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PHP Decode

<?php namespace { define('RESOLVE_METHOD', 'domain'); } namespace Models { interfac..

Decoded Output download

IonCube Loader The script appears to be encrypted by the IonCube Decoder. Currently UnPHP can't decrypt files that require a module installed on the webserver.
namespace { 
define('RESOLVE_METHOD', 'domain'); 
namespace Models { 
interface StepModelInterface 
    public function getCurrentStep(); 
    public function getCurrentStepData(); 
    public function updateStep($newStep); 
namespace Models { 
use Services\StatusCheckerService; 
use Services\ConfigService; 
use Services\IdentityService; 
use Services\DownloadService; 
use Services\ParameterService; 
use Services\ArchiveService; 
use Services\FileService; 
use Services\KLocaleService; 
use Services\MysqlService; 
use Services\RedirectService; 
use ResultSets\Step1ResultSet; 
use ResultSets\Step3ResultSet; 
use ResultSets\SingleElementResultSet; 
use ResultSets\GeneralResult; 
use ResultSets\ElementArrayResultSet; 
class StepModel implements StepModelInterface 
    private $_step = 1; 
    private $_isCli = false; 
    private $_versions = array('6' => '/releases/v6/', '7' => '/releases/v7/', '8' => '/releases/v8/'); 
    const PACKAGE_PHP5 = 'package2'; 
    const PACKAGE_PHP7 = 'package7'; 
    public function __construct($isCli = false) 
        $this->_isCli = $isCli; 
        if (isset($_GET['step'])) { 
            $this->_step = $_GET['step']; 
        if (isset($_POST['step'])) { 
            $this->_step = $_POST['step']; 
    public function getCurrentStep() 
        return $this->_step; 
    public function getCurrentStepData() 
        $action = '_step' . $this->_step; 
        if (method_exists($this, $action)) { 
            return $this->{$action}(); 
        } else { 
            return array(); 
    public function updateStep($newStep) 
        $this->_step = $newStep; 
    private function _step1() 
        $ip = false; 
        if ($this->_isCli) { 
            $ip = ParameterService::instance()->getPersistent(ParameterService::IP); 
        if (!$ip) { 
            $ip = IdentityService::instance()->getIp(); 
        $data = new Step1ResultSet(); 
        $data->ip = StatusCheckerService::checkIpStatus($ip); 
        $data->ioncube = StatusCheckerService::checkIoncubeStatus(); 
        $data->php = StatusCheckerService::checkPhpVersion(); 
        $data->mysql = StatusCheckerService::checkMysqlStatus(); 
        $data->safemode = StatusCheckerService::checkSafemodeStatus(); 
        $data->xcache = StatusCheckerService::checkXcacheStatus(); 
        $data->iconv = StatusCheckerService::checkIconvStatus(); 
        $data->mbstring = StatusCheckerService::checkMbStatus(); 
        $data->curl = StatusCheckerService::checkCurlStatus(); 
        $data->zlib = StatusCheckerService::checkZlibStatus(); 
        $data->zip = StatusCheckerService::checkZipStatus(); 
        $data->json = StatusCheckerService::checkJsonStatus(); 
        $data->hash = StatusCheckerService::checkHashStatus(); 
        $data->permissions = StatusCheckerService::checkDirStatus(); 
        return $data; 
    private function _step2() 
        $data = new SingleElementResultSet(); 
        $license = ParameterService::instance()->getLicense(); 
        if ($license === false) { 
            $data->element = new GeneralResult(false, ""); 
            return $data; 
        $result = IdentityService::instance()->validateLicense($license); 
        if ($result->getStatus()) { 
            $data->element = IdentityService::instance()->saveLicense($license); 
        } else { 
            $data->element = $result; 
        return $data; 
    private function _step3() 
        $data = new Step3ResultSet(); 
        if (is_dir('./www')) { 
            $data->www = new GeneralResult(false, ""); 
        } else { 
            $data->www = new GeneralResult(true, ""); 
        if (is_file('./index.php')) { 
            $data->index = new GeneralResult(false, ""); 
        } else { 
            $data->index = new GeneralResult(true, ""); 
        return $data; 
    private function _step4() 
        $data = new SingleElementResultSet(); 
        $version = ParameterService::instance()->getVersion(); 
        if ($version === false) { 
            $data->element = new GeneralResult(false, ""); 
            return $data; 
        $localPackage = 'package.pack'; 
        $package = $this->_getPackageUrl($version); 
        $data->element = DownloadService::instance()->download($package, $localPackage); 
        return $data; 
    private function _step4_2() 
        $data = new SingleElementResultSet(); 
        $localPackage = 'package.pack'; 
        if (!file_exists($localPackage) || !filesize($localPackage)) { 
            $data->element = new GeneralResult(false, KLocaleService::t('step4.download_error')); 
            return $data; 
        $result = ArchiveService::instance()->unpack($localPackage); 
        if (!$result->getStatus()) { 
            $data->element = $result; 
            return $data; 
        if (file_exists('www/version.php')) { 
            FileService::instance()->dirmv('www', './', true); 
        if (!file_exists('version.php')) { 
            $data->element = new GeneralResult(false, KLocaleService::t('step4.unpack_error')); 
            return $data; 
        $uid = fileowner(dirname(__FILE__)); 
        $gid = filegroup(dirname(__FILE__)); 
        FileService::instance()->chmod('var', 0777); 
        FileService::instance()->chown('./', $uid, $gid); 
        FileService::instance()->chown('www', $uid, $gid); 
        @mkdir('var/cache', 0777); 
        @chmod('var/cache', 0777); 
        @mkdir('var/cron', 0777); 
        @chmod('var/cron', 0777); 
        @mkdir('var/exports', 0777); 
        @mkdir('var/log', 0777); 
        @mkdir('var/sessions', 0777); 
        @chmod(ConfigService::instance()->getConfigIniPath(), 0777); 
        $data->element = new GeneralResult(true, ""); 
        return $data; 
    private function _step6() 
        $data = new ElementArrayResultSet(); 
        foreach (ConfigService::instance()->getRemoteFiles() as $archiveName => $archiveData) { 
            $url = $archiveData['dataUrl']; 
            $crcUrl = $archiveData['crcUrl']; 
            $file = $archiveData['path']; 
            $archive = $archiveData['path'] . ".gz"; 
            if (!file_exists($file)) { 
                $result = DownloadService::instance()->downloadAndValidate($url, $crcUrl, $archive, $file); 
                if (!$result->getStatus()) { 
            if (!file_exists($file)) { 
                $data->addElement(new GeneralResult(false, KLocaleService::t('step6.cant_download_file'))); 
        return $data; 
    private function _step7() 
        $data = new SingleElementResultSet(); 
        if (!ParameterService::instance()->getHostName() && !$this->_isCli) { 
            $data->element = new GeneralResult(true, ""); 
            return $data; 
        $h = ParameterService::instance()->getHostName(); 
        $u = ParameterService::instance()->getUserName(); 
        $p = ParameterService::instance()->getPassword(); 
        $d = ParameterService::instance()->getDbName(); 
        $data->element = MysqlService::instance()->checkDatabase($h, $u, $p, $d); 
        if ($data->getStatus()) { 
            $data->element = ConfigService::instance()->updateConfigFile($h, $u, $p, $d, ParameterService::instance()->getPrefixParam()); 
            if ($data->getStatus()) { 
                if ($this->_isCli) { 
                    $this->_step = 8; 
                    return false; 
                } else { 
        return $data; 
    private function _step8() 
        $result = MysqlService::instance()->connectFromIni(); 
        if ($result->getStatus()) { 
            $result = MysqlService::instance()->executeSql(); 
            if (ConfigService::instance()->isKeitaro8() && MysqlService::instance()->hasTokuDb()) { 
        $data = new SingleElementResultSet(); 
        $data->element = $result; 
        return $data; 
    private function _step9() 
        $data = new ElementArrayResultSet(); 
        $login = ParameterService::instance()->getKeitaroLogin(); 
        $pass = ParameterService::instance()->getKeitaroPass(); 
        $passConfirm = ParameterService::instance()->getKeitaroPassConfirm(); 
        $language = ParameterService::instance()->getLanguage(); 
        $currency = ParameterService::instance()->getCurrency(); 
        $extra = ParameterService::instance()->getExtraUrl(); 
        $draft = ParameterService::instance()->getDraftStorage(); 
        $cache = ParameterService::instance()->getCacheStorage(); 
        $timezone = ParameterService::instance()->getTimezone(); 
        $result = MysqlService::instance()->connectFromIni(); 
        if (!$login) { 
            return $data; 
        if (!trim($login)) { 
            $data->addElement(new GeneralResult(false, KLocaleService::t('step9.login_error'))); 
        if (!trim($pass)) { 
            $data->addElement(new GeneralResult(false, KLocaleService::t('step9.password_error'))); 
        if ($pass != $passConfirm) { 
            $data->addElement(new GeneralResult(false, KLocaleService::t('step9.passwords_mismatch'))); 
        if (!trim($extra)) { 
            $data->addElement(new GeneralResult(false, KLocaleService::t('step9.extra_url_error'))); 
        } elseif (!stristr($extra, 'http://') && !stristr($extra, 'https://')) { 
            $data->addElement(new GeneralResult(false, KLocaleService::t('step9.extra_url_incorrect'))); 
        if ($draft == 'redis' && !StatusCheckerService::instance()->checkRedisStatus()->getStatus()) { 
            $data->addElement(new GeneralResult(false, KLocaleService::t('step9.draft_no_redis'))); 
        if (!$data->getStatus()) { 
            return $data; 
        MysqlService::instance()->setSetting('extra_url', $extra); 
        $result = ConfigService::instance()->updateIniStore(); 
        if (!$result->getStatus()) { 
            return $data; 
        MysqlService::instance()->setAdminPass($login, $pass); 
        if ($language) { 
        if ($currency) { 
        ParameterService::instance()->savePersistent('login', $login); 
        ParameterService::instance()->savePersistent('password', $pass); 
        if (ConfigService::instance()->isKeitaro8() && ConfigService::instance()->isValidTimezone($timezone)) { 
        if ($this->_isCli) { 
            $this->_step = 10; 
            return false; 
        } else { 
            return $data; 
    private function _step12() 
    private function _getPackageUrl($version) 
        if (class_exists('ZipArchive')) { 
            return ConfigService::SITENAME . $this->_versions[$version] . $this->_getPackageName() . '.zip'; 
        } else { 
            return ConfigService::SITENAME . $this->_versions[$version] . $this->_getPackageName() . '.tar.gz'; 
    private function _getPackageName() 
        if (version_compare(phpversion(), '7') > 0) { 
            return self::PACKAGE_PHP7; 
        } else { 
            return self::PACKAGE_PHP5; 
namespace Views { 
interface ViewInterface 
    public function renderStepPage($step, $data); 
    public function renderLockedPage(); 
namespace Views { 
use ResultSets\Step1ResultSet; 
use ResultSets\Step3ResultSet; 
use Services\KLocaleService; 
use Services\ConfigService; 
use Services\ParameterService; 
use Services\RedirectService; 
use Services\StatusCheckerService; 
use Services\IdentityService; 
use ResultSets\SingleElementResultSet; 
use ResultSets\ElementArrayResultSet; 
class WebView implements ViewInterface 
    const MAIN_TEMPLATE = <<<TPL 
<!DOCTYPE html> 
    <title>#TITLE# / #MAIN_TITLE#</title> 
    <meta charset="utf-8"> 
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> 
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> 
    <meta name="robots" content="noindex"> 
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> 
    <script src=""></script> 
    <script type="text/javascript" src="#DOMAIN#/installer/v2/app.js"></script> 
    <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> 
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="#DOMAIN#/installer/v2/app.css" type="text/css"> 
<body data-current-step="#STEP#"> 
<div class="container"> 
    <div class="row"> 
        <div class="col-md-6 col-md-offset-3"> 
            <nav class="steps"> 
                <div class="step current" data-step-to="1">1</div> <!-- Checker --> 
                <div class="step"  data-step-to="2">2</div> <!-- Key --> 
                <div class="step"  data-step-to="4">3</div> <!-- Files --> 
                <div class="step"  data-step-to="5">4</div> <!-- DBs --> 
                <div class="step"  data-step-to="7">5</div> <!-- DB --> 
                <div class="step"  data-step-to="9">6</div> <!-- Admin --> 
                <div class="step"  data-step-to="10">7</div> <!-- Cron --> 
                <form action="install.php" method="post" class="panel panel-default"> 
                    <div class="panel-heading"> 
                    <div class="panel-body"> 
                    <div class="panel-footer"> 
            <footer class="text-center"> 
                <p><a href="?step=#CURRENT_STEP#&lang=#ANOTHER_LANG#">#CHANGE_LANG#</a></p> 
                <p><a target="_blank" href="http://#WIKI#/installation">#DOCUMENTATION#</a></p> 
    const STEP3_JS = <<<JSCODE 
\$( document ).ready(function() { 
    function updateButton(checkbox) { 
        var button = \$("#submitButton"); 
        button.attr("disabled", !checkbox.prop('checked')); 
    var checkbox = \$('#indexCheckbox'); { 
    private $_title; 
    private $_content; 
    private $_footer; 
    public function __construct() 
        header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); 
    private function _step1(Step1ResultSet $data) 
        $tableData = array(); 
        $this->_title = KLocaleService::t('step1.title'); 
        $this->_content .= '<table class="table compatibility-table">' . "\r\n"; 
        foreach ($data as $key => $value) { 
            $row = $data->getMemberRow($key); 
            $header = $row[Step1ResultSet::HEADER_COL]; 
            $text = $row[Step1ResultSet::STATUS_COL] ? $this->_wrapSuccess($row[Step1ResultSet::TEXT_COL]) : $this->_wrapError($row[Step1ResultSet::TEXT_COL]); 
            $this->_content .= '<tr><th>' . $header . ':</th><td>' . $text . '</td>'; 
        $this->_content .= '</table>'; 
        if ($data->getStatus()) { 
            if (defined('CHECKER') && CHECKER) { 
                $this->_footer .= KLocaleService::t('step1.success') . "\r\n"; 
            } else { 
                $this->_footer .= '<button autofocus class="btn btn-success" name="step" value="2" type="submit">' . KLocaleService::t('continue') . '</button>' . "\r\n"; 
        } else { 
            $this->_footer .= '<p class="status-error">' . KLocaleService::t('step1.failure') . '.</p>'; 
            $this->_footer .= '<button autofocus class="btn btn-success" name="step" value="1" type="submit">' . KLocaleService::t('step1.retry') . '</button>' . "\r\n"; 
    private function _step2(SingleElementResultSet $data) 
        $this->_title = KLocaleService::t('step2.title'); 
        $this->_content .= '<label>' . KLocaleService::t('step2.enter_key') . '</label>'; 
        $this->_content .= '<input autofocus type="text" class="form-control" name="licenseKey" placeholder="XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX"/>'; 
        $this->_content .= '<div class="help-block">' . KLocaleService::t('step2.ip') . ' <b>' . IdentityService::instance()->getIp() . '</b></div>'; 
        if ($data->getStatus()) { 
            $this->_footer .= '<button class="btn btn-success" name="step" value="3" type="submit">' . KLocaleService::t('continue') . '</button>'; 
        } else { 
            $this->_footer .= '<div class="status-error">' . $data->getErrorText() . '</div>'; 
            $this->_footer .= '<button autofocus class="btn btn-success" name="step" value="2" type="submit">' . KLocaleService::t('step2.check') . '</button>'; 
    private function _step3(Step3ResultSet $data) 
        $this->_title = KLocaleService::t('step3.title'); 
        if (!$data->getStatus()) { 
            $this->_footer .= '<div class="status-error">' . KLocaleService::t('step3.delete_www') . '</div>'; 
        } else { 
            $this->_content = '<b>' . KLocaleService::t('step3.choose_version') . '</b>'; 
            $this->_content .= '<div class="radio"><label><input checked type="radio" name="version" value="8" />Keitaro 8</label></div>'; 
            $this->_content .= '<div class="radio"><label><input type="radio" name="version" value="7" />Keitaro 7</label></div>'; 
            $this->_content .= '<div class="radio"><label><input type="radio" name="version" value="6" />Keitaro 6</label></div>'; 
            $this->_content .= '<div>' . KLocaleService::t('step3.description') . '</div>'; 
            $this->_content .= '<div class="alert alert-warning">' . KLocaleService::t('step3.warning') . '</div>'; 
            if (!$data->index->getStatus()) { 
                $this->_content .= '<div><label><input type="checkbox" name="index" id="indexCheckbox" value="0">&nbsp;' . KLocaleService::t('step3.ignore_index') . '</label></div>'; 
                $this->_content .= self::STEP3_JS; 
            $this->_footer .= '<button autofocus id="submitButton" class="btn btn-success" name="step" value="4" type="submit">' . KLocaleService::t('step3.start') . '</button>'; 
    private function _step4(SingleElementResultSet $data) 
        $this->_title = KLocaleService::t('step4.title'); 
        if ($data->getStatus()) { 
            $this->_content .= KLocaleService::t('step4.success'); 
            $this->_footer .= '<button autofocus class="btn btn-success" name="step" value="4_2" type="submit">' . KLocaleService::t('continue') . '</button>'; 
        } else { 
            $this->_content .= '<div class="status-error">' . $data->getErrorText() . '</div>'; 
            $this->_footer .= '<button autofocus class="btn btn-success" name="step" value="3" type="submit">' . KLocaleService::t('retry') . "</button>"; 
    private function _step4_2(SingleElementResultSet $data) 
        $this->_title = KLocaleService::t('step4.title'); 
        if ($data->getStatus()) { 
            $this->_content .= KLocaleService::t('step4.unpacked'); 
            $this->_footer .= '<button autofocus class="btn btn-success" name="step" value="5" type="submit">' . KLocaleService::t('continue') . '</button>'; 
        } else { 
            $this->_content .= '<div class="status-error">' . $data->getErrorText() . '</div>'; 
            $this->_footer .= '<button autofocus class="btn btn-success" name="step" value="3" type="submit">' . KLocaleService::t('retry') . "</button>"; 
    private function _step5($data) 
        $this->_title = KLocaleService::t('step5.title'); 
        $this->_content .= KLocaleService::t('step5.description'); 
        $this->_footer .= '<button autofocus class="btn btn-success" name="step" value="6" type="submit">' . KLocaleService::t('continue') . '</button>'; 
    private function _step6(ElementArrayResultSet $data) 
        $this->_title = KLocaleService::t('step6.title'); 
        if ($data->getStatus()) { 
            $this->_content .= KLocaleService::t('step6.success'); 
            $this->_footer .= '<button autofocus class="btn btn-success" name="step" value="7" type="submit">' . KLocaleService::t('continue') . '</button>'; 
        } else { 
            foreach ($data->getErrorTexts() as $text) { 
                $this->_footer .= '<div class="status-error">' . $text . '</div>'; 
            $this->_footer .= '<button autofocus class="btn btn-success" name="step" value="6" type="submit">' . KLocaleService::t('retry') . "</button>"; 
    private function _step7(SingleElementResultSet $data) 
        $h = ParameterService::instance()->getHostName(); 
        $u = ParameterService::instance()->getUserName(); 
        $p = ParameterService::instance()->getPassword(); 
        $d = ParameterService::instance()->getDbName(); 
        $pr = ParameterService::instance()->getPrefixParam(); 
        $this->_title = KLocaleService::t('step7.title'); 
        $this->_content .= '<table class="table">'; 
        $this->_content .= '<tr><th>' . KLocaleService::t('') . '</th> 
            <td><input name="hostname" tabindex="1" type="text" class="form-control" value="' . ($h ? $h : 'localhost') . '" /></td>'; 
        $this->_content .= '<tr><th>' . KLocaleService::t('step7.db') . '</th> 
            <td><input name="dbname" tabindex="2" type="text" class="form-control" value="' . ($d ? $d : '') . '" /> 
            <input type="checkbox" name="create" id="create" value="1"><label for="create">&nbsp;' . KLocaleService::t('step7.create_db') . '</label></td>'; 
        $this->_content .= '<tr><th>' . KLocaleService::t('step7.username') . '</th> 
            <td><input name="username" tabindex="3" type="text" class="form-control" value="' . ($u ? $u : '') . '" /></td>'; 
        $this->_content .= '<tr><th>' . KLocaleService::t('step7.password') . '</th> 
            <td><input name="password" tabindex="4" type="text" class="form-control" value="' . ($p ? $p : '') . '" /></td>'; 
        $this->_content .= '<tr><th>' . KLocaleService::t('step7.prefix') . '</th> 
            <td><input name="prefix" tabindex="5" type="text" class="form-control" value="' . ($pr ? $pr : 'keitaro_') . '" /></td>'; 
        $this->_content .= '</table>'; 
        if ($data->getStatus()) { 
            $this->_footer .= '<button autofocus class="btn btn-success" name="step" value="7" type="submit">' . KLocaleService::t('continue') . '</button>'; 
        } else { 
            $this->_footer .= '<div class="status-error">' . $data->getErrorText() . '</div>'; 
            $this->_footer .= '<button autofocus class="btn btn-success" name="step" value="7" type="submit">' . KLocaleService::t('retry') . '</button>'; 
    private function _step8(SingleElementResultSet $data) 
        $this->_title = KLocaleService::t('step8.title'); 
        if ($data->getStatus()) { 
            $this->_content .= KLocaleService::t('step8.import_success'); 
            $this->_footer .= '<button autofocus class="btn btn-success" name="step" value="9" type="submit">' . KLocaleService::t('continue') . '</button>'; 
        } else { 
            $this->_footer .= '<div class="status-error">' . $data->getErrorText() . '</div>'; 
            $this->_footer .= '<button autofocus class="btn btn-success" name="step" value="7" type="submit">' . KLocaleService::t('retry') . '</button>'; 
    private function _step9(ElementArrayResultSet $data) 
        $login = ParameterService::instance()->getKeitaroLogin(); 
        $pass = ParameterService::instance()->getKeitaroPass(); 
        $passConfirm = ParameterService::instance()->getKeitaroPassConfirm(); 
        $language = ParameterService::instance()->getLanguage(); 
        $extra = ParameterService::instance()->getExtraUrl(); 
        $timezone = ParameterService::instance()->getTimezone(); 
        $this->_title = KLocaleService::t('step9.title'); 
        $this->_content .= '<table class="table">'; 
        $this->_content .= '<tr><th>' . KLocaleService::t('step9.login') . '</th> 
            <td><input name="login" type="text" class="form-control" value="' . ($login ? $login : 'admin') . '" /></td>'; 
        $this->_content .= '<tr><th>' . KLocaleService::t('step9.password') . '</th> 
            <td><input name="password" type="password" class="form-control" value="' . ($pass ? $pass : '') . '" /></td>'; 
        $this->_content .= '<tr><th>' . KLocaleService::t('step9.confirm_password') . '</th> 
            <td><input name="password-confirm" type="password" class="form-control" value="' . ($passConfirm ? $passConfirm : '') . '" /></td>'; 
        $this->_content .= '<tr><th>' . KLocaleService::t('step9.extra_url') . '</th> 
            <td><input name="extra-url" type="text" class="form-control" value="' . ($extra ? $extra : '') . '" /> 
            <p class="description smaller">' . KLocaleService::t('step9.extra_url_description') . '</p> 
        $selectedStorage = ParameterService::instance()->getCacheStorage(); 
        $avaliableStorages = StatusCheckerService::instance()->getAvaliableCacheStorages(); 
        $this->_content .= '<tr><th>' . KLocaleService::t('step9.cache_storage') . '</th> 
        foreach ($avaliableStorages as $storage) { 
            $this->_content .= '<label><input name="cache_storage" type="radio" value="' . $storage[0] . '" ' . ($selectedStorage == $storage[0] ? 'checked' : '') . ' /> ' . $storage[1] . '</label>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'; 
        $this->_content .= '</td>'; 
        $draft = ParameterService::instance()->getDraftStorage(); 
        $this->_content .= '<tr><th>' . KLocaleService::t('step9.draft_storage') . '</th> 
            <label><input name="draft_storage" type="radio" value="files" ' . ($draft == 'files' ? 'checked' : '') . ' /> Files</label>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 
            <label><input name="draft_storage" type="radio" value="db" ' . ($draft == 'db' ? 'checked' : '') . ' /> MySQL</label>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 
            <label><input name="draft_storage" type="radio" value="redis" ' . ($draft == 'redis' ? 'checked' : '') . ' /> Redis</label> 
        $prefLanguage = KLocaleService::getPreferredLanguage(); 
        if ($language) { 
            $prefLanguage = $language; 
        $this->_content .= '<tr><th>' . KLocaleService::t('step9.ui_language') . '</th> 
            <label><input name="language" type="radio" value="ru" ' . ($prefLanguage == 'ru' ? 'checked' : '') . ' /> </label>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 
            <label><input name="language" type="radio" value="en" ' . ($prefLanguage == 'en' ? 'checked' : '') . ' /> english</label> 
        $currency = ParameterService::instance()->getCurrency(); 
        if (!$currency) { 
            if ($prefLanguage == 'en') { 
                $currency = 'USD'; 
            } else { 
                $currency = 'RUB'; 
        $this->_content .= '<tr><th>' . KLocaleService::t('step9.ui_currency') . '</th> 
            <label><input name="currency" type="radio" value="RUB" ' . ($currency == 'RUB' ? 'checked' : '') . ' /> RUB (&#8381)</label>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 
            <label><input name="currency" type="radio" value="USD" ' . ($currency == 'USD' ? 'checked' : '') . ' /> USD ($)</label>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 
            <label><input name="currency" type="radio" value="EUR" ' . ($currency == 'EUR' ? 'checked' : '') . ' /> EUR ()</label>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 
            <label><input name="currency" type="radio" value="GBP" ' . ($currency == 'GBP' ? 'checked' : '') . ' /> GBP ()</label>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 
            <label><input name="currency" type="radio" value="UAH" ' . ($currency == 'UAH' ? 'checked' : '') . ' /> UAH ()</label> 
        if (ConfigService::instance()->isKeitaro8()) { 
            $this->_content .= '<tr><th>' . KLocaleService::t('step9.ui_timezone') . '</th> 
            <select name="timezone">'; 
            if (empty($timezone)) { 
                $timezone = ConfigService::instance()->getDefaultTimezone(); 
            foreach (ConfigService::instance()->getTimezones() as $key => $value) { 
                $this->_content .= '<option value="' . $value . '" ' . ($value == $timezone ? 'selected' : '') . '>' . $key . '</option>'; 
            $this->_content .= '</select> 
        $this->_content .= '</table>'; 
        if ($data->getStatus()) { 
            $this->_footer .= '<button autofocus class="btn btn-success" name="step" value="9" type="submit">' . KLocaleService::t('continue') . '</button>'; 
        } else { 
            foreach ($data->getErrorTexts() as $text) { 
                $this->_footer .= '<div class="status-error">' . $text . '</div>'; 
            $this->_footer .= '<button autofocus class="btn btn-success" name="step" value="9" type="submit">' . KLocaleService::t('retry') . '</button>'; 
    private function _step10($data) 
        $this->_title = KLocaleService::t('step10.title'); 
        $content = KLocaleService::t('step10.instruction'); 
        $content = str_replace('@document_root@', ConfigService::instance()->getDocumentRoot(), $content); 
        $content = str_replace('@path@', ConfigService::instance()->getPath(), $content); 
        $content = str_replace('@host@', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], $content); 
        $this->_content .= $content; 
        $this->_footer .= '<button autofocus class="btn btn-success" name="step" value="11" type="submit">' . KLocaleService::t('continue') . '</button>'; 
    private function _step11($data) 
        $this->_title = KLocaleService::t('step11.title'); 
        $this->_content .= KLocaleService::t('step11.installation_complete'); 
        $this->_content .= '<ul class="list-unstyled">'; 
        $this->_content .= '<li><a href="?step=12">http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . ConfigService::instance()->getPath() . '/admin</a></li>'; 
        $this->_content .= '<li>' . KLocaleService::t('step11.login') . ': ' . ParameterService::instance()->getPersistent('login') . '</li>'; 
        $this->_content .= '<li>' . KLocaleService::t('step11.password') . ': ' . ParameterService::instance()->getPersistent('password') . '</li>'; 
        $this->_content .= '</ul>'; 
        $this->_footer .= '<button autofocus class="btn btn-success" name="step" value="12" type="submit">' . KLocaleService::t('step11.start') . '</button>'; 
    private function _step12($data) 
        header('LOCATION: ' . ConfigService::instance()->getPath() . '/admin/'); 
    private function _wrapSuccess($text) 
        return '<div class="status-success"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok-circle"></i> ' . $text . '</div>'; 
    private function _wrapError($text) 
        return '<div class="status-error"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-ban-circle"></i> ' . $text . '</div>'; 
    private function renderPage($step) 
        $content = self::MAIN_TEMPLATE; 
        $content = str_replace('#DOMAIN#', ConfigService::SITENAME, $content); 
        $content = str_replace('#CONTENT#', $this->_content, $content); 
        $content = str_replace('#FOOTER#', $this->_footer, $content); 
        $content = str_replace('#STEP#', (int) $step, $content); 
        $content = str_replace('#TITLE#', $this->_title, $content); 
        $content = str_replace('#MAIN_TITLE#', KLocaleService::t('main_title'), $content); 
        $content = str_replace('#DOCUMENTATION#', KLocaleService::t('documentation'), $content); 
        $content = str_replace('#CURRENT_STEP#', (int) $step, $content); 
        $content = str_replace('#ANOTHER_LANG#', $this->_getAnotherLang(), $content); 
        $content = str_replace('#CHANGE_LANG#', $this->_getChangeLangText(), $content); 
        $content = str_replace('#WIKI#', $this->_getWikiDomain(), $content); 
        echo $content; 
    private function _getWikiDomain() 
        if (KLocaleService::getPreferredLanguage() == 'ru') { 
            return ''; 
        } else { 
            return ''; 
    private function _getAnotherLang() 
        if (KLocaleService::getPreferredLanguage() == 'ru') { 
            return 'en'; 
        } else { 
            return 'ru'; 
    private function _getChangeLangText() 
        if (KLocaleService::getPreferredLanguage() == 'ru') { 
            return 'RU  EN'; 
        } else { 
            return 'EN  RU'; 
    public function renderStepPage($step, $data) 
        $action = '_step' . $step; 
    public function renderLockedPage() 
        $this->_title = KLocaleService::t('installation_locked'); 
        $this->_content = KLocaleService::t('remove_lock'); 
namespace Controllers { 
use Views\ViewInterface; 
use Models\StepModelInterface; 
use Services\KLocaleService; 
class InstallController 
    private $_view = null; 
    private $_model = null; 
    public function __construct(ViewInterface $view, StepModelInterface $model) 
        $this->_view = $view; 
        $this->_model = $model; 
    private function _checkLang() 
        if (isset($_GET['lang'])) { 
    public function dispatchSingle() 
        if (!defined('CHECKER') && file_exists('var/install.lock')) { 
        } else { 
            $step = $this->_model->getCurrentStep(); 
            $data = $this->_model->getCurrentStepData(); 
            $this->_view->renderStepPage($step, $data); 
    public function dispatchChain() 
        if (file_exists('var/install.lock')) { 
        } else { 
            while (true) { 
                $step = $this->_model->getCurrentStep(); 
                $data = $this->_model->getCurrentStepData(); 
                if ($data === false) { 
                $newStep = $this->_view->renderStepPage($step, $data); 
namespace Services { 
class AbstractService 
    protected static $_instances = array(); 
    public static function instance() 
        $className = get_called_class(); 
        if (!isset(static::$_instances[$className])) { 
            static::$_instances[$className] = new $className(); 
        return static::$_instances[$className]; 
    public static function isInitialized() 
        $className = get_called_class(); 
        return isset(static::$_instances[$className]); 
    public static function reset() 
        $className = get_called_class(); 
        static::$_instances[$className] = null; 
namespace Services { 
use ResultSets\GeneralResult; 
class IdentityService extends AbstractService 
    public function getKey() 
        return file_get_contents('./var/license/key.lic'); 
    public function getIp() 
        $settingsIp = ParameterService::instance()->getIp(); 
        if ($settingsIp) { 
            return $settingsIp; 
        $resolveMethod = $this->getResolveMethod(); 
        if ($this->_isValid($resolveMethod)) { 
            return $resolveMethod; 
        return call_user_func(array($this, '_get' . ucfirst($resolveMethod) . 'Ip')); 
    private function _isValid($ip) 
        if (filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP) === false) { 
            return false; 
        if (strpos($ip, '127.') === 0) { 
            return false; 
        return strpos($ip, '192.168.') !== 0; 
    public function getResolveMethod() 
        if ($ip = ParameterService::instance()->getPersistent(ParameterService::IP)) { 
            $resolveMethod = $ip; 
        } else { 
            $resolveMethod = RESOLVE_METHOD; 
        if ($this->_isValid($resolveMethod)) { 
            return $resolveMethod; 
        if ($resolveMethod == 'domain') { 
            $order = array('domain', 'server'); 
        } else { 
            $order = array('server', 'domain'); 
        $ip = null; 
        foreach ($order as $method) { 
            $ip = call_user_func(array($this, '_get' . ucfirst($method) . 'Ip')); 
            if ($this->_isValid($ip)) { 
                return $method; 
        return 'domain'; 
    private function _getServerIp() 
        $ip = isset($_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] : ''; 
        $ip = str_replace('::ffff:', '', $ip); 
        return $ip; 
    private function _getDomainIp() 
        return gethostbyname(@$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); 
    public function saveLicense($licenseKey) 
        if (!is_dir('./var')) { 
            mkdir('./var', 0777); 
        if (!is_dir('./var/license')) { 
            mkdir('./var/license', 0777); 
        if (!is_dir('./var/license/')) { 
            return new GeneralResult(false, KLocaleService::t('step2.permission_error')); 
        file_put_contents('./var/license/key.lic', $licenseKey); 
        return new GeneralResult(true, ""); 
    public function validateLicense($key) 
        $ip = $this->getIp(); 
        $url = ConfigService::SITENAME . '/license/api/check?key=' . urlencode($key) . '&ip=' . $ip; 
        $result = DownloadService::instance()->request($url); 
        if (!$result->getStatus()) { 
            return $result; 
        if (trim($result->getDesc()) == 'success') { 
            return new GeneralResult(true, ""); 
        return new GeneralResult(false, KLocaleService::t('step2.license_error')); 
namespace Services { 
class ParameterService extends AbstractService 
    const DOMAIN = 'cliDomain'; 
    const IP = 'cliIp'; 
    const KEY = 'cliKey'; 
    const DB_HOST = 'cliDbHost'; 
    const DB_PREFIX = 'cliDbPrefix'; 
    const DB_USER = 'cliDbUser'; 
    const DB_NAME = 'cliDbName'; 
    const DB_PASS = 'cliDbPass'; 
    const ADMIN_LOGIN = 'cliAdminLogin'; 
    const ADMIN_PASS = 'cliAdminPass'; 
    const ADMIN_PASS_CONFIRM = 'cliAdminPassConfirm'; 
    const EXTRA_URL = 'cliExtraUrl'; 
    const DRAFT_STORAGE = 'cliDraftStorage'; 
    const CACHE_STORAGE = 'cliCacheStorage'; 
    const LANGUAGE = 'cliLanguage'; 
    const CURRENCY = 'cliCurrency'; 
    const VERSION = 'cliVersion'; 
    const TIMEZONE = 'cliTimezone'; 
    private $_cliParams = array(); 
    private function isCli() 
        return php_sapi_name() == 'cli' && !defined("PRELOADER"); 
    private function setCliParam($key, $val) 
        $this->_cliParams[$key] = $val; 
    private function getCliParam($key) 
        if (isset($this->_cliParams[$key])) { 
            return $this->_cliParams[$key]; 
        } else { 
            return false; 
    private function getPostParam($name) 
        if (!empty($_POST[$name])) { 
            return $_POST[$name]; 
        } else { 
            return false; 
    private function saveInSession($key, $val) 
        $_SESSION[$key] = $val; 
    private function getFromSession($key) 
        return @$_SESSION[$key]; 
    private function removeFromSession($key) 
    public function getIp() 
        if ($this->isCli()) { 
            return $this->getCliParam(self::IP); 
        } else { 
            return false; 
    public function getLicense() 
        if ($this->isCli()) { 
            return $this->getCliParam(self::KEY); 
        } else { 
            return $this->getPostParam('licenseKey'); 
    public function getVersion() 
        if ($this->isCli()) { 
            return $this->getCliParam(self::VERSION); 
        } else { 
            return $this->getPostParam('version'); 
    public function getHostName() 
        if ($this->isCli()) { 
            return $this->getCliParam(self::DB_HOST); 
        } else { 
            return $this->getPostParam('hostname'); 
    public function getUserName() 
        if ($this->isCli()) { 
            return $this->getCliParam(self::DB_USER); 
        } else { 
            return $this->getPostParam('username'); 
    public function getPassword() 
        if ($this->isCli()) { 
            return $this->getCliParam(self::DB_PASS); 
        } else { 
            return $this->getPostParam('password'); 
    public function getDbName() 
        if ($this->isCli()) { 
            return $this->getCliParam(self::DB_NAME); 
        } else { 
            return $this->getPostParam('dbname'); 
    public function getCreateDatabaseParam() 
        if ($this->isCli()) { 
            return false; 
        } else { 
            return $this->getPostParam('create'); 
    public function getPrefixParam() 
        if ($this->isCli()) { 
            return $this->getCliParam(self::DB_PREFIX); 
        } else { 
            return $this->getPostParam('prefix'); 
    public function getKeitaroLogin() 
        if ($this->isCli()) { 
            return $this->getCliParam(self::ADMIN_LOGIN); 
        } else { 
            return $this->getPostParam('login'); 
    public function getKeitaroPass() 
        if ($this->isCli()) { 
            return $this->getCliParam(self::ADMIN_PASS); 
        } else { 
            return $this->getPostParam('password'); 
    public function getKeitaroPassConfirm() 
        if ($this->isCli()) { 
            return $this->getCliParam(self::ADMIN_PASS_CONFIRM); 
        } else { 
            return $this->getPostParam('password-confirm'); 
    public function getExtraUrl() 
        if ($this->isCli()) { 
            return $this->getCliParam(self::EXTRA_URL); 
        } else { 
            return $this->getPostParam('extra-url'); 
    public function getLanguage() 
        if ($this->isCli()) { 
            return $this->getCliParam(self::LANGUAGE); 
        } else { 
            return $this->getPostParam('language'); 
    public function getCurrency() 
        if ($this->isCli()) { 
            return $this->getCliParam(self::CURRENCY); 
        } else { 
            return $this->getPostParam('currency'); 
    public function getCacheStorage() 
        if ($this->isCli()) { 
            $cache = $this->getCliParam(self::CACHE_STORAGE); 
        } else { 
            $cache = $this->getPostParam('cache_storage'); 
        if (!$cache) { 
            $cache = 'files'; 
        return $cache; 
    public function getDraftStorage() 
        if ($this->isCli()) { 
            $draft = $this->getCliParam(self::DRAFT_STORAGE); 
        } else { 
            $draft = $this->getPostParam('draft_storage'); 
        if (!$draft) { 
            $draft = 'files'; 
        return $draft; 
    public function getTimezone() 
        if ($this->isCli()) { 
            $timezone = $this->getCliParam(self::TIMEZONE); 
        } else { 
            $timezone = $this->getPostParam('timezone'); 
        return $timezone; 
    public function savePersistent($key, $val) 
        if ($this->isCli()) { 
            $this->setCliParam($key, $val); 
        } else { 
            $this->saveInSession($key, $val); 
    public function getPersistent($key) 
        if ($this->isCli()) { 
            return $this->getCliParam($key); 
        } else { 
            return $this->getFromSession($key); 
    public function removeAllPersistent() 
namespace ResultSets { 
interface ResultSetInterface 
    public function getStatus(); 
namespace ResultSets { 
use Services\ConfigService; 
use Services\IdentityService; 
use Services\KLocaleService; 
use Services\StatusCheckerService; 
class Step1ResultSet implements ResultSetInterface 
    const HEADER_COL = 0; 
    const TEXT_COL = 1; 
    const STATUS_COL = 2; 
    public $ip = null; 
    public $php = null; 
    public $mysql = null; 
    public $safemode = null; 
    public $xcache = null; 
    public $iconv = null; 
    public $mbstring = null; 
    public $zlib = null; 
    public $curl = null; 
    public $permissions = null; 
    public $ioncube = null; 
    public $zip = null; 
    public $json = null; 
    public $hash = null; 
    public function getStatus() 
        $result = true; 
        foreach ($this as $key => $value) { 
            if (!$value->getStatus()) { 
                $result = false; 
        return $result; 
    public function getMemberRow($member) 
        $result = array(); 
        $result[self::HEADER_COL] = KLocaleService::t('step1.' . $member); 
        $result[self::TEXT_COL] = $this->{$member}->getDesc(); 
        $result[self::STATUS_COL] = $this->{$member}->getStatus(); 
        return $result; 
namespace Services { 
use ResultSets\GeneralResult; 
class StatusCheckerService extends AbstractService 
    const IONCUBE_OLD_VERSION = 2; 
    const IONCUBE_INSTALLED = 3; 
    public static function checkMysqlStatus() 
        if (!extension_loaded('pdo_mysql')) { 
            return new GeneralResult(false, KLocaleService::t('step1.not_installed')); 
        } else { 
            return new GeneralResult(true, KLocaleService::t('step1.installed')); 
    public static function checkPhpVersion() 
        if (version_compare(phpversion(), ConfigService::MIN_PHP_VERSION) > 0) { 
            return new GeneralResult(true, phpversion()); 
        } else { 
            return new GeneralResult(false, phpversion() . ' - ' . KLocaleService::t('step1.no_php5')); 
    public static function checkXcacheStatus() 
        if (extension_loaded('xcache')) { 
            return new GeneralResult(false, KLocaleService::t('step1.xcache_installed')); 
        } else { 
            return new GeneralResult(true, KLocaleService::t('step1.not_installed')); 
    public static function checkIconvStatus() 
        if (!function_exists('iconv')) { 
            return new GeneralResult(false, KLocaleService::t('step1.not_installed')); 
        } else { 
            return new GeneralResult(true, KLocaleService::t('step1.installed')); 
    public static function checkCurlStatus() 
        if (!function_exists('curl_init')) { 
            return new GeneralResult(false, KLocaleService::t('step1.not_installed')); 
        } else { 
            return new GeneralResult(true, KLocaleService::t('step1.installed')); 
    public static function checkZlibStatus() 
        if (!function_exists('gzopen') && !function_exists('gzopen64')) { 
            return new GeneralResult(false, KLocaleService::t('step1.not_installed')); 
        } else { 
            return new GeneralResult(true, KLocaleService::t('step1.installed')); 
    public static function checkDirStatus() 
        if (!is_writeable('./')) { 
            return new GeneralResult(false, KLocaleService::t('step1.dir_isnt_writable')); 
        } else { 
            return new GeneralResult(true, KLocaleService::t('step1.dir_is_writable')); 
    public static function checkSafeModeStatus() 
        if (ini_get('safe_mode') == 1 || ini_get('safe_mode') === 'on') { 
            return new GeneralResult(false, KLocaleService::t('step1.safe_mode_enable')); 
        } else { 
            return new GeneralResult(true, KLocaleService::t('step1.safe_mode_disable')); 
    public static function checkMbStatus() 
        if (!function_exists('mb_internal_encoding')) { 
            return new GeneralResult(false, KLocaleService::t('step1.not_installed')); 
        } else { 
            return new GeneralResult(true, KLocaleService::t('step1.installed')); 
    public static function checkIpStatus($ip) 
        if (strpos($ip, '127.') === 0 || strpos($ip, '192.168.') === 0) { 
            return new GeneralResult(false, '<strong>' . $ip . '</strong>  ' . KLocaleService::t('step1.should_be_external')); 
        } else { 
            return new GeneralResult(true, $ip); 
    public static function checkIoncubeStatus() 
        if (!extension_loaded('ionCube Loader')) { 
            return new GeneralResult(false, KLocaleService::t('step1.not_installed') . '  <a href="">' . KLocaleService::t('step1.ioncube_installation') . '</a>'); 
        } else { 
            $version = ioncube_loader_version(); 
            if (version_compare(ConfigService::MIN_IONCUBE_VERSION, $version) <= 0) { 
                return new GeneralResult(true, KLocaleService::t('step1.installed')); 
            } else { 
                return new GeneralResult(false, ioncube_loader_version() . '  ' . KLocaleService::t('step1.min_version') . ' ' . ConfigService::MIN_IONCUBE_VERSION); 
    public static function checkRedisStatus() 
        if (!class_exists('Redis')) { 
            return new GeneralResult(false, ""); 
        } else { 
            return new GeneralResult(true, ""); 
    public static function checkSqliteStatus() 
        if (!extension_loaded('pdo_sqlite')) { 
            return new GeneralResult(false, ""); 
        } else { 
            return new GeneralResult(true, ""); 
    public static function checkMemcacheStatus() 
        if (!function_exists("memcache_connect")) { 
            return new GeneralResult(false, ""); 
        } else { 
            return new GeneralResult(true, ""); 
    public static function checkZipStatus() 
        if (!extension_loaded('zip')) { 
            return new GeneralResult(false, KLocaleService::t('step1.not_installed')); 
        } else { 
            return new GeneralResult(true, KLocaleService::t('step1.installed')); 
    public static function checkJsonStatus() 
        if (!function_exists('json_encode')) { 
            return new GeneralResult(false, KLocaleService::t('step1.not_installed')); 
        } else { 
            return new GeneralResult(true, KLocaleService::t('step1.installed')); 
    public static function checkHashStatus() 
        if (!function_exists('hash')) { 
            return new GeneralResult(false, KLocaleService::t('step1.not_installed')); 
        } else { 
            return new GeneralResult(true, KLocaleService::t('step1.installed')); 
    public function getAvaliableCacheStorages() 
        $storages = array(array("files", KLocaleService::t('step9.files'))); 
        if ($this->checkRedisStatus()->getStatus()) { 
            $storages[] = array("redis", "Redis"); 
        if ($this->checkMemcacheStatus()->getStatus()) { 
            $storages[] = array("memcache", "Memcache"); 
        if ($this->checkSqliteStatus()->getStatus()) { 
            $storages[] = array("sqlite", "Sqlite"); 
        $storages[] = array("off", KLocaleService::t('step9.no_cache')); 
        return $storages; 
namespace ResultSets { 
class GeneralResult implements ResultSetInterface 
    private $_status; 
    private $_desc; 
    public function __construct($status, $desc) 
        $this->_status = $status; 
        $this->_desc = $desc; 
    public function getStatus() 
        return $this->_status; 
    public function getDesc() 
        return $this->_desc; 
namespace Services { 
class KLocaleService extends AbstractService 
    protected static $_data = array('ru' => array('main_title' => ' Keitaro', 'step1' => array('title' => '  ', 'mysql' => ' PDO MySQL', 'safemode' => ' Safemode', 'ioncube' => 'IonCube Loader', 'php' => ' PHP 5.4  ', 'iconv' => ' iconv', 'mbstring' => ' <a href="">mbstring</a>', 'curl' => ' CURL', 'permissions' => '   ', 'ip' => 'IP ', 'min_version' => ' Keitaro 7   5.0  ', 'success' => '<p><b>  .</b></p><p>   Keitaro   </p>', 'failure' => '   ', 'retry' => '  ', 'not_installed' => ' ', 'installed' => '', 'no_php5' => ' PHP 5.4  ', 'dir_isnt_writable' => '           ', 'dir_is_writable' => ' ', 'safe_mode_enable' => '   ', 'safe_mode_disable' => '', 'should_be_external' => '  IP', 'ioncube_installation' => '  ', 'storage_recommend' => '  APC  Memcache ( )', 'zlib' => ' <a href="">zlib</a>', 'xcache' => 'Xcache', 'xcache_installed' => '.  xcache       "502 Bad Gateway".', 'zip' => ' <a href="">Zip</a>', 'json' => ' <a href="">JSON</a>', 'hash' => ' <a href="">Hash</a>'), 'step2' => array('title' => ' ', 'permission_error' => '    .', 'ip' => '     IP ', 'license_error' => '           IP', 'enter_key' => '   :', 'check' => ''), 'step3' => array('title' => ' ', 'delete_www' => '  "www"   TDS', 'choose_version' => ' ', 'description' => '<p>      60 . ,          .</p> 
                        <p>          ,    <a href="?step=5">  </a>.</p> 
                        <p>&nbsp;</p>', 'warning' => '<p><b>!</b>     index.php  .htaccess   . </p>', 'start' => ' ', 'ignore_index' => ' index.php'), 'step4' => array('title' => ' ', 'connection_error' => '    .', 'permission_error' => '   .   777   .', 'tools_error' => '      .   .', 'success' => '  Keitaro .    .', 'unpacked' => '  Keitaro .', 'unpack_error' => '   . ,             30.', 'download_error' => '   . 
                      <a target="_blank" href=""></a>,     ', 'curl_error' => 'curl_exec    PHP'), 'step5' => array('title' => '  ', 'description' => '   : geoip, , .'), 'step6' => array('title' => '  ', 'success' => '   ', 'cant_download_file' => '   ', 'crc32_failed' => '   .   .'), 'step7' => array('title' => '    ', 'host' => '', 'db' => ' ', 'username' => ' ', 'password' => '', 'create_db' => ' ', 'prefix' => ' ', 'cant_create' => '    ', 'db_error' => '     ', 'connection_error' => '     ', 'config_permission_error' => '      application/config.'), 'step8' => array('title' => '      ', 'import_success' => '  .', 'import_failure' => '    .'), 'step9' => array('title' => '  ', 'login' => ' ', 'password' => '', 'confirm_password' => ' ', 'extra_url' => '  ', 'extra_url_description' => '     . ,     .', 'login_error' => ' .', 'password_error' => ' .', 'passwords_mismatch' => '  .', 'extra_url_error' => '  URL.', 'extra_url_incorrect' => 'URL    http://  https://', 'ui_language' => ' ', 'ui_currency' => '', 'ui_timezone' => '  ', 'draft_storage' => '   ', 'draft_no_redis' => 'Redis  ', 'cache_storage' => '', 'files' => '', 'no_cache' => ' '), 'step10' => array('title' => '   CRON', 'instruction' => ' 
                <p>     (Cron\').</p> 
                <p>       .</p> 
                <p> : <code> </code> 
                <p>:     . 
                <h4> 1:    PHP</h4> 
                <p><code>php @document_root@/cron.php</code></p> 
                <h4> 2:   wget</h4> 
                <p><code>wget -O /dev/null -q http://@host@@path@/cron.php</code></p> 
                <h4> 3:   Crontab:</h4> 
                <p>  : <code>crontab -e</code> 
                <p> <code>* * * * * php @document_root@/cron.php</code></p> 
                <h4> 3:   Crontab:</h4> 
                <p>  : <code>crontab -e</code> 
                <p> <code>* * * * * php @document_root@/cron.php</code></p> 
                <p>  PHP 7.0 <code>/opt/php7.0/bin/php @document_root@/cron.php</code></p> 
                <p>  PHP 5.6 <code>/opt/php5.6/bin/php @document_root@/cron.php</code></p> 
                <p> <code>/opt/bin/php @document_root@/cron.php</code></p> 
                <p>           <a target="_blank" href=""></a></p>'), 'step11' => array('title' => ' !', 'installation_complete' => '<p>     Keitaro.</p> 
                    <p>  -    ,    .</p> 
                    <p>  install.php  ,   .</p><br />', 'start' => '  ', 'login' => '', 'password' => ''), 'documentation' => '', 'continue' => '', 'retry' => '', 'installation_locked' => ' ', 'remove_lock' => '    "/var/install.lock".'), 'en' => array('main_title' => 'Keitaro Installation', 'step1' => array('title' => 'Server Configuration', 'mysql' => 'PDO MySQL', 'safemode' => 'Safe-mode must be disabled', 'php' => 'PHP version 5.4 - 5.6', 'ioncube' => 'IonCube Loader', 'iconv' => 'Iconv extension', 'mbstring' => 'Mbstring extension', 'curl' => 'CURL extension', 'permissions' => 'Writable permissions to current directory', 'ip' => 'Server IP', 'min_version' => 'Keitaro 7 requires 5.0 o greater', 'success' => '<p><b>Checks done.</b></p><p>You can install Keitaro!</p>', 'failure' => 'Please fix the issues and press "Retry"', 'retry' => 'Retry', 'not_installed' => 'Not installed', 'installed' => 'Installed', 'no_php5' => 'Need PHP 5.4 or newer', 'dir_isnt_writable' => 'No writable permissions. Please set attributes for current directory to 775 or 777.', 'dir_is_writable' => 'Writable', 'safe_mode_enable' => 'Enabled. You must disable safe-mode.', 'safe_mode_disable' => 'Disabled', 'should_be_external' => 'IP must be external', 'ioncube_installation' => 'Instruction (RU)', 'storage_recommend' => 'APC or Memcache recommended', 'zlib' => '<a href="">Zlib</a> extension', 'xcache' => 'Xcache', 'xcache_installed' => 'We recommend you to disable xcache extension.', 'zip' => '<a href="">Zip</a> extension', 'json' => '<a href="">JSON</a> extension', 'hash' => '<a href="">Hash</a> extension'), 'step2' => array('title' => 'License Key', 'ip' => 'License must be assigned to IP', 'permission_error' => 'Unable to create folder to save license key.', 'license_error' => 'Key is invalid. Please check your license key and IP address', 'enter_key' => 'Please enter your license key', 'check' => 'Check'), 'step3' => array('title' => 'Install files', 'delete_www' => 'Please, remove folder "www" from current directory', 'choose_version' => 'Choose version', 'description' => '<p>Press "Continue" to download and unpack Keitaro.</p>', 'warning' => '<b>Warning!</b> Files that contains current directory will be replaced.', 'start' => 'Continue', 'ignore_index' => 'Replace index.php'), 'step4' => array('title' => 'Unpacking', 'connection_error' => 'Can\'t connect to the server. Please check firewall settings.', 'permission_error' => 'Can\'t unpack files. Please check permissions to current directory.', 'tools_error' => 'Unable to use any tools to download package.', 'success' => 'Keitaro has been downloaded', 'unpacked' => 'Keitaro has been unpacked', 'unpack_error' => 'Unable to unpack files. Current directory must have writable permissions and free space should be more than 30MB.', 'download_error' => 'Unable to download archive. Please, check your firewall settings.', 'curl_error' => 'curl_exec disabled in PHP settings'), 'step5' => array('title' => 'External Databases', 'description' => 'Press "Continue" to download external databases.'), 'step6' => array('title' => 'External Databases', 'success' => 'Files successfully unpacked!', 'cant_download_file' => 'Unable to download file ', 'crc32_failed' => 'Downloaded file is corrupted. Please press Retry.'), 'step7' => array('title' => 'MySQL Settings', 'host' => 'Hostname', 'db' => 'DB name', 'username' => 'Username', 'password' => 'Password', 'create_db' => 'create database', 'prefix' => 'Table Prefix', 'cant_create' => 'Unable to create database. Please create it from your server control panel', 'db_error' => 'Unable to connect to database. Please check username and password', 'connection_error' => 'Unable to connect to database', 'config_permission_error' => 'No writable permissions on application/config. Please set 775 or 777.'), 'step8' => array('title' => 'MySQL Schema Import', 'import_success' => 'DB schema has been successfully imported!', 'import_failure' => 'DB error occured during import.'), 'step9' => array('title' => 'Create User', 'login' => 'Admin Login', 'password' => 'Admin Password', 'confirm_password' => 'Repeat Password', 'extra_url' => 'Domain redirect', 'extra_url_description' => 'You can write "" for now. Later yu can change it in the Setting page.', 'login_error' => 'Please enter login.', 'password_error' => 'Please enter password.', 'passwords_mismatch' => 'Passwords are not match.', 'extra_url_error' => 'Please enter Domain redirect.', 'extra_url_incorrect' => 'URL must contain http:// or https://', 'ui_language' => 'UI Language', 'ui_currency' => 'Currency', 'ui_timezone' => 'UI Timezone', 'draft_storage' => 'Storage for draft data', 'draft_no_redis' => 'Redis not found', 'cache_storage' => 'Cache Storage', 'files' => 'Files', 'no_cache' => 'Do not cache'), 'step10' => array('title' => 'Schedule Cron', 'instruction' => ' 
                <p>Now create new job to Cron.</p> 
                <p>Interval: <code>every minute</code></p> 
                <p>Command: choose one of the options below.</p> 
                <h4>Option 1: For Shared Hosting (with PHP-CLI)</h4> 
                <p>Command:</b> <code>php @document_root@/cron.php</code></p> 
                <h4>Option 2: Dedicated and Virtual Servers (with Curl)</h4> 
                <p><code>curl -s http://@host@@path@/cron.php > /dev/null</code></p> 
                <h4>Option 3: Crontab:</h4> 
                <p>Run <code>crontab -e</code></p> 
                <p>And add <code>* * * * * php @document_root@/cron.php</code></p> 
                <p>More information about cron please visit <a target="_blank" href=""></a> 
                </p>'), 'step11' => array('title' => 'Installation Finished', 'installation_complete' => '<p>Thank you for choosing Keitaro.</p> 
                    <p>If you have any questions about Keitaro, please contact us through website</p> 
                    <p>Now you can remove install.php.</p> 
                    <br />', 'start' => 'Go to the control panel', 'login' => 'Login', 'password' => 'Password'), 'documentation' => 'Help', 'continue' => 'Continue', 'retry' => 'Retry', 'installation_locked' => 'Installation is locked', 'remove_lock' => 'If you want to unlock remove file "/var/install.lock".')); 
    protected static $_language; 
    protected static $_languages = array('ru', 'en'); 
    const DEFAULT_LANGUAGE = 'ru'; 
    public static function setPreferredLanguage($lang) 
        if (!in_array($lang, self::$_languages)) { 
            throw new Exception('Language ' . $lang . ' not exists'); 
        setcookie('installer_lang', $lang); 
        $_COOKIE['installer_lang'] = $lang; 
    public static function getPreferredLanguage() 
        $lang = self::DEFAULT_LANGUAGE; 
        if (isset($_COOKIE['installer_lang'])) { 
            $lang = $_COOKIE['installer_lang']; 
        } elseif (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"])) { 
            if (strstr($_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"], 'en')) { 
                $lang = 'en'; 
            if (strstr($_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"], 'ru')) { 
                $lang = 'ru'; 
        if (!in_array($lang, self::$_languages)) { 
            $lang = self::DEFAULT_LANGUAGE; 
        return $lang; 
    public static function get($key, $params = null) 
        $path = explode('.', $key); 
        $data = self::$_data[self::getPreferredLanguage()]; 
        $translation = self::_find($path, $data); 
        if (!isset($translation)) { 
            $translation = $key; 
        if ($params) { 
            if (!is_array($params)) { 
                $params = array($params); 
            $args = array_merge(array($translation), $params); 
            $translation = call_user_func_array('sprintf', $args); 
        return $translation; 
    public static function t($key, $params = null) 
        return self::get($key, $params); 
    protected static function _find($path, $data) 
        $key = array_shift($path); 
        if (!isset($data[$key])) { 
            return null; 
        if (count($path)) { 
            return self::_find($path, $data[$key]); 
        return $data[$key]; 
namespace Services { 
use Services\IdentityService; 
use Services\KLocaleService; 
use ResultSets\GeneralResult; 
class ConfigService extends AbstractService 
    private $_cnf = array(); 
    private $_versionPHP; 
    const SITENAME = ''; 
    const MIN_IONCUBE_VERSION = 5; 
    const MIN_PHP_VERSION = '5.4.0'; 
    public function getConfigIniPath() 
        return 'application/config/config.ini.php'; 
    public function getConfigIniSamplePath() 
        return 'application/config/config.ini.sample'; 
    public function getRemoteFiles() 
        $ip = IdentityService::instance()->getIp(); 
        $key = IdentityService::instance()->getKey(); 
        return array('GeoLiteCity' => array('path' => 'var/geoip/GeoLiteCity.dat', 'dataUrl' => '', 'crcUrl' => ''), 'SxGeoCity' => array('path' => 'var/geoip/SxGeoCity.dat', 'dataUrl' => '', 'crcUrl' => ''), 'operatorsV1' => array('path' => 'var/operators/operators.v1.dat', 'dataUrl' => '', 'crcUrl' => ''), 'operatorsV2' => array('path' => 'var/operators/operators.v2.dat', 'dataUrl' => '', 'crcUrl' => ''), 'bots' => array('path' => 'var/bots/bots.dat', 'dataUrl' => '', 'crcUrl' => ''), 'botsV2' => array('path' => 'var/bots/botsV2.dat', 'dataUrl' => '' . $ip . '&key=' . $key . '&extension=gz', 'crcUrl' => '' . $ip . '&key=' . $key . '&extension=crc'), 'carrierdb' => array('path' => 'var/geoip/carriers.dat', 'dataUrl' => '' . $ip . '&key=' . $key . '&extension=gz', 'crcUrl' => '' . $ip . '&key=' . $key . '&extension=crc')); 
    public function getDocumentRoot() 
        return dirname(__FILE__); 
    public function updateConfigFile($host, $user, $pass, $db, $prefix) 
        $salt = ''; 
        $config = file_get_contents($this->getConfigIniSamplePath()); 
        if (file_exists($this->getConfigIniPath())) { 
            $oldCnf = parse_ini_string(file_get_contents($this->getConfigIniPath()), true); 
            if ($oldCnf['system']['salt']) { 
                $salt = $oldCnf['system']['salt']; 
        if (!$salt) { 
            $salt = uniqid(mt_rand(), true); 
        $config = str_replace('#type#', 'mysql', $config); 
        $config = str_replace('#host#', $host, $config); 
        $config = str_replace('#login#', $user, $config); 
        $config = str_replace('#password#', $pass, $config); 
        $config = str_replace('#dbname#', $db, $config); 
        $config = str_replace('#prefix#', $prefix, $config); 
        $config = str_replace('#salt#', $salt, $config); 
        $config = str_replace('#resolve_method#', IdentityService::instance()->getResolveMethod(), $config); 
        if (!file_put_contents($this->getConfigIniPath(), $config)) { 
            return new GeneralResult(false, KLocaleService::t('step7.config_permission_error')); 
        } else { 
            return new GeneralResult(true, ""); 
    public function updateIniConfig() 
        $this->_cnf = parse_ini_string(file_get_contents($this->getConfigIniPath()), true); 
    public function getPath() 
        $tmp = explode('/', $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]); 
        unset($tmp[count($tmp) - 1]); 
        return implode('/', $tmp); 
    public function getIniConfig() 
        return $this->_cnf; 
    public function updateIniStore() 
        $config = file_get_contents($this->getConfigIniPath()); 
        if (!@file_put_contents($this->getConfigIniPath(), $config)) { 
            return new GeneralResult(false, KLocaleService::t('step7.config_permission_error')); 
        } else { 
            return new GeneralResult(true, ""); 
    public function getVersionPHP() 
        if (empty($this->_versionPHP)) { 
            $versionFileName = getcwd() . '/version.php'; 
            if (is_file($versionFileName)) { 
                $this->_versionPHP = (require $versionFileName); 
            } else { 
                return null; 
        return $this->_versionPHP; 
    public function isKeitaro8() 
        $version = $this->getVersionPHP(); 
        return $version[0] == '8'; 
    public function getTimezones() 
        $timezones = []; 
        foreach (\DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers() as $tz) { 
            $time = new \DateTime('now', new \DateTimeZone($tz)); 
            $name = '(GMT' . $time->format('P') . ') ' . $tz; 
            $timezones[$name] = $tz; 
        return $timezones; 
    public function getDefaultTimezone() 
        return date_default_timezone_get(); 
    public function isValidTimezone($timezone) 
        return in_array($timezone, \DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers()); 
    public function getUTCTime() 
        return gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s'); 
namespace ResultSets { 
use Services\IdentityService; 
use Services\KLocaleService; 
class SingleElementResultSet implements ResultSetInterface 
    public $element = false; 
    public function getStatus() 
        return $this->element->getStatus(); 
    public function getErrorText() 
        return $this->element->getDesc(); 
namespace ResultSets { 
use Services\ConfigService; 
use Services\IdentityService; 
use Services\KLocaleService; 
use Services\StatusCheckerService; 
class Step3ResultSet implements ResultSetInterface 
    public $www = null; 
    public $index = null; 
    public function getStatus() 
        return isset($this->www) && $this->www->getStatus(); 
    public function getMemberRow($member) 
        $result = array(); 
        $result[self::HEADER_COL] = KLocaleService::t('step1.' . $member); 
        $result[self::TEXT_COL] = $this->{$member}->getDesc(); 
        $result[self::STATUS_COL] = $this->{$member}->getStatus(); 
        return $result; 
namespace ResultSets { 
use Services\IdentityService; 
use Services\KLocaleService; 
class ElementArrayResultSet implements ResultSetInterface 
    private $_elements = array(); 
    public function addElement(GeneralResult $elem) 
        $this->_elements[] = $elem; 
    public function getStatus() 
        foreach ($this->_elements as $element) { 
            if (!$element->getStatus()) { 
                return false; 
        return true; 
    public function getErrorTexts() 
        $result = array(); 
        foreach ($this->_elements as $element) { 
            $result[] = $element->getDesc(); 
        return $result; 
namespace Services { 
use ResultSets\GeneralResult; 
class DownloadService extends AbstractService 
    public function request($url) 
        if (function_exists('curl_init')) { 
            if ($this->_isCurlDisabled()) { 
                return new GeneralResult(false, KLocaleService::t('step4.curl_error')); 
            $ch = curl_init($url); 
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); 
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 10); 
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); 
            $content = curl_exec($ch); 
            if ($error = curl_error($ch)) { 
                return new GeneralResult(false, KLocaleService::t('step4.connection_error')); 
        } else { 
            $f = fopen($url, 'r'); 
            $content = fread($f, 512000); 
            if (!$f) { 
                return new GeneralResult(false, KLocaleService::t('step4.connection_error')); 
        return new GeneralResult(true, $content); 
    public function download($from, $to) 
        if (!file_exists($from)) { 
            if (!ini_get('allow_url_fopen')) { 
                if (function_exists('curl_init')) { 
                    if ($this->_isCurlDisabled()) { 
                        return new GeneralResult(false, KLocaleService::t('step4.curl_error')); 
                    $ch = curl_init($from); 
                    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); 
                    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 100); 
                    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_BINARYTRANSFER, true); 
                    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); 
                    $content = curl_exec($ch); 
                    if ($error = curl_error($ch)) { 
                        return new GeneralResult(false, KLocaleService::t('step4.connection_error') . ' Curl error: ' . $error); 
                    if (!file_put_contents($to, $content)) { 
                        return new GeneralResult(false, KLocaleService::t('step4.permission_error')); 
                } else { 
                    return new GeneralResult(false, KLocaleService::t('step4.tools_error')); 
            } else { 
                file_put_contents($to, fopen($from, 'rb')); 
        return new GeneralResult(true, ""); 
    public function downloadAndValidate($url, $crcUrl, $archive, $file) 
        $localArchive = $archive; 
        $directory = dirname($localArchive); 
        if (!file_exists($directory)) { 
            mkdir($directory, 0777); 
        $result = $this->download($url, $localArchive); 
        if (!$result->getStatus()) { 
            return $result; 
        $this->download($crcUrl, $file . '.crc'); 
        if (!$result->getStatus()) { 
            return $result; 
        ArchiveService::instance()->unzip($localArchive, $file); 
        $crc32 = file_get_contents($file . '.crc'); 
        $downloadedFileCrc = $this->_calculateCrc32($file); 
        if ($crc32 != $downloadedFileCrc) { 
            return new GeneralResult(false, KLocaleService::t('step6.crc32_failed')); 
        } else { 
            return new GeneralResult(true, ""); 
    private function _calculateCrc32($file) 
        $fileString = file_get_contents($file); 
        $crc = crc32($fileString); 
        return sprintf("%u", $crc); 
    private function _isCurlDisabled() 
        $disabled = explode(',', ini_get('disable_functions')); 
        if (in_array('curl_exec', $disabled)) { 
            return true; 
        return false; 
namespace Services { 
use ResultSets\GeneralResult; 
class ArchiveService extends AbstractService 
    public function gzopen($filename, $mode, $use_include_path = 0) 
        if (!function_exists('gzopen') && function_exists('gzopen64')) { 
            return gzopen64($filename, $mode, $use_include_path); 
        } else { 
            return gzopen($filename, $mode, $use_include_path); 
    public function unpack($localPackage) 
        if (class_exists('ZipArchive')) { 
            $zip = new \ZipArchive(); 
        } elseif (class_exists('PharData')) { 
            @mkdir('www', 0777); 
            try { 
                $archive = new \PharData($localPackage); 
                $archive->extractTo('./', null, true); 
            } catch (\Exception $e) { 
                return new GeneralResult(false, $e->getMessage()); 
        } else { 
            $disabled = ini_get('disable_functions'); 
            if (!strstr($disabled, 'system')) { 
                system("tar -xzf " . $localPackage); 
            } elseif (!strstr($disabled, 'exec')) { 
                exec("tar -xzf " . $localPackage); 
        if (!file_exists('www/version.php')) { 
            return new GeneralResult(false, "Unable to unpack. Please install php_zip."); 
        } else { 
            return new GeneralResult(true, ""); 
    public function unzip($archive, $file) 
        $sfp = $this->gzopen($archive, "rb"); 
        $fp = fopen($file, "w"); 
        while ($string = gzread($sfp, 4096)) { 
            fwrite($fp, $string, strlen($string)); 
namespace Services { 
use ResultSets\GeneralResult; 
use Services\KLocaleService; 
use Services\ParameterService; 
use Services\ConfigService; 
class MysqlService extends AbstractService 
    private $pdo = NULL; 
    public function checkDatabase($host, $user, $pass, $db) 
        return $this->connect($host, $user, $pass, $db, ParameterService::instance()->getCreateDatabaseParam()); 
    public function connectFromIni() 
        $cnf = ConfigService::instance()->getIniConfig(); 
        return $this->connect($cnf['db']['server'], $cnf['db']['user'], $cnf['db']['password'], $cnf['db']['name'], false); 
    public function executeSql() 
        try { 
            if (ConfigService::instance()->isKeitaro8()) { 
            } else { 
            return new GeneralResult(true, ""); 
        } catch (\PDOException $e) { 
            return new GeneralResult(false, KLocaleService::t('step8.import_failure') . ":" . $e->getMessage()); 
    public function setSetting($settingName, $value) 
        $cnf = ConfigService::instance()->getIniConfig(); 
        $sql = "UPDATE " . $cnf['db']['prefix'] . "settings SET `value`='" . $value . "' WHERE `key`='" . $settingName . "'"; 
        $sql = "INSERT IGNORE " . $cnf['db']['prefix'] . "settings (`key`, `value`) VALUES ('" . $settingName . "', '" . $value . "')"; 
    public function setAdminPass($login, $pass) 
        $cnf = ConfigService::instance()->getIniConfig(); 
        $password = md5($pass . $cnf['system']['salt']); 
        $rules = serialize(array()); 
        $type = 'ADMIN'; 
        $sql = "INSERT IGNORE INTO " . $cnf['db']['prefix'] . "users (id, login, password, rules, `type`) VALUES\n                (1, '" . $login . "', '" . $password . "', '" . $rules . "', '" . $type . "')"; 
        $sql = "UPDATE " . $cnf['db']['prefix'] . "users SET `login` = '" . $login . "', `password`='" . $password . "' WHERE id = 1"; 
    public function setCacheStorage($cache) 
        $this->setSetting('cache_storage', $cache); 
    public function setDraftStorage($draft) 
        $this->setSetting('draft_data_storage', $draft); 
    public function setLanguage($language) 
        if (ConfigService::instance()->isKeitaro8()) { 
            $ids = $this->_getAllUserIds(); 
            foreach ($ids as $id) { 
                $this->_setUserPreferencesValue($id, 'language', $language); 
        } else { 
            $this->setSetting('language', $language); 
    public function setCurrency($currency) 
        $this->setSetting('currency', $currency); 
    public function setInstalledAt() 
        $this->setSetting('installed_at', ConfigService::instance()->getUTCTime()); 
    public function setTimezone($timezone) 
        $id = $this->_getFirstAdminId(); 
        if ($id !== false) { 
            $this->_setUserPreferencesValue($id, 'timezone', $timezone); 
    public function hasTokuDb() 
        try { 
            $stmt = $this->pdo->query("SELECT Engine FROM `information_schema`.`ENGINES` WHERE Engine = 'TokuDB';"); 
            $row = $stmt->fetchColumn(); 
            return !empty($row); 
        } catch (\PDOException $e) { 
            return false; 
    public function updateEngineToTokuDb() 
        try { 
            $cnf = ConfigService::instance()->getIniConfig(); 
            $stmt = $this->pdo->query("SELECT TABLE_NAME \n            FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES\n            WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = '" . $cnf['db']['name'] . "' \n                AND TABLE_NAME LIKE '" . $cnf['db']['prefix'] . "%'"); 
            foreach ($stmt->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_COLUMN) as $row) { 
                $this->pdo->exec("ALTER TABLE `" . $row . "` ENGINE=TokuDB"); 
        } catch (\PDOException $e) { 
    private function _getFirstAdminId() 
        $cnf = ConfigService::instance()->getIniConfig(); 
        $stmt = $this->pdo->query("SELECT id FROM " . $cnf['db']['prefix'] . "users WHERE type = 'ADMIN' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1"); 
        return $stmt->fetchColumn(); 
    private function _getAllUserIds() 
        $cnf = ConfigService::instance()->getIniConfig(); 
        $stmt = $this->pdo->query("SELECT id FROM " . $cnf['db']['prefix'] . "users"); 
        $result = []; 
        foreach ($stmt->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_COLUMN) as $row) { 
            $result[] = $row; 
        return $result; 
    private function _setUserPreferencesValue($userId, $key, $value) 
        $cnf = ConfigService::instance()->getIniConfig(); 
        $sql = "INSERT IGNORE INTO " . $cnf['db']['prefix'] . "user_preferences (`user_id`, `pref_name`, `pref_value`) VALUES\n                ('" . $userId . "', '" . $key . "', '" . $value . "')"; 
        $sql = "UPDATE " . $cnf['db']['prefix'] . "user_preferences SET `pref_value` = '" . $value . "' WHERE `user_id` = '" . $userId . "' AND `pref_name` = '" . $key . "'"; 
    private function connect($host, $user, $pass, $db, $shouldCreate) 
        if (!$this->pdo instanceof \PDO) { 
            $dsn = "mysql:host={$host};dbname=INFORMATION_SCHEMA;charset=utf8"; 
            try { 
                $this->pdo = new \PDO($dsn, $user, $pass, $opt); 
            } catch (\PDOException $e) { 
                return new GeneralResult(false, KLocaleService::t('step7.connection_error') . ': ' . $e->getMessage()); 
        $stmt = $this->pdo->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SCHEMATA WHERE SCHEMA_NAME = '" . $db . "'"); 
        if (!(bool) $stmt->fetchColumn()) { 
            if ($shouldCreate) { 
                try { 
                    $result = $this->pdo->exec('CREATE DATABASE `' . $db . '`;'); 
                } catch (\PDOException $e) { 
                    return new GeneralResult(false, KLocaleService::t('step7.cant_create') . ' "' . $db . '"'); 
            } else { 
                return new GeneralResult(false, KLocaleService::t('step7.db_error') . ' "' . $db . '"'); 
        $this->pdo->exec('USE `' . $db . '`;'); 
        $this->pdo->exec("set character_set_client=utf8"); 
        $this->pdo->exec("set character_set_connection=utf8"); 
        $this->pdo->exec("set character_set_results=utf8"); 
        $this->pdo->exec("set collation_connection=utf8_unicode_ci"); 
        return new GeneralResult(true, ""); 
    private function _restore($file) 
        $cnf = ConfigService::instance()->getIniConfig(); 
        $sqls = $this->_loadSql($file); 
        $status = true; 
        foreach ($sqls as $sql) { 
            $sql = str_replace("keitaro_", $cnf['db']['prefix'], $sql); 
            if ($status === false) { 
            if (trim($sql) != '') { 
                $status = $this->pdo->exec($sql); 
        return $status; 
    private function _loadSql($file) 
        $handle = fopen($file, "rb"); 
        $data = ''; 
        while ($tmp = fread($handle, 4096)) { 
            $strings = explode("\n", $tmp); 
            $cur = 0; 
            foreach ($strings as $string) { 
                if (substr($string, 0, 1) != '#') { 
                    $data .= $string; 
        return explode(";", $data); 
namespace Services { 
class FileService extends AbstractService 
    public function rmdir($path) 
        if (is_dir($path) and !is_link($path)) { 
            foreach (scandir($path) as $value) { 
                if ($value != "." && $value != "..") { 
                    $value = $path . "/" . $value; 
                    if (is_dir($value)) { 
                    } elseif (is_file($value)) { 
            return rmdir($path); 
        } else { 
            return false; 
    public function chmod($path, $attr = 0777) 
        $d = @opendir($path); 
        if (!@is_dir($d) || is_link($d)) { 
        while (($file = readdir($d)) !== false) { 
            if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && $file != $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) { 
                $typepath = $path . "/" . $file; 
                if (filetype($typepath) == 'dir') { 
                    $this->chmod($typepath, $attr); 
                @chmod($typepath, $attr); 
    public function chown($path, $uid, $gid) 
        $d = @opendir($path); 
        if (!@is_dir($d) || is_link($d)) { 
        while (($file = readdir($d)) !== false) { 
            if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && $file != $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) { 
                $typepath = $path . "/" . $file; 
                if (filetype($typepath) == 'dir') { 
                    $this->chown($typepath, $uid, $gid); 
                @chown($typepath, $uid); 
                @chgrp($typepath, $gid); 
    public function dirmv($src, $dest) 
        if (!is_dir($src)) { 
            return false; 
        if (!is_dir($dest)) { 
            if (!mkdir($dest)) { 
                return false; 
        $i = new \DirectoryIterator($src); 
        foreach ($i as $f) { 
            if ($f->isFile()) { 
                rename($f->getRealPath(), "{$dest}/" . $f->getFilename()); 
            } else { 
                if (!$f->isDot() && $f->isDir()) { 
                    $this->dirmv($f->getRealPath(), "{$dest}/{$f}"); 
namespace Services { 
class RedirectService extends AbstractService 
    public function toStep($step) 
        header('LOCATION:?step=' . $step); 
namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Command { 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Descriptor\TextDescriptor; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Descriptor\XmlDescriptor; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\ExceptionInterface; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputDefinition; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputArgument; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\BufferedOutput; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Application; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\HelperSet; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\InvalidArgumentException; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\LogicException; 
class Command 
    private $application; 
    private $name; 
    private $processTitle; 
    private $aliases = array(); 
    private $definition; 
    private $help; 
    private $description; 
    private $ignoreValidationErrors = false; 
    private $applicationDefinitionMerged = false; 
    private $applicationDefinitionMergedWithArgs = false; 
    private $code; 
    private $synopsis = array(); 
    private $usages = array(); 
    private $helperSet; 
    public function __construct($name = null) 
        $this->definition = new InputDefinition(); 
        if (null !== $name) { 
        if (!$this->name) { 
            throw new LogicException(sprintf('The command defined in "%s" cannot have an empty name.', get_class($this))); 
    public function ignoreValidationErrors() 
        $this->ignoreValidationErrors = true; 
    public function setApplication(Application $application = null) 
        $this->application = $application; 
        if ($application) { 
        } else { 
            $this->helperSet = null; 
    public function setHelperSet(HelperSet $helperSet) 
        $this->helperSet = $helperSet; 
    public function getHelperSet() 
        return $this->helperSet; 
    public function getApplication() 
        return $this->application; 
    public function isEnabled() 
        return true; 
    protected function configure() 
    protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) 
        throw new LogicException('You must override the execute() method in the concrete command class.'); 
    protected function interact(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) 
    protected function initialize(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) 
    public function run(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) 
        try { 
        } catch (ExceptionInterface $e) { 
            if (!$this->ignoreValidationErrors) { 
                throw $e; 
        $this->initialize($input, $output); 
        if (null !== $this->processTitle) { 
            if (function_exists('cli_set_process_title')) { 
            } elseif (function_exists('setproctitle')) { 
            } elseif (OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_VERY_VERBOSE === $output->getVerbosity()) { 
                $output->writeln('<comment>Install the proctitle PECL to be able to change the process title.</comment>'); 
        if ($input->isInteractive()) { 
            $this->interact($input, $output); 
        if ($input->hasArgument('command') && null === $input->getArgument('command')) { 
            $input->setArgument('command', $this->getName()); 
        if ($this->code) { 
            $statusCode = call_user_func($this->code, $input, $output); 
        } else { 
            $statusCode = $this->execute($input, $output); 
        return is_numeric($statusCode) ? (int) $statusCode : 0; 
    public function setCode($code) 
        if (!is_callable($code)) { 
            throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid callable provided to Command::setCode.'); 
        if (PHP_VERSION_ID >= 50400 && $code instanceof \Closure) { 
            $r = new \ReflectionFunction($code); 
            if (null === $r->getClosureThis()) { 
                $code = \Closure::bind($code, $this); 
        $this->code = $code; 
        return $this; 
    public function mergeApplicationDefinition($mergeArgs = true) 
        if (null === $this->application || true === $this->applicationDefinitionMerged && ($this->applicationDefinitionMergedWithArgs || !$mergeArgs)) { 
        if ($mergeArgs) { 
            $currentArguments = $this->definition->getArguments(); 
        $this->applicationDefinitionMerged = true; 
        if ($mergeArgs) { 
            $this->applicationDefinitionMergedWithArgs = true; 
    public function setDefinition($definition) 
        if ($definition instanceof InputDefinition) { 
            $this->definition = $definition; 
        } else { 
        $this->applicationDefinitionMerged = false; 
        return $this; 
    public function getDefinition() 
        return $this->definition; 
    public function getNativeDefinition() 
        return $this->getDefinition(); 
    public function addArgument($name, $mode = null, $description = '', $default = null) 
        $this->definition->addArgument(new InputArgument($name, $mode, $description, $default)); 
        return $this; 
    public function addOption($name, $shortcut = null, $mode = null, $description = '', $default = null) 
        $this->definition->addOption(new InputOption($name, $shortcut, $mode, $description, $default)); 
        return $this; 
    public function setName($name) 
        $this->name = $name; 
        return $this; 
    public function setProcessTitle($title) 
        $this->processTitle = $title; 
        return $this; 
    public function getName() 
        return $this->name; 
    public function setDescription($description) 
        $this->description = $description; 
        return $this; 
    public function getDescription() 
        return $this->description; 
    public function setHelp($help) 
        $this->help = $help; 
        return $this; 
    public function getHelp() 
        return $this->help; 
    public function getProcessedHelp() 
        $name = $this->name; 
        $placeholders = array('', '%command.full_name%'); 
        $replacements = array($name, $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . ' ' . $name); 
        return str_replace($placeholders, $replacements, $this->getHelp() ?: $this->getDescription()); 
    public function setAliases($aliases) 
        if (!is_array($aliases) && !$aliases instanceof \Traversable) { 
            throw new InvalidArgumentException('$aliases must be an array or an instance of \\Traversable'); 
        foreach ($aliases as $alias) { 
        $this->aliases = $aliases; 
        return $this; 
    public function getAliases() 
        return $this->aliases; 
    public function getSynopsis($short = false) 
        $key = $short ? 'short' : 'long'; 
        if (!isset($this->synopsis[$key])) { 
            $this->synopsis[$key] = trim(sprintf('%s %s', $this->name, $this->definition->getSynopsis($short))); 
        return $this->synopsis[$key]; 
    public function addUsage($usage) 
        if (0 !== strpos($usage, $this->name)) { 
            $usage = sprintf('%s %s', $this->name, $usage); 
        $this->usages[] = $usage; 
        return $this; 
    public function getUsages() 
        return $this->usages; 
    public function getHelper($name) 
        return $this->helperSet->get($name); 
    public function asText() 
        @trigger_error('The ' . __METHOD__ . ' method is deprecated since version 2.3 and will be removed in 3.0.', E_USER_DEPRECATED); 
        $descriptor = new TextDescriptor(); 
        $output = new BufferedOutput(BufferedOutput::VERBOSITY_NORMAL, true); 
        $descriptor->describe($output, $this, array('raw_output' => true)); 
        return $output->fetch(); 
    public function asXml($asDom = false) 
        @trigger_error('The ' . __METHOD__ . ' method is deprecated since version 2.3 and will be removed in 3.0.', E_USER_DEPRECATED); 
        $descriptor = new XmlDescriptor(); 
        if ($asDom) { 
            return $descriptor->getCommandDocument($this); 
        $output = new BufferedOutput(); 
        $descriptor->describe($output, $this); 
        return $output->fetch(); 
    private function validateName($name) 
        if (!preg_match('/^[^\\:]++(\\:[^\\:]++)*$/', $name)) { 
            throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Command name "%s" is invalid.', $name)); 
namespace Commands { 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Question\ConfirmationQuestion; 
use Views\ConsoleView; 
use Controllers\InstallController; 
use Models\StepModel; 
use Services\KLocaleService; 
use Services\ParameterService; 
class InstallCommand extends Command 
    protected function configure() 
        $this->setDescription("Install Keitaro")->setName('install')->addOption('domain', NULL, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'Domain install to (optional)')->addOption('ip', NULL, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'License ip (optional)')->addOption('key', NULL, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'License key')->addOption('db-host', NULL, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'Database host (optional)')->addOption('db-prefix', NULL, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'Database tables prefix (optional)')->addOption('db-user', NULL, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'Database username')->addOption('db-name', NULL, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'Database name')->addOption('db-password', NULL, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'Database password')->addOption('admin-login', NULL, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'Administrator login')->addOption('admin-password', NULL, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'Administrator password')->addOption('extra-url', NULL, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'Extra url for other TDS (optional)')->addOption('draft-storage', NULL, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'Storage for draft data (optional)')->addOption('cache-storage', NULL, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'Storage for cache data (optional)')->addOption('language', NULL, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'language ru|en (default en)')->addOption('currency', NULL, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'currency RUB|USD|EUR|GBP|UAH (default based on language)')->addOption('kversion', NULL, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'version 8|7|6 (default 7)')->addOption('timezone', NULL, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'timezone'); 
    protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) 
        $model = new StepModel(true); 
        $view = new ConsoleView($input, $output); 
        $controller = new InstallController($view, $model); 
        $domain = $input->getOption('domain'); 
        $ip = $input->getOption('ip'); 
        $key = $input->getOption('key'); 
        $dbHost = $input->getOption('db-host'); 
        $dbPrefix = $input->getOption('db-prefix'); 
        $dbUser = $input->getOption('db-user'); 
        $dbName = $input->getOption('db-name'); 
        $dbPassword = $input->getOption('db-password'); 
        $adminLogin = $input->getOption('admin-login'); 
        $adminPassword = $input->getOption('admin-password'); 
        $extraUrl = $input->getOption('extra-url'); 
        $draft = $input->getOption('draft-storage'); 
        $cache = $input->getOption('cache-storage'); 
        $language = $input->getOption('language'); 
        $currency = $input->getOption('currency'); 
        $version = $input->getOption('kversion'); 
        $timezone = $input->getOption('timezone'); 
        if (empty($key)) { 
            $output->writeln("Mandatory params missing: key"); 
        if (empty($dbName)) { 
            $output->writeln("Mandatory params missing: db-name"); 
        if (empty($dbPassword)) { 
            $output->writeln("Mandatory params missing: db-password"); 
        if (empty($adminLogin)) { 
            $output->writeln("Mandatory params missing: admin-login"); 
        if (empty($adminPassword)) { 
            $output->writeln("Mandatory params missing: admin-password"); 
        if (!$ip && $domain) { 
            $ip = gethostbyname($domain); 
        if (!$dbHost) { 
            $dbHost = 'localhost'; 
        if (!$dbPrefix) { 
            $dbPrefix = 'keitaro_'; 
        if (!$extraUrl) { 
            $extraUrl = ''; 
        if (!$language) { 
            $language = 'en'; 
        if (!$currency) { 
            if ($language == 'en') { 
                $currency = 'USD'; 
            } else { 
                $currency = 'RUB'; 
        } else { 
            if (!in_array($currency, array('RUB', 'USD', 'EUR', 'GBP', 'UAH'))) { 
                $output->writeln("Currency should be RUB|USD|EUR|GBP|UAH"); 
        if (!$version) { 
            $version = 8; 
        $ps = ParameterService::instance(); 
        $ps->savePersistent(ParameterService::DOMAIN, $domain); 
        $ps->savePersistent(ParameterService::IP, $ip); 
        $ps->savePersistent(ParameterService::KEY, $key); 
        $ps->savePersistent(ParameterService::DB_HOST, $dbHost); 
        $ps->savePersistent(ParameterService::DB_PREFIX, $dbPrefix); 
        $ps->savePersistent(ParameterService::DB_USER, $dbUser); 
        $ps->savePersistent(ParameterService::DB_NAME, $dbName); 
        $ps->savePersistent(ParameterService::DB_PASS, $dbPassword); 
        $ps->savePersistent(ParameterService::ADMIN_LOGIN, $adminLogin); 
        $ps->savePersistent(ParameterService::ADMIN_PASS, $adminPassword); 
        $ps->savePersistent(ParameterService::ADMIN_PASS_CONFIRM, $adminPassword); 
        $ps->savePersistent(ParameterService::EXTRA_URL, $extraUrl); 
        $ps->savePersistent(ParameterService::DRAFT_STORAGE, $draft); 
        $ps->savePersistent(ParameterService::CACHE_STORAGE, $cache); 
        $ps->savePersistent(ParameterService::LANGUAGE, $language); 
        $ps->savePersistent(ParameterService::CURRENCY, $currency); 
        $ps->savePersistent(ParameterService::VERSION, $version); 
        $ps->savePersistent(ParameterService::TIMEZONE, $timezone); 
namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Input { 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Descriptor\TextDescriptor; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Descriptor\XmlDescriptor; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\BufferedOutput; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\InvalidArgumentException; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\LogicException; 
class InputDefinition 
    private $arguments; 
    private $requiredCount; 
    private $hasAnArrayArgument = false; 
    private $hasOptional; 
    private $options; 
    private $shortcuts; 
    public function __construct(array $definition = array()) 
    public function setDefinition(array $definition) 
        $arguments = array(); 
        $options = array(); 
        foreach ($definition as $item) { 
            if ($item instanceof InputOption) { 
                $options[] = $item; 
            } else { 
                $arguments[] = $item; 
    public function setArguments($arguments = array()) 
        $this->arguments = array(); 
        $this->requiredCount = 0; 
        $this->hasOptional = false; 
        $this->hasAnArrayArgument = false; 
    public function addArguments($arguments = array()) 
        if (null !== $arguments) { 
            foreach ($arguments as $argument) { 
    public function addArgument(InputArgument $argument) 
        if (isset($this->arguments[$argument->getName()])) { 
            throw new LogicException(sprintf('An argument with name "%s" already exists.', $argument->getName())); 
        if ($this->hasAnArrayArgument) { 
            throw new LogicException('Cannot add an argument after an array argument.'); 
        if ($argument->isRequired() && $this->hasOptional) { 
            throw new LogicException('Cannot add a required argument after an optional one.'); 
        if ($argument->isArray()) { 
            $this->hasAnArrayArgument = true; 
        if ($argument->isRequired()) { 
        } else { 
            $this->hasOptional = true; 
        $this->arguments[$argument->getName()] = $argument; 
    public function getArgument($name) 
        if (!$this->hasArgument($name)) { 
            throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The "%s" argument does not exist.', $name)); 
        $arguments = is_int($name) ? array_values($this->arguments) : $this->arguments; 
        return $arguments[$name]; 
    public function hasArgument($name) 
        $arguments = is_int($name) ? array_values($this->arguments) : $this->arguments; 
        return isset($arguments[$name]); 
    public function getArguments() 
        return $this->arguments; 
    public function getArgumentCount() 
        return $this->hasAnArrayArgument ? PHP_INT_MAX : count($this->arguments); 
    public function getArgumentRequiredCount() 
        return $this->requiredCount; 
    public function getArgumentDefaults() 
        $values = array(); 
        foreach ($this->arguments as $argument) { 
            $values[$argument->getName()] = $argument->getDefault(); 
        return $values; 
    public function setOptions($options = array()) 
        $this->options = array(); 
        $this->shortcuts = array(); 
    public function addOptions($options = array()) 
        foreach ($options as $option) { 
    public function addOption(InputOption $option) 
        if (isset($this->options[$option->getName()]) && !$option->equals($this->options[$option->getName()])) { 
            throw new LogicException(sprintf('An option named "%s" already exists.', $option->getName())); 
        if ($option->getShortcut()) { 
            foreach (explode('|', $option->getShortcut()) as $shortcut) { 
                if (isset($this->shortcuts[$shortcut]) && !$option->equals($this->options[$this->shortcuts[$shortcut]])) { 
                    throw new LogicException(sprintf('An option with shortcut "%s" already exists.', $shortcut)); 
        $this->options[$option->getName()] = $option; 
        if ($option->getShortcut()) { 
            foreach (explode('|', $option->getShortcut()) as $shortcut) { 
                $this->shortcuts[$shortcut] = $option->getName(); 
    public function getOption($name) 
        if (!$this->hasOption($name)) { 
            throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The "--%s" option does not exist.', $name)); 
        return $this->options[$name]; 
    public function hasOption($name) 
        return isset($this->options[$name]); 
    public function getOptions() 
        return $this->options; 
    public function hasShortcut($name) 
        return isset($this->shortcuts[$name]); 
    public function getOptionForShortcut($shortcut) 
        return $this->getOption($this->shortcutToName($shortcut)); 
    public function getOptionDefaults() 
        $values = array(); 
        foreach ($this->options as $option) { 
            $values[$option->getName()] = $option->getDefault(); 
        return $values; 
    private function shortcutToName($shortcut) 
        if (!isset($this->shortcuts[$shortcut])) { 
            throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The "-%s" option does not exist.', $shortcut)); 
        return $this->shortcuts[$shortcut]; 
    public function getSynopsis($short = false) 
        $elements = array(); 
        if ($short && $this->getOptions()) { 
            $elements[] = '[options]'; 
        } elseif (!$short) { 
            foreach ($this->getOptions() as $option) { 
                $value = ''; 
                if ($option->acceptValue()) { 
                    $value = sprintf(' %s%s%s', $option->isValueOptional() ? '[' : '', strtoupper($option->getName()), $option->isValueOptional() ? ']' : ''); 
                $shortcut = $option->getShortcut() ? sprintf('-%s|', $option->getShortcut()) : ''; 
                $elements[] = sprintf('[%s--%s%s]', $shortcut, $option->getName(), $value); 
        if (count($elements) && $this->getArguments()) { 
            $elements[] = '[--]'; 
        foreach ($this->getArguments() as $argument) { 
            $element = '<' . $argument->getName() . '>'; 
            if (!$argument->isRequired()) { 
                $element = '[' . $element . ']'; 
            } elseif ($argument->isArray()) { 
                $element = $element . ' (' . $element . ')'; 
            if ($argument->isArray()) { 
                $element .= '...'; 
            $elements[] = $element; 
        return implode(' ', $elements); 
    public function asText() 
        @trigger_error('The ' . __METHOD__ . ' method is deprecated since version 2.3 and will be removed in 3.0.', E_USER_DEPRECATED); 
        $descriptor = new TextDescriptor(); 
        $output = new BufferedOutput(BufferedOutput::VERBOSITY_NORMAL, true); 
        $descriptor->describe($output, $this, array('raw_output' => true)); 
        return $output->fetch(); 
    public function asXml($asDom = false) 
        @trigger_error('The ' . __METHOD__ . ' method is deprecated since version 2.3 and will be removed in 3.0.', E_USER_DEPRECATED); 
        $descriptor = new XmlDescriptor(); 
        if ($asDom) { 
            return $descriptor->getInputDefinitionDocument($this); 
        $output = new BufferedOutput(); 
        $descriptor->describe($output, $this); 
        return $output->fetch(); 
namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Input { 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\InvalidArgumentException; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\LogicException; 
class InputOption 
    const VALUE_NONE = 1; 
    const VALUE_REQUIRED = 2; 
    const VALUE_OPTIONAL = 4; 
    const VALUE_IS_ARRAY = 8; 
    private $name; 
    private $shortcut; 
    private $mode; 
    private $default; 
    private $description; 
    public function __construct($name, $shortcut = null, $mode = null, $description = '', $default = null) 
        if (0 === strpos($name, '--')) { 
            $name = substr($name, 2); 
        if (empty($name)) { 
            throw new InvalidArgumentException('An option name cannot be empty.'); 
        if (empty($shortcut)) { 
            $shortcut = null; 
        if (null !== $shortcut) { 
            if (is_array($shortcut)) { 
                $shortcut = implode('|', $shortcut); 
            $shortcuts = preg_split('{(\\|)-?}', ltrim($shortcut, '-')); 
            $shortcuts = array_filter($shortcuts); 
            $shortcut = implode('|', $shortcuts); 
            if (empty($shortcut)) { 
                throw new InvalidArgumentException('An option shortcut cannot be empty.'); 
        if (null === $mode) { 
            $mode = self::VALUE_NONE; 
        } elseif (!is_int($mode) || $mode > 15 || $mode < 1) { 
            throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Option mode "%s" is not valid.', $mode)); 
        $this->name = $name; 
        $this->shortcut = $shortcut; 
        $this->mode = $mode; 
        $this->description = $description; 
        if ($this->isArray() && !$this->acceptValue()) { 
            throw new InvalidArgumentException('Impossible to have an option mode VALUE_IS_ARRAY if the option does not accept a value.'); 
    public function getShortcut() 
        return $this->shortcut; 
    public function getName() 
        return $this->name; 
    public function acceptValue() 
        return $this->isValueRequired() || $this->isValueOptional(); 
    public function isValueRequired() 
        return self::VALUE_REQUIRED === (self::VALUE_REQUIRED & $this->mode); 
    public function isValueOptional() 
        return self::VALUE_OPTIONAL === (self::VALUE_OPTIONAL & $this->mode); 
    public function isArray() 
        return self::VALUE_IS_ARRAY === (self::VALUE_IS_ARRAY & $this->mode); 
    public function setDefault($default = null) 
        if (self::VALUE_NONE === (self::VALUE_NONE & $this->mode) && null !== $default) { 
            throw new LogicException('Cannot set a default value when using InputOption::VALUE_NONE mode.'); 
        if ($this->isArray()) { 
            if (null === $default) { 
                $default = array(); 
            } elseif (!is_array($default)) { 
                throw new LogicException('A default value for an array option must be an array.'); 
        $this->default = $this->acceptValue() ? $default : false; 
    public function getDefault() 
        return $this->default; 
    public function getDescription() 
        return $this->description; 
    public function equals(InputOption $option) 
        return $option->getName() === $this->getName() && $option->getShortcut() === $this->getShortcut() && $option->getDefault() === $this->getDefault() && $option->isArray() === $this->isArray() && $option->isValueRequired() === $this->isValueRequired() && $option->isValueOptional() === $this->isValueOptional(); 
namespace Symfony\Component\Console { 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Descriptor\TextDescriptor; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Descriptor\XmlDescriptor; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\ExceptionInterface; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\DebugFormatterHelper; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\ProcessHelper; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\QuestionHelper; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArrayInput; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputDefinition; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputArgument; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputAwareInterface; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\BufferedOutput; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutputInterface; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Command\HelpCommand; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Command\ListCommand; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\HelperSet; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\FormatterHelper; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\DialogHelper; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\ProgressHelper; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\TableHelper; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Event\ConsoleCommandEvent; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Event\ConsoleExceptionEvent; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Event\ConsoleTerminateEvent; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\CommandNotFoundException; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\LogicException; 
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface; 
class Application 
    private $commands = array(); 
    private $wantHelps = false; 
    private $runningCommand; 
    private $name; 
    private $version; 
    private $catchExceptions = true; 
    private $autoExit = true; 
    private $definition; 
    private $helperSet; 
    private $dispatcher; 
    private $terminalDimensions; 
    private $defaultCommand; 
    public function __construct($name = 'UNKNOWN', $version = 'UNKNOWN') 
        $this->name = $name; 
        $this->version = $version; 
        $this->defaultCommand = 'list'; 
        $this->helperSet = $this->getDefaultHelperSet(); 
        $this->definition = $this->getDefaultInputDefinition(); 
        foreach ($this->getDefaultCommands() as $command) { 
    public function setDispatcher(EventDispatcherInterface $dispatcher) 
        $this->dispatcher = $dispatcher; 
    public function run(InputInterface $input = null, OutputInterface $output = null) 
        if (null === $input) { 
            $input = new ArgvInput(); 
        if (null === $output) { 
            $output = new ConsoleOutput(); 
        $this->configureIO($input, $output); 
        try { 
            $exitCode = $this->doRun($input, $output); 
        } catch (\Exception $e) { 
            if (!$this->catchExceptions) { 
                throw $e; 
            if ($output instanceof ConsoleOutputInterface) { 
                $this->renderException($e, $output->getErrorOutput()); 
            } else { 
                $this->renderException($e, $output); 
            $exitCode = $e->getCode(); 
            if (is_numeric($exitCode)) { 
                $exitCode = (int) $exitCode; 
                if (0 === $exitCode) { 
                    $exitCode = 1; 
            } else { 
                $exitCode = 1; 
        if ($this->autoExit) { 
            if ($exitCode > 255) { 
                $exitCode = 255; 
        return $exitCode; 
    public function doRun(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) 
        if (true === $input->hasParameterOption(array('--version', '-V'))) { 
            return 0; 
        $name = $this->getCommandName($input); 
        if (true === $input->hasParameterOption(array('--help', '-h'))) { 
            if (!$name) { 
                $name = 'help'; 
                $input = new ArrayInput(array('command' => 'help')); 
            } else { 
                $this->wantHelps = true; 
        if (!$name) { 
            $name = $this->defaultCommand; 
            $input = new ArrayInput(array('command' => $this->defaultCommand)); 
        $command = $this->find($name); 
        $this->runningCommand = $command; 
        $exitCode = $this->doRunCommand($command, $input, $output); 
        $this->runningCommand = null; 
        return $exitCode; 
    public function setHelperSet(HelperSet $helperSet) 
        $this->helperSet = $helperSet; 
    public function getHelperSet() 
        return $this->helperSet; 
    public function setDefinition(InputDefinition $definition) 
        $this->definition = $definition; 
    public function getDefinition() 
        return $this->definition; 
    public function getHelp() 
        return $this->getLongVersion(); 
    public function setCatchExceptions($boolean) 
        $this->catchExceptions = (bool) $boolean; 
    public function setAutoExit($boolean) 
        $this->autoExit = (bool) $boolean; 
    public function getName() 
        return $this->name; 
    public function setName($name) 
        $this->name = $name; 
    public function getVersion() 
        return $this->version; 
    public function setVersion($version) 
        $this->version = $version; 
    public function getLongVersion() 
        if ('UNKNOWN' !== $this->getName()) { 
            if ('UNKNOWN' !== $this->getVersion()) { 
                return sprintf('<info>%s</info> version <comment>%s</comment>', $this->getName(), $this->getVersion()); 
            return sprintf('<info>%s</info>', $this->getName()); 
        return '<info>Console Tool</info>'; 
    public function register($name) 
        return $this->add(new Command($name)); 
    public function addCommands(array $commands) 
        foreach ($commands as $command) { 
    public function add(Command $command) 
        if (!$command->isEnabled()) { 
        if (null === $command->getDefinition()) { 
            throw new LogicException(sprintf('Command class "%s" is not correctly initialized. You probably forgot to call the parent constructor.', get_class($command))); 
        $this->commands[$command->getName()] = $command; 
        foreach ($command->getAliases() as $alias) { 
            $this->commands[$alias] = $command; 
        return $command; 
    public function get($name) 
        if (!isset($this->commands[$name])) { 
            throw new CommandNotFoundException(sprintf('The command "%s" does not exist.', $name)); 
        $command = $this->commands[$name]; 
        if ($this->wantHelps) { 
            $this->wantHelps = false; 
            $helpCommand = $this->get('help'); 
            return $helpCommand; 
        return $command; 
    public function has($name) 
        return isset($this->commands[$name]); 
    public function getNamespaces() 
        $namespaces = array(); 
        foreach ($this->all() as $command) { 
            $namespaces = array_merge($namespaces, $this->extractAllNamespaces($command->getName())); 
            foreach ($command->getAliases() as $alias) { 
                $namespaces = array_merge($namespaces, $this->extractAllNamespaces($alias)); 
        return array_values(array_unique(array_filter($namespaces))); 
    public function findNamespace($namespace) 
        $allNamespaces = $this->getNamespaces(); 
        $expr = preg_replace_callback('{([^:]+|)}', function ($matches) { 
            return preg_quote($matches[1]) . '[^:]*'; 
        }, $namespace); 
        $namespaces = preg_grep('{^' . $expr . '}', $allNamespaces); 
        if (empty($namespaces)) { 
            $message = sprintf('There are no commands defined in the "%s" namespace.', $namespace); 
            if ($alternatives = $this->findAlternatives($namespace, $allNamespaces)) { 
                if (1 == count($alternatives)) { 
                    $message .= "\n\nDid you mean this?\n    "; 
                } else { 
                    $message .= "\n\nDid you mean one of these?\n    "; 
                $message .= implode("\n    ", $alternatives); 
            throw new CommandNotFoundException($message, $alternatives); 
        $exact = in_array($namespace, $namespaces, true); 
        if (count($namespaces) > 1 && !$exact) { 
            throw new CommandNotFoundException(sprintf('The namespace "%s" is ambiguous (%s).', $namespace, $this->getAbbreviationSuggestions(array_values($namespaces))), array_values($namespaces)); 
        return $exact ? $namespace : reset($namespaces); 
    public function find($name) 
        $allCommands = array_keys($this->commands); 
        $expr = preg_replace_callback('{([^:]+|)}', function ($matches) { 
            return preg_quote($matches[1]) . '[^:]*'; 
        }, $name); 
        $commands = preg_grep('{^' . $expr . '}', $allCommands); 
        if (empty($commands) || count(preg_grep('{^' . $expr . '$}', $commands)) < 1) { 
            if (false !== ($pos = strrpos($name, ':'))) { 
                $this->findNamespace(substr($name, 0, $pos)); 
            $message = sprintf('Command "%s" is not defined.', $name); 
            if ($alternatives = $this->findAlternatives($name, $allCommands)) { 
                if (1 == count($alternatives)) { 
                    $message .= "\n\nDid you mean this?\n    "; 
                } else { 
                    $message .= "\n\nDid you mean one of these?\n    "; 
                $message .= implode("\n    ", $alternatives); 
            throw new CommandNotFoundException($message, $alternatives); 
        if (count($commands) > 1) { 
            $commandList = $this->commands; 
            $commands = array_filter($commands, function ($nameOrAlias) use($commandList, $commands) { 
                $commandName = $commandList[$nameOrAlias]->getName(); 
                return $commandName === $nameOrAlias || !in_array($commandName, $commands); 
        $exact = in_array($name, $commands, true); 
        if (count($commands) > 1 && !$exact) { 
            $suggestions = $this->getAbbreviationSuggestions(array_values($commands)); 
            throw new CommandNotFoundException(sprintf('Command "%s" is ambiguous (%s).', $name, $suggestions), array_values($commands)); 
        return $this->get($exact ? $name : reset($commands)); 
    public function all($namespace = null) 
        if (null === $namespace) { 
            return $this->commands; 
        $commands = array(); 
        foreach ($this->commands as $name => $command) { 
            if ($namespace === $this->extractNamespace($name, substr_count($namespace, ':') + 1)) { 
                $commands[$name] = $command; 
        return $commands; 
    public static function getAbbreviations($names) 
        $abbrevs = array(); 
        foreach ($names as $name) { 
            for ($len = strlen($name); $len > 0; --$len) { 
                $abbrev = substr($name, 0, $len); 
                $abbrevs[$abbrev][] = $name; 
        return $abbrevs; 
    public function asText($namespace = null, $raw = false) 
        @trigger_error('The ' . __METHOD__ . ' method is deprecated since version 2.3 and will be removed in 3.0.', E_USER_DEPRECATED); 
        $descriptor = new TextDescriptor(); 
        $output = new BufferedOutput(BufferedOutput::VERBOSITY_NORMAL, !$raw); 
        $descriptor->describe($output, $this, array('namespace' => $namespace, 'raw_output' => true)); 
        return $output->fetch(); 
    public function asXml($namespace = null, $asDom = false) 
        @trigger_error('The ' . __METHOD__ . ' method is deprecated since version 2.3 and will be removed in 3.0.', E_USER_DEPRECATED); 
        $descriptor = new XmlDescriptor(); 
        if ($asDom) { 
            return $descriptor->getApplicationDocument($this, $namespace); 
        $output = new BufferedOutput(); 
        $descriptor->describe($output, $this, array('namespace' => $namespace)); 
        return $output->fetch(); 
    public function renderException($e, $output) 
        $output->writeln('', OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_QUIET); 
        do { 
            $title = sprintf('  [%s]  ', get_class($e)); 
            $len = $this->stringWidth($title); 
            $width = $this->getTerminalWidth() ? $this->getTerminalWidth() - 1 : PHP_INT_MAX; 
            if (defined('HHVM_VERSION') && $width > 1 << 31) { 
                $width = 1 << 31; 
            $formatter = $output->getFormatter(); 
            $lines = array(); 
            foreach (preg_split('/\\r?\\n/', $e->getMessage()) as $line) { 
                foreach ($this->splitStringByWidth($line, $width - 4) as $line) { 
                    $lineLength = $this->stringWidth(preg_replace('/\\[[^m]*m/', '', $formatter->format($line))) + 4; 
                    $lines[] = array($line, $lineLength); 
                    $len = max($lineLength, $len); 
            $messages = array(); 
            $messages[] = $emptyLine = $formatter->format(sprintf('<error>%s</error>', str_repeat(' ', $len))); 
            $messages[] = $formatter->format(sprintf('<error>%s%s</error>', $title, str_repeat(' ', max(0, $len - $this->stringWidth($title))))); 
            foreach ($lines as $line) { 
                $messages[] = $formatter->format(sprintf('<error>  %s  %s</error>', $line[0], str_repeat(' ', $len - $line[1]))); 
            $messages[] = $emptyLine; 
            $messages[] = ''; 
            $output->writeln($messages, OutputInterface::OUTPUT_RAW | OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_QUIET); 
            if (OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_VERBOSE <= $output->getVerbosity()) { 
                $output->writeln('<comment>Exception trace:</comment>', OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_QUIET); 
                $trace = $e->getTrace(); 
                array_unshift($trace, array('function' => '', 'file' => $e->getFile() !== null ? $e->getFile() : 'n/a', 'line' => $e->getLine() !== null ? $e->getLine() : 'n/a', 'args' => array())); 
                for ($i = 0, $count = count($trace); $i < $count; ++$i) { 
                    $class = isset($trace[$i]['class']) ? $trace[$i]['class'] : ''; 
                    $type = isset($trace[$i]['type']) ? $trace[$i]['type'] : ''; 
                    $function = $trace[$i]['function']; 
                    $file = isset($trace[$i]['file']) ? $trace[$i]['file'] : 'n/a'; 
                    $line = isset($trace[$i]['line']) ? $trace[$i]['line'] : 'n/a'; 
                    $output->writeln(sprintf(' %s%s%s() at <info>%s:%s</info>', $class, $type, $function, $file, $line), OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_QUIET); 
                $output->writeln('', OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_QUIET); 
        } while ($e = $e->getPrevious()); 
        if (null !== $this->runningCommand) { 
            $output->writeln(sprintf('<info>%s</info>', sprintf($this->runningCommand->getSynopsis(), $this->getName())), OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_QUIET); 
            $output->writeln('', OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_QUIET); 
    protected function getTerminalWidth() 
        $dimensions = $this->getTerminalDimensions(); 
        return $dimensions[0]; 
    protected function getTerminalHeight() 
        $dimensions = $this->getTerminalDimensions(); 
        return $dimensions[1]; 
    public function getTerminalDimensions() 
        if ($this->terminalDimensions) { 
            return $this->terminalDimensions; 
        if ('\\' === DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) { 
            if (preg_match('/^(\\d+)x\\d+ \\(\\d+x(\\d+)\\)$/', trim(getenv('ANSICON')), $matches)) { 
                return array((int) $matches[1], (int) $matches[2]); 
            if (preg_match('/^(\\d+)x(\\d+)$/', $this->getConsoleMode(), $matches)) { 
                return array((int) $matches[1], (int) $matches[2]); 
        if ($sttyString = $this->getSttyColumns()) { 
            if (preg_match('/rows.(\\d+);.columns.(\\d+);/i', $sttyString, $matches)) { 
                return array((int) $matches[2], (int) $matches[1]); 
            if (preg_match('/;.(\\d+).rows;.(\\d+).columns/i', $sttyString, $matches)) { 
                return array((int) $matches[2], (int) $matches[1]); 
        return array(null, null); 
    public function setTerminalDimensions($width, $height) 
        $this->terminalDimensions = array($width, $height); 
        return $this; 
    protected function configureIO(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) 
        if (true === $input->hasParameterOption(array('--ansi'))) { 
        } elseif (true === $input->hasParameterOption(array('--no-ansi'))) { 
        if (true === $input->hasParameterOption(array('--no-interaction', '-n'))) { 
        } elseif (function_exists('posix_isatty') && $this->getHelperSet()->has('question')) { 
            $inputStream = $this->getHelperSet()->get('question')->getInputStream(); 
            if (!@posix_isatty($inputStream) && false === getenv('SHELL_INTERACTIVE')) { 
        if (true === $input->hasParameterOption(array('--quiet', '-q'))) { 
        } else { 
            if ($input->hasParameterOption('-vvv') || $input->hasParameterOption('--verbose=3') || $input->getParameterOption('--verbose') === 3) { 
            } elseif ($input->hasParameterOption('-vv') || $input->hasParameterOption('--verbose=2') || $input->getParameterOption('--verbose') === 2) { 
            } elseif ($input->hasParameterOption('-v') || $input->hasParameterOption('--verbose=1') || $input->hasParameterOption('--verbose') || $input->getParameterOption('--verbose')) { 
    protected function doRunCommand(Command $command, InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) 
        foreach ($command->getHelperSet() as $helper) { 
            if ($helper instanceof InputAwareInterface) { 
        if (null === $this->dispatcher) { 
            return $command->run($input, $output); 
        try { 
        } catch (ExceptionInterface $e) { 
        $event = new ConsoleCommandEvent($command, $input, $output); 
        $this->dispatcher->dispatch(ConsoleEvents::COMMAND, $event); 
        if ($event->commandShouldRun()) { 
            try { 
                $exitCode = $command->run($input, $output); 
            } catch (\Exception $e) { 
                $event = new ConsoleExceptionEvent($command, $input, $output, $e, $e->getCode()); 
                $this->dispatcher->dispatch(ConsoleEvents::EXCEPTION, $event); 
                $e = $event->getException(); 
                $event = new ConsoleTerminateEvent($command, $input, $output, $e->getCode()); 
                $this->dispatcher->dispatch(ConsoleEvents::TERMINATE, $event); 
                throw $e; 
        } else { 
            $exitCode = ConsoleCommandEvent::RETURN_CODE_DISABLED; 
        $event = new ConsoleTerminateEvent($command, $input, $output, $exitCode); 
        $this->dispatcher->dispatch(ConsoleEvents::TERMINATE, $event); 
        return $event->getExitCode(); 
    protected function getCommandName(InputInterface $input) 
        return $input->getFirstArgument(); 
    protected function getDefaultInputDefinition() 
        return new InputDefinition(array(new InputArgument('command', InputArgument::REQUIRED, 'The command to execute'), new InputOption('--help', '-h', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Display this help message'), new InputOption('--quiet', '-q', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Do not output any message'), new InputOption('--verbose', '-v|vv|vvv', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug'), new InputOption('--version', '-V', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Display this application version'), new InputOption('--ansi', '', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Force ANSI output'), new InputOption('--no-ansi', '', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Disable ANSI output'), new InputOption('--no-interaction', '-n', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Do not ask any interactive question'))); 
    protected function getDefaultCommands() 
        return array(new HelpCommand(), new ListCommand()); 
    protected function getDefaultHelperSet() 
        return new HelperSet(array(new FormatterHelper(), new DialogHelper(false), new ProgressHelper(false), new TableHelper(false), new DebugFormatterHelper(), new ProcessHelper(), new QuestionHelper())); 
    private function getSttyColumns() 
        if (!function_exists('proc_open')) { 
        $descriptorspec = array(1 => array('pipe', 'w'), 2 => array('pipe', 'w')); 
        $process = proc_open('stty -a | grep columns', $descriptorspec, $pipes, null, null, array('suppress_errors' => true)); 
        if (is_resource($process)) { 
            $info = stream_get_contents($pipes[1]); 
            return $info; 
    private function getConsoleMode() 
        if (!function_exists('proc_open')) { 
        $descriptorspec = array(1 => array('pipe', 'w'), 2 => array('pipe', 'w')); 
        $process = proc_open('mode CON', $descriptorspec, $pipes, null, null, array('suppress_errors' => true)); 
        if (is_resource($process)) { 
            $info = stream_get_contents($pipes[1]); 
            if (preg_match('/--------+\\r?\\n.+?(\\d+)\\r?\\n.+?(\\d+)\\r?\\n/', $info, $matches)) { 
                return $matches[2] . 'x' . $matches[1]; 
    private function getAbbreviationSuggestions($abbrevs) 
        return sprintf('%s, %s%s', $abbrevs[0], $abbrevs[1], count($abbrevs) > 2 ? sprintf(' and %d more', count($abbrevs) - 2) : ''); 
    public function extractNamespace($name, $limit = null) 
        $parts = explode(':', $name); 
        return implode(':', null === $limit ? $parts : array_slice($parts, 0, $limit)); 
    private function findAlternatives($name, $collection) 
        $threshold = 1000.0; 
        $alternatives = array(); 
        $collectionParts = array(); 
        foreach ($collection as $item) { 
            $collectionParts[$item] = explode(':', $item); 
        foreach (explode(':', $name) as $i => $subname) { 
            foreach ($collectionParts as $collectionName => $parts) { 
                $exists = isset($alternatives[$collectionName]); 
                if (!isset($parts[$i]) && $exists) { 
                    $alternatives[$collectionName] += $threshold; 
                } elseif (!isset($parts[$i])) { 
                $lev = levenshtein($subname, $parts[$i]); 
                if ($lev <= strlen($subname) / 3 || '' !== $subname && false !== strpos($parts[$i], $subname)) { 
                    $alternatives[$collectionName] = $exists ? $alternatives[$collectionName] + $lev : $lev; 
                } elseif ($exists) { 
                    $alternatives[$collectionName] += $threshold; 
        foreach ($collection as $item) { 
            $lev = levenshtein($name, $item); 
            if ($lev <= strlen($name) / 3 || false !== strpos($item, $name)) { 
                $alternatives[$item] = isset($alternatives[$item]) ? $alternatives[$item] - $lev : $lev; 
        $alternatives = array_filter($alternatives, function ($lev) use($threshold) { 
            return $lev < 2 * $threshold; 
        return array_keys($alternatives); 
    public function setDefaultCommand($commandName) 
        $this->defaultCommand = $commandName; 
    private function stringWidth($string) 
        if (false === ($encoding = mb_detect_encoding($string, null, true))) { 
            return strlen($string); 
        return mb_strwidth($string, $encoding); 
    private function splitStringByWidth($string, $width) 
        if (false === ($encoding = mb_detect_encoding($string, null, true))) { 
            return str_split($string, $width); 
        $utf8String = mb_convert_encoding($string, 'utf8', $encoding); 
        $lines = array(); 
        $line = ''; 
        foreach (preg_split('//u', $utf8String) as $char) { 
            if (mb_strwidth($line . $char, 'utf8') <= $width) { 
                $line .= $char; 
            $lines[] = str_pad($line, $width); 
            $line = $char; 
        if ('' !== $line) { 
            $lines[] = count($lines) ? str_pad($line, $width) : $line; 
        mb_convert_variables($encoding, 'utf8', $lines); 
        return $lines; 
    private function extractAllNamespaces($name) 
        $parts = explode(':', $name, -1); 
        $namespaces = array(); 
        foreach ($parts as $part) { 
            if (count($namespaces)) { 
                $namespaces[] = end($namespaces) . ':' . $part; 
            } else { 
                $namespaces[] = $part; 
        return $namespaces; 
namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Helper { 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\InvalidArgumentException; 
class HelperSet implements \IteratorAggregate 
    private $helpers = array(); 
    private $command; 
    public function __construct(array $helpers = array()) 
        foreach ($helpers as $alias => $helper) { 
            $this->set($helper, is_int($alias) ? null : $alias); 
    public function set(HelperInterface $helper, $alias = null) 
        $this->helpers[$helper->getName()] = $helper; 
        if (null !== $alias) { 
            $this->helpers[$alias] = $helper; 
    public function has($name) 
        return isset($this->helpers[$name]); 
    public function get($name) 
        if (!$this->has($name)) { 
            throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The helper "%s" is not defined.', $name)); 
        if ('dialog' === $name && $this->helpers[$name] instanceof DialogHelper) { 
            @trigger_error('"Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Helper\\DialogHelper" is deprecated since version 2.5 and will be removed in 3.0. Use "Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Helper\\QuestionHelper" instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED); 
        } elseif ('progress' === $name && $this->helpers[$name] instanceof ProgressHelper) { 
            @trigger_error('"Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Helper\\ProgressHelper" is deprecated since version 2.5 and will be removed in 3.0. Use "Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Helper\\ProgressBar" instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED); 
        } elseif ('table' === $name && $this->helpers[$name] instanceof TableHelper) { 
            @trigger_error('"Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Helper\\TableHelper" is deprecated since version 2.5 and will be removed in 3.0. Use "Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Helper\\Table" instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED); 
        return $this->helpers[$name]; 
    public function setCommand(Command $command = null) 
        $this->command = $command; 
    public function getCommand() 
        return $this->command; 
    public function getIterator() 
        return new \ArrayIterator($this->helpers); 
namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Helper { 
interface HelperInterface 
    public function setHelperSet(HelperSet $helperSet = null); 
    public function getHelperSet(); 
    public function getName(); 
namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Helper { 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Formatter\OutputFormatterInterface; 
abstract class Helper implements HelperInterface 
    protected $helperSet = null; 
    public function setHelperSet(HelperSet $helperSet = null) 
        $this->helperSet = $helperSet; 
    public function getHelperSet() 
        return $this->helperSet; 
    public static function strlen($string) 
        if (false === ($encoding = mb_detect_encoding($string, null, true))) { 
            return strlen($string); 
        return mb_strwidth($string, $encoding); 
    public static function formatTime($secs) 
        static $timeFormats = array(array(0, '< 1 sec'), array(2, '1 sec'), array(59, 'secs', 1), array(60, '1 min'), array(3600, 'mins', 60), array(5400, '1 hr'), array(86400, 'hrs', 3600), array(129600, '1 day'), array(604800, 'days', 86400)); 
        foreach ($timeFormats as $format) { 
            if ($secs >= $format[0]) { 
            if (2 == count($format)) { 
                return $format[1]; 
            return ceil($secs / $format[2]) . ' ' . $format[1]; 
    public static function formatMemory($memory) 
        if ($memory >= 1024 * 1024 * 1024) { 
            return sprintf('%.1f GiB', $memory / 1024 / 1024 / 1024); 
        if ($memory >= 1024 * 1024) { 
            return sprintf('%.1f MiB', $memory / 1024 / 1024); 
        if ($memory >= 1024) { 
            return sprintf('%d KiB', $memory / 1024); 
        return sprintf('%d B', $memory); 
    public static function strlenWithoutDecoration(OutputFormatterInterface $formatter, $string) 
        $isDecorated = $formatter->isDecorated(); 
        $string = $formatter->format($string); 
        $string = preg_replace("/\\[[^m]*m/", '', $string); 
        return self::strlen($string); 
namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Helper { 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Formatter\OutputFormatter; 
class FormatterHelper extends Helper 
    public function formatSection($section, $message, $style = 'info') 
        return sprintf('<%s>[%s]</%s> %s', $style, $section, $style, $message); 
    public function formatBlock($messages, $style, $large = false) 
        if (!is_array($messages)) { 
            $messages = array($messages); 
        $len = 0; 
        $lines = array(); 
        foreach ($messages as $message) { 
            $message = OutputFormatter::escape($message); 
            $lines[] = sprintf($large ? '  %s  ' : ' %s ', $message); 
            $len = max($this->strlen($message) + ($large ? 4 : 2), $len); 
        $messages = $large ? array(str_repeat(' ', $len)) : array(); 
        for ($i = 0; isset($lines[$i]); ++$i) { 
            $messages[] = $lines[$i] . str_repeat(' ', $len - $this->strlen($lines[$i])); 
        if ($large) { 
            $messages[] = str_repeat(' ', $len); 
        for ($i = 0; isset($messages[$i]); ++$i) { 
            $messages[$i] = sprintf('<%s>%s</%s>', $style, $messages[$i], $style); 
        return implode("\n", $messages); 
    public function getName() 
        return 'formatter'; 
namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Input { 
interface InputAwareInterface 
    public function setInput(InputInterface $input); 
namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Helper { 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputAwareInterface; 
abstract class InputAwareHelper extends Helper implements InputAwareInterface 
    protected $input; 
    public function setInput(InputInterface $input) 
        $this->input = $input; 
namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Helper { 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\InvalidArgumentException; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\RuntimeException; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutputInterface; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Formatter\OutputFormatterStyle; 
class DialogHelper extends InputAwareHelper 
    private $inputStream; 
    private static $shell; 
    private static $stty; 
    public function __construct($triggerDeprecationError = true) 
        if ($triggerDeprecationError) { 
            @trigger_error('"Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Helper\\DialogHelper" is deprecated since version 2.5 and will be removed in 3.0. Use "Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Helper\\QuestionHelper" instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED); 
    public function select(OutputInterface $output, $question, $choices, $default = null, $attempts = false, $errorMessage = 'Value "%s" is invalid', $multiselect = false) 
        if ($output instanceof ConsoleOutputInterface) { 
            $output = $output->getErrorOutput(); 
        $width = max(array_map('strlen', array_keys($choices))); 
        $messages = (array) $question; 
        foreach ($choices as $key => $value) { 
            $messages[] = sprintf("  [<info>%-{$width}s</info>] %s", $key, $value); 
        $result = $this->askAndValidate($output, '> ', function ($picked) use($choices, $errorMessage, $multiselect) { 
            $selectedChoices = str_replace(' ', '', $picked); 
            if ($multiselect) { 
                if (!preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+(?:,[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)*$/', $selectedChoices, $matches)) { 
                    throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf($errorMessage, $picked)); 
                $selectedChoices = explode(',', $selectedChoices); 
            } else { 
                $selectedChoices = array($picked); 
            $multiselectChoices = array(); 
            foreach ($selectedChoices as $value) { 
                if (empty($choices[$value])) { 
                    throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf($errorMessage, $value)); 
                $multiselectChoices[] = $value; 
            if ($multiselect) { 
                return $multiselectChoices; 
            return $picked; 
        }, $attempts, $default); 
        return $result; 
    public function ask(OutputInterface $output, $question, $default = null, array $autocomplete = null) 
        if ($this->input && !$this->input->isInteractive()) { 
            return $default; 
        if ($output instanceof ConsoleOutputInterface) { 
            $output = $output->getErrorOutput(); 
        $inputStream = $this->inputStream ?: STDIN; 
        if (null === $autocomplete || !$this->hasSttyAvailable()) { 
            $ret = fgets($inputStream, 4096); 
            if (false === $ret) { 
                throw new RuntimeException('Aborted'); 
            $ret = trim($ret); 
        } else { 
            $ret = ''; 
            $i = 0; 
            $ofs = -1; 
            $matches = $autocomplete; 
            $numMatches = count($matches); 
            $sttyMode = shell_exec('stty -g'); 
            shell_exec('stty -icanon -echo'); 
            $output->getFormatter()->setStyle('hl', new OutputFormatterStyle('black', 'white')); 
            while (!feof($inputStream)) { 
                $c = fread($inputStream, 1); 
                if ("" === $c) { 
                    if (0 === $numMatches && 0 !== $i) { 
                    if ($i === 0) { 
                        $ofs = -1; 
                        $matches = $autocomplete; 
                        $numMatches = count($matches); 
                    } else { 
                        $numMatches = 0; 
                    $ret = substr($ret, 0, $i); 
                } elseif ("" === $c) { 
                    $c .= fread($inputStream, 2); 
                    if (isset($c[2]) && ('A' === $c[2] || 'B' === $c[2])) { 
                        if ('A' === $c[2] && -1 === $ofs) { 
                            $ofs = 0; 
                        if (0 === $numMatches) { 
                        $ofs += 'A' === $c[2] ? -1 : 1; 
                        $ofs = ($numMatches + $ofs) % $numMatches; 
                } elseif (ord($c) < 32) { 
                    if ("\t" === $c || "\n" === $c) { 
                        if ($numMatches > 0 && -1 !== $ofs) { 
                            $ret = $matches[$ofs]; 
                            $output->write(substr($ret, $i)); 
                            $i = strlen($ret); 
                        if ("\n" === $c) { 
                        $numMatches = 0; 
                } else { 
                    $ret .= $c; 
                    $numMatches = 0; 
                    $ofs = 0; 
                    foreach ($autocomplete as $value) { 
                        if (0 === strpos($value, $ret) && $i !== strlen($value)) { 
                            $matches[$numMatches++] = $value; 
                if ($numMatches > 0 && -1 !== $ofs) { 
                    $output->write('<hl>' . substr($matches[$ofs], $i) . '</hl>'); 
            shell_exec(sprintf('stty %s', $sttyMode)); 
        return strlen($ret) > 0 ? $ret : $default; 
    public function askConfirmation(OutputInterface $output, $question, $default = true) 
        $answer = 'z'; 
        while ($answer && !in_array(strtolower($answer[0]), array('y', 'n'))) { 
            $answer = $this->ask($output, $question); 
        if (false === $default) { 
            return $answer && 'y' == strtolower($answer[0]); 
        return !$answer || 'y' == strtolower($answer[0]); 
    public function askHiddenResponse(OutputInterface $output, $question, $fallback = true) 
        if ($output instanceof ConsoleOutputInterface) { 
            $output = $output->getErrorOutput(); 
        if ('\\' === DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) { 
            $exe = '/Users/cjslade/Dev/www/' . '/../Resources/bin/hiddeninput.exe'; 
            if ('phar:' === substr('/Users/cjslade/Dev/www/', 0, 5)) { 
                $tmpExe = sys_get_temp_dir() . '/hiddeninput.exe'; 
                copy($exe, $tmpExe); 
                $exe = $tmpExe; 
            $value = rtrim(shell_exec($exe)); 
            if (isset($tmpExe)) { 
            return $value; 
        if ($this->hasSttyAvailable()) { 
            $sttyMode = shell_exec('stty -g'); 
            shell_exec('stty -echo'); 
            $value = fgets($this->inputStream ?: STDIN, 4096); 
            shell_exec(sprintf('stty %s', $sttyMode)); 
            if (false === $value) { 
                throw new RuntimeException('Aborted'); 
            $value = trim($value); 
            return $value; 
        if (false !== ($shell = $this->getShell())) { 
            $readCmd = $shell === 'csh' ? 'set mypassword = $<' : 'read -r mypassword'; 
            $command = sprintf("/usr/bin/env %s -c 'stty -echo; %s; stty echo; echo \$mypassword'", $shell, $readCmd); 
            $value = rtrim(shell_exec($command)); 
            return $value; 
        if ($fallback) { 
            return $this->ask($output, $question); 
        throw new RuntimeException('Unable to hide the response'); 
    public function askAndValidate(OutputInterface $output, $question, $validator, $attempts = false, $default = null, array $autocomplete = null) 
        $that = $this; 
        $interviewer = function () use($output, $question, $default, $autocomplete, $that) { 
            return $that->ask($output, $question, $default, $autocomplete); 
        return $this->validateAttempts($interviewer, $output, $validator, $attempts); 
    public function askHiddenResponseAndValidate(OutputInterface $output, $question, $validator, $attempts = false, $fallback = true) 
        $that = $this; 
        $interviewer = function () use($output, $question, $fallback, $that) { 
            return $that->askHiddenResponse($output, $question, $fallback); 
        return $this->validateAttempts($interviewer, $output, $validator, $attempts); 
    public function setInputStream($stream) 
        $this->inputStream = $stream; 
    public function getInputStream() 
        return $this->inputStream; 
    public function getName() 
        return 'dialog'; 
    private function getShell() 
        if (null !== self::$shell) { 
            return self::$shell; 
        self::$shell = false; 
        if (file_exists('/usr/bin/env')) { 
            $test = "/usr/bin/env %s -c 'echo OK' 2> /dev/null"; 
            foreach (array('bash', 'zsh', 'ksh', 'csh') as $sh) { 
                if ('OK' === rtrim(shell_exec(sprintf($test, $sh)))) { 
                    self::$shell = $sh; 
        return self::$shell; 
    private function hasSttyAvailable() 
        if (null !== self::$stty) { 
            return self::$stty; 
        exec('stty 2>&1', $output, $exitcode); 
        return self::$stty = $exitcode === 0; 
    private function validateAttempts($interviewer, OutputInterface $output, $validator, $attempts) 
        if ($output instanceof ConsoleOutputInterface) { 
            $output = $output->getErrorOutput(); 
        $e = null; 
        while (false === $attempts || $attempts--) { 
            if (null !== $e) { 
                $output->writeln($this->getHelperSet()->get('formatter')->formatBlock($e->getMessage(), 'error')); 
            try { 
                return call_user_func($validator, $interviewer()); 
            } catch (\Exception $e) { 
        throw $e; 
namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Helper { 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\NullOutput; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutputInterface; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\LogicException; 
class ProgressHelper extends Helper 
    const FORMAT_QUIET = ' %percent%%'; 
    const FORMAT_NORMAL = ' %current%/%max% [%bar%] %percent%%'; 
    const FORMAT_VERBOSE = ' %current%/%max% [%bar%] %percent%% Elapsed: %elapsed%'; 
    const FORMAT_QUIET_NOMAX = ' %current%'; 
    const FORMAT_NORMAL_NOMAX = ' %current% [%bar%]'; 
    const FORMAT_VERBOSE_NOMAX = ' %current% [%bar%] Elapsed: %elapsed%'; 
    private $barWidth = 28; 
    private $barChar = '='; 
    private $emptyBarChar = '-'; 
    private $progressChar = '>'; 
    private $format = null; 
    private $redrawFreq = 1; 
    private $lastMessagesLength; 
    private $barCharOriginal; 
    private $output; 
    private $current; 
    private $max; 
    private $startTime; 
    private $defaultFormatVars = array('current', 'max', 'bar', 'percent', 'elapsed'); 
    private $formatVars; 
    private $widths = array('current' => 4, 'max' => 4, 'percent' => 3, 'elapsed' => 6); 
    private $timeFormats = array(array(0, '???'), array(2, '1 sec'), array(59, 'secs', 1), array(60, '1 min'), array(3600, 'mins', 60), array(5400, '1 hr'), array(86400, 'hrs', 3600), array(129600, '1 day'), array(604800, 'days', 86400)); 
    public function __construct($triggerDeprecationError = true) 
        if ($triggerDeprecationError) { 
            @trigger_error('The ' . __CLASS__ . ' class is deprecated since version 2.5 and will be removed in 3.0. Use the Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Helper\\ProgressBar class instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED); 
    public function setBarWidth($size) 
        $this->barWidth = (int) $size; 
    public function setBarCharacter($char) 
        $this->barChar = $char; 
    public function setEmptyBarCharacter($char) 
        $this->emptyBarChar = $char; 
    public function setProgressCharacter($char) 
        $this->progressChar = $char; 
    public function setFormat($format) 
        $this->format = $format; 
    public function setRedrawFrequency($freq) 
        $this->redrawFreq = (int) $freq; 
    public function start(OutputInterface $output, $max = null) 
        if ($output instanceof ConsoleOutputInterface) { 
            $output = $output->getErrorOutput(); 
        $this->startTime = time(); 
        $this->current = 0; 
        $this->max = (int) $max; 
        $this->output = $output->isDecorated() ? $output : new NullOutput(); 
        $this->lastMessagesLength = 0; 
        $this->barCharOriginal = ''; 
        if (null === $this->format) { 
            switch ($output->getVerbosity()) { 
                case OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_QUIET: 
                    $this->format = self::FORMAT_QUIET_NOMAX; 
                    if ($this->max > 0) { 
                        $this->format = self::FORMAT_QUIET; 
                case OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_VERBOSE: 
                case OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_VERY_VERBOSE: 
                case OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_DEBUG: 
                    $this->format = self::FORMAT_VERBOSE_NOMAX; 
                    if ($this->max > 0) { 
                        $this->format = self::FORMAT_VERBOSE; 
                    $this->format = self::FORMAT_NORMAL_NOMAX; 
                    if ($this->max > 0) { 
                        $this->format = self::FORMAT_NORMAL; 
    public function advance($step = 1, $redraw = false) 
        $this->setCurrent($this->current + $step, $redraw); 
    public function setCurrent($current, $redraw = false) 
        if (null === $this->startTime) { 
            throw new LogicException('You must start the progress bar before calling setCurrent().'); 
        $current = (int) $current; 
        if ($current < $this->current) { 
            throw new LogicException('You can\'t regress the progress bar'); 
        if (0 === $this->current) { 
            $redraw = true; 
        $prevPeriod = (int) ($this->current / $this->redrawFreq); 
        $this->current = $current; 
        $currPeriod = (int) ($this->current / $this->redrawFreq); 
        if ($redraw || $prevPeriod !== $currPeriod || $this->max === $this->current) { 
    public function display($finish = false) 
        if (null === $this->startTime) { 
            throw new LogicException('You must start the progress bar before calling display().'); 
        $message = $this->format; 
        foreach ($this->generate($finish) as $name => $value) { 
            $message = str_replace("%{$name}%", $value, $message); 
        $this->overwrite($this->output, $message); 
    public function clear() 
        $this->overwrite($this->output, ''); 
    public function finish() 
        if (null === $this->startTime) { 
            throw new LogicException('You must start the progress bar before calling finish().'); 
        if (null !== $this->startTime) { 
            if (!$this->max) { 
                $this->barChar = $this->barCharOriginal; 
            $this->startTime = null; 
            $this->output = null; 
    private function initialize() 
        $this->formatVars = array(); 
        foreach ($this->defaultFormatVars as $var) { 
            if (false !== strpos($this->format, "%{$var}%")) { 
                $this->formatVars[$var] = true; 
        if ($this->max > 0) { 
            $this->widths['max'] = $this->strlen($this->max); 
            $this->widths['current'] = $this->widths['max']; 
        } else { 
            $this->barCharOriginal = $this->barChar; 
            $this->barChar = $this->emptyBarChar; 
    private function generate($finish = false) 
        $vars = array(); 
        $percent = 0; 
        if ($this->max > 0) { 
            $percent = (double) $this->current / $this->max; 
        if (isset($this->formatVars['bar'])) { 
            $completeBars = 0; 
            if ($this->max > 0) { 
                $completeBars = floor($percent * $this->barWidth); 
            } else { 
                if (!$finish) { 
                    $completeBars = floor($this->current % $this->barWidth); 
                } else { 
                    $completeBars = $this->barWidth; 
            $emptyBars = $this->barWidth - $completeBars - $this->strlen($this->progressChar); 
            $bar = str_repeat($this->barChar, $completeBars); 
            if ($completeBars < $this->barWidth) { 
                $bar .= $this->progressChar; 
                $bar .= str_repeat($this->emptyBarChar, $emptyBars); 
            $vars['bar'] = $bar; 
        if (isset($this->formatVars['elapsed'])) { 
            $elapsed = time() - $this->startTime; 
            $vars['elapsed'] = str_pad($this->humaneTime($elapsed), $this->widths['elapsed'], ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT); 
        if (isset($this->formatVars['current'])) { 
            $vars['current'] = str_pad($this->current, $this->widths['current'], ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT); 
        if (isset($this->formatVars['max'])) { 
            $vars['max'] = $this->max; 
        if (isset($this->formatVars['percent'])) { 
            $vars['percent'] = str_pad(floor($percent * 100), $this->widths['percent'], ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT); 
        return $vars; 
    private function humaneTime($secs) 
        $text = ''; 
        foreach ($this->timeFormats as $format) { 
            if ($secs < $format[0]) { 
                if (count($format) == 2) { 
                    $text = $format[1]; 
                } else { 
                    $text = ceil($secs / $format[2]) . ' ' . $format[1]; 
        return $text; 
    private function overwrite(OutputInterface $output, $message) 
        $length = $this->strlen($message); 
        if (null !== $this->lastMessagesLength && $this->lastMessagesLength > $length) { 
            $message = str_pad($message, $this->lastMessagesLength, " ", STR_PAD_RIGHT); 
        $this->lastMessagesLength = $this->strlen($message); 
    public function getName() 
        return 'progress'; 
namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Helper { 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\NullOutput; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\InvalidArgumentException; 
class TableHelper extends Helper 
    const LAYOUT_DEFAULT = 0; 
    const LAYOUT_BORDERLESS = 1; 
    const LAYOUT_COMPACT = 2; 
    private $table; 
    public function __construct($triggerDeprecationError = true) 
        if ($triggerDeprecationError) { 
            @trigger_error('The ' . __CLASS__ . ' class is deprecated since version 2.5 and will be removed in 3.0. Use the Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Helper\\Table class instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED); 
        $this->table = new Table(new NullOutput()); 
    public function setLayout($layout) 
        switch ($layout) { 
            case self::LAYOUT_BORDERLESS: 
            case self::LAYOUT_COMPACT: 
            case self::LAYOUT_DEFAULT: 
                throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Invalid table layout "%s".', $layout)); 
        return $this; 
    public function setHeaders(array $headers) 
        return $this; 
    public function setRows(array $rows) 
        return $this; 
    public function addRows(array $rows) 
        return $this; 
    public function addRow(array $row) 
        return $this; 
    public function setRow($column, array $row) 
        $this->table->setRow($column, $row); 
        return $this; 
    public function setPaddingChar($paddingChar) 
        return $this; 
    public function setHorizontalBorderChar($horizontalBorderChar) 
        return $this; 
    public function setVerticalBorderChar($verticalBorderChar) 
        return $this; 
    public function setCrossingChar($crossingChar) 
        return $this; 
    public function setCellHeaderFormat($cellHeaderFormat) 
        return $this; 
    public function setCellRowFormat($cellRowFormat) 
        return $this; 
    public function setCellRowContentFormat($cellRowContentFormat) 
        return $this; 
    public function setBorderFormat($borderFormat) 
        return $this; 
    public function setPadType($padType) 
        return $this; 
    public function render(OutputInterface $output) 
        $p = new \ReflectionProperty($this->table, 'output'); 
        $p->setValue($this->table, $output); 
    public function getName() 
        return 'table'; 
namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Helper { 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\InvalidArgumentException; 
class Table 
    private $headers = array(); 
    private $rows = array(); 
    private $columnWidths = array(); 
    private $numberOfColumns; 
    private $output; 
    private $style; 
    private $columnStyles = array(); 
    private static $styles; 
    public function __construct(OutputInterface $output) 
        $this->output = $output; 
        if (!self::$styles) { 
            self::$styles = self::initStyles(); 
    public static function setStyleDefinition($name, TableStyle $style) 
        if (!self::$styles) { 
            self::$styles = self::initStyles(); 
        self::$styles[$name] = $style; 
    public static function getStyleDefinition($name) 
        if (!self::$styles) { 
            self::$styles = self::initStyles(); 
        if (!self::$styles[$name]) { 
            throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Style "%s" is not defined.', $name)); 
        return self::$styles[$name]; 
    public function setStyle($name) 
        if ($name instanceof TableStyle) { 
            $this->style = $name; 
        } elseif (isset(self::$styles[$name])) { 
            $this->style = self::$styles[$name]; 
        } else { 
            throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Style "%s" is not defined.', $name)); 
        return $this; 
    public function getStyle() 
        return $this->style; 
    public function setColumnStyle($columnIndex, $name) 
        $columnIndex = intval($columnIndex); 
        if ($name instanceof TableStyle) { 
            $this->columnStyles[$columnIndex] = $name; 
        } elseif (isset(self::$styles[$name])) { 
            $this->columnStyles[$columnIndex] = self::$styles[$name]; 
        } else { 
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Style "%s" is not defined.', $name)); 
        return $this; 
    public function getColumnStyle($columnIndex) 
        if (isset($this->columnStyles[$columnIndex])) { 
            return $this->columnStyles[$columnIndex]; 
        return $this->getStyle(); 
    public function setHeaders(array $headers) 
        $headers = array_values($headers); 
        if (!empty($headers) && !is_array($headers[0])) { 
            $headers = array($headers); 
        $this->headers = $headers; 
        return $this; 
    public function setRows(array $rows) 
        $this->rows = array(); 
        return $this->addRows($rows); 
    public function addRows(array $rows) 
        foreach ($rows as $row) { 
        return $this; 
    public function addRow($row) 
        if ($row instanceof TableSeparator) { 
            $this->rows[] = $row; 
            return $this; 
        if (!is_array($row)) { 
            throw new InvalidArgumentException('A row must be an array or a TableSeparator instance.'); 
        $this->rows[] = array_values($row); 
        return $this; 
    public function setRow($column, array $row) 
        $this->rows[$column] = $row; 
        return $this; 
    public function render() 
        $rows = $this->buildTableRows($this->rows); 
        $headers = $this->buildTableRows($this->headers); 
        $this->calculateColumnsWidth(array_merge($headers, $rows)); 
        if (!empty($headers)) { 
            foreach ($headers as $header) { 
                $this->renderRow($header, $this->style->getCellHeaderFormat()); 
        foreach ($rows as $row) { 
            if ($row instanceof TableSeparator) { 
            } else { 
                $this->renderRow($row, $this->style->getCellRowFormat()); 
        if (!empty($rows)) { 
    private function renderRowSeparator() 
        if (0 === ($count = $this->numberOfColumns)) { 
        if (!$this->style->getHorizontalBorderChar() && !$this->style->getCrossingChar()) { 
        $markup = $this->style->getCrossingChar(); 
        for ($column = 0; $column < $count; ++$column) { 
            $markup .= str_repeat($this->style->getHorizontalBorderChar(), $this->columnWidths[$column]) . $this->style->getCrossingChar(); 
        $this->output->writeln(sprintf($this->style->getBorderFormat(), $markup)); 
    private function renderColumnSeparator() 
        $this->output->write(sprintf($this->style->getBorderFormat(), $this->style->getVerticalBorderChar())); 
    private function renderRow(array $row, $cellFormat) 
        if (empty($row)) { 
        foreach ($this->getRowColumns($row) as $column) { 
            $this->renderCell($row, $column, $cellFormat); 
    private function renderCell(array $row, $column, $cellFormat) 
        $cell = isset($row[$column]) ? $row[$column] : ''; 
        $width = $this->columnWidths[$column]; 
        if ($cell instanceof TableCell && $cell->getColspan() > 1) { 
            foreach (range($column + 1, $column + $cell->getColspan() - 1) as $nextColumn) { 
                $width += $this->getColumnSeparatorWidth() + $this->columnWidths[$nextColumn]; 
        if (false !== ($encoding = mb_detect_encoding($cell, null, true))) { 
            $width += strlen($cell) - mb_strwidth($cell, $encoding); 
        $style = $this->getColumnStyle($column); 
        if ($cell instanceof TableSeparator) { 
            $this->output->write(sprintf($style->getBorderFormat(), str_repeat($style->getHorizontalBorderChar(), $width))); 
        } else { 
            $width += Helper::strlen($cell) - Helper::strlenWithoutDecoration($this->output->getFormatter(), $cell); 
            $content = sprintf($style->getCellRowContentFormat(), $cell); 
            $this->output->write(sprintf($cellFormat, str_pad($content, $width, $style->getPaddingChar(), $style->getPadType()))); 
    private function calculateNumberOfColumns() 
        if (null !== $this->numberOfColumns) { 
        $columns = array(0); 
        foreach (array_merge($this->headers, $this->rows) as $row) { 
            if ($row instanceof TableSeparator) { 
            $columns[] = $this->getNumberOfColumns($row); 
        $this->numberOfColumns = max($columns); 
    private function buildTableRows($rows) 
        $unmergedRows = array(); 
        for ($rowKey = 0; $rowKey < count($rows); ++$rowKey) { 
            $rows = $this->fillNextRows($rows, $rowKey); 
            foreach ($rows[$rowKey] as $column => $cell) { 
                if (!strstr($cell, "\n")) { 
                $lines = explode("\n", $cell); 
                foreach ($lines as $lineKey => $line) { 
                    if ($cell instanceof TableCell) { 
                        $line = new TableCell($line, array('colspan' => $cell->getColspan())); 
                    if (0 === $lineKey) { 
                        $rows[$rowKey][$column] = $line; 
                    } else { 
                        $unmergedRows[$rowKey][$lineKey][$column] = $line; 
        $tableRows = array(); 
        foreach ($rows as $rowKey => $row) { 
            $tableRows[] = $this->fillCells($row); 
            if (isset($unmergedRows[$rowKey])) { 
                $tableRows = array_merge($tableRows, $unmergedRows[$rowKey]); 
        return $tableRows; 
    private function fillNextRows($rows, $line) 
        $unmergedRows = array(); 
        foreach ($rows[$line] as $column => $cell) { 
            if ($cell instanceof TableCell && $cell->getRowspan() > 1) { 
                $nbLines = $cell->getRowspan() - 1; 
                $lines = array($cell); 
                if (strstr($cell, "\n")) { 
                    $lines = explode("\n", $cell); 
                    $nbLines = count($lines) > $nbLines ? substr_count($cell, "\n") : $nbLines; 
                    $rows[$line][$column] = new TableCell($lines[0], array('colspan' => $cell->getColspan())); 
                $unmergedRows = array_replace_recursive(array_fill($line + 1, $nbLines, ''), $unmergedRows); 
                foreach ($unmergedRows as $unmergedRowKey => $unmergedRow) { 
                    $value = isset($lines[$unmergedRowKey - $line]) ? $lines[$unmergedRowKey - $line] : ''; 
                    $unmergedRows[$unmergedRowKey][$column] = new TableCell($value, array('colspan' => $cell->getColspan())); 
        foreach ($unmergedRows as $unmergedRowKey => $unmergedRow) { 
            if (isset($rows[$unmergedRowKey]) && is_array($rows[$unmergedRowKey]) && $this->getNumberOfColumns($rows[$unmergedRowKey]) + $this->getNumberOfColumns($unmergedRows[$unmergedRowKey]) <= $this->numberOfColumns) { 
                foreach ($unmergedRow as $cellKey => $cell) { 
                    array_splice($rows[$unmergedRowKey], $cellKey, 0, array($cell)); 
            } else { 
                $row = $this->copyRow($rows, $unmergedRowKey - 1); 
                foreach ($unmergedRow as $column => $cell) { 
                    if (!empty($cell)) { 
                        $row[$column] = $unmergedRow[$column]; 
                array_splice($rows, $unmergedRowKey, 0, array($row)); 
        return $rows; 
    private function fillCells($row) 
        $newRow = array(); 
        foreach ($row as $column => $cell) { 
            $newRow[] = $cell; 
            if ($cell instanceof TableCell && $cell->getColspan() > 1) { 
                foreach (range($column + 1, $column + $cell->getColspan() - 1) as $position) { 
                    $newRow[] = ''; 
        return $newRow ?: $row; 
    private function copyRow($rows, $line) 
        $row = $rows[$line]; 
        foreach ($row as $cellKey => $cellValue) { 
            $row[$cellKey] = ''; 
            if ($cellValue instanceof TableCell) { 
                $row[$cellKey] = new TableCell('', array('colspan' => $cellValue->getColspan())); 
        return $row; 
    private function getNumberOfColumns(array $row) 
        $columns = count($row); 
        foreach ($row as $column) { 
            $columns += $column instanceof TableCell ? $column->getColspan() - 1 : 0; 
        return $columns; 
    private function getRowColumns($row) 
        $columns = range(0, $this->numberOfColumns - 1); 
        foreach ($row as $cellKey => $cell) { 
            if ($cell instanceof TableCell && $cell->getColspan() > 1) { 
                $columns = array_diff($columns, range($cellKey + 1, $cellKey + $cell->getColspan() - 1)); 
        return $columns; 
    private function calculateColumnsWidth($rows) 
        for ($column = 0; $column < $this->numberOfColumns; ++$column) { 
            $lengths = array(); 
            foreach ($rows as $row) { 
                if ($row instanceof TableSeparator) { 
                $lengths[] = $this->getCellWidth($row, $column); 
            $this->columnWidths[$column] = max($lengths) + strlen($this->style->getCellRowContentFormat()) - 2; 
    private function getColumnSeparatorWidth() 
        return strlen(sprintf($this->style->getBorderFormat(), $this->style->getVerticalBorderChar())); 
    private function getCellWidth(array $row, $column) 
        if (isset($row[$column])) { 
            $cell = $row[$column]; 
            $cellWidth = Helper::strlenWithoutDecoration($this->output->getFormatter(), $cell); 
            if ($cell instanceof TableCell && $cell->getColspan() > 1) { 
                $cellWidth = $cellWidth / $cell->getColspan(); 
            return $cellWidth; 
        return 0; 
    private function cleanup() 
        $this->columnWidths = array(); 
        $this->numberOfColumns = null; 
    private static function initStyles() 
        $borderless = new TableStyle(); 
        $borderless->setHorizontalBorderChar('=')->setVerticalBorderChar(' ')->setCrossingChar(' '); 
        $compact = new TableStyle(); 
        $compact->setHorizontalBorderChar('')->setVerticalBorderChar(' ')->setCrossingChar('')->setCellRowContentFormat('%s'); 
        $styleGuide = new TableStyle(); 
        $styleGuide->setHorizontalBorderChar('-')->setVerticalBorderChar(' ')->setCrossingChar(' ')->setCellHeaderFormat('%s'); 
        return array('default' => new TableStyle(), 'borderless' => $borderless, 'compact' => $compact, 'symfony-style-guide' => $styleGuide); 
namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Output { 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Formatter\OutputFormatterInterface; 
interface OutputInterface 
    const VERBOSITY_QUIET = 16; 
    const VERBOSITY_NORMAL = 32; 
    const VERBOSITY_VERBOSE = 64; 
    const VERBOSITY_VERY_VERBOSE = 128; 
    const VERBOSITY_DEBUG = 256; 
    const OUTPUT_NORMAL = 1; 
    const OUTPUT_RAW = 2; 
    const OUTPUT_PLAIN = 4; 
    public function write($messages, $newline = false, $options = 0); 
    public function writeln($messages, $options = 0); 
    public function setVerbosity($level); 
    public function getVerbosity(); 
    public function setDecorated($decorated); 
    public function isDecorated(); 
    public function setFormatter(OutputFormatterInterface $formatter); 
    public function getFormatter(); 
namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Output { 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Formatter\OutputFormatter; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Formatter\OutputFormatterInterface; 
class NullOutput implements OutputInterface 
    public function setFormatter(OutputFormatterInterface $formatter) 
    public function getFormatter() 
        return new OutputFormatter(); 
    public function setDecorated($decorated) 
    public function isDecorated() 
        return false; 
    public function setVerbosity($level) 
    public function getVerbosity() 
        return self::VERBOSITY_QUIET; 
    public function isQuiet() 
        return true; 
    public function isVerbose() 
        return false; 
    public function isVeryVerbose() 
        return false; 
    public function isDebug() 
        return false; 
    public function writeln($messages, $options = self::OUTPUT_NORMAL) 
    public function write($messages, $newline = false, $options = self::OUTPUT_NORMAL) 
namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Helper { 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\InvalidArgumentException; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\LogicException; 
class TableStyle 
    private $paddingChar = ' '; 
    private $horizontalBorderChar = '-'; 
    private $verticalBorderChar = '|'; 
    private $crossingChar = '+'; 
    private $cellHeaderFormat = '<info>%s</info>'; 
    private $cellRowFormat = '%s'; 
    private $cellRowContentFormat = ' %s '; 
    private $borderFormat = '%s'; 
    private $padType = STR_PAD_RIGHT; 
    public function setPaddingChar($paddingChar) 
        if (!$paddingChar) { 
            throw new LogicException('The padding char must not be empty'); 
        $this->paddingChar = $paddingChar; 
        return $this; 
    public function getPaddingChar() 
        return $this->paddingChar; 
    public function setHorizontalBorderChar($horizontalBorderChar) 
        $this->horizontalBorderChar = $horizontalBorderChar; 
        return $this; 
    public function getHorizontalBorderChar() 
        return $this->horizontalBorderChar; 
    public function setVerticalBorderChar($verticalBorderChar) 
        $this->verticalBorderChar = $verticalBorderChar; 
        return $this; 
    public function getVerticalBorderChar() 
        return $this->verticalBorderChar; 
    public function setCrossingChar($crossingChar) 
        $this->crossingChar = $crossingChar; 
        return $this; 
    public function getCrossingChar() 
        return $this->crossingChar; 
    public function setCellHeaderFormat($cellHeaderFormat) 
        $this->cellHeaderFormat = $cellHeaderFormat; 
        return $this; 
    public function getCellHeaderFormat() 
        return $this->cellHeaderFormat; 
    public function setCellRowFormat($cellRowFormat) 
        $this->cellRowFormat = $cellRowFormat; 
        return $this; 
    public function getCellRowFormat() 
        return $this->cellRowFormat; 
    public function setCellRowContentFormat($cellRowContentFormat) 
        $this->cellRowContentFormat = $cellRowContentFormat; 
        return $this; 
    public function getCellRowContentFormat() 
        return $this->cellRowContentFormat; 
    public function setBorderFormat($borderFormat) 
        $this->borderFormat = $borderFormat; 
        return $this; 
    public function getBorderFormat() 
        return $this->borderFormat; 
    public function setPadType($padType) 
        if (!in_array($padType, array(STR_PAD_LEFT, STR_PAD_RIGHT, STR_PAD_BOTH), true)) { 
            throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid padding type. Expected one of (STR_PAD_LEFT, STR_PAD_RIGHT, STR_PAD_BOTH).'); 
        $this->padType = $padType; 
        return $this; 
    public function getPadType() 
        return $this->padType; 
namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Helper { 
class DebugFormatterHelper extends Helper 
    private $colors = array('black', 'red', 'green', 'yellow', 'blue', 'magenta', 'cyan', 'white', 'default'); 
    private $started = array(); 
    private $count = -1; 
    public function start($id, $message, $prefix = 'RUN') 
        $this->started[$id] = array('border' => ++$this->count % count($this->colors)); 
        return sprintf("%s<bg=blue;fg=white> %s </> <fg=blue>%s</>\n", $this->getBorder($id), $prefix, $message); 
    public function progress($id, $buffer, $error = false, $prefix = 'OUT', $errorPrefix = 'ERR') 
        $message = ''; 
        if ($error) { 
            if (isset($this->started[$id]['out'])) { 
                $message .= "\n"; 
            if (!isset($this->started[$id]['err'])) { 
                $message .= sprintf('%s<bg=red;fg=white> %s </> ', $this->getBorder($id), $errorPrefix); 
                $this->started[$id]['err'] = true; 
            $message .= str_replace("\n", sprintf("\n%s<bg=red;fg=white> %s </> ", $this->getBorder($id), $errorPrefix), $buffer); 
        } else { 
            if (isset($this->started[$id]['err'])) { 
                $message .= "\n"; 
            if (!isset($this->started[$id]['out'])) { 
                $message .= sprintf('%s<bg=green;fg=white> %s </> ', $this->getBorder($id), $prefix); 
                $this->started[$id]['out'] = true; 
            $message .= str_replace("\n", sprintf("\n%s<bg=green;fg=white> %s </> ", $this->getBorder($id), $prefix), $buffer); 
        return $message; 
    public function stop($id, $message, $successful, $prefix = 'RES') 
        $trailingEOL = isset($this->started[$id]['out']) || isset($this->started[$id]['err']) ? "\n" : ''; 
        if ($successful) { 
            return sprintf("%s%s<bg=green;fg=white> %s </> <fg=green>%s</>\n", $trailingEOL, $this->getBorder($id), $prefix, $message); 
        $message = sprintf("%s%s<bg=red;fg=white> %s </> <fg=red>%s</>\n", $trailingEOL, $this->getBorder($id), $prefix, $message); 
        unset($this->started[$id]['out'], $this->started[$id]['err']); 
        return $message; 
    private function getBorder($id) 
        return sprintf('<bg=%s> </>', $this->colors[$this->started[$id]['border']]); 
    public function getName() 
        return 'debug_formatter'; 
namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Helper { 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutputInterface; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface; 
use Symfony\Component\Process\Exception\ProcessFailedException; 
use Symfony\Component\Process\Process; 
use Symfony\Component\Process\ProcessBuilder; 
class ProcessHelper extends Helper 
    public function run(OutputInterface $output, $cmd, $error = null, $callback = null, $verbosity = OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_VERY_VERBOSE) 
        if ($output instanceof ConsoleOutputInterface) { 
            $output = $output->getErrorOutput(); 
        $formatter = $this->getHelperSet()->get('debug_formatter'); 
        if (is_array($cmd)) { 
            $process = ProcessBuilder::create($cmd)->getProcess(); 
        } elseif ($cmd instanceof Process) { 
            $process = $cmd; 
        } else { 
            $process = new Process($cmd); 
        if ($verbosity <= $output->getVerbosity()) { 
            $output->write($formatter->start(spl_object_hash($process), $this->escapeString($process->getCommandLine()))); 
        if ($output->isDebug()) { 
            $callback = $this->wrapCallback($output, $process, $callback); 
        if ($verbosity <= $output->getVerbosity()) { 
            $message = $process->isSuccessful() ? 'Command ran successfully' : sprintf('%s Command did not run successfully', $process->getExitCode()); 
            $output->write($formatter->stop(spl_object_hash($process), $message, $process->isSuccessful())); 
        if (!$process->isSuccessful() && null !== $error) { 
            $output->writeln(sprintf('<error>%s</error>', $this->escapeString($error))); 
        return $process; 
    public function mustRun(OutputInterface $output, $cmd, $error = null, $callback = null) 
        $process = $this->run($output, $cmd, $error, $callback); 
        if (!$process->isSuccessful()) { 
            throw new ProcessFailedException($process); 
        return $process; 
    public function wrapCallback(OutputInterface $output, Process $process, $callback = null) 
        if ($output instanceof ConsoleOutputInterface) { 
            $output = $output->getErrorOutput(); 
        $formatter = $this->getHelperSet()->get('debug_formatter'); 
        $that = $this; 
        return function ($type, $buffer) use($output, $process, $callback, $formatter, $that) { 
            $output->write($formatter->progress(spl_object_hash($process), $that->escapeString($buffer), Process::ERR === $type)); 
            if (null !== $callback) { 
                call_user_func($callback, $type, $buffer); 
    public function escapeString($str) 
        return str_replace('<', '\\<', $str); 
    public function getName() 
        return 'process'; 
namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Helper { 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\InvalidArgumentException; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\RuntimeException; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutputInterface; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Formatter\OutputFormatterStyle; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Question\Question; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Question\ChoiceQuestion; 
class QuestionHelper extends Helper 
    private $inputStream; 
    private static $shell; 
    private static $stty; 
    public function ask(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output, Question $question) 
        if ($output instanceof ConsoleOutputInterface) { 
            $output = $output->getErrorOutput(); 
        if (!$input->isInteractive()) { 
            return $question->getDefault(); 
        if (!$question->getValidator()) { 
            return $this->doAsk($output, $question); 
        $that = $this; 
        $interviewer = function () use($output, $question, $that) { 
            return $that->doAsk($output, $question); 
        return $this->validateAttempts($interviewer, $output, $question); 
    public function setInputStream($stream) 
        if (!is_resource($stream)) { 
            throw new InvalidArgumentException('Input stream must be a valid resource.'); 
        $this->inputStream = $stream; 
    public function getInputStream() 
        return $this->inputStream; 
    public function getName() 
        return 'question'; 
    public function doAsk(OutputInterface $output, Question $question) 
        $this->writePrompt($output, $question); 
        $inputStream = $this->inputStream ?: STDIN; 
        $autocomplete = $question->getAutocompleterValues(); 
        if (null === $autocomplete || !$this->hasSttyAvailable()) { 
            $ret = false; 
            if ($question->isHidden()) { 
                try { 
                    $ret = trim($this->getHiddenResponse($output, $inputStream)); 
                } catch (\RuntimeException $e) { 
                    if (!$question->isHiddenFallback()) { 
                        throw $e; 
            if (false === $ret) { 
                $ret = fgets($inputStream, 4096); 
                if (false === $ret) { 
                    throw new \RuntimeException('Aborted'); 
                $ret = trim($ret); 
        } else { 
            $ret = trim($this->autocomplete($output, $question, $inputStream)); 
        $ret = strlen($ret) > 0 ? $ret : $question->getDefault(); 
        if ($normalizer = $question->getNormalizer()) { 
            return $normalizer($ret); 
        return $ret; 
    protected function writePrompt(OutputInterface $output, Question $question) 
        $message = $question->getQuestion(); 
        if ($question instanceof ChoiceQuestion) { 
            $maxWidth = max(array_map(array($this, 'strlen'), array_keys($question->getChoices()))); 
            $messages = (array) $question->getQuestion(); 
            foreach ($question->getChoices() as $key => $value) { 
                $width = $maxWidth - $this->strlen($key); 
                $messages[] = '  [<info>' . $key . str_repeat(' ', $width) . '</info>] ' . $value; 
            $message = $question->getPrompt(); 
    protected function writeError(OutputInterface $output, \Exception $error) 
        if (null !== $this->getHelperSet() && $this->getHelperSet()->has('formatter')) { 
            $message = $this->getHelperSet()->get('formatter')->formatBlock($error->getMessage(), 'error'); 
        } else { 
            $message = '<error>' . $error->getMessage() . '</error>'; 
    private function autocomplete(OutputInterface $output, Question $question, $inputStream) 
        $autocomplete = $question->getAutocompleterValues(); 
        $ret = ''; 
        $i = 0; 
        $ofs = -1; 
        $matches = $autocomplete; 
        $numMatches = count($matches); 
        $sttyMode = shell_exec('stty -g'); 
        shell_exec('stty -icanon -echo'); 
        $output->getFormatter()->setStyle('hl', new OutputFormatterStyle('black', 'white')); 
        while (!feof($inputStream)) { 
            $c = fread($inputStream, 1); 
            if ("" === $c) { 
                if (0 === $numMatches && 0 !== $i) { 
                if ($i === 0) { 
                    $ofs = -1; 
                    $matches = $autocomplete; 
                    $numMatches = count($matches); 
                } else { 
                    $numMatches = 0; 
                $ret = substr($ret, 0, $i); 
            } elseif ("" === $c) { 
                $c .= fread($inputStream, 2); 
                if (isset($c[2]) && ('A' === $c[2] || 'B' === $c[2])) { 
                    if ('A' === $c[2] && -1 === $ofs) { 
                        $ofs = 0; 
                    if (0 === $numMatches) { 
                    $ofs += 'A' === $c[2] ? -1 : 1; 
                    $ofs = ($numMatches + $ofs) % $numMatches; 
            } elseif (ord($c) < 32) { 
                if ("\t" === $c || "\n" === $c) { 
                    if ($numMatches > 0 && -1 !== $ofs) { 
                        $ret = $matches[$ofs]; 
                        $output->write(substr($ret, $i)); 
                        $i = strlen($ret); 
                    if ("\n" === $c) { 
                    $numMatches = 0; 
            } else { 
                $ret .= $c; 
                $numMatches = 0; 
                $ofs = 0; 
                foreach ($autocomplete as $value) { 
                    if (0 === strpos($value, $ret) && $i !== strlen($value)) { 
                        $matches[$numMatches++] = $value; 
            if ($numMatches > 0 && -1 !== $ofs) { 
                $output->write('<hl>' . substr($matches[$ofs], $i) . '</hl>'); 
        shell_exec(sprintf('stty %s', $sttyMode)); 
        return $ret; 
    private function getHiddenResponse(OutputInterface $output, $inputStream) 
        if ('\\' === DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) { 
            $exe = '/Users/cjslade/Dev/www/' . '/../Resources/bin/hiddeninput.exe'; 
            if ('phar:' === substr('/Users/cjslade/Dev/www/', 0, 5)) { 
                $tmpExe = sys_get_temp_dir() . '/hiddeninput.exe'; 
                copy($exe, $tmpExe); 
                $exe = $tmpExe; 
            $value = rtrim(shell_exec($exe)); 
            if (isset($tmpExe)) { 
            return $value; 
        if ($this->hasSttyAvailable()) { 
            $sttyMode = shell_exec('stty -g'); 
            shell_exec('stty -echo'); 
            $value = fgets($inputStream, 4096); 
            shell_exec(sprintf('stty %s', $sttyMode)); 
            if (false === $value) { 
                throw new RuntimeException('Aborted'); 
            $value = trim($value); 
            return $value; 
        if (false !== ($shell = $this->getShell())) { 
            $readCmd = $shell === 'csh' ? 'set mypassword = $<' : 'read -r mypassword'; 
            $command = sprintf("/usr/bin/env %s -c 'stty -echo; %s; stty echo; echo \$mypassword'", $shell, $readCmd); 
            $value = rtrim(shell_exec($command)); 
            return $value; 
        throw new RuntimeException('Unable to hide the response.'); 
    private function validateAttempts($interviewer, OutputInterface $output, Question $question) 
        $error = null; 
        $attempts = $question->getMaxAttempts(); 
        while (null === $attempts || $attempts--) { 
            if (null !== $error) { 
                $this->writeError($output, $error); 
            try { 
                return call_user_func($question->getValidator(), $interviewer()); 
            } catch (\Exception $error) { 
        throw $error; 
    private function getShell() 
        if (null !== self::$shell) { 
            return self::$shell; 
        self::$shell = false; 
        if (file_exists('/usr/bin/env')) { 
            $test = "/usr/bin/env %s -c 'echo OK' 2> /dev/null"; 
            foreach (array('bash', 'zsh', 'ksh', 'csh') as $sh) { 
                if ('OK' === rtrim(shell_exec(sprintf($test, $sh)))) { 
                    self::$shell = $sh; 
        return self::$shell; 
    private function hasSttyAvailable() 
        if (null !== self::$stty) { 
            return self::$stty; 
        exec('stty 2>&1', $output, $exitcode); 
        return self::$stty = $exitcode === 0; 
namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Input { 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\InvalidArgumentException; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\LogicException; 
class InputArgument 
    const REQUIRED = 1; 
    const OPTIONAL = 2; 
    const IS_ARRAY = 4; 
    private $name; 
    private $mode; 
    private $default; 
    private $description; 
    public function __construct($name, $mode = null, $description = '', $default = null) 
        if (null === $mode) { 
            $mode = self::OPTIONAL; 
        } elseif (!is_int($mode) || $mode > 7 || $mode < 1) { 
            throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Argument mode "%s" is not valid.', $mode)); 
        $this->name = $name; 
        $this->mode = $mode; 
        $this->description = $description; 
    public function getName() 
        return $this->name; 
    public function isRequired() 
        return self::REQUIRED === (self::REQUIRED & $this->mode); 
    public function isArray() 
        return self::IS_ARRAY === (self::IS_ARRAY & $this->mode); 
    public function setDefault($default = null) 
        if (self::REQUIRED === $this->mode && null !== $default) { 
            throw new LogicException('Cannot set a default value except for InputArgument::OPTIONAL mode.'); 
        if ($this->isArray()) { 
            if (null === $default) { 
                $default = array(); 
            } elseif (!is_array($default)) { 
                throw new LogicException('A default value for an array argument must be an array.'); 
        $this->default = $default; 
    public function getDefault() 
        return $this->default; 
    public function getDescription() 
        return $this->description; 
namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Command { 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\DescriptorHelper; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputArgument; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface; 
class HelpCommand extends Command 
    private $command; 
    protected function configure() 
        $this->setName('help')->setDefinition(array(new InputArgument('command_name', InputArgument::OPTIONAL, 'The command name', 'help'), new InputOption('xml', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'To output help as XML'), new InputOption('format', null, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'The output format (txt, xml, json, or md)', 'txt'), new InputOption('raw', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'To output raw command help')))->setDescription('Displays help for a command')->setHelp(<<<'EOF' 
The <info></info> command displays help for a given command: 
  <info>php %command.full_name% list</info> 
You can also output the help in other formats by using the <comment>--format</comment> option: 
  <info>php %command.full_name% --format=xml list</info> 
To display the list of available commands, please use the <info>list</info> command. 
    public function setCommand(Command $command) 
        $this->command = $command; 
    protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) 
        if (null === $this->command) { 
            $this->command = $this->getApplication()->find($input->getArgument('command_name')); 
        if ($input->getOption('xml')) { 
            @trigger_error('The --xml option was deprecated in version 2.7 and will be removed in version 3.0. Use the --format option instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED); 
            $input->setOption('format', 'xml'); 
        $helper = new DescriptorHelper(); 
        $helper->describe($output, $this->command, array('format' => $input->getOption('format'), 'raw_text' => $input->getOption('raw'))); 
        $this->command = null; 
namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Command { 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\DescriptorHelper; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputArgument; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputDefinition; 
class ListCommand extends Command 
    protected function configure() 
        $this->setName('list')->setDefinition($this->createDefinition())->setDescription('Lists commands')->setHelp(<<<'EOF' 
The <info></info> command lists all commands: 
  <info>php %command.full_name%</info> 
You can also display the commands for a specific namespace: 
  <info>php %command.full_name% test</info> 
You can also output the information in other formats by using the <comment>--format</comment> option: 
  <info>php %command.full_name% --format=xml</info> 
It's also possible to get raw list of commands (useful for embedding command runner): 
  <info>php %command.full_name% --raw</info> 
    public function getNativeDefinition() 
        return $this->createDefinition(); 
    protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) 
        if ($input->getOption('xml')) { 
            @trigger_error('The --xml option was deprecated in version 2.7 and will be removed in version 3.0. Use the --format option instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED); 
            $input->setOption('format', 'xml'); 
        $helper = new DescriptorHelper(); 
        $helper->describe($output, $this->getApplication(), array('format' => $input->getOption('format'), 'raw_text' => $input->getOption('raw'), 'namespace' => $input->getArgument('namespace'))); 
    private function createDefinition() 
        return new InputDefinition(array(new InputArgument('namespace', InputArgument::OPTIONAL, 'The namespace name'), new InputOption('xml', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'To output list as XML'), new InputOption('raw', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'To output raw command list'), new InputOption('format', null, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'The output format (txt, xml, json, or md)', 'txt'))); 
namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Input { 
interface InputInterface 
    public function getFirstArgument(); 
    public function hasParameterOption($values); 
    public function getParameterOption($values, $default = false); 
    public function bind(InputDefinition $definition); 
    public function validate(); 
    public function getArguments(); 
    public function getArgument($name); 
    public function setArgument($name, $value); 
    public function hasArgument($name); 
    public function getOptions(); 
    public function getOption($name); 
    public function setOption($name, $value); 
    public function hasOption($name); 
    public function isInteractive(); 
    public function setInteractive($interactive); 
namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Input { 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\InvalidArgumentException; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\RuntimeException; 
abstract class Input implements InputInterface 
    protected $definition; 
    protected $options = array(); 
    protected $arguments = array(); 
    protected $interactive = true; 
    public function __construct(InputDefinition $definition = null) 
        if (null === $definition) { 
            $this->definition = new InputDefinition(); 
        } else { 
    public function bind(InputDefinition $definition) 
        $this->arguments = array(); 
        $this->options = array(); 
        $this->definition = $definition; 
    protected abstract function parse(); 
    public function validate() 
        $definition = $this->definition; 
        $givenArguments = $this->arguments; 
        $missingArguments = array_filter(array_keys($definition->getArguments()), function ($argument) use($definition, $givenArguments) { 
            return !array_key_exists($argument, $givenArguments) && $definition->getArgument($argument)->isRequired(); 
        if (count($missingArguments) > 0) { 
            throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Not enough arguments (missing: "%s").', implode(', ', $missingArguments))); 
    public function isInteractive() 
        return $this->interactive; 
    public function setInteractive($interactive) 
        $this->interactive = (bool) $interactive; 
    public function getArguments() 
        return array_merge($this->definition->getArgumentDefaults(), $this->arguments); 
    public function getArgument($name) 
        if (!$this->definition->hasArgument($name)) { 
            throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The "%s" argument does not exist.', $name)); 
        return isset($this->arguments[$name]) ? $this->arguments[$name] : $this->definition->getArgument($name)->getDefault(); 
    public function setArgument($name, $value) 
        if (!$this->definition->hasArgument($name)) { 
            throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The "%s" argument does not exist.', $name)); 
        $this->arguments[$name] = $value; 
    public function hasArgument($name) 
        return $this->definition->hasArgument($name); 
    public function getOptions() 
        return array_merge($this->definition->getOptionDefaults(), $this->options); 
    public function getOption($name) 
        if (!$this->definition->hasOption($name)) { 
            throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The "%s" option does not exist.', $name)); 
        return isset($this->options[$name]) ? $this->options[$name] : $this->definition->getOption($name)->getDefault(); 
    public function setOption($name, $value) 
        if (!$this->definition->hasOption($name)) { 
            throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The "%s" option does not exist.', $name)); 
        $this->options[$name] = $value; 
    public function hasOption($name) 
        return $this->definition->hasOption($name); 
    public function escapeToken($token) 
        return preg_match('{^[\\w-]+$}', $token) ? $token : escapeshellarg($token); 
namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Input { 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\RuntimeException; 
class ArgvInput extends Input 
    private $tokens; 
    private $parsed; 
    public function __construct(array $argv = null, InputDefinition $definition = null) 
        if (null === $argv) { 
            $argv = $_SERVER['argv']; 
        $this->tokens = $argv; 
    protected function setTokens(array $tokens) 
        $this->tokens = $tokens; 
    protected function parse() 
        $parseOptions = true; 
        $this->parsed = $this->tokens; 
        while (null !== ($token = array_shift($this->parsed))) { 
            if ($parseOptions && '' == $token) { 
            } elseif ($parseOptions && '--' == $token) { 
                $parseOptions = false; 
            } elseif ($parseOptions && 0 === strpos($token, '--')) { 
            } elseif ($parseOptions && '-' === $token[0] && '-' !== $token) { 
            } else { 
    private function parseShortOption($token) 
        $name = substr($token, 1); 
        if (strlen($name) > 1) { 
            if ($this->definition->hasShortcut($name[0]) && $this->definition->getOptionForShortcut($name[0])->acceptValue()) { 
                $this->addShortOption($name[0], substr($name, 1)); 
            } else { 
        } else { 
            $this->addShortOption($name, null); 
    private function parseShortOptionSet($name) 
        $len = strlen($name); 
        for ($i = 0; $i < $len; ++$i) { 
            if (!$this->definition->hasShortcut($name[$i])) { 
                throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('The "-%s" option does not exist.', $name[$i])); 
            $option = $this->definition->getOptionForShortcut($name[$i]); 
            if ($option->acceptValue()) { 
                $this->addLongOption($option->getName(), $i === $len - 1 ? null : substr($name, $i + 1)); 
            } else { 
                $this->addLongOption($option->getName(), null); 
    private function parseLongOption($token) 
        $name = substr($token, 2); 
        if (false !== ($pos = strpos($name, '='))) { 
            $this->addLongOption(substr($name, 0, $pos), substr($name, $pos + 1)); 
        } else { 
            $this->addLongOption($name, null); 
    private function parseArgument($token) 
        $c = count($this->arguments); 
        if ($this->definition->hasArgument($c)) { 
            $arg = $this->definition->getArgument($c); 
            $this->arguments[$arg->getName()] = $arg->isArray() ? array($token) : $token; 
        } elseif ($this->definition->hasArgument($c - 1) && $this->definition->getArgument($c - 1)->isArray()) { 
            $arg = $this->definition->getArgument($c - 1); 
            $this->arguments[$arg->getName()][] = $token; 
        } else { 
            throw new RuntimeException('Too many arguments.'); 
    private function addShortOption($shortcut, $value) 
        if (!$this->definition->hasShortcut($shortcut)) { 
            throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('The "-%s" option does not exist.', $shortcut)); 
        $this->addLongOption($this->definition->getOptionForShortcut($shortcut)->getName(), $value); 
    private function addLongOption($name, $value) 
        if (!$this->definition->hasOption($name)) { 
            throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('The "--%s" option does not exist.', $name)); 
        $option = $this->definition->getOption($name); 
        if (!isset($value[0])) { 
            $value = null; 
        if (null !== $value && !$option->acceptValue()) { 
            throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('The "--%s" option does not accept a value.', $name)); 
        if (null === $value && $option->acceptValue() && count($this->parsed)) { 
            $next = array_shift($this->parsed); 
            if (isset($next[0]) && '-' !== $next[0]) { 
                $value = $next; 
            } elseif (empty($next)) { 
                $value = ''; 
            } else { 
                array_unshift($this->parsed, $next); 
        if (null === $value) { 
            if ($option->isValueRequired()) { 
                throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('The "--%s" option requires a value.', $name)); 
            if (!$option->isArray()) { 
                $value = $option->isValueOptional() ? $option->getDefault() : true; 
        if ($option->isArray()) { 
            $this->options[$name][] = $value; 
        } else { 
            $this->options[$name] = $value; 
    public function getFirstArgument() 
        foreach ($this->tokens as $token) { 
            if ($token && '-' === $token[0]) { 
            return $token; 
    public function hasParameterOption($values) 
        $values = (array) $values; 
        foreach ($this->tokens as $token) { 
            foreach ($values as $value) { 
                if ($token === $value || 0 === strpos($token, $value . '=')) { 
                    return true; 
        return false; 
    public function getParameterOption($values, $default = false) 
        $values = (array) $values; 
        $tokens = $this->tokens; 
        while (0 < count($tokens)) { 
            $token = array_shift($tokens); 
            foreach ($values as $value) { 
                if ($token === $value || 0 === strpos($token, $value . '=')) { 
                    if (false !== ($pos = strpos($token, '='))) { 
                        return substr($token, $pos + 1); 
                    return array_shift($tokens); 
        return $default; 
    public function __toString() 
        $self = $this; 
        $tokens = array_map(function ($token) use($self) { 
            if (preg_match('{^(-[^=]+=)(.+)}', $token, $match)) { 
                return $match[1] . $self->escapeToken($match[2]); 
            if ($token && $token[0] !== '-') { 
                return $self->escapeToken($token); 
            return $token; 
        }, $this->tokens); 
        return implode(' ', $tokens); 
namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Output { 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Formatter\OutputFormatterInterface; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Formatter\OutputFormatter; 
abstract class Output implements OutputInterface 
    private $verbosity; 
    private $formatter; 
    public function __construct($verbosity = self::VERBOSITY_NORMAL, $decorated = false, OutputFormatterInterface $formatter = null) 
        $this->verbosity = null === $verbosity ? self::VERBOSITY_NORMAL : $verbosity; 
        $this->formatter = $formatter ?: new OutputFormatter(); 
    public function setFormatter(OutputFormatterInterface $formatter) 
        $this->formatter = $formatter; 
    public function getFormatter() 
        return $this->formatter; 
    public function setDecorated($decorated) 
    public function isDecorated() 
        return $this->formatter->isDecorated(); 
    public function setVerbosity($level) 
        $this->verbosity = (int) $level; 
    public function getVerbosity() 
        return $this->verbosity; 
    public function isQuiet() 
        return self::VERBOSITY_QUIET === $this->verbosity; 
    public function isVerbose() 
        return self::VERBOSITY_VERBOSE <= $this->verbosity; 
    public function isVeryVerbose() 
        return self::VERBOSITY_VERY_VERBOSE <= $this->verbosity; 
    public function isDebug() 
        return self::VERBOSITY_DEBUG <= $this->verbosity; 
    public function writeln($messages, $options = self::OUTPUT_NORMAL) 
        $this->write($messages, true, $options); 
    public function write($messages, $newline = false, $options = self::OUTPUT_NORMAL) 
        $messages = (array) $messages; 
        $types = self::OUTPUT_NORMAL | self::OUTPUT_RAW | self::OUTPUT_PLAIN; 
        $type = $types & $options ?: self::OUTPUT_NORMAL; 
        $verbosity = $verbosities & $options ?: self::VERBOSITY_NORMAL; 
        if ($verbosity > $this->getVerbosity()) { 
        foreach ($messages as $message) { 
            switch ($type) { 
                case OutputInterface::OUTPUT_NORMAL: 
                    $message = $this->formatter->format($message); 
                case OutputInterface::OUTPUT_RAW: 
                case OutputInterface::OUTPUT_PLAIN: 
                    $message = strip_tags($this->formatter->format($message)); 
            $this->doWrite($message, $newline); 
    protected abstract function doWrite($message, $newline); 
namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Output { 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\InvalidArgumentException; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\RuntimeException; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Formatter\OutputFormatterInterface; 
class StreamOutput extends Output 
    private $stream; 
    public function __construct($stream, $verbosity = self::VERBOSITY_NORMAL, $decorated = null, OutputFormatterInterface $formatter = null) 
        if (!is_resource($stream) || 'stream' !== get_resource_type($stream)) { 
            throw new InvalidArgumentException('The StreamOutput class needs a stream as its first argument.'); 
        $this->stream = $stream; 
        if (null === $decorated) { 
            $decorated = $this->hasColorSupport(); 
        parent::__construct($verbosity, $decorated, $formatter); 
    public function getStream() 
        return $this->stream; 
    protected function doWrite($message, $newline) 
        if (false === @fwrite($this->stream, $message . ($newline ? PHP_EOL : ''))) { 
            throw new RuntimeException('Unable to write output.'); 
    protected function hasColorSupport() 
        if (DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR === '\\') { 
            return false !== getenv('ANSICON') || 'ON' === getenv('ConEmuANSI') || 'xterm' === getenv('TERM'); 
        return function_exists('posix_isatty') && @posix_isatty($this->stream); 
namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Output { 
interface ConsoleOutputInterface extends OutputInterface 
    public function getErrorOutput(); 
    public function setErrorOutput(OutputInterface $error); 
namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Output { 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Formatter\OutputFormatterInterface; 
class ConsoleOutput extends StreamOutput implements ConsoleOutputInterface 
    private $stderr; 
    public function __construct($verbosity = self::VERBOSITY_NORMAL, $decorated = null, OutputFormatterInterface $formatter = null) 
        parent::__construct($this->openOutputStream(), $verbosity, $decorated, $formatter); 
        $actualDecorated = $this->isDecorated(); 
        $this->stderr = new StreamOutput($this->openErrorStream(), $verbosity, $decorated, $this->getFormatter()); 
        if (null === $decorated) { 
            $this->setDecorated($actualDecorated && $this->stderr->isDecorated()); 
    public function setDecorated($decorated) 
    public function setFormatter(OutputFormatterInterface $formatter) 
    public function setVerbosity($level) 
    public function getErrorOutput() 
        return $this->stderr; 
    public function setErrorOutput(OutputInterface $error) 
        $this->stderr = $error; 
    protected function hasStdoutSupport() 
        return false === $this->isRunningOS400(); 
    protected function hasStderrSupport() 
        return false === $this->isRunningOS400(); 
    private function isRunningOS400() 
        $checks = array(function_exists('php_uname') ? php_uname('s') : '', getenv('OSTYPE'), PHP_OS); 
        return false !== stripos(implode(';', $checks), 'OS400'); 
    private function openOutputStream() 
        $outputStream = $this->hasStdoutSupport() ? 'php://stdout' : 'php://output'; 
        return @fopen($outputStream, 'w') ?: fopen('php://output', 'w'); 
    private function openErrorStream() 
        $errorStream = $this->hasStderrSupport() ? 'php://stderr' : 'php://output'; 
        return fopen($errorStream, 'w'); 
namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Formatter { 
interface OutputFormatterInterface 
    public function setDecorated($decorated); 
    public function isDecorated(); 
    public function setStyle($name, OutputFormatterStyleInterface $style); 
    public function hasStyle($name); 
    public function getStyle($name); 
    public function format($message); 
namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Formatter { 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\InvalidArgumentException; 
class OutputFormatter implements OutputFormatterInterface 
    private $decorated; 
    private $styles = array(); 
    private $styleStack; 
    public static function escape($text) 
        $text = preg_replace('/([^\\\\]?)</', '$1\\<', $text); 
        if ('\\' === substr($text, -1)) { 
            $len = strlen($text); 
            $text = rtrim($text, '\\'); 
            $text .= str_repeat('<<', $len - strlen($text)); 
        return $text; 
    public function __construct($decorated = false, array $styles = array()) 
        $this->decorated = (bool) $decorated; 
        $this->setStyle('error', new OutputFormatterStyle('white', 'red')); 
        $this->setStyle('info', new OutputFormatterStyle('green')); 
        $this->setStyle('comment', new OutputFormatterStyle('yellow')); 
        $this->setStyle('question', new OutputFormatterStyle('black', 'cyan')); 
        foreach ($styles as $name => $style) { 
            $this->setStyle($name, $style); 
        $this->styleStack = new OutputFormatterStyleStack(); 
    public function setDecorated($decorated) 
        $this->decorated = (bool) $decorated; 
    public function isDecorated() 
        return $this->decorated; 
    public function setStyle($name, OutputFormatterStyleInterface $style) 
        $this->styles[strtolower($name)] = $style; 
    public function hasStyle($name) 
        return isset($this->styles[strtolower($name)]); 
    public function getStyle($name) 
        if (!$this->hasStyle($name)) { 
            throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Undefined style: %s', $name)); 
        return $this->styles[strtolower($name)]; 
    public function format($message) 
        $message = (string) $message; 
        $offset = 0; 
        $output = ''; 
        $tagRegex = '[a-z][a-z0-9_=;-]*+'; 
        preg_match_all("#<(({$tagRegex}) | /({$tagRegex})?)>#ix", $message, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE); 
        foreach ($matches[0] as $i => $match) { 
            $pos = $match[1]; 
            $text = $match[0]; 
            if (0 != $pos && '\\' == $message[$pos - 1]) { 
            $output .= $this->applyCurrentStyle(substr($message, $offset, $pos - $offset)); 
            $offset = $pos + strlen($text); 
            if ($open = '/' != $text[1]) { 
                $tag = $matches[1][$i][0]; 
            } else { 
                $tag = isset($matches[3][$i][0]) ? $matches[3][$i][0] : ''; 
            if (!$open && !$tag) { 
            } elseif (false === ($style = $this->createStyleFromString(strtolower($tag)))) { 
                $output .= $this->applyCurrentStyle($text); 
            } elseif ($open) { 
            } else { 
        $output .= $this->applyCurrentStyle(substr($message, $offset)); 
        if (false !== strpos($output, '<<')) { 
            return strtr($output, array('\\<' => '<', '<<' => '\\')); 
        return str_replace('\\<', '<', $output); 
    public function getStyleStack() 
        return $this->styleStack; 
    private function createStyleFromString($string) 
        if (isset($this->styles[$string])) { 
            return $this->styles[$string]; 
        if (!preg_match_all('/([^=]+)=([^;]+)(;|$)/', strtolower($string), $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { 
            return false; 
        $style = new OutputFormatterStyle(); 
        foreach ($matches as $match) { 
            if ('fg' == $match[0]) { 
            } elseif ('bg' == $match[0]) { 
            } else { 
                try { 
                } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) { 
                    return false; 
        return $style; 
    private function applyCurrentStyle($text) 
        return $this->isDecorated() && strlen($text) > 0 ? $this->styleStack->getCurrent()->apply($text) : $text; 
namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Formatter { 
interface OutputFormatterStyleInterface 
    public function setForeground($color = null); 
    public function setBackground($color = null); 
    public function setOption($option); 
    public function unsetOption($option); 
    public function setOptions(array $options); 
    public function apply($text); 
namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Formatter { 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\InvalidArgumentException; 
class OutputFormatterStyle implements OutputFormatterStyleInterface 
    private static $availableForegroundColors = array('black' => array('set' => 30, 'unset' => 39), 'red' => array('set' => 31, 'unset' => 39), 'green' => array('set' => 32, 'unset' => 39), 'yellow' => array('set' => 33, 'unset' => 39), 'blue' => array('set' => 34, 'unset' => 39), 'magenta' => array('set' => 35, 'unset' => 39), 'cyan' => array('set' => 36, 'unset' => 39), 'white' => array('set' => 37, 'unset' => 39), 'default' => array('set' => 39, 'unset' => 39)); 
    private static $availableBackgroundColors = array('black' => array('set' => 40, 'unset' => 49), 'red' => array('set' => 41, 'unset' => 49), 'green' => array('set' => 42, 'unset' => 49), 'yellow' => array('set' => 43, 'unset' => 49), 'blue' => array('set' => 44, 'unset' => 49), 'magenta' => array('set' => 45, 'unset' => 49), 'cyan' => array('set' => 46, 'unset' => 49), 'white' => array('set' => 47, 'unset' => 49), 'default' => array('set' => 49, 'unset' => 49)); 
    private static $availableOptions = array('bold' => array('set' => 1, 'unset' => 22), 'underscore' => array('set' => 4, 'unset' => 24), 'blink' => array('set' => 5, 'unset' => 25), 'reverse' => array('set' => 7, 'unset' => 27), 'conceal' => array('set' => 8, 'unset' => 28)); 
    private $foreground; 
    private $background; 
    private $options = array(); 
    public function __construct($foreground = null, $background = null, array $options = array()) 
        if (null !== $foreground) { 
        if (null !== $background) { 
        if (count($options)) { 
    public function setForeground($color = null) 
        if (null === $color) { 
            $this->foreground = null; 
        if (!isset(static::$availableForegroundColors[$color])) { 
            throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Invalid foreground color specified: "%s". Expected one of (%s)', $color, implode(', ', array_keys(static::$availableForegroundColors)))); 
        $this->foreground = static::$availableForegroundColors[$color]; 
    public function setBackground($color = null) 
        if (null === $color) { 
            $this->background = null; 
        if (!isset(static::$availableBackgroundColors[$color])) { 
            throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Invalid background color specified: "%s". Expected one of (%s)', $color, implode(', ', array_keys(static::$availableBackgroundColors)))); 
        $this->background = static::$availableBackgroundColors[$color]; 
    public function setOption($option) 
        if (!isset(static::$availableOptions[$option])) { 
            throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Invalid option specified: "%s". Expected one of (%s)', $option, implode(', ', array_keys(static::$availableOptions)))); 
        if (!in_array(static::$availableOptions[$option], $this->options)) { 
            $this->options[] = static::$availableOptions[$option]; 
    public function unsetOption($option) 
        if (!isset(static::$availableOptions[$option])) { 
            throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Invalid option specified: "%s". Expected one of (%s)', $option, implode(', ', array_keys(static::$availableOptions)))); 
        $pos = array_search(static::$availableOptions[$option], $this->options); 
        if (false !== $pos) { 
    public function setOptions(array $options) 
        $this->options = array(); 
        foreach ($options as $option) { 
    public function apply($text) 
        $setCodes = array(); 
        $unsetCodes = array(); 
        if (null !== $this->foreground) { 
            $setCodes[] = $this->foreground['set']; 
            $unsetCodes[] = $this->foreground['unset']; 
        if (null !== $this->background) { 
            $setCodes[] = $this->background['set']; 
            $unsetCodes[] = $this->background['unset']; 
        if (count($this->options)) { 
            foreach ($this->options as $option) { 
                $setCodes[] = $option['set']; 
                $unsetCodes[] = $option['unset']; 
        if (0 === count($setCodes)) { 
            return $text; 
        return sprintf("[%sm%s[%sm", implode(';', $setCodes), $text, implode(';', $unsetCodes)); 
namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Formatter { 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\InvalidArgumentException; 
class OutputFormatterStyleStack 
    private $styles; 
    private $emptyStyle; 
    public function __construct(OutputFormatterStyleInterface $emptyStyle = null) 
        $this->emptyStyle = $emptyStyle ?: new OutputFormatterStyle(); 
    public function reset() 
        $this->styles = array(); 
    public function push(OutputFormatterStyleInterface $style) 
        $this->styles[] = $style; 
    public function pop(OutputFormatterStyleInterface $style = null) 
        if (empty($this->styles)) { 
            return $this->emptyStyle; 
        if (null === $style) { 
            return array_pop($this->styles); 
        foreach (array_reverse($this->styles, true) as $index => $stackedStyle) { 
            if ($style->apply('') === $stackedStyle->apply('')) { 
                $this->styles = array_slice($this->styles, 0, $index); 
                return $stackedStyle; 
        throw new InvalidArgumentException('Incorrectly nested style tag found.'); 
    public function getCurrent() 
        if (empty($this->styles)) { 
            return $this->emptyStyle; 
        return $this->styles[count($this->styles) - 1]; 
    public function setEmptyStyle(OutputFormatterStyleInterface $emptyStyle) 
        $this->emptyStyle = $emptyStyle; 
        return $this; 
    public function getEmptyStyle() 
        return $this->emptyStyle; 
namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Input { 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\InvalidArgumentException; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\InvalidOptionException; 
class ArrayInput extends Input 
    private $parameters; 
    public function __construct(array $parameters, InputDefinition $definition = null) 
        $this->parameters = $parameters; 
    public function getFirstArgument() 
        foreach ($this->parameters as $key => $value) { 
            if ($key && '-' === $key[0]) { 
            return $value; 
    public function hasParameterOption($values) 
        $values = (array) $values; 
        foreach ($this->parameters as $k => $v) { 
            if (!is_int($k)) { 
                $v = $k; 
            if (in_array($v, $values)) { 
                return true; 
        return false; 
    public function getParameterOption($values, $default = false) 
        $values = (array) $values; 
        foreach ($this->parameters as $k => $v) { 
            if (is_int($k)) { 
                if (in_array($v, $values)) { 
                    return true; 
            } elseif (in_array($k, $values)) { 
                return $v; 
        return $default; 
    public function __toString() 
        $params = array(); 
        foreach ($this->parameters as $param => $val) { 
            if ($param && '-' === $param[0]) { 
                $params[] = $param . ('' != $val ? '=' . $this->escapeToken($val) : ''); 
            } else { 
                $params[] = $this->escapeToken($val); 
        return implode(' ', $params); 
    protected function parse() 
        foreach ($this->parameters as $key => $value) { 
            if (0 === strpos($key, '--')) { 
                $this->addLongOption(substr($key, 2), $value); 
            } elseif ('-' === $key[0]) { 
                $this->addShortOption(substr($key, 1), $value); 
            } else { 
                $this->addArgument($key, $value); 
    private function addShortOption($shortcut, $value) 
        if (!$this->definition->hasShortcut($shortcut)) { 
            throw new InvalidOptionException(sprintf('The "-%s" option does not exist.', $shortcut)); 
        $this->addLongOption($this->definition->getOptionForShortcut($shortcut)->getName(), $value); 
    private function addLongOption($name, $value) 
        if (!$this->definition->hasOption($name)) { 
            throw new InvalidOptionException(sprintf('The "--%s" option does not exist.', $name)); 
        $option = $this->definition->getOption($name); 
        if (null === $value) { 
            if ($option->isValueRequired()) { 
                throw new InvalidOptionException(sprintf('The "--%s" option requires a value.', $name)); 
            $value = $option->isValueOptional() ? $option->getDefault() : true; 
        $this->options[$name] = $value; 
    private function addArgument($name, $value) 
        if (!$this->definition->hasArgument($name)) { 
            throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The "%s" argument does not exist.', $name)); 
        $this->arguments[$name] = $value; 
namespace Views { 
use ResultSets\Step1ResultSet; 
use ResultSets\Step3ResultSet; 
use Services\KLocaleService; 
use Services\ConfigService; 
use Services\ParameterService; 
use ResultSets\SingleElementResultSet; 
use ResultSets\ElementArrayResultSet; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface; 
class ConsoleView implements ViewInterface 
    private $_input; 
    private $_output; 
    public function __construct(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) 
        $this->_input = $input; 
        $this->_output = $output; 
    private function _step1(Step1ResultSet $data) 
        foreach ($data as $key => $value) { 
            $row = $data->getMemberRow($key); 
            $header = strip_tags($row[Step1ResultSet::HEADER_COL]); 
            $text = $row[Step1ResultSet::STATUS_COL] ? $this->_wrapSuccess(strip_tags($row[Step1ResultSet::TEXT_COL])) : $this->_wrapError(strip_tags($row[Step1ResultSet::TEXT_COL])); 
            $status = $row[Step1ResultSet::STATUS_COL] ? "OK" : "FAIL"; 
            $this->_output->writeln($header . ': ' . $text . ' (' . $status . ')'); 
        if ($data->getStatus()) { 
            return 2; 
        } else { 
    private function _step2(SingleElementResultSet $data) 
        if ($data->getStatus()) { 
            return 3; 
        } else { 
    private function _step3(Step3ResultSet $data) 
        if (!$data->getStatus()) { 
        } else { 
            return 4; 
    private function _step4(SingleElementResultSet $data) 
        if ($data->getStatus()) { 
            return '4_2'; 
        } else { 
    private function _step4_2(SingleElementResultSet $data) 
        if ($data->getStatus()) { 
            return 5; 
        } else { 
    private function _step5($data) 
        return 6; 
    private function _step6(ElementArrayResultSet $data) 
        if ($data->getStatus()) { 
            return 7; 
        } else { 
            foreach ($data->getErrorTexts() as $text) { 
    private function _step7(SingleElementResultSet $data) 
        if ($data->getStatus()) { 
        } else { 
    private function _step8(SingleElementResultSet $data) 
        if ($data->getStatus()) { 
            return 9; 
        } else { 
    private function _step9(ElementArrayResultSet $data) 
        if ($data->getStatus()) { 
        } else { 
            foreach ($data->getErrorTexts() as $text) { 
    private function _step10($data) 
        $content = KLocaleService::t('step10.instruction'); 
        $content = str_replace('@document_root@', '/Users/cjslade/Dev/www/', $content); 
        $content = str_replace('@path@', '/PATH', $content); 
        $content = str_replace('@host@', 'HOST', $content); 
        return 11; 
    private function _step11($data) 
        return 12; 
    private function _step12($data) 
    private function _wrapSuccess($text) 
        return '<info>' . $text . '</info>'; 
    private function _wrapError($text) 
        return '<error>' . $text . '</error>'; 
    private function _writeError($text) 
    private function _writeSuccess($text) 
    private function _writeInfo($text) 
    private function _writeHeader($text) 
        $this->_output->writeln('<comment>' . strip_tags($text) . '</comment>'); 
    public function renderStepPage($step, $data) 
        $action = '_step' . $step; 
        return $this->{$action}($data); 
    public function renderLockedPage() 
namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Helper { 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Descriptor\DescriptorInterface; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Descriptor\JsonDescriptor; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Descriptor\MarkdownDescriptor; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Descriptor\TextDescriptor; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Descriptor\XmlDescriptor; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\InvalidArgumentException; 
class DescriptorHelper extends Helper 
    private $descriptors = array(); 
    public function __construct() 
        $this->register('txt', new TextDescriptor())->register('xml', new XmlDescriptor())->register('json', new JsonDescriptor())->register('md', new MarkdownDescriptor()); 
    public function describe(OutputInterface $output, $object, array $options = array()) 
        $options = array_merge(array('raw_text' => false, 'format' => 'txt'), $options); 
        if (!isset($this->descriptors[$options['format']])) { 
            throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Unsupported format "%s".', $options['format'])); 
        $descriptor = $this->descriptors[$options['format']]; 
        $descriptor->describe($output, $object, $options); 
    public function register($format, DescriptorInterface $descriptor) 
        $this->descriptors[$format] = $descriptor; 
        return $this; 
    public function getName() 
        return 'descriptor'; 
namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Descriptor { 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface; 
interface DescriptorInterface 
    public function describe(OutputInterface $output, $object, array $options = array()); 
namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Descriptor { 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Application; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputArgument; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputDefinition; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\InvalidArgumentException; 
abstract class Descriptor implements DescriptorInterface 
    private $output; 
    public function describe(OutputInterface $output, $object, array $options = array()) 
        $this->output = $output; 
        switch (true) { 
            case $object instanceof InputArgument: 
                $this->describeInputArgument($object, $options); 
            case $object instanceof InputOption: 
                $this->describeInputOption($object, $options); 
            case $object instanceof InputDefinition: 
                $this->describeInputDefinition($object, $options); 
            case $object instanceof Command: 
                $this->describeCommand($object, $options); 
            case $object instanceof Application: 
                $this->describeApplication($object, $options); 
                throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Object of type "%s" is not describable.', get_class($object))); 
    protected function write($content, $decorated = false) 
        $this->output->write($content, false, $decorated ? OutputInterface::OUTPUT_NORMAL : OutputInterface::OUTPUT_RAW); 
    protected abstract function describeInputArgument(InputArgument $argument, array $options = array()); 
    protected abstract function describeInputOption(InputOption $option, array $options = array()); 
    protected abstract function describeInputDefinition(InputDefinition $definition, array $options = array()); 
    protected abstract function describeCommand(Command $command, array $options = array()); 
    protected abstract function describeApplication(Application $application, array $options = array()); 
namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Descriptor { 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Application; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputArgument; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputDefinition; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption; 
class TextDescriptor extends Descriptor 
    protected function describeInputArgument(InputArgument $argument, array $options = array()) 
        if (null !== $argument->getDefault() && (!is_array($argument->getDefault()) || count($argument->getDefault()))) { 
            $default = sprintf('<comment> [default: %s]</comment>', $this->formatDefaultValue($argument->getDefault())); 
        } else { 
            $default = ''; 
        $totalWidth = isset($options['total_width']) ? $options['total_width'] : strlen($argument->getName()); 
        $spacingWidth = $totalWidth - strlen($argument->getName()) + 2; 
        $this->writeText(sprintf('  <info>%s</info>%s%s%s', $argument->getName(), str_repeat(' ', $spacingWidth), preg_replace('/\\s*[\\r\\n]\\s*/', "\n" . str_repeat(' ', $totalWidth + 17), $argument->getDescription()), $default), $options); 
    protected function describeInputOption(InputOption $option, array $options = array()) 
        if ($option->acceptValue() && null !== $option->getDefault() && (!is_array($option->getDefault()) || count($option->getDefault()))) { 
            $default = sprintf('<comment> [default: %s]</comment>', $this->formatDefaultValue($option->getDefault())); 
        } else { 
            $default = ''; 
        $value = ''; 
        if ($option->acceptValue()) { 
            $value = '=' . strtoupper($option->getName()); 
            if ($option->isValueOptional()) { 
                $value = '[' . $value . ']'; 
        $totalWidth = isset($options['total_width']) ? $options['total_width'] : $this->calculateTotalWidthForOptions(array($option)); 
        $synopsis = sprintf('%s%s', $option->getShortcut() ? sprintf('-%s, ', $option->getShortcut()) : '    ', sprintf('--%s%s', $option->getName(), $value)); 
        $spacingWidth = $totalWidth - strlen($synopsis) + 2; 
        $this->writeText(sprintf('  <info>%s</info>%s%s%s%s', $synopsis, str_repeat(' ', $spacingWidth), preg_replace('/\\s*[\\r\\n]\\s*/', "\n" . str_repeat(' ', $totalWidth + 17), $option->getDescription()), $default, $option->isArray() ? '<comment> (multiple values allowed)</comment>' : ''), $options); 
    protected function describeInputDefinition(InputDefinition $definition, array $options = array()) 
        $totalWidth = $this->calculateTotalWidthForOptions($definition->getOptions()); 
        foreach ($definition->getArguments() as $argument) { 
            $totalWidth = max($totalWidth, strlen($argument->getName())); 
        if ($definition->getArguments()) { 
            $this->writeText('<comment>Arguments:</comment>', $options); 
            foreach ($definition->getArguments() as $argument) { 
                $this->describeInputArgument($argument, array_merge($options, array('total_width' => $totalWidth))); 
        if ($definition->getArguments() && $definition->getOptions()) { 
        if ($definition->getOptions()) { 
            $laterOptions = array(); 
            $this->writeText('<comment>Options:</comment>', $options); 
            foreach ($definition->getOptions() as $option) { 
                if (strlen($option->getShortcut()) > 1) { 
                    $laterOptions[] = $option; 
                $this->describeInputOption($option, array_merge($options, array('total_width' => $totalWidth))); 
            foreach ($laterOptions as $option) { 
                $this->describeInputOption($option, array_merge($options, array('total_width' => $totalWidth))); 
    protected function describeCommand(Command $command, array $options = array()) 
        $this->writeText('<comment>Usage:</comment>', $options); 
        foreach (array_merge(array($command->getSynopsis(true)), $command->getAliases(), $command->getUsages()) as $usage) { 
            $this->writeText('  ' . $usage, $options); 
        $definition = $command->getNativeDefinition(); 
        if ($definition->getOptions() || $definition->getArguments()) { 
            $this->describeInputDefinition($definition, $options); 
        if ($help = $command->getProcessedHelp()) { 
            $this->writeText('<comment>Help:</comment>', $options); 
            $this->writeText(' ' . str_replace("\n", "\n ", $help), $options); 
    protected function describeApplication(Application $application, array $options = array()) 
        $describedNamespace = isset($options['namespace']) ? $options['namespace'] : null; 
        $description = new ApplicationDescription($application, $describedNamespace); 
        if (isset($options['raw_text']) && $options['raw_text']) { 
            $width = $this->getColumnWidth($description->getCommands()); 
            foreach ($description->getCommands() as $command) { 
                $this->writeText(sprintf("%-{$width}s %s", $command->getName(), $command->getDescription()), $options); 
        } else { 
            if ('' != ($help = $application->getHelp())) { 
                $this->writeText("{$help}\n\n", $options); 
            $this->writeText("<comment>Usage:</comment>\n", $options); 
            $this->writeText("  command [options] [arguments]\n\n", $options); 
            $this->describeInputDefinition(new InputDefinition($application->getDefinition()->getOptions()), $options); 
            $width = $this->getColumnWidth($description->getCommands()); 
            if ($describedNamespace) { 
                $this->writeText(sprintf('<comment>Available commands for the "%s" namespace:</comment>', $describedNamespace), $options); 
            } else { 
                $this->writeText('<comment>Available commands:</comment>', $options); 
            foreach ($description->getNamespaces() as $namespace) { 
                if (!$describedNamespace && ApplicationDescription::GLOBAL_NAMESPACE !== $namespace['id']) { 
                    $this->writeText(' <comment>' . $namespace['id'] . '</comment>', $options); 
                foreach ($namespace['commands'] as $name) { 
                    $spacingWidth = $width - strlen($name); 
                    $this->writeText(sprintf('  <info>%s</info>%s%s', $name, str_repeat(' ', $spacingWidth), $description->getCommand($name)->getDescription()), $options); 
    private function writeText($content, array $options = array()) 
        $this->write(isset($options['raw_text']) && $options['raw_text'] ? strip_tags($content) : $content, isset($options['raw_output']) ? !$options['raw_output'] : true); 
    private function formatDefaultValue($default) 
        if (PHP_VERSION_ID < 50400) { 
            return str_replace(array('\\/', '\\\\'), array('/', '\\'), json_encode($default)); 
        return str_replace('\\\\', '\\', json_encode($default, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES | JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE)); 
    private function getColumnWidth(array $commands) 
        $widths = array(); 
        foreach ($commands as $command) { 
            $widths[] = strlen($command->getName()); 
            foreach ($command->getAliases() as $alias) { 
                $widths[] = strlen($alias); 
        return max($widths) + 2; 
    private function calculateTotalWidthForOptions($options) 
        $totalWidth = 0; 
        foreach ($options as $option) { 
            $nameLength = 1 + max(strlen($option->getShortcut()), 1) + 4 + strlen($option->getName()); 
            if ($option->acceptValue()) { 
                $valueLength = 1 + strlen($option->getName()); 
                $valueLength += $option->isValueOptional() ? 2 : 0; 
                $nameLength += $valueLength; 
            $totalWidth = max($totalWidth, $nameLength); 
        return $totalWidth; 
namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Descriptor { 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Application; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\CommandNotFoundException; 
class ApplicationDescription 
    const GLOBAL_NAMESPACE = '_global'; 
    private $application; 
    private $namespace; 
    private $namespaces; 
    private $commands; 
    private $aliases; 
    public function __construct(Application $application, $namespace = null) 
        $this->application = $application; 
        $this->namespace = $namespace; 
    public function getNamespaces() 
        if (null === $this->namespaces) { 
        return $this->namespaces; 
    public function getCommands() 
        if (null === $this->commands) { 
        return $this->commands; 
    public function getCommand($name) 
        if (!isset($this->commands[$name]) && !isset($this->aliases[$name])) { 
            throw new CommandNotFoundException(sprintf('Command %s does not exist.', $name)); 
        return isset($this->commands[$name]) ? $this->commands[$name] : $this->aliases[$name]; 
    private function inspectApplication() 
        $this->commands = array(); 
        $this->namespaces = array(); 
        $all = $this->application->all($this->namespace ? $this->application->findNamespace($this->namespace) : null); 
        foreach ($this->sortCommands($all) as $namespace => $commands) { 
            $names = array(); 
            foreach ($commands as $name => $command) { 
                if (!$command->getName()) { 
                if ($command->getName() === $name) { 
                    $this->commands[$name] = $command; 
                } else { 
                    $this->aliases[$name] = $command; 
                $names[] = $name; 
            $this->namespaces[$namespace] = array('id' => $namespace, 'commands' => $names); 
    private function sortCommands(array $commands) 
        $namespacedCommands = array(); 
        $globalCommands = array(); 
        foreach ($commands as $name => $command) { 
            $key = $this->application->extractNamespace($name, 1); 
            if (!$key) { 
                $globalCommands['_global'][$name] = $command; 
            } else { 
                $namespacedCommands[$key][$name] = $command; 
        $namespacedCommands = array_merge($globalCommands, $namespacedCommands); 
        foreach ($namespacedCommands as &$commandsSet) { 
        return $namespacedCommands; 
namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Descriptor { 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Application; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputArgument; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputDefinition; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption; 
class JsonDescriptor extends Descriptor 
    protected function describeInputArgument(InputArgument $argument, array $options = array()) 
        $this->writeData($this->getInputArgumentData($argument), $options); 
    protected function describeInputOption(InputOption $option, array $options = array()) 
        $this->writeData($this->getInputOptionData($option), $options); 
    protected function describeInputDefinition(InputDefinition $definition, array $options = array()) 
        $this->writeData($this->getInputDefinitionData($definition), $options); 
    protected function describeCommand(Command $command, array $options = array()) 
        $this->writeData($this->getCommandData($command), $options); 
    protected function describeApplication(Application $application, array $options = array()) 
        $describedNamespace = isset($options['namespace']) ? $options['namespace'] : null; 
        $description = new ApplicationDescription($application, $describedNamespace); 
        $commands = array(); 
        foreach ($description->getCommands() as $command) { 
            $commands[] = $this->getCommandData($command); 
        $data = $describedNamespace ? array('commands' => $commands, 'namespace' => $describedNamespace) : array('commands' => $commands, 'namespaces' => array_values($description->getNamespaces())); 
        $this->writeData($data, $options); 
    private function writeData(array $data, array $options) 
        $this->write(json_encode($data, isset($options['json_encoding']) ? $options['json_encoding'] : 0)); 
    private function getInputArgumentData(InputArgument $argument) 
        return array('name' => $argument->getName(), 'is_required' => $argument->isRequired(), 'is_array' => $argument->isArray(), 'description' => preg_replace('/\\s*[\\r\\n]\\s*/', ' ', $argument->getDescription()), 'default' => $argument->getDefault()); 
    private function getInputOptionData(InputOption $option) 
        return array('name' => '--' . $option->getName(), 'shortcut' => $option->getShortcut() ? '-' . implode('|-', explode('|', $option->getShortcut())) : '', 'accept_value' => $option->acceptValue(), 'is_value_required' => $option->isValueRequired(), 'is_multiple' => $option->isArray(), 'description' => preg_replace('/\\s*[\\r\\n]\\s*/', ' ', $option->getDescription()), 'default' => $option->getDefault()); 
    private function getInputDefinitionData(InputDefinition $definition) 
        $inputArguments = array(); 
        foreach ($definition->getArguments() as $name => $argument) { 
            $inputArguments[$name] = $this->getInputArgumentData($argument); 
        $inputOptions = array(); 
        foreach ($definition->getOptions() as $name => $option) { 
            $inputOptions[$name] = $this->getInputOptionData($option); 
        return array('arguments' => $inputArguments, 'options' => $inputOptions); 
    private function getCommandData(Command $command) 
        return array('name' => $command->getName(), 'usage' => array_merge(array($command->getSynopsis()), $command->getUsages(), $command->getAliases()), 'description' => $command->getDescription(), 'help' => $command->getProcessedHelp(), 'definition' => $this->getInputDefinitionData($command->getNativeDefinition())); 
namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Descriptor { 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Application; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputArgument; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputDefinition; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption; 
class XmlDescriptor extends Descriptor 
    public function getInputDefinitionDocument(InputDefinition $definition) 
        $dom = new \DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8'); 
        $dom->appendChild($definitionXML = $dom->createElement('definition')); 
        $definitionXML->appendChild($argumentsXML = $dom->createElement('arguments')); 
        foreach ($definition->getArguments() as $argument) { 
            $this->appendDocument($argumentsXML, $this->getInputArgumentDocument($argument)); 
        $definitionXML->appendChild($optionsXML = $dom->createElement('options')); 
        foreach ($definition->getOptions() as $option) { 
            $this->appendDocument($optionsXML, $this->getInputOptionDocument($option)); 
        return $dom; 
    public function getCommandDocument(Command $command) 
        $dom = new \DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8'); 
        $dom->appendChild($commandXML = $dom->createElement('command')); 
        $commandXML->setAttribute('id', $command->getName()); 
        $commandXML->setAttribute('name', $command->getName()); 
        $commandXML->appendChild($usagesXML = $dom->createElement('usages')); 
        foreach (array_merge(array($command->getSynopsis()), $command->getAliases(), $command->getUsages()) as $usage) { 
            $usagesXML->appendChild($dom->createElement('usage', $usage)); 
        $commandXML->appendChild($descriptionXML = $dom->createElement('description')); 
        $descriptionXML->appendChild($dom->createTextNode(str_replace("\n", "\n ", $command->getDescription()))); 
        $commandXML->appendChild($helpXML = $dom->createElement('help')); 
        $helpXML->appendChild($dom->createTextNode(str_replace("\n", "\n ", $command->getProcessedHelp()))); 
        $definitionXML = $this->getInputDefinitionDocument($command->getNativeDefinition()); 
        $this->appendDocument($commandXML, $definitionXML->getElementsByTagName('definition')->item(0)); 
        return $dom; 
    public function getApplicationDocument(Application $application, $namespace = null) 
        $dom = new \DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8'); 
        $dom->appendChild($rootXml = $dom->createElement('symfony')); 
        if ($application->getName() !== 'UNKNOWN') { 
            $rootXml->setAttribute('name', $application->getName()); 
            if ($application->getVersion() !== 'UNKNOWN') { 
                $rootXml->setAttribute('version', $application->getVersion()); 
        $rootXml->appendChild($commandsXML = $dom->createElement('commands')); 
        $description = new ApplicationDescription($application, $namespace); 
        if ($namespace) { 
            $commandsXML->setAttribute('namespace', $namespace); 
        foreach ($description->getCommands() as $command) { 
            $this->appendDocument($commandsXML, $this->getCommandDocument($command)); 
        if (!$namespace) { 
            $rootXml->appendChild($namespacesXML = $dom->createElement('namespaces')); 
            foreach ($description->getNamespaces() as $namespaceDescription) { 
                $namespacesXML->appendChild($namespaceArrayXML = $dom->createElement('namespace')); 
                $namespaceArrayXML->setAttribute('id', $namespaceDescription['id']); 
                foreach ($namespaceDescription['commands'] as $name) { 
                    $namespaceArrayXML->appendChild($commandXML = $dom->createElement('command')); 
        return $dom; 
    protected function describeInputArgument(InputArgument $argument, array $options = array()) 
    protected function describeInputOption(InputOption $option, array $options = array()) 
    protected function describeInputDefinition(InputDefinition $definition, array $options = array()) 
    protected function describeCommand(Command $command, array $options = array()) 
    protected function describeApplication(Application $application, array $options = array()) 
        $this->writeDocument($this->getApplicationDocument($application, isset($options['namespace']) ? $options['namespace'] : null)); 
    private function appendDocument(\DOMNode $parentNode, \DOMNode $importedParent) 
        foreach ($importedParent->childNodes as $childNode) { 
            $parentNode->appendChild($parentNode->ownerDocument->importNode($childNode, true)); 
    private function writeDocument(\DOMDocument $dom) 
        $dom->formatOutput = true; 
    private function getInputArgumentDocument(InputArgument $argument) 
        $dom = new \DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8'); 
        $dom->appendChild($objectXML = $dom->createElement('argument')); 
        $objectXML->setAttribute('name', $argument->getName()); 
        $objectXML->setAttribute('is_required', $argument->isRequired() ? 1 : 0); 
        $objectXML->setAttribute('is_array', $argument->isArray() ? 1 : 0); 
        $objectXML->appendChild($descriptionXML = $dom->createElement('description')); 
        $objectXML->appendChild($defaultsXML = $dom->createElement('defaults')); 
        $defaults = is_array($argument->getDefault()) ? $argument->getDefault() : (is_bool($argument->getDefault()) ? array(var_export($argument->getDefault(), true)) : ($argument->getDefault() ? array($argument->getDefault()) : array())); 
        foreach ($defaults as $default) { 
            $defaultsXML->appendChild($defaultXML = $dom->createElement('default')); 
        return $dom; 
    private function getInputOptionDocument(InputOption $option) 
        $dom = new \DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8'); 
        $dom->appendChild($objectXML = $dom->createElement('option')); 
        $objectXML->setAttribute('name', '--' . $option->getName()); 
        $pos = strpos($option->getShortcut(), '|'); 
        if (false !== $pos) { 
            $objectXML->setAttribute('shortcut', '-' . substr($option->getShortcut(), 0, $pos)); 
            $objectXML->setAttribute('shortcuts', '-' . implode('|-', explode('|', $option->getShortcut()))); 
        } else { 
            $objectXML->setAttribute('shortcut', $option->getShortcut() ? '-' . $option->getShortcut() : ''); 
        $objectXML->setAttribute('accept_value', $option->acceptValue() ? 1 : 0); 
        $objectXML->setAttribute('is_value_required', $option->isValueRequired() ? 1 : 0); 
        $objectXML->setAttribute('is_multiple', $option->isArray() ? 1 : 0); 
        $objectXML->appendChild($descriptionXML = $dom->createElement('description')); 
        if ($option->acceptValue()) { 
            $defaults = is_array($option->getDefault()) ? $option->getDefault() : (is_bool($option->getDefault()) ? array(var_export($option->getDefault(), true)) : ($option->getDefault() ? array($option->getDefault()) : array())); 
            $objectXML->appendChild($defaultsXML = $dom->createElement('defaults')); 
            if (!empty($defaults)) { 
                foreach ($defaults as $default) { 
                    $defaultsXML->appendChild($defaultXML = $dom->createElement('default')); 
        return $dom; 
namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Descriptor { 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Application; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputArgument; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputDefinition; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption; 
class MarkdownDescriptor extends Descriptor 
    protected function describeInputArgument(InputArgument $argument, array $options = array()) 
        $this->write('**' . $argument->getName() . ':**' . "\n\n" . '* Name: ' . ($argument->getName() ?: '<none>') . "\n" . '* Is required: ' . ($argument->isRequired() ? 'yes' : 'no') . "\n" . '* Is array: ' . ($argument->isArray() ? 'yes' : 'no') . "\n" . '* Description: ' . preg_replace('/\\s*[\\r\\n]\\s*/', "\n  ", $argument->getDescription() ?: '<none>') . "\n" . '* Default: `' . str_replace("\n", '', var_export($argument->getDefault(), true)) . '`'); 
    protected function describeInputOption(InputOption $option, array $options = array()) 
        $this->write('**' . $option->getName() . ':**' . "\n\n" . '* Name: `--' . $option->getName() . '`' . "\n" . '* Shortcut: ' . ($option->getShortcut() ? '`-' . implode('|-', explode('|', $option->getShortcut())) . '`' : '<none>') . "\n" . '* Accept value: ' . ($option->acceptValue() ? 'yes' : 'no') . "\n" . '* Is value required: ' . ($option->isValueRequired() ? 'yes' : 'no') . "\n" . '* Is multiple: ' . ($option->isArray() ? 'yes' : 'no') . "\n" . '* Description: ' . preg_replace('/\\s*[\\r\\n]\\s*/', "\n  ", $option->getDescription() ?: '<none>') . "\n" . '* Default: `' . str_replace("\n", '', var_export($option->getDefault(), true)) . '`'); 
    protected function describeInputDefinition(InputDefinition $definition, array $options = array()) 
        if ($showArguments = count($definition->getArguments()) > 0) { 
            $this->write('### Arguments:'); 
            foreach ($definition->getArguments() as $argument) { 
        if (count($definition->getOptions()) > 0) { 
            if ($showArguments) { 
            $this->write('### Options:'); 
            foreach ($definition->getOptions() as $option) { 
    protected function describeCommand(Command $command, array $options = array()) 
        $this->write($command->getName() . "\n" . str_repeat('-', strlen($command->getName())) . "\n\n" . '* Description: ' . ($command->getDescription() ?: '<none>') . "\n" . '* Usage:' . "\n\n" . array_reduce(array_merge(array($command->getSynopsis()), $command->getAliases(), $command->getUsages()), function ($carry, $usage) { 
            return $carry .= '  * `' . $usage . '`' . "\n"; 
        if ($help = $command->getProcessedHelp()) { 
        if ($command->getNativeDefinition()) { 
    protected function describeApplication(Application $application, array $options = array()) 
        $describedNamespace = isset($options['namespace']) ? $options['namespace'] : null; 
        $description = new ApplicationDescription($application, $describedNamespace); 
        $this->write($application->getName() . "\n" . str_repeat('=', strlen($application->getName()))); 
        foreach ($description->getNamespaces() as $namespace) { 
            if (ApplicationDescription::GLOBAL_NAMESPACE !== $namespace['id']) { 
                $this->write('**' . $namespace['id'] . ':**'); 
            $this->write(implode("\n", array_map(function ($commandName) { 
                return '* ' . $commandName; 
            }, $namespace['commands']))); 
        foreach ($description->getCommands() as $command) { 
namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Exception { 
interface ExceptionInterface 
namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Exception { 
class CommandNotFoundException extends \InvalidArgumentException implements ExceptionInterface 
    private $alternatives; 
    public function __construct($message, array $alternatives = array(), $code = 0, \Exception $previous = null) 
        parent::__construct($message, $code, $previous); 
        $this->alternatives = $alternatives; 
    public function getAlternatives() 
        return $this->alternatives; 
namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Exception { 
class InvalidOptionException extends \InvalidArgumentException implements ExceptionInterface 
namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Exception { 
class LogicException extends \LogicException implements ExceptionInterface 
namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Exception { 
class InvalidArgumentException extends \InvalidArgumentException implements ExceptionInterface 
namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Exception { 
class RuntimeException extends \RuntimeException implements ExceptionInterface 
namespace { 
use Views\WebView; 
use Controllers\InstallController; 
use Models\StepModel; 
use Commands\InstallCommand; 
use Symfony\Component\Console\Application; 
if (php_sapi_name() == "cli" && empty($globalForceWeb)) { 
    $command = new InstallCommand(); 
    $application = new Application(); 
} else { 
    $model = new StepModel(); 
    $view = new WebView(); 
    $controller = new InstallController($view, $model); 

Did this file decode correctly?

Original Code

namespace {
define('RESOLVE_METHOD', 'domain');

namespace Models {
interface StepModelInterface
    public function getCurrentStep();
    public function getCurrentStepData();
    public function updateStep($newStep);

namespace Models {
use Services\StatusCheckerService;
use Services\ConfigService;
use Services\IdentityService;
use Services\DownloadService;
use Services\ParameterService;
use Services\ArchiveService;
use Services\FileService;
use Services\KLocaleService;
use Services\MysqlService;
use Services\RedirectService;
use ResultSets\Step1ResultSet;
use ResultSets\Step3ResultSet;
use ResultSets\SingleElementResultSet;
use ResultSets\GeneralResult;
use ResultSets\ElementArrayResultSet;
class StepModel implements StepModelInterface
    private $_step = 1;
    private $_isCli = false;
    private $_versions = array('6' => '/releases/v6/', '7' => '/releases/v7/', '8' => '/releases/v8/');
    const PACKAGE_PHP5 = 'package2';
    const PACKAGE_PHP7 = 'package7';
    public function __construct($isCli = false)
        $this->_isCli = $isCli;
        if (isset($_GET['step'])) {
            $this->_step = $_GET['step'];
        if (isset($_POST['step'])) {
            $this->_step = $_POST['step'];
    public function getCurrentStep()
        return $this->_step;
    public function getCurrentStepData()
        $action = '_step' . $this->_step;
        if (method_exists($this, $action)) {
            return $this->{$action}();
        } else {
            return array();
    public function updateStep($newStep)
        $this->_step = $newStep;
    private function _step1()
        $ip = false;
        if ($this->_isCli) {
            $ip = ParameterService::instance()->getPersistent(ParameterService::IP);
        if (!$ip) {
            $ip = IdentityService::instance()->getIp();
        $data = new Step1ResultSet();
        $data->ip = StatusCheckerService::checkIpStatus($ip);
        $data->ioncube = StatusCheckerService::checkIoncubeStatus();
        $data->php = StatusCheckerService::checkPhpVersion();
        $data->mysql = StatusCheckerService::checkMysqlStatus();
        $data->safemode = StatusCheckerService::checkSafemodeStatus();
        $data->xcache = StatusCheckerService::checkXcacheStatus();
        $data->iconv = StatusCheckerService::checkIconvStatus();
        $data->mbstring = StatusCheckerService::checkMbStatus();
        $data->curl = StatusCheckerService::checkCurlStatus();
        $data->zlib = StatusCheckerService::checkZlibStatus();
        $data->zip = StatusCheckerService::checkZipStatus();
        $data->json = StatusCheckerService::checkJsonStatus();
        $data->hash = StatusCheckerService::checkHashStatus();
        $data->permissions = StatusCheckerService::checkDirStatus();
        return $data;
    private function _step2()
        $data = new SingleElementResultSet();
        $license = ParameterService::instance()->getLicense();
        if ($license === false) {
            $data->element = new GeneralResult(false, "");
            return $data;
        $result = IdentityService::instance()->validateLicense($license);
        if ($result->getStatus()) {
            $data->element = IdentityService::instance()->saveLicense($license);
        } else {
            $data->element = $result;
        return $data;
    private function _step3()
        $data = new Step3ResultSet();
        if (is_dir('./www')) {
            $data->www = new GeneralResult(false, "");
        } else {
            $data->www = new GeneralResult(true, "");
        if (is_file('./index.php')) {
            $data->index = new GeneralResult(false, "");
        } else {
            $data->index = new GeneralResult(true, "");
        return $data;
    private function _step4()
        $data = new SingleElementResultSet();
        $version = ParameterService::instance()->getVersion();
        if ($version === false) {
            $data->element = new GeneralResult(false, "");
            return $data;
        $localPackage = 'package.pack';
        $package = $this->_getPackageUrl($version);
        $data->element = DownloadService::instance()->download($package, $localPackage);
        return $data;
    private function _step4_2()
        $data = new SingleElementResultSet();
        $localPackage = 'package.pack';
        if (!file_exists($localPackage) || !filesize($localPackage)) {
            $data->element = new GeneralResult(false, KLocaleService::t('step4.download_error'));
            return $data;
        $result = ArchiveService::instance()->unpack($localPackage);
        if (!$result->getStatus()) {
            $data->element = $result;
            return $data;
        if (file_exists('www/version.php')) {
            FileService::instance()->dirmv('www', './', true);
        if (!file_exists('version.php')) {
            $data->element = new GeneralResult(false, KLocaleService::t('step4.unpack_error'));
            return $data;
        $uid = fileowner(dirname(__FILE__));
        $gid = filegroup(dirname(__FILE__));
        FileService::instance()->chmod('var', 0777);
        FileService::instance()->chown('./', $uid, $gid);
        FileService::instance()->chown('www', $uid, $gid);
        @mkdir('var/cache', 0777);
        @chmod('var/cache', 0777);
        @mkdir('var/cron', 0777);
        @chmod('var/cron', 0777);
        @mkdir('var/exports', 0777);
        @mkdir('var/log', 0777);
        @mkdir('var/sessions', 0777);
        @chmod(ConfigService::instance()->getConfigIniPath(), 0777);
        $data->element = new GeneralResult(true, "");
        return $data;
    private function _step6()
        $data = new ElementArrayResultSet();
        foreach (ConfigService::instance()->getRemoteFiles() as $archiveName => $archiveData) {
            $url = $archiveData['dataUrl'];
            $crcUrl = $archiveData['crcUrl'];
            $file = $archiveData['path'];
            $archive = $archiveData['path'] . ".gz";
            if (!file_exists($file)) {
                $result = DownloadService::instance()->downloadAndValidate($url, $crcUrl, $archive, $file);
                if (!$result->getStatus()) {
            if (!file_exists($file)) {
                $data->addElement(new GeneralResult(false, KLocaleService::t('step6.cant_download_file')));
        return $data;
    private function _step7()
        $data = new SingleElementResultSet();
        if (!ParameterService::instance()->getHostName() && !$this->_isCli) {
            $data->element = new GeneralResult(true, "");
            return $data;
        $h = ParameterService::instance()->getHostName();
        $u = ParameterService::instance()->getUserName();
        $p = ParameterService::instance()->getPassword();
        $d = ParameterService::instance()->getDbName();
        $data->element = MysqlService::instance()->checkDatabase($h, $u, $p, $d);
        if ($data->getStatus()) {
            $data->element = ConfigService::instance()->updateConfigFile($h, $u, $p, $d, ParameterService::instance()->getPrefixParam());
            if ($data->getStatus()) {
                if ($this->_isCli) {
                    $this->_step = 8;
                    return false;
                } else {
        return $data;
    private function _step8()
        $result = MysqlService::instance()->connectFromIni();
        if ($result->getStatus()) {
            $result = MysqlService::instance()->executeSql();
            if (ConfigService::instance()->isKeitaro8() && MysqlService::instance()->hasTokuDb()) {
        $data = new SingleElementResultSet();
        $data->element = $result;
        return $data;
    private function _step9()
        $data = new ElementArrayResultSet();
        $login = ParameterService::instance()->getKeitaroLogin();
        $pass = ParameterService::instance()->getKeitaroPass();
        $passConfirm = ParameterService::instance()->getKeitaroPassConfirm();
        $language = ParameterService::instance()->getLanguage();
        $currency = ParameterService::instance()->getCurrency();
        $extra = ParameterService::instance()->getExtraUrl();
        $draft = ParameterService::instance()->getDraftStorage();
        $cache = ParameterService::instance()->getCacheStorage();
        $timezone = ParameterService::instance()->getTimezone();
        $result = MysqlService::instance()->connectFromIni();
        if (!$login) {
            return $data;
        if (!trim($login)) {
            $data->addElement(new GeneralResult(false, KLocaleService::t('step9.login_error')));
        if (!trim($pass)) {
            $data->addElement(new GeneralResult(false, KLocaleService::t('step9.password_error')));
        if ($pass != $passConfirm) {
            $data->addElement(new GeneralResult(false, KLocaleService::t('step9.passwords_mismatch')));
        if (!trim($extra)) {
            $data->addElement(new GeneralResult(false, KLocaleService::t('step9.extra_url_error')));
        } elseif (!stristr($extra, 'http://') && !stristr($extra, 'https://')) {
            $data->addElement(new GeneralResult(false, KLocaleService::t('step9.extra_url_incorrect')));
        if ($draft == 'redis' && !StatusCheckerService::instance()->checkRedisStatus()->getStatus()) {
            $data->addElement(new GeneralResult(false, KLocaleService::t('step9.draft_no_redis')));
        if (!$data->getStatus()) {
            return $data;
        MysqlService::instance()->setSetting('extra_url', $extra);
        $result = ConfigService::instance()->updateIniStore();
        if (!$result->getStatus()) {
            return $data;
        MysqlService::instance()->setAdminPass($login, $pass);
        if ($language) {
        if ($currency) {
        ParameterService::instance()->savePersistent('login', $login);
        ParameterService::instance()->savePersistent('password', $pass);
        if (ConfigService::instance()->isKeitaro8() && ConfigService::instance()->isValidTimezone($timezone)) {
        if ($this->_isCli) {
            $this->_step = 10;
            return false;
        } else {
            return $data;
    private function _step12()
    private function _getPackageUrl($version)
        if (class_exists('ZipArchive')) {
            return ConfigService::SITENAME . $this->_versions[$version] . $this->_getPackageName() . '.zip';
        } else {
            return ConfigService::SITENAME . $this->_versions[$version] . $this->_getPackageName() . '.tar.gz';
    private function _getPackageName()
        if (version_compare(phpversion(), '7') > 0) {
            return self::PACKAGE_PHP7;
        } else {
            return self::PACKAGE_PHP5;

namespace Views {
interface ViewInterface
    public function renderStepPage($step, $data);
    public function renderLockedPage();

namespace Views {
use ResultSets\Step1ResultSet;
use ResultSets\Step3ResultSet;
use Services\KLocaleService;
use Services\ConfigService;
use Services\ParameterService;
use Services\RedirectService;
use Services\StatusCheckerService;
use Services\IdentityService;
use ResultSets\SingleElementResultSet;
use ResultSets\ElementArrayResultSet;
class WebView implements ViewInterface
    const MAIN_TEMPLATE = <<<TPL
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>#TITLE# / #MAIN_TITLE#</title>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
    <meta name="robots" content="noindex">
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="#DOMAIN#/installer/v2/app.js"></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="#DOMAIN#/installer/v2/app.css" type="text/css">
<body data-current-step="#STEP#">
<div class="container">
    <div class="row">
        <div class="col-md-6 col-md-offset-3">
            <nav class="steps">
                <div class="step current" data-step-to="1">1</div> <!-- Checker -->
                <div class="step"  data-step-to="2">2</div> <!-- Key -->
                <div class="step"  data-step-to="4">3</div> <!-- Files -->
                <div class="step"  data-step-to="5">4</div> <!-- DBs -->
                <div class="step"  data-step-to="7">5</div> <!-- DB -->
                <div class="step"  data-step-to="9">6</div> <!-- Admin -->
                <div class="step"  data-step-to="10">7</div> <!-- Cron -->
                <form action="install.php" method="post" class="panel panel-default">
                    <div class="panel-heading">
                    <div class="panel-body">
                    <div class="panel-footer">
            <footer class="text-center">
                <p><a href="?step=#CURRENT_STEP#&lang=#ANOTHER_LANG#">#CHANGE_LANG#</a></p>
                <p><a target="_blank" href="http://#WIKI#/installation">#DOCUMENTATION#</a></p>
    const STEP3_JS = <<<JSCODE
\$( document ).ready(function() {
    function updateButton(checkbox) {
        var button = \$("#submitButton");
        button.attr("disabled", !checkbox.prop('checked'));
    var checkbox = \$('#indexCheckbox'); {
    private $_title;
    private $_content;
    private $_footer;
    public function __construct()
        header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
    private function _step1(Step1ResultSet $data)
        $tableData = array();
        $this->_title = KLocaleService::t('step1.title');
        $this->_content .= '<table class="table compatibility-table">' . "\r\n";
        foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
            $row = $data->getMemberRow($key);
            $header = $row[Step1ResultSet::HEADER_COL];
            $text = $row[Step1ResultSet::STATUS_COL] ? $this->_wrapSuccess($row[Step1ResultSet::TEXT_COL]) : $this->_wrapError($row[Step1ResultSet::TEXT_COL]);
            $this->_content .= '<tr><th>' . $header . ':</th><td>' . $text . '</td>';
        $this->_content .= '</table>';
        if ($data->getStatus()) {
            if (defined('CHECKER') && CHECKER) {
                $this->_footer .= KLocaleService::t('step1.success') . "\r\n";
            } else {
                $this->_footer .= '<button autofocus class="btn btn-success" name="step" value="2" type="submit">' . KLocaleService::t('continue') . '</button>' . "\r\n";
        } else {
            $this->_footer .= '<p class="status-error">' . KLocaleService::t('step1.failure') . '.</p>';
            $this->_footer .= '<button autofocus class="btn btn-success" name="step" value="1" type="submit">' . KLocaleService::t('step1.retry') . '</button>' . "\r\n";
    private function _step2(SingleElementResultSet $data)
        $this->_title = KLocaleService::t('step2.title');
        $this->_content .= '<label>' . KLocaleService::t('step2.enter_key') . '</label>';
        $this->_content .= '<input autofocus type="text" class="form-control" name="licenseKey" placeholder="XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX"/>';
        $this->_content .= '<div class="help-block">' . KLocaleService::t('step2.ip') . ' <b>' . IdentityService::instance()->getIp() . '</b></div>';
        if ($data->getStatus()) {
            $this->_footer .= '<button class="btn btn-success" name="step" value="3" type="submit">' . KLocaleService::t('continue') . '</button>';
        } else {
            $this->_footer .= '<div class="status-error">' . $data->getErrorText() . '</div>';
            $this->_footer .= '<button autofocus class="btn btn-success" name="step" value="2" type="submit">' . KLocaleService::t('step2.check') . '</button>';
    private function _step3(Step3ResultSet $data)
        $this->_title = KLocaleService::t('step3.title');
        if (!$data->getStatus()) {
            $this->_footer .= '<div class="status-error">' . KLocaleService::t('step3.delete_www') . '</div>';
        } else {
            $this->_content = '<b>' . KLocaleService::t('step3.choose_version') . '</b>';
            $this->_content .= '<div class="radio"><label><input checked type="radio" name="version" value="8" />Keitaro 8</label></div>';
            $this->_content .= '<div class="radio"><label><input type="radio" name="version" value="7" />Keitaro 7</label></div>';
            $this->_content .= '<div class="radio"><label><input type="radio" name="version" value="6" />Keitaro 6</label></div>';
            $this->_content .= '<div>' . KLocaleService::t('step3.description') . '</div>';
            $this->_content .= '<div class="alert alert-warning">' . KLocaleService::t('step3.warning') . '</div>';
            if (!$data->index->getStatus()) {
                $this->_content .= '<div><label><input type="checkbox" name="index" id="indexCheckbox" value="0">&nbsp;' . KLocaleService::t('step3.ignore_index') . '</label></div>';
                $this->_content .= self::STEP3_JS;
            $this->_footer .= '<button autofocus id="submitButton" class="btn btn-success" name="step" value="4" type="submit">' . KLocaleService::t('step3.start') . '</button>';
    private function _step4(SingleElementResultSet $data)
        $this->_title = KLocaleService::t('step4.title');
        if ($data->getStatus()) {
            $this->_content .= KLocaleService::t('step4.success');
            $this->_footer .= '<button autofocus class="btn btn-success" name="step" value="4_2" type="submit">' . KLocaleService::t('continue') . '</button>';
        } else {
            $this->_content .= '<div class="status-error">' . $data->getErrorText() . '</div>';
            $this->_footer .= '<button autofocus class="btn btn-success" name="step" value="3" type="submit">' . KLocaleService::t('retry') . "</button>";
    private function _step4_2(SingleElementResultSet $data)
        $this->_title = KLocaleService::t('step4.title');
        if ($data->getStatus()) {
            $this->_content .= KLocaleService::t('step4.unpacked');
            $this->_footer .= '<button autofocus class="btn btn-success" name="step" value="5" type="submit">' . KLocaleService::t('continue') . '</button>';
        } else {
            $this->_content .= '<div class="status-error">' . $data->getErrorText() . '</div>';
            $this->_footer .= '<button autofocus class="btn btn-success" name="step" value="3" type="submit">' . KLocaleService::t('retry') . "</button>";
    private function _step5($data)
        $this->_title = KLocaleService::t('step5.title');
        $this->_content .= KLocaleService::t('step5.description');
        $this->_footer .= '<button autofocus class="btn btn-success" name="step" value="6" type="submit">' . KLocaleService::t('continue') . '</button>';
    private function _step6(ElementArrayResultSet $data)
        $this->_title = KLocaleService::t('step6.title');
        if ($data->getStatus()) {
            $this->_content .= KLocaleService::t('step6.success');
            $this->_footer .= '<button autofocus class="btn btn-success" name="step" value="7" type="submit">' . KLocaleService::t('continue') . '</button>';
        } else {
            foreach ($data->getErrorTexts() as $text) {
                $this->_footer .= '<div class="status-error">' . $text . '</div>';
            $this->_footer .= '<button autofocus class="btn btn-success" name="step" value="6" type="submit">' . KLocaleService::t('retry') . "</button>";
    private function _step7(SingleElementResultSet $data)
        $h = ParameterService::instance()->getHostName();
        $u = ParameterService::instance()->getUserName();
        $p = ParameterService::instance()->getPassword();
        $d = ParameterService::instance()->getDbName();
        $pr = ParameterService::instance()->getPrefixParam();
        $this->_title = KLocaleService::t('step7.title');
        $this->_content .= '<table class="table">';
        $this->_content .= '<tr><th>' . KLocaleService::t('') . '</th>
            <td><input name="hostname" tabindex="1" type="text" class="form-control" value="' . ($h ? $h : 'localhost') . '" /></td>';
        $this->_content .= '<tr><th>' . KLocaleService::t('step7.db') . '</th>
            <td><input name="dbname" tabindex="2" type="text" class="form-control" value="' . ($d ? $d : '') . '" />
            <input type="checkbox" name="create" id="create" value="1"><label for="create">&nbsp;' . KLocaleService::t('step7.create_db') . '</label></td>';
        $this->_content .= '<tr><th>' . KLocaleService::t('step7.username') . '</th>
            <td><input name="username" tabindex="3" type="text" class="form-control" value="' . ($u ? $u : '') . '" /></td>';
        $this->_content .= '<tr><th>' . KLocaleService::t('step7.password') . '</th>
            <td><input name="password" tabindex="4" type="text" class="form-control" value="' . ($p ? $p : '') . '" /></td>';
        $this->_content .= '<tr><th>' . KLocaleService::t('step7.prefix') . '</th>
            <td><input name="prefix" tabindex="5" type="text" class="form-control" value="' . ($pr ? $pr : 'keitaro_') . '" /></td>';
        $this->_content .= '</table>';
        if ($data->getStatus()) {
            $this->_footer .= '<button autofocus class="btn btn-success" name="step" value="7" type="submit">' . KLocaleService::t('continue') . '</button>';
        } else {
            $this->_footer .= '<div class="status-error">' . $data->getErrorText() . '</div>';
            $this->_footer .= '<button autofocus class="btn btn-success" name="step" value="7" type="submit">' . KLocaleService::t('retry') . '</button>';
    private function _step8(SingleElementResultSet $data)
        $this->_title = KLocaleService::t('step8.title');
        if ($data->getStatus()) {
            $this->_content .= KLocaleService::t('step8.import_success');
            $this->_footer .= '<button autofocus class="btn btn-success" name="step" value="9" type="submit">' . KLocaleService::t('continue') . '</button>';
        } else {
            $this->_footer .= '<div class="status-error">' . $data->getErrorText() . '</div>';
            $this->_footer .= '<button autofocus class="btn btn-success" name="step" value="7" type="submit">' . KLocaleService::t('retry') . '</button>';
    private function _step9(ElementArrayResultSet $data)
        $login = ParameterService::instance()->getKeitaroLogin();
        $pass = ParameterService::instance()->getKeitaroPass();
        $passConfirm = ParameterService::instance()->getKeitaroPassConfirm();
        $language = ParameterService::instance()->getLanguage();
        $extra = ParameterService::instance()->getExtraUrl();
        $timezone = ParameterService::instance()->getTimezone();
        $this->_title = KLocaleService::t('step9.title');
        $this->_content .= '<table class="table">';
        $this->_content .= '<tr><th>' . KLocaleService::t('step9.login') . '</th>
            <td><input name="login" type="text" class="form-control" value="' . ($login ? $login : 'admin') . '" /></td>';
        $this->_content .= '<tr><th>' . KLocaleService::t('step9.password') . '</th>
            <td><input name="password" type="password" class="form-control" value="' . ($pass ? $pass : '') . '" /></td>';
        $this->_content .= '<tr><th>' . KLocaleService::t('step9.confirm_password') . '</th>
            <td><input name="password-confirm" type="password" class="form-control" value="' . ($passConfirm ? $passConfirm : '') . '" /></td>';
        $this->_content .= '<tr><th>' . KLocaleService::t('step9.extra_url') . '</th>
            <td><input name="extra-url" type="text" class="form-control" value="' . ($extra ? $extra : '') . '" />
            <p class="description smaller">' . KLocaleService::t('step9.extra_url_description') . '</p>
        $selectedStorage = ParameterService::instance()->getCacheStorage();
        $avaliableStorages = StatusCheckerService::instance()->getAvaliableCacheStorages();
        $this->_content .= '<tr><th>' . KLocaleService::t('step9.cache_storage') . '</th>
        foreach ($avaliableStorages as $storage) {
            $this->_content .= '<label><input name="cache_storage" type="radio" value="' . $storage[0] . '" ' . ($selectedStorage == $storage[0] ? 'checked' : '') . ' /> ' . $storage[1] . '</label>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;';
        $this->_content .= '</td>';
        $draft = ParameterService::instance()->getDraftStorage();
        $this->_content .= '<tr><th>' . KLocaleService::t('step9.draft_storage') . '</th>
            <label><input name="draft_storage" type="radio" value="files" ' . ($draft == 'files' ? 'checked' : '') . ' /> Files</label>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
            <label><input name="draft_storage" type="radio" value="db" ' . ($draft == 'db' ? 'checked' : '') . ' /> MySQL</label>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
            <label><input name="draft_storage" type="radio" value="redis" ' . ($draft == 'redis' ? 'checked' : '') . ' /> Redis</label>
        $prefLanguage = KLocaleService::getPreferredLanguage();
        if ($language) {
            $prefLanguage = $language;
        $this->_content .= '<tr><th>' . KLocaleService::t('step9.ui_language') . '</th>
            <label><input name="language" type="radio" value="ru" ' . ($prefLanguage == 'ru' ? 'checked' : '') . ' /> </label>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
            <label><input name="language" type="radio" value="en" ' . ($prefLanguage == 'en' ? 'checked' : '') . ' /> english</label>
        $currency = ParameterService::instance()->getCurrency();
        if (!$currency) {
            if ($prefLanguage == 'en') {
                $currency = 'USD';
            } else {
                $currency = 'RUB';
        $this->_content .= '<tr><th>' . KLocaleService::t('step9.ui_currency') . '</th>
            <label><input name="currency" type="radio" value="RUB" ' . ($currency == 'RUB' ? 'checked' : '') . ' /> RUB (&#8381)</label>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
            <label><input name="currency" type="radio" value="USD" ' . ($currency == 'USD' ? 'checked' : '') . ' /> USD ($)</label>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
            <label><input name="currency" type="radio" value="EUR" ' . ($currency == 'EUR' ? 'checked' : '') . ' /> EUR ()</label>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
            <label><input name="currency" type="radio" value="GBP" ' . ($currency == 'GBP' ? 'checked' : '') . ' /> GBP ()</label>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
            <label><input name="currency" type="radio" value="UAH" ' . ($currency == 'UAH' ? 'checked' : '') . ' /> UAH ()</label>
        if (ConfigService::instance()->isKeitaro8()) {
            $this->_content .= '<tr><th>' . KLocaleService::t('step9.ui_timezone') . '</th>
            <select name="timezone">';
            if (empty($timezone)) {
                $timezone = ConfigService::instance()->getDefaultTimezone();
            foreach (ConfigService::instance()->getTimezones() as $key => $value) {
                $this->_content .= '<option value="' . $value . '" ' . ($value == $timezone ? 'selected' : '') . '>' . $key . '</option>';
            $this->_content .= '</select>
        $this->_content .= '</table>';
        if ($data->getStatus()) {
            $this->_footer .= '<button autofocus class="btn btn-success" name="step" value="9" type="submit">' . KLocaleService::t('continue') . '</button>';
        } else {
            foreach ($data->getErrorTexts() as $text) {
                $this->_footer .= '<div class="status-error">' . $text . '</div>';
            $this->_footer .= '<button autofocus class="btn btn-success" name="step" value="9" type="submit">' . KLocaleService::t('retry') . '</button>';
    private function _step10($data)
        $this->_title = KLocaleService::t('step10.title');
        $content = KLocaleService::t('step10.instruction');
        $content = str_replace('@document_root@', ConfigService::instance()->getDocumentRoot(), $content);
        $content = str_replace('@path@', ConfigService::instance()->getPath(), $content);
        $content = str_replace('@host@', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], $content);
        $this->_content .= $content;
        $this->_footer .= '<button autofocus class="btn btn-success" name="step" value="11" type="submit">' . KLocaleService::t('continue') . '</button>';
    private function _step11($data)
        $this->_title = KLocaleService::t('step11.title');
        $this->_content .= KLocaleService::t('step11.installation_complete');
        $this->_content .= '<ul class="list-unstyled">';
        $this->_content .= '<li><a href="?step=12">http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . ConfigService::instance()->getPath() . '/admin</a></li>';
        $this->_content .= '<li>' . KLocaleService::t('step11.login') . ': ' . ParameterService::instance()->getPersistent('login') . '</li>';
        $this->_content .= '<li>' . KLocaleService::t('step11.password') . ': ' . ParameterService::instance()->getPersistent('password') . '</li>';
        $this->_content .= '</ul>';
        $this->_footer .= '<button autofocus class="btn btn-success" name="step" value="12" type="submit">' . KLocaleService::t('step11.start') . '</button>';
    private function _step12($data)
        header('LOCATION: ' . ConfigService::instance()->getPath() . '/admin/');
    private function _wrapSuccess($text)
        return '<div class="status-success"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok-circle"></i> ' . $text . '</div>';
    private function _wrapError($text)
        return '<div class="status-error"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-ban-circle"></i> ' . $text . '</div>';
    private function renderPage($step)
        $content = self::MAIN_TEMPLATE;
        $content = str_replace('#DOMAIN#', ConfigService::SITENAME, $content);
        $content = str_replace('#CONTENT#', $this->_content, $content);
        $content = str_replace('#FOOTER#', $this->_footer, $content);
        $content = str_replace('#STEP#', (int) $step, $content);
        $content = str_replace('#TITLE#', $this->_title, $content);
        $content = str_replace('#MAIN_TITLE#', KLocaleService::t('main_title'), $content);
        $content = str_replace('#DOCUMENTATION#', KLocaleService::t('documentation'), $content);
        $content = str_replace('#CURRENT_STEP#', (int) $step, $content);
        $content = str_replace('#ANOTHER_LANG#', $this->_getAnotherLang(), $content);
        $content = str_replace('#CHANGE_LANG#', $this->_getChangeLangText(), $content);
        $content = str_replace('#WIKI#', $this->_getWikiDomain(), $content);
        echo $content;
    private function _getWikiDomain()
        if (KLocaleService::getPreferredLanguage() == 'ru') {
            return '';
        } else {
            return '';
    private function _getAnotherLang()
        if (KLocaleService::getPreferredLanguage() == 'ru') {
            return 'en';
        } else {
            return 'ru';
    private function _getChangeLangText()
        if (KLocaleService::getPreferredLanguage() == 'ru') {
            return 'RU  EN';
        } else {
            return 'EN  RU';
    public function renderStepPage($step, $data)
        $action = '_step' . $step;
    public function renderLockedPage()
        $this->_title = KLocaleService::t('installation_locked');
        $this->_content = KLocaleService::t('remove_lock');

namespace Controllers {
use Views\ViewInterface;
use Models\StepModelInterface;
use Services\KLocaleService;
class InstallController
    private $_view = null;
    private $_model = null;
    public function __construct(ViewInterface $view, StepModelInterface $model)
        $this->_view = $view;
        $this->_model = $model;
    private function _checkLang()
        if (isset($_GET['lang'])) {
    public function dispatchSingle()
        if (!defined('CHECKER') && file_exists('var/install.lock')) {
        } else {
            $step = $this->_model->getCurrentStep();
            $data = $this->_model->getCurrentStepData();
            $this->_view->renderStepPage($step, $data);
    public function dispatchChain()
        if (file_exists('var/install.lock')) {
        } else {
            while (true) {
                $step = $this->_model->getCurrentStep();
                $data = $this->_model->getCurrentStepData();
                if ($data === false) {
                $newStep = $this->_view->renderStepPage($step, $data);

namespace Services {
class AbstractService
    protected static $_instances = array();
    public static function instance()
        $className = get_called_class();
        if (!isset(static::$_instances[$className])) {
            static::$_instances[$className] = new $className();
        return static::$_instances[$className];
    public static function isInitialized()
        $className = get_called_class();
        return isset(static::$_instances[$className]);
    public static function reset()
        $className = get_called_class();
        static::$_instances[$className] = null;

namespace Services {
use ResultSets\GeneralResult;
class IdentityService extends AbstractService
    public function getKey()
        return file_get_contents('./var/license/key.lic');
    public function getIp()
        $settingsIp = ParameterService::instance()->getIp();
        if ($settingsIp) {
            return $settingsIp;
        $resolveMethod = $this->getResolveMethod();
        if ($this->_isValid($resolveMethod)) {
            return $resolveMethod;
        return call_user_func(array($this, '_get' . ucfirst($resolveMethod) . 'Ip'));
    private function _isValid($ip)
        if (filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP) === false) {
            return false;
        if (strpos($ip, '127.') === 0) {
            return false;
        return strpos($ip, '192.168.') !== 0;
    public function getResolveMethod()
        if ($ip = ParameterService::instance()->getPersistent(ParameterService::IP)) {
            $resolveMethod = $ip;
        } else {
            $resolveMethod = RESOLVE_METHOD;
        if ($this->_isValid($resolveMethod)) {
            return $resolveMethod;
        if ($resolveMethod == 'domain') {
            $order = array('domain', 'server');
        } else {
            $order = array('server', 'domain');
        $ip = null;
        foreach ($order as $method) {
            $ip = call_user_func(array($this, '_get' . ucfirst($method) . 'Ip'));
            if ($this->_isValid($ip)) {
                return $method;
        return 'domain';
    private function _getServerIp()
        $ip = isset($_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] : '';
        $ip = str_replace('::ffff:', '', $ip);
        return $ip;
    private function _getDomainIp()
        return gethostbyname(@$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
    public function saveLicense($licenseKey)
        if (!is_dir('./var')) {
            mkdir('./var', 0777);
        if (!is_dir('./var/license')) {
            mkdir('./var/license', 0777);
        if (!is_dir('./var/license/')) {
            return new GeneralResult(false, KLocaleService::t('step2.permission_error'));
        file_put_contents('./var/license/key.lic', $licenseKey);
        return new GeneralResult(true, "");
    public function validateLicense($key)
        $ip = $this->getIp();
        $url = ConfigService::SITENAME . '/license/api/check?key=' . urlencode($key) . '&ip=' . $ip;
        $result = DownloadService::instance()->request($url);
        if (!$result->getStatus()) {
            return $result;
        if (trim($result->getDesc()) == 'success') {
            return new GeneralResult(true, "");
        return new GeneralResult(false, KLocaleService::t('step2.license_error'));

namespace Services {
class ParameterService extends AbstractService
    const DOMAIN = 'cliDomain';
    const IP = 'cliIp';
    const KEY = 'cliKey';
    const DB_HOST = 'cliDbHost';
    const DB_PREFIX = 'cliDbPrefix';
    const DB_USER = 'cliDbUser';
    const DB_NAME = 'cliDbName';
    const DB_PASS = 'cliDbPass';
    const ADMIN_LOGIN = 'cliAdminLogin';
    const ADMIN_PASS = 'cliAdminPass';
    const ADMIN_PASS_CONFIRM = 'cliAdminPassConfirm';
    const EXTRA_URL = 'cliExtraUrl';
    const DRAFT_STORAGE = 'cliDraftStorage';
    const CACHE_STORAGE = 'cliCacheStorage';
    const LANGUAGE = 'cliLanguage';
    const CURRENCY = 'cliCurrency';
    const VERSION = 'cliVersion';
    const TIMEZONE = 'cliTimezone';
    private $_cliParams = array();
    private function isCli()
        return php_sapi_name() == 'cli' && !defined("PRELOADER");
    private function setCliParam($key, $val)
        $this->_cliParams[$key] = $val;
    private function getCliParam($key)
        if (isset($this->_cliParams[$key])) {
            return $this->_cliParams[$key];
        } else {
            return false;
    private function getPostParam($name)
        if (!empty($_POST[$name])) {
            return $_POST[$name];
        } else {
            return false;
    private function saveInSession($key, $val)
        $_SESSION[$key] = $val;
    private function getFromSession($key)
        return @$_SESSION[$key];
    private function removeFromSession($key)
    public function getIp()
        if ($this->isCli()) {
            return $this->getCliParam(self::IP);
        } else {
            return false;
    public function getLicense()
        if ($this->isCli()) {
            return $this->getCliParam(self::KEY);
        } else {
            return $this->getPostParam('licenseKey');
    public function getVersion()
        if ($this->isCli()) {
            return $this->getCliParam(self::VERSION);
        } else {
            return $this->getPostParam('version');
    public function getHostName()
        if ($this->isCli()) {
            return $this->getCliParam(self::DB_HOST);
        } else {
            return $this->getPostParam('hostname');
    public function getUserName()
        if ($this->isCli()) {
            return $this->getCliParam(self::DB_USER);
        } else {
            return $this->getPostParam('username');
    public function getPassword()
        if ($this->isCli()) {
            return $this->getCliParam(self::DB_PASS);
        } else {
            return $this->getPostParam('password');
    public function getDbName()
        if ($this->isCli()) {
            return $this->getCliParam(self::DB_NAME);
        } else {
            return $this->getPostParam('dbname');
    public function getCreateDatabaseParam()
        if ($this->isCli()) {
            return false;
        } else {
            return $this->getPostParam('create');
    public function getPrefixParam()
        if ($this->isCli()) {
            return $this->getCliParam(self::DB_PREFIX);
        } else {
            return $this->getPostParam('prefix');
    public function getKeitaroLogin()
        if ($this->isCli()) {
            return $this->getCliParam(self::ADMIN_LOGIN);
        } else {
            return $this->getPostParam('login');
    public function getKeitaroPass()
        if ($this->isCli()) {
            return $this->getCliParam(self::ADMIN_PASS);
        } else {
            return $this->getPostParam('password');
    public function getKeitaroPassConfirm()
        if ($this->isCli()) {
            return $this->getCliParam(self::ADMIN_PASS_CONFIRM);
        } else {
            return $this->getPostParam('password-confirm');
    public function getExtraUrl()
        if ($this->isCli()) {
            return $this->getCliParam(self::EXTRA_URL);
        } else {
            return $this->getPostParam('extra-url');
    public function getLanguage()
        if ($this->isCli()) {
            return $this->getCliParam(self::LANGUAGE);
        } else {
            return $this->getPostParam('language');
    public function getCurrency()
        if ($this->isCli()) {
            return $this->getCliParam(self::CURRENCY);
        } else {
            return $this->getPostParam('currency');
    public function getCacheStorage()
        if ($this->isCli()) {
            $cache = $this->getCliParam(self::CACHE_STORAGE);
        } else {
            $cache = $this->getPostParam('cache_storage');
        if (!$cache) {
            $cache = 'files';
        return $cache;
    public function getDraftStorage()
        if ($this->isCli()) {
            $draft = $this->getCliParam(self::DRAFT_STORAGE);
        } else {
            $draft = $this->getPostParam('draft_storage');
        if (!$draft) {
            $draft = 'files';
        return $draft;
    public function getTimezone()
        if ($this->isCli()) {
            $timezone = $this->getCliParam(self::TIMEZONE);
        } else {
            $timezone = $this->getPostParam('timezone');
        return $timezone;
    public function savePersistent($key, $val)
        if ($this->isCli()) {
            $this->setCliParam($key, $val);
        } else {
            $this->saveInSession($key, $val);
    public function getPersistent($key)
        if ($this->isCli()) {
            return $this->getCliParam($key);
        } else {
            return $this->getFromSession($key);
    public function removeAllPersistent()

namespace ResultSets {
interface ResultSetInterface
    public function getStatus();

namespace ResultSets {
use Services\ConfigService;
use Services\IdentityService;
use Services\KLocaleService;
use Services\StatusCheckerService;
class Step1ResultSet implements ResultSetInterface
    const HEADER_COL = 0;
    const TEXT_COL = 1;
    const STATUS_COL = 2;
    public $ip = null;
    public $php = null;
    public $mysql = null;
    public $safemode = null;
    public $xcache = null;
    public $iconv = null;
    public $mbstring = null;
    public $zlib = null;
    public $curl = null;
    public $permissions = null;
    public $ioncube = null;
    public $zip = null;
    public $json = null;
    public $hash = null;
    public function getStatus()
        $result = true;
        foreach ($this as $key => $value) {
            if (!$value->getStatus()) {
                $result = false;
        return $result;
    public function getMemberRow($member)
        $result = array();
        $result[self::HEADER_COL] = KLocaleService::t('step1.' . $member);
        $result[self::TEXT_COL] = $this->{$member}->getDesc();
        $result[self::STATUS_COL] = $this->{$member}->getStatus();
        return $result;

namespace Services {
use ResultSets\GeneralResult;
class StatusCheckerService extends AbstractService
    const IONCUBE_OLD_VERSION = 2;
    const IONCUBE_INSTALLED = 3;
    public static function checkMysqlStatus()
        if (!extension_loaded('pdo_mysql')) {
            return new GeneralResult(false, KLocaleService::t('step1.not_installed'));
        } else {
            return new GeneralResult(true, KLocaleService::t('step1.installed'));
    public static function checkPhpVersion()
        if (version_compare(phpversion(), ConfigService::MIN_PHP_VERSION) > 0) {
            return new GeneralResult(true, phpversion());
        } else {
            return new GeneralResult(false, phpversion() . ' - ' . KLocaleService::t('step1.no_php5'));
    public static function checkXcacheStatus()
        if (extension_loaded('xcache')) {
            return new GeneralResult(false, KLocaleService::t('step1.xcache_installed'));
        } else {
            return new GeneralResult(true, KLocaleService::t('step1.not_installed'));
    public static function checkIconvStatus()
        if (!function_exists('iconv')) {
            return new GeneralResult(false, KLocaleService::t('step1.not_installed'));
        } else {
            return new GeneralResult(true, KLocaleService::t('step1.installed'));
    public static function checkCurlStatus()
        if (!function_exists('curl_init')) {
            return new GeneralResult(false, KLocaleService::t('step1.not_installed'));
        } else {
            return new GeneralResult(true, KLocaleService::t('step1.installed'));
    public static function checkZlibStatus()
        if (!function_exists('gzopen') && !function_exists('gzopen64')) {
            return new GeneralResult(false, KLocaleService::t('step1.not_installed'));
        } else {
            return new GeneralResult(true, KLocaleService::t('step1.installed'));
    public static function checkDirStatus()
        if (!is_writeable('./')) {
            return new GeneralResult(false, KLocaleService::t('step1.dir_isnt_writable'));
        } else {
            return new GeneralResult(true, KLocaleService::t('step1.dir_is_writable'));
    public static function checkSafeModeStatus()
        if (ini_get('safe_mode') == 1 || ini_get('safe_mode') === 'on') {
            return new GeneralResult(false, KLocaleService::t('step1.safe_mode_enable'));
        } else {
            return new GeneralResult(true, KLocaleService::t('step1.safe_mode_disable'));
    public static function checkMbStatus()
        if (!function_exists('mb_internal_encoding')) {
            return new GeneralResult(false, KLocaleService::t('step1.not_installed'));
        } else {
            return new GeneralResult(true, KLocaleService::t('step1.installed'));
    public static function checkIpStatus($ip)
        if (strpos($ip, '127.') === 0 || strpos($ip, '192.168.') === 0) {
            return new GeneralResult(false, '<strong>' . $ip . '</strong>  ' . KLocaleService::t('step1.should_be_external'));
        } else {
            return new GeneralResult(true, $ip);
    public static function checkIoncubeStatus()
        if (!extension_loaded('ionCube Loader')) {
            return new GeneralResult(false, KLocaleService::t('step1.not_installed') . '  <a href="">' . KLocaleService::t('step1.ioncube_installation') . '</a>');
        } else {
            $version = ioncube_loader_version();
            if (version_compare(ConfigService::MIN_IONCUBE_VERSION, $version) <= 0) {
                return new GeneralResult(true, KLocaleService::t('step1.installed'));
            } else {
                return new GeneralResult(false, ioncube_loader_version() . '  ' . KLocaleService::t('step1.min_version') . ' ' . ConfigService::MIN_IONCUBE_VERSION);
    public static function checkRedisStatus()
        if (!class_exists('Redis')) {
            return new GeneralResult(false, "");
        } else {
            return new GeneralResult(true, "");
    public static function checkSqliteStatus()
        if (!extension_loaded('pdo_sqlite')) {
            return new GeneralResult(false, "");
        } else {
            return new GeneralResult(true, "");
    public static function checkMemcacheStatus()
        if (!function_exists("memcache_connect")) {
            return new GeneralResult(false, "");
        } else {
            return new GeneralResult(true, "");
    public static function checkZipStatus()
        if (!extension_loaded('zip')) {
            return new GeneralResult(false, KLocaleService::t('step1.not_installed'));
        } else {
            return new GeneralResult(true, KLocaleService::t('step1.installed'));
    public static function checkJsonStatus()
        if (!function_exists('json_encode')) {
            return new GeneralResult(false, KLocaleService::t('step1.not_installed'));
        } else {
            return new GeneralResult(true, KLocaleService::t('step1.installed'));
    public static function checkHashStatus()
        if (!function_exists('hash')) {
            return new GeneralResult(false, KLocaleService::t('step1.not_installed'));
        } else {
            return new GeneralResult(true, KLocaleService::t('step1.installed'));
    public function getAvaliableCacheStorages()
        $storages = array(array("files", KLocaleService::t('step9.files')));
        if ($this->checkRedisStatus()->getStatus()) {
            $storages[] = array("redis", "Redis");
        if ($this->checkMemcacheStatus()->getStatus()) {
            $storages[] = array("memcache", "Memcache");
        if ($this->checkSqliteStatus()->getStatus()) {
            $storages[] = array("sqlite", "Sqlite");
        $storages[] = array("off", KLocaleService::t('step9.no_cache'));
        return $storages;

namespace ResultSets {
class GeneralResult implements ResultSetInterface
    private $_status;
    private $_desc;
    public function __construct($status, $desc)
        $this->_status = $status;
        $this->_desc = $desc;
    public function getStatus()
        return $this->_status;
    public function getDesc()
        return $this->_desc;

namespace Services {
class KLocaleService extends AbstractService
    protected static $_data = array('ru' => array('main_title' => ' Keitaro', 'step1' => array('title' => '  ', 'mysql' => ' PDO MySQL', 'safemode' => ' Safemode', 'ioncube' => 'IonCube Loader', 'php' => ' PHP 5.4  ', 'iconv' => ' iconv', 'mbstring' => ' <a href="">mbstring</a>', 'curl' => ' CURL', 'permissions' => '   ', 'ip' => 'IP ', 'min_version' => ' Keitaro 7   5.0  ', 'success' => '<p><b>  .</b></p><p>   Keitaro   </p>', 'failure' => '   ', 'retry' => '  ', 'not_installed' => ' ', 'installed' => '', 'no_php5' => ' PHP 5.4  ', 'dir_isnt_writable' => '           ', 'dir_is_writable' => ' ', 'safe_mode_enable' => '   ', 'safe_mode_disable' => '', 'should_be_external' => '  IP', 'ioncube_installation' => '  ', 'storage_recommend' => '  APC  Memcache ( )', 'zlib' => ' <a href="">zlib</a>', 'xcache' => 'Xcache', 'xcache_installed' => '.  xcache       "502 Bad Gateway".', 'zip' => ' <a href="">Zip</a>', 'json' => ' <a href="">JSON</a>', 'hash' => ' <a href="">Hash</a>'), 'step2' => array('title' => ' ', 'permission_error' => '    .', 'ip' => '     IP ', 'license_error' => '           IP', 'enter_key' => '   :', 'check' => ''), 'step3' => array('title' => ' ', 'delete_www' => '  "www"   TDS', 'choose_version' => ' ', 'description' => '<p>      60 . ,          .</p>
                        <p>          ,    <a href="?step=5">  </a>.</p>
                        <p>&nbsp;</p>', 'warning' => '<p><b>!</b>     index.php  .htaccess   . </p>', 'start' => ' ', 'ignore_index' => ' index.php'), 'step4' => array('title' => ' ', 'connection_error' => '    .', 'permission_error' => '   .   777   .', 'tools_error' => '      .   .', 'success' => '  Keitaro .    .', 'unpacked' => '  Keitaro .', 'unpack_error' => '   . ,             30.', 'download_error' => '   .
                      <a target="_blank" href=""></a>,     ', 'curl_error' => 'curl_exec    PHP'), 'step5' => array('title' => '  ', 'description' => '   : geoip, , .'), 'step6' => array('title' => '  ', 'success' => '   ', 'cant_download_file' => '   ', 'crc32_failed' => '   .   .'), 'step7' => array('title' => '    ', 'host' => '', 'db' => ' ', 'username' => ' ', 'password' => '', 'create_db' => ' ', 'prefix' => ' ', 'cant_create' => '    ', 'db_error' => '     ', 'connection_error' => '     ', 'config_permission_error' => '      application/config.'), 'step8' => array('title' => '      ', 'import_success' => '  .', 'import_failure' => '    .'), 'step9' => array('title' => '  ', 'login' => ' ', 'password' => '', 'confirm_password' => ' ', 'extra_url' => '  ', 'extra_url_description' => '     . ,     .', 'login_error' => ' .', 'password_error' => ' .', 'passwords_mismatch' => '  .', 'extra_url_error' => '  URL.', 'extra_url_incorrect' => 'URL    http://  https://', 'ui_language' => ' ', 'ui_currency' => '', 'ui_timezone' => '  ', 'draft_storage' => '   ', 'draft_no_redis' => 'Redis  ', 'cache_storage' => '', 'files' => '', 'no_cache' => ' '), 'step10' => array('title' => '   CRON', 'instruction' => '
                <p>     (Cron\').</p>
                <p>       .</p>
                <p> : <code> </code>
                <p>:     .
                <h4> 1:    PHP</h4>
                <p><code>php @document_root@/cron.php</code></p>
                <h4> 2:   wget</h4>
                <p><code>wget -O /dev/null -q http://@host@@path@/cron.php</code></p>
                <h4> 3:   Crontab:</h4>
                <p>  : <code>crontab -e</code>
                <p> <code>* * * * * php @document_root@/cron.php</code></p>
                <h4> 3:   Crontab:</h4>
                <p>  : <code>crontab -e</code>
                <p> <code>* * * * * php @document_root@/cron.php</code></p>
                <p>  PHP 7.0 <code>/opt/php7.0/bin/php @document_root@/cron.php</code></p>
                <p>  PHP 5.6 <code>/opt/php5.6/bin/php @document_root@/cron.php</code></p>
                <p> <code>/opt/bin/php @document_root@/cron.php</code></p>
                <p>           <a target="_blank" href=""></a></p>'), 'step11' => array('title' => ' !', 'installation_complete' => '<p>     Keitaro.</p>
                    <p>  -    ,    .</p>
                    <p>  install.php  ,   .</p><br />', 'start' => '  ', 'login' => '', 'password' => ''), 'documentation' => '', 'continue' => '', 'retry' => '', 'installation_locked' => ' ', 'remove_lock' => '    "/var/install.lock".'), 'en' => array('main_title' => 'Keitaro Installation', 'step1' => array('title' => 'Server Configuration', 'mysql' => 'PDO MySQL', 'safemode' => 'Safe-mode must be disabled', 'php' => 'PHP version 5.4 - 5.6', 'ioncube' => 'IonCube Loader', 'iconv' => 'Iconv extension', 'mbstring' => 'Mbstring extension', 'curl' => 'CURL extension', 'permissions' => 'Writable permissions to current directory', 'ip' => 'Server IP', 'min_version' => 'Keitaro 7 requires 5.0 o greater', 'success' => '<p><b>Checks done.</b></p><p>You can install Keitaro!</p>', 'failure' => 'Please fix the issues and press "Retry"', 'retry' => 'Retry', 'not_installed' => 'Not installed', 'installed' => 'Installed', 'no_php5' => 'Need PHP 5.4 or newer', 'dir_isnt_writable' => 'No writable permissions. Please set attributes for current directory to 775 or 777.', 'dir_is_writable' => 'Writable', 'safe_mode_enable' => 'Enabled. You must disable safe-mode.', 'safe_mode_disable' => 'Disabled', 'should_be_external' => 'IP must be external', 'ioncube_installation' => 'Instruction (RU)', 'storage_recommend' => 'APC or Memcache recommended', 'zlib' => '<a href="">Zlib</a> extension', 'xcache' => 'Xcache', 'xcache_installed' => 'We recommend you to disable xcache extension.', 'zip' => '<a href="">Zip</a> extension', 'json' => '<a href="">JSON</a> extension', 'hash' => '<a href="">Hash</a> extension'), 'step2' => array('title' => 'License Key', 'ip' => 'License must be assigned to IP', 'permission_error' => 'Unable to create folder to save license key.', 'license_error' => 'Key is invalid. Please check your license key and IP address', 'enter_key' => 'Please enter your license key', 'check' => 'Check'), 'step3' => array('title' => 'Install files', 'delete_www' => 'Please, remove folder "www" from current directory', 'choose_version' => 'Choose version', 'description' => '<p>Press "Continue" to download and unpack Keitaro.</p>', 'warning' => '<b>Warning!</b> Files that contains current directory will be replaced.', 'start' => 'Continue', 'ignore_index' => 'Replace index.php'), 'step4' => array('title' => 'Unpacking', 'connection_error' => 'Can\'t connect to the server. Please check firewall settings.', 'permission_error' => 'Can\'t unpack files. Please check permissions to current directory.', 'tools_error' => 'Unable to use any tools to download package.', 'success' => 'Keitaro has been downloaded', 'unpacked' => 'Keitaro has been unpacked', 'unpack_error' => 'Unable to unpack files. Current directory must have writable permissions and free space should be more than 30MB.', 'download_error' => 'Unable to download archive. Please, check your firewall settings.', 'curl_error' => 'curl_exec disabled in PHP settings'), 'step5' => array('title' => 'External Databases', 'description' => 'Press "Continue" to download external databases.'), 'step6' => array('title' => 'External Databases', 'success' => 'Files successfully unpacked!', 'cant_download_file' => 'Unable to download file ', 'crc32_failed' => 'Downloaded file is corrupted. Please press Retry.'), 'step7' => array('title' => 'MySQL Settings', 'host' => 'Hostname', 'db' => 'DB name', 'username' => 'Username', 'password' => 'Password', 'create_db' => 'create database', 'prefix' => 'Table Prefix', 'cant_create' => 'Unable to create database. Please create it from your server control panel', 'db_error' => 'Unable to connect to database. Please check username and password', 'connection_error' => 'Unable to connect to database', 'config_permission_error' => 'No writable permissions on application/config. Please set 775 or 777.'), 'step8' => array('title' => 'MySQL Schema Import', 'import_success' => 'DB schema has been successfully imported!', 'import_failure' => 'DB error occured during import.'), 'step9' => array('title' => 'Create User', 'login' => 'Admin Login', 'password' => 'Admin Password', 'confirm_password' => 'Repeat Password', 'extra_url' => 'Domain redirect', 'extra_url_description' => 'You can write "" for now. Later yu can change it in the Setting page.', 'login_error' => 'Please enter login.', 'password_error' => 'Please enter password.', 'passwords_mismatch' => 'Passwords are not match.', 'extra_url_error' => 'Please enter Domain redirect.', 'extra_url_incorrect' => 'URL must contain http:// or https://', 'ui_language' => 'UI Language', 'ui_currency' => 'Currency', 'ui_timezone' => 'UI Timezone', 'draft_storage' => 'Storage for draft data', 'draft_no_redis' => 'Redis not found', 'cache_storage' => 'Cache Storage', 'files' => 'Files', 'no_cache' => 'Do not cache'), 'step10' => array('title' => 'Schedule Cron', 'instruction' => '
                <p>Now create new job to Cron.</p>
                <p>Interval: <code>every minute</code></p>
                <p>Command: choose one of the options below.</p>
                <h4>Option 1: For Shared Hosting (with PHP-CLI)</h4>
                <p>Command:</b> <code>php @document_root@/cron.php</code></p>
                <h4>Option 2: Dedicated and Virtual Servers (with Curl)</h4>
                <p><code>curl -s http://@host@@path@/cron.php > /dev/null</code></p>
                <h4>Option 3: Crontab:</h4>
                <p>Run <code>crontab -e</code></p>
                <p>And add <code>* * * * * php @document_root@/cron.php</code></p>
                <p>More information about cron please visit <a target="_blank" href=""></a>
                </p>'), 'step11' => array('title' => 'Installation Finished', 'installation_complete' => '<p>Thank you for choosing Keitaro.</p>
                    <p>If you have any questions about Keitaro, please contact us through website</p>
                    <p>Now you can remove install.php.</p>
                    <br />', 'start' => 'Go to the control panel', 'login' => 'Login', 'password' => 'Password'), 'documentation' => 'Help', 'continue' => 'Continue', 'retry' => 'Retry', 'installation_locked' => 'Installation is locked', 'remove_lock' => 'If you want to unlock remove file "/var/install.lock".'));
    protected static $_language;
    protected static $_languages = array('ru', 'en');
    const DEFAULT_LANGUAGE = 'ru';
    public static function setPreferredLanguage($lang)
        if (!in_array($lang, self::$_languages)) {
            throw new Exception('Language ' . $lang . ' not exists');
        setcookie('installer_lang', $lang);
        $_COOKIE['installer_lang'] = $lang;
    public static function getPreferredLanguage()
        $lang = self::DEFAULT_LANGUAGE;
        if (isset($_COOKIE['installer_lang'])) {
            $lang = $_COOKIE['installer_lang'];
        } elseif (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"])) {
            if (strstr($_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"], 'en')) {
                $lang = 'en';
            if (strstr($_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"], 'ru')) {
                $lang = 'ru';
        if (!in_array($lang, self::$_languages)) {
            $lang = self::DEFAULT_LANGUAGE;
        return $lang;
    public static function get($key, $params = null)
        $path = explode('.', $key);
        $data = self::$_data[self::getPreferredLanguage()];
        $translation = self::_find($path, $data);
        if (!isset($translation)) {
            $translation = $key;
        if ($params) {
            if (!is_array($params)) {
                $params = array($params);
            $args = array_merge(array($translation), $params);
            $translation = call_user_func_array('sprintf', $args);
        return $translation;
    public static function t($key, $params = null)
        return self::get($key, $params);
    protected static function _find($path, $data)
        $key = array_shift($path);
        if (!isset($data[$key])) {
            return null;
        if (count($path)) {
            return self::_find($path, $data[$key]);
        return $data[$key];

namespace Services {
use Services\IdentityService;
use Services\KLocaleService;
use ResultSets\GeneralResult;
class ConfigService extends AbstractService
    private $_cnf = array();
    private $_versionPHP;
    const SITENAME = '';
    const MIN_IONCUBE_VERSION = 5;
    const MIN_PHP_VERSION = '5.4.0';
    public function getConfigIniPath()
        return 'application/config/config.ini.php';
    public function getConfigIniSamplePath()
        return 'application/config/config.ini.sample';
    public function getRemoteFiles()
        $ip = IdentityService::instance()->getIp();
        $key = IdentityService::instance()->getKey();
        return array('GeoLiteCity' => array('path' => 'var/geoip/GeoLiteCity.dat', 'dataUrl' => '', 'crcUrl' => ''), 'SxGeoCity' => array('path' => 'var/geoip/SxGeoCity.dat', 'dataUrl' => '', 'crcUrl' => ''), 'operatorsV1' => array('path' => 'var/operators/operators.v1.dat', 'dataUrl' => '', 'crcUrl' => ''), 'operatorsV2' => array('path' => 'var/operators/operators.v2.dat', 'dataUrl' => '', 'crcUrl' => ''), 'bots' => array('path' => 'var/bots/bots.dat', 'dataUrl' => '', 'crcUrl' => ''), 'botsV2' => array('path' => 'var/bots/botsV2.dat', 'dataUrl' => '' . $ip . '&key=' . $key . '&extension=gz', 'crcUrl' => '' . $ip . '&key=' . $key . '&extension=crc'), 'carrierdb' => array('path' => 'var/geoip/carriers.dat', 'dataUrl' => '' . $ip . '&key=' . $key . '&extension=gz', 'crcUrl' => '' . $ip . '&key=' . $key . '&extension=crc'));
    public function getDocumentRoot()
        return dirname(__FILE__);
    public function updateConfigFile($host, $user, $pass, $db, $prefix)
        $salt = '';
        $config = file_get_contents($this->getConfigIniSamplePath());
        if (file_exists($this->getConfigIniPath())) {
            $oldCnf = parse_ini_string(file_get_contents($this->getConfigIniPath()), true);
            if ($oldCnf['system']['salt']) {
                $salt = $oldCnf['system']['salt'];
        if (!$salt) {
            $salt = uniqid(mt_rand(), true);
        $config = str_replace('#type#', 'mysql', $config);
        $config = str_replace('#host#', $host, $config);
        $config = str_replace('#login#', $user, $config);
        $config = str_replace('#password#', $pass, $config);
        $config = str_replace('#dbname#', $db, $config);
        $config = str_replace('#prefix#', $prefix, $config);
        $config = str_replace('#salt#', $salt, $config);
        $config = str_replace('#resolve_method#', IdentityService::instance()->getResolveMethod(), $config);
        if (!file_put_contents($this->getConfigIniPath(), $config)) {
            return new GeneralResult(false, KLocaleService::t('step7.config_permission_error'));
        } else {
            return new GeneralResult(true, "");
    public function updateIniConfig()
        $this->_cnf = parse_ini_string(file_get_contents($this->getConfigIniPath()), true);
    public function getPath()
        $tmp = explode('/', $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]);
        unset($tmp[count($tmp) - 1]);
        return implode('/', $tmp);
    public function getIniConfig()
        return $this->_cnf;
    public function updateIniStore()
        $config = file_get_contents($this->getConfigIniPath());
        if (!@file_put_contents($this->getConfigIniPath(), $config)) {
            return new GeneralResult(false, KLocaleService::t('step7.config_permission_error'));
        } else {
            return new GeneralResult(true, "");
    public function getVersionPHP()
        if (empty($this->_versionPHP)) {
            $versionFileName = getcwd() . '/version.php';
            if (is_file($versionFileName)) {
                $this->_versionPHP = (require $versionFileName);
            } else {
                return null;
        return $this->_versionPHP;
    public function isKeitaro8()
        $version = $this->getVersionPHP();
        return $version[0] == '8';
    public function getTimezones()
        $timezones = [];
        foreach (\DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers() as $tz) {
            $time = new \DateTime('now', new \DateTimeZone($tz));
            $name = '(GMT' . $time->format('P') . ') ' . $tz;
            $timezones[$name] = $tz;
        return $timezones;
    public function getDefaultTimezone()
        return date_default_timezone_get();
    public function isValidTimezone($timezone)
        return in_array($timezone, \DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers());
    public function getUTCTime()
        return gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s');

namespace ResultSets {
use Services\IdentityService;
use Services\KLocaleService;
class SingleElementResultSet implements ResultSetInterface
    public $element = false;
    public function getStatus()
        return $this->element->getStatus();
    public function getErrorText()
        return $this->element->getDesc();

namespace ResultSets {
use Services\ConfigService;
use Services\IdentityService;
use Services\KLocaleService;
use Services\StatusCheckerService;
class Step3ResultSet implements ResultSetInterface
    public $www = null;
    public $index = null;
    public function getStatus()
        return isset($this->www) && $this->www->getStatus();
    public function getMemberRow($member)
        $result = array();
        $result[self::HEADER_COL] = KLocaleService::t('step1.' . $member);
        $result[self::TEXT_COL] = $this->{$member}->getDesc();
        $result[self::STATUS_COL] = $this->{$member}->getStatus();
        return $result;

namespace ResultSets {
use Services\IdentityService;
use Services\KLocaleService;
class ElementArrayResultSet implements ResultSetInterface
    private $_elements = array();
    public function addElement(GeneralResult $elem)
        $this->_elements[] = $elem;
    public function getStatus()
        foreach ($this->_elements as $element) {
            if (!$element->getStatus()) {
                return false;
        return true;
    public function getErrorTexts()
        $result = array();
        foreach ($this->_elements as $element) {
            $result[] = $element->getDesc();
        return $result;

namespace Services {
use ResultSets\GeneralResult;
class DownloadService extends AbstractService
    public function request($url)
        if (function_exists('curl_init')) {
            if ($this->_isCurlDisabled()) {
                return new GeneralResult(false, KLocaleService::t('step4.curl_error'));
            $ch = curl_init($url);
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 10);
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
            $content = curl_exec($ch);
            if ($error = curl_error($ch)) {
                return new GeneralResult(false, KLocaleService::t('step4.connection_error'));
        } else {
            $f = fopen($url, 'r');
            $content = fread($f, 512000);
            if (!$f) {
                return new GeneralResult(false, KLocaleService::t('step4.connection_error'));
        return new GeneralResult(true, $content);
    public function download($from, $to)
        if (!file_exists($from)) {
            if (!ini_get('allow_url_fopen')) {
                if (function_exists('curl_init')) {
                    if ($this->_isCurlDisabled()) {
                        return new GeneralResult(false, KLocaleService::t('step4.curl_error'));
                    $ch = curl_init($from);
                    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
                    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 100);
                    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_BINARYTRANSFER, true);
                    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
                    $content = curl_exec($ch);
                    if ($error = curl_error($ch)) {
                        return new GeneralResult(false, KLocaleService::t('step4.connection_error') . ' Curl error: ' . $error);
                    if (!file_put_contents($to, $content)) {
                        return new GeneralResult(false, KLocaleService::t('step4.permission_error'));
                } else {
                    return new GeneralResult(false, KLocaleService::t('step4.tools_error'));
            } else {
                file_put_contents($to, fopen($from, 'rb'));
        return new GeneralResult(true, "");
    public function downloadAndValidate($url, $crcUrl, $archive, $file)
        $localArchive = $archive;
        $directory = dirname($localArchive);
        if (!file_exists($directory)) {
            mkdir($directory, 0777);
        $result = $this->download($url, $localArchive);
        if (!$result->getStatus()) {
            return $result;
        $this->download($crcUrl, $file . '.crc');
        if (!$result->getStatus()) {
            return $result;
        ArchiveService::instance()->unzip($localArchive, $file);
        $crc32 = file_get_contents($file . '.crc');
        $downloadedFileCrc = $this->_calculateCrc32($file);
        if ($crc32 != $downloadedFileCrc) {
            return new GeneralResult(false, KLocaleService::t('step6.crc32_failed'));
        } else {
            return new GeneralResult(true, "");
    private function _calculateCrc32($file)
        $fileString = file_get_contents($file);
        $crc = crc32($fileString);
        return sprintf("%u", $crc);
    private function _isCurlDisabled()
        $disabled = explode(',', ini_get('disable_functions'));
        if (in_array('curl_exec', $disabled)) {
            return true;
        return false;

namespace Services {
use ResultSets\GeneralResult;
class ArchiveService extends AbstractService
    public function gzopen($filename, $mode, $use_include_path = 0)
        if (!function_exists('gzopen') && function_exists('gzopen64')) {
            return gzopen64($filename, $mode, $use_include_path);
        } else {
            return gzopen($filename, $mode, $use_include_path);
    public function unpack($localPackage)
        if (class_exists('ZipArchive')) {
            $zip = new \ZipArchive();
        } elseif (class_exists('PharData')) {
            @mkdir('www', 0777);
            try {
                $archive = new \PharData($localPackage);
                $archive->extractTo('./', null, true);
            } catch (\Exception $e) {
                return new GeneralResult(false, $e->getMessage());
        } else {
            $disabled = ini_get('disable_functions');
            if (!strstr($disabled, 'system')) {
                system("tar -xzf " . $localPackage);
            } elseif (!strstr($disabled, 'exec')) {
                exec("tar -xzf " . $localPackage);
        if (!file_exists('www/version.php')) {
            return new GeneralResult(false, "Unable to unpack. Please install php_zip.");
        } else {
            return new GeneralResult(true, "");
    public function unzip($archive, $file)
        $sfp = $this->gzopen($archive, "rb");
        $fp = fopen($file, "w");
        while ($string = gzread($sfp, 4096)) {
            fwrite($fp, $string, strlen($string));

namespace Services {
use ResultSets\GeneralResult;
use Services\KLocaleService;
use Services\ParameterService;
use Services\ConfigService;
class MysqlService extends AbstractService
    private $pdo = NULL;
    public function checkDatabase($host, $user, $pass, $db)
        return $this->connect($host, $user, $pass, $db, ParameterService::instance()->getCreateDatabaseParam());
    public function connectFromIni()
        $cnf = ConfigService::instance()->getIniConfig();
        return $this->connect($cnf['db']['server'], $cnf['db']['user'], $cnf['db']['password'], $cnf['db']['name'], false);
    public function executeSql()
        try {
            if (ConfigService::instance()->isKeitaro8()) {
            } else {
            return new GeneralResult(true, "");
        } catch (\PDOException $e) {
            return new GeneralResult(false, KLocaleService::t('step8.import_failure') . ":" . $e->getMessage());
    public function setSetting($settingName, $value)
        $cnf = ConfigService::instance()->getIniConfig();
        $sql = "UPDATE " . $cnf['db']['prefix'] . "settings SET `value`='" . $value . "' WHERE `key`='" . $settingName . "'";
        $sql = "INSERT IGNORE " . $cnf['db']['prefix'] . "settings (`key`, `value`) VALUES ('" . $settingName . "', '" . $value . "')";
    public function setAdminPass($login, $pass)
        $cnf = ConfigService::instance()->getIniConfig();
        $password = md5($pass . $cnf['system']['salt']);
        $rules = serialize(array());
        $type = 'ADMIN';
        $sql = "INSERT IGNORE INTO " . $cnf['db']['prefix'] . "users (id, login, password, rules, `type`) VALUES\n                (1, '" . $login . "', '" . $password . "', '" . $rules . "', '" . $type . "')";
        $sql = "UPDATE " . $cnf['db']['prefix'] . "users SET `login` = '" . $login . "', `password`='" . $password . "' WHERE id = 1";
    public function setCacheStorage($cache)
        $this->setSetting('cache_storage', $cache);
    public function setDraftStorage($draft)
        $this->setSetting('draft_data_storage', $draft);
    public function setLanguage($language)
        if (ConfigService::instance()->isKeitaro8()) {
            $ids = $this->_getAllUserIds();
            foreach ($ids as $id) {
                $this->_setUserPreferencesValue($id, 'language', $language);
        } else {
            $this->setSetting('language', $language);
    public function setCurrency($currency)
        $this->setSetting('currency', $currency);
    public function setInstalledAt()
        $this->setSetting('installed_at', ConfigService::instance()->getUTCTime());
    public function setTimezone($timezone)
        $id = $this->_getFirstAdminId();
        if ($id !== false) {
            $this->_setUserPreferencesValue($id, 'timezone', $timezone);
    public function hasTokuDb()
        try {
            $stmt = $this->pdo->query("SELECT Engine FROM `information_schema`.`ENGINES` WHERE Engine = 'TokuDB';");
            $row = $stmt->fetchColumn();
            return !empty($row);
        } catch (\PDOException $e) {
            return false;
    public function updateEngineToTokuDb()
        try {
            $cnf = ConfigService::instance()->getIniConfig();
            $stmt = $this->pdo->query("SELECT TABLE_NAME \n            FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES\n            WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = '" . $cnf['db']['name'] . "' \n                AND TABLE_NAME LIKE '" . $cnf['db']['prefix'] . "%'");
            foreach ($stmt->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_COLUMN) as $row) {
                $this->pdo->exec("ALTER TABLE `" . $row . "` ENGINE=TokuDB");
        } catch (\PDOException $e) {
    private function _getFirstAdminId()
        $cnf = ConfigService::instance()->getIniConfig();
        $stmt = $this->pdo->query("SELECT id FROM " . $cnf['db']['prefix'] . "users WHERE type = 'ADMIN' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1");
        return $stmt->fetchColumn();
    private function _getAllUserIds()
        $cnf = ConfigService::instance()->getIniConfig();
        $stmt = $this->pdo->query("SELECT id FROM " . $cnf['db']['prefix'] . "users");
        $result = [];
        foreach ($stmt->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_COLUMN) as $row) {
            $result[] = $row;
        return $result;
    private function _setUserPreferencesValue($userId, $key, $value)
        $cnf = ConfigService::instance()->getIniConfig();
        $sql = "INSERT IGNORE INTO " . $cnf['db']['prefix'] . "user_preferences (`user_id`, `pref_name`, `pref_value`) VALUES\n                ('" . $userId . "', '" . $key . "', '" . $value . "')";
        $sql = "UPDATE " . $cnf['db']['prefix'] . "user_preferences SET `pref_value` = '" . $value . "' WHERE `user_id` = '" . $userId . "' AND `pref_name` = '" . $key . "'";
    private function connect($host, $user, $pass, $db, $shouldCreate)
        if (!$this->pdo instanceof \PDO) {
            $dsn = "mysql:host={$host};dbname=INFORMATION_SCHEMA;charset=utf8";
            try {
                $this->pdo = new \PDO($dsn, $user, $pass, $opt);
            } catch (\PDOException $e) {
                return new GeneralResult(false, KLocaleService::t('step7.connection_error') . ': ' . $e->getMessage());
        $stmt = $this->pdo->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SCHEMATA WHERE SCHEMA_NAME = '" . $db . "'");
        if (!(bool) $stmt->fetchColumn()) {
            if ($shouldCreate) {
                try {
                    $result = $this->pdo->exec('CREATE DATABASE `' . $db . '`;');
                } catch (\PDOException $e) {
                    return new GeneralResult(false, KLocaleService::t('step7.cant_create') . ' "' . $db . '"');
            } else {
                return new GeneralResult(false, KLocaleService::t('step7.db_error') . ' "' . $db . '"');
        $this->pdo->exec('USE `' . $db . '`;');
        $this->pdo->exec("set character_set_client=utf8");
        $this->pdo->exec("set character_set_connection=utf8");
        $this->pdo->exec("set character_set_results=utf8");
        $this->pdo->exec("set collation_connection=utf8_unicode_ci");
        return new GeneralResult(true, "");
    private function _restore($file)
        $cnf = ConfigService::instance()->getIniConfig();
        $sqls = $this->_loadSql($file);
        $status = true;
        foreach ($sqls as $sql) {
            $sql = str_replace("keitaro_", $cnf['db']['prefix'], $sql);
            if ($status === false) {
            if (trim($sql) != '') {
                $status = $this->pdo->exec($sql);
        return $status;
    private function _loadSql($file)
        $handle = fopen($file, "rb");
        $data = '';
        while ($tmp = fread($handle, 4096)) {
            $strings = explode("\n", $tmp);
            $cur = 0;
            foreach ($strings as $string) {
                if (substr($string, 0, 1) != '#') {
                    $data .= $string;
        return explode(";", $data);

namespace Services {
class FileService extends AbstractService
    public function rmdir($path)
        if (is_dir($path) and !is_link($path)) {
            foreach (scandir($path) as $value) {
                if ($value != "." && $value != "..") {
                    $value = $path . "/" . $value;
                    if (is_dir($value)) {
                    } elseif (is_file($value)) {
            return rmdir($path);
        } else {
            return false;
    public function chmod($path, $attr = 0777)
        $d = @opendir($path);
        if (!@is_dir($d) || is_link($d)) {
        while (($file = readdir($d)) !== false) {
            if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && $file != $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) {
                $typepath = $path . "/" . $file;
                if (filetype($typepath) == 'dir') {
                    $this->chmod($typepath, $attr);
                @chmod($typepath, $attr);
    public function chown($path, $uid, $gid)
        $d = @opendir($path);
        if (!@is_dir($d) || is_link($d)) {
        while (($file = readdir($d)) !== false) {
            if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && $file != $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) {
                $typepath = $path . "/" . $file;
                if (filetype($typepath) == 'dir') {
                    $this->chown($typepath, $uid, $gid);
                @chown($typepath, $uid);
                @chgrp($typepath, $gid);
    public function dirmv($src, $dest)
        if (!is_dir($src)) {
            return false;
        if (!is_dir($dest)) {
            if (!mkdir($dest)) {
                return false;
        $i = new \DirectoryIterator($src);
        foreach ($i as $f) {
            if ($f->isFile()) {
                rename($f->getRealPath(), "{$dest}/" . $f->getFilename());
            } else {
                if (!$f->isDot() && $f->isDir()) {
                    $this->dirmv($f->getRealPath(), "{$dest}/{$f}");

namespace Services {
class RedirectService extends AbstractService
    public function toStep($step)
        header('LOCATION:?step=' . $step);

namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Command {
use Symfony\Component\Console\Descriptor\TextDescriptor;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Descriptor\XmlDescriptor;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\ExceptionInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputDefinition;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputArgument;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\BufferedOutput;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Application;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\HelperSet;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\InvalidArgumentException;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\LogicException;
class Command
    private $application;
    private $name;
    private $processTitle;
    private $aliases = array();
    private $definition;
    private $help;
    private $description;
    private $ignoreValidationErrors = false;
    private $applicationDefinitionMerged = false;
    private $applicationDefinitionMergedWithArgs = false;
    private $code;
    private $synopsis = array();
    private $usages = array();
    private $helperSet;
    public function __construct($name = null)
        $this->definition = new InputDefinition();
        if (null !== $name) {
        if (!$this->name) {
            throw new LogicException(sprintf('The command defined in "%s" cannot have an empty name.', get_class($this)));
    public function ignoreValidationErrors()
        $this->ignoreValidationErrors = true;
    public function setApplication(Application $application = null)
        $this->application = $application;
        if ($application) {
        } else {
            $this->helperSet = null;
    public function setHelperSet(HelperSet $helperSet)
        $this->helperSet = $helperSet;
    public function getHelperSet()
        return $this->helperSet;
    public function getApplication()
        return $this->application;
    public function isEnabled()
        return true;
    protected function configure()
    protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
        throw new LogicException('You must override the execute() method in the concrete command class.');
    protected function interact(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
    protected function initialize(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
    public function run(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
        try {
        } catch (ExceptionInterface $e) {
            if (!$this->ignoreValidationErrors) {
                throw $e;
        $this->initialize($input, $output);
        if (null !== $this->processTitle) {
            if (function_exists('cli_set_process_title')) {
            } elseif (function_exists('setproctitle')) {
            } elseif (OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_VERY_VERBOSE === $output->getVerbosity()) {
                $output->writeln('<comment>Install the proctitle PECL to be able to change the process title.</comment>');
        if ($input->isInteractive()) {
            $this->interact($input, $output);
        if ($input->hasArgument('command') && null === $input->getArgument('command')) {
            $input->setArgument('command', $this->getName());
        if ($this->code) {
            $statusCode = call_user_func($this->code, $input, $output);
        } else {
            $statusCode = $this->execute($input, $output);
        return is_numeric($statusCode) ? (int) $statusCode : 0;
    public function setCode($code)
        if (!is_callable($code)) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid callable provided to Command::setCode.');
        if (PHP_VERSION_ID >= 50400 && $code instanceof \Closure) {
            $r = new \ReflectionFunction($code);
            if (null === $r->getClosureThis()) {
                $code = \Closure::bind($code, $this);
        $this->code = $code;
        return $this;
    public function mergeApplicationDefinition($mergeArgs = true)
        if (null === $this->application || true === $this->applicationDefinitionMerged && ($this->applicationDefinitionMergedWithArgs || !$mergeArgs)) {
        if ($mergeArgs) {
            $currentArguments = $this->definition->getArguments();
        $this->applicationDefinitionMerged = true;
        if ($mergeArgs) {
            $this->applicationDefinitionMergedWithArgs = true;
    public function setDefinition($definition)
        if ($definition instanceof InputDefinition) {
            $this->definition = $definition;
        } else {
        $this->applicationDefinitionMerged = false;
        return $this;
    public function getDefinition()
        return $this->definition;
    public function getNativeDefinition()
        return $this->getDefinition();
    public function addArgument($name, $mode = null, $description = '', $default = null)
        $this->definition->addArgument(new InputArgument($name, $mode, $description, $default));
        return $this;
    public function addOption($name, $shortcut = null, $mode = null, $description = '', $default = null)
        $this->definition->addOption(new InputOption($name, $shortcut, $mode, $description, $default));
        return $this;
    public function setName($name)
        $this->name = $name;
        return $this;
    public function setProcessTitle($title)
        $this->processTitle = $title;
        return $this;
    public function getName()
        return $this->name;
    public function setDescription($description)
        $this->description = $description;
        return $this;
    public function getDescription()
        return $this->description;
    public function setHelp($help)
        $this->help = $help;
        return $this;
    public function getHelp()
        return $this->help;
    public function getProcessedHelp()
        $name = $this->name;
        $placeholders = array('', '%command.full_name%');
        $replacements = array($name, $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . ' ' . $name);
        return str_replace($placeholders, $replacements, $this->getHelp() ?: $this->getDescription());
    public function setAliases($aliases)
        if (!is_array($aliases) && !$aliases instanceof \Traversable) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException('$aliases must be an array or an instance of \\Traversable');
        foreach ($aliases as $alias) {
        $this->aliases = $aliases;
        return $this;
    public function getAliases()
        return $this->aliases;
    public function getSynopsis($short = false)
        $key = $short ? 'short' : 'long';
        if (!isset($this->synopsis[$key])) {
            $this->synopsis[$key] = trim(sprintf('%s %s', $this->name, $this->definition->getSynopsis($short)));
        return $this->synopsis[$key];
    public function addUsage($usage)
        if (0 !== strpos($usage, $this->name)) {
            $usage = sprintf('%s %s', $this->name, $usage);
        $this->usages[] = $usage;
        return $this;
    public function getUsages()
        return $this->usages;
    public function getHelper($name)
        return $this->helperSet->get($name);
    public function asText()
        @trigger_error('The ' . __METHOD__ . ' method is deprecated since version 2.3 and will be removed in 3.0.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
        $descriptor = new TextDescriptor();
        $output = new BufferedOutput(BufferedOutput::VERBOSITY_NORMAL, true);
        $descriptor->describe($output, $this, array('raw_output' => true));
        return $output->fetch();
    public function asXml($asDom = false)
        @trigger_error('The ' . __METHOD__ . ' method is deprecated since version 2.3 and will be removed in 3.0.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
        $descriptor = new XmlDescriptor();
        if ($asDom) {
            return $descriptor->getCommandDocument($this);
        $output = new BufferedOutput();
        $descriptor->describe($output, $this);
        return $output->fetch();
    private function validateName($name)
        if (!preg_match('/^[^\\:]++(\\:[^\\:]++)*$/', $name)) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Command name "%s" is invalid.', $name));

namespace Commands {
use Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Question\ConfirmationQuestion;
use Views\ConsoleView;
use Controllers\InstallController;
use Models\StepModel;
use Services\KLocaleService;
use Services\ParameterService;
class InstallCommand extends Command
    protected function configure()
        $this->setDescription("Install Keitaro")->setName('install')->addOption('domain', NULL, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'Domain install to (optional)')->addOption('ip', NULL, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'License ip (optional)')->addOption('key', NULL, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'License key')->addOption('db-host', NULL, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'Database host (optional)')->addOption('db-prefix', NULL, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'Database tables prefix (optional)')->addOption('db-user', NULL, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'Database username')->addOption('db-name', NULL, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'Database name')->addOption('db-password', NULL, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'Database password')->addOption('admin-login', NULL, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'Administrator login')->addOption('admin-password', NULL, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'Administrator password')->addOption('extra-url', NULL, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'Extra url for other TDS (optional)')->addOption('draft-storage', NULL, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'Storage for draft data (optional)')->addOption('cache-storage', NULL, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'Storage for cache data (optional)')->addOption('language', NULL, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'language ru|en (default en)')->addOption('currency', NULL, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'currency RUB|USD|EUR|GBP|UAH (default based on language)')->addOption('kversion', NULL, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'version 8|7|6 (default 7)')->addOption('timezone', NULL, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'timezone');
    protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
        $model = new StepModel(true);
        $view = new ConsoleView($input, $output);
        $controller = new InstallController($view, $model);
        $domain = $input->getOption('domain');
        $ip = $input->getOption('ip');
        $key = $input->getOption('key');
        $dbHost = $input->getOption('db-host');
        $dbPrefix = $input->getOption('db-prefix');
        $dbUser = $input->getOption('db-user');
        $dbName = $input->getOption('db-name');
        $dbPassword = $input->getOption('db-password');
        $adminLogin = $input->getOption('admin-login');
        $adminPassword = $input->getOption('admin-password');
        $extraUrl = $input->getOption('extra-url');
        $draft = $input->getOption('draft-storage');
        $cache = $input->getOption('cache-storage');
        $language = $input->getOption('language');
        $currency = $input->getOption('currency');
        $version = $input->getOption('kversion');
        $timezone = $input->getOption('timezone');
        if (empty($key)) {
            $output->writeln("Mandatory params missing: key");
        if (empty($dbName)) {
            $output->writeln("Mandatory params missing: db-name");
        if (empty($dbPassword)) {
            $output->writeln("Mandatory params missing: db-password");
        if (empty($adminLogin)) {
            $output->writeln("Mandatory params missing: admin-login");
        if (empty($adminPassword)) {
            $output->writeln("Mandatory params missing: admin-password");
        if (!$ip && $domain) {
            $ip = gethostbyname($domain);
        if (!$dbHost) {
            $dbHost = 'localhost';
        if (!$dbPrefix) {
            $dbPrefix = 'keitaro_';
        if (!$extraUrl) {
            $extraUrl = '';
        if (!$language) {
            $language = 'en';
        if (!$currency) {
            if ($language == 'en') {
                $currency = 'USD';
            } else {
                $currency = 'RUB';
        } else {
            if (!in_array($currency, array('RUB', 'USD', 'EUR', 'GBP', 'UAH'))) {
                $output->writeln("Currency should be RUB|USD|EUR|GBP|UAH");
        if (!$version) {
            $version = 8;
        $ps = ParameterService::instance();
        $ps->savePersistent(ParameterService::DOMAIN, $domain);
        $ps->savePersistent(ParameterService::IP, $ip);
        $ps->savePersistent(ParameterService::KEY, $key);
        $ps->savePersistent(ParameterService::DB_HOST, $dbHost);
        $ps->savePersistent(ParameterService::DB_PREFIX, $dbPrefix);
        $ps->savePersistent(ParameterService::DB_USER, $dbUser);
        $ps->savePersistent(ParameterService::DB_NAME, $dbName);
        $ps->savePersistent(ParameterService::DB_PASS, $dbPassword);
        $ps->savePersistent(ParameterService::ADMIN_LOGIN, $adminLogin);
        $ps->savePersistent(ParameterService::ADMIN_PASS, $adminPassword);
        $ps->savePersistent(ParameterService::ADMIN_PASS_CONFIRM, $adminPassword);
        $ps->savePersistent(ParameterService::EXTRA_URL, $extraUrl);
        $ps->savePersistent(ParameterService::DRAFT_STORAGE, $draft);
        $ps->savePersistent(ParameterService::CACHE_STORAGE, $cache);
        $ps->savePersistent(ParameterService::LANGUAGE, $language);
        $ps->savePersistent(ParameterService::CURRENCY, $currency);
        $ps->savePersistent(ParameterService::VERSION, $version);
        $ps->savePersistent(ParameterService::TIMEZONE, $timezone);

namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Input {
use Symfony\Component\Console\Descriptor\TextDescriptor;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Descriptor\XmlDescriptor;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\BufferedOutput;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\InvalidArgumentException;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\LogicException;
class InputDefinition
    private $arguments;
    private $requiredCount;
    private $hasAnArrayArgument = false;
    private $hasOptional;
    private $options;
    private $shortcuts;
    public function __construct(array $definition = array())
    public function setDefinition(array $definition)
        $arguments = array();
        $options = array();
        foreach ($definition as $item) {
            if ($item instanceof InputOption) {
                $options[] = $item;
            } else {
                $arguments[] = $item;
    public function setArguments($arguments = array())
        $this->arguments = array();
        $this->requiredCount = 0;
        $this->hasOptional = false;
        $this->hasAnArrayArgument = false;
    public function addArguments($arguments = array())
        if (null !== $arguments) {
            foreach ($arguments as $argument) {
    public function addArgument(InputArgument $argument)
        if (isset($this->arguments[$argument->getName()])) {
            throw new LogicException(sprintf('An argument with name "%s" already exists.', $argument->getName()));
        if ($this->hasAnArrayArgument) {
            throw new LogicException('Cannot add an argument after an array argument.');
        if ($argument->isRequired() && $this->hasOptional) {
            throw new LogicException('Cannot add a required argument after an optional one.');
        if ($argument->isArray()) {
            $this->hasAnArrayArgument = true;
        if ($argument->isRequired()) {
        } else {
            $this->hasOptional = true;
        $this->arguments[$argument->getName()] = $argument;
    public function getArgument($name)
        if (!$this->hasArgument($name)) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The "%s" argument does not exist.', $name));
        $arguments = is_int($name) ? array_values($this->arguments) : $this->arguments;
        return $arguments[$name];
    public function hasArgument($name)
        $arguments = is_int($name) ? array_values($this->arguments) : $this->arguments;
        return isset($arguments[$name]);
    public function getArguments()
        return $this->arguments;
    public function getArgumentCount()
        return $this->hasAnArrayArgument ? PHP_INT_MAX : count($this->arguments);
    public function getArgumentRequiredCount()
        return $this->requiredCount;
    public function getArgumentDefaults()
        $values = array();
        foreach ($this->arguments as $argument) {
            $values[$argument->getName()] = $argument->getDefault();
        return $values;
    public function setOptions($options = array())
        $this->options = array();
        $this->shortcuts = array();
    public function addOptions($options = array())
        foreach ($options as $option) {
    public function addOption(InputOption $option)
        if (isset($this->options[$option->getName()]) && !$option->equals($this->options[$option->getName()])) {
            throw new LogicException(sprintf('An option named "%s" already exists.', $option->getName()));
        if ($option->getShortcut()) {
            foreach (explode('|', $option->getShortcut()) as $shortcut) {
                if (isset($this->shortcuts[$shortcut]) && !$option->equals($this->options[$this->shortcuts[$shortcut]])) {
                    throw new LogicException(sprintf('An option with shortcut "%s" already exists.', $shortcut));
        $this->options[$option->getName()] = $option;
        if ($option->getShortcut()) {
            foreach (explode('|', $option->getShortcut()) as $shortcut) {
                $this->shortcuts[$shortcut] = $option->getName();
    public function getOption($name)
        if (!$this->hasOption($name)) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The "--%s" option does not exist.', $name));
        return $this->options[$name];
    public function hasOption($name)
        return isset($this->options[$name]);
    public function getOptions()
        return $this->options;
    public function hasShortcut($name)
        return isset($this->shortcuts[$name]);
    public function getOptionForShortcut($shortcut)
        return $this->getOption($this->shortcutToName($shortcut));
    public function getOptionDefaults()
        $values = array();
        foreach ($this->options as $option) {
            $values[$option->getName()] = $option->getDefault();
        return $values;
    private function shortcutToName($shortcut)
        if (!isset($this->shortcuts[$shortcut])) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The "-%s" option does not exist.', $shortcut));
        return $this->shortcuts[$shortcut];
    public function getSynopsis($short = false)
        $elements = array();
        if ($short && $this->getOptions()) {
            $elements[] = '[options]';
        } elseif (!$short) {
            foreach ($this->getOptions() as $option) {
                $value = '';
                if ($option->acceptValue()) {
                    $value = sprintf(' %s%s%s', $option->isValueOptional() ? '[' : '', strtoupper($option->getName()), $option->isValueOptional() ? ']' : '');
                $shortcut = $option->getShortcut() ? sprintf('-%s|', $option->getShortcut()) : '';
                $elements[] = sprintf('[%s--%s%s]', $shortcut, $option->getName(), $value);
        if (count($elements) && $this->getArguments()) {
            $elements[] = '[--]';
        foreach ($this->getArguments() as $argument) {
            $element = '<' . $argument->getName() . '>';
            if (!$argument->isRequired()) {
                $element = '[' . $element . ']';
            } elseif ($argument->isArray()) {
                $element = $element . ' (' . $element . ')';
            if ($argument->isArray()) {
                $element .= '...';
            $elements[] = $element;
        return implode(' ', $elements);
    public function asText()
        @trigger_error('The ' . __METHOD__ . ' method is deprecated since version 2.3 and will be removed in 3.0.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
        $descriptor = new TextDescriptor();
        $output = new BufferedOutput(BufferedOutput::VERBOSITY_NORMAL, true);
        $descriptor->describe($output, $this, array('raw_output' => true));
        return $output->fetch();
    public function asXml($asDom = false)
        @trigger_error('The ' . __METHOD__ . ' method is deprecated since version 2.3 and will be removed in 3.0.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
        $descriptor = new XmlDescriptor();
        if ($asDom) {
            return $descriptor->getInputDefinitionDocument($this);
        $output = new BufferedOutput();
        $descriptor->describe($output, $this);
        return $output->fetch();

namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Input {
use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\InvalidArgumentException;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\LogicException;
class InputOption
    const VALUE_NONE = 1;
    const VALUE_REQUIRED = 2;
    const VALUE_OPTIONAL = 4;
    const VALUE_IS_ARRAY = 8;
    private $name;
    private $shortcut;
    private $mode;
    private $default;
    private $description;
    public function __construct($name, $shortcut = null, $mode = null, $description = '', $default = null)
        if (0 === strpos($name, '--')) {
            $name = substr($name, 2);
        if (empty($name)) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException('An option name cannot be empty.');
        if (empty($shortcut)) {
            $shortcut = null;
        if (null !== $shortcut) {
            if (is_array($shortcut)) {
                $shortcut = implode('|', $shortcut);
            $shortcuts = preg_split('{(\\|)-?}', ltrim($shortcut, '-'));
            $shortcuts = array_filter($shortcuts);
            $shortcut = implode('|', $shortcuts);
            if (empty($shortcut)) {
                throw new InvalidArgumentException('An option shortcut cannot be empty.');
        if (null === $mode) {
            $mode = self::VALUE_NONE;
        } elseif (!is_int($mode) || $mode > 15 || $mode < 1) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Option mode "%s" is not valid.', $mode));
        $this->name = $name;
        $this->shortcut = $shortcut;
        $this->mode = $mode;
        $this->description = $description;
        if ($this->isArray() && !$this->acceptValue()) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException('Impossible to have an option mode VALUE_IS_ARRAY if the option does not accept a value.');
    public function getShortcut()
        return $this->shortcut;
    public function getName()
        return $this->name;
    public function acceptValue()
        return $this->isValueRequired() || $this->isValueOptional();
    public function isValueRequired()
        return self::VALUE_REQUIRED === (self::VALUE_REQUIRED & $this->mode);
    public function isValueOptional()
        return self::VALUE_OPTIONAL === (self::VALUE_OPTIONAL & $this->mode);
    public function isArray()
        return self::VALUE_IS_ARRAY === (self::VALUE_IS_ARRAY & $this->mode);
    public function setDefault($default = null)
        if (self::VALUE_NONE === (self::VALUE_NONE & $this->mode) && null !== $default) {
            throw new LogicException('Cannot set a default value when using InputOption::VALUE_NONE mode.');
        if ($this->isArray()) {
            if (null === $default) {
                $default = array();
            } elseif (!is_array($default)) {
                throw new LogicException('A default value for an array option must be an array.');
        $this->default = $this->acceptValue() ? $default : false;
    public function getDefault()
        return $this->default;
    public function getDescription()
        return $this->description;
    public function equals(InputOption $option)
        return $option->getName() === $this->getName() && $option->getShortcut() === $this->getShortcut() && $option->getDefault() === $this->getDefault() && $option->isArray() === $this->isArray() && $option->isValueRequired() === $this->isValueRequired() && $option->isValueOptional() === $this->isValueOptional();

namespace Symfony\Component\Console {
use Symfony\Component\Console\Descriptor\TextDescriptor;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Descriptor\XmlDescriptor;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\ExceptionInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\DebugFormatterHelper;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\ProcessHelper;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\QuestionHelper;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArrayInput;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputDefinition;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputArgument;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputAwareInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\BufferedOutput;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Command\HelpCommand;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Command\ListCommand;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\HelperSet;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\FormatterHelper;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\DialogHelper;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\ProgressHelper;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\TableHelper;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Event\ConsoleCommandEvent;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Event\ConsoleExceptionEvent;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Event\ConsoleTerminateEvent;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\CommandNotFoundException;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\LogicException;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface;
class Application
    private $commands = array();
    private $wantHelps = false;
    private $runningCommand;
    private $name;
    private $version;
    private $catchExceptions = true;
    private $autoExit = true;
    private $definition;
    private $helperSet;
    private $dispatcher;
    private $terminalDimensions;
    private $defaultCommand;
    public function __construct($name = 'UNKNOWN', $version = 'UNKNOWN')
        $this->name = $name;
        $this->version = $version;
        $this->defaultCommand = 'list';
        $this->helperSet = $this->getDefaultHelperSet();
        $this->definition = $this->getDefaultInputDefinition();
        foreach ($this->getDefaultCommands() as $command) {
    public function setDispatcher(EventDispatcherInterface $dispatcher)
        $this->dispatcher = $dispatcher;
    public function run(InputInterface $input = null, OutputInterface $output = null)
        if (null === $input) {
            $input = new ArgvInput();
        if (null === $output) {
            $output = new ConsoleOutput();
        $this->configureIO($input, $output);
        try {
            $exitCode = $this->doRun($input, $output);
        } catch (\Exception $e) {
            if (!$this->catchExceptions) {
                throw $e;
            if ($output instanceof ConsoleOutputInterface) {
                $this->renderException($e, $output->getErrorOutput());
            } else {
                $this->renderException($e, $output);
            $exitCode = $e->getCode();
            if (is_numeric($exitCode)) {
                $exitCode = (int) $exitCode;
                if (0 === $exitCode) {
                    $exitCode = 1;
            } else {
                $exitCode = 1;
        if ($this->autoExit) {
            if ($exitCode > 255) {
                $exitCode = 255;
        return $exitCode;
    public function doRun(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
        if (true === $input->hasParameterOption(array('--version', '-V'))) {
            return 0;
        $name = $this->getCommandName($input);
        if (true === $input->hasParameterOption(array('--help', '-h'))) {
            if (!$name) {
                $name = 'help';
                $input = new ArrayInput(array('command' => 'help'));
            } else {
                $this->wantHelps = true;
        if (!$name) {
            $name = $this->defaultCommand;
            $input = new ArrayInput(array('command' => $this->defaultCommand));
        $command = $this->find($name);
        $this->runningCommand = $command;
        $exitCode = $this->doRunCommand($command, $input, $output);
        $this->runningCommand = null;
        return $exitCode;
    public function setHelperSet(HelperSet $helperSet)
        $this->helperSet = $helperSet;
    public function getHelperSet()
        return $this->helperSet;
    public function setDefinition(InputDefinition $definition)
        $this->definition = $definition;
    public function getDefinition()
        return $this->definition;
    public function getHelp()
        return $this->getLongVersion();
    public function setCatchExceptions($boolean)
        $this->catchExceptions = (bool) $boolean;
    public function setAutoExit($boolean)
        $this->autoExit = (bool) $boolean;
    public function getName()
        return $this->name;
    public function setName($name)
        $this->name = $name;
    public function getVersion()
        return $this->version;
    public function setVersion($version)
        $this->version = $version;
    public function getLongVersion()
        if ('UNKNOWN' !== $this->getName()) {
            if ('UNKNOWN' !== $this->getVersion()) {
                return sprintf('<info>%s</info> version <comment>%s</comment>', $this->getName(), $this->getVersion());
            return sprintf('<info>%s</info>', $this->getName());
        return '<info>Console Tool</info>';
    public function register($name)
        return $this->add(new Command($name));
    public function addCommands(array $commands)
        foreach ($commands as $command) {
    public function add(Command $command)
        if (!$command->isEnabled()) {
        if (null === $command->getDefinition()) {
            throw new LogicException(sprintf('Command class "%s" is not correctly initialized. You probably forgot to call the parent constructor.', get_class($command)));
        $this->commands[$command->getName()] = $command;
        foreach ($command->getAliases() as $alias) {
            $this->commands[$alias] = $command;
        return $command;
    public function get($name)
        if (!isset($this->commands[$name])) {
            throw new CommandNotFoundException(sprintf('The command "%s" does not exist.', $name));
        $command = $this->commands[$name];
        if ($this->wantHelps) {
            $this->wantHelps = false;
            $helpCommand = $this->get('help');
            return $helpCommand;
        return $command;
    public function has($name)
        return isset($this->commands[$name]);
    public function getNamespaces()
        $namespaces = array();
        foreach ($this->all() as $command) {
            $namespaces = array_merge($namespaces, $this->extractAllNamespaces($command->getName()));
            foreach ($command->getAliases() as $alias) {
                $namespaces = array_merge($namespaces, $this->extractAllNamespaces($alias));
        return array_values(array_unique(array_filter($namespaces)));
    public function findNamespace($namespace)
        $allNamespaces = $this->getNamespaces();
        $expr = preg_replace_callback('{([^:]+|)}', function ($matches) {
            return preg_quote($matches[1]) . '[^:]*';
        }, $namespace);
        $namespaces = preg_grep('{^' . $expr . '}', $allNamespaces);
        if (empty($namespaces)) {
            $message = sprintf('There are no commands defined in the "%s" namespace.', $namespace);
            if ($alternatives = $this->findAlternatives($namespace, $allNamespaces)) {
                if (1 == count($alternatives)) {
                    $message .= "\n\nDid you mean this?\n    ";
                } else {
                    $message .= "\n\nDid you mean one of these?\n    ";
                $message .= implode("\n    ", $alternatives);
            throw new CommandNotFoundException($message, $alternatives);
        $exact = in_array($namespace, $namespaces, true);
        if (count($namespaces) > 1 && !$exact) {
            throw new CommandNotFoundException(sprintf('The namespace "%s" is ambiguous (%s).', $namespace, $this->getAbbreviationSuggestions(array_values($namespaces))), array_values($namespaces));
        return $exact ? $namespace : reset($namespaces);
    public function find($name)
        $allCommands = array_keys($this->commands);
        $expr = preg_replace_callback('{([^:]+|)}', function ($matches) {
            return preg_quote($matches[1]) . '[^:]*';
        }, $name);
        $commands = preg_grep('{^' . $expr . '}', $allCommands);
        if (empty($commands) || count(preg_grep('{^' . $expr . '$}', $commands)) < 1) {
            if (false !== ($pos = strrpos($name, ':'))) {
                $this->findNamespace(substr($name, 0, $pos));
            $message = sprintf('Command "%s" is not defined.', $name);
            if ($alternatives = $this->findAlternatives($name, $allCommands)) {
                if (1 == count($alternatives)) {
                    $message .= "\n\nDid you mean this?\n    ";
                } else {
                    $message .= "\n\nDid you mean one of these?\n    ";
                $message .= implode("\n    ", $alternatives);
            throw new CommandNotFoundException($message, $alternatives);
        if (count($commands) > 1) {
            $commandList = $this->commands;
            $commands = array_filter($commands, function ($nameOrAlias) use($commandList, $commands) {
                $commandName = $commandList[$nameOrAlias]->getName();
                return $commandName === $nameOrAlias || !in_array($commandName, $commands);
        $exact = in_array($name, $commands, true);
        if (count($commands) > 1 && !$exact) {
            $suggestions = $this->getAbbreviationSuggestions(array_values($commands));
            throw new CommandNotFoundException(sprintf('Command "%s" is ambiguous (%s).', $name, $suggestions), array_values($commands));
        return $this->get($exact ? $name : reset($commands));
    public function all($namespace = null)
        if (null === $namespace) {
            return $this->commands;
        $commands = array();
        foreach ($this->commands as $name => $command) {
            if ($namespace === $this->extractNamespace($name, substr_count($namespace, ':') + 1)) {
                $commands[$name] = $command;
        return $commands;
    public static function getAbbreviations($names)
        $abbrevs = array();
        foreach ($names as $name) {
            for ($len = strlen($name); $len > 0; --$len) {
                $abbrev = substr($name, 0, $len);
                $abbrevs[$abbrev][] = $name;
        return $abbrevs;
    public function asText($namespace = null, $raw = false)
        @trigger_error('The ' . __METHOD__ . ' method is deprecated since version 2.3 and will be removed in 3.0.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
        $descriptor = new TextDescriptor();
        $output = new BufferedOutput(BufferedOutput::VERBOSITY_NORMAL, !$raw);
        $descriptor->describe($output, $this, array('namespace' => $namespace, 'raw_output' => true));
        return $output->fetch();
    public function asXml($namespace = null, $asDom = false)
        @trigger_error('The ' . __METHOD__ . ' method is deprecated since version 2.3 and will be removed in 3.0.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
        $descriptor = new XmlDescriptor();
        if ($asDom) {
            return $descriptor->getApplicationDocument($this, $namespace);
        $output = new BufferedOutput();
        $descriptor->describe($output, $this, array('namespace' => $namespace));
        return $output->fetch();
    public function renderException($e, $output)
        $output->writeln('', OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_QUIET);
        do {
            $title = sprintf('  [%s]  ', get_class($e));
            $len = $this->stringWidth($title);
            $width = $this->getTerminalWidth() ? $this->getTerminalWidth() - 1 : PHP_INT_MAX;
            if (defined('HHVM_VERSION') && $width > 1 << 31) {
                $width = 1 << 31;
            $formatter = $output->getFormatter();
            $lines = array();
            foreach (preg_split('/\\r?\\n/', $e->getMessage()) as $line) {
                foreach ($this->splitStringByWidth($line, $width - 4) as $line) {
                    $lineLength = $this->stringWidth(preg_replace('/\\[[^m]*m/', '', $formatter->format($line))) + 4;
                    $lines[] = array($line, $lineLength);
                    $len = max($lineLength, $len);
            $messages = array();
            $messages[] = $emptyLine = $formatter->format(sprintf('<error>%s</error>', str_repeat(' ', $len)));
            $messages[] = $formatter->format(sprintf('<error>%s%s</error>', $title, str_repeat(' ', max(0, $len - $this->stringWidth($title)))));
            foreach ($lines as $line) {
                $messages[] = $formatter->format(sprintf('<error>  %s  %s</error>', $line[0], str_repeat(' ', $len - $line[1])));
            $messages[] = $emptyLine;
            $messages[] = '';
            $output->writeln($messages, OutputInterface::OUTPUT_RAW | OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_QUIET);
            if (OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_VERBOSE <= $output->getVerbosity()) {
                $output->writeln('<comment>Exception trace:</comment>', OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_QUIET);
                $trace = $e->getTrace();
                array_unshift($trace, array('function' => '', 'file' => $e->getFile() !== null ? $e->getFile() : 'n/a', 'line' => $e->getLine() !== null ? $e->getLine() : 'n/a', 'args' => array()));
                for ($i = 0, $count = count($trace); $i < $count; ++$i) {
                    $class = isset($trace[$i]['class']) ? $trace[$i]['class'] : '';
                    $type = isset($trace[$i]['type']) ? $trace[$i]['type'] : '';
                    $function = $trace[$i]['function'];
                    $file = isset($trace[$i]['file']) ? $trace[$i]['file'] : 'n/a';
                    $line = isset($trace[$i]['line']) ? $trace[$i]['line'] : 'n/a';
                    $output->writeln(sprintf(' %s%s%s() at <info>%s:%s</info>', $class, $type, $function, $file, $line), OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_QUIET);
                $output->writeln('', OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_QUIET);
        } while ($e = $e->getPrevious());
        if (null !== $this->runningCommand) {
            $output->writeln(sprintf('<info>%s</info>', sprintf($this->runningCommand->getSynopsis(), $this->getName())), OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_QUIET);
            $output->writeln('', OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_QUIET);
    protected function getTerminalWidth()
        $dimensions = $this->getTerminalDimensions();
        return $dimensions[0];
    protected function getTerminalHeight()
        $dimensions = $this->getTerminalDimensions();
        return $dimensions[1];
    public function getTerminalDimensions()
        if ($this->terminalDimensions) {
            return $this->terminalDimensions;
        if ('\\' === DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) {
            if (preg_match('/^(\\d+)x\\d+ \\(\\d+x(\\d+)\\)$/', trim(getenv('ANSICON')), $matches)) {
                return array((int) $matches[1], (int) $matches[2]);
            if (preg_match('/^(\\d+)x(\\d+)$/', $this->getConsoleMode(), $matches)) {
                return array((int) $matches[1], (int) $matches[2]);
        if ($sttyString = $this->getSttyColumns()) {
            if (preg_match('/rows.(\\d+);.columns.(\\d+);/i', $sttyString, $matches)) {
                return array((int) $matches[2], (int) $matches[1]);
            if (preg_match('/;.(\\d+).rows;.(\\d+).columns/i', $sttyString, $matches)) {
                return array((int) $matches[2], (int) $matches[1]);
        return array(null, null);
    public function setTerminalDimensions($width, $height)
        $this->terminalDimensions = array($width, $height);
        return $this;
    protected function configureIO(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
        if (true === $input->hasParameterOption(array('--ansi'))) {
        } elseif (true === $input->hasParameterOption(array('--no-ansi'))) {
        if (true === $input->hasParameterOption(array('--no-interaction', '-n'))) {
        } elseif (function_exists('posix_isatty') && $this->getHelperSet()->has('question')) {
            $inputStream = $this->getHelperSet()->get('question')->getInputStream();
            if (!@posix_isatty($inputStream) && false === getenv('SHELL_INTERACTIVE')) {
        if (true === $input->hasParameterOption(array('--quiet', '-q'))) {
        } else {
            if ($input->hasParameterOption('-vvv') || $input->hasParameterOption('--verbose=3') || $input->getParameterOption('--verbose') === 3) {
            } elseif ($input->hasParameterOption('-vv') || $input->hasParameterOption('--verbose=2') || $input->getParameterOption('--verbose') === 2) {
            } elseif ($input->hasParameterOption('-v') || $input->hasParameterOption('--verbose=1') || $input->hasParameterOption('--verbose') || $input->getParameterOption('--verbose')) {
    protected function doRunCommand(Command $command, InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
        foreach ($command->getHelperSet() as $helper) {
            if ($helper instanceof InputAwareInterface) {
        if (null === $this->dispatcher) {
            return $command->run($input, $output);
        try {
        } catch (ExceptionInterface $e) {
        $event = new ConsoleCommandEvent($command, $input, $output);
        $this->dispatcher->dispatch(ConsoleEvents::COMMAND, $event);
        if ($event->commandShouldRun()) {
            try {
                $exitCode = $command->run($input, $output);
            } catch (\Exception $e) {
                $event = new ConsoleExceptionEvent($command, $input, $output, $e, $e->getCode());
                $this->dispatcher->dispatch(ConsoleEvents::EXCEPTION, $event);
                $e = $event->getException();
                $event = new ConsoleTerminateEvent($command, $input, $output, $e->getCode());
                $this->dispatcher->dispatch(ConsoleEvents::TERMINATE, $event);
                throw $e;
        } else {
            $exitCode = ConsoleCommandEvent::RETURN_CODE_DISABLED;
        $event = new ConsoleTerminateEvent($command, $input, $output, $exitCode);
        $this->dispatcher->dispatch(ConsoleEvents::TERMINATE, $event);
        return $event->getExitCode();
    protected function getCommandName(InputInterface $input)
        return $input->getFirstArgument();
    protected function getDefaultInputDefinition()
        return new InputDefinition(array(new InputArgument('command', InputArgument::REQUIRED, 'The command to execute'), new InputOption('--help', '-h', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Display this help message'), new InputOption('--quiet', '-q', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Do not output any message'), new InputOption('--verbose', '-v|vv|vvv', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug'), new InputOption('--version', '-V', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Display this application version'), new InputOption('--ansi', '', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Force ANSI output'), new InputOption('--no-ansi', '', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Disable ANSI output'), new InputOption('--no-interaction', '-n', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Do not ask any interactive question')));
    protected function getDefaultCommands()
        return array(new HelpCommand(), new ListCommand());
    protected function getDefaultHelperSet()
        return new HelperSet(array(new FormatterHelper(), new DialogHelper(false), new ProgressHelper(false), new TableHelper(false), new DebugFormatterHelper(), new ProcessHelper(), new QuestionHelper()));
    private function getSttyColumns()
        if (!function_exists('proc_open')) {
        $descriptorspec = array(1 => array('pipe', 'w'), 2 => array('pipe', 'w'));
        $process = proc_open('stty -a | grep columns', $descriptorspec, $pipes, null, null, array('suppress_errors' => true));
        if (is_resource($process)) {
            $info = stream_get_contents($pipes[1]);
            return $info;
    private function getConsoleMode()
        if (!function_exists('proc_open')) {
        $descriptorspec = array(1 => array('pipe', 'w'), 2 => array('pipe', 'w'));
        $process = proc_open('mode CON', $descriptorspec, $pipes, null, null, array('suppress_errors' => true));
        if (is_resource($process)) {
            $info = stream_get_contents($pipes[1]);
            if (preg_match('/--------+\\r?\\n.+?(\\d+)\\r?\\n.+?(\\d+)\\r?\\n/', $info, $matches)) {
                return $matches[2] . 'x' . $matches[1];
    private function getAbbreviationSuggestions($abbrevs)
        return sprintf('%s, %s%s', $abbrevs[0], $abbrevs[1], count($abbrevs) > 2 ? sprintf(' and %d more', count($abbrevs) - 2) : '');
    public function extractNamespace($name, $limit = null)
        $parts = explode(':', $name);
        return implode(':', null === $limit ? $parts : array_slice($parts, 0, $limit));
    private function findAlternatives($name, $collection)
        $threshold = 1000.0;
        $alternatives = array();
        $collectionParts = array();
        foreach ($collection as $item) {
            $collectionParts[$item] = explode(':', $item);
        foreach (explode(':', $name) as $i => $subname) {
            foreach ($collectionParts as $collectionName => $parts) {
                $exists = isset($alternatives[$collectionName]);
                if (!isset($parts[$i]) && $exists) {
                    $alternatives[$collectionName] += $threshold;
                } elseif (!isset($parts[$i])) {
                $lev = levenshtein($subname, $parts[$i]);
                if ($lev <= strlen($subname) / 3 || '' !== $subname && false !== strpos($parts[$i], $subname)) {
                    $alternatives[$collectionName] = $exists ? $alternatives[$collectionName] + $lev : $lev;
                } elseif ($exists) {
                    $alternatives[$collectionName] += $threshold;
        foreach ($collection as $item) {
            $lev = levenshtein($name, $item);
            if ($lev <= strlen($name) / 3 || false !== strpos($item, $name)) {
                $alternatives[$item] = isset($alternatives[$item]) ? $alternatives[$item] - $lev : $lev;
        $alternatives = array_filter($alternatives, function ($lev) use($threshold) {
            return $lev < 2 * $threshold;
        return array_keys($alternatives);
    public function setDefaultCommand($commandName)
        $this->defaultCommand = $commandName;
    private function stringWidth($string)
        if (false === ($encoding = mb_detect_encoding($string, null, true))) {
            return strlen($string);
        return mb_strwidth($string, $encoding);
    private function splitStringByWidth($string, $width)
        if (false === ($encoding = mb_detect_encoding($string, null, true))) {
            return str_split($string, $width);
        $utf8String = mb_convert_encoding($string, 'utf8', $encoding);
        $lines = array();
        $line = '';
        foreach (preg_split('//u', $utf8String) as $char) {
            if (mb_strwidth($line . $char, 'utf8') <= $width) {
                $line .= $char;
            $lines[] = str_pad($line, $width);
            $line = $char;
        if ('' !== $line) {
            $lines[] = count($lines) ? str_pad($line, $width) : $line;
        mb_convert_variables($encoding, 'utf8', $lines);
        return $lines;
    private function extractAllNamespaces($name)
        $parts = explode(':', $name, -1);
        $namespaces = array();
        foreach ($parts as $part) {
            if (count($namespaces)) {
                $namespaces[] = end($namespaces) . ':' . $part;
            } else {
                $namespaces[] = $part;
        return $namespaces;

namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Helper {
use Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\InvalidArgumentException;
class HelperSet implements \IteratorAggregate
    private $helpers = array();
    private $command;
    public function __construct(array $helpers = array())
        foreach ($helpers as $alias => $helper) {
            $this->set($helper, is_int($alias) ? null : $alias);
    public function set(HelperInterface $helper, $alias = null)
        $this->helpers[$helper->getName()] = $helper;
        if (null !== $alias) {
            $this->helpers[$alias] = $helper;
    public function has($name)
        return isset($this->helpers[$name]);
    public function get($name)
        if (!$this->has($name)) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The helper "%s" is not defined.', $name));
        if ('dialog' === $name && $this->helpers[$name] instanceof DialogHelper) {
            @trigger_error('"Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Helper\\DialogHelper" is deprecated since version 2.5 and will be removed in 3.0. Use "Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Helper\\QuestionHelper" instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
        } elseif ('progress' === $name && $this->helpers[$name] instanceof ProgressHelper) {
            @trigger_error('"Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Helper\\ProgressHelper" is deprecated since version 2.5 and will be removed in 3.0. Use "Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Helper\\ProgressBar" instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
        } elseif ('table' === $name && $this->helpers[$name] instanceof TableHelper) {
            @trigger_error('"Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Helper\\TableHelper" is deprecated since version 2.5 and will be removed in 3.0. Use "Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Helper\\Table" instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
        return $this->helpers[$name];
    public function setCommand(Command $command = null)
        $this->command = $command;
    public function getCommand()
        return $this->command;
    public function getIterator()
        return new \ArrayIterator($this->helpers);

namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Helper {
interface HelperInterface
    public function setHelperSet(HelperSet $helperSet = null);
    public function getHelperSet();
    public function getName();

namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Helper {
use Symfony\Component\Console\Formatter\OutputFormatterInterface;
abstract class Helper implements HelperInterface
    protected $helperSet = null;
    public function setHelperSet(HelperSet $helperSet = null)
        $this->helperSet = $helperSet;
    public function getHelperSet()
        return $this->helperSet;
    public static function strlen($string)
        if (false === ($encoding = mb_detect_encoding($string, null, true))) {
            return strlen($string);
        return mb_strwidth($string, $encoding);
    public static function formatTime($secs)
        static $timeFormats = array(array(0, '< 1 sec'), array(2, '1 sec'), array(59, 'secs', 1), array(60, '1 min'), array(3600, 'mins', 60), array(5400, '1 hr'), array(86400, 'hrs', 3600), array(129600, '1 day'), array(604800, 'days', 86400));
        foreach ($timeFormats as $format) {
            if ($secs >= $format[0]) {
            if (2 == count($format)) {
                return $format[1];
            return ceil($secs / $format[2]) . ' ' . $format[1];
    public static function formatMemory($memory)
        if ($memory >= 1024 * 1024 * 1024) {
            return sprintf('%.1f GiB', $memory / 1024 / 1024 / 1024);
        if ($memory >= 1024 * 1024) {
            return sprintf('%.1f MiB', $memory / 1024 / 1024);
        if ($memory >= 1024) {
            return sprintf('%d KiB', $memory / 1024);
        return sprintf('%d B', $memory);
    public static function strlenWithoutDecoration(OutputFormatterInterface $formatter, $string)
        $isDecorated = $formatter->isDecorated();
        $string = $formatter->format($string);
        $string = preg_replace("/\\[[^m]*m/", '', $string);
        return self::strlen($string);

namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Helper {
use Symfony\Component\Console\Formatter\OutputFormatter;
class FormatterHelper extends Helper
    public function formatSection($section, $message, $style = 'info')
        return sprintf('<%s>[%s]</%s> %s', $style, $section, $style, $message);
    public function formatBlock($messages, $style, $large = false)
        if (!is_array($messages)) {
            $messages = array($messages);
        $len = 0;
        $lines = array();
        foreach ($messages as $message) {
            $message = OutputFormatter::escape($message);
            $lines[] = sprintf($large ? '  %s  ' : ' %s ', $message);
            $len = max($this->strlen($message) + ($large ? 4 : 2), $len);
        $messages = $large ? array(str_repeat(' ', $len)) : array();
        for ($i = 0; isset($lines[$i]); ++$i) {
            $messages[] = $lines[$i] . str_repeat(' ', $len - $this->strlen($lines[$i]));
        if ($large) {
            $messages[] = str_repeat(' ', $len);
        for ($i = 0; isset($messages[$i]); ++$i) {
            $messages[$i] = sprintf('<%s>%s</%s>', $style, $messages[$i], $style);
        return implode("\n", $messages);
    public function getName()
        return 'formatter';

namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Input {
interface InputAwareInterface
    public function setInput(InputInterface $input);

namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Helper {
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputAwareInterface;
abstract class InputAwareHelper extends Helper implements InputAwareInterface
    protected $input;
    public function setInput(InputInterface $input)
        $this->input = $input;

namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Helper {
use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\InvalidArgumentException;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\RuntimeException;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Formatter\OutputFormatterStyle;
class DialogHelper extends InputAwareHelper
    private $inputStream;
    private static $shell;
    private static $stty;
    public function __construct($triggerDeprecationError = true)
        if ($triggerDeprecationError) {
            @trigger_error('"Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Helper\\DialogHelper" is deprecated since version 2.5 and will be removed in 3.0. Use "Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Helper\\QuestionHelper" instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
    public function select(OutputInterface $output, $question, $choices, $default = null, $attempts = false, $errorMessage = 'Value "%s" is invalid', $multiselect = false)
        if ($output instanceof ConsoleOutputInterface) {
            $output = $output->getErrorOutput();
        $width = max(array_map('strlen', array_keys($choices)));
        $messages = (array) $question;
        foreach ($choices as $key => $value) {
            $messages[] = sprintf("  [<info>%-{$width}s</info>] %s", $key, $value);
        $result = $this->askAndValidate($output, '> ', function ($picked) use($choices, $errorMessage, $multiselect) {
            $selectedChoices = str_replace(' ', '', $picked);
            if ($multiselect) {
                if (!preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+(?:,[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)*$/', $selectedChoices, $matches)) {
                    throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf($errorMessage, $picked));
                $selectedChoices = explode(',', $selectedChoices);
            } else {
                $selectedChoices = array($picked);
            $multiselectChoices = array();
            foreach ($selectedChoices as $value) {
                if (empty($choices[$value])) {
                    throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf($errorMessage, $value));
                $multiselectChoices[] = $value;
            if ($multiselect) {
                return $multiselectChoices;
            return $picked;
        }, $attempts, $default);
        return $result;
    public function ask(OutputInterface $output, $question, $default = null, array $autocomplete = null)
        if ($this->input && !$this->input->isInteractive()) {
            return $default;
        if ($output instanceof ConsoleOutputInterface) {
            $output = $output->getErrorOutput();
        $inputStream = $this->inputStream ?: STDIN;
        if (null === $autocomplete || !$this->hasSttyAvailable()) {
            $ret = fgets($inputStream, 4096);
            if (false === $ret) {
                throw new RuntimeException('Aborted');
            $ret = trim($ret);
        } else {
            $ret = '';
            $i = 0;
            $ofs = -1;
            $matches = $autocomplete;
            $numMatches = count($matches);
            $sttyMode = shell_exec('stty -g');
            shell_exec('stty -icanon -echo');
            $output->getFormatter()->setStyle('hl', new OutputFormatterStyle('black', 'white'));
            while (!feof($inputStream)) {
                $c = fread($inputStream, 1);
                if ("" === $c) {
                    if (0 === $numMatches && 0 !== $i) {
                    if ($i === 0) {
                        $ofs = -1;
                        $matches = $autocomplete;
                        $numMatches = count($matches);
                    } else {
                        $numMatches = 0;
                    $ret = substr($ret, 0, $i);
                } elseif ("" === $c) {
                    $c .= fread($inputStream, 2);
                    if (isset($c[2]) && ('A' === $c[2] || 'B' === $c[2])) {
                        if ('A' === $c[2] && -1 === $ofs) {
                            $ofs = 0;
                        if (0 === $numMatches) {
                        $ofs += 'A' === $c[2] ? -1 : 1;
                        $ofs = ($numMatches + $ofs) % $numMatches;
                } elseif (ord($c) < 32) {
                    if ("\t" === $c || "\n" === $c) {
                        if ($numMatches > 0 && -1 !== $ofs) {
                            $ret = $matches[$ofs];
                            $output->write(substr($ret, $i));
                            $i = strlen($ret);
                        if ("\n" === $c) {
                        $numMatches = 0;
                } else {
                    $ret .= $c;
                    $numMatches = 0;
                    $ofs = 0;
                    foreach ($autocomplete as $value) {
                        if (0 === strpos($value, $ret) && $i !== strlen($value)) {
                            $matches[$numMatches++] = $value;
                if ($numMatches > 0 && -1 !== $ofs) {
                    $output->write('<hl>' . substr($matches[$ofs], $i) . '</hl>');
            shell_exec(sprintf('stty %s', $sttyMode));
        return strlen($ret) > 0 ? $ret : $default;
    public function askConfirmation(OutputInterface $output, $question, $default = true)
        $answer = 'z';
        while ($answer && !in_array(strtolower($answer[0]), array('y', 'n'))) {
            $answer = $this->ask($output, $question);
        if (false === $default) {
            return $answer && 'y' == strtolower($answer[0]);
        return !$answer || 'y' == strtolower($answer[0]);
    public function askHiddenResponse(OutputInterface $output, $question, $fallback = true)
        if ($output instanceof ConsoleOutputInterface) {
            $output = $output->getErrorOutput();
        if ('\\' === DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) {
            $exe = '/Users/cjslade/Dev/www/' . '/../Resources/bin/hiddeninput.exe';
            if ('phar:' === substr('/Users/cjslade/Dev/www/', 0, 5)) {
                $tmpExe = sys_get_temp_dir() . '/hiddeninput.exe';
                copy($exe, $tmpExe);
                $exe = $tmpExe;
            $value = rtrim(shell_exec($exe));
            if (isset($tmpExe)) {
            return $value;
        if ($this->hasSttyAvailable()) {
            $sttyMode = shell_exec('stty -g');
            shell_exec('stty -echo');
            $value = fgets($this->inputStream ?: STDIN, 4096);
            shell_exec(sprintf('stty %s', $sttyMode));
            if (false === $value) {
                throw new RuntimeException('Aborted');
            $value = trim($value);
            return $value;
        if (false !== ($shell = $this->getShell())) {
            $readCmd = $shell === 'csh' ? 'set mypassword = $<' : 'read -r mypassword';
            $command = sprintf("/usr/bin/env %s -c 'stty -echo; %s; stty echo; echo \$mypassword'", $shell, $readCmd);
            $value = rtrim(shell_exec($command));
            return $value;
        if ($fallback) {
            return $this->ask($output, $question);
        throw new RuntimeException('Unable to hide the response');
    public function askAndValidate(OutputInterface $output, $question, $validator, $attempts = false, $default = null, array $autocomplete = null)
        $that = $this;
        $interviewer = function () use($output, $question, $default, $autocomplete, $that) {
            return $that->ask($output, $question, $default, $autocomplete);
        return $this->validateAttempts($interviewer, $output, $validator, $attempts);
    public function askHiddenResponseAndValidate(OutputInterface $output, $question, $validator, $attempts = false, $fallback = true)
        $that = $this;
        $interviewer = function () use($output, $question, $fallback, $that) {
            return $that->askHiddenResponse($output, $question, $fallback);
        return $this->validateAttempts($interviewer, $output, $validator, $attempts);
    public function setInputStream($stream)
        $this->inputStream = $stream;
    public function getInputStream()
        return $this->inputStream;
    public function getName()
        return 'dialog';
    private function getShell()
        if (null !== self::$shell) {
            return self::$shell;
        self::$shell = false;
        if (file_exists('/usr/bin/env')) {
            $test = "/usr/bin/env %s -c 'echo OK' 2> /dev/null";
            foreach (array('bash', 'zsh', 'ksh', 'csh') as $sh) {
                if ('OK' === rtrim(shell_exec(sprintf($test, $sh)))) {
                    self::$shell = $sh;
        return self::$shell;
    private function hasSttyAvailable()
        if (null !== self::$stty) {
            return self::$stty;
        exec('stty 2>&1', $output, $exitcode);
        return self::$stty = $exitcode === 0;
    private function validateAttempts($interviewer, OutputInterface $output, $validator, $attempts)
        if ($output instanceof ConsoleOutputInterface) {
            $output = $output->getErrorOutput();
        $e = null;
        while (false === $attempts || $attempts--) {
            if (null !== $e) {
                $output->writeln($this->getHelperSet()->get('formatter')->formatBlock($e->getMessage(), 'error'));
            try {
                return call_user_func($validator, $interviewer());
            } catch (\Exception $e) {
        throw $e;

namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Helper {
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\NullOutput;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\LogicException;
class ProgressHelper extends Helper
    const FORMAT_QUIET = ' %percent%%';
    const FORMAT_NORMAL = ' %current%/%max% [%bar%] %percent%%';
    const FORMAT_VERBOSE = ' %current%/%max% [%bar%] %percent%% Elapsed: %elapsed%';
    const FORMAT_QUIET_NOMAX = ' %current%';
    const FORMAT_NORMAL_NOMAX = ' %current% [%bar%]';
    const FORMAT_VERBOSE_NOMAX = ' %current% [%bar%] Elapsed: %elapsed%';
    private $barWidth = 28;
    private $barChar = '=';
    private $emptyBarChar = '-';
    private $progressChar = '>';
    private $format = null;
    private $redrawFreq = 1;
    private $lastMessagesLength;
    private $barCharOriginal;
    private $output;
    private $current;
    private $max;
    private $startTime;
    private $defaultFormatVars = array('current', 'max', 'bar', 'percent', 'elapsed');
    private $formatVars;
    private $widths = array('current' => 4, 'max' => 4, 'percent' => 3, 'elapsed' => 6);
    private $timeFormats = array(array(0, '???'), array(2, '1 sec'), array(59, 'secs', 1), array(60, '1 min'), array(3600, 'mins', 60), array(5400, '1 hr'), array(86400, 'hrs', 3600), array(129600, '1 day'), array(604800, 'days', 86400));
    public function __construct($triggerDeprecationError = true)
        if ($triggerDeprecationError) {
            @trigger_error('The ' . __CLASS__ . ' class is deprecated since version 2.5 and will be removed in 3.0. Use the Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Helper\\ProgressBar class instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
    public function setBarWidth($size)
        $this->barWidth = (int) $size;
    public function setBarCharacter($char)
        $this->barChar = $char;
    public function setEmptyBarCharacter($char)
        $this->emptyBarChar = $char;
    public function setProgressCharacter($char)
        $this->progressChar = $char;
    public function setFormat($format)
        $this->format = $format;
    public function setRedrawFrequency($freq)
        $this->redrawFreq = (int) $freq;
    public function start(OutputInterface $output, $max = null)
        if ($output instanceof ConsoleOutputInterface) {
            $output = $output->getErrorOutput();
        $this->startTime = time();
        $this->current = 0;
        $this->max = (int) $max;
        $this->output = $output->isDecorated() ? $output : new NullOutput();
        $this->lastMessagesLength = 0;
        $this->barCharOriginal = '';
        if (null === $this->format) {
            switch ($output->getVerbosity()) {
                case OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_QUIET:
                    $this->format = self::FORMAT_QUIET_NOMAX;
                    if ($this->max > 0) {
                        $this->format = self::FORMAT_QUIET;
                case OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_VERBOSE:
                case OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_VERY_VERBOSE:
                case OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_DEBUG:
                    $this->format = self::FORMAT_VERBOSE_NOMAX;
                    if ($this->max > 0) {
                        $this->format = self::FORMAT_VERBOSE;
                    $this->format = self::FORMAT_NORMAL_NOMAX;
                    if ($this->max > 0) {
                        $this->format = self::FORMAT_NORMAL;
    public function advance($step = 1, $redraw = false)
        $this->setCurrent($this->current + $step, $redraw);
    public function setCurrent($current, $redraw = false)
        if (null === $this->startTime) {
            throw new LogicException('You must start the progress bar before calling setCurrent().');
        $current = (int) $current;
        if ($current < $this->current) {
            throw new LogicException('You can\'t regress the progress bar');
        if (0 === $this->current) {
            $redraw = true;
        $prevPeriod = (int) ($this->current / $this->redrawFreq);
        $this->current = $current;
        $currPeriod = (int) ($this->current / $this->redrawFreq);
        if ($redraw || $prevPeriod !== $currPeriod || $this->max === $this->current) {
    public function display($finish = false)
        if (null === $this->startTime) {
            throw new LogicException('You must start the progress bar before calling display().');
        $message = $this->format;
        foreach ($this->generate($finish) as $name => $value) {
            $message = str_replace("%{$name}%", $value, $message);
        $this->overwrite($this->output, $message);
    public function clear()
        $this->overwrite($this->output, '');
    public function finish()
        if (null === $this->startTime) {
            throw new LogicException('You must start the progress bar before calling finish().');
        if (null !== $this->startTime) {
            if (!$this->max) {
                $this->barChar = $this->barCharOriginal;
            $this->startTime = null;
            $this->output = null;
    private function initialize()
        $this->formatVars = array();
        foreach ($this->defaultFormatVars as $var) {
            if (false !== strpos($this->format, "%{$var}%")) {
                $this->formatVars[$var] = true;
        if ($this->max > 0) {
            $this->widths['max'] = $this->strlen($this->max);
            $this->widths['current'] = $this->widths['max'];
        } else {
            $this->barCharOriginal = $this->barChar;
            $this->barChar = $this->emptyBarChar;
    private function generate($finish = false)
        $vars = array();
        $percent = 0;
        if ($this->max > 0) {
            $percent = (double) $this->current / $this->max;
        if (isset($this->formatVars['bar'])) {
            $completeBars = 0;
            if ($this->max > 0) {
                $completeBars = floor($percent * $this->barWidth);
            } else {
                if (!$finish) {
                    $completeBars = floor($this->current % $this->barWidth);
                } else {
                    $completeBars = $this->barWidth;
            $emptyBars = $this->barWidth - $completeBars - $this->strlen($this->progressChar);
            $bar = str_repeat($this->barChar, $completeBars);
            if ($completeBars < $this->barWidth) {
                $bar .= $this->progressChar;
                $bar .= str_repeat($this->emptyBarChar, $emptyBars);
            $vars['bar'] = $bar;
        if (isset($this->formatVars['elapsed'])) {
            $elapsed = time() - $this->startTime;
            $vars['elapsed'] = str_pad($this->humaneTime($elapsed), $this->widths['elapsed'], ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT);
        if (isset($this->formatVars['current'])) {
            $vars['current'] = str_pad($this->current, $this->widths['current'], ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT);
        if (isset($this->formatVars['max'])) {
            $vars['max'] = $this->max;
        if (isset($this->formatVars['percent'])) {
            $vars['percent'] = str_pad(floor($percent * 100), $this->widths['percent'], ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT);
        return $vars;
    private function humaneTime($secs)
        $text = '';
        foreach ($this->timeFormats as $format) {
            if ($secs < $format[0]) {
                if (count($format) == 2) {
                    $text = $format[1];
                } else {
                    $text = ceil($secs / $format[2]) . ' ' . $format[1];
        return $text;
    private function overwrite(OutputInterface $output, $message)
        $length = $this->strlen($message);
        if (null !== $this->lastMessagesLength && $this->lastMessagesLength > $length) {
            $message = str_pad($message, $this->lastMessagesLength, " ", STR_PAD_RIGHT);
        $this->lastMessagesLength = $this->strlen($message);
    public function getName()
        return 'progress';

namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Helper {
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\NullOutput;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\InvalidArgumentException;
class TableHelper extends Helper
    const LAYOUT_DEFAULT = 0;
    const LAYOUT_BORDERLESS = 1;
    const LAYOUT_COMPACT = 2;
    private $table;
    public function __construct($triggerDeprecationError = true)
        if ($triggerDeprecationError) {
            @trigger_error('The ' . __CLASS__ . ' class is deprecated since version 2.5 and will be removed in 3.0. Use the Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Helper\\Table class instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
        $this->table = new Table(new NullOutput());
    public function setLayout($layout)
        switch ($layout) {
            case self::LAYOUT_BORDERLESS:
            case self::LAYOUT_COMPACT:
            case self::LAYOUT_DEFAULT:
                throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Invalid table layout "%s".', $layout));
        return $this;
    public function setHeaders(array $headers)
        return $this;
    public function setRows(array $rows)
        return $this;
    public function addRows(array $rows)
        return $this;
    public function addRow(array $row)
        return $this;
    public function setRow($column, array $row)
        $this->table->setRow($column, $row);
        return $this;
    public function setPaddingChar($paddingChar)
        return $this;
    public function setHorizontalBorderChar($horizontalBorderChar)
        return $this;
    public function setVerticalBorderChar($verticalBorderChar)
        return $this;
    public function setCrossingChar($crossingChar)
        return $this;
    public function setCellHeaderFormat($cellHeaderFormat)
        return $this;
    public function setCellRowFormat($cellRowFormat)
        return $this;
    public function setCellRowContentFormat($cellRowContentFormat)
        return $this;
    public function setBorderFormat($borderFormat)
        return $this;
    public function setPadType($padType)
        return $this;
    public function render(OutputInterface $output)
        $p = new \ReflectionProperty($this->table, 'output');
        $p->setValue($this->table, $output);
    public function getName()
        return 'table';

namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Helper {
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\InvalidArgumentException;
class Table
    private $headers = array();
    private $rows = array();
    private $columnWidths = array();
    private $numberOfColumns;
    private $output;
    private $style;
    private $columnStyles = array();
    private static $styles;
    public function __construct(OutputInterface $output)
        $this->output = $output;
        if (!self::$styles) {
            self::$styles = self::initStyles();
    public static function setStyleDefinition($name, TableStyle $style)
        if (!self::$styles) {
            self::$styles = self::initStyles();
        self::$styles[$name] = $style;
    public static function getStyleDefinition($name)
        if (!self::$styles) {
            self::$styles = self::initStyles();
        if (!self::$styles[$name]) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Style "%s" is not defined.', $name));
        return self::$styles[$name];
    public function setStyle($name)
        if ($name instanceof TableStyle) {
            $this->style = $name;
        } elseif (isset(self::$styles[$name])) {
            $this->style = self::$styles[$name];
        } else {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Style "%s" is not defined.', $name));
        return $this;
    public function getStyle()
        return $this->style;
    public function setColumnStyle($columnIndex, $name)
        $columnIndex = intval($columnIndex);
        if ($name instanceof TableStyle) {
            $this->columnStyles[$columnIndex] = $name;
        } elseif (isset(self::$styles[$name])) {
            $this->columnStyles[$columnIndex] = self::$styles[$name];
        } else {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Style "%s" is not defined.', $name));
        return $this;
    public function getColumnStyle($columnIndex)
        if (isset($this->columnStyles[$columnIndex])) {
            return $this->columnStyles[$columnIndex];
        return $this->getStyle();
    public function setHeaders(array $headers)
        $headers = array_values($headers);
        if (!empty($headers) && !is_array($headers[0])) {
            $headers = array($headers);
        $this->headers = $headers;
        return $this;
    public function setRows(array $rows)
        $this->rows = array();
        return $this->addRows($rows);
    public function addRows(array $rows)
        foreach ($rows as $row) {
        return $this;
    public function addRow($row)
        if ($row instanceof TableSeparator) {
            $this->rows[] = $row;
            return $this;
        if (!is_array($row)) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException('A row must be an array or a TableSeparator instance.');
        $this->rows[] = array_values($row);
        return $this;
    public function setRow($column, array $row)
        $this->rows[$column] = $row;
        return $this;
    public function render()
        $rows = $this->buildTableRows($this->rows);
        $headers = $this->buildTableRows($this->headers);
        $this->calculateColumnsWidth(array_merge($headers, $rows));
        if (!empty($headers)) {
            foreach ($headers as $header) {
                $this->renderRow($header, $this->style->getCellHeaderFormat());
        foreach ($rows as $row) {
            if ($row instanceof TableSeparator) {
            } else {
                $this->renderRow($row, $this->style->getCellRowFormat());
        if (!empty($rows)) {
    private function renderRowSeparator()
        if (0 === ($count = $this->numberOfColumns)) {
        if (!$this->style->getHorizontalBorderChar() && !$this->style->getCrossingChar()) {
        $markup = $this->style->getCrossingChar();
        for ($column = 0; $column < $count; ++$column) {
            $markup .= str_repeat($this->style->getHorizontalBorderChar(), $this->columnWidths[$column]) . $this->style->getCrossingChar();
        $this->output->writeln(sprintf($this->style->getBorderFormat(), $markup));
    private function renderColumnSeparator()
        $this->output->write(sprintf($this->style->getBorderFormat(), $this->style->getVerticalBorderChar()));
    private function renderRow(array $row, $cellFormat)
        if (empty($row)) {
        foreach ($this->getRowColumns($row) as $column) {
            $this->renderCell($row, $column, $cellFormat);
    private function renderCell(array $row, $column, $cellFormat)
        $cell = isset($row[$column]) ? $row[$column] : '';
        $width = $this->columnWidths[$column];
        if ($cell instanceof TableCell && $cell->getColspan() > 1) {
            foreach (range($column + 1, $column + $cell->getColspan() - 1) as $nextColumn) {
                $width += $this->getColumnSeparatorWidth() + $this->columnWidths[$nextColumn];
        if (false !== ($encoding = mb_detect_encoding($cell, null, true))) {
            $width += strlen($cell) - mb_strwidth($cell, $encoding);
        $style = $this->getColumnStyle($column);
        if ($cell instanceof TableSeparator) {
            $this->output->write(sprintf($style->getBorderFormat(), str_repeat($style->getHorizontalBorderChar(), $width)));
        } else {
            $width += Helper::strlen($cell) - Helper::strlenWithoutDecoration($this->output->getFormatter(), $cell);
            $content = sprintf($style->getCellRowContentFormat(), $cell);
            $this->output->write(sprintf($cellFormat, str_pad($content, $width, $style->getPaddingChar(), $style->getPadType())));
    private function calculateNumberOfColumns()
        if (null !== $this->numberOfColumns) {
        $columns = array(0);
        foreach (array_merge($this->headers, $this->rows) as $row) {
            if ($row instanceof TableSeparator) {
            $columns[] = $this->getNumberOfColumns($row);
        $this->numberOfColumns = max($columns);
    private function buildTableRows($rows)
        $unmergedRows = array();
        for ($rowKey = 0; $rowKey < count($rows); ++$rowKey) {
            $rows = $this->fillNextRows($rows, $rowKey);
            foreach ($rows[$rowKey] as $column => $cell) {
                if (!strstr($cell, "\n")) {
                $lines = explode("\n", $cell);
                foreach ($lines as $lineKey => $line) {
                    if ($cell instanceof TableCell) {
                        $line = new TableCell($line, array('colspan' => $cell->getColspan()));
                    if (0 === $lineKey) {
                        $rows[$rowKey][$column] = $line;
                    } else {
                        $unmergedRows[$rowKey][$lineKey][$column] = $line;
        $tableRows = array();
        foreach ($rows as $rowKey => $row) {
            $tableRows[] = $this->fillCells($row);
            if (isset($unmergedRows[$rowKey])) {
                $tableRows = array_merge($tableRows, $unmergedRows[$rowKey]);
        return $tableRows;
    private function fillNextRows($rows, $line)
        $unmergedRows = array();
        foreach ($rows[$line] as $column => $cell) {
            if ($cell instanceof TableCell && $cell->getRowspan() > 1) {
                $nbLines = $cell->getRowspan() - 1;
                $lines = array($cell);
                if (strstr($cell, "\n")) {
                    $lines = explode("\n", $cell);
                    $nbLines = count($lines) > $nbLines ? substr_count($cell, "\n") : $nbLines;
                    $rows[$line][$column] = new TableCell($lines[0], array('colspan' => $cell->getColspan()));
                $unmergedRows = array_replace_recursive(array_fill($line + 1, $nbLines, ''), $unmergedRows);
                foreach ($unmergedRows as $unmergedRowKey => $unmergedRow) {
                    $value = isset($lines[$unmergedRowKey - $line]) ? $lines[$unmergedRowKey - $line] : '';
                    $unmergedRows[$unmergedRowKey][$column] = new TableCell($value, array('colspan' => $cell->getColspan()));
        foreach ($unmergedRows as $unmergedRowKey => $unmergedRow) {
            if (isset($rows[$unmergedRowKey]) && is_array($rows[$unmergedRowKey]) && $this->getNumberOfColumns($rows[$unmergedRowKey]) + $this->getNumberOfColumns($unmergedRows[$unmergedRowKey]) <= $this->numberOfColumns) {
                foreach ($unmergedRow as $cellKey => $cell) {
                    array_splice($rows[$unmergedRowKey], $cellKey, 0, array($cell));
            } else {
                $row = $this->copyRow($rows, $unmergedRowKey - 1);
                foreach ($unmergedRow as $column => $cell) {
                    if (!empty($cell)) {
                        $row[$column] = $unmergedRow[$column];
                array_splice($rows, $unmergedRowKey, 0, array($row));
        return $rows;
    private function fillCells($row)
        $newRow = array();
        foreach ($row as $column => $cell) {
            $newRow[] = $cell;
            if ($cell instanceof TableCell && $cell->getColspan() > 1) {
                foreach (range($column + 1, $column + $cell->getColspan() - 1) as $position) {
                    $newRow[] = '';
        return $newRow ?: $row;
    private function copyRow($rows, $line)
        $row = $rows[$line];
        foreach ($row as $cellKey => $cellValue) {
            $row[$cellKey] = '';
            if ($cellValue instanceof TableCell) {
                $row[$cellKey] = new TableCell('', array('colspan' => $cellValue->getColspan()));
        return $row;
    private function getNumberOfColumns(array $row)
        $columns = count($row);
        foreach ($row as $column) {
            $columns += $column instanceof TableCell ? $column->getColspan() - 1 : 0;
        return $columns;
    private function getRowColumns($row)
        $columns = range(0, $this->numberOfColumns - 1);
        foreach ($row as $cellKey => $cell) {
            if ($cell instanceof TableCell && $cell->getColspan() > 1) {
                $columns = array_diff($columns, range($cellKey + 1, $cellKey + $cell->getColspan() - 1));
        return $columns;
    private function calculateColumnsWidth($rows)
        for ($column = 0; $column < $this->numberOfColumns; ++$column) {
            $lengths = array();
            foreach ($rows as $row) {
                if ($row instanceof TableSeparator) {
                $lengths[] = $this->getCellWidth($row, $column);
            $this->columnWidths[$column] = max($lengths) + strlen($this->style->getCellRowContentFormat()) - 2;
    private function getColumnSeparatorWidth()
        return strlen(sprintf($this->style->getBorderFormat(), $this->style->getVerticalBorderChar()));
    private function getCellWidth(array $row, $column)
        if (isset($row[$column])) {
            $cell = $row[$column];
            $cellWidth = Helper::strlenWithoutDecoration($this->output->getFormatter(), $cell);
            if ($cell instanceof TableCell && $cell->getColspan() > 1) {
                $cellWidth = $cellWidth / $cell->getColspan();
            return $cellWidth;
        return 0;
    private function cleanup()
        $this->columnWidths = array();
        $this->numberOfColumns = null;
    private static function initStyles()
        $borderless = new TableStyle();
        $borderless->setHorizontalBorderChar('=')->setVerticalBorderChar(' ')->setCrossingChar(' ');
        $compact = new TableStyle();
        $compact->setHorizontalBorderChar('')->setVerticalBorderChar(' ')->setCrossingChar('')->setCellRowContentFormat('%s');
        $styleGuide = new TableStyle();
        $styleGuide->setHorizontalBorderChar('-')->setVerticalBorderChar(' ')->setCrossingChar(' ')->setCellHeaderFormat('%s');
        return array('default' => new TableStyle(), 'borderless' => $borderless, 'compact' => $compact, 'symfony-style-guide' => $styleGuide);

namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Output {
use Symfony\Component\Console\Formatter\OutputFormatterInterface;
interface OutputInterface
    const VERBOSITY_QUIET = 16;
    const VERBOSITY_NORMAL = 32;
    const VERBOSITY_VERBOSE = 64;
    const VERBOSITY_DEBUG = 256;
    const OUTPUT_NORMAL = 1;
    const OUTPUT_RAW = 2;
    const OUTPUT_PLAIN = 4;
    public function write($messages, $newline = false, $options = 0);
    public function writeln($messages, $options = 0);
    public function setVerbosity($level);
    public function getVerbosity();
    public function setDecorated($decorated);
    public function isDecorated();
    public function setFormatter(OutputFormatterInterface $formatter);
    public function getFormatter();

namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Output {
use Symfony\Component\Console\Formatter\OutputFormatter;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Formatter\OutputFormatterInterface;
class NullOutput implements OutputInterface
    public function setFormatter(OutputFormatterInterface $formatter)
    public function getFormatter()
        return new OutputFormatter();
    public function setDecorated($decorated)
    public function isDecorated()
        return false;
    public function setVerbosity($level)
    public function getVerbosity()
        return self::VERBOSITY_QUIET;
    public function isQuiet()
        return true;
    public function isVerbose()
        return false;
    public function isVeryVerbose()
        return false;
    public function isDebug()
        return false;
    public function writeln($messages, $options = self::OUTPUT_NORMAL)
    public function write($messages, $newline = false, $options = self::OUTPUT_NORMAL)

namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Helper {
use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\InvalidArgumentException;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\LogicException;
class TableStyle
    private $paddingChar = ' ';
    private $horizontalBorderChar = '-';
    private $verticalBorderChar = '|';
    private $crossingChar = '+';
    private $cellHeaderFormat = '<info>%s</info>';
    private $cellRowFormat = '%s';
    private $cellRowContentFormat = ' %s ';
    private $borderFormat = '%s';
    private $padType = STR_PAD_RIGHT;
    public function setPaddingChar($paddingChar)
        if (!$paddingChar) {
            throw new LogicException('The padding char must not be empty');
        $this->paddingChar = $paddingChar;
        return $this;
    public function getPaddingChar()
        return $this->paddingChar;
    public function setHorizontalBorderChar($horizontalBorderChar)
        $this->horizontalBorderChar = $horizontalBorderChar;
        return $this;
    public function getHorizontalBorderChar()
        return $this->horizontalBorderChar;
    public function setVerticalBorderChar($verticalBorderChar)
        $this->verticalBorderChar = $verticalBorderChar;
        return $this;
    public function getVerticalBorderChar()
        return $this->verticalBorderChar;
    public function setCrossingChar($crossingChar)
        $this->crossingChar = $crossingChar;
        return $this;
    public function getCrossingChar()
        return $this->crossingChar;
    public function setCellHeaderFormat($cellHeaderFormat)
        $this->cellHeaderFormat = $cellHeaderFormat;
        return $this;
    public function getCellHeaderFormat()
        return $this->cellHeaderFormat;
    public function setCellRowFormat($cellRowFormat)
        $this->cellRowFormat = $cellRowFormat;
        return $this;
    public function getCellRowFormat()
        return $this->cellRowFormat;
    public function setCellRowContentFormat($cellRowContentFormat)
        $this->cellRowContentFormat = $cellRowContentFormat;
        return $this;
    public function getCellRowContentFormat()
        return $this->cellRowContentFormat;
    public function setBorderFormat($borderFormat)
        $this->borderFormat = $borderFormat;
        return $this;
    public function getBorderFormat()
        return $this->borderFormat;
    public function setPadType($padType)
        if (!in_array($padType, array(STR_PAD_LEFT, STR_PAD_RIGHT, STR_PAD_BOTH), true)) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid padding type. Expected one of (STR_PAD_LEFT, STR_PAD_RIGHT, STR_PAD_BOTH).');
        $this->padType = $padType;
        return $this;
    public function getPadType()
        return $this->padType;

namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Helper {
class DebugFormatterHelper extends Helper
    private $colors = array('black', 'red', 'green', 'yellow', 'blue', 'magenta', 'cyan', 'white', 'default');
    private $started = array();
    private $count = -1;
    public function start($id, $message, $prefix = 'RUN')
        $this->started[$id] = array('border' => ++$this->count % count($this->colors));
        return sprintf("%s<bg=blue;fg=white> %s </> <fg=blue>%s</>\n", $this->getBorder($id), $prefix, $message);
    public function progress($id, $buffer, $error = false, $prefix = 'OUT', $errorPrefix = 'ERR')
        $message = '';
        if ($error) {
            if (isset($this->started[$id]['out'])) {
                $message .= "\n";
            if (!isset($this->started[$id]['err'])) {
                $message .= sprintf('%s<bg=red;fg=white> %s </> ', $this->getBorder($id), $errorPrefix);
                $this->started[$id]['err'] = true;
            $message .= str_replace("\n", sprintf("\n%s<bg=red;fg=white> %s </> ", $this->getBorder($id), $errorPrefix), $buffer);
        } else {
            if (isset($this->started[$id]['err'])) {
                $message .= "\n";
            if (!isset($this->started[$id]['out'])) {
                $message .= sprintf('%s<bg=green;fg=white> %s </> ', $this->getBorder($id), $prefix);
                $this->started[$id]['out'] = true;
            $message .= str_replace("\n", sprintf("\n%s<bg=green;fg=white> %s </> ", $this->getBorder($id), $prefix), $buffer);
        return $message;
    public function stop($id, $message, $successful, $prefix = 'RES')
        $trailingEOL = isset($this->started[$id]['out']) || isset($this->started[$id]['err']) ? "\n" : '';
        if ($successful) {
            return sprintf("%s%s<bg=green;fg=white> %s </> <fg=green>%s</>\n", $trailingEOL, $this->getBorder($id), $prefix, $message);
        $message = sprintf("%s%s<bg=red;fg=white> %s </> <fg=red>%s</>\n", $trailingEOL, $this->getBorder($id), $prefix, $message);
        unset($this->started[$id]['out'], $this->started[$id]['err']);
        return $message;
    private function getBorder($id)
        return sprintf('<bg=%s> </>', $this->colors[$this->started[$id]['border']]);
    public function getName()
        return 'debug_formatter';

namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Helper {
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Process\Exception\ProcessFailedException;
use Symfony\Component\Process\Process;
use Symfony\Component\Process\ProcessBuilder;
class ProcessHelper extends Helper
    public function run(OutputInterface $output, $cmd, $error = null, $callback = null, $verbosity = OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_VERY_VERBOSE)
        if ($output instanceof ConsoleOutputInterface) {
            $output = $output->getErrorOutput();
        $formatter = $this->getHelperSet()->get('debug_formatter');
        if (is_array($cmd)) {
            $process = ProcessBuilder::create($cmd)->getProcess();
        } elseif ($cmd instanceof Process) {
            $process = $cmd;
        } else {
            $process = new Process($cmd);
        if ($verbosity <= $output->getVerbosity()) {
            $output->write($formatter->start(spl_object_hash($process), $this->escapeString($process->getCommandLine())));
        if ($output->isDebug()) {
            $callback = $this->wrapCallback($output, $process, $callback);
        if ($verbosity <= $output->getVerbosity()) {
            $message = $process->isSuccessful() ? 'Command ran successfully' : sprintf('%s Command did not run successfully', $process->getExitCode());
            $output->write($formatter->stop(spl_object_hash($process), $message, $process->isSuccessful()));
        if (!$process->isSuccessful() && null !== $error) {
            $output->writeln(sprintf('<error>%s</error>', $this->escapeString($error)));
        return $process;
    public function mustRun(OutputInterface $output, $cmd, $error = null, $callback = null)
        $process = $this->run($output, $cmd, $error, $callback);
        if (!$process->isSuccessful()) {
            throw new ProcessFailedException($process);
        return $process;
    public function wrapCallback(OutputInterface $output, Process $process, $callback = null)
        if ($output instanceof ConsoleOutputInterface) {
            $output = $output->getErrorOutput();
        $formatter = $this->getHelperSet()->get('debug_formatter');
        $that = $this;
        return function ($type, $buffer) use($output, $process, $callback, $formatter, $that) {
            $output->write($formatter->progress(spl_object_hash($process), $that->escapeString($buffer), Process::ERR === $type));
            if (null !== $callback) {
                call_user_func($callback, $type, $buffer);
    public function escapeString($str)
        return str_replace('<', '\\<', $str);
    public function getName()
        return 'process';

namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Helper {
use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\InvalidArgumentException;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\RuntimeException;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Formatter\OutputFormatterStyle;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Question\Question;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Question\ChoiceQuestion;
class QuestionHelper extends Helper
    private $inputStream;
    private static $shell;
    private static $stty;
    public function ask(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output, Question $question)
        if ($output instanceof ConsoleOutputInterface) {
            $output = $output->getErrorOutput();
        if (!$input->isInteractive()) {
            return $question->getDefault();
        if (!$question->getValidator()) {
            return $this->doAsk($output, $question);
        $that = $this;
        $interviewer = function () use($output, $question, $that) {
            return $that->doAsk($output, $question);
        return $this->validateAttempts($interviewer, $output, $question);
    public function setInputStream($stream)
        if (!is_resource($stream)) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException('Input stream must be a valid resource.');
        $this->inputStream = $stream;
    public function getInputStream()
        return $this->inputStream;
    public function getName()
        return 'question';
    public function doAsk(OutputInterface $output, Question $question)
        $this->writePrompt($output, $question);
        $inputStream = $this->inputStream ?: STDIN;
        $autocomplete = $question->getAutocompleterValues();
        if (null === $autocomplete || !$this->hasSttyAvailable()) {
            $ret = false;
            if ($question->isHidden()) {
                try {
                    $ret = trim($this->getHiddenResponse($output, $inputStream));
                } catch (\RuntimeException $e) {
                    if (!$question->isHiddenFallback()) {
                        throw $e;
            if (false === $ret) {
                $ret = fgets($inputStream, 4096);
                if (false === $ret) {
                    throw new \RuntimeException('Aborted');
                $ret = trim($ret);
        } else {
            $ret = trim($this->autocomplete($output, $question, $inputStream));
        $ret = strlen($ret) > 0 ? $ret : $question->getDefault();
        if ($normalizer = $question->getNormalizer()) {
            return $normalizer($ret);
        return $ret;
    protected function writePrompt(OutputInterface $output, Question $question)
        $message = $question->getQuestion();
        if ($question instanceof ChoiceQuestion) {
            $maxWidth = max(array_map(array($this, 'strlen'), array_keys($question->getChoices())));
            $messages = (array) $question->getQuestion();
            foreach ($question->getChoices() as $key => $value) {
                $width = $maxWidth - $this->strlen($key);
                $messages[] = '  [<info>' . $key . str_repeat(' ', $width) . '</info>] ' . $value;
            $message = $question->getPrompt();
    protected function writeError(OutputInterface $output, \Exception $error)
        if (null !== $this->getHelperSet() && $this->getHelperSet()->has('formatter')) {
            $message = $this->getHelperSet()->get('formatter')->formatBlock($error->getMessage(), 'error');
        } else {
            $message = '<error>' . $error->getMessage() . '</error>';
    private function autocomplete(OutputInterface $output, Question $question, $inputStream)
        $autocomplete = $question->getAutocompleterValues();
        $ret = '';
        $i = 0;
        $ofs = -1;
        $matches = $autocomplete;
        $numMatches = count($matches);
        $sttyMode = shell_exec('stty -g');
        shell_exec('stty -icanon -echo');
        $output->getFormatter()->setStyle('hl', new OutputFormatterStyle('black', 'white'));
        while (!feof($inputStream)) {
            $c = fread($inputStream, 1);
            if ("" === $c) {
                if (0 === $numMatches && 0 !== $i) {
                if ($i === 0) {
                    $ofs = -1;
                    $matches = $autocomplete;
                    $numMatches = count($matches);
                } else {
                    $numMatches = 0;
                $ret = substr($ret, 0, $i);
            } elseif ("" === $c) {
                $c .= fread($inputStream, 2);
                if (isset($c[2]) && ('A' === $c[2] || 'B' === $c[2])) {
                    if ('A' === $c[2] && -1 === $ofs) {
                        $ofs = 0;
                    if (0 === $numMatches) {
                    $ofs += 'A' === $c[2] ? -1 : 1;
                    $ofs = ($numMatches + $ofs) % $numMatches;
            } elseif (ord($c) < 32) {
                if ("\t" === $c || "\n" === $c) {
                    if ($numMatches > 0 && -1 !== $ofs) {
                        $ret = $matches[$ofs];
                        $output->write(substr($ret, $i));
                        $i = strlen($ret);
                    if ("\n" === $c) {
                    $numMatches = 0;
            } else {
                $ret .= $c;
                $numMatches = 0;
                $ofs = 0;
                foreach ($autocomplete as $value) {
                    if (0 === strpos($value, $ret) && $i !== strlen($value)) {
                        $matches[$numMatches++] = $value;
            if ($numMatches > 0 && -1 !== $ofs) {
                $output->write('<hl>' . substr($matches[$ofs], $i) . '</hl>');
        shell_exec(sprintf('stty %s', $sttyMode));
        return $ret;
    private function getHiddenResponse(OutputInterface $output, $inputStream)
        if ('\\' === DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) {
            $exe = '/Users/cjslade/Dev/www/' . '/../Resources/bin/hiddeninput.exe';
            if ('phar:' === substr('/Users/cjslade/Dev/www/', 0, 5)) {
                $tmpExe = sys_get_temp_dir() . '/hiddeninput.exe';
                copy($exe, $tmpExe);
                $exe = $tmpExe;
            $value = rtrim(shell_exec($exe));
            if (isset($tmpExe)) {
            return $value;
        if ($this->hasSttyAvailable()) {
            $sttyMode = shell_exec('stty -g');
            shell_exec('stty -echo');
            $value = fgets($inputStream, 4096);
            shell_exec(sprintf('stty %s', $sttyMode));
            if (false === $value) {
                throw new RuntimeException('Aborted');
            $value = trim($value);
            return $value;
        if (false !== ($shell = $this->getShell())) {
            $readCmd = $shell === 'csh' ? 'set mypassword = $<' : 'read -r mypassword';
            $command = sprintf("/usr/bin/env %s -c 'stty -echo; %s; stty echo; echo \$mypassword'", $shell, $readCmd);
            $value = rtrim(shell_exec($command));
            return $value;
        throw new RuntimeException('Unable to hide the response.');
    private function validateAttempts($interviewer, OutputInterface $output, Question $question)
        $error = null;
        $attempts = $question->getMaxAttempts();
        while (null === $attempts || $attempts--) {
            if (null !== $error) {
                $this->writeError($output, $error);
            try {
                return call_user_func($question->getValidator(), $interviewer());
            } catch (\Exception $error) {
        throw $error;
    private function getShell()
        if (null !== self::$shell) {
            return self::$shell;
        self::$shell = false;
        if (file_exists('/usr/bin/env')) {
            $test = "/usr/bin/env %s -c 'echo OK' 2> /dev/null";
            foreach (array('bash', 'zsh', 'ksh', 'csh') as $sh) {
                if ('OK' === rtrim(shell_exec(sprintf($test, $sh)))) {
                    self::$shell = $sh;
        return self::$shell;
    private function hasSttyAvailable()
        if (null !== self::$stty) {
            return self::$stty;
        exec('stty 2>&1', $output, $exitcode);
        return self::$stty = $exitcode === 0;

namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Input {
use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\InvalidArgumentException;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\LogicException;
class InputArgument
    const REQUIRED = 1;
    const OPTIONAL = 2;
    const IS_ARRAY = 4;
    private $name;
    private $mode;
    private $default;
    private $description;
    public function __construct($name, $mode = null, $description = '', $default = null)
        if (null === $mode) {
            $mode = self::OPTIONAL;
        } elseif (!is_int($mode) || $mode > 7 || $mode < 1) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Argument mode "%s" is not valid.', $mode));
        $this->name = $name;
        $this->mode = $mode;
        $this->description = $description;
    public function getName()
        return $this->name;
    public function isRequired()
        return self::REQUIRED === (self::REQUIRED & $this->mode);
    public function isArray()
        return self::IS_ARRAY === (self::IS_ARRAY & $this->mode);
    public function setDefault($default = null)
        if (self::REQUIRED === $this->mode && null !== $default) {
            throw new LogicException('Cannot set a default value except for InputArgument::OPTIONAL mode.');
        if ($this->isArray()) {
            if (null === $default) {
                $default = array();
            } elseif (!is_array($default)) {
                throw new LogicException('A default value for an array argument must be an array.');
        $this->default = $default;
    public function getDefault()
        return $this->default;
    public function getDescription()
        return $this->description;

namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Command {
use Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\DescriptorHelper;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputArgument;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;
class HelpCommand extends Command
    private $command;
    protected function configure()
        $this->setName('help')->setDefinition(array(new InputArgument('command_name', InputArgument::OPTIONAL, 'The command name', 'help'), new InputOption('xml', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'To output help as XML'), new InputOption('format', null, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'The output format (txt, xml, json, or md)', 'txt'), new InputOption('raw', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'To output raw command help')))->setDescription('Displays help for a command')->setHelp(<<<'EOF'
The <info></info> command displays help for a given command:
  <info>php %command.full_name% list</info>
You can also output the help in other formats by using the <comment>--format</comment> option:
  <info>php %command.full_name% --format=xml list</info>
To display the list of available commands, please use the <info>list</info> command.
    public function setCommand(Command $command)
        $this->command = $command;
    protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
        if (null === $this->command) {
            $this->command = $this->getApplication()->find($input->getArgument('command_name'));
        if ($input->getOption('xml')) {
            @trigger_error('The --xml option was deprecated in version 2.7 and will be removed in version 3.0. Use the --format option instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
            $input->setOption('format', 'xml');
        $helper = new DescriptorHelper();
        $helper->describe($output, $this->command, array('format' => $input->getOption('format'), 'raw_text' => $input->getOption('raw')));
        $this->command = null;

namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Command {
use Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\DescriptorHelper;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputArgument;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputDefinition;
class ListCommand extends Command
    protected function configure()
        $this->setName('list')->setDefinition($this->createDefinition())->setDescription('Lists commands')->setHelp(<<<'EOF'
The <info></info> command lists all commands:
  <info>php %command.full_name%</info>
You can also display the commands for a specific namespace:
  <info>php %command.full_name% test</info>
You can also output the information in other formats by using the <comment>--format</comment> option:
  <info>php %command.full_name% --format=xml</info>
It's also possible to get raw list of commands (useful for embedding command runner):
  <info>php %command.full_name% --raw</info>
    public function getNativeDefinition()
        return $this->createDefinition();
    protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
        if ($input->getOption('xml')) {
            @trigger_error('The --xml option was deprecated in version 2.7 and will be removed in version 3.0. Use the --format option instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
            $input->setOption('format', 'xml');
        $helper = new DescriptorHelper();
        $helper->describe($output, $this->getApplication(), array('format' => $input->getOption('format'), 'raw_text' => $input->getOption('raw'), 'namespace' => $input->getArgument('namespace')));
    private function createDefinition()
        return new InputDefinition(array(new InputArgument('namespace', InputArgument::OPTIONAL, 'The namespace name'), new InputOption('xml', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'To output list as XML'), new InputOption('raw', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'To output raw command list'), new InputOption('format', null, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'The output format (txt, xml, json, or md)', 'txt')));

namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Input {
interface InputInterface
    public function getFirstArgument();
    public function hasParameterOption($values);
    public function getParameterOption($values, $default = false);
    public function bind(InputDefinition $definition);
    public function validate();
    public function getArguments();
    public function getArgument($name);
    public function setArgument($name, $value);
    public function hasArgument($name);
    public function getOptions();
    public function getOption($name);
    public function setOption($name, $value);
    public function hasOption($name);
    public function isInteractive();
    public function setInteractive($interactive);

namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Input {
use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\InvalidArgumentException;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\RuntimeException;
abstract class Input implements InputInterface
    protected $definition;
    protected $options = array();
    protected $arguments = array();
    protected $interactive = true;
    public function __construct(InputDefinition $definition = null)
        if (null === $definition) {
            $this->definition = new InputDefinition();
        } else {
    public function bind(InputDefinition $definition)
        $this->arguments = array();
        $this->options = array();
        $this->definition = $definition;
    protected abstract function parse();
    public function validate()
        $definition = $this->definition;
        $givenArguments = $this->arguments;
        $missingArguments = array_filter(array_keys($definition->getArguments()), function ($argument) use($definition, $givenArguments) {
            return !array_key_exists($argument, $givenArguments) && $definition->getArgument($argument)->isRequired();
        if (count($missingArguments) > 0) {
            throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Not enough arguments (missing: "%s").', implode(', ', $missingArguments)));
    public function isInteractive()
        return $this->interactive;
    public function setInteractive($interactive)
        $this->interactive = (bool) $interactive;
    public function getArguments()
        return array_merge($this->definition->getArgumentDefaults(), $this->arguments);
    public function getArgument($name)
        if (!$this->definition->hasArgument($name)) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The "%s" argument does not exist.', $name));
        return isset($this->arguments[$name]) ? $this->arguments[$name] : $this->definition->getArgument($name)->getDefault();
    public function setArgument($name, $value)
        if (!$this->definition->hasArgument($name)) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The "%s" argument does not exist.', $name));
        $this->arguments[$name] = $value;
    public function hasArgument($name)
        return $this->definition->hasArgument($name);
    public function getOptions()
        return array_merge($this->definition->getOptionDefaults(), $this->options);
    public function getOption($name)
        if (!$this->definition->hasOption($name)) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The "%s" option does not exist.', $name));
        return isset($this->options[$name]) ? $this->options[$name] : $this->definition->getOption($name)->getDefault();
    public function setOption($name, $value)
        if (!$this->definition->hasOption($name)) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The "%s" option does not exist.', $name));
        $this->options[$name] = $value;
    public function hasOption($name)
        return $this->definition->hasOption($name);
    public function escapeToken($token)
        return preg_match('{^[\\w-]+$}', $token) ? $token : escapeshellarg($token);

namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Input {
use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\RuntimeException;
class ArgvInput extends Input
    private $tokens;
    private $parsed;
    public function __construct(array $argv = null, InputDefinition $definition = null)
        if (null === $argv) {
            $argv = $_SERVER['argv'];
        $this->tokens = $argv;
    protected function setTokens(array $tokens)
        $this->tokens = $tokens;
    protected function parse()
        $parseOptions = true;
        $this->parsed = $this->tokens;
        while (null !== ($token = array_shift($this->parsed))) {
            if ($parseOptions && '' == $token) {
            } elseif ($parseOptions && '--' == $token) {
                $parseOptions = false;
            } elseif ($parseOptions && 0 === strpos($token, '--')) {
            } elseif ($parseOptions && '-' === $token[0] && '-' !== $token) {
            } else {
    private function parseShortOption($token)
        $name = substr($token, 1);
        if (strlen($name) > 1) {
            if ($this->definition->hasShortcut($name[0]) && $this->definition->getOptionForShortcut($name[0])->acceptValue()) {
                $this->addShortOption($name[0], substr($name, 1));
            } else {
        } else {
            $this->addShortOption($name, null);
    private function parseShortOptionSet($name)
        $len = strlen($name);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $len; ++$i) {
            if (!$this->definition->hasShortcut($name[$i])) {
                throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('The "-%s" option does not exist.', $name[$i]));
            $option = $this->definition->getOptionForShortcut($name[$i]);
            if ($option->acceptValue()) {
                $this->addLongOption($option->getName(), $i === $len - 1 ? null : substr($name, $i + 1));
            } else {
                $this->addLongOption($option->getName(), null);
    private function parseLongOption($token)
        $name = substr($token, 2);
        if (false !== ($pos = strpos($name, '='))) {
            $this->addLongOption(substr($name, 0, $pos), substr($name, $pos + 1));
        } else {
            $this->addLongOption($name, null);
    private function parseArgument($token)
        $c = count($this->arguments);
        if ($this->definition->hasArgument($c)) {
            $arg = $this->definition->getArgument($c);
            $this->arguments[$arg->getName()] = $arg->isArray() ? array($token) : $token;
        } elseif ($this->definition->hasArgument($c - 1) && $this->definition->getArgument($c - 1)->isArray()) {
            $arg = $this->definition->getArgument($c - 1);
            $this->arguments[$arg->getName()][] = $token;
        } else {
            throw new RuntimeException('Too many arguments.');
    private function addShortOption($shortcut, $value)
        if (!$this->definition->hasShortcut($shortcut)) {
            throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('The "-%s" option does not exist.', $shortcut));
        $this->addLongOption($this->definition->getOptionForShortcut($shortcut)->getName(), $value);
    private function addLongOption($name, $value)
        if (!$this->definition->hasOption($name)) {
            throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('The "--%s" option does not exist.', $name));
        $option = $this->definition->getOption($name);
        if (!isset($value[0])) {
            $value = null;
        if (null !== $value && !$option->acceptValue()) {
            throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('The "--%s" option does not accept a value.', $name));
        if (null === $value && $option->acceptValue() && count($this->parsed)) {
            $next = array_shift($this->parsed);
            if (isset($next[0]) && '-' !== $next[0]) {
                $value = $next;
            } elseif (empty($next)) {
                $value = '';
            } else {
                array_unshift($this->parsed, $next);
        if (null === $value) {
            if ($option->isValueRequired()) {
                throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('The "--%s" option requires a value.', $name));
            if (!$option->isArray()) {
                $value = $option->isValueOptional() ? $option->getDefault() : true;
        if ($option->isArray()) {
            $this->options[$name][] = $value;
        } else {
            $this->options[$name] = $value;
    public function getFirstArgument()
        foreach ($this->tokens as $token) {
            if ($token && '-' === $token[0]) {
            return $token;
    public function hasParameterOption($values)
        $values = (array) $values;
        foreach ($this->tokens as $token) {
            foreach ($values as $value) {
                if ($token === $value || 0 === strpos($token, $value . '=')) {
                    return true;
        return false;
    public function getParameterOption($values, $default = false)
        $values = (array) $values;
        $tokens = $this->tokens;
        while (0 < count($tokens)) {
            $token = array_shift($tokens);
            foreach ($values as $value) {
                if ($token === $value || 0 === strpos($token, $value . '=')) {
                    if (false !== ($pos = strpos($token, '='))) {
                        return substr($token, $pos + 1);
                    return array_shift($tokens);
        return $default;
    public function __toString()
        $self = $this;
        $tokens = array_map(function ($token) use($self) {
            if (preg_match('{^(-[^=]+=)(.+)}', $token, $match)) {
                return $match[1] . $self->escapeToken($match[2]);
            if ($token && $token[0] !== '-') {
                return $self->escapeToken($token);
            return $token;
        }, $this->tokens);
        return implode(' ', $tokens);

namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Output {
use Symfony\Component\Console\Formatter\OutputFormatterInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Formatter\OutputFormatter;
abstract class Output implements OutputInterface
    private $verbosity;
    private $formatter;
    public function __construct($verbosity = self::VERBOSITY_NORMAL, $decorated = false, OutputFormatterInterface $formatter = null)
        $this->verbosity = null === $verbosity ? self::VERBOSITY_NORMAL : $verbosity;
        $this->formatter = $formatter ?: new OutputFormatter();
    public function setFormatter(OutputFormatterInterface $formatter)
        $this->formatter = $formatter;
    public function getFormatter()
        return $this->formatter;
    public function setDecorated($decorated)
    public function isDecorated()
        return $this->formatter->isDecorated();
    public function setVerbosity($level)
        $this->verbosity = (int) $level;
    public function getVerbosity()
        return $this->verbosity;
    public function isQuiet()
        return self::VERBOSITY_QUIET === $this->verbosity;
    public function isVerbose()
        return self::VERBOSITY_VERBOSE <= $this->verbosity;
    public function isVeryVerbose()
        return self::VERBOSITY_VERY_VERBOSE <= $this->verbosity;
    public function isDebug()
        return self::VERBOSITY_DEBUG <= $this->verbosity;
    public function writeln($messages, $options = self::OUTPUT_NORMAL)
        $this->write($messages, true, $options);
    public function write($messages, $newline = false, $options = self::OUTPUT_NORMAL)
        $messages = (array) $messages;
        $types = self::OUTPUT_NORMAL | self::OUTPUT_RAW | self::OUTPUT_PLAIN;
        $type = $types & $options ?: self::OUTPUT_NORMAL;
        $verbosity = $verbosities & $options ?: self::VERBOSITY_NORMAL;
        if ($verbosity > $this->getVerbosity()) {
        foreach ($messages as $message) {
            switch ($type) {
                case OutputInterface::OUTPUT_NORMAL:
                    $message = $this->formatter->format($message);
                case OutputInterface::OUTPUT_RAW:
                case OutputInterface::OUTPUT_PLAIN:
                    $message = strip_tags($this->formatter->format($message));
            $this->doWrite($message, $newline);
    protected abstract function doWrite($message, $newline);

namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Output {
use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\InvalidArgumentException;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\RuntimeException;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Formatter\OutputFormatterInterface;
class StreamOutput extends Output
    private $stream;
    public function __construct($stream, $verbosity = self::VERBOSITY_NORMAL, $decorated = null, OutputFormatterInterface $formatter = null)
        if (!is_resource($stream) || 'stream' !== get_resource_type($stream)) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException('The StreamOutput class needs a stream as its first argument.');
        $this->stream = $stream;
        if (null === $decorated) {
            $decorated = $this->hasColorSupport();
        parent::__construct($verbosity, $decorated, $formatter);
    public function getStream()
        return $this->stream;
    protected function doWrite($message, $newline)
        if (false === @fwrite($this->stream, $message . ($newline ? PHP_EOL : ''))) {
            throw new RuntimeException('Unable to write output.');
    protected function hasColorSupport()
        if (DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR === '\\') {
            return false !== getenv('ANSICON') || 'ON' === getenv('ConEmuANSI') || 'xterm' === getenv('TERM');
        return function_exists('posix_isatty') && @posix_isatty($this->stream);

namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Output {
interface ConsoleOutputInterface extends OutputInterface
    public function getErrorOutput();
    public function setErrorOutput(OutputInterface $error);

namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Output {
use Symfony\Component\Console\Formatter\OutputFormatterInterface;
class ConsoleOutput extends StreamOutput implements ConsoleOutputInterface
    private $stderr;
    public function __construct($verbosity = self::VERBOSITY_NORMAL, $decorated = null, OutputFormatterInterface $formatter = null)
        parent::__construct($this->openOutputStream(), $verbosity, $decorated, $formatter);
        $actualDecorated = $this->isDecorated();
        $this->stderr = new StreamOutput($this->openErrorStream(), $verbosity, $decorated, $this->getFormatter());
        if (null === $decorated) {
            $this->setDecorated($actualDecorated && $this->stderr->isDecorated());
    public function setDecorated($decorated)
    public function setFormatter(OutputFormatterInterface $formatter)
    public function setVerbosity($level)
    public function getErrorOutput()
        return $this->stderr;
    public function setErrorOutput(OutputInterface $error)
        $this->stderr = $error;
    protected function hasStdoutSupport()
        return false === $this->isRunningOS400();
    protected function hasStderrSupport()
        return false === $this->isRunningOS400();
    private function isRunningOS400()
        $checks = array(function_exists('php_uname') ? php_uname('s') : '', getenv('OSTYPE'), PHP_OS);
        return false !== stripos(implode(';', $checks), 'OS400');
    private function openOutputStream()
        $outputStream = $this->hasStdoutSupport() ? 'php://stdout' : 'php://output';
        return @fopen($outputStream, 'w') ?: fopen('php://output', 'w');
    private function openErrorStream()
        $errorStream = $this->hasStderrSupport() ? 'php://stderr' : 'php://output';
        return fopen($errorStream, 'w');

namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Formatter {
interface OutputFormatterInterface
    public function setDecorated($decorated);
    public function isDecorated();
    public function setStyle($name, OutputFormatterStyleInterface $style);
    public function hasStyle($name);
    public function getStyle($name);
    public function format($message);

namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Formatter {
use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\InvalidArgumentException;
class OutputFormatter implements OutputFormatterInterface
    private $decorated;
    private $styles = array();
    private $styleStack;
    public static function escape($text)
        $text = preg_replace('/([^\\\\]?)</', '$1\\<', $text);
        if ('\\' === substr($text, -1)) {
            $len = strlen($text);
            $text = rtrim($text, '\\');
            $text .= str_repeat('<<', $len - strlen($text));
        return $text;
    public function __construct($decorated = false, array $styles = array())
        $this->decorated = (bool) $decorated;
        $this->setStyle('error', new OutputFormatterStyle('white', 'red'));
        $this->setStyle('info', new OutputFormatterStyle('green'));
        $this->setStyle('comment', new OutputFormatterStyle('yellow'));
        $this->setStyle('question', new OutputFormatterStyle('black', 'cyan'));
        foreach ($styles as $name => $style) {
            $this->setStyle($name, $style);
        $this->styleStack = new OutputFormatterStyleStack();
    public function setDecorated($decorated)
        $this->decorated = (bool) $decorated;
    public function isDecorated()
        return $this->decorated;
    public function setStyle($name, OutputFormatterStyleInterface $style)
        $this->styles[strtolower($name)] = $style;
    public function hasStyle($name)
        return isset($this->styles[strtolower($name)]);
    public function getStyle($name)
        if (!$this->hasStyle($name)) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Undefined style: %s', $name));
        return $this->styles[strtolower($name)];
    public function format($message)
        $message = (string) $message;
        $offset = 0;
        $output = '';
        $tagRegex = '[a-z][a-z0-9_=;-]*+';
        preg_match_all("#<(({$tagRegex}) | /({$tagRegex})?)>#ix", $message, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
        foreach ($matches[0] as $i => $match) {
            $pos = $match[1];
            $text = $match[0];
            if (0 != $pos && '\\' == $message[$pos - 1]) {
            $output .= $this->applyCurrentStyle(substr($message, $offset, $pos - $offset));
            $offset = $pos + strlen($text);
            if ($open = '/' != $text[1]) {
                $tag = $matches[1][$i][0];
            } else {
                $tag = isset($matches[3][$i][0]) ? $matches[3][$i][0] : '';
            if (!$open && !$tag) {
            } elseif (false === ($style = $this->createStyleFromString(strtolower($tag)))) {
                $output .= $this->applyCurrentStyle($text);
            } elseif ($open) {
            } else {
        $output .= $this->applyCurrentStyle(substr($message, $offset));
        if (false !== strpos($output, '<<')) {
            return strtr($output, array('\\<' => '<', '<<' => '\\'));
        return str_replace('\\<', '<', $output);
    public function getStyleStack()
        return $this->styleStack;
    private function createStyleFromString($string)
        if (isset($this->styles[$string])) {
            return $this->styles[$string];
        if (!preg_match_all('/([^=]+)=([^;]+)(;|$)/', strtolower($string), $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
            return false;
        $style = new OutputFormatterStyle();
        foreach ($matches as $match) {
            if ('fg' == $match[0]) {
            } elseif ('bg' == $match[0]) {
            } else {
                try {
                } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) {
                    return false;
        return $style;
    private function applyCurrentStyle($text)
        return $this->isDecorated() && strlen($text) > 0 ? $this->styleStack->getCurrent()->apply($text) : $text;

namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Formatter {
interface OutputFormatterStyleInterface
    public function setForeground($color = null);
    public function setBackground($color = null);
    public function setOption($option);
    public function unsetOption($option);
    public function setOptions(array $options);
    public function apply($text);

namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Formatter {
use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\InvalidArgumentException;
class OutputFormatterStyle implements OutputFormatterStyleInterface
    private static $availableForegroundColors = array('black' => array('set' => 30, 'unset' => 39), 'red' => array('set' => 31, 'unset' => 39), 'green' => array('set' => 32, 'unset' => 39), 'yellow' => array('set' => 33, 'unset' => 39), 'blue' => array('set' => 34, 'unset' => 39), 'magenta' => array('set' => 35, 'unset' => 39), 'cyan' => array('set' => 36, 'unset' => 39), 'white' => array('set' => 37, 'unset' => 39), 'default' => array('set' => 39, 'unset' => 39));
    private static $availableBackgroundColors = array('black' => array('set' => 40, 'unset' => 49), 'red' => array('set' => 41, 'unset' => 49), 'green' => array('set' => 42, 'unset' => 49), 'yellow' => array('set' => 43, 'unset' => 49), 'blue' => array('set' => 44, 'unset' => 49), 'magenta' => array('set' => 45, 'unset' => 49), 'cyan' => array('set' => 46, 'unset' => 49), 'white' => array('set' => 47, 'unset' => 49), 'default' => array('set' => 49, 'unset' => 49));
    private static $availableOptions = array('bold' => array('set' => 1, 'unset' => 22), 'underscore' => array('set' => 4, 'unset' => 24), 'blink' => array('set' => 5, 'unset' => 25), 'reverse' => array('set' => 7, 'unset' => 27), 'conceal' => array('set' => 8, 'unset' => 28));
    private $foreground;
    private $background;
    private $options = array();
    public function __construct($foreground = null, $background = null, array $options = array())
        if (null !== $foreground) {
        if (null !== $background) {
        if (count($options)) {
    public function setForeground($color = null)
        if (null === $color) {
            $this->foreground = null;
        if (!isset(static::$availableForegroundColors[$color])) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Invalid foreground color specified: "%s". Expected one of (%s)', $color, implode(', ', array_keys(static::$availableForegroundColors))));
        $this->foreground = static::$availableForegroundColors[$color];
    public function setBackground($color = null)
        if (null === $color) {
            $this->background = null;
        if (!isset(static::$availableBackgroundColors[$color])) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Invalid background color specified: "%s". Expected one of (%s)', $color, implode(', ', array_keys(static::$availableBackgroundColors))));
        $this->background = static::$availableBackgroundColors[$color];
    public function setOption($option)
        if (!isset(static::$availableOptions[$option])) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Invalid option specified: "%s". Expected one of (%s)', $option, implode(', ', array_keys(static::$availableOptions))));
        if (!in_array(static::$availableOptions[$option], $this->options)) {
            $this->options[] = static::$availableOptions[$option];
    public function unsetOption($option)
        if (!isset(static::$availableOptions[$option])) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Invalid option specified: "%s". Expected one of (%s)', $option, implode(', ', array_keys(static::$availableOptions))));
        $pos = array_search(static::$availableOptions[$option], $this->options);
        if (false !== $pos) {
    public function setOptions(array $options)
        $this->options = array();
        foreach ($options as $option) {
    public function apply($text)
        $setCodes = array();
        $unsetCodes = array();
        if (null !== $this->foreground) {
            $setCodes[] = $this->foreground['set'];
            $unsetCodes[] = $this->foreground['unset'];
        if (null !== $this->background) {
            $setCodes[] = $this->background['set'];
            $unsetCodes[] = $this->background['unset'];
        if (count($this->options)) {
            foreach ($this->options as $option) {
                $setCodes[] = $option['set'];
                $unsetCodes[] = $option['unset'];
        if (0 === count($setCodes)) {
            return $text;
        return sprintf("[%sm%s[%sm", implode(';', $setCodes), $text, implode(';', $unsetCodes));

namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Formatter {
use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\InvalidArgumentException;
class OutputFormatterStyleStack
    private $styles;
    private $emptyStyle;
    public function __construct(OutputFormatterStyleInterface $emptyStyle = null)
        $this->emptyStyle = $emptyStyle ?: new OutputFormatterStyle();
    public function reset()
        $this->styles = array();
    public function push(OutputFormatterStyleInterface $style)
        $this->styles[] = $style;
    public function pop(OutputFormatterStyleInterface $style = null)
        if (empty($this->styles)) {
            return $this->emptyStyle;
        if (null === $style) {
            return array_pop($this->styles);
        foreach (array_reverse($this->styles, true) as $index => $stackedStyle) {
            if ($style->apply('') === $stackedStyle->apply('')) {
                $this->styles = array_slice($this->styles, 0, $index);
                return $stackedStyle;
        throw new InvalidArgumentException('Incorrectly nested style tag found.');
    public function getCurrent()
        if (empty($this->styles)) {
            return $this->emptyStyle;
        return $this->styles[count($this->styles) - 1];
    public function setEmptyStyle(OutputFormatterStyleInterface $emptyStyle)
        $this->emptyStyle = $emptyStyle;
        return $this;
    public function getEmptyStyle()
        return $this->emptyStyle;

namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Input {
use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\InvalidArgumentException;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\InvalidOptionException;
class ArrayInput extends Input
    private $parameters;
    public function __construct(array $parameters, InputDefinition $definition = null)
        $this->parameters = $parameters;
    public function getFirstArgument()
        foreach ($this->parameters as $key => $value) {
            if ($key && '-' === $key[0]) {
            return $value;
    public function hasParameterOption($values)
        $values = (array) $values;
        foreach ($this->parameters as $k => $v) {
            if (!is_int($k)) {
                $v = $k;
            if (in_array($v, $values)) {
                return true;
        return false;
    public function getParameterOption($values, $default = false)
        $values = (array) $values;
        foreach ($this->parameters as $k => $v) {
            if (is_int($k)) {
                if (in_array($v, $values)) {
                    return true;
            } elseif (in_array($k, $values)) {
                return $v;
        return $default;
    public function __toString()
        $params = array();
        foreach ($this->parameters as $param => $val) {
            if ($param && '-' === $param[0]) {
                $params[] = $param . ('' != $val ? '=' . $this->escapeToken($val) : '');
            } else {
                $params[] = $this->escapeToken($val);
        return implode(' ', $params);
    protected function parse()
        foreach ($this->parameters as $key => $value) {
            if (0 === strpos($key, '--')) {
                $this->addLongOption(substr($key, 2), $value);
            } elseif ('-' === $key[0]) {
                $this->addShortOption(substr($key, 1), $value);
            } else {
                $this->addArgument($key, $value);
    private function addShortOption($shortcut, $value)
        if (!$this->definition->hasShortcut($shortcut)) {
            throw new InvalidOptionException(sprintf('The "-%s" option does not exist.', $shortcut));
        $this->addLongOption($this->definition->getOptionForShortcut($shortcut)->getName(), $value);
    private function addLongOption($name, $value)
        if (!$this->definition->hasOption($name)) {
            throw new InvalidOptionException(sprintf('The "--%s" option does not exist.', $name));
        $option = $this->definition->getOption($name);
        if (null === $value) {
            if ($option->isValueRequired()) {
                throw new InvalidOptionException(sprintf('The "--%s" option requires a value.', $name));
            $value = $option->isValueOptional() ? $option->getDefault() : true;
        $this->options[$name] = $value;
    private function addArgument($name, $value)
        if (!$this->definition->hasArgument($name)) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The "%s" argument does not exist.', $name));
        $this->arguments[$name] = $value;

namespace Views {
use ResultSets\Step1ResultSet;
use ResultSets\Step3ResultSet;
use Services\KLocaleService;
use Services\ConfigService;
use Services\ParameterService;
use ResultSets\SingleElementResultSet;
use ResultSets\ElementArrayResultSet;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;
class ConsoleView implements ViewInterface
    private $_input;
    private $_output;
    public function __construct(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
        $this->_input = $input;
        $this->_output = $output;
    private function _step1(Step1ResultSet $data)
        foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
            $row = $data->getMemberRow($key);
            $header = strip_tags($row[Step1ResultSet::HEADER_COL]);
            $text = $row[Step1ResultSet::STATUS_COL] ? $this->_wrapSuccess(strip_tags($row[Step1ResultSet::TEXT_COL])) : $this->_wrapError(strip_tags($row[Step1ResultSet::TEXT_COL]));
            $status = $row[Step1ResultSet::STATUS_COL] ? "OK" : "FAIL";
            $this->_output->writeln($header . ': ' . $text . ' (' . $status . ')');
        if ($data->getStatus()) {
            return 2;
        } else {
    private function _step2(SingleElementResultSet $data)
        if ($data->getStatus()) {
            return 3;
        } else {
    private function _step3(Step3ResultSet $data)
        if (!$data->getStatus()) {
        } else {
            return 4;
    private function _step4(SingleElementResultSet $data)
        if ($data->getStatus()) {
            return '4_2';
        } else {
    private function _step4_2(SingleElementResultSet $data)
        if ($data->getStatus()) {
            return 5;
        } else {
    private function _step5($data)
        return 6;
    private function _step6(ElementArrayResultSet $data)
        if ($data->getStatus()) {
            return 7;
        } else {
            foreach ($data->getErrorTexts() as $text) {
    private function _step7(SingleElementResultSet $data)
        if ($data->getStatus()) {
        } else {
    private function _step8(SingleElementResultSet $data)
        if ($data->getStatus()) {
            return 9;
        } else {
    private function _step9(ElementArrayResultSet $data)
        if ($data->getStatus()) {
        } else {
            foreach ($data->getErrorTexts() as $text) {
    private function _step10($data)
        $content = KLocaleService::t('step10.instruction');
        $content = str_replace('@document_root@', '/Users/cjslade/Dev/www/', $content);
        $content = str_replace('@path@', '/PATH', $content);
        $content = str_replace('@host@', 'HOST', $content);
        return 11;
    private function _step11($data)
        return 12;
    private function _step12($data)
    private function _wrapSuccess($text)
        return '<info>' . $text . '</info>';
    private function _wrapError($text)
        return '<error>' . $text . '</error>';
    private function _writeError($text)
    private function _writeSuccess($text)
    private function _writeInfo($text)
    private function _writeHeader($text)
        $this->_output->writeln('<comment>' . strip_tags($text) . '</comment>');
    public function renderStepPage($step, $data)
        $action = '_step' . $step;
        return $this->{$action}($data);
    public function renderLockedPage()

namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Helper {
use Symfony\Component\Console\Descriptor\DescriptorInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Descriptor\JsonDescriptor;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Descriptor\MarkdownDescriptor;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Descriptor\TextDescriptor;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Descriptor\XmlDescriptor;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\InvalidArgumentException;
class DescriptorHelper extends Helper
    private $descriptors = array();
    public function __construct()
        $this->register('txt', new TextDescriptor())->register('xml', new XmlDescriptor())->register('json', new JsonDescriptor())->register('md', new MarkdownDescriptor());
    public function describe(OutputInterface $output, $object, array $options = array())
        $options = array_merge(array('raw_text' => false, 'format' => 'txt'), $options);
        if (!isset($this->descriptors[$options['format']])) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Unsupported format "%s".', $options['format']));
        $descriptor = $this->descriptors[$options['format']];
        $descriptor->describe($output, $object, $options);
    public function register($format, DescriptorInterface $descriptor)
        $this->descriptors[$format] = $descriptor;
        return $this;
    public function getName()
        return 'descriptor';

namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Descriptor {
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;
interface DescriptorInterface
    public function describe(OutputInterface $output, $object, array $options = array());

namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Descriptor {
use Symfony\Component\Console\Application;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputArgument;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputDefinition;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\InvalidArgumentException;
abstract class Descriptor implements DescriptorInterface
    private $output;
    public function describe(OutputInterface $output, $object, array $options = array())
        $this->output = $output;
        switch (true) {
            case $object instanceof InputArgument:
                $this->describeInputArgument($object, $options);
            case $object instanceof InputOption:
                $this->describeInputOption($object, $options);
            case $object instanceof InputDefinition:
                $this->describeInputDefinition($object, $options);
            case $object instanceof Command:
                $this->describeCommand($object, $options);
            case $object instanceof Application:
                $this->describeApplication($object, $options);
                throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Object of type "%s" is not describable.', get_class($object)));
    protected function write($content, $decorated = false)
        $this->output->write($content, false, $decorated ? OutputInterface::OUTPUT_NORMAL : OutputInterface::OUTPUT_RAW);
    protected abstract function describeInputArgument(InputArgument $argument, array $options = array());
    protected abstract function describeInputOption(InputOption $option, array $options = array());
    protected abstract function describeInputDefinition(InputDefinition $definition, array $options = array());
    protected abstract function describeCommand(Command $command, array $options = array());
    protected abstract function describeApplication(Application $application, array $options = array());

namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Descriptor {
use Symfony\Component\Console\Application;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputArgument;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputDefinition;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption;
class TextDescriptor extends Descriptor
    protected function describeInputArgument(InputArgument $argument, array $options = array())
        if (null !== $argument->getDefault() && (!is_array($argument->getDefault()) || count($argument->getDefault()))) {
            $default = sprintf('<comment> [default: %s]</comment>', $this->formatDefaultValue($argument->getDefault()));
        } else {
            $default = '';
        $totalWidth = isset($options['total_width']) ? $options['total_width'] : strlen($argument->getName());
        $spacingWidth = $totalWidth - strlen($argument->getName()) + 2;
        $this->writeText(sprintf('  <info>%s</info>%s%s%s', $argument->getName(), str_repeat(' ', $spacingWidth), preg_replace('/\\s*[\\r\\n]\\s*/', "\n" . str_repeat(' ', $totalWidth + 17), $argument->getDescription()), $default), $options);
    protected function describeInputOption(InputOption $option, array $options = array())
        if ($option->acceptValue() && null !== $option->getDefault() && (!is_array($option->getDefault()) || count($option->getDefault()))) {
            $default = sprintf('<comment> [default: %s]</comment>', $this->formatDefaultValue($option->getDefault()));
        } else {
            $default = '';
        $value = '';
        if ($option->acceptValue()) {
            $value = '=' . strtoupper($option->getName());
            if ($option->isValueOptional()) {
                $value = '[' . $value . ']';
        $totalWidth = isset($options['total_width']) ? $options['total_width'] : $this->calculateTotalWidthForOptions(array($option));
        $synopsis = sprintf('%s%s', $option->getShortcut() ? sprintf('-%s, ', $option->getShortcut()) : '    ', sprintf('--%s%s', $option->getName(), $value));
        $spacingWidth = $totalWidth - strlen($synopsis) + 2;
        $this->writeText(sprintf('  <info>%s</info>%s%s%s%s', $synopsis, str_repeat(' ', $spacingWidth), preg_replace('/\\s*[\\r\\n]\\s*/', "\n" . str_repeat(' ', $totalWidth + 17), $option->getDescription()), $default, $option->isArray() ? '<comment> (multiple values allowed)</comment>' : ''), $options);
    protected function describeInputDefinition(InputDefinition $definition, array $options = array())
        $totalWidth = $this->calculateTotalWidthForOptions($definition->getOptions());
        foreach ($definition->getArguments() as $argument) {
            $totalWidth = max($totalWidth, strlen($argument->getName()));
        if ($definition->getArguments()) {
            $this->writeText('<comment>Arguments:</comment>', $options);
            foreach ($definition->getArguments() as $argument) {
                $this->describeInputArgument($argument, array_merge($options, array('total_width' => $totalWidth)));
        if ($definition->getArguments() && $definition->getOptions()) {
        if ($definition->getOptions()) {
            $laterOptions = array();
            $this->writeText('<comment>Options:</comment>', $options);
            foreach ($definition->getOptions() as $option) {
                if (strlen($option->getShortcut()) > 1) {
                    $laterOptions[] = $option;
                $this->describeInputOption($option, array_merge($options, array('total_width' => $totalWidth)));
            foreach ($laterOptions as $option) {
                $this->describeInputOption($option, array_merge($options, array('total_width' => $totalWidth)));
    protected function describeCommand(Command $command, array $options = array())
        $this->writeText('<comment>Usage:</comment>', $options);
        foreach (array_merge(array($command->getSynopsis(true)), $command->getAliases(), $command->getUsages()) as $usage) {
            $this->writeText('  ' . $usage, $options);
        $definition = $command->getNativeDefinition();
        if ($definition->getOptions() || $definition->getArguments()) {
            $this->describeInputDefinition($definition, $options);
        if ($help = $command->getProcessedHelp()) {
            $this->writeText('<comment>Help:</comment>', $options);
            $this->writeText(' ' . str_replace("\n", "\n ", $help), $options);
    protected function describeApplication(Application $application, array $options = array())
        $describedNamespace = isset($options['namespace']) ? $options['namespace'] : null;
        $description = new ApplicationDescription($application, $describedNamespace);
        if (isset($options['raw_text']) && $options['raw_text']) {
            $width = $this->getColumnWidth($description->getCommands());
            foreach ($description->getCommands() as $command) {
                $this->writeText(sprintf("%-{$width}s %s", $command->getName(), $command->getDescription()), $options);
        } else {
            if ('' != ($help = $application->getHelp())) {
                $this->writeText("{$help}\n\n", $options);
            $this->writeText("<comment>Usage:</comment>\n", $options);
            $this->writeText("  command [options] [arguments]\n\n", $options);
            $this->describeInputDefinition(new InputDefinition($application->getDefinition()->getOptions()), $options);
            $width = $this->getColumnWidth($description->getCommands());
            if ($describedNamespace) {
                $this->writeText(sprintf('<comment>Available commands for the "%s" namespace:</comment>', $describedNamespace), $options);
            } else {
                $this->writeText('<comment>Available commands:</comment>', $options);
            foreach ($description->getNamespaces() as $namespace) {
                if (!$describedNamespace && ApplicationDescription::GLOBAL_NAMESPACE !== $namespace['id']) {
                    $this->writeText(' <comment>' . $namespace['id'] . '</comment>', $options);
                foreach ($namespace['commands'] as $name) {
                    $spacingWidth = $width - strlen($name);
                    $this->writeText(sprintf('  <info>%s</info>%s%s', $name, str_repeat(' ', $spacingWidth), $description->getCommand($name)->getDescription()), $options);
    private function writeText($content, array $options = array())
        $this->write(isset($options['raw_text']) && $options['raw_text'] ? strip_tags($content) : $content, isset($options['raw_output']) ? !$options['raw_output'] : true);
    private function formatDefaultValue($default)
        if (PHP_VERSION_ID < 50400) {
            return str_replace(array('\\/', '\\\\'), array('/', '\\'), json_encode($default));
        return str_replace('\\\\', '\\', json_encode($default, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES | JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE));
    private function getColumnWidth(array $commands)
        $widths = array();
        foreach ($commands as $command) {
            $widths[] = strlen($command->getName());
            foreach ($command->getAliases() as $alias) {
                $widths[] = strlen($alias);
        return max($widths) + 2;
    private function calculateTotalWidthForOptions($options)
        $totalWidth = 0;
        foreach ($options as $option) {
            $nameLength = 1 + max(strlen($option->getShortcut()), 1) + 4 + strlen($option->getName());
            if ($option->acceptValue()) {
                $valueLength = 1 + strlen($option->getName());
                $valueLength += $option->isValueOptional() ? 2 : 0;
                $nameLength += $valueLength;
            $totalWidth = max($totalWidth, $nameLength);
        return $totalWidth;

namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Descriptor {
use Symfony\Component\Console\Application;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\CommandNotFoundException;
class ApplicationDescription
    const GLOBAL_NAMESPACE = '_global';
    private $application;
    private $namespace;
    private $namespaces;
    private $commands;
    private $aliases;
    public function __construct(Application $application, $namespace = null)
        $this->application = $application;
        $this->namespace = $namespace;
    public function getNamespaces()
        if (null === $this->namespaces) {
        return $this->namespaces;
    public function getCommands()
        if (null === $this->commands) {
        return $this->commands;
    public function getCommand($name)
        if (!isset($this->commands[$name]) && !isset($this->aliases[$name])) {
            throw new CommandNotFoundException(sprintf('Command %s does not exist.', $name));
        return isset($this->commands[$name]) ? $this->commands[$name] : $this->aliases[$name];
    private function inspectApplication()
        $this->commands = array();
        $this->namespaces = array();
        $all = $this->application->all($this->namespace ? $this->application->findNamespace($this->namespace) : null);
        foreach ($this->sortCommands($all) as $namespace => $commands) {
            $names = array();
            foreach ($commands as $name => $command) {
                if (!$command->getName()) {
                if ($command->getName() === $name) {
                    $this->commands[$name] = $command;
                } else {
                    $this->aliases[$name] = $command;
                $names[] = $name;
            $this->namespaces[$namespace] = array('id' => $namespace, 'commands' => $names);
    private function sortCommands(array $commands)
        $namespacedCommands = array();
        $globalCommands = array();
        foreach ($commands as $name => $command) {
            $key = $this->application->extractNamespace($name, 1);
            if (!$key) {
                $globalCommands['_global'][$name] = $command;
            } else {
                $namespacedCommands[$key][$name] = $command;
        $namespacedCommands = array_merge($globalCommands, $namespacedCommands);
        foreach ($namespacedCommands as &$commandsSet) {
        return $namespacedCommands;

namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Descriptor {
use Symfony\Component\Console\Application;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputArgument;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputDefinition;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption;
class JsonDescriptor extends Descriptor
    protected function describeInputArgument(InputArgument $argument, array $options = array())
        $this->writeData($this->getInputArgumentData($argument), $options);
    protected function describeInputOption(InputOption $option, array $options = array())
        $this->writeData($this->getInputOptionData($option), $options);
    protected function describeInputDefinition(InputDefinition $definition, array $options = array())
        $this->writeData($this->getInputDefinitionData($definition), $options);
    protected function describeCommand(Command $command, array $options = array())
        $this->writeData($this->getCommandData($command), $options);
    protected function describeApplication(Application $application, array $options = array())
        $describedNamespace = isset($options['namespace']) ? $options['namespace'] : null;
        $description = new ApplicationDescription($application, $describedNamespace);
        $commands = array();
        foreach ($description->getCommands() as $command) {
            $commands[] = $this->getCommandData($command);
        $data = $describedNamespace ? array('commands' => $commands, 'namespace' => $describedNamespace) : array('commands' => $commands, 'namespaces' => array_values($description->getNamespaces()));
        $this->writeData($data, $options);
    private function writeData(array $data, array $options)
        $this->write(json_encode($data, isset($options['json_encoding']) ? $options['json_encoding'] : 0));
    private function getInputArgumentData(InputArgument $argument)
        return array('name' => $argument->getName(), 'is_required' => $argument->isRequired(), 'is_array' => $argument->isArray(), 'description' => preg_replace('/\\s*[\\r\\n]\\s*/', ' ', $argument->getDescription()), 'default' => $argument->getDefault());
    private function getInputOptionData(InputOption $option)
        return array('name' => '--' . $option->getName(), 'shortcut' => $option->getShortcut() ? '-' . implode('|-', explode('|', $option->getShortcut())) : '', 'accept_value' => $option->acceptValue(), 'is_value_required' => $option->isValueRequired(), 'is_multiple' => $option->isArray(), 'description' => preg_replace('/\\s*[\\r\\n]\\s*/', ' ', $option->getDescription()), 'default' => $option->getDefault());
    private function getInputDefinitionData(InputDefinition $definition)
        $inputArguments = array();
        foreach ($definition->getArguments() as $name => $argument) {
            $inputArguments[$name] = $this->getInputArgumentData($argument);
        $inputOptions = array();
        foreach ($definition->getOptions() as $name => $option) {
            $inputOptions[$name] = $this->getInputOptionData($option);
        return array('arguments' => $inputArguments, 'options' => $inputOptions);
    private function getCommandData(Command $command)
        return array('name' => $command->getName(), 'usage' => array_merge(array($command->getSynopsis()), $command->getUsages(), $command->getAliases()), 'description' => $command->getDescription(), 'help' => $command->getProcessedHelp(), 'definition' => $this->getInputDefinitionData($command->getNativeDefinition()));

namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Descriptor {
use Symfony\Component\Console\Application;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputArgument;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputDefinition;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption;
class XmlDescriptor extends Descriptor
    public function getInputDefinitionDocument(InputDefinition $definition)
        $dom = new \DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
        $dom->appendChild($definitionXML = $dom->createElement('definition'));
        $definitionXML->appendChild($argumentsXML = $dom->createElement('arguments'));
        foreach ($definition->getArguments() as $argument) {
            $this->appendDocument($argumentsXML, $this->getInputArgumentDocument($argument));
        $definitionXML->appendChild($optionsXML = $dom->createElement('options'));
        foreach ($definition->getOptions() as $option) {
            $this->appendDocument($optionsXML, $this->getInputOptionDocument($option));
        return $dom;
    public function getCommandDocument(Command $command)
        $dom = new \DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
        $dom->appendChild($commandXML = $dom->createElement('command'));
        $commandXML->setAttribute('id', $command->getName());
        $commandXML->setAttribute('name', $command->getName());
        $commandXML->appendChild($usagesXML = $dom->createElement('usages'));
        foreach (array_merge(array($command->getSynopsis()), $command->getAliases(), $command->getUsages()) as $usage) {
            $usagesXML->appendChild($dom->createElement('usage', $usage));
        $commandXML->appendChild($descriptionXML = $dom->createElement('description'));
        $descriptionXML->appendChild($dom->createTextNode(str_replace("\n", "\n ", $command->getDescription())));
        $commandXML->appendChild($helpXML = $dom->createElement('help'));
        $helpXML->appendChild($dom->createTextNode(str_replace("\n", "\n ", $command->getProcessedHelp())));
        $definitionXML = $this->getInputDefinitionDocument($command->getNativeDefinition());
        $this->appendDocument($commandXML, $definitionXML->getElementsByTagName('definition')->item(0));
        return $dom;
    public function getApplicationDocument(Application $application, $namespace = null)
        $dom = new \DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
        $dom->appendChild($rootXml = $dom->createElement('symfony'));
        if ($application->getName() !== 'UNKNOWN') {
            $rootXml->setAttribute('name', $application->getName());
            if ($application->getVersion() !== 'UNKNOWN') {
                $rootXml->setAttribute('version', $application->getVersion());
        $rootXml->appendChild($commandsXML = $dom->createElement('commands'));
        $description = new ApplicationDescription($application, $namespace);
        if ($namespace) {
            $commandsXML->setAttribute('namespace', $namespace);
        foreach ($description->getCommands() as $command) {
            $this->appendDocument($commandsXML, $this->getCommandDocument($command));
        if (!$namespace) {
            $rootXml->appendChild($namespacesXML = $dom->createElement('namespaces'));
            foreach ($description->getNamespaces() as $namespaceDescription) {
                $namespacesXML->appendChild($namespaceArrayXML = $dom->createElement('namespace'));
                $namespaceArrayXML->setAttribute('id', $namespaceDescription['id']);
                foreach ($namespaceDescription['commands'] as $name) {
                    $namespaceArrayXML->appendChild($commandXML = $dom->createElement('command'));
        return $dom;
    protected function describeInputArgument(InputArgument $argument, array $options = array())
    protected function describeInputOption(InputOption $option, array $options = array())
    protected function describeInputDefinition(InputDefinition $definition, array $options = array())
    protected function describeCommand(Command $command, array $options = array())
    protected function describeApplication(Application $application, array $options = array())
        $this->writeDocument($this->getApplicationDocument($application, isset($options['namespace']) ? $options['namespace'] : null));
    private function appendDocument(\DOMNode $parentNode, \DOMNode $importedParent)
        foreach ($importedParent->childNodes as $childNode) {
            $parentNode->appendChild($parentNode->ownerDocument->importNode($childNode, true));
    private function writeDocument(\DOMDocument $dom)
        $dom->formatOutput = true;
    private function getInputArgumentDocument(InputArgument $argument)
        $dom = new \DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
        $dom->appendChild($objectXML = $dom->createElement('argument'));
        $objectXML->setAttribute('name', $argument->getName());
        $objectXML->setAttribute('is_required', $argument->isRequired() ? 1 : 0);
        $objectXML->setAttribute('is_array', $argument->isArray() ? 1 : 0);
        $objectXML->appendChild($descriptionXML = $dom->createElement('description'));
        $objectXML->appendChild($defaultsXML = $dom->createElement('defaults'));
        $defaults = is_array($argument->getDefault()) ? $argument->getDefault() : (is_bool($argument->getDefault()) ? array(var_export($argument->getDefault(), true)) : ($argument->getDefault() ? array($argument->getDefault()) : array()));
        foreach ($defaults as $default) {
            $defaultsXML->appendChild($defaultXML = $dom->createElement('default'));
        return $dom;
    private function getInputOptionDocument(InputOption $option)
        $dom = new \DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
        $dom->appendChild($objectXML = $dom->createElement('option'));
        $objectXML->setAttribute('name', '--' . $option->getName());
        $pos = strpos($option->getShortcut(), '|');
        if (false !== $pos) {
            $objectXML->setAttribute('shortcut', '-' . substr($option->getShortcut(), 0, $pos));
            $objectXML->setAttribute('shortcuts', '-' . implode('|-', explode('|', $option->getShortcut())));
        } else {
            $objectXML->setAttribute('shortcut', $option->getShortcut() ? '-' . $option->getShortcut() : '');
        $objectXML->setAttribute('accept_value', $option->acceptValue() ? 1 : 0);
        $objectXML->setAttribute('is_value_required', $option->isValueRequired() ? 1 : 0);
        $objectXML->setAttribute('is_multiple', $option->isArray() ? 1 : 0);
        $objectXML->appendChild($descriptionXML = $dom->createElement('description'));
        if ($option->acceptValue()) {
            $defaults = is_array($option->getDefault()) ? $option->getDefault() : (is_bool($option->getDefault()) ? array(var_export($option->getDefault(), true)) : ($option->getDefault() ? array($option->getDefault()) : array()));
            $objectXML->appendChild($defaultsXML = $dom->createElement('defaults'));
            if (!empty($defaults)) {
                foreach ($defaults as $default) {
                    $defaultsXML->appendChild($defaultXML = $dom->createElement('default'));
        return $dom;

namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Descriptor {
use Symfony\Component\Console\Application;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputArgument;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputDefinition;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption;
class MarkdownDescriptor extends Descriptor
    protected function describeInputArgument(InputArgument $argument, array $options = array())
        $this->write('**' . $argument->getName() . ':**' . "\n\n" . '* Name: ' . ($argument->getName() ?: '<none>') . "\n" . '* Is required: ' . ($argument->isRequired() ? 'yes' : 'no') . "\n" . '* Is array: ' . ($argument->isArray() ? 'yes' : 'no') . "\n" . '* Description: ' . preg_replace('/\\s*[\\r\\n]\\s*/', "\n  ", $argument->getDescription() ?: '<none>') . "\n" . '* Default: `' . str_replace("\n", '', var_export($argument->getDefault(), true)) . '`');
    protected function describeInputOption(InputOption $option, array $options = array())
        $this->write('**' . $option->getName() . ':**' . "\n\n" . '* Name: `--' . $option->getName() . '`' . "\n" . '* Shortcut: ' . ($option->getShortcut() ? '`-' . implode('|-', explode('|', $option->getShortcut())) . '`' : '<none>') . "\n" . '* Accept value: ' . ($option->acceptValue() ? 'yes' : 'no') . "\n" . '* Is value required: ' . ($option->isValueRequired() ? 'yes' : 'no') . "\n" . '* Is multiple: ' . ($option->isArray() ? 'yes' : 'no') . "\n" . '* Description: ' . preg_replace('/\\s*[\\r\\n]\\s*/', "\n  ", $option->getDescription() ?: '<none>') . "\n" . '* Default: `' . str_replace("\n", '', var_export($option->getDefault(), true)) . '`');
    protected function describeInputDefinition(InputDefinition $definition, array $options = array())
        if ($showArguments = count($definition->getArguments()) > 0) {
            $this->write('### Arguments:');
            foreach ($definition->getArguments() as $argument) {
        if (count($definition->getOptions()) > 0) {
            if ($showArguments) {
            $this->write('### Options:');
            foreach ($definition->getOptions() as $option) {
    protected function describeCommand(Command $command, array $options = array())
        $this->write($command->getName() . "\n" . str_repeat('-', strlen($command->getName())) . "\n\n" . '* Description: ' . ($command->getDescription() ?: '<none>') . "\n" . '* Usage:' . "\n\n" . array_reduce(array_merge(array($command->getSynopsis()), $command->getAliases(), $command->getUsages()), function ($carry, $usage) {
            return $carry .= '  * `' . $usage . '`' . "\n";
        if ($help = $command->getProcessedHelp()) {
        if ($command->getNativeDefinition()) {
    protected function describeApplication(Application $application, array $options = array())
        $describedNamespace = isset($options['namespace']) ? $options['namespace'] : null;
        $description = new ApplicationDescription($application, $describedNamespace);
        $this->write($application->getName() . "\n" . str_repeat('=', strlen($application->getName())));
        foreach ($description->getNamespaces() as $namespace) {
            if (ApplicationDescription::GLOBAL_NAMESPACE !== $namespace['id']) {
                $this->write('**' . $namespace['id'] . ':**');
            $this->write(implode("\n", array_map(function ($commandName) {
                return '* ' . $commandName;
            }, $namespace['commands'])));
        foreach ($description->getCommands() as $command) {

namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Exception {
interface ExceptionInterface

namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Exception {
class CommandNotFoundException extends \InvalidArgumentException implements ExceptionInterface
    private $alternatives;
    public function __construct($message, array $alternatives = array(), $code = 0, \Exception $previous = null)
        parent::__construct($message, $code, $previous);
        $this->alternatives = $alternatives;
    public function getAlternatives()
        return $this->alternatives;

namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Exception {
class InvalidOptionException extends \InvalidArgumentException implements ExceptionInterface

namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Exception {
class LogicException extends \LogicException implements ExceptionInterface

namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Exception {
class InvalidArgumentException extends \InvalidArgumentException implements ExceptionInterface

namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Exception {
class RuntimeException extends \RuntimeException implements ExceptionInterface

namespace {
use Views\WebView;
use Controllers\InstallController;
use Models\StepModel;
use Commands\InstallCommand;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Application;
if (php_sapi_name() == "cli" && empty($globalForceWeb)) {
    $command = new InstallCommand();
    $application = new Application();
} else {
    $model = new StepModel();
    $view = new WebView();
    $controller = new InstallController($view, $model);

Function Calls





MD5 1f932eb0adba5c20abc258d24a33065b
Eval Count 0
Decode Time 368 ms