow (old)',
  #  'nrasn' =>  'nrasn|Y|M|Night Snow (old)',
  #  'pcloudyn' =>  'pcloudyn|Y|L|Night Partly Cloudy (old)',
  #  'nscttsra' =>  'nscttsra|Y|M|Night Scattered Thunderstorm',
  #  'nsn_ip' =>  'nsn_ip|Y|L|Night Snow/Ice Pellets (old)',
  #  'nwind' =>  'nwind|N|5|Night Windy/Clear (old)',
  'ovc' =>  'ovc|N|L|Overcast',
  'night/ovc' =>  'novc|N|L|Night Overcast',
  'rain' =>  'ra|Y|30|Rain',
  'night/rain' =>  'nra|Y|30|Night Rain',
  'rain_sleet' =>  'raip|Y|M|Rain/Ice Pellets',
  'night/rain_sleet' =>  'nraip|Y|M|Night Rain/Ice Pellets',
  'rain_fzra' =>  'ra_fzra|Y|30|Rain/Freezing Rain',
  'night/rain_fzra' =>  'nra_fzra|Y|30|Night Freezing Rain',
  'rain_snow' =>  'ra_sn|Y|M|Rain/Snow',
  'night/rain_snow' =>  'nra_sn|Y|M|Night Rain/Snow',
  #  'rasn' =>  'rasn|Y|M|Rain/Snow (old)',
  'sct' =>  'sct|N|L|name',
  'night/sct' =>  'nsct|N|L|Night Scattered Clouds',
  #  'pcloudy' =>  'pcloudy|Y|L|Partly Cloudy (old)',
  #  'scttsra' =>  'scttsra|Y|M|name',
  'rain_showers' =>  'shra|Y|10|Rain Showers',
  'night/rain_showers' =>  'nshra|Y|8|Night Rain Showers',
  #  'shra2' =>  'shra2|N|10|Rain Showers (old)',
  'skc' =>  'skc|N|L|Clear',
  'night/skc' =>  'nskc|N|L|Night Clear',
  'snow' =>  'sn|Y|L|Snow',
  'night/snow' =>  'nsn|Y|L|Night Snow',
  'snow_sleet' =>  'snip|Y|L|Snow/Ice Pellets',
  'night/snow_sleet' =>  'nsnip|Y|L|Night Snow/Ice Pellets',
  'smoke' =>  'smoke|N|L|Smoke',
  'night/smoke' =>  'nsmoke|N|L|Smoke', // NEW - Nov-2016
  #  'sn_ip' =>  'sn_ip|Y|L|Snow/Ice Pellets (old)',
  #  'tcu' =>  'tcu|N|L|Towering Cumulus (old)',
  'tornado' =>  'tor|N|L|Tornado',
  'night/tornado' =>  'ntor|N|L|Night Tornado',
  'tsra' =>  'tsra|Y|10|Thunderstorm',
  'night/tsra' =>  'ntsra|Y|8|Night Thunderstorm',
  #  'tstormn' =>  'tstormn|N|L|Thunderstorm night (old)',
  #  'ts_nowarn' =>  'ts_nowarn|N|L|Tropical Storm',
  'ts_warn' =>  'ts_warn|N|L|Tropical Storm Warning',
  'night/ts_warn' =>  'ts_warn|N|L|Tropical Storm Warning',
  #  'tropstorm-noh' =>  'tropstorm-noh|N|L|Tropical Storm old',
  #  'tropstorm' =>  'tropstorm|N|L|Tropical Storm Warning old',
  'ts_watch' =>  'ts_watch|N|L|Tropical Storm Watch',
  'night/ts_watch' =>  'ts_watch|N|L|Tropical Storm Watch',
  #  'ts_hur_flags' =>  'ts_hur_flags|Y|L|Hurrican Warning old',
  #  'ts_no_flag' =>  'ts_no_flag|Y|L|Tropical Storm old',
  'wind_bkn' =>  'wind_bkn|N|8|Windy/Broken Clouds',
  'night/wind_bkn' =>  'nwind_bkn|N|5|Night Windy/Broken Clouds',
  'wind_few' =>  'wind_few|N|8|Windy/Few Clouds',
  'night/wind_few' =>  'nwind_few|N|5|Night Windy/Few Clouds',
  'wind_ovc' =>  'wind_ovc|N|8|Windy/Overcast',
  'night/wind_ovc' =>  'nwind_ovc|N|5|Night Windy/Overcast',
  'wind_sct' =>  'wind_sct|N|8|Windy/Scattered Clouds',
  'night/wind_sct' =>  'nwind_sct|N|5|Night Windy/Scattered Clouds',
  'wind_skc' =>  'wind_skc|N|8|Windy/Clear',
  'night/wind_skc' =>  'nwind_skc|N|5|Night Windy/Clear',
  #  'wind' =>  'wind|N|L|Windy/Clear (old)',
  'na'       => 'N|L|Not Available',
  $NWSICONLIST = array(

    //  index is new icon name
    //  imagename is original image name (for which we have icons available)
    //  PoP flag controls if PoP is written on output or not.
    //  ScePosition controls if image is pulled from Left, Middle or Right of source image
    //  Text Name - optional, just a reminder of what it means
    //  imgname | PoP?=[YN] | ScePosition=[LMR] | Text Name (optional)

    'bkn' => 'bkn|N|L|Broken Clouds',
    'night/bkn' => 'nbkn|N|L|Night Broken Clouds',
    'blizzard' => 'blizzard|Y|L|Blizzard',
    'night/blizzard' => 'nblizzard|Y|L|Night Blizzard',
    'cold' => 'cold|Y|L|Cold',
    'night/cold' => 'cold|Y|L|Cold',

    //  'cloudy' =>  'cloudy|Y|L|Overcast (old cloudy)',

    'dust' => 'du|N|22|Dust',
    'night/dust' => 'ndu|N|22|Night Dust',

    //  'fc' =>  'fc|N|L|Funnel Cloud',
    //  'nsvrtsra' =>  'nsvrtsra|N|L|Funnel Cloud (old)',

    'few' => 'few|Y|L|Few Clouds',
    'night/few' => 'nfew|Y|L|Night Few Clouds',

    //  'fg' =>  'fg|N|R|Fog',
    //  'br' =>  'br|Y|R|Fog / mist old',
    //  'fu' =>  'fu|N|L|Smoke',

    'fog' => 'fg|N|R|Fog',
    'night/fog' => 'nfg|N|R|Night Fog',
    'fzra' => 'fzra|Y|L|Freezing rain',
    'night/fzra' => 'nfzra|Y|L|Night Freezing Rain',

    //  'fzrara' =>  'fzrara|Y|L|Rain/Freezing Rain (old)',

    'snow_fzra' => 'fzra_sn|Y|L|Freezing Rain/Snow',
    'night/snow_fzra' => 'nfzra_sn|Y|L|Night Freezing Rain/Snow',

    //  'mix' =>  'mix|Y|L|Freezing Rain/Snow',
    //  'hi_bkn' =>  'hi_bkn|Y|L|Broken Clouds (old)',
    //  'hi_few' =>  'hi_few|Y|L|Few Clouds (old)',
    //  'hi_sct' =>  'hi_sct|N|L|Scattered Clouds (old)',
    //  'hi_skc' =>  'hi_skc|N|L|Clear Sky (old)',
    //  'hi_nbkn' =>  'hi_nbkn|Y|L|Night Broken Clouds (old)',
    //  'hi_nfew' =>  'hi_nfew|Y|L|Night Few Clouds (old)',
    //  'hi_nsct' =>  'hi_nsct|N|L|Night Scattered Clouds (old)',
    //  'hi_nskc' =>  'hi_nskc|N|L|Night Clear Sky (old)',
    //  'hi_nshwrs' =>  'hi_nshwrs|Y|R|Night Showers',
    //  'hi_ntsra' =>  'hi_ntsra|Y|L|Night Thunderstorm',
    //  'hi_shwrs' =>  'hi_shwrs|Y|R|Showers',
    //  'hi_tsra' =>  'hi_tsra|Y|L|Thunderstorm',

    'hur_warn' => 'hur_warn|N|L|Hurrican Warning',
    'night/hur_warn' => 'hur_warn|N|L|Hurrican Warning',
    "hurr_warn" => "hurr|N|L|Hurricane warning", // New NWS list
    "night/hurr_warn" => "hurr|N|L|Night Hurricane warning", // New NWS list
    'hur_watch' => 'hur_watch|N|L|Hurricane Watch',
    'night/hur_watch' => 'hur_watch|N|L|Hurricane Watch',
    "hurr_watch" => "hurr-noh|N|L|Hurricane watch", // New NWS list
    "night/hurr_watch" => "hurr-noh|N|L|Night Hurricane watch", // New NWS list
    'hurricane' =>  'hurr-noh|Y|L|Hurricane',
    'night/hurricane' =>  'hurr-noh|Y|L|Hurricane',
    //  'hurr' =>  'hurr|N|L|Hurrican Warning old',
    //  'hurr-noh' =>  'hurr-noh|N|L|Hurricane Watch old',

    'hazy' => 'hz|N|L|Haze',
    'night/hazy' => 'hz|N|L|Haze',
    "haze" => "hz|N|L|Haze", // New NWS list
    "night/haze" => "hz|N|L|Night Haze", // New NWS list

    //  'hazy' =>  'hazy|N|L|Haze old',

    'hot' => 'hot|N|R|Hot',
    'night/hot' => 'hot|N|R|Hot',
    'sleet' => 'ip|Y|L|Ice Pellets',
    'night/sleet' => 'nip|Y|L|Night Ice Pellets',

    //  'minus_ra' =>  'minus_ra|Y|L|Stopped Raining',
    //  'ra1' =>  'ra1|N|L|Stopped Raining (old)',
    //  'mist' =>  'mist|N|R|Mist (fog) (old)',
    //  'ncloudy' =>  'ncloudy|Y|L|Overcast night(old ncloudy)',
    //  'ndu' =>  'ndu|N|M|Night Dust',
    //  'nfc' =>  'nfc|N|L|Night Funnel Cloud',
    //  'nbr' =>  'nbr|Y|R|Night Fog/mist (old)',
    //  'nfu' =>  'nfu|N|L|Night Smoke',
    //  'nmix' =>  'nmix|Y|30|Night Freezing Rain/Snow (old)',
    //  'nrasn' =>  'nrasn|Y|M|Night Snow (old)',
    //  'pcloudyn' =>  'pcloudyn|Y|L|Night Partly Cloudy (old)',
    //  'nscttsra' =>  'nscttsra|Y|M|Night Scattered Thunderstorm',
    //  'nsn_ip' =>  'nsn_ip|Y|L|Night Snow/Ice Pellets (old)',
    //  'nwind' =>  'nwind|N|5|Night Windy/Clear (old)',

    'ovc' => 'ovc|N|L|Overcast',
    'night/ovc' => 'novc|N|L|Night Overcast',
    'rain' => 'ra|Y|30|Rain',
    'night/rain' => 'nra|Y|30|Night Rain',
    'rain_showers' => 'shra|Y|12|Rain Showers',
    'night/rain_showers' => 'nshra|Y|12|Night Rain Showers',
    "rain_showers_hi" => "hi_shwrs|Y|45|Rain showers (low cloud cover)", // New NWS list
    "night/rain_showers_hi" => "hi_nshwrs|Y|45|Night Rain showers (low cloud cover)", // New NWS list
    'rain_sleet' => 'raip|Y|M|Rain/Ice Pellets',
    'night/rain_sleet' => 'nraip|Y|M|Night Rain/Ice Pellets',
    'rain_fzra' => 'ra_fzra|Y|30|Rain/Freezing Rain',
    'night/rain_fzra' => 'nra_fzra|Y|30|Night Freezing Rain',
    'rain_snow' => 'ra_sn|Y|22|Rain/Snow',
    'night/rain_snow' => 'nra_sn|Y|22|Night Rain/Snow',

    //  'rasn' =>  'rasn|Y|M|Rain/Snow (old)',

    'sct' => 'sct|N|L|name',
    'night/sct' => 'nsct|N|L|Night Scattered Clouds',

    //  'pcloudy' =>  'pcloudy|Y|L|Partly Cloudy (old)',
    //  'scttsra' =>  'scttsra|Y|M|name',
    //  'shra2' =>  'shra2|N|10|Rain Showers (old)',

    'skc' => 'skc|N|L|Clear',
    'night/skc' => 'nskc|N|L|Night Clear',
    'snow' => 'sn|Y|L|Snow',
    'night/snow' => 'nsn|Y|L|Night Snow',
    'snow_sleet' => 'sn_ip|Y|L|Snow/Ice Pellets',
    'night/snow_sleet' => 'nsn_ip|Y|L|Night Snow/Ice Pellets',
    'smoke' => 'fu|N|L|Smoke',
    'night/smoke' => 'nfu|N|L|Smoke', // NEW - Nov-2016

    //  'sn_ip' =>  'sn_ip|Y|L|Snow/Ice Pellets (old)',
    //  'tcu' =>  'tcu|N|L|Towering Cumulus (old)',

    'tornado' => 'tor|N|L|Tornado',
    'night/tornado' => 'ntor|N|L|Night Tornado',
    'tsra' => 'tsra|Y|10|Thunderstorm',
    'night/tsra' => 'ntsra|Y|10|Night Thunderstorm',
    "tsra_sct" => "scttsra|Y|20|Thunderstorm (medium cloud cover)", // New NWS list
    "night/tsra_sct" => "nscttsra|Y|20|Night Thunderstorm (medium cloud cover)", // New NWS list
    "tsra_hi" => "hi_tsra|Y|L|Thunderstorm (low cloud cover)", // New NWS list
    "night/tsra_hi" => "hi_ntsra|Y|L|Night Thunderstorm (low cloud cover)", // New NWS list

    //  'tstormn' =>  'tstormn|N|L|Thunderstorm night (old)',
    //  'ts_nowarn' =>  'ts_nowarn|N|L|Tropical Storm',

    "ts_hurr_warn" => "ts_hur_flags|N|L|Tropical storm with hurricane warning in effect", // New NWS list
    "night/ts_hurr_warn" => "ts_hur_flags|N|L|Night Tropical storm with hurricane warning in effect", // New NWS list
		'tropical_storm' => 'tropstorm-noh|Y|L|Tropical Storm Warning',
		'night/tropical_storm' => 'tropstorm-noh|Y|L|Tropical Storm Warning',
    'ts_warn' => 'tropstorm|Y|L|Tropical Storm Warning',
    'night/ts_warn' => 'tropstorm|Y|L|Tropical Storm Warning',

    //  'tropstorm-noh' =>  'tropstorm-noh|N|L|Tropical Storm old',
    //  'tropstorm' =>  'tropstorm|N|L|Tropical Storm Warning old',

    'ts_watch' => 'tropstorm-noh|Y|L|Tropical Storm Watch',
    'night/ts_watch' => 'tropstorm-noh|Y|L|Tropical Storm Watch',

    //  'ts_hur_flags' =>  'ts_hur_flags|Y|L|Hurrican Warning old',
    //  'ts_no_flag' =>  'ts_no_flag|Y|L|Tropical Storm old',

    'wind_bkn' => 'wind_bkn|N|7|Windy/Broken Clouds',
    'night/wind_bkn' => 'nwind_bkn|N|7|Night Windy/Broken Clouds',
    'wind_few' => 'wind_few|N|7|Windy/Few Clouds',
    'night/wind_few' => 'nwind_few|N|7|Night Windy/Few Clouds',
    'wind_ovc' => 'wind_ovc|N|7|Windy/Overcast',
    'night/wind_ovc' => 'nwind_ovc|N|7|Night Windy/Overcast',
    'wind_sct' => 'wind_sct|N|7|Windy/Scattered Clouds',
    'night/wind_sct' => 'nwind_sct|N|7|Night Windy/Scattered Clouds',
    'wind_skc' => 'wind_skc|N|7|Windy/Clear',
    'night/wind_skc' => 'nwind_skc|N|7|Night Windy/Clear',

    //  'wind' =>  'wind|N|L|Windy/Clear (old)',

    'na' => 'na|N|L|Not Available',
} // end load_lookups function

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

function convert_to_local_icon($icon)

  // input:,20/sct,20?size=medium
  // output: {iconDir}{icon}.{$iconType} or
  //         DualImage.php?i={lefticon}&j={righticon}&ip={leftpop}&jp={rightpop}

  global $Status, $NWSICONLIST, $iconDir, $iconType, $iconHeight, $iconWidth, $DualImageAvailable;
  $newicon = $icon; // for testing
  $uparts = parse_url($icon);
  $iparts = array_slice(explode('/', $uparts['path']) , 3); //get day|night/icon[/icon]

  // $Status .= "<!-- iparts \n".print_r($iparts,true)." -->\n";

  $daynight = ($iparts[0] == 'day') ? '' : 'night/';
  list($icon1, $pop1) = explode(',', $iparts[1] . ',');
  $doDual = false;
  if (isset($iparts[2])) {
    $doDual = true;
    list($icon2, $pop2) = explode(',', $iparts[2] . ',');
  else {
    $icon2 = '';
    $pop2 = '';

  // convert new API icon names to old image names

  if (isset($NWSICONLIST["{$daynight}{$icon1}"])) {
    list($nicon1, $rest) = explode('|', $NWSICONLIST["{$daynight}{$icon1}"]);
    $icon1 = $nicon1;
  else {
    $Status.= "<!-- icon1='$icon1' not found - na used instead -->\n";
    $icon1 = 'na';

  if ($icon2 <> '') {
    if (isset($NWSICONLIST["{$daynight}{$icon2}"])) {
      list($nicon2, $rest) = explode('|', $NWSICONLIST["{$daynight}{$icon2}"]);
      $icon2 = $nicon2;
    else {
      $Status.= "<!-- icon2='$icon2' not found - na used instead -->\n";
      $icon2 = 'na';

  //  $Status .= "<!-- doDual='$doDual' DualImageAvailable='$DualImageAvailable' icon1=$icon1 icon2=$icon2 -->\n";

  if ($doDual and $DualImageAvailable) { // generate the DualImage.php script calling sequence for image
    $newicon = "DualImage.php?";
    $newicon.= "i=$icon1";
    if ($pop1 <> '') {
      $newicon.= "&ip=$pop1";

    $newicon.= "&j=$icon2";
    if ($pop2 <> '') {
      $newicon.= "&jp=$pop2";

    $Status.= "<!-- dual image '$newicon' used-->\n";
  elseif (file_exists("{$iconDir}{$icon1}{$pop1}{$iconType}")) { // use the image as-is
    $newicon = "{$iconDir}{$icon1}{$pop1}{$iconType}";
    /*  } elseif ( $DualImageAvailable ) { // oops... pop icon doesn't exist but we can generate it
    $newicon = "DualImage.php?";
    $newicon .= "i=$icon1";
    if($pop1 <> '') { $newicon .= "&ip=$pop1"; }

    $Status .= "<!-- missing icon '{$iconDir}{$icon1}{$pop1}{$iconType}' .. using '$newicon' instead -->\n";
  elseif (file_exists("{$iconDir}{$icon1}{$iconType}")) { // oops... pop icon doesn't exist
    $newicon = "{$iconDir}{$icon1}{$iconType}";
    $Status.= "<!-- missing icon '{$iconDir}{$icon1}{$pop1}{$iconType}' .. " . "using '{$iconDir}{$icon1}{$iconType}' instead -->\n";
  else {
    $newicon = "{$iconDir}na{$iconType}";
    $Status.= "<!-- missing icon '{$iconDir}{$icon1}{$pop1}{$iconType}' .. " . "using '{$iconDir}na{$iconType}' instead -->\n";

  return ($newicon);
} // end convert_to_local_icon

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

function make_local_icon($icon, $period, $cond, $temperature, $details)

  // assemble the full icon to use

  $ticon = '<strong>';
  if (strpos($period, ' ') !== false) {
    $ticon.= wordwrap($period, 10, "<br/>", false) . '<br/>';

    // $ticon = str_replace(' ','<br/>',$ticon) . '<br/>';

  else {
    $ticon.= $period . '<br/><br/>';

  $ticon.= '</strong>';
  $shortCond = str_replace('hunderstorm', "-Storm", $cond);
  $ticon.= '<img src="' . $icon . '" ' . "alt=\"$period: $cond\" " . "title=\"$period: $details\" /><br/>" . "$shortCond <br/>";
  $ticon = str_replace('size=medium', 'size=small', $ticon);
  return ($ticon);
} // end make_local_icon

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

function get_meta_info($mainCache, $pointURL, $zoneURL)

  // this function saves up-to 3 accesses to the API site for metadata regarding the
  // point, zone and WFO info.  The three accesses are done, the JSON parsed and
  // saved into a -json-meta.txt file as straight JSON for use in the $META array
  // in the main script.
  // Note: the logic below assumes that the JSON-LD format is returned by the API.

  global $Status, $doDebug;
  $compass = array(

  // get and cache the meta information from the point, zone and WFO entries for the 'point'.
  // use a new JSON cache file to store the meta information we need

  $metaCache = str_replace('-geojson.txt', '-geojson-meta.txt', $mainCache);

  // make the point-forecast URL into a metadata request URL

  $metaPointURL = str_replace('/forecast', '', $pointURL);
  $ourPoint = '';
  if (preg_match('|/([^/]+)/forecast|i', $pointURL, $matches)) {
    $ourPoint = $matches[1];

  // make the zone forecast URL into a metadata request URL

  $metaZoneURL = $zoneURL;
  $metaZoneURL = preg_replace('!/forecast$!is', '', $metaZoneURL);
  //$metaZoneURL = str_replace('JSON-LD', 'forecast', $metaZoneURL);
  $ourZone = '';
  if (preg_match('|/([^/]+)/forecast|i', $zoneURL, $matches)) {
    $ourZone = $matches[1];

  $Status.= "<!-- meta info re: point='$ourPoint' zone='$ourZone' metacache= '$metaCache' -->\n";
  $Status.= "<!-- metaZoneURL='$metaZoneURL' -->\n";
  $META = array();

  // First.. see if we've already cached this meta info.. it won't change once discovered for a point
	if(file_exists($metaCache)) {
		$age = time() - filemtime($metaCache);
    $Status.= "<!-- meta cache $metaCache age=".sec2hmsADV($age)." h:m:s -->\n";

  if (file_exists($metaCache) and filemtime($metaCache) + 24*60*60 > time() ) {
    $recs = file_get_contents($metaCache);
		$age = time() - filemtime($metaCache);
    $META = json_decode($recs, true);
    $Status.= "<!-- loaded meta info from $metaCache age=".sec2hmsADV($age)." h:m:s -->\n";
    if (isset($META['point']) and $META['point'] !== $ourPoint) {

      // oops... changed the lat/long for the point .. reload the meta data

      $Status.= "<!-- point '" . $ourPoint . "' changed from '" . $META['point'] . "' - reloading meta data -->\n";
      $META = array();
  else { // JSON ERROR
    $Status.= "<!-- Meta cache file not found or more than 24hrs old .. reloading meta data from NWS site -->\n";

  $saveNew = false;
  if (!isset($META['city']) or !isset($META['forecastURL'])) { // no city data or fcstURL in the saved metadata so load it
    $Status.= "<!-- getting metadata for point from $metaPointURL -->\n";
    $rawhtml = ADV_fetchUrlWithoutHanging($metaPointURL);
    $stuff = explode("\r\n\r\n",$rawhtml); // maybe we have more than one header due to redirects.
    $content = (string)array_pop($stuff); // last one is the content
    $headers = (string)array_pop($stuff); // next-to-last-one is the headers

    $rawPJSON = json_decode($content, true); // parse the JSON into an associative array
		$PJSON = $rawPJSON['properties'];        // geojson format
    if (json_last_error() == JSON_ERROR_NONE) { // got the point METADATA.. stuff it away
      if ($doDebug) {
        $Status.= "<!-- PJSON raw data\n" . var_export($PJSON, true) . " -->\n";

      if (isset($PJSON['relativeLocation']['properties']['city'])) {
        $META['city'] = $PJSON['relativeLocation']['properties']['city'];
        $META['state'] = $PJSON['relativeLocation']['properties']['state'];
        $distance = $PJSON['relativeLocation']['properties']['distance']['value'];
        $distance = floor(0.000621371 * $distance); // truncate to nearest whole mile
        $Status.= "<!-- distance=$distance from " . $META['city'] . " -->\n";
        if ($distance >= 2) {
          $angle = $PJSON['relativeLocation']['properties']['bearing']['value'];
          $direction = $compass[round($angle / 22.5) % 16];
          $t = $distance . ' ';
          $t.= ($distance > 1) ? "Miles" : "Mile";
          $t.= " $direction ";
          $META['city'] = $t . $META['city'];

        $META['point'] = $ourPoint;
        $META['forecastOfficeURL'] = $PJSON['forecastOffice'];
				$META['forecastURL'] = $PJSON['forecast'];
        $META['forecastZoneURL'] = $PJSON['forecastZone'];
        $META['forecastZone'] = substr($META['forecastZoneURL'], strrpos($META['forecastZoneURL'], '/') + 1);
        $META['forecastHourlyURL'] = $PJSON['forecastHourly'];
        $META['forecastGridDataURL'] = $PJSON['forecastGridData'];
        $META['observationStationsURL'] = $PJSON['observationStations'];
        $META['countyZoneURL'] = $PJSON['county'];
        $META['countyZone'] = substr($META['countyZoneURL'], strrpos($META['countyZoneURL'], '/') + 1);
        $META['fireWeatherZoneURL'] = $PJSON['fireWeatherZone'];
        $META['fireWeatherZone'] = substr($META['fireWeatherZoneURL'], strrpos($META['fireWeatherZoneURL'], '/') + 1);
        $META['timeZone'] = $PJSON['timeZone'];
        $META['radarStation'] = $PJSON['radarStation'];
        $saveNew = true;
        if ($doDebug) {
          $Status.= "<!-- META data\n" . print_r($META, true) . " -->\n";
    else { // JSON ERROR
      $Status.= "<!-- JSON ERROR with Point metadata content='" . print_r($content, true) . " -->\n";

  if (!isset($META['zoneName'])) { // no zone data.. load it
    $Status.= "<!-- getting metadata for forecast zone from $metaZoneURL -->\n";
    $rawhtml = ADV_fetchUrlWithoutHanging($metaZoneURL);
    $stuff = explode("\r\n\r\n",$rawhtml); // maybe we have more than one header due to redirects.
    $content = (string)array_pop($stuff); // last one is the content
    $headers = (string)array_pop($stuff); // next-to-last-one is the headers
    $rawPJSON = json_decode($content, true); // parse the JSON into an associative array
		$PJSON  = $rawPJSON['properties'];       // geojson format
    if (json_last_error() == JSON_ERROR_NONE) { // got the point METADATA.. stuff it away
      if ($doDebug) {
        $Status.= "<!-- zone raw data\n" . print_r($PJSON, true) . " -->\n";

      if (isset($PJSON['name'])) {
        $META['zoneName'] = $PJSON['name'];
        $saveNew = true;
    else { // JSON ERROR
      $Status.= "<!-- JSON ERROR with Zone metadata content='" . print_r($content, true) . " -->\n";

  if (!isset($META['WFOemail']) and isset($META['forecastOfficeURL'])) {

    // GET the WFO data

    $WFOmetaURL = $META['forecastOfficeURL'];
    $WFOmetaURL = str_replace('http://', 'https://', $WFOmetaURL);
    $Status.= "<!-- getting metadata for forecast office from $WFOmetaURL -->\n";
    $rawhtml = ADV_fetchUrlWithoutHanging($WFOmetaURL);
    $stuff = explode("\r\n\r\n",$rawhtml); // maybe we have more than one header due to redirects.
    $content = (string)array_pop($stuff); // last one is the content
    $headers = (string)array_pop($stuff); // next-to-last-one is the headers
    $PJSON = json_decode($content, true); // parse the JSON into an associative array
    if (json_last_error() == JSON_ERROR_NONE) { // got the point METADATA.. stuff it away
      if ($doDebug) {
        $Status.= "<!-- WFO raw data\n" . var_export($PJSON, true) . " -->\n";

      if (isset($PJSON['name'])) {
        $META['WFOname'] = $PJSON['name'];
        if (isset($PJSON['address']['addressLocality']) and stripos($META['WFOname'], $PJSON['address']['addressLocality']) === false) {
          $META['WFOname'] = str_replace(',', '/' . $PJSON['address']['addressLocality'] . ',', $META['WFOname']);
			  if (isset($PJSON['telephone'])) {
					$META['WFOphone'] = trim($PJSON['telephone']);
				if (isset($PJSON['email'])) {
					$META['WFOemail'] = trim($PJSON['email']);

        $saveNew = true;
    else { // JSON ERROR
      $Status.= "<!-- JSON ERROR with WFO metadata content='" . print_r($content, true) . " -->\n";

  if ($doDebug) {
    $Status.= "<!-- final META data\n" . var_export($META, true) . "\n saveNew=$saveNew -->\n";

  if ($saveNew) { // save the file if we changed anything
    $outJSON = json_encode($META);
    $fp = fopen($metaCache, "w");
    if ($fp) {
      $write = fputs($fp, $outJSON);
      $Status.= "<!-- wrote meta cache file $metaCache -->\n";
    else {
      $Status.= "<!-- unable to write meta cache file $metaCache -->\n";

  $Status.= "<!-- META\n" . var_export($META, true) . " -->\n";
  return $META;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

function get_gridpoint_data($mainCache, $gridpointURL, $forceFlag, $refreshTime)


  global $Status, $doDebug;

  // get and cache the gridpoint information

  $gpCache = str_replace('-geojson.txt', '-geojson-gridpoint.txt', $mainCache);
  $gpURL = str_replace('http://', 'https://', $gridpointURL);
  $Status.= "<!-- gridpoint data cache= '$gpCache' from '$gpURL' -->\n";
  if ($forceFlag > 0 or !file_exists($gpCache) or (file_exists($gpCache) and filemtime($gpCache) + $refreshTime < time())) {
    $Status.= "<!-- getting gridpoint data -->\n";
    $rawhtml = ADV_fetchUrlWithoutHanging($gpURL);
    $stuff = explode("\r\n\r\n",$rawhtml); // maybe we have more than one header due to redirects.
    $content = (string)array_pop($stuff); // last one is the content
    $headers = (string)array_pop($stuff); // next-to-last-one is the headers

    if (strlen($content) > 500) {
      $fp = fopen($gpCache, "w");
      if ($fp) {
        $write = fputs($fp, $content);
        $Status.= "<!-- wrote " . strlen($content) . " bytes to gridpoint data cache file $gpCache -->\n";
      else {
        $Status.= "<!-- unable to write gridpoint data cache file $gpCache -->\n";
    else {
      $Status.= "<!-- unable to obtain gridpoint data .. headers:\n" . print_r($headers, true) . "\n -->\n";
    } // end got some content
  else {
    $gpAge = time() - filemtime($gpCache);
    $Status.= "<!-- gridpoint data cache is current (".sec2hmsADV($gpAge)." h:m:s old). -->\n";
  } // end reload gridpoint data
} // end get_gridpoint_data

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

function get_hourly_data($mainCache, $gridpointURL, $forceFlag, $refreshTime)


  global $Status, $doDebug;

  // get and cache the gridpoint information

  $gpCache = str_replace('-geojson.txt', '-geojson-hourly.txt', $mainCache);
  $gpURL = str_replace('http://', 'https://', $gridpointURL);
  $Status.= "<!-- hourly data cache= '$gpCache' from '$gpURL' -->\n";
  if ($forceFlag > 0 or !file_exists($gpCache) or (file_exists($gpCache) and filemtime($gpCache) + $refreshTime < time())) {
    $Status.= "<!-- getting hourly -->\n";
    $rawhtml = ADV_fetchUrlWithoutHanging($gpURL);
    $stuff = explode("\r\n\r\n",$rawhtml); // maybe we have more than one header due to redirects.
    $content = (string)array_pop($stuff); // last one is the content
    $headers = (string)array_pop($stuff); // next-to-last-one is the headers

    if (strlen($content) > 500) {
      $fp = fopen($gpCache, "w");
      if ($fp) {
        $write = fputs($fp, $content);
        $Status.= "<!-- wrote " . strlen($content) . " bytes to hourly data cache file $gpCache -->\n";
      else {
        $Status.= "<!-- unable to write hourly data cache file $gpCache -->\n";
    else {
      $Status.= "<!-- unable to obtain hourly data .. headers:\n" . print_r($headers, true) . "\n -->\n";
    } // end got some content
  else {
    $gpAge = time() - filemtime($gpCache);
    $Status.= "<!-- hourly data cache is current ($gpAge secs old). -->\n";
  } // end reload hourly data
} // end get_hourly_data

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

function convert_filename($inURL, $NOAAZone)
  global $Status, $metaURL, $zoneURL, $alertURL;
  $fileName = $inURL;

  // handle OLD formats of NWS URLS
  // autocorrect the point-forecast URL if need be


  // from:
  // to:,-116.842/forecast
  NOTE: the lat,long must be decimal numbers with up-to 4 decimal places and no trailing zeroes
  that's why the funky code:
  $t = sprintf("%01.4f",$matches[1]);  // forces 4 decimal places on number
  $t = (float)$t;                      // trims trailing zeroes by casting to float type.
  is used to enforce those API limits.
  if (preg_match('|textField1=|i', $fileName)) {
    $newlatlong = '';
    preg_match('|textField1=([\d\.]+)|i', $fileName, $matches);
    if (isset($matches[1])) {
      $t = sprintf("%01.4f", $matches[1]);
      $t = (float)$t;
      $newlatlong.= $t;

    preg_match('|textField2=([-\d\.]+)|i', $fileName, $matches);
    if (isset($matches[1])) {
      $t = sprintf("%01.4f", $matches[1]);
      $t = (float)$t;
      $newlatlong.= ",$t";

    $newurl = APIURL . '/points/' . $newlatlong . '/forecast';
    $metaURL = APIURL . '/points/' . $newlatlong;
    $pointURL = FCSTURL . '/point/' . $newlatlong;
    $zoneURL = FCSTURL . '/zone/' . $NOAAZone;
//    $alertURL = ALERTAPIURL.$NOAAZone;
    $alertURL = ALERTAPIURL . $newlatlong;
    return (array(


  // from:

  // to:,-75.5976/forecast
  if (preg_match('|lat=|i', $fileName)) {
    $newlatlong = '';
    preg_match('|lat=([\d\.]+)|i', $fileName, $matches);
    if (isset($matches[1])) {
      $t = sprintf("%01.4f", $matches[1]);
      $t = (float)$t;
      $newlatlong.= $t;

    preg_match('|lon=([-\d\.]+)|i', $fileName, $matches);
    if (isset($matches[1])) {
      $t = sprintf("%01.4f", $matches[1]);
      $t = (float)$t;
      $newlatlong.= ",$t";

    $newurl = APIURL . '/points/' . $newlatlong . '/forecast';
    $metaURL = APIURL . '/points/' . $newlatlong;
    $pointURL = FCSTURL . '/point/' . $newlatlong;
    $zoneURL = FCSTURL . '/zone/' . $NOAAZone;
//    $alertURL = ALERTAPIURL.$NOAAZone;
    $alertURL = ALERTAPIURL . $newlatlong;
    return (array(

  // handle NEW format of point URL

  if (preg_match('|/point/([\d\.]+),([\-\d\.]+)|i', $fileName, $matches)) {
    $newlatlong = '';
    if (isset($matches[1])) {
      $t = sprintf("%01.4f", $matches[1]);
      $t = (float)$t;
      $newlatlong.= $t;

    if (isset($matches[2])) {
      $t = sprintf("%01.4f", $matches[2]);
      $t = (float)$t;
      $newlatlong.= ",$t";

    $newurl = APIURL . '/points/' . $newlatlong . '/forecast';
    $metaURL = APIURL . '/points/' . $newlatlong;
    $pointURL = FCSTURL . '/point/' . $newlatlong;
    $zoneURL = FCSTURL . '/zone/' . $NOAAZone;
//    $alertURL = ALERTAPIURL.$NOAAZone;
    $alertURL = ALERTAPIURL . $newlatlong;
    return (array(

  return (array(

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

function sec2hmsADV($sec, $padHours = false)
  $hms = "";
  if (!is_numeric($sec)) {
    return ($sec);

  // there are 3600 seconds in an hour, so if we
  // divide total seconds by 3600 and throw away
  // the remainder, we've got the number of hours

  $hours = intval(intval($sec) / 3600);

  // add to $hms, with a leading 0 if asked for

  $hms.= ($padHours) ? str_pad($hours, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT) . ':' : $hours . ':';

  // dividing the total seconds by 60 will give us
  // the number of minutes, but we're interested in
  // minutes past the hour: to get that, we need to
  // divide by 60 again and keep the remainder

  $minutes = intval(fmod($sec / 60, 60));

  // then add to $hms (with a leading 0 if needed)

  $hms.= str_pad($minutes, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT) . ':';

  // seconds are simple - just divide the total
  // seconds by 60 and keep the remainder

  $seconds = intval(fmod($sec , 60));

  // add to $hms, again with a leading 0 if needed

  $hms.= str_pad($seconds, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);

  // done!

  return $hms;
} // end sec2hmsADV function

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

function gen_new_settings()
  global $fileName, $NOAAZone, $NWSforecasts, $SITE, $Version, $showTwoIconRows, $showZoneWarning;
  list($newAPI, $newFileName) = convert_filename($fileName, $NOAAZone);
  $newNWSforecasts = array();
  if (!isset($NWSforecasts)) {
    $NWSforecasts = array();
    $newZone = $NOAAZone;

  foreach($NWSforecasts as $m => $rec) { // for each locations
    list($Nzone, $Nlocation, $Nname) = explode('|', $NWSforecasts[$m] . '|||');
    list($newAPI, $newName) = convert_filename($Nname, $Nzone);
    if ($m == 0) {
      $newFileName = $newName;
      $newZone = $Nzone;

    $newNWSforecasts[$m] = "$Nzone|$Nlocation|$newName";

  header('Content-type: text/plain,charset=ISO-8859-1');
  print "// $Version \n";
  print "// settings converted to new point-forecast request URLs.\n";
  print "// Put these in ";
  print isset($SITE['noaazone']) ? 'Settings.php' : 'advforecast2.php';
  print " to update the settings there.\n";
  print "\n";
  print "// -- start of converted settings for advforecast2.php JSON version.\n";
  print isset($SITE['NWSforecasts']) ? "\$SITE['NWSforecasts']" : "\$NWSforecasts";
  print " = array(\n";
  print "// the entries below are for testing use.. replace them with your own entries if using the script\n";
  print "// outside the Saratoga AJAX/PHP templates.\n";
  print "// ZONE|Location|point-forecast-URL  (separated by | characters\n";
  foreach($newNWSforecasts as $m => $rec) {
    print " '$rec',\n";

  print "\n);\n";
  print "//\n";
  print isset($SITE['noaazone']) ? "\$SITE['noaazone']" : "\$NOAAZone";
  print " = '$newZone'; // change this line to your NOAA warning zone.\n";
  print "//\n";
  print "// set ";
  print isset($SITE['fcsturlNWS']) ? "\$SITE['fcsturlNWS']" : "\$fileName";
  print "  to the URL for the point-printable forecast for your area\n";
  print "// NOTE: this value (and ";
  print isset($SITE['noaazone']) ? "\$SITE['noaazone']" : "\$NOAAZone";
  print ") will be overridden by the first entry in ";
  print isset($SITE['NWSforecasts']) ? "\$SITE['NWSforecasts']" : "\$NWSforecasts";
  print " if it exists.\n";
  print "//\n";
  print isset($SITE['fcsturlNWS']) ? "\$SITE['fcsturlNWS']" : "\$fileName";
  print " = '$newFileName';\n";
  print "//\n";
  print isset($SITE['noaazone']) ? "\$SITE['showTwoIconRows']" : "\$showTwoIconRows";
  print " = ";
  print $showTwoIconRows ? 'true;' : 'false;';
  print "   // =true; show all icons, =false; show 9 icons in one row (new V5.00)\n";
  print "//\n";
  print isset($SITE['noaazone']) ? "\$SITE['showZoneWarning']" : "\$showZoneWarning";
  print " = ";
  print $showZoneWarning ? 'true;' : 'false;';
  print "   // =true; show note when Zone forecast used. =false; suppress Zone warning (new V5.00)\n";
  print "//\n";
  print "// -- end of converted settings for advforecast2.php JSON version.\n";
} // end gen_new_settings function

// end of advforecast2.php script

Function Calls

file_exists 1


$ourTZ America/Los_Angeles
$Version advforecast2.php (JSON) - V5.19 - 27-Dec-2022
$iconDir ./forecast/images/
$NOAAZone CAZ513
$iconType .jpg
$doLogging True
$iconWidth 55
$iconHeight 55
$timeFormat g:i a T M d, Y
$useProdNWS False
$refreshTime 600
$cacheFileDir ./
$getHourlyData False
$doLoggingDetail True
$showTwoIconRows True
$showZoneWarning True
$forceDualIconURL False
$getGridpointData False


MD5 0b2ace63cfc8cbdb05d15494e51544d2
Eval Count 0
Decode Time 450 ms