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<?php namespace BHKFA\JV_Rv\JkcMk; use Closure; use Exception; use bHkFa\jv_rv\s1Ypm; use..
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namespace BHKFA\JV_Rv\JkcMk; use Closure; use Exception; use bHkFa\jv_rv\s1Ypm; use bHKFA\jV_RV\sRzeZ; use bHkfA\jv_RV\YZm32\ILx5T; use bhKFA\JV_rV\HXE5z; use bHKFA\JV_RV\F_yRS; use yO3Wa\R6l2G
buf0; use yo3wA\JkcmK\Assert; use nz3KM\lFdcz\LQtRF\F8F19; use function Nz3km\ZKRXk; class NQWAi { public function VqFqI() : Closure { return function (string|array $kKf7Q, array $oTE9G = []) : static { goto YoVq5; hrEqw: bo1xU: goto amu0j; SdA2l: if (!GTKDL($this->oKo3o())->A0R7H("redirect")) { goto nXhr_; } goto LH0WU; amu0j: $this->vKmNe("mountedActions", $kKf7Q); goto K12dQ; YoVq5: $kKf7Q = $this->kkx1U($kKf7Q); goto UCPBy; rn9sH: return $this; goto hrEqw; EDAKl: return $this; goto C_IKK; BCAhX: dW2RR: goto SdA2l; UCPBy: foreach ($kKf7Q as $x2D7s => $Rmo4_) { $this->call("mountAction", $Rmo4_, $oTE9G[$Rmo4_] ?? ($x2D7s ? [] : $oTE9G)); Ew6zw: } goto BCAhX; LH0WU: return $this; goto v3Ykg; PTap0: $this->QVENW("open-modal"); goto rn9sH; SG5c4: if (count($this->oKo3o()->JpWxM)) { goto bo1xU; } goto PTap0; K12dQ: $this->PdG8U("open-modal", id: "{$this->OkO3O()->getId()}-action"); goto EDAKl; v3Ykg: nXhr_: goto SG5c4; C_IKK: }; } public function JN33m() : Closure { return function () : static { $this->call("unmountAction"); return $this; }; } public function mo0iP() : Closure { return function (array $albJn) : static { goto hO4rp; vTh1t: return $this; goto h21JS; hO4rp: foreach (rBuf0::SeASL($albJn, prepend: "mountedActionsData." . array_key_last($this->oko3o()->IR5Fq) . ".") as $rz9PN => $rAmqq) { $this->set($rz9PN, $rAmqq); aSYJP: } goto UIJNF; UIJNF: KZXat: goto vTh1t; h21JS: }; } public function FRxj4() : Closure { return function (array $albJn) : static { goto yK0AT; nRAk8: return $this; goto JWg13; voi29: PJZjB: goto nRAk8; yK0AT: foreach (rbUF0::seAsL($albJn, prepend: "mountedActionsData." . array_key_last($this->OkO3o()->IR5Fq) . ".") as $rz9PN => $rAmqq) { $this->VKMNE($rz9PN, $rAmqq); o2dEQ: } goto voi29; JWg13: }; } public function qN295() : Closure { return function (string|array $kKf7Q, array $albJn = [], array $oTE9G = []) : static { goto TmTwE; C8Nna: $this->Fgo72($oTE9G); goto Bp00W; Bp00W: return $this; goto hIire; TmTwE: $this->pV6yP($kKf7Q); goto YWBU9; r11ZN: quo3Q: goto Pfttq; YWBU9: $this->VqfQi($kKf7Q, $oTE9G); goto PCJ23; ckA7r: return $this; goto r11ZN; Pfttq: $this->mO0Ip($albJn); goto C8Nna; PCJ23: if ($this->oko3o()->KBNqj()) { goto quo3Q; } goto ckA7r; hIire: }; } public function fgO72() : Closure { return function (array $oTE9G = []) : static { goto NkKXJ; SQaIx: if ($gOjVT) { goto sF44Y; } goto htMrT; j7_PM: sF44Y: goto VOGM0; mKDiH: return $this; goto RBz7C; VOGM0: $this->call("callMountedAction", $oTE9G); goto TkS1A; Asfz5: return $this; goto E7vp6; B0B8b: rATIo: goto mKDiH; cHb3K: if (count($this->oKo3o()->JpWxM)) { goto rATIo; } goto eBzIR; TkS1A: if (!gtkDl($this->OkO3O())->a0r7H("redirect")) { goto PYNNu; } goto Asfz5; htMrT: return $this; goto j7_PM; NkKXJ: $gOjVT = $this->OKO3O()->KBNqJ(); goto SQaIx; E7vp6: PYNNu: goto cHb3K; eBzIR: $this->PDG8U("close-modal", id: "{$this->OKo3O()->getId()}-action"); goto B0B8b; RBz7C: }; } public function V5Z5_() : Closure { return function (string|array $kKf7Q) : static { goto hMcIL; hbMDb: Assert::yqE_m(s1ypM::class, $gOjVT, message: "Failed asserting that an action with name [{$H3CQl}] exists on the [{$TSGc4}] page."); goto QRVkv; IrOn0: $TSGc4 = $this->okO3o()::class; goto gFnPs; gFnPs: $H3CQl = implode(" > ", $kKf7Q); goto hbMDb; hMcIL: $kKf7Q = $this->KKX1u($kKf7Q); goto nCs2U; QRVkv: return $this; goto Cb2Zj; nCs2U: $gOjVT = $this->OKo3O()->Hkfmv($kKf7Q); goto IrOn0; Cb2Zj: }; } public function pRBwa() : Closure { return function (string|array $kKf7Q) : static { goto GF6uj; unwuF: return $this; goto JDuBH; PU3QF: Assert::zWApL($gOjVT, message: "Failed asserting that an action with name [{$H3CQl}] does not exist on the [{$TSGc4}] page."); goto unwuF; GP3d9: $H3CQl = implode(" > ", $kKf7Q); goto PU3QF; Ggdc7: $TSGc4 = $this->okO3o()::class; goto GP3d9; KX8iV: try { $gOjVT = $this->oKO3o()->hKFMv($kKf7Q); } catch (Exception $OZMco) { $gOjVT = null; } goto Ggdc7; GF6uj: $kKf7Q = $this->kKx1U($kKf7Q); goto KX8iV; JDuBH: }; } public function Pv6yp() : Closure { return function (string|array $kKf7Q) : static { goto mWKil; mWKil: $kKf7Q = $this->KKx1U($kKf7Q); goto BklMo; pHsyk: Assert::dkxDS($gOjVT->m22xA(), message: "Failed asserting that an action with name [{$H3CQl}] is visible on the [{$TSGc4}] component."); goto LgQ_i; ov7F7: $H3CQl = implode(" > ", $kKf7Q); goto pHsyk; LgQ_i: return $this; goto Bg0bJ; iGFR2: $TSGc4 = $this->OKo3O()::class; goto ov7F7; BklMo: $this->V5Z5_($kKf7Q); goto Wmym7; Wmym7: $gOjVT = $this->oko3o()->HkFMv($kKf7Q); goto iGFR2; Bg0bJ: }; } public function OrcoR() : Closure { return function (string|array $kKf7Q) : static { goto tY9YF; Ss0vu: return $this; goto RA4Va; MNHnP: $this->v5z5_($kKf7Q); goto XG3vd; THLBT: $H3CQl = implode(" > ", $kKf7Q); goto xNTMb; tY9YF: $kKf7Q = $this->KKx1u($kKf7Q); goto MNHnP; xNTMb: Assert::OV20h($gOjVT->M22xA(), message: "Failed asserting that an action with name [{$H3CQl}] is hidden on the [{$TSGc4}] component."); goto Ss0vu; OYfFr: $TSGc4 = $this->OKO3O()::class; goto THLBT; XG3vd: $gOjVT = $this->okO3o()->hKfmV($kKf7Q); goto OYfFr; RA4Va: }; } public function CD6bt() : Closure { return function (string|array $kKf7Q) : static { goto kh6vg; QZ_Hw: $TSGc4 = $this->oko3O()::class; goto tumUn; m9uJE: $this->v5Z5_($kKf7Q); goto aKif0; fDMsw: return $this; goto lc2Dt; kh6vg: $kKf7Q = $this->kKx1u($kKf7Q); goto m9uJE; tumUn: $H3CQl = implode(" > ", $kKf7Q); goto pyS_P; pyS_P: Assert::oV20h($gOjVT->Ii_YQ(), message: "Failed asserting that an action with name [{$H3CQl}] is enabled on the [{$TSGc4}] component."); goto fDMsw; aKif0: $gOjVT = $this->oKo3O()->hkFMV($kKf7Q); goto QZ_Hw; lc2Dt: }; } public function VFwg1() : Closure { return function (string|array $kKf7Q) : static { goto jew2L; AaLfY: $gOjVT = $this->OKo3o()->hkFmv($kKf7Q); goto EUIzn; J7P19: $H3CQl = implode(" > ", $kKf7Q); goto Ab8hJ; xkp8x: $this->v5z5_($kKf7Q); goto AaLfY; Ab8hJ: Assert::Ov20h($gOjVT->isDisabled(), message: "Failed asserting that an action with name [{$H3CQl}] is disabled on the [{$TSGc4}] component."); goto JM4Gh; JM4Gh: return $this; goto qLHxs; EUIzn: $TSGc4 = $this->Oko3o()::class; goto J7P19; jew2L: $kKf7Q = $this->kKx1U($kKf7Q); goto xkp8x; qLHxs: }; } public function P2EfR() : Closure { return function (string|array $kKf7Q, string $OnXGW, $QfsdC = null) : static { goto IO3AE; hSogz: Assert::ov20H($gOjVT->W9pEI() === $OnXGW, message: "Failed asserting that an action with name [{$H3CQl}] has icon [{$OnXGW}] on the [{$TSGc4}] component."); goto XJ_Qx; xPYKb: $this->v5Z5_($kKf7Q); goto iSmfF; QVHZX: $H3CQl = implode(" > ", $kKf7Q); goto hSogz; XJ_Qx: return $this; goto v0sog; sVwBD: $TSGc4 = $this->Oko3o()::class; goto QVHZX; IO3AE: $kKf7Q = $this->KKX1U($kKf7Q); goto xPYKb; iSmfF: $gOjVT = $this->Oko3o()->hKFmV($kKf7Q); goto sVwBD; v0sog: }; } public function uhx6a() : Closure { return function (string|array $kKf7Q, string $OnXGW, $QfsdC = null) : static { goto y076t; ogLvk: $TSGc4 = $this->OkO3o()::class; goto U1TCV; u6l9E: return $this; goto muLdh; oRwoB: Assert::DKXDs($gOjVT->w9PEI() === $OnXGW, message: "Failed asserting that an action with name [{$H3CQl}] does not have icon [{$OnXGW}] on the [{$TSGc4}] component."); goto u6l9E; Ho3CV: $gOjVT = $this->OKO3O()->hKFmv($kKf7Q); goto ogLvk; lSAaM: $this->v5z5_($kKf7Q); goto Ho3CV; y076t: $kKf7Q = $this->KkX1U($kKf7Q); goto lSAaM; U1TCV: $H3CQl = implode(" > ", $kKf7Q); goto oRwoB; muLdh: }; } public function Iw1o0() : Closure { return function (string|array $kKf7Q, string $NTrbf, $QfsdC = null) : static { goto kQ2F3; S7MAx: $gOjVT = $this->oko3O()->hKFmv($kKf7Q); goto Y1L9W; Mqpw2: return $this; goto T_DrP; kQ2F3: $kKf7Q = $this->Kkx1u($kKf7Q); goto Z6qvl; Z6qvl: $this->v5z5_($kKf7Q); goto S7MAx; botdd: Assert::oV20h($gOjVT->m6VXR() === $NTrbf, message: "Failed asserting that an action with name [{$H3CQl}] has label [{$NTrbf}] on the [{$TSGc4}] component."); goto Mqpw2; Y1L9W: $TSGc4 = $this->okO3O()::class; goto SQtOK; SQtOK: $H3CQl = implode(" > ", $kKf7Q); goto botdd; T_DrP: }; } public function v0aCq() : Closure { return function (string|array $kKf7Q, string $NTrbf, $QfsdC = null) : static { goto scN8J; kBl8x: Assert::DKXds($gOjVT->m6vXr() === $NTrbf, message: "Failed asserting that an action with name [{$H3CQl}] does not have label [{$NTrbf}] on the [{$TSGc4}] component."); goto I4cYz; scN8J: $kKf7Q = $this->kKX1U($kKf7Q); goto DcCd9; I4cYz: return $this; goto Rpkrm; DcCd9: $this->V5z5_($kKf7Q); goto sOVK9; sOVK9: $gOjVT = $this->OKo3O()->HKFMv($kKf7Q); goto EEPnf; ZcB28: $H3CQl = implode(" > ", $kKf7Q); goto kBl8x; EEPnf: $TSGc4 = $this->oKO3O()::class; goto ZcB28; Rpkrm: }; } public function E33pK() : Closure { return function (string|array $kKf7Q, string|array $kO3JW, $QfsdC = null) : static { goto VGOB0; VGOB0: $kKf7Q = $this->kKX1U($kKf7Q); goto e5eZV; tWzTH: return $this; goto qX3hh; r8LXY: Assert::Ov20H($gOjVT->W3cic() === $kO3JW, message: "Failed asserting that an action with name [{$H3CQl}] has color [{$kO3JW}] on the [{$TSGc4}] component."); goto tWzTH; ArTG6: $gOjVT = $this->Oko3O()->hkFmV($kKf7Q); goto lNrXp; e5eZV: $this->V5Z5_($kKf7Q); goto ArTG6; bGM9A: $H3CQl = implode(" > ", $kKf7Q); goto r8LXY; lNrXp: $TSGc4 = $this->OkO3O()::class; goto bGM9A; qX3hh: }; } public function Ve_Dv() : Closure { return function (string|array $kKf7Q, string|array $kO3JW, $QfsdC = null) : static { goto sbJKF; U48eL: $gOjVT = $this->oKO3O()->hkfMV($kKf7Q); goto lqepK; U0FkL: Assert::DkXdS($gOjVT->w3Cic() === $kO3JW, message: "Failed asserting that an action with name [{$H3CQl}] does not have color [{$kO3JW}] on the [{$TSGc4}] component."); goto A0D2a; lqepK: $TSGc4 = $this->oKo3O()::class; goto hkYI_; sbJKF: $kKf7Q = $this->Kkx1U($kKf7Q); goto RZGzx; A0D2a: return $this; goto nQYon; hkYI_: $H3CQl = implode(" > ", $kKf7Q); goto U0FkL; RZGzx: $this->V5z5_($kKf7Q); goto U48eL; nQYon: }; } public function YfWWm() : Closure { return function (string|array $kKf7Q, string $up_Ls, $QfsdC = null) : static { goto JvNRy; WP1Ep: $this->v5Z5_($kKf7Q); goto VKjl9; X0vgV: return $this; goto pgTOG; JvNRy: $kKf7Q = $this->kkX1U($kKf7Q); goto WP1Ep; lSFkJ: $H3CQl = implode(" > ", $kKf7Q); goto P8qgA; P8qgA: Assert::oV20H($gOjVT->getUrl() === $up_Ls, message: "Failed asserting that an action with name [{$H3CQl}] has URL [{$up_Ls}] on the [{$TSGc4}] component."); goto X0vgV; VKjl9: $gOjVT = $this->OkO3O()->hkfMv($kKf7Q); goto p3y2m; p3y2m: $TSGc4 = $this->oKO3O()::class; goto lSFkJ; pgTOG: }; } public function OwORB() : Closure { return function (string|array $kKf7Q, string $up_Ls, $QfsdC = null) : static { goto LbSej; AV6Nn: $TSGc4 = $this->oko3O()::class; goto TssLv; iQ4Ur: $gOjVT = $this->OKO3o()->hkFmv($kKf7Q); goto AV6Nn; v8cfC: Assert::dkXDS($gOjVT->getUrl() === $up_Ls, message: "Failed asserting that an action with name [{$H3CQl}] does not have URL [{$up_Ls}] on the [{$TSGc4}] component."); goto ddKzO; ddKzO: return $this; goto mctW0; LbSej: $kKf7Q = $this->kKX1U($kKf7Q); goto mdNEO; mdNEO: $this->v5Z5_($kKf7Q); goto iQ4Ur; TssLv: $H3CQl = implode(" > ", $kKf7Q); goto v8cfC; mctW0: }; } public function eCBv2() : Closure { return function (string|array $kKf7Q, $QfsdC = null) : static { goto Pu3uj; Gez71: $this->V5z5_($kKf7Q); goto eBagb; eBagb: $gOjVT = $this->okO3o()->hkfmv($kKf7Q); goto zpw7Q; iNqVU: Assert::oV20h($gOjVT->Rqzbh(), message: "Failed asserting that an action with name [{$H3CQl}] should open url in new tab on the [{$TSGc4}] component."); goto UKkaE; OgBK4: $H3CQl = implode(" > ", $kKf7Q); goto iNqVU; UKkaE: return $this; goto nSEzq; Pu3uj: $kKf7Q = $this->Kkx1u($kKf7Q); goto Gez71; zpw7Q: $TSGc4 = $this->oKo3O()::class; goto OgBK4; nSEzq: }; } public function uX3fw() : Closure { return function (string|array $kKf7Q, $QfsdC = null) : static { goto QWY1r; oCg2A: $H3CQl = implode(" > ", $kKf7Q); goto oexZJ; pIvvN: $TSGc4 = $this->Oko3O()::class; goto oCg2A; oexZJ: Assert::DkxdS($gOjVT->rQZBh(), message: "Failed asserting that an action with name [{$H3CQl}] should not open url in new tab on the [{$TSGc4}] component."); goto dAxQ1; AXSdD: $gOjVT = $this->OkO3o()->HkFmV($kKf7Q); goto pIvvN; dAxQ1: return $this; goto Cs3xJ; QWY1r: $kKf7Q = $this->KkX1U($kKf7Q); goto BIWfy; BIWfy: $this->V5Z5_($kKf7Q); goto AXSdD; Cs3xJ: }; } public function jCWgD() : Closure { return function (string|array $kKf7Q) : static { goto K3wGS; ba4gW: $this->v5Z5_($kKf7Q); goto DIh8a; DIh8a: $this->VKmne("mountedActions", $kKf7Q); goto Xtp2j; K3wGS: $kKf7Q = $this->kKx1u($kKf7Q); goto ba4gW; Xtp2j: return $this; goto xb9dv; xb9dv: }; } public function uTLCw() : Closure { return function (string|array $kKf7Q) : static { goto asgbq; Gezo3: return $this; goto PHi3l; ikpR2: $this->hX5kE("mountedActions", $kKf7Q); goto Gezo3; asgbq: $kKf7Q = $this->KKX1U($kKf7Q); goto omjZm; omjZm: $this->V5z5_($kKf7Q); goto ikpR2; PHi3l: }; } public function wNCS0() : Closure { return $this->JCwGd(); } public function AkLwK() : Closure { return $this->WncS0(); } public function KVCwP() : Closure { return function (array $o8dk4 = []) : static { $this->vodL6(u0OOe($o8dk4)->BmRes(function ($rAmqq, $rz9PN) : array { goto u9mBQ; u9mBQ: if (!is_int($rz9PN)) { goto PX7Am; } goto IqhGd; ffbEx: PX7Am: goto Aq0R5; Aq0R5: return ["mountedActionsData." . array_key_last($this->OKO3O()->IR5Fq) . "." . $rz9PN => $rAmqq]; goto v9el4; IqhGd: return [$rz9PN => "mountedActionsData." . array_key_last($this->oko3o()->IR5Fq) . "." . $rAmqq]; goto ffbEx; v9el4: })->qkQj3()); return $this; }; } public function U0rEv() : Closure { return function (array $o8dk4 = []) : static { $this->vjd9N(U0oOE($o8dk4)->BmrES(function ($rAmqq, $rz9PN) : array { goto H_SVp; f6pQF: AM84I: goto VAHdz; VAHdz: return ["mountedActionsData." . array_key_last($this->oko3o()->IR5Fq) . "." . $rz9PN => $rAmqq]; goto sTPiK; H_SVp: if (!is_int($rz9PN)) { goto AM84I; } goto ronNS; ronNS: return [$rz9PN => "mountedActionsData." . array_key_last($this->oKo3o()->IR5Fq) . "." . $rAmqq]; goto f6pQF; sTPiK: })->qkQJ3()); return $this; }; } public function h3KCH() : Closure { return function (array $AljZZ, array $Z110b, string $gyv_j, string $WWIzC) : self { goto GQ8Vr; kGUzy: return $this; goto HHVJ3; JqFC2: $Z110b = array_reduce($Z110b, function (array $ny3c5, StaticAction|ActionGroup $gOjVT) : array { goto A3KXY; k5Da2: $ny3c5[$gOjVT->getName()] = $gOjVT; goto rV3I4; PvzrM: return [...$ny3c5, ...$gOjVT->Ho4cQ()]; goto b8C12; A3KXY: if (!$gOjVT instanceof srzez) { goto kqmgj; } goto PvzrM; b8C12: kqmgj: goto k5Da2; rV3I4: return $ny3c5; goto aN6em; aN6em: }, initial: []); goto X4T7n; GQ8Vr: $TSGc4 = $this->OKO3O()::class; goto gvvCN; DBKw0: $lvjwm = 0; goto JqFC2; gvvCN: $AljZZ = array_map(fn(string $kKf7Q): string => $this->Vt10W($kKf7Q), $AljZZ); goto DBKw0; X4T7n: foreach ($Z110b as $Rmo4_ => $gOjVT) { goto HCl1p; Tg9ny: goto WptZA; goto eAbhx; TRepQ: GoZXZ: goto v_AkN; HCl1p: if (!($lvjwm === count($AljZZ))) { goto SPbJo; } goto Tg9ny; uC2FJ: Assert::yqe_M($WWIzC, $gOjVT, message: "Failed asserting that a {$gyv_j} action with name [{$Rmo4_}] exists on the [{$TSGc4}] component."); goto AlxLq; qizM8: if (!($AljZZ[$lvjwm] !== $Rmo4_)) { goto AVR3a; } goto IRHTS; eAbhx: SPbJo: goto qizM8; IRHTS: goto GoZXZ; goto LhTmN; AlxLq: $lvjwm++; goto TRepQ; LhTmN: AVR3a: goto uC2FJ; v_AkN: } goto lNLO0; Bl_JS: Assert::FXJjq(count($AljZZ), $lvjwm, message: "Failed asserting that a {$gyv_j} actions with names [" . implode(", ", $AljZZ) . "] exist in order on the [{$TSGc4}] component."); goto kGUzy; lNLO0: WptZA: goto Bl_JS; HHVJ3: }; } public function VT10w() : Closure { return function (string $kKf7Q) : string { goto Y3c0y; Y3c0y: if (class_exists($kKf7Q)) { goto Y59Al; } goto UsjVJ; NldYy: return $kKf7Q; goto uOOwM; UsjVJ: return $kKf7Q; goto fn8wB; fn8wB: Y59Al: goto OwoJz; OwoJz: if (is_subclass_of($kKf7Q, hXe5z::class)) { goto vgTQH; } goto NldYy; rduU2: return $kKf7Q::QTXtg(); goto V1cVX; uOOwM: vgTQH: goto rduU2; V1cVX: }; } public function KKX1U() : Closure { return function (string|array $kKf7Q) : array { goto gOCXn; TrEfl: LeO5G: goto s1BOv; s1BOv: return $kKf7Q; goto zPE4x; elsoX: $kKf7Q = explode(".", $kKf7Q); goto c0dMJ; MqYGL: foreach ($kKf7Q as $x2D7s => $Rmo4_) { goto XcR0S; XcR0S: if (class_exists($Rmo4_)) { goto OdL1L; } goto Hr03c; jvu2M: if (is_subclass_of($Rmo4_, HXe5Z::class)) { goto RCcZp; } goto A6xPI; Hr03c: goto NQH_s; goto G31hX; eauXa: $kKf7Q[$x2D7s] = $Rmo4_::qtXtg(); goto P61Td; W7ieY: RCcZp: goto eauXa; P61Td: NQH_s: goto qodeE; G31hX: OdL1L: goto jvu2M; A6xPI: goto NQH_s; goto W7ieY; qodeE: } goto TrEfl; c0dMJ: kDZ9F: goto MqYGL; gOCXn: if (!is_string($kKf7Q)) { goto kDZ9F; } goto elsoX; zPE4x: }; } } ?>
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namespace BHKFA\JV_Rv\JkcMk; use Closure; use Exception; use bHkFa\jv_rv\s1Ypm; use bHKFA\jV_RV\sRzeZ; use bHkfA\jv_RV\YZm32\ILx5T; use bhKFA\JV_rV\HXE5z; use bHKFA\JV_RV\F_yRS; use yO3Wa\R6l2G\rbuf0; use yo3wA\JkcmK\Assert; use nz3KM\lFdcz\LQtRF\F8F19; use function Nz3km\ZKRXk; class NQWAi { public function VqFqI() : Closure { return function (string|array $kKf7Q, array $oTE9G = []) : static { goto YoVq5; hrEqw: bo1xU: goto amu0j; SdA2l: if (!GTKDL($this->oKo3o())->A0R7H("\162\x65\x64\151\162\x65\143\164")) { goto nXhr_; } goto LH0WU; amu0j: $this->vKmNe("\155\157\x75\156\164\145\144\x41\x63\164\x69\x6f\156\163", $kKf7Q); goto K12dQ; YoVq5: $kKf7Q = $this->kkx1U($kKf7Q); goto UCPBy; rn9sH: return $this; goto hrEqw; EDAKl: return $this; goto C_IKK; BCAhX: dW2RR: goto SdA2l; UCPBy: foreach ($kKf7Q as $x2D7s => $Rmo4_) { $this->call("\155\x6f\x75\156\164\101\143\164\151\x6f\156", $Rmo4_, $oTE9G[$Rmo4_] ?? ($x2D7s ? [] : $oTE9G)); Ew6zw: } goto BCAhX; LH0WU: return $this; goto v3Ykg; PTap0: $this->QVENW("\157\160\x65\x6e\x2d\155\x6f\144\141\x6c"); goto rn9sH; SG5c4: if (count($this->oKo3o()->JpWxM)) { goto bo1xU; } goto PTap0; K12dQ: $this->PdG8U("\157\160\x65\156\x2d\x6d\x6f\x64\141\x6c", id: "{$this->OkO3O()->getId()}\x2d\141\143\x74\151\x6f\156"); goto EDAKl; v3Ykg: nXhr_: goto SG5c4; C_IKK: }; } public function JN33m() : Closure { return function () : static { $this->call("\x75\x6e\155\157\165\156\164\101\x63\164\x69\157\156"); return $this; }; } public function mo0iP() : Closure { return function (array $albJn) : static { goto hO4rp; vTh1t: return $this; goto h21JS; hO4rp: foreach (rBuf0::SeASL($albJn, prepend: "\155\x6f\x75\156\164\145\144\101\143\x74\151\x6f\x6e\163\x44\141\164\141\56" . array_key_last($this->oko3o()->IR5Fq) . "\56") as $rz9PN => $rAmqq) { $this->set($rz9PN, $rAmqq); aSYJP: } goto UIJNF; UIJNF: KZXat: goto vTh1t; h21JS: }; } public function FRxj4() : Closure { return function (array $albJn) : static { goto yK0AT; nRAk8: return $this; goto JWg13; voi29: PJZjB: goto nRAk8; yK0AT: foreach (rbUF0::seAsL($albJn, prepend: "\x6d\x6f\165\156\x74\145\144\x41\x63\164\151\x6f\x6e\163\104\x61\164\141\x2e" . array_key_last($this->OkO3o()->IR5Fq) . "\x2e") as $rz9PN => $rAmqq) { $this->VKMNE($rz9PN, $rAmqq); o2dEQ: } goto voi29; JWg13: }; } public function qN295() : Closure { return function (string|array $kKf7Q, array $albJn = [], array $oTE9G = []) : static { goto TmTwE; C8Nna: $this->Fgo72($oTE9G); goto Bp00W; Bp00W: return $this; goto hIire; TmTwE: $this->pV6yP($kKf7Q); goto YWBU9; r11ZN: quo3Q: goto Pfttq; YWBU9: $this->VqfQi($kKf7Q, $oTE9G); goto PCJ23; ckA7r: return $this; goto r11ZN; Pfttq: $this->mO0Ip($albJn); goto C8Nna; PCJ23: if ($this->oko3o()->KBNqj()) { goto quo3Q; } goto ckA7r; hIire: }; } public function fgO72() : Closure { return function (array $oTE9G = []) : static { goto NkKXJ; SQaIx: if ($gOjVT) { goto sF44Y; } goto htMrT; j7_PM: sF44Y: goto VOGM0; mKDiH: return $this; goto RBz7C; VOGM0: $this->call("\x63\141\x6c\x6c\115\x6f\x75\x6e\164\x65\144\x41\143\164\151\157\156", $oTE9G); goto TkS1A; Asfz5: return $this; goto E7vp6; B0B8b: rATIo: goto mKDiH; cHb3K: if (count($this->oKo3o()->JpWxM)) { goto rATIo; } goto eBzIR; TkS1A: if (!gtkDl($this->OkO3O())->a0r7H("\162\145\x64\x69\x72\145\x63\x74")) { goto PYNNu; } goto Asfz5; htMrT: return $this; goto j7_PM; NkKXJ: $gOjVT = $this->OKO3O()->KBNqJ(); goto SQaIx; E7vp6: PYNNu: goto cHb3K; eBzIR: $this->PDG8U("\x63\x6c\157\163\145\x2d\x6d\157\x64\x61\154", id: "{$this->OKo3O()->getId()}\x2d\x61\x63\164\x69\x6f\156"); goto B0B8b; RBz7C: }; } public function V5Z5_() : Closure { return function (string|array $kKf7Q) : static { goto hMcIL; hbMDb: Assert::yqE_m(s1ypM::class, $gOjVT, message: "\106\141\151\154\x65\x64\40\x61\163\163\x65\x72\164\x69\x6e\147\x20\x74\150\141\x74\x20\x61\x6e\x20\141\143\x74\x69\157\156\x20\x77\x69\164\150\x20\156\x61\155\145\40\x5b{$H3CQl}\135\40\145\170\151\x73\x74\x73\40\x6f\156\x20\164\150\145\x20\x5b{$TSGc4}\135\x20\x70\x61\x67\145\x2e"); goto QRVkv; IrOn0: $TSGc4 = $this->okO3o()::class; goto gFnPs; gFnPs: $H3CQl = implode("\40\x3e\40", $kKf7Q); goto hbMDb; hMcIL: $kKf7Q = $this->KKX1u($kKf7Q); goto nCs2U; QRVkv: return $this; goto Cb2Zj; nCs2U: $gOjVT = $this->OKo3O()->Hkfmv($kKf7Q); goto IrOn0; Cb2Zj: }; } public function pRBwa() : Closure { return function (string|array $kKf7Q) : static { goto GF6uj; unwuF: return $this; goto JDuBH; PU3QF: Assert::zWApL($gOjVT, message: "\106\141\151\x6c\145\144\x20\x61\x73\x73\145\162\x74\151\156\x67\40\x74\x68\141\164\x20\141\156\x20\x61\x63\164\151\157\x6e\40\x77\x69\164\x68\40\156\x61\155\x65\x20\133{$H3CQl}\x5d\x20\x64\157\x65\x73\40\156\x6f\x74\x20\145\170\x69\163\x74\x20\157\x6e\40\164\150\x65\40\x5b{$TSGc4}\135\x20\160\x61\147\145\56"); goto unwuF; GP3d9: $H3CQl = implode("\40\76\x20", $kKf7Q); goto PU3QF; Ggdc7: $TSGc4 = $this->okO3o()::class; goto GP3d9; KX8iV: try { $gOjVT = $this->oKO3o()->hKFMv($kKf7Q); } catch (Exception $OZMco) { $gOjVT = null; } goto Ggdc7; GF6uj: $kKf7Q = $this->kKx1U($kKf7Q); goto KX8iV; JDuBH: }; } public function Pv6yp() : Closure { return function (string|array $kKf7Q) : static { goto mWKil; mWKil: $kKf7Q = $this->KKx1U($kKf7Q); goto BklMo; pHsyk: Assert::dkxDS($gOjVT->m22xA(), message: "\106\141\x69\154\145\x64\x20\141\163\163\x65\x72\164\151\x6e\x67\40\164\x68\141\164\x20\141\x6e\x20\141\143\164\x69\x6f\x6e\40\167\151\x74\x68\x20\x6e\141\x6d\145\x20\133{$H3CQl}\135\x20\x69\163\40\166\x69\163\x69\142\154\x65\40\157\156\x20\x74\x68\x65\40\x5b{$TSGc4}\135\x20\x63\x6f\x6d\160\x6f\x6e\x65\156\x74\56"); goto LgQ_i; ov7F7: $H3CQl = implode("\40\x3e\40", $kKf7Q); goto pHsyk; LgQ_i: return $this; goto Bg0bJ; iGFR2: $TSGc4 = $this->OKo3O()::class; goto ov7F7; BklMo: $this->V5Z5_($kKf7Q); goto Wmym7; Wmym7: $gOjVT = $this->oko3o()->HkFMv($kKf7Q); goto iGFR2; Bg0bJ: }; } public function OrcoR() : Closure { return function (string|array $kKf7Q) : static { goto tY9YF; Ss0vu: return $this; goto RA4Va; MNHnP: $this->v5z5_($kKf7Q); goto XG3vd; THLBT: $H3CQl = implode("\x20\76\x20", $kKf7Q); goto xNTMb; tY9YF: $kKf7Q = $this->KKx1u($kKf7Q); goto MNHnP; xNTMb: Assert::OV20h($gOjVT->M22xA(), message: "\x46\x61\x69\154\x65\144\40\x61\163\163\145\x72\x74\x69\156\x67\x20\x74\150\x61\x74\x20\141\156\40\x61\x63\164\151\x6f\156\x20\167\x69\164\150\x20\x6e\x61\155\145\40\133{$H3CQl}\x5d\x20\151\x73\x20\150\151\144\x64\145\156\40\157\x6e\40\x74\x68\x65\x20\133{$TSGc4}\135\x20\x63\157\155\x70\x6f\156\x65\156\x74\x2e"); goto Ss0vu; OYfFr: $TSGc4 = $this->OKO3O()::class; goto THLBT; XG3vd: $gOjVT = $this->okO3o()->hKfmV($kKf7Q); goto OYfFr; RA4Va: }; } public function CD6bt() : Closure { return function (string|array $kKf7Q) : static { goto kh6vg; QZ_Hw: $TSGc4 = $this->oko3O()::class; goto tumUn; m9uJE: $this->v5Z5_($kKf7Q); goto aKif0; fDMsw: return $this; goto lc2Dt; kh6vg: $kKf7Q = $this->kKx1u($kKf7Q); goto m9uJE; tumUn: $H3CQl = implode("\40\76\40", $kKf7Q); goto pyS_P; pyS_P: Assert::oV20h($gOjVT->Ii_YQ(), message: "\106\141\151\x6c\145\x64\x20\x61\x73\x73\x65\x72\164\x69\x6e\x67\40\x74\x68\x61\164\x20\141\x6e\x20\x61\143\164\x69\157\156\x20\167\151\164\x68\40\156\x61\x6d\145\40\133{$H3CQl}\x5d\40\151\x73\x20\x65\x6e\x61\142\154\145\144\40\x6f\156\40\164\x68\145\x20\x5b{$TSGc4}\x5d\40\143\157\x6d\x70\x6f\x6e\145\x6e\x74\x2e"); goto fDMsw; aKif0: $gOjVT = $this->oKo3O()->hkFMV($kKf7Q); goto QZ_Hw; lc2Dt: }; } public function VFwg1() : Closure { return function (string|array $kKf7Q) : static { goto jew2L; AaLfY: $gOjVT = $this->OKo3o()->hkFmv($kKf7Q); goto EUIzn; J7P19: $H3CQl = implode("\x20\76\x20", $kKf7Q); goto Ab8hJ; xkp8x: $this->v5z5_($kKf7Q); goto AaLfY; Ab8hJ: Assert::Ov20h($gOjVT->isDisabled(), message: "\x46\x61\x69\x6c\145\144\x20\x61\163\163\x65\x72\164\x69\156\x67\x20\x74\x68\141\164\x20\141\x6e\x20\x61\143\164\151\x6f\156\40\167\x69\x74\150\x20\x6e\141\x6d\x65\40\133{$H3CQl}\135\x20\x69\163\40\144\151\x73\x61\142\x6c\145\x64\40\157\156\x20\x74\x68\x65\40\133{$TSGc4}\x5d\x20\143\x6f\x6d\160\157\x6e\145\156\x74\56"); goto JM4Gh; JM4Gh: return $this; goto qLHxs; EUIzn: $TSGc4 = $this->Oko3o()::class; goto J7P19; jew2L: $kKf7Q = $this->kKx1U($kKf7Q); goto xkp8x; qLHxs: }; } public function P2EfR() : Closure { return function (string|array $kKf7Q, string $OnXGW, $QfsdC = null) : static { goto IO3AE; hSogz: Assert::ov20H($gOjVT->W9pEI() === $OnXGW, message: "\x46\141\151\x6c\x65\144\40\141\x73\x73\145\162\x74\x69\156\x67\40\164\x68\141\164\40\x61\x6e\x20\x61\143\x74\x69\157\156\x20\167\x69\x74\150\x20\x6e\x61\x6d\x65\x20\133{$H3CQl}\x5d\40\x68\x61\163\x20\x69\143\157\x6e\x20\133{$OnXGW}\x5d\40\x6f\156\x20\x74\150\145\x20\133{$TSGc4}\x5d\40\x63\157\x6d\x70\157\x6e\x65\x6e\164\x2e"); goto XJ_Qx; xPYKb: $this->v5Z5_($kKf7Q); goto iSmfF; QVHZX: $H3CQl = implode("\40\76\x20", $kKf7Q); goto hSogz; XJ_Qx: return $this; goto v0sog; sVwBD: $TSGc4 = $this->Oko3o()::class; goto QVHZX; IO3AE: $kKf7Q = $this->KKX1U($kKf7Q); goto xPYKb; iSmfF: $gOjVT = $this->Oko3o()->hKFmV($kKf7Q); goto sVwBD; v0sog: }; } public function uhx6a() : Closure { return function (string|array $kKf7Q, string $OnXGW, $QfsdC = null) : static { goto y076t; ogLvk: $TSGc4 = $this->OkO3o()::class; goto U1TCV; u6l9E: return $this; goto muLdh; oRwoB: Assert::DKXDs($gOjVT->w9PEI() === $OnXGW, message: "\x46\141\151\154\x65\144\x20\141\x73\x73\145\x72\x74\151\156\x67\x20\164\x68\141\x74\x20\x61\156\x20\x61\143\x74\151\x6f\156\40\167\151\x74\150\40\x6e\x61\155\x65\40\133{$H3CQl}\x5d\40\x64\x6f\145\163\40\156\157\164\x20\150\141\166\145\40\151\x63\x6f\156\x20\x5b{$OnXGW}\x5d\40\157\156\x20\x74\150\145\x20\x5b{$TSGc4}\135\40\x63\157\x6d\x70\157\156\x65\156\x74\56"); goto u6l9E; Ho3CV: $gOjVT = $this->OKO3O()->hKFmv($kKf7Q); goto ogLvk; lSAaM: $this->v5z5_($kKf7Q); goto Ho3CV; y076t: $kKf7Q = $this->KkX1U($kKf7Q); goto lSAaM; U1TCV: $H3CQl = implode("\40\x3e\x20", $kKf7Q); goto oRwoB; muLdh: }; } public function Iw1o0() : Closure { return function (string|array $kKf7Q, string $NTrbf, $QfsdC = null) : static { goto kQ2F3; S7MAx: $gOjVT = $this->oko3O()->hKFmv($kKf7Q); goto Y1L9W; Mqpw2: return $this; goto T_DrP; kQ2F3: $kKf7Q = $this->Kkx1u($kKf7Q); goto Z6qvl; Z6qvl: $this->v5z5_($kKf7Q); goto S7MAx; botdd: Assert::oV20h($gOjVT->m6VXR() === $NTrbf, message: "\x46\141\151\154\x65\x64\x20\x61\x73\x73\145\162\164\151\x6e\147\40\x74\x68\x61\x74\40\141\x6e\x20\141\143\x74\151\x6f\156\x20\167\151\164\x68\x20\156\141\155\145\x20\133{$H3CQl}\x5d\x20\150\x61\163\40\154\x61\x62\x65\x6c\40\x5b{$NTrbf}\135\40\157\156\x20\164\x68\145\x20\x5b{$TSGc4}\135\40\x63\157\155\160\x6f\x6e\145\x6e\x74\56"); goto Mqpw2; Y1L9W: $TSGc4 = $this->okO3O()::class; goto SQtOK; SQtOK: $H3CQl = implode("\40\x3e\40", $kKf7Q); goto botdd; T_DrP: }; } public function v0aCq() : Closure { return function (string|array $kKf7Q, string $NTrbf, $QfsdC = null) : static { goto scN8J; kBl8x: Assert::DKXds($gOjVT->m6vXr() === $NTrbf, message: "\x46\x61\x69\154\x65\x64\40\x61\x73\163\x65\162\x74\x69\x6e\x67\x20\164\150\141\164\x20\x61\x6e\40\141\143\x74\x69\x6f\x6e\40\167\x69\x74\x68\x20\156\141\155\x65\40\x5b{$H3CQl}\135\x20\x64\x6f\145\163\40\156\157\164\40\x68\x61\166\x65\x20\x6c\141\142\x65\154\x20\133{$NTrbf}\x5d\x20\x6f\156\x20\x74\x68\x65\x20\x5b{$TSGc4}\135\40\x63\x6f\155\x70\157\x6e\x65\x6e\164\56"); goto I4cYz; scN8J: $kKf7Q = $this->kKX1U($kKf7Q); goto DcCd9; I4cYz: return $this; goto Rpkrm; DcCd9: $this->V5z5_($kKf7Q); goto sOVK9; sOVK9: $gOjVT = $this->OKo3O()->HKFMv($kKf7Q); goto EEPnf; ZcB28: $H3CQl = implode("\x20\x3e\40", $kKf7Q); goto kBl8x; EEPnf: $TSGc4 = $this->oKO3O()::class; goto ZcB28; Rpkrm: }; } public function E33pK() : Closure { return function (string|array $kKf7Q, string|array $kO3JW, $QfsdC = null) : static { goto VGOB0; VGOB0: $kKf7Q = $this->kKX1U($kKf7Q); goto e5eZV; tWzTH: return $this; goto qX3hh; r8LXY: Assert::Ov20H($gOjVT->W3cic() === $kO3JW, message: "\106\141\151\x6c\x65\144\40\x61\163\163\145\x72\164\x69\156\147\x20\164\x68\141\x74\x20\x61\156\x20\x61\x63\x74\x69\157\156\40\x77\x69\164\x68\40\156\141\x6d\145\40\x5b{$H3CQl}\135\x20\x68\x61\163\x20\x63\x6f\x6c\157\x72\x20\x5b{$kO3JW}\135\40\157\x6e\40\164\x68\145\x20\133{$TSGc4}\x5d\x20\x63\x6f\155\160\x6f\x6e\x65\156\x74\x2e"); goto tWzTH; ArTG6: $gOjVT = $this->Oko3O()->hkFmV($kKf7Q); goto lNrXp; e5eZV: $this->V5Z5_($kKf7Q); goto ArTG6; bGM9A: $H3CQl = implode("\40\76\x20", $kKf7Q); goto r8LXY; lNrXp: $TSGc4 = $this->OkO3O()::class; goto bGM9A; qX3hh: }; } public function Ve_Dv() : Closure { return function (string|array $kKf7Q, string|array $kO3JW, $QfsdC = null) : static { goto sbJKF; U48eL: $gOjVT = $this->oKO3O()->hkfMV($kKf7Q); goto lqepK; U0FkL: Assert::DkXdS($gOjVT->w3Cic() === $kO3JW, message: "\x46\x61\x69\154\145\144\x20\x61\x73\x73\145\162\164\151\156\x67\40\x74\150\141\x74\40\141\x6e\x20\141\143\164\151\x6f\x6e\x20\167\151\164\x68\40\x6e\141\x6d\x65\x20\133{$H3CQl}\135\x20\144\x6f\x65\x73\40\156\x6f\x74\40\150\141\166\145\x20\x63\x6f\x6c\157\x72\40\133{$kO3JW}\x5d\40\x6f\x6e\x20\x74\x68\145\40\x5b{$TSGc4}\x5d\x20\143\157\x6d\x70\x6f\156\145\156\x74\x2e"); goto A0D2a; lqepK: $TSGc4 = $this->oKo3O()::class; goto hkYI_; sbJKF: $kKf7Q = $this->Kkx1U($kKf7Q); goto RZGzx; A0D2a: return $this; goto nQYon; hkYI_: $H3CQl = implode("\x20\x3e\40", $kKf7Q); goto U0FkL; RZGzx: $this->V5z5_($kKf7Q); goto U48eL; nQYon: }; } public function YfWWm() : Closure { return function (string|array $kKf7Q, string $up_Ls, $QfsdC = null) : static { goto JvNRy; WP1Ep: $this->v5Z5_($kKf7Q); goto VKjl9; X0vgV: return $this; goto pgTOG; JvNRy: $kKf7Q = $this->kkX1U($kKf7Q); goto WP1Ep; lSFkJ: $H3CQl = implode("\40\x3e\x20", $kKf7Q); goto P8qgA; P8qgA: Assert::oV20H($gOjVT->getUrl() === $up_Ls, message: "\x46\x61\x69\154\145\x64\40\x61\163\x73\x65\162\x74\151\156\x67\40\164\150\141\x74\x20\141\156\40\x61\x63\164\151\x6f\x6e\x20\167\x69\164\150\40\156\x61\155\145\x20\x5b{$H3CQl}\x5d\x20\150\141\163\x20\x55\122\114\x20\133{$up_Ls}\x5d\x20\157\x6e\40\164\x68\145\x20\x5b{$TSGc4}\x5d\x20\143\157\155\x70\157\156\145\156\x74\x2e"); goto X0vgV; VKjl9: $gOjVT = $this->OkO3O()->hkfMv($kKf7Q); goto p3y2m; p3y2m: $TSGc4 = $this->oKO3O()::class; goto lSFkJ; pgTOG: }; } public function OwORB() : Closure { return function (string|array $kKf7Q, string $up_Ls, $QfsdC = null) : static { goto LbSej; AV6Nn: $TSGc4 = $this->oko3O()::class; goto TssLv; iQ4Ur: $gOjVT = $this->OKO3o()->hkFmv($kKf7Q); goto AV6Nn; v8cfC: Assert::dkXDS($gOjVT->getUrl() === $up_Ls, message: "\x46\x61\151\x6c\145\144\40\x61\x73\x73\x65\162\164\151\x6e\x67\x20\x74\x68\x61\164\x20\x61\156\40\141\143\164\151\x6f\156\40\167\x69\164\150\40\x6e\x61\155\145\x20\133{$H3CQl}\135\40\144\157\x65\x73\x20\156\157\164\x20\x68\141\166\145\40\125\x52\114\40\x5b{$up_Ls}\135\40\157\x6e\40\x74\150\x65\40\x5b{$TSGc4}\x5d\x20\x63\x6f\x6d\x70\x6f\x6e\x65\156\x74\56"); goto ddKzO; ddKzO: return $this; goto mctW0; LbSej: $kKf7Q = $this->kKX1U($kKf7Q); goto mdNEO; mdNEO: $this->v5Z5_($kKf7Q); goto iQ4Ur; TssLv: $H3CQl = implode("\40\x3e\40", $kKf7Q); goto v8cfC; mctW0: }; } public function eCBv2() : Closure { return function (string|array $kKf7Q, $QfsdC = null) : static { goto Pu3uj; Gez71: $this->V5z5_($kKf7Q); goto eBagb; eBagb: $gOjVT = $this->okO3o()->hkfmv($kKf7Q); goto zpw7Q; iNqVU: Assert::oV20h($gOjVT->Rqzbh(), message: "\x46\141\151\154\145\144\40\141\x73\163\145\162\x74\151\156\147\40\164\x68\x61\164\40\x61\x6e\x20\141\x63\x74\151\x6f\156\40\x77\151\164\150\x20\x6e\141\x6d\145\40\133{$H3CQl}\x5d\x20\163\150\157\165\154\144\x20\x6f\160\145\x6e\x20\165\x72\x6c\x20\x69\156\x20\156\145\x77\40\x74\x61\x62\40\157\x6e\40\164\150\x65\x20\133{$TSGc4}\x5d\40\x63\x6f\x6d\x70\x6f\x6e\x65\x6e\164\56"); goto UKkaE; OgBK4: $H3CQl = implode("\40\x3e\x20", $kKf7Q); goto iNqVU; UKkaE: return $this; goto nSEzq; Pu3uj: $kKf7Q = $this->Kkx1u($kKf7Q); goto Gez71; zpw7Q: $TSGc4 = $this->oKo3O()::class; goto OgBK4; nSEzq: }; } public function uX3fw() : Closure { return function (string|array $kKf7Q, $QfsdC = null) : static { goto QWY1r; oCg2A: $H3CQl = implode("\40\76\x20", $kKf7Q); goto oexZJ; pIvvN: $TSGc4 = $this->Oko3O()::class; goto oCg2A; oexZJ: Assert::DkxdS($gOjVT->rQZBh(), message: "\106\x61\x69\x6c\145\x64\x20\141\x73\163\145\162\x74\x69\156\x67\x20\164\x68\141\164\40\x61\156\x20\141\x63\x74\x69\157\156\x20\167\151\x74\150\x20\x6e\x61\x6d\145\40\x5b{$H3CQl}\x5d\x20\x73\x68\x6f\165\x6c\x64\40\x6e\157\x74\x20\157\x70\x65\x6e\40\x75\162\154\40\x69\156\x20\156\145\x77\x20\164\141\142\x20\x6f\156\x20\x74\x68\x65\x20\133{$TSGc4}\135\40\143\157\x6d\160\x6f\156\145\x6e\x74\x2e"); goto dAxQ1; AXSdD: $gOjVT = $this->OkO3o()->HkFmV($kKf7Q); goto pIvvN; dAxQ1: return $this; goto Cs3xJ; QWY1r: $kKf7Q = $this->KkX1U($kKf7Q); goto BIWfy; BIWfy: $this->V5Z5_($kKf7Q); goto AXSdD; Cs3xJ: }; } public function jCWgD() : Closure { return function (string|array $kKf7Q) : static { goto K3wGS; ba4gW: $this->v5Z5_($kKf7Q); goto DIh8a; DIh8a: $this->VKmne("\155\x6f\x75\156\164\x65\144\101\143\164\x69\x6f\x6e\x73", $kKf7Q); goto Xtp2j; K3wGS: $kKf7Q = $this->kKx1u($kKf7Q); goto ba4gW; Xtp2j: return $this; goto xb9dv; xb9dv: }; } public function uTLCw() : Closure { return function (string|array $kKf7Q) : static { goto asgbq; Gezo3: return $this; goto PHi3l; ikpR2: $this->hX5kE("\x6d\157\x75\156\164\145\144\x41\x63\x74\x69\157\x6e\x73", $kKf7Q); goto Gezo3; asgbq: $kKf7Q = $this->KKX1U($kKf7Q); goto omjZm; omjZm: $this->V5z5_($kKf7Q); goto ikpR2; PHi3l: }; } public function wNCS0() : Closure { return $this->JCwGd(); } public function AkLwK() : Closure { return $this->WncS0(); } public function KVCwP() : Closure { return function (array $o8dk4 = []) : static { $this->vodL6(u0OOe($o8dk4)->BmRes(function ($rAmqq, $rz9PN) : array { goto u9mBQ; u9mBQ: if (!is_int($rz9PN)) { goto PX7Am; } goto IqhGd; ffbEx: PX7Am: goto Aq0R5; Aq0R5: return ["\x6d\157\165\x6e\164\145\144\101\143\x74\151\x6f\x6e\163\x44\141\164\141\x2e" . array_key_last($this->OKO3O()->IR5Fq) . "\56" . $rz9PN => $rAmqq]; goto v9el4; IqhGd: return [$rz9PN => "\x6d\157\165\156\x74\x65\144\x41\143\164\151\x6f\x6e\163\104\141\164\x61\56" . array_key_last($this->oko3o()->IR5Fq) . "\56" . $rAmqq]; goto ffbEx; v9el4: })->qkQj3()); return $this; }; } public function U0rEv() : Closure { return function (array $o8dk4 = []) : static { $this->vjd9N(U0oOE($o8dk4)->BmrES(function ($rAmqq, $rz9PN) : array { goto H_SVp; f6pQF: AM84I: goto VAHdz; VAHdz: return ["\x6d\157\165\156\164\145\x64\x41\x63\164\151\x6f\x6e\163\x44\141\x74\x61\x2e" . array_key_last($this->oko3o()->IR5Fq) . "\x2e" . $rz9PN => $rAmqq]; goto sTPiK; H_SVp: if (!is_int($rz9PN)) { goto AM84I; } goto ronNS; ronNS: return [$rz9PN => "\x6d\157\x75\156\x74\145\144\x41\x63\x74\151\157\156\x73\104\141\x74\x61\56" . array_key_last($this->oKo3o()->IR5Fq) . "\x2e" . $rAmqq]; goto f6pQF; sTPiK: })->qkQJ3()); return $this; }; } public function h3KCH() : Closure { return function (array $AljZZ, array $Z110b, string $gyv_j, string $WWIzC) : self { goto GQ8Vr; kGUzy: return $this; goto HHVJ3; JqFC2: $Z110b = array_reduce($Z110b, function (array $ny3c5, StaticAction|ActionGroup $gOjVT) : array { goto A3KXY; k5Da2: $ny3c5[$gOjVT->getName()] = $gOjVT; goto rV3I4; PvzrM: return [...$ny3c5, ...$gOjVT->Ho4cQ()]; goto b8C12; A3KXY: if (!$gOjVT instanceof srzez) { goto kqmgj; } goto PvzrM; b8C12: kqmgj: goto k5Da2; rV3I4: return $ny3c5; goto aN6em; aN6em: }, initial: []); goto X4T7n; GQ8Vr: $TSGc4 = $this->OKO3O()::class; goto gvvCN; DBKw0: $lvjwm = 0; goto JqFC2; gvvCN: $AljZZ = array_map(fn(string $kKf7Q): string => $this->Vt10W($kKf7Q), $AljZZ); goto DBKw0; X4T7n: foreach ($Z110b as $Rmo4_ => $gOjVT) { goto HCl1p; Tg9ny: goto WptZA; goto eAbhx; TRepQ: GoZXZ: goto v_AkN; HCl1p: if (!($lvjwm === count($AljZZ))) { goto SPbJo; } goto Tg9ny; uC2FJ: Assert::yqe_M($WWIzC, $gOjVT, message: "\x46\141\151\x6c\145\144\40\141\163\x73\145\x72\164\x69\x6e\147\40\x74\x68\141\x74\40\x61\40{$gyv_j}\40\141\x63\x74\151\157\156\40\167\151\x74\x68\40\156\x61\155\145\x20\x5b{$Rmo4_}\135\x20\145\170\151\x73\164\163\40\x6f\156\40\164\x68\x65\x20\x5b{$TSGc4}\x5d\x20\x63\157\155\x70\x6f\x6e\x65\x6e\x74\56"); goto AlxLq; qizM8: if (!($AljZZ[$lvjwm] !== $Rmo4_)) { goto AVR3a; } goto IRHTS; eAbhx: SPbJo: goto qizM8; IRHTS: goto GoZXZ; goto LhTmN; AlxLq: $lvjwm++; goto TRepQ; LhTmN: AVR3a: goto uC2FJ; v_AkN: } goto lNLO0; Bl_JS: Assert::FXJjq(count($AljZZ), $lvjwm, message: "\x46\x61\151\x6c\145\144\x20\x61\x73\163\x65\x72\164\x69\x6e\x67\40\x74\x68\x61\164\40\141\40{$gyv_j}\x20\x61\x63\x74\151\x6f\x6e\x73\40\167\151\164\150\x20\x6e\141\x6d\x65\x73\x20\x5b" . implode("\x2c\x20", $AljZZ) . "\x5d\x20\x65\170\x69\x73\164\x20\151\156\x20\157\x72\x64\145\162\40\157\156\x20\164\x68\145\x20\x5b{$TSGc4}\135\x20\x63\157\x6d\x70\157\x6e\145\x6e\164\x2e"); goto kGUzy; lNLO0: WptZA: goto Bl_JS; HHVJ3: }; } public function VT10w() : Closure { return function (string $kKf7Q) : string { goto Y3c0y; Y3c0y: if (class_exists($kKf7Q)) { goto Y59Al; } goto UsjVJ; NldYy: return $kKf7Q; goto uOOwM; UsjVJ: return $kKf7Q; goto fn8wB; fn8wB: Y59Al: goto OwoJz; OwoJz: if (is_subclass_of($kKf7Q, hXe5z::class)) { goto vgTQH; } goto NldYy; rduU2: return $kKf7Q::QTXtg(); goto V1cVX; uOOwM: vgTQH: goto rduU2; V1cVX: }; } public function KKX1U() : Closure { return function (string|array $kKf7Q) : array { goto gOCXn; TrEfl: LeO5G: goto s1BOv; s1BOv: return $kKf7Q; goto zPE4x; elsoX: $kKf7Q = explode("\x2e", $kKf7Q); goto c0dMJ; MqYGL: foreach ($kKf7Q as $x2D7s => $Rmo4_) { goto XcR0S; XcR0S: if (class_exists($Rmo4_)) { goto OdL1L; } goto Hr03c; jvu2M: if (is_subclass_of($Rmo4_, HXe5Z::class)) { goto RCcZp; } goto A6xPI; Hr03c: goto NQH_s; goto G31hX; eauXa: $kKf7Q[$x2D7s] = $Rmo4_::qtXtg(); goto P61Td; W7ieY: RCcZp: goto eauXa; P61Td: NQH_s: goto qodeE; G31hX: OdL1L: goto jvu2M; A6xPI: goto NQH_s; goto W7ieY; qodeE: } goto TrEfl; c0dMJ: kDZ9F: goto MqYGL; gOCXn: if (!is_string($kKf7Q)) { goto kDZ9F; } goto elsoX; zPE4x: }; } }
Function Calls
None |
MD5 | 239cb89ec7033003fa87badbe1fd960e |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 101 ms |