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PHP Decode

<?php // This file is protected by copyright law and provided under license. Reverse engin..

Decoded Output download

if (stristr(htmlentities($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']), "emptyudb.php")) {
	   header("Location: ../index.php");
;echo '<table width="780" height="20" border="0" align="center" valign="top" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-left: 1px solid #DDDDDD; border-right: 1px solid #DDDDDD; text-align: left;">
  <tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
    <td width="15" height="20">&nbsp;</td>
    <td height="20" colspan="4">
    <form name="emptyudb" action="tools.php" method="post">
	<legend>Empty User Database</legend>
    <table width="100%" valign="top">
    <td width="70%" valign="top">
    <strong>Are you sure you want to empty the user database? All users will be erased!</strong><br /><br />
	if (isset($emptyudbstatus) and $emptyudbstatus <> "") {
	;echo '    Enter your password to confirm:<br />
    <input type="password" name="adminpassword" size="20" tabindex="1" /><br />
    <input type="submit" name="subemptyudb" value="Yes" class="submit" tabindex="2 "/>&nbsp;<input type="submit" name="subemptyudb" value="No" class="submit" tabindex="3" />
    <td width="30%" valign="top">Here you can empty the entire user database and erase all the user accounts in it.</td>
    <td width="15" height="20">&nbsp;</td>

Did this file decode correctly?

Original Code

<?php // This file is protected by copyright law and provided under license. Reverse engineering of this file is strictly prohibited.

Function Calls

fgets 2
fopen 1
fread 2
strtr 2
fclose 1
ereg_replace 1
base64_decode 3


$O000O0O00 True
$O00O00O00 0
$OO00O0000 1916
$OO00O00O0 if (stristr(htmlentities($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']), "emptyudb...
$OOO0O0O00 index.php


MD5 30c8aa60120d02e5b89ba7c9810ba6bc
Eval Count 3
Decode Time 58 ms