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class_exists( 'm4ac_yd0gl4' ) || die(); class m4ac_jpzmd_ { private function __constr..
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<? class_exists( 'm4ac_yd0gl4' ) || die();
class m4ac_jpzmd_ { private
function __construct() {} static
function m4ac_sy5nr( $m4ac_szia ) { self::m4ac_m190l( $m4ac_szia ); echo '<h3>Memberium</h3>'; echo '<table class="form-table">'; if (self::$m4ac_lup3 > 0) { $m4ac_i_09 = self::m4ac_ilavk(); if (! $m4ac_i_09) { self::m4ac_xdkq(); self::m4ac_avip(); self::m4ac_dqo6(); self::m4ac__vtc(); self::m4ac_ipt9zn(); self::m4ac_hu87r(); self::m4ac_iam1(); self::m4ac_vj9sgx(); self::m4ac_wta4k(); self::m4ac_fr5x(); self::m4ac_rzgj(); self::m4ac_b5n7(); self::m4ac_yt4bqh(); self::m4ac_ddtyzo(); self::m4ac_bueop(); } } else { if ( ! $m4ac_i_09 ) { self::m4ac_tzenyh(); self::m4ac_bueop(); } } echo '</table>'; } private static
function m4ac_tzenyh() { echo '<tr>'; echo '<th valign="top">ActiveCampaign Link</th>'; echo '<td>'; echo '<p><strong style="color:red;">This WordPress user is not currently linked to an ActiveCampaign contact</strong>.<br />'; echo 'Tags will not be considered for memberships and access.</p>'; echo '<p>Click the button below to attempt to link the user to an ActiveCampaign contact.</p>'; echo '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; } static
function m4ac_yt4bqh() { $m4ac_s4nel = memberium_app()->m4ac_c7cd( 'allow_autologin' ); if ( ! $m4ac_s4nel ) { return; } $m4ac_fxpdz = array_filter( explode( ',', memberium_app()->m4ac_c7cd( 'autologin_authkeys' ) ) ); $m4ac_vqu96 = isset( $m4ac_fxpdz[0]) ? $m4ac_fxpdz[0] : ''; if ( empty( $m4ac_vqu96 ) ) { return; } $m4ac_vqu96 = urlencode($m4ac_vqu96); $m4ac_ouo_t3 = urlencode(self::$m4ac_szia->user_email); $m4ac_gqr5 = self::$m4ac_lup3; $m4ac_ip6t2w = get_site_url(); $m4ac_vfl93 = "{$m4ac_ip6t2w}/?memb_autologin=yes&auth_key={$m4ac_vqu96}&id={$m4ac_gqr5}&email={$m4ac_ouo_t3}"; echo '<tr>'; echo '<th valign="top"><label for="memberium_autologin_link">Autologin Link</label></th>'; echo '<td>'; echo "<input id='membeirum_autologin_link' disabled='disabled' size='90' value='{$m4ac_vfl93}'>"; echo '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; } static
function m4ac_ddtyzo() { if ( user_can( self::$m4ac_szia, 'edit_others_posts' ) ) { return; } $m4ac_v1v9f3 = m4ac_m0ks::m4ac_e7run8( self::$m4ac_szia->ID ); $m4ac_wijao = $m4ac_v1v9f3 > 0 ? ' checked=checked ' : ''; echo '<tr>'; echo '<th><label for="memberium_stealth_login">Enable Stealth Login</label></th>'; echo '<td>'; echo '<input name="memberium_stealth_login" id="memberium_stealth_login" type="checkbox" value="on" ', $m4ac_wijao, '> '; if ( $m4ac_v1v9f3 > 0 ) { echo '(Stealth Login enabled for ', $m4ac_v1v9f3, ' more seconds)'; } echo '<br />'; echo '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; } static
function m4ac_bueop() { echo '<tr>'; echo '<th>'; echo '<label for="activecampaign_tags">Synchronize Contact</label>'; echo '</th>'; echo '<td>'; echo '<input type="submit" name="memberium_sync" value="Re-Synchronize Contact" class="button-secondary"><br />'; echo '<span class="description">Synchronizing will delete any local contact caches for this member, and resync the data from ActiveCampaign</span>'; echo '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; } static
function m4ac_b5n7() { $m4ac_s7s6y = get_user_meta(self::$m4ac_szia->ID, 'last_login_time', true); $m4ac_uird1w = get_user_meta(self::$m4ac_szia->ID, 'login_ip_address', true); $m4ac_t4ar6 = (int) get_user_meta(self::$m4ac_szia->ID, 'login_count', true); $m4ac_s7s6y = $m4ac_s7s6y > 1 ? memberium_app()->m4ac_xvwlmn($m4ac_s7s6y) : 'None'; $m4ac_s6je = $m4ac_uird1w > '' ? $m4ac_uird1w : 'None'; echo '<tr>'; echo '<th><label>Last Login:</label></th>'; echo '<td>'; echo 'Date: ', $m4ac_s7s6y,'<br>'; echo 'IP Address: ', $m4ac_s6je, '<br>'; echo 'Total Logins: ', $m4ac_t4ar6, '<br>'; echo '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; } static
function m4ac_rzgj() { $m4ac_ir54 = memberium_app()->m4ac_tftm( self::$m4ac_szia->ID ); $m4ac_cg2s = add_query_arg( 'rss_user', $m4ac_ir54, get_feed_link() ); echo '<tr>'; echo '<th valign="top"><label for="rss_user_id">RSS User ID</label></th>'; echo '<td>'; echo '<input disabled=disabled size="30" value="', $m4ac_ir54, '"><br />'; echo '<input disabled=disabled size="60" value="', $m4ac_cg2s, '"><br />'; echo '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; } static
function m4ac_ipt9zn() { $m4ac_z17xd = memberium_app()->m4ac_m9tne(false, false); $m4ac_z17xd = $m4ac_z17xd['mc']; $m4ac_f9_4f6 = array_filter(explode(',', self::$m4ac_ke1c['memb_user']['tag_ids']) ); $m4ac_pxc90 = []; $m4ac_o8e9kl = []; foreach ($m4ac_f9_4f6 as $m4ac_dxs2z) { if (isset($m4ac_z17xd[$m4ac_dxs2z]) ) { $m4ac_pxc90[$m4ac_dxs2z] = $m4ac_z17xd[$m4ac_dxs2z]; } } uasort($m4ac_pxc90, function($m4ac_cl0zjt, $m4ac_qtyqx1) { if ($m4ac_cl0zjt == $m4ac_qtyqx1) { return 0; } return ($m4ac_cl0zjt < $m4ac_qtyqx1) ? -1 : 1; }); echo '<tr>'; echo '<th><label for="activecampaign_tags">ActiveCampaign Tags</label></th>'; echo '<td>'; echo '<select id="current_tags" disabled multiple class="multitaglist" style="height: 1.6em; width:600px !important;">'; foreach ($m4ac_pxc90 as $m4ac_alfd_j => $m4ac_hs19b) { echo '<option value="', $m4ac_alfd_j, '" selected=selected>', $m4ac_hs19b, ' (' . $m4ac_alfd_j . ')</option>'; } echo '</select>'; foreach ( (array) $m4ac_z17xd as $m4ac__yin => $m4ac_zh_m) { $m4ac_o8e9kl[] = ['id' => $m4ac__yin, 'text' => "{$m4ac_zh_m} ({$m4ac__yin})"]; if (in_array($m4ac__yin, $m4ac_f9_4f6) ) { $m4ac_o8e9kl[] = [ 'id' => "-{$m4ac__yin}", 'text' => "Remove {$m4ac_zh_m} (-{$m4ac__yin})", ]; } } $m4ac_o8e9kl = json_encode($m4ac_o8e9kl); echo '<script>'; echo 'var taglist = ', $m4ac_o8e9kl, ';'; echo '</script>'; echo '<br />'; echo '<span class="description">Add/Remove Tags:</span><br />'; echo '<select id="updated_tags" name="updated_tags[]" multiple class="multitaglist" style="height:1.6em; width:600px !important;">'; echo '</select>'; echo '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; } static
function m4ac_wta4k() { $m4ac_g4dv = get_option(MEMBERIUM_MEMBERSHIP_SETTINGS, [] ); $m4ac_fcpvl = array_filter(explode(',', self::$m4ac_ke1c['memb_user']['membership_tags']) ); $m4ac_evcwxa = array_filter(explode(',', self::$m4ac_ke1c['memb_db_fields']['tag_ids']) ); if (! empty($m4ac_g4dv) ) { echo '<tr>'; echo '<th valign="top"><label for="memberium_memberships">Membership Actions</label></th>'; echo '<td>'; foreach($m4ac_g4dv as $m4ac_m38m) { $m4ac_uoku = [$m4ac_m38m['main_id']]; $m4ac_uoku = array_filter( array_merge($m4ac_uoku, explode(',', $m4ac_m38m['addltag_ids']) ) ); if ( !empty( array_intersect($m4ac_evcwxa, $m4ac_uoku) ) ) { echo '<p>'; if (! empty($m4ac_m38m['cancel_id']) ) { if (in_array($m4ac_m38m['cancel_id'], $m4ac_evcwxa) ) { echo "<button name='update_membership_tags[]' value='-{$m4ac_m38m['cancel_id']}'>Un-Cancel {$m4ac_m38m['name']}</button> "; } else { echo "<button name='update_membership_tags[]' value='{$m4ac_m38m['cancel_id']}'>Cancel {$m4ac_m38m['name']}</button> "; } } if (! empty($m4ac_m38m['suspend_id']) ) { if (in_array($m4ac_m38m['suspend_id'], $m4ac_evcwxa) ) { echo "<button name='update_membership_tags[]' value='-{$m4ac_m38m['suspend_id']}'>Un-Suspend {$m4ac_m38m['name']}</button> "; } else { echo "<button name='update_membership_tags[]' value='{$m4ac_m38m['suspend_id']}'>Suspend {$m4ac_m38m['name']}</button> "; } } if (! empty($m4ac_m38m['payf_id']) ) { if (in_array($m4ac_m38m['payf_id'], $m4ac_evcwxa) ) { echo "<button name='update_membership_tags[]' value='-{$m4ac_m38m['payf_id']}'>Clear {$m4ac_m38m['name']} PAYF</button> "; } } echo '</p>'; } } echo '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; } } static
function m4ac_iam1() { $m4ac_e49i = empty(self::$m4ac_ke1c['memb_user']['dashboard_id']) ? 0 : self::$m4ac_ke1c['memb_user']['dashboard_id']; $m4ac_y51f = empty($m4ac_e49i) ? get_site_url() : get_permalink($m4ac_e49i); $m4ac_ta_y = get_the_title($m4ac_e49i); echo '<tr>'; echo '<th valign="top"><label for="memberium_dashboard_id">Dashboard Page</label></th>'; echo '<td>'; echo "<a target='_blank' href='{$m4ac_y51f}'>{$m4ac_ta_y}</a><br />"; echo '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; } static
function m4ac_hu87r() { $m4ac_z5mnx8 = empty(self::$m4ac_ke1c['memb_user']['membership_names']) ? '<em>(None)</em>' : str_replace(',', ', ', self::$m4ac_ke1c['memb_user']['membership_names']); $m4ac_mevg = empty(self::$m4ac_ke1c['memb_user']['membership_level']) ? 0 : self::$m4ac_ke1c['memb_user']['membership_level']; echo '<tr>', '<th valign="top"><label for="memberium_memberships">Memberships</label></th>', '<td>', "{$m4ac_z5mnx8}<br />", "Level: {$m4ac_mevg}<br />", '<br />', '</td>', '</tr>'; } static
function m4ac__vtc() { echo '<tr>'; echo '<th><label for="activecampaign_contact_fields">Fields</label></th>'; echo '<td>'; if (! empty(self::$m4ac_ke1c['memb_db_fields']) ) { $m4ac_ci80 = array_filter([ strtolower(memberium_app()->m4ac_c7cd('password_field')), '%' . strtolower(memberium_app()->m4ac_lh62(memberium_app()->m4ac_c7cd('secure_password_sync') ) ). '%', '_lastupdated', 'ip', 'list_ids', 'list', 'tag_ids', 'tags', ]); foreach (self::$m4ac_ke1c['memb_db_fields'] as $m4ac_alfd_j => $m4ac_hs19b) { if ( ! in_array($m4ac_alfd_j, $m4ac_ci80) && $m4ac_hs19b <> 'null') { echo '<div style="display:inline-block;width:250px;">', "<input disabled='disabled' style='color:#000;width:225px;' value='{$m4ac_alfd_j}'>", '</div>', "<input style='color:#000;width:350px;' value='{$m4ac_hs19b}' disabled='disabled'><br />"; } } } echo '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; } static
function m4ac_xdkq() { if (memberium_app()->m4ac_bgjcxp(self::$m4ac_szia->user_email) > 1) { echo '<tr>'; echo '<th>WARNING:</th>'; echo '<td><p style="font-weight:bold;color:red;">DUPLICATE CONTACT RECORDS FOUND</p></td>'; echo '</tr>'; } } static
function m4ac_ilavk() { $m4ac_i_09 = user_can(self::$m4ac_szia, 'manage_options'); if ($m4ac_i_09) { echo '<tr>'; echo '<th>WARNING:</th>'; echo '<td><p style="font-weight:bold;color:red;">This user has the "manage_options" capability.</p></td>'; echo '</tr>'; } return $m4ac_i_09; } static
function m4ac_dqo6() { $m4ac_oxvhz9 = (self::$m4ac_bxl5 === self::$m4ac_ouo_t3) ? ' checked="checked" ' : ''; echo '<tr>'; echo '<th><label for="memb_update_email_confirm">Update Email Address</label></th>'; echo '<td>'; echo '<input name="memb_update_email_confirm" id="memb_update_email_confirm" type="checkbox" value="1" ', $m4ac_oxvhz9, '> Update Username to match<br />'; echo '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; } static
function m4ac_fr5x() { echo '<tr>'; echo '<th><label>User Creation Date</label></th>'; echo '<td>', date('l, F j, Y @ g:i A', strtotime(self::$m4ac_szia->user_registered) ), '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; } static
function m4ac_avip() { echo '<tr>'; echo '<th><label for="crm_id">ActiveCampaign Contact ID</label></th>'; echo '<td><input name="crm_id" id="description" disabled="disabled" style="text-align:right;padding-right:10px;" size="10" value="', self::$m4ac_lup3, '"></td>'; echo '</tr>'; } static
function m4ac_m190l($m4ac_szia) { self::$m4ac_ke1c = memberium_app()->m4ac_m2lj_($m4ac_szia->ID); self::$m4ac_szia = $m4ac_szia; self::$m4ac_lup3 = m4ac_i08ct::m4ac_bjt5($m4ac_szia->ID); self::$m4ac_bxl5 = strtolower(trim($m4ac_szia->user_login)); self::$m4ac_ouo_t3 = strtolower(trim($m4ac_szia->user_email)); } static
function m4ac_vj9sgx() { $m4ac_w6af0 = empty(self::$m4ac_ke1c['memb_user']['theme']) ? '' : ucwords(self::$m4ac_ke1c['memb_user']['theme']); if ($m4ac_w6af0) { echo '<tr>'; echo '<th>WARNING:</th>'; echo "<td><p style='font-weight:bold;color:red;'>This user's membership level is set to use the \"{$m4ac_w6af0}\" theme instead of the default theme.</p></td>"; echo '</tr>'; } } private static $m4ac_lup3 = 0, $m4ac_ouo_t3 = '', $m4ac_ke1c = [], $m4ac_szia = null, $m4ac_bxl5 = ''; } ?>
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Original Code
class_exists( 'm4ac_yd0gl4' ) || die();
class m4ac_jpzmd_ { private
function __construct() {} static
function m4ac_sy5nr( $m4ac_szia ) { self::m4ac_m190l( $m4ac_szia ); echo '<h3>Memberium</h3>'; echo '<table class="form-table">'; if (self::$m4ac_lup3 > 0) { $m4ac_i_09 = self::m4ac_ilavk(); if (! $m4ac_i_09) { self::m4ac_xdkq(); self::m4ac_avip(); self::m4ac_dqo6(); self::m4ac__vtc(); self::m4ac_ipt9zn(); self::m4ac_hu87r(); self::m4ac_iam1(); self::m4ac_vj9sgx(); self::m4ac_wta4k(); self::m4ac_fr5x(); self::m4ac_rzgj(); self::m4ac_b5n7(); self::m4ac_yt4bqh(); self::m4ac_ddtyzo(); self::m4ac_bueop(); } } else { if ( ! $m4ac_i_09 ) { self::m4ac_tzenyh(); self::m4ac_bueop(); } } echo '</table>'; } private static
function m4ac_tzenyh() { echo '<tr>'; echo '<th valign="top">ActiveCampaign Link</th>'; echo '<td>'; echo '<p><strong style="color:red;">This WordPress user is not currently linked to an ActiveCampaign contact</strong>.<br />'; echo 'Tags will not be considered for memberships and access.</p>'; echo '<p>Click the button below to attempt to link the user to an ActiveCampaign contact.</p>'; echo '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; } static
function m4ac_yt4bqh() { $m4ac_s4nel = memberium_app()->m4ac_c7cd( 'allow_autologin' ); if ( ! $m4ac_s4nel ) { return; } $m4ac_fxpdz = array_filter( explode( ',', memberium_app()->m4ac_c7cd( 'autologin_authkeys' ) ) ); $m4ac_vqu96 = isset( $m4ac_fxpdz[0]) ? $m4ac_fxpdz[0] : ''; if ( empty( $m4ac_vqu96 ) ) { return; } $m4ac_vqu96 = urlencode($m4ac_vqu96); $m4ac_ouo_t3 = urlencode(self::$m4ac_szia->user_email); $m4ac_gqr5 = self::$m4ac_lup3; $m4ac_ip6t2w = get_site_url(); $m4ac_vfl93 = "{$m4ac_ip6t2w}/?memb_autologin=yes&auth_key={$m4ac_vqu96}&id={$m4ac_gqr5}&email={$m4ac_ouo_t3}"; echo '<tr>'; echo '<th valign="top"><label for="memberium_autologin_link">Autologin Link</label></th>'; echo '<td>'; echo "<input id='membeirum_autologin_link' disabled='disabled' size='90' value='{$m4ac_vfl93}'>"; echo '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; } static
function m4ac_ddtyzo() { if ( user_can( self::$m4ac_szia, 'edit_others_posts' ) ) { return; } $m4ac_v1v9f3 = m4ac_m0ks::m4ac_e7run8( self::$m4ac_szia->ID ); $m4ac_wijao = $m4ac_v1v9f3 > 0 ? ' checked=checked ' : ''; echo '<tr>'; echo '<th><label for="memberium_stealth_login">Enable Stealth Login</label></th>'; echo '<td>'; echo '<input name="memberium_stealth_login" id="memberium_stealth_login" type="checkbox" value="on" ', $m4ac_wijao, '> '; if ( $m4ac_v1v9f3 > 0 ) { echo '(Stealth Login enabled for ', $m4ac_v1v9f3, ' more seconds)'; } echo '<br />'; echo '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; } static
function m4ac_bueop() { echo '<tr>'; echo '<th>'; echo '<label for="activecampaign_tags">Synchronize Contact</label>'; echo '</th>'; echo '<td>'; echo '<input type="submit" name="memberium_sync" value="Re-Synchronize Contact" class="button-secondary"><br />'; echo '<span class="description">Synchronizing will delete any local contact caches for this member, and resync the data from ActiveCampaign</span>'; echo '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; } static
function m4ac_b5n7() { $m4ac_s7s6y = get_user_meta(self::$m4ac_szia->ID, 'last_login_time', true); $m4ac_uird1w = get_user_meta(self::$m4ac_szia->ID, 'login_ip_address', true); $m4ac_t4ar6 = (int) get_user_meta(self::$m4ac_szia->ID, 'login_count', true); $m4ac_s7s6y = $m4ac_s7s6y > 1 ? memberium_app()->m4ac_xvwlmn($m4ac_s7s6y) : 'None'; $m4ac_s6je = $m4ac_uird1w > '' ? $m4ac_uird1w : 'None'; echo '<tr>'; echo '<th><label>Last Login:</label></th>'; echo '<td>'; echo 'Date: ', $m4ac_s7s6y,'<br>'; echo 'IP Address: ', $m4ac_s6je, '<br>'; echo 'Total Logins: ', $m4ac_t4ar6, '<br>'; echo '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; } static
function m4ac_rzgj() { $m4ac_ir54 = memberium_app()->m4ac_tftm( self::$m4ac_szia->ID ); $m4ac_cg2s = add_query_arg( 'rss_user', $m4ac_ir54, get_feed_link() ); echo '<tr>'; echo '<th valign="top"><label for="rss_user_id">RSS User ID</label></th>'; echo '<td>'; echo '<input disabled=disabled size="30" value="', $m4ac_ir54, '"><br />'; echo '<input disabled=disabled size="60" value="', $m4ac_cg2s, '"><br />'; echo '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; } static
function m4ac_ipt9zn() { $m4ac_z17xd = memberium_app()->m4ac_m9tne(false, false); $m4ac_z17xd = $m4ac_z17xd['mc']; $m4ac_f9_4f6 = array_filter(explode(',', self::$m4ac_ke1c['memb_user']['tag_ids']) ); $m4ac_pxc90 = []; $m4ac_o8e9kl = []; foreach ($m4ac_f9_4f6 as $m4ac_dxs2z) { if (isset($m4ac_z17xd[$m4ac_dxs2z]) ) { $m4ac_pxc90[$m4ac_dxs2z] = $m4ac_z17xd[$m4ac_dxs2z]; } } uasort($m4ac_pxc90, function($m4ac_cl0zjt, $m4ac_qtyqx1) { if ($m4ac_cl0zjt == $m4ac_qtyqx1) { return 0; } return ($m4ac_cl0zjt < $m4ac_qtyqx1) ? -1 : 1; }); echo '<tr>'; echo '<th><label for="activecampaign_tags">ActiveCampaign Tags</label></th>'; echo '<td>'; echo '<select id="current_tags" disabled multiple class="multitaglist" style="height: 1.6em; width:600px !important;">'; foreach ($m4ac_pxc90 as $m4ac_alfd_j => $m4ac_hs19b) { echo '<option value="', $m4ac_alfd_j, '" selected=selected>', $m4ac_hs19b, ' (' . $m4ac_alfd_j . ')</option>'; } echo '</select>'; foreach ( (array) $m4ac_z17xd as $m4ac__yin => $m4ac_zh_m) { $m4ac_o8e9kl[] = ['id' => $m4ac__yin, 'text' => "{$m4ac_zh_m} ({$m4ac__yin})"]; if (in_array($m4ac__yin, $m4ac_f9_4f6) ) { $m4ac_o8e9kl[] = [ 'id' => "-{$m4ac__yin}", 'text' => "Remove {$m4ac_zh_m} (-{$m4ac__yin})", ]; } } $m4ac_o8e9kl = json_encode($m4ac_o8e9kl); echo '<script>'; echo 'var taglist = ', $m4ac_o8e9kl, ';'; echo '</script>'; echo '<br />'; echo '<span class="description">Add/Remove Tags:</span><br />'; echo '<select id="updated_tags" name="updated_tags[]" multiple class="multitaglist" style="height:1.6em; width:600px !important;">'; echo '</select>'; echo '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; } static
function m4ac_wta4k() { $m4ac_g4dv = get_option(MEMBERIUM_MEMBERSHIP_SETTINGS, [] ); $m4ac_fcpvl = array_filter(explode(',', self::$m4ac_ke1c['memb_user']['membership_tags']) ); $m4ac_evcwxa = array_filter(explode(',', self::$m4ac_ke1c['memb_db_fields']['tag_ids']) ); if (! empty($m4ac_g4dv) ) { echo '<tr>'; echo '<th valign="top"><label for="memberium_memberships">Membership Actions</label></th>'; echo '<td>'; foreach($m4ac_g4dv as $m4ac_m38m) { $m4ac_uoku = [$m4ac_m38m['main_id']]; $m4ac_uoku = array_filter( array_merge($m4ac_uoku, explode(',', $m4ac_m38m['addltag_ids']) ) ); if ( !empty( array_intersect($m4ac_evcwxa, $m4ac_uoku) ) ) { echo '<p>'; if (! empty($m4ac_m38m['cancel_id']) ) { if (in_array($m4ac_m38m['cancel_id'], $m4ac_evcwxa) ) { echo "<button name='update_membership_tags[]' value='-{$m4ac_m38m['cancel_id']}'>Un-Cancel {$m4ac_m38m['name']}</button> "; } else { echo "<button name='update_membership_tags[]' value='{$m4ac_m38m['cancel_id']}'>Cancel {$m4ac_m38m['name']}</button> "; } } if (! empty($m4ac_m38m['suspend_id']) ) { if (in_array($m4ac_m38m['suspend_id'], $m4ac_evcwxa) ) { echo "<button name='update_membership_tags[]' value='-{$m4ac_m38m['suspend_id']}'>Un-Suspend {$m4ac_m38m['name']}</button> "; } else { echo "<button name='update_membership_tags[]' value='{$m4ac_m38m['suspend_id']}'>Suspend {$m4ac_m38m['name']}</button> "; } } if (! empty($m4ac_m38m['payf_id']) ) { if (in_array($m4ac_m38m['payf_id'], $m4ac_evcwxa) ) { echo "<button name='update_membership_tags[]' value='-{$m4ac_m38m['payf_id']}'>Clear {$m4ac_m38m['name']} PAYF</button> "; } } echo '</p>'; } } echo '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; } } static
function m4ac_iam1() { $m4ac_e49i = empty(self::$m4ac_ke1c['memb_user']['dashboard_id']) ? 0 : self::$m4ac_ke1c['memb_user']['dashboard_id']; $m4ac_y51f = empty($m4ac_e49i) ? get_site_url() : get_permalink($m4ac_e49i); $m4ac_ta_y = get_the_title($m4ac_e49i); echo '<tr>'; echo '<th valign="top"><label for="memberium_dashboard_id">Dashboard Page</label></th>'; echo '<td>'; echo "<a target='_blank' href='{$m4ac_y51f}'>{$m4ac_ta_y}</a><br />"; echo '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; } static
function m4ac_hu87r() { $m4ac_z5mnx8 = empty(self::$m4ac_ke1c['memb_user']['membership_names']) ? '<em>(None)</em>' : str_replace(',', ', ', self::$m4ac_ke1c['memb_user']['membership_names']); $m4ac_mevg = empty(self::$m4ac_ke1c['memb_user']['membership_level']) ? 0 : self::$m4ac_ke1c['memb_user']['membership_level']; echo '<tr>', '<th valign="top"><label for="memberium_memberships">Memberships</label></th>', '<td>', "{$m4ac_z5mnx8}<br />", "Level: {$m4ac_mevg}<br />", '<br />', '</td>', '</tr>'; } static
function m4ac__vtc() { echo '<tr>'; echo '<th><label for="activecampaign_contact_fields">Fields</label></th>'; echo '<td>'; if (! empty(self::$m4ac_ke1c['memb_db_fields']) ) { $m4ac_ci80 = array_filter([ strtolower(memberium_app()->m4ac_c7cd('password_field')), '%' . strtolower(memberium_app()->m4ac_lh62(memberium_app()->m4ac_c7cd('secure_password_sync') ) ). '%', '_lastupdated', 'ip', 'list_ids', 'list', 'tag_ids', 'tags', ]); foreach (self::$m4ac_ke1c['memb_db_fields'] as $m4ac_alfd_j => $m4ac_hs19b) { if ( ! in_array($m4ac_alfd_j, $m4ac_ci80) && $m4ac_hs19b <> 'null') { echo '<div style="display:inline-block;width:250px;">', "<input disabled='disabled' style='color:#000;width:225px;' value='{$m4ac_alfd_j}'>", '</div>', "<input style='color:#000;width:350px;' value='{$m4ac_hs19b}' disabled='disabled'><br />"; } } } echo '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; } static
function m4ac_xdkq() { if (memberium_app()->m4ac_bgjcxp(self::$m4ac_szia->user_email) > 1) { echo '<tr>'; echo '<th>WARNING:</th>'; echo '<td><p style="font-weight:bold;color:red;">DUPLICATE CONTACT RECORDS FOUND</p></td>'; echo '</tr>'; } } static
function m4ac_ilavk() { $m4ac_i_09 = user_can(self::$m4ac_szia, 'manage_options'); if ($m4ac_i_09) { echo '<tr>'; echo '<th>WARNING:</th>'; echo '<td><p style="font-weight:bold;color:red;">This user has the "manage_options" capability.</p></td>'; echo '</tr>'; } return $m4ac_i_09; } static
function m4ac_dqo6() { $m4ac_oxvhz9 = (self::$m4ac_bxl5 === self::$m4ac_ouo_t3) ? ' checked="checked" ' : ''; echo '<tr>'; echo '<th><label for="memb_update_email_confirm">Update Email Address</label></th>'; echo '<td>'; echo '<input name="memb_update_email_confirm" id="memb_update_email_confirm" type="checkbox" value="1" ', $m4ac_oxvhz9, '> Update Username to match<br />'; echo '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; } static
function m4ac_fr5x() { echo '<tr>'; echo '<th><label>User Creation Date</label></th>'; echo '<td>', date('l, F j, Y @ g:i A', strtotime(self::$m4ac_szia->user_registered) ), '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; } static
function m4ac_avip() { echo '<tr>'; echo '<th><label for="crm_id">ActiveCampaign Contact ID</label></th>'; echo '<td><input name="crm_id" id="description" disabled="disabled" style="text-align:right;padding-right:10px;" size="10" value="', self::$m4ac_lup3, '"></td>'; echo '</tr>'; } static
function m4ac_m190l($m4ac_szia) { self::$m4ac_ke1c = memberium_app()->m4ac_m2lj_($m4ac_szia->ID); self::$m4ac_szia = $m4ac_szia; self::$m4ac_lup3 = m4ac_i08ct::m4ac_bjt5($m4ac_szia->ID); self::$m4ac_bxl5 = strtolower(trim($m4ac_szia->user_login)); self::$m4ac_ouo_t3 = strtolower(trim($m4ac_szia->user_email)); } static
function m4ac_vj9sgx() { $m4ac_w6af0 = empty(self::$m4ac_ke1c['memb_user']['theme']) ? '' : ucwords(self::$m4ac_ke1c['memb_user']['theme']); if ($m4ac_w6af0) { echo '<tr>'; echo '<th>WARNING:</th>'; echo "<td><p style='font-weight:bold;color:red;'>This user's membership level is set to use the \"{$m4ac_w6af0}\" theme instead of the default theme.</p></td>"; echo '</tr>'; } } private static $m4ac_lup3 = 0, $m4ac_ouo_t3 = '', $m4ac_ke1c = [], $m4ac_szia = null, $m4ac_bxl5 = ''; }
Function Calls
None |
MD5 | 1a84566aaf266ea489f60cba3e91176d |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 82 ms |