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<?php namespace Admin\Controller; use Think\Controller; use Think\Page; class Personmemb..

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 namespace Admin\Controller; use Think\Controller; use Think\Page; class PersonmemberController extends CommonController { public function index() { goto c7xxL; eDNSy: $str .= " and nstatus='" . $nstatus . "'"; goto xqZer; aUfRf: if ($rt) { goto XwrwR; } goto NOjdy; Ytw5i: $etime = date("Y-m-d 23:59:59", strtotime($_GET["etime"])); goto IBimj; mbjS8: $Page = new Page($count, 10); goto kjaWk; pfoyS: $this->mobile = ''; goto xTyYt; kjaWk: $show = $Page->show(); goto gOvDA; xTyYt: goto SXsLq; goto Wa3MP; rsptP: $this->display(); goto QWX6y; z5Fl8: r7wQm: goto p1DqW; hn1r_: $str = " uniacid=" . $this->uniacid . " "; goto u5J1o; FmoJT: oCWwC: goto S1vpN; luezb: $this->btime = $_GET["btime"]; goto hJi_O; xq0U_: $rt = M("member")->where("nid=" . $rs[$i]["referee_id"])->find(); goto aUfRf; sjEQf: XwrwR: goto hwLam; HyNI3: $mobile = trim($_GET["mobile"]); goto I7rwI; wiJLI: $this->nclass = $_GET["nclass"]; goto FQHQ9; heCXX: goto HM5Fl; goto F3UGJ; uWIZ1: $this->count = $count; goto ubTRo; WSBYl: $this->nstatus = 0; goto D1Lik; LFnbo: goto r7wQm; goto hqmQS; lpmhf: HM5Fl: goto vwhbX; Couma: b623y: goto MCgtp; Pergm: $this->etime = ''; goto heCXX; LPU9l: SXsLq: goto JCpYr; S1vpN: if (isset($_GET["mobile"]) && trim($_GET["mobile"]) != '') { goto ZIP_p; } goto pfoyS; D1Lik: goto oCWwC; goto Couma; yaWNh: $this->nclass = 0; goto mWwLe; FQHQ9: yCbM9: goto BpPTw; BpPTw: if (isset($_GET["nstatus"]) && intval($_GET["nstatus"]) > 0) { goto b623y; } goto WSBYl; hqmQS: E2_6Z: goto CHlQw; B8vms: $this->mobile = $_GET["mobile"]; goto LPU9l; vwhbX: $count = M("member")->where($str)->count(); goto mbjS8; QmRZ9: if (isset($_GET["etime"]) && trim($_GET["etime"]) != '') { goto iGK0r; } goto Pergm; ubTRo: $i = 0; goto z5Fl8; hwLam: $rs[$i]["inviter"] = $rt["mobile"]; goto n_trp; NOjdy: $rs[$i]["inviter"] = ""; goto ipCcJ; WZbzv: $this->btime = ''; goto m11ZG; m11ZG: goto eTpZj; goto oeSzW; p1DqW: if (!($i < count($rs))) { goto E2_6Z; } goto xq0U_; u5J1o: if (isset($_GET["nclass"]) && intval($_GET["nclass"]) > 0) { goto z2wGc; } goto yaWNh; Wa3MP: ZIP_p: goto HyNI3; F3UGJ: iGK0r: goto Ytw5i; CHlQw: $this->rs = $rs; goto rsptP; P7tgm: XxGod: goto uu7Ks; c7xxL: $this->mb(); goto hn1r_; kh5dt: $str .= " and nclass='" . $nclass . "'"; goto wiJLI; gSqT3: $this->page = $show; goto uWIZ1; n_trp: YX5X4: goto P7tgm; mWwLe: goto yCbM9; goto qeOwk; oeSzW: R_Jwu: goto AZ26t; hJi_O: eTpZj: goto QmRZ9; MCgtp: $nstatus = intval($_GET["nstatus"]); goto eDNSy; qeOwk: z2wGc: goto v9nwN; xqZer: $this->nstatus = $_GET["nstatus"]; goto FmoJT; Ny8QE: $this->etime = $_GET["etime"]; goto lpmhf; AZ26t: $btime = date("Y-m-d 00:00:00", strtotime($_GET["btime"])); goto c6vay; v9nwN: $nclass = intval($_GET["nclass"]); goto kh5dt; c6vay: $str .= " and regtime>='" . $btime . "'"; goto luezb; ipCcJ: goto YX5X4; goto sjEQf; I7rwI: $str .= " and mobile='" . $mobile . "'"; goto B8vms; uu7Ks: $i++; goto LFnbo; IBimj: $str .= " and regtime<='" . $etime . "'"; goto Ny8QE; gOvDA: $rs = M("member")->where($str)->order("nid desc")->limit($Page->firstRow . "," . $Page->listRows)->select(); goto gSqT3; JCpYr: if (isset($_GET["btime"]) && trim($_GET["btime"]) != '') { goto R_Jwu; } goto WZbzv; QWX6y: } public function passenger_list() { goto g9pqb; azrbY: deGVn: goto hSXXG; TTyaR: goto k4pCN; goto zFmr8; gwVZR: $show = $Page->show(); goto eAO_t; XY9Th: $str .= " and nstatus='" . $nstatus . "'"; goto Y4O0C; UtGH7: $btime = date("Y-m-d 00:00:00", strtotime($_GET["btime"])); goto cFgVs; jth47: FCfua: goto OVFJf; WJjZY: tAAr9: goto LJJhs; Xxqvt: goto deGVn; goto z4FNy; UWIxN: goto i_L8J; goto KhvW7; OVFJf: $i++; goto zsYx2; hSXXG: if (isset($_GET["mobile"]) && trim($_GET["mobile"]) != '') { goto iU2mo; } goto WXvws; qI8QS: $str .= " and mobile='" . $mobile . "'"; goto PlqDe; LUsjV: if (isset($_GET["nstatus"]) && intval($_GET["nstatus"]) > 0) { goto LbiTK; } goto o0bWc; cFgVs: $str .= " and regtime>='" . $btime . "'"; goto IrRgE; zFmr8: HW1A5: goto UtGH7; KhvW7: sRNe2: goto kP5PO; GCXJS: n7yw0: goto gWuw0; IrRgE: $this->btime = $_GET["btime"]; goto KWm8T; zsYx2: goto Hni1O; goto GCXJS; bg2I5: if (!($i < count($rs))) { goto n7yw0; } goto xpz9q; WXvws: $this->mobile = ''; goto OACyL; qRf4B: $Page = new Page($count, 10); goto gwVZR; IMA02: $i = 0; goto V7Twf; xpz9q: $rt = M("member")->where("nid=" . $rs[$i]["referee_id"])->find(); goto S3oxs; eAO_t: $rs = M("member")->where($str)->order("nid desc")->limit($Page->firstRow . "," . $Page->listRows)->select(); goto aupM3; nPS65: $rs[$i]["inviter"] = ""; goto UWIxN; FlpKp: $str = " uniacid=" . $this->uniacid . " and  nclass=1 "; goto LUsjV; nnFw3: i_L8J: goto jth47; aksz9: if (isset($_GET["etime"]) && trim($_GET["etime"]) != '') { goto glyk8; } goto aXuVi; kP5PO: $rs[$i]["inviter"] = $rt["mobile"]; goto nnFw3; g9pqb: $this->mb(); goto FlpKp; mC6ni: $this->etime = $_GET["etime"]; goto WJjZY; o0bWc: $this->nstatus = 0; goto Xxqvt; V7Twf: Hni1O: goto bg2I5; Y4O0C: $this->nstatus = $_GET["nstatus"]; goto azrbY; NMoLK: $this->btime = ''; goto TTyaR; ZfwCZ: $mobile = trim($_GET["mobile"]); goto qI8QS; pFmso: $this->count = $count; goto IMA02; F1eT0: if (isset($_GET["btime"]) && trim($_GET["btime"]) != '') { goto HW1A5; } goto NMoLK; wlvVi: $etime = date("Y-m-d 23:59:59", strtotime($_GET["etime"])); goto C39Zs; PEWVn: $this->display(); goto jPw_c; LJJhs: $count = M("member")->where($str)->count(); goto qRf4B; OH29R: SvLdC: goto F1eT0; z4FNy: LbiTK: goto dNqzu; SOWob: goto tAAr9; goto zTiSf; dNqzu: $nstatus = intval($_GET["nstatus"]); goto XY9Th; S3oxs: if ($rt) { goto sRNe2; } goto nPS65; gWuw0: $this->rs = $rs; goto PEWVn; C39Zs: $str .= " and regtime<='" . $etime . "'"; goto mC6ni; tCHuf: iU2mo: goto ZfwCZ; KWm8T: k4pCN: goto aksz9; aXuVi: $this->etime = ''; goto SOWob; PlqDe: $this->mobile = $_GET["mobile"]; goto OH29R; aupM3: $this->page = $show; goto pFmso; OACyL: goto SvLdC; goto tCHuf; zTiSf: glyk8: goto wlvVi; jPw_c: } public function modi() { goto f8Gab; cZsBB: $this->nid = $nid; goto dIYHV; KKYrq: $this->error(""); goto Kd31U; Kpj8t: $this->display(); goto skBro; qsWtd: if (!(!isset($_GET["nid"]) || intval($_GET["nid"]) <= 0)) { goto QFeMg; } goto KKYrq; G2AQC: $rs = M("member")->where("nid=" . $nid)->find(); goto cZsBB; psQ4s: $nid = intval($_GET["nid"]); goto G2AQC; dIYHV: $this->rs = $rs; goto Kpj8t; f8Gab: $this->mb(); goto qsWtd; Kd31U: QFeMg: goto psQ4s; skBro: } public function modihandle() { goto IvJHh; qGNBb: $nid = I("nid", 0, "intval"); goto v5BPa; fVvFv: if ($rs) { goto e4pTK; } goto rO3RW; rO3RW: $this->error(""); goto SE35o; yR63Z: if (!(!IS_POST || intval($_POST["nid"]) <= 0)) { goto fLvFU; } goto qvo0j; SE35o: e4pTK: goto nqjdj; CSzRY: M("member")->where("nid=" . $nid)->data($_POST)->save(); goto nL_Dw; nqjdj: unset($_POST["nid"]); goto CSzRY; IvJHh: $this->mb(); goto yR63Z; qvo0j: $this->error(""); goto A8HQU; nL_Dw: $this->success("", U("Admin/Personmember/index")); goto xWROJ; v5BPa: $rs = M("member")->where("nid='" . $nid . "'")->find(); goto fVvFv; A8HQU: fLvFU: goto qGNBb; xWROJ: } public function del() { goto HzPOi; w1AKb: mueCP: goto eM7KY; HzPOi: $this->mb(); goto b5oKg; wFYbo: $this->error(""); goto ZcRCD; xvhwL: $nid = intval($_GET["nid"]); goto KfrT2; ZcRCD: xgBt_: goto xvhwL; b5oKg: if (!(!IS_GET || intval($_GET["nid"]) <= 0)) { goto xgBt_; } goto wFYbo; VqO0b: $this->error(""); goto O_DkA; O_DkA: goto mueCP; goto N5LQR; rcxO3: $this->success(""); goto w1AKb; N5LQR: UH1Xf: goto rcxO3; KfrT2: if (M("member")->where("nid=" . $nid)->data(array("nstatus" => 2))->save()) { goto UH1Xf; } goto VqO0b; eM7KY: } public function alldel() { goto b5Zpi; Bsvpf: $data = array("status" => 0, "retDesc" => ""); goto O7QYd; wzGm0: $data = array("status" => 1, "retDesc" => ""); goto HMybg; V2q_6: r_ZU4: goto sbecZ; b5Zpi: $this->mb(); goto VeueX; VeueX: if (!(!IS_POST || trim($_POST["allid"]) == '')) { goto ngIPg; } goto J4Vk3; xFFEg: $this->error(""); goto V2q_6; HMybg: sDXT2: goto wdikq; Pi2Du: ngIPg: goto j_g69; O7QYd: goto sDXT2; goto wNvJn; J4Vk3: $this->error(""); goto Pi2Du; X1S6k: if (!($allid == '')) { goto r_ZU4; } goto xFFEg; wNvJn: T76p8: goto wzGm0; sbecZ: if (M("member")->where(" nid in (" . $allid . ")")->data(array("nstatus" => 2))->save()) { goto T76p8; } goto Bsvpf; j_g69: $allid = substr(trim($_POST["allid"]), 0, -1); goto X1S6k; wdikq: $this->ajaxReturn($data); goto lsuE8; lsuE8: } public function log() { goto amS62; uuGXn: $this->rs = $rs; goto MQeGy; jYmYW: $str .= " and  mobile='" . $mobile . "'"; goto BpotG; wVwVc: VgqSe: goto xLFCT; oHgmg: $res = M("member")->where("nid='" . $rs[$i]["m_id"] . "'")->find(); goto tPrOq; nGJl9: $rs[$i]["wx_nickname"] = $res["wx_nickname"]; goto dOsX2; m30Vj: $this->btime = ''; goto XesFG; hr30L: $show = $Page->show(); goto MFK8z; Quwvh: $m_id = intval($_GET["m_id"]); goto pHXJ8; gRIbU: $this->mobile = ''; goto vTxRm; oFUu2: $i = 0; goto VL14X; A1dJP: $this->etime = ''; goto fr9NS; TRcWl: $Page = new Page($count, 20); goto hr30L; oxiUM: SufpJ: goto ibDIT; EKKdb: if (isset($_GET["mobile"]) && trim($_GET["mobile"]) != '') { goto ceJeY; } goto gRIbU; e32lU: $this->etime = $etime; goto xQGx2; SkNIA: $mobile = trim($_GET["mobile"]); goto jYmYW; pmv2g: $rs = M("member_log")->limit($Page->firstRow . "," . $Page->listRows)->where($str)->order("nid desc")->select(); goto kdXsh; XUj2G: xKv3a: goto c0_EY; JNv7G: $btime = trim($_GET["btime"]); goto GSjB5; xZA89: ceJeY: goto SkNIA; DGrPb: goto PRIMX; goto Nm3_p; kdXsh: if (!$rs) { goto kf_Vn; } goto oFUu2; NNVDS: if (!(!isset($_GET["m_id"]) || trim($_GET["m_id"]) == '')) { goto QQx0v; } goto Nrc5h; xQGx2: ADhak: goto xjOs3; c0_EY: if (isset($_GET["etime"]) && trim($_GET["etime"]) != '') { goto VgqSe; } goto A1dJP; pHXJ8: $this->m_id = $m_id; goto EKKdb; sxGvu: tFmga: goto SzWwM; x493q: CuTql: goto JNv7G; MQeGy: $this->display(); goto GJ2ZN; MFK8z: $this->page = $show; goto pmv2g; sjDlk: $str = " uniacid=" . $this->uniacid . " "; goto Quwvh; Q0jMD: $str .= " and  addtime<='" . date("Y-m-d 23:59:59", strtotime($etime)) . "'"; goto e32lU; SzWwM: if (isset($_GET["btime"]) && trim($_GET["btime"]) != '') { goto CuTql; } goto m30Vj; XesFG: goto xKv3a; goto x493q; dOsX2: PRIMX: goto oxiUM; cuGVT: QQx0v: goto sjDlk; amS62: $this->mb(); goto NNVDS; tPrOq: if ($res) { goto Q53kR; } goto Ha25k; GSjB5: $str .= " and  addtime>='" . date("Y-m-d 00:00:00", strtotime($btime)) . "'"; goto VsmIE; Y2zW4: goto U8Pbv; goto UnDC5; sJKsl: if (!($i < count($rs))) { goto aA0RC; } goto oHgmg; ibDIT: $i++; goto Y2zW4; VL14X: U8Pbv: goto sJKsl; VsmIE: $this->btime = $btime; goto XUj2G; xLFCT: $etime = trim($_GET["etime"]); goto Q0jMD; fr9NS: goto ADhak; goto wVwVc; Ea_UD: $count = M("member_log")->where($str)->count(); goto IeXTv; BpotG: $this->mobile = $mobile; goto sxGvu; UnDC5: aA0RC: goto YFMX0; IeXTv: $this->count = $count; goto TRcWl; vTxRm: goto tFmga; goto xZA89; YFMX0: kf_Vn: goto uuGXn; Nm3_p: Q53kR: goto nGJl9; Nrc5h: $this->error(""); goto cuGVT; Ha25k: $rs[$i]["wx_nickname"] = ""; goto DGrPb; xjOs3: $str .= " and  m_id='" . $m_id . "'"; goto Ea_UD; GJ2ZN: } public function log_del1() { goto UIAdm; UV7wG: $this->success(""); goto QWCtp; VYLOT: if (M("member_log")->where(array("nid" => $nid))->delete()) { goto x09wE; } goto DNlX_; ZQN6V: $this->error(""); goto Tz8Cs; t7f8d: x09wE: goto UV7wG; jtitf: if (!(!isset($_GET["nid"]) || intval($_GET["nid"]) <= 0)) { goto H9BRC; } goto ZQN6V; UIAdm: $this->mb(); goto jtitf; kMYGh: $nid = intval($_GET["nid"]); goto VYLOT; QWCtp: iVAhI: goto HYOVE; Tz8Cs: H9BRC: goto kMYGh; lutA3: goto iVAhI; goto t7f8d; DNlX_: $this->error(""); goto lutA3; HYOVE: } public function log_alldel1() { goto hthKF; vvaTn: $this->error(""); goto hdSVk; NIZ9b: $allid = substr(trim($_POST["allid"]), 0, -1); goto a9p66; ngQG0: $this->ajaxReturn($data); goto wNH1S; rJsvm: $data = array("status" => 0, "retDesc" => ""); goto Qj4fE; hdSVk: wAO1f: goto NIZ9b; a9p66: if (M("member_log")->where("nid in (" . $allid . ")")->delete()) { goto c1Nrk; } goto rJsvm; q2nrG: SXUhb: goto ngQG0; hthKF: $this->mb(); goto GtgBe; GtgBe: if (!(!isset($_POST["allid"]) || trim($_POST["allid"]) == '')) { goto wAO1f; } goto vvaTn; ya24K: c1Nrk: goto vfbIe; vfbIe: $data = array("status" => 1, "retDesc" => ""); goto q2nrG; Qj4fE: goto SXUhb; goto ya24K; wNH1S: } public function log_del() { goto uONnZ; sj3oc: $nid = intval($_GET["nid"]); goto n7Qaq; s9PpX: $this->success(""); goto SfKs9; n7Qaq: if (M("member_verycode_log")->where(array("nid" => $nid))->delete()) { goto bt677; } goto Qu0oI; bWnw8: goto Mmsc8; goto x1SSZ; Qu0oI: $this->error(""); goto bWnw8; abOlu: if (!(!isset($_GET["nid"]) || intval($_GET["nid"]) <= 0)) { goto YCA5J; } goto DJDJm; uONnZ: $this->mb(); goto abOlu; SfKs9: Mmsc8: goto CtN8m; fePCW: YCA5J: goto sj3oc; x1SSZ: bt677: goto s9PpX; DJDJm: $this->error(""); goto fePCW; CtN8m: } public function log_alldel() { goto u2Zfj; vuqJ7: if (!(!isset($_POST["allid"]) || trim($_POST["allid"]) == '')) { goto NexCp; } goto qecR2; upu8W: $allid = substr(trim($_POST["allid"]), 0, -1); goto eL96V; eL96V: if (M("member_verycode_log")->where("nid in (" . $allid . ")")->delete()) { goto wf90a; } goto NebK8; hX3xe: NexCp: goto upu8W; mt25e: $this->ajaxReturn($data); goto evLd1; SAvw6: hazN3: goto mt25e; Zag__: wf90a: goto KF2YI; qecR2: $this->error(""); goto hX3xe; NebK8: $data = array("status" => 0, "retDesc" => ""); goto sznX7; sznX7: goto hazN3; goto Zag__; KF2YI: $data = array("status" => 1, "retDesc" => ""); goto SAvw6; u2Zfj: $this->mb(); goto vuqJ7; evLd1: } public function wash_alldel() { goto oQjFi; oQjFi: $this->mb(); goto EQVKy; jNjhY: if (M("car_owner_notes")->where("nid in (" . $allid . ")")->delete()) { goto Qz0qq; } goto ogaXT; EQVKy: if (!(!isset($_POST["allid"]) || trim($_POST["allid"]) == '')) { goto NjcJK; } goto CvKNo; BHtAt: goto rdWdX; goto svn08; CvKNo: $this->error(""); goto QIoh4; IruyU: $this->ajaxReturn($data); goto HvZgT; ogaXT: $data = array("status" => 0, "retDesc" => ""); goto BHtAt; QIoh4: NjcJK: goto qrDjw; x8LFr: rdWdX: goto IruyU; svn08: Qz0qq: goto M2Rh4; M2Rh4: $data = array("status" => 1, "retDesc" => ""); goto x8LFr; qrDjw: $allid = substr(trim($_POST["allid"]), 0, -1); goto jNjhY; HvZgT: } public function loginlog() { goto qyGg4; qyGg4: $this->mb(); goto oXMnY; QuWpp: if (isset($_GET["status"]) && intval($_GET["status"])) { goto msntF; } goto MiADV; CDpGZ: $rs = M("member_verycode_log")->limit($Page->firstRow . "," . $Page->listRows)->where($str)->order("nid desc")->select(); goto BDbcR; C627t: f4T9O: goto BYaCC; hMVzk: $show = $Page->show(); goto KKWVN; qEf8H: $this->display(); goto c3aUt; MiADV: $this->status = 0; goto WZXSf; c83Zl: msntF: goto jV5qP; jV5qP: $str .= " and status='" . intval($_GET["status"]) . "'"; goto FndOp; X4QRq: KAZ93: goto vuZN9; U87Vi: Sd3ak: goto dClMG; HQTBX: $this->mobile = $mobile; goto JqSzB; WZXSf: goto f4T9O; goto c83Zl; p4Vgi: $rs[$i]["name"] = ""; goto QQnw5; BYaCC: $count = M("member_verycode_log")->where($str)->count(); goto K_pUp; bAwT0: Zd2PM: goto VDKum; CGXyN: if (isset($_GET["mobile"]) && trim($_GET["mobile"]) != '') { goto Zd2PM; } goto H8cQ5; QQnw5: goto S60hd; goto SskF4; ZyBke: goto z2gKr; goto bAwT0; rH8C4: $res = M("member")->where("mobile='" . $rs[$i]["mobile"] . "' and uniacid=" . $this->uniacid)->find(); goto pHudD; pHudD: if ($res) { goto QzX0w; } goto p4Vgi; FndOp: $this->status = intval($_GET["status"]); goto C627t; zKLEf: VyPt4: goto U87Vi; kRz3P: S60hd: goto ATgZF; BDbcR: if (!$rs) { goto Sd3ak; } goto gEPCK; vuZN9: if (!($i < count($rs))) { goto VyPt4; } goto rH8C4; gEPCK: $i = 0; goto X4QRq; dClMG: $this->rs = $rs; goto qEf8H; bvl1D: $Page = new Page($count, 13); goto hMVzk; ATgZF: MS1Yg: goto nQEBW; KKWVN: $this->page = $show; goto CDpGZ; I1pvC: $rs[$i]["name"] = $res["wx_nickname"]; goto kRz3P; l_t68: goto KAZ93; goto zKLEf; fiHdw: $str .= " and mobile='" . $mobile . "'"; goto HQTBX; oXMnY: $str = " uniacid=" . $this->uniacid . " "; goto CGXyN; SskF4: QzX0w: goto I1pvC; VDKum: $mobile = trim($_GET["mobile"]); goto fiHdw; JqSzB: z2gKr: goto QuWpp; K_pUp: $this->count = $count; goto bvl1D; nQEBW: $i++; goto l_t68; H8cQ5: $this->mobile = ''; goto ZyBke; c3aUt: } public function deposit_list() { goto lF5Es; QOIAO: $rs[$i]["wx_nickname"] = "<font color='red'></font>"; goto f0QYv; rpBIY: $btime = trim($_GET["btime"]); goto cP6tf; HTFEr: TI4KM: goto rzmLu; APDn7: $page = new Page($count, 10); goto CUQQp; lHv4P: $this->display(); goto zxiq2; rPIt6: if ($rt) { goto DeVJf; } goto QOIAO; Hs1bO: LGi0L: goto rpBIY; g3Wx6: if (isset($_GET["mobile"]) && trim($_GET["mobile"]) != '') { goto hTjC4; } goto ZsDYr; dgK2L: $this->count = $count; goto APDn7; YL4ys: $etime = trim($_GET["etime"]); goto XV61K; lF5Es: $this->mb(); goto PKuWm; TMl6M: $str .= " and mobile='" . $mobile . "'"; goto YndGc; k6Kqm: $i = 0; goto MNhDL; YFVaU: goto W6F1J; goto WW_jg; hbIYw: $this->ispay = 0; goto IxR9s; WW_jg: hTjC4: goto UwM9a; YndGc: $this->mobile = $mobile; goto X7Tej; Ny3Fk: if (isset($_GET["etime"]) && trim($_GET["etime"]) != '') { goto uBsZF; } goto fnCU0; NfzJY: $rs[$i]["wx_nickname"] = $rt["wx_nickname"]; goto P7DBO; LK8kf: $this->rs = $rs; goto lHv4P; yher7: $this->btime = ''; goto fZHAc; XV61K: $str .= " and  overtime<='" . date("Y-m-d 23:59:59", strtotime($etime)) . "'"; goto AU_Vv; uQ3Wk: v82Qc: goto fxsB2; JUbSj: $rs = M("car_owner_deposit_log")->order("nid desc")->where($str)->limit($limit)->select(); goto k6Kqm; myTed: GZ3JY: goto Ny3Fk; P0Zi_: DeVJf: goto NfzJY; fxsB2: $i++; goto USH7H; G4oO4: YM6hl: goto fRlOK; rzmLu: $str .= " and ispay='" . intval($_GET["ispay"]) . "'"; goto fwS9F; AU_Vv: $this->etime = $etime; goto sKRsZ; ZsDYr: $this->mobile = ''; goto YFVaU; PKuWm: $str = " uniacid=" . $this->uniacid; goto Urggx; MNhDL: U8JC4: goto PZ40V; fnCU0: $this->etime = ''; goto Asiqm; cmEOK: KFijx: goto LK8kf; kfPK0: uBsZF: goto YL4ys; CUQQp: $limit = $page->firstRow . "," . $page->listRows; goto gDuE8; fwS9F: $this->ispay = intval($_GET["ispay"]); goto G4oO4; gDuE8: $this->page = $page->show(); goto JUbSj; JenbF: $rt = M("member")->where("nid=" . $rs[$i]["co_id"])->find(); goto rPIt6; f0QYv: goto gKjnz; goto P0Zi_; PZ40V: if (!($i < count($rs))) { goto KFijx; } goto JenbF; P7DBO: gKjnz: goto uQ3Wk; sKRsZ: UJ2zB: goto g3Wx6; fZHAc: goto GZ3JY; goto Hs1bO; cP6tf: $str .= " and  overtime>='" . date("Y-m-d 00:00:00", strtotime($btime)) . "'"; goto lpjeG; fRlOK: $count = M("car_owner_deposit_log")->where($str)->count(); goto dgK2L; UwM9a: $mobile = trim($_GET["mobile"]); goto TMl6M; Urggx: if (isset($_GET["btime"]) && trim($_GET["btime"]) != '') { goto LGi0L; } goto yher7; USH7H: goto U8JC4; goto cmEOK; blw7x: if (isset($_GET["ispay"]) && intval($_GET["ispay"]) > 0) { goto TI4KM; } goto hbIYw; Asiqm: goto UJ2zB; goto kfPK0; lpjeG: $this->btime = $btime; goto myTed; X7Tej: W6F1J: goto blw7x; IxR9s: goto YM6hl; goto HTFEr; zxiq2: } public function deposit_alldel() { goto LkIvr; l2ltq: $this->ajaxReturn($data); goto lWdip; BbKVg: if (M("car_owner_deposit_log")->where(" nid in (" . $allid . ")")->delete()) { goto XMuVH; } goto ZjHnf; BzCAf: if (!($allid == '')) { goto meGk4; } goto UIucd; o2I7m: $data = array("status" => 1, "retDesc" => ""); goto kXNNu; Xiz2G: l6fxM: goto wRtjj; anlNg: meGk4: goto BbKVg; ZjHnf: $data = array("status" => 0, "retDesc" => ""); goto RM_gp; K9t3m: XMuVH: goto o2I7m; P1y7J: if (!(!IS_POST || trim($_POST["allid"]) == '')) { goto l6fxM; } goto AW546; RM_gp: goto yFK0s; goto K9t3m; wRtjj: $allid = substr(trim($_POST["allid"]), 0, -1); goto BzCAf; UIucd: $this->error(""); goto anlNg; AW546: $this->error(""); goto Xiz2G; LkIvr: $this->mb(); goto P1y7J; kXNNu: yFK0s: goto l2ltq; lWdip: } public function passenger_order() { goto Ncxfi; p7lk8: $this->display(); goto GxAyb; pft3_: $where .= " and  transaction_time>='" . date("Y-m-d 00:00:00", strtotime($btime)) . "'"; goto BAoBY; lu52K: $this->count = $count; goto iJvdB; ccewO: $this->page = $page->show(); goto SvUP5; LP8Bf: goto zxFCc; goto I0g1P; rI2fF: TqrzT: goto m19b8; wrDWr: $rs[$i]["co_mobile"] = $rt["mobile"]; goto QS_iQ; Qm8Ih: vIz03: goto YJ56v; CRBHF: dLcdq: goto RtPJJ; PvJxf: goto a2uDn; goto Qm8Ih; Ncxfi: $this->mb(); goto adLAk; RtPJJ: uEOVZ: goto b1Bgp; E3Hrq: $this->istransfer = $istransfer; goto mvnbw; yZIJr: fnVFy: goto nMVY7; ffOCg: goto tqKXQ; goto Fu3DE; UKiXH: $this->btime = ''; goto LP8Bf; Fu3DE: oSkP1: goto WGTSy; Szmww: $this->istransfer = 0; goto PvJxf; adLAk: $where = " uniacid=" . $this->uniacid . " "; goto Uh8rV; GtJ_s: jOP9x: goto tPfso; m19b8: if (!($i < count($rs))) { goto RzTax; } goto m2z7c; q_aC3: $this->ordernum = ''; goto ffOCg; NlCzd: goto TqrzT; goto Sg1Xp; aQzjB: $etime = trim($_GET["etime"]); goto JDw3E; v9QNb: $where .= " and ordernum='" . $ordernum . "'"; goto qqDsh; v8qfK: $rt = M("member")->where("nid=" . $rs[$i]["co_id"])->find(); goto uKfht; egvWW: fqyh9: goto eJgSm; tTpac: $limit = $page->firstRow . "," . $page->listRows; goto ccewO; V4TtQ: if (isset($_GET["etime"]) && trim($_GET["etime"]) != '') { goto MCsY5; } goto VKrnI; EeipY: $this->rs = $rs; goto p7lk8; X3NDl: goto sITfb; goto bWD2l; eb5tQ: if (!$rs) { goto faysQ; } goto UNigX; tPfso: k8JJv: goto nRIxU; JqmZa: $this->ordernum = $ordernum; goto v9QNb; I0g1P: Ak_jD: goto hilgA; YJ56v: $istransfer = intval($_GET["istransfer"]); goto E3Hrq; b1Bgp: switch ($rs[$i]["nstatus"]) { case 1: $rs[$i]["nstatus"] = "<font color='red'></font>"; goto fnVFy; case 2: $rs[$i]["nstatus"] = "<font color='green'></font>"; goto fnVFy; } goto k5ZhR; qo7Hu: $this->etime = $etime; goto egvWW; ir3VR: if (isset($_GET["ordernum"]) && trim($_GET["ordernum"]) != '') { goto oSkP1; } goto q_aC3; BGUmy: switch ($rs[$i]["ispay"]) { case 1: $rs[$i]["ispay"] = "<font color='red'></font>"; goto uEOVZ; case 2: $rs[$i]["ispay"] = "<font color='green'></font>"; goto uEOVZ; case 3: $rs[$i]["ispay"] = "<font color='blue'></font>"; goto uEOVZ; } goto CRBHF; BAoBY: $this->btime = $btime; goto v3S1K; TmaIO: MCsY5: goto aQzjB; hiNMq: a2uDn: goto ir3VR; H708Z: faysQ: goto EeipY; SvUP5: $rs = M("passenger_order")->order("nid desc")->where($where)->limit($limit)->select(); goto eb5tQ; iJvdB: $page = new Page($count, 8); goto tTpac; bWD2l: FZe0G: goto v8qfK; iIxMx: tIQxw: goto GtJ_s; QS_iQ: sITfb: goto BGUmy; VKrnI: $this->etime = ''; goto Hqtn0; mvnbw: $where .= " and istransfer=" . $istransfer; goto hiNMq; m2z7c: $rt = M("member")->where("nid=" . $rs[$i]["m_id"])->find(); goto Wpb1Z; k5ZhR: sjVve: goto yZIJr; JDw3E: $where .= " and  transaction_time<='" . date("Y-m-d 23:59:59", strtotime($etime)) . "'"; goto qo7Hu; uKfht: $rs[$i]["co_wx_nickname"] = $rt["wx_nickname"]; goto wrDWr; gvY71: $rs[$i]["co_mobile"] = ""; goto X3NDl; UNigX: $i = 0; goto rI2fF; BDcFt: if ($rs[$i]["co_id"] > 0) { goto FZe0G; } goto gvY71; qqDsh: tqKXQ: goto yl5k0; nRIxU: $i++; goto NlCzd; Wpb1Z: $rs[$i]["m_wx_nickname"] = $rt["wx_nickname"]; goto Q9UTY; v3S1K: zxFCc: goto V4TtQ; yl5k0: if (isset($_GET["btime"]) && trim($_GET["btime"]) != '') { goto Ak_jD; } goto UKiXH; Q9UTY: $rs[$i]["m_mobile"] = $rt["mobile"]; goto BDcFt; Uh8rV: if (isset($_GET["istransfer"]) && intval($_GET["istransfer"]) > 0) { goto vIz03; } goto Szmww; hilgA: $btime = trim($_GET["btime"]); goto pft3_; nMVY7: switch ($rs[$i]["istransfer"]) { case 1: $rs[$i]["istransfer1"] = "<font color='red'></font>"; goto jOP9x; case 2: $rs[$i]["istransfer1"] = "<font color='green'></font>"; goto jOP9x; case 3: $rs[$i]["istransfer1"] = "<font color='blue'></font>"; goto jOP9x; } goto iIxMx; eJgSm: $count = M("passenger_order")->where($where)->count(); goto lu52K; WGTSy: $ordernum = trim($_GET["ordernum"]); goto JqmZa; Sg1Xp: RzTax: goto H708Z; Hqtn0: goto fqyh9; goto TmaIO; GxAyb: } public function passenger_order_alldel() { goto BNr7V; QECHn: if (M("passenger_order")->where("nid in (" . $allid . ")")->delete()) { goto hJedq; } goto fBvYJ; YfDBe: $this->error(""); goto ge77l; rdr0d: $i = 0; goto b1pMg; HXOfc: $data = array("status" => 1, "retDesc" => ""); goto GsI5B; OjLMh: vhXeP: goto ItEu2; fBvYJ: $data = array("status" => 0, "retDesc" => ""); goto iOmiW; uhzAv: if (!$rs) { goto CJ2JG; } goto rdr0d; H3v7N: oo9HO: goto nG0Rc; Nh0Hs: $this->ajaxReturn($data); goto bFwaV; B4ZlC: goto plDLl; goto OjLMh; nG0Rc: $i++; goto B4ZlC; b1pMg: plDLl: goto m7udT; m4GTe: $rs = M("passenger_order")->where("nid in (" . $allid . ")")->select(); goto QECHn; MbovW: if (!(!isset($_POST["allid"]) || trim($_POST["allid"]) == '')) { goto F0FE6; } goto YfDBe; BNr7V: $this->mb(); goto MbovW; GsI5B: LijnQ: goto Nh0Hs; ge77l: F0FE6: goto wMd3J; wMd3J: $allid = substr(trim($_POST["allid"]), 0, -1); goto m4GTe; m7udT: if (!($i < count($rs))) { goto vhXeP; } goto BZU1c; ItEu2: CJ2JG: goto HXOfc; iOmiW: goto LijnQ; goto ID88s; BZU1c: M("member_complain")->where("cood_id= " . $rs[$i]["nid"])->delete(); goto H3v7N; ID88s: hJedq: goto uhzAv; bFwaV: } public function refundtopassenger() { goto wBQ1y; y1KFu: $this->error(""); goto ku4hE; mmhIt: send_aliyun_msg($rx["mobile"], C("ali_sms.sms22"), $paramString); goto j_wzI; fbomr: MwMRd: goto KGC93; G9zg0: $paramString = "{"ordernum":"" . $rs["ordernum"] . "","starting_place":"" . $rs["starting_place"] . "","end_place":"" . $rs["end_place"] . ""}"; goto wXd2p; Vnibw: $this->error(""); goto F6uiz; nYidF: $rx = M("member")->where("nid=" . $rs["co_id"])->find(); goto G9zg0; xPJ1Y: kQIZU: goto N2iUp; lVMc0: o7IVT: goto ng32P; zpLtw: $this->success(""); goto xPJ1Y; dm4rH: if (!$rs["redpacked"]) { goto Y7Qhp; } goto Klwub; kl5qf: $cid = M("withdrawals")->data($brr)->add(); goto y996h; RO4ZC: $brr = array("money" => $x_deposit, "ntype" => 3, "addtime" => $sj, "uniacid" => $this->uniacid, "ordernum" => $rs["ordernum"]); goto F1JbB; y996h: $brr = array("money" => $p_deposit, "nclass" => 7, "addtime" => $sj, "m_id" => $m_id, "pid" => $cid, "uniacid" => $this->uniacid, "ntype" => 1); goto e0DWy; Klwub: M("member")->where("nid=" . $m_id)->setInc("redpacked", $rs["redpacked"]); goto TyPE4; Cpa9w: M("redpacked_detail")->data($brr)->add(); goto vzMJZ; j_wzI: if (!(C("passenger_awards_status") == 2)) { goto FEwQR; } goto SQV2U; N2iUp: goto zzSV4; KGC93: FEwQR: goto zpLtw; SQV2U: if (C("passenger_awards_type") == 1) { goto o7IVT; } goto OiMvg; Kd8vX: M("member")->where("nid=" . $m_id)->setInc("redpacked", $money); goto TPYPj; I93j8: $rt = M("member")->where("nid=" . $rs["m_id"])->find(); goto nYidF; AMb7e: M("member")->where("nid=" . $co_id)->setDec("deposit", $co_deposit); goto dm4rH; SMSzp: $rs = M("passenger_order")->where("nid=" . $nid)->find(); goto YJC9F; ku4hE: wu0B3: goto iTD3r; XKzEH: $brr = array("m_id" => $co_id, "amount_cash" => $co_deposit, "nstatus" => 2, "playmoney_time" => $sj, "reason" => "", "addtime" => $sj, "nclass" => 3, "ordernum" => $rs["ordernum"], "uniacid" => $this->uniacid, "transaction_time" => $sj); goto kl5qf; j6_60: $co_id = $rs["co_id"]; goto kmTIS; WJ1LS: $field = array("ispay" => 3, "isreceipt" => 3, "istransfer" => 2, "isstart" => 3); goto q34bl; EKcx8: $m_id = $rs["m_id"]; goto j6_60; vzMJZ: Y7Qhp: goto WJ1LS; S4x9D: EHwaM: goto fJ869; NwVFV: $x_deposit = round($car_owner["deposit"] * C("platform.plat_car_owner1") * C("platform.plat_dj_car_owner"), 2); goto QkASx; e0DWy: M("revenue_detail")->data($brr)->add(); goto Sq_0U; TRpvm: if ($arr["result_code"] == "SUCCESS" && $arr["return_code"] == "SUCCESS") { goto EHwaM; } goto Vnibw; wBQ1y: $this->mb(); goto U46pT; sLx_4: $sj = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); goto EKcx8; U46pT: if (!(!isset($_GET["nid"]) || intval($_GET["nid"]) <= 0)) { goto d883v; } goto s2xjQ; TyPE4: $brr = array("m_id" => $m_id, "money" => $rs["redpacked"], "ntype" => 1, "addtime" => $sj, "uniacid" => $this->uniacid, "note" => ""); goto Cpa9w; iTD3r: $this->getConfig(); goto sLx_4; TPYPj: goto MwMRd; goto lVMc0; YJC9F: if ($rs) { goto wu0B3; } goto y1KFu; F6uiz: goto kQIZU; goto S4x9D; ng32P: M("member")->where("nid=" . $m_id)->setInc("redpacked", C("passenger_awards_value")); goto fbomr; sshif: $nid = intval($_GET["nid"]); goto SMSzp; wXd2p: send_aliyun_msg($rt["mobile"], C("ali_sms.sms22"), $paramString); goto mmhIt; yG1Fx: d883v: goto sshif; kmTIS: $car_owner = M("member")->where("nid=" . $co_id)->find(); goto NwVFV; s2xjQ: $this->error(""); goto yG1Fx; dCm46: $p_deposit = round($co_deposit - $x_deposit, 2); goto RO4ZC; QkASx: $co_deposit = round($car_owner["deposit"] * C("platform.plat_car_owner1"), 2); goto dCm46; fJ869: M("member")->where("nid=" . $m_id)->setInc("account_amount", $p_deposit); goto AMb7e; F1JbB: M("platform_income")->data($brr)->add(); goto XKzEH; OiMvg: $money = round($rs["money"] * C("passenger_awards_value") / 100, 2); goto Kd8vX; Sq_0U: $arr = pc_passenger_task_refund($rs["ordernum"], $rs["transaction_id"], round($rs["money"] - $rs["redpacked"], 2) * 100); goto TRpvm; q34bl: M("passenger_order")->where("nid=" . $nid)->setField($field); goto I93j8; zzSV4: } public function transfertocar_owner() { goto sksK4; It_eQ: $this->success(""); goto Fb7nR; uIM0W: if ($t_money > $redpacked) { goto q8JiY; } goto hSZzz; KkvbY: goto jF0IA; goto t5Ose; xZBB0: $this->error(""); goto W5M0y; sA7Zq: $co_id = $rs["co_id"]; goto TWYhy; wtLLu: $arr = pc_order_refund($rs["ordernum"], $rs["transaction_id"], round($rs["money"] - $redpacked, 2) * 100, round($t_money - $redpacked, 2) * 100); goto lzi0j; w28HJ: if (!$t_money) { goto t8KSd; } goto vo9v4; w6h4n: JjT8T: goto nC5Pz; h07fH: q8JiY: goto wtLLu; ILaRA: M("revenue_detail")->data($brr)->add(); goto Ku9PA; szrdz: $paramString = "{"ordernum":"" . $rs["ordernum"] . "","starting_place":"" . $rs["starting_place"] . "","end_place":"" . $rs["end_place"] . ""}"; goto ivqL8; TWYhy: $redpacked = $rs["redpacked"]; goto NGP0C; JjeyX: M("member")->where("nid=" . $co_id)->setInc("account_amount", C("co_awards_value")); goto lXlfZ; aJ4ck: send_aliyun_msg($rt["mobile"], C("ali_sms.sms22"), $paramString); goto U_WEd; N_4CP: $field = array("ispay" => 3, "isreceipt" => 3, "istransfer" => 2, "uniacid" => $this->uniacid, "isstart" => 3); goto wDBx9; yDPWA: $money = round($rs["money"] * C("co_awards_value") / 100, 2); goto lohfL; hSZzz: M("member")->where("nid=" . $m_id)->setInc("redpacked", $t_money); goto w28HJ; W5M0y: goto v3Jje; goto fpag8; SvmCR: $rx = M("member")->where("nid=" . $rs["co_id"])->find(); goto szrdz; rUSmT: $m_id = $rs["m_id"]; goto sA7Zq; CY6Wg: GJ0HE: goto BgdGJ; M5Ghk: send_aliyun_msg($rx["mobile"], C("ali_sms.sms22"), $paramString); goto It_eQ; ecAlG: DZKXZ: goto XIUuf; bdDBN: M("platform_income")->data($brr)->add(); goto iTlah; U_WEd: send_aliyun_msg($rx["mobile"], C("ali_sms.sms22"), $paramString); goto ou0ct; XDxr3: $brr = array("money" => $car_owner_money, "nclass" => 7, "addtime" => $sj, "m_id" => $co_id, "pid" => $cid, "uniacid" => $this->uniacid, "ntype" => 1); goto ILaRA; vo9v4: $brr = array("m_id" => $m_id, "money" => $t_money, "ntype" => 1, "addtime" => $sj, "uniacid" => $this->uniacid, "note" => ""); goto GL_0M; SLB9c: $this->error(""); goto w6h4n; bZWTv: $paramString = "{"ordernum":"" . $rs["ordernum"] . "","starting_place":"" . $rs["starting_place"] . "","end_place":"" . $rs["end_place"] . ""}"; goto aJ4ck; AiyC9: $field = array("ispay" => 3, "isreceipt" => 3, "istransfer" => 2, "isstart" => 3); goto XCA4B; Jxf1B: v3Jje: goto iWEe7; Ku9PA: M("member")->where("nid=" . $co_id)->setInc("account_amount", $car_owner_money); goto uIM0W; w63wj: QawXp: goto N_4CP; opnn0: M("redpacked_detail")->data($brr)->add(); goto w63wj; SiTIx: $rt = M("member")->where("nid=" . $rs["m_id"])->find(); goto MFXm5; bQ9W8: $car_owner_money = round($s_money - $x_money, 2); goto lhin7; ivqL8: send_aliyun_msg($rt["mobile"], C("ali_sms.sms22"), $paramString); goto M5Ghk; Fb7nR: goto DZKXZ; goto h07fH; wW9TV: $this->error(""); goto l5i23; lyxW6: $nid = intval($_GET["nid"]); goto HBPYL; G3HKf: if ($rs) { goto JjT8T; } goto SLB9c; qLG07: if (C("co_awards_type") == 1) { goto GJ2oM; } goto yDPWA; BgdGJ: $this->success(""); goto Jxf1B; lzi0j: if ($arr["result_code"] == "SUCCESS" && $arr["return_code"] == "SUCCESS") { goto PQz2b; } goto xZBB0; sksK4: $this->mb(); goto lpQlb; lXlfZ: jF0IA: goto CY6Wg; ZPEtX: $cid = M("withdrawals")->data($brr)->add(); goto XDxr3; wDBx9: M("passenger_order")->where("nid=" . $nid)->setField($field); goto SiTIx; t5Ose: GJ2oM: goto JjeyX; l5i23: mueu_: goto lyxW6; xz3qa: t8KSd: goto AiyC9; nC5Pz: $this->getConfig(); goto NNIHc; iTlah: $brr = array("m_id" => $co_id, "amount_cash" => $car_owner_money, "nstatus" => 2, "playmoney_time" => $sj, "reason" => "", "addtime" => $sj, "nclass" => 4, "ordernum" => $rs["ordernum"], "uniacid" => $this->uniacid, "transaction_time" => $sj); goto ZPEtX; NGP0C: $x_money = round($rs["money"] * C("platform.plat_passenger2") * C("platform.plat_dj_passenger"), 2); goto lRtIs; neo4o: M("member")->where("nid=" . $m_id)->setInc("redpacked", $rs["redpacked"]); goto jXCYH; jXCYH: if (!$rs["redpacked"]) { goto QawXp; } goto qFdXE; lRtIs: $s_money = round($rs["money"] * C("platform.plat_passenger2"), 2); goto bQ9W8; XCA4B: M("passenger_order")->where("nid=" . $nid)->setField($field); goto bcsJu; HBPYL: $rs = M("passenger_order")->where("nid=" . $nid)->find(); goto G3HKf; iWEe7: goto ecAlG; GL_0M: M("redpacked_detail")->data($brr)->add(); goto xz3qa; MFXm5: $rx = M("member")->where("nid=" . $rs["co_id"])->find(); goto bZWTv; qFdXE: $brr = array("m_id" => $m_id, "money" => $rs["redpacked"], "ntype" => 1, "addtime" => $sj, "uniacid" => $this->uniacid, "note" => ""); goto opnn0; NNIHc: $sj = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); goto rUSmT; lpQlb: if (!(!isset($_GET["nid"]) || intval($_GET["nid"]) <= 0)) { goto mueu_; } goto wW9TV; XIUuf: goto Ac3zH; fpag8: PQz2b: goto neo4o; bcsJu: $rt = M("member")->where("nid=" . $rs["m_id"])->find(); goto SvmCR; ou0ct: if (!(C("co_awards_status") == 2)) { goto GJ0HE; } goto qLG07; Jy8R4: $brr = array("money" => $x_money, "ntype" => 3, "addtime" => $sj, "uniacid" => $this->uniacid, "ordernum" => $rs["ordernum"]); goto bdDBN; lohfL: M("member")->where("nid=" . $co_id)->setInc("account_amount", $money); goto KkvbY; lhin7: $t_money = round($rs["money"] - $s_money, 2); goto Jy8R4; Ac3zH: } public function member_complain() { goto NVwJU; uFmOn: goto ZPF6Y; goto EUClf; J3ZPZ: $rs[$i]["mobile"] = $rt["mobile"]; goto xoubA; BC0ZA: eouYp: goto AA3su; tvKEh: if (!($i < count($rs))) { goto qw0rN; } goto fTBh3; EUClf: qw0rN: goto KZIHY; AA3su: $rs[$i]["nclass"] = ":"; goto efjZi; By6dI: $this->display(); goto qgLYY; B2b7w: $rs[$i]["ordernum"] = $rt["ordernum"]; goto ZxScl; NVwJU: $this->mb(); goto IJpm5; IJpm5: if (!(!isset($_GET["nid"]) || intval($_GET["nid"]) <= 0)) { goto JZ2v3; } goto Br3m1; IOQJX: $rs[$i]["picpath"] = $arr; goto x2KEx; GK6F1: Of1bn: goto L3Upo; t1l91: $i++; goto uFmOn; DDb46: $this->page = $page->show(); goto UrrMT; YEysI: $rs[$i]["nclass"] = ""; goto dp0ku; F0sth: $nid = I("nid", 0, "intval"); goto wTzLE; UrrMT: $rs = M("member_complain")->order("nid desc")->where($where)->limit($limit)->select(); goto Q7Lr8; DwTID: $arr = array(); goto YAbje; mbbrj: $this->count = $count; goto gcQVk; fTBh3: $rt = M("member")->where("nid=" . $rs[$i]["m_id"])->find(); goto J3ZPZ; Br3m1: $this->error(""); goto pueRx; xoubA: if ($rs[$i]["nclass"] > 0) { goto bkk_n; } goto YEysI; YAbje: foreach ($pic as $k => $v) { array_push($arr, $v); J4N9G: } goto zxySz; JNv5A: bkk_n: goto oXvz6; chEs6: goto TuEIb; goto BC0ZA; wTzLE: $where = "cood_id=" . $nid . " and uniacid=" . $this->uniacid . " "; goto RYQAz; gcQVk: $page = new Page($count, 10); goto sbvo7; Q7Lr8: $i = 0; goto gUcn1; sbvo7: $limit = $page->firstRow . "," . $page->listRows; goto DDb46; ZxScl: pPtQe: goto t1l91; L3Upo: $pic = explode(",", $rs[$i]["picpath"]); goto DwTID; zIUAC: $rs[$i]["nclass"] = ":"; goto chEs6; zxySz: sqCpP: goto IOQJX; dp0ku: goto Of1bn; goto JNv5A; efjZi: TuEIb: goto GK6F1; oXvz6: if ($rs[$i]["nclass"] == 1) { goto eouYp; } goto zIUAC; x2KEx: $rt = M("passenger_order")->where("nid=" . $rs[$i]["cood_id"])->find(); goto B2b7w; pueRx: JZ2v3: goto F0sth; RYQAz: $count = M("member_complain")->where($where)->count(); goto mbbrj; gUcn1: ZPF6Y: goto tvKEh; KZIHY: $this->rs = $rs; goto By6dI; qgLYY: } public function car_owner_order() { goto lC2pd; fTkD8: switch ($rs[$i]["isreceipt"]) { case 1: $rs[$i]["isreceipt1"] = "<font color='red'></font>"; goto Srnsb; case 2: $rs[$i]["isreceipt1"] = "<font color='green'></font>"; goto Srnsb; case 3: $rs[$i]["isreceipt1"] = "<font color='blue'></font>"; goto Srnsb; } goto QzTkd; ZAhsK: goto xBDLz; goto vi2aG; QzTkd: UQk2z: goto L7553; hFNCo: goto qyZPI; goto O0z0W; TwJVw: $page = new Page($count, 8); goto aPe8l; UUiKv: cCQPN: goto NILpH; oIObZ: $this->btime = ''; goto RcUL1; r0O_b: if (isset($_GET["is_flag"]) && intval($_GET["is_flag"]) > 0) { goto ZAUX4; } goto KYMXL; WbvD1: Z3iLE: goto qBPMZ; aF3RU: switch ($rs[$i]["cancel_order"]) { case 1: $rs[$i]["cancel_order1"] = "<font color='red'></font>"; goto t1d5r; case 2: $rs[$i]["cancel_order1"] = "<font color='green'></font>"; goto t1d5r; case 3: $rs[$i]["cancel_order1"] = "<font color='blue'></font>"; goto t1d5r; default: $rs[$i]["cancel_order1"] = ""; } goto dqGar; lC2pd: $this->mb(); goto rwNiq; JFJq_: ETgda: goto fTkD8; RcUL1: goto AodSC; goto B1rsg; Lmhk6: FZBMy: goto OqkFj; o5BSQ: rEIOK: goto Jul1y; L1HRh: $this->ordernum = $ordernum; goto GNrJW; o2Hlu: goto rEIOK; goto BYfn1; J1q7T: $this->etime = ''; goto hFNCo; Tmauz: goto yT6GG; goto AjrQL; sknbT: d81Ks: goto mojxf; UBvJE: $this->count = $count; goto TwJVw; O0z0W: Z0pJ7: goto U0FsS; OqkFj: $cancel_order = intval($_GET["cancel_order"]); goto X1Qjx; Ixb2x: xBDLz: goto r0O_b; dqGar: bpcrs: goto e1CQT; qCVq8: if (!$rs) { goto cBlM4; } goto X0nbT; gnIl6: $this->display(); goto wI9TV; AjrQL: R9RmU: goto Rk8tY; Vp_E4: goto cCQPN; goto Lmhk6; NoK35: $rt = M("member")->where("nid=" . $rs[$i]["co_id"])->find(); goto n9_Xp; CnsqF: $where .= " and  addtime<='" . date("Y-m-d 23:59:59", strtotime($etime)) . "'"; goto bqgLo; mMHcO: if (isset($_GET["etime"]) && trim($_GET["etime"]) != '') { goto Z0pJ7; } goto J1q7T; vi2aG: ivmEl: goto hsme0; Rk8tY: $ordernum = trim($_GET["ordernum"]); goto L1HRh; dkv0S: $this->cancel_order = 0; goto Vp_E4; JiA9q: $where .= " and is_flag=" . $is_flag; goto WbvD1; bqgLo: $this->etime = $etime; goto qMBpz; U0FsS: $etime = trim($_GET["etime"]); goto CnsqF; qMBpz: qyZPI: goto Zb6u1; jsTsl: $this->ordernum = ''; goto Tmauz; KYMXL: $this->is_flag = 0; goto xbgCs; SyFKH: AodSC: goto mMHcO; L7553: Srnsb: goto aF3RU; AzAg0: switch ($rs[$i]["nstatus"]) { case 1: $rs[$i]["nstatus1"] = "<font color='red'></font>"; goto ETgda; case 2: $rs[$i]["nstatus1"] = "<font color='green'></font>"; goto ETgda; } goto CYeYT; NILpH: if (isset($_GET["ordernum"]) && trim($_GET["ordernum"]) != '') { goto R9RmU; } goto jsTsl; Jul1y: if (!($i < count($rs))) { goto Qwvrg; } goto NoK35; MCayH: yT6GG: goto osP50; n9_Xp: $rs[$i]["m_wx_nickname"] = $rt["wx_nickname"]; goto INCmL; tRTe3: $where .= " and isreceipt=" . $isreceipt; goto Ixb2x; X1Qjx: $this->cancel_order = $cancel_order; goto wwWpU; BYfn1: Qwvrg: goto VVgy5; W0ySw: $this->btime = $btime; goto SyFKH; aPe8l: $limit = $page->firstRow . "," . $page->listRows; goto O4_yn; O4_yn: $this->page = $page->show(); goto yxZaD; yxZaD: $rs = M("car_owner_order")->order("nid desc")->where($where)->limit($limit)->select(); goto qCVq8; xbgCs: goto Z3iLE; goto j0Eim; INCmL: $rs[$i]["m_mobile"] = $rt["mobile"]; goto AzAg0; osP50: if (isset($_GET["btime"]) && trim($_GET["btime"]) != '') { goto iRcIz; } goto oIObZ; VVgy5: cBlM4: goto LMO3I; X0nbT: $i = 0; goto o5BSQ; GNrJW: $where .= " and ordernum='" . $ordernum . "'"; goto MCayH; S2bXQ: $this->is_flag = $is_flag; goto JiA9q; az7Mb: $btime = trim($_GET["btime"]); goto eq20v; Vk2iO: if (isset($_GET["isreceipt"]) && intval($_GET["isreceipt"]) > 0) { goto ivmEl; } goto Utku7; Utku7: $this->isreceipt = 0; goto ZAhsK; hsme0: $isreceipt = intval($_GET["isreceipt"]); goto LJXBK; wwWpU: $where .= " and cancel_order=" . $cancel_order; goto UUiKv; LJXBK: $this->isreceipt = $isreceipt; goto tRTe3; Zb6u1: $count = M("car_owner_order")->where($where)->count(); goto UBvJE; qBPMZ: if (isset($_GET["cancel_order"]) && intval($_GET["cancel_order"]) > 0) { goto FZBMy; } goto dkv0S; B1rsg: iRcIz: goto az7Mb; LMO3I: $this->rs = $rs; goto gnIl6; CYeYT: qh_XM: goto JFJq_; e1CQT: t1d5r: goto sknbT; eq20v: $where .= " and  addtime>='" . date("Y-m-d 00:00:00", strtotime($btime)) . "'"; goto W0ySw; mojxf: $i++; goto o2Hlu; rwNiq: $where = " uniacid=" . $this->uniacid . " "; goto Vk2iO; j0Eim: ZAUX4: goto ZaYtn; ZaYtn: $is_flag = intval($_GET["is_flag"]); goto S2bXQ; wI9TV: } public function car_owner_order_alldel() { goto cuNws; PxmV0: $i = 0; goto m3_kg; EHZZb: goto gkb1b; goto JDpnc; a7IaB: vhuwn: goto q3vuo; N7T2j: $this->error(""); goto qU9Et; i1dNI: $data = array("status" => 0, "retDesc" => ""); goto EHZZb; m3_kg: j0gLr: goto ZRGsY; xhsq9: gkb1b: goto doLNK; qU9Et: qWVET: goto SsRyU; dcV1L: if (M("car_owner_order")->where("nid in (" . $allid . ")")->delete()) { goto dl0qU; } goto i1dNI; y29IL: $k++; goto KbR6d; vT4eq: M("car_owner_order_complain")->where("pid= " . $rt[$k]["nid"])->delete(); goto BaVZ0; jnMhD: rfyCi: goto a7IaB; o1GKl: YJ06C: goto CFMR5; BaVZ0: NWHF0: goto y29IL; q3vuo: $i++; goto k9Noo; GFUo1: M("car_owner_order_details")->where("coo_id= " . $rs[$i]["nid"])->delete(); goto i01xT; pBUTb: $data = array("status" => 1, "retDesc" => ""); goto xhsq9; SsRyU: $allid = substr(trim($_POST["allid"]), 0, -1); goto ZLPli; JDpnc: dl0qU: goto de5cx; Ia4ZS: NCH37: goto pBUTb; HSvVR: if (!(!isset($_POST["allid"]) || trim($_POST["allid"]) == '')) { goto qWVET; } goto N7T2j; RUDkz: $rt = M("car_owner_order_details")->where("coo_id= " . $rs[$i]["nid"])->select(); goto GFUo1; doLNK: $this->ajaxReturn($data); goto q_o3c; de5cx: if (!$rs) { goto NCH37; } goto PxmV0; KbR6d: goto YJ06C; goto jnMhD; k9Noo: goto j0gLr; goto ZTJ6U; ZRGsY: if (!($i < count($rs))) { goto XfvPg; } goto RUDkz; ZTJ6U: XfvPg: goto Ia4ZS; cuNws: $this->mb(); goto HSvVR; CFMR5: if (!($k < count($rt))) { goto rfyCi; } goto vT4eq; i01xT: $k = 0; goto o1GKl; ZLPli: $rs = M("car_owner_order")->where("nid in (" . $allid . ")")->select(); goto dcV1L; q_o3c: } public function car_owner_order_details() { goto xGVXM; JNQO1: $this->istransfer = $istransfer; goto vxFrm; CneBM: $this->ispay = 0; goto hgLGG; xGVXM: $this->mb(); goto vsJYl; vsJYl: if (!(!isset($_GET["nid"]) || intval($_GET["nid"]) <= 0)) { goto NFs3Y; } goto vqST1; tpCBn: if (!($i < count($rs))) { goto Mq5Vo; } goto kQUGA; loSnQ: $this->display(); goto L5zSy; tMMPA: $rt = M("member")->where("nid=" . $rt["co_id"])->find(); goto rHfvF; vk5r5: XYVhB: goto owRaZ; U1UGD: $this->nid = $nid; goto cuynp; KaKEU: RbX0q: goto lLHgA; qIWlX: switch ($rs[$i]["cancel_order"]) { case 0: $rs[$i]["cancel_order1"] = ""; goto Sl5Zu; case 1: $rs[$i]["cancel_order1"] = ""; goto Sl5Zu; case 2: $rs[$i]["cancel_order1"] = ""; goto Sl5Zu; case 3: $rs[$i]["cancel_order1"] = ""; goto Sl5Zu; } goto vk5r5; fQIwU: if (!isset($_GET["ispay"]) || intval($_GET["ispay"]) <= 0) { goto p_Wo2; } goto vH8qS; CUcGE: if (!$rs) { goto xICSm; } goto ofZQ4; H0u7L: switch ($rs[$i]["istransfer"]) { case 0: $rs[$i]["istransfer1"] = ""; goto xzqa6; case 1: $rs[$i]["istransfer1"] = ""; goto xzqa6; case 2: $rs[$i]["istransfer1"] = ""; goto xzqa6; case 3: $rs[$i]["istransfer1"] = ""; goto xzqa6; } goto iCeWy; bmcLB: $where .= " and ispay=" . $ispay; goto wrMoJ; awUVD: Mq5Vo: goto RsMJd; tCwtd: $rs[$i]["m_wx_nickname"] = $rt["wx_nickname"]; goto xNxoq; Jck7Y: $rs[$i]["ordernum"] = $rt["ordernum"]; goto tMMPA; vH8qS: $ispay = intval($_GET["ispay"]); goto bmcLB; RsMJd: xICSm: goto X4icI; OgHMJ: goto qmLBL; goto XUUp7; xNxoq: $rs[$i]["m_mobile"] = $rt["mobile"]; goto Fr_cp; lLHgA: $this->istransfer = 0; goto p6Rtc; wkA1A: $cancel_order = intval($_GET["cancel_order"]); goto Vr_mD; xh_Cp: goto AWCsn; goto p8Y1L; laIVx: $rs[$i]["c_mobile"] = $rt["mobile"]; goto xoGCE; X4icI: $this->rs = $rs; goto loSnQ; rHfvF: $rs[$i]["c_wx_nickname"] = $rt["wx_nickname"]; goto laIVx; iIx3x: $nid = intval($_GET["nid"]); goto U1UGD; dEoTR: $istransfer = intval($_GET["istransfer"]); goto khAKo; Vr_mD: $where .= " and cancel_order=" . $cancel_order; goto q1Pah; vxFrm: goto B_AgU; goto KaKEU; cuynp: $where = "uniacid=" . $this->uniacid . " and coo_id=" . $nid; goto fQIwU; YJ2jL: S1wxk: goto Ue24w; hgLGG: qmLBL: goto s175a; fgmG0: goto k1XLS; goto awUVD; vqST1: $this->error(""); goto q4lTP; pvoKQ: $page = new Page($count, 10); goto nq_wp; e5b2h: $rs[$i]["starting_place"] = $rt["starting_place"]; goto ICndK; q4lTP: NFs3Y: goto iIx3x; bYovT: $this->page = $page->show(); goto y3ak6; s175a: if (!isset($_GET["cancel_order"]) || intval($_GET["cancel_order"]) <= 0) { goto Jb88e; } goto wkA1A; OUsaB: $this->count = $count; goto pvoKQ; y3ak6: $rs = M("car_owner_order_details")->order("nid desc")->where($where)->limit($limit)->select(); goto CUcGE; eLU9K: switch ($rs[$i]["ispay"]) { case 1: $rs[$i]["ispay1"] = ""; goto WwZxW; case 2: $rs[$i]["ispay1"] = ""; goto WwZxW; case 3: $rs[$i]["ispay1"] = ""; goto WwZxW; } goto EdPrK; khAKo: $where .= " and istransfer=" . $istransfer; goto JNQO1; ICndK: $rs[$i]["end_place"] = $rt["end_place"]; goto eLU9K; Fr_cp: $rt = M("car_owner_order_station")->where("id=" . $rs[$i]["coos_id"])->find(); goto e5b2h; XUUp7: p_Wo2: goto CneBM; HX0A1: AWCsn: goto IKyVI; xoGCE: $rt = M("member")->where("nid=" . $rs[$i]["m_id"])->find(); goto tCwtd; p6Rtc: B_AgU: goto S65t6; jozD9: WwZxW: goto qIWlX; nq_wp: $limit = $page->firstRow . "," . $page->listRows; goto bYovT; wrMoJ: $this->ispay = $ispay; goto OgHMJ; Ue24w: $i++; goto fgmG0; kQUGA: $rt = M("car_owner_order")->where("nid=" . $rs[$i]["coo_id"])->find(); goto Jck7Y; p8Y1L: Jb88e: goto GJUy9; A3Su2: k1XLS: goto tpCBn; owRaZ: Sl5Zu: goto H0u7L; GJUy9: $this->cancel_order = 0; goto HX0A1; EdPrK: iIH0E: goto jozD9; q1Pah: $this->cancel_order = $cancel_order; goto xh_Cp; IKyVI: if (!isset($_GET["istransfer"]) || intval($_GET["istransfer"]) <= 0) { goto RbX0q; } goto dEoTR; S65t6: $count = M("car_owner_order_details")->where($where)->count(); goto OUsaB; iCeWy: bKrWJ: goto mw553; mw553: xzqa6: goto YJ2jL; ofZQ4: $i = 0; goto A3Su2; L5zSy: } public function car_owner_order_complain() { goto CfGUn; FgaqD: GmgHs: goto md3Cz; HEBNu: $limit = $page->firstRow . "," . $page->listRows; goto R109H; lOMQC: $rs[$i]["picpath"] = $arr; goto bIEeI; NhDRk: if (!($i < count($rs))) { goto hXhdY; } goto eXrl6; Ugcfb: goto EC6Pg; goto j6YOC; F43s3: $pid = intval($_GET["pid"]); goto VaDHw; U5rYW: $rs[$i]["m_mobile"] = $rt["mobile"]; goto kpQ_4; md3Cz: if ($rs[$i]["nclass"] > 0) { goto YV5tL; } goto SUVYy; ocH0q: $this->display(); goto BG0pF; j6YOC: OH8xZ: goto zXkG8; SUVYy: $rs[$i]["nclass"] = ""; goto Fbovm; dL2jP: iYGvX: goto u4Rsd; DT9no: $i++; goto FtJah; lJ80Y: cz_js: goto D0XKt; nbc_v: $pic = explode(",", $rs[$i]["picpath"]); goto N5ssR; Zs31a: if (!isset($_GET["nid"]) || intval($_GET["nid"]) <= 0) { goto iYGvX; } goto i_m6M; D7Ype: $where = " uniacid=" . $this->uniacid . " and pid=" . $nid; goto ydNKc; D0XKt: $this->error(""); goto yXk73; lVEVE: bOj2e: goto lOMQC; fOmns: hXhdY: goto u7kci; ZxbRe: foreach ($pic as $k => $v) { array_push($arr, $v); wtRrQ: } goto lVEVE; iAPqp: aPEeM: goto JcWG8; urtKm: xZ_4e: goto FgaqD; i_m6M: $nid = intval($_GET["nid"]); goto Uaf04; CfGUn: $this->mb(); goto Zs31a; N5ssR: $arr = array(); goto ZxbRe; Uaf04: $this->nid = $nid; goto o_guZ; TKU2_: $this->rs = $rs; goto ocH0q; xYHfi: if ($rs[$i]["nclass"] == 1) { goto OH8xZ; } goto ZY1Vr; VaDHw: $this->pid = $pid; goto bGta6; Fbovm: goto RIrRQ; goto EKlO3; iTMRv: if (!$rs) { goto hZP3W; } goto J0v3C; ZL4Dj: A9DwK: goto NhDRk; kpQ_4: switch ($rs[$i]["nstatus"]) { case 1: $rs[$i]["nstatus"] = ""; goto GmgHs; case 2: $rs[$i]["nstatus"] = ""; goto GmgHs; case 3: $rs[$i]["nstatus"] = ""; goto GmgHs; } goto urtKm; ydNKc: $res = M("car_owner_order")->where("nid=" . $pid)->find(); goto SUqal; eXrl6: $rt = M("member")->where("nid=" . $rs[$i]["m_id"])->find(); goto U5rYW; ZY1Vr: $rs[$i]["nclass"] = ":"; goto Ugcfb; G1YcN: RIrRQ: goto nbc_v; EKlO3: YV5tL: goto xYHfi; NT2eT: $page = new Page($count, 10); goto HEBNu; R109H: $this->page = $page->show(); goto QT1b4; o_guZ: goto aPEeM; goto dL2jP; QT1b4: $rs = M("car_owner_order_complain")->where($where)->limit($limit)->order("nid desc")->select(); goto iTMRv; SUqal: $this->ordernum = $res["ordernum"]; goto jNB11; SIWce: EC6Pg: goto G1YcN; FtJah: goto A9DwK; goto fOmns; yXk73: xfCgy: goto D7Ype; u7kci: hZP3W: goto TKU2_; J0v3C: $i = 0; goto ZL4Dj; jNB11: $count = M("car_owner_order_complain")->where($where)->count(); goto w15Ok; w15Ok: $this->count = $count; goto NT2eT; JcWG8: if (!isset($_GET["pid"]) || intval($_GET["pid"]) <= 0) { goto cz_js; } goto F43s3; u4Rsd: $this->error(""); goto iAPqp; bIEeI: TYnWD: goto DT9no; zXkG8: $rs[$i]["nclass"] = ":"; goto SIWce; bGta6: goto xfCgy; goto lJ80Y; BG0pF: } public function car_owner_order_refundtopassenger() { goto cSFii; iGMvG: BW3pe: goto E_kYr; fOLr_: goto YyLJJ; goto vkPfi; wH5Py: $car_owner = M("member")->where("nid=" . $co_id)->find(); goto L2U5t; thFVu: M("member")->where("nid=" . $rt["nid"])->setInc("account_amount", $m_deposit); goto Ts5fc; z0hSG: if (C("passenger_awards_type") == 1) { goto muhLe; } goto EoZ0M; cSFii: $this->mb(); goto KluD_; a92fD: $count = M("car_owner_order_details")->where("istransfer=3 and coo_id=" . $rs["coo_id"])->count(); goto H3IdK; X9xO5: muhLe: goto eR4sq; G_AWp: $field = array("nstatus" => 1, "isreceipt" => 3, "is_flag" => 1); goto PykqR; aIQ78: $this->error(""); goto WgFfJ; CEY0D: $rx = M("member")->where("nid=" . $co_id)->find(); goto Mgwlx; sozvh: $brr = array("m_id" => $co_id, "amount_cash" => $s_deposit, "nstatus" => 2, "playmoney_time" => $sj, "reason" => "", "addtime" => $sj, "nclass" => 3, "ordernum" => $rs["ordernum"], "uniacid" => $this->uniacid, "transaction_time" => $sj); goto lUH4M; E_kYr: $this->success(""); goto XFmC8; sr5Js: M("member")->where("nid=" . $res[$i]["m_id"])->setInc("redpacked", $money); goto j1ULK; L2U5t: $x_deposit = round($car_owner["deposit"] * C("platform.plat_car_owner1") * C("platform.plat_dj_car_owner"), 2); goto SOHHk; L0U64: iSveS: goto RWPVc; W6GRi: $brr = array("money" => $x_deposit, "ntype" => 3, "addtime" => $sj, "uniacid" => $this->uniacid, "ordernum" => $rt["ordernum"]); goto ZfMqg; uPg0S: M("car_owner_order_details")->where("nid=" . $res[$i]["nid"])->setField($field); goto WwT_4; IwHaA: M("member")->where("nid=" . $co_id)->setDec("deposit", $s_deposit); goto sozvh; WwT_4: $rt = M("member")->where("nid=" . $res[$i]["m_id"])->find(); goto CEY0D; Ts5fc: if (!$res[$i]["redpacked"]) { goto iSveS; } goto O1xG0; iLpyu: YFxnU: goto IhqaG; lUH4M: $cid = M("withdrawals")->data($brr)->add(); goto R04YJ; T334Z: uWeyi: goto DauoU; KluD_: if (!(!isset($_GET["nid"]) || intval($_GET["nid"]) <= 0)) { goto T3XMY; } goto aIQ78; y27z4: YyLJJ: goto khbyu; wTslb: if ($arr["result_code"] == "SUCCESS" && $arr["return_code"] == "SUCCESS") { goto xqnUD; } goto Swwqa; WgFfJ: T3XMY: goto XsDNX; khbyu: if (!($i < count($res))) { goto S07kB; } goto BnGek; IhqaG: A8J7b: goto s9Z9_; aAbx8: $arr = pc_passenger_task_refund($res[$i]["ordernum"], $res[$i]["transaction_id"], round($res[$i]["ntotal"] - $res[$i]["redpacked"], 2) * 100); goto wTslb; kIgo0: M("car_owner_order_station")->where("coo_id=" . $rs["coo_id"])->setField($field); goto iGMvG; H3IdK: $m_deposit = round($p_deposit / $count, 2); goto OPLMa; HmVLp: send_aliyun_msg($rx["mobile"], C("ali_sms.sms22"), $paramString); goto PSGqh; AizoP: $brr = array("m_id" => $res[$i]["m_id"], "money" => $res[$i], "ntype" => 1, "addtime" => $sj, "uniacid" => $this->uniacid, "note" => ""); goto e2UbI; v_Mkc: $rtp = M("car_owner_order_station")->where("id=" . $rs["coos_id"])->find(); goto nCirZ; kD0x0: $i = 0; goto y27z4; nCirZ: $co_id = $rt["co_id"]; goto Ll8U_; MGXxr: $p_deposit = round($s_deposit - $x_deposit, 2); goto W6GRi; U2ErA: $brr = array("m_id" => $rt["nid"], "amount_cash" => $m_deposit, "nstatus" => 2, "playmoney_time" => $sj, "reason" => "", "addtime" => $sj, "nclass" => 3, "ordernum" => $res["ordernum"], "uniacid" => $this->uniacid, "transaction_time" => $sj); goto s2yTy; s2yTy: $cid = M("withdrawals")->data($brr)->add(); goto am7vU; am7vU: $brr = array("money" => $m_deposit, "nclass" => 7, "addtime" => $sj, "m_id" => $rt["nid"], "pid" => $cid, "uniacid" => $this->uniacid, "ntype" => 2); goto yWGdm; g9ZPi: $this->getConfig(); goto ZqQo_; Mgwlx: $paramString = "{"ordernum":"" . $ordernum . "","starting_place":"" . $starting_place . "","end_place":"" . $end_place . ""}"; goto LxoJw; gY4nO: $ordernum = $rt["ordernum"]; goto dgcIA; vkPfi: S07kB: goto TYqpe; Ll8U_: $m_id = $rs["m_id"]; goto b9xJH; KCN1Z: $field = array("nstatus" => 1, "isreceipt" => 3); goto kIgo0; DauoU: $i++; goto fOLr_; PykqR: M("car_owner_order")->where("nid=" . $rs["coo_id"])->setField($field); goto KCN1Z; Ftkfx: dkNsI: goto g9ZPi; EoZ0M: $money = round($res[$i]["ntotal"] * C("passenger_awards_value") / 100, 2); goto sr5Js; jSipw: $this->error(""); goto Ftkfx; b9xJH: $sj = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); goto gY4nO; utjhH: if ($res) { goto BW3pe; } goto G_AWp; ZqQo_: $rt = M("car_owner_order")->where("nid=" . $rs["coo_id"])->find(); goto v_Mkc; j1ULK: goto YFxnU; goto X9xO5; FSfP3: xqnUD: goto thFVu; vTmEe: goto Yh8PG; goto FSfP3; RWPVc: $field = array("ispay" => 3, "istransfer" => 2, "isstart" => 3); goto uPg0S; XsDNX: $nid = intval($_GET["nid"]); goto MWYaL; eR4sq: M("member")->where("nid=" . $res[$i]["m_id"])->setInc("redpacked", C("passenger_awards_value")); goto iLpyu; e2UbI: M("redpacked_detail")->data($brr)->add(); goto L0U64; yWGdm: M("revenue_detail")->data($brr)->add(); goto aAbx8; O1xG0: M("member")->where("nid=" . $res[$i]["m_id"])->setInc("redpacked", $res[$i]["redpacked"]); goto AizoP; dgcIA: $starting_place = $rtp["starting_place"]; goto c7icR; PSGqh: if (!(C("passenger_awards_status") == 2)) { goto A8J7b; } goto z0hSG; c7icR: $end_place = $rtp["end_place"]; goto wH5Py; hLuU8: if ($rs) { goto dkNsI; } goto jSipw; TYqpe: $res = M("car_owner_order_details")->where("ispay=2 and istransfer<>2 and isstart!=3 and coo_id=" . $rs["coo_id"])->select(); goto utjhH; LxoJw: send_aliyun_msg($rt["mobile"], C("ali_sms.sms22"), $paramString); goto HmVLp; R04YJ: $brr = array("money" => $s_deposit, "nclass" => 7, "addtime" => $sj, "m_id" => $m_id, "pid" => $cid, "uniacid" => $this->uniacid, "ntype" => 2); goto k4Lou; Swwqa: $this->error(""); goto vTmEe; k4Lou: M("revenue_detail")->data($brr)->add(); goto kD0x0; ZfMqg: M("platform_income")->data($brr)->add(); goto a92fD; s9Z9_: Yh8PG: goto T334Z; SOHHk: $s_deposit = round($car_owner["deposit"] * C("platform.plat_car_owner1"), 2); goto MGXxr; OPLMa: $res = M("car_owner_order_details")->where("istransfer=3 and coo_id=" . $rs["coo_id"])->select(); goto IwHaA; MWYaL: $rs = M("car_owner_order_details")->where("istransfer=3 and nid=" . $nid)->find(); goto hLuU8; BnGek: $rt = M("member")->where("nid=" . $res[$i]["m_id"])->find(); goto U2ErA; XFmC8: } public function car_owner_order_transfertocar_owner() { goto IKACD; VrkqB: $rt = M("member")->where("nid=" . $m_id)->find(); goto z_Mdv; Y_O8R: if ($rtt) { goto iU6aU; } goto lz_7M; lUI3C: M("revenue_detail")->data($brr)->add(); goto BpFVI; gIjeU: $car_owner = M("member")->where("nid=" . $m_id)->find(); goto qc3iB; ftUn1: $ordernum = $rt["ordernum"]; goto JEVwj; JANXM: goto OGsVm; goto JZ3mU; tHxoS: M("platform_income")->data($brr)->add(); goto B1MVy; JScKI: if ($rtt) { goto t383r; } goto qroWF; SREGK: if (!(!isset($_GET["nid"]) || intval($_GET["nid"]) <= 0)) { goto jDZUw; } goto oUORO; ysX0G: $t_deposit = round($rs["ntotal"] - $s_deposit, 2); goto A9voj; JZ3mU: p1MpX: goto gp_YI; z_Mdv: $rx = M("member")->where("nid=" . $co_id)->find(); goto vaWYb; Tr4sm: FPwps: goto VrkqB; ezdSP: iU6aU: goto JmcOT; AvjIX: M("member")->where("nid=" . $co_id)->setInc("account_amount", C("co_awards_value")); goto ZlbJJ; aGRm9: pAbkX: goto a5nlc; vBwDb: $money = round($rs["ntotal"] * C("co_awards_value") / 100, 2); goto dZYlP; e7Vmy: send_aliyun_msg($rx["mobile"], C("ali_sms.sms22"), $paramString); goto TDNcr; sIQJt: yfqpN: goto Gb0Aj; TPUBM: $cid = M("withdrawals")->data($brr)->add(); goto g_kXV; qroWF: $field = array("nstatus" => 1, "isreceipt" => 3, "is_flag" => 1); goto M7tXZ; VFG5a: M("redpacked_detail")->data($brr)->add(); goto sIQJt; M7al9: $brr = array("m_id" => $m_id, "money" => $t_deposit, "ntype" => 1, "addtime" => $sj, "uniacid" => $this->uniacid, "note" => ""); goto CjQub; lpmRf: send_aliyun_msg($rx["mobile"], C("ali_sms.sms22"), $paramString); goto cirG7; JmcOT: M("car_owner_order")->where("nid=" . $rs["coo_id"])->setField($field); goto K5OYb; U428I: M("car_owner_order_details")->where(" nid=" . $nid)->setField($field); goto RiNkp; QIjZ4: if (!$t_deposit) { goto FPwps; } goto M7al9; IKACD: $this->mb(); goto SREGK; KvRCB: $this->error(""); goto kkAzx; K5OYb: $this->success(""); goto XdwLO; lz_7M: $field = array("nstatus" => 1, "isreceipt" => 3, "is_flag" => 1); goto ezdSP; lzJQv: goto noWD1; goto dq3lD; BpFVI: $field = array("istransfer" => 2, "isstart" => 3); goto U428I; d1kPO: $end_place = $rtp["end_place"]; goto LCmRW; BSIgk: if ($t_deposit > $redpacked) { goto p1MpX; } goto ao_PC; oNI7r: QDeYI: goto jZuW5; pFiNj: send_aliyun_msg($rt["mobile"], C("ali_sms.sms22"), $paramString); goto e7Vmy; tQdTK: $co_id = $rt["co_id"]; goto t47S1; ev75o: $this->error(""); goto aGRm9; g_kXV: $brr = array("money" => $p_deposit, "nclass" => 7, "addtime" => $sj, "m_id" => $co_id, "pid" => $cid, "uniacid" => $this->uniacid, "ntype" => 2); goto lUI3C; E1KuV: M("car_owner_order")->where("nid=" . $rs["coo_id"])->setField($field); goto H8lUq; eaI14: OGsVm: goto OiJmp; ksruU: M("member")->where("nid=" . $m_id)->setInc("redpacked", $rs["redpacked"]); goto zTwxB; bH8UT: if (C("co_awards_type") == 1) { goto mlw8T; } goto vBwDb; dq3lD: mlw8T: goto AvjIX; a5nlc: $redpacked = $rs["redpacked"]; goto Wjm5X; EsJIy: aRuuI: goto lWkS0; t47S1: $m_id = $rs["m_id"]; goto ftUn1; Atb3X: $nid = intval($_GET["nid"]); goto xzN3O; jZuW5: if (!$rs["redpacked"]) { goto yfqpN; } goto ksruU; WgLVm: $rx = M("member")->where("nid=" . $co_id)->find(); goto ArArI; o7Kno: $p_deposit = round($s_deposit - $x_deposit, 2); goto ysX0G; cXyit: $starting_place = $rtp["starting_place"]; goto d1kPO; oUORO: $this->error(""); goto GAPx4; B1MVy: $brr = array("m_id" => $co_id, "amount_cash" => $p_deposit, "nstatus" => 2, "playmoney_time" => $sj, "reason" => "", "addtime" => $sj, "nclass" => 4, "ordernum" => $rs["ordernum"], "uniacid" => $this->uniacid, "transaction_time" => $sj); goto TPUBM; XdwLO: dkewX: goto eaI14; RiNkp: M("member")->where("nid=" . $co_id)->setInc("account_amount", $p_deposit); goto BSIgk; LCmRW: $sj = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); goto gIjeU; eglRo: send_aliyun_msg($rt["mobile"], C("ali_sms.sms22"), $paramString); goto lpmRf; Kwz4j: if ($rs) { goto pAbkX; } goto ev75o; Gb0Aj: $rt = M("member")->where("nid=" . $m_id)->find(); goto WgLVm; TDNcr: if (!(C("co_awards_status") == 2)) { goto aRuuI; } goto bH8UT; qc3iB: $x_deposit = round($rs["ntotal"] * C("platform.plat_passenger2") * C("platform.plat_dj_passenger"), 2); goto ZfX2d; xzN3O: $rs = M("car_owner_order_details")->where("istransfer=3 and nid=" . $nid)->find(); goto Kwz4j; dZYlP: M("member")->where("nid=" . $co_id)->setInc("account_amount", $money); goto lzJQv; kkAzx: goto dkewX; goto oNI7r; ZlbJJ: noWD1: goto EsJIy; cirG7: $rtt = M("car_owner_order_details")->where("ispay=2 and istransfer!=2 and isstart!=4 and coo_id=" . $rs["coo_id"])->select(); goto JScKI; btGcr: $rt = M("car_owner_order")->where("nid=" . $rs["coo_id"])->find(); goto tQdTK; M7tXZ: t383r: goto E1KuV; A9voj: $brr = array("money" => $x_deposit, "ntype" => 3, "addtime" => $sj, "uniacid" => $this->uniacid, "ordernum" => $rs["ordernum"]); goto tHxoS; ao_PC: M("member")->where("nid=" . $m_id)->setInc("redpacked", $t_deposit); goto QIjZ4; ArArI: $paramString = "{"ordernum":"" . $ordernum . "","starting_place":"" . $starting_place . "","end_place":"" . $end_place . ""}"; goto pFiNj; lWkS0: $rtt = M("car_owner_order_details")->where("ispay=2 and istransfer!=2 and isstart!=3 and coo_id=" . $rs["coo_id"])->select(); goto Y_O8R; JEVwj: $rtp = M("car_owner_order_station")->where("id=" . $rs["coos_id"])->find(); goto cXyit; zTwxB: $brr = array("m_id" => $m_id, "money" => $rs["redpacked"], "ntype" => 1, "addtime" => $sj, "uniacid" => $this->uniacid, "note" => ""); goto VFG5a; Wjm5X: $this->getConfig(); goto btGcr; ZfX2d: $s_deposit = round($rs["ntotal"] * C("platform.plat_passenger2"), 2); goto o7Kno; vaWYb: $paramString = "{"ordernum":"" . $ordernum . "","starting_place":"" . $starting_place . "","end_place":"" . $end_place . ""}"; goto eglRo; CjQub: M("redpacked_detail")->data($brr)->add(); goto Tr4sm; ATgOH: if ($arr["result_code"] == "SUCCESS" && $arr["return_code"] == "SUCCESS") { goto QDeYI; } goto KvRCB; GAPx4: jDZUw: goto Atb3X; H8lUq: $this->success(""); goto JANXM; gp_YI: $arr = pc_order_refund($rs["ordernum"], $rs["transaction_id"], $rs["ntotal"] * 100, round($t_deposit - $redpacked, 2) * 100); goto ATgOH; OiJmp: } public function car_owner_notes() { goto rLO46; UtyCf: LSYcR: goto v92BI; nHW3r: $page = new Page($count, 10); goto FQ2NF; JgXwl: $count = M("car_owner_notes")->where($where)->count(); goto p4Q0N; sEFom: dciJj: goto N_LHE; gA0B9: dZTL3: goto fPj3c; fPj3c: $this->rs = $rs; goto QinVt; QinVt: $this->display(); goto hQVQV; BMPaq: vHJt8: goto kewH1; AYiTp: $i++; goto c3Gko; guRaa: if ($rs[$i]["nclass"] == 1) { goto LSYcR; } goto SH8Xp; kewH1: Qw46V: goto AYiTp; PkVda: UTBCK: goto gA0B9; HGqC0: $i = 0; goto sEFom; v92BI: $rs[$i]["nclass1"] = ""; goto BMPaq; Nw3cr: $this->page = $page->show(); goto YJUeU; SH8Xp: $rs[$i]["nclass1"] = ""; goto PenQV; rLO46: $this->mb(); goto fK2Kq; c3Gko: goto dciJj; goto PkVda; XLAK0: if (!$rs) { goto dZTL3; } goto HGqC0; p4Q0N: $this->count = $count; goto nHW3r; FQ2NF: $limit = $page->firstRow . "," . $page->listRows; goto Nw3cr; PenQV: goto vHJt8; goto UtyCf; N_LHE: if (!($i < count($rs))) { goto UTBCK; } goto guRaa; fK2Kq: $where = "uniacid=" . $this->uniacid; goto JgXwl; YJUeU: $rs = M("car_owner_notes")->where($where)->order("nid desc")->limit($limit)->select(); goto XLAK0; hQVQV: } public function car_owner_notes_add() { $this->mb(); $this->display(); } public function car_owner_notes_addhandle() { goto izAPt; Vmw97: M("car_owner_notes")->data($param)->add(); goto yEk66; xWXTs: $this->error(" "); goto blNMH; W4HfO: $param["addtime"] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); goto smvuQ; AwUKH: if (!(trim($param["note"]) == '' && trim($param["chotline"]) == '')) { goto lZN7M; } goto xWXTs; izAPt: $this->mb(); goto qlfLM; qlfLM: $param = I("post."); goto AwUKH; smvuQ: $param["uniacid"] = $this->uniacid; goto Vmw97; blNMH: lZN7M: goto W4HfO; yEk66: $this->success(""); goto JN_iS; JN_iS: } public function car_owner_notes_modi() { goto YiMtg; atvjr: $this->error(""); goto aNbH5; hNiwG: $this->display(); goto WYqPF; fVWC1: if (!(!isset($_GET["nid"]) || intval($_GET["nid"]) <= 0)) { goto Ily4B; } goto atvjr; RCNQj: $rs = M("car_owner_notes")->where("nid=" . $nid)->find(); goto A09jf; YiMtg: $this->mb(); goto fVWC1; jWeJN: $nid = intval($_GET["nid"]); goto RCNQj; aNbH5: Ily4B: goto jWeJN; A09jf: $this->rs = $rs; goto hNiwG; WYqPF: } public function car_owner_notes_modihandle() { goto LEHrr; QmOrG: if (!(!IS_POST || !isset($_POST["nid"]) || intval($_POST["nid"]) <= 0)) { goto O9po6; } goto ApP1N; ApP1N: $this->error(""); goto pnSXt; pnSXt: O9po6: goto fFcpf; zYv8v: M("car_owner_notes")->data($_POST)->save(); goto ySy3R; LEHrr: $this->mb(); goto QmOrG; ySy3R: $this->success("", U("car_owner_notes")); goto zLj1Q; fFcpf: $nid = intval($_GET["nid"]); goto zYv8v; zLj1Q: } public function car_owner_share() { goto mNsI_; NrwpW: $this->page = $page->show(); goto KLhZW; gJiYr: $count = M("car_owner_share")->where($where)->count(); goto ZyZQN; h_w3s: switch ($rs[$i]["nstatus"]) { case 1: $rs[$i]["nstatus1"] = "<font color='red'></font>"; goto URkkj; case 2: $rs[$i]["nstatus1"] = "<font color='green'></font>"; goto URkkj; default: $rs[$i]["nstatus1"] = ""; goto URkkj; } goto drJDr; B3iQt: goto Fzpkl; goto cIQbG; ZyZQN: $this->count = $count; goto ekVKS; NFBfC: $where .= " and  addtime>='" . date("Y-m-d 00:00:00", strtotime($btime)) . "'"; goto yms79; NckzC: $this->display(); goto aiqek; ekVKS: $page = new Page($count, 10); goto RuqJU; W7w7E: URkkj: goto ykaYj; wtEPB: zllxy: goto gJiYr; nCrsg: goto FZy6J; goto ziTEq; M_qNi: if (!isset($_GET["nstatus"]) || intval($_GET["nstatus"]) == -1) { goto Mrs0B; } goto y5ebp; CMlcO: GOnil: goto vSqjj; RJPBZ: $this->nstatus = -1; goto vOSu0; mNsI_: $this->mb(); goto DE4nU; T4U58: if (!isset($_GET["ntype"]) || intval($_GET["ntype"]) <= 0) { goto qcZXA; } goto Bww2h; yms79: $this->btime = $btime; goto Grj6J; RUY3s: $this->nstatus = $nstatus; goto B3iQt; PLs31: if (isset($_GET["btime"]) && trim($_GET["btime"]) != '') { goto LR8yV; } goto HMt7l; Bww2h: $ntype = intval($_GET["ntype"]); goto bYWEV; Lo3Mw: $this->etime = $etime; goto wtEPB; vSqjj: $etime = trim($_GET["etime"]); goto BeCm7; RSJ_H: $this->ntype = 0; goto Lwaai; fnbuo: $btime = trim($_GET["btime"]); goto NFBfC; vOSu0: Fzpkl: goto T4U58; qd0WI: JgBhT: goto TpNd6; xkxCX: $rs[$i]["m_mobile"] = $rt["mobile"]; goto NAXF3; StYDA: $this->etime = ''; goto B06t1; TpNd6: if (!($i < count($rs))) { goto gVjD7; } goto Cn3NV; BeCm7: $where .= " and  addtime<='" . date("Y-m-d 23:59:59", strtotime($etime)) . "'"; goto Lo3Mw; B06t1: goto zllxy; goto CMlcO; TXnzq: if (!$rs) { goto sVsO0; } goto a8bQx; Cn3NV: $rt = M("member")->where("nid=" . $rs[$i]["m_id"])->find(); goto xkxCX; ziTEq: qcZXA: goto RSJ_H; KLhZW: $rs = M("car_owner_share")->where($where)->order("nid desc")->limit($limit)->select(); goto TXnzq; bYWEV: $this->ntype = $ntype; goto Nd5aT; NAXF3: $rt = M("member")->where("nid=" . $rs[$i]["referee_id"])->find(); goto oDpEp; cIQbG: Mrs0B: goto RJPBZ; GThKr: LR8yV: goto fnbuo; a8bQx: $i = 0; goto qd0WI; GlARK: gVjD7: goto zs_M7; HMt7l: $this->btime = ''; goto IQ2T3; K24sA: $this->rs = $rs; goto NckzC; HHdGv: $i++; goto HBSX1; Nd5aT: $where .= " and ntype=" . $ntype; goto nCrsg; HRL2Z: $where .= " and nstatus=" . $nstatus; goto RUY3s; Lwaai: FZy6J: goto PLs31; drJDr: h5A2_: goto W7w7E; HBSX1: goto JgBhT; goto GlARK; ykaYj: JbnGC: goto HHdGv; Grj6J: nLZMK: goto Vz9L4; zs_M7: sVsO0: goto K24sA; DE4nU: $where = "uniacid=" . $this->uniacid . " "; goto M_qNi; oDpEp: $rs[$i]["c_mobile"] = $rt["mobile"]; goto h_w3s; IQ2T3: goto nLZMK; goto GThKr; y5ebp: $nstatus = intval($_GET["nstatus"]); goto HRL2Z; Vz9L4: if (isset($_GET["etime"]) && trim($_GET["etime"]) != '') { goto GOnil; } goto StYDA; RuqJU: $limit = $page->firstRow . "," . $page->listRows; goto NrwpW; aiqek: } public function share_alldel() { goto npQYp; npQYp: $this->mb(); goto TAHsB; Qmvs1: $this->ajaxReturn($data); goto bdUwR; TAHsB: if (!(!isset($_POST["allid"]) || trim($_POST["allid"]) == '')) { goto gKvPr; } goto MVK_j; oX07e: r33pd: goto pI0m1; ZbToO: $data = array("status" => 0, "retDesc" => ""); goto R0qDQ; R0qDQ: goto QypAF; goto oX07e; Ly97J: QypAF: goto Qmvs1; pI0m1: $data = array("status" => 1, "retDesc" => ""); goto Ly97J; EJnjA: gKvPr: goto V81fU; MVK_j: $this->error(""); goto EJnjA; HZHE_: if (M("car_owner_share")->where("nid in (" . $allid . ")")->delete()) { goto r33pd; } goto ZbToO; V81fU: $allid = substr(trim($_POST["allid"]), 0, -1); goto HZHE_; bdUwR: } public function redpacked_withdraw() { goto e0H10; iyWhj: $this->display(); goto tqQ_G; U_qKH: $this->btime = $btime; goto cfUqb; axAOs: $this->etime = ''; goto dW9jH; W9xjP: KO4C9: goto aqVZ6; sd_fR: $this->count = $count; goto FKS1t; JXNX1: $i = 0; goto oms8n; wY6tX: UyfKX: goto lttJE; EfUqB: XegJl: goto jfdHK; d47w4: if (isset($_GET["btime"]) && trim($_GET["btime"]) != '') { goto EvHi1; } goto xRvHh; gJx0D: if (!$rs) { goto hDYQY; } goto JXNX1; lttJE: $etime = trim($_GET["etime"]); goto DnDGq; Vpx3Y: $this->nstatus = $nstatus; goto qHr7J; keeLY: KpRp2: goto Wej9G; ySV_9: $where .= "and  transaction_time>='" . date("Y-m-d 00:00:00", strtotime($btime)) . "'"; goto U_qKH; cfUqb: rNe04: goto qMSZr; Ikp3B: $this->rs = $rs; goto iyWhj; zM45J: SDiJq: goto czFHq; czFHq: $i++; goto lhRuA; Wej9G: fswUy: goto zM45J; SkxH_: goto rNe04; goto Trycp; aqVZ6: $this->nstatus = 0; goto n_963; e0H10: $this->mb(); goto s9F7Z; jfdHK: $count = M("redpacked_withdraw")->where($where)->count(); goto sd_fR; SGsWE: $rt = m("member")->where("nid=" . $rs[$i]["m_id"])->find(); goto G9zdN; jgOus: $where .= " and nstatus=" . $nstatus; goto Vpx3Y; Trycp: EvHi1: goto F6PV8; dVaqk: $this->etime = $etime; goto EfUqB; qHr7J: goto RYAQh; goto W9xjP; AGMvW: if (!($i < count($rs))) { goto EZ2D7; } goto SGsWE; fd4Pj: hDYQY: goto Ikp3B; F6PV8: $btime = trim($_GET["btime"]); goto ySV_9; s9F7Z: $where = " uniacid=" . $this->uniacid . " "; goto d5L8C; G9zdN: $rs[$i]["mobile"] = $rt["mobile"]; goto itifr; ud9NG: $limit = $page->firstRow . "," . $page->listRows; goto n3EGy; FKS1t: $page = new Page($count, 10); goto ud9NG; EFt9t: $nstatus = intval($_GET["nstatus"]); goto jgOus; qMSZr: if (isset($_GET["etime"]) && trim($_GET["etime"]) != '') { goto UyfKX; } goto axAOs; d5L8C: if (!isset($_GET["nstatus"]) || intval($_GET["nstatus"]) <= 0) { goto KO4C9; } goto EFt9t; xa04U: $rs = M("redpacked_withdraw")->where($where)->order("nid desc")->limit($limit)->select(); goto gJx0D; dW9jH: goto XegJl; goto wY6tX; UmCkz: EZ2D7: goto fd4Pj; oms8n: HGxb9: goto AGMvW; itifr: $rs[$i]["wx_nickname"] = $rt["wx_nickname"]; goto XkAk3; n_963: RYAQh: goto d47w4; xRvHh: $this->btime = ''; goto SkxH_; DnDGq: $where .= "and  transaction_time<='" . date("Y-m-d 23:59:59", strtotime($etime)) . "'"; goto dVaqk; lhRuA: goto HGxb9; goto UmCkz; n3EGy: $this->page = $page->show(); goto xa04U; XkAk3: switch ($rs[$i]["nstatus"]) { case 1: $rs[$i]["nstatus1"] = ""; goto fswUy; case 2: $rs[$i]["nstatus1"] = "<font color='green'></font>"; goto fswUy; case 3: $rs[$i]["nstatus1"] = "<font color='red'></font>"; goto fswUy; } goto keeLY; tqQ_G: } public function redpacked_withdraw_alldel() { goto Mz3kF; kxyUM: $data = array("status" => 1, "retDesc" => ""); goto ISrbD; MTKsc: YVkSL: goto UV6rC; Mz3kF: $this->mb(); goto R5l0t; OV2kf: $this->ajaxReturn($data); goto n3gPz; LJsNl: $data = array("status" => 0, "retDesc" => ""); goto Pt6oF; TKxvA: qHUy5: goto YTcaA; Pt6oF: goto k4GO_; goto wA4zv; QHVvR: $this->error(""); goto MTKsc; nNPkX: if (!($allid == '')) { goto YVkSL; } goto QHVvR; R5l0t: if (!(!IS_POST || trim($_POST["allid"]) == '')) { goto qHUy5; } goto qJ9pw; qJ9pw: $this->error(""); goto TKxvA; ISrbD: k4GO_: goto OV2kf; YTcaA: $allid = substr(trim($_POST["allid"]), 0, -1); goto nNPkX; wA4zv: c4ISU: goto kxyUM; UV6rC: if (M("redpacked_withdraw")->where(" nid in (" . $allid . ")")->data(array("isdel" => 2))->save()) { goto c4ISU; } goto LJsNl; n3gPz: } public function redpacked_withdraw_make_money_alldel() { goto N0KWs; l2Knd: AtfT_: goto E7K4u; H4eS9: $i++; goto APMWj; W3Aer: M("redpacked_detail")->data($crr)->add(); goto kWN4I; APMWj: goto uGHco; goto G4GjU; fKy0f: $this->ajaxReturn($data); goto T8v5q; HyLnM: hY5bS: goto T1N7y; E7K4u: $i = 0; goto boSGM; kr2b6: $mobile = $res["mobile"]; goto A6BXf; uUQ_M: if (!($i < count($rs))) { goto LFhA_; } goto Uvrpd; T1N7y: $allid = substr(trim($_POST["allid"]), 0, -1); goto BZpz3; BZpz3: if (!($allid == '')) { goto w6j71; } goto vo2gl; hBXA_: $data = array("status" => 1, "retDesc" => ""); goto lquYm; XN4Bi: BP1cG: goto fKy0f; pQemK: goto sgnz4; goto bVXm3; Uvrpd: $desc = ""; goto Ie6R9; HH2sc: M("redpacked_withdraw")->where("nid=" . $rs[$i]["nid"])->data(array("nstatus" => 2, "transaction_time" => $re["payment_time"], "transaction_id" => $re["payment_no"]))->save(); goto xRZWU; O6pZK: $data = array("status" => 1, "retDesc" => ""); goto XN4Bi; Ie6R9: $res = M("member")->where("nid=" . $rs[$i]["m_id"])->find(); goto kr2b6; jgWzY: $this->getConfig(); goto rkrLH; c9i1C: $re = $wxpay->sendmoney($rs[$i]["money"], $res["openid"], $rs[$i]["ordernum"], $desc); goto DHm4n; VkjXF: goto BP1cG; goto l2Knd; k2SCn: $rs = M("redpacked_withdraw")->where(" nid in (" . $allid . ")")->select(); goto fu1Vx; kWN4I: $paramString = "{"mem":"" . $x_mobile . "","redpacked":"" . $rs[$i]["money"] . "","flag":""}"; goto mEOq4; lquYm: $this->ajaxReturn($data); goto m5Zlq; rkrLH: Vendor("alisms.sendMoney"); goto N8eN7; Be8FS: w6j71: goto jgWzY; WQbMY: $wxpay = new \sendMoney(C("wx_pay.appid"), C("wx_pay.mchid"), C("wx_pay.secrect_key"), C("wx_pay.ip"), $arr["SSLCERT_PATH"], $arr["SSLKEY_PATH"]); goto k2SCn; h4_dg: $data = array("status" => 1, "retDesc" => ""); goto VkjXF; bVXm3: m5tnb: goto HH2sc; DHm4n: if ($re["return_code"] == "SUCCESS" && $re["result_code"] == "SUCCESS") { goto m5tnb; } goto hBXA_; fu1Vx: if ($rs) { goto AtfT_; } goto h4_dg; cjk5v: $this->error(""); goto HyLnM; m5Zlq: exit; goto pQemK; Oamjq: sgnz4: goto Lyaj5; A6BXf: $x_mobile = substr($mobile, 0, 3) . "****" . substr($mobile, 7, 4); goto c9i1C; vo2gl: $this->error(""); goto Be8FS; N0KWs: $this->mb(); goto NThLu; xRZWU: $crr = array("m_id" => $rs[$i]["m_id"], "money" => $rs[$i]["money"], "ntype" => 2, "addtime" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), "uniacid" => $this->uniacid, "note" => ""); goto W3Aer; NThLu: if (!(!IS_POST || trim($_POST["allid"]) == '')) { goto hY5bS; } goto cjk5v; N8eN7: $arr = getPayPath(); goto WQbMY; mEOq4: send_aliyun_msg($mobile, C("ali_sms.sms20"), $paramString); goto Oamjq; G4GjU: LFhA_: goto O6pZK; boSGM: uGHco: goto uUQ_M; Lyaj5: qtGxB: goto H4eS9; T8v5q: } public function redpacked_withdraw_notmake_money_alldel() { goto h43WD; SzcZr: MBeaT: goto PNUIC; RCUNO: if (!($allid == '')) { goto RsCEo; } goto PgSzD; siLUx: RsCEo: goto I6mdM; UYGTf: PbycP: goto W1NqE; p0oe7: $rs = M("redpacked_withdraw")->where(" nid in (" . $allid . ")")->select(); goto qdrs2; PNUIC: $allid = substr(trim($_POST["allid"]), 0, -1); goto RCUNO; PgSzD: $this->error(""); goto siLUx; PdDKw: $paramString = "{"mem":"" . $x_mobile . "","redpacked":"" . $rs[$i]["money"] . "","flag":""}"; goto D_cAC; S88lP: M2QAz: goto HNoaV; SjU4p: if (!($i < count($rs))) { goto M2QAz; } goto qITyE; BhsQK: goto PbycP; goto dTZ7w; xbnID: goto uxoqz; goto S88lP; HLjLk: uxoqz: goto SjU4p; zpiBg: $mobile = $res["mobile"]; goto pBgUb; qdrs2: if (M("redpacked_withdraw")->where(" nid in (" . $allid . ")")->data(array("nstatus" => 3, "transaction_time" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s")))->save()) { goto M7wbX; } goto ACdLG; ACdLG: $data = array("status" => 0, "retDesc" => ""); goto BhsQK; I6mdM: $this->getConfig(); goto p0oe7; dTZ7w: M7wbX: goto ZLPDc; pBgUb: $x_mobile = substr($mobile, 0, 3) . "****" . substr($mobile, 7, 4); goto PdDKw; h43WD: $this->mb(); goto SijJ9; D_cAC: send_aliyun_msg($mobile, C("ali_sms.sms20"), $paramString); goto MrOaQ; qITyE: $res = M("member")->where("nid=" . $rs[$i]["m_id"])->find(); goto zpiBg; bX73o: $i++; goto xbnID; MrOaQ: dSXVu: goto bX73o; W1NqE: $this->ajaxReturn($data); goto BoCyn; HNoaV: $data = array("status" => 1, "retDesc" => ""); goto UYGTf; SijJ9: if (!(!IS_POST || trim($_POST["allid"]) == '')) { goto MBeaT; } goto vL4ng; vL4ng: $this->error(""); goto SzcZr; ZLPDc: $i = 0; goto HLjLk; BoCyn: } public function redpacked_withdraw_del() { goto aN2_m; XddNV: if (M("redpacked_withdraw")->where("nid=" . $nid)->setField("isdel", 2)) { goto zQStN; } goto hFU1T; Og9lx: zQStN: goto YjJRs; czUM4: $this->error(""); goto fBdin; v0F65: goto mTstb; goto Og9lx; Rgt1v: mTstb: goto htI84; fBdin: eAtwS: goto heM23; hFU1T: $this->error(""); goto v0F65; YjJRs: $this->success(""); goto Rgt1v; aN2_m: $this->mb(); goto txKdz; heM23: $nid = intval($_GET["nid"]); goto XddNV; txKdz: if (!(!IS_GET || intval($_GET["nid"]) <= 0)) { goto eAtwS; } goto czUM4; htI84: } public function withdrawals_list() { goto kP_HT; rM9nM: if (!($i < count($rs))) { goto wsiLK; } goto ItSan; oPpea: $this->btime = ''; goto jmncc; Wqpcr: tRP72: goto FLGop; cvBD3: IuHMP: goto mjxTx; DiXy8: $count = M("withdrawals")->where($where)->count(); goto GLDbt; cqWht: if (isset($_GET["etime"]) && trim($_GET["etime"]) != '') { goto IuHMP; } goto r2e2r; RTMUK: dLpV8: goto Zifgh; GLDbt: $this->count = $count; goto LBo9C; WYI2C: eGeXY: goto PIrrQ; LiOpo: $where .= " and  playmoney_time<='" . date("Y-m-d 23:59:59", strtotime($etime)) . "'"; goto ucaBh; Zifgh: hDP6X: goto uY2rc; Lsscr: goto TflsO; goto cvBD3; FLGop: ClSCv: goto f2q7L; DePky: goto u5zJz; goto RV_05; BuRkT: switch ($rs[$i]["nstatus"]) { case 1: $rs[$i]["nstatus1"] = ""; goto hDP6X; case 2: $rs[$i]["nstatus1"] = "<font color='green'></font>"; goto hDP6X; case 3: $rs[$i]["nstatus1"] = "<font color='red'></font>"; goto hDP6X; } goto RTMUK; kP_HT: $this->mb(); goto I_0U6; Gq0Z8: $nclass = intval($_GET["nclass"]); goto quuhD; uIU2u: $btime = trim($_GET["btime"]); goto ZqVGy; pgXYx: mq0B9: goto Wqpcr; SvQts: if (isset($_GET["btime"]) && trim($_GET["btime"]) != '') { goto qTwlV; } goto oPpea; UvtPs: qTwlV: goto uIU2u; D2isF: TflsO: goto DiXy8; I_0U6: $where = " isdel=1 and uniacid=" . $this->uniacid . " "; goto agLgJ; RV_05: EUX_t: goto FzEnQ; agLgJ: if (!isset($_GET["nstatus"]) || intval($_GET["nstatus"]) <= 0) { goto RMYfB; } goto W1wT1; lZxgF: $this->display(); goto ZIouT; lxnur: $i = 0; goto ESts6; W1wT1: $nstatus = intval($_GET["nstatus"]); goto pqll9; uY2rc: switch ($rs[$i]["nclass"]) { case 0: $rs[$i]["nclass1"] = ""; goto rNFXh; case 1: $rs[$i]["nclass1"] = ""; goto rNFXh; case 2: $rs[$i]["nclass1"] = ""; goto rNFXh; case 3: $rs[$i]["nclass1"] = ""; goto rNFXh; case 4: $rs[$i]["nclass1"] = ""; goto rNFXh; case 5: $rs[$i]["nclass1"] = ""; goto rNFXh; } goto VvnGc; r2e2r: $this->etime = ''; goto Lsscr; UM243: u5zJz: goto SvQts; nvTWE: goto jWxKl; goto rWZ3H; PIrrQ: $this->rs = $rs; goto lZxgF; t1sUt: $rs[$i]["mobile"] = $rt["mobile"]; goto oWlQZ; pqll9: $where .= " and nstatus=" . $nstatus; goto p5VQb; ItSan: $rt = m("member")->where("nid=" . $rs[$i]["m_id"])->find(); goto t1sUt; Xa__T: $this->nclass = $nclass; goto DePky; mjxTx: $etime = trim($_GET["etime"]); goto LiOpo; xz4Cf: switch ($rs[$i]["isdel"]) { case 1: $rs[$i]["isdel1"] = ""; goto tRP72; case 2: $rs[$i]["isdel1"] = ""; goto tRP72; } goto pgXYx; RP2DP: if (!$rs) { goto eGeXY; } goto lxnur; D1rWv: $rs = M("withdrawals")->where($where)->order("nid desc")->limit($limit)->select(); goto RP2DP; VvnGc: th4NJ: goto bwEp6; oWlQZ: $rs[$i]["wx_nickname"] = $rt["wx_nickname"]; goto BuRkT; RX2o9: grQ4o: goto yolYS; hFPRK: $limit = $page->firstRow . "," . $page->listRows; goto YLEcW; LBo9C: $page = new Page($count, 10); goto hFPRK; p5VQb: $this->nstatus = $nstatus; goto NgOYT; jmncc: goto XQbNC; goto UvtPs; quuhD: $where .= " and nclass=" . $nclass; goto Xa__T; FzEnQ: $this->nclass = 0; goto UM243; NgOYT: goto grQ4o; goto yPXAm; bwEp6: rNFXh: goto xz4Cf; rWZ3H: wsiLK: goto WYI2C; SheVb: $this->nstatus = 0; goto RX2o9; ZqVGy: $where .= " and  playmoney_time>='" . date("Y-m-d 00:00:00", strtotime($btime)) . "'"; goto lw7qJ; f2q7L: $i++; goto nvTWE; yolYS: if (!isset($_GET["nclass"]) || intval($_GET["nclass"]) <= 0) { goto EUX_t; } goto Gq0Z8; yPXAm: RMYfB: goto SheVb; ESts6: jWxKl: goto rM9nM; YLEcW: $this->page = $page->show(); goto D1rWv; G6jBS: XQbNC: goto cqWht; lw7qJ: $this->btime = $btime; goto G6jBS; ucaBh: $this->etime = $etime; goto D2isF; ZIouT: } public function amount_cash_list() { goto PSUye; hHZ_8: $this->display(); goto ioM6u; PSUye: $this->mb(); goto TguRn; shdUA: $this->count = $count; goto bCPGj; AM_V8: $rs = M("person_member_amount_cash")->where($where)->limit($limit)->select(); goto XZZ5_; bCPGj: $page = new Page($count, 10); goto Mm0HM; XZZ5_: $this->rs = $rs; goto hHZ_8; Mm0HM: $limit = $page->firstRow . "," . $page->listRows; goto lOgb4; UNLlQ: $count = M("person_member_amount_cash")->where($where)->count(); goto shdUA; lOgb4: $this->page = $page->show(); goto AM_V8; TguRn: $where = "uniacid=" . $this->uniacid; goto UNLlQ; ioM6u: } public function amount_cash_del() { goto XxMhE; h2L_K: $nid = intval($_GET["nid"]); goto tL1Qp; tL1Qp: M("person_member_amount_cash")->where("nid=" . $nid)->delete(); goto xNLfi; Y6LYc: $this->error(""); goto lkdkQ; Y956w: if (!(!isset($_GET["nid"]) || intval($_GET["nid"]) <= 0)) { goto juOT2; } goto Y6LYc; lkdkQ: juOT2: goto h2L_K; XxMhE: $this->mb(); goto Y956w; xNLfi: $this->success(""); goto lreVm; lreVm: } public function withdrawals_list_alldel() { goto HJzno; TYMnu: zzx1z: goto v9IrC; aRkaw: MgmS2: goto qeBhY; mRAPe: $data = array("status" => 1, "retDesc" => ""); goto TYMnu; sQAEn: $allid = substr(trim($_POST["allid"]), 0, -1); goto Uq1xu; v9IrC: $this->ajaxReturn($data); goto w4xUj; mdmph: if (!(!IS_POST || trim($_POST["allid"]) == '')) { goto z0x21; } goto nw6vQ; qeBhY: if (M("withdrawals")->where(" nid in (" . $allid . ")")->data(array("isdel" => 2))->save()) { goto aL2NZ; } goto Pyyaz; Pyyaz: $data = array("status" => 0, "retDesc" => ""); goto dVb8F; nZIOq: $this->error(""); goto aRkaw; nw6vQ: $this->error(""); goto eCzci; eCzci: z0x21: goto sQAEn; JfC9p: aL2NZ: goto mRAPe; dVb8F: goto zzx1z; goto JfC9p; Uq1xu: if (!($allid == '')) { goto MgmS2; } goto nZIOq; HJzno: $this->mb(); goto mdmph; w4xUj: } public function member_withdrawals_list_del() { goto AM8IO; htLYR: MS3uo: goto iwyNS; T0gaq: goto MS3uo; goto RYFRv; AM8IO: $this->mb(); goto EuIGw; puihj: $this->error(""); goto lLRZt; lLRZt: lZk9D: goto vsZkg; q_3a5: $this->error(""); goto T0gaq; pQJia: if (M("withdrawals")->where("nid=" . $nid)->setField("isdel", 2)) { goto vnTYl; } goto q_3a5; EuIGw: if (!(!IS_GET || intval($_GET["nid"]) <= 0)) { goto lZk9D; } goto puihj; vsZkg: $nid = intval($_GET["nid"]); goto pQJia; FIx3y: $this->success(""); goto htLYR; RYFRv: vnTYl: goto FIx3y; iwyNS: } public function withdrawals_list_make_money_alldel() { goto PQX2i; SqOJ0: KFoD2: goto xgADU; Xzo1M: M("revenue_detail")->data($crr)->add(); goto SqOJ0; vWCE2: gDs_4: goto JMVj2; Jm2I_: sJDaa: goto LFmOq; ULmeX: ZhDEf: goto g2t4m; xgADU: fFPWY: goto wcv2e; Oewvr: nAvuR: goto HkmJl; gUmmj: if ($rs) { goto REwbE; } goto Ygotx; tgvkb: LBK8k: goto dfpsq; QN040: if (!($i < count($rs))) { goto bFdvv; } goto huawn; LFmOq: $res = M("member")->where("nid=" . $rs[$i]["m_id"])->find(); goto Kx284; O0SE8: if (!($allid == '')) { goto gDs_4; } goto HkUGk; NiNGk: $this->error(""); goto ULmeX; QUwsP: goto ksdaX; goto yy7Sn; yy7Sn: REwbE: goto MtBPV; ZeyiP: XLjf3: goto Xzo1M; W1Cpe: $desc = ""; goto Oewvr; KXnRr: $arr = getPayPath(); goto VL2ep; wu5gQ: goto KFoD2; goto MpErR; HkUGk: $this->error(""); goto vWCE2; mGdDD: bFdvv: goto YeuTF; wcv2e: $i++; goto BBCuJ; YeuTF: $data = array("status" => 1, "retDesc" => ""); goto zRLxW; MpErR: vhvsn: goto mvvnF; z2hps: if (!(!IS_POST || trim($_POST["allid"]) == '')) { goto ZhDEf; } goto NiNGk; lLZGx: if (!($rs[$i]["nclass"] == 1)) { goto LBK8k; } goto AtgsU; BBCuJ: goto eLxRI; goto mGdDD; RdbIy: $crr = array("money" => $rs[$i]["amount_cash"], "addtime" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), "m_id" => $rs[$i]["m_id"], "uniacid" => $this->uniacid, "pid" => $rs[$i]["nid"]); goto lLZGx; mvvnF: M("withdrawals")->where("nid=" . $rs[$i]["nid"])->data(array("nstatus" => 2, "playmoney_time" => $re["payment_time"], "transaction_id" => $re["payment_no"]))->save(); goto RdbIy; B7yPb: exit; goto wu5gQ; dRcwC: $desc = ""; goto Jm2I_; VB8Mh: if ($re["return_code"] == "SUCCESS" && $re["result_code"] == "SUCCESS") { goto vhvsn; } goto TeoM9; Kx284: $re = $wxpay->sendmoney($rs[$i]["amount_cash"], $res["openid"], $rs[$i]["ordernum"], $desc); goto VB8Mh; LFnju: $crr["nclass"] = 6; goto ZeyiP; W0iq5: $this->ajaxReturn($data); goto B7yPb; TeoM9: $data = array("status" => 1, "retDesc" => ""); goto W0iq5; AtgsU: $crr["nclass"] = 5; goto tgvkb; g2t4m: $allid = substr(trim($_POST["allid"]), 0, -1); goto O0SE8; VL2ep: $wxpay = new \sendMoney(C("wx_pay.appid"), C("wx_pay.mchid"), C("wx_pay.secrect_key"), C("wx_pay.ip"), $arr["SSLCERT_PATH"], $arr["SSLKEY_PATH"]); goto lPXs_; zRLxW: ksdaX: goto kyVMn; MtBPV: $i = 0; goto xU49h; huawn: if (!($rs[$i]["nclass"] == 1)) { goto nAvuR; } goto W1Cpe; PQX2i: $this->mb(); goto z2hps; JMVj2: $this->getConfig(); goto wtPgo; lPXs_: $rs = M("withdrawals")->where(" nid in (" . $allid . ")")->select(); goto gUmmj; kyVMn: $this->ajaxReturn($data); goto DBCBK; xU49h: eLxRI: goto QN040; dfpsq: if (!($rs[$i]["nclass"] == 2)) { goto XLjf3; } goto LFnju; wtPgo: Vendor("alisms.sendMoney"); goto KXnRr; Ygotx: $data = array("status" => 1, "retDesc" => ""); goto QUwsP; HkmJl: if (!($rs[$i]["nclass"] == 2)) { goto sJDaa; } goto dRcwC; DBCBK: } public function withdrawals_list_notmake_money_alldel() { goto H04fO; o7p0l: $data = array("status" => 1, "retDesc" => ""); goto kB3Qk; PBqwI: if (M("withdrawals")->where(" nid in (" . $allid . ")")->data(array("nstatus" => 3, "playmoney_time" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), "reason" => ""))->save()) { goto QSSC4; } goto qa14m; H04fO: $this->mb(); goto A63qp; DYJmD: goto OH6fs; goto ZW5qc; Jej06: CWbvf: goto PBqwI; A63qp: if (!(!IS_POST || trim($_POST["allid"]) == '')) { goto V71W8; } goto K5ycc; VZDeY: if (!($allid == '')) { goto CWbvf; } goto sPSJ0; K5ycc: $this->error(""); goto E81N6; o3ZWj: $allid = substr(trim($_POST["allid"]), 0, -1); goto VZDeY; E81N6: V71W8: goto o3ZWj; kB3Qk: OH6fs: goto MNs8n; sPSJ0: $this->error(""); goto Jej06; ZW5qc: QSSC4: goto o7p0l; MNs8n: $this->ajaxReturn($data); goto DmqlN; qa14m: $data = array("status" => 0, "retDesc" => ""); goto DYJmD; DmqlN: } public function member_share_list() { goto e8O0D; LI2Ao: goto LwqPw; goto xqgyh; cKEE7: goto kCTYd; goto aaDYs; uerNj: $this->page = $Page->show(); goto MXgR_; e8O0D: $this->mb(); goto S3rTG; aaDYs: wlW8I: goto U_SEl; fh8DX: $rs[$i]["m_name"] = $rt["wx_nickname"]; goto cR2I3; B1eWV: if (!$rs) { goto khWAH; } goto ltna8; e_W8B: goto Nvcrn; goto lxGR6; vW1wb: $this->nstatus = 0; goto txYTi; o7zEb: $rs = M("person_member_share")->where($where)->limit($limit)->order("nid desc")->select(); goto B1eWV; iDmV3: XA2Gq: goto lOIEb; wydpy: $this->display(); goto QBUSg; txYTi: LwqPw: goto Q038o; pa2Qs: CJTAX: goto bUFjH; ATvlS: $Page = new Page($count, 10); goto RGe3W; nyTSC: if ($rs[$i]["nstatus"] == 1) { goto FmAik; } goto n2cA2; MXgR_: $this->count = $count; goto o7zEb; bUFjH: if ($rs[$i]["isdel"] == 1) { goto a6U9d; } goto x2D7x; lxGR6: a6U9d: goto rJtIg; rJtIg: $rs[$i]["isdel1"] = "<font color='green'></font>"; goto T_fo_; LoQIR: $this->nstatus = intval($_GET["nstatus"]); goto LI2Ao; RGe3W: $limit = $Page->firstRow . "," . $Page->listRows; goto uerNj; xqgyh: tkoM2: goto vW1wb; n2cA2: $rs[$i]["nstatus1"] = "<font color='green'></font>"; goto G6hla; yUeI4: $where .= " and nstatus=" . intval($_GET["nstatus"]); goto LoQIR; x2D7x: $rs[$i]["isdel1"] = "<font color='red'></font>"; goto e_W8B; ACFyG: $rs[$i]["nstatus1"] = "<font color='red'></font>"; goto pa2Qs; Gf3GR: FmAik: goto ACFyG; wuRgt: $rt = M("member")->where("nid=" . $rs[$i]["m_id"])->find(); goto fh8DX; Wbef1: $rs[$i]["b_name"] = $rt["wx_nickname"]; goto nyTSC; Q038o: $count = M("person_member_share")->where($where)->count(); goto ATvlS; G6hla: goto CJTAX; goto Gf3GR; cR2I3: $rt = M("member")->where("nid=" . $rs[$i]["b_id"])->find(); goto Wbef1; S3rTG: $where = " uniacid=" . $this->uniacid . " "; goto pQ3zk; lOIEb: $i++; goto cKEE7; dtyip: if (!($i < count($rs))) { goto wlW8I; } goto wuRgt; g6Rgn: $this->rs = $rs; goto wydpy; pQ3zk: if (!isset($_GET["nstatus"]) || intval($_GET["nstatus"]) <= 0) { goto tkoM2; } goto yUeI4; U_SEl: khWAH: goto g6Rgn; RguWq: kCTYd: goto dtyip; ltna8: $i = 0; goto RguWq; T_fo_: Nvcrn: goto iDmV3; QBUSg: } public function member_share_list_alldel() { goto wgju_; e1DEV: O86qi: goto nJioe; k3Xs0: $data = array("status" => 1, "retDesc" => ""); goto e1DEV; wgju_: $this->mb(); goto ltOrc; nJioe: $this->ajaxReturn($data); goto P0M18; utWym: goto O86qi; goto vh6ij; YAcgK: $this->error(""); goto r8l5o; vh6ij: pSfsR: goto k3Xs0; mFLvc: CfbLy: goto xSB0l; r8l5o: totYt: goto BgUWr; BgUWr: if (M("person_member_share")->where(" nid in (" . $allid . ")")->data(array("isdel" => 2))->save()) { goto pSfsR; } goto n7R89; n7R89: $data = array("status" => 0, "retDesc" => ""); goto utWym; xSB0l: $allid = substr(trim($_POST["allid"]), 0, -1); goto L9i_b; vvN1I: $this->error(""); goto mFLvc; L9i_b: if (!($allid == '')) { goto totYt; } goto YAcgK; ltOrc: if (!(!IS_POST || trim($_POST["allid"]) == '')) { goto CfbLy; } goto vvN1I; P0M18: } public function member_share_list_del() { goto ONJZA; JxK70: $nid = intval($_GET["nid"]); goto Q1A78; UHwmz: if (!(!isset($_GET["nid"]) || intval($_GET["nid"]) <= 0)) { goto u8m9R; } goto D40w2; sIZ2l: $this->success(""); goto mmbKZ; NIIX7: u8m9R: goto JxK70; D40w2: $this->error(""); goto NIIX7; ONJZA: $this->mb(); goto UHwmz; Q1A78: M("person_member_share")->where("nid=" . $nid)->setField("isdel", 2); goto sIZ2l; mmbKZ: } public function platform_income_list() { goto ap15V; FDYQ3: if (!isset($_GET["ntype"]) || intval($_GET["ntype"]) <= 0) { goto XLZAR; } goto I2uL3; PyN0k: $where .= " and  addtime<='" . date("Y-m-d 23:59:59", strtotime($etime)) . "'"; goto FTSlk; uv0cV: eoHGq: goto S8Tzr; IlUth: if (!$rs) { goto pLO7L; } goto K5YAv; hsO3E: YSLPR: goto zngwW; rg5gs: CfE9P: goto zw0vn; zngwW: $i++; goto wv89P; DEAyH: uB0LO: goto yY5Vb; K5YAv: $i = 0; goto rg5gs; tkNAL: $rs = M("platform_income")->where($where)->limit($limit)->order("id desc")->select(); goto IlUth; A5YIU: $this->btime = ''; goto ljYc0; wv89P: goto CfE9P; goto rXDpp; OZ1yT: wYT9h: goto Apk3d; FTSlk: $this->etime = $etime; goto Hj0ff; oGjkZ: switch ($rs[$i]["ntype"]) { case 1: $rs[$i]["ntype1"] = ""; goto S7a9b; case 2: $rs[$i]["ntype1"] = ""; goto S7a9b; case 3: $rs[$i]["ntype1"] = ""; goto S7a9b; case 4: $rs[$i]["ntype1"] = ""; goto S7a9b; } goto uv0cV; yY5Vb: $btime = trim($_GET["btime"]); goto ZgKID; S8Tzr: S7a9b: goto hsO3E; UAZYi: $where = " uniacid=" . $this->uniacid . " "; goto FDYQ3; TVEXL: XLZAR: goto OzFJp; GHf6Z: $etime = trim($_GET["etime"]); goto PyN0k; TsCW2: goto wYT9h; goto TVEXL; JCBbN: $this->page = $Page->show(); goto ukcQS; ukcQS: $this->count = $count; goto tkNAL; Hj0ff: rRkBo: goto WB3zZ; EDHYH: $this->rs = $rs; goto zAb5H; efm6_: goto rRkBo; goto VvIk4; w9ft_: $this->btime = $btime; goto Jfeoy; yGDBQ: $limit = $Page->firstRow . "," . $Page->listRows; goto JCBbN; Apk3d: if (isset($_GET["btime"]) && trim($_GET["btime"]) != '') { goto uB0LO; } goto A5YIU; ZgKID: $where .= " and  addtime>='" . date("Y-m-d 00:00:00", strtotime($btime)) . "'"; goto w9ft_; VvIk4: wsxV6: goto GHf6Z; I2uL3: $where .= " and ntype=" . intval($_GET["ntype"]); goto U64vw; WB3zZ: $this->money = round(M("platform_income")->sum("money"), 2); goto Wzer2; U64vw: $this->ntype = intval($_GET["ntype"]); goto TsCW2; Wzer2: $count = M("platform_income")->where($where)->count(); goto hMYa0; Jfeoy: jXyRD: goto bC59A; hMYa0: $Page = new Page($count, 10); goto yGDBQ; zw0vn: if (!($i < count($rs))) { goto Z74vd; } goto oGjkZ; rQHEo: pLO7L: goto EDHYH; bC59A: if (isset($_GET["etime"]) && trim($_GET["etime"]) != '') { goto wsxV6; } goto IQPvB; OzFJp: $this->ntype = 0; goto OZ1yT; zAb5H: $this->display(); goto EKNJT; ap15V: $this->mb(); goto UAZYi; ljYc0: goto jXyRD; goto DEAyH; rXDpp: Z74vd: goto rQHEo; IQPvB: $this->etime = ''; goto efm6_; EKNJT: } public function platform_income_list_alldel() { goto YbdXB; N4no1: x2iyR: goto fLkGv; S1BYy: if (!(!isset($_POST["allid"]) || trim($_POST["allid"]) == '')) { goto bMpRy; } goto sjHgi; feVA0: $data = array("status" => 0, "retDesc" => ""); goto JcK5F; E_rJp: bMpRy: goto Ej_43; YbdXB: $this->mb(); goto S1BYy; bz0EC: l5x_u: goto hAYRa; fLkGv: $data = array("status" => 1, "retDesc" => ""); goto bz0EC; gCpzu: if (M("platform_income")->where("id in (" . $allid . ")")->delete()) { goto x2iyR; } goto feVA0; hAYRa: $this->ajaxReturn($data); goto bvNx3; JcK5F: goto l5x_u; goto N4no1; Ej_43: $allid = substr(trim($_POST["allid"]), 0, -1); goto gCpzu; sjHgi: $this->error(""); goto E_rJp; bvNx3: } public function car_owner_list() { goto RbXX0; LJ72f: $this->is_audit = $_GET["is_audit"]; goto kLQ_X; GjgnX: $this->display(); goto n732O; clLUD: $str .= " and is_audit='" . $is_audit . "'"; goto LJ72f; xi32H: $str .= " and regtime>='" . $btime . "'"; goto PTm9z; tPx5T: goto zKPPB; goto XPy6p; MS6lp: $nstatus = intval($_GET["nstatus"]); goto FptHj; o_DfP: PX6e_: goto jdv2D; XPy6p: LEFUb: goto rRGuY; l8J_K: $etime = date("Y-m-d 23:59:59", strtotime($_GET["etime"])); goto V9x5x; kfRdQ: $is_audit = intval($_GET["is_audit"]); goto clLUD; wq1zt: U3DIs: goto UqWFh; UqWFh: RYJBF: goto NGAYK; FVMdi: SniLJ: goto wq1zt; HOn42: $this->etime = $_GET["etime"]; goto EdTPd; iHj9C: $this->is_audit = -1; goto qFGaD; kcvvq: $count = M("member")->where($str)->count(); goto FtYoD; u9Onb: $this->etime = ''; goto flndo; i6lDB: $this->rs = $rs; goto GjgnX; FptHj: $str .= " and nstatus='" . $nstatus . "'"; goto DGIkf; EdTPd: Ky3HK: goto kcvvq; aNXYG: if (isset($_GET["mobile"]) && trim($_GET["mobile"]) != '') { goto Bii7j; } goto FAOM9; R4zw0: if (!$rs) { goto tyqim; } goto uTulq; ijdoD: $this->mobile = $_GET["mobile"]; goto aTL82; QOMQq: OEutG: goto H9MS3; RbXX0: $this->mb(); goto njS7N; l4Tdp: $mobile = trim($_GET["mobile"]); goto DOFYa; kHE51: goto OEutG; goto o_DfP; uTulq: $i = 0; goto QOMQq; Y8p3m: if (isset($_GET["is_audit"]) && intval($_GET["is_audit"]) != -1) { goto q8ZFx; } goto iHj9C; kwmAW: q8ZFx: goto kfRdQ; f5H3u: $this->nstatus = 0; goto Ydd_M; jCapV: $page = new Page($count, 10); goto CtTb4; FAOM9: $this->mobile = ''; goto ibrkc; kLQ_X: A9kT_: goto UbDXd; RY_vw: Bii7j: goto l4Tdp; rRGuY: $btime = date("Y-m-d 00:00:00", strtotime($_GET["btime"])); goto xi32H; Sxz_I: HRmjB: goto MS6lp; dqysb: xc37a: goto l8J_K; W8BNC: $this->page = $page->show(); goto CcmJu; qiyT0: $this->btime = ''; goto tPx5T; PTm9z: $this->btime = $_GET["btime"]; goto IGQ69; eHss5: if (isset($_GET["btime"]) && trim($_GET["btime"]) != '') { goto LEFUb; } goto qiyT0; H9MS3: if (!($i < count($rs))) { goto PX6e_; } goto KWKFL; CcmJu: $rs = M("member")->where($str)->order("nid desc")->limit($limit)->select(); goto R4zw0; UbDXd: if (isset($_GET["nstatus"]) && intval($_GET["nstatus"]) > 0) { goto HRmjB; } goto f5H3u; flndo: goto Ky3HK; goto dqysb; IGQ69: zKPPB: goto A_uYV; ibrkc: goto Gjka6; goto RY_vw; NGAYK: $i++; goto kHE51; DOFYa: $str .= " and mobile='" . $mobile . "'"; goto ijdoD; Ydd_M: goto gN7Rz; goto Sxz_I; V9x5x: $str .= " and regtime<='" . $etime . "'"; goto HOn42; jdv2D: tyqim: goto i6lDB; A_uYV: if (isset($_GET["etime"]) && trim($_GET["etime"]) != '') { goto xc37a; } goto u9Onb; abw7x: gN7Rz: goto aNXYG; FtYoD: $this->count = $count; goto jCapV; aTL82: Gjka6: goto eHss5; njS7N: $str = "nclass=2 and uniacid=" . $this->uniacid . " "; goto Y8p3m; SUv7Q: switch ($rs[$i]["is_audit"]) { case 0: $rs[$i]["is_audit1"] = ""; goto U3DIs; case 1: $rs[$i]["is_audit1"] = ""; goto U3DIs; case 2: $rs[$i]["is_audit1"] = ""; goto U3DIs; case 3: $rs[$i]["is_audit1"] = ""; goto U3DIs; } goto FVMdi; CtTb4: $limit = $page->firstRow . "," . $page->listRows; goto W8BNC; DGIkf: $this->nstatus = $_GET["nstatus"]; goto abw7x; KWKFL: $rs[$i]["nclass1"] = ""; goto SUv7Q; qFGaD: goto A9kT_; goto kwmAW; n732O: } public function isaudit() { goto Ap_E4; QYAKV: e8EJf: goto FroEI; mHgHw: if (!(!IS_POST || trim($_POST["allid"]) == '')) { goto obGDV; } goto XEo3s; EyKDM: wkP23: goto EpQOD; K8Q3f: if (M("member")->where(" nid in (" . $allid . ")")->data(array("is_audit" => 2))->save()) { goto e8EJf; } goto Ywcgm; iTrkG: $this->getConfig(); goto ejstD; Ywcgm: $data = array("status" => 0, "retDesc" => ""); goto DbQ28; PFfKe: obGDV: goto P6TRb; sY7Dv: $data = array("status" => 1, "retDesc" => ""); goto EyKDM; Oynuc: zwe1z: goto iTrkG; P6TRb: $allid = substr(trim($_POST["allid"]), 0, -1); goto LbeqQ; EpQOD: $this->ajaxReturn($data); goto G2X68; LbeqQ: if (!($allid == '')) { goto zwe1z; } goto o8k61; Ap_E4: $this->mb(); goto mHgHw; FroEI: foreach ($rs as $v) { goto hBqMq; orclK: KaMM2: goto FB5Iw; S_48F: if ($v["unionid"] != "0") { goto kR5MM; } goto YIYXD; p8nmE: kR5MM: goto YAfM4; LYREI: $temp_code = C("ali_sms.sms17"); goto vhaHy; kL1s6: $rt = M("member")->find($v["nid"]); goto gPy5k; gWLHo: M("member")->where("nid=" . $v["referee_id"])->setInc("redpacked", C("car_owner_share")); goto xNsQC; ahhbR: $alisms->smsend($rt["mobile"], $temp_code, $paramString); goto jVfSE; kS2uq: send_carownermb_msg($v["nid"], $v["unionid"], C("gzh_template1"), $data, ""); goto orclK; wV0Lt: if (!$rt) { goto vcj6o; } goto CNxKk; gPy5k: $paramString = "{"truename":"" . $rt["truename"] . "","flag":""}"; goto ahhbR; xNsQC: vcj6o: goto S_48F; YAfM4: $data = array("title" => "", "truename" => $v["truename"], "car_model" => $v["car_model"], "car_number" => $v["car_number"], "remark" => ""); goto kS2uq; YIYXD: Vendor("alisms.Alisms"); goto QnJvb; CNxKk: $field = array("nstatus" => 2, "redpacked" => C("car_owner_share")); goto BkqUZ; vhaHy: $alisms->signName = C("ali_sms.signname"); goto kL1s6; jVfSE: goto KaMM2; goto p8nmE; BkqUZ: M("car_owner_share")->where("nid=" . $rt["nid"])->data($field)->save(); goto gWLHo; QnJvb: $alisms = new \Alisms(C("ali_sms.key_id"), C("ali_sms.key_secret")); goto LYREI; FB5Iw: H_Ie7: goto OTb7d; hBqMq: $rt = M("car_owner_share")->where("m_id=" . $v["nid"] . " and ntype=2 and nstatus=0 and isdel=1")->find(); goto wV0Lt; OTb7d: } goto j5itw; o8k61: $this->error(""); goto Oynuc; j5itw: NpqF9: goto sY7Dv; DbQ28: goto wkP23; goto QYAKV; ejstD: $rs = M("member")->where(" nid in (" . $allid . ")")->select(); goto K8Q3f; XEo3s: $this->error(""); goto PFfKe; G2X68: } public function refused() { goto Gcj9R; Wi5El: s11wV: goto cOEhn; hZKt_: if (M("member")->where(" nid in (" . $allid . ")")->data(array("is_audit" => 3))->save()) { goto d4qfs; } goto NYDrs; WVzSk: goto s11wV; goto qSM7G; Ogv1U: fTW5_: goto iampS; uUlLC: if (!(!IS_POST || trim($_POST["allid"]) == '')) { goto fTW5_; } goto JW33l; rvHE3: y8aO3: goto Eh3hv; qSM7G: d4qfs: goto hjl_D; hjl_D: foreach ($rs as $v) { goto MPOFj; Eol2P: $field = array("nstatus" => 1, "reason" => ""); goto Z_uK9; aQXwx: $alisms = new \Alisms(C("ali_sms.key_id"), C("ali_sms.key_secret")); goto T8P_9; fLy5l: N3AzI: goto sfg_V; hHNIu: $alisms->smsend($rt["mobile"], $temp_code, $paramString); goto dxCLy; T8P_9: $temp_code = C("ali_sms.sms17"); goto PXQVX; nbWZ6: w3PFZ: goto TcEVf; SNGmK: Vendor("alisms.Alisms"); goto aQXwx; sfg_V: $data = array("title" => "", "truename" => $v["truename"], "car_model" => $v["car_model"], "car_number" => $v["car_number"], "remark" => ""); goto g5jQh; Z_uK9: M("car_owner_share")->where("nid=" . $rt["nid"])->data($field)->save(); goto MBPLh; PXQVX: $rt = M("member")->find($v["nid"]); goto UPD1w; GvMMz: if ($v["unionid"] != "0") { goto N3AzI; } goto SNGmK; dxCLy: goto mxoBi; goto fLy5l; MBPLh: Yc3cV: goto GvMMz; RO0NQ: $alisms->signName = C("ali_sms.signname"); goto hHNIu; MPOFj: $rt = M("car_owner_share")->where("m_id=" . $v["nid"] . " and ntype=2 and nstatus=0 and isdel=1")->find(); goto v77wX; UPD1w: $paramString = "{"truename":"" . $rt["truename"] . "","flag":""}"; goto RO0NQ; U2mhV: mxoBi: goto nbWZ6; v77wX: if (!$rt) { goto Yc3cV; } goto Eol2P; g5jQh: send_carownermb_msg($v["nid"], $v["unionid"], C("gzh_template1"), $data, ""); goto U2mhV; TcEVf: } goto tWVcU; ut41C: $data = array("status" => 1, "retDesc" => ""); goto Wi5El; Gcj9R: $this->mb(); goto uUlLC; cOEhn: $this->ajaxReturn($data); goto m4mTa; h7GQg: $rs = M("member")->where(" nid in (" . $allid . ")")->select(); goto hZKt_; NYDrs: $data = array("status" => 0, "retDesc" => ""); goto WVzSk; JW33l: $this->error(""); goto Ogv1U; tWVcU: PIZYN: goto ut41C; l92Av: $this->error(""); goto rvHE3; Eh3hv: $this->getConfig(); goto h7GQg; iampS: $allid = substr(trim($_POST["allid"]), 0, -1); goto NqBCm; NqBCm: if (!($allid == '')) { goto y8aO3; } goto l92Av; m4mTa: } public function gzh_index() { $this->mb(); $this->display(); } public function send_gzh_send() { goto N4PlS; VvPPd: $name = I("name"); goto uU85l; OZ5Dn: $url = "" . $access_token; goto qUpS_; O1jcL: $access_token = $this->getAccessToken2(); goto Ypskv; n9qPw: gTFAe: goto hn3nX; Irlx6: S4TsY: goto mBdOJ; vO1M7: $this->error(""); goto khIgI; mBdOJ: $this->success(""); goto Bx0p4; KG0YP: $this->getConfig(); goto O1jcL; qUpS_: if ($rs) { goto gTFAe; } goto vO1M7; hn3nX: foreach ($rs as $v) { goto cnUvQ; cnUvQ: $dd = array( "touser" => $v["openid"], "template_id" => $mbid, "url" => '', "data" => array("first" => array("value" => ",", "color" => "#173177"), "keyword1" => array("value" => $name, "color" => "#173177"), "keyword2" => array("value" => $remark, "color" => "#173177"), "remark" => array("value" => "" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), "color" => "#173177")), ); goto K8GYo; fH2xQ: $paramString = "{"code":""}"; goto bqLXB; bqLXB: $alisms->signName = C("ali_sms.signname"); goto j0hWo; JtDnp: Vendor("alisms.Alisms"); goto zNlG3; ftv89: ZJt4k: goto oTaCB; adnZV: $this->error(""); goto fSWaO; ryXD0: if (!($res["errcode"] != "0" || $res["errmsg"] != "ok")) { goto agVhE; } goto JtDnp; j0hWo: $rt = M("member")->where("unionid='" . $v["unionid"] . "' and unionid!='0'")->find(); goto QlCK_; f3tF2: H9ikX: goto j4rbb; DA9w_: $res = json_decode($res, true); goto ryXD0; K8GYo: $res = https_curl_json($url, $dd, "json"); goto DA9w_; R5nG6: if (!($re["Code"] != "OK")) { goto H9ikX; } goto adnZV; QlCK_: $re = $alisms->smsend($rt["mobile"], $temp_code, $paramString); goto R5nG6; zNlG3: $alisms = new \Alisms(C("ali_sms.key_id"), C("ali_sms.key_secret")); goto fNAG1; fNAG1: $temp_code = C("ali_sms.templatecode"); goto fH2xQ; fSWaO: exit; goto f3tF2; j4rbb: agVhE: goto ftv89; oTaCB: } goto Irlx6; Bx0p4: W9Pf1: goto uaRDv; uU85l: $remark = I("remark"); goto KG0YP; khIgI: goto W9Pf1; goto n9qPw; Ypskv: $rs = M("gzh_member")->where("uniacid=" . $this->uniacid)->order("nid desc")->select(); goto OZ5Dn; AWzY8: $mbid = I("mbid"); goto VvPPd; N4PlS: $this->mb(); goto AWzY8; uaRDv: } public function fzsm_list() { goto qX0IL; qX0IL: $this->mb(); goto S1WYg; i6qGd: $rs = M("fzsm")->where($where)->limit($limit)->order("nid desc")->select(); goto KFakt; s0dfE: $this->display(); goto cLK6R; ulXLu: $count = M("fzsm")->where($where)->count(); goto jfcfe; lAbOs: $limit = $page->firstRow . "," . $page->listRows; goto lYx1R; jfcfe: $this->count = $count; goto w32hf; KFakt: $this->rs = $rs; goto s0dfE; S1WYg: $where = "uniacid=" . $this->uniacid; goto ulXLu; lYx1R: $this->page = $page->show(); goto i6qGd; w32hf: $page = new Page($count, 10); goto lAbOs; cLK6R: } public function fzsm_add() { $this->mb(); $this->display(); } public function fzsm_addhandle() { goto BPDFs; N20uJ: $param["addtime"] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); goto z8xVs; nLBwd: T7fyT: goto SM7RF; CHKqX: $this->success("", U("fzsm_list")); goto ijzMd; UGEBB: $param = I("post."); goto hp0j2; wqhog: k6WnE: goto OA60J; hp0j2: if (trim($param["title"]) == '') { goto T7fyT; } goto N20uJ; ijzMd: goto k6WnE; goto nLBwd; SM7RF: $this->error(""); goto wqhog; z8xVs: $param["uniacid"] = $this->uniacid; goto Bwtf7; Bwtf7: M("fzsm")->add($param); goto CHKqX; BPDFs: $this->mb(); goto UGEBB; OA60J: } public function fzsm_alldel() { goto AVNUV; sUJB6: $data = array("status" => 0, "retDesc" => ""); goto TRz5m; Rol5s: if (M("fzsm")->where("nid in (" . $allid . ")")->delete()) { goto sooZV; } goto sUJB6; gYb9N: $allid = substr(trim($_POST["allid"]), 0, -1); goto Rol5s; m1q81: UnQS7: goto gYb9N; h6U4Z: $this->ajaxReturn($data); goto PIqbS; RZFEh: if (!(!isset($_POST["allid"]) || trim($_POST["allid"]) == '')) { goto UnQS7; } goto DLV60; DLV60: $this->error(""); goto m1q81; UvEIs: hVFal: goto h6U4Z; lcnaG: $data = array("status" => 1, "retDesc" => ""); goto UvEIs; FTgon: sooZV: goto lcnaG; TRz5m: goto hVFal; goto FTgon; AVNUV: $this->mb(); goto RZFEh; PIqbS: } public function fzsm_modi() { goto BhNps; bnI3y: if (!($nid <= 0)) { goto LbGZ5; } goto Sg1hR; u1Z3G: $rs = M("fzsm")->where("nid=" . $nid)->find(); goto CZUfH; h07h0: $nid = I("nid"); goto bnI3y; BhNps: $this->mb(); goto h07h0; rp9iU: $this->display(); goto uejwp; Sg1hR: $this->error(""); goto TLtH5; TLtH5: LbGZ5: goto u1Z3G; CZUfH: $this->rs = $rs; goto rp9iU; uejwp: } public function fzsm_modihandle() { goto Z4ord; rKJE8: if (!(!$param["nid"] || trim($param["title"]) == '')) { goto P3Nsh; } goto c0Jrk; uo8CE: M("fzsm")->where("nid=" . $nid)->data($param)->save(); goto D6IZz; luxJs: unset($param["nid"]); goto uo8CE; D6IZz: $this->success("", U("fzsm_list")); goto HgjZ2; Z4ord: $this->mb(); goto ho3QM; JHmOT: $nid = I("nid"); goto luxJs; cSCGa: P3Nsh: goto JHmOT; c0Jrk: $this->error(""); goto cSCGa; ho3QM: $param = I("post."); goto rKJE8; HgjZ2: } public function getAccessToken2() { goto UKIEp; lpnsZ: $result = json_decode($result, true); goto dRsa1; K3yAR: return $access_token; goto XcpOe; dRsa1: S("access_token", $result["access_token"], $result["expires_in"]); goto DhJdR; WyPoU: exk2R: goto K3yAR; QZbSa: $url = "" . C("gzh_appid") . "&secret=" . C("gzh_secret"); goto rMsXl; BQmAy: if ($access_token) { goto exk2R; } goto QZbSa; DhJdR: $access_token = $result["access_token"]; goto WyPoU; UKIEp: $access_token = S("access_token"); goto BQmAy; rMsXl: $result = file_get_contents($url); goto lpnsZ; XcpOe: } public function show1() { goto OEEQ6; nD5MI: $this->license = urldecode(I("license")); goto dxlQg; dxlQg: $this->display(); goto k8Zu2; OEEQ6: $this->mb(); goto nD5MI; k8Zu2: } public function show2() { goto l467I; s0pDn: foreach ($arr as $k => $v) { goto zS69A; ZFI7e: Fxizv: goto SLkC8; BYcTc: if (!($ntype == $k + 1)) { goto Fxizv; } goto K5bRy; zS69A: $k++; goto BYcTc; K5bRy: $this->license = $v; goto ZFI7e; SLkC8: pVk76: goto MapeB; MapeB: } goto smE9b; WAs3D: $ntype = I("ntype"); goto zkvsW; g5P8v: $rs = M("member_complain")->find($nid); goto u3b5c; zkvsW: $nid = I("nid"); goto g5P8v; u3b5c: $arr = explode(",", $rs["picpath"]); goto duh16; smE9b: TTNDi: goto kl_pt; l467I: $this->mb(); goto WAs3D; duh16: $k = 0; goto s0pDn; kl_pt: $this->display(); goto aco13; aco13: } public function mb() { $mb = new IndexController(); $mb->moban(); } } ?>

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Original Code

 namespace Admin\Controller; use Think\Controller; use Think\Page; class PersonmemberController extends CommonController { public function index() { goto c7xxL; eDNSy: $str .= "\40\141\156\x64\40\x6e\163\164\x61\164\x75\x73\x3d\x27" . $nstatus . "\x27"; goto xqZer; aUfRf: if ($rt) { goto XwrwR; } goto NOjdy; Ytw5i: $etime = date("\x59\x2d\155\x2d\x64\x20\x32\63\72\65\71\72\x35\71", strtotime($_GET["\145\x74\x69\155\x65"])); goto IBimj; mbjS8: $Page = new Page($count, 10); goto kjaWk; pfoyS: $this->mobile = ''; goto xTyYt; kjaWk: $show = $Page->show(); goto gOvDA; xTyYt: goto SXsLq; goto Wa3MP; rsptP: $this->display(); goto QWX6y; z5Fl8: r7wQm: goto p1DqW; hn1r_: $str = "\40\x75\x6e\x69\x61\x63\151\144\x3d" . $this->uniacid . "\40"; goto u5J1o; FmoJT: oCWwC: goto S1vpN; luezb: $this->btime = $_GET["\x62\164\151\155\145"]; goto hJi_O; xq0U_: $rt = M("\155\x65\155\x62\145\162")->where("\x6e\151\144\x3d" . $rs[$i]["\162\x65\146\x65\x72\x65\x65\x5f\x69\x64"])->find(); goto aUfRf; sjEQf: XwrwR: goto hwLam; HyNI3: $mobile = trim($_GET["\155\157\142\151\x6c\x65"]); goto I7rwI; wiJLI: $this->nclass = $_GET["\x6e\x63\x6c\x61\163\x73"]; goto FQHQ9; heCXX: goto HM5Fl; goto F3UGJ; uWIZ1: $this->count = $count; goto ubTRo; WSBYl: $this->nstatus = 0; goto D1Lik; LFnbo: goto r7wQm; goto hqmQS; lpmhf: HM5Fl: goto vwhbX; Couma: b623y: goto MCgtp; Pergm: $this->etime = ''; goto heCXX; LPU9l: SXsLq: goto JCpYr; S1vpN: if (isset($_GET["\x6d\x6f\142\x69\154\145"]) && trim($_GET["\x6d\x6f\x62\151\154\145"]) != '') { goto ZIP_p; } goto pfoyS; D1Lik: goto oCWwC; goto Couma; yaWNh: $this->nclass = 0; goto mWwLe; FQHQ9: yCbM9: goto BpPTw; BpPTw: if (isset($_GET["\x6e\163\164\141\164\x75\x73"]) && intval($_GET["\x6e\163\164\141\164\x75\x73"]) > 0) { goto b623y; } goto WSBYl; hqmQS: E2_6Z: goto CHlQw; B8vms: $this->mobile = $_GET["\x6d\x6f\x62\x69\154\145"]; goto LPU9l; vwhbX: $count = M("\x6d\x65\x6d\x62\x65\162")->where($str)->count(); goto mbjS8; QmRZ9: if (isset($_GET["\x65\x74\151\155\145"]) && trim($_GET["\145\x74\x69\x6d\145"]) != '') { goto iGK0r; } goto Pergm; ubTRo: $i = 0; goto z5Fl8; hwLam: $rs[$i]["\151\x6e\x76\151\164\145\x72"] = $rt["\155\157\x62\151\x6c\x65"]; goto n_trp; NOjdy: $rs[$i]["\151\x6e\x76\151\x74\x65\162"] = "\346\x97\240"; goto ipCcJ; WZbzv: $this->btime = ''; goto m11ZG; m11ZG: goto eTpZj; goto oeSzW; p1DqW: if (!($i < count($rs))) { goto E2_6Z; } goto xq0U_; u5J1o: if (isset($_GET["\156\x63\154\141\163\x73"]) && intval($_GET["\x6e\143\x6c\141\x73\163"]) > 0) { goto z2wGc; } goto yaWNh; Wa3MP: ZIP_p: goto HyNI3; F3UGJ: iGK0r: goto Ytw5i; CHlQw: $this->rs = $rs; goto rsptP; P7tgm: XxGod: goto uu7Ks; c7xxL: $this->mb(); goto hn1r_; kh5dt: $str .= "\x20\x61\x6e\144\40\156\143\x6c\141\x73\x73\75\47" . $nclass . "\x27"; goto wiJLI; gSqT3: $this->page = $show; goto uWIZ1; n_trp: YX5X4: goto P7tgm; mWwLe: goto yCbM9; goto qeOwk; oeSzW: R_Jwu: goto AZ26t; hJi_O: eTpZj: goto QmRZ9; MCgtp: $nstatus = intval($_GET["\x6e\x73\164\141\164\x75\163"]); goto eDNSy; qeOwk: z2wGc: goto v9nwN; xqZer: $this->nstatus = $_GET["\156\x73\164\141\164\165\x73"]; goto FmoJT; Ny8QE: $this->etime = $_GET["\145\x74\151\155\145"]; goto lpmhf; AZ26t: $btime = date("\131\55\155\x2d\144\40\x30\60\72\x30\x30\x3a\60\x30", strtotime($_GET["\x62\164\151\155\145"])); goto c6vay; v9nwN: $nclass = intval($_GET["\x6e\143\154\141\163\163"]); goto kh5dt; c6vay: $str .= "\40\x61\156\x64\40\162\145\147\x74\x69\155\145\76\75\x27" . $btime . "\47"; goto luezb; ipCcJ: goto YX5X4; goto sjEQf; I7rwI: $str .= "\40\x61\x6e\x64\x20\155\157\142\151\x6c\x65\75\47" . $mobile . "\x27"; goto B8vms; uu7Ks: $i++; goto LFnbo; IBimj: $str .= "\x20\141\x6e\x64\40\x72\x65\147\x74\x69\155\145\x3c\75\x27" . $etime . "\x27"; goto Ny8QE; gOvDA: $rs = M("\x6d\145\x6d\x62\145\x72")->where($str)->order("\x6e\x69\x64\40\x64\x65\x73\143")->limit($Page->firstRow . "\54" . $Page->listRows)->select(); goto gSqT3; JCpYr: if (isset($_GET["\142\x74\151\x6d\x65"]) && trim($_GET["\x62\x74\x69\155\145"]) != '') { goto R_Jwu; } goto WZbzv; QWX6y: } public function passenger_list() { goto g9pqb; azrbY: deGVn: goto hSXXG; TTyaR: goto k4pCN; goto zFmr8; gwVZR: $show = $Page->show(); goto eAO_t; XY9Th: $str .= "\x20\141\156\144\40\x6e\163\x74\141\164\x75\x73\75\47" . $nstatus . "\47"; goto Y4O0C; UtGH7: $btime = date("\x59\x2d\x6d\x2d\144\40\x30\60\x3a\60\x30\72\60\60", strtotime($_GET["\142\164\151\155\x65"])); goto cFgVs; jth47: FCfua: goto OVFJf; WJjZY: tAAr9: goto LJJhs; Xxqvt: goto deGVn; goto z4FNy; UWIxN: goto i_L8J; goto KhvW7; OVFJf: $i++; goto zsYx2; hSXXG: if (isset($_GET["\155\x6f\142\x69\x6c\x65"]) && trim($_GET["\155\x6f\142\151\154\145"]) != '') { goto iU2mo; } goto WXvws; qI8QS: $str .= "\40\141\156\144\x20\155\x6f\142\151\x6c\145\x3d\47" . $mobile . "\x27"; goto PlqDe; LUsjV: if (isset($_GET["\x6e\163\x74\x61\164\165\x73"]) && intval($_GET["\x6e\163\x74\x61\x74\x75\163"]) > 0) { goto LbiTK; } goto o0bWc; cFgVs: $str .= "\40\x61\x6e\144\x20\162\x65\147\x74\x69\x6d\x65\x3e\x3d\47" . $btime . "\47"; goto IrRgE; zFmr8: HW1A5: goto UtGH7; KhvW7: sRNe2: goto kP5PO; GCXJS: n7yw0: goto gWuw0; IrRgE: $this->btime = $_GET["\x62\x74\x69\x6d\145"]; goto KWm8T; zsYx2: goto Hni1O; goto GCXJS; bg2I5: if (!($i < count($rs))) { goto n7yw0; } goto xpz9q; WXvws: $this->mobile = ''; goto OACyL; qRf4B: $Page = new Page($count, 10); goto gwVZR; IMA02: $i = 0; goto V7Twf; xpz9q: $rt = M("\155\145\x6d\142\145\162")->where("\156\151\x64\x3d" . $rs[$i]["\162\145\146\x65\x72\145\145\x5f\151\144"])->find(); goto S3oxs; eAO_t: $rs = M("\155\x65\x6d\142\145\162")->where($str)->order("\156\151\144\40\x64\x65\x73\143")->limit($Page->firstRow . "\54" . $Page->listRows)->select(); goto aupM3; nPS65: $rs[$i]["\x69\x6e\166\x69\164\145\x72"] = "\xe6\227\xa0"; goto UWIxN; FlpKp: $str = "\x20\165\156\151\x61\x63\151\144\75" . $this->uniacid . "\x20\x61\x6e\144\40\x20\x6e\143\x6c\141\163\163\x3d\x31\x20"; goto LUsjV; nnFw3: i_L8J: goto jth47; aksz9: if (isset($_GET["\145\164\151\155\x65"]) && trim($_GET["\145\x74\151\155\x65"]) != '') { goto glyk8; } goto aXuVi; kP5PO: $rs[$i]["\151\x6e\x76\151\x74\145\162"] = $rt["\x6d\157\142\x69\x6c\x65"]; goto nnFw3; g9pqb: $this->mb(); goto FlpKp; mC6ni: $this->etime = $_GET["\145\x74\x69\x6d\145"]; goto WJjZY; o0bWc: $this->nstatus = 0; goto Xxqvt; V7Twf: Hni1O: goto bg2I5; Y4O0C: $this->nstatus = $_GET["\x6e\x73\164\141\x74\165\x73"]; goto azrbY; NMoLK: $this->btime = ''; goto TTyaR; ZfwCZ: $mobile = trim($_GET["\155\157\142\151\154\x65"]); goto qI8QS; pFmso: $this->count = $count; goto IMA02; F1eT0: if (isset($_GET["\x62\x74\x69\155\145"]) && trim($_GET["\x62\x74\151\155\x65"]) != '') { goto HW1A5; } goto NMoLK; wlvVi: $etime = date("\131\55\155\55\x64\40\x32\x33\x3a\65\x39\x3a\65\71", strtotime($_GET["\x65\x74\x69\x6d\145"])); goto C39Zs; PEWVn: $this->display(); goto jPw_c; LJJhs: $count = M("\x6d\145\155\x62\145\162")->where($str)->count(); goto qRf4B; OH29R: SvLdC: goto F1eT0; z4FNy: LbiTK: goto dNqzu; SOWob: goto tAAr9; goto zTiSf; dNqzu: $nstatus = intval($_GET["\x6e\163\x74\141\x74\165\x73"]); goto XY9Th; S3oxs: if ($rt) { goto sRNe2; } goto nPS65; gWuw0: $this->rs = $rs; goto PEWVn; C39Zs: $str .= "\x20\141\156\x64\40\162\145\x67\164\151\x6d\x65\x3c\75\47" . $etime . "\47"; goto mC6ni; tCHuf: iU2mo: goto ZfwCZ; KWm8T: k4pCN: goto aksz9; aXuVi: $this->etime = ''; goto SOWob; PlqDe: $this->mobile = $_GET["\155\x6f\x62\151\x6c\145"]; goto OH29R; aupM3: $this->page = $show; goto pFmso; OACyL: goto SvLdC; goto tCHuf; zTiSf: glyk8: goto wlvVi; jPw_c: } public function modi() { goto f8Gab; cZsBB: $this->nid = $nid; goto dIYHV; KKYrq: $this->error("\351\235\236\346\263\225\xe6\223\x8d\xe4\275\x9c"); goto Kd31U; Kpj8t: $this->display(); goto skBro; qsWtd: if (!(!isset($_GET["\156\x69\144"]) || intval($_GET["\156\x69\144"]) <= 0)) { goto QFeMg; } goto KKYrq; G2AQC: $rs = M("\x6d\x65\155\x62\x65\x72")->where("\156\151\x64\75" . $nid)->find(); goto cZsBB; psQ4s: $nid = intval($_GET["\156\x69\x64"]); goto G2AQC; dIYHV: $this->rs = $rs; goto Kpj8t; f8Gab: $this->mb(); goto qsWtd; Kd31U: QFeMg: goto psQ4s; skBro: } public function modihandle() { goto IvJHh; qGNBb: $nid = I("\x6e\x69\144", 0, "\151\x6e\x74\x76\141\154"); goto v5BPa; fVvFv: if ($rs) { goto e4pTK; } goto rO3RW; rO3RW: $this->error("\350\256\xb0\345\275\x95\344\270\215\xe5\xad\x98\345\x9c\xa8"); goto SE35o; yR63Z: if (!(!IS_POST || intval($_POST["\x6e\151\x64"]) <= 0)) { goto fLvFU; } goto qvo0j; SE35o: e4pTK: goto nqjdj; CSzRY: M("\155\145\155\142\145\162")->where("\156\151\x64\75" . $nid)->data($_POST)->save(); goto nL_Dw; nqjdj: unset($_POST["\x6e\151\144"]); goto CSzRY; IvJHh: $this->mb(); goto yR63Z; qvo0j: $this->error("\xe9\x9d\x9e\xe6\263\225\346\x93\215\xe4\xbd\234"); goto A8HQU; nL_Dw: $this->success("\344\xbf\xae\xe6\224\xb9\xe6\210\x90\xe5\212\x9f", U("\101\144\155\151\x6e\x2f\x50\145\x72\163\157\x6e\155\x65\x6d\142\x65\x72\x2f\151\156\144\x65\x78")); goto xWROJ; v5BPa: $rs = M("\155\145\x6d\142\x65\162")->where("\156\x69\x64\x3d\x27" . $nid . "\47")->find(); goto fVvFv; A8HQU: fLvFU: goto qGNBb; xWROJ: } public function del() { goto HzPOi; w1AKb: mueCP: goto eM7KY; HzPOi: $this->mb(); goto b5oKg; wFYbo: $this->error("\xe9\x9d\236\346\xb3\x95\xe6\223\215\344\xbd\234"); goto ZcRCD; xvhwL: $nid = intval($_GET["\x6e\x69\x64"]); goto KfrT2; ZcRCD: xgBt_: goto xvhwL; b5oKg: if (!(!IS_GET || intval($_GET["\x6e\151\x64"]) <= 0)) { goto xgBt_; } goto wFYbo; VqO0b: $this->error("\345\210\xa0\351\x99\xa4\xe5\244\261\xe8\264\xa5"); goto O_DkA; O_DkA: goto mueCP; goto N5LQR; rcxO3: $this->success("\345\210\xa0\351\231\244\xe6\x88\220\345\212\237"); goto w1AKb; N5LQR: UH1Xf: goto rcxO3; KfrT2: if (M("\x6d\145\155\142\145\162")->where("\x6e\151\144\75" . $nid)->data(array("\156\x73\x74\x61\x74\x75\x73" => 2))->save()) { goto UH1Xf; } goto VqO0b; eM7KY: } public function alldel() { goto b5Zpi; Bsvpf: $data = array("\x73\164\x61\164\165\163" => 0, "\x72\145\164\x44\145\163\143" => "\xe6\x93\x8d\344\xbd\234\xe5\244\261\350\xb4\245"); goto O7QYd; wzGm0: $data = array("\163\x74\x61\x74\165\x73" => 1, "\162\x65\164\x44\145\x73\x63" => "\346\x93\215\344\xbd\x9c\346\210\220\xe5\x8a\237"); goto HMybg; V2q_6: r_ZU4: goto sbecZ; b5Zpi: $this->mb(); goto VeueX; VeueX: if (!(!IS_POST || trim($_POST["\x61\x6c\154\x69\144"]) == '')) { goto ngIPg; } goto J4Vk3; xFFEg: $this->error("\351\235\236\346\263\225\xe6\x93\x8d\xe4\275\234"); goto V2q_6; HMybg: sDXT2: goto wdikq; Pi2Du: ngIPg: goto j_g69; O7QYd: goto sDXT2; goto wNvJn; J4Vk3: $this->error("\351\x9d\236\346\xb3\225\346\223\215\xe4\275\x9c"); goto Pi2Du; X1S6k: if (!($allid == '')) { goto r_ZU4; } goto xFFEg; wNvJn: T76p8: goto wzGm0; sbecZ: if (M("\x6d\145\x6d\142\145\162")->where("\40\156\151\144\40\151\156\40\50" . $allid . "\51")->data(array("\156\x73\164\x61\x74\x75\163" => 2))->save()) { goto T76p8; } goto Bsvpf; j_g69: $allid = substr(trim($_POST["\x61\x6c\x6c\151\144"]), 0, -1); goto X1S6k; wdikq: $this->ajaxReturn($data); goto lsuE8; lsuE8: } public function log() { goto amS62; uuGXn: $this->rs = $rs; goto MQeGy; jYmYW: $str .= "\40\x61\x6e\144\x20\40\155\157\x62\151\x6c\x65\x3d\x27" . $mobile . "\47"; goto BpotG; wVwVc: VgqSe: goto xLFCT; oHgmg: $res = M("\155\145\155\x62\145\162")->where("\x6e\x69\144\75\x27" . $rs[$i]["\x6d\137\151\144"] . "\x27")->find(); goto tPrOq; nGJl9: $rs[$i]["\x77\170\137\x6e\151\x63\153\x6e\141\155\x65"] = $res["\167\170\137\x6e\151\143\x6b\156\141\x6d\145"]; goto dOsX2; m30Vj: $this->btime = ''; goto XesFG; hr30L: $show = $Page->show(); goto MFK8z; Quwvh: $m_id = intval($_GET["\x6d\x5f\151\x64"]); goto pHXJ8; gRIbU: $this->mobile = ''; goto vTxRm; oFUu2: $i = 0; goto VL14X; A1dJP: $this->etime = ''; goto fr9NS; TRcWl: $Page = new Page($count, 20); goto hr30L; oxiUM: SufpJ: goto ibDIT; EKKdb: if (isset($_GET["\x6d\x6f\142\151\x6c\145"]) && trim($_GET["\x6d\157\142\x69\154\145"]) != '') { goto ceJeY; } goto gRIbU; e32lU: $this->etime = $etime; goto xQGx2; SkNIA: $mobile = trim($_GET["\x6d\x6f\142\151\x6c\145"]); goto jYmYW; pmv2g: $rs = M("\155\145\155\x62\145\x72\x5f\154\157\147")->limit($Page->firstRow . "\x2c" . $Page->listRows)->where($str)->order("\156\x69\x64\x20\144\x65\163\143")->select(); goto kdXsh; XUj2G: xKv3a: goto c0_EY; JNv7G: $btime = trim($_GET["\x62\x74\151\x6d\x65"]); goto GSjB5; xZA89: ceJeY: goto SkNIA; DGrPb: goto PRIMX; goto Nm3_p; kdXsh: if (!$rs) { goto kf_Vn; } goto oFUu2; NNVDS: if (!(!isset($_GET["\155\x5f\x69\144"]) || trim($_GET["\x6d\x5f\x69\x64"]) == '')) { goto QQx0v; } goto Nrc5h; xQGx2: ADhak: goto xjOs3; c0_EY: if (isset($_GET["\x65\164\151\155\145"]) && trim($_GET["\x65\x74\x69\x6d\x65"]) != '') { goto VgqSe; } goto A1dJP; pHXJ8: $this->m_id = $m_id; goto EKKdb; sxGvu: tFmga: goto SzWwM; x493q: CuTql: goto JNv7G; MQeGy: $this->display(); goto GJ2ZN; MFK8z: $this->page = $show; goto pmv2g; sjDlk: $str = "\40\165\156\151\141\x63\x69\144\x3d" . $this->uniacid . "\40"; goto Quwvh; Q0jMD: $str .= "\x20\x61\x6e\144\x20\x20\141\144\x64\x74\x69\x6d\145\74\x3d\x27" . date("\x59\55\155\x2d\x64\x20\x32\63\x3a\65\x39\72\x35\71", strtotime($etime)) . "\47"; goto e32lU; SzWwM: if (isset($_GET["\x62\x74\x69\x6d\145"]) && trim($_GET["\142\x74\151\x6d\x65"]) != '') { goto CuTql; } goto m30Vj; XesFG: goto xKv3a; goto x493q; dOsX2: PRIMX: goto oxiUM; cuGVT: QQx0v: goto sjDlk; amS62: $this->mb(); goto NNVDS; tPrOq: if ($res) { goto Q53kR; } goto Ha25k; GSjB5: $str .= "\x20\x61\156\144\40\40\x61\144\x64\x74\x69\155\x65\x3e\x3d\x27" . date("\x59\x2d\155\55\144\x20\60\x30\x3a\60\x30\72\x30\60", strtotime($btime)) . "\x27"; goto VsmIE; Y2zW4: goto U8Pbv; goto UnDC5; sJKsl: if (!($i < count($rs))) { goto aA0RC; } goto oHgmg; ibDIT: $i++; goto Y2zW4; VL14X: U8Pbv: goto sJKsl; VsmIE: $this->btime = $btime; goto XUj2G; xLFCT: $etime = trim($_GET["\x65\164\151\x6d\x65"]); goto Q0jMD; fr9NS: goto ADhak; goto wVwVc; Ea_UD: $count = M("\155\145\x6d\x62\x65\162\137\154\157\x67")->where($str)->count(); goto IeXTv; BpotG: $this->mobile = $mobile; goto sxGvu; UnDC5: aA0RC: goto YFMX0; IeXTv: $this->count = $count; goto TRcWl; vTxRm: goto tFmga; goto xZA89; YFMX0: kf_Vn: goto uuGXn; Nm3_p: Q53kR: goto nGJl9; Nrc5h: $this->error("\xe9\x9d\236\xe6\263\225\346\223\x8d\xe4\275\x9c"); goto cuGVT; Ha25k: $rs[$i]["\167\x78\137\x6e\151\143\153\x6e\x61\x6d\x65"] = "\xe6\x97\xa0"; goto DGrPb; xjOs3: $str .= "\x20\141\x6e\144\40\x20\155\x5f\151\x64\x3d\47" . $m_id . "\47"; goto Ea_UD; GJ2ZN: } public function log_del1() { goto UIAdm; UV7wG: $this->success("\345\210\240\351\231\244\346\x88\220\xe5\212\237"); goto QWCtp; VYLOT: if (M("\155\x65\x6d\142\x65\x72\137\x6c\157\147")->where(array("\x6e\151\x64" => $nid))->delete()) { goto x09wE; } goto DNlX_; ZQN6V: $this->error("\351\x9d\236\xe6\xb3\225\xe6\x93\x8d\344\275\234"); goto Tz8Cs; t7f8d: x09wE: goto UV7wG; jtitf: if (!(!isset($_GET["\x6e\151\x64"]) || intval($_GET["\x6e\151\x64"]) <= 0)) { goto H9BRC; } goto ZQN6V; UIAdm: $this->mb(); goto jtitf; kMYGh: $nid = intval($_GET["\156\151\x64"]); goto VYLOT; QWCtp: iVAhI: goto HYOVE; Tz8Cs: H9BRC: goto kMYGh; lutA3: goto iVAhI; goto t7f8d; DNlX_: $this->error("\xe5\x88\240\351\231\xa4\xe5\xa4\261\350\xb4\245"); goto lutA3; HYOVE: } public function log_alldel1() { goto hthKF; vvaTn: $this->error("\351\x9d\236\346\263\225\346\x93\x8d\344\xbd\x9c"); goto hdSVk; NIZ9b: $allid = substr(trim($_POST["\x61\x6c\154\x69\144"]), 0, -1); goto a9p66; ngQG0: $this->ajaxReturn($data); goto wNH1S; rJsvm: $data = array("\163\x74\x61\x74\165\163" => 0, "\x72\145\x74\104\145\163\x63" => "\xe5\x88\240\351\x99\244\345\xa4\261\xe8\xb4\xa5"); goto Qj4fE; hdSVk: wAO1f: goto NIZ9b; a9p66: if (M("\x6d\x65\155\142\x65\x72\137\154\157\147")->where("\x6e\151\144\x20\x69\156\40\x28" . $allid . "\x29")->delete()) { goto c1Nrk; } goto rJsvm; q2nrG: SXUhb: goto ngQG0; hthKF: $this->mb(); goto GtgBe; GtgBe: if (!(!isset($_POST["\141\x6c\154\x69\144"]) || trim($_POST["\141\154\x6c\151\x64"]) == '')) { goto wAO1f; } goto vvaTn; ya24K: c1Nrk: goto vfbIe; vfbIe: $data = array("\x73\164\141\x74\165\163" => 1, "\162\145\164\x44\145\163\143" => "\xe5\x88\xa0\xe9\231\xa4\xe6\x88\x90\345\x8a\x9f"); goto q2nrG; Qj4fE: goto SXUhb; goto ya24K; wNH1S: } public function log_del() { goto uONnZ; sj3oc: $nid = intval($_GET["\156\x69\x64"]); goto n7Qaq; s9PpX: $this->success("\xe5\210\240\351\231\244\346\x88\220\xe5\x8a\237"); goto SfKs9; n7Qaq: if (M("\x6d\x65\155\x62\x65\x72\137\x76\145\x72\171\x63\x6f\x64\x65\x5f\x6c\157\x67")->where(array("\156\x69\x64" => $nid))->delete()) { goto bt677; } goto Qu0oI; bWnw8: goto Mmsc8; goto x1SSZ; Qu0oI: $this->error("\xe5\x88\xa0\xe9\x99\xa4\345\244\261\350\264\xa5"); goto bWnw8; abOlu: if (!(!isset($_GET["\x6e\151\x64"]) || intval($_GET["\x6e\151\x64"]) <= 0)) { goto YCA5J; } goto DJDJm; uONnZ: $this->mb(); goto abOlu; SfKs9: Mmsc8: goto CtN8m; fePCW: YCA5J: goto sj3oc; x1SSZ: bt677: goto s9PpX; DJDJm: $this->error("\xe9\235\x9e\346\xb3\x95\xe6\x93\x8d\344\275\x9c"); goto fePCW; CtN8m: } public function log_alldel() { goto u2Zfj; vuqJ7: if (!(!isset($_POST["\141\154\154\x69\x64"]) || trim($_POST["\x61\x6c\154\x69\144"]) == '')) { goto NexCp; } goto qecR2; upu8W: $allid = substr(trim($_POST["\x61\154\x6c\151\144"]), 0, -1); goto eL96V; eL96V: if (M("\155\x65\155\142\145\162\137\166\145\x72\x79\x63\x6f\x64\x65\137\x6c\157\x67")->where("\x6e\x69\144\40\x69\x6e\40\x28" . $allid . "\51")->delete()) { goto wf90a; } goto NebK8; hX3xe: NexCp: goto upu8W; mt25e: $this->ajaxReturn($data); goto evLd1; SAvw6: hazN3: goto mt25e; Zag__: wf90a: goto KF2YI; qecR2: $this->error("\351\235\236\346\263\x95\xe6\223\215\xe4\xbd\x9c"); goto hX3xe; NebK8: $data = array("\163\x74\141\x74\x75\163" => 0, "\x72\145\x74\x44\x65\x73\x63" => "\xe5\210\xa0\xe9\x99\xa4\xe5\xa4\261\350\xb4\xa5"); goto sznX7; sznX7: goto hazN3; goto Zag__; KF2YI: $data = array("\163\x74\x61\x74\165\163" => 1, "\x72\145\164\104\145\x73\x63" => "\345\210\240\351\231\xa4\xe6\210\x90\xe5\x8a\x9f"); goto SAvw6; u2Zfj: $this->mb(); goto vuqJ7; evLd1: } public function wash_alldel() { goto oQjFi; oQjFi: $this->mb(); goto EQVKy; jNjhY: if (M("\143\141\x72\x5f\x6f\x77\x6e\145\x72\137\156\157\164\x65\163")->where("\x6e\x69\x64\40\151\x6e\x20\50" . $allid . "\x29")->delete()) { goto Qz0qq; } goto ogaXT; EQVKy: if (!(!isset($_POST["\x61\x6c\154\151\144"]) || trim($_POST["\141\154\x6c\x69\144"]) == '')) { goto NjcJK; } goto CvKNo; BHtAt: goto rdWdX; goto svn08; CvKNo: $this->error("\351\x9d\236\xe6\xb3\x95\xe6\223\x8d\xe4\xbd\234"); goto QIoh4; IruyU: $this->ajaxReturn($data); goto HvZgT; ogaXT: $data = array("\x73\x74\x61\164\165\x73" => 0, "\162\145\x74\x44\145\x73\x63" => "\345\x88\xa0\xe9\231\244\345\244\261\xe8\xb4\xa5"); goto BHtAt; QIoh4: NjcJK: goto qrDjw; x8LFr: rdWdX: goto IruyU; svn08: Qz0qq: goto M2Rh4; M2Rh4: $data = array("\163\x74\x61\x74\165\163" => 1, "\x72\145\x74\104\145\x73\143" => "\345\210\240\xe9\231\244\346\x88\x90\345\212\x9f"); goto x8LFr; qrDjw: $allid = substr(trim($_POST["\141\x6c\x6c\x69\144"]), 0, -1); goto jNjhY; HvZgT: } public function loginlog() { goto qyGg4; qyGg4: $this->mb(); goto oXMnY; QuWpp: if (isset($_GET["\163\x74\x61\164\x75\x73"]) && intval($_GET["\163\x74\x61\x74\x75\163"])) { goto msntF; } goto MiADV; CDpGZ: $rs = M("\x6d\x65\155\142\145\x72\137\x76\145\x72\x79\x63\x6f\x64\x65\137\x6c\157\147")->limit($Page->firstRow . "\54" . $Page->listRows)->where($str)->order("\x6e\151\144\40\x64\145\163\143")->select(); goto BDbcR; C627t: f4T9O: goto BYaCC; hMVzk: $show = $Page->show(); goto KKWVN; qEf8H: $this->display(); goto c3aUt; MiADV: $this->status = 0; goto WZXSf; c83Zl: msntF: goto jV5qP; jV5qP: $str .= "\40\x61\x6e\x64\40\x73\x74\x61\164\165\163\x3d\47" . intval($_GET["\x73\x74\141\x74\x75\163"]) . "\47"; goto FndOp; X4QRq: KAZ93: goto vuZN9; U87Vi: Sd3ak: goto dClMG; HQTBX: $this->mobile = $mobile; goto JqSzB; WZXSf: goto f4T9O; goto c83Zl; p4Vgi: $rs[$i]["\x6e\141\x6d\x65"] = "\xe6\262\xa1\346\234\211\xe6\263\250\345\x86\x8c"; goto QQnw5; BYaCC: $count = M("\x6d\145\155\x62\x65\162\x5f\x76\x65\x72\x79\143\x6f\x64\145\137\154\157\147")->where($str)->count(); goto K_pUp; bAwT0: Zd2PM: goto VDKum; CGXyN: if (isset($_GET["\x6d\x6f\142\x69\x6c\145"]) && trim($_GET["\155\157\x62\x69\154\x65"]) != '') { goto Zd2PM; } goto H8cQ5; QQnw5: goto S60hd; goto SskF4; ZyBke: goto z2gKr; goto bAwT0; rH8C4: $res = M("\x6d\145\155\142\x65\x72")->where("\155\x6f\x62\x69\154\145\75\x27" . $rs[$i]["\155\x6f\x62\151\x6c\x65"] . "\x27\40\141\x6e\144\x20\x75\156\151\141\x63\151\x64\75" . $this->uniacid)->find(); goto pHudD; pHudD: if ($res) { goto QzX0w; } goto p4Vgi; FndOp: $this->status = intval($_GET["\x73\x74\141\x74\165\x73"]); goto C627t; zKLEf: VyPt4: goto U87Vi; kRz3P: S60hd: goto ATgZF; BDbcR: if (!$rs) { goto Sd3ak; } goto gEPCK; vuZN9: if (!($i < count($rs))) { goto VyPt4; } goto rH8C4; gEPCK: $i = 0; goto X4QRq; dClMG: $this->rs = $rs; goto qEf8H; bvl1D: $Page = new Page($count, 13); goto hMVzk; ATgZF: MS1Yg: goto nQEBW; KKWVN: $this->page = $show; goto CDpGZ; I1pvC: $rs[$i]["\156\x61\155\x65"] = $res["\167\x78\x5f\156\x69\x63\153\156\141\155\x65"]; goto kRz3P; l_t68: goto KAZ93; goto zKLEf; fiHdw: $str .= "\40\141\x6e\144\40\x6d\157\142\151\x6c\x65\75\47" . $mobile . "\47"; goto HQTBX; oXMnY: $str = "\40\165\156\x69\x61\143\151\x64\x3d" . $this->uniacid . "\x20"; goto CGXyN; SskF4: QzX0w: goto I1pvC; VDKum: $mobile = trim($_GET["\x6d\x6f\142\x69\154\x65"]); goto fiHdw; JqSzB: z2gKr: goto QuWpp; K_pUp: $this->count = $count; goto bvl1D; nQEBW: $i++; goto l_t68; H8cQ5: $this->mobile = ''; goto ZyBke; c3aUt: } public function deposit_list() { goto lF5Es; QOIAO: $rs[$i]["\x77\x78\137\x6e\x69\143\x6b\x6e\x61\x6d\x65"] = "\74\x66\x6f\156\x74\x20\x63\x6f\x6c\x6f\x72\75\47\162\x65\144\47\76\344\274\232\345\x91\230\xe4\xb8\x8d\345\255\230\xe5\234\xa8\x3c\57\146\157\156\164\76"; goto f0QYv; rpBIY: $btime = trim($_GET["\142\x74\151\x6d\145"]); goto cP6tf; HTFEr: TI4KM: goto rzmLu; APDn7: $page = new Page($count, 10); goto CUQQp; lHv4P: $this->display(); goto zxiq2; rPIt6: if ($rt) { goto DeVJf; } goto QOIAO; Hs1bO: LGi0L: goto rpBIY; g3Wx6: if (isset($_GET["\x6d\157\142\151\154\145"]) && trim($_GET["\155\x6f\x62\x69\154\x65"]) != '') { goto hTjC4; } goto ZsDYr; dgK2L: $this->count = $count; goto APDn7; YL4ys: $etime = trim($_GET["\145\x74\x69\x6d\145"]); goto XV61K; lF5Es: $this->mb(); goto PKuWm; TMl6M: $str .= "\x20\141\x6e\x64\40\155\157\142\151\154\145\x3d\47" . $mobile . "\47"; goto YndGc; k6Kqm: $i = 0; goto MNhDL; YFVaU: goto W6F1J; goto WW_jg; hbIYw: $this->ispay = 0; goto IxR9s; WW_jg: hTjC4: goto UwM9a; YndGc: $this->mobile = $mobile; goto X7Tej; Ny3Fk: if (isset($_GET["\x65\164\x69\155\x65"]) && trim($_GET["\x65\164\151\155\x65"]) != '') { goto uBsZF; } goto fnCU0; NfzJY: $rs[$i]["\x77\x78\x5f\x6e\x69\x63\x6b\x6e\x61\x6d\x65"] = $rt["\167\170\137\156\151\x63\153\x6e\141\x6d\x65"]; goto P7DBO; LK8kf: $this->rs = $rs; goto lHv4P; yher7: $this->btime = ''; goto fZHAc; XV61K: $str .= "\40\141\156\144\40\40\x6f\x76\x65\x72\x74\151\x6d\x65\x3c\75\47" . date("\x59\x2d\x6d\x2d\x64\40\x32\63\72\x35\71\x3a\65\x39", strtotime($etime)) . "\x27"; goto AU_Vv; uQ3Wk: v82Qc: goto fxsB2; JUbSj: $rs = M("\x63\x61\x72\137\x6f\167\156\x65\x72\x5f\x64\145\x70\157\x73\151\164\137\154\157\x67")->order("\156\151\144\40\144\145\x73\143")->where($str)->limit($limit)->select(); goto k6Kqm; myTed: GZ3JY: goto Ny3Fk; P0Zi_: DeVJf: goto NfzJY; fxsB2: $i++; goto USH7H; G4oO4: YM6hl: goto fRlOK; rzmLu: $str .= "\x20\x61\156\144\x20\151\x73\x70\x61\x79\x3d\x27" . intval($_GET["\151\x73\x70\x61\171"]) . "\47"; goto fwS9F; AU_Vv: $this->etime = $etime; goto sKRsZ; ZsDYr: $this->mobile = ''; goto YFVaU; PKuWm: $str = "\40\x75\156\x69\x61\x63\x69\144\x3d" . $this->uniacid; goto Urggx; MNhDL: U8JC4: goto PZ40V; fnCU0: $this->etime = ''; goto Asiqm; cmEOK: KFijx: goto LK8kf; kfPK0: uBsZF: goto YL4ys; CUQQp: $limit = $page->firstRow . "\x2c" . $page->listRows; goto gDuE8; fwS9F: $this->ispay = intval($_GET["\x69\x73\x70\x61\171"]); goto G4oO4; gDuE8: $this->page = $page->show(); goto JUbSj; JenbF: $rt = M("\155\145\x6d\142\x65\162")->where("\156\151\144\x3d" . $rs[$i]["\x63\x6f\137\x69\144"])->find(); goto rPIt6; f0QYv: goto gKjnz; goto P0Zi_; PZ40V: if (!($i < count($rs))) { goto KFijx; } goto JenbF; P7DBO: gKjnz: goto uQ3Wk; sKRsZ: UJ2zB: goto g3Wx6; fZHAc: goto GZ3JY; goto Hs1bO; cP6tf: $str .= "\x20\141\156\144\40\40\157\x76\145\162\164\x69\x6d\x65\76\75\x27" . date("\131\55\x6d\55\144\x20\60\60\72\x30\60\x3a\60\x30", strtotime($btime)) . "\47"; goto lpjeG; fRlOK: $count = M("\143\x61\162\x5f\157\167\156\145\162\x5f\144\x65\160\x6f\163\151\164\137\x6c\x6f\x67")->where($str)->count(); goto dgK2L; UwM9a: $mobile = trim($_GET["\155\157\142\x69\x6c\145"]); goto TMl6M; Urggx: if (isset($_GET["\x62\x74\151\x6d\x65"]) && trim($_GET["\142\x74\x69\x6d\145"]) != '') { goto LGi0L; } goto yher7; USH7H: goto U8JC4; goto cmEOK; blw7x: if (isset($_GET["\x69\163\x70\x61\171"]) && intval($_GET["\151\163\x70\141\171"]) > 0) { goto TI4KM; } goto hbIYw; Asiqm: goto UJ2zB; goto kfPK0; lpjeG: $this->btime = $btime; goto myTed; X7Tej: W6F1J: goto blw7x; IxR9s: goto YM6hl; goto HTFEr; zxiq2: } public function deposit_alldel() { goto LkIvr; l2ltq: $this->ajaxReturn($data); goto lWdip; BbKVg: if (M("\143\x61\162\x5f\157\167\156\145\x72\x5f\144\145\x70\157\163\151\x74\137\154\157\147")->where("\40\x6e\x69\144\40\x69\x6e\x20\50" . $allid . "\51")->delete()) { goto XMuVH; } goto ZjHnf; BzCAf: if (!($allid == '')) { goto meGk4; } goto UIucd; o2I7m: $data = array("\x73\164\x61\164\165\x73" => 1, "\x72\x65\x74\104\x65\163\x63" => "\xe6\223\x8d\xe4\275\x9c\346\x88\220\345\x8a\x9f"); goto kXNNu; Xiz2G: l6fxM: goto wRtjj; anlNg: meGk4: goto BbKVg; ZjHnf: $data = array("\163\164\x61\x74\165\x73" => 0, "\162\x65\164\x44\x65\163\x63" => "\xe6\x93\215\xe4\275\234\xe5\244\xb1\xe8\264\xa5"); goto RM_gp; K9t3m: XMuVH: goto o2I7m; P1y7J: if (!(!IS_POST || trim($_POST["\141\x6c\154\x69\x64"]) == '')) { goto l6fxM; } goto AW546; RM_gp: goto yFK0s; goto K9t3m; wRtjj: $allid = substr(trim($_POST["\x61\154\x6c\151\x64"]), 0, -1); goto BzCAf; UIucd: $this->error("\xe9\235\x9e\346\263\x95\xe6\223\x8d\344\xbd\234"); goto anlNg; AW546: $this->error("\xe9\x9d\236\xe6\263\x95\346\x93\215\344\275\x9c"); goto Xiz2G; LkIvr: $this->mb(); goto P1y7J; kXNNu: yFK0s: goto l2ltq; lWdip: } public function passenger_order() { goto Ncxfi; p7lk8: $this->display(); goto GxAyb; pft3_: $where .= "\40\141\156\x64\40\40\x74\x72\x61\156\163\141\x63\164\x69\x6f\x6e\x5f\164\151\155\145\76\x3d\x27" . date("\131\x2d\155\55\x64\x20\x30\60\x3a\x30\60\x3a\x30\60", strtotime($btime)) . "\x27"; goto BAoBY; lu52K: $this->count = $count; goto iJvdB; ccewO: $this->page = $page->show(); goto SvUP5; LP8Bf: goto zxFCc; goto I0g1P; rI2fF: TqrzT: goto m19b8; wrDWr: $rs[$i]["\143\157\x5f\155\157\142\151\x6c\x65"] = $rt["\155\x6f\x62\x69\x6c\145"]; goto QS_iQ; Qm8Ih: vIz03: goto YJ56v; CRBHF: dLcdq: goto RtPJJ; PvJxf: goto a2uDn; goto Qm8Ih; Ncxfi: $this->mb(); goto adLAk; RtPJJ: uEOVZ: goto b1Bgp; E3Hrq: $this->istransfer = $istransfer; goto mvnbw; yZIJr: fnVFy: goto nMVY7; ffOCg: goto tqKXQ; goto Fu3DE; UKiXH: $this->btime = ''; goto LP8Bf; Fu3DE: oSkP1: goto WGTSy; Szmww: $this->istransfer = 0; goto PvJxf; adLAk: $where = "\40\x75\156\x69\x61\x63\x69\x64\75" . $this->uniacid . "\x20"; goto Uh8rV; GtJ_s: jOP9x: goto tPfso; m19b8: if (!($i < count($rs))) { goto RzTax; } goto m2z7c; q_aC3: $this->ordernum = ''; goto ffOCg; NlCzd: goto TqrzT; goto Sg1Xp; aQzjB: $etime = trim($_GET["\145\x74\151\x6d\x65"]); goto JDw3E; v9QNb: $where .= "\x20\141\x6e\x64\x20\157\x72\144\x65\162\156\165\155\x3d\47" . $ordernum . "\47"; goto qqDsh; v8qfK: $rt = M("\155\145\155\x62\145\x72")->where("\x6e\x69\x64\x3d" . $rs[$i]["\143\x6f\x5f\x69\x64"])->find(); goto uKfht; egvWW: fqyh9: goto eJgSm; tTpac: $limit = $page->firstRow . "\x2c" . $page->listRows; goto ccewO; V4TtQ: if (isset($_GET["\145\164\x69\x6d\x65"]) && trim($_GET["\145\x74\x69\x6d\145"]) != '') { goto MCsY5; } goto VKrnI; EeipY: $this->rs = $rs; goto p7lk8; X3NDl: goto sITfb; goto bWD2l; eb5tQ: if (!$rs) { goto faysQ; } goto UNigX; tPfso: k8JJv: goto nRIxU; JqmZa: $this->ordernum = $ordernum; goto v9QNb; I0g1P: Ak_jD: goto hilgA; YJ56v: $istransfer = intval($_GET["\x69\x73\164\162\x61\x6e\163\x66\145\x72"]); goto E3Hrq; b1Bgp: switch ($rs[$i]["\156\163\164\x61\x74\165\x73"]) { case 1: $rs[$i]["\x6e\x73\x74\141\x74\165\x73"] = "\x3c\x66\x6f\x6e\164\x20\x63\157\x6c\157\x72\x3d\47\x72\x65\x64\x27\76\xe4\270\213\346\236\xb6\x3c\57\x66\x6f\156\164\x3e"; goto fnVFy; case 2: $rs[$i]["\x6e\x73\x74\141\x74\165\x73"] = "\74\146\x6f\156\x74\x20\x63\157\x6c\157\x72\x3d\x27\x67\162\145\145\156\47\x3e\344\270\212\346\x9e\266\x3c\57\x66\x6f\156\164\x3e"; goto fnVFy; } goto k5ZhR; qo7Hu: $this->etime = $etime; goto egvWW; ir3VR: if (isset($_GET["\x6f\162\144\145\x72\x6e\165\155"]) && trim($_GET["\157\162\144\145\162\156\165\155"]) != '') { goto oSkP1; } goto q_aC3; BGUmy: switch ($rs[$i]["\151\163\160\141\x79"]) { case 1: $rs[$i]["\151\163\160\x61\171"] = "\x3c\x66\157\156\x74\x20\143\x6f\154\157\162\x3d\x27\x72\x65\x64\47\x3e\xe6\234\252\346\224\257\xe4\xbb\x98\74\57\146\x6f\156\x74\x3e"; goto uEOVZ; case 2: $rs[$i]["\151\x73\x70\141\x79"] = "\74\x66\x6f\156\164\40\143\x6f\154\x6f\x72\x3d\x27\x67\x72\145\x65\156\x27\76\xe5\267\xb2\xe6\224\257\344\xbb\230\x3c\x2f\x66\x6f\156\164\x3e"; goto uEOVZ; case 3: $rs[$i]["\x69\x73\160\141\x79"] = "\74\x66\x6f\x6e\164\x20\143\x6f\154\157\x72\x3d\x27\x62\x6c\x75\x65\47\x3e\345\267\262\351\x80\200\346\254\xbe\74\x2f\146\157\156\x74\76"; goto uEOVZ; } goto CRBHF; BAoBY: $this->btime = $btime; goto v3S1K; TmaIO: MCsY5: goto aQzjB; hiNMq: a2uDn: goto ir3VR; H708Z: faysQ: goto EeipY; SvUP5: $rs = M("\x70\x61\x73\163\145\x6e\147\x65\x72\137\x6f\x72\144\145\162")->order("\x6e\x69\x64\x20\144\145\163\143")->where($where)->limit($limit)->select(); goto eb5tQ; iJvdB: $page = new Page($count, 8); goto tTpac; bWD2l: FZe0G: goto v8qfK; iIxMx: tIQxw: goto GtJ_s; QS_iQ: sITfb: goto BGUmy; VKrnI: $this->etime = ''; goto Hqtn0; mvnbw: $where .= "\x20\x61\x6e\144\x20\151\x73\x74\x72\141\x6e\163\x66\x65\162\75" . $istransfer; goto hiNMq; m2z7c: $rt = M("\x6d\x65\155\x62\x65\x72")->where("\x6e\151\x64\75" . $rs[$i]["\155\x5f\x69\144"])->find(); goto Wpb1Z; k5ZhR: sjVve: goto yZIJr; JDw3E: $where .= "\40\141\x6e\x64\x20\x20\164\x72\141\156\163\141\x63\164\x69\x6f\x6e\137\x74\151\155\145\74\x3d\47" . date("\x59\x2d\155\55\144\x20\62\x33\x3a\65\71\72\65\x39", strtotime($etime)) . "\47"; goto qo7Hu; uKfht: $rs[$i]["\x63\157\x5f\x77\x78\137\x6e\151\x63\x6b\x6e\x61\155\x65"] = $rt["\167\170\x5f\156\151\x63\x6b\x6e\x61\x6d\145"]; goto wrDWr; gvY71: $rs[$i]["\143\x6f\137\155\157\x62\151\154\145"] = "\346\x97\240\350\xbd\xa6\xe4\xb8\273\346\x8e\xa5\345\x8d\x95"; goto X3NDl; UNigX: $i = 0; goto rI2fF; BDcFt: if ($rs[$i]["\x63\157\137\x69\x64"] > 0) { goto FZe0G; } goto gvY71; qqDsh: tqKXQ: goto yl5k0; nRIxU: $i++; goto NlCzd; Wpb1Z: $rs[$i]["\x6d\137\167\x78\137\156\151\143\153\156\141\155\x65"] = $rt["\167\x78\x5f\156\x69\143\153\156\x61\155\145"]; goto Q9UTY; v3S1K: zxFCc: goto V4TtQ; yl5k0: if (isset($_GET["\142\x74\x69\x6d\x65"]) && trim($_GET["\x62\x74\x69\155\x65"]) != '') { goto Ak_jD; } goto UKiXH; Q9UTY: $rs[$i]["\x6d\137\x6d\x6f\142\x69\x6c\145"] = $rt["\155\x6f\x62\x69\x6c\145"]; goto BDcFt; Uh8rV: if (isset($_GET["\x69\x73\x74\162\x61\156\x73\x66\145\x72"]) && intval($_GET["\151\163\x74\162\141\x6e\x73\146\x65\x72"]) > 0) { goto vIz03; } goto Szmww; hilgA: $btime = trim($_GET["\x62\x74\x69\155\145"]); goto pft3_; nMVY7: switch ($rs[$i]["\x69\x73\164\x72\141\156\163\x66\x65\x72"]) { case 1: $rs[$i]["\151\x73\164\162\x61\x6e\163\x66\x65\x72\x31"] = "\74\x66\x6f\x6e\164\x20\143\157\x6c\x6f\x72\75\x27\162\x65\x64\x27\x3e\xe5\220\246\74\x2f\146\157\x6e\164\x3e"; goto jOP9x; case 2: $rs[$i]["\151\x73\164\x72\141\x6e\x73\146\x65\162\x31"] = "\74\x66\x6f\x6e\164\x20\x63\157\154\157\162\75\x27\x67\x72\x65\145\x6e\47\x3e\xe6\230\257\74\57\x66\157\x6e\164\x3e"; goto jOP9x; case 3: $rs[$i]["\x69\x73\164\162\x61\x6e\x73\x66\145\162\x31"] = "\74\146\x6f\x6e\164\x20\143\157\154\157\x72\x3d\47\x62\154\x75\145\47\x3e\xe5\x86\xbb\xe7\273\x93\74\57\x66\157\156\164\x3e"; goto jOP9x; } goto iIxMx; eJgSm: $count = M("\x70\141\163\x73\145\x6e\147\145\x72\x5f\157\x72\144\145\x72")->where($where)->count(); goto lu52K; WGTSy: $ordernum = trim($_GET["\x6f\162\x64\145\162\x6e\165\x6d"]); goto JqmZa; Sg1Xp: RzTax: goto H708Z; Hqtn0: goto fqyh9; goto TmaIO; GxAyb: } public function passenger_order_alldel() { goto BNr7V; QECHn: if (M("\160\141\x73\x73\x65\x6e\147\145\x72\137\157\162\144\x65\x72")->where("\156\x69\144\x20\151\x6e\x20\50" . $allid . "\51")->delete()) { goto hJedq; } goto fBvYJ; YfDBe: $this->error("\xe9\235\236\346\xb3\x95\346\223\x8d\344\xbd\234"); goto ge77l; rdr0d: $i = 0; goto b1pMg; HXOfc: $data = array("\163\164\141\x74\x75\163" => 1, "\x72\145\x74\104\145\x73\143" => "\xe5\210\240\351\x99\244\346\x88\220\345\x8a\237"); goto GsI5B; OjLMh: vhXeP: goto ItEu2; fBvYJ: $data = array("\x73\164\x61\164\x75\163" => 0, "\x72\145\x74\x44\145\x73\x63" => "\345\x88\xa0\xe9\x99\244\xe5\xa4\261\xe8\264\245"); goto iOmiW; uhzAv: if (!$rs) { goto CJ2JG; } goto rdr0d; H3v7N: oo9HO: goto nG0Rc; Nh0Hs: $this->ajaxReturn($data); goto bFwaV; B4ZlC: goto plDLl; goto OjLMh; nG0Rc: $i++; goto B4ZlC; b1pMg: plDLl: goto m7udT; m4GTe: $rs = M("\160\141\x73\163\x65\156\147\x65\x72\137\157\x72\144\145\x72")->where("\156\151\x64\x20\x69\156\40\x28" . $allid . "\51")->select(); goto QECHn; MbovW: if (!(!isset($_POST["\x61\x6c\154\151\144"]) || trim($_POST["\x61\x6c\154\x69\x64"]) == '')) { goto F0FE6; } goto YfDBe; BNr7V: $this->mb(); goto MbovW; GsI5B: LijnQ: goto Nh0Hs; ge77l: F0FE6: goto wMd3J; wMd3J: $allid = substr(trim($_POST["\141\x6c\154\x69\144"]), 0, -1); goto m4GTe; m7udT: if (!($i < count($rs))) { goto vhXeP; } goto BZU1c; ItEu2: CJ2JG: goto HXOfc; iOmiW: goto LijnQ; goto ID88s; BZU1c: M("\x6d\145\155\142\x65\x72\137\x63\157\155\x70\154\141\x69\156")->where("\143\x6f\x6f\144\137\151\x64\x3d\x20" . $rs[$i]["\156\151\144"])->delete(); goto H3v7N; ID88s: hJedq: goto uhzAv; bFwaV: } public function refundtopassenger() { goto wBQ1y; y1KFu: $this->error("\xe8\xae\xb0\345\275\225\344\270\215\345\xad\x98\xe5\234\xa8"); goto ku4hE; mmhIt: send_aliyun_msg($rx["\x6d\x6f\x62\x69\154\145"], C("\141\x6c\151\x5f\163\x6d\163\x2e\x73\155\x73\x32\x32"), $paramString); goto j_wzI; fbomr: MwMRd: goto KGC93; G9zg0: $paramString = "\x7b\42\157\162\x64\x65\162\x6e\x75\155\42\x3a\42" . $rs["\157\162\144\x65\x72\x6e\x75\x6d"] . "\42\54\42\163\164\141\162\x74\151\156\x67\x5f\x70\x6c\x61\x63\x65\42\72\42" . $rs["\163\164\141\x72\x74\x69\156\147\137\x70\x6c\141\x63\x65"] . "\x22\x2c\42\145\156\x64\x5f\x70\154\141\143\145\x22\x3a\42" . $rs["\145\156\x64\x5f\160\x6c\x61\143\x65"] . "\42\175"; goto wXd2p; Vnibw: $this->error("\351\200\200\xe6\xac\276\346\x93\215\344\275\234\xe5\244\261\xe8\xb4\245"); goto F6uiz; nYidF: $rx = M("\x6d\x65\x6d\142\145\162")->where("\x6e\x69\144\75" . $rs["\143\x6f\x5f\151\x64"])->find(); goto G9zg0; xPJ1Y: kQIZU: goto N2iUp; lVMc0: o7IVT: goto ng32P; zpLtw: $this->success("\346\x93\215\344\275\x9c\346\210\x90\xe5\x8a\x9f"); goto xPJ1Y; dm4rH: if (!$rs["\162\x65\144\160\x61\x63\x6b\x65\144"]) { goto Y7Qhp; } goto Klwub; kl5qf: $cid = M("\x77\151\x74\x68\144\x72\x61\167\141\x6c\163")->data($brr)->add(); goto y996h; RO4ZC: $brr = array("\x6d\157\156\145\x79" => $x_deposit, "\156\x74\171\160\145" => 3, "\141\144\x64\x74\x69\x6d\x65" => $sj, "\x75\156\151\x61\143\151\x64" => $this->uniacid, "\157\162\x64\x65\162\156\165\155" => $rs["\157\162\144\x65\x72\156\165\155"]); goto F1JbB; y996h: $brr = array("\155\157\x6e\x65\171" => $p_deposit, "\x6e\143\154\141\x73\163" => 7, "\x61\x64\144\x74\151\155\x65" => $sj, "\x6d\137\151\x64" => $m_id, "\160\x69\x64" => $cid, "\x75\x6e\x69\x61\x63\151\x64" => $this->uniacid, "\156\x74\x79\x70\145" => 1); goto e0DWy; Klwub: M("\x6d\x65\155\x62\145\x72")->where("\156\151\144\x3d" . $m_id)->setInc("\x72\x65\x64\x70\x61\143\x6b\x65\144", $rs["\162\145\144\160\x61\x63\x6b\145\144"]); goto TyPE4; Cpa9w: M("\162\x65\144\160\141\143\153\x65\144\x5f\x64\x65\164\141\x69\154")->data($brr)->add(); goto vzMJZ; j_wzI: if (!(C("\160\x61\163\163\x65\156\x67\145\x72\x5f\x61\x77\x61\x72\x64\163\x5f\163\164\141\164\165\x73") == 2)) { goto FEwQR; } goto SQV2U; N2iUp: goto zzSV4; KGC93: FEwQR: goto zpLtw; SQV2U: if (C("\x70\141\x73\163\145\x6e\x67\145\x72\x5f\141\167\141\x72\144\163\x5f\x74\x79\160\x65") == 1) { goto o7IVT; } goto OiMvg; Kd8vX: M("\x6d\145\155\x62\x65\x72")->where("\156\x69\x64\75" . $m_id)->setInc("\x72\145\x64\160\x61\143\x6b\x65\144", $money); goto TPYPj; I93j8: $rt = M("\x6d\x65\155\142\145\x72")->where("\156\151\144\x3d" . $rs["\155\137\151\x64"])->find(); goto nYidF; AMb7e: M("\x6d\145\155\142\145\162")->where("\156\x69\144\x3d" . $co_id)->setDec("\144\x65\160\157\x73\x69\x74", $co_deposit); goto dm4rH; SMSzp: $rs = M("\x70\141\163\x73\x65\156\x67\145\x72\x5f\x6f\162\144\x65\x72")->where("\x6e\x69\144\75" . $nid)->find(); goto YJC9F; ku4hE: wu0B3: goto iTD3r; XKzEH: $brr = array("\x6d\x5f\x69\144" => $co_id, "\x61\x6d\157\x75\x6e\x74\137\x63\141\163\150" => $co_deposit, "\x6e\163\164\141\164\x75\x73" => 2, "\x70\x6c\141\x79\155\x6f\156\x65\x79\137\x74\x69\x6d\x65" => $sj, "\x72\145\141\x73\157\156" => "\xe6\211\xa3\351\231\xa4\350\275\246\344\xb8\xbb\xe6\212\xbc\351\207\221", "\141\x64\x64\x74\x69\155\x65" => $sj, "\x6e\143\154\141\163\x73" => 3, "\x6f\x72\x64\145\162\x6e\x75\155" => $rs["\x6f\x72\x64\145\162\156\x75\155"], "\165\156\x69\141\x63\x69\x64" => $this->uniacid, "\x74\162\141\x6e\163\141\143\164\151\157\x6e\x5f\x74\151\155\x65" => $sj); goto kl5qf; j6_60: $co_id = $rs["\143\157\x5f\151\144"]; goto kmTIS; WJ1LS: $field = array("\x69\x73\x70\x61\x79" => 3, "\x69\x73\x72\x65\x63\145\151\x70\x74" => 3, "\x69\x73\x74\x72\x61\x6e\163\x66\145\x72" => 2, "\151\163\163\x74\141\162\164" => 3); goto q34bl; EKcx8: $m_id = $rs["\x6d\x5f\x69\144"]; goto j6_60; vzMJZ: Y7Qhp: goto WJ1LS; S4x9D: EHwaM: goto fJ869; NwVFV: $x_deposit = round($car_owner["\144\145\160\x6f\x73\x69\x74"] * C("\x70\154\141\x74\146\x6f\x72\x6d\56\x70\x6c\141\164\137\143\x61\162\137\x6f\167\x6e\145\162\x31") * C("\x70\x6c\x61\x74\146\157\162\155\56\x70\154\x61\164\137\144\152\x5f\143\141\162\x5f\x6f\x77\156\x65\x72"), 2); goto QkASx; e0DWy: M("\x72\145\x76\145\156\165\x65\137\x64\x65\164\141\151\x6c")->data($brr)->add(); goto Sq_0U; TRpvm: if ($arr["\x72\145\163\x75\x6c\164\137\143\157\144\145"] == "\x53\x55\x43\103\105\x53\123" && $arr["\x72\x65\x74\165\162\x6e\137\143\x6f\144\x65"] == "\123\125\103\x43\x45\123\x53") { goto EHwaM; } goto Vnibw; wBQ1y: $this->mb(); goto U46pT; sLx_4: $sj = date("\x59\x2d\155\x2d\144\x20\x48\72\151\x3a\163"); goto EKcx8; U46pT: if (!(!isset($_GET["\156\x69\144"]) || intval($_GET["\x6e\x69\144"]) <= 0)) { goto d883v; } goto s2xjQ; TyPE4: $brr = array("\155\x5f\x69\x64" => $m_id, "\x6d\x6f\156\145\171" => $rs["\162\145\x64\x70\x61\143\x6b\x65\x64"], "\x6e\164\171\x70\x65" => 1, "\x61\144\x64\164\151\x6d\x65" => $sj, "\165\156\x69\x61\143\x69\144" => $this->uniacid, "\156\157\x74\x65" => "\xe9\200\200\346\xac\276\347\272\242\345\x8c\x85"); goto Cpa9w; iTD3r: $this->getConfig(); goto sLx_4; TPYPj: goto MwMRd; goto lVMc0; YJC9F: if ($rs) { goto wu0B3; } goto y1KFu; F6uiz: goto kQIZU; goto S4x9D; ng32P: M("\x6d\x65\155\x62\x65\x72")->where("\x6e\x69\x64\x3d" . $m_id)->setInc("\x72\x65\144\160\x61\143\153\145\144", C("\160\141\163\x73\x65\x6e\147\x65\162\x5f\141\x77\141\x72\x64\x73\x5f\166\x61\x6c\165\x65")); goto fbomr; sshif: $nid = intval($_GET["\156\x69\x64"]); goto SMSzp; wXd2p: send_aliyun_msg($rt["\155\x6f\x62\151\154\145"], C("\141\154\x69\137\163\155\163\56\163\x6d\x73\62\62"), $paramString); goto mmhIt; yG1Fx: d883v: goto sshif; kmTIS: $car_owner = M("\155\145\x6d\x62\x65\162")->where("\156\151\144\75" . $co_id)->find(); goto NwVFV; s2xjQ: $this->error("\xe5\217\202\346\225\xb0\xe4\270\x8d\xe6\xad\xa3\347\xa1\256"); goto yG1Fx; dCm46: $p_deposit = round($co_deposit - $x_deposit, 2); goto RO4ZC; QkASx: $co_deposit = round($car_owner["\x64\x65\x70\x6f\163\151\164"] * C("\x70\154\x61\164\x66\157\x72\x6d\56\x70\x6c\141\164\137\x63\x61\162\x5f\x6f\167\x6e\145\162\x31"), 2); goto dCm46; fJ869: M("\x6d\145\155\x62\145\162")->where("\x6e\x69\x64\x3d" . $m_id)->setInc("\x61\x63\x63\157\x75\x6e\164\x5f\x61\155\157\165\x6e\x74", $p_deposit); goto AMb7e; F1JbB: M("\x70\154\141\x74\x66\x6f\x72\155\x5f\151\x6e\x63\157\x6d\x65")->data($brr)->add(); goto XKzEH; OiMvg: $money = round($rs["\155\157\156\x65\x79"] * C("\x70\x61\x73\163\x65\x6e\x67\145\x72\137\x61\x77\x61\162\144\163\137\x76\141\x6c\x75\x65") / 100, 2); goto Kd8vX; Sq_0U: $arr = pc_passenger_task_refund($rs["\157\x72\x64\x65\x72\156\x75\x6d"], $rs["\x74\x72\141\156\x73\141\143\164\x69\157\x6e\137\151\144"], round($rs["\x6d\157\x6e\x65\x79"] - $rs["\x72\145\144\x70\x61\143\153\x65\144"], 2) * 100); goto TRpvm; q34bl: M("\x70\141\x73\163\x65\x6e\x67\145\162\x5f\157\162\x64\145\162")->where("\156\151\x64\x3d" . $nid)->setField($field); goto I93j8; zzSV4: } public function transfertocar_owner() { goto sksK4; It_eQ: $this->success("\xe6\x93\215\xe4\275\x9c\346\210\220\xe5\x8a\237"); goto Fb7nR; uIM0W: if ($t_money > $redpacked) { goto q8JiY; } goto hSZzz; KkvbY: goto jF0IA; goto t5Ose; xZBB0: $this->error("\xe9\200\x80\346\xac\276\xe6\223\215\xe4\275\234\xe5\xa4\261\xe8\xb4\245"); goto W5M0y; sA7Zq: $co_id = $rs["\143\x6f\137\151\x64"]; goto TWYhy; wtLLu: $arr = pc_order_refund($rs["\157\162\x64\x65\162\156\x75\155"], $rs["\x74\162\x61\x6e\163\141\x63\x74\x69\x6f\156\x5f\151\x64"], round($rs["\155\x6f\156\x65\x79"] - $redpacked, 2) * 100, round($t_money - $redpacked, 2) * 100); goto lzi0j; w28HJ: if (!$t_money) { goto t8KSd; } goto vo9v4; w6h4n: JjT8T: goto nC5Pz; h07fH: q8JiY: goto wtLLu; ILaRA: M("\162\x65\x76\x65\156\165\x65\x5f\x64\145\164\141\151\x6c")->data($brr)->add(); goto Ku9PA; szrdz: $paramString = "\x7b\x22\x6f\x72\144\x65\x72\156\x75\x6d\x22\x3a\x22" . $rs["\157\162\144\x65\162\x6e\x75\155"] . "\x22\x2c\42\x73\164\141\162\x74\151\156\147\137\160\x6c\141\143\x65\42\x3a\42" . $rs["\x73\164\x61\x72\164\x69\156\147\x5f\160\154\x61\143\145"] . "\42\54\42\x65\156\144\137\x70\154\x61\x63\145\x22\x3a\x22" . $rs["\x65\156\144\x5f\160\154\x61\x63\x65"] . "\x22\x7d"; goto ivqL8; TWYhy: $redpacked = $rs["\162\145\144\x70\x61\x63\x6b\x65\144"]; goto NGP0C; JjeyX: M("\x6d\x65\x6d\142\x65\162")->where("\156\x69\144\x3d" . $co_id)->setInc("\x61\x63\x63\157\165\156\164\x5f\141\x6d\157\165\x6e\x74", C("\143\157\137\141\167\x61\162\144\x73\x5f\x76\141\x6c\x75\x65")); goto lXlfZ; aJ4ck: send_aliyun_msg($rt["\x6d\157\142\151\x6c\145"], C("\141\154\x69\x5f\x73\155\x73\56\163\155\163\x32\x32"), $paramString); goto U_WEd; N_4CP: $field = array("\x69\163\x70\141\x79" => 3, "\151\x73\x72\x65\143\145\151\160\164" => 3, "\x69\163\x74\x72\141\156\x73\146\145\162" => 2, "\x75\156\x69\x61\x63\x69\144" => $this->uniacid, "\x69\x73\x73\164\141\162\x74" => 3); goto wDBx9; yDPWA: $money = round($rs["\x6d\157\156\x65\x79"] * C("\143\x6f\137\141\167\x61\x72\x64\163\x5f\x76\141\154\165\x65") / 100, 2); goto lohfL; hSZzz: M("\x6d\145\x6d\142\x65\162")->where("\156\151\x64\75" . $m_id)->setInc("\162\145\x64\x70\x61\143\153\x65\144", $t_money); goto w28HJ; W5M0y: goto v3Jje; goto fpag8; SvmCR: $rx = M("\x6d\145\x6d\x62\145\162")->where("\x6e\151\x64\x3d" . $rs["\x63\x6f\137\x69\x64"])->find(); goto szrdz; rUSmT: $m_id = $rs["\155\137\151\x64"]; goto sA7Zq; CY6Wg: GJ0HE: goto BgdGJ; M5Ghk: send_aliyun_msg($rx["\x6d\157\x62\x69\x6c\x65"], C("\141\x6c\x69\137\x73\155\163\x2e\163\155\163\x32\62"), $paramString); goto It_eQ; ecAlG: DZKXZ: goto XIUuf; bdDBN: M("\x70\x6c\x61\x74\146\x6f\x72\155\137\x69\156\x63\x6f\155\145")->data($brr)->add(); goto iTlah; U_WEd: send_aliyun_msg($rx["\155\157\142\x69\154\x65"], C("\x61\x6c\x69\x5f\163\x6d\x73\56\163\x6d\x73\62\62"), $paramString); goto ou0ct; XDxr3: $brr = array("\x6d\x6f\156\x65\171" => $car_owner_money, "\156\143\x6c\x61\x73\163" => 7, "\x61\144\x64\164\151\x6d\145" => $sj, "\x6d\x5f\151\144" => $co_id, "\160\151\144" => $cid, "\165\x6e\151\x61\143\x69\x64" => $this->uniacid, "\156\164\171\160\x65" => 1); goto ILaRA; vo9v4: $brr = array("\155\x5f\151\144" => $m_id, "\155\x6f\x6e\145\171" => $t_money, "\156\x74\x79\160\x65" => 1, "\141\144\x64\164\x69\x6d\145" => $sj, "\x75\156\151\141\x63\151\x64" => $this->uniacid, "\156\157\164\x65" => "\xe9\x80\200\346\xac\xbe\xe7\272\242\xe5\x8c\x85"); goto GL_0M; SLB9c: $this->error("\xe8\xae\xb0\345\xbd\225\xe4\xb8\x8d\xe5\xad\230\345\234\xa8"); goto w6h4n; bZWTv: $paramString = "\173\42\157\x72\x64\145\x72\156\x75\155\x22\x3a\42" . $rs["\x6f\162\144\145\162\156\165\155"] . "\x22\x2c\42\163\164\141\162\x74\x69\x6e\147\137\x70\154\x61\143\145\x22\72\42" . $rs["\x73\164\141\x72\164\151\156\147\137\x70\x6c\141\x63\145"] . "\42\x2c\x22\x65\x6e\x64\137\x70\154\141\143\145\x22\72\x22" . $rs["\x65\156\144\x5f\160\154\x61\143\145"] . "\42\175"; goto aJ4ck; AiyC9: $field = array("\151\163\x70\141\x79" => 3, "\x69\163\162\145\143\x65\151\x70\x74" => 3, "\151\x73\164\x72\141\156\163\146\x65\162" => 2, "\x69\163\163\x74\141\162\x74" => 3); goto XCA4B; Jxf1B: v3Jje: goto iWEe7; Ku9PA: M("\155\145\x6d\x62\145\162")->where("\x6e\x69\144\x3d" . $co_id)->setInc("\141\143\143\157\165\x6e\x74\x5f\141\x6d\x6f\165\156\x74", $car_owner_money); goto uIM0W; w63wj: QawXp: goto N_4CP; opnn0: M("\162\145\144\160\141\x63\x6b\145\144\137\144\145\164\141\151\x6c")->data($brr)->add(); goto w63wj; SiTIx: $rt = M("\x6d\145\x6d\x62\x65\x72")->where("\x6e\151\x64\75" . $rs["\155\137\151\144"])->find(); goto MFXm5; bQ9W8: $car_owner_money = round($s_money - $x_money, 2); goto lhin7; ivqL8: send_aliyun_msg($rt["\155\157\142\151\154\x65"], C("\x61\154\x69\137\x73\155\x73\x2e\163\155\163\x32\62"), $paramString); goto M5Ghk; Fb7nR: goto DZKXZ; goto h07fH; wW9TV: $this->error("\345\217\202\xe6\x95\xb0\344\270\x8d\346\255\243\347\xa1\xae"); goto l5i23; lyxW6: $nid = intval($_GET["\156\151\144"]); goto HBPYL; G3HKf: if ($rs) { goto JjT8T; } goto SLB9c; qLG07: if (C("\143\x6f\137\x61\167\141\162\144\163\x5f\164\x79\160\x65") == 1) { goto GJ2oM; } goto yDPWA; BgdGJ: $this->success("\346\223\215\344\275\x9c\346\x88\220\345\212\237"); goto Jxf1B; lzi0j: if ($arr["\x72\145\163\165\x6c\164\x5f\x63\157\144\x65"] == "\123\x55\103\103\x45\123\123" && $arr["\x72\x65\x74\x75\x72\x6e\x5f\143\157\144\x65"] == "\123\125\103\x43\105\x53\123") { goto PQz2b; } goto xZBB0; sksK4: $this->mb(); goto lpQlb; lXlfZ: jF0IA: goto CY6Wg; ZPEtX: $cid = M("\167\x69\x74\150\144\x72\x61\x77\141\x6c\x73")->data($brr)->add(); goto XDxr3; wDBx9: M("\160\x61\x73\163\145\156\147\145\162\137\157\x72\x64\145\162")->where("\x6e\151\x64\x3d" . $nid)->setField($field); goto SiTIx; t5Ose: GJ2oM: goto JjeyX; l5i23: mueu_: goto lyxW6; xz3qa: t8KSd: goto AiyC9; nC5Pz: $this->getConfig(); goto NNIHc; iTlah: $brr = array("\155\x5f\151\144" => $co_id, "\141\155\x6f\165\156\164\137\143\141\x73\150" => $car_owner_money, "\156\163\x74\x61\x74\x75\x73" => 2, "\160\154\141\171\x6d\x6f\156\x65\x79\x5f\164\x69\x6d\145" => $sj, "\162\x65\x61\163\x6f\156" => "\xe6\211\243\351\x99\xa4\350\xbd\246\xe4\275\215\350\264\271", "\141\144\x64\x74\151\x6d\145" => $sj, "\156\x63\154\x61\x73\x73" => 4, "\x6f\162\x64\145\162\156\165\x6d" => $rs["\157\x72\144\x65\x72\156\x75\155"], "\x75\x6e\151\141\x63\x69\x64" => $this->uniacid, "\x74\x72\x61\156\163\x61\x63\x74\x69\157\x6e\x5f\164\x69\x6d\145" => $sj); goto ZPEtX; NGP0C: $x_money = round($rs["\155\157\x6e\145\x79"] * C("\160\x6c\x61\x74\146\x6f\162\x6d\56\x70\154\141\164\137\x70\x61\x73\x73\x65\156\147\x65\162\62") * C("\160\154\141\164\146\x6f\162\x6d\56\160\x6c\x61\x74\137\144\x6a\x5f\160\x61\x73\x73\145\x6e\147\x65\162"), 2); goto lRtIs; neo4o: M("\x6d\145\x6d\x62\145\162")->where("\156\151\x64\75" . $m_id)->setInc("\x72\145\144\160\x61\x63\x6b\145\x64", $rs["\x72\x65\x64\160\141\143\153\145\144"]); goto jXCYH; jXCYH: if (!$rs["\162\145\x64\160\141\143\x6b\145\144"]) { goto QawXp; } goto qFdXE; lRtIs: $s_money = round($rs["\155\157\156\145\x79"] * C("\x70\154\141\x74\x66\x6f\162\155\56\x70\154\141\x74\137\x70\141\x73\x73\x65\156\x67\x65\162\x32"), 2); goto bQ9W8; XCA4B: M("\x70\141\x73\163\145\x6e\x67\145\162\137\157\162\144\145\162")->where("\156\151\x64\75" . $nid)->setField($field); goto bcsJu; HBPYL: $rs = M("\160\141\x73\163\145\156\147\x65\x72\x5f\157\x72\x64\145\x72")->where("\156\151\x64\x3d" . $nid)->find(); goto G3HKf; iWEe7: goto ecAlG; GL_0M: M("\162\145\144\x70\141\143\x6b\x65\144\137\x64\x65\164\x61\x69\154")->data($brr)->add(); goto xz3qa; MFXm5: $rx = M("\x6d\x65\155\142\145\162")->where("\x6e\x69\x64\x3d" . $rs["\x63\x6f\137\151\144"])->find(); goto bZWTv; qFdXE: $brr = array("\155\x5f\151\x64" => $m_id, "\155\157\x6e\x65\171" => $rs["\x72\x65\x64\160\x61\x63\153\x65\144"], "\156\164\x79\160\x65" => 1, "\141\144\x64\x74\151\x6d\145" => $sj, "\x75\156\151\x61\x63\151\144" => $this->uniacid, "\156\157\164\x65" => "\xe9\200\200\346\xac\276\xe7\272\xa2\xe5\x8c\x85"); goto opnn0; NNIHc: $sj = date("\131\x2d\x6d\55\x64\40\110\72\151\x3a\163"); goto rUSmT; lpQlb: if (!(!isset($_GET["\156\x69\144"]) || intval($_GET["\x6e\151\144"]) <= 0)) { goto mueu_; } goto wW9TV; XIUuf: goto Ac3zH; fpag8: PQz2b: goto neo4o; bcsJu: $rt = M("\x6d\x65\x6d\142\145\162")->where("\x6e\151\144\75" . $rs["\155\x5f\x69\144"])->find(); goto SvmCR; ou0ct: if (!(C("\143\157\137\x61\x77\141\x72\144\163\x5f\163\x74\141\x74\x75\163") == 2)) { goto GJ0HE; } goto qLG07; Jy8R4: $brr = array("\155\x6f\156\x65\171" => $x_money, "\156\164\171\160\x65" => 3, "\141\144\144\164\151\155\145" => $sj, "\x75\156\x69\x61\143\151\x64" => $this->uniacid, "\x6f\162\x64\145\162\x6e\x75\155" => $rs["\157\162\144\x65\162\x6e\165\x6d"]); goto bdDBN; lohfL: M("\x6d\145\155\x62\145\x72")->where("\156\x69\x64\75" . $co_id)->setInc("\x61\143\x63\157\x75\156\x74\137\x61\155\x6f\x75\x6e\164", $money); goto KkvbY; lhin7: $t_money = round($rs["\155\157\x6e\145\171"] - $s_money, 2); goto Jy8R4; Ac3zH: } public function member_complain() { goto NVwJU; uFmOn: goto ZPF6Y; goto EUClf; J3ZPZ: $rs[$i]["\x6d\x6f\142\x69\x6c\145"] = $rt["\x6d\157\142\x69\x6c\x65"]; goto xoubA; BC0ZA: eouYp: goto AA3su; tvKEh: if (!($i < count($rs))) { goto qw0rN; } goto fTBh3; EUClf: qw0rN: goto KZIHY; AA3su: $rs[$i]["\156\x63\154\141\x73\x73"] = "\xe4\271\230\xe5\xae\xa2\72"; goto efjZi; By6dI: $this->display(); goto qgLYY; B2b7w: $rs[$i]["\157\x72\144\x65\162\x6e\x75\155"] = $rt["\x6f\x72\144\145\x72\x6e\x75\x6d"]; goto ZxScl; NVwJU: $this->mb(); goto IJpm5; IJpm5: if (!(!isset($_GET["\156\151\144"]) || intval($_GET["\x6e\x69\144"]) <= 0)) { goto JZ2v3; } goto Br3m1; IOQJX: $rs[$i]["\160\151\143\x70\141\164\x68"] = $arr; goto x2KEx; GK6F1: Of1bn: goto L3Upo; t1l91: $i++; goto uFmOn; DDb46: $this->page = $page->show(); goto UrrMT; YEysI: $rs[$i]["\x6e\x63\x6c\141\163\x73"] = "\xe6\227\240\xef\274\232"; goto dp0ku; F0sth: $nid = I("\x6e\x69\144", 0, "\x69\x6e\164\166\x61\154"); goto wTzLE; UrrMT: $rs = M("\155\145\x6d\x62\x65\x72\x5f\x63\157\155\160\154\x61\x69\x6e")->order("\156\x69\x64\x20\144\x65\163\143")->where($where)->limit($limit)->select(); goto Q7Lr8; DwTID: $arr = array(); goto YAbje; mbbrj: $this->count = $count; goto gcQVk; fTBh3: $rt = M("\155\145\x6d\142\145\162")->where("\x6e\151\144\75" . $rs[$i]["\x6d\x5f\151\144"])->find(); goto J3ZPZ; Br3m1: $this->error("\xe9\235\x9e\346\xb3\x95\xe6\x93\215\344\xbd\x9c"); goto pueRx; xoubA: if ($rs[$i]["\156\x63\154\141\x73\163"] > 0) { goto bkk_n; } goto YEysI; YAbje: foreach ($pic as $k => $v) { array_push($arr, $v); J4N9G: } goto zxySz; JNv5A: bkk_n: goto oXvz6; chEs6: goto TuEIb; goto BC0ZA; wTzLE: $where = "\143\157\157\144\137\151\144\75" . $nid . "\x20\x61\156\x64\40\x75\x6e\x69\141\x63\x69\144\75" . $this->uniacid . "\x20"; goto RYQAz; gcQVk: $page = new Page($count, 10); goto sbvo7; Q7Lr8: $i = 0; goto gUcn1; sbvo7: $limit = $page->firstRow . "\54" . $page->listRows; goto DDb46; ZxScl: pPtQe: goto t1l91; L3Upo: $pic = explode("\54", $rs[$i]["\160\x69\143\x70\x61\x74\150"]); goto DwTID; zIUAC: $rs[$i]["\156\x63\x6c\x61\163\x73"] = "\350\xbd\246\344\270\273\x3a"; goto chEs6; zxySz: sqCpP: goto IOQJX; dp0ku: goto Of1bn; goto JNv5A; efjZi: TuEIb: goto GK6F1; oXvz6: if ($rs[$i]["\156\143\154\x61\x73\x73"] == 1) { goto eouYp; } goto zIUAC; x2KEx: $rt = M("\160\x61\x73\163\145\x6e\x67\145\x72\137\x6f\162\144\x65\x72")->where("\156\x69\144\x3d" . $rs[$i]["\143\x6f\x6f\144\137\151\x64"])->find(); goto B2b7w; pueRx: JZ2v3: goto F0sth; RYQAz: $count = M("\155\x65\x6d\x62\145\162\x5f\x63\157\x6d\160\x6c\x61\151\x6e")->where($where)->count(); goto mbbrj; gUcn1: ZPF6Y: goto tvKEh; KZIHY: $this->rs = $rs; goto By6dI; qgLYY: } public function car_owner_order() { goto lC2pd; fTkD8: switch ($rs[$i]["\151\x73\x72\145\143\145\x69\x70\164"]) { case 1: $rs[$i]["\x69\x73\x72\x65\143\145\x69\160\x74\61"] = "\x3c\146\157\x6e\164\x20\x63\x6f\154\157\x72\75\x27\x72\145\144\x27\x3e\xe6\x97\xa0\xe4\xba\xba\346\216\xa5\xe5\x8d\225\x3c\x2f\146\157\x6e\164\x3e"; goto Srnsb; case 2: $rs[$i]["\x69\163\162\x65\143\x65\x69\x70\x74\x31"] = "\74\x66\x6f\156\x74\40\143\157\154\157\162\x3d\x27\147\162\x65\145\156\x27\x3e\xe5\267\xb2\xe6\x8e\xa5\xe5\x8d\225\x3c\x2f\146\157\x6e\x74\76"; goto Srnsb; case 3: $rs[$i]["\x69\163\162\x65\143\x65\x69\x70\164\x31"] = "\x3c\x66\157\156\164\x20\x63\157\154\x6f\162\75\47\x62\x6c\x75\x65\x27\x3e\xe8\241\x8c\347\xa8\x8b\347\273\223\xe6\x9d\x9f\x3c\x2f\x66\157\156\x74\76"; goto Srnsb; } goto QzTkd; ZAhsK: goto xBDLz; goto vi2aG; QzTkd: UQk2z: goto L7553; hFNCo: goto qyZPI; goto O0z0W; TwJVw: $page = new Page($count, 8); goto aPe8l; UUiKv: cCQPN: goto NILpH; oIObZ: $this->btime = ''; goto RcUL1; r0O_b: if (isset($_GET["\151\x73\x5f\146\x6c\141\147"]) && intval($_GET["\151\163\137\146\x6c\141\147"]) > 0) { goto ZAUX4; } goto KYMXL; WbvD1: Z3iLE: goto qBPMZ; aF3RU: switch ($rs[$i]["\x63\141\x6e\143\145\154\x5f\x6f\x72\x64\x65\x72"]) { case 1: $rs[$i]["\143\x61\156\143\x65\x6c\137\x6f\x72\x64\x65\x72\61"] = "\x3c\146\157\x6e\x74\x20\x63\157\x6c\157\x72\75\x27\162\145\144\47\x3e\xe5\x90\246\x3c\57\146\x6f\156\164\76"; goto t1d5r; case 2: $rs[$i]["\143\x61\156\143\145\154\137\157\162\x64\145\162\61"] = "\x3c\x66\x6f\156\164\40\x63\x6f\154\157\162\x3d\x27\147\162\145\145\156\47\x3e\346\x98\257\x3c\57\146\x6f\x6e\x74\76"; goto t1d5r; case 3: $rs[$i]["\x63\141\x6e\143\145\154\x5f\x6f\x72\144\x65\162\61"] = "\74\x66\x6f\x6e\x74\x20\143\x6f\154\157\x72\75\x27\x62\154\165\145\x27\76\345\x86\xbb\xe7\xbb\223\x3c\x2f\x66\157\x6e\164\x3e"; goto t1d5r; default: $rs[$i]["\x63\141\156\143\145\x6c\x5f\x6f\162\144\145\x72\61"] = "\346\227\240"; } goto dqGar; lC2pd: $this->mb(); goto rwNiq; JFJq_: ETgda: goto fTkD8; RcUL1: goto AodSC; goto B1rsg; Lmhk6: FZBMy: goto OqkFj; o5BSQ: rEIOK: goto Jul1y; L1HRh: $this->ordernum = $ordernum; goto GNrJW; o2Hlu: goto rEIOK; goto BYfn1; J1q7T: $this->etime = ''; goto hFNCo; Tmauz: goto yT6GG; goto AjrQL; sknbT: d81Ks: goto mojxf; UBvJE: $this->count = $count; goto TwJVw; O0z0W: Z0pJ7: goto U0FsS; OqkFj: $cancel_order = intval($_GET["\143\x61\156\143\145\x6c\137\157\x72\144\x65\162"]); goto X1Qjx; Ixb2x: xBDLz: goto r0O_b; dqGar: bpcrs: goto e1CQT; qCVq8: if (!$rs) { goto cBlM4; } goto X0nbT; gnIl6: $this->display(); goto wI9TV; AjrQL: R9RmU: goto Rk8tY; Vp_E4: goto cCQPN; goto Lmhk6; NoK35: $rt = M("\x6d\145\155\142\145\162")->where("\156\151\144\x3d" . $rs[$i]["\143\157\137\x69\144"])->find(); goto n9_Xp; CnsqF: $where .= "\x20\x61\156\144\x20\x20\141\x64\x64\164\x69\155\x65\x3c\75\47" . date("\x59\x2d\155\x2d\144\x20\62\x33\x3a\65\x39\x3a\65\71", strtotime($etime)) . "\x27"; goto bqgLo; mMHcO: if (isset($_GET["\x65\x74\151\x6d\145"]) && trim($_GET["\x65\x74\151\155\x65"]) != '') { goto Z0pJ7; } goto J1q7T; vi2aG: ivmEl: goto hsme0; Rk8tY: $ordernum = trim($_GET["\157\x72\144\x65\162\x6e\165\155"]); goto L1HRh; dkv0S: $this->cancel_order = 0; goto Vp_E4; JiA9q: $where .= "\40\141\156\x64\x20\x69\163\x5f\146\154\x61\x67\x3d" . $is_flag; goto WbvD1; bqgLo: $this->etime = $etime; goto qMBpz; U0FsS: $etime = trim($_GET["\145\x74\151\155\145"]); goto CnsqF; qMBpz: qyZPI: goto Zb6u1; jsTsl: $this->ordernum = ''; goto Tmauz; KYMXL: $this->is_flag = 0; goto xbgCs; SyFKH: AodSC: goto mMHcO; L7553: Srnsb: goto aF3RU; AzAg0: switch ($rs[$i]["\156\163\164\x61\x74\165\163"]) { case 1: $rs[$i]["\x6e\163\164\x61\x74\x75\x73\61"] = "\74\146\157\156\x74\x20\143\x6f\154\x6f\162\x3d\47\162\x65\x64\x27\x3e\xe4\xb8\x8b\346\236\xb6\74\x2f\146\x6f\x6e\x74\76"; goto ETgda; case 2: $rs[$i]["\x6e\x73\164\x61\164\x75\x73\x31"] = "\74\x66\x6f\x6e\164\x20\143\157\154\x6f\x72\x3d\47\x67\x72\145\145\156\47\76\344\xb8\212\346\236\xb6\x3c\x2f\x66\x6f\156\x74\x3e"; goto ETgda; } goto CYeYT; NILpH: if (isset($_GET["\x6f\x72\x64\x65\x72\x6e\x75\155"]) && trim($_GET["\x6f\x72\x64\x65\162\156\165\x6d"]) != '') { goto R9RmU; } goto jsTsl; Jul1y: if (!($i < count($rs))) { goto Qwvrg; } goto NoK35; MCayH: yT6GG: goto osP50; n9_Xp: $rs[$i]["\155\x5f\167\x78\137\156\151\143\x6b\x6e\141\x6d\145"] = $rt["\167\x78\137\156\151\x63\153\156\x61\x6d\145"]; goto INCmL; tRTe3: $where .= "\x20\x61\156\x64\x20\151\163\162\x65\x63\145\151\x70\164\75" . $isreceipt; goto Ixb2x; X1Qjx: $this->cancel_order = $cancel_order; goto wwWpU; BYfn1: Qwvrg: goto VVgy5; W0ySw: $this->btime = $btime; goto SyFKH; aPe8l: $limit = $page->firstRow . "\54" . $page->listRows; goto O4_yn; O4_yn: $this->page = $page->show(); goto yxZaD; yxZaD: $rs = M("\143\x61\x72\137\x6f\167\x6e\x65\162\x5f\x6f\x72\x64\x65\x72")->order("\156\151\x64\40\144\x65\x73\143")->where($where)->limit($limit)->select(); goto qCVq8; xbgCs: goto Z3iLE; goto j0Eim; INCmL: $rs[$i]["\x6d\x5f\x6d\157\142\x69\154\x65"] = $rt["\155\157\142\151\x6c\x65"]; goto AzAg0; osP50: if (isset($_GET["\142\x74\151\x6d\145"]) && trim($_GET["\142\164\151\x6d\145"]) != '') { goto iRcIz; } goto oIObZ; VVgy5: cBlM4: goto LMO3I; X0nbT: $i = 0; goto o5BSQ; GNrJW: $where .= "\40\141\x6e\x64\40\157\162\144\145\x72\156\x75\x6d\75\47" . $ordernum . "\47"; goto MCayH; S2bXQ: $this->is_flag = $is_flag; goto JiA9q; az7Mb: $btime = trim($_GET["\x62\164\151\x6d\x65"]); goto eq20v; Vk2iO: if (isset($_GET["\x69\x73\x72\x65\143\x65\151\x70\x74"]) && intval($_GET["\151\163\162\145\x63\145\x69\x70\164"]) > 0) { goto ivmEl; } goto Utku7; Utku7: $this->isreceipt = 0; goto ZAhsK; hsme0: $isreceipt = intval($_GET["\x69\163\x72\x65\x63\x65\151\160\164"]); goto LJXBK; wwWpU: $where .= "\x20\x61\156\144\x20\x63\x61\x6e\143\x65\154\x5f\157\162\144\145\162\75" . $cancel_order; goto UUiKv; LJXBK: $this->isreceipt = $isreceipt; goto tRTe3; Zb6u1: $count = M("\x63\x61\x72\x5f\x6f\x77\x6e\145\x72\137\x6f\x72\144\145\162")->where($where)->count(); goto UBvJE; qBPMZ: if (isset($_GET["\x63\x61\x6e\x63\x65\x6c\137\157\x72\144\x65\x72"]) && intval($_GET["\143\x61\156\x63\x65\154\137\157\162\144\x65\162"]) > 0) { goto FZBMy; } goto dkv0S; B1rsg: iRcIz: goto az7Mb; LMO3I: $this->rs = $rs; goto gnIl6; CYeYT: qh_XM: goto JFJq_; e1CQT: t1d5r: goto sknbT; eq20v: $where .= "\40\x61\x6e\144\x20\x20\141\x64\x64\164\151\x6d\145\76\x3d\x27" . date("\131\x2d\155\x2d\x64\40\x30\60\x3a\60\60\x3a\60\60", strtotime($btime)) . "\x27"; goto W0ySw; mojxf: $i++; goto o2Hlu; rwNiq: $where = "\x20\x75\x6e\x69\141\143\151\x64\x3d" . $this->uniacid . "\x20"; goto Vk2iO; j0Eim: ZAUX4: goto ZaYtn; ZaYtn: $is_flag = intval($_GET["\x69\163\x5f\x66\154\141\147"]); goto S2bXQ; wI9TV: } public function car_owner_order_alldel() { goto cuNws; PxmV0: $i = 0; goto m3_kg; EHZZb: goto gkb1b; goto JDpnc; a7IaB: vhuwn: goto q3vuo; N7T2j: $this->error("\xe9\x9d\x9e\xe6\xb3\x95\xe6\223\215\xe4\275\x9c"); goto qU9Et; i1dNI: $data = array("\163\x74\x61\x74\165\x73" => 0, "\162\145\164\104\x65\163\143" => "\xe5\x88\240\351\x99\xa4\345\244\xb1\350\264\xa5"); goto EHZZb; m3_kg: j0gLr: goto ZRGsY; xhsq9: gkb1b: goto doLNK; qU9Et: qWVET: goto SsRyU; dcV1L: if (M("\143\x61\x72\x5f\x6f\x77\x6e\145\x72\x5f\x6f\x72\144\145\x72")->where("\x6e\x69\144\x20\151\x6e\40\50" . $allid . "\51")->delete()) { goto dl0qU; } goto i1dNI; y29IL: $k++; goto KbR6d; vT4eq: M("\x63\x61\x72\x5f\x6f\167\156\x65\x72\137\157\162\x64\145\x72\x5f\143\x6f\x6d\160\x6c\141\151\x6e")->where("\x70\x69\144\75\40" . $rt[$k]["\x6e\151\144"])->delete(); goto BaVZ0; jnMhD: rfyCi: goto a7IaB; o1GKl: YJ06C: goto CFMR5; BaVZ0: NWHF0: goto y29IL; q3vuo: $i++; goto k9Noo; GFUo1: M("\143\x61\162\137\x6f\167\156\x65\x72\137\x6f\162\x64\145\162\137\144\145\x74\x61\151\x6c\x73")->where("\x63\x6f\x6f\x5f\151\144\x3d\40" . $rs[$i]["\x6e\151\144"])->delete(); goto i01xT; pBUTb: $data = array("\x73\x74\141\x74\x75\x73" => 1, "\x72\x65\x74\x44\145\163\x63" => "\xe5\x88\240\xe9\231\xa4\xe6\x88\220\xe5\212\x9f"); goto xhsq9; SsRyU: $allid = substr(trim($_POST["\x61\x6c\x6c\151\x64"]), 0, -1); goto ZLPli; JDpnc: dl0qU: goto de5cx; Ia4ZS: NCH37: goto pBUTb; HSvVR: if (!(!isset($_POST["\141\154\154\151\144"]) || trim($_POST["\x61\154\154\x69\x64"]) == '')) { goto qWVET; } goto N7T2j; RUDkz: $rt = M("\x63\141\x72\x5f\x6f\167\x6e\x65\162\137\x6f\x72\144\145\x72\137\x64\x65\x74\x61\x69\154\163")->where("\143\x6f\x6f\x5f\151\x64\x3d\40" . $rs[$i]["\x6e\x69\144"])->select(); goto GFUo1; doLNK: $this->ajaxReturn($data); goto q_o3c; de5cx: if (!$rs) { goto NCH37; } goto PxmV0; KbR6d: goto YJ06C; goto jnMhD; k9Noo: goto j0gLr; goto ZTJ6U; ZRGsY: if (!($i < count($rs))) { goto XfvPg; } goto RUDkz; ZTJ6U: XfvPg: goto Ia4ZS; cuNws: $this->mb(); goto HSvVR; CFMR5: if (!($k < count($rt))) { goto rfyCi; } goto vT4eq; i01xT: $k = 0; goto o1GKl; ZLPli: $rs = M("\x63\141\x72\x5f\157\167\x6e\145\x72\x5f\x6f\162\144\145\x72")->where("\156\151\x64\40\x69\x6e\40\50" . $allid . "\51")->select(); goto dcV1L; q_o3c: } public function car_owner_order_details() { goto xGVXM; JNQO1: $this->istransfer = $istransfer; goto vxFrm; CneBM: $this->ispay = 0; goto hgLGG; xGVXM: $this->mb(); goto vsJYl; vsJYl: if (!(!isset($_GET["\156\151\x64"]) || intval($_GET["\x6e\151\144"]) <= 0)) { goto NFs3Y; } goto vqST1; tpCBn: if (!($i < count($rs))) { goto Mq5Vo; } goto kQUGA; loSnQ: $this->display(); goto L5zSy; tMMPA: $rt = M("\155\x65\x6d\x62\x65\x72")->where("\x6e\151\144\75" . $rt["\143\157\137\151\144"])->find(); goto rHfvF; vk5r5: XYVhB: goto owRaZ; U1UGD: $this->nid = $nid; goto cuynp; KaKEU: RbX0q: goto lLHgA; qIWlX: switch ($rs[$i]["\x63\x61\156\143\145\154\137\157\x72\x64\x65\x72"]) { case 0: $rs[$i]["\x63\141\x6e\143\145\154\137\157\x72\x64\145\x72\x31"] = "\xe6\227\240"; goto Sl5Zu; case 1: $rs[$i]["\143\x61\156\x63\145\x6c\x5f\x6f\162\144\x65\x72\x31"] = "\xe5\215\x8f\345\x95\x86\345\x8f\226\xe6\xb6\x88"; goto Sl5Zu; case 2: $rs[$i]["\143\x61\x6e\143\145\x6c\x5f\x6f\x72\x64\145\x72\x31"] = "\347\x9b\264\346\216\xa5\xe5\217\226\xe6\266\210"; goto Sl5Zu; case 3: $rs[$i]["\143\x61\x6e\x63\145\x6c\x5f\x6f\x72\x64\x65\x72\61"] = "\346\227\240\346\xb3\225\xe8\x81\224\xe7\xb3\xbb\xe4\271\x98\345\256\xa2"; goto Sl5Zu; } goto vk5r5; fQIwU: if (!isset($_GET["\x69\x73\160\141\x79"]) || intval($_GET["\151\163\160\141\x79"]) <= 0) { goto p_Wo2; } goto vH8qS; CUcGE: if (!$rs) { goto xICSm; } goto ofZQ4; H0u7L: switch ($rs[$i]["\x69\163\164\x72\141\x6e\163\146\145\x72"]) { case 0: $rs[$i]["\x69\163\164\162\x61\156\163\146\x65\x72\x31"] = "\346\x97\240"; goto xzqa6; case 1: $rs[$i]["\x69\163\164\x72\x61\156\163\x66\x65\162\x31"] = "\xe7\224\xb3\350\xaf\267\345\x88\x92\346\254\xbe"; goto xzqa6; case 2: $rs[$i]["\151\163\164\162\x61\x6e\163\x66\145\162\61"] = "\345\267\xb2\xe5\x88\222\346\xac\276"; goto xzqa6; case 3: $rs[$i]["\151\163\x74\162\141\156\x73\x66\145\x72\x31"] = "\345\x86\xbb\347\273\223"; goto xzqa6; } goto iCeWy; bmcLB: $where .= "\40\141\156\144\40\x69\x73\x70\141\x79\75" . $ispay; goto wrMoJ; awUVD: Mq5Vo: goto RsMJd; tCwtd: $rs[$i]["\155\137\x77\x78\137\156\151\143\x6b\x6e\141\x6d\145"] = $rt["\167\170\137\156\151\x63\153\156\141\155\x65"]; goto xNxoq; Jck7Y: $rs[$i]["\157\162\144\x65\162\156\x75\155"] = $rt["\x6f\162\144\x65\x72\x6e\165\155"]; goto tMMPA; vH8qS: $ispay = intval($_GET["\x69\163\160\141\x79"]); goto bmcLB; RsMJd: xICSm: goto X4icI; OgHMJ: goto qmLBL; goto XUUp7; xNxoq: $rs[$i]["\x6d\137\x6d\x6f\x62\x69\154\145"] = $rt["\x6d\x6f\x62\x69\154\x65"]; goto Fr_cp; lLHgA: $this->istransfer = 0; goto p6Rtc; wkA1A: $cancel_order = intval($_GET["\143\141\x6e\143\x65\x6c\137\157\x72\144\145\162"]); goto Vr_mD; xh_Cp: goto AWCsn; goto p8Y1L; laIVx: $rs[$i]["\143\x5f\155\157\x62\x69\154\x65"] = $rt["\x6d\x6f\142\x69\154\145"]; goto xoGCE; X4icI: $this->rs = $rs; goto loSnQ; rHfvF: $rs[$i]["\x63\137\x77\x78\x5f\x6e\151\x63\153\156\141\x6d\x65"] = $rt["\167\170\x5f\156\151\143\x6b\156\141\x6d\x65"]; goto laIVx; iIx3x: $nid = intval($_GET["\156\x69\x64"]); goto U1UGD; dEoTR: $istransfer = intval($_GET["\x69\163\164\x72\141\x6e\x73\146\x65\162"]); goto khAKo; Vr_mD: $where .= "\x20\x61\x6e\144\40\x63\x61\156\143\145\x6c\137\157\162\x64\x65\x72\x3d" . $cancel_order; goto q1Pah; vxFrm: goto B_AgU; goto KaKEU; cuynp: $where = "\x75\156\x69\x61\x63\151\144\x3d" . $this->uniacid . "\x20\141\156\x64\40\x63\157\x6f\137\x69\x64\75" . $nid; goto fQIwU; YJ2jL: S1wxk: goto Ue24w; hgLGG: qmLBL: goto s175a; fgmG0: goto k1XLS; goto awUVD; vqST1: $this->error("\351\235\236\xe6\xb3\225\346\x93\x8d\xe4\xbd\234"); goto q4lTP; pvoKQ: $page = new Page($count, 10); goto nq_wp; e5b2h: $rs[$i]["\x73\x74\x61\162\164\x69\156\x67\x5f\160\x6c\x61\x63\145"] = $rt["\x73\x74\141\x72\164\151\x6e\x67\137\160\154\141\143\x65"]; goto ICndK; q4lTP: NFs3Y: goto iIx3x; bYovT: $this->page = $page->show(); goto y3ak6; s175a: if (!isset($_GET["\143\141\156\143\145\x6c\137\157\162\x64\145\162"]) || intval($_GET["\143\x61\x6e\x63\x65\x6c\x5f\157\x72\x64\145\162"]) <= 0) { goto Jb88e; } goto wkA1A; OUsaB: $this->count = $count; goto pvoKQ; y3ak6: $rs = M("\x63\141\162\137\x6f\167\x6e\145\x72\x5f\x6f\162\144\145\162\x5f\x64\x65\x74\141\151\x6c\x73")->order("\x6e\x69\x64\x20\x64\x65\x73\143")->where($where)->limit($limit)->select(); goto CUcGE; eLU9K: switch ($rs[$i]["\151\163\x70\141\171"]) { case 1: $rs[$i]["\151\163\160\141\171\x31"] = "\xe6\x9c\xaa\346\x94\257\xe4\xbb\230"; goto WwZxW; case 2: $rs[$i]["\151\x73\x70\x61\x79\61"] = "\xe5\267\262\xe6\224\xaf\344\xbb\x98"; goto WwZxW; case 3: $rs[$i]["\151\163\x70\x61\x79\x31"] = "\345\xb7\262\351\200\200\346\254\276"; goto WwZxW; } goto EdPrK; khAKo: $where .= "\x20\x61\x6e\x64\40\x69\163\164\162\141\156\163\146\145\x72\x3d" . $istransfer; goto JNQO1; ICndK: $rs[$i]["\x65\x6e\144\137\160\x6c\141\x63\x65"] = $rt["\x65\x6e\x64\137\160\154\x61\x63\x65"]; goto eLU9K; Fr_cp: $rt = M("\143\x61\162\137\157\x77\x6e\x65\x72\x5f\x6f\x72\x64\x65\162\137\x73\x74\x61\x74\151\157\x6e")->where("\151\144\75" . $rs[$i]["\143\157\157\163\137\151\144"])->find(); goto e5b2h; XUUp7: p_Wo2: goto CneBM; HX0A1: AWCsn: goto IKyVI; xoGCE: $rt = M("\155\145\155\x62\145\x72")->where("\x6e\151\144\x3d" . $rs[$i]["\155\137\x69\x64"])->find(); goto tCwtd; p6Rtc: B_AgU: goto S65t6; jozD9: WwZxW: goto qIWlX; nq_wp: $limit = $page->firstRow . "\x2c" . $page->listRows; goto bYovT; wrMoJ: $this->ispay = $ispay; goto OgHMJ; Ue24w: $i++; goto fgmG0; kQUGA: $rt = M("\x63\141\162\x5f\x6f\x77\156\x65\162\x5f\x6f\162\144\x65\162")->where("\156\x69\144\x3d" . $rs[$i]["\x63\157\157\137\151\144"])->find(); goto Jck7Y; p8Y1L: Jb88e: goto GJUy9; A3Su2: k1XLS: goto tpCBn; owRaZ: Sl5Zu: goto H0u7L; GJUy9: $this->cancel_order = 0; goto HX0A1; EdPrK: iIH0E: goto jozD9; q1Pah: $this->cancel_order = $cancel_order; goto xh_Cp; IKyVI: if (!isset($_GET["\x69\163\164\x72\141\x6e\163\146\x65\x72"]) || intval($_GET["\x69\163\x74\x72\x61\x6e\163\x66\x65\x72"]) <= 0) { goto RbX0q; } goto dEoTR; S65t6: $count = M("\x63\x61\x72\x5f\157\167\x6e\145\x72\x5f\x6f\162\144\145\x72\137\x64\x65\x74\141\x69\154\x73")->where($where)->count(); goto OUsaB; iCeWy: bKrWJ: goto mw553; mw553: xzqa6: goto YJ2jL; ofZQ4: $i = 0; goto A3Su2; L5zSy: } public function car_owner_order_complain() { goto CfGUn; FgaqD: GmgHs: goto md3Cz; HEBNu: $limit = $page->firstRow . "\x2c" . $page->listRows; goto R109H; lOMQC: $rs[$i]["\160\151\143\x70\x61\164\150"] = $arr; goto bIEeI; NhDRk: if (!($i < count($rs))) { goto hXhdY; } goto eXrl6; Ugcfb: goto EC6Pg; goto j6YOC; F43s3: $pid = intval($_GET["\x70\151\144"]); goto VaDHw; U5rYW: $rs[$i]["\x6d\137\155\157\142\x69\x6c\145"] = $rt["\x6d\x6f\x62\151\154\x65"]; goto kpQ_4; md3Cz: if ($rs[$i]["\x6e\143\x6c\141\x73\x73"] > 0) { goto YV5tL; } goto SUVYy; ocH0q: $this->display(); goto BG0pF; j6YOC: OH8xZ: goto zXkG8; SUVYy: $rs[$i]["\x6e\x63\154\x61\x73\163"] = "\346\227\240\xef\274\x9a"; goto Fbovm; dL2jP: iYGvX: goto u4Rsd; DT9no: $i++; goto FtJah; lJ80Y: cz_js: goto D0XKt; nbc_v: $pic = explode("\54", $rs[$i]["\x70\x69\143\x70\141\164\x68"]); goto N5ssR; Zs31a: if (!isset($_GET["\156\151\144"]) || intval($_GET["\x6e\x69\144"]) <= 0) { goto iYGvX; } goto i_m6M; D7Ype: $where = "\x20\165\156\151\141\x63\151\144\75" . $this->uniacid . "\40\x61\x6e\x64\x20\x70\x69\144\75" . $nid; goto ydNKc; D0XKt: $this->error("\xe9\235\236\346\xb3\225\xe6\x93\215\xe4\xbd\x9c"); goto yXk73; lVEVE: bOj2e: goto lOMQC; fOmns: hXhdY: goto u7kci; ZxbRe: foreach ($pic as $k => $v) { array_push($arr, $v); wtRrQ: } goto lVEVE; iAPqp: aPEeM: goto JcWG8; urtKm: xZ_4e: goto FgaqD; i_m6M: $nid = intval($_GET["\156\x69\144"]); goto Uaf04; CfGUn: $this->mb(); goto Zs31a; N5ssR: $arr = array(); goto ZxbRe; Uaf04: $this->nid = $nid; goto o_guZ; TKU2_: $this->rs = $rs; goto ocH0q; xYHfi: if ($rs[$i]["\x6e\x63\154\x61\x73\x73"] == 1) { goto OH8xZ; } goto ZY1Vr; VaDHw: $this->pid = $pid; goto bGta6; Fbovm: goto RIrRQ; goto EKlO3; iTMRv: if (!$rs) { goto hZP3W; } goto J0v3C; ZL4Dj: A9DwK: goto NhDRk; kpQ_4: switch ($rs[$i]["\x6e\x73\164\x61\x74\x75\163"]) { case 1: $rs[$i]["\156\x73\164\141\x74\165\x73"] = "\xe6\234\xaa\345\xa4\x84\xe7\220\206"; goto GmgHs; case 2: $rs[$i]["\156\163\x74\141\x74\165\163"] = "\351\200\232\xe8\xbf\207"; goto GmgHs; case 3: $rs[$i]["\156\163\164\141\164\x75\163"] = "\346\x8b\x92\347\273\x9d"; goto GmgHs; } goto urtKm; ydNKc: $res = M("\x63\x61\x72\137\157\x77\156\x65\162\x5f\x6f\x72\x64\x65\162")->where("\x6e\151\144\75" . $pid)->find(); goto SUqal; eXrl6: $rt = M("\x6d\145\155\x62\x65\162")->where("\156\151\144\x3d" . $rs[$i]["\155\137\151\x64"])->find(); goto U5rYW; ZY1Vr: $rs[$i]["\x6e\x63\x6c\x61\x73\x73"] = "\350\275\246\344\270\xbb\72"; goto Ugcfb; G1YcN: RIrRQ: goto nbc_v; EKlO3: YV5tL: goto xYHfi; NT2eT: $page = new Page($count, 10); goto HEBNu; R109H: $this->page = $page->show(); goto QT1b4; o_guZ: goto aPEeM; goto dL2jP; QT1b4: $rs = M("\143\x61\162\x5f\x6f\x77\156\145\162\137\x6f\162\144\x65\162\x5f\143\157\x6d\x70\154\141\151\x6e")->where($where)->limit($limit)->order("\156\x69\x64\40\x64\145\163\143")->select(); goto iTMRv; SUqal: $this->ordernum = $res["\157\x72\x64\x65\162\x6e\165\x6d"]; goto jNB11; SIWce: EC6Pg: goto G1YcN; FtJah: goto A9DwK; goto fOmns; yXk73: xfCgy: goto D7Ype; u7kci: hZP3W: goto TKU2_; J0v3C: $i = 0; goto ZL4Dj; jNB11: $count = M("\143\141\162\137\157\x77\x6e\x65\162\137\157\x72\x64\x65\162\137\143\x6f\155\160\x6c\x61\x69\156")->where($where)->count(); goto w15Ok; w15Ok: $this->count = $count; goto NT2eT; JcWG8: if (!isset($_GET["\x70\151\144"]) || intval($_GET["\160\x69\x64"]) <= 0) { goto cz_js; } goto F43s3; u4Rsd: $this->error("\351\x9d\236\346\xb3\x95\346\223\215\344\275\x9c"); goto iAPqp; bIEeI: TYnWD: goto DT9no; zXkG8: $rs[$i]["\156\143\154\141\163\163"] = "\xe4\xb9\x98\xe5\xae\xa2\72"; goto SIWce; bGta6: goto xfCgy; goto lJ80Y; BG0pF: } public function car_owner_order_refundtopassenger() { goto cSFii; iGMvG: BW3pe: goto E_kYr; fOLr_: goto YyLJJ; goto vkPfi; wH5Py: $car_owner = M("\x6d\x65\x6d\x62\145\162")->where("\x6e\x69\144\x3d" . $co_id)->find(); goto L2U5t; thFVu: M("\155\x65\x6d\x62\145\162")->where("\x6e\151\144\75" . $rt["\x6e\x69\144"])->setInc("\141\x63\x63\x6f\x75\156\x74\137\x61\155\x6f\x75\x6e\164", $m_deposit); goto Ts5fc; z0hSG: if (C("\160\x61\x73\x73\145\x6e\x67\145\x72\x5f\x61\167\141\x72\x64\x73\x5f\164\171\160\x65") == 1) { goto muhLe; } goto EoZ0M; cSFii: $this->mb(); goto KluD_; a92fD: $count = M("\x63\141\x72\x5f\157\167\x6e\x65\x72\137\157\x72\x64\x65\162\x5f\144\145\164\141\x69\x6c\x73")->where("\x69\163\164\x72\141\x6e\163\x66\x65\162\x3d\x33\x20\x61\156\144\x20\143\157\157\x5f\x69\x64\x3d" . $rs["\143\x6f\x6f\137\x69\144"])->count(); goto H3IdK; X9xO5: muhLe: goto eR4sq; G_AWp: $field = array("\x6e\x73\164\x61\x74\165\163" => 1, "\151\163\x72\x65\x63\145\151\160\164" => 3, "\151\163\x5f\x66\154\x61\147" => 1); goto PykqR; aIQ78: $this->error("\xe5\217\202\346\x95\xb0\xe4\xb8\215\346\xad\xa3\xe7\xa1\256"); goto WgFfJ; CEY0D: $rx = M("\x6d\145\x6d\142\x65\162")->where("\x6e\151\x64\75" . $co_id)->find(); goto Mgwlx; sozvh: $brr = array("\x6d\137\151\x64" => $co_id, "\x61\155\157\165\156\x74\137\143\141\x73\x68" => $s_deposit, "\x6e\163\164\x61\164\165\163" => 2, "\160\154\141\171\155\157\x6e\x65\171\137\x74\151\x6d\x65" => $sj, "\162\145\141\x73\157\156" => "\346\x89\243\351\x99\244\350\275\xa6\xe4\xb8\273\346\212\274\xe9\x87\221", "\141\144\144\164\151\155\x65" => $sj, "\x6e\143\154\x61\x73\x73" => 3, "\x6f\162\144\x65\x72\156\x75\155" => $rs["\157\x72\144\x65\162\156\165\155"], "\x75\156\x69\141\x63\151\144" => $this->uniacid, "\164\x72\141\x6e\x73\141\x63\164\151\157\156\x5f\x74\151\155\x65" => $sj); goto lUH4M; E_kYr: $this->success("\346\x93\215\xe4\xbd\234\xe6\x88\220\xe5\x8a\x9f"); goto XFmC8; sr5Js: M("\x6d\x65\155\142\145\x72")->where("\x6e\151\144\75" . $res[$i]["\x6d\x5f\x69\144"])->setInc("\162\145\x64\160\x61\143\153\145\x64", $money); goto j1ULK; L2U5t: $x_deposit = round($car_owner["\x64\x65\x70\157\x73\151\x74"] * C("\160\x6c\141\x74\x66\x6f\162\155\x2e\160\154\141\164\x5f\x63\x61\x72\x5f\157\167\x6e\x65\x72\x31") * C("\160\154\141\164\146\x6f\x72\x6d\56\x70\154\141\164\x5f\x64\x6a\x5f\x63\141\x72\x5f\x6f\x77\156\x65\x72"), 2); goto SOHHk; L0U64: iSveS: goto RWPVc; W6GRi: $brr = array("\x6d\x6f\x6e\x65\171" => $x_deposit, "\x6e\x74\171\x70\145" => 3, "\x61\144\144\164\151\155\x65" => $sj, "\x75\156\151\141\143\x69\144" => $this->uniacid, "\157\162\144\x65\162\156\165\155" => $rt["\157\162\x64\145\x72\x6e\x75\x6d"]); goto ZfMqg; uPg0S: M("\143\x61\x72\137\157\167\x6e\145\x72\137\x6f\x72\x64\145\162\x5f\x64\145\x74\141\151\154\x73")->where("\156\x69\144\x3d" . $res[$i]["\156\x69\x64"])->setField($field); goto WwT_4; IwHaA: M("\x6d\145\155\142\145\x72")->where("\x6e\151\144\75" . $co_id)->setDec("\144\145\x70\157\163\x69\x74", $s_deposit); goto sozvh; WwT_4: $rt = M("\x6d\x65\x6d\x62\145\x72")->where("\x6e\x69\144\x3d" . $res[$i]["\x6d\x5f\151\x64"])->find(); goto CEY0D; Ts5fc: if (!$res[$i]["\x72\145\x64\x70\141\x63\153\x65\144"]) { goto iSveS; } goto O1xG0; iLpyu: YFxnU: goto IhqaG; lUH4M: $cid = M("\x77\x69\164\150\144\162\141\167\141\x6c\x73")->data($brr)->add(); goto R04YJ; T334Z: uWeyi: goto DauoU; KluD_: if (!(!isset($_GET["\156\x69\144"]) || intval($_GET["\156\151\144"]) <= 0)) { goto T3XMY; } goto aIQ78; y27z4: YyLJJ: goto khbyu; wTslb: if ($arr["\162\145\163\x75\154\164\137\143\157\x64\145"] == "\x53\125\103\103\x45\x53\123" && $arr["\162\145\x74\165\x72\156\137\x63\157\144\145"] == "\x53\125\103\103\x45\123\x53") { goto xqnUD; } goto Swwqa; WgFfJ: T3XMY: goto XsDNX; khbyu: if (!($i < count($res))) { goto S07kB; } goto BnGek; IhqaG: A8J7b: goto s9Z9_; aAbx8: $arr = pc_passenger_task_refund($res[$i]["\x6f\162\x64\x65\162\x6e\165\x6d"], $res[$i]["\x74\x72\141\x6e\163\x61\143\x74\151\157\156\x5f\x69\x64"], round($res[$i]["\156\164\x6f\164\x61\x6c"] - $res[$i]["\162\145\144\x70\141\x63\153\145\x64"], 2) * 100); goto wTslb; kIgo0: M("\143\x61\162\x5f\x6f\x77\x6e\x65\x72\137\x6f\x72\x64\x65\162\x5f\163\x74\x61\164\151\157\156")->where("\143\x6f\x6f\x5f\151\144\75" . $rs["\x63\x6f\x6f\x5f\151\144"])->setField($field); goto iGMvG; H3IdK: $m_deposit = round($p_deposit / $count, 2); goto OPLMa; HmVLp: send_aliyun_msg($rx["\x6d\x6f\x62\x69\154\x65"], C("\141\x6c\151\137\x73\155\x73\x2e\163\x6d\x73\62\62"), $paramString); goto PSGqh; AizoP: $brr = array("\x6d\137\x69\x64" => $res[$i]["\x6d\137\151\x64"], "\x6d\x6f\x6e\x65\171" => $res[$i], "\x6e\x74\171\160\x65" => 1, "\x61\x64\x64\164\x69\x6d\145" => $sj, "\165\x6e\x69\141\x63\x69\144" => $this->uniacid, "\156\x6f\x74\145" => "\351\x80\x80\346\xac\276\xe7\xba\242\xe5\214\205"); goto e2UbI; v_Mkc: $rtp = M("\x63\141\162\137\157\167\x6e\x65\162\x5f\x6f\162\x64\145\x72\137\x73\x74\x61\164\x69\x6f\x6e")->where("\x69\144\x3d" . $rs["\143\x6f\157\163\x5f\x69\x64"])->find(); goto nCirZ; kD0x0: $i = 0; goto y27z4; nCirZ: $co_id = $rt["\x63\157\137\x69\x64"]; goto Ll8U_; MGXxr: $p_deposit = round($s_deposit - $x_deposit, 2); goto W6GRi; U2ErA: $brr = array("\x6d\137\151\x64" => $rt["\x6e\151\144"], "\x61\x6d\x6f\x75\156\x74\137\143\141\x73\x68" => $m_deposit, "\156\163\164\x61\x74\165\163" => 2, "\160\x6c\141\171\x6d\x6f\x6e\145\171\137\x74\151\155\x65" => $sj, "\x72\145\141\x73\157\156" => "\xe6\211\xa3\xe9\x99\xa4\xe8\275\246\344\270\xbb\xe6\x8a\274\351\x87\x91", "\141\x64\144\x74\151\x6d\x65" => $sj, "\x6e\x63\x6c\x61\x73\x73" => 3, "\157\162\x64\145\162\156\165\x6d" => $res["\x6f\x72\x64\x65\x72\x6e\x75\155"], "\165\x6e\151\141\x63\x69\144" => $this->uniacid, "\x74\x72\x61\x6e\x73\x61\143\x74\x69\157\x6e\x5f\x74\x69\155\x65" => $sj); goto s2yTy; s2yTy: $cid = M("\x77\x69\x74\150\144\x72\x61\x77\x61\x6c\163")->data($brr)->add(); goto am7vU; am7vU: $brr = array("\155\x6f\156\145\x79" => $m_deposit, "\x6e\x63\x6c\141\163\163" => 7, "\x61\144\144\164\151\x6d\145" => $sj, "\x6d\137\x69\x64" => $rt["\156\x69\144"], "\x70\x69\144" => $cid, "\165\x6e\x69\x61\143\151\x64" => $this->uniacid, "\156\x74\x79\160\145" => 2); goto yWGdm; g9ZPi: $this->getConfig(); goto ZqQo_; Mgwlx: $paramString = "\173\42\157\x72\x64\x65\x72\x6e\165\155\x22\x3a\x22" . $ordernum . "\x22\54\42\163\x74\x61\x72\164\x69\x6e\147\137\x70\154\x61\143\x65\x22\72\42" . $starting_place . "\42\x2c\42\145\156\144\137\160\x6c\141\x63\x65\x22\72\42" . $end_place . "\x22\x7d"; goto LxoJw; gY4nO: $ordernum = $rt["\157\162\x64\145\162\156\165\x6d"]; goto dgcIA; vkPfi: S07kB: goto TYqpe; Ll8U_: $m_id = $rs["\155\137\151\x64"]; goto b9xJH; KCN1Z: $field = array("\156\x73\x74\141\x74\x75\x73" => 1, "\151\x73\162\145\143\x65\151\160\x74" => 3); goto kIgo0; DauoU: $i++; goto fOLr_; PykqR: M("\x63\x61\162\137\x6f\167\x6e\145\162\x5f\x6f\162\144\x65\x72")->where("\156\x69\x64\75" . $rs["\x63\x6f\157\137\x69\x64"])->setField($field); goto KCN1Z; Ftkfx: dkNsI: goto g9ZPi; EoZ0M: $money = round($res[$i]["\156\x74\x6f\x74\x61\154"] * C("\x70\x61\x73\163\145\156\147\x65\x72\137\x61\167\x61\x72\x64\163\137\x76\x61\x6c\x75\145") / 100, 2); goto sr5Js; jSipw: $this->error("\350\xae\xb0\345\xbd\225\xe4\xb8\215\xe5\xad\x98\xe5\234\250"); goto Ftkfx; b9xJH: $sj = date("\x59\55\x6d\x2d\144\x20\110\x3a\x69\x3a\x73"); goto gY4nO; utjhH: if ($res) { goto BW3pe; } goto G_AWp; ZqQo_: $rt = M("\143\x61\162\x5f\157\167\x6e\x65\162\x5f\x6f\162\144\145\162")->where("\156\x69\144\x3d" . $rs["\x63\157\157\x5f\151\x64"])->find(); goto v_Mkc; j1ULK: goto YFxnU; goto X9xO5; FSfP3: xqnUD: goto thFVu; vTmEe: goto Yh8PG; goto FSfP3; RWPVc: $field = array("\151\x73\160\x61\x79" => 3, "\x69\x73\x74\x72\141\x6e\x73\146\x65\x72" => 2, "\151\163\x73\x74\x61\x72\164" => 3); goto uPg0S; XsDNX: $nid = intval($_GET["\156\x69\x64"]); goto MWYaL; eR4sq: M("\x6d\145\x6d\142\x65\162")->where("\156\151\x64\x3d" . $res[$i]["\x6d\x5f\x69\144"])->setInc("\x72\145\144\160\141\143\x6b\145\144", C("\160\141\163\x73\145\156\147\145\162\137\141\167\x61\x72\x64\163\x5f\166\x61\x6c\165\x65")); goto iLpyu; e2UbI: M("\162\x65\144\160\141\143\x6b\x65\144\137\144\145\x74\x61\151\x6c")->data($brr)->add(); goto L0U64; yWGdm: M("\162\145\x76\145\156\165\x65\x5f\144\145\x74\x61\x69\x6c")->data($brr)->add(); goto aAbx8; O1xG0: M("\x6d\x65\155\x62\x65\x72")->where("\x6e\151\x64\75" . $res[$i]["\x6d\x5f\x69\144"])->setInc("\162\145\144\x70\x61\x63\153\x65\x64", $res[$i]["\x72\x65\x64\160\141\x63\x6b\145\x64"]); goto AizoP; dgcIA: $starting_place = $rtp["\163\x74\x61\x72\x74\x69\156\x67\x5f\160\154\x61\x63\145"]; goto c7icR; PSGqh: if (!(C("\160\x61\163\x73\x65\156\x67\145\x72\137\x61\x77\x61\x72\144\163\x5f\163\164\x61\164\x75\163") == 2)) { goto A8J7b; } goto z0hSG; c7icR: $end_place = $rtp["\145\x6e\x64\x5f\x70\x6c\x61\143\x65"]; goto wH5Py; hLuU8: if ($rs) { goto dkNsI; } goto jSipw; TYqpe: $res = M("\143\x61\162\137\157\x77\156\145\x72\137\157\x72\x64\x65\x72\137\144\x65\164\141\x69\154\x73")->where("\x69\x73\x70\x61\171\x3d\62\40\141\x6e\144\40\x69\x73\x74\162\141\x6e\x73\x66\145\162\74\76\x32\x20\141\156\x64\x20\151\x73\x73\x74\141\x72\164\41\x3d\x33\x20\x61\x6e\x64\x20\x63\157\157\137\x69\144\75" . $rs["\x63\157\x6f\137\151\x64"])->select(); goto utjhH; LxoJw: send_aliyun_msg($rt["\x6d\157\142\151\154\145"], C("\141\154\151\137\163\x6d\x73\56\x73\155\x73\x32\x32"), $paramString); goto HmVLp; R04YJ: $brr = array("\155\x6f\156\145\x79" => $s_deposit, "\156\143\x6c\x61\x73\x73" => 7, "\141\x64\x64\x74\151\155\145" => $sj, "\155\137\151\x64" => $m_id, "\x70\x69\144" => $cid, "\165\156\151\141\143\151\x64" => $this->uniacid, "\x6e\x74\171\x70\x65" => 2); goto k4Lou; Swwqa: $this->error("\351\200\200\xe6\254\xbe\xe6\223\215\xe4\xbd\x9c\xe5\244\261\xe8\264\xa5"); goto vTmEe; k4Lou: M("\162\145\166\145\156\x75\145\137\144\145\x74\x61\x69\x6c")->data($brr)->add(); goto kD0x0; ZfMqg: M("\160\x6c\x61\x74\x66\157\x72\155\137\x69\156\x63\x6f\155\x65")->data($brr)->add(); goto a92fD; s9Z9_: Yh8PG: goto T334Z; SOHHk: $s_deposit = round($car_owner["\144\145\x70\x6f\163\151\x74"] * C("\x70\x6c\x61\164\x66\x6f\x72\x6d\x2e\160\x6c\x61\x74\137\x63\x61\162\137\x6f\x77\x6e\145\x72\61"), 2); goto MGXxr; OPLMa: $res = M("\143\x61\162\x5f\x6f\x77\156\x65\162\137\157\162\x64\x65\162\x5f\x64\x65\x74\x61\x69\x6c\163")->where("\x69\163\164\x72\x61\156\x73\x66\x65\162\75\63\x20\141\x6e\x64\x20\x63\157\157\x5f\x69\x64\75" . $rs["\x63\x6f\157\x5f\151\x64"])->select(); goto IwHaA; MWYaL: $rs = M("\143\x61\162\137\x6f\x77\156\145\x72\x5f\x6f\x72\x64\145\x72\x5f\144\145\x74\x61\x69\x6c\x73")->where("\x69\163\164\x72\x61\156\163\x66\145\162\75\63\40\141\x6e\144\x20\156\x69\x64\75" . $nid)->find(); goto hLuU8; BnGek: $rt = M("\x6d\145\155\142\145\162")->where("\x6e\x69\x64\75" . $res[$i]["\155\x5f\151\x64"])->find(); goto U2ErA; XFmC8: } public function car_owner_order_transfertocar_owner() { goto IKACD; VrkqB: $rt = M("\155\x65\155\x62\145\x72")->where("\156\151\144\x3d" . $m_id)->find(); goto z_Mdv; Y_O8R: if ($rtt) { goto iU6aU; } goto lz_7M; lUI3C: M("\x72\145\x76\145\x6e\x75\145\137\144\x65\x74\141\x69\154")->data($brr)->add(); goto BpFVI; gIjeU: $car_owner = M("\155\x65\x6d\x62\145\x72")->where("\x6e\151\144\x3d" . $m_id)->find(); goto qc3iB; ftUn1: $ordernum = $rt["\157\x72\144\145\162\156\165\x6d"]; goto JEVwj; JANXM: goto OGsVm; goto JZ3mU; tHxoS: M("\160\x6c\x61\x74\x66\x6f\x72\x6d\x5f\151\x6e\x63\x6f\155\x65")->data($brr)->add(); goto B1MVy; JScKI: if ($rtt) { goto t383r; } goto qroWF; SREGK: if (!(!isset($_GET["\156\x69\x64"]) || intval($_GET["\156\x69\x64"]) <= 0)) { goto jDZUw; } goto oUORO; ysX0G: $t_deposit = round($rs["\156\x74\x6f\x74\141\x6c"] - $s_deposit, 2); goto A9voj; JZ3mU: p1MpX: goto gp_YI; z_Mdv: $rx = M("\155\x65\155\142\145\x72")->where("\156\x69\x64\x3d" . $co_id)->find(); goto vaWYb; Tr4sm: FPwps: goto VrkqB; ezdSP: iU6aU: goto JmcOT; AvjIX: M("\x6d\145\155\142\145\x72")->where("\156\151\x64\75" . $co_id)->setInc("\141\143\x63\x6f\x75\x6e\x74\x5f\141\x6d\157\165\156\x74", C("\143\157\x5f\x61\167\x61\162\x64\x73\137\166\x61\x6c\x75\145")); goto ZlbJJ; aGRm9: pAbkX: goto a5nlc; vBwDb: $money = round($rs["\x6e\x74\157\164\141\154"] * C("\x63\x6f\137\141\167\141\x72\x64\163\137\x76\x61\154\x75\145") / 100, 2); goto dZYlP; e7Vmy: send_aliyun_msg($rx["\x6d\157\142\x69\154\x65"], C("\x61\x6c\x69\x5f\163\x6d\x73\x2e\x73\155\163\x32\62"), $paramString); goto TDNcr; sIQJt: yfqpN: goto Gb0Aj; TPUBM: $cid = M("\167\151\164\x68\144\x72\141\x77\x61\x6c\x73")->data($brr)->add(); goto g_kXV; qroWF: $field = array("\x6e\x73\164\x61\164\x75\163" => 1, "\151\163\162\145\143\145\x69\x70\164" => 3, "\x69\x73\x5f\x66\154\x61\x67" => 1); goto M7tXZ; VFG5a: M("\162\145\144\x70\141\143\153\x65\144\137\x64\x65\x74\x61\151\x6c")->data($brr)->add(); goto sIQJt; M7al9: $brr = array("\x6d\x5f\151\144" => $m_id, "\155\x6f\156\145\x79" => $t_deposit, "\156\164\x79\x70\145" => 1, "\141\144\x64\164\151\x6d\145" => $sj, "\165\156\151\141\x63\151\x64" => $this->uniacid, "\x6e\157\x74\145" => "\xe9\x80\x80\346\254\xbe\xe7\272\242\xe5\x8c\x85"); goto CjQub; lpmRf: send_aliyun_msg($rx["\155\x6f\x62\151\154\x65"], C("\x61\154\x69\x5f\163\155\x73\x2e\163\x6d\x73\62\x32"), $paramString); goto cirG7; JmcOT: M("\x63\x61\162\x5f\x6f\x77\x6e\x65\162\x5f\x6f\162\144\145\x72")->where("\156\151\144\x3d" . $rs["\x63\157\157\137\x69\x64"])->setField($field); goto K5OYb; U428I: M("\143\x61\162\137\157\167\156\x65\162\x5f\x6f\162\144\145\x72\x5f\x64\x65\164\x61\151\x6c\163")->where("\x20\156\x69\144\x3d" . $nid)->setField($field); goto RiNkp; QIjZ4: if (!$t_deposit) { goto FPwps; } goto M7al9; IKACD: $this->mb(); goto SREGK; KvRCB: $this->error("\xe9\200\x80\346\xac\xbe\xe6\223\215\344\275\x9c\345\xa4\xb1\350\264\245"); goto kkAzx; K5OYb: $this->success("\xe6\223\x8d\xe4\275\234\xe6\x88\x90\xe5\x8a\237"); goto XdwLO; lz_7M: $field = array("\x6e\x73\164\141\164\x75\x73" => 1, "\x69\163\162\145\x63\x65\x69\x70\164" => 3, "\x69\x73\x5f\x66\x6c\x61\x67" => 1); goto ezdSP; lzJQv: goto noWD1; goto dq3lD; BpFVI: $field = array("\151\x73\x74\162\141\156\163\x66\145\x72" => 2, "\151\x73\163\x74\x61\x72\x74" => 3); goto U428I; d1kPO: $end_place = $rtp["\x65\x6e\144\x5f\x70\x6c\x61\x63\x65"]; goto LCmRW; BSIgk: if ($t_deposit > $redpacked) { goto p1MpX; } goto ao_PC; oNI7r: QDeYI: goto jZuW5; pFiNj: send_aliyun_msg($rt["\155\x6f\142\151\154\145"], C("\x61\x6c\151\137\163\155\163\56\x73\155\163\x32\x32"), $paramString); goto e7Vmy; tQdTK: $co_id = $rt["\143\x6f\x5f\151\x64"]; goto t47S1; ev75o: $this->error("\xe8\256\260\345\275\x95\344\xb8\x8d\xe5\255\230\345\x9c\xa8"); goto aGRm9; g_kXV: $brr = array("\155\x6f\156\145\171" => $p_deposit, "\x6e\143\x6c\x61\x73\163" => 7, "\x61\144\x64\x74\x69\x6d\145" => $sj, "\155\x5f\x69\x64" => $co_id, "\160\x69\x64" => $cid, "\x75\x6e\x69\141\x63\x69\x64" => $this->uniacid, "\156\x74\x79\x70\145" => 2); goto lUI3C; E1KuV: M("\143\141\x72\x5f\157\x77\156\145\162\x5f\157\162\x64\145\162")->where("\x6e\151\144\75" . $rs["\x63\157\x6f\137\x69\144"])->setField($field); goto H8lUq; eaI14: OGsVm: goto OiJmp; ksruU: M("\155\x65\155\142\x65\162")->where("\156\x69\x64\75" . $m_id)->setInc("\162\145\144\x70\141\x63\x6b\145\144", $rs["\x72\145\x64\x70\141\143\153\x65\144"]); goto zTwxB; bH8UT: if (C("\143\157\137\141\167\141\162\x64\x73\x5f\x74\171\x70\x65") == 1) { goto mlw8T; } goto vBwDb; dq3lD: mlw8T: goto AvjIX; a5nlc: $redpacked = $rs["\x72\145\x64\x70\141\143\153\145\x64"]; goto Wjm5X; EsJIy: aRuuI: goto lWkS0; t47S1: $m_id = $rs["\x6d\x5f\151\144"]; goto ftUn1; Atb3X: $nid = intval($_GET["\x6e\x69\x64"]); goto xzN3O; jZuW5: if (!$rs["\x72\145\x64\x70\141\x63\153\145\144"]) { goto yfqpN; } goto ksruU; WgLVm: $rx = M("\155\x65\155\x62\x65\x72")->where("\156\x69\x64\75" . $co_id)->find(); goto ArArI; o7Kno: $p_deposit = round($s_deposit - $x_deposit, 2); goto ysX0G; cXyit: $starting_place = $rtp["\x73\x74\141\x72\x74\151\156\x67\137\160\154\141\143\145"]; goto d1kPO; oUORO: $this->error("\345\x8f\x82\xe6\225\xb0\xe4\xb8\x8d\346\255\xa3\xe7\241\256"); goto GAPx4; B1MVy: $brr = array("\155\x5f\151\x64" => $co_id, "\141\155\x6f\x75\x6e\164\137\143\x61\163\150" => $p_deposit, "\156\x73\x74\141\164\x75\163" => 2, "\x70\x6c\x61\171\x6d\x6f\x6e\x65\171\137\164\151\x6d\145" => $sj, "\162\x65\x61\x73\157\156" => "\346\211\243\xe9\x99\244\344\271\230\xe5\256\242\350\xbd\xa6\xe8\xb5\x84\350\xb4\xb9\xe7\224\xa8", "\x61\x64\144\x74\x69\155\145" => $sj, "\156\x63\x6c\141\163\x73" => 4, "\157\x72\144\145\x72\156\165\155" => $rs["\x6f\x72\x64\x65\x72\156\165\155"], "\165\156\x69\141\143\151\144" => $this->uniacid, "\x74\162\x61\156\163\x61\x63\164\x69\157\156\x5f\164\x69\x6d\145" => $sj); goto TPUBM; XdwLO: dkewX: goto eaI14; RiNkp: M("\x6d\145\x6d\x62\145\x72")->where("\156\x69\144\75" . $co_id)->setInc("\141\143\x63\157\165\x6e\x74\137\x61\x6d\x6f\x75\x6e\x74", $p_deposit); goto BSIgk; LCmRW: $sj = date("\131\x2d\x6d\55\x64\40\110\x3a\151\72\x73"); goto gIjeU; eglRo: send_aliyun_msg($rt["\x6d\x6f\142\151\x6c\x65"], C("\x61\x6c\x69\137\x73\x6d\163\x2e\163\x6d\163\x32\x32"), $paramString); goto lpmRf; Kwz4j: if ($rs) { goto pAbkX; } goto ev75o; Gb0Aj: $rt = M("\x6d\145\x6d\x62\x65\x72")->where("\156\x69\144\75" . $m_id)->find(); goto WgLVm; TDNcr: if (!(C("\143\x6f\137\x61\167\x61\162\x64\x73\137\x73\x74\x61\x74\x75\x73") == 2)) { goto aRuuI; } goto bH8UT; qc3iB: $x_deposit = round($rs["\156\x74\x6f\x74\141\x6c"] * C("\x70\x6c\x61\164\146\157\x72\155\56\x70\154\x61\x74\137\160\141\x73\x73\145\x6e\x67\x65\162\62") * C("\160\x6c\x61\164\146\157\162\x6d\x2e\x70\x6c\141\164\137\144\x6a\137\x70\141\x73\x73\145\x6e\147\145\162"), 2); goto ZfX2d; xzN3O: $rs = M("\143\x61\162\x5f\157\x77\x6e\x65\x72\x5f\x6f\162\144\x65\x72\137\x64\x65\x74\141\x69\154\x73")->where("\151\x73\164\162\x61\156\163\146\145\x72\75\x33\40\141\156\x64\x20\x6e\151\x64\x3d" . $nid)->find(); goto Kwz4j; dZYlP: M("\x6d\x65\155\142\145\162")->where("\x6e\151\144\75" . $co_id)->setInc("\141\x63\x63\x6f\165\x6e\164\x5f\141\x6d\x6f\165\156\x74", $money); goto lzJQv; kkAzx: goto dkewX; goto oNI7r; ZlbJJ: noWD1: goto EsJIy; cirG7: $rtt = M("\143\x61\162\x5f\157\x77\156\145\162\x5f\x6f\162\144\x65\x72\137\144\145\164\141\151\154\x73")->where("\151\163\160\x61\171\75\62\x20\141\156\144\x20\151\x73\x74\162\x61\156\x73\x66\x65\x72\x21\75\x32\40\x61\x6e\x64\40\x69\x73\x73\x74\x61\162\164\41\x3d\64\40\x61\x6e\144\x20\x63\157\x6f\x5f\151\144\75" . $rs["\143\x6f\157\x5f\x69\144"])->select(); goto JScKI; btGcr: $rt = M("\x63\141\162\137\x6f\x77\156\x65\162\137\x6f\162\x64\x65\162")->where("\156\151\x64\x3d" . $rs["\143\157\x6f\x5f\151\x64"])->find(); goto tQdTK; M7tXZ: t383r: goto E1KuV; A9voj: $brr = array("\x6d\x6f\156\x65\x79" => $x_deposit, "\x6e\x74\171\x70\145" => 3, "\141\x64\x64\x74\151\x6d\145" => $sj, "\x75\156\151\141\x63\x69\144" => $this->uniacid, "\x6f\162\144\145\162\x6e\165\155" => $rs["\x6f\162\x64\145\x72\156\165\x6d"]); goto tHxoS; ao_PC: M("\155\145\x6d\142\x65\x72")->where("\x6e\x69\x64\x3d" . $m_id)->setInc("\x72\x65\144\160\x61\143\x6b\145\144", $t_deposit); goto QIjZ4; ArArI: $paramString = "\173\42\x6f\162\144\x65\x72\x6e\165\155\42\72\42" . $ordernum . "\42\54\x22\163\164\141\162\164\151\x6e\x67\137\160\154\x61\x63\x65\x22\72\x22" . $starting_place . "\x22\54\42\x65\156\144\137\x70\x6c\x61\143\145\x22\x3a\x22" . $end_place . "\x22\x7d"; goto pFiNj; lWkS0: $rtt = M("\143\141\162\137\157\167\156\145\162\x5f\x6f\162\x64\x65\162\137\144\145\164\141\151\154\163")->where("\151\163\x70\x61\x79\x3d\62\40\x61\x6e\x64\40\x69\x73\x74\x72\x61\x6e\x73\x66\145\x72\41\x3d\x32\x20\x61\x6e\144\x20\x69\163\x73\164\x61\162\164\x21\75\63\40\141\156\144\x20\x63\157\157\137\151\x64\x3d" . $rs["\x63\157\x6f\137\x69\144"])->select(); goto Y_O8R; JEVwj: $rtp = M("\x63\141\x72\x5f\x6f\x77\x6e\145\x72\x5f\157\x72\x64\145\x72\x5f\163\164\141\x74\x69\x6f\x6e")->where("\151\144\75" . $rs["\143\157\x6f\x73\137\x69\x64"])->find(); goto cXyit; zTwxB: $brr = array("\x6d\137\151\144" => $m_id, "\155\x6f\x6e\145\171" => $rs["\162\145\x64\x70\x61\x63\x6b\x65\x64"], "\156\164\171\160\145" => 1, "\x61\144\x64\x74\x69\155\145" => $sj, "\x75\156\151\141\143\151\x64" => $this->uniacid, "\156\157\x74\145" => "\351\200\x80\xe6\254\xbe\347\xba\xa2\345\214\205"); goto VFG5a; Wjm5X: $this->getConfig(); goto btGcr; ZfX2d: $s_deposit = round($rs["\x6e\164\x6f\x74\x61\x6c"] * C("\x70\x6c\141\164\146\x6f\x72\155\56\x70\x6c\141\164\x5f\x70\141\x73\x73\145\x6e\147\145\162\x32"), 2); goto o7Kno; vaWYb: $paramString = "\x7b\x22\157\x72\x64\x65\162\x6e\x75\x6d\x22\72\42" . $ordernum . "\x22\x2c\x22\x73\164\141\x72\x74\151\x6e\x67\137\x70\154\141\x63\x65\x22\72\x22" . $starting_place . "\x22\54\x22\145\x6e\x64\137\160\154\141\143\x65\42\x3a\42" . $end_place . "\42\x7d"; goto eglRo; CjQub: M("\x72\x65\x64\x70\x61\143\x6b\145\144\x5f\144\145\x74\x61\x69\154")->data($brr)->add(); goto Tr4sm; ATgOH: if ($arr["\x72\x65\x73\165\x6c\x74\x5f\x63\157\x64\x65"] == "\123\125\x43\103\105\x53\x53" && $arr["\x72\145\164\x75\162\x6e\137\x63\157\144\145"] == "\x53\x55\x43\103\105\123\123") { goto QDeYI; } goto KvRCB; GAPx4: jDZUw: goto Atb3X; H8lUq: $this->success("\xe6\223\215\344\275\x9c\xe6\x88\220\345\212\237"); goto JANXM; gp_YI: $arr = pc_order_refund($rs["\x6f\162\x64\x65\x72\156\165\155"], $rs["\164\162\x61\x6e\163\x61\143\x74\x69\157\x6e\137\x69\x64"], $rs["\x6e\x74\x6f\164\141\154"] * 100, round($t_deposit - $redpacked, 2) * 100); goto ATgOH; OiJmp: } public function car_owner_notes() { goto rLO46; UtyCf: LSYcR: goto v92BI; nHW3r: $page = new Page($count, 10); goto FQ2NF; JgXwl: $count = M("\x63\x61\162\x5f\x6f\167\156\x65\162\x5f\x6e\157\164\145\163")->where($where)->count(); goto p4Q0N; sEFom: dciJj: goto N_LHE; gA0B9: dZTL3: goto fPj3c; fPj3c: $this->rs = $rs; goto QinVt; QinVt: $this->display(); goto hQVQV; BMPaq: vHJt8: goto kewH1; AYiTp: $i++; goto c3Gko; guRaa: if ($rs[$i]["\x6e\143\154\141\x73\x73"] == 1) { goto LSYcR; } goto SH8Xp; kewH1: Qw46V: goto AYiTp; PkVda: UTBCK: goto gA0B9; HGqC0: $i = 0; goto sEFom; v92BI: $rs[$i]["\156\143\x6c\x61\x73\x73\x31"] = "\344\xb9\230\xe5\256\242\xe9\241\273\xe7\237\xa5"; goto BMPaq; Nw3cr: $this->page = $page->show(); goto YJUeU; SH8Xp: $rs[$i]["\156\x63\x6c\141\163\163\x31"] = "\xe8\275\xa6\344\270\xbb\xe9\241\273\xe7\237\245"; goto PenQV; rLO46: $this->mb(); goto fK2Kq; c3Gko: goto dciJj; goto PkVda; XLAK0: if (!$rs) { goto dZTL3; } goto HGqC0; p4Q0N: $this->count = $count; goto nHW3r; FQ2NF: $limit = $page->firstRow . "\x2c" . $page->listRows; goto Nw3cr; PenQV: goto vHJt8; goto UtyCf; N_LHE: if (!($i < count($rs))) { goto UTBCK; } goto guRaa; fK2Kq: $where = "\165\x6e\x69\x61\x63\151\x64\75" . $this->uniacid; goto JgXwl; YJUeU: $rs = M("\x63\141\x72\137\x6f\167\x6e\145\162\137\156\157\x74\145\x73")->where($where)->order("\x6e\151\x64\x20\x64\x65\x73\143")->limit($limit)->select(); goto XLAK0; hQVQV: } public function car_owner_notes_add() { $this->mb(); $this->display(); } public function car_owner_notes_addhandle() { goto izAPt; Vmw97: M("\143\141\162\137\157\167\x6e\x65\x72\137\156\157\164\145\163")->data($param)->add(); goto yEk66; xWXTs: $this->error("\xe9\235\x9e\xe6\xb3\225\346\223\215\344\xbd\x9c\x20"); goto blNMH; W4HfO: $param["\x61\144\x64\x74\151\x6d\x65"] = date("\131\55\155\x2d\x64\x20\110\72\x69\72\x73"); goto smvuQ; AwUKH: if (!(trim($param["\156\x6f\x74\145"]) == '' && trim($param["\x63\x68\x6f\x74\154\x69\x6e\x65"]) == '')) { goto lZN7M; } goto xWXTs; izAPt: $this->mb(); goto qlfLM; qlfLM: $param = I("\160\x6f\x73\x74\56"); goto AwUKH; smvuQ: $param["\165\156\x69\x61\143\x69\x64"] = $this->uniacid; goto Vmw97; blNMH: lZN7M: goto W4HfO; yEk66: $this->success("\xe6\223\215\344\xbd\234\346\210\220\345\x8a\237"); goto JN_iS; JN_iS: } public function car_owner_notes_modi() { goto YiMtg; atvjr: $this->error("\351\x9d\x9e\346\263\x95\xe6\x93\x8d\xe4\xbd\x9c"); goto aNbH5; hNiwG: $this->display(); goto WYqPF; fVWC1: if (!(!isset($_GET["\156\151\144"]) || intval($_GET["\156\151\144"]) <= 0)) { goto Ily4B; } goto atvjr; RCNQj: $rs = M("\x63\x61\162\x5f\157\167\x6e\x65\162\x5f\x6e\x6f\x74\x65\x73")->where("\156\151\x64\x3d" . $nid)->find(); goto A09jf; YiMtg: $this->mb(); goto fVWC1; jWeJN: $nid = intval($_GET["\x6e\151\x64"]); goto RCNQj; aNbH5: Ily4B: goto jWeJN; A09jf: $this->rs = $rs; goto hNiwG; WYqPF: } public function car_owner_notes_modihandle() { goto LEHrr; QmOrG: if (!(!IS_POST || !isset($_POST["\x6e\x69\144"]) || intval($_POST["\x6e\151\144"]) <= 0)) { goto O9po6; } goto ApP1N; ApP1N: $this->error("\xe9\x9d\236\346\263\225\346\223\215\xe4\275\x9c"); goto pnSXt; pnSXt: O9po6: goto fFcpf; zYv8v: M("\143\141\x72\x5f\157\x77\x6e\145\x72\137\x6e\x6f\x74\x65\x73")->data($_POST)->save(); goto ySy3R; LEHrr: $this->mb(); goto QmOrG; ySy3R: $this->success("\346\223\x8d\344\xbd\x9c\346\x88\x90\xe5\x8a\237", U("\x63\141\162\137\157\167\156\145\x72\137\x6e\x6f\x74\x65\x73")); goto zLj1Q; fFcpf: $nid = intval($_GET["\156\151\144"]); goto zYv8v; zLj1Q: } public function car_owner_share() { goto mNsI_; NrwpW: $this->page = $page->show(); goto KLhZW; gJiYr: $count = M("\143\141\x72\137\157\x77\156\x65\x72\x5f\x73\150\x61\162\x65")->where($where)->count(); goto ZyZQN; h_w3s: switch ($rs[$i]["\x6e\x73\164\x61\x74\x75\163"]) { case 1: $rs[$i]["\156\163\164\141\164\165\163\x31"] = "\74\146\x6f\x6e\164\x20\x63\x6f\154\157\162\x3d\47\162\x65\144\47\76\345\x88\206\344\272\xab\xe4\xb8\x8d\346\x88\220\345\212\x9f\74\x2f\146\157\156\164\76"; goto URkkj; case 2: $rs[$i]["\156\x73\164\141\x74\165\x73\x31"] = "\x3c\146\157\x6e\164\x20\x63\x6f\154\157\x72\75\47\x67\x72\x65\x65\156\47\x3e\xe5\210\206\344\272\253\xe6\x88\x90\xe5\212\237\x3c\57\146\157\156\x74\x3e"; goto URkkj; default: $rs[$i]["\156\163\x74\141\x74\165\163\61"] = "\xe8\xae\260\xe5\275\225\345\x85\245\345\xba\223"; goto URkkj; } goto drJDr; B3iQt: goto Fzpkl; goto cIQbG; ZyZQN: $this->count = $count; goto ekVKS; NFBfC: $where .= "\40\x61\x6e\x64\40\40\x61\144\x64\x74\x69\x6d\x65\76\75\47" . date("\x59\x2d\155\55\x64\40\60\x30\x3a\60\x30\72\x30\x30", strtotime($btime)) . "\47"; goto yms79; NckzC: $this->display(); goto aiqek; ekVKS: $page = new Page($count, 10); goto RuqJU; W7w7E: URkkj: goto ykaYj; wtEPB: zllxy: goto gJiYr; nCrsg: goto FZy6J; goto ziTEq; M_qNi: if (!isset($_GET["\x6e\x73\164\x61\164\x75\x73"]) || intval($_GET["\156\x73\164\141\x74\x75\x73"]) == -1) { goto Mrs0B; } goto y5ebp; CMlcO: GOnil: goto vSqjj; RJPBZ: $this->nstatus = -1; goto vOSu0; mNsI_: $this->mb(); goto DE4nU; T4U58: if (!isset($_GET["\x6e\x74\171\160\145"]) || intval($_GET["\156\x74\171\160\x65"]) <= 0) { goto qcZXA; } goto Bww2h; yms79: $this->btime = $btime; goto Grj6J; RUY3s: $this->nstatus = $nstatus; goto B3iQt; PLs31: if (isset($_GET["\x62\x74\x69\x6d\x65"]) && trim($_GET["\x62\x74\x69\x6d\x65"]) != '') { goto LR8yV; } goto HMt7l; Bww2h: $ntype = intval($_GET["\x6e\164\171\160\x65"]); goto bYWEV; Lo3Mw: $this->etime = $etime; goto wtEPB; vSqjj: $etime = trim($_GET["\x65\164\151\155\x65"]); goto BeCm7; RSJ_H: $this->ntype = 0; goto Lwaai; fnbuo: $btime = trim($_GET["\142\x74\x69\x6d\145"]); goto NFBfC; vOSu0: Fzpkl: goto T4U58; qd0WI: JgBhT: goto TpNd6; xkxCX: $rs[$i]["\155\x5f\155\x6f\142\x69\154\x65"] = $rt["\155\157\142\x69\154\x65"]; goto NAXF3; StYDA: $this->etime = ''; goto B06t1; TpNd6: if (!($i < count($rs))) { goto gVjD7; } goto Cn3NV; BeCm7: $where .= "\x20\x61\x6e\x64\40\x20\141\x64\x64\x74\x69\155\145\x3c\x3d\x27" . date("\131\55\x6d\x2d\144\40\x32\x33\x3a\65\x39\x3a\x35\71", strtotime($etime)) . "\47"; goto Lo3Mw; B06t1: goto zllxy; goto CMlcO; TXnzq: if (!$rs) { goto sVsO0; } goto a8bQx; Cn3NV: $rt = M("\155\x65\155\142\145\x72")->where("\156\x69\x64\x3d" . $rs[$i]["\155\x5f\x69\144"])->find(); goto xkxCX; ziTEq: qcZXA: goto RSJ_H; KLhZW: $rs = M("\x63\141\162\x5f\157\x77\156\145\162\x5f\x73\150\x61\162\145")->where($where)->order("\156\x69\144\40\144\x65\163\143")->limit($limit)->select(); goto TXnzq; bYWEV: $this->ntype = $ntype; goto Nd5aT; NAXF3: $rt = M("\x6d\x65\155\142\145\162")->where("\x6e\x69\x64\x3d" . $rs[$i]["\x72\x65\x66\145\162\x65\145\137\151\144"])->find(); goto oDpEp; cIQbG: Mrs0B: goto RJPBZ; GThKr: LR8yV: goto fnbuo; a8bQx: $i = 0; goto qd0WI; GlARK: gVjD7: goto zs_M7; HMt7l: $this->btime = ''; goto IQ2T3; K24sA: $this->rs = $rs; goto NckzC; HHdGv: $i++; goto HBSX1; Nd5aT: $where .= "\40\141\x6e\144\40\x6e\164\171\x70\145\x3d" . $ntype; goto nCrsg; HRL2Z: $where .= "\40\x61\x6e\x64\x20\x6e\x73\x74\x61\164\165\163\75" . $nstatus; goto RUY3s; Lwaai: FZy6J: goto PLs31; drJDr: h5A2_: goto W7w7E; HBSX1: goto JgBhT; goto GlARK; ykaYj: JbnGC: goto HHdGv; Grj6J: nLZMK: goto Vz9L4; zs_M7: sVsO0: goto K24sA; DE4nU: $where = "\165\x6e\151\x61\143\x69\144\x3d" . $this->uniacid . "\x20"; goto M_qNi; oDpEp: $rs[$i]["\143\x5f\x6d\x6f\x62\151\x6c\145"] = $rt["\155\x6f\x62\x69\154\x65"]; goto h_w3s; IQ2T3: goto nLZMK; goto GThKr; y5ebp: $nstatus = intval($_GET["\156\x73\x74\141\164\165\x73"]); goto HRL2Z; Vz9L4: if (isset($_GET["\145\x74\151\x6d\145"]) && trim($_GET["\x65\164\151\x6d\145"]) != '') { goto GOnil; } goto StYDA; RuqJU: $limit = $page->firstRow . "\54" . $page->listRows; goto NrwpW; aiqek: } public function share_alldel() { goto npQYp; npQYp: $this->mb(); goto TAHsB; Qmvs1: $this->ajaxReturn($data); goto bdUwR; TAHsB: if (!(!isset($_POST["\141\154\154\151\144"]) || trim($_POST["\141\154\154\x69\x64"]) == '')) { goto gKvPr; } goto MVK_j; oX07e: r33pd: goto pI0m1; ZbToO: $data = array("\163\164\141\x74\165\163" => 0, "\162\145\164\x44\145\x73\x63" => "\xe5\x88\240\351\231\244\xe5\244\xb1\xe8\264\245"); goto R0qDQ; R0qDQ: goto QypAF; goto oX07e; Ly97J: QypAF: goto Qmvs1; pI0m1: $data = array("\x73\x74\x61\164\x75\163" => 1, "\x72\145\x74\104\x65\x73\x63" => "\xe5\x88\xa0\xe9\x99\xa4\xe6\x88\220\345\x8a\x9f"); goto Ly97J; EJnjA: gKvPr: goto V81fU; MVK_j: $this->error("\xe9\x9d\x9e\xe6\xb3\225\346\x93\215\344\xbd\x9c"); goto EJnjA; HZHE_: if (M("\143\x61\x72\x5f\x6f\x77\156\145\162\137\163\x68\141\162\x65")->where("\x6e\x69\x64\x20\151\156\40\x28" . $allid . "\x29")->delete()) { goto r33pd; } goto ZbToO; V81fU: $allid = substr(trim($_POST["\x61\154\x6c\x69\144"]), 0, -1); goto HZHE_; bdUwR: } public function redpacked_withdraw() { goto e0H10; iyWhj: $this->display(); goto tqQ_G; U_qKH: $this->btime = $btime; goto cfUqb; axAOs: $this->etime = ''; goto dW9jH; W9xjP: KO4C9: goto aqVZ6; sd_fR: $this->count = $count; goto FKS1t; JXNX1: $i = 0; goto oms8n; wY6tX: UyfKX: goto lttJE; EfUqB: XegJl: goto jfdHK; d47w4: if (isset($_GET["\x62\164\151\x6d\x65"]) && trim($_GET["\x62\x74\x69\155\145"]) != '') { goto EvHi1; } goto xRvHh; gJx0D: if (!$rs) { goto hDYQY; } goto JXNX1; lttJE: $etime = trim($_GET["\145\x74\x69\155\145"]); goto DnDGq; Vpx3Y: $this->nstatus = $nstatus; goto qHr7J; keeLY: KpRp2: goto Wej9G; ySV_9: $where .= "\141\156\x64\40\x20\164\162\x61\x6e\x73\141\x63\x74\151\157\x6e\x5f\164\151\155\x65\x3e\x3d\x27" . date("\x59\x2d\x6d\x2d\x64\x20\x30\x30\x3a\60\x30\x3a\x30\x30", strtotime($btime)) . "\47"; goto U_qKH; cfUqb: rNe04: goto qMSZr; Ikp3B: $this->rs = $rs; goto iyWhj; zM45J: SDiJq: goto czFHq; czFHq: $i++; goto lhRuA; Wej9G: fswUy: goto zM45J; SkxH_: goto rNe04; goto Trycp; aqVZ6: $this->nstatus = 0; goto n_963; e0H10: $this->mb(); goto s9F7Z; jfdHK: $count = M("\x72\145\x64\160\x61\143\x6b\x65\x64\137\x77\x69\x74\150\144\x72\x61\167")->where($where)->count(); goto sd_fR; SGsWE: $rt = m("\155\x65\155\x62\x65\162")->where("\x6e\x69\x64\75" . $rs[$i]["\155\137\151\144"])->find(); goto G9zdN; jgOus: $where .= "\x20\x61\x6e\144\40\x6e\163\x74\141\164\165\x73\x3d" . $nstatus; goto Vpx3Y; Trycp: EvHi1: goto F6PV8; dVaqk: $this->etime = $etime; goto EfUqB; qHr7J: goto RYAQh; goto W9xjP; AGMvW: if (!($i < count($rs))) { goto EZ2D7; } goto SGsWE; fd4Pj: hDYQY: goto Ikp3B; F6PV8: $btime = trim($_GET["\x62\164\151\155\x65"]); goto ySV_9; s9F7Z: $where = "\x20\165\x6e\151\x61\143\151\x64\x3d" . $this->uniacid . "\40"; goto d5L8C; G9zdN: $rs[$i]["\x6d\x6f\x62\151\x6c\x65"] = $rt["\155\157\142\x69\154\145"]; goto itifr; ud9NG: $limit = $page->firstRow . "\x2c" . $page->listRows; goto n3EGy; FKS1t: $page = new Page($count, 10); goto ud9NG; EFt9t: $nstatus = intval($_GET["\156\x73\x74\141\x74\165\163"]); goto jgOus; qMSZr: if (isset($_GET["\145\x74\151\x6d\145"]) && trim($_GET["\x65\x74\151\x6d\145"]) != '') { goto UyfKX; } goto axAOs; d5L8C: if (!isset($_GET["\156\x73\164\141\x74\165\x73"]) || intval($_GET["\x6e\163\x74\141\x74\165\163"]) <= 0) { goto KO4C9; } goto EFt9t; xa04U: $rs = M("\162\145\144\160\141\143\x6b\x65\x64\137\167\x69\164\x68\144\x72\x61\x77")->where($where)->order("\x6e\x69\144\40\x64\145\x73\x63")->limit($limit)->select(); goto gJx0D; dW9jH: goto XegJl; goto wY6tX; UmCkz: EZ2D7: goto fd4Pj; oms8n: HGxb9: goto AGMvW; itifr: $rs[$i]["\167\x78\137\156\x69\143\x6b\156\x61\155\x65"] = $rt["\x77\170\137\156\151\143\153\156\141\x6d\x65"]; goto XkAk3; n_963: RYAQh: goto d47w4; xRvHh: $this->btime = ''; goto SkxH_; DnDGq: $where .= "\141\x6e\144\40\40\x74\x72\x61\x6e\x73\141\x63\x74\x69\157\x6e\137\x74\x69\155\x65\74\75\47" . date("\131\55\155\x2d\x64\40\x32\63\x3a\x35\71\x3a\x35\x39", strtotime($etime)) . "\47"; goto dVaqk; lhRuA: goto HGxb9; goto UmCkz; n3EGy: $this->page = $page->show(); goto xa04U; XkAk3: switch ($rs[$i]["\156\x73\x74\141\164\x75\163"]) { case 1: $rs[$i]["\x6e\x73\164\x61\x74\165\x73\x31"] = "\347\224\xb3\350\xaf\xb7\346\x8f\x90\xe7\216\260"; goto fswUy; case 2: $rs[$i]["\x6e\x73\x74\141\x74\165\x73\x31"] = "\74\146\x6f\156\x74\x20\x63\x6f\154\x6f\162\x3d\x27\147\162\x65\145\x6e\x27\x3e\xe5\xb7\262\xe6\217\x90\xe7\x8e\xb0\x3c\57\146\157\x6e\x74\76"; goto fswUy; case 3: $rs[$i]["\x6e\x73\x74\141\164\x75\x73\x31"] = "\74\146\x6f\156\164\x20\x63\x6f\x6c\x6f\162\x3d\x27\x72\x65\x64\x27\x3e\346\213\222\xe7\xbb\x9d\346\x8f\220\347\216\260\x3c\57\x66\x6f\156\164\x3e"; goto fswUy; } goto keeLY; tqQ_G: } public function redpacked_withdraw_alldel() { goto Mz3kF; kxyUM: $data = array("\163\x74\x61\x74\x75\163" => 1, "\x72\x65\x74\104\145\x73\x63" => "\345\210\xa0\351\231\244\xe6\210\220\345\212\x9f"); goto ISrbD; MTKsc: YVkSL: goto UV6rC; Mz3kF: $this->mb(); goto R5l0t; OV2kf: $this->ajaxReturn($data); goto n3gPz; LJsNl: $data = array("\163\164\x61\x74\x75\163" => 0, "\162\x65\x74\x44\x65\x73\143" => "\xe5\x88\xa0\351\231\xa4\xe5\244\xb1\350\xb4\xa5"); goto Pt6oF; TKxvA: qHUy5: goto YTcaA; Pt6oF: goto k4GO_; goto wA4zv; QHVvR: $this->error("\351\x9d\x9e\346\xb3\225\346\223\215\344\275\x9c"); goto MTKsc; nNPkX: if (!($allid == '')) { goto YVkSL; } goto QHVvR; R5l0t: if (!(!IS_POST || trim($_POST["\x61\154\x6c\x69\144"]) == '')) { goto qHUy5; } goto qJ9pw; qJ9pw: $this->error("\xe9\x9d\236\xe6\263\225\346\x93\215\xe4\275\234"); goto TKxvA; ISrbD: k4GO_: goto OV2kf; YTcaA: $allid = substr(trim($_POST["\141\154\x6c\x69\144"]), 0, -1); goto nNPkX; wA4zv: c4ISU: goto kxyUM; UV6rC: if (M("\162\x65\x64\x70\x61\143\x6b\x65\144\x5f\x77\x69\164\x68\144\162\141\167")->where("\x20\x6e\151\x64\40\x69\156\40\50" . $allid . "\51")->data(array("\151\163\144\x65\x6c" => 2))->save()) { goto c4ISU; } goto LJsNl; n3gPz: } public function redpacked_withdraw_make_money_alldel() { goto N0KWs; l2Knd: AtfT_: goto E7K4u; H4eS9: $i++; goto APMWj; W3Aer: M("\x72\145\x64\x70\x61\x63\153\145\144\x5f\144\x65\164\141\151\x6c")->data($crr)->add(); goto kWN4I; APMWj: goto uGHco; goto G4GjU; fKy0f: $this->ajaxReturn($data); goto T8v5q; HyLnM: hY5bS: goto T1N7y; E7K4u: $i = 0; goto boSGM; kr2b6: $mobile = $res["\155\x6f\x62\x69\154\x65"]; goto A6BXf; uUQ_M: if (!($i < count($rs))) { goto LFhA_; } goto Uvrpd; T1N7y: $allid = substr(trim($_POST["\x61\x6c\x6c\151\144"]), 0, -1); goto BZpz3; BZpz3: if (!($allid == '')) { goto w6j71; } goto vo2gl; hBXA_: $data = array("\163\x74\141\x74\x75\163" => 1, "\x72\145\164\104\145\x73\x63" => "\xe6\x8f\x90\xe7\x8e\xb0\xe5\xa4\xb1\350\xb4\245"); goto lquYm; XN4Bi: BP1cG: goto fKy0f; pQemK: goto sgnz4; goto bVXm3; Uvrpd: $desc = "\xe7\272\xa2\xe5\x8c\205\xe6\x8f\220\xe7\x8e\xb0"; goto Ie6R9; HH2sc: M("\162\145\144\160\x61\x63\153\145\144\137\167\x69\164\x68\x64\x72\141\167")->where("\x6e\151\x64\75" . $rs[$i]["\x6e\x69\x64"])->data(array("\x6e\x73\x74\x61\164\x75\x73" => 2, "\x74\162\141\x6e\163\x61\143\x74\151\157\156\137\164\x69\x6d\145" => $re["\160\141\171\x6d\145\156\164\x5f\164\151\x6d\145"], "\x74\x72\x61\156\163\x61\x63\x74\x69\157\156\137\x69\x64" => $re["\x70\141\x79\x6d\x65\156\x74\x5f\x6e\x6f"]))->save(); goto xRZWU; O6pZK: $data = array("\163\164\x61\164\165\x73" => 1, "\162\x65\164\104\145\x73\143" => "\346\211\271\351\x87\217\346\x89\223\346\xac\276\346\210\220\345\212\x9f"); goto XN4Bi; Ie6R9: $res = M("\x6d\145\155\x62\145\x72")->where("\156\x69\x64\x3d" . $rs[$i]["\x6d\137\151\x64"])->find(); goto kr2b6; jgWzY: $this->getConfig(); goto rkrLH; c9i1C: $re = $wxpay->sendmoney($rs[$i]["\x6d\x6f\x6e\x65\x79"], $res["\157\160\x65\156\151\144"], $rs[$i]["\x6f\162\144\x65\x72\x6e\x75\x6d"], $desc); goto DHm4n; VkjXF: goto BP1cG; goto l2Knd; k2SCn: $rs = M("\x72\145\144\x70\141\143\x6b\145\144\137\167\151\164\x68\x64\162\x61\167")->where("\40\x6e\151\144\40\x69\x6e\40\50" . $allid . "\x29")->select(); goto fu1Vx; kWN4I: $paramString = "\173\x22\x6d\145\x6d\42\72\42" . $x_mobile . "\42\x2c\x22\162\x65\x64\160\x61\x63\x6b\x65\144\42\72\42" . $rs[$i]["\x6d\157\x6e\x65\171"] . "\42\x2c\x22\x66\x6c\x61\x67\x22\72\42\345\xae\241\346\240\270\351\x80\x9a\xe8\277\x87\42\x7d"; goto mEOq4; lquYm: $this->ajaxReturn($data); goto m5Zlq; rkrLH: Vendor("\x61\x6c\151\163\155\x73\x2e\x73\145\x6e\x64\x4d\157\156\145\171"); goto N8eN7; Be8FS: w6j71: goto jgWzY; WQbMY: $wxpay = new \sendMoney(C("\167\x78\x5f\160\141\x79\x2e\x61\160\x70\151\144"), C("\167\x78\x5f\x70\141\171\56\x6d\143\x68\x69\144"), C("\x77\x78\137\160\x61\x79\56\163\x65\143\162\x65\143\x74\137\153\x65\171"), C("\x77\170\137\160\x61\x79\56\151\160"), $arr["\x53\x53\x4c\103\105\x52\x54\137\120\x41\x54\x48"], $arr["\123\123\x4c\113\105\131\x5f\120\x41\124\x48"]); goto k2SCn; h4_dg: $data = array("\163\164\141\164\165\163" => 1, "\x72\x65\x74\x44\x65\163\143" => "\xe6\x8f\x90\xe7\216\260\345\244\xb1\350\264\xa5"); goto VkjXF; bVXm3: m5tnb: goto HH2sc; DHm4n: if ($re["\162\145\x74\x75\162\x6e\x5f\x63\157\x64\145"] == "\x53\x55\103\x43\x45\123\123" && $re["\162\x65\x73\165\x6c\164\137\x63\x6f\144\x65"] == "\x53\125\103\103\105\x53\x53") { goto m5tnb; } goto hBXA_; fu1Vx: if ($rs) { goto AtfT_; } goto h4_dg; cjk5v: $this->error("\351\x9d\x9e\346\xb3\x95\346\223\x8d\344\xbd\234"); goto HyLnM; m5Zlq: exit; goto pQemK; Oamjq: sgnz4: goto Lyaj5; A6BXf: $x_mobile = substr($mobile, 0, 3) . "\x2a\52\52\52" . substr($mobile, 7, 4); goto c9i1C; vo2gl: $this->error("\351\235\236\xe6\xb3\225\346\x93\x8d\344\275\234"); goto Be8FS; N0KWs: $this->mb(); goto NThLu; xRZWU: $crr = array("\155\137\x69\x64" => $rs[$i]["\155\x5f\151\x64"], "\x6d\x6f\x6e\145\x79" => $rs[$i]["\x6d\157\x6e\145\x79"], "\156\164\x79\160\x65" => 2, "\x61\x64\144\164\151\155\x65" => date("\x59\55\155\x2d\x64\x20\110\72\151\x3a\163"), "\165\156\151\x61\143\151\x64" => $this->uniacid, "\156\157\164\x65" => "\xe7\272\xa2\345\x8c\x85\xe6\x8f\220\xe7\216\xb0"); goto W3Aer; NThLu: if (!(!IS_POST || trim($_POST["\x61\154\154\x69\x64"]) == '')) { goto hY5bS; } goto cjk5v; N8eN7: $arr = getPayPath(); goto WQbMY; mEOq4: send_aliyun_msg($mobile, C("\141\x6c\151\137\x73\155\x73\56\163\x6d\x73\62\60"), $paramString); goto Oamjq; G4GjU: LFhA_: goto O6pZK; boSGM: uGHco: goto uUQ_M; Lyaj5: qtGxB: goto H4eS9; T8v5q: } public function redpacked_withdraw_notmake_money_alldel() { goto h43WD; SzcZr: MBeaT: goto PNUIC; RCUNO: if (!($allid == '')) { goto RsCEo; } goto PgSzD; siLUx: RsCEo: goto I6mdM; UYGTf: PbycP: goto W1NqE; p0oe7: $rs = M("\162\x65\144\x70\x61\143\x6b\145\x64\x5f\x77\151\164\x68\144\x72\141\167")->where("\40\156\x69\144\x20\151\156\40\50" . $allid . "\51")->select(); goto qdrs2; PNUIC: $allid = substr(trim($_POST["\x61\154\154\x69\144"]), 0, -1); goto RCUNO; PgSzD: $this->error("\351\235\236\346\263\225\xe6\x93\215\xe4\xbd\x9c"); goto siLUx; PdDKw: $paramString = "\x7b\x22\155\145\x6d\42\x3a\42" . $x_mobile . "\42\x2c\42\162\145\x64\160\141\143\x6b\145\x64\42\x3a\x22" . $rs[$i]["\x6d\x6f\156\x65\171"] . "\x22\x2c\42\x66\154\141\147\42\x3a\x22\xe8\xa2\253\346\x8b\x92\347\xbb\235\42\x7d"; goto D_cAC; S88lP: M2QAz: goto HNoaV; SjU4p: if (!($i < count($rs))) { goto M2QAz; } goto qITyE; BhsQK: goto PbycP; goto dTZ7w; xbnID: goto uxoqz; goto S88lP; HLjLk: uxoqz: goto SjU4p; zpiBg: $mobile = $res["\x6d\157\x62\151\x6c\145"]; goto pBgUb; qdrs2: if (M("\162\x65\144\160\141\143\153\145\144\137\x77\x69\164\x68\144\x72\141\x77")->where("\x20\x6e\x69\144\40\151\x6e\40\x28" . $allid . "\51")->data(array("\156\163\164\x61\x74\165\x73" => 3, "\164\162\141\x6e\x73\141\x63\164\x69\x6f\x6e\137\x74\x69\155\x65" => date("\131\x2d\x6d\x2d\144\x20\110\x3a\151\72\163")))->save()) { goto M7wbX; } goto ACdLG; ACdLG: $data = array("\x73\x74\141\164\165\x73" => 0, "\x72\145\164\x44\x65\163\x63" => "\xe6\x93\215\344\xbd\x9c\xe5\244\261\xe8\xb4\xa5"); goto BhsQK; I6mdM: $this->getConfig(); goto p0oe7; dTZ7w: M7wbX: goto ZLPDc; pBgUb: $x_mobile = substr($mobile, 0, 3) . "\52\x2a\x2a\x2a" . substr($mobile, 7, 4); goto PdDKw; h43WD: $this->mb(); goto SijJ9; D_cAC: send_aliyun_msg($mobile, C("\141\x6c\151\137\x73\155\x73\56\x73\155\x73\62\60"), $paramString); goto MrOaQ; qITyE: $res = M("\155\145\155\x62\x65\x72")->where("\x6e\x69\x64\75" . $rs[$i]["\155\x5f\x69\144"])->find(); goto zpiBg; bX73o: $i++; goto xbnID; MrOaQ: dSXVu: goto bX73o; W1NqE: $this->ajaxReturn($data); goto BoCyn; HNoaV: $data = array("\163\x74\141\x74\165\163" => 1, "\x72\x65\164\x44\145\x73\143" => "\346\223\x8d\344\275\234\346\x88\x90\xe5\212\x9f"); goto UYGTf; SijJ9: if (!(!IS_POST || trim($_POST["\141\x6c\x6c\151\144"]) == '')) { goto MBeaT; } goto vL4ng; vL4ng: $this->error("\351\x9d\x9e\346\263\225\xe6\223\215\xe4\xbd\234"); goto SzcZr; ZLPDc: $i = 0; goto HLjLk; BoCyn: } public function redpacked_withdraw_del() { goto aN2_m; XddNV: if (M("\x72\x65\x64\160\x61\x63\x6b\145\144\137\167\x69\164\x68\144\x72\141\167")->where("\156\151\144\x3d" . $nid)->setField("\x69\x73\x64\x65\x6c", 2)) { goto zQStN; } goto hFU1T; Og9lx: zQStN: goto YjJRs; czUM4: $this->error("\xe9\235\x9e\xe6\xb3\x95\xe6\223\x8d\xe4\275\x9c"); goto fBdin; v0F65: goto mTstb; goto Og9lx; Rgt1v: mTstb: goto htI84; fBdin: eAtwS: goto heM23; hFU1T: $this->error("\xe5\x88\240\xe9\231\244\xe5\xa4\xb1\xe8\xb4\xa5"); goto v0F65; YjJRs: $this->success("\345\210\240\351\x99\xa4\346\210\220\345\212\237"); goto Rgt1v; aN2_m: $this->mb(); goto txKdz; heM23: $nid = intval($_GET["\156\151\144"]); goto XddNV; txKdz: if (!(!IS_GET || intval($_GET["\x6e\151\x64"]) <= 0)) { goto eAtwS; } goto czUM4; htI84: } public function withdrawals_list() { goto kP_HT; rM9nM: if (!($i < count($rs))) { goto wsiLK; } goto ItSan; oPpea: $this->btime = ''; goto jmncc; Wqpcr: tRP72: goto FLGop; cvBD3: IuHMP: goto mjxTx; DiXy8: $count = M("\167\x69\x74\x68\x64\x72\x61\x77\x61\x6c\x73")->where($where)->count(); goto GLDbt; cqWht: if (isset($_GET["\145\x74\x69\x6d\145"]) && trim($_GET["\x65\x74\x69\x6d\145"]) != '') { goto IuHMP; } goto r2e2r; RTMUK: dLpV8: goto Zifgh; GLDbt: $this->count = $count; goto LBo9C; WYI2C: eGeXY: goto PIrrQ; LiOpo: $where .= "\40\141\x6e\x64\40\x20\x70\x6c\141\171\155\x6f\x6e\x65\171\137\x74\151\155\x65\x3c\x3d\47" . date("\131\x2d\x6d\x2d\x64\x20\x32\63\72\x35\71\x3a\65\x39", strtotime($etime)) . "\x27"; goto ucaBh; Zifgh: hDP6X: goto uY2rc; Lsscr: goto TflsO; goto cvBD3; FLGop: ClSCv: goto f2q7L; DePky: goto u5zJz; goto RV_05; BuRkT: switch ($rs[$i]["\156\163\x74\x61\164\165\x73"]) { case 1: $rs[$i]["\156\x73\164\x61\164\165\163\x31"] = "\xe7\x94\263\xe8\xaf\xb7\xe6\217\220\xe7\216\260"; goto hDP6X; case 2: $rs[$i]["\x6e\x73\x74\x61\x74\165\x73\61"] = "\74\x66\x6f\x6e\164\40\x63\157\154\157\162\x3d\47\x67\162\145\145\x6e\47\76\345\267\262\346\x8f\x90\xe7\x8e\xb0\x3c\x2f\146\157\x6e\164\76"; goto hDP6X; case 3: $rs[$i]["\156\x73\x74\x61\164\x75\163\61"] = "\x3c\146\157\x6e\x74\x20\x63\157\154\x6f\162\x3d\47\162\145\144\47\x3e\xe6\x8b\x92\347\xbb\x9d\xe6\217\220\347\216\260\74\x2f\x66\157\156\164\x3e"; goto hDP6X; } goto RTMUK; kP_HT: $this->mb(); goto I_0U6; Gq0Z8: $nclass = intval($_GET["\156\x63\x6c\x61\163\163"]); goto quuhD; uIU2u: $btime = trim($_GET["\x62\164\x69\x6d\x65"]); goto ZqVGy; pgXYx: mq0B9: goto Wqpcr; SvQts: if (isset($_GET["\142\164\x69\x6d\x65"]) && trim($_GET["\x62\164\x69\155\145"]) != '') { goto qTwlV; } goto oPpea; UvtPs: qTwlV: goto uIU2u; D2isF: TflsO: goto DiXy8; I_0U6: $where = "\40\x69\163\x64\x65\x6c\75\x31\x20\x61\156\144\x20\165\156\151\141\143\x69\144\x3d" . $this->uniacid . "\x20"; goto agLgJ; RV_05: EUX_t: goto FzEnQ; agLgJ: if (!isset($_GET["\x6e\163\164\x61\164\x75\163"]) || intval($_GET["\x6e\163\x74\x61\x74\165\x73"]) <= 0) { goto RMYfB; } goto W1wT1; lZxgF: $this->display(); goto ZIouT; lxnur: $i = 0; goto ESts6; W1wT1: $nstatus = intval($_GET["\156\x73\164\x61\164\x75\163"]); goto pqll9; uY2rc: switch ($rs[$i]["\x6e\143\x6c\x61\163\x73"]) { case 0: $rs[$i]["\x6e\143\x6c\x61\163\163\x31"] = "\346\227\xa0"; goto rNFXh; case 1: $rs[$i]["\156\143\154\141\163\163\61"] = "\346\212\274\351\207\x91\xe6\217\220\xe7\x8e\260"; goto rNFXh; case 2: $rs[$i]["\156\x63\154\141\163\x73\x31"] = "\350\xb4\246\346\210\xb7\346\217\x90\347\216\260"; goto rNFXh; case 3: $rs[$i]["\x6e\x63\x6c\x61\163\x73\x31"] = "\346\211\243\xe9\x99\244\xe6\x8a\xbc\xe9\207\221"; goto rNFXh; case 4: $rs[$i]["\156\143\154\141\163\x73\61"] = "\346\x89\243\xe9\231\244\xe8\275\246\xe8\xb5\204"; goto rNFXh; case 5: $rs[$i]["\x6e\143\x6c\x61\163\x73\61"] = "\351\200\x80\350\xbf\x98\350\275\xa6\350\265\x84\344\275\x99\xe6\254\276"; goto rNFXh; } goto VvnGc; r2e2r: $this->etime = ''; goto Lsscr; UM243: u5zJz: goto SvQts; nvTWE: goto jWxKl; goto rWZ3H; PIrrQ: $this->rs = $rs; goto lZxgF; t1sUt: $rs[$i]["\155\x6f\142\x69\x6c\145"] = $rt["\155\x6f\x62\151\154\x65"]; goto oWlQZ; pqll9: $where .= "\40\x61\156\x64\40\x6e\x73\164\141\164\x75\163\x3d" . $nstatus; goto p5VQb; ItSan: $rt = m("\x6d\145\x6d\x62\x65\162")->where("\156\151\144\x3d" . $rs[$i]["\155\x5f\x69\x64"])->find(); goto t1sUt; Xa__T: $this->nclass = $nclass; goto DePky; mjxTx: $etime = trim($_GET["\x65\164\x69\x6d\145"]); goto LiOpo; xz4Cf: switch ($rs[$i]["\x69\x73\x64\x65\154"]) { case 1: $rs[$i]["\151\x73\144\x65\154\x31"] = "\346\xb2\241\xe6\x9c\x89\345\x88\xa0\xe9\x99\xa4"; goto tRP72; case 2: $rs[$i]["\151\163\144\145\154\61"] = "\345\xb7\262\345\x88\xa0\351\231\xa4"; goto tRP72; } goto pgXYx; RP2DP: if (!$rs) { goto eGeXY; } goto lxnur; D1rWv: $rs = M("\x77\151\x74\x68\144\x72\x61\167\x61\154\163")->where($where)->order("\156\151\144\x20\144\145\163\143")->limit($limit)->select(); goto RP2DP; VvnGc: th4NJ: goto bwEp6; oWlQZ: $rs[$i]["\167\170\137\x6e\x69\x63\153\x6e\x61\155\145"] = $rt["\167\170\x5f\156\x69\143\153\156\x61\155\145"]; goto BuRkT; RX2o9: grQ4o: goto yolYS; hFPRK: $limit = $page->firstRow . "\54" . $page->listRows; goto YLEcW; LBo9C: $page = new Page($count, 10); goto hFPRK; p5VQb: $this->nstatus = $nstatus; goto NgOYT; jmncc: goto XQbNC; goto UvtPs; quuhD: $where .= "\40\x61\156\x64\40\156\x63\154\141\163\x73\75" . $nclass; goto Xa__T; FzEnQ: $this->nclass = 0; goto UM243; NgOYT: goto grQ4o; goto yPXAm; bwEp6: rNFXh: goto xz4Cf; rWZ3H: wsiLK: goto WYI2C; SheVb: $this->nstatus = 0; goto RX2o9; ZqVGy: $where .= "\x20\141\156\144\40\x20\160\x6c\141\x79\x6d\x6f\156\x65\x79\137\164\x69\155\145\x3e\75\x27" . date("\x59\55\155\55\x64\x20\x30\60\x3a\x30\60\72\x30\x30", strtotime($btime)) . "\47"; goto lw7qJ; f2q7L: $i++; goto nvTWE; yolYS: if (!isset($_GET["\156\x63\x6c\141\x73\x73"]) || intval($_GET["\156\x63\x6c\141\163\163"]) <= 0) { goto EUX_t; } goto Gq0Z8; yPXAm: RMYfB: goto SheVb; ESts6: jWxKl: goto rM9nM; YLEcW: $this->page = $page->show(); goto D1rWv; G6jBS: XQbNC: goto cqWht; lw7qJ: $this->btime = $btime; goto G6jBS; ucaBh: $this->etime = $etime; goto D2isF; ZIouT: } public function amount_cash_list() { goto PSUye; hHZ_8: $this->display(); goto ioM6u; PSUye: $this->mb(); goto TguRn; shdUA: $this->count = $count; goto bCPGj; AM_V8: $rs = M("\x70\x65\x72\163\157\x6e\137\x6d\145\x6d\x62\x65\x72\137\141\x6d\x6f\x75\156\164\x5f\x63\141\163\x68")->where($where)->limit($limit)->select(); goto XZZ5_; bCPGj: $page = new Page($count, 10); goto Mm0HM; XZZ5_: $this->rs = $rs; goto hHZ_8; Mm0HM: $limit = $page->firstRow . "\x2c" . $page->listRows; goto lOgb4; UNLlQ: $count = M("\160\145\x72\x73\157\x6e\x5f\155\x65\155\x62\145\x72\137\x61\155\x6f\x75\x6e\x74\x5f\x63\x61\x73\x68")->where($where)->count(); goto shdUA; lOgb4: $this->page = $page->show(); goto AM_V8; TguRn: $where = "\165\x6e\151\141\143\151\144\75" . $this->uniacid; goto UNLlQ; ioM6u: } public function amount_cash_del() { goto XxMhE; h2L_K: $nid = intval($_GET["\156\151\144"]); goto tL1Qp; tL1Qp: M("\160\145\x72\x73\157\x6e\x5f\155\x65\155\x62\x65\x72\x5f\141\155\x6f\165\156\x74\x5f\143\x61\x73\x68")->where("\156\x69\144\75" . $nid)->delete(); goto xNLfi; Y6LYc: $this->error("\xe9\x9d\236\xe6\263\x95\xe6\223\215\344\xbd\234"); goto lkdkQ; Y956w: if (!(!isset($_GET["\156\x69\144"]) || intval($_GET["\156\151\144"]) <= 0)) { goto juOT2; } goto Y6LYc; lkdkQ: juOT2: goto h2L_K; XxMhE: $this->mb(); goto Y956w; xNLfi: $this->success("\xe6\x93\215\344\xbd\x9c\xe6\210\x90\345\x8a\x9f"); goto lreVm; lreVm: } public function withdrawals_list_alldel() { goto HJzno; TYMnu: zzx1z: goto v9IrC; aRkaw: MgmS2: goto qeBhY; mRAPe: $data = array("\163\164\x61\x74\165\163" => 1, "\162\x65\x74\x44\145\x73\x63" => "\345\210\xa0\351\x99\xa4\xe6\210\x90\xe5\212\237"); goto TYMnu; sQAEn: $allid = substr(trim($_POST["\x61\154\154\151\x64"]), 0, -1); goto Uq1xu; v9IrC: $this->ajaxReturn($data); goto w4xUj; mdmph: if (!(!IS_POST || trim($_POST["\x61\x6c\x6c\151\144"]) == '')) { goto z0x21; } goto nw6vQ; qeBhY: if (M("\x77\x69\164\150\x64\x72\x61\167\141\x6c\x73")->where("\40\x6e\151\x64\x20\151\x6e\x20\50" . $allid . "\x29")->data(array("\x69\x73\144\x65\154" => 2))->save()) { goto aL2NZ; } goto Pyyaz; Pyyaz: $data = array("\x73\x74\x61\x74\165\163" => 0, "\x72\x65\x74\x44\145\163\x63" => "\345\210\240\351\x99\xa4\xe5\xa4\261\350\264\xa5"); goto dVb8F; nZIOq: $this->error("\xe9\235\236\346\263\x95\346\x93\215\344\275\234"); goto aRkaw; nw6vQ: $this->error("\351\x9d\236\346\263\225\xe6\x93\x8d\344\xbd\x9c"); goto eCzci; eCzci: z0x21: goto sQAEn; JfC9p: aL2NZ: goto mRAPe; dVb8F: goto zzx1z; goto JfC9p; Uq1xu: if (!($allid == '')) { goto MgmS2; } goto nZIOq; HJzno: $this->mb(); goto mdmph; w4xUj: } public function member_withdrawals_list_del() { goto AM8IO; htLYR: MS3uo: goto iwyNS; T0gaq: goto MS3uo; goto RYFRv; AM8IO: $this->mb(); goto EuIGw; puihj: $this->error("\351\x9d\236\346\xb3\225\346\x93\215\344\xbd\x9c"); goto lLRZt; lLRZt: lZk9D: goto vsZkg; q_3a5: $this->error("\345\210\240\xe9\x99\xa4\xe5\xa4\261\350\xb4\xa5"); goto T0gaq; pQJia: if (M("\x77\151\x74\x68\144\x72\x61\x77\x61\154\x73")->where("\156\151\144\x3d" . $nid)->setField("\x69\x73\x64\x65\x6c", 2)) { goto vnTYl; } goto q_3a5; EuIGw: if (!(!IS_GET || intval($_GET["\x6e\151\x64"]) <= 0)) { goto lZk9D; } goto puihj; vsZkg: $nid = intval($_GET["\x6e\151\144"]); goto pQJia; FIx3y: $this->success("\xe5\x88\xa0\351\x99\244\xe6\x88\x90\xe5\212\237"); goto htLYR; RYFRv: vnTYl: goto FIx3y; iwyNS: } public function withdrawals_list_make_money_alldel() { goto PQX2i; SqOJ0: KFoD2: goto xgADU; Xzo1M: M("\x72\x65\166\x65\x6e\x75\x65\x5f\x64\x65\164\x61\151\154")->data($crr)->add(); goto SqOJ0; vWCE2: gDs_4: goto JMVj2; Jm2I_: sJDaa: goto LFmOq; ULmeX: ZhDEf: goto g2t4m; xgADU: fFPWY: goto wcv2e; Oewvr: nAvuR: goto HkmJl; gUmmj: if ($rs) { goto REwbE; } goto Ygotx; tgvkb: LBK8k: goto dfpsq; QN040: if (!($i < count($rs))) { goto bFdvv; } goto huawn; LFmOq: $res = M("\x6d\145\x6d\142\145\x72")->where("\156\x69\x64\75" . $rs[$i]["\x6d\137\x69\144"])->find(); goto Kx284; O0SE8: if (!($allid == '')) { goto gDs_4; } goto HkUGk; NiNGk: $this->error("\351\235\236\346\xb3\225\346\x93\x8d\xe4\xbd\234"); goto ULmeX; QUwsP: goto ksdaX; goto yy7Sn; yy7Sn: REwbE: goto MtBPV; ZeyiP: XLjf3: goto Xzo1M; W1Cpe: $desc = "\xe6\212\xbc\xe9\x87\x91\346\x8f\220\xe7\x8e\xb0"; goto Oewvr; KXnRr: $arr = getPayPath(); goto VL2ep; wu5gQ: goto KFoD2; goto MpErR; HkUGk: $this->error("\xe9\235\x9e\346\xb3\225\xe6\223\x8d\xe4\xbd\234"); goto vWCE2; mGdDD: bFdvv: goto YeuTF; wcv2e: $i++; goto BBCuJ; YeuTF: $data = array("\x73\164\141\x74\x75\x73" => 1, "\162\145\164\104\145\x73\x63" => "\346\211\xb9\351\207\217\346\211\x93\xe6\xac\xbe\346\x88\x90\345\212\237"); goto zRLxW; MpErR: vhvsn: goto mvvnF; z2hps: if (!(!IS_POST || trim($_POST["\141\x6c\154\151\x64"]) == '')) { goto ZhDEf; } goto NiNGk; lLZGx: if (!($rs[$i]["\156\x63\x6c\141\163\163"] == 1)) { goto LBK8k; } goto AtgsU; BBCuJ: goto eLxRI; goto mGdDD; RdbIy: $crr = array("\x6d\x6f\156\145\171" => $rs[$i]["\x61\x6d\x6f\x75\x6e\164\137\143\x61\163\x68"], "\141\x64\144\x74\151\155\x65" => date("\x59\55\x6d\x2d\x64\x20\x48\x3a\x69\x3a\x73"), "\155\137\151\144" => $rs[$i]["\x6d\x5f\151\x64"], "\x75\x6e\x69\x61\x63\151\x64" => $this->uniacid, "\160\151\x64" => $rs[$i]["\x6e\x69\144"]); goto lLZGx; mvvnF: M("\167\151\164\150\x64\162\x61\x77\141\154\163")->where("\x6e\x69\x64\x3d" . $rs[$i]["\156\x69\144"])->data(array("\156\163\164\x61\x74\165\x73" => 2, "\x70\x6c\x61\x79\155\157\x6e\x65\171\137\x74\x69\x6d\x65" => $re["\160\x61\171\155\x65\156\164\137\x74\151\x6d\145"], "\x74\162\x61\x6e\x73\141\143\x74\151\157\156\137\151\x64" => $re["\160\x61\x79\x6d\x65\x6e\x74\x5f\x6e\x6f"]))->save(); goto RdbIy; B7yPb: exit; goto wu5gQ; dRcwC: $desc = "\xe8\264\xa6\346\x88\267\346\217\x90\347\x8e\xb0"; goto Jm2I_; VB8Mh: if ($re["\162\145\x74\x75\x72\x6e\137\143\x6f\x64\145"] == "\x53\125\103\x43\x45\123\x53" && $re["\162\x65\163\165\x6c\164\137\143\x6f\x64\145"] == "\123\x55\x43\x43\x45\123\x53") { goto vhvsn; } goto TeoM9; Kx284: $re = $wxpay->sendmoney($rs[$i]["\x61\x6d\x6f\165\x6e\x74\x5f\143\x61\163\x68"], $res["\157\160\145\x6e\x69\x64"], $rs[$i]["\157\x72\x64\x65\x72\x6e\x75\x6d"], $desc); goto VB8Mh; LFnju: $crr["\156\143\x6c\141\x73\x73"] = 6; goto ZeyiP; W0iq5: $this->ajaxReturn($data); goto B7yPb; TeoM9: $data = array("\x73\164\x61\x74\165\x73" => 1, "\x72\145\164\104\x65\x73\x63" => "\xe6\x8f\x90\xe7\x8e\260\xe5\xa4\261\350\264\245"); goto W0iq5; AtgsU: $crr["\156\143\x6c\x61\163\163"] = 5; goto tgvkb; g2t4m: $allid = substr(trim($_POST["\141\x6c\x6c\x69\144"]), 0, -1); goto O0SE8; VL2ep: $wxpay = new \sendMoney(C("\167\x78\x5f\x70\x61\171\56\x61\x70\160\151\x64"), C("\167\x78\137\160\x61\x79\x2e\155\x63\150\x69\144"), C("\167\x78\x5f\160\141\171\x2e\163\145\x63\x72\x65\x63\164\x5f\x6b\x65\x79"), C("\x77\170\137\160\x61\x79\x2e\151\160"), $arr["\123\123\114\x43\x45\x52\124\137\x50\101\x54\110"], $arr["\123\x53\x4c\113\x45\131\x5f\120\101\x54\x48"]); goto lPXs_; zRLxW: ksdaX: goto kyVMn; MtBPV: $i = 0; goto xU49h; huawn: if (!($rs[$i]["\x6e\143\154\141\163\x73"] == 1)) { goto nAvuR; } goto W1Cpe; PQX2i: $this->mb(); goto z2hps; JMVj2: $this->getConfig(); goto wtPgo; lPXs_: $rs = M("\x77\151\x74\150\x64\162\x61\x77\141\x6c\x73")->where("\40\x6e\151\x64\x20\151\156\x20\50" . $allid . "\x29")->select(); goto gUmmj; kyVMn: $this->ajaxReturn($data); goto DBCBK; xU49h: eLxRI: goto QN040; dfpsq: if (!($rs[$i]["\x6e\x63\x6c\x61\163\163"] == 2)) { goto XLjf3; } goto LFnju; wtPgo: Vendor("\x61\x6c\x69\163\x6d\163\x2e\x73\x65\x6e\x64\115\x6f\x6e\145\x79"); goto KXnRr; Ygotx: $data = array("\x73\164\141\164\x75\163" => 1, "\162\x65\x74\x44\145\x73\x63" => "\346\x8f\220\347\216\xb0\345\xa4\261\350\264\245"); goto QUwsP; HkmJl: if (!($rs[$i]["\x6e\x63\x6c\141\x73\x73"] == 2)) { goto sJDaa; } goto dRcwC; DBCBK: } public function withdrawals_list_notmake_money_alldel() { goto H04fO; o7p0l: $data = array("\163\164\141\x74\x75\163" => 1, "\x72\x65\x74\104\x65\x73\143" => "\346\223\x8d\344\xbd\234\xe6\210\220\xe5\x8a\237"); goto kB3Qk; PBqwI: if (M("\x77\x69\x74\150\x64\162\x61\x77\141\154\163")->where("\x20\156\151\x64\x20\x69\x6e\40\50" . $allid . "\x29")->data(array("\156\163\x74\x61\164\x75\x73" => 3, "\160\x6c\141\x79\x6d\157\x6e\x65\171\x5f\x74\151\x6d\145" => date("\131\55\155\x2d\x64\x20\110\72\x69\72\163"), "\x72\145\141\x73\x6f\x6e" => "\xe6\x97\240\xe6\x95\x88\347\232\204\347\224\xb3\350\257\xb7"))->save()) { goto QSSC4; } goto qa14m; H04fO: $this->mb(); goto A63qp; DYJmD: goto OH6fs; goto ZW5qc; Jej06: CWbvf: goto PBqwI; A63qp: if (!(!IS_POST || trim($_POST["\141\x6c\x6c\x69\144"]) == '')) { goto V71W8; } goto K5ycc; VZDeY: if (!($allid == '')) { goto CWbvf; } goto sPSJ0; K5ycc: $this->error("\351\235\x9e\346\263\x95\xe6\x93\215\344\xbd\234"); goto E81N6; o3ZWj: $allid = substr(trim($_POST["\x61\154\x6c\151\x64"]), 0, -1); goto VZDeY; E81N6: V71W8: goto o3ZWj; kB3Qk: OH6fs: goto MNs8n; sPSJ0: $this->error("\351\x9d\x9e\346\263\x95\346\x93\x8d\xe4\275\234"); goto Jej06; ZW5qc: QSSC4: goto o7p0l; MNs8n: $this->ajaxReturn($data); goto DmqlN; qa14m: $data = array("\163\164\141\164\165\163" => 0, "\x72\x65\164\x44\x65\x73\143" => "\346\x93\x8d\344\275\x9c\xe5\xa4\261\xe8\264\245"); goto DYJmD; DmqlN: } public function member_share_list() { goto e8O0D; LI2Ao: goto LwqPw; goto xqgyh; cKEE7: goto kCTYd; goto aaDYs; uerNj: $this->page = $Page->show(); goto MXgR_; e8O0D: $this->mb(); goto S3rTG; aaDYs: wlW8I: goto U_SEl; fh8DX: $rs[$i]["\x6d\137\156\x61\155\x65"] = $rt["\x77\x78\x5f\x6e\151\143\153\156\141\x6d\x65"]; goto cR2I3; B1eWV: if (!$rs) { goto khWAH; } goto ltna8; e_W8B: goto Nvcrn; goto lxGR6; vW1wb: $this->nstatus = 0; goto txYTi; o7zEb: $rs = M("\160\145\x72\163\157\156\137\x6d\x65\155\x62\145\x72\137\163\150\141\x72\145")->where($where)->limit($limit)->order("\156\x69\x64\x20\x64\x65\163\x63")->select(); goto B1eWV; iDmV3: XA2Gq: goto lOIEb; wydpy: $this->display(); goto QBUSg; txYTi: LwqPw: goto Q038o; pa2Qs: CJTAX: goto bUFjH; ATvlS: $Page = new Page($count, 10); goto RGe3W; nyTSC: if ($rs[$i]["\x6e\x73\x74\x61\x74\x75\163"] == 1) { goto FmAik; } goto n2cA2; MXgR_: $this->count = $count; goto o7zEb; bUFjH: if ($rs[$i]["\x69\163\144\145\x6c"] == 1) { goto a6U9d; } goto x2D7x; lxGR6: a6U9d: goto rJtIg; rJtIg: $rs[$i]["\151\x73\144\x65\154\x31"] = "\74\x66\157\x6e\164\x20\x63\x6f\x6c\x6f\x72\x3d\47\147\x72\145\x65\156\x27\76\xe5\220\xa6\74\x2f\x66\x6f\x6e\164\76"; goto T_fo_; LoQIR: $this->nstatus = intval($_GET["\x6e\163\x74\141\164\x75\x73"]); goto LI2Ao; RGe3W: $limit = $Page->firstRow . "\x2c" . $Page->listRows; goto uerNj; xqgyh: tkoM2: goto vW1wb; n2cA2: $rs[$i]["\156\163\x74\141\164\x75\x73\x31"] = "\74\x66\157\x6e\x74\x20\143\157\x6c\x6f\x72\x3d\x27\147\x72\x65\145\156\x27\x3e\345\210\x86\xe4\272\253\346\210\220\xe5\212\237\x3c\x2f\x66\157\156\x74\x3e"; goto G6hla; yUeI4: $where .= "\x20\x61\156\x64\x20\x6e\163\164\x61\x74\165\163\x3d" . intval($_GET["\156\x73\164\x61\164\165\x73"]); goto LoQIR; x2D7x: $rs[$i]["\x69\163\x64\145\154\x31"] = "\x3c\146\157\x6e\x74\40\x63\x6f\x6c\157\162\x3d\x27\162\145\x64\47\x3e\xe6\x98\257\x3c\57\x66\157\x6e\x74\x3e"; goto e_W8B; ACFyG: $rs[$i]["\156\163\164\141\x74\x75\163\61"] = "\x3c\146\x6f\x6e\x74\x20\x63\157\154\157\162\75\x27\162\x65\x64\47\76\345\210\206\xe4\272\xab\xe4\270\215\346\x88\220\345\x8a\x9f\74\57\146\157\x6e\164\x3e"; goto pa2Qs; Gf3GR: FmAik: goto ACFyG; wuRgt: $rt = M("\155\145\155\142\145\162")->where("\156\x69\x64\x3d" . $rs[$i]["\x6d\x5f\151\x64"])->find(); goto fh8DX; Wbef1: $rs[$i]["\x62\137\x6e\x61\155\x65"] = $rt["\x77\x78\x5f\x6e\151\x63\153\156\141\x6d\x65"]; goto nyTSC; Q038o: $count = M("\160\145\162\x73\x6f\x6e\x5f\x6d\x65\155\142\x65\162\x5f\163\x68\141\x72\145")->where($where)->count(); goto ATvlS; G6hla: goto CJTAX; goto Gf3GR; cR2I3: $rt = M("\x6d\x65\155\x62\145\x72")->where("\156\151\144\x3d" . $rs[$i]["\x62\x5f\151\144"])->find(); goto Wbef1; S3rTG: $where = "\40\x75\156\x69\x61\143\x69\x64\75" . $this->uniacid . "\x20"; goto pQ3zk; lOIEb: $i++; goto cKEE7; dtyip: if (!($i < count($rs))) { goto wlW8I; } goto wuRgt; g6Rgn: $this->rs = $rs; goto wydpy; pQ3zk: if (!isset($_GET["\x6e\163\x74\x61\x74\165\163"]) || intval($_GET["\156\163\x74\141\164\x75\x73"]) <= 0) { goto tkoM2; } goto yUeI4; U_SEl: khWAH: goto g6Rgn; RguWq: kCTYd: goto dtyip; ltna8: $i = 0; goto RguWq; T_fo_: Nvcrn: goto iDmV3; QBUSg: } public function member_share_list_alldel() { goto wgju_; e1DEV: O86qi: goto nJioe; k3Xs0: $data = array("\x73\164\141\x74\165\163" => 1, "\162\x65\x74\104\145\163\x63" => "\346\x93\x8d\xe4\xbd\x9c\346\x88\220\xe5\212\x9f"); goto e1DEV; wgju_: $this->mb(); goto ltOrc; nJioe: $this->ajaxReturn($data); goto P0M18; utWym: goto O86qi; goto vh6ij; YAcgK: $this->error("\351\x9d\236\xe6\263\225\346\223\x8d\344\xbd\234"); goto r8l5o; vh6ij: pSfsR: goto k3Xs0; mFLvc: CfbLy: goto xSB0l; r8l5o: totYt: goto BgUWr; BgUWr: if (M("\x70\145\x72\x73\157\156\137\155\145\x6d\142\x65\x72\137\x73\150\141\162\145")->where("\x20\156\x69\x64\x20\x69\156\x20\50" . $allid . "\51")->data(array("\151\x73\144\145\x6c" => 2))->save()) { goto pSfsR; } goto n7R89; n7R89: $data = array("\163\164\141\164\165\163" => 0, "\162\145\164\x44\x65\x73\143" => "\xe6\x93\215\xe4\275\x9c\xe5\xa4\261\xe8\xb4\245"); goto utWym; xSB0l: $allid = substr(trim($_POST["\x61\x6c\154\x69\144"]), 0, -1); goto L9i_b; vvN1I: $this->error("\xe9\235\236\346\263\x95\xe6\223\215\xe4\xbd\x9c"); goto mFLvc; L9i_b: if (!($allid == '')) { goto totYt; } goto YAcgK; ltOrc: if (!(!IS_POST || trim($_POST["\x61\x6c\154\x69\144"]) == '')) { goto CfbLy; } goto vvN1I; P0M18: } public function member_share_list_del() { goto ONJZA; JxK70: $nid = intval($_GET["\x6e\x69\x64"]); goto Q1A78; UHwmz: if (!(!isset($_GET["\x6e\x69\x64"]) || intval($_GET["\x6e\151\x64"]) <= 0)) { goto u8m9R; } goto D40w2; sIZ2l: $this->success("\346\223\x8d\344\xbd\x9c\xe6\210\x90\xe5\212\x9f"); goto mmbKZ; NIIX7: u8m9R: goto JxK70; D40w2: $this->error("\351\235\236\346\xb3\x95\xe6\223\x8d\344\275\x9c"); goto NIIX7; ONJZA: $this->mb(); goto UHwmz; Q1A78: M("\x70\145\x72\163\157\156\137\155\x65\x6d\142\x65\162\137\x73\x68\x61\x72\145")->where("\156\x69\x64\75" . $nid)->setField("\x69\x73\144\145\x6c", 2); goto sIZ2l; mmbKZ: } public function platform_income_list() { goto ap15V; FDYQ3: if (!isset($_GET["\156\164\171\160\x65"]) || intval($_GET["\156\164\171\160\x65"]) <= 0) { goto XLZAR; } goto I2uL3; PyN0k: $where .= "\40\x61\x6e\x64\40\x20\x61\144\144\x74\x69\155\145\x3c\75\x27" . date("\131\x2d\x6d\55\144\x20\62\63\x3a\65\x39\72\x35\71", strtotime($etime)) . "\47"; goto FTSlk; uv0cV: eoHGq: goto S8Tzr; IlUth: if (!$rs) { goto pLO7L; } goto K5YAv; hsO3E: YSLPR: goto zngwW; rg5gs: CfE9P: goto zw0vn; zngwW: $i++; goto wv89P; DEAyH: uB0LO: goto yY5Vb; K5YAv: $i = 0; goto rg5gs; tkNAL: $rs = M("\160\154\x61\164\x66\x6f\162\x6d\x5f\151\156\143\x6f\155\145")->where($where)->limit($limit)->order("\x69\144\40\x64\x65\163\x63")->select(); goto IlUth; A5YIU: $this->btime = ''; goto ljYc0; wv89P: goto CfE9P; goto rXDpp; OZ1yT: wYT9h: goto Apk3d; FTSlk: $this->etime = $etime; goto Hj0ff; oGjkZ: switch ($rs[$i]["\156\x74\x79\x70\145"]) { case 1: $rs[$i]["\156\164\171\x70\145\x31"] = "\xe7\224\xa8\346\210\xb7\xe7\233\264\xe6\x8e\245\345\x8f\x96\346\xb6\x88\344\xbb\273\345\x8a\xa1\345\271\263\xe5\217\xb0\346\224\266\345\205\xa5"; goto S7a9b; case 2: $rs[$i]["\x6e\164\x79\x70\145\61"] = "\xe8\xbd\xa6\344\270\273\347\x9b\xb4\xe6\216\xa5\345\217\226\xe6\xb6\210\xe4\273\273\xe5\x8a\xa1\345\271\xb3\xe5\x8f\xb0\xe6\x94\266\345\205\xa5"; goto S7a9b; case 3: $rs[$i]["\156\164\x79\160\145\x31"] = "\xe5\244\x84\xe7\x90\206\345\x86\xbb\xe7\xbb\x93\350\256\xa2\xe5\x8d\x95\345\xb9\263\345\x8f\260\346\x94\266\xe5\205\xa5"; goto S7a9b; case 4: $rs[$i]["\156\x74\171\x70\x65\61"] = "\xe8\275\246\344\xb8\273\346\x8b\xbc\xe8\275\246\xe4\273\273\345\212\241\xe5\271\263\345\x8f\260\xe6\224\266\xe5\x85\xa5"; goto S7a9b; } goto uv0cV; yY5Vb: $btime = trim($_GET["\x62\164\x69\x6d\x65"]); goto ZgKID; S8Tzr: S7a9b: goto hsO3E; UAZYi: $where = "\x20\x75\x6e\x69\141\143\151\x64\75" . $this->uniacid . "\40"; goto FDYQ3; TVEXL: XLZAR: goto OzFJp; GHf6Z: $etime = trim($_GET["\145\x74\x69\155\x65"]); goto PyN0k; TsCW2: goto wYT9h; goto TVEXL; JCBbN: $this->page = $Page->show(); goto ukcQS; ukcQS: $this->count = $count; goto tkNAL; Hj0ff: rRkBo: goto WB3zZ; EDHYH: $this->rs = $rs; goto zAb5H; efm6_: goto rRkBo; goto VvIk4; w9ft_: $this->btime = $btime; goto Jfeoy; yGDBQ: $limit = $Page->firstRow . "\54" . $Page->listRows; goto JCBbN; Apk3d: if (isset($_GET["\x62\164\151\x6d\x65"]) && trim($_GET["\142\164\151\x6d\145"]) != '') { goto uB0LO; } goto A5YIU; ZgKID: $where .= "\40\x61\156\x64\40\40\141\144\144\x74\x69\x6d\145\x3e\x3d\47" . date("\x59\55\x6d\55\x64\x20\60\x30\x3a\x30\x30\x3a\x30\x30", strtotime($btime)) . "\x27"; goto w9ft_; VvIk4: wsxV6: goto GHf6Z; I2uL3: $where .= "\40\141\x6e\144\40\156\164\171\x70\145\x3d" . intval($_GET["\156\164\x79\x70\x65"]); goto U64vw; WB3zZ: $this->money = round(M("\x70\154\141\164\146\157\162\155\x5f\x69\156\x63\x6f\155\145")->sum("\155\x6f\156\145\171"), 2); goto Wzer2; U64vw: $this->ntype = intval($_GET["\156\x74\171\160\x65"]); goto TsCW2; Wzer2: $count = M("\x70\x6c\x61\164\146\x6f\162\155\x5f\151\x6e\143\x6f\155\145")->where($where)->count(); goto hMYa0; Jfeoy: jXyRD: goto bC59A; hMYa0: $Page = new Page($count, 10); goto yGDBQ; zw0vn: if (!($i < count($rs))) { goto Z74vd; } goto oGjkZ; rQHEo: pLO7L: goto EDHYH; bC59A: if (isset($_GET["\x65\164\151\155\145"]) && trim($_GET["\x65\164\x69\155\x65"]) != '') { goto wsxV6; } goto IQPvB; OzFJp: $this->ntype = 0; goto OZ1yT; zAb5H: $this->display(); goto EKNJT; ap15V: $this->mb(); goto UAZYi; ljYc0: goto jXyRD; goto DEAyH; rXDpp: Z74vd: goto rQHEo; IQPvB: $this->etime = ''; goto efm6_; EKNJT: } public function platform_income_list_alldel() { goto YbdXB; N4no1: x2iyR: goto fLkGv; S1BYy: if (!(!isset($_POST["\141\154\154\x69\x64"]) || trim($_POST["\141\x6c\154\151\x64"]) == '')) { goto bMpRy; } goto sjHgi; feVA0: $data = array("\x73\x74\141\x74\165\x73" => 0, "\x72\x65\x74\104\145\x73\143" => "\345\210\xa0\xe9\x99\244\xe5\xa4\261\350\264\xa5"); goto JcK5F; E_rJp: bMpRy: goto Ej_43; YbdXB: $this->mb(); goto S1BYy; bz0EC: l5x_u: goto hAYRa; fLkGv: $data = array("\x73\164\141\x74\165\x73" => 1, "\x72\145\164\x44\x65\163\x63" => "\345\210\240\351\231\xa4\346\x88\220\345\x8a\x9f"); goto bz0EC; gCpzu: if (M("\160\154\141\x74\146\157\162\155\137\x69\x6e\143\x6f\155\x65")->where("\x69\144\x20\151\x6e\40\x28" . $allid . "\x29")->delete()) { goto x2iyR; } goto feVA0; hAYRa: $this->ajaxReturn($data); goto bvNx3; JcK5F: goto l5x_u; goto N4no1; Ej_43: $allid = substr(trim($_POST["\x61\154\154\151\144"]), 0, -1); goto gCpzu; sjHgi: $this->error("\351\x9d\236\xe6\xb3\225\xe6\223\x8d\xe4\275\x9c"); goto E_rJp; bvNx3: } public function car_owner_list() { goto RbXX0; LJ72f: $this->is_audit = $_GET["\x69\163\137\141\x75\x64\x69\164"]; goto kLQ_X; GjgnX: $this->display(); goto n732O; clLUD: $str .= "\40\x61\x6e\x64\x20\151\x73\x5f\141\x75\x64\x69\x74\x3d\x27" . $is_audit . "\47"; goto LJ72f; xi32H: $str .= "\x20\141\156\x64\40\162\x65\147\164\151\x6d\145\76\x3d\x27" . $btime . "\x27"; goto PTm9z; tPx5T: goto zKPPB; goto XPy6p; MS6lp: $nstatus = intval($_GET["\x6e\x73\x74\141\164\165\163"]); goto FptHj; o_DfP: PX6e_: goto jdv2D; XPy6p: LEFUb: goto rRGuY; l8J_K: $etime = date("\x59\55\x6d\x2d\x64\x20\x32\63\72\x35\x39\x3a\x35\71", strtotime($_GET["\x65\164\151\155\145"])); goto V9x5x; kfRdQ: $is_audit = intval($_GET["\151\163\x5f\x61\165\144\151\x74"]); goto clLUD; wq1zt: U3DIs: goto UqWFh; UqWFh: RYJBF: goto NGAYK; FVMdi: SniLJ: goto wq1zt; HOn42: $this->etime = $_GET["\145\164\x69\x6d\145"]; goto EdTPd; iHj9C: $this->is_audit = -1; goto qFGaD; kcvvq: $count = M("\155\145\x6d\x62\145\162")->where($str)->count(); goto FtYoD; u9Onb: $this->etime = ''; goto flndo; i6lDB: $this->rs = $rs; goto GjgnX; FptHj: $str .= "\x20\141\156\144\40\x6e\163\x74\x61\164\x75\x73\75\x27" . $nstatus . "\47"; goto DGIkf; EdTPd: Ky3HK: goto kcvvq; aNXYG: if (isset($_GET["\155\157\x62\151\x6c\145"]) && trim($_GET["\155\x6f\x62\x69\154\145"]) != '') { goto Bii7j; } goto FAOM9; R4zw0: if (!$rs) { goto tyqim; } goto uTulq; ijdoD: $this->mobile = $_GET["\x6d\x6f\x62\151\154\x65"]; goto aTL82; QOMQq: OEutG: goto H9MS3; RbXX0: $this->mb(); goto njS7N; l4Tdp: $mobile = trim($_GET["\x6d\x6f\x62\151\154\145"]); goto DOFYa; kHE51: goto OEutG; goto o_DfP; uTulq: $i = 0; goto QOMQq; Y8p3m: if (isset($_GET["\x69\163\x5f\x61\165\x64\x69\164"]) && intval($_GET["\x69\163\x5f\141\165\x64\151\x74"]) != -1) { goto q8ZFx; } goto iHj9C; kwmAW: q8ZFx: goto kfRdQ; f5H3u: $this->nstatus = 0; goto Ydd_M; jCapV: $page = new Page($count, 10); goto CtTb4; FAOM9: $this->mobile = ''; goto ibrkc; kLQ_X: A9kT_: goto UbDXd; RY_vw: Bii7j: goto l4Tdp; rRGuY: $btime = date("\131\55\155\55\144\x20\60\60\72\x30\60\72\60\60", strtotime($_GET["\x62\164\x69\155\x65"])); goto xi32H; Sxz_I: HRmjB: goto MS6lp; dqysb: xc37a: goto l8J_K; W8BNC: $this->page = $page->show(); goto CcmJu; qiyT0: $this->btime = ''; goto tPx5T; PTm9z: $this->btime = $_GET["\142\164\151\x6d\x65"]; goto IGQ69; eHss5: if (isset($_GET["\x62\164\x69\x6d\x65"]) && trim($_GET["\x62\164\151\155\x65"]) != '') { goto LEFUb; } goto qiyT0; H9MS3: if (!($i < count($rs))) { goto PX6e_; } goto KWKFL; CcmJu: $rs = M("\155\x65\x6d\x62\145\x72")->where($str)->order("\x6e\151\x64\40\144\x65\163\x63")->limit($limit)->select(); goto R4zw0; UbDXd: if (isset($_GET["\x6e\x73\x74\141\164\165\x73"]) && intval($_GET["\x6e\163\x74\141\x74\165\163"]) > 0) { goto HRmjB; } goto f5H3u; flndo: goto Ky3HK; goto dqysb; IGQ69: zKPPB: goto A_uYV; ibrkc: goto Gjka6; goto RY_vw; NGAYK: $i++; goto kHE51; DOFYa: $str .= "\40\x61\x6e\x64\40\155\157\x62\x69\x6c\145\x3d\47" . $mobile . "\x27"; goto ijdoD; Ydd_M: goto gN7Rz; goto Sxz_I; V9x5x: $str .= "\40\141\x6e\x64\40\x72\x65\147\x74\x69\155\x65\74\x3d\47" . $etime . "\x27"; goto HOn42; jdv2D: tyqim: goto i6lDB; A_uYV: if (isset($_GET["\145\164\151\155\x65"]) && trim($_GET["\145\164\151\155\x65"]) != '') { goto xc37a; } goto u9Onb; abw7x: gN7Rz: goto aNXYG; FtYoD: $this->count = $count; goto jCapV; aTL82: Gjka6: goto eHss5; njS7N: $str = "\x6e\143\154\x61\163\x73\75\62\40\x61\x6e\144\x20\x75\156\151\x61\x63\151\144\75" . $this->uniacid . "\40"; goto Y8p3m; SUv7Q: switch ($rs[$i]["\x69\163\x5f\x61\165\x64\x69\x74"]) { case 0: $rs[$i]["\151\163\137\141\x75\144\x69\164\x31"] = "\xe6\234\xaa\xe6\x8f\x90\xe4\xba\xa4"; goto U3DIs; case 1: $rs[$i]["\x69\x73\137\x61\165\x64\x69\x74\x31"] = "\xe8\256\244\xe8\xaf\x81\344\270\xad"; goto U3DIs; case 2: $rs[$i]["\151\163\137\141\x75\x64\151\164\x31"] = "\345\xb7\262\xe5\256\xa1\346\240\xb8"; goto U3DIs; case 3: $rs[$i]["\x69\163\137\141\x75\144\x69\164\x31"] = "\345\xb7\xb2\xe6\213\222\347\xbb\235"; goto U3DIs; } goto FVMdi; CtTb4: $limit = $page->firstRow . "\54" . $page->listRows; goto W8BNC; DGIkf: $this->nstatus = $_GET["\156\x73\164\x61\x74\x75\163"]; goto abw7x; KWKFL: $rs[$i]["\x6e\x63\x6c\141\163\x73\x31"] = "\350\xbd\246\344\xb8\273"; goto SUv7Q; qFGaD: goto A9kT_; goto kwmAW; n732O: } public function isaudit() { goto Ap_E4; QYAKV: e8EJf: goto FroEI; mHgHw: if (!(!IS_POST || trim($_POST["\x61\154\x6c\151\144"]) == '')) { goto obGDV; } goto XEo3s; EyKDM: wkP23: goto EpQOD; K8Q3f: if (M("\x6d\145\155\x62\145\x72")->where("\x20\156\x69\144\x20\151\156\40\50" . $allid . "\51")->data(array("\151\163\137\141\x75\144\151\x74" => 2))->save()) { goto e8EJf; } goto Ywcgm; iTrkG: $this->getConfig(); goto ejstD; Ywcgm: $data = array("\x73\164\141\164\x75\163" => 0, "\x72\x65\x74\x44\x65\163\x63" => "\346\223\215\xe4\275\234\345\xa4\xb1\xe8\xb4\245"); goto DbQ28; PFfKe: obGDV: goto P6TRb; sY7Dv: $data = array("\163\x74\x61\164\165\x73" => 1, "\x72\x65\x74\x44\x65\x73\143" => "\346\x93\215\344\275\234\346\210\x90\345\x8a\x9f"); goto EyKDM; Oynuc: zwe1z: goto iTrkG; P6TRb: $allid = substr(trim($_POST["\141\x6c\154\151\x64"]), 0, -1); goto LbeqQ; EpQOD: $this->ajaxReturn($data); goto G2X68; LbeqQ: if (!($allid == '')) { goto zwe1z; } goto o8k61; Ap_E4: $this->mb(); goto mHgHw; FroEI: foreach ($rs as $v) { goto hBqMq; orclK: KaMM2: goto FB5Iw; S_48F: if ($v["\x75\x6e\151\157\x6e\x69\x64"] != "\x30") { goto kR5MM; } goto YIYXD; p8nmE: kR5MM: goto YAfM4; LYREI: $temp_code = C("\141\x6c\x69\137\163\x6d\163\x2e\x73\x6d\163\x31\67"); goto vhaHy; kL1s6: $rt = M("\155\x65\155\142\x65\x72")->find($v["\x6e\x69\x64"]); goto gPy5k; gWLHo: M("\155\145\x6d\x62\145\x72")->where("\x6e\x69\x64\x3d" . $v["\x72\x65\146\x65\x72\x65\145\x5f\151\x64"])->setInc("\x72\x65\x64\160\x61\143\153\145\144", C("\x63\x61\x72\x5f\157\167\x6e\x65\162\x5f\163\150\x61\x72\x65")); goto xNsQC; ahhbR: $alisms->smsend($rt["\x6d\x6f\142\151\x6c\145"], $temp_code, $paramString); goto jVfSE; kS2uq: send_carownermb_msg($v["\x6e\x69\x64"], $v["\x75\x6e\151\157\x6e\x69\144"], C("\x67\172\150\x5f\164\145\155\x70\x6c\x61\x74\145\61"), $data, "\xe5\256\xa1\346\240\270\xe9\200\x9a\350\xbf\207"); goto orclK; wV0Lt: if (!$rt) { goto vcj6o; } goto CNxKk; gPy5k: $paramString = "\x7b\42\164\x72\x75\x65\x6e\141\x6d\145\x22\x3a\x22" . $rt["\x74\x72\x75\x65\156\141\x6d\x65"] . "\42\x2c\x22\x66\x6c\x61\147\42\72\42\345\256\241\xe6\240\xb8\xe9\x80\x9a\350\xbf\x87\x22\x7d"; goto ahhbR; xNsQC: vcj6o: goto S_48F; YAfM4: $data = array("\164\151\164\154\145" => "\350\275\246\xe4\xb8\xbb\350\272\xab\344\273\275\345\256\xa1\346\240\270\xe7\xbb\x93\346\x9e\234\351\200\232\347\x9f\xa5", "\x74\x72\165\x65\x6e\x61\155\145" => $v["\164\x72\165\x65\156\x61\x6d\x65"], "\143\141\x72\137\x6d\157\x64\145\x6c" => $v["\x63\x61\x72\x5f\x6d\x6f\x64\x65\x6c"], "\143\141\x72\x5f\x6e\165\x6d\x62\145\x72" => $v["\x63\141\x72\x5f\156\165\x6d\x62\x65\x72"], "\x72\145\155\141\162\153" => "\347\xa5\x9d\350\xb4\272\344\xbd\xa0\xef\274\214\xe8\xbd\246\xe4\270\xbb\xe8\xba\xab\xe4\273\xbd\345\256\241\xe6\240\270\351\x80\x9a\350\277\207\343\x80\202"); goto kS2uq; YIYXD: Vendor("\x61\154\151\163\x6d\163\56\101\x6c\151\163\x6d\x73"); goto QnJvb; CNxKk: $field = array("\156\x73\164\x61\164\165\163" => 2, "\162\x65\x64\x70\x61\143\153\145\x64" => C("\143\x61\162\x5f\x6f\x77\x6e\x65\x72\137\x73\x68\x61\x72\145")); goto BkqUZ; vhaHy: $alisms->signName = C("\x61\x6c\x69\137\163\155\163\x2e\163\151\147\x6e\156\x61\x6d\145"); goto kL1s6; jVfSE: goto KaMM2; goto p8nmE; BkqUZ: M("\x63\141\x72\137\157\x77\x6e\145\162\137\x73\150\x61\162\145")->where("\156\x69\x64\x3d" . $rt["\156\x69\144"])->data($field)->save(); goto gWLHo; QnJvb: $alisms = new \Alisms(C("\141\154\x69\x5f\x73\155\x73\x2e\153\145\171\137\151\144"), C("\x61\x6c\x69\137\x73\155\x73\56\153\x65\171\x5f\x73\x65\x63\162\x65\x74")); goto LYREI; FB5Iw: H_Ie7: goto OTb7d; hBqMq: $rt = M("\x63\x61\162\137\x6f\167\x6e\x65\x72\137\163\150\141\162\145")->where("\155\137\151\x64\75" . $v["\x6e\151\144"] . "\x20\x61\156\x64\40\x6e\x74\171\160\x65\75\x32\40\x61\x6e\144\x20\156\163\164\x61\x74\x75\163\75\60\x20\x61\156\144\x20\151\x73\x64\145\x6c\75\x31")->find(); goto wV0Lt; OTb7d: } goto j5itw; o8k61: $this->error("\xe9\235\x9e\xe6\263\x95\xe6\223\215\xe4\275\234"); goto Oynuc; j5itw: NpqF9: goto sY7Dv; DbQ28: goto wkP23; goto QYAKV; ejstD: $rs = M("\155\x65\155\x62\145\x72")->where("\x20\156\151\144\x20\151\x6e\40\x28" . $allid . "\x29")->select(); goto K8Q3f; XEo3s: $this->error("\351\235\x9e\xe6\263\225\346\x93\x8d\344\275\x9c"); goto PFfKe; G2X68: } public function refused() { goto Gcj9R; Wi5El: s11wV: goto cOEhn; hZKt_: if (M("\x6d\145\x6d\x62\x65\x72")->where("\40\156\151\x64\40\151\x6e\x20\50" . $allid . "\51")->data(array("\151\x73\x5f\141\x75\x64\x69\164" => 3))->save()) { goto d4qfs; } goto NYDrs; WVzSk: goto s11wV; goto qSM7G; Ogv1U: fTW5_: goto iampS; uUlLC: if (!(!IS_POST || trim($_POST["\x61\154\x6c\151\x64"]) == '')) { goto fTW5_; } goto JW33l; rvHE3: y8aO3: goto Eh3hv; qSM7G: d4qfs: goto hjl_D; hjl_D: foreach ($rs as $v) { goto MPOFj; Eol2P: $field = array("\156\x73\x74\x61\164\165\x73" => 1, "\162\145\x61\x73\157\x6e" => "\350\xb5\204\346\226\x99\xe4\xb8\x8d\xe5\x85\250\346\x88\226\350\x80\x85\xe4\xb8\215\346\xad\243\xe7\241\xae"); goto Z_uK9; aQXwx: $alisms = new \Alisms(C("\x61\154\151\137\x73\x6d\x73\56\153\x65\171\137\151\144"), C("\141\x6c\151\x5f\x73\155\x73\56\153\145\x79\137\163\145\x63\x72\145\x74")); goto T8P_9; fLy5l: N3AzI: goto sfg_V; hHNIu: $alisms->smsend($rt["\155\x6f\142\151\x6c\x65"], $temp_code, $paramString); goto dxCLy; T8P_9: $temp_code = C("\141\154\151\137\163\x6d\163\56\163\x6d\x73\x31\x37"); goto PXQVX; nbWZ6: w3PFZ: goto TcEVf; SNGmK: Vendor("\141\x6c\x69\x73\155\163\x2e\x41\x6c\x69\x73\x6d\x73"); goto aQXwx; sfg_V: $data = array("\164\x69\x74\154\x65" => "\350\xbd\246\xe4\xb8\273\xe8\xba\253\344\xbb\xbd\xe5\xae\xa1\xe6\240\xb8\xe7\xbb\223\xe6\236\234\xe9\200\232\xe7\237\245", "\x74\x72\165\x65\x6e\x61\x6d\x65" => $v["\x74\162\165\x65\156\141\x6d\x65"], "\143\x61\162\x5f\x6d\157\x64\145\154" => $v["\x63\141\162\x5f\x6d\157\x64\x65\x6c"], "\143\x61\x72\137\156\165\155\142\145\x72" => $v["\x63\x61\x72\137\156\165\x6d\142\x65\162"], "\x72\x65\155\141\162\153" => "\xe8\xb5\x84\346\x96\231\344\270\215\345\x85\xa8\346\x88\226\350\200\x85\344\xb8\215\346\255\xa3\xe7\xa1\xae\357\xbc\x8c\350\275\xa6\xe4\xb8\273\350\272\253\xe4\xbb\275\345\256\241\346\240\270\xe6\x8b\x92\347\273\x9d\xe3\200\x82"); goto g5jQh; Z_uK9: M("\143\141\162\137\x6f\x77\156\145\x72\137\163\150\141\x72\x65")->where("\156\151\x64\75" . $rt["\x6e\151\x64"])->data($field)->save(); goto MBPLh; PXQVX: $rt = M("\155\x65\x6d\x62\x65\162")->find($v["\156\x69\144"]); goto UPD1w; GvMMz: if ($v["\x75\156\x69\157\156\151\x64"] != "\x30") { goto N3AzI; } goto SNGmK; dxCLy: goto mxoBi; goto fLy5l; MBPLh: Yc3cV: goto GvMMz; RO0NQ: $alisms->signName = C("\x61\154\x69\x5f\163\x6d\163\x2e\163\x69\x67\x6e\x6e\141\155\x65"); goto hHNIu; MPOFj: $rt = M("\143\141\x72\137\x6f\x77\156\145\162\x5f\163\150\141\162\145")->where("\x6d\x5f\151\x64\75" . $v["\x6e\x69\x64"] . "\40\141\156\x64\40\x6e\x74\x79\160\x65\75\62\x20\x61\156\x64\x20\x6e\163\x74\x61\x74\x75\163\x3d\x30\40\141\156\x64\x20\x69\163\x64\x65\x6c\x3d\x31")->find(); goto v77wX; UPD1w: $paramString = "\x7b\42\164\x72\165\x65\156\x61\x6d\145\x22\x3a\x22" . $rt["\x74\162\x75\x65\x6e\141\155\145"] . "\x22\54\42\x66\154\141\x67\x22\x3a\42\xe6\213\x92\xe7\xbb\235\x22\175"; goto RO0NQ; U2mhV: mxoBi: goto nbWZ6; v77wX: if (!$rt) { goto Yc3cV; } goto Eol2P; g5jQh: send_carownermb_msg($v["\156\151\x64"], $v["\x75\x6e\151\157\x6e\x69\x64"], C("\147\172\150\x5f\x74\145\x6d\x70\x6c\141\x74\145\x31"), $data, "\346\213\222\347\xbb\x9d"); goto U2mhV; TcEVf: } goto tWVcU; ut41C: $data = array("\163\x74\x61\x74\165\163" => 1, "\162\145\164\x44\145\x73\x63" => "\346\223\215\xe4\xbd\x9c\xe6\x88\x90\xe5\x8a\x9f"); goto Wi5El; Gcj9R: $this->mb(); goto uUlLC; cOEhn: $this->ajaxReturn($data); goto m4mTa; h7GQg: $rs = M("\x6d\x65\155\x62\x65\162")->where("\40\x6e\151\x64\x20\151\156\40\x28" . $allid . "\51")->select(); goto hZKt_; NYDrs: $data = array("\163\164\x61\164\x75\x73" => 0, "\x72\145\x74\x44\145\163\x63" => "\xe6\223\215\344\xbd\234\345\244\xb1\xe8\xb4\245"); goto WVzSk; JW33l: $this->error("\xe9\235\x9e\xe6\xb3\x95\346\223\215\344\xbd\234"); goto Ogv1U; tWVcU: PIZYN: goto ut41C; l92Av: $this->error("\351\235\x9e\346\xb3\x95\xe6\223\215\344\275\234"); goto rvHE3; Eh3hv: $this->getConfig(); goto h7GQg; iampS: $allid = substr(trim($_POST["\141\154\x6c\151\144"]), 0, -1); goto NqBCm; NqBCm: if (!($allid == '')) { goto y8aO3; } goto l92Av; m4mTa: } public function gzh_index() { $this->mb(); $this->display(); } public function send_gzh_send() { goto N4PlS; VvPPd: $name = I("\156\141\x6d\145"); goto uU85l; OZ5Dn: $url = "\x68\x74\164\160\x73\x3a\x2f\57\x61\160\x69\56\x77\x65\x69\170\151\156\x2e\161\x71\56\x63\157\155\57\143\147\x69\55\142\151\x6e\x2f\155\x65\x73\163\x61\147\145\x2f\164\145\155\x70\154\141\x74\145\x2f\163\145\156\x64\x3f\141\x63\x63\x65\163\163\x5f\164\157\153\145\x6e\x3d" . $access_token; goto qUpS_; O1jcL: $access_token = $this->getAccessToken2(); goto Ypskv; n9qPw: gTFAe: goto hn3nX; Irlx6: S4TsY: goto mBdOJ; vO1M7: $this->error("\xe5\217\221\351\200\x81\xe5\xa4\xb1\350\264\xa5"); goto khIgI; mBdOJ: $this->success("\xe5\217\221\xe9\200\x81\346\210\220\345\x8a\x9f"); goto Bx0p4; KG0YP: $this->getConfig(); goto O1jcL; qUpS_: if ($rs) { goto gTFAe; } goto vO1M7; hn3nX: foreach ($rs as $v) { goto cnUvQ; cnUvQ: $dd = array( "\x74\157\165\163\145\x72" => $v["\x6f\160\x65\156\151\x64"], "\164\x65\155\x70\154\x61\164\x65\137\x69\144" => $mbid, "\x75\162\154" => '', "\144\141\164\x61" => array("\146\x69\162\x73\x74" => array("\166\141\x6c\165\145" => "\346\202\250\xe5\245\xbd\x2c\346\x82\250\xe5\xb7\262\350\264\xad\xe4\xb9\xb0\xe6\x88\220\xe5\x8a\237", "\x63\x6f\x6c\x6f\x72" => "\x23\61\67\63\61\67\67"), "\x6b\x65\171\167\x6f\162\144\x31" => array("\x76\141\x6c\x75\145" => $name, "\143\x6f\x6c\157\162" => "\x23\61\x37\x33\x31\x37\x37"), "\x6b\x65\171\x77\157\162\144\x32" => array("\x76\141\154\165\145" => $remark, "\x63\157\x6c\157\162" => "\43\x31\67\63\61\x37\67"), "\162\145\155\x61\162\x6b" => array("\x76\141\x6c\165\x65" => "\345\x8f\x91\351\200\x81\xe6\x97\266\351\x97\xb4\xef\xbc\x9a" . date("\131\x2d\155\55\x64\x20\110\72\151\x3a\163"), "\143\157\154\157\162" => "\x23\x31\67\63\61\x37\x37")), ); goto K8GYo; fH2xQ: $paramString = "\173\42\143\157\144\x65\42\72\42\xe5\x85\254\xe4\xbc\x97\345\217\xb7\xe6\265\213\xe8\257\x95\xe4\277\xa1\346\201\xaf\42\x7d"; goto bqLXB; bqLXB: $alisms->signName = C("\141\154\151\137\x73\x6d\x73\x2e\x73\151\147\156\156\x61\155\145"); goto j0hWo; JtDnp: Vendor("\x61\x6c\x69\163\155\163\56\x41\154\x69\163\x6d\163"); goto zNlG3; ftv89: ZJt4k: goto oTaCB; adnZV: $this->error("\345\x8f\221\xe9\200\201\347\237\xad\344\277\xa1\xe5\xa4\xb1\350\264\xa5"); goto fSWaO; ryXD0: if (!($res["\x65\162\x72\x63\x6f\144\x65"] != "\x30" || $res["\145\x72\162\155\163\x67"] != "\157\x6b")) { goto agVhE; } goto JtDnp; j0hWo: $rt = M("\155\x65\155\142\x65\x72")->where("\x75\156\151\157\x6e\151\x64\x3d\x27" . $v["\165\156\151\157\156\x69\144"] . "\x27\40\x61\x6e\x64\40\x75\x6e\151\x6f\156\151\x64\41\75\x27\60\47")->find(); goto QlCK_; f3tF2: H9ikX: goto j4rbb; DA9w_: $res = json_decode($res, true); goto ryXD0; K8GYo: $res = https_curl_json($url, $dd, "\152\163\157\156"); goto DA9w_; R5nG6: if (!($re["\x43\157\144\x65"] != "\117\113")) { goto H9ikX; } goto adnZV; QlCK_: $re = $alisms->smsend($rt["\x6d\x6f\x62\151\x6c\145"], $temp_code, $paramString); goto R5nG6; zNlG3: $alisms = new \Alisms(C("\x61\154\151\x5f\163\x6d\x73\56\x6b\145\171\137\151\144"), C("\141\154\151\x5f\163\x6d\x73\x2e\x6b\x65\x79\137\163\x65\143\x72\x65\x74")); goto fNAG1; fNAG1: $temp_code = C("\141\154\151\x5f\163\x6d\x73\56\x74\x65\x6d\160\154\x61\164\x65\143\x6f\x64\x65"); goto fH2xQ; fSWaO: exit; goto f3tF2; j4rbb: agVhE: goto ftv89; oTaCB: } goto Irlx6; Bx0p4: W9Pf1: goto uaRDv; uU85l: $remark = I("\x72\145\155\x61\x72\x6b"); goto KG0YP; khIgI: goto W9Pf1; goto n9qPw; Ypskv: $rs = M("\x67\x7a\150\137\x6d\x65\x6d\x62\x65\162")->where("\x75\x6e\x69\141\143\151\144\x3d" . $this->uniacid)->order("\x6e\151\144\40\144\145\x73\143")->select(); goto OZ5Dn; AWzY8: $mbid = I("\x6d\x62\151\x64"); goto VvPPd; N4PlS: $this->mb(); goto AWzY8; uaRDv: } public function fzsm_list() { goto qX0IL; qX0IL: $this->mb(); goto S1WYg; i6qGd: $rs = M("\146\172\163\x6d")->where($where)->limit($limit)->order("\156\151\x64\40\144\145\x73\x63")->select(); goto KFakt; s0dfE: $this->display(); goto cLK6R; ulXLu: $count = M("\146\172\163\x6d")->where($where)->count(); goto jfcfe; lAbOs: $limit = $page->firstRow . "\x2c" . $page->listRows; goto lYx1R; jfcfe: $this->count = $count; goto w32hf; KFakt: $this->rs = $rs; goto s0dfE; S1WYg: $where = "\165\156\151\x61\x63\151\144\75" . $this->uniacid; goto ulXLu; lYx1R: $this->page = $page->show(); goto i6qGd; w32hf: $page = new Page($count, 10); goto lAbOs; cLK6R: } public function fzsm_add() { $this->mb(); $this->display(); } public function fzsm_addhandle() { goto BPDFs; N20uJ: $param["\x61\144\x64\164\x69\155\145"] = date("\131\55\x6d\55\144\40\110\72\151\72\x73"); goto z8xVs; nLBwd: T7fyT: goto SM7RF; CHKqX: $this->success("\346\217\220\xe4\xba\244\xe6\210\220\xe5\x8a\237", U("\146\172\x73\155\x5f\154\x69\163\x74")); goto ijzMd; UGEBB: $param = I("\x70\157\163\x74\x2e"); goto hp0j2; wqhog: k6WnE: goto OA60J; hp0j2: if (trim($param["\164\151\164\154\x65"]) == '') { goto T7fyT; } goto N20uJ; ijzMd: goto k6WnE; goto nLBwd; SM7RF: $this->error("\344\xbf\xa1\xe6\x81\257\xe4\xb8\x8d\345\x85\250\357\xbc\214\xe6\217\x90\344\xba\244\345\xa4\xb1\xe8\xb4\xa5"); goto wqhog; z8xVs: $param["\165\x6e\151\141\143\151\144"] = $this->uniacid; goto Bwtf7; Bwtf7: M("\146\x7a\163\155")->add($param); goto CHKqX; BPDFs: $this->mb(); goto UGEBB; OA60J: } public function fzsm_alldel() { goto AVNUV; sUJB6: $data = array("\163\x74\141\x74\x75\163" => 0, "\162\145\x74\104\x65\163\x63" => "\xe5\x88\240\xe9\231\244\xe5\xa4\261\xe8\xb4\245"); goto TRz5m; Rol5s: if (M("\146\172\163\155")->where("\x6e\151\x64\x20\151\156\40\x28" . $allid . "\51")->delete()) { goto sooZV; } goto sUJB6; gYb9N: $allid = substr(trim($_POST["\141\154\x6c\x69\x64"]), 0, -1); goto Rol5s; m1q81: UnQS7: goto gYb9N; h6U4Z: $this->ajaxReturn($data); goto PIqbS; RZFEh: if (!(!isset($_POST["\141\154\154\151\x64"]) || trim($_POST["\x61\154\x6c\x69\x64"]) == '')) { goto UnQS7; } goto DLV60; DLV60: $this->error("\xe9\x9d\236\346\xb3\x95\xe6\x93\x8d\344\xbd\234"); goto m1q81; UvEIs: hVFal: goto h6U4Z; lcnaG: $data = array("\x73\164\141\x74\x75\163" => 1, "\x72\x65\x74\104\x65\x73\x63" => "\xe5\x88\240\xe9\231\xa4\xe6\210\220\xe5\212\x9f"); goto UvEIs; FTgon: sooZV: goto lcnaG; TRz5m: goto hVFal; goto FTgon; AVNUV: $this->mb(); goto RZFEh; PIqbS: } public function fzsm_modi() { goto BhNps; bnI3y: if (!($nid <= 0)) { goto LbGZ5; } goto Sg1hR; u1Z3G: $rs = M("\146\x7a\x73\155")->where("\x6e\151\x64\75" . $nid)->find(); goto CZUfH; h07h0: $nid = I("\x6e\151\144"); goto bnI3y; BhNps: $this->mb(); goto h07h0; rp9iU: $this->display(); goto uejwp; Sg1hR: $this->error("\xe9\235\x9e\xe6\xb3\x95\346\223\215\xe4\275\x9c"); goto TLtH5; TLtH5: LbGZ5: goto u1Z3G; CZUfH: $this->rs = $rs; goto rp9iU; uejwp: } public function fzsm_modihandle() { goto Z4ord; rKJE8: if (!(!$param["\x6e\151\144"] || trim($param["\x74\x69\x74\x6c\145"]) == '')) { goto P3Nsh; } goto c0Jrk; uo8CE: M("\x66\172\x73\155")->where("\156\151\x64\75" . $nid)->data($param)->save(); goto D6IZz; luxJs: unset($param["\x6e\x69\x64"]); goto uo8CE; D6IZz: $this->success("\346\x93\215\xe4\275\234\xe6\x88\x90\xe5\x8a\x9f", U("\146\172\163\155\x5f\x6c\x69\x73\164")); goto HgjZ2; Z4ord: $this->mb(); goto ho3QM; JHmOT: $nid = I("\156\151\x64"); goto luxJs; cSCGa: P3Nsh: goto JHmOT; c0Jrk: $this->error("\351\x9d\x9e\xe6\263\225\346\x93\x8d\xe4\xbd\x9c"); goto cSCGa; ho3QM: $param = I("\x70\157\163\164\x2e"); goto rKJE8; HgjZ2: } public function getAccessToken2() { goto UKIEp; lpnsZ: $result = json_decode($result, true); goto dRsa1; K3yAR: return $access_token; goto XcpOe; dRsa1: S("\141\143\x63\x65\163\x73\137\164\x6f\153\145\x6e", $result["\141\143\x63\145\163\163\x5f\x74\x6f\153\145\156"], $result["\x65\170\x70\x69\162\x65\163\x5f\x69\x6e"]); goto DhJdR; WyPoU: exk2R: goto K3yAR; QZbSa: $url = "\150\164\164\160\x73\x3a\x2f\57\141\x70\x69\x2e\x77\x65\x69\170\x69\156\56\x71\161\x2e\x63\157\x6d\x2f\x63\147\x69\55\x62\151\x6e\57\164\x6f\153\x65\x6e\77\x67\x72\x61\156\164\x5f\164\171\x70\x65\x3d\143\154\151\x65\156\164\x5f\x63\x72\145\x64\x65\156\x74\151\141\x6c\x26\x61\160\x70\151\144\75" . C("\147\x7a\150\x5f\141\x70\x70\x69\144") . "\x26\163\145\x63\162\x65\164\75" . C("\147\172\x68\137\x73\145\x63\162\x65\x74"); goto rMsXl; BQmAy: if ($access_token) { goto exk2R; } goto QZbSa; DhJdR: $access_token = $result["\141\143\143\145\x73\x73\x5f\164\157\153\x65\x6e"]; goto WyPoU; UKIEp: $access_token = S("\x61\143\143\145\163\x73\x5f\x74\x6f\153\x65\x6e"); goto BQmAy; rMsXl: $result = file_get_contents($url); goto lpnsZ; XcpOe: } public function show1() { goto OEEQ6; nD5MI: $this->license = urldecode(I("\x6c\x69\x63\145\x6e\x73\x65")); goto dxlQg; dxlQg: $this->display(); goto k8Zu2; OEEQ6: $this->mb(); goto nD5MI; k8Zu2: } public function show2() { goto l467I; s0pDn: foreach ($arr as $k => $v) { goto zS69A; ZFI7e: Fxizv: goto SLkC8; BYcTc: if (!($ntype == $k + 1)) { goto Fxizv; } goto K5bRy; zS69A: $k++; goto BYcTc; K5bRy: $this->license = $v; goto ZFI7e; SLkC8: pVk76: goto MapeB; MapeB: } goto smE9b; WAs3D: $ntype = I("\156\164\x79\160\145"); goto zkvsW; g5P8v: $rs = M("\155\145\x6d\x62\x65\162\137\x63\157\155\x70\x6c\x61\x69\156")->find($nid); goto u3b5c; zkvsW: $nid = I("\156\151\x64"); goto g5P8v; u3b5c: $arr = explode("\54", $rs["\160\x69\143\x70\141\164\150"]); goto duh16; smE9b: TTNDi: goto kl_pt; l467I: $this->mb(); goto WAs3D; duh16: $k = 0; goto s0pDn; kl_pt: $this->display(); goto aco13; aco13: } public function mb() { $mb = new IndexController(); $mb->moban(); } }

Function Calls





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