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(self.webpackChunk_N_E = self.webpackChunk_N_E || []).push([[29901], { 25630: functio..
Decoded Output download
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1189: function(e, a, t) {
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r.jsx)("p", {
children: n.t("[t]fighter_error")
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r.jsx)("p", {
children: n.t("[t]club_error")
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r.jsx)("span", {
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default: function() {
return A
var r = t(88565)
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, u = function(e) {
var a =
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, r = !0
, s =, a) {
return e.percent > 0 && (r = !1),
e.percent / 100 * 360
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!function(e) {
var t = 0
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e.arc(150, 150, 150, (-90 + t) * Math.PI / 180, 270 * Math.PI / 180, !1),
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t = 360,
for (var c = 0; c < s.length; c++)
l += s[c],
e.arc(150, 150, 130, (-90 + t) * Math.PI / 180, (-90 + l) * Math.PI / 180, !1),
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function x(e, a) {
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r[t] = e[t];
return r
function j(e) {
return function(e) {
if (Array.isArray(e))
return x(e)
}(e) || function(e) {
if ("undefined" !== typeof Symbol && null != e[Symbol.iterator] || null != e["@@iterator"])
return Array.from(e)
}(e) || function(e, a) {
if (!e)
if ("string" === typeof e)
return x(e, a);
var t =, -1);
"Object" === t && e.constructor && (t =;
if ("Map" === t || "Set" === t)
return Array.from(t);
if ("Arguments" === t || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(t))
return x(e, a)
}(e) || function() {
throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.")
var v = function() {
var e = (0,
, a = e.t
, t = (e.lang,
, r = (t.fighter_banner_info,
, s = r.battle_stats.total_all_character_play_point
, _ = j(r.base_info.content_play_time_list);
_.sort((function(e, a) {
return a.play_time - e.play_time
var i = _.reduce((function(e, a, t) {
return e + a.play_time
), 0)
, o =, a) {
var t = "#fff";
switch (e.content_type) {
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t = "#01bcb5";
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t = "#ea2743";
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t = "#fb8a10";
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t = "#6200e3";
case 5:
t = "#0a65d8";
case 6:
t = "#f157bc";
case 7:
t = "#691c2a";
case 8:
t = "#d9d9d9";
case 9:
t = "#cc73ff"
return {
color: t,
percent: e.play_time / i * 100
return (0,
l.jsx)(l.Fragment, {
children: (0,
l.jsxs)("article", {
className: y().playdata,
children: [(0,
l.jsxs)("section", {
className: y().overview,
children: [(0,
l.jsx)("h3", {
children: a("[t]play_overview")
}), (0,
l.jsxs)("dl", {
children: [(0,
l.jsx)("dt", {
children: a("[t]play_playpoint")
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l.jsx)("dd", {
children: s.toLocaleString()
}), (0,
l.jsxs)("dl", {
children: [(0,
l.jsx)("dt", {
children: a("[t]play_rank_match")
}), (0,
l.jsx)("dd", {
children: r.battle_stats.rank_match_play_count.toLocaleString()
}), (0,
l.jsxs)("dl", {
children: [(0,
l.jsx)("dt", {
children: a("[t]play_casual_match")
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l.jsx)("dd", {
children: r.battle_stats.casual_match_play_count.toLocaleString()
}), (0,
l.jsxs)("dl", {
children: [(0,
l.jsx)("dt", {
children: a("[t]play_custom_match")
}), (0,
l.jsx)("dd", {
children: r.battle_stats.custom_room_match_play_count.toLocaleString()
}), (0,
l.jsxs)("dl", {
children: [(0,
l.jsx)("dt", {
children: a("[t]play_battlehub_match")
}), (0,
l.jsx)("dd", {
children: r.battle_stats.battle_hub_match_play_count.toLocaleString()
}), (0,
l.jsxs)("dl", {
children: [(0,
l.jsx)("dt", {
children: a("[t]play_target_clear")
}), (0,
l.jsx)("dd", {
children: r.battle_stats.target_clear_count.toLocaleString()
}), (0,
l.jsxs)("section", {
className: y().enjoy,
children: [(0,
l.jsx)("h3", {
children: a("[t]play_enjoy")
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l.jsxs)("dl", {
children: [(0,
l.jsx)("dt", {
children: a("[t]play_enjoy_count")
}), (0,
l.jsx)("dd", {
children: r.base_info.enjoy_total_point.toLocaleString()
}), (0,
l.jsxs)("dl", {
children: [(0,
l.jsx)("dt", {
children: a("[t]play_enjoy_player")
}), (0,
l.jsx)("dd", {
children: r.base_info.enjoy_user_point.toLocaleString()
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l.jsx)("section", {
className: y().time,
children: (0,
l.jsxs)("div", {
className: y().inner_line,
children: [(0,
l.jsx)("h3", {
children: a("[t]play_favorite")
}), (0,
l.jsx)(u, {
data: o
}),, a) {
if (!(a > 2)) {
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className: y()["type".concat(e.content_type)],
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l.jsx)("dt", {
children: _[a].content_type_name
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l.jsx)("dd", {
children: t
}, "time".concat(a))
, g = t(4017)
, b = t.n(g)
, f = function() {
var e = (0,
, a = e.t
, t = (e.lang,
, r = t.playNavState
, s = t.setPlayNavState;
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l.jsx)("aside", {
className: b().play_nav,
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className: r ? "" : b().active,
onClick: function() {
children: a("[t]play__nav__character")
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l.jsx)("li", {
className: r ? b().active : "",
onClick: function() {
children: a("[t]play__nav__style")
, N = t(42493)
, w = t.n(N)
, k = t(33963)
, S = t(1609)
, Z = t.n(S)
, M = function() {
for (var e = (0,
c.Z)("profile"), a = e.t, t = (e.lang,
n.useContext)(d.zs)), r = t.fighter_banner_info, s =, _ = (0,
n.useState)(r.favorite_character_id), i = _[0], o = _[1], h = r.favorite_character_play_point.fighting_ground, m = r.favorite_character_play_point.battle_hub, y = r.favorite_character_play_point.world_tour, x = (0,
n.useState)(h + m + y), j = x[0], v = x[1], g = h / j * 100, b = m / j * 100, f = y / j * 100, N = (0,
type: "fg",
percent: g
}, {
type: "wt",
percent: f
}, {
type: "bh",
percent: b
}]), S = N[0], M = N[1], L = null, P = null, C = 0; C < s.character_win_rates_by_rival_character.length; C++)
if (i === s.character_win_rates_by_rival_character[C].character_id) {
s.character_win_rates_by_rival_character[C].rival_character_win_rates.sort((function(e, a) {
return e.rival_character_sort - a.rival_character_sort
var z = s.character_win_rates_by_rival_character[C].rival_character_win_rates.sort((function(e, a) {
return a.battle_count - e.battle_count
L =, a) {
var t = e.win_count / e.battle_count || 0;
if ("" !== e.rival_character_tool_name && "all" !== e.rival_character_tool_name)
return (0,
l.jsxs)("tr", {
children: [(0,
l.jsx)("td", {
className: Z().icon,
children: (0,
l.jsx)("span", {
className: Z().image,
children: (0,
l.jsx)(w(), {
src: "/6/buckler/assets/images/profile/icon_versus.png",
width: "92",
height: "56",
layout: "responsive",
alt: "",
unoptimized: !0
}), (0,
l.jsx)("td", {
className: Z().character,
children: (0,
l.jsx)(w(), {
src: "/6/buckler/assets/images/material/character/character_".concat(e.rival_character_tool_name, "_l.png"),
width: "30",
height: "30",
layout: "responsive",
alt: "",
unoptimized: !0
}), (0,
l.jsx)("td", {
className: Z().name,
children: e.rival_character_alpha
}), (0,
l.jsx)("td", {
className: Z().count,
children: e.battle_count.toLocaleString()
}), (0,
l.jsxs)("td", {
className: Z().percent,
children: ["".concat((0, * t, 0, 2)), "%"]
}, "rival".concat(a))
P =, a) {
var t = e.win_count / e.battle_count || 0;
if ("all" === e.rival_character_tool_name)
return (0,
l.jsxs)("tr", {
children: [(0,
l.jsx)("td", {
className: Z().icon,
children: (0,
l.jsx)("span", {
className: Z().image,
children: (0,
l.jsx)(w(), {
src: "/6/buckler/assets/images/profile/icon_versus.png",
width: "92",
height: "56",
layout: "responsive",
alt: "",
unoptimized: !0
}), (0,
l.jsx)("td", {
className: Z().character
}), (0,
l.jsx)("td", {
className: Z().name,
children: e.rival_character_alpha
}), (0,
l.jsx)("td", {
className: Z().count,
children: e.battle_count.toLocaleString()
}), (0,
l.jsxs)("td", {
className: Z().percent,
children: ["".concat((0, * t, 0, 2)), "%"]
}, "rival_all".concat(a))
var I = s.character_league_infos;
return (0,
l.jsx)(l.Fragment, {
children: (0,
l.jsxs)("article", {
className: Z().character_record,
children: [I.length ? (0,
l.jsx)("div", {
className: Z().select_area,
children: (0,
l.jsxs)("select", {
defaultValue: i,
onChange: function(e) {
function(e) {
s.character_play_point_infos.forEach((function(a) {
if (a.character_id == parseInt( {
var t = a.play_point.fighting_ground
, r = a.play_point.battle_hub
, s = a.play_point.world_tour
, l = t + r + s;
type: "fg",
percent: t / l * 100
}, {
type: "wt",
percent: s / l * 100
}, {
type: "bh",
percent: r / l * 100
children: [(0,
l.jsx)("option", {
disabled: !0,
children: a("[t]play_character_select")
}),, a) {
if ("" != e.character_tool_name)
return (0,
l.jsx)("option", {
value: e.character_id,
children: e.character_alpha
}, "character".concat(a))
}) : null, (0,
l.jsxs)("section", {
className: Z().data,
children: [, a) {
if (i === e.character_id)
return (0,
l.jsxs)("p", {
className: Z().character,
children: [(0,
l.jsx)("span", {
className: Z().image,
children: (0,
l.jsx)(w(), {
src: "/6/buckler/assets/images/material/character/character_".concat(e.character_tool_name, "_l.png"),
width: "170",
height: "170",
layout: "responsive",
alt: "",
unoptimized: !0
}), (0,
l.jsx)("span", {
className: Z().name,
children: e.character_alpha
}, "current".concat(a))
)),, t) {
if (i === e.character_id && "random" != e.character_tool_name)
return (0,
l.jsxs)("dl", {
className: Z().play_point,
children: [(0,
l.jsx)("dt", {
children: a("[t]play_playpoint")
}), (0,
l.jsx)("dd", {
className: Z().point,
children: j.toLocaleString()
}), (0,
l.jsx)("dd", {
className: Z().graf,
children: (0,
l.jsx)(k.Z, {
percent: S
}, "point".concat(t))
)),, t) {
if (i === e.character_id)
return (0,
l.jsxs)("dl", {
className: Z().league,
children: [(0,
l.jsx)("dt", {
children: a("[t]overview_league_point")
}), (0,
l.jsxs)("dd", {
children: [(0,
l.jsx)("span", {
className: Z().image,
children: (0,
l.jsx)(w(), {
src: "/6/buckler/assets/images/material/rank/rank".concat(e.league_info.league_rank, "_s.png"),
width: "200",
height: "100",
layout: "responsive",
alt: "",
unoptimized: !0
}), (0,
l.jsxs)("span", {
className: Z().lp,
children: [-1 === e.league_info.league_point ? "---" : "".concat(e.league_info.league_point.toLocaleString()), a("[t]league_point_unit")]
}, "rank".concat(t))
}), (0,
l.jsxs)("section", {
className: Z().record,
children: [(0,
l.jsx)("h3", {
children: a("[t]play_character_result")
}),, t) {
if (i === e.character_id) {
var r = Number(e.battle_count)
, s = Number(e.win_count)
, c = r - s
, _ = 0 !== s && 0 !== r ? s / r : 0
, d = [{
type: "win",
color: "#3049a7",
percent: 100 * _
}, {
type: "lose",
color: "#b52331",
percent: 100 - 100 * _
return (0,
l.jsxs)(n.Fragment, {
children: [(0,
l.jsxs)("div", {
className: Z().circle_graf,
children: [(0,
l.jsx)(u, {
data: d
}), (0,
l.jsx)("p", {
className: Z().title,
children: a("[t]play_enjoy_win_rate")
}), (0,
l.jsxs)("p", {
className: Z().percent,
children: [(0,
l.jsx)("span", {
children: (0, * _, 0, 2)
}), "%"]
}), (0,
l.jsxs)("ul", {
className: Z().stats,
children: [(0,
l.jsxs)("li", {
children: [(0,
l.jsx)("span", {
children: a("[t]play_vs_count")
}), (0,
l.jsx)("span", {
children: r.toLocaleString()
}), (0,
l.jsxs)("li", {
children: [(0,
l.jsx)("span", {
children: a("[t]play_win_count")
}), (0,
l.jsx)("span", {
children: s.toLocaleString()
}), (0,
l.jsxs)("li", {
children: [(0,
l.jsx)("span", {
children: a("[t]play_lose_count")
}), (0,
l.jsx)("span", {
children: c.toLocaleString()
}, "record".concat(t))]
}, "graf")
}), (0,
l.jsx)("section", {
className: Z().record_list,
children: (0,
l.jsxs)("div", {
className: Z().inner_line,
children: [(0,
l.jsx)("h3", {
children: a("[t]play_rival_character_result")
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l.jsx)("div", {
className: Z().versus_list,
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l.jsx)("div", {
className: Z().inner_list,
children: (0,
l.jsx)("table", {
children: (0,
l.jsxs)("tbody", {
children: [P, L]
, L = t(27897)
, P = t.n(L)
, C = function() {
var e = (0,
, a = e.t
, t = (e.lang,
, r = [{
color: "#d07eb5",
percent: 100 * t.battle_stats.gauge_rate_drive_guard
}, {
color: "#b64791",
percent: 100 * t.battle_stats.gauge_rate_drive_impact
}, {
color: "#97116a",
percent: 100 * t.battle_stats.gauge_rate_drive_arts
}, {
color: "#0a64d5",
percent: 100 * t.battle_stats.gauge_rate_drive_rush_from_parry
}, {
color: "#7ba0ce",
percent: 100 * t.battle_stats.gauge_rate_drive_rush_from_cancel
}, {
color: "#2a9527",
percent: 100 * t.battle_stats.gauge_rate_drive_reversal
}, {
color: "#919191",
percent: 100 * t.battle_stats.gauge_rate_drive_other
, s = [{
color: "#d07eb5",
percent: 100 * t.battle_stats.gauge_rate_sa_lv1
}, {
color: "#b64791",
percent: 100 * t.battle_stats.gauge_rate_sa_lv2
}, {
color: "#97116a",
percent: 100 * t.battle_stats.gauge_rate_sa_lv3
}, {
color: "#0a64d5",
percent: 100 * t.battle_stats.gauge_rate_ca
return (0,
l.jsx)(l.Fragment, {
children: (0,
l.jsxs)("article", {
className: P().battle_style,
children: [(0,
l.jsx)("p", {
className: P().average,
children: a("[t]play_style_average")
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l.jsx)("div", {
className: P().drive_area,
children: (0,
l.jsxs)("div", {
className: P().inner_drive,
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l.jsxs)("section", {
className: P().driveGauge,
children: [(0,
l.jsx)("h3", {
children: a("[t]play_style_header_drive_rate")
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className: P().graf_area,
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l.jsx)(u, {
data: r
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l.jsxs)("ul", {
children: [(0,
l.jsxs)("li", {
className: P().parry,
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l.jsx)("span", {
className: P().type,
children: a("[t]play_style_drive_parry")
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l.jsx)("span", {
className: P().number,
children: (0, * t.battle_stats.gauge_rate_drive_guard) / 100, 0, 2)
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l.jsx)("span", {
className: P().type,
children: a("[t]play_style_drive_impact")
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l.jsx)("span", {
className: P().number,
children: (0, * t.battle_stats.gauge_rate_drive_impact) / 100, 0, 2)
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className: P().over,
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l.jsx)("span", {
className: P().type,
children: a("[t]play_style_over_drive_arts")
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l.jsx)("span", {
className: P().number,
children: (0, * t.battle_stats.gauge_rate_drive_arts) / 100, 0, 2)
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className: P().rush_parry,
children: [(0,
l.jsx)("span", {
className: P().type,
children: a("[t]play_style_parry_drive_rush")
}), (0,
l.jsx)("span", {
className: P().number,
children: (0, * t.battle_stats.gauge_rate_drive_rush_from_parry) / 100, 0, 2)
}), (0,
l.jsxs)("li", {
className: P().rush_cancel,
children: [(0,
l.jsx)("span", {
className: P().type,
children: a("[t]play_style_cancel_drive_rush")
}), (0,
l.jsx)("span", {
className: P().number,
children: (0, * t.battle_stats.gauge_rate_drive_rush_from_cancel) / 100, 0, 2)
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className: P().reversal,
children: [(0,
l.jsx)("span", {
className: P().type,
children: a("[t]play_style_drive_riversal")
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var n = e[l](c)
, _ = n.value
} catch (i) {
return void t(i)
n.done ? a(_) : Promise.resolve(_).then(r, s)
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case 0:
return t = "/6/buckler/api/".concat(r, "/card/").concat(e.sid), = 3,
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a.sent.json().then((function(e) {
case 5:
case "end":
return a.stop()
), a)
function() {
var e = this
, t = arguments;
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var l = a.apply(e, t);
function c(e) {
T(l, r, s, c, n, "next", e)
function n(e) {
T(l, r, s, c, n, "throw", e)
c(void 0)
return function() {
return t.apply(this, arguments)
200 === e.common.statusCode && ((e ? Number(e.fighter_banner_info.personal_info.short_id) : 0) !== (m ? Number(m.sid) : 0) && (p.current = !1));
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n.useEffect)((function() {
!1 === p.current && (p.current = !0,
200 == e.common.statusCode && 0 !== e.sid && x())
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16418: function(e) {
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Did this file decode correctly?
Original Code
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1189: function(e, a, t) {
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33963: function(e, a, t) {
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r.jsx)("span", {
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__N_SSP: function() {
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default: function() {
return A
var r = t(88565)
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, u = function(e) {
var a =
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, r = !0
, s =, a) {
return e.percent > 0 && (r = !1),
e.percent / 100 * 360
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n.useEffect)((function() {
!function(e) {
var t = 0
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e.arc(150, 150, 150, (-90 + t) * Math.PI / 180, 270 * Math.PI / 180, !1),
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l += s[c],
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function x(e, a) {
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for (var t = 0, r = new Array(a); t < a; t++)
r[t] = e[t];
return r
function j(e) {
return function(e) {
if (Array.isArray(e))
return x(e)
}(e) || function(e) {
if ("undefined" !== typeof Symbol && null != e[Symbol.iterator] || null != e["@@iterator"])
return Array.from(e)
}(e) || function(e, a) {
if (!e)
if ("string" === typeof e)
return x(e, a);
var t =, -1);
"Object" === t && e.constructor && (t =;
if ("Map" === t || "Set" === t)
return Array.from(t);
if ("Arguments" === t || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(t))
return x(e, a)
}(e) || function() {
throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance.\\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.")
var v = function() {
var e = (0,
, a = e.t
, t = (e.lang,
, r = (t.fighter_banner_info,
, s = r.battle_stats.total_all_character_play_point
, _ = j(r.base_info.content_play_time_list);
_.sort((function(e, a) {
return a.play_time - e.play_time
var i = _.reduce((function(e, a, t) {
return e + a.play_time
), 0)
, o =, a) {
var t = "#fff";
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t = "#01bcb5";
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t = "#ea2743";
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t = "#fb8a10";
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t = "#6200e3";
case 5:
t = "#0a65d8";
case 6:
t = "#f157bc";
case 7:
t = "#691c2a";
case 8:
t = "#d9d9d9";
case 9:
t = "#cc73ff"
return {
color: t,
percent: e.play_time / i * 100
return (0,
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children: a("[t]play_casual_match")
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children: a("[t]play_custom_match")
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children: a("[t]play_battlehub_match")
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children: a("[t]play_target_clear")
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l.jsx)("dt", {
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children: a("[t]play_enjoy_player")
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c.Z)("profile"), a = e.t, t = (e.lang,
n.useContext)(d.zs)), r = t.fighter_banner_info, s =, _ = (0,
n.useState)(r.favorite_character_id), i = _[0], o = _[1], h = r.favorite_character_play_point.fighting_ground, m = r.favorite_character_play_point.battle_hub, y = r.favorite_character_play_point.world_tour, x = (0,
n.useState)(h + m + y), j = x[0], v = x[1], g = h / j * 100, b = m / j * 100, f = y / j * 100, N = (0,
type: "fg",
percent: g
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type: "wt",
percent: f
}, {
type: "bh",
percent: b
}]), S = N[0], M = N[1], L = null, P = null, C = 0; C < s.character_win_rates_by_rival_character.length; C++)
if (i === s.character_win_rates_by_rival_character[C].character_id) {
s.character_win_rates_by_rival_character[C].rival_character_win_rates.sort((function(e, a) {
return e.rival_character_sort - a.rival_character_sort
var z = s.character_win_rates_by_rival_character[C].rival_character_win_rates.sort((function(e, a) {
return a.battle_count - e.battle_count
L =, a) {
var t = e.win_count / e.battle_count || 0;
if ("" !== e.rival_character_tool_name && "all" !== e.rival_character_tool_name)
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l.jsxs)("td", {
className: Z().percent,
children: ["".concat((0, * t, 0, 2)), "%"]
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P =, a) {
var t = e.win_count / e.battle_count || 0;
if ("all" === e.rival_character_tool_name)
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l.jsxs)("tr", {
children: [(0,
l.jsx)("td", {
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unoptimized: !0
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l.jsx)("td", {
className: Z().character
}), (0,
l.jsx)("td", {
className: Z().name,
children: e.rival_character_alpha
}), (0,
l.jsx)("td", {
className: Z().count,
children: e.battle_count.toLocaleString()
}), (0,
l.jsxs)("td", {
className: Z().percent,
children: ["".concat((0, * t, 0, 2)), "%"]
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var I = s.character_league_infos;
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function(e) {
s.character_play_point_infos.forEach((function(a) {
if (a.character_id == parseInt( {
var t = a.play_point.fighting_ground
, r = a.play_point.battle_hub
, s = a.play_point.world_tour
, l = t + r + s;
type: "fg",
percent: t / l * 100
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type: "wt",
percent: s / l * 100
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type: "bh",
percent: r / l * 100
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l.jsx)("option", {
disabled: !0,
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value: e.character_id,
children: e.character_alpha
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l.jsx)("span", {
className: Z().name,
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children: a("[t]play_playpoint")
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l.jsx)("dd", {
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l.jsx)(k.Z, {
percent: S
}, "point".concat(t))
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l.jsxs)("dl", {
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l.jsx)("dt", {
children: a("[t]overview_league_point")
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children: a("[t]play_character_result")
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var r = Number(e.battle_count)
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type: "win",
color: "#3049a7",
percent: 100 * _
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l.jsx)("span", {
children: (0, * _, 0, 2)
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color: "#d07eb5",
percent: 100 * t.battle_stats.gauge_rate_drive_guard
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color: "#b64791",
percent: 100 * t.battle_stats.gauge_rate_drive_impact
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color: "#97116a",
percent: 100 * t.battle_stats.gauge_rate_drive_arts
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color: "#0a64d5",
percent: 100 * t.battle_stats.gauge_rate_drive_rush_from_parry
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color: "#7ba0ce",
percent: 100 * t.battle_stats.gauge_rate_drive_rush_from_cancel
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color: "#2a9527",
percent: 100 * t.battle_stats.gauge_rate_drive_reversal
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color: "#919191",
percent: 100 * t.battle_stats.gauge_rate_drive_other
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color: "#d07eb5",
percent: 100 * t.battle_stats.gauge_rate_sa_lv1
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color: "#b64791",
percent: 100 * t.battle_stats.gauge_rate_sa_lv2
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color: "#97116a",
percent: 100 * t.battle_stats.gauge_rate_sa_lv3
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color: "#0a64d5",
percent: 100 * t.battle_stats.gauge_rate_ca
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children: (0, * t.battle_stats.gauge_rate_sa_lv3) / 100, 0, 2)
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className: P().number,
children: (0, * t.battle_stats.gauge_rate_ca) / 100, 0, 2)
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children: t.battle_stats.received_stun
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children: a("[t]play_style_header_throw")
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children: t.battle_stats.received_throw_count
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try {
var n = e[l](c)
, _ = n.value
} catch (i) {
return void t(i)
n.done ? a(_) : Promise.resolve(_).then(r, s)
var W = !0
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var t;
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for (; ; )
switch (a.prev = {
case 0:
return t = "/6/buckler/api/".concat(r, "/card/").concat(e.sid), = 3,
case 3:
a.sent.json().then((function(e) {
case 5:
case "end":
return a.stop()
), a)
function() {
var e = this
, t = arguments;
return new Promise((function(r, s) {
var l = a.apply(e, t);
function c(e) {
T(l, r, s, c, n, "next", e)
function n(e) {
T(l, r, s, c, n, "throw", e)
c(void 0)
return function() {
return t.apply(this, arguments)
200 === e.common.statusCode && ((e ? Number(e.fighter_banner_info.personal_info.short_id) : 0) !== (m ? Number(m.sid) : 0) && (p.current = !1));
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n.useEffect)((function() {
!1 === p.current && (p.current = !0,
200 == e.common.statusCode && 0 !== e.sid && x())
), [e.sid]),
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l.jsx)(F, {})]
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27897: function(e) {
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parry: "battle_style_parry__7AX8k",
impact: "battle_style_impact__o53Ij",
over: "battle_style_over__gn6Tw",
rush_parry: "battle_style_rush_parry__IDcty",
rush_cancel: "battle_style_rush_cancel__sf80u",
reversal: "battle_style_reversal__Lb_4Z",
damage: "battle_style_damage__VKmsm",
lv1: "battle_style_lv1__l2MfH",
lv2: "battle_style_lv2__esyDN",
lv3: "battle_style_lv3__YqWzK",
ca: "battle_style_ca__SML5b",
name: "battle_style_name__zRFXa",
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1609: function(e) {
e.exports = {
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image: "character_record_image__1g_Jl",
name: "character_record_name__jQ23W",
point: "character_record_point__XIYsA",
graf: "character_record_graf__Wml0z",
play_point: "character_record_play_point__4B9ym",
league: "character_record_league__i4YMT",
circle_graf: "character_record_circle_graf__VjnNv",
title: "character_record_title__JIr7v",
percent: "character_record_percent__CGTaV",
stats: "character_record_stats__o6FdL",
versus_list: "character_record_versus_list__gJ5Vt",
inner_list: "character_record_inner_list__ST0zK",
icon: "character_record_icon__1f0Rp",
count: "character_record_count__3xB3j",
inner_line: "character_record_inner_line__Sg6Jg"
16418: function(e) {
e.exports = {
play: "play_play__dqwvL",
inner: "play_inner__x7YFJ",
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23505: function(e) {
e.exports = {
playdata: "play_data_playdata__PO5wg",
overview: "play_data_overview__HMZsU",
enjoy: "play_data_enjoy__oZhfF",
time: "play_data_time__JSKp4",
inner_line: "play_data_inner_line__yU_qr",
type1: "play_data_type1__I7kLz",
type2: "play_data_type2____pzv",
type3: "play_data_type3__i8vKW",
type4: "play_data_type4__tBFpF",
type5: "play_data_type5__zb_4Z",
type6: "play_data_type6__JBME5",
type7: "play_data_type7__EXdgm",
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4017: function(e) {
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}, function(e) {
e.O(0, [27719, 29162, 54569, 97601, 41665, 49774, 92888, 40179], (function() {
return a = 25630,
e(e.s = a);
var a
var a = e.O();
_N_E = a
Function Calls
None |
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