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PHP Decode
<?php /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Th..
Decoded Output download
| This file is part of the Roundcube Webmail client |
| |
| Copyright (C) The Roundcube Dev Team |
| |
| Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3 or |
| any later version with exceptions for skins & plugins. |
| See the README file for a full license statement. |
| |
| Check for recent messages, in all mailboxes |
| Author: Thomas Bruederli <[email protected]> |
class rcmail_action_mail_check_recent extends rcmail_action_mail_index
// only process ajax requests
protected static $mode = self::MODE_AJAX;
* Request handler.
* @param array $args Arguments from the previous step(s)
public function run($args = [])
$rcmail = rcmail::get_instance();
// If there's no folder or messages list, there's nothing to update
// This can happen on 'refresh' request
if (empty($_POST['_folderlist']) && empty($_POST['_list'])) {
$trash = $rcmail->config->get('trash_mbox');
$current = $rcmail->storage->get_folder();
$check_all = $rcmail->action != 'refresh' || (bool) $rcmail->config->get('check_all_folders');
$page = $rcmail->storage->get_page();
$page_size = $rcmail->storage->get_pagesize();
$search_request = rcube_utils::get_input_string('_search', rcube_utils::INPUT_GPC);
if ($search_request && $_SESSION['search_request'] != $search_request) {
$search_request = null;
// list of folders to check
if ($check_all) {
$a_mailboxes = $rcmail->storage->list_folders_subscribed('', '*', 'mail');
} elseif ($search_request && isset($_SESSION['search'][1]) && is_object($_SESSION['search'][1])) {
$a_mailboxes = (array) $_SESSION['search'][1]->get_parameters('MAILBOX');
} else {
$a_mailboxes = (array) $current;
if ($current != 'INBOX') {
$a_mailboxes[] = 'INBOX';
// Control folders list from a plugin
$plugin = $rcmail->plugins->exec_hook('check_recent', ['folders' => $a_mailboxes, 'all' => $check_all]);
$a_mailboxes = $plugin['folders'];
$list_cleared = false;
// check recent/unseen counts
foreach ($a_mailboxes as $mbox_name) {
$is_current = $mbox_name == $current
|| (
&& isset($_SESSION['search'][1])
&& is_object($_SESSION['search'][1])
&& in_array($mbox_name, (array) $_SESSION['search'][1]->get_parameters('MAILBOX'))
if ($is_current) {
// Synchronize mailbox cache, handle flag changes
// Get mailbox status
$status = $rcmail->storage->folder_status($mbox_name, $diff);
if ($is_current) {
if ($status & 1) {
// trigger plugin hook
$rcmail->plugins->exec_hook('new_messages', [
'mailbox' => $mbox_name,
'is_current' => $is_current,
'diff' => $diff,
self::send_unread_count($mbox_name, true, null, (!$is_current && ($status & 1)) ? 'recent' : '');
if ($status && $is_current) {
// refresh saved search set
if (!empty($search_request) && isset($_SESSION['search'])) {
unset($search_request); // only do this once
$_SESSION['search'] = $rcmail->storage->refresh_search();
if (!empty($_SESSION['search'][1]->multi)) {
$mbox_name = '';
if (!empty($_POST['_quota'])) {
$rcmail->output->command('set_quota', self::quota_content(null, $mbox_name));
$rcmail->output->set_env('exists', $rcmail->storage->count($mbox_name, 'EXISTS', true));
// "No-list" mode, don't get messages
if (empty($_POST['_list'])) {
// get overall message count; allow caching because rcube_storage::folder_status()
// did a refresh but only in list mode
$list_mode = $rcmail->storage->get_threading() ? 'THREADS' : 'ALL';
$all_count = $rcmail->storage->count($mbox_name, $list_mode, $list_mode == 'THREADS', false);
// check current page if we're not on the first page
if ($all_count && $page > 1) {
$remaining = $all_count - $page_size * ($page - 1);
if ($remaining <= 0) {
$_SESSION['page'] = $page;
$rcmail->output->set_env('messagecount', $all_count);
$rcmail->output->set_env('pagecount', ceil($all_count / $page_size));
$rcmail->output->command('set_rowcount', self::get_messagecount_text($all_count), $mbox_name);
$rcmail->output->set_env('current_page', $all_count ? $page : 1);
// remove old rows (and clear selection if new list is empty)
$rcmail->output->command('message_list.clear', $all_count ? false : true);
if ($all_count) {
$a_headers = $rcmail->storage->list_messages($mbox_name, null, self::sort_column(), self::sort_order());
// add message rows
self::js_message_list($a_headers, false);
// remove messages that don't exists from list selection array
$list_cleared = true;
// set trash folder state
if ($mbox_name === $trash) {
$rcmail->output->command('set_trash_count', $rcmail->storage->count($mbox_name, 'EXISTS', true));
// handle flag updates
if (!$list_cleared) {
$uids = rcube_utils::get_input_value('_uids', rcube_utils::INPUT_POST);
$uids = self::get_uids($uids, null, $multifolder);
$recent_flags = [];
foreach ($uids as $mbox_name => $set) {
$get_flags = true;
$modseq = null;
if ($mbox_name == $current) {
$data = $rcmail->storage->folder_data($mbox_name);
$modseq = !empty($_SESSION['list_mod_seq']) ? $_SESSION['list_mod_seq'] : null;
$get_flags = empty($modseq) || empty($data['HIGHESTMODSEQ']) || $modseq != $data['HIGHESTMODSEQ'];
// remember last HIGHESTMODSEQ value (if supported)
if (!empty($data['HIGHESTMODSEQ'])) {
$_SESSION['list_mod_seq'] = $data['HIGHESTMODSEQ'];
// TODO: Consider HIGHESTMODSEQ for all folders in multifolder search, otherwise
// flags for all messages in a set are requested on every refresh
if ($get_flags) {
$flags = $rcmail->storage->list_flags($mbox_name, $set, $modseq);
foreach ($flags as $idx => $row) {
if ($multifolder) {
$idx .= '-' . $mbox_name;
$recent_flags[$idx] = array_change_key_case(array_map('intval', $row));
$rcmail->output->set_env('recent_flags', $recent_flags);
// trigger refresh hook
$rcmail->plugins->exec_hook('refresh', []);
Did this file decode correctly?
Original Code
| This file is part of the Roundcube Webmail client |
| |
| Copyright (C) The Roundcube Dev Team |
| |
| Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3 or |
| any later version with exceptions for skins & plugins. |
| See the README file for a full license statement. |
| |
| Check for recent messages, in all mailboxes |
| Author: Thomas Bruederli <[email protected]> |
class rcmail_action_mail_check_recent extends rcmail_action_mail_index
// only process ajax requests
protected static $mode = self::MODE_AJAX;
* Request handler.
* @param array $args Arguments from the previous step(s)
public function run($args = [])
$rcmail = rcmail::get_instance();
// If there's no folder or messages list, there's nothing to update
// This can happen on 'refresh' request
if (empty($_POST['_folderlist']) && empty($_POST['_list'])) {
$trash = $rcmail->config->get('trash_mbox');
$current = $rcmail->storage->get_folder();
$check_all = $rcmail->action != 'refresh' || (bool) $rcmail->config->get('check_all_folders');
$page = $rcmail->storage->get_page();
$page_size = $rcmail->storage->get_pagesize();
$search_request = rcube_utils::get_input_string('_search', rcube_utils::INPUT_GPC);
if ($search_request && $_SESSION['search_request'] != $search_request) {
$search_request = null;
// list of folders to check
if ($check_all) {
$a_mailboxes = $rcmail->storage->list_folders_subscribed('', '*', 'mail');
} elseif ($search_request && isset($_SESSION['search'][1]) && is_object($_SESSION['search'][1])) {
$a_mailboxes = (array) $_SESSION['search'][1]->get_parameters('MAILBOX');
} else {
$a_mailboxes = (array) $current;
if ($current != 'INBOX') {
$a_mailboxes[] = 'INBOX';
// Control folders list from a plugin
$plugin = $rcmail->plugins->exec_hook('check_recent', ['folders' => $a_mailboxes, 'all' => $check_all]);
$a_mailboxes = $plugin['folders'];
$list_cleared = false;
// check recent/unseen counts
foreach ($a_mailboxes as $mbox_name) {
$is_current = $mbox_name == $current
|| (
&& isset($_SESSION['search'][1])
&& is_object($_SESSION['search'][1])
&& in_array($mbox_name, (array) $_SESSION['search'][1]->get_parameters('MAILBOX'))
if ($is_current) {
// Synchronize mailbox cache, handle flag changes
// Get mailbox status
$status = $rcmail->storage->folder_status($mbox_name, $diff);
if ($is_current) {
if ($status & 1) {
// trigger plugin hook
$rcmail->plugins->exec_hook('new_messages', [
'mailbox' => $mbox_name,
'is_current' => $is_current,
'diff' => $diff,
self::send_unread_count($mbox_name, true, null, (!$is_current && ($status & 1)) ? 'recent' : '');
if ($status && $is_current) {
// refresh saved search set
if (!empty($search_request) && isset($_SESSION['search'])) {
unset($search_request); // only do this once
$_SESSION['search'] = $rcmail->storage->refresh_search();
if (!empty($_SESSION['search'][1]->multi)) {
$mbox_name = '';
if (!empty($_POST['_quota'])) {
$rcmail->output->command('set_quota', self::quota_content(null, $mbox_name));
$rcmail->output->set_env('exists', $rcmail->storage->count($mbox_name, 'EXISTS', true));
// "No-list" mode, don't get messages
if (empty($_POST['_list'])) {
// get overall message count; allow caching because rcube_storage::folder_status()
// did a refresh but only in list mode
$list_mode = $rcmail->storage->get_threading() ? 'THREADS' : 'ALL';
$all_count = $rcmail->storage->count($mbox_name, $list_mode, $list_mode == 'THREADS', false);
// check current page if we're not on the first page
if ($all_count && $page > 1) {
$remaining = $all_count - $page_size * ($page - 1);
if ($remaining <= 0) {
$_SESSION['page'] = $page;
$rcmail->output->set_env('messagecount', $all_count);
$rcmail->output->set_env('pagecount', ceil($all_count / $page_size));
$rcmail->output->command('set_rowcount', self::get_messagecount_text($all_count), $mbox_name);
$rcmail->output->set_env('current_page', $all_count ? $page : 1);
// remove old rows (and clear selection if new list is empty)
$rcmail->output->command('message_list.clear', $all_count ? false : true);
if ($all_count) {
$a_headers = $rcmail->storage->list_messages($mbox_name, null, self::sort_column(), self::sort_order());
// add message rows
self::js_message_list($a_headers, false);
// remove messages that don't exists from list selection array
$list_cleared = true;
// set trash folder state
if ($mbox_name === $trash) {
$rcmail->output->command('set_trash_count', $rcmail->storage->count($mbox_name, 'EXISTS', true));
// handle flag updates
if (!$list_cleared) {
$uids = rcube_utils::get_input_value('_uids', rcube_utils::INPUT_POST);
$uids = self::get_uids($uids, null, $multifolder);
$recent_flags = [];
foreach ($uids as $mbox_name => $set) {
$get_flags = true;
$modseq = null;
if ($mbox_name == $current) {
$data = $rcmail->storage->folder_data($mbox_name);
$modseq = !empty($_SESSION['list_mod_seq']) ? $_SESSION['list_mod_seq'] : null;
$get_flags = empty($modseq) || empty($data['HIGHESTMODSEQ']) || $modseq != $data['HIGHESTMODSEQ'];
// remember last HIGHESTMODSEQ value (if supported)
if (!empty($data['HIGHESTMODSEQ'])) {
$_SESSION['list_mod_seq'] = $data['HIGHESTMODSEQ'];
// TODO: Consider HIGHESTMODSEQ for all folders in multifolder search, otherwise
// flags for all messages in a set are requested on every refresh
if ($get_flags) {
$flags = $rcmail->storage->list_flags($mbox_name, $set, $modseq);
foreach ($flags as $idx => $row) {
if ($multifolder) {
$idx .= '-' . $mbox_name;
$recent_flags[$idx] = array_change_key_case(array_map('intval', $row));
$rcmail->output->set_env('recent_flags', $recent_flags);
// trigger refresh hook
$rcmail->plugins->exec_hook('refresh', []);
Function Calls
None |
MD5 | 148e24ce6a03fd6c0b8418a53ce5f38f |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 122 ms |