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PHP Decode

<?php /** * Common elements found throughout many areas of BookStack. */ return [ /..

Decoded Output download

 * Common elements found throughout many areas of BookStack.
return [

    // Buttons
    'cancel' => '',
    'close' => '',
    'confirm' => '',
    'back' => '',
    'save' => '',
    'continue' => '',
    'select' => '',
    'toggle_all' => ' ',
    'more' => ' ',

    // Form Labels
    'name' => '',
    'description' => '',
    'role' => '',
    'cover_image' => ' ',
    'cover_image_description' => '                      440x250px  .',

    // Actions
    'actions' => '',
    'view' => '',
    'view_all' => ' ',
    'new' => '',
    'create' => '',
    'update' => '',
    'edit' => '',
    'sort' => '',
    'move' => '',
    'copy' => '',
    'reply' => '',
    'delete' => '',
    'delete_confirm' => '  ',
    'search' => '',
    'search_clear' => ' ',
    'reset' => '',
    'remove' => '',
    'add' => '',
    'configure' => '',
    'manage' => '',
    'fullscreen' => '',
    'favourite' => '',
    'unfavourite' => ' ',
    'next' => '',
    'previous' => '',
    'filter_active' => ' :',
    'filter_clear' => '  ',
    'download' => '',
    'open_in_tab' => ' ',
    'open' => ' ',

    // Sort Options
    'sort_options' => ' ',
    'sort_direction_toggle' => ' ',
    'sort_ascending' => '',
    'sort_descending' => '',
    'sort_name' => '',
    'sort_default' => '',
    'sort_created_at' => ' ',
    'sort_updated_at' => ' ',

    // Misc
    'deleted_user' => ' ',
    'no_activity' => ' ',
    'no_items' => ' ',
    'back_to_top' => ' ',
    'skip_to_main_content' => ' ',
    'toggle_details' => ' ',
    'toggle_thumbnails' => ' ',
    'details' => '',
    'grid_view' => ' ',
    'list_view' => ' ',
    'default' => ' ',
    'breadcrumb' => ' ',
    'status' => '',
    'status_active' => '',
    'status_inactive' => '',
    'never' => ' ',
    'none' => '',

    // Header
    'homepage' => '',
    'header_menu_expand' => '  ',
    'profile_menu' => '',
    'view_profile' => ' ',
    'edit_profile' => ' ',
    'dark_mode' => ' ',
    'light_mode' => ' ',
    'global_search' => ' ',

    // Layout tabs
    'tab_info' => '',
    'tab_info_label' => ':   ',
    'tab_content' => '',
    'tab_content_label' => ':   ',

    // Email Content
    'email_action_help' => ':actionText           .',
    'email_rights' => 'All rights reserved.',

    // Footer Link Options
    // Not directly used but available for convenience to users.
    'privacy_policy' => '   ',
    'terms_of_service' => '  ',

Did this file decode correctly?

Original Code

 * Common elements found throughout many areas of BookStack.
return [

    // Buttons
    'cancel' => '',
    'close' => '',
    'confirm' => '',
    'back' => '',
    'save' => '',
    'continue' => '',
    'select' => '',
    'toggle_all' => ' ',
    'more' => ' ',

    // Form Labels
    'name' => '',
    'description' => '',
    'role' => '',
    'cover_image' => ' ',
    'cover_image_description' => '                      440x250px  .',

    // Actions
    'actions' => '',
    'view' => '',
    'view_all' => ' ',
    'new' => '',
    'create' => '',
    'update' => '',
    'edit' => '',
    'sort' => '',
    'move' => '',
    'copy' => '',
    'reply' => '',
    'delete' => '',
    'delete_confirm' => '  ',
    'search' => '',
    'search_clear' => ' ',
    'reset' => '',
    'remove' => '',
    'add' => '',
    'configure' => '',
    'manage' => '',
    'fullscreen' => '',
    'favourite' => '',
    'unfavourite' => ' ',
    'next' => '',
    'previous' => '',
    'filter_active' => ' :',
    'filter_clear' => '  ',
    'download' => '',
    'open_in_tab' => ' ',
    'open' => ' ',

    // Sort Options
    'sort_options' => ' ',
    'sort_direction_toggle' => ' ',
    'sort_ascending' => '',
    'sort_descending' => '',
    'sort_name' => '',
    'sort_default' => '',
    'sort_created_at' => ' ',
    'sort_updated_at' => ' ',

    // Misc
    'deleted_user' => ' ',
    'no_activity' => ' ',
    'no_items' => ' ',
    'back_to_top' => ' ',
    'skip_to_main_content' => ' ',
    'toggle_details' => ' ',
    'toggle_thumbnails' => ' ',
    'details' => '',
    'grid_view' => ' ',
    'list_view' => ' ',
    'default' => ' ',
    'breadcrumb' => ' ',
    'status' => '',
    'status_active' => '',
    'status_inactive' => '',
    'never' => ' ',
    'none' => '',

    // Header
    'homepage' => '',
    'header_menu_expand' => '  ',
    'profile_menu' => '',
    'view_profile' => ' ',
    'edit_profile' => ' ',
    'dark_mode' => ' ',
    'light_mode' => ' ',
    'global_search' => ' ',

    // Layout tabs
    'tab_info' => '',
    'tab_info_label' => ':   ',
    'tab_content' => '',
    'tab_content_label' => ':   ',

    // Email Content
    'email_action_help' => ':actionText           .',
    'email_rights' => 'All rights reserved.',

    // Footer Link Options
    // Not directly used but available for convenience to users.
    'privacy_policy' => '   ',
    'terms_of_service' => '  ',

Function Calls





MD5 1d4d4dff1f4147a9f1294f06a11fa0d7
Eval Count 0
Decode Time 106 ms