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PHP Decode
<?php /** * This file is part of the Cloudinary PHP package. * * (c) Cloudinary * * F..
Decoded Output download
* This file is part of the Cloudinary PHP package.
* (c) Cloudinary
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Cloudinary\Api;
use Cloudinary\Api\Exception\ApiError;
use Cloudinary\Api\Exception\GeneralError;
use Cloudinary\ArrayUtils;
use Cloudinary\Configuration\ApiConfig;
use Cloudinary\Configuration\CloudConfig;
use Cloudinary\Configuration\Configuration;
use Cloudinary\FileUtils;
use Cloudinary\Utils;
use Exception;
use GuzzleHttp\Client;
use GuzzleHttp\Promise\Create;
use GuzzleHttp\Promise\PromiseInterface;
use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\LimitStream;
use InvalidArgumentException;
use Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface;
* Class ApiClient
* @internal
class ApiClient extends BaseApiClient
* @var CloudConfig $cloud The cloud configuration.
protected $cloud;
* ApiClient constructor.
* @param $configuration
public function __construct($configuration = null)
if ($configuration === null) {
$configuration = Configuration::instance(); // get global instance
$this->baseUri = "{$this->api->uploadPrefix}/" . self::apiVersion($this->api->apiVersion)
. "/{$this->cloud->cloudName}/";
protected function createHttpClient()
$this->httpClient = new Client($this->buildHttpClientConfig());
* Gets cloud configuration of the current client.
* @return CloudConfig
* @internal
public function getCloud()
return $this->cloud;
* Sets Configuration.
* @param mixed $configuration The configuration source.
* @return static
* @internal
public function configuration($configuration)
$tempConfiguration = new Configuration($configuration); // TODO: improve performance here
$this->cloud = $tempConfiguration->cloud;
$this->api = $tempConfiguration->api;
$this->logging = $tempConfiguration->logging;
return $this;
* Performs an HTTP POST request with the given form parameters.
* @param string|array $endPoint The API endpoint path.
* @param array $formParams The form parameters
* @return ApiResponse
* @internal
public function postForm($endPoint, $formParams)
return $this->postFormAsync($endPoint, $formParams)->wait();
* Performs an HTTP POST request with the given form parameters asynchronously.
* Please note that form parameters are encoded in a slightly different way, see Utils::buildHttpQuery for details.
* @param string|array $endPoint The API endpoint path.
* @param array $formParams The form parameters
* @return PromiseInterface
* @see Utils::buildHttpQuery
* @internal
public function postFormAsync($endPoint, $formParams)
return $this->callAsync(HttpMethod::POST, $endPoint, ['body' => Utils::buildHttpQuery($formParams)]);
* Signs posted parameters using configured cloud credentials and posts to the endpoint.
* @param string|array $endPoint The API endpoint path.
* @param array $formParams The form parameters
* @return PromiseInterface
* @internal
public function postAndSignFormAsync($endPoint, $formParams)
if (! $this->cloud->oauthToken) {
ApiUtils::signRequest($formParams, $this->cloud);
return $this->postFormAsync($endPoint, $formParams);
* Signs posted parameters using configured account credentials and posts as a JSON to the endpoint.
* @param string|array $endPoint The API endpoint path.
* @param array $params The parameters
* @return PromiseInterface
* @internal
public function postAndSignJsonAsync($endPoint, $params)
ApiUtils::signRequest($params, $this->cloud);
return $this->postJsonAsync($endPoint, $params);
* Helper method for posting multipart data asynchronously.
* @param string|array $endPoint The API endpoint path.
* @param $multiPart
* @param array $headers
* @param array $options Additional options for Http client
* @return PromiseInterface
* @internal
public function postMultiPartAsync($endPoint, $multiPart, $headers = null, $options = [])
ArrayUtils::addNonEmpty($options, 'multipart', $multiPart);
ArrayUtils::addNonEmpty($options, 'headers', $headers);
return $this->postAsync(self::finalizeEndPoint($endPoint), $options);
* Helper method for posting multipart data.
* @param string|array $endPoint The API endpoint path.
* @param $multiPart
* @param array $headers
* @param array $options Additional options for Http client
* @return ApiResponse
* @internal
public function postMultiPart($endPoint, $multiPart, $headers = null, $options = [])
return $this->postMultiPartAsync($endPoint, $multiPart, $headers, $options)->wait();
* Uploads a file to the Cloudinary server.
* @param string|array $endPoint The API endpoint path.
* @param mixed $file File to upload, can be a local path, URL, stream, etc.
* @param array $parameters Additional parameters to be sent in the body
* @param array $options Additional options, including options for the HTTP client
* @return ApiResponse
* @throws ApiError
* @internal
public function postFile($endPoint, $file, $parameters, $options = [])
return $this->postFileAsync($endPoint, $file, $parameters, $options)->wait();
* Uploads a file to the Cloudinary server asynchronously.
* @param string|array $endPoint The API endpoint path.
* @param mixed $file File to upload, can be a local path, URL, stream, etc.
* @param array $parameters Additional parameters to be sent in the body
* @param array $options Additional options, including options for the HTTP client
* @return PromiseInterface
* @throws ApiError
* @throws Exception
* @internal
public function postFileAsync($endPoint, $file, $parameters, $options = [])
$unsigned = ArrayUtils::get($options, 'unsigned');
if (! $this->cloud->oauthToken && ! $unsigned) {
ApiUtils::signRequest($parameters, $this->cloud);
try {
$fileHandle = FileUtils::handleFile($file);
} catch (GeneralError $e) {
'Error while attempting to upload a file',
'exception' => $e->getMessage(),
'class' => self::class,
'endPoint' => $endPoint,
'file' => $file,
'options' => $options,
throw $e;
if ($fileHandle instanceof UriInterface) {
return $this->postSingleChunkAsync($endPoint, $fileHandle, $parameters, $options);
if (empty(ArrayUtils::get($options, 'filename')) && FileUtils::isLocalFilePath($file)) {
$options['filename'] = basename($file); // set local file name
$size = $fileHandle->getSize();
$options[ApiConfig::CHUNK_SIZE] = ArrayUtils::get($options, ApiConfig::CHUNK_SIZE, $this->api->chunkSize);
$options[ApiConfig::TIMEOUT] = ArrayUtils::get($options, ApiConfig::TIMEOUT, $this->api->uploadTimeout);
/** @noinspection IsEmptyFunctionUsageInspection */
if (empty($size) || $size <= $options[ApiConfig::CHUNK_SIZE]) {
return $this->postSingleChunkAsync($endPoint, $fileHandle, $parameters, $options);
return $this->postLargeFileAsync($endPoint, $fileHandle, $parameters, $options);
* Performs an HTTP call asynchronously.
* @param string $method An HTTP method.
* @param string|array $endPoint An API endpoint path.
* @param array $options An array containing request body and additional options passed to the HTTP Client.
* @return PromiseInterface
* @internal
protected function callAsync($method, $endPoint, $options)
static::validateAuthorization($this->cloud, $options);
return parent::callAsync($method, $endPoint, $options);
* Posts a large file in chunks asynchronously
* @param string|array $endPoint The API endpoint path.
* @param StreamInterface $fileHandle The file handle
* @param array $parameters Additional form parameters
* @param array $options Additional options
* @return PromiseInterface
* @throws Exception
* @internal
private function postLargeFileAsync($endPoint, $fileHandle, $parameters, $options = [])
$this->getLogger()->debug('Making a Large File Async POST request');
$uploadResult = null;
$chunkSize = ArrayUtils::get($options, ApiConfig::CHUNK_SIZE, ApiConfig::DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE);
$fileSize = $fileHandle->getSize(); // Can be null as well
/** @noinspection IsEmptyFunctionUsageInspection */
$rangeHeaderTemplate = 'bytes %s-%s' . (! empty($fileSize) ? "/$fileSize" : '');
$options['headers'] = [
'X-Unique-Upload-Id' => Utils::randomPublicId($this->cloud->apiSecret),
if ($fileHandle->isSeekable()) {
while (! $fileHandle->eof()) {
$currPos = $fileHandle->tell();
$currChunk = new LimitStream($fileHandle, $chunkSize, $currPos);
$options['headers']['Content-Range'] = sprintf(
$currPos + $currChunk->getSize() - 1
try {
$this->getLogger()->debug('Making a Single Chunk Async POST request');
// TODO: use pool here or send requests in an async manner(?)
$uploadResult = $this->postSingleChunkAsync($endPoint, $currChunk, $parameters, $options)->wait();
} catch (Exception $e) { // TODO: retry (?)
'Single Chunk Async POST request failed',
'code' => $e->getCode(),
'message' => $e->getMessage(),
return Create::rejectionFor($e);
ArrayUtils::addNonEmptyFromOther($parameters, 'public_id', $uploadResult);
return Create::promiseFor($uploadResult);
* Posts a single chunk of the large file upload request asynchronously
* @param string|array $endPoint The API endpoint path.
* @param mixed $singleChunk The data of a single chunk of the file
* @param array $parameters Additional form parameters
* @param array $options Additional options
* @return PromiseInterface
* @internal
protected function postSingleChunkAsync($endPoint, $singleChunk, $parameters, $options = [])
$filePart = [
'name' => ArrayUtils::get($options, 'file_field', 'file'),
'contents' => $singleChunk,
ArrayUtils::addNonEmptyFromOther($filePart, 'filename', $options);
$multiPart = self::buildMultiPart($parameters);
$multiPart [] = $filePart;
$headers = ArrayUtils::pop($options, 'headers');
return $this->postMultiPartAsync($endPoint, $multiPart, $headers, $options);
* Build configuration used by HTTP client
* @return array
* @internal
protected function buildHttpClientConfig()
$clientConfig = [
'base_uri' => $this->baseUri,
'connect_timeout' => $this->api->connectionTimeout,
'timeout' => $this->api->timeout,
'proxy' => $this->api->apiProxy,
'headers' => ['User-Agent' => self::userAgent()],
'http_errors' => false, // We handle HTTP errors by ourselves and throw corresponding exceptions
if (isset($this->cloud->oauthToken)) {
$authConfig = [
'headers' => ['Authorization' => 'Bearer ' . $this->cloud->oauthToken],
} else {
$authConfig = [
'auth' => [$this->cloud->apiKey, $this->cloud->apiSecret],
return array_merge_recursive($clientConfig, $authConfig);
* Builds multipart request body from an array of parameters
* @param array $parameters The input parameters
* @return array
* @internal
private static function buildMultiPart($parameters)
return array_values(
static function ($key, $value) {
return ['name' => $key, 'contents' => $value];
* Validates if all required authorization params are passed.
* @param CloudConfig $cloudConfig A config to validate.
* @param array $options An array containing request body and additional options passed to the HTTP
* Client.
* @throws InvalidArgumentException In a case not all required keys are set.
* @internal
protected static function validateAuthorization($cloudConfig, $options)
$keysToValidate = ['cloudName'];
if (empty($cloudConfig->oauthToken)) {
array_push($keysToValidate, 'apiKey', 'apiSecret');
Did this file decode correctly?
Original Code
* This file is part of the Cloudinary PHP package.
* (c) Cloudinary
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Cloudinary\Api;
use Cloudinary\Api\Exception\ApiError;
use Cloudinary\Api\Exception\GeneralError;
use Cloudinary\ArrayUtils;
use Cloudinary\Configuration\ApiConfig;
use Cloudinary\Configuration\CloudConfig;
use Cloudinary\Configuration\Configuration;
use Cloudinary\FileUtils;
use Cloudinary\Utils;
use Exception;
use GuzzleHttp\Client;
use GuzzleHttp\Promise\Create;
use GuzzleHttp\Promise\PromiseInterface;
use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\LimitStream;
use InvalidArgumentException;
use Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface;
* Class ApiClient
* @internal
class ApiClient extends BaseApiClient
* @var CloudConfig $cloud The cloud configuration.
protected $cloud;
* ApiClient constructor.
* @param $configuration
public function __construct($configuration = null)
if ($configuration === null) {
$configuration = Configuration::instance(); // get global instance
$this->baseUri = "{$this->api->uploadPrefix}/" . self::apiVersion($this->api->apiVersion)
. "/{$this->cloud->cloudName}/";
protected function createHttpClient()
$this->httpClient = new Client($this->buildHttpClientConfig());
* Gets cloud configuration of the current client.
* @return CloudConfig
* @internal
public function getCloud()
return $this->cloud;
* Sets Configuration.
* @param mixed $configuration The configuration source.
* @return static
* @internal
public function configuration($configuration)
$tempConfiguration = new Configuration($configuration); // TODO: improve performance here
$this->cloud = $tempConfiguration->cloud;
$this->api = $tempConfiguration->api;
$this->logging = $tempConfiguration->logging;
return $this;
* Performs an HTTP POST request with the given form parameters.
* @param string|array $endPoint The API endpoint path.
* @param array $formParams The form parameters
* @return ApiResponse
* @internal
public function postForm($endPoint, $formParams)
return $this->postFormAsync($endPoint, $formParams)->wait();
* Performs an HTTP POST request with the given form parameters asynchronously.
* Please note that form parameters are encoded in a slightly different way, see Utils::buildHttpQuery for details.
* @param string|array $endPoint The API endpoint path.
* @param array $formParams The form parameters
* @return PromiseInterface
* @see Utils::buildHttpQuery
* @internal
public function postFormAsync($endPoint, $formParams)
return $this->callAsync(HttpMethod::POST, $endPoint, ['body' => Utils::buildHttpQuery($formParams)]);
* Signs posted parameters using configured cloud credentials and posts to the endpoint.
* @param string|array $endPoint The API endpoint path.
* @param array $formParams The form parameters
* @return PromiseInterface
* @internal
public function postAndSignFormAsync($endPoint, $formParams)
if (! $this->cloud->oauthToken) {
ApiUtils::signRequest($formParams, $this->cloud);
return $this->postFormAsync($endPoint, $formParams);
* Signs posted parameters using configured account credentials and posts as a JSON to the endpoint.
* @param string|array $endPoint The API endpoint path.
* @param array $params The parameters
* @return PromiseInterface
* @internal
public function postAndSignJsonAsync($endPoint, $params)
ApiUtils::signRequest($params, $this->cloud);
return $this->postJsonAsync($endPoint, $params);
* Helper method for posting multipart data asynchronously.
* @param string|array $endPoint The API endpoint path.
* @param $multiPart
* @param array $headers
* @param array $options Additional options for Http client
* @return PromiseInterface
* @internal
public function postMultiPartAsync($endPoint, $multiPart, $headers = null, $options = [])
ArrayUtils::addNonEmpty($options, 'multipart', $multiPart);
ArrayUtils::addNonEmpty($options, 'headers', $headers);
return $this->postAsync(self::finalizeEndPoint($endPoint), $options);
* Helper method for posting multipart data.
* @param string|array $endPoint The API endpoint path.
* @param $multiPart
* @param array $headers
* @param array $options Additional options for Http client
* @return ApiResponse
* @internal
public function postMultiPart($endPoint, $multiPart, $headers = null, $options = [])
return $this->postMultiPartAsync($endPoint, $multiPart, $headers, $options)->wait();
* Uploads a file to the Cloudinary server.
* @param string|array $endPoint The API endpoint path.
* @param mixed $file File to upload, can be a local path, URL, stream, etc.
* @param array $parameters Additional parameters to be sent in the body
* @param array $options Additional options, including options for the HTTP client
* @return ApiResponse
* @throws ApiError
* @internal
public function postFile($endPoint, $file, $parameters, $options = [])
return $this->postFileAsync($endPoint, $file, $parameters, $options)->wait();
* Uploads a file to the Cloudinary server asynchronously.
* @param string|array $endPoint The API endpoint path.
* @param mixed $file File to upload, can be a local path, URL, stream, etc.
* @param array $parameters Additional parameters to be sent in the body
* @param array $options Additional options, including options for the HTTP client
* @return PromiseInterface
* @throws ApiError
* @throws Exception
* @internal
public function postFileAsync($endPoint, $file, $parameters, $options = [])
$unsigned = ArrayUtils::get($options, 'unsigned');
if (! $this->cloud->oauthToken && ! $unsigned) {
ApiUtils::signRequest($parameters, $this->cloud);
try {
$fileHandle = FileUtils::handleFile($file);
} catch (GeneralError $e) {
'Error while attempting to upload a file',
'exception' => $e->getMessage(),
'class' => self::class,
'endPoint' => $endPoint,
'file' => $file,
'options' => $options,
throw $e;
if ($fileHandle instanceof UriInterface) {
return $this->postSingleChunkAsync($endPoint, $fileHandle, $parameters, $options);
if (empty(ArrayUtils::get($options, 'filename')) && FileUtils::isLocalFilePath($file)) {
$options['filename'] = basename($file); // set local file name
$size = $fileHandle->getSize();
$options[ApiConfig::CHUNK_SIZE] = ArrayUtils::get($options, ApiConfig::CHUNK_SIZE, $this->api->chunkSize);
$options[ApiConfig::TIMEOUT] = ArrayUtils::get($options, ApiConfig::TIMEOUT, $this->api->uploadTimeout);
/** @noinspection IsEmptyFunctionUsageInspection */
if (empty($size) || $size <= $options[ApiConfig::CHUNK_SIZE]) {
return $this->postSingleChunkAsync($endPoint, $fileHandle, $parameters, $options);
return $this->postLargeFileAsync($endPoint, $fileHandle, $parameters, $options);
* Performs an HTTP call asynchronously.
* @param string $method An HTTP method.
* @param string|array $endPoint An API endpoint path.
* @param array $options An array containing request body and additional options passed to the HTTP Client.
* @return PromiseInterface
* @internal
protected function callAsync($method, $endPoint, $options)
static::validateAuthorization($this->cloud, $options);
return parent::callAsync($method, $endPoint, $options);
* Posts a large file in chunks asynchronously
* @param string|array $endPoint The API endpoint path.
* @param StreamInterface $fileHandle The file handle
* @param array $parameters Additional form parameters
* @param array $options Additional options
* @return PromiseInterface
* @throws Exception
* @internal
private function postLargeFileAsync($endPoint, $fileHandle, $parameters, $options = [])
$this->getLogger()->debug('Making a Large File Async POST request');
$uploadResult = null;
$chunkSize = ArrayUtils::get($options, ApiConfig::CHUNK_SIZE, ApiConfig::DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE);
$fileSize = $fileHandle->getSize(); // Can be null as well
/** @noinspection IsEmptyFunctionUsageInspection */
$rangeHeaderTemplate = 'bytes %s-%s' . (! empty($fileSize) ? "/$fileSize" : '');
$options['headers'] = [
'X-Unique-Upload-Id' => Utils::randomPublicId($this->cloud->apiSecret),
if ($fileHandle->isSeekable()) {
while (! $fileHandle->eof()) {
$currPos = $fileHandle->tell();
$currChunk = new LimitStream($fileHandle, $chunkSize, $currPos);
$options['headers']['Content-Range'] = sprintf(
$currPos + $currChunk->getSize() - 1
try {
$this->getLogger()->debug('Making a Single Chunk Async POST request');
// TODO: use pool here or send requests in an async manner(?)
$uploadResult = $this->postSingleChunkAsync($endPoint, $currChunk, $parameters, $options)->wait();
} catch (Exception $e) { // TODO: retry (?)
'Single Chunk Async POST request failed',
'code' => $e->getCode(),
'message' => $e->getMessage(),
return Create::rejectionFor($e);
ArrayUtils::addNonEmptyFromOther($parameters, 'public_id', $uploadResult);
return Create::promiseFor($uploadResult);
* Posts a single chunk of the large file upload request asynchronously
* @param string|array $endPoint The API endpoint path.
* @param mixed $singleChunk The data of a single chunk of the file
* @param array $parameters Additional form parameters
* @param array $options Additional options
* @return PromiseInterface
* @internal
protected function postSingleChunkAsync($endPoint, $singleChunk, $parameters, $options = [])
$filePart = [
'name' => ArrayUtils::get($options, 'file_field', 'file'),
'contents' => $singleChunk,
ArrayUtils::addNonEmptyFromOther($filePart, 'filename', $options);
$multiPart = self::buildMultiPart($parameters);
$multiPart [] = $filePart;
$headers = ArrayUtils::pop($options, 'headers');
return $this->postMultiPartAsync($endPoint, $multiPart, $headers, $options);
* Build configuration used by HTTP client
* @return array
* @internal
protected function buildHttpClientConfig()
$clientConfig = [
'base_uri' => $this->baseUri,
'connect_timeout' => $this->api->connectionTimeout,
'timeout' => $this->api->timeout,
'proxy' => $this->api->apiProxy,
'headers' => ['User-Agent' => self::userAgent()],
'http_errors' => false, // We handle HTTP errors by ourselves and throw corresponding exceptions
if (isset($this->cloud->oauthToken)) {
$authConfig = [
'headers' => ['Authorization' => 'Bearer ' . $this->cloud->oauthToken],
} else {
$authConfig = [
'auth' => [$this->cloud->apiKey, $this->cloud->apiSecret],
return array_merge_recursive($clientConfig, $authConfig);
* Builds multipart request body from an array of parameters
* @param array $parameters The input parameters
* @return array
* @internal
private static function buildMultiPart($parameters)
return array_values(
static function ($key, $value) {
return ['name' => $key, 'contents' => $value];
* Validates if all required authorization params are passed.
* @param CloudConfig $cloudConfig A config to validate.
* @param array $options An array containing request body and additional options passed to the HTTP
* Client.
* @throws InvalidArgumentException In a case not all required keys are set.
* @internal
protected static function validateAuthorization($cloudConfig, $options)
$keysToValidate = ['cloudName'];
if (empty($cloudConfig->oauthToken)) {
array_push($keysToValidate, 'apiKey', 'apiSecret');
Function Calls
None |
MD5 | 1e45d9fc9378b528214c487f1613c00f |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 128 ms |