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<?php /** * @link * @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Yii Soft..
Decoded Output download
* @link
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Yii Software LLC
* @license
namespace yiiunitramework\db\oci;
use yii\caching\ArrayCache;
use yii\db\Connection;
use yii\db\Query;
use yii\db\Schema;
* @group db
* @group oci
class CommandTest extends \yiiunitramework\db\CommandTest
protected $driverName = 'oci';
public function testAutoQuoting()
$db = $this->getConnection(false);
$sql = 'SELECT [[id]], [[]] FROM {{customer}} t';
$command = $db->createCommand($sql);
$this->assertEquals('SELECT "id", "t"."name" FROM "customer" t', $command->sql);
public function testLastInsertId()
$db = $this->getConnection();
$sql = 'INSERT INTO {{profile}}([[description]]) VALUES (\'non duplicate\')';
$command = $db->createCommand($sql);
$this->assertEquals(3, $db->getSchema()->getLastInsertID('profile_SEQ'));
public function batchInsertSqlProvider()
$data = parent::batchInsertSqlProvider();
$data['issue11242']['expected'] = 'INSERT ALL INTO "type" ("int_col", "float_col", "char_col") ' .
"VALUES (NULL, NULL, 'Kyiv {{city}}, Ukraine') SELECT 1 FROM SYS.DUAL";
$data['wrongBehavior']['expected'] = 'INSERT ALL INTO "type" ("type"."int_col", "float_col", "char_col") ' .
"VALUES ('', '', 'Kyiv {{city}}, Ukraine') SELECT 1 FROM SYS.DUAL";
$data['batchInsert binds params from expression']['expected'] = 'INSERT ALL INTO "type" ("int_col") ' .
return $data;
* Testing the "ORA-01461: can bind a LONG value only for insert into a LONG column"
* @return void
public function testCLOBStringInsertion()
$db = $this->getConnection();
if ($db->getSchema()->getTableSchema('longstring') !== null) {
$db->createCommand()->createTable('longstring', ['message' => Schema::TYPE_TEXT])->execute();
$longData = str_pad('-', 4001, '-=', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$db->createCommand()->insert('longstring', [
'message' => $longData,
$this->assertEquals(1, $db->createCommand('SELECT count(*) FROM {{longstring}}')->queryScalar());
public function testQueryCache()
$db = $this->getConnection(true);
$db->enableQueryCache = true;
$db->queryCache = new ArrayCache();
$command = $db->createCommand('SELECT [[name]] FROM {{customer}} WHERE [[id]] = :id');
$this->assertEquals('user1', $command->bindValue(':id', 1)->queryScalar());
$update = $db->createCommand('UPDATE {{customer}} SET [[name]] = :name WHERE [[id]] = :id');
$update->bindValues([':id' => 1, ':name' => 'user11'])->execute();
$command = $db->createCommand('SELECT [[name]] FROM {{customer}} WHERE [[id]] = :id');
$this->assertEquals('user11', $command->bindValue(':id', 1)->queryScalar());
$db->cache(function (Connection $db) use ($update) {
$command = $db->createCommand('SELECT [[name]] FROM {{customer}} WHERE [[id]] = :id');
$this->assertEquals('user2', $command->bindValue(':id', 2)->queryScalar());
$update->bindValues([':id' => 2, ':name' => 'user22'])->execute();
$command = $db->createCommand('SELECT [[name]] FROM {{customer}} WHERE [[id]] = :id');
$this->assertEquals('user2', $command->bindValue(':id', 2)->queryScalar());
$db->noCache(function () use ($db) {
$command = $db->createCommand('SELECT [[name]] FROM {{customer}} WHERE [[id]] = :id');
$this->assertEquals('user22', $command->bindValue(':id', 2)->queryScalar());
$command = $db->createCommand('SELECT [[name]] FROM {{customer}} WHERE [[id]] = :id');
$this->assertEquals('user2', $command->bindValue(':id', 2)->queryScalar());
}, 10);
$db->enableQueryCache =false;
$db->cache(function (Connection $db) use ($update) {
$command = $db->createCommand('SELECT [[name]] FROM {{customer}} WHERE [[id]] = :id');
$this->assertEquals('user22', $command->bindValue(':id', 2)->queryScalar());
$update->bindValues([':id' => 2, ':name' => 'user2'])->execute();
$command = $db->createCommand('SELECT [[name]] FROM {{customer}} WHERE [[id]] = :id');
$this->assertEquals('user2', $command->bindValue(':id', 2)->queryScalar());
}, 10);
$db->enableQueryCache = true;
$command = $db->createCommand('SELECT [[name]] FROM {{customer}} WHERE [[id]] = :id')->cache();
$this->assertEquals('user11', $command->bindValue(':id', 1)->queryScalar());
$update->bindValues([':id' => 1, ':name' => 'user1'])->execute();
$command = $db->createCommand('SELECT [[name]] FROM {{customer}} WHERE [[id]] = :id')->cache();
$this->assertEquals('user11', $command->bindValue(':id', 1)->queryScalar());
$command = $db->createCommand('SELECT [[name]] FROM {{customer}} WHERE [[id]] = :id')->noCache();
$this->assertEquals('user1', $command->bindValue(':id', 1)->queryScalar());
$db->cache(function (Connection $db) use ($update) {
$command = $db->createCommand('SELECT [[name]] FROM {{customer}} WHERE [[id]] = :id');
$this->assertEquals('user11', $command->bindValue(':id', 1)->queryScalar());
$command = $db->createCommand('SELECT [[name]] FROM {{customer}} WHERE [[id]] = :id')->noCache();
$this->assertEquals('user1', $command->bindValue(':id', 1)->queryScalar());
}, 10);
public function paramsNonWhereProvider()
return [
['SELECT SUBSTR([[name]], :len) FROM {{customer}} WHERE [[email]] = :email GROUP BY SUBSTR([[name]], :len)'],
['SELECT SUBSTR([[name]], :len) FROM {{customer}} WHERE [[email]] = :email ORDER BY SUBSTR([[name]], :len)'],
['SELECT SUBSTR([[name]], :len) FROM {{customer}} WHERE [[email]] = :email'],
public function testInsert()
$db = $this->getConnection();
$db->createCommand('DELETE FROM {{customer}}')->execute();
$command = $db->createCommand();
'email' => '[email protected]',
'name' => 'test',
'address' => 'test address',
$this->assertEquals(1, $db->createCommand('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {{customer}}')->queryScalar());
$record = $db->createCommand('SELECT [[email]], [[name]], [[address]] FROM {{customer}}')->queryOne();
'email' => '[email protected]',
'name' => 'test',
'address' => 'test address',
], $record);
* Test INSERT INTO ... SELECT SQL statement with alias syntax.
public function testInsertSelectAlias()
$db = $this->getConnection();
$db->createCommand('DELETE FROM {{customer}}')->execute();
$command = $db->createCommand();
'email' => '[email protected]',
'name' => 'test',
'address' => 'test address',
$query = $db->createCommand(
"SELECT '[email protected]' as [[email]], [[address]] as [[name]], [[name]] as [[address]] from {{customer}}"
$this->assertEquals(2, $db->createCommand('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {{customer}}')->queryScalar());
$record = $db->createCommand('SELECT [[email]], [[name]], [[address]] FROM {{customer}}')->queryAll();
'email' => '[email protected]',
'name' => 'test',
'address' => 'test address',
'email' => '[email protected]',
'name' => 'test address',
'address' => 'test',
], $record);
* Test batch insert with different data types.
* Ensure double is inserted with `.` decimal separator.
public function testBatchInsertDataTypesLocale()
$locale = setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, 0);
if (false === $locale) {
$this->markTestSkipped('Your platform does not support locales.');
$db = $this->getConnection();
try {
// This one sets decimal mark to comma sign
setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, 'ru_RU.UTF-8');
$cols = ['int_col', 'char_col', 'float_col', 'bool_col'];
$data = [
[1, 'A', 9.735, '1'],
[2, 'B', -2.123, '0'],
[3, 'C', 2.123, '0'],
// clear data in "type" table
// batch insert on "type" table
$db->createCommand()->batchInsert('type', $cols, $data)->execute();
// change , for point oracle.
$db->createCommand("ALTER SESSION SET NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS='.,'")->execute();
$data = $db->createCommand(
'SELECT [[int_col]], [[char_col]], [[float_col]], [[bool_col]] FROM {{type}} WHERE [[int_col]] ' .
'IN (1,2,3) ORDER BY [[int_col]]'
$this->assertEquals(3, \count($data));
$this->assertEquals(1, $data[0]['int_col']);
$this->assertEquals(2, $data[1]['int_col']);
$this->assertEquals(3, $data[2]['int_col']);
$this->assertEquals('A', rtrim($data[0]['char_col'])); // rtrim because Postgres padds the column with whitespace
$this->assertEquals('B', rtrim($data[1]['char_col']));
$this->assertEquals('C', rtrim($data[2]['char_col']));
$this->assertEquals('9.735', $data[0]['float_col']);
$this->assertEquals('-2.123', $data[1]['float_col']);
$this->assertEquals('2.123', $data[2]['float_col']);
$this->assertEquals('1', $data[0]['bool_col']);
$this->assertIsOneOf($data[1]['bool_col'], ['0', false]);
$this->assertIsOneOf($data[2]['bool_col'], ['0', false]);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, $locale);
throw $e;
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, $locale);
throw $e;
setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, $locale);
* verify that {{}} are not going to be replaced in parameters.
public function testNoTablenameReplacement()
$db = $this->getConnection();
'name' => 'Some {{weird}} name',
'email' => '[email protected]',
'address' => 'Some {{%weird}} address',
$customerId = $db->getLastInsertID('customer_SEQ');
$customer = $db->createCommand('SELECT * FROM {{customer}} WHERE [[id]]=' . $customerId)->queryOne();
$this->assertEquals('Some {{weird}} name', $customer['name']);
$this->assertEquals('Some {{%weird}} address', $customer['address']);
'name' => 'Some {{updated}} name',
'address' => 'Some {{%updated}} address',
['id' => $customerId]
$customer = $db->createCommand('SELECT * FROM {{customer}} WHERE [[id]]=' . $customerId)->queryOne();
$this->assertEquals('Some {{updated}} name', $customer['name']);
$this->assertEquals('Some {{%updated}} address', $customer['address']);
public function testCreateTable()
$db = $this->getConnection();
if ($db->getSchema()->getTableSchema("testCreateTable") !== null) {
$db->createCommand("DROP SEQUENCE testCreateTable_SEQ")->execute();
['id' => Schema::TYPE_PK, 'bar' => Schema::TYPE_INTEGER]
$db->createCommand('CREATE SEQUENCE testCreateTable_SEQ START with 1 INCREMENT BY 1')->execute();
'INSERT INTO {{testCreateTable}} ("id", "bar") VALUES(testCreateTable_SEQ.NEXTVAL, 1)'
$records = $db->createCommand('SELECT [[id]], [[bar]] FROM {{testCreateTable}}')->queryAll();
['id' => 1, 'bar' => 1],
], $records);
public function testsInsertQueryAsColumnValue()
$time = time();
$db = $this->getConnection();
$db->createCommand('DELETE FROM {{order_with_null_fk}}')->execute();
$command = $db->createCommand();
$command->insert('{{order}}', [
'customer_id' => 1,
'created_at' => $time,
'total' => 42,
$orderId = $db->getLastInsertID('order_SEQ');
$columnValueQuery = new \yii\db\Query();
$columnValueQuery->select('created_at')->from('{{order}}')->where(['id' => $orderId]);
$command = $db->createCommand();
'customer_id' => $orderId,
'created_at' => $columnValueQuery,
'total' => 42,
$this->assertEquals($time, $db->createCommand(
'SELECT [[created_at]] FROM {{order_with_null_fk}} WHERE [[customer_id]] = ' . $orderId
$db->createCommand('DELETE FROM {{order_with_null_fk}}')->execute();
$db->createCommand('DELETE FROM {{order}} WHERE [[id]] = ' . $orderId)->execute();
public function testAlterTable()
$db = $this->getConnection();
if ($db->getSchema()->getTableSchema('testAlterTable') !== null) {
$db->createCommand("DROP SEQUENCE testAlterTable_SEQ")->execute();
['id' => Schema::TYPE_PK, 'bar' => Schema::TYPE_INTEGER]
$db->createCommand('CREATE SEQUENCE testAlterTable_SEQ START with 1 INCREMENT BY 1')->execute();
'INSERT INTO {{testAlterTable}} ([[id]], [[bar]]) VALUES(testAlterTable_SEQ.NEXTVAL, 1)'
$db->createCommand('ALTER TABLE {{testAlterTable}} ADD ([[bar_tmp]] VARCHAR(20))')->execute();
$db->createCommand('UPDATE {{testAlterTable}} SET [[bar_tmp]] = [[bar]]')->execute();
$db->createCommand('ALTER TABLE {{testAlterTable}} DROP COLUMN [[bar]]')->execute();
$db->createCommand('ALTER TABLE {{testAlterTable}} RENAME COLUMN [[bar_tmp]] TO [[bar]]')->execute();
"INSERT INTO {{testAlterTable}} ([[id]], [[bar]]) VALUES(testAlterTable_SEQ.NEXTVAL, 'hello')"
$records = $db->createCommand('SELECT [[id]], [[bar]] FROM {{testAlterTable}}')->queryAll();
['id' => 1, 'bar' => 1],
['id' => 2, 'bar' => 'hello'],
], $records);
public function testCreateView()
$db = $this->getConnection();
$subquery = (new Query())
->where(['>', 'bar', '5']);
if ($db->getSchema()->getTableSchema('testCreateView') !== null) {
if ($db->getSchema()->getTableSchema('testCreateViewTable')) {
$db->createCommand("DROP SEQUENCE testCreateViewTable_SEQ")->execute();
$db->createCommand()->createTable('testCreateViewTable', [
'id' => Schema::TYPE_PK,
'bar' => Schema::TYPE_INTEGER,
$db->createCommand('CREATE SEQUENCE testCreateViewTable_SEQ START with 1 INCREMENT BY 1')->execute();
'INSERT INTO {{testCreateViewTable}} ("id", "bar") VALUES(testCreateTable_SEQ.NEXTVAL, 1)'
'INSERT INTO {{testCreateViewTable}} ("id", "bar") VALUES(testCreateTable_SEQ.NEXTVAL, 6)'
$db->createCommand()->createView('testCreateView', $subquery)->execute();
$records = $db->createCommand('SELECT [[bar]] FROM {{testCreateView}}')->queryAll();
$this->assertEquals([['bar' => 6]], $records);
public function testColumnCase()
$this->markTestSkipped('Should be fixed.');
Did this file decode correctly?
Original Code
* @link
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Yii Software LLC
* @license
namespace yiiunit\framework\db\oci;
use yii\caching\ArrayCache;
use yii\db\Connection;
use yii\db\Query;
use yii\db\Schema;
* @group db
* @group oci
class CommandTest extends \yiiunit\framework\db\CommandTest
protected $driverName = 'oci';
public function testAutoQuoting()
$db = $this->getConnection(false);
$sql = 'SELECT [[id]], [[]] FROM {{customer}} t';
$command = $db->createCommand($sql);
$this->assertEquals('SELECT "id", "t"."name" FROM "customer" t', $command->sql);
public function testLastInsertId()
$db = $this->getConnection();
$sql = 'INSERT INTO {{profile}}([[description]]) VALUES (\'non duplicate\')';
$command = $db->createCommand($sql);
$this->assertEquals(3, $db->getSchema()->getLastInsertID('profile_SEQ'));
public function batchInsertSqlProvider()
$data = parent::batchInsertSqlProvider();
$data['issue11242']['expected'] = 'INSERT ALL INTO "type" ("int_col", "float_col", "char_col") ' .
"VALUES (NULL, NULL, 'Kyiv {{city}}, Ukraine') SELECT 1 FROM SYS.DUAL";
$data['wrongBehavior']['expected'] = 'INSERT ALL INTO "type" ("type"."int_col", "float_col", "char_col") ' .
"VALUES ('', '', 'Kyiv {{city}}, Ukraine') SELECT 1 FROM SYS.DUAL";
$data['batchInsert binds params from expression']['expected'] = 'INSERT ALL INTO "type" ("int_col") ' .
return $data;
* Testing the "ORA-01461: can bind a LONG value only for insert into a LONG column"
* @return void
public function testCLOBStringInsertion()
$db = $this->getConnection();
if ($db->getSchema()->getTableSchema('longstring') !== null) {
$db->createCommand()->createTable('longstring', ['message' => Schema::TYPE_TEXT])->execute();
$longData = str_pad('-', 4001, '-=', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$db->createCommand()->insert('longstring', [
'message' => $longData,
$this->assertEquals(1, $db->createCommand('SELECT count(*) FROM {{longstring}}')->queryScalar());
public function testQueryCache()
$db = $this->getConnection(true);
$db->enableQueryCache = true;
$db->queryCache = new ArrayCache();
$command = $db->createCommand('SELECT [[name]] FROM {{customer}} WHERE [[id]] = :id');
$this->assertEquals('user1', $command->bindValue(':id', 1)->queryScalar());
$update = $db->createCommand('UPDATE {{customer}} SET [[name]] = :name WHERE [[id]] = :id');
$update->bindValues([':id' => 1, ':name' => 'user11'])->execute();
$command = $db->createCommand('SELECT [[name]] FROM {{customer}} WHERE [[id]] = :id');
$this->assertEquals('user11', $command->bindValue(':id', 1)->queryScalar());
$db->cache(function (Connection $db) use ($update) {
$command = $db->createCommand('SELECT [[name]] FROM {{customer}} WHERE [[id]] = :id');
$this->assertEquals('user2', $command->bindValue(':id', 2)->queryScalar());
$update->bindValues([':id' => 2, ':name' => 'user22'])->execute();
$command = $db->createCommand('SELECT [[name]] FROM {{customer}} WHERE [[id]] = :id');
$this->assertEquals('user2', $command->bindValue(':id', 2)->queryScalar());
$db->noCache(function () use ($db) {
$command = $db->createCommand('SELECT [[name]] FROM {{customer}} WHERE [[id]] = :id');
$this->assertEquals('user22', $command->bindValue(':id', 2)->queryScalar());
$command = $db->createCommand('SELECT [[name]] FROM {{customer}} WHERE [[id]] = :id');
$this->assertEquals('user2', $command->bindValue(':id', 2)->queryScalar());
}, 10);
$db->enableQueryCache =false;
$db->cache(function (Connection $db) use ($update) {
$command = $db->createCommand('SELECT [[name]] FROM {{customer}} WHERE [[id]] = :id');
$this->assertEquals('user22', $command->bindValue(':id', 2)->queryScalar());
$update->bindValues([':id' => 2, ':name' => 'user2'])->execute();
$command = $db->createCommand('SELECT [[name]] FROM {{customer}} WHERE [[id]] = :id');
$this->assertEquals('user2', $command->bindValue(':id', 2)->queryScalar());
}, 10);
$db->enableQueryCache = true;
$command = $db->createCommand('SELECT [[name]] FROM {{customer}} WHERE [[id]] = :id')->cache();
$this->assertEquals('user11', $command->bindValue(':id', 1)->queryScalar());
$update->bindValues([':id' => 1, ':name' => 'user1'])->execute();
$command = $db->createCommand('SELECT [[name]] FROM {{customer}} WHERE [[id]] = :id')->cache();
$this->assertEquals('user11', $command->bindValue(':id', 1)->queryScalar());
$command = $db->createCommand('SELECT [[name]] FROM {{customer}} WHERE [[id]] = :id')->noCache();
$this->assertEquals('user1', $command->bindValue(':id', 1)->queryScalar());
$db->cache(function (Connection $db) use ($update) {
$command = $db->createCommand('SELECT [[name]] FROM {{customer}} WHERE [[id]] = :id');
$this->assertEquals('user11', $command->bindValue(':id', 1)->queryScalar());
$command = $db->createCommand('SELECT [[name]] FROM {{customer}} WHERE [[id]] = :id')->noCache();
$this->assertEquals('user1', $command->bindValue(':id', 1)->queryScalar());
}, 10);
public function paramsNonWhereProvider()
return [
['SELECT SUBSTR([[name]], :len) FROM {{customer}} WHERE [[email]] = :email GROUP BY SUBSTR([[name]], :len)'],
['SELECT SUBSTR([[name]], :len) FROM {{customer}} WHERE [[email]] = :email ORDER BY SUBSTR([[name]], :len)'],
['SELECT SUBSTR([[name]], :len) FROM {{customer}} WHERE [[email]] = :email'],
public function testInsert()
$db = $this->getConnection();
$db->createCommand('DELETE FROM {{customer}}')->execute();
$command = $db->createCommand();
'email' => '[email protected]',
'name' => 'test',
'address' => 'test address',
$this->assertEquals(1, $db->createCommand('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {{customer}}')->queryScalar());
$record = $db->createCommand('SELECT [[email]], [[name]], [[address]] FROM {{customer}}')->queryOne();
'email' => '[email protected]',
'name' => 'test',
'address' => 'test address',
], $record);
* Test INSERT INTO ... SELECT SQL statement with alias syntax.
public function testInsertSelectAlias()
$db = $this->getConnection();
$db->createCommand('DELETE FROM {{customer}}')->execute();
$command = $db->createCommand();
'email' => '[email protected]',
'name' => 'test',
'address' => 'test address',
$query = $db->createCommand(
"SELECT '[email protected]' as [[email]], [[address]] as [[name]], [[name]] as [[address]] from {{customer}}"
$this->assertEquals(2, $db->createCommand('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {{customer}}')->queryScalar());
$record = $db->createCommand('SELECT [[email]], [[name]], [[address]] FROM {{customer}}')->queryAll();
'email' => '[email protected]',
'name' => 'test',
'address' => 'test address',
'email' => '[email protected]',
'name' => 'test address',
'address' => 'test',
], $record);
* Test batch insert with different data types.
* Ensure double is inserted with `.` decimal separator.
public function testBatchInsertDataTypesLocale()
$locale = setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, 0);
if (false === $locale) {
$this->markTestSkipped('Your platform does not support locales.');
$db = $this->getConnection();
try {
// This one sets decimal mark to comma sign
setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, 'ru_RU.UTF-8');
$cols = ['int_col', 'char_col', 'float_col', 'bool_col'];
$data = [
[1, 'A', 9.735, '1'],
[2, 'B', -2.123, '0'],
[3, 'C', 2.123, '0'],
// clear data in "type" table
// batch insert on "type" table
$db->createCommand()->batchInsert('type', $cols, $data)->execute();
// change , for point oracle.
$db->createCommand("ALTER SESSION SET NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS='.,'")->execute();
$data = $db->createCommand(
'SELECT [[int_col]], [[char_col]], [[float_col]], [[bool_col]] FROM {{type}} WHERE [[int_col]] ' .
'IN (1,2,3) ORDER BY [[int_col]]'
$this->assertEquals(3, \count($data));
$this->assertEquals(1, $data[0]['int_col']);
$this->assertEquals(2, $data[1]['int_col']);
$this->assertEquals(3, $data[2]['int_col']);
$this->assertEquals('A', rtrim($data[0]['char_col'])); // rtrim because Postgres padds the column with whitespace
$this->assertEquals('B', rtrim($data[1]['char_col']));
$this->assertEquals('C', rtrim($data[2]['char_col']));
$this->assertEquals('9.735', $data[0]['float_col']);
$this->assertEquals('-2.123', $data[1]['float_col']);
$this->assertEquals('2.123', $data[2]['float_col']);
$this->assertEquals('1', $data[0]['bool_col']);
$this->assertIsOneOf($data[1]['bool_col'], ['0', false]);
$this->assertIsOneOf($data[2]['bool_col'], ['0', false]);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, $locale);
throw $e;
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, $locale);
throw $e;
setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, $locale);
* verify that {{}} are not going to be replaced in parameters.
public function testNoTablenameReplacement()
$db = $this->getConnection();
'name' => 'Some {{weird}} name',
'email' => '[email protected]',
'address' => 'Some {{%weird}} address',
$customerId = $db->getLastInsertID('customer_SEQ');
$customer = $db->createCommand('SELECT * FROM {{customer}} WHERE [[id]]=' . $customerId)->queryOne();
$this->assertEquals('Some {{weird}} name', $customer['name']);
$this->assertEquals('Some {{%weird}} address', $customer['address']);
'name' => 'Some {{updated}} name',
'address' => 'Some {{%updated}} address',
['id' => $customerId]
$customer = $db->createCommand('SELECT * FROM {{customer}} WHERE [[id]]=' . $customerId)->queryOne();
$this->assertEquals('Some {{updated}} name', $customer['name']);
$this->assertEquals('Some {{%updated}} address', $customer['address']);
public function testCreateTable()
$db = $this->getConnection();
if ($db->getSchema()->getTableSchema("testCreateTable") !== null) {
$db->createCommand("DROP SEQUENCE testCreateTable_SEQ")->execute();
['id' => Schema::TYPE_PK, 'bar' => Schema::TYPE_INTEGER]
$db->createCommand('CREATE SEQUENCE testCreateTable_SEQ START with 1 INCREMENT BY 1')->execute();
'INSERT INTO {{testCreateTable}} ("id", "bar") VALUES(testCreateTable_SEQ.NEXTVAL, 1)'
$records = $db->createCommand('SELECT [[id]], [[bar]] FROM {{testCreateTable}}')->queryAll();
['id' => 1, 'bar' => 1],
], $records);
public function testsInsertQueryAsColumnValue()
$time = time();
$db = $this->getConnection();
$db->createCommand('DELETE FROM {{order_with_null_fk}}')->execute();
$command = $db->createCommand();
$command->insert('{{order}}', [
'customer_id' => 1,
'created_at' => $time,
'total' => 42,
$orderId = $db->getLastInsertID('order_SEQ');
$columnValueQuery = new \yii\db\Query();
$columnValueQuery->select('created_at')->from('{{order}}')->where(['id' => $orderId]);
$command = $db->createCommand();
'customer_id' => $orderId,
'created_at' => $columnValueQuery,
'total' => 42,
$this->assertEquals($time, $db->createCommand(
'SELECT [[created_at]] FROM {{order_with_null_fk}} WHERE [[customer_id]] = ' . $orderId
$db->createCommand('DELETE FROM {{order_with_null_fk}}')->execute();
$db->createCommand('DELETE FROM {{order}} WHERE [[id]] = ' . $orderId)->execute();
public function testAlterTable()
$db = $this->getConnection();
if ($db->getSchema()->getTableSchema('testAlterTable') !== null) {
$db->createCommand("DROP SEQUENCE testAlterTable_SEQ")->execute();
['id' => Schema::TYPE_PK, 'bar' => Schema::TYPE_INTEGER]
$db->createCommand('CREATE SEQUENCE testAlterTable_SEQ START with 1 INCREMENT BY 1')->execute();
'INSERT INTO {{testAlterTable}} ([[id]], [[bar]]) VALUES(testAlterTable_SEQ.NEXTVAL, 1)'
$db->createCommand('ALTER TABLE {{testAlterTable}} ADD ([[bar_tmp]] VARCHAR(20))')->execute();
$db->createCommand('UPDATE {{testAlterTable}} SET [[bar_tmp]] = [[bar]]')->execute();
$db->createCommand('ALTER TABLE {{testAlterTable}} DROP COLUMN [[bar]]')->execute();
$db->createCommand('ALTER TABLE {{testAlterTable}} RENAME COLUMN [[bar_tmp]] TO [[bar]]')->execute();
"INSERT INTO {{testAlterTable}} ([[id]], [[bar]]) VALUES(testAlterTable_SEQ.NEXTVAL, 'hello')"
$records = $db->createCommand('SELECT [[id]], [[bar]] FROM {{testAlterTable}}')->queryAll();
['id' => 1, 'bar' => 1],
['id' => 2, 'bar' => 'hello'],
], $records);
public function testCreateView()
$db = $this->getConnection();
$subquery = (new Query())
->where(['>', 'bar', '5']);
if ($db->getSchema()->getTableSchema('testCreateView') !== null) {
if ($db->getSchema()->getTableSchema('testCreateViewTable')) {
$db->createCommand("DROP SEQUENCE testCreateViewTable_SEQ")->execute();
$db->createCommand()->createTable('testCreateViewTable', [
'id' => Schema::TYPE_PK,
'bar' => Schema::TYPE_INTEGER,
$db->createCommand('CREATE SEQUENCE testCreateViewTable_SEQ START with 1 INCREMENT BY 1')->execute();
'INSERT INTO {{testCreateViewTable}} ("id", "bar") VALUES(testCreateTable_SEQ.NEXTVAL, 1)'
'INSERT INTO {{testCreateViewTable}} ("id", "bar") VALUES(testCreateTable_SEQ.NEXTVAL, 6)'
$db->createCommand()->createView('testCreateView', $subquery)->execute();
$records = $db->createCommand('SELECT [[bar]] FROM {{testCreateView}}')->queryAll();
$this->assertEquals([['bar' => 6]], $records);
public function testColumnCase()
$this->markTestSkipped('Should be fixed.');
Function Calls
None |
MD5 | 0e4b3610cf4d7e0bb5649a8d97861360 |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 104 ms |