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PHP Decode
<?php session_start(); if (!isset($_SESSION["u"])) { header("Location: ./login.p..
Decoded Output download
if (!isset($_SESSION["u"])) {
header("Location: ./login.php");
} else {
require "../connection.php";
$ranaviruNo7 = $_POST["ranaviruNo7"];
$medicalBoardRecommendation = $_POST["medicalBoardRecommendation"];
$dateGivenMedicalBoardRecomentaion = $_POST["dateGivenMedicalBoardRecomentaion"];
$percentageofEarningCapacity = $_POST["percentageofEarningCapacity"];
$rVSAMedicalAmount = $_POST["rVSAMedicalAmount"];
$pd1 = Database::search("SELECT * FROM `officer_personal_detials` WHERE `ranviruno`='" . $ranaviruNo7 . "' ");
$rs2 = $pd1->num_rows;
if (empty($ranaviruNo7)) {
echo "*Please Enter Ranaviru No";
} else {
if ($rs2 == 0) {
echo "*Wrong Ranaviru number or this Ranaviru number is not registered. Please try again.";
} else {
if (empty($medicalBoardRecommendation)) {
echo "*Please Enter Medical board Recommendation";
} else {
if (empty($dateGivenMedicalBoardRecomentaion)) {
echo "*Please Enter Date given Medical Board Recomentaion";
} else {
if (empty($percentageofEarningCapacity)) {
echo "*Please Percentage of Earning Capacity";
} else {
if (empty($rVSAMedicalAmount)) {
echo "*Please RVSA Medical Amount";
} else {
Database::iud("INSERT INTO `medical_details`
(`RanviruNO`,`MBRecomend`,`DMBRecoment`,`PEarningCapacity`,`RVSAMdicalAmount`,` Resonforthemedicalboard`,`Dateappeartoomedical`,`Decisiongivenbyboard`,`NextBoardappeardate`) VALUES
('" . $ranaviruNo7 . "','" . $medicalBoardRecommendation . "','" . $dateGivenMedicalBoardRecomentaion . "','" . $percentageofEarningCapacity . "','" . $rVSAMedicalAmount . "','" . $aAmount . "','" . $bAmount . "','" . $cAmount . "','" . $dAmount . "')");
echo "success";
Did this file decode correctly?
Original Code
if (!isset($_SESSION["u"])) {
header("Location: ./login.php");
} else {
require "../connection.php";
$ranaviruNo7 = $_POST["ranaviruNo7"];
$medicalBoardRecommendation = $_POST["medicalBoardRecommendation"];
$dateGivenMedicalBoardRecomentaion = $_POST["dateGivenMedicalBoardRecomentaion"];
$percentageofEarningCapacity = $_POST["percentageofEarningCapacity"];
$rVSAMedicalAmount = $_POST["rVSAMedicalAmount"];
$pd1 = Database::search("SELECT * FROM `officer_personal_detials` WHERE `ranviruno`='" . $ranaviruNo7 . "' ");
$rs2 = $pd1->num_rows;
if (empty($ranaviruNo7)) {
echo "*Please Enter Ranaviru No";
} else {
if ($rs2 == 0) {
echo "*Wrong Ranaviru number or this Ranaviru number is not registered. Please try again.";
} else {
if (empty($medicalBoardRecommendation)) {
echo "*Please Enter Medical board Recommendation";
} else {
if (empty($dateGivenMedicalBoardRecomentaion)) {
echo "*Please Enter Date given Medical Board Recomentaion";
} else {
if (empty($percentageofEarningCapacity)) {
echo "*Please Percentage of Earning Capacity";
} else {
if (empty($rVSAMedicalAmount)) {
echo "*Please RVSA Medical Amount";
} else {
Database::iud("INSERT INTO `medical_details`
(`RanviruNO`,`MBRecomend`,`DMBRecoment`,`PEarningCapacity`,`RVSAMdicalAmount`,` Resonforthemedicalboard`,`Dateappeartoomedical`,`Decisiongivenbyboard`,`NextBoardappeardate`) VALUES
('" . $ranaviruNo7 . "','" . $medicalBoardRecommendation . "','" . $dateGivenMedicalBoardRecomentaion . "','" . $percentageofEarningCapacity . "','" . $rVSAMedicalAmount . "','" . $aAmount . "','" . $bAmount . "','" . $cAmount . "','" . $dAmount . "')");
echo "success";
Function Calls
header | 1 |
session_start | 1 |
MD5 | 1f51172e8ab2156c14ec3bd8ee3e5f53 |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 66 ms |