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<?php declare (strict_types=1); namespace pmuAD; use Closure; use DateTimeImmutable; use ..

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 declare (strict_types=1); namespace pmuAD; use Closure; use DateTimeImmutable; use DateTimeInterface; use DateTimeZone; use InvalidArgumentException; use ReflectionMethod; use RuntimeException; use aW2Is\riHtH\xbOSE\led8H; use Throwable; class IS8wh { protected string $SEKOF = pmUad::class; protected array $e_5Xd = []; protected Closure|CarbonInterface|null $F7TOu = null; protected ?string $zGoMe = null; protected bool $JlihQ = false; protected TranslatorInterface $FY6cO; protected array $ehLDz = [nGRKQ::UlVWW, NGRKq::kc5l1]; protected array $ww2tp = ["d" => "(3[01]|[12][0-9]|0[1-9])", "D" => "(Sun|Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat)", "j" => "([123][0-9]|[1-9])", "l" => "([a-zA-Z]{2,})", "N" => "([1-7])", "S" => "(st|nd|rd|th)", "w" => "([0-6])", "z" => "(36[0-5]|3[0-5][0-9]|[12][0-9]{2}|[1-9]?[0-9])", "W" => "(5[012]|[1-4][0-9]|0?[1-9])", "F" => "([a-zA-Z]{2,})", "m" => "(1[012]|0[1-9])", "M" => "([a-zA-Z]{3})", "n" => "(1[012]|[1-9])", "t" => "(2[89]|3[01])", "L" => "(0|1)", "o" => "([1-9][0-9]{0,4})", "Y" => "([1-9]?[0-9]{4})", "y" => "([0-9]{2})", "a" => "(am|pm)", "A" => "(AM|PM)", "B" => "([0-9]{3})", "g" => "(1[012]|[1-9])", "G" => "(2[0-3]|1?[0-9])", "h" => "(1[012]|0[1-9])", "H" => "(2[0-3]|[01][0-9])", "i" => "([0-5][0-9])", "s" => "([0-5][0-9])", "u" => "([0-9]{1,6})", "v" => "([0-9]{1,3})", "e" => "([a-zA-Z]{1,5})|([a-zA-Z]*\/[a-zA-Z]*)", "I" => "(0|1)", "O" => "([+-](1[012]|0[0-9])[0134][05])", "P" => "([+-](1[012]|0[0-9]):[0134][05])", "p" => "(Z|[+-](1[012]|0[0-9]):[0134][05])", "T" => "([a-zA-Z]{1,5})", "Z" => "(-?[1-5]?[0-9]{1,4})", "U" => "([0-9]*)", "c" => "(([1-9]?[0-9]{4})-(1[012]|0[1-9])-(3[01]|[12][0-9]|0[1-9])T(2[0-3]|[01][0-9]):([0-5][0-9]):([0-5][0-9])[+-](1[012]|0[0-9]):([0134][05]))", "r" => "(([a-zA-Z]{3}), ([123][0-9]|0[1-9]) ([a-zA-Z]{3}) ([1-9]?[0-9]{4}) (2[0-3]|[01][0-9]):([0-5][0-9]):([0-5][0-9]) [+-](1[012]|0[0-9])([0134][05]))"]; protected array $t2Hh8 = ["*" => ".+", " " => "[   ]", "#" => "[;:\/.,()-]", "?" => "([^a]|[a])", "!" => '', "|" => '', "+" => '']; public function __construct(array $TlMG4 = [], ?string $KH6AU = null) { goto Q1bdd; S5BSa: $this->e_5Xd = $TlMG4; goto QYHvE; OIoB0: $this->SEKOF = $KH6AU; goto EONBR; EONBR: Wo0aJ: goto S5BSa; Q1bdd: if (!$KH6AU) { goto Wo0aJ; } goto OIoB0; QYHvE: } public function cJ4qk() : string { return $this->SEKOF; } public function MRMlf(string $KH6AU) : self { $this->SEKOF = $KH6AU; return $this; } public function jJq4b(?string $KH6AU = null) : self|string { return $KH6AU === null ? $this->cj4qK() : $this->mRmLf($KH6AU); } public function R7bBj() : array { return $this->e_5Xd; } public function rv7Mx(array $TlMG4) : self { $this->e_5Xd = $TlMG4; return $this; } public function fu3wW(?array $TlMG4 = null) : self|array { return $TlMG4 === null ? $this->R7BbJ() : $this->RV7MX($TlMG4); } public function Bv0oO(array $TlMG4) : self { $this->e_5Xd = array_merge($this->e_5Xd, $TlMG4); return $this; } public function jXbSm(int $bm6eL) : void { $this->Bv0Oo(["humanDiffOptions" => $bm6eL]); } public function j9hmB($zsXPW) : void { $this->JxBsM($this->a_l6H() | $zsXPW); } public function nmNke(int $zsXPW) : void { $this->jXBsM($this->a_L6h() & ~$zsXPW); } public function a_l6h() : int { return (int) ($this->R7BbJ()["humanDiffOptions"] ?? 0); } public function OOZvx(string $RnxmN, ?callable $UDraO) : void { goto Brl6m; Brl6m: $PeCiI = $this->R7Bbj()["macros"] ?? []; goto mgNci; mgNci: $PeCiI[$RnxmN] = $UDraO; goto eZy4G; eZy4G: $this->bv0Oo(["macros" => $PeCiI]); goto IrUHz; IrUHz: } public function sIgsv() : void { $this->BV0Oo(["macros" => null, "genericMacros" => null]); } public function Ki1am(callable $UDraO, int $jzukD = 0) : void { goto NJOta; NJOta: $TDOHJ = $this->R7bbj()["genericMacros"] ?? []; goto rpbSi; rpbSi: if (isset($TDOHJ[$jzukD])) { goto WiCku; } goto n1aOO; b7evL: $TDOHJ[$jzukD][] = $UDraO; goto OhPo9; OhPo9: $this->BV0Oo(["genericMacros" => $TDOHJ]); goto Ctg_1; n1aOO: $TDOHJ[$jzukD] = []; goto nGFj3; gKkLl: WiCku: goto b7evL; nGFj3: krsort($TDOHJ, SORT_NUMERIC); goto gKkLl; Ctg_1: } public function j7pzj(string $RnxmN) : bool { return isset($this->R7BbJ()["macros"][$RnxmN]); } public function Qxd58(string $RnxmN) : ?callable { return $this->r7BBj()["macros"][$RnxmN] ?? null; } public function RlGn2(lED8h $Nt_39) : void { $this->FY6cO = $Nt_39; } public function ybnzh() : TranslatorInterface { return $this->FY6cO ??= PoImt::get(); } public function bRfNa() : void { $this->tTeXj(null); } public function TteXJ(string|Closure|null $MB1tr) : void { $this->bV0oo(["toStringFormat" => $MB1tr]); } public function hgFqI(string|callable|null $MB1tr) : void { $this->BV0oO(["toJsonFormat" => $MB1tr]); } public function nnmN7(bool $PJJ0Y = true) : void { $this->bV0Oo(["strictMode" => $PJJ0Y]); } public function rGjch() : bool { return $this->R7BbJ()["strictMode"] ?? true; } public function qRGH2(bool $b_xGH = true) : void { $this->Bv0oo(["monthOverflow" => $b_xGH]); } public function jAZ0P() : void { $this->QRGh2(); } public function k0fwx() : bool { return $this->R7BBJ()["monthOverflow"] ?? true; } public function xOYUR(bool $v6614 = true) : void { $this->BV0Oo(["yearOverflow" => $v6614]); } public function WPXWh() : void { $this->XOyur(); } public function Yvrfy() : bool { return $this->r7bbJ()["yearOverflow"] ?? true; } public function D51AT() : array { return $this->ehLDz; } public function LrDY3(array $t579w) : void { $this->ehLDz = $t579w; } public function w4zKC(string $rmeWB, string $MB1tr) : bool { return $this->X00IT($rmeWB, preg_quote($MB1tr, "/"), $this->ww2tp); } public function rvUpK(string $rmeWB, string $MB1tr) : bool { return $this->x00it($rmeWB, $MB1tr, array_merge($this->ww2tp, $this->t2Hh8)); } public function zjVUd(mixed $nBsuj = null) : void { $this->JlihQ = false; $this->F7TOu = $nBsuj instanceof ElSfr || $nBsuj instanceof Closure ? $nBsuj : $this->RNWIG($nBsuj); } public function dmcwP(mixed $nBsuj = null, $LSXL4 = null) : void { goto sCw7n; sCw7n: if (!$nBsuj) { goto QeZqY; } goto hiQ62; a4Khx: if ($Qjwcj) { goto BIlUy; } goto RZQgE; Jjd2k: BIlUy: goto LujsR; LW3ul: $this->zJvUD($nBsuj); goto OLznV; RZQgE: $C6Nca = $this->FMMsA(\func_num_args() === 1 ? null : $LSXL4); goto wIGmL; fc6Zj: $this->zGoMe = null; goto s6ucx; hiQ62: $this->zGoMe ??= date_default_timezone_get(); goto fVa5v; wIGmL: $this->TdnPH($C6Nca?->tzName ?? $this->zGoMe ?? "UTC", $C6Nca); goto Jjd2k; s6ucx: a1aYg: goto Zwkp_; OLznV: $this->JlihQ = $LSXL4 === null && $nBsuj instanceof Closure; goto a4Khx; p3Piu: $Qjwcj = $nBsuj instanceof DateTimeInterface; goto l816i; fVa5v: QeZqY: goto p3Piu; ILQPD: HDClm: goto LW3ul; l816i: if (!$Qjwcj) { goto HDClm; } goto pfXk0; LujsR: if ($nBsuj) { goto a1aYg; } goto fc6Zj; pfXk0: $this->tdNPH($nBsuj->getTimezone()->getName(), $nBsuj); goto ILQPD; Zwkp_: } public function cqcQz(mixed $nBsuj, callable $s0IiA) : mixed { goto YELKa; X3PWR: try { $Wg2C9 = $s0IiA(); } finally { $this->ZjVUD(); } goto gQehc; YELKa: $this->ZJVUD($nBsuj); goto X3PWR; gQehc: return $Wg2C9; goto Axe9y; Axe9y: } public function li4IA() : Closure|CarbonInterface|null { goto r_3aP; LnzZZ: $fDBZ_ = XTKgG::yWNTL(); goto ovAWs; ovAWs: if (!($fDBZ_ !== $this)) { goto OgyvO; } goto YGnmE; itpv7: OgyvO: goto bgJ4v; bgJ4v: Vvwe1: goto ZFn9E; YGnmE: return $fDBZ_->LI4Ia(); goto itpv7; r_3aP: if (!($this->F7TOu === null)) { goto Vvwe1; } goto LnzZZ; ZFn9E: return $this->F7TOu; goto rTalS; rTalS: } public function po4mN(Closure|CarbonInterface|null $nBsuj, DateTimeZone|string|int|null $LSXL4 = null) : ?CarbonInterface { goto WQJwX; JBIej: cV3dE: goto b0qu7; dbOBn: return $nBsuj; goto ea25j; b4hGx: qwPFH: goto vFYcE; fxQLQ: $nBsuj = $this->__call("instance", [$nBsuj, $LSXL4]); goto b4hGx; b0qu7: if ($nBsuj instanceof NgrkQ) { goto qwPFH; } goto WyMYv; WyMYv: $LSXL4 ??= $this->JlihQ ? $nBsuj->getTimezone() : null; goto fxQLQ; VkhRt: $nBsuj = $nBsuj($s0IiA->cjAqM($this->L2_SA($OnaeQ->format("Y-m-d H:i:s.u"), $LSXL4 ?? $OnaeQ->getTimezone()))); goto bKaZp; mXXXC: throw new RuntimeException("The test closure defined in " . $wWmiN->getFileName() . " at line " . $wWmiN->getStartLine() . " returned " . $HlhoR . "; expected " . NGrKQ::class . "|null"); goto JBIej; d3nzV: $s0IiA = kwNRG::R4qc2($nBsuj); goto CyPBT; w63bq: $wWmiN = $s0IiA->sITuv(); goto OAnJF; vFYcE: xlagR: goto dbOBn; WQJwX: if (!$nBsuj instanceof Closure) { goto xlagR; } goto d3nzV; CyPBT: $OnaeQ = new DateTimeImmutable("now"); goto VkhRt; OAnJF: $HlhoR = \is_object($nBsuj) ? $nBsuj::class : \gettype($nBsuj); goto mXXXC; bKaZp: if (!($nBsuj !== null && !$nBsuj instanceof DateTimeInterface)) { goto cV3dE; } goto w63bq; ea25j: } public function y5HDS() : bool { return $this->LI4ia() !== null; } public function Pa6ji(DateTimeZone|string|int|null $LSXL4) : static { goto yL_DO; FwzGJ: $fDBZ_->e_5Xd["timezone"] = $LSXL4; goto u1rJU; yL_DO: $fDBZ_ = clone $this; goto FwzGJ; u1rJU: return $fDBZ_; goto m0xuW; m0xuW: } public function __call(string $RnxmN, array $PvRYn) : mixed { goto mOgqv; dCFgF: $hA9UQ = XtkgG::JmU7k(); goto A_3AV; Y3aSG: goto FHoCx; goto v4GeG; SUkSg: $TlMG4["translator"] = $this->FY6cO; goto M3ezM; mOgqv: $K7q_6 = new ReflectionMethod($this->SEKOF, $RnxmN); goto H990U; A_3AV: XTKgg::xCnpv($this); goto oGCHx; Dnb3O: $BvlhF = $TlMG4["timezone"]; goto hpLfb; wH_53: if (!\count($Cw3qg)) { goto elIYt; } goto WQPGz; jZUzv: goto FHoCx; goto gnMg1; V2P_Q: AOIV0: goto wH_53; WQPGz: $mZK6U = key($Cw3qg); goto JXkfy; u9tf2: WAocv: goto yyPGp; yyPGp: unset($TlMG4["timezone"]); goto RRDHM; hpLfb: if (!(isset($PvRYn[0]) && \in_array($RnxmN, ["instance", "make", "create", "parse"], true))) { goto AOIV0; } goto au8OI; JXkfy: if (isset($PvRYn[$mZK6U])) { goto WAocv; } goto gzPZJ; gnMg1: WWbTe: goto yvqac; oGCHx: try { $Wg2C9 = $this->SEKOF::$RnxmN(...$PvRYn); } finally { xtkGg::XcnPv($hA9UQ); } goto LuGFD; gzPZJ: array_splice($PvRYn, key($Cw3qg), 0, [$BvlhF]); goto u9tf2; RRDHM: elIYt: goto uTFWu; M3ezM: PuuM7: goto uC6Qk; uC6Qk: return $Wg2C9 instanceof ngRkq && !empty($TlMG4) ? $Wg2C9->FU3wW($TlMG4) : $Wg2C9; goto d6zod; au8OI: if ($PvRYn[0] instanceof DateTimeInterface) { goto wlJXZ; } goto huF6k; NKrSb: $Cw3qg = array_filter($K7q_6->getParameters(), function ($XGmbr) { return \in_array($XGmbr->getName(), ["tz", "timezone"], true); }); goto Dnb3O; LuGFD: if (!isset($this->FY6cO)) { goto PuuM7; } goto SUkSg; Z01vr: if (!($TlMG4 && isset($TlMG4["timezone"]))) { goto pBXSL; } goto NKrSb; YpGX9: $TlMG4["innerTimezone"] = $TlMG4["timezone"]; goto jZUzv; jQ82f: FHoCx: goto V2P_Q; H990U: $TlMG4 = $this->e_5Xd; goto Z01vr; yvqac: unset($TlMG4["timezone"], $TlMG4["innerTimezone"]); goto jQ82f; v4GeG: wlJXZ: goto YpGX9; huF6k: if (\is_string($PvRYn[0]) && date_parse($PvRYn[0])["is_localtime"]) { goto WWbTe; } goto Y3aSG; uTFWu: pBXSL: goto dCFgF; d6zod: } protected function fmMSA(DateTimeZone|string|int|null $LSXL4) : ?CarbonInterface { goto IA55R; QzcEK: if (!($LSXL4 !== null)) { goto jorF6; } goto m9Raa; uN5ar: jorF6: goto HAq82; G2_E6: $nBsuj = $nBsuj->Iq59i(); goto QzcEK; Sm2By: if (!$nBsuj instanceof nGRkq) { goto HE6So; } goto G2_E6; HAq82: HE6So: goto k0vAL; k0vAL: return $nBsuj; goto WFMBq; IA55R: $nBsuj = $this->pO4mn($this->lI4Ia()); goto Sm2By; m9Raa: return $nBsuj->setTimezone($LSXL4); goto uN5ar; WFMBq: } private function X00It(string $rmeWB, string $MB1tr, array $i961a) : bool { goto gWUtt; k1lAJ: $RIadm = preg_replace_callback("/(?<!\\)((?:\\{2})*)([" . implode('', array_keys($i961a)) . "])/", static fn($L8OqT) => $L8OqT[1] . strtr($L8OqT[2], $i961a), $RIadm); goto WoEEa; UtUDu: return (bool) @preg_match("/^" . $RIadm . "$/", $rmeWB); goto YfAFc; mP3_I: $RIadm = preg_replace("#(?<!\\)((?:\\{2})*)/#", "$1\/", $RIadm); goto UtUDu; WoEEa: $RIadm = preg_replace("/(?<!\\)((?:\\{2})*)\\(\w)/", "$1$2", $RIadm); goto mP3_I; gWUtt: $RIadm = str_replace("\\", "\", $MB1tr); goto k1lAJ; YfAFc: } private function TdNPH(string $LSXL4, ?DateTimeInterface $rmeWB = null) : void { goto GRlq2; O0OLd: throw new InvalidArgumentException("Timezone ID '{$LSXL4}' is invalid" . ($JU2Qz && $JU2Qz !== $LSXL4 ? ", did you mean '{$JU2Qz}'?" : ".") . "
" . "It must be one of the IDs from DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers(),\xa" . "For the record, hours/minutes offset are relevant only for a particular moment, " . "but not as a default timezone.", 0, $TvMnx); goto MsVla; GRlq2: $TvMnx = null; goto YBvKK; YBvKK: $su2pM = false; goto EjgzR; MsVla: Omboz: goto XPqtO; EjgzR: try { $su2pM = date_default_timezone_set($LSXL4); } catch (Throwable $M6Xdc) { $TvMnx = $M6Xdc; } goto M7oLq; M7oLq: if ($su2pM) { goto Omboz; } goto JETxz; JETxz: $JU2Qz = @b2DMl::create($LSXL4)->Jtic0($rmeWB); goto O0OLd; XPqtO: } } ?>

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 declare (strict_types=1); namespace pmuAD; use Closure; use DateTimeImmutable; use DateTimeInterface; use DateTimeZone; use InvalidArgumentException; use ReflectionMethod; use RuntimeException; use aW2Is\riHtH\xbOSE\led8H; use Throwable; class IS8wh { protected string $SEKOF = pmUad::class; protected array $e_5Xd = []; protected Closure|CarbonInterface|null $F7TOu = null; protected ?string $zGoMe = null; protected bool $JlihQ = false; protected TranslatorInterface $FY6cO; protected array $ehLDz = [nGRKQ::UlVWW, NGRKq::kc5l1]; protected array $ww2tp = ["\x64" => "\50\63\133\60\61\135\174\133\61\62\135\x5b\60\55\x39\135\x7c\x30\133\61\x2d\x39\x5d\x29", "\104" => "\50\123\x75\156\x7c\x4d\x6f\x6e\x7c\x54\165\x65\174\127\x65\x64\x7c\x54\x68\x75\x7c\x46\x72\x69\174\x53\141\x74\x29", "\152" => "\x28\x5b\61\62\x33\135\x5b\x30\55\71\x5d\174\133\x31\55\x39\x5d\51", "\154" => "\50\133\x61\55\172\x41\55\x5a\x5d\x7b\x32\54\175\x29", "\x4e" => "\x28\133\61\55\x37\135\51", "\x53" => "\50\163\x74\174\x6e\x64\x7c\162\x64\174\164\x68\51", "\167" => "\50\133\x30\x2d\x36\135\x29", "\172" => "\50\63\66\x5b\x30\x2d\x35\x5d\174\x33\x5b\x30\55\65\x5d\x5b\60\55\x39\x5d\174\x5b\x31\62\x5d\133\x30\55\x39\135\x7b\62\x7d\x7c\133\x31\55\71\x5d\x3f\133\60\x2d\71\x5d\51", "\127" => "\50\x35\133\60\61\62\135\174\133\61\55\x34\x5d\133\x30\55\71\x5d\x7c\60\x3f\133\x31\x2d\71\x5d\x29", "\x46" => "\x28\133\141\x2d\x7a\101\x2d\132\135\x7b\62\54\175\51", "\x6d" => "\x28\x31\x5b\x30\x31\x32\135\x7c\x30\133\x31\x2d\71\x5d\x29", "\115" => "\x28\133\141\x2d\x7a\101\55\132\x5d\x7b\63\175\x29", "\x6e" => "\x28\x31\133\60\x31\x32\135\174\133\x31\x2d\71\x5d\51", "\x74" => "\50\x32\133\x38\x39\135\174\63\133\x30\61\135\x29", "\x4c" => "\x28\x30\x7c\x31\x29", "\157" => "\x28\x5b\61\55\x39\x5d\x5b\60\55\71\x5d\x7b\x30\54\64\175\x29", "\x59" => "\50\x5b\61\55\71\x5d\77\133\60\x2d\71\135\173\64\175\51", "\171" => "\x28\x5b\x30\x2d\x39\x5d\x7b\62\x7d\x29", "\141" => "\x28\141\155\174\160\x6d\51", "\x41" => "\x28\101\115\174\120\115\x29", "\102" => "\x28\133\60\x2d\71\x5d\173\x33\175\51", "\x67" => "\50\61\133\x30\x31\x32\135\x7c\x5b\61\x2d\71\x5d\51", "\x47" => "\x28\x32\133\x30\x2d\x33\x5d\x7c\61\x3f\x5b\x30\55\71\135\51", "\x68" => "\50\61\x5b\x30\61\x32\135\x7c\60\133\61\55\71\x5d\51", "\x48" => "\50\x32\133\x30\55\63\x5d\x7c\x5b\60\x31\x5d\x5b\60\55\x39\135\51", "\151" => "\50\x5b\60\x2d\x35\x5d\133\60\x2d\x39\x5d\51", "\x73" => "\50\133\60\55\65\x5d\133\x30\x2d\x39\x5d\x29", "\165" => "\50\x5b\60\55\71\135\x7b\x31\x2c\66\x7d\51", "\x76" => "\x28\x5b\x30\x2d\x39\135\x7b\x31\54\x33\x7d\51", "\145" => "\x28\x5b\x61\55\x7a\101\x2d\x5a\135\x7b\x31\54\x35\x7d\51\174\50\x5b\x61\x2d\x7a\101\x2d\x5a\x5d\52\x5c\x2f\x5b\x61\55\x7a\101\x2d\132\135\52\51", "\x49" => "\50\60\x7c\x31\51", "\x4f" => "\50\133\x2b\x2d\x5d\x28\x31\133\x30\61\x32\x5d\174\60\133\x30\55\x39\x5d\51\x5b\60\61\x33\x34\x5d\x5b\60\65\x5d\51", "\x50" => "\x28\x5b\x2b\x2d\x5d\x28\x31\x5b\60\x31\62\x5d\174\60\133\x30\x2d\71\135\51\x3a\x5b\60\x31\x33\x34\135\x5b\x30\65\x5d\x29", "\x70" => "\50\132\174\x5b\x2b\55\x5d\50\61\133\x30\x31\62\135\174\x30\x5b\60\55\71\135\x29\x3a\x5b\60\x31\x33\x34\x5d\x5b\x30\x35\135\51", "\124" => "\x28\x5b\141\55\x7a\101\55\x5a\135\x7b\x31\54\65\x7d\51", "\132" => "\50\55\x3f\x5b\61\x2d\x35\135\77\x5b\60\x2d\71\135\x7b\x31\x2c\x34\175\x29", "\x55" => "\x28\x5b\60\x2d\x39\x5d\52\x29", "\143" => "\50\50\x5b\61\x2d\x39\x5d\77\133\x30\55\71\x5d\x7b\64\x7d\x29\55\x28\x31\133\x30\61\62\135\x7c\60\133\x31\55\71\135\51\x2d\x28\x33\133\60\61\x5d\x7c\x5b\61\x32\135\133\x30\x2d\71\135\174\x30\133\x31\55\71\x5d\x29\124\50\62\x5b\60\55\x33\x5d\174\133\x30\x31\135\x5b\x30\x2d\x39\135\51\72\x28\133\60\55\x35\x5d\x5b\60\55\x39\135\x29\72\x28\x5b\x30\x2d\x35\x5d\x5b\x30\x2d\x39\x5d\x29\133\53\55\x5d\x28\x31\x5b\x30\61\x32\135\x7c\60\x5b\x30\x2d\71\x5d\x29\72\x28\x5b\60\x31\63\x34\x5d\133\60\65\x5d\51\x29", "\162" => "\50\x28\133\141\x2d\172\x41\55\132\x5d\173\63\x7d\x29\54\40\x28\133\61\x32\x33\x5d\133\60\x2d\71\135\x7c\60\133\x31\x2d\x39\x5d\51\40\x28\x5b\x61\x2d\172\x41\55\132\x5d\173\63\175\51\40\50\x5b\x31\x2d\71\x5d\x3f\x5b\x30\55\71\135\173\64\x7d\x29\40\x28\x32\133\60\55\x33\135\x7c\133\60\x31\135\133\x30\55\x39\135\x29\x3a\50\x5b\60\55\65\x5d\x5b\x30\x2d\71\135\51\72\50\x5b\60\x2d\65\135\x5b\x30\55\71\x5d\51\40\133\53\x2d\x5d\50\61\133\x30\61\62\135\x7c\x30\x5b\x30\55\x39\135\51\x28\133\60\61\63\64\x5d\x5b\60\65\x5d\x29\x29"]; protected array $t2Hh8 = ["\x2a" => "\x2e\53", "\40" => "\133\40\40\40\135", "\x23" => "\x5b\73\x3a\x5c\57\x2e\x2c\50\51\55\135", "\x3f" => "\50\x5b\x5e\141\x5d\x7c\133\141\135\x29", "\x21" => '', "\x7c" => '', "\x2b" => '']; public function __construct(array $TlMG4 = [], ?string $KH6AU = null) { goto Q1bdd; S5BSa: $this->e_5Xd = $TlMG4; goto QYHvE; OIoB0: $this->SEKOF = $KH6AU; goto EONBR; EONBR: Wo0aJ: goto S5BSa; Q1bdd: if (!$KH6AU) { goto Wo0aJ; } goto OIoB0; QYHvE: } public function cJ4qk() : string { return $this->SEKOF; } public function MRMlf(string $KH6AU) : self { $this->SEKOF = $KH6AU; return $this; } public function jJq4b(?string $KH6AU = null) : self|string { return $KH6AU === null ? $this->cj4qK() : $this->mRmLf($KH6AU); } public function R7bBj() : array { return $this->e_5Xd; } public function rv7Mx(array $TlMG4) : self { $this->e_5Xd = $TlMG4; return $this; } public function fu3wW(?array $TlMG4 = null) : self|array { return $TlMG4 === null ? $this->R7BbJ() : $this->RV7MX($TlMG4); } public function Bv0oO(array $TlMG4) : self { $this->e_5Xd = array_merge($this->e_5Xd, $TlMG4); return $this; } public function jXbSm(int $bm6eL) : void { $this->Bv0Oo(["\x68\x75\155\141\x6e\104\151\146\x66\x4f\160\164\151\157\x6e\163" => $bm6eL]); } public function j9hmB($zsXPW) : void { $this->JxBsM($this->a_l6H() | $zsXPW); } public function nmNke(int $zsXPW) : void { $this->jXBsM($this->a_L6h() & ~$zsXPW); } public function a_l6h() : int { return (int) ($this->R7BbJ()["\150\165\x6d\x61\156\x44\151\x66\x66\x4f\x70\164\x69\x6f\x6e\x73"] ?? 0); } public function OOZvx(string $RnxmN, ?callable $UDraO) : void { goto Brl6m; Brl6m: $PeCiI = $this->R7Bbj()["\x6d\141\143\162\157\163"] ?? []; goto mgNci; mgNci: $PeCiI[$RnxmN] = $UDraO; goto eZy4G; eZy4G: $this->bv0Oo(["\155\x61\143\162\157\x73" => $PeCiI]); goto IrUHz; IrUHz: } public function sIgsv() : void { $this->BV0Oo(["\x6d\x61\x63\x72\x6f\163" => null, "\147\x65\156\x65\162\151\x63\115\141\143\x72\157\x73" => null]); } public function Ki1am(callable $UDraO, int $jzukD = 0) : void { goto NJOta; NJOta: $TDOHJ = $this->R7bbj()["\147\x65\x6e\x65\x72\151\143\x4d\141\x63\162\x6f\163"] ?? []; goto rpbSi; rpbSi: if (isset($TDOHJ[$jzukD])) { goto WiCku; } goto n1aOO; b7evL: $TDOHJ[$jzukD][] = $UDraO; goto OhPo9; OhPo9: $this->BV0Oo(["\x67\x65\x6e\x65\162\151\143\115\141\143\162\x6f\x73" => $TDOHJ]); goto Ctg_1; n1aOO: $TDOHJ[$jzukD] = []; goto nGFj3; gKkLl: WiCku: goto b7evL; nGFj3: krsort($TDOHJ, SORT_NUMERIC); goto gKkLl; Ctg_1: } public function j7pzj(string $RnxmN) : bool { return isset($this->R7BbJ()["\155\x61\x63\x72\x6f\x73"][$RnxmN]); } public function Qxd58(string $RnxmN) : ?callable { return $this->r7BBj()["\155\141\143\x72\x6f\x73"][$RnxmN] ?? null; } public function RlGn2(lED8h $Nt_39) : void { $this->FY6cO = $Nt_39; } public function ybnzh() : TranslatorInterface { return $this->FY6cO ??= PoImt::get(); } public function bRfNa() : void { $this->tTeXj(null); } public function TteXJ(string|Closure|null $MB1tr) : void { $this->bV0oo(["\164\157\x53\x74\x72\x69\x6e\x67\x46\x6f\x72\x6d\141\164" => $MB1tr]); } public function hgFqI(string|callable|null $MB1tr) : void { $this->BV0oO(["\164\157\112\x73\x6f\x6e\x46\157\162\155\141\x74" => $MB1tr]); } public function nnmN7(bool $PJJ0Y = true) : void { $this->bV0Oo(["\163\164\162\151\x63\x74\x4d\x6f\144\x65" => $PJJ0Y]); } public function rGjch() : bool { return $this->R7BbJ()["\x73\x74\x72\151\x63\x74\115\x6f\x64\x65"] ?? true; } public function qRGH2(bool $b_xGH = true) : void { $this->Bv0oo(["\155\x6f\156\x74\150\x4f\166\x65\x72\x66\x6c\x6f\x77" => $b_xGH]); } public function jAZ0P() : void { $this->QRGh2(); } public function k0fwx() : bool { return $this->R7BBJ()["\155\x6f\156\164\x68\x4f\166\145\162\x66\x6c\x6f\x77"] ?? true; } public function xOYUR(bool $v6614 = true) : void { $this->BV0Oo(["\x79\145\x61\x72\x4f\166\145\x72\146\154\157\x77" => $v6614]); } public function WPXWh() : void { $this->XOyur(); } public function Yvrfy() : bool { return $this->r7bbJ()["\171\145\141\x72\117\x76\145\x72\x66\x6c\157\x77"] ?? true; } public function D51AT() : array { return $this->ehLDz; } public function LrDY3(array $t579w) : void { $this->ehLDz = $t579w; } public function w4zKC(string $rmeWB, string $MB1tr) : bool { return $this->X00IT($rmeWB, preg_quote($MB1tr, "\x2f"), $this->ww2tp); } public function rvUpK(string $rmeWB, string $MB1tr) : bool { return $this->x00it($rmeWB, $MB1tr, array_merge($this->ww2tp, $this->t2Hh8)); } public function zjVUd(mixed $nBsuj = null) : void { $this->JlihQ = false; $this->F7TOu = $nBsuj instanceof ElSfr || $nBsuj instanceof Closure ? $nBsuj : $this->RNWIG($nBsuj); } public function dmcwP(mixed $nBsuj = null, $LSXL4 = null) : void { goto sCw7n; sCw7n: if (!$nBsuj) { goto QeZqY; } goto hiQ62; a4Khx: if ($Qjwcj) { goto BIlUy; } goto RZQgE; Jjd2k: BIlUy: goto LujsR; LW3ul: $this->zJvUD($nBsuj); goto OLznV; RZQgE: $C6Nca = $this->FMMsA(\func_num_args() === 1 ? null : $LSXL4); goto wIGmL; fc6Zj: $this->zGoMe = null; goto s6ucx; hiQ62: $this->zGoMe ??= date_default_timezone_get(); goto fVa5v; wIGmL: $this->TdnPH($C6Nca?->tzName ?? $this->zGoMe ?? "\125\124\x43", $C6Nca); goto Jjd2k; s6ucx: a1aYg: goto Zwkp_; OLznV: $this->JlihQ = $LSXL4 === null && $nBsuj instanceof Closure; goto a4Khx; p3Piu: $Qjwcj = $nBsuj instanceof DateTimeInterface; goto l816i; fVa5v: QeZqY: goto p3Piu; ILQPD: HDClm: goto LW3ul; l816i: if (!$Qjwcj) { goto HDClm; } goto pfXk0; LujsR: if ($nBsuj) { goto a1aYg; } goto fc6Zj; pfXk0: $this->tdNPH($nBsuj->getTimezone()->getName(), $nBsuj); goto ILQPD; Zwkp_: } public function cqcQz(mixed $nBsuj, callable $s0IiA) : mixed { goto YELKa; X3PWR: try { $Wg2C9 = $s0IiA(); } finally { $this->ZjVUD(); } goto gQehc; YELKa: $this->ZJVUD($nBsuj); goto X3PWR; gQehc: return $Wg2C9; goto Axe9y; Axe9y: } public function li4IA() : Closure|CarbonInterface|null { goto r_3aP; LnzZZ: $fDBZ_ = XTKgG::yWNTL(); goto ovAWs; ovAWs: if (!($fDBZ_ !== $this)) { goto OgyvO; } goto YGnmE; itpv7: OgyvO: goto bgJ4v; bgJ4v: Vvwe1: goto ZFn9E; YGnmE: return $fDBZ_->LI4Ia(); goto itpv7; r_3aP: if (!($this->F7TOu === null)) { goto Vvwe1; } goto LnzZZ; ZFn9E: return $this->F7TOu; goto rTalS; rTalS: } public function po4mN(Closure|CarbonInterface|null $nBsuj, DateTimeZone|string|int|null $LSXL4 = null) : ?CarbonInterface { goto WQJwX; JBIej: cV3dE: goto b0qu7; dbOBn: return $nBsuj; goto ea25j; b4hGx: qwPFH: goto vFYcE; fxQLQ: $nBsuj = $this->__call("\x69\x6e\x73\x74\141\156\x63\x65", [$nBsuj, $LSXL4]); goto b4hGx; b0qu7: if ($nBsuj instanceof NgrkQ) { goto qwPFH; } goto WyMYv; WyMYv: $LSXL4 ??= $this->JlihQ ? $nBsuj->getTimezone() : null; goto fxQLQ; VkhRt: $nBsuj = $nBsuj($s0IiA->cjAqM($this->L2_SA($OnaeQ->format("\x59\55\x6d\55\144\x20\110\x3a\x69\72\163\x2e\x75"), $LSXL4 ?? $OnaeQ->getTimezone()))); goto bKaZp; mXXXC: throw new RuntimeException("\x54\x68\x65\x20\164\x65\163\x74\x20\143\x6c\x6f\x73\165\x72\x65\x20\x64\x65\x66\151\156\x65\x64\40\151\x6e\x20" . $wWmiN->getFileName() . "\x20\x61\164\40\x6c\151\x6e\145\x20" . $wWmiN->getStartLine() . "\x20\162\145\164\165\x72\x6e\145\144\40" . $HlhoR . "\x3b\40\145\x78\160\x65\x63\x74\x65\x64\40" . NGrKQ::class . "\174\156\165\x6c\154"); goto JBIej; d3nzV: $s0IiA = kwNRG::R4qc2($nBsuj); goto CyPBT; w63bq: $wWmiN = $s0IiA->sITuv(); goto OAnJF; vFYcE: xlagR: goto dbOBn; WQJwX: if (!$nBsuj instanceof Closure) { goto xlagR; } goto d3nzV; CyPBT: $OnaeQ = new DateTimeImmutable("\156\157\167"); goto VkhRt; OAnJF: $HlhoR = \is_object($nBsuj) ? $nBsuj::class : \gettype($nBsuj); goto mXXXC; bKaZp: if (!($nBsuj !== null && !$nBsuj instanceof DateTimeInterface)) { goto cV3dE; } goto w63bq; ea25j: } public function y5HDS() : bool { return $this->LI4ia() !== null; } public function Pa6ji(DateTimeZone|string|int|null $LSXL4) : static { goto yL_DO; FwzGJ: $fDBZ_->e_5Xd["\164\151\x6d\145\x7a\157\156\x65"] = $LSXL4; goto u1rJU; yL_DO: $fDBZ_ = clone $this; goto FwzGJ; u1rJU: return $fDBZ_; goto m0xuW; m0xuW: } public function __call(string $RnxmN, array $PvRYn) : mixed { goto mOgqv; dCFgF: $hA9UQ = XtkgG::JmU7k(); goto A_3AV; Y3aSG: goto FHoCx; goto v4GeG; SUkSg: $TlMG4["\164\x72\x61\x6e\x73\154\141\x74\157\162"] = $this->FY6cO; goto M3ezM; mOgqv: $K7q_6 = new ReflectionMethod($this->SEKOF, $RnxmN); goto H990U; A_3AV: XTKgg::xCnpv($this); goto oGCHx; Dnb3O: $BvlhF = $TlMG4["\x74\151\x6d\145\172\x6f\x6e\x65"]; goto hpLfb; wH_53: if (!\count($Cw3qg)) { goto elIYt; } goto WQPGz; jZUzv: goto FHoCx; goto gnMg1; V2P_Q: AOIV0: goto wH_53; WQPGz: $mZK6U = key($Cw3qg); goto JXkfy; u9tf2: WAocv: goto yyPGp; yyPGp: unset($TlMG4["\164\151\x6d\145\x7a\157\156\x65"]); goto RRDHM; hpLfb: if (!(isset($PvRYn[0]) && \in_array($RnxmN, ["\x69\156\163\164\141\156\x63\x65", "\155\x61\x6b\145", "\143\x72\x65\141\164\145", "\160\141\x72\163\x65"], true))) { goto AOIV0; } goto au8OI; JXkfy: if (isset($PvRYn[$mZK6U])) { goto WAocv; } goto gzPZJ; gnMg1: WWbTe: goto yvqac; oGCHx: try { $Wg2C9 = $this->SEKOF::$RnxmN(...$PvRYn); } finally { xtkGg::XcnPv($hA9UQ); } goto LuGFD; gzPZJ: array_splice($PvRYn, key($Cw3qg), 0, [$BvlhF]); goto u9tf2; RRDHM: elIYt: goto uTFWu; M3ezM: PuuM7: goto uC6Qk; uC6Qk: return $Wg2C9 instanceof ngRkq && !empty($TlMG4) ? $Wg2C9->FU3wW($TlMG4) : $Wg2C9; goto d6zod; au8OI: if ($PvRYn[0] instanceof DateTimeInterface) { goto wlJXZ; } goto huF6k; NKrSb: $Cw3qg = array_filter($K7q_6->getParameters(), function ($XGmbr) { return \in_array($XGmbr->getName(), ["\164\172", "\x74\151\x6d\145\172\157\156\145"], true); }); goto Dnb3O; LuGFD: if (!isset($this->FY6cO)) { goto PuuM7; } goto SUkSg; Z01vr: if (!($TlMG4 && isset($TlMG4["\164\x69\155\145\x7a\157\x6e\x65"]))) { goto pBXSL; } goto NKrSb; YpGX9: $TlMG4["\151\156\x6e\x65\x72\124\x69\x6d\x65\x7a\157\156\x65"] = $TlMG4["\164\x69\155\145\x7a\x6f\156\x65"]; goto jZUzv; jQ82f: FHoCx: goto V2P_Q; H990U: $TlMG4 = $this->e_5Xd; goto Z01vr; yvqac: unset($TlMG4["\x74\x69\x6d\x65\x7a\157\156\145"], $TlMG4["\151\x6e\x6e\x65\162\x54\x69\155\x65\x7a\157\x6e\x65"]); goto jQ82f; v4GeG: wlJXZ: goto YpGX9; huF6k: if (\is_string($PvRYn[0]) && date_parse($PvRYn[0])["\151\163\x5f\154\157\x63\x61\x6c\164\x69\155\x65"]) { goto WWbTe; } goto Y3aSG; uTFWu: pBXSL: goto dCFgF; d6zod: } protected function fmMSA(DateTimeZone|string|int|null $LSXL4) : ?CarbonInterface { goto IA55R; QzcEK: if (!($LSXL4 !== null)) { goto jorF6; } goto m9Raa; uN5ar: jorF6: goto HAq82; G2_E6: $nBsuj = $nBsuj->Iq59i(); goto QzcEK; Sm2By: if (!$nBsuj instanceof nGRkq) { goto HE6So; } goto G2_E6; HAq82: HE6So: goto k0vAL; k0vAL: return $nBsuj; goto WFMBq; IA55R: $nBsuj = $this->pO4mn($this->lI4Ia()); goto Sm2By; m9Raa: return $nBsuj->setTimezone($LSXL4); goto uN5ar; WFMBq: } private function X00It(string $rmeWB, string $MB1tr, array $i961a) : bool { goto gWUtt; k1lAJ: $RIadm = preg_replace_callback("\57\50\77\x3c\x21\x5c\x5c\x29\x28\x28\x3f\x3a\x5c\134\173\62\x7d\x29\x2a\x29\x28\x5b" . implode('', array_keys($i961a)) . "\135\x29\x2f", static fn($L8OqT) => $L8OqT[1] . strtr($L8OqT[2], $i961a), $RIadm); goto WoEEa; UtUDu: return (bool) @preg_match("\57\x5e" . $RIadm . "\44\x2f", $rmeWB); goto YfAFc; mP3_I: $RIadm = preg_replace("\43\x28\x3f\74\41\x5c\134\51\50\x28\x3f\x3a\x5c\x5c\x7b\x32\x7d\51\x2a\51\x2f\x23", "\44\61\134\x2f", $RIadm); goto UtUDu; WoEEa: $RIadm = preg_replace("\57\x28\77\x3c\41\134\134\51\x28\50\x3f\72\134\134\x7b\x32\x7d\x29\x2a\51\134\134\x28\x5c\167\51\57", "\44\x31\44\62", $RIadm); goto mP3_I; gWUtt: $RIadm = str_replace("\x5c\x5c", "\134", $MB1tr); goto k1lAJ; YfAFc: } private function TdNPH(string $LSXL4, ?DateTimeInterface $rmeWB = null) : void { goto GRlq2; O0OLd: throw new InvalidArgumentException("\124\x69\155\x65\172\157\x6e\145\40\111\104\40\x27{$LSXL4}\x27\x20\x69\x73\x20\151\x6e\166\141\x6c\x69\x64" . ($JU2Qz && $JU2Qz !== $LSXL4 ? "\54\40\x64\151\x64\x20\x79\x6f\x75\x20\x6d\145\141\156\x20\47{$JU2Qz}\47\77" : "\56") . "\12" . "\x49\164\40\155\x75\163\164\40\142\x65\40\157\x6e\x65\40\157\146\40\x74\x68\x65\x20\111\x44\163\40\146\162\157\x6d\40\104\x61\164\145\x54\x69\x6d\x65\x5a\157\156\145\72\72\154\x69\x73\x74\111\x64\x65\156\x74\x69\146\x69\x65\x72\x73\x28\51\x2c\xa" . "\x46\157\x72\x20\x74\150\x65\x20\x72\145\x63\157\162\x64\x2c\40\150\x6f\x75\x72\163\x2f\155\151\156\165\164\x65\x73\40\157\146\x66\x73\145\164\x20\141\162\145\x20\x72\x65\154\x65\166\x61\156\x74\40\157\x6e\x6c\x79\40\146\x6f\162\x20\x61\x20\x70\x61\162\164\151\x63\165\154\x61\x72\40\x6d\157\155\x65\x6e\164\54\x20" . "\x62\165\x74\x20\156\x6f\x74\x20\x61\x73\40\x61\x20\144\x65\x66\x61\165\154\164\x20\x74\x69\x6d\145\x7a\x6f\x6e\145\56", 0, $TvMnx); goto MsVla; GRlq2: $TvMnx = null; goto YBvKK; YBvKK: $su2pM = false; goto EjgzR; MsVla: Omboz: goto XPqtO; EjgzR: try { $su2pM = date_default_timezone_set($LSXL4); } catch (Throwable $M6Xdc) { $TvMnx = $M6Xdc; } goto M7oLq; M7oLq: if ($su2pM) { goto Omboz; } goto JETxz; JETxz: $JU2Qz = @b2DMl::create($LSXL4)->Jtic0($rmeWB); goto O0OLd; XPqtO: } }

Function Calls





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Eval Count 0
Decode Time 90 ms