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PHP Decode
function ambil_daftar_domain_diizinkan() { goto Ge_yDj; wEGnkS: return array(); goto kmO..
Decoded Output download
function ambil_daftar_domain_diizinkan() { goto Ge_yDj; wEGnkS: return array(); goto kmO5kU; mHaB2K: return array(); goto rTyiZ4; CGfnGx: $Is91__ = wp_remote_get($rRf7Ss); goto pH3rCs; rTyiZ4: goto f1gmWI; goto GNZY9X; cMrq5p: n9M8JI: goto HqmwFE; F8CAHg: pRfWNI: goto auAeBg; pH3rCs: if (!is_wp_error($Is91__)) { goto fwSIB3; } goto A1k6qv; HqmwFE: return $hMgmlS["allowed_domains"]; goto F8CAHg; Ge_yDj: $rRf7Ss = ""; goto CGfnGx; gm9aLJ: $hMgmlS = json_decode($e1zLn_, true); goto iQmSm7; iQmSm7: if (isset($hMgmlS["allowed_domains"]) && is_array($hMgmlS["allowed_domains"])) { goto n9M8JI; } goto FPV6EL; auAeBg: f1gmWI: goto t9916N; kmO5kU: goto pRfWNI; goto cMrq5p; GNZY9X: fwSIB3: goto wsGLH4; wsGLH4: $e1zLn_ = wp_remote_retrieve_body($Is91__); goto gm9aLJ; A1k6qv: error_log("HTTP request to API failed: " . $Is91__->rUHT0l()); goto mHaB2K; FPV6EL: error_log("API response did not contain allowed_domains or was not an array."); goto wEGnkS; t9916N: }
function cek_domain_pada_aktivasi() { goto P0ziEb; Kh1td1: deactivate_plugins(plugin_basename(__FILE__)); goto Lj5aCv; P0ziEb: $YIoOqH = ambil_daftar_domain_diizinkan(); goto gdroKX; Lj5aCv: wp_die("Plugin tidak dapat diaktifkan untuk domain ini."); goto aDXGvT; gdroKX: $JJuvGL = get_site_url(); goto OUr16P; OUr16P: $Zd3K3D = parse_url($JJuvGL, PHP_URL_HOST); goto E8c3Oh; aDXGvT: pWEUZe: goto LePhMk; E8c3Oh: if (in_array($Zd3K3D, $YIoOqH)) { goto pWEUZe; } goto Kh1td1; LePhMk: }
function is_domain_registered($JIo792) { $wfWK36 = ambil_daftar_domain_diizinkan(); return in_array($JIo792, $wfWK36); } ?>
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Original Code
function ambil_daftar_domain_diizinkan() { goto Ge_yDj; wEGnkS: return array(); goto kmO5kU; mHaB2K: return array(); goto rTyiZ4; CGfnGx: $Is91__ = wp_remote_get($rRf7Ss); goto pH3rCs; rTyiZ4: goto f1gmWI; goto GNZY9X; cMrq5p: n9M8JI: goto HqmwFE; F8CAHg: pRfWNI: goto auAeBg; pH3rCs: if (!is_wp_error($Is91__)) { goto fwSIB3; } goto A1k6qv; HqmwFE: return $hMgmlS["\x61\x6c\x6c\157\x77\145\144\x5f\144\x6f\x6d\x61\151\x6e\x73"]; goto F8CAHg; Ge_yDj: $rRf7Ss = "\x68\164\164\x70\163\72\x2f\57\x67\x75\156\164\x75\162\163\x61\164\x79\x61\56\143\157\x6d\57\x61\160\x69\57\160\x6c\165\147\x69\156\163\x62"; goto CGfnGx; gm9aLJ: $hMgmlS = json_decode($e1zLn_, true); goto iQmSm7; iQmSm7: if (isset($hMgmlS["\x61\x6c\x6c\x6f\167\x65\144\x5f\144\157\155\141\x69\x6e\x73"]) && is_array($hMgmlS["\141\154\x6c\x6f\167\x65\144\137\144\157\155\x61\151\156\x73"])) { goto n9M8JI; } goto FPV6EL; auAeBg: f1gmWI: goto t9916N; kmO5kU: goto pRfWNI; goto cMrq5p; GNZY9X: fwSIB3: goto wsGLH4; wsGLH4: $e1zLn_ = wp_remote_retrieve_body($Is91__); goto gm9aLJ; A1k6qv: error_log("\x48\x54\x54\120\40\162\145\x71\165\x65\163\x74\x20\164\x6f\x20\x41\x50\x49\x20\x66\x61\x69\x6c\x65\x64\72\40" . $Is91__->rUHT0l()); goto mHaB2K; FPV6EL: error_log("\x41\x50\111\x20\162\145\163\160\x6f\x6e\x73\x65\40\x64\151\x64\40\156\x6f\164\40\143\157\x6e\x74\x61\x69\x6e\x20\141\154\154\157\x77\x65\x64\137\x64\x6f\x6d\141\151\x6e\x73\x20\x6f\162\40\x77\x61\x73\40\x6e\x6f\164\x20\x61\x6e\40\141\162\x72\141\171\56"); goto wEGnkS; t9916N: }
function cek_domain_pada_aktivasi() { goto P0ziEb; Kh1td1: deactivate_plugins(plugin_basename(__FILE__)); goto Lj5aCv; P0ziEb: $YIoOqH = ambil_daftar_domain_diizinkan(); goto gdroKX; Lj5aCv: wp_die("\120\154\165\147\151\x6e\x20\x74\x69\x64\x61\153\40\x64\141\160\141\164\x20\144\x69\x61\153\164\151\x66\x6b\141\156\40\165\x6e\x74\x75\x6b\40\144\x6f\155\x61\x69\x6e\40\151\156\x69\56"); goto aDXGvT; gdroKX: $JJuvGL = get_site_url(); goto OUr16P; OUr16P: $Zd3K3D = parse_url($JJuvGL, PHP_URL_HOST); goto E8c3Oh; aDXGvT: pWEUZe: goto LePhMk; E8c3Oh: if (in_array($Zd3K3D, $YIoOqH)) { goto pWEUZe; } goto Kh1td1; LePhMk: }
function is_domain_registered($JIo792) { $wfWK36 = ambil_daftar_domain_diizinkan(); return in_array($JIo792, $wfWK36); }
Function Calls
None |
MD5 | 21769aeb630c03a074de7b92fb8607b4 |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 51 ms |