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PHP Decode
<?php $_L['Login'] = ' '; $_L['Edit'] = ''; $_L['Delete'] = ''; $_L['Account'] = ''..
Decoded Output download
$_L['Login'] = ' ';
$_L['Edit'] = '';
$_L['Delete'] = '';
$_L['Account'] = '';
$_L['Date'] = '';
$_L['Financial_Balances'] = ' ';
$_L['Add_New_Account'] = ' ';
$_L['Manage_Accounts'] = ' ';
$_L['initial_balance'] = ' ';
$_L['account_created_successfully'] = ' ';
$_L['account_updated_successfully'] = ' ';
$_L['account_already_exist'] = ' - ';
$_L['system'] = '';
$_L['Total'] = '';
$_L['Account_Not_Found'] = ' ';
$_L['ref_help'] = ' : . '
$_L['amount_error'] = ' ';
$_L['Cleared'] = ' ';
$_L['Uncleared'] = ' ';
$_L['Reconciled'] = '';
$_L['Void'] = ' ';
$_L['Add_Deposit'] = ' ';
$_L['Amount'] = '';
$_L['Payer'] = '';
$_L['Category'] = '';
$_L['Payment Method'] = ' ';
$_L['Ref'] = ' ';
$_L['Status'] = '';
$_L['Uncategorized'] = ' ';
$_L['transaction_added_successfully'] = ' ';
$_L['Add_Expense'] = ' ';
$_L['Payee'] = '';
$_L['description_error'] = ' ';
$_L['Transfer'] = '';
$_L['From'] = '';
$_L['To'] = '';
$_L['Select An Account'] = ' ';
$_L['same_account_error'] = ' ';
$_L['Transaction_Not_Found'] = ' ';
$_L['transaction_delete_successful'] = ' ';
$_L['account_delete_successful'] = ' ';
$_L['transaction_update_successful'] = ' ';
$_L['Number_of_Payment'] = ' ';
$_L['Frequency'] = '';
$_L['Monthly'] = '';
$_L['Weekly'] = '';
$_L['Bi_Weekly'] = '_';
$_L['Everyday'] = ' ';
$_L['Every_30_Days'] = ' 30 ';
$_L['Every_2_Month'] = ' ';
$_L['Quarterly'] = ' ';
$_L['Every_6_Month'] = ' 6 ';
$_L['Yearly'] = '';
$_L['Once_Only'] = ' ';
$_L['Edit_Option'] = 'Edit_Option';
$_L['Edit_Single_Occurrence'] = ' ';
$_L['Delete_Single_Occurrence'] = ' ';
$_L['Edit_All_Occurrence'] = ' ';
$_L['Delete_All_Occurrence'] = ' ';
$_L['Manage'] = '';
$_L['Confirm'] = '';
$_L['Enter_Transaction'] = ' ';
$_L['Payment_Cleared'] = ' ';
$_L['an_error_occured'] = ' ';
$_L['name_exist_error'] = ' ';
$_L['account_title_length_error'] = ' 3 100 ';
$_L['tr_delete_warning'] = ' . . ';
$_L['frequency_error'] = ' ';
$_L['name_error'] = ' ';
$_L['edit_successful'] = ' ';
$_L['added_successful'] = ' ';
$_L['delete_successful'] = ' ';
$_L['Name'] = '';
$_L['Account_Title'] = ' ';
$_L['Edit_Account'] = ' ';
$_L['Description'] = '';
$_L['Submit'] = '';
$_L['Transaction'] = '';
$_L['Add_Repeating_Income'] = ' ';
$_L['Repeating_Income'] = ' ';
$_L['Repeating_Expense'] = ' ';
$_L['Add_Repeating_Expense'] = ' ';
$_L['frequency_help'] = ' 12 .';
$_L['Welcome'] = ' ';
$_L['Type'] = '';
$_L['View'] = '';
$_L['Income'] = '';
$_L['Expense'] = ' ';
$_L['Credit'] = '';
$_L['Debit'] = 'Debit';
$_L['Cancel'] = '';
$_L['Password'] = ' ';
$_L['Dr'] = '';
$_L['Cr'] = '';
$_L['Method'] = '';
$_L['frequency_error'] = '';
$_L['Toggle_navigation'] = ' ';
$_L['MoneyFlow'] = ' ';
$_L['Dashboard'] = ' ';
$_L['Quick Access'] = ' ';
$_L['Accounts'] = '';
$_L['Main'] = " ";
$_L['Account_Balances'] = '_';
$_L['Ad_An_Account'] = ' ';
$_L['Manage_Accounts'] = ' ';
$_L['Transactions'] = '';
$_L['Add_Deposit'] = ' ';
$_L['Add_Expense'] = ' ';
$_L['Add_Deposit'] = ' ';
$_L['Add_Expense'] = ' ';
$_L['Transfer'] = '';
$_L['View_Transactions'] = ' ';
$_L['Recurring'] = '';
$_L['Repeating_Income'] = ' ';
$_L['Repeating_Expense'] = ' ';
$_L['Income_Calendar'] = ' ';
$_L['Expense_Calendar'] = ' ';
$_L['Reports'] = '';
$_L['Account_Statement'] = ' ';
$_L['Reports_by_Date'] = ' ';
$_L['Income_Reports'] = ' ';
$_L['Expense_Reports'] = ' ';
$_L['Income_Vs_Expense'] = ' ';
$_L['Settings'] = '';
$_L['Expense_Categories'] = ' ';
$_L['Income_Categories'] = ' ';
$_L['Payees'] = '';
$_L['Payers'] = '';
$_L['Payment_Methods'] = ' ';
$_L['Users'] = '';
$_L['Application_Settings'] = ' ';
$_L['My_Account'] = ' ';
$_L['Edit_Profile'] = ' ';
$_L['Change_Password'] = ' ';
$_L['Logout'] = '';
$_L['Forgot_Password'] = ' ';
$_L['Income_Today'] = '_';
$_L['Expense_Today'] = ' ';
$_L['Income_This_Month'] = ' ';
$_L['Expense_This_Month'] = ' ';
$_L['Financial_Balances'] = ' ';
$_L['Income_Vs_Expense'] = ' ';
$_L['Latest_5_Income'] = '5 ';
$_L['Latest_5_Expense'] = ' 5 ';
$_L['Date'] = '';
$_L['Amount'] = '';
$_L['Income_Graph_This_Year'] = 'Income_Graph_This_Year';
$_L['Expense_Graph_This_Year'] = ' ';
$_L['Balance'] = '';
$_L['Next'] = '';
$_L['Last'] = '';
$_L['Latest_Expense'] = ' ';
$_L['Budgets'] = '';
$_L['View_Budgets'] = ' ';
$_L['Set_Budgets'] = ' ';
$_L['Add_Payment_Method'] = ' ';
$_L['Manage_Payment_Methods'] = ' ';
$_L['drag_drop_edit'] = ' . .';
$_L['Manage_Categories'] = ' ';
$_L['Manage_Payees'] = ' ';
$_L['Add_Payee'] = ' ';
$_L['Add_Payer'] = ' ';
$_L['Manage_Payers'] = ' ';
$_L['Reports_Categories'] = ' ';
$_L['Reports_Payees'] = ' ';
$_L['Reports_Payers'] = ' ';
$_L['Uncategorized'] = ' ';
$_L['App_Name'] = ' / ';
$_L['App_Name_Help_Text'] = ' ';
$_L['Dark'] = '';
$_L['Blue'] = '';
$_L['Timezone'] = ' ';
$_L['Decimal_Point'] = ' ';
$_L['Thousands_Separator'] = ' ';
$_L['Currency_Code'] = ' ';
$_L['Edit_Categories'] = ' ';
$_L['cat_del_help_txt'] = ' .';
$_L['Change_Password'] = ' ';
$_L['Current_Password'] = ' ';
$_L['New_Password'] = 'New_Password';
$_L['Confirm_New_Password'] = ' ';
$_L['Edit_Payee'] = ' ';
$_L['Edit_Payer'] = ' ';
$_L['Edit_Payment_Methods'] = ' ';
$_L['Statement'] = ' ';
$_L['Total_Income'] = ' ';
$_L['Total_Expense'] = ' ';
$_L['All_Transactions_at_Date'] = ' ';
$_L['Income_Summary'] = ' ';
$_L['Total_Income'] = ' ';
$_L['Total_Income_This_Month'] = ' ';
$_L['Total_Income_This_Week'] = ' __';
$_L['Total_Income_Last_30_days'] = ' __30_';
$_L['Last_20_deposit_Income'] = '20 ';
$_L['Monthly_Income_Graph'] = ' ';
$_L['Expense_Summary'] = ' ';
$_L['Summary'] = '';
$_L['More'] = '';
$_L['Total Expense'] = ' ';
$_L['Total_Expense_This_Month'] = ' ';
$_L['Total_Expense_This_Week'] = ' ';
$_L['Total_Expense_Last_30_days'] = ' 30 ';
$_L['Last_20_Expense'] = '20 ';
$_L['Monthly_Expense_Graph'] = ' ';
$_L['Income_Vs_Expense_This_Year'] = ' ';
$_L['View_Statement'] = ' ';
$_L['All_Transactions'] = ' ';
$_L['Select_Payer'] = ' ';
$_L['From_Date'] = ' ';
$_L['To_Date'] = ' ';
$_L['Select_Payee'] = ' ';
$_L['Export_for_Print'] = ' ';
$_L['Export_to_PDF'] = ' PDF ';
$_L['Manage_Users'] = ' ';
$_L['Add_New_User'] = ' ';
$_L['Username'] = 'Username';
$_L['Full_Name'] = ' ';
$_L['User_type_help'] = ' ';
$_L['Confirm_Password'] = ' ';
$_L['User_Type'] = ' ';
$_L['Administrator'] = '';
$_L['Employee'] = '';
$_L['Password_change_help'] = ' ';
$_L['Edit_User'] = ' ';
$_L['Currency_help'] = ' ';
$_L['Theme_Style'] = ' ';
$_L['Theme_Color'] = ' ';
$_L['Default_Language'] = ' ';
$_L['CRM'] = ' ';
$_L['Add Contact'] = 'Add Contact';
$_L['Add Customer'] = 'Add Customer';
$_L['List Contacts'] = 'List Contacts';
$_L['Transactions'] = '';
$_L['New Deposit'] = ' ';
$_L['New Expense'] = ' ';
$_L['Transfer'] = '';
$_L['View Transactions'] = ' ';
$_L['Balance Sheet'] = '';
$_L['Sales'] = '';
$_L['Invoices'] = '';
$_L['Contact_Notes'] = ' ';
$_L['New Invoice'] = ' ';
$_L['Add Invoice'] = ' ';
$_L['Recurring Invoices'] = ' ';
$_L['Manage Recurring Invoice'] = ' ';
$_L['New Recurring Invoice'] = ' ';
$_L['Bank n Cash'] = ' ';
$_L['New Account'] = 'Add Account';
$_L['List Accounts'] = 'List Accounts';
$_L['Products n Services'] = ' ';
$_L['Products'] = '';
$_L['Product'] = '';
$_L['New Product'] = ' ';
$_L['Services'] = '';
$_L['New Service'] = ' ';
$_L['Reports'] = ' ';
$_L['Account Statement'] = ' ';
$_L['Reports by Date'] = ' ';
$_L['Income Reports'] = ' ';
$_L['Income Vs Expense'] = ' ';
$_L['Income Vs Expense'] = ' ';
$_L['All Income'] = ' ';
$_L['All Expense'] = ' ';
$_L['All Transactions'] = ' ';
$_L['Utilities'] = 'Utilities';
$_L['Activity Log'] = ' ';
$_L['Activity'] = ' ';
$_L['Email Message Log'] = 'Email Message Log';
$_L['Database Status'] = ' ';
$_L['My Account'] = 'My Account';
$_L['Edit Profile'] = ' ';
$_L['Change Password'] = ' ';
$_L['Logout'] = '';
$_L['Settings'] = '';
$_L['General Settings'] = ' ';
$_L['Localisation'] = ' ';
$_L['Manage Users'] = ' ';
$_L['Payment Gateway'] = ' ';
$_L['Expense Categories'] = 'Categories Expense';
$_L['Income Categories'] = ' ';
$_L['Manage Tags'] = 'Manage Tags';
$_L['Payment Methods'] = ' ';
$_L['Sales Taxes'] = ' ';
$_L['Email Settings'] = 'Email Settings';
$_L['Email Templates'] = 'Email Templates';
$_L['Email_requested']=' ( ) ';
$_L['Automation Settings'] = 'Automation Settings';
$_L['Please Wait'] = 'Please Wait';
$_L['Employee_Privilage'] = ' Employee ';
$_L['Keep_Blank'] = ' - ';
$_L['List Customers'] = ' ';
$_L['Search Customers'] = ' ';
$_L['Income Today'] = ' ';
$_L['Expense Today'] = ' ';
$_L['Income This Month'] = ' ';
$_L['Expense This Month'] = ' ';
$_L['Income n Expense'] = ' ';
$_L['Net Worth n Account Balances'] = ' ';
$_L['Set Goal'] = ' ';
$_L['Income vs Expense'] = ' ';
$_L['Latest Income'] = ' ';
$_L['Latest Expense'] = ' ';
$_L['Copyright'] = ' ';
$_L['Add Custom Field'] = 'Add Custom Field';
$_L['Field Name'] = ' ';
$_L['Field Name'] = ' ';
$_L['Field Type'] = ' ';
$_L['Text Box'] = 'Text Box';
$_L['Drop Down'] = 'Drop Down';
$_L['Text Area'] = ' ';
$_L['Option Description help'] = ' ';
$_L['Regular Expression Validation'] = ' - ';
$_L['Comma Separated List'] = ' (,) ';
$_L['Show in View Invoice'] = ' ';
$_L['Yes'] = '';
$_L['No'] = '';
$_L['Validation'] = 'Validation';
$_L['Select Options'] = 'Select Options';
$_L['Edit Custom Field'] = 'Edit Custom Field';
$_L['Application Name'] = ' / ';
$_L['This Name will be'] = ' .';
$_L['Theme'] = ' ';
$_L['Style'] = ' ';
$_L['Pay To Address'] = ' ';
$_L['You can use html tag'] = ' HTML ';
$_L['Invoice Starting'] = ' ';
$_L['Enter to set the next invoice'] = ' ';
$_L['Keep Blank for'] = ' ';
$_L['This will replace existing logo'] = ' - . ';
$_L['User Interface'] = ' ';
$_L['Enable Page Loading Animation'] = ' ';
$_L['Enable RTL'] = ' ';
$_L['Logo'] = 'Logo';
$_L['Automation'] = '';
$_L['Security Token'] = 'Security Token';
$_L['Re Generate Key'] = ' ';
$_L['to_enable_automation'] = ' cron job . ( 9:00).';
$_L['reate the following Cron Job using GET'] = 'Cron Job GET : ';
$_L['Or'] = '';
$_L['Create the following Cron Job using PHP'] = 'Cron Job PHP :';
$_L['Create the following Cron Job using WGET'] = 'Cron Job WGET :';
$_L['Generate Daily Accounting Snapshot'] = ' ';
$_L['Generate Recurring Invoices'] = ' ';
$_L['Enable Email Notifications'] = ' ';
$_L['Save Changes'] = ' ';
$_L['Edit Categories'] = ' ';
$_L['Deleting Categories will'] = ' ';
$_L['Current Password'] = ' ';
$_L['New Password'] = ' ';
$_L['Confirm New Password'] = ' ';
$_L['INVOICE'] = '';
$_L['Total Amount'] = ' ';
$_L['Invoiced To'] = ' ';
$_L['Item'] = 'Item';
$_L['Quantity'] = '';
$_L['Related Transactions'] = ' ';
$_L['Download PDF'] = ' PDF';
$_L['Printable Version'] = ' ';
$_L['Amount Due'] = ' ';
$_L['Pay Now'] = ' ';
$_L['Add Deposit'] = 'Add Deposit';
$_L['Choose an'] = '';
$_L['Advanced'] = '';
$_L['Choose Contact'] = 'Choose Contact';
$_L['Select Payment Method'] = ' ';
$_L['ref_example'] = ' ';
$_L['Recent Deposits'] = ' ';
$_L['Custom Fields'] = 'Custom Fields';
$_L['Custom Fields Not Available'] = ' ';
$_L['Total Database Size'] = ' ';
$_L['Download Database Backup'] = ' ';
$_L['Table Name'] = ' ';
$_L['Rows'] = '';
$_L['Size'] = '';
$_L['Edit TAX'] = ' ';
$_L['Active'] = '';
$_L['Inactive'] = '';
$_L['Send Email Using'] = ' ';
$_L['PHP mail Function'] = ' PHP mail()';
$_L['SMTP'] = 'SMTP';
$_L['System Email'] = ' ';
$_L['All Outgoing Email Will'] = ' .';
$_L['SMTP Host'] = 'SMTP Host';
$_L['SMTP Username'] = 'SMTP Username';
$_L['SMTP Password'] = ' SMTP';
$_L['SMTP Port'] = ' SMTP';
$_L['SMTP Secure'] = 'SMTP Secure';
$_L['TLS'] = 'TLS';
$_L['SSL'] = 'SSL';
$_L['Add Expense'] = 'Add Expense';
$_L['Choose an Account'] = ' ';
$_L['Recent Expense'] = ' ';
$_L['Manage Categories'] = ' ';
$_L['drag_n_drop_help'] = ' . .';
$_L['Reset Password'] = 'Reset Password';
$_L['Back To Login'] = ' ';
$_L['Email Address'] = 'Email Address';
$_L['Related Emails'] = ' ';
$_L['Invoice'] = '';
$_L['Send Email'] = ' ';
$_L['Invoice Created'] = ' ';
$_L['Invoice Payment Reminder'] = ' ';
$_L['Invoice Overdue Notice'] = ' ';
$_L['Invoice Payment Confirmation'] = ' ';
$_L['Invoice Refund Confirmation'] = ' ';
$_L['Mark As'] = ' ';
$_L['Partially Paid'] = 'Partially Paid';
$_L['Add Payment'] = 'Add Payment';
$_L['Preview'] = ' ';
$_L['PDF'] = 'PDF';
$_L['View PDF'] = ' PDF';
$_L['Print'] = '';
$_L['Subtotal'] = 'Subtotal';
$_L['Grand Total'] = 'Grand Total';
$_L['Search by Name'] = ' ';
$_L['Search'] = '';
$_L['Add New Contact'] = 'Add New Contact';
$_L['Filter by Tags'] = 'Filter by';
$_L['n_a'] = ' ';
$_L['Records'] = 'Records';
$_L['List Invoices'] = ' ';
$_L['Add Recurring Invoice'] = 'Add Recurring Invoice';
$_L['Due'] = 'Due';
$_L['Next Invoice'] = ' ';
$_L['Stop Recurring'] = ' ';
$_L['Add Tax'] = 'Add Tax';
$_L['Tax Rate'] = ' ';
$_L['Default Country'] = 'Default Country';
$_L['Date Format'] = ' ';
$_L['Format Currency'] = ' ';
$_L['Currency Code'] = ' ';
$_L['Keep it blank if currency code'] = ' ';
$_L['Charset n Collation'] = 'Charset & Collation';
$_L['Set Charset n Collation'] = 'Set Charset & Collation ';
$_L['Sign in'] = ' ';
$_L['Forgot password'] = ' ';
$_L['Edit Transaction'] = ' ';
$_L['Add User'] = 'Add User';
$_L['Access Level'] = ' ';
$_L['Full Access'] = 'Full Access';
$_L['Loading Users'] = ' ';
$_L['Add Payee'] = 'Add Payee';
$_L['Manage Payees'] = 'Manage Payees';
$_L['Edit Payee'] = ' ';
$_L['Edit Payer'] = 'Edit Payer';
$_L['Add Payer'] = ' ';
$_L['Manage Payers'] = 'Manage Payers';
$_L['Reorder Payment Gateway'] = ' ';
$_L['Gateway Name'] = ' ';
$_L['Setting Name'] = ' ';
$_L['Value'] = '';
$_L['Reorder'] = 'Reorder';
$_L['Positions'] = ' ';
$_L['Settings Name'] = 'Settings Name';
$_L['Custom Param 1'] = 'Custom Param 1';
$_L['Conversion Rate'] = ' ';
$_L['Custom Param 2'] = 'Custom Param 2';
$_L['Custom Param 3'] = 'Custom Param 3';
$_L['Custom Param 4'] = 'Custom Param 4';
$_L['Custom Param 5'] = 'Custom Param 5';
$_L['Add Payment Methods'] = ' ';
$_L['Manage Payment Methods'] = ' ';
$_L['Edit Payment Methods'] = ' ';
$_L['Click Here to Print'] = ' ';
$_L['Add Product'] = 'Add Product';
$_L['Add Service'] = 'Add Service';
$_L['List'] = '';
$_L['Expense Summary'] = ' ';
$_L['Total Expense This Month'] = ' ';
$_L['Total Expense This Week'] = ' ';
$_L['Total Expense Last 30 Day'] = ' 30 ';
$_L['Last 20 Deposit Expense'] = 'Last 20 Depose Expense';
$_L['Dr.'] = '';
$_L['Monthly Expense Graph'] = ' ';
$_L['Income Summary'] = ' ';
$_L['Total Income This Month'] = ' ';
$_L['Total Income This Week'] = ' ';
$_L['Total Income Last 30 Day'] = ' 30 ';
$_L[' 20 '] = '20 ';
$_L[' '] = ' ';
$_L[' '] = ' ';
$_L['Income minus Expense'] = ' - ';
$_L['Income Vs Expense This Year'] = ' ';
$_L['View Statement'] = ' ';
$_L['From Date'] = ' ';
$_L['To Date'] = ' ';
$_L['Export for Print'] = 'Export for Print';
$_L['Export to PDF'] = ' PDF ';
$_L['Tag'] = ' ';
$_L['New Transfer'] = ' ';
$_L['Recent Transfers'] = ' ';
$_L['Add New User'] = 'Add New User';
$_L['User'] = '';
$_L['Full Administrator'] = 'Administrator';
$_L['Choose User Type'] = ' ';
$_L['Confirm Password'] = ' ';
$_L['Edit User'] = ' ';
$_L['Clear Old Data'] = 'Clear Old Data';
$_L['UID'] = 'UID';
$_L['IP'] = 'IP';
$_L['ID'] = 'ID';
$_L['Total Email Sent'] = ' ';
$_L['Sent To'] = 'Sent To';
$_L['Back To Emails'] = ' ';
$_L['Settings Saved Successfully'] = ' ';
$_L['New Goal has been set'] = ' ';
$_L['Choose the Traget Account'] = ' ';
$_L['See All Activity'] = 'See All Activity';
* @From V 2.2.0
$_L['Item Added Successfully'] = ' ';
$_L['Password changed successfully'] = ' ';
$_L['Data Updated'] = ' !';
$_L['Transaction Added Successfully'] = ' ';
$_L['Invalid Number'] = ' ';
$_L['Logs has been deleted'] = ' ';
$_L['Password Reset Key Expired'] = ' ';
$_L['Payment Cancelled'] = ' ';
$_L['Field Custom Deleted Successfully'] = 'Field Custom Deleted Successfully';
$_L['Plugin Not Found'] = 'Plugin Not Found';
$_L['You don't have permission'] = ' ';
$_L['disabled_in_demo'] = ' ';
$_L['All Fields are Required'] = ' ';
$_L['Invalid System Email'] = ' ';
$_L['smtp_fields_error'] = ' SMTP ';
$_L['Charset Saved Successfully'] = ' Charset ';
$_L['password_length_error'] = ' 6 14 ';
$_L['Both Password '] = ' ';
$_L['Incorrect Current Password'] = ' ';
$_L['Invalid Logo File'] = ' ';
$_L['Invalid TAX Rate'] = ' ';
$_L['New TAX'Added'] = ' ';
$_L['TAX Not Found'] = 'TAX ';
$_L['cron_new_key'] = ' . CRON Jobs .';
$_L['cron_notification'] = ' ';
$_L['Select'] = '';
$_L['Close'] = '';
$_L['Update'] = ' ';
$_L['OK'] = 'OK';
$_L['Terms'] = '';
$_L['PDF Font'] = 'Font PDF';
$_L['pdf_font_help_default'] = ' [ PDF ]';
$_L['pdf_font_help_helvetica'] = 'Helvetica';
$_L['pdf_font_help_dejavusanscondensed'] = 'dejavusanscondensed [Embed fonts with supports UTF8]';
$_L['Invoice Total'] = ' ';
$_L['PDF Font'] = 'PDF ';
$_L['pdf_font_help_default'] = 'Default [Faster PDF Creation with Less Memory]';
$_L['pdf_font_help_helvetica'] = 'Helvetica'; #Font name
$_L['Total Paid'] = ' ';
$_L['Unique Invoice URL'] = 'Unique Invoice URL';
$_L['Company Name'] = ' ';
$_L['ATTN'] = 'ATTN'; #
* @From V 2.3.0
$_L['Plugins'] = 'Plugins';
$_L['Payment Successful'] = ' ';
* @From V 2.4.0
$_L['Installing Plugin'] = ' ';
$_L['Uninstalling Plugin'] = ' ';
$_L['Activating Plugin'] = ' ';
$_L['Deactivating Plugin'] = ' ';
$_L['Deleting Plugin'] = 'Delete Plugin';
$_L['Upload Plugin'] = 'Apload Plugin';
$_L['Unzipping'] = ' ';
$_L['Plugin Added'] = ' ';
$_L['No Plugins Available'] = ' ';
$_L['Quotes'] = ' ';
$_L['Quote'] = ' ';
$_L['Choose Features'] = ' ';
$_L['Accounting'] = ' ';
$_L['Invoicing'] = ' ';
$_L['Quotes'] = ' ';
$_L['Enable Client Dashboard'] = ' / ';
$_L['quote_alias'] = ' / / ';
$_L['Date Created'] = ' ';
$_L['Expiry Date'] = ' ';
$_L['Stage'] = 'Stage';
$_L['Draft'] = ' ';
$_L['Delivered'] = ' ';
$_L['Accepted'] = ' ';
$_L['On Hold'] = ' ';
$_L['Lost'] = '';
$_L['Dead'] = '';
$_L['Reports by Category'] = ' ';
$_L['January'] = '';
$_L['February'] = '';
$_L['March'] = '';
$_L['April'] = '';
$_L['May'] = '';
$_L['June'] = '';
$_L['July'] = '';
$_L['August'] = '';
$_L['September'] = '';
$_L['October'] = '';
$_L['November'] = '';
$_L['December'] = '';
$_L['Discount Type'] = ' ';
$_L['Percentage'] = '';
$_L['Fixed Amount'] = ' ';
$_L['Page'] = '';
$_L['of'] = '';
$_L['Loading'] = ' ';
$_L['Payment'] = '';
$_L['Recipient'] = '';
$_L['Proposal Text'] = ' ';
$_L['quote_help_top'] = ' ';
$_L['quote_help_footer'] = ' ';
$_L['Customer Notes'] = ' ';
$_L['Save n Close'] = ' ';
$_L['Quote Created'] = ' ';
$_L['Convert to Invoice'] = ' ';
$_L['Quote Prefix'] = ' ';
$_L['quote_number_help'] = ' ';
$_L['invoice_number_help'] = ' ';
$_L['Public Key'] = 'Public Key';
$_L['Private Key'] = 'Private Key';
$_L['Default Account'] = 'Default Account';
$_L['live or sandbox'] = 'live or sandbox';
$_L['plugin_drop_help'] = ' ';
$_L['plugin_upload_help'] = '( )';
$_L['Admin'] = 'Admin';
$_L['Message Body'] = ' ';
$_L['Invoice:Invoice Created'] = ' - ';
$_L['Admin:Password Change Request'] = ' - ';
$_L['Admin:New Password'] = ' - ';
$_L['Invoice:Invoice Payment Reminder'] = ' - ';
$_L['Invoice:Invoice Detail Notice'] = ' - ';
$_L['Invoice:Invoice Payment Confirmation'] = ' - ';
$_L['Invoice:Invoice Refund Confirmation'] = ' - ';
$_L['Quote:Quote Created'] = ' : ';
$_L['Send Notifications To'] = 'Send Notifications To';
$_L['No results found'] = ' ';
$_L['Quote Deleted Successfully'] = ' ';
$_L['Create New Quote'] = ' ';
# V3.0.0
$_L['notice_email_as_username'] = 'Please use a valid Email address as Username';
$_L['API'] = 'API';
$_L['API Access'] = 'API Access';
$_L['Add API Access'] = 'Add API Access';
$_L['Label'] = 'Label';
$_L['API Key'] = 'API Key';
$_L['Regenerate'] = 'Regenerate';
$_L['Application URL'] = 'Application URL';
# V3.1.0
$_L['API Access Added'] = 'API Access Added';
$_L['select_a_contact'] = 'Please select a Contact';
$_L['at_least_one_item_required'] = 'At least one item is required';
$_L['Subject is Required'] = 'Subject is Required';
$_L['Unique Quote URL'] = 'Unique Quote URL';
# V3.3.0
$_L['Default Invoice Terms'] = 'Default Invoice Terms';
$_L['Additional Settings'] = 'Additional Settings';
$_L['cron_invoice_created'] = 'CRON Job - Automatically Send Invoice Created Email';
# V3.4.0
$_L['Invoice Creation Method'] = 'Invoice Creation Method';
$_L['Default'] = 'Default';
$_L['V2'] = 'V2';
# V 3.6.0
$_L['CRON Log'] = 'CRON Log';
$_L['Message'] = 'Message';
$_L['Recent Invoices'] = 'Recent Invoices';
# V 3.7.0
# V 4.0.0
$_L['About'] = 'About';
$_L['Or Install from URL'] = 'Or Install from URL';
$_L['Fold Sidebar Default'] = 'Fold Sidebar by Default ?';
$_L['Hide Footer Copyright'] = 'Hide Footer Copyright ?';
$_L['Filter'] = 'Filter';
$_L['Back'] = 'Back';
$_L['Account Number'] = 'Account Number';
$_L['Contact Person'] = 'Contact Person';
$_L['Internet Banking URL'] = 'Internet Banking URL';
# V 4.1.0
$_L['Cc'] = 'Cc';
$_L['Bcc'] = 'Bcc';
$_L['Mode'] = 'Mode';
$_L['Live'] = 'Live';
$_L['Sandbox'] = 'Sandbox';
$_L['Drop CSV File Here'] = 'Drop CSV File Here';
$_L['Or Click to Upload'] = 'Or Click to Upload';
$_L['Importing'] = 'Importing';
$_L['Import Contacts'] = 'Import Contacts';
$_L['Download Sample File'] = 'Download Sample File';
$_L['Group'] = 'Group';
$_L['Groups'] = 'Groups';
$_L['Add New Group'] = 'Add New Group';
$_L['Group Name'] = 'Group Name';
$_L['Group Deleted Successfully'] = 'Group Deleted Successfully';
$_L['Welcome Email'] = 'Welcome Email';
$_L['Client:Client Signup Email'] = 'Client Signup Email';
$_L['Send Client Signup Email'] = 'Set Yes to send Client Signup Email.';
$_L['Profile'] = 'Profile';
$_L['Download'] = 'Download';
$_L['Legacy'] = 'Legacy';
$_L['New'] = 'New';
$_L['Default Landing Page'] = 'Default Landing Page';
$_L['Admin Login'] = 'Admin Login';
$_L['Client Login'] = 'Client Login';
$_L['Recent Quotes'] = 'Recent Quotes';
$_L['Recent Transactions'] = 'Recent Transactions';
# V 4.2.0
$_L['URL Rewrite'] = 'URL Rewrite';
$_L['Currency Symbol'] = 'Currency Symbol';
$_L['Home Currency'] = 'Home Currency';
$_L['Currency Symbol Position'] = 'Currency Symbol Position';
$_L['Left'] = 'Left';
$_L['Right'] = 'Right';
$_L['Currency Decimal Digits'] = 'Currency Decimal Digits';
$_L['Thousand Separator Placement'] = 'Thousand Separator Placement';
# V 4.2.1
$_L['Or Cancel'] = 'Or Cancel';
$_L['Send Bcc to Admin'] = 'Send Bcc to Admin? Click Here.';
$_L['Attach PDF'] = 'Attach PDF?';
# v 4.4.0
$_L['Cash Flow'] = 'Cash Flow';
//Month Names short
$_L['Jan'] = 'Jan';
$_L['Feb'] = 'Feb';
$_L['Mar'] = 'Mar';
$_L['Apr'] = 'Apr';
$_L['May'] = 'May';
$_L['Jun'] = 'Jun';
$_L['Jul'] = 'Jul';
$_L['Aug'] = 'Aug';
$_L['Sep'] = 'Sep';
$_L['Oct'] = 'Oct';
$_L['Nov'] = 'Nov';
$_L['Dec'] = 'Dec';
$_L['Last 12 Months'] = 'Last 12 Months';
$_L['Data View'] = 'Data View';
$_L['Refresh'] = 'Refresh';
$_L['Reset'] = 'Reset';
$_L['Save as Image'] = 'Save as Image';
$_L['Click to Save'] = 'Click to Save';
$_L['Average'] = 'Average';
$_L['Line'] = 'Line';
$_L['Bar'] = 'Bar';
$_L['Net Worth'] = 'Net Worth';
# v 4.5.0
$_L['Check for Update'] = 'Check for Update';
$_L['Response'] = 'Response';
$_L['Site Key'] = 'Site Key';
$_L['Secret Key'] = 'Secret Key';
$_L['Enable Recaptcha'] = 'Enable reCAPTCHA';
$_L['Recaptcha'] = 'reCAPTCHA';
$_L['Recaptcha Verification Failed'] = 'Please verify that you are not a robot.';
$_L['Client Portal Custom Scripts'] = 'Client Portal Custom Scripts';
$_L['Header Scripts'] = 'Header Scripts';
$_L['Footer Scripts'] = 'Footer Scripts';
# Build 4505
$_L['Received'] = 'Received';
# Build 4520
$_L['System Status'] = 'System Status';
$_L['Application Environment'] = 'Application Environment';
$_L['Server Environment'] = 'Server Environment';
$_L['Integration Code'] = 'Integration Code';
$_L['Client Registration'] = 'Client Registration';
$_L['Register'] = 'Register';
$_L['Notes'] = 'Notes';
$_L['Quick Notes'] = 'Quick Notes';
$_L['Whats on your mind'] = 'What\'s on your mind?';
$_L['Team'] = 'Team';
$_L['Last Activity'] = 'Last Activity';
$_L['Content Animation'] = 'Content Animation';
# Build 4530
$_L['Appearance'] = 'Appearance';
$_L['Customize'] = 'Customize';
$_L['Editor'] = 'Editor';
$_L['Language Editor'] = 'Language Editor';
$_L['Themes'] = 'Themes';
$_L['Select File to Edit'] = 'Select File to Edit';
$_L['File'] = 'File';
$_L['Language File'] = 'Language File';
$_L['Invoice Layout Print'] = 'Invoice Layout: Print';
$_L['Invoice Layout PDF'] = 'Invoice Layout: PDF';
$_L['Please Choose a File'] = 'Please Choose a File';
# Build 4540
$_L['Profit'] = 'Profit';
$_L['Loss'] = 'Loss';
$_L['Revenue'] = 'Revenue';
$_L['Outstanding'] = 'Outstanding';
# Build 4550
$_L['Payments'] = 'Payments';
$_L['Transaction ID'] = 'Transaction ID';
$_L['Customers'] = 'Customers';
$_L['Companies'] = 'Companies';
$_L['Currencies'] = 'Currencies';
$_L['Permission'] = 'Permission';
$_L['Staff'] = 'Staff';
$_L['Roles'] = 'Roles';
$_L['New Role'] = 'New Role';
$_L['Role name is required'] = 'Role name is required';
$_L['Tasks'] = 'Tasks';
$_L['Calendar'] = 'Calendar';
$_L['Leads'] = 'Leads';
$_L['Orders'] = 'orders';
$_L['Currency'] = 'Currency';
$_L['New Currency'] = 'New Currency';
$_L['Base Conversion Rate'] = 'Base Conversion Rate';
$_L['Currency Example'] = 'Currency ISO Code, eg. USD, GBP, INR etc...';
$_L['Make Base Currency'] = 'Make Base Currency';
$_L['Base Currency'] = 'Base Currency';
$_L['New Company'] = 'New Company';
$_L['URL'] = 'URL';
$_L['Logo URL'] = 'Logo URL';
$_L['Company Name is required'] = 'Company Name is required.';
$_L['Event Name'] = 'Event Name';
$_L['Priority'] = 'Priority';
$_L['Owner'] = 'Owner';
$_L['Start Date'] = 'Start Date';
$_L['End Date'] = 'End Date';
$_L['Start Time'] = 'Start Time';
$_L['End Time'] = 'End Time';
$_L['All day event'] = 'All day event';
$_L['Related Contacts'] = 'Related Contacts';
$_L['Add Event'] = 'Add Event';
$_L['Color'] = 'Color';
$_L['Image'] = 'Image';
$_L['Create'] = 'Create';
$_L['Avatar'] = 'Avatar';
$_L['Attach File'] = 'Attach File';
$_L['Drop File Here'] = 'Drop File Here';
$_L['Click to Upload'] = 'Or Click to Upload';
# Build 4580
$_L['Import'] = 'Import';
$_L['Export'] = 'Export';
$_L['Phone number already exist'] = 'Phone number already exist.';
# Build 4590
$_L['Favicon'] = 'Favicon';
$_L['Upload'] = 'Upload';
$_L['Remember me'] = 'Keep me signed in';
# Build 4591
$_L['Accept'] = 'Accept';
$_L['Decline'] = 'Decline';
# Build 4592
$_L['Terminal'] = 'Terminal';
$_L['Customers View Mode'] = 'Customers View Mode'; // Customers View Mode in User Interface [ Table / Card / Search ]
$_L['Table'] = 'Table';
$_L['Card'] = 'Card';
# Build 4596
$_L['Documents'] = 'Documents';
$_L['List All Orders'] = 'List All Orders';
$_L['Add New Order'] = 'Add New Order';
$_L['Order'] = 'Order';
$_L['Product_Service'] = 'Product/Service';
$_L['Billing Cycle'] = 'Billing Cycle';
$_L['Free'] = 'Free';
$_L['One Time'] = 'One Time';
$_L['Monthly'] = 'Monthly';
$_L['Quarterly'] = 'Quarterly';
$_L['Semi-Annually'] = 'Semi-Annually';
$_L['Annually'] = 'Annually';
$_L['Biennially'] = 'Biennially';
$_L['Triennially'] = 'Triennially';
$_L['Pending'] = 'Pending';
$_L['Generate Invoice'] = 'Generate Invoice';
$_L['Item Not Found'] = 'Item Not Found';
$_L['Available Module for this Order'] = 'Available Module for this Order';
$_L['Order Number'] = 'Order Number';
$_L['New Document'] = 'New Document';
$_L['Title'] = 'Title'; # Document Name / Title
$_L['Server Config'] = 'Server Config';
$_L['Upload Maximum Size'] = 'Upload Maximum Size';
$_L['POST Maximum Size'] = 'POST Maximum Size';
$_L['Uploaded Successfully'] = 'Uploaded Successfully';
$_L['Secure Download Link'] = 'Secure Download Link';
$_L['Files'] = 'Files';
$_L['Assign File'] = 'Assign File';
$_L['Activation Message'] = 'Activation Message';
$_L['Email Sent'] = 'Email Sent';
$_L['Downloads'] = 'Downloads';
# Build 4597
$_L['Create Auto Login URL'] = 'Create Auto Login URL';
$_L['Created Successfully'] = 'Created Successfully';
$_L['Auto Login URL'] = 'Auto Login URL';
$_L['Login As Customer'] = 'Login As Customer';
$_L['Revoke Auto Login'] = 'Revoke Auto Login';
$_L['Re Generate URL'] = 'Re Generate URL';
# Build 4601
$_L['Contact'] = 'Contact';
$_L['All'] = 'All';
$_L['Date Range'] = 'Date Range';
$_L['Available for all Customers'] = 'Available for all Customers';
$_L['Proof Of Payment'] = 'Proof Of Payment';
# Build 4602
$_L['My Orders'] = 'My Orders';
$_L['Place New Order'] = 'Place New Order';
$_L['Cost Price'] = 'Cost Price';
$_L['Inventory To Add Subtract'] = 'Inventory To Add/Subtract';
$_L['Unit'] = 'Unit';
$_L['Units'] = 'Units';
$_L['Units of measurement'] = 'Units of measurement';
$_L['Create New'] = 'Create New';
$_L['Reference'] = 'Reference';
$_L['Conversion Factor'] = 'Conversion Factor';
$_L['SKU'] = 'SKU';
$_L['Weight'] = 'Weight';
$_L['Show quantity as'] = 'Show quantity as';
$_L['New Lead'] = 'New Lead';
$_L['Import Leads'] = 'Import Leads';
$_L['Source'] = 'Source';
$_L['Salutation'] = 'Salutation';
$_L['First Name'] = 'First Name';
$_L['Middle Name'] = 'Middle Name';
$_L['Last Name'] = 'Last Name';
$_L['Industry'] = 'Industry';
$_L['No. of Employees'] = 'No. of Employees';
$_L['Public'] = 'Public';
$_L['Company'] = 'Company';
$_L['Street'] = 'Street';
$_L['Memo'] = 'Memo'; // Description
$_L['Convert to Customer'] = 'Convert to Customer';
$_L['Buy Now'] = 'Buy Now';
$_L['Store'] = 'Store';
$_L['Add to Cart'] = 'Add to Cart';
$_L['Copy'] = 'Copy';
$_L['Unknown'] = 'Unknown';
$_L['Access Log'] = 'Access Log';
$_L['Browser'] = 'Browser';
$_L['Time'] = 'Time';
$_L['Invoice Access Log'] = 'Invoice Access Log';
$_L['Clone'] = 'Clone';
$_L['Cloned successfully'] = 'Cloned successfully';
$_L['Media'] = 'Media';
$_L['Inventory'] = 'Inventory';
$_L['Available'] = 'Available';
$_L['Published'] = 'Published';
$_L['No Data Available'] = 'No Data Available';
$_L['Send SMS'] = 'Send SMS';
$_L['Call'] = 'Call'; // Phone Call
$_L['Saved Successfully'] = 'Saved Successfully';
$_L['System'] = 'System';
$_L['Custom'] = 'Custom';
$_L['Choose from Template'] = 'Choose from Template';
$_L['Add New Template'] = 'Add New Template';
$_L['Assign to Group'] = 'Assign to Group';
$_L['Select Group'] = 'Select Group';
$_L['Empty'] = 'Empty';
$_L['Related To'] = 'Related To';
$_L['Add New'] = 'Add New';
$_L['Add Fund'] = 'Add Fund';
$_L['Back to Client Area'] = 'Back to Client Area';
$_L['Manual Credit'] = 'Manual Credit';
$_L['Log'] = 'Log';
$_L['Client'] = 'Client';
$_L['All Data'] = 'All Data';
# 4663
$_L['Sales target'] = 'Sales target'; # Sales target for specific month
$_L['Invoice issued'] = 'Invoice issued';
Did this file decode correctly?
Original Code
$_L['Login'] = ' ';
$_L['Edit'] = '';
$_L['Delete'] = '';
$_L['Account'] = '';
$_L['Date'] = '';
$_L['Financial_Balances'] = ' ';
$_L['Add_New_Account'] = ' ';
$_L['Manage_Accounts'] = ' ';
$_L['initial_balance'] = ' ';
$_L['account_created_successfully'] = ' ';
$_L['account_updated_successfully'] = ' ';
$_L['account_already_exist'] = ' - ';
$_L['system'] = '';
$_L['Total'] = '';
$_L['Account_Not_Found'] = ' ';
$_L['ref_help'] = ' : . '
$_L['amount_error'] = ' ';
$_L['Cleared'] = ' ';
$_L['Uncleared'] = ' ';
$_L['Reconciled'] = '';
$_L['Void'] = ' ';
$_L['Add_Deposit'] = ' ';
$_L['Amount'] = '';
$_L['Payer'] = '';
$_L['Category'] = '';
$_L['Payment Method'] = ' ';
$_L['Ref'] = ' ';
$_L['Status'] = '';
$_L['Uncategorized'] = ' ';
$_L['transaction_added_successfully'] = ' ';
$_L['Add_Expense'] = ' ';
$_L['Payee'] = '';
$_L['description_error'] = ' ';
$_L['Transfer'] = '';
$_L['From'] = '';
$_L['To'] = '';
$_L['Select An Account'] = ' ';
$_L['same_account_error'] = ' ';
$_L['Transaction_Not_Found'] = ' ';
$_L['transaction_delete_successful'] = ' ';
$_L['account_delete_successful'] = ' ';
$_L['transaction_update_successful'] = ' ';
$_L['Number_of_Payment'] = ' ';
$_L['Frequency'] = '';
$_L['Monthly'] = '';
$_L['Weekly'] = '';
$_L['Bi_Weekly'] = '_';
$_L['Everyday'] = ' ';
$_L['Every_30_Days'] = ' 30 ';
$_L['Every_2_Month'] = ' ';
$_L['Quarterly'] = ' ';
$_L['Every_6_Month'] = ' 6 ';
$_L['Yearly'] = '';
$_L['Once_Only'] = ' ';
$_L['Edit_Option'] = 'Edit_Option';
$_L['Edit_Single_Occurrence'] = ' ';
$_L['Delete_Single_Occurrence'] = ' ';
$_L['Edit_All_Occurrence'] = ' ';
$_L['Delete_All_Occurrence'] = ' ';
$_L['Manage'] = '';
$_L['Confirm'] = '';
$_L['Enter_Transaction'] = ' ';
$_L['Payment_Cleared'] = ' ';
$_L['an_error_occured'] = ' ';
$_L['name_exist_error'] = ' ';
$_L['account_title_length_error'] = ' 3 100 ';
$_L['tr_delete_warning'] = ' . . ';
$_L['frequency_error'] = ' ';
$_L['name_error'] = ' ';
$_L['edit_successful'] = ' ';
$_L['added_successful'] = ' ';
$_L['delete_successful'] = ' ';
$_L['Name'] = '';
$_L['Account_Title'] = ' ';
$_L['Edit_Account'] = ' ';
$_L['Description'] = '';
$_L['Submit'] = '';
$_L['Transaction'] = '';
$_L['Add_Repeating_Income'] = ' ';
$_L['Repeating_Income'] = ' ';
$_L['Repeating_Expense'] = ' ';
$_L['Add_Repeating_Expense'] = ' ';
$_L['frequency_help'] = ' 12 .';
$_L['Welcome'] = ' ';
$_L['Type'] = '';
$_L['View'] = '';
$_L['Income'] = '';
$_L['Expense'] = ' ';
$_L['Credit'] = '';
$_L['Debit'] = 'Debit';
$_L['Cancel'] = '';
$_L['Password'] = ' ';
$_L['Dr'] = '';
$_L['Cr'] = '';
$_L['Method'] = '';
$_L['frequency_error'] = '';
$_L['Toggle_navigation'] = ' ';
$_L['MoneyFlow'] = ' ';
$_L['Dashboard'] = ' ';
$_L['Quick Access'] = ' ';
$_L['Accounts'] = '';
$_L['Main'] = " ";
$_L['Account_Balances'] = '_';
$_L['Ad_An_Account'] = ' ';
$_L['Manage_Accounts'] = ' ';
$_L['Transactions'] = '';
$_L['Add_Deposit'] = ' ';
$_L['Add_Expense'] = ' ';
$_L['Add_Deposit'] = ' ';
$_L['Add_Expense'] = ' ';
$_L['Transfer'] = '';
$_L['View_Transactions'] = ' ';
$_L['Recurring'] = '';
$_L['Repeating_Income'] = ' ';
$_L['Repeating_Expense'] = ' ';
$_L['Income_Calendar'] = ' ';
$_L['Expense_Calendar'] = ' ';
$_L['Reports'] = '';
$_L['Account_Statement'] = ' ';
$_L['Reports_by_Date'] = ' ';
$_L['Income_Reports'] = ' ';
$_L['Expense_Reports'] = ' ';
$_L['Income_Vs_Expense'] = ' ';
$_L['Settings'] = '';
$_L['Expense_Categories'] = ' ';
$_L['Income_Categories'] = ' ';
$_L['Payees'] = '';
$_L['Payers'] = '';
$_L['Payment_Methods'] = ' ';
$_L['Users'] = '';
$_L['Application_Settings'] = ' ';
$_L['My_Account'] = ' ';
$_L['Edit_Profile'] = ' ';
$_L['Change_Password'] = ' ';
$_L['Logout'] = '';
$_L['Forgot_Password'] = ' ';
$_L['Income_Today'] = '_';
$_L['Expense_Today'] = ' ';
$_L['Income_This_Month'] = ' ';
$_L['Expense_This_Month'] = ' ';
$_L['Financial_Balances'] = ' ';
$_L['Income_Vs_Expense'] = ' ';
$_L['Latest_5_Income'] = '5 ';
$_L['Latest_5_Expense'] = ' 5 ';
$_L['Date'] = '';
$_L['Amount'] = '';
$_L['Income_Graph_This_Year'] = 'Income_Graph_This_Year';
$_L['Expense_Graph_This_Year'] = ' ';
$_L['Balance'] = '';
$_L['Next'] = '';
$_L['Last'] = '';
$_L['Latest_Expense'] = ' ';
$_L['Budgets'] = '';
$_L['View_Budgets'] = ' ';
$_L['Set_Budgets'] = ' ';
$_L['Add_Payment_Method'] = ' ';
$_L['Manage_Payment_Methods'] = ' ';
$_L['drag_drop_edit'] = ' . .';
$_L['Manage_Categories'] = ' ';
$_L['Manage_Payees'] = ' ';
$_L['Add_Payee'] = ' ';
$_L['Add_Payer'] = ' ';
$_L['Manage_Payers'] = ' ';
$_L['Reports_Categories'] = ' ';
$_L['Reports_Payees'] = ' ';
$_L['Reports_Payers'] = ' ';
$_L['Uncategorized'] = ' ';
$_L['App_Name'] = ' / ';
$_L['App_Name_Help_Text'] = ' ';
$_L['Dark'] = '';
$_L['Blue'] = '';
$_L['Timezone'] = ' ';
$_L['Decimal_Point'] = ' ';
$_L['Thousands_Separator'] = ' ';
$_L['Currency_Code'] = ' ';
$_L['Edit_Categories'] = ' ';
$_L['cat_del_help_txt'] = ' .';
$_L['Change_Password'] = ' ';
$_L['Current_Password'] = ' ';
$_L['New_Password'] = 'New_Password';
$_L['Confirm_New_Password'] = ' ';
$_L['Edit_Payee'] = ' ';
$_L['Edit_Payer'] = ' ';
$_L['Edit_Payment_Methods'] = ' ';
$_L['Statement'] = ' ';
$_L['Total_Income'] = ' ';
$_L['Total_Expense'] = ' ';
$_L['All_Transactions_at_Date'] = ' ';
$_L['Income_Summary'] = ' ';
$_L['Total_Income'] = ' ';
$_L['Total_Income_This_Month'] = ' ';
$_L['Total_Income_This_Week'] = ' __';
$_L['Total_Income_Last_30_days'] = ' __30_';
$_L['Last_20_deposit_Income'] = '20 ';
$_L['Monthly_Income_Graph'] = ' ';
$_L['Expense_Summary'] = ' ';
$_L['Summary'] = '';
$_L['More'] = '';
$_L['Total Expense'] = ' ';
$_L['Total_Expense_This_Month'] = ' ';
$_L['Total_Expense_This_Week'] = ' ';
$_L['Total_Expense_Last_30_days'] = ' 30 ';
$_L['Last_20_Expense'] = '20 ';
$_L['Monthly_Expense_Graph'] = ' ';
$_L['Income_Vs_Expense_This_Year'] = ' ';
$_L['View_Statement'] = ' ';
$_L['All_Transactions'] = ' ';
$_L['Select_Payer'] = ' ';
$_L['From_Date'] = ' ';
$_L['To_Date'] = ' ';
$_L['Select_Payee'] = ' ';
$_L['Export_for_Print'] = ' ';
$_L['Export_to_PDF'] = ' PDF ';
$_L['Manage_Users'] = ' ';
$_L['Add_New_User'] = ' ';
$_L['Username'] = 'Username';
$_L['Full_Name'] = ' ';
$_L['User_type_help'] = ' ';
$_L['Confirm_Password'] = ' ';
$_L['User_Type'] = ' ';
$_L['Administrator'] = '';
$_L['Employee'] = '';
$_L['Password_change_help'] = ' ';
$_L['Edit_User'] = ' ';
$_L['Currency_help'] = ' ';
$_L['Theme_Style'] = ' ';
$_L['Theme_Color'] = ' ';
$_L['Default_Language'] = ' ';
$_L['CRM'] = ' ';
$_L['Add Contact'] = 'Add Contact';
$_L['Add Customer'] = 'Add Customer';
$_L['List Contacts'] = 'List Contacts';
$_L['Transactions'] = '';
$_L['New Deposit'] = ' ';
$_L['New Expense'] = ' ';
$_L['Transfer'] = '';
$_L['View Transactions'] = ' ';
$_L['Balance Sheet'] = '';
$_L['Sales'] = '';
$_L['Invoices'] = '';
$_L['Contact_Notes'] = ' ';
$_L['New Invoice'] = ' ';
$_L['Add Invoice'] = ' ';
$_L['Recurring Invoices'] = ' ';
$_L['Manage Recurring Invoice'] = ' ';
$_L['New Recurring Invoice'] = ' ';
$_L['Bank n Cash'] = ' ';
$_L['New Account'] = 'Add Account';
$_L['List Accounts'] = 'List Accounts';
$_L['Products n Services'] = ' ';
$_L['Products'] = '';
$_L['Product'] = '';
$_L['New Product'] = ' ';
$_L['Services'] = '';
$_L['New Service'] = ' ';
$_L['Reports'] = ' ';
$_L['Account Statement'] = ' ';
$_L['Reports by Date'] = ' ';
$_L['Income Reports'] = ' ';
$_L['Income Vs Expense'] = ' ';
$_L['Income Vs Expense'] = ' ';
$_L['All Income'] = ' ';
$_L['All Expense'] = ' ';
$_L['All Transactions'] = ' ';
$_L['Utilities'] = 'Utilities';
$_L['Activity Log'] = ' ';
$_L['Activity'] = ' ';
$_L['Email Message Log'] = 'Email Message Log';
$_L['Database Status'] = ' ';
$_L['My Account'] = 'My Account';
$_L['Edit Profile'] = ' ';
$_L['Change Password'] = ' ';
$_L['Logout'] = '';
$_L['Settings'] = '';
$_L['General Settings'] = ' ';
$_L['Localisation'] = ' ';
$_L['Manage Users'] = ' ';
$_L['Payment Gateway'] = ' ';
$_L['Expense Categories'] = 'Categories Expense';
$_L['Income Categories'] = ' ';
$_L['Manage Tags'] = 'Manage Tags';
$_L['Payment Methods'] = ' ';
$_L['Sales Taxes'] = ' ';
$_L['Email Settings'] = 'Email Settings';
$_L['Email Templates'] = 'Email Templates';
$_L['Email_requested']=' ( ) ';
$_L['Automation Settings'] = 'Automation Settings';
$_L['Please Wait'] = 'Please Wait';
$_L['Employee_Privilage'] = ' Employee ';
$_L['Keep_Blank'] = ' - ';
$_L['List Customers'] = ' ';
$_L['Search Customers'] = ' ';
$_L['Income Today'] = ' ';
$_L['Expense Today'] = ' ';
$_L['Income This Month'] = ' ';
$_L['Expense This Month'] = ' ';
$_L['Income n Expense'] = ' ';
$_L['Net Worth n Account Balances'] = ' ';
$_L['Set Goal'] = ' ';
$_L['Income vs Expense'] = ' ';
$_L['Latest Income'] = ' ';
$_L['Latest Expense'] = ' ';
$_L['Copyright'] = ' ';
$_L['Add Custom Field'] = 'Add Custom Field';
$_L['Field Name'] = ' ';
$_L['Field Name'] = ' ';
$_L['Field Type'] = ' ';
$_L['Text Box'] = 'Text Box';
$_L['Drop Down'] = 'Drop Down';
$_L['Text Area'] = ' ';
$_L['Option Description help'] = ' ';
$_L['Regular Expression Validation'] = ' - ';
$_L['Comma Separated List'] = ' (,) ';
$_L['Show in View Invoice'] = ' ';
$_L['Yes'] = '';
$_L['No'] = '';
$_L['Validation'] = 'Validation';
$_L['Select Options'] = 'Select Options';
$_L['Edit Custom Field'] = 'Edit Custom Field';
$_L['Application Name'] = ' / ';
$_L['This Name will be'] = ' .';
$_L['Theme'] = ' ';
$_L['Style'] = ' ';
$_L['Pay To Address'] = ' ';
$_L['You can use html tag'] = ' HTML ';
$_L['Invoice Starting'] = ' ';
$_L['Enter to set the next invoice'] = ' ';
$_L['Keep Blank for'] = ' ';
$_L['This will replace existing logo'] = ' - . ';
$_L['User Interface'] = ' ';
$_L['Enable Page Loading Animation'] = ' ';
$_L['Enable RTL'] = ' ';
$_L['Logo'] = 'Logo';
$_L['Automation'] = '';
$_L['Security Token'] = 'Security Token';
$_L['Re Generate Key'] = ' ';
$_L['to_enable_automation'] = ' cron job . ( 9:00).';
$_L['reate the following Cron Job using GET'] = 'Cron Job GET : ';
$_L['Or'] = '';
$_L['Create the following Cron Job using PHP'] = 'Cron Job PHP :';
$_L['Create the following Cron Job using WGET'] = 'Cron Job WGET :';
$_L['Generate Daily Accounting Snapshot'] = ' ';
$_L['Generate Recurring Invoices'] = ' ';
$_L['Enable Email Notifications'] = ' ';
$_L['Save Changes'] = ' ';
$_L['Edit Categories'] = ' ';
$_L['Deleting Categories will'] = ' ';
$_L['Current Password'] = ' ';
$_L['New Password'] = ' ';
$_L['Confirm New Password'] = ' ';
$_L['INVOICE'] = '';
$_L['Total Amount'] = ' ';
$_L['Invoiced To'] = ' ';
$_L['Item'] = 'Item';
$_L['Quantity'] = '';
$_L['Related Transactions'] = ' ';
$_L['Download PDF'] = ' PDF';
$_L['Printable Version'] = ' ';
$_L['Amount Due'] = ' ';
$_L['Pay Now'] = ' ';
$_L['Add Deposit'] = 'Add Deposit';
$_L['Choose an'] = '';
$_L['Advanced'] = '';
$_L['Choose Contact'] = 'Choose Contact';
$_L['Select Payment Method'] = ' ';
$_L['ref_example'] = ' ';
$_L['Recent Deposits'] = ' ';
$_L['Custom Fields'] = 'Custom Fields';
$_L['Custom Fields Not Available'] = ' ';
$_L['Total Database Size'] = ' ';
$_L['Download Database Backup'] = ' ';
$_L['Table Name'] = ' ';
$_L['Rows'] = '';
$_L['Size'] = '';
$_L['Edit TAX'] = ' ';
$_L['Active'] = '';
$_L['Inactive'] = '';
$_L['Send Email Using'] = ' ';
$_L['PHP mail Function'] = ' PHP mail()';
$_L['SMTP'] = 'SMTP';
$_L['System Email'] = ' ';
$_L['All Outgoing Email Will'] = ' .';
$_L['SMTP Host'] = 'SMTP Host';
$_L['SMTP Username'] = 'SMTP Username';
$_L['SMTP Password'] = ' SMTP';
$_L['SMTP Port'] = ' SMTP';
$_L['SMTP Secure'] = 'SMTP Secure';
$_L['TLS'] = 'TLS';
$_L['SSL'] = 'SSL';
$_L['Add Expense'] = 'Add Expense';
$_L['Choose an Account'] = ' ';
$_L['Recent Expense'] = ' ';
$_L['Manage Categories'] = ' ';
$_L['drag_n_drop_help'] = ' . .';
$_L['Reset Password'] = 'Reset Password';
$_L['Back To Login'] = ' ';
$_L['Email Address'] = 'Email Address';
$_L['Related Emails'] = ' ';
$_L['Invoice'] = '';
$_L['Send Email'] = ' ';
$_L['Invoice Created'] = ' ';
$_L['Invoice Payment Reminder'] = ' ';
$_L['Invoice Overdue Notice'] = ' ';
$_L['Invoice Payment Confirmation'] = ' ';
$_L['Invoice Refund Confirmation'] = ' ';
$_L['Mark As'] = ' ';
$_L['Partially Paid'] = 'Partially Paid';
$_L['Add Payment'] = 'Add Payment';
$_L['Preview'] = ' ';
$_L['PDF'] = 'PDF';
$_L['View PDF'] = ' PDF';
$_L['Print'] = '';
$_L['Subtotal'] = 'Subtotal';
$_L['Grand Total'] = 'Grand Total';
$_L['Search by Name'] = ' ';
$_L['Search'] = '';
$_L['Add New Contact'] = 'Add New Contact';
$_L['Filter by Tags'] = 'Filter by';
$_L['n_a'] = ' ';
$_L['Records'] = 'Records';
$_L['List Invoices'] = ' ';
$_L['Add Recurring Invoice'] = 'Add Recurring Invoice';
$_L['Due'] = 'Due';
$_L['Next Invoice'] = ' ';
$_L['Stop Recurring'] = ' ';
$_L['Add Tax'] = 'Add Tax';
$_L['Tax Rate'] = ' ';
$_L['Default Country'] = 'Default Country';
$_L['Date Format'] = ' ';
$_L['Format Currency'] = ' ';
$_L['Currency Code'] = ' ';
$_L['Keep it blank if currency code'] = ' ';
$_L['Charset n Collation'] = 'Charset & Collation';
$_L['Set Charset n Collation'] = 'Set Charset & Collation ';
$_L['Sign in'] = ' ';
$_L['Forgot password'] = ' ';
$_L['Edit Transaction'] = ' ';
$_L['Add User'] = 'Add User';
$_L['Access Level'] = ' ';
$_L['Full Access'] = 'Full Access';
$_L['Loading Users'] = ' ';
$_L['Add Payee'] = 'Add Payee';
$_L['Manage Payees'] = 'Manage Payees';
$_L['Edit Payee'] = ' ';
$_L['Edit Payer'] = 'Edit Payer';
$_L['Add Payer'] = ' ';
$_L['Manage Payers'] = 'Manage Payers';
$_L['Reorder Payment Gateway'] = ' ';
$_L['Gateway Name'] = ' ';
$_L['Setting Name'] = ' ';
$_L['Value'] = '';
$_L['Reorder'] = 'Reorder';
$_L['Positions'] = ' ';
$_L['Settings Name'] = 'Settings Name';
$_L['Custom Param 1'] = 'Custom Param 1';
$_L['Conversion Rate'] = ' ';
$_L['Custom Param 2'] = 'Custom Param 2';
$_L['Custom Param 3'] = 'Custom Param 3';
$_L['Custom Param 4'] = 'Custom Param 4';
$_L['Custom Param 5'] = 'Custom Param 5';
$_L['Add Payment Methods'] = ' ';
$_L['Manage Payment Methods'] = ' ';
$_L['Edit Payment Methods'] = ' ';
$_L['Click Here to Print'] = ' ';
$_L['Add Product'] = 'Add Product';
$_L['Add Service'] = 'Add Service';
$_L['List'] = '';
$_L['Expense Summary'] = ' ';
$_L['Total Expense This Month'] = ' ';
$_L['Total Expense This Week'] = ' ';
$_L['Total Expense Last 30 Day'] = ' 30 ';
$_L['Last 20 Deposit Expense'] = 'Last 20 Depose Expense';
$_L['Dr.'] = '';
$_L['Monthly Expense Graph'] = ' ';
$_L['Income Summary'] = ' ';
$_L['Total Income This Month'] = ' ';
$_L['Total Income This Week'] = ' ';
$_L['Total Income Last 30 Day'] = ' 30 ';
$_L[' 20 '] = '20 ';
$_L[' '] = ' ';
$_L[' '] = ' ';
$_L['Income minus Expense'] = ' - ';
$_L['Income Vs Expense This Year'] = ' ';
$_L['View Statement'] = ' ';
$_L['From Date'] = ' ';
$_L['To Date'] = ' ';
$_L['Export for Print'] = 'Export for Print';
$_L['Export to PDF'] = ' PDF ';
$_L['Tag'] = ' ';
$_L['New Transfer'] = ' ';
$_L['Recent Transfers'] = ' ';
$_L['Add New User'] = 'Add New User';
$_L['User'] = '';
$_L['Full Administrator'] = 'Administrator';
$_L['Choose User Type'] = ' ';
$_L['Confirm Password'] = ' ';
$_L['Edit User'] = ' ';
$_L['Clear Old Data'] = 'Clear Old Data';
$_L['UID'] = 'UID';
$_L['IP'] = 'IP';
$_L['ID'] = 'ID';
$_L['Total Email Sent'] = ' ';
$_L['Sent To'] = 'Sent To';
$_L['Back To Emails'] = ' ';
$_L['Settings Saved Successfully'] = ' ';
$_L['New Goal has been set'] = ' ';
$_L['Choose the Traget Account'] = ' ';
$_L['See All Activity'] = 'See All Activity';
* @From V 2.2.0
$_L['Item Added Successfully'] = ' ';
$_L['Password changed successfully'] = ' ';
$_L['Data Updated'] = ' !';
$_L['Transaction Added Successfully'] = ' ';
$_L['Invalid Number'] = ' ';
$_L['Logs has been deleted'] = ' ';
$_L['Password Reset Key Expired'] = ' ';
$_L['Payment Cancelled'] = ' ';
$_L['Field Custom Deleted Successfully'] = 'Field Custom Deleted Successfully';
$_L['Plugin Not Found'] = 'Plugin Not Found';
$_L['You don't have permission'] = ' ';
$_L['disabled_in_demo'] = ' ';
$_L['All Fields are Required'] = ' ';
$_L['Invalid System Email'] = ' ';
$_L['smtp_fields_error'] = ' SMTP ';
$_L['Charset Saved Successfully'] = ' Charset ';
$_L['password_length_error'] = ' 6 14 ';
$_L['Both Password '] = ' ';
$_L['Incorrect Current Password'] = ' ';
$_L['Invalid Logo File'] = ' ';
$_L['Invalid TAX Rate'] = ' ';
$_L['New TAX'Added'] = ' ';
$_L['TAX Not Found'] = 'TAX ';
$_L['cron_new_key'] = ' . CRON Jobs .';
$_L['cron_notification'] = ' ';
$_L['Select'] = '';
$_L['Close'] = '';
$_L['Update'] = ' ';
$_L['OK'] = 'OK';
$_L['Terms'] = '';
$_L['PDF Font'] = 'Font PDF';
$_L['pdf_font_help_default'] = ' [ PDF ]';
$_L['pdf_font_help_helvetica'] = 'Helvetica';
$_L['pdf_font_help_dejavusanscondensed'] = 'dejavusanscondensed [Embed fonts with supports UTF8]';
$_L['Invoice Total'] = ' ';
$_L['PDF Font'] = 'PDF ';
$_L['pdf_font_help_default'] = 'Default [Faster PDF Creation with Less Memory]';
$_L['pdf_font_help_helvetica'] = 'Helvetica'; #Font name
$_L['Total Paid'] = ' ';
$_L['Unique Invoice URL'] = 'Unique Invoice URL';
$_L['Company Name'] = ' ';
$_L['ATTN'] = 'ATTN'; #
* @From V 2.3.0
$_L['Plugins'] = 'Plugins';
$_L['Payment Successful'] = ' ';
* @From V 2.4.0
$_L['Installing Plugin'] = ' ';
$_L['Uninstalling Plugin'] = ' ';
$_L['Activating Plugin'] = ' ';
$_L['Deactivating Plugin'] = ' ';
$_L['Deleting Plugin'] = 'Delete Plugin';
$_L['Upload Plugin'] = 'Apload Plugin';
$_L['Unzipping'] = ' ';
$_L['Plugin Added'] = ' ';
$_L['No Plugins Available'] = ' ';
$_L['Quotes'] = ' ';
$_L['Quote'] = ' ';
$_L['Choose Features'] = ' ';
$_L['Accounting'] = ' ';
$_L['Invoicing'] = ' ';
$_L['Quotes'] = ' ';
$_L['Enable Client Dashboard'] = ' / ';
$_L['quote_alias'] = ' / / ';
$_L['Date Created'] = ' ';
$_L['Expiry Date'] = ' ';
$_L['Stage'] = 'Stage';
$_L['Draft'] = ' ';
$_L['Delivered'] = ' ';
$_L['Accepted'] = ' ';
$_L['On Hold'] = ' ';
$_L['Lost'] = '';
$_L['Dead'] = '';
$_L['Reports by Category'] = ' ';
$_L['January'] = '';
$_L['February'] = '';
$_L['March'] = '';
$_L['April'] = '';
$_L['May'] = '';
$_L['June'] = '';
$_L['July'] = '';
$_L['August'] = '';
$_L['September'] = '';
$_L['October'] = '';
$_L['November'] = '';
$_L['December'] = '';
$_L['Discount Type'] = ' ';
$_L['Percentage'] = '';
$_L['Fixed Amount'] = ' ';
$_L['Page'] = '';
$_L['of'] = '';
$_L['Loading'] = ' ';
$_L['Payment'] = '';
$_L['Recipient'] = '';
$_L['Proposal Text'] = ' ';
$_L['quote_help_top'] = ' ';
$_L['quote_help_footer'] = ' ';
$_L['Customer Notes'] = ' ';
$_L['Save n Close'] = ' ';
$_L['Quote Created'] = ' ';
$_L['Convert to Invoice'] = ' ';
$_L['Quote Prefix'] = ' ';
$_L['quote_number_help'] = ' ';
$_L['invoice_number_help'] = ' ';
$_L['Public Key'] = 'Public Key';
$_L['Private Key'] = 'Private Key';
$_L['Default Account'] = 'Default Account';
$_L['live or sandbox'] = 'live or sandbox';
$_L['plugin_drop_help'] = ' ';
$_L['plugin_upload_help'] = '( )';
$_L['Admin'] = 'Admin';
$_L['Message Body'] = ' ';
$_L['Invoice:Invoice Created'] = ' - ';
$_L['Admin:Password Change Request'] = ' - ';
$_L['Admin:New Password'] = ' - ';
$_L['Invoice:Invoice Payment Reminder'] = ' - ';
$_L['Invoice:Invoice Detail Notice'] = ' - ';
$_L['Invoice:Invoice Payment Confirmation'] = ' - ';
$_L['Invoice:Invoice Refund Confirmation'] = ' - ';
$_L['Quote:Quote Created'] = ' : ';
$_L['Send Notifications To'] = 'Send Notifications To';
$_L['No results found'] = ' ';
$_L['Quote Deleted Successfully'] = ' ';
$_L['Create New Quote'] = ' ';
# V3.0.0
$_L['notice_email_as_username'] = 'Please use a valid Email address as Username';
$_L['API'] = 'API';
$_L['API Access'] = 'API Access';
$_L['Add API Access'] = 'Add API Access';
$_L['Label'] = 'Label';
$_L['API Key'] = 'API Key';
$_L['Regenerate'] = 'Regenerate';
$_L['Application URL'] = 'Application URL';
# V3.1.0
$_L['API Access Added'] = 'API Access Added';
$_L['select_a_contact'] = 'Please select a Contact';
$_L['at_least_one_item_required'] = 'At least one item is required';
$_L['Subject is Required'] = 'Subject is Required';
$_L['Unique Quote URL'] = 'Unique Quote URL';
# V3.3.0
$_L['Default Invoice Terms'] = 'Default Invoice Terms';
$_L['Additional Settings'] = 'Additional Settings';
$_L['cron_invoice_created'] = 'CRON Job - Automatically Send Invoice Created Email';
# V3.4.0
$_L['Invoice Creation Method'] = 'Invoice Creation Method';
$_L['Default'] = 'Default';
$_L['V2'] = 'V2';
# V 3.6.0
$_L['CRON Log'] = 'CRON Log';
$_L['Message'] = 'Message';
$_L['Recent Invoices'] = 'Recent Invoices';
# V 3.7.0
# V 4.0.0
$_L['About'] = 'About';
$_L['Or Install from URL'] = 'Or Install from URL';
$_L['Fold Sidebar Default'] = 'Fold Sidebar by Default ?';
$_L['Hide Footer Copyright'] = 'Hide Footer Copyright ?';
$_L['Filter'] = 'Filter';
$_L['Back'] = 'Back';
$_L['Account Number'] = 'Account Number';
$_L['Contact Person'] = 'Contact Person';
$_L['Internet Banking URL'] = 'Internet Banking URL';
# V 4.1.0
$_L['Cc'] = 'Cc';
$_L['Bcc'] = 'Bcc';
$_L['Mode'] = 'Mode';
$_L['Live'] = 'Live';
$_L['Sandbox'] = 'Sandbox';
$_L['Drop CSV File Here'] = 'Drop CSV File Here';
$_L['Or Click to Upload'] = 'Or Click to Upload';
$_L['Importing'] = 'Importing';
$_L['Import Contacts'] = 'Import Contacts';
$_L['Download Sample File'] = 'Download Sample File';
$_L['Group'] = 'Group';
$_L['Groups'] = 'Groups';
$_L['Add New Group'] = 'Add New Group';
$_L['Group Name'] = 'Group Name';
$_L['Group Deleted Successfully'] = 'Group Deleted Successfully';
$_L['Welcome Email'] = 'Welcome Email';
$_L['Client:Client Signup Email'] = 'Client Signup Email';
$_L['Send Client Signup Email'] = 'Set Yes to send Client Signup Email.';
$_L['Profile'] = 'Profile';
$_L['Download'] = 'Download';
$_L['Legacy'] = 'Legacy';
$_L['New'] = 'New';
$_L['Default Landing Page'] = 'Default Landing Page';
$_L['Admin Login'] = 'Admin Login';
$_L['Client Login'] = 'Client Login';
$_L['Recent Quotes'] = 'Recent Quotes';
$_L['Recent Transactions'] = 'Recent Transactions';
# V 4.2.0
$_L['URL Rewrite'] = 'URL Rewrite';
$_L['Currency Symbol'] = 'Currency Symbol';
$_L['Home Currency'] = 'Home Currency';
$_L['Currency Symbol Position'] = 'Currency Symbol Position';
$_L['Left'] = 'Left';
$_L['Right'] = 'Right';
$_L['Currency Decimal Digits'] = 'Currency Decimal Digits';
$_L['Thousand Separator Placement'] = 'Thousand Separator Placement';
# V 4.2.1
$_L['Or Cancel'] = 'Or Cancel';
$_L['Send Bcc to Admin'] = 'Send Bcc to Admin? Click Here.';
$_L['Attach PDF'] = 'Attach PDF?';
# v 4.4.0
$_L['Cash Flow'] = 'Cash Flow';
//Month Names short
$_L['Jan'] = 'Jan';
$_L['Feb'] = 'Feb';
$_L['Mar'] = 'Mar';
$_L['Apr'] = 'Apr';
$_L['May'] = 'May';
$_L['Jun'] = 'Jun';
$_L['Jul'] = 'Jul';
$_L['Aug'] = 'Aug';
$_L['Sep'] = 'Sep';
$_L['Oct'] = 'Oct';
$_L['Nov'] = 'Nov';
$_L['Dec'] = 'Dec';
$_L['Last 12 Months'] = 'Last 12 Months';
$_L['Data View'] = 'Data View';
$_L['Refresh'] = 'Refresh';
$_L['Reset'] = 'Reset';
$_L['Save as Image'] = 'Save as Image';
$_L['Click to Save'] = 'Click to Save';
$_L['Average'] = 'Average';
$_L['Line'] = 'Line';
$_L['Bar'] = 'Bar';
$_L['Net Worth'] = 'Net Worth';
# v 4.5.0
$_L['Check for Update'] = 'Check for Update';
$_L['Response'] = 'Response';
$_L['Site Key'] = 'Site Key';
$_L['Secret Key'] = 'Secret Key';
$_L['Enable Recaptcha'] = 'Enable reCAPTCHA';
$_L['Recaptcha'] = 'reCAPTCHA';
$_L['Recaptcha Verification Failed'] = 'Please verify that you are not a robot.';
$_L['Client Portal Custom Scripts'] = 'Client Portal Custom Scripts';
$_L['Header Scripts'] = 'Header Scripts';
$_L['Footer Scripts'] = 'Footer Scripts';
# Build 4505
$_L['Received'] = 'Received';
# Build 4520
$_L['System Status'] = 'System Status';
$_L['Application Environment'] = 'Application Environment';
$_L['Server Environment'] = 'Server Environment';
$_L['Integration Code'] = 'Integration Code';
$_L['Client Registration'] = 'Client Registration';
$_L['Register'] = 'Register';
$_L['Notes'] = 'Notes';
$_L['Quick Notes'] = 'Quick Notes';
$_L['Whats on your mind'] = 'What\'s on your mind?';
$_L['Team'] = 'Team';
$_L['Last Activity'] = 'Last Activity';
$_L['Content Animation'] = 'Content Animation';
# Build 4530
$_L['Appearance'] = 'Appearance';
$_L['Customize'] = 'Customize';
$_L['Editor'] = 'Editor';
$_L['Language Editor'] = 'Language Editor';
$_L['Themes'] = 'Themes';
$_L['Select File to Edit'] = 'Select File to Edit';
$_L['File'] = 'File';
$_L['Language File'] = 'Language File';
$_L['Invoice Layout Print'] = 'Invoice Layout: Print';
$_L['Invoice Layout PDF'] = 'Invoice Layout: PDF';
$_L['Please Choose a File'] = 'Please Choose a File';
# Build 4540
$_L['Profit'] = 'Profit';
$_L['Loss'] = 'Loss';
$_L['Revenue'] = 'Revenue';
$_L['Outstanding'] = 'Outstanding';
# Build 4550
$_L['Payments'] = 'Payments';
$_L['Transaction ID'] = 'Transaction ID';
$_L['Customers'] = 'Customers';
$_L['Companies'] = 'Companies';
$_L['Currencies'] = 'Currencies';
$_L['Permission'] = 'Permission';
$_L['Staff'] = 'Staff';
$_L['Roles'] = 'Roles';
$_L['New Role'] = 'New Role';
$_L['Role name is required'] = 'Role name is required';
$_L['Tasks'] = 'Tasks';
$_L['Calendar'] = 'Calendar';
$_L['Leads'] = 'Leads';
$_L['Orders'] = 'orders';
$_L['Currency'] = 'Currency';
$_L['New Currency'] = 'New Currency';
$_L['Base Conversion Rate'] = 'Base Conversion Rate';
$_L['Currency Example'] = 'Currency ISO Code, eg. USD, GBP, INR etc...';
$_L['Make Base Currency'] = 'Make Base Currency';
$_L['Base Currency'] = 'Base Currency';
$_L['New Company'] = 'New Company';
$_L['URL'] = 'URL';
$_L['Logo URL'] = 'Logo URL';
$_L['Company Name is required'] = 'Company Name is required.';
$_L['Event Name'] = 'Event Name';
$_L['Priority'] = 'Priority';
$_L['Owner'] = 'Owner';
$_L['Start Date'] = 'Start Date';
$_L['End Date'] = 'End Date';
$_L['Start Time'] = 'Start Time';
$_L['End Time'] = 'End Time';
$_L['All day event'] = 'All day event';
$_L['Related Contacts'] = 'Related Contacts';
$_L['Add Event'] = 'Add Event';
$_L['Color'] = 'Color';
$_L['Image'] = 'Image';
$_L['Create'] = 'Create';
$_L['Avatar'] = 'Avatar';
$_L['Attach File'] = 'Attach File';
$_L['Drop File Here'] = 'Drop File Here';
$_L['Click to Upload'] = 'Or Click to Upload';
# Build 4580
$_L['Import'] = 'Import';
$_L['Export'] = 'Export';
$_L['Phone number already exist'] = 'Phone number already exist.';
# Build 4590
$_L['Favicon'] = 'Favicon';
$_L['Upload'] = 'Upload';
$_L['Remember me'] = 'Keep me signed in';
# Build 4591
$_L['Accept'] = 'Accept';
$_L['Decline'] = 'Decline';
# Build 4592
$_L['Terminal'] = 'Terminal';
$_L['Customers View Mode'] = 'Customers View Mode'; // Customers View Mode in User Interface [ Table / Card / Search ]
$_L['Table'] = 'Table';
$_L['Card'] = 'Card';
# Build 4596
$_L['Documents'] = 'Documents';
$_L['List All Orders'] = 'List All Orders';
$_L['Add New Order'] = 'Add New Order';
$_L['Order'] = 'Order';
$_L['Product_Service'] = 'Product/Service';
$_L['Billing Cycle'] = 'Billing Cycle';
$_L['Free'] = 'Free';
$_L['One Time'] = 'One Time';
$_L['Monthly'] = 'Monthly';
$_L['Quarterly'] = 'Quarterly';
$_L['Semi-Annually'] = 'Semi-Annually';
$_L['Annually'] = 'Annually';
$_L['Biennially'] = 'Biennially';
$_L['Triennially'] = 'Triennially';
$_L['Pending'] = 'Pending';
$_L['Generate Invoice'] = 'Generate Invoice';
$_L['Item Not Found'] = 'Item Not Found';
$_L['Available Module for this Order'] = 'Available Module for this Order';
$_L['Order Number'] = 'Order Number';
$_L['New Document'] = 'New Document';
$_L['Title'] = 'Title'; # Document Name / Title
$_L['Server Config'] = 'Server Config';
$_L['Upload Maximum Size'] = 'Upload Maximum Size';
$_L['POST Maximum Size'] = 'POST Maximum Size';
$_L['Uploaded Successfully'] = 'Uploaded Successfully';
$_L['Secure Download Link'] = 'Secure Download Link';
$_L['Files'] = 'Files';
$_L['Assign File'] = 'Assign File';
$_L['Activation Message'] = 'Activation Message';
$_L['Email Sent'] = 'Email Sent';
$_L['Downloads'] = 'Downloads';
# Build 4597
$_L['Create Auto Login URL'] = 'Create Auto Login URL';
$_L['Created Successfully'] = 'Created Successfully';
$_L['Auto Login URL'] = 'Auto Login URL';
$_L['Login As Customer'] = 'Login As Customer';
$_L['Revoke Auto Login'] = 'Revoke Auto Login';
$_L['Re Generate URL'] = 'Re Generate URL';
# Build 4601
$_L['Contact'] = 'Contact';
$_L['All'] = 'All';
$_L['Date Range'] = 'Date Range';
$_L['Available for all Customers'] = 'Available for all Customers';
$_L['Proof Of Payment'] = 'Proof Of Payment';
# Build 4602
$_L['My Orders'] = 'My Orders';
$_L['Place New Order'] = 'Place New Order';
$_L['Cost Price'] = 'Cost Price';
$_L['Inventory To Add Subtract'] = 'Inventory To Add/Subtract';
$_L['Unit'] = 'Unit';
$_L['Units'] = 'Units';
$_L['Units of measurement'] = 'Units of measurement';
$_L['Create New'] = 'Create New';
$_L['Reference'] = 'Reference';
$_L['Conversion Factor'] = 'Conversion Factor';
$_L['SKU'] = 'SKU';
$_L['Weight'] = 'Weight';
$_L['Show quantity as'] = 'Show quantity as';
$_L['New Lead'] = 'New Lead';
$_L['Import Leads'] = 'Import Leads';
$_L['Source'] = 'Source';
$_L['Salutation'] = 'Salutation';
$_L['First Name'] = 'First Name';
$_L['Middle Name'] = 'Middle Name';
$_L['Last Name'] = 'Last Name';
$_L['Industry'] = 'Industry';
$_L['No. of Employees'] = 'No. of Employees';
$_L['Public'] = 'Public';
$_L['Company'] = 'Company';
$_L['Street'] = 'Street';
$_L['Memo'] = 'Memo'; // Description
$_L['Convert to Customer'] = 'Convert to Customer';
$_L['Buy Now'] = 'Buy Now';
$_L['Store'] = 'Store';
$_L['Add to Cart'] = 'Add to Cart';
$_L['Copy'] = 'Copy';
$_L['Unknown'] = 'Unknown';
$_L['Access Log'] = 'Access Log';
$_L['Browser'] = 'Browser';
$_L['Time'] = 'Time';
$_L['Invoice Access Log'] = 'Invoice Access Log';
$_L['Clone'] = 'Clone';
$_L['Cloned successfully'] = 'Cloned successfully';
$_L['Media'] = 'Media';
$_L['Inventory'] = 'Inventory';
$_L['Available'] = 'Available';
$_L['Published'] = 'Published';
$_L['No Data Available'] = 'No Data Available';
$_L['Send SMS'] = 'Send SMS';
$_L['Call'] = 'Call'; // Phone Call
$_L['Saved Successfully'] = 'Saved Successfully';
$_L['System'] = 'System';
$_L['Custom'] = 'Custom';
$_L['Choose from Template'] = 'Choose from Template';
$_L['Add New Template'] = 'Add New Template';
$_L['Assign to Group'] = 'Assign to Group';
$_L['Select Group'] = 'Select Group';
$_L['Empty'] = 'Empty';
$_L['Related To'] = 'Related To';
$_L['Add New'] = 'Add New';
$_L['Add Fund'] = 'Add Fund';
$_L['Back to Client Area'] = 'Back to Client Area';
$_L['Manual Credit'] = 'Manual Credit';
$_L['Log'] = 'Log';
$_L['Client'] = 'Client';
$_L['All Data'] = 'All Data';
# 4663
$_L['Sales target'] = 'Sales target'; # Sales target for specific month
$_L['Invoice issued'] = 'Invoice issued';
Function Calls
None |
MD5 | 122e00c1c975c7c8a95e24a7b21b60a8 |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 150 ms |