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goto CzQGZ; taNCl: $festival = explode("\54", $festival); goto dTRGA; kngoB: $obj_types = ..
Decoded Output download
<? goto CzQGZ; taNCl: $festival = explode(",", $festival); goto dTRGA; kngoB: $obj_types = explode(",", $obj_types); goto Co4Qx; tMhpP: GyTqr: goto CRxNZ; gcmMn: $festivalList = pdo_fetchall($festivalSql); goto GPO9a; HpjJK: gBP1s: goto r0VTx; CAghC: $act = "index"; goto ATl1S; YTlQl: PVxxr: goto UxVde; ATl1S: XntF7: goto uGjhH; r0VTx: $industry = trim($_GPC["industry"]) ? trim($_GPC["industry"]) : ''; goto lw6_i; vgO9R: $is_show_promulgate = true; goto GFXWI; Wc6x1: $noticeList = pdo_fetchall($noticeSql, array(":uniacid" => $uniacid)); goto OsY1p; wywS0: zn9gX: goto F4hSL; wgm7A: include MODULE_ROOT . "/inc/common.php"; goto BGOe7; TAgVX: ohW_Y: goto k0P7X; dWKy2: $list = pdo_fetchall($sql, $params); goto J785u; aklvn: if (empty($_GPC["obj_promulgate_num"])) { goto fJJmh; } goto VYZAG; GFXWI: isetcookie("obj_promulgate_num", intval($_GPC["obj_promulgate_num"]) + 1, 3600 * 24 * 365); goto A036X; TNJtm: $pindex = max(1, intval($_GPC["page"])); goto LpaDU; uGjhH: $title = ""; goto F1Ge8; oeRit: $where = $where . " ) "; goto yLJmP; UbW5y: $slideList = pdo_fetchall($slideSql, array(":uniacid" => $uniacid)); goto nM4CM; Pt5z6: resultMsg($listData); goto RmwNM; BBm3_: IMOrL: goto ztcMM; YJ0h3: $sql = "SELECT,t.activity_types,d.use_num,d.bogus_num,d.token,d.token_id,d.status, as tid,,t.thumb_url FROM " . ztbTable("sys_tmp_data") . " d LEFT OUTER JOIN " . ztbTable("sys_tmp") . " t on" . $where . " order by sort asc,id desc" . " LIMIT " . ($pindex - 1) * $psize . "," . $psize; goto dWKy2; CzQGZ: defined("IN_IA") or exit("Access Denied"); goto wgm7A; VIXHY: if (!file_exists($promulgate_file)) { goto age58; } goto ZP_ix; sK08b: exit; goto MFp2q; GBoHb: $listData["rows"][] = ["id" => $list[$i]["id"], "activity_url" => $this->createMobileUrl("store." . $activityTables[$list[$i]["activity_types"]], array("act" => "modify", "tmp_id" => $list[$i]["tid"])), "tid" => $list[$i]["tid"], "name" => $list[$i]["name"], "thumb_url" => MODULE_URL . $list[$i]["thumb_url"], "use_num" => $list[$i]["use_num"] + $list[$i]["bogus_num"], "token" => $list[$i]["token"], "token_id" => $list[$i]["token_id"], "token_links" => replaceDieDomain($config, __MURL("scan", array("token" => $list[$i]["token"]), true, true), 0, $list[$i]["token_id"], 0), "activity_types" => $activityTypes[$list[$i]["activity_types"]], "clone_activity_url" => $this->createMobileUrl("store." . $activityTables[$list[$i]["activity_types"]], array("act" => "modify", "token" => $list[$i]["token"], "iscopy" => 2))]; goto tMhpP; UxVde: $where = $where . " ) "; goto HpjJK; mAWtd: $is_show_promulgate = true; goto ZroUZ; MFp2q: ebtSD: goto ZeHK2; nFv2E: $model = pdo_get(ztbNopreTable("sys_notice"), array("id" => $id, "uniacid" => $_W["uniacid"], "deltime" => 0)); goto U1usX; JFpAp: $where = $where . " ) "; goto wywS0; CRxNZ: $i++; goto gdCri; BGOe7: global $_GPC, $_W, $config; goto Xyggu; J785u: $listData = array(); goto pAgFk; LpaDU: $psize = max(10, intval($_GPC["pageSize"])); goto qSWQm; Ech4s: if (empty($config["promulgate"])) { goto PW4yq; } goto pkk77; GPO9a: $industrySql = "SELECT * FROM " . ztbTable("sys_industry") . " where status=1 and `deltime`=0 order by sort asc , id asc "; goto MgGJV; S3oCA: Cy20r: goto UsUKo; KKqf5: isetcookie("obj_promulgate_num", 1, 3600 * 24 * 365); goto zFP71; eFaAF: $industry = explode(",", $industry); goto X6ZF6; P9h4e: foreach ($obj_types as $key => $value) { goto DRmZl; FpKAw: $where = $where . " t.obj_types like :obj_types" . $key . " "; goto OmkzG; OmkzG: $params[":obj_types" . $key] = "%," . $value . ",%"; goto AB1OK; AB1OK: MRuJX: goto aq2SB; DRmZl: if ($key == 0) { goto wrQgl; } goto FzAXy; WkgTB: $params[":obj_types" . $key] = "%," . $value . ",%"; goto IjnTT; aq2SB: fZJgP: goto JrJur; FzAXy: $where = $where . " or t.obj_types like :obj_types" . $key . " "; goto WkgTB; IjnTT: goto MRuJX; goto NPHAp; NPHAp: wrQgl: goto FpKAw; JrJur: } goto UjJBk; yfg_e: age58: goto Ech4s; nM4CM: $noticeSql = "SELECT * FROM " . ztbTable("sys_notice") . " where `uniacid`=:uniacid and status=1 and `deltime`=0 order by sort asc , id asc "; goto Wc6x1; sr4cr: $is_show_promulgate = false; goto pY7zv; Og13K: if (in_array($act, $allow_acts)) { goto XntF7; } goto CAghC; oEJWc: include $this->template("store/sys_tmp/index"); goto vq_Yk; qSWQm: $where = " where d.uniacid=:uniacid and d.status=1 and t.status=1 and d.deltime=0 "; goto KePZ9; Fm2eX: $festivalSql = "SELECT * FROM " . ztbTable("sys_festival") . " where status=1 and `deltime`=0 order by sort asc , id asc "; goto gcmMn; lmWrO: if ($act == "index") { goto Cy20r; } goto d6rTX; k0P7X: if (!($i < $arrlength)) { goto jHwWc; } goto GBoHb; OsY1p: $objSql = "SELECT * FROM " . ztbTable("sys_obj") . " where status=1 and `deltime`=0 order by sort asc , id asc "; goto YhQRy; YhQRy: $objList = pdo_fetchall($objSql); goto Fm2eX; teXZ9: foreach ($industry as $key => $value) { goto oMH6a; ws3Ib: $where = $where . " or t.industry like :industry" . $key . " "; goto LYjri; WndHl: $where = $where . " t.industry like :industry" . $key . " "; goto afu1n; WA0bX: VlqMB: goto WndHl; LYjri: $params[":industry" . $key] = "%," . $value . ",%"; goto CKeDl; oMH6a: if ($key == 0) { goto VlqMB; } goto ws3Ib; CKeDl: goto d7ybC; goto WA0bX; afu1n: $params[":industry" . $key] = "%," . $value . ",%"; goto qZceV; qZceV: d7ybC: goto ldoju; ldoju: bgDg1: goto IJLci; IJLci: } goto Tz1SY; ZroUZ: xR3bX: goto STW8U; F96Mi: goto xR3bX; goto T01Z_; MgGJV: $industryList = pdo_fetchall($industrySql); goto sr4cr; gdCri: goto ohW_Y; goto SnbpR; F1Ge8: $uniacid = $_W["uniacid"]; goto lmWrO; C5Bj7: fJJmh: goto CyYrp; UsUKo: $session = json_decode(authcode($_GPC["__session_store"]), true); goto AFoup; Nlief: $store = pdo_get("lywywl_ztb_store_account", array("deltime" => 0, "uniacid" => $_W["uniacid"], "id" => $session["store_id"])); goto GjBq3; SnbpR: jHwWc: goto Pt5z6; nnLwU: if (!$festival) { goto gBP1s; } goto taNCl; STW8U: PW4yq: goto oEJWc; PDfOC: $slideSql = "SELECT * FROM " . ztbTable("sys_slide") . " where `uniacid`=:uniacid and status=1 and `types`=1 and `deltime`=0 order by sort asc , id asc "; goto UbW5y; JIvig: $id = intval($_GPC["id"]); goto nFv2E; Co4Qx: $where = $where . " and ( "; goto P9h4e; VYZAG: if (!(intval($_GPC["obj_promulgate_num"]) <= intval($config["promulgate_num"]))) { goto v_x_i; } goto vgO9R; KePZ9: $params = array(":uniacid" => $_W["uniacid"]); goto e7IFP; ZP_ix: $config["promulgate"] = file_get_contents($promulgate_file); goto yfg_e; vq_Yk: exit; goto wtWTA; tKvV2: message(""); goto BBm3_; dTRGA: $where = $where . " and ( "; goto Rvz9u; Ghio0: if (!($act == "noticeDetails")) { goto ebtSD; } goto JIvig; ztcMM: include $this->template("store/sys_tmp/noticeDetails"); goto sK08b; G_GSE: $allow_acts = array("index", "getJsonList", "noticeDetails"); goto Og13K; Rvz9u: foreach ($festival as $key => $value) { goto iehF_; nGZlR: $params[":festival" . $key] = "%," . $value . ",%"; goto Ff_l0; RiJgp: zcVlN: goto jrB32; p_SF1: $params[":festival" . $key] = "%," . $value . ",%"; goto RiJgp; Ff_l0: goto zcVlN; goto DUW2I; ZRgIP: $where = $where . " t.festival like :festival" . $key . " "; goto p_SF1; jrB32: H0N15: goto bVbPM; iehF_: if ($key == 0) { goto gFAwt; } goto gbhl8; DUW2I: gFAwt: goto ZRgIP; gbhl8: $where = $where . " or t.festival like :festival" . $key . " "; goto nGZlR; bVbPM: } goto YTlQl; o9d1G: $i = 0; goto TAgVX; A036X: v_x_i: goto EA3WL; B117U: m5_cY: goto TNJtm; F4hSL: $festival = trim($_GPC["festival"]) ? trim($_GPC["festival"]) : ''; goto nnLwU; e7IFP: $obj_types = trim($_GPC["obj_types"]) ? trim($_GPC["obj_types"]) : ''; goto dg0zM; dg0zM: if (!$obj_types) { goto zn9gX; } goto kngoB; pkk77: if (intval($config["promulgate_num"]) == 0) { goto g4Q8t; } goto aklvn; pAgFk: $listData["rows"] = []; goto fPvj1; xBiJJ: goto vraD3; goto S3oCA; pY7zv: $promulgate_file = MODULE_ROOT . "/resource/text/" . $_W["uniacid"] . "/promulgate.txt." . $_W["uniacid"]; goto VIXHY; RmwNM: trxSC: goto xBiJJ; zFP71: ltGNc: goto F96Mi; T01Z_: g4Q8t: goto mAWtd; lw6_i: if (!$industry) { goto fMIAR; } goto eFaAF; Tz1SY: T0ov8: goto oeRit; CyYrp: $is_show_promulgate = true; goto KKqf5; fPvj1: $arrlength = count($list); goto o9d1G; U1usX: if (!empty($model)) { goto IMOrL; } goto tKvV2; X6ZF6: $where = $where . " and ( "; goto teXZ9; AFoup: if (!is_array($session)) { goto AoYd6; } goto Nlief; GjBq3: AoYd6: goto PDfOC; EA3WL: goto ltGNc; goto C5Bj7; Xyggu: $request_method = strtolower($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"]); goto tZ45Z; tZ45Z: $act = trim($_GPC["act"]); goto G_GSE; ZeHK2: goto trxSC; goto B117U; yLJmP: fMIAR: goto YJ0h3; d6rTX: if ($act == "getJsonList") { goto m5_cY; } goto Ghio0; UjJBk: Ltbd3: goto JFpAp; wtWTA: vraD3: ?>
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Original Code
goto CzQGZ; taNCl: $festival = explode("\54", $festival); goto dTRGA; kngoB: $obj_types = explode("\x2c", $obj_types); goto Co4Qx; tMhpP: GyTqr: goto CRxNZ; gcmMn: $festivalList = pdo_fetchall($festivalSql); goto GPO9a; HpjJK: gBP1s: goto r0VTx; CAghC: $act = "\151\156\x64\145\x78"; goto ATl1S; YTlQl: PVxxr: goto UxVde; ATl1S: XntF7: goto uGjhH; r0VTx: $industry = trim($_GPC["\151\156\x64\165\163\164\162\x79"]) ? trim($_GPC["\x69\x6e\x64\x75\163\x74\162\x79"]) : ''; goto lw6_i; vgO9R: $is_show_promulgate = true; goto GFXWI; Wc6x1: $noticeList = pdo_fetchall($noticeSql, array("\72\x75\156\151\141\143\151\144" => $uniacid)); goto OsY1p; wywS0: zn9gX: goto F4hSL; wgm7A: include MODULE_ROOT . "\x2f\151\156\x63\x2f\x63\157\155\155\x6f\x6e\56\160\x68\160"; goto BGOe7; TAgVX: ohW_Y: goto k0P7X; dWKy2: $list = pdo_fetchall($sql, $params); goto J785u; aklvn: if (empty($_GPC["\x6f\x62\152\x5f\x70\x72\x6f\x6d\x75\x6c\147\x61\x74\145\x5f\156\x75\155"])) { goto fJJmh; } goto VYZAG; GFXWI: isetcookie("\157\142\152\137\x70\162\x6f\x6d\165\x6c\x67\141\x74\x65\137\x6e\165\x6d", intval($_GPC["\157\142\x6a\x5f\x70\x72\x6f\155\165\x6c\147\141\164\x65\137\156\x75\x6d"]) + 1, 3600 * 24 * 365); goto A036X; TNJtm: $pindex = max(1, intval($_GPC["\x70\x61\x67\145"])); goto LpaDU; uGjhH: $title = "\345\210\266\344\xbd\x9c\346\264\xbb\xe5\212\250"; goto F1Ge8; oeRit: $where = $where . "\40\51\x20"; goto yLJmP; UbW5y: $slideList = pdo_fetchall($slideSql, array("\72\x75\x6e\151\141\x63\x69\144" => $uniacid)); goto nM4CM; Pt5z6: resultMsg($listData); goto RmwNM; BBm3_: IMOrL: goto ztcMM; YJ0h3: $sql = "\123\x45\x4c\105\x43\x54\40\x64\56\151\144\x2c\164\x2e\x61\x63\164\151\166\x69\x74\x79\x5f\164\171\160\145\163\x2c\144\56\x75\x73\145\x5f\x6e\165\155\x2c\144\x2e\142\157\x67\x75\163\137\x6e\x75\x6d\x2c\144\56\164\157\x6b\x65\156\54\x64\56\x74\x6f\x6b\145\156\137\151\x64\54\x64\56\x73\x74\x61\x74\x75\163\x2c\x74\56\151\144\40\141\163\x20\164\151\x64\54\164\x2e\156\141\x6d\145\54\x74\56\164\150\165\x6d\x62\x5f\165\162\x6c\40\106\122\x4f\115\x20" . ztbTable("\163\171\x73\137\164\155\x70\x5f\144\141\x74\x61") . "\x20\x64\x20\x4c\x45\106\x54\40\x4f\x55\x54\x45\x52\40\112\117\x49\116\x20" . ztbTable("\163\171\x73\137\x74\x6d\160") . "\40\x74\x20\157\x6e\x20\144\x2e\x74\x6d\x70\137\151\144\75\164\x2e\151\144" . $where . "\40\157\x72\x64\x65\162\40\142\171\40\40\x73\157\162\164\x20\141\x73\x63\54\151\x64\x20\x64\x65\x73\x63" . "\40\40\114\x49\115\111\x54\40" . ($pindex - 1) * $psize . "\54" . $psize; goto dWKy2; CzQGZ: defined("\111\x4e\x5f\111\101") or exit("\101\x63\x63\145\x73\163\x20\x44\145\x6e\x69\x65\144"); goto wgm7A; VIXHY: if (!file_exists($promulgate_file)) { goto age58; } goto ZP_ix; sK08b: exit; goto MFp2q; GBoHb: $listData["\x72\x6f\167\163"][] = ["\x69\x64" => $list[$i]["\151\x64"], "\x61\143\x74\x69\x76\x69\x74\171\x5f\165\162\154" => $this->createMobileUrl("\163\164\157\x72\145\56" . $activityTables[$list[$i]["\x61\x63\x74\151\x76\151\164\x79\x5f\x74\171\160\145\x73"]], array("\x61\x63\164" => "\x6d\x6f\144\151\x66\171", "\x74\155\x70\137\x69\x64" => $list[$i]["\164\151\144"])), "\164\151\x64" => $list[$i]["\164\x69\144"], "\x6e\141\155\145" => $list[$i]["\156\141\x6d\x65"], "\164\150\165\x6d\142\137\165\x72\x6c" => MODULE_URL . $list[$i]["\164\x68\x75\x6d\x62\x5f\x75\162\x6c"], "\165\163\145\x5f\x6e\x75\x6d" => $list[$i]["\165\x73\145\137\x6e\x75\x6d"] + $list[$i]["\x62\x6f\147\165\163\137\156\x75\155"], "\x74\x6f\x6b\145\x6e" => $list[$i]["\x74\157\x6b\145\x6e"], "\x74\157\153\x65\x6e\137\x69\x64" => $list[$i]["\164\157\x6b\145\x6e\x5f\x69\x64"], "\x74\x6f\153\145\x6e\x5f\x6c\151\x6e\x6b\x73" => replaceDieDomain($config, __MURL("\x73\143\141\156", array("\164\157\x6b\145\156" => $list[$i]["\x74\157\153\145\156"]), true, true), 0, $list[$i]["\x74\157\x6b\x65\156\x5f\151\144"], 0), "\x61\143\164\x69\x76\x69\164\171\x5f\x74\x79\x70\x65\x73" => $activityTypes[$list[$i]["\x61\x63\x74\151\x76\151\x74\171\x5f\164\171\x70\145\163"]], "\x63\x6c\x6f\156\x65\x5f\141\x63\164\x69\166\151\164\x79\x5f\165\x72\154" => $this->createMobileUrl("\163\x74\157\162\145\x2e" . $activityTables[$list[$i]["\141\x63\x74\x69\x76\151\164\171\x5f\x74\x79\x70\x65\x73"]], array("\x61\143\164" => "\x6d\x6f\x64\x69\x66\171", "\164\x6f\153\145\x6e" => $list[$i]["\x74\157\153\145\x6e"], "\151\163\x63\157\x70\171" => 2))]; goto tMhpP; UxVde: $where = $where . "\40\51\40"; goto HpjJK; mAWtd: $is_show_promulgate = true; goto ZroUZ; MFp2q: ebtSD: goto ZeHK2; nFv2E: $model = pdo_get(ztbNopreTable("\x73\171\x73\137\156\157\164\151\x63\145"), array("\x69\x64" => $id, "\x75\156\x69\141\x63\x69\144" => $_W["\165\x6e\x69\x61\143\151\144"], "\144\x65\154\164\151\155\145" => 0)); goto U1usX; JFpAp: $where = $where . "\40\x29\x20"; goto wywS0; CRxNZ: $i++; goto gdCri; BGOe7: global $_GPC, $_W, $config; goto Xyggu; J785u: $listData = array(); goto pAgFk; LpaDU: $psize = max(10, intval($_GPC["\x70\141\147\x65\123\151\x7a\145"])); goto qSWQm; Ech4s: if (empty($config["\x70\162\157\x6d\165\x6c\147\x61\x74\145"])) { goto PW4yq; } goto pkk77; GPO9a: $industrySql = "\123\105\114\105\103\124\x20\52\x20\106\122\x4f\115\x20" . ztbTable("\163\171\163\137\151\156\144\165\x73\164\x72\x79") . "\x20\167\x68\x65\x72\145\x20\163\x74\141\x74\x75\x73\75\61\x20\x61\x6e\144\40\x60\144\x65\154\164\x69\x6d\145\x60\75\60\x20\x6f\x72\x64\x65\x72\x20\x62\171\x20\x73\x6f\x72\x74\40\141\163\143\x20\54\40\x69\x64\x20\141\x73\x63\40"; goto MgGJV; S3oCA: Cy20r: goto UsUKo; KKqf5: isetcookie("\x6f\x62\152\137\160\162\x6f\155\165\x6c\147\x61\x74\145\137\x6e\165\155", 1, 3600 * 24 * 365); goto zFP71; eFaAF: $industry = explode("\x2c", $industry); goto X6ZF6; P9h4e: foreach ($obj_types as $key => $value) { goto DRmZl; FpKAw: $where = $where . "\x20\x74\x2e\157\x62\152\137\164\x79\x70\x65\163\40\154\151\x6b\x65\40\x3a\x6f\142\152\x5f\x74\x79\x70\x65\x73" . $key . "\40"; goto OmkzG; OmkzG: $params["\x3a\x6f\x62\152\137\x74\x79\160\x65\163" . $key] = "\x25\x2c" . $value . "\x2c\45"; goto AB1OK; AB1OK: MRuJX: goto aq2SB; DRmZl: if ($key == 0) { goto wrQgl; } goto FzAXy; WkgTB: $params["\72\x6f\x62\x6a\137\164\171\x70\145\163" . $key] = "\45\54" . $value . "\x2c\x25"; goto IjnTT; aq2SB: fZJgP: goto JrJur; FzAXy: $where = $where . "\x20\x6f\162\x20\x74\56\x6f\x62\152\137\x74\171\160\145\x73\40\x6c\x69\153\x65\x20\x3a\157\142\152\x5f\x74\171\160\x65\163" . $key . "\40"; goto WkgTB; IjnTT: goto MRuJX; goto NPHAp; NPHAp: wrQgl: goto FpKAw; JrJur: } goto UjJBk; yfg_e: age58: goto Ech4s; nM4CM: $noticeSql = "\x53\105\x4c\105\x43\x54\40\x2a\x20\x46\122\117\115\x20" . ztbTable("\x73\x79\x73\137\x6e\157\x74\x69\143\x65") . "\x20\167\150\x65\162\145\40\x60\x75\x6e\151\141\143\x69\x64\x60\x3d\72\165\156\151\141\143\151\x64\x20\x20\x61\156\144\40\163\164\141\164\x75\163\75\61\x20\141\156\144\40\140\x64\145\154\164\151\155\x65\x60\75\x30\x20\x6f\162\x64\145\x72\40\x62\x79\x20\x73\157\x72\x74\40\141\x73\143\x20\x2c\40\x69\x64\40\141\163\x63\40"; goto Wc6x1; sr4cr: $is_show_promulgate = false; goto pY7zv; Og13K: if (in_array($act, $allow_acts)) { goto XntF7; } goto CAghC; oEJWc: include $this->template("\163\x74\x6f\x72\x65\57\163\171\163\137\x74\155\160\x2f\x69\x6e\x64\145\x78"); goto vq_Yk; qSWQm: $where = "\40\x77\x68\x65\162\145\40\x64\x2e\165\x6e\151\x61\143\x69\144\75\72\x75\156\151\x61\143\151\x64\40\x61\156\144\x20\144\56\163\x74\141\x74\x75\x73\75\x31\x20\141\156\x64\x20\x74\x2e\x73\164\x61\x74\x75\163\75\61\x20\x61\156\x64\40\144\x2e\144\x65\x6c\x74\151\x6d\145\x3d\60\x20"; goto KePZ9; Fm2eX: $festivalSql = "\x53\105\114\x45\x43\124\x20\52\40\106\x52\117\115\40" . ztbTable("\x73\171\x73\137\x66\145\x73\x74\x69\166\141\154") . "\40\x77\150\x65\x72\x65\40\x73\164\141\x74\x75\163\75\61\x20\141\x6e\144\40\x60\x64\x65\154\x74\151\155\x65\x60\75\x30\x20\x6f\x72\x64\x65\x72\x20\142\x79\40\163\157\x72\164\x20\141\163\143\x20\54\40\151\144\x20\x61\163\x63\40"; goto gcmMn; lmWrO: if ($act == "\x69\x6e\144\x65\170") { goto Cy20r; } goto d6rTX; k0P7X: if (!($i < $arrlength)) { goto jHwWc; } goto GBoHb; OsY1p: $objSql = "\123\105\x4c\x45\x43\x54\40\x2a\40\106\x52\117\x4d\x20" . ztbTable("\x73\x79\x73\x5f\157\x62\x6a") . "\40\167\x68\x65\162\x65\40\x73\164\x61\x74\165\x73\75\61\40\141\156\144\40\x60\144\x65\154\164\151\x6d\145\x60\75\60\x20\157\162\144\x65\162\40\142\x79\x20\x73\x6f\162\164\x20\141\163\x63\x20\x2c\x20\151\144\x20\x61\163\143\x20"; goto YhQRy; YhQRy: $objList = pdo_fetchall($objSql); goto Fm2eX; teXZ9: foreach ($industry as $key => $value) { goto oMH6a; ws3Ib: $where = $where . "\40\157\x72\40\x74\x2e\151\156\144\165\x73\x74\x72\171\x20\154\151\x6b\x65\x20\x3a\151\156\x64\165\163\164\x72\x79" . $key . "\40"; goto LYjri; WndHl: $where = $where . "\x20\164\x2e\151\156\x64\x75\163\x74\x72\171\40\x6c\151\x6b\145\40\x3a\x69\156\144\x75\x73\164\x72\x79" . $key . "\40"; goto afu1n; WA0bX: VlqMB: goto WndHl; LYjri: $params["\x3a\151\x6e\144\x75\x73\x74\x72\x79" . $key] = "\x25\54" . $value . "\x2c\45"; goto CKeDl; oMH6a: if ($key == 0) { goto VlqMB; } goto ws3Ib; CKeDl: goto d7ybC; goto WA0bX; afu1n: $params["\72\151\156\x64\x75\163\x74\x72\x79" . $key] = "\x25\54" . $value . "\54\45"; goto qZceV; qZceV: d7ybC: goto ldoju; ldoju: bgDg1: goto IJLci; IJLci: } goto Tz1SY; ZroUZ: xR3bX: goto STW8U; F96Mi: goto xR3bX; goto T01Z_; MgGJV: $industryList = pdo_fetchall($industrySql); goto sr4cr; gdCri: goto ohW_Y; goto SnbpR; F1Ge8: $uniacid = $_W["\165\x6e\x69\141\x63\151\x64"]; goto lmWrO; C5Bj7: fJJmh: goto CyYrp; UsUKo: $session = json_decode(authcode($_GPC["\x5f\137\163\145\163\163\151\x6f\156\x5f\x73\x74\x6f\162\145"]), true); goto AFoup; Nlief: $store = pdo_get("\x6c\171\167\x79\167\x6c\137\x7a\x74\142\x5f\x73\x74\157\162\145\x5f\141\x63\x63\157\165\x6e\164", array("\x64\x65\154\x74\x69\155\x65" => 0, "\165\156\x69\x61\x63\151\144" => $_W["\165\156\151\x61\143\151\144"], "\x69\144" => $session["\163\164\x6f\162\x65\137\151\x64"])); goto GjBq3; SnbpR: jHwWc: goto Pt5z6; nnLwU: if (!$festival) { goto gBP1s; } goto taNCl; STW8U: PW4yq: goto oEJWc; PDfOC: $slideSql = "\123\x45\x4c\x45\x43\x54\x20\x2a\x20\106\122\x4f\115\x20" . ztbTable("\x73\x79\x73\x5f\x73\154\151\x64\145") . "\x20\x77\x68\145\162\145\40\x60\165\x6e\151\141\143\151\144\140\75\72\165\x6e\x69\141\x63\x69\x64\x20\x20\x61\156\144\40\163\x74\141\164\165\x73\x3d\x31\40\141\156\144\40\x60\x74\171\160\145\x73\x60\75\x31\x20\141\156\144\x20\x60\x64\145\154\164\x69\x6d\x65\x60\x3d\x30\x20\157\162\x64\x65\162\x20\142\171\x20\163\x6f\162\x74\40\141\x73\x63\x20\54\x20\x69\144\40\141\163\x63\40"; goto UbW5y; JIvig: $id = intval($_GPC["\151\144"]); goto nFv2E; Co4Qx: $where = $where . "\40\141\156\144\x20\x28\40"; goto P9h4e; VYZAG: if (!(intval($_GPC["\x6f\142\152\137\160\162\157\155\165\x6c\x67\141\x74\x65\137\x6e\165\155"]) <= intval($config["\x70\x72\157\155\x75\x6c\147\141\x74\x65\x5f\156\x75\155"]))) { goto v_x_i; } goto vgO9R; KePZ9: $params = array("\x3a\x75\x6e\x69\141\143\151\144" => $_W["\165\x6e\x69\141\x63\x69\144"]); goto e7IFP; ZP_ix: $config["\x70\162\157\155\x75\154\147\141\164\145"] = file_get_contents($promulgate_file); goto yfg_e; vq_Yk: exit; goto wtWTA; tKvV2: message("\345\205\254\xe5\221\x8a\xe4\270\x8d\xe5\xad\230\xe5\x9c\xa8\xe6\210\x96\xe5\xb7\262\xe8\242\xab\345\x88\240\xe9\231\xa4"); goto BBm3_; dTRGA: $where = $where . "\40\x61\156\x64\40\50\x20"; goto Rvz9u; Ghio0: if (!($act == "\x6e\157\x74\x69\143\145\104\x65\164\x61\151\x6c\x73")) { goto ebtSD; } goto JIvig; ztcMM: include $this->template("\x73\x74\x6f\162\145\x2f\163\x79\x73\x5f\164\155\x70\57\x6e\x6f\164\151\143\145\104\145\x74\141\x69\x6c\163"); goto sK08b; G_GSE: $allow_acts = array("\x69\156\x64\x65\170", "\147\145\164\112\x73\x6f\x6e\114\x69\163\x74", "\156\x6f\164\x69\x63\145\104\145\x74\141\151\154\x73"); goto Og13K; Rvz9u: foreach ($festival as $key => $value) { goto iehF_; nGZlR: $params["\x3a\x66\145\163\164\151\x76\x61\x6c" . $key] = "\45\54" . $value . "\54\45"; goto Ff_l0; RiJgp: zcVlN: goto jrB32; p_SF1: $params["\x3a\x66\x65\163\x74\x69\x76\141\x6c" . $key] = "\x25\x2c" . $value . "\x2c\45"; goto RiJgp; Ff_l0: goto zcVlN; goto DUW2I; ZRgIP: $where = $where . "\40\164\56\146\145\x73\x74\151\x76\x61\154\40\154\151\x6b\145\40\72\146\145\163\x74\x69\x76\141\154" . $key . "\40"; goto p_SF1; jrB32: H0N15: goto bVbPM; iehF_: if ($key == 0) { goto gFAwt; } goto gbhl8; DUW2I: gFAwt: goto ZRgIP; gbhl8: $where = $where . "\x20\157\x72\x20\164\56\146\x65\163\164\151\166\141\x6c\40\x6c\x69\x6b\145\40\72\146\145\163\x74\x69\166\141\154" . $key . "\40"; goto nGZlR; bVbPM: } goto YTlQl; o9d1G: $i = 0; goto TAgVX; A036X: v_x_i: goto EA3WL; B117U: m5_cY: goto TNJtm; F4hSL: $festival = trim($_GPC["\x66\x65\x73\164\151\x76\141\154"]) ? trim($_GPC["\146\x65\163\164\151\166\x61\154"]) : ''; goto nnLwU; e7IFP: $obj_types = trim($_GPC["\x6f\142\152\137\164\171\160\x65\163"]) ? trim($_GPC["\157\x62\152\137\164\171\x70\145\x73"]) : ''; goto dg0zM; dg0zM: if (!$obj_types) { goto zn9gX; } goto kngoB; pkk77: if (intval($config["\160\x72\157\155\165\154\147\141\164\x65\137\x6e\165\155"]) == 0) { goto g4Q8t; } goto aklvn; pAgFk: $listData["\162\157\x77\163"] = []; goto fPvj1; xBiJJ: goto vraD3; goto S3oCA; pY7zv: $promulgate_file = MODULE_ROOT . "\57\x72\x65\163\157\165\x72\x63\x65\57\164\x65\170\x74\x2f" . $_W["\x75\x6e\x69\x61\143\151\x64"] . "\57\x70\x72\157\x6d\x75\154\x67\x61\164\145\56\164\x78\x74\x2e" . $_W["\x75\x6e\151\141\143\151\144"]; goto VIXHY; RmwNM: trxSC: goto xBiJJ; zFP71: ltGNc: goto F96Mi; T01Z_: g4Q8t: goto mAWtd; lw6_i: if (!$industry) { goto fMIAR; } goto eFaAF; Tz1SY: T0ov8: goto oeRit; CyYrp: $is_show_promulgate = true; goto KKqf5; fPvj1: $arrlength = count($list); goto o9d1G; U1usX: if (!empty($model)) { goto IMOrL; } goto tKvV2; X6ZF6: $where = $where . "\x20\141\156\x64\40\x28\x20"; goto teXZ9; AFoup: if (!is_array($session)) { goto AoYd6; } goto Nlief; GjBq3: AoYd6: goto PDfOC; EA3WL: goto ltGNc; goto C5Bj7; Xyggu: $request_method = strtolower($_SERVER["\x52\105\x51\x55\x45\123\x54\137\115\105\124\110\x4f\104"]); goto tZ45Z; tZ45Z: $act = trim($_GPC["\x61\x63\x74"]); goto G_GSE; ZeHK2: goto trxSC; goto B117U; yLJmP: fMIAR: goto YJ0h3; d6rTX: if ($act == "\x67\x65\164\x4a\x73\157\x6e\114\151\x73\x74") { goto m5_cY; } goto Ghio0; UjJBk: Ltbd3: goto JFpAp; wtWTA: vraD3:
Function Calls
None |
MD5 | 1845b7b513b37316e95cf70301924ef7 |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 108 ms |