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<?php $defflip = (!cfip()) ? exit(header('HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized')) : 1; class Share E..
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$defflip = (!cfip()) ? exit(header('HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized')) : 1;
class Share Extends Base {
protected $table = 'shares';
protected $tableArchive = 'shares_archive';
private $oUpstream;
private $iLastUpstreamId;
// This defines each share
public $rem_host, $username, $our_result, $upstream_result, $reason, $solution, $time, $difficulty;
* Fetch archive tables name for this class
* @param none
* @return data string Table name
public function getArchiveTableName() {
return $this->tableArchive;
* Fetch a single share by ID
* @param id int Share ID
* @return array Share data
public function getShareById($id) {
return $this->getSingleAssoc($id);
* Update an entire shares data
public function updateShareById($id, $data) {
$this->debug->append("STA " . __METHOD__, 4);
$sql = "UPDATE $this->table SET";
$start = true;
// Remove ID column
foreach ($data as $column => $value) {
$start == true ? $sql .= " $column = ? " : $sql .= ", $column = ?";
$start = false;
switch($column) {
case 'difficulty':
$this->addParam('d', $value);
$this->addParam('s', $value);
$sql .= " WHERE id = ? LIMIT 1";
$this->addParam('i', $id);
$stmt = $this->mysqli->prepare($sql);
if ($this->checkStmt($stmt) && call_user_func_array( array($stmt, 'bind_param'), $this->getParam()) && $stmt->execute())
return true;
return $this->sqlError();
* Get last inserted Share ID from Database
* Used for PPS calculations without moving to archive
public function getLastInsertedShareId() {
$stmt = $this->mysqli->prepare("SELECT MAX(id) AS id FROM $this->table");
if ($this->checkStmt($stmt) && $stmt->execute() && $result = $stmt->get_result())
return $result->fetch_object()->id;
return $this->sqlError();
* Get all valid shares for this round
* @param previous_upstream int Previous found share accepted by upstream to limit results
* @param current_upstream int Current upstream accepted share
* @return data int Total amount of counted shares
public function getRoundShares($previous_upstream=0, $current_upstream) {
$stmt = $this->mysqli->prepare("SELECT
IFNULL(SUM(IF(s.difficulty=0, POW(2, (" . $this->config['difficulty'] . " - 16)), s.difficulty)), 0) AS total
FROM $this->table AS s
LEFT JOIN " . $this->user->getTableName() . " AS a
ON a.username = SUBSTRING_INDEX( s.username , '.', 1 )
WHERE > ? AND <= ? AND s.our_result = 'Y' AND a.is_locked != 2
if ($this->checkStmt($stmt) && $stmt->bind_param('ii', $previous_upstream, $current_upstream) && $stmt->execute() && $result = $stmt->get_result())
return $result->fetch_object()->total;
return $this->sqlError();
* Fetch all shares grouped by accounts to count share per account
* @param previous_upstream int Previous found share accepted by upstream to limit results
* @param current_upstream int Current upstream accepted share
* @param limit int Limit to this amount of shares for PPLNS
* @return data array username, valid and invalid shares from account
public function getSharesForAccounts($previous_upstream=0, $current_upstream) {
$stmt = $this->mysqli->prepare("
SUBSTRING_INDEX( s.username , '.', 1 ) as username,
a.no_fees AS no_fees,
IFNULL(SUM(IF(our_result='Y', IF(s.difficulty=0, POW(2, (" . $this->config['difficulty'] . " - 16)), s.difficulty), 0)), 0) AS valid,
IFNULL(SUM(IF(our_result='N', IF(s.difficulty=0, POW(2, (" . $this->config['difficulty'] . " - 16)), s.difficulty), 0)), 0) AS invalid
FROM $this->table AS s
LEFT JOIN " . $this->user->getTableName() . " AS a
ON a.username = SUBSTRING_INDEX( s.username , '.', 1 )
WHERE > ? AND <= ? AND a.is_locked != 2
GROUP BY username DESC
if ($this->checkStmt($stmt) && $stmt->bind_param('ii', $previous_upstream, $current_upstream) && $stmt->execute() && $result = $stmt->get_result())
return $result->fetch_all(MYSQLI_ASSOC);
return $this->sqlError();
* Fetch the highest available share ID from archive
function getMaxArchiveShareId() {
$stmt = $this->mysqli->prepare("SELECT MAX(share_id) AS share_id FROM $this->tableArchive");
if ($this->checkStmt($stmt) && $stmt->execute() && $result = $stmt->get_result())
return $result->fetch_object()->share_id;
return $this->sqlError();
* We need a certain amount of valid archived shares
* param left int Left/lowest share ID
* param right int Right/highest share ID
* return array data Returns an array with usernames as keys for easy access
function getArchiveShares($iCount) {
$iMaxId = $this->getMaxArchiveShareId();
$iMinId = $this->getMinArchiveShareId($iCount);
$stmt = $this->mysqli->prepare("
SUBSTRING_INDEX( s.username , '.', 1 ) as account,
a.no_fees AS no_fees,
IFNULL(SUM(IF(our_result='Y', IF(s.difficulty=0, pow(2, (" . $this->config['difficulty'] . " - 16)), s.difficulty), 0)), 0) AS valid,
IFNULL(SUM(IF(our_result='N', IF(s.difficulty=0, pow(2, (" . $this->config['difficulty'] . " - 16)), s.difficulty), 0)), 0) AS invalid
FROM $this->tableArchive AS s
LEFT JOIN " . $this->user->getTableName() . " AS a
ON a.username = SUBSTRING_INDEX( s.username , '.', 1 )
WHERE s.share_id > ? AND s.share_id <= ? AND a.is_locked != 2
GROUP BY account DESC");
if ($this->checkStmt($stmt) && $stmt->bind_param("ii", $iMinId, $iMaxId) && $stmt->execute() && $result = $stmt->get_result()) {
$aData = NULL;
while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
$aData[strtolower($row['account'])] = $row;
if (is_array($aData)) return $aData;
return $this->sqlError();
* We keep shares only up to a certain point
* This can be configured by the user.
* @return return bool true or false
public function purgeArchive() {
// Fallbacks if unset
if (!isset($this->config['archive']['purge'])) $this->config['archive']['purge'] = 5;
$stmt = $this->mysqli->prepare("SELECT CEIL(COUNT(id) / 100 * ?) AS count FROM $this->tableArchive");
if ($this->checkStmt($stmt) && $stmt->bind_param('i', $this->config['archive']['purge']) && $stmt->execute() && $result = $stmt->get_result()) {
$limit = $result->fetch_object()->count;
} else {
return $this->sqlError();
$stmt = $this->mysqli->prepare("
DELETE FROM $this->tableArchive WHERE time < (
SELECT MIN(time) AS time
FROM $this->tableArchive
WHERE block_id = (
SELECT MIN(id) AS minid FROM (
SELECT id FROM " . $this->block->getTableName() . " ORDER BY height DESC LIMIT ?
) AS minheight
) AS mintime
) LIMIT $limit
if ($this->checkStmt($stmt) && $stmt->bind_param('ii', $this->config['archive']['maxrounds'], $this->config['archive']['maxage']) && $stmt->execute())
return $stmt->affected_rows;
return $this->sqlError();
* Move accounted shares to archive table, this step is optional
* @param previous_upstream int Previous found share accepted by upstream to limit results
* @param current_upstream int Current upstream accepted share
* @param block_id int Block ID to assign shares to a specific block
* @return bool
public function moveArchive($current_upstream, $block_id, $previous_upstream=0) {
if ($this->config['payout_system'] != 'pplns') {
// We don't need archived shares that much, so only archive as much as configured
$sql = "
INSERT INTO $this->tableArchive (share_id, username, our_result, upstream_result, block_id, time, difficulty)
SELECT id, username, our_result, upstream_result, ?, time, IF(difficulty=0, pow(2, (" . $this->config['difficulty'] . " - 16)), difficulty) AS difficulty
FROM $this->table
WHERE id > ? AND id <= ?
AND time >= DATE_SUB(now(), INTERVAL " . $this->config['archive']['maxage'] . " MINUTE)";
} else {
// PPLNS needs archived shares for later rounds, so we have to copy them all
$sql = "
INSERT INTO $this->tableArchive (share_id, username, our_result, upstream_result, block_id, time, difficulty)
SELECT id, username, our_result, upstream_result, ?, time, IF(difficulty=0, pow(2, (" . $this->config['difficulty'] . " - 16)), difficulty) AS difficulty
FROM $this->table
WHERE id > ? AND id <= ?";
$archive_stmt = $this->mysqli->prepare($sql);
if ($this->checkStmt($archive_stmt) && $archive_stmt->bind_param('iii', $block_id, $previous_upstream, $current_upstream) && $archive_stmt->execute())
return true;
return $this->sqlError();
* Delete accounted shares from shares table
* @param current_upstream int Current highest upstream ID
* @param previous_upstream int Previous upstream ID
* @return bool true or false
public function deleteAccountedShares($current_upstream, $previous_upstream=0) {
// Fallbacks if unset
if (!isset($this->config['purge']['shares'])) $this->config['purge']['shares'] = 25000;
if (!isset($this->config['purge']['sleep'])) $this->config['purge']['sleep'] = 1;
$affected = 1;
while ($affected > 0) {
// Sleep first to allow any IO to cleanup
$stmt = $this->mysqli->prepare("DELETE FROM $this->table WHERE id > ? AND id <= ? ORDER BY id LIMIT " . $this->config['purge']['shares']);
$start = microtime(true);
if ($this->checkStmt($stmt) && $stmt->bind_param('ii', $previous_upstream, $current_upstream) && $stmt->execute()) {
$affected = $stmt->affected_rows;
} else {
return $this->sqlError();
return true;
* Set/get last found share accepted by upstream: id and accounts
public function setLastUpstreamId() {
$this->iLastUpstreamId = @$this->oUpstream->id ? $this->oUpstream->id : 0;
public function getLastUpstreamId() {
return @$this->iLastUpstreamId ? @$this->iLastUpstreamId : 0;
public function getUpstreamFinder() {
return @$this->oUpstream->account;
public function getUpstreamWorker() {
return @$this->oUpstream->worker;
public function getUpstreamShareId() {
return @$this->oUpstream->id;
* Find upstream accepted share that should be valid for a specific block
* Assumptions:
* * Shares are matching blocks in ASC order
* * We can skip all upstream shares of previously found ones used in a block
* @param last int Skips all shares up to last to find new share
* @return bool
public function findUpstreamShare($aBlock, $last=0) {
// Many use stratum, so we create our stratum check first
$version = pack("I*", sprintf('%08d', $aBlock['version']));
$previousblockhash = pack("H*", swapEndian($aBlock['previousblockhash']));
$merkleroot = pack("H*", swapEndian($aBlock['merkleroot']) );
$time = pack("I*", $aBlock['time']);
$bits = pack("H*", swapEndian($aBlock['bits']));
$nonce = pack("I*", $aBlock['nonce']);
$header_bin = $version . $previousblockhash . $merkleroot . $time . $bits . $nonce;
$header_hex = implode(unpack("H*", $header_bin));
// Stratum supported blockhash solution entry
$stmt = $this->mysqli->prepare("SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX( `username` , '.', 1 ) AS account, username as worker, id FROM $this->table WHERE solution = ? LIMIT 1");
if ($this->checkStmt($stmt) && $stmt->bind_param('s', $aBlock['hash']) && $stmt->execute() && $result = $stmt->get_result()) {
$this->oUpstream = $result->fetch_object();
$this->share_type = 'stratum_blockhash';
if (!empty($this->oUpstream->account) && !empty($this->oUpstream->worker) && is_int($this->oUpstream->id))
return true;
// Stratum scrypt hash check
$scrypt_hash = swapEndian(bin2hex(Scrypt::calc($header_bin, $header_bin, 1024, 1, 1, 32)));
$stmt = $this->mysqli->prepare("SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX( `username` , '.', 1 ) AS account, username as worker, id FROM $this->table WHERE solution = ? LIMIT 1");
if ($this->checkStmt($stmt) && $stmt->bind_param('s', $scrypt_hash) && $stmt->execute() && $result = $stmt->get_result()) {
$this->oUpstream = $result->fetch_object();
$this->share_type = 'stratum_solution';
if (!empty($this->oUpstream->account) && !empty($this->oUpstream->worker) && is_int($this->oUpstream->id))
return true;
// Failed to fetch via startum solution, try pushpoold
// Fallback to pushpoold solution type
$ppheader = sprintf('%08d', $aBlock['version']) . word_reverse($aBlock['previousblockhash']) . word_reverse($aBlock['merkleroot']) . dechex($aBlock['time']) . $aBlock['bits'] . dechex($aBlock['nonce']);
$stmt = $this->mysqli->prepare("SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX( `username` , '.', 1 ) AS account, username as worker, id FROM $this->table WHERE solution LIKE CONCAT(?, '%') LIMIT 1");
if ($this->checkStmt($stmt) && $stmt->bind_param('s', $ppheader) && $stmt->execute() && $result = $stmt->get_result()) {
$this->oUpstream = $result->fetch_object();
$this->share_type = 'pp_solution';
if (!empty($this->oUpstream->account) && !empty($this->oUpstream->worker) && is_int($this->oUpstream->id))
return true;
// Still no match, try upstream result with timerange
$stmt = $this->mysqli->prepare("
SUBSTRING_INDEX( `username` , '.', 1 ) AS account, username as worker, id
FROM $this->table
WHERE upstream_result = 'Y'
AND id > ?
AND UNIX_TIMESTAMP(time) <= ( ? + 60 )
if ($this->checkStmt($stmt) && $stmt->bind_param('iii', $last, $aBlock['time'], $aBlock['time']) && $stmt->execute() && $result = $stmt->get_result()) {
$this->oUpstream = $result->fetch_object();
$this->share_type = 'upstream_share';
if (!empty($this->oUpstream->account) && !empty($this->oUpstream->worker) && is_int($this->oUpstream->id))
return true;
// We failed again, now we take ANY result matching the timestamp
$stmt = $this->mysqli->prepare("
SUBSTRING_INDEX( `username` , '.', 1 ) AS account, username as worker, id
FROM $this->table
WHERE our_result = 'Y'
AND id > ?
if ($this->checkStmt($stmt) && $stmt->bind_param('ii', $last, $aBlock['time']) && $stmt->execute() && $result = $stmt->get_result()) {
$this->oUpstream = $result->fetch_object();
$this->share_type = 'any_share';
if (!empty($this->oUpstream->account) && !empty($this->oUpstream->worker) && is_int($this->oUpstream->id))
return true;
$this->setErrorMessage($this->getErrorMsg('E0052', $aBlock['height']));
return false;
* Fetch the lowest needed share ID from shares
function getMinimumShareId($iCount, $current_upstream) {
$stmt = $this->mysqli->prepare("
SELECT id, @total := @total + IF(difficulty=0, POW(2, (" . $this->config['difficulty'] . " - 16)), difficulty) AS total
FROM $this->table, (SELECT @total := 0) AS a
WHERE our_result = 'Y'
AND id <= ? AND @total < ?
) AS b
WHERE total <= ?");
if ($this->checkStmt($stmt) && $stmt->bind_param('iii', $current_upstream, $iCount, $iCount) && $stmt->execute() && $result = $stmt->get_result())
return $result->fetch_object()->id;
return $this->sqlError();
* Fetch the lowest needed share ID from archive
function getMinArchiveShareId($iCount) {
$stmt = $this->mysqli->prepare("
SELECT MIN(b.share_id) AS share_id FROM
SELECT share_id, @total := @total + IF(difficulty=0, POW(2, (" . $this->config['difficulty'] . " - 16)), difficulty) AS total
FROM $this->tableArchive, (SELECT @total := 0) AS a
WHERE our_result = 'Y'
AND @total < ?
ORDER BY share_id DESC
) AS b
WHERE total <= ?
if ($this->checkStmt($stmt) && $stmt->bind_param('ii', $iCount, $iCount) && $stmt->execute() && $result = $stmt->get_result())
return $result->fetch_object()->share_id;
return $this->sqlError();
$share = new Share();
Did this file decode correctly?
Original Code
$defflip = (!cfip()) ? exit(header('HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized')) : 1;
class Share Extends Base {
protected $table = 'shares';
protected $tableArchive = 'shares_archive';
private $oUpstream;
private $iLastUpstreamId;
// This defines each share
public $rem_host, $username, $our_result, $upstream_result, $reason, $solution, $time, $difficulty;
* Fetch archive tables name for this class
* @param none
* @return data string Table name
public function getArchiveTableName() {
return $this->tableArchive;
* Fetch a single share by ID
* @param id int Share ID
* @return array Share data
public function getShareById($id) {
return $this->getSingleAssoc($id);
* Update an entire shares data
public function updateShareById($id, $data) {
$this->debug->append("STA " . __METHOD__, 4);
$sql = "UPDATE $this->table SET";
$start = true;
// Remove ID column
foreach ($data as $column => $value) {
$start == true ? $sql .= " $column = ? " : $sql .= ", $column = ?";
$start = false;
switch($column) {
case 'difficulty':
$this->addParam('d', $value);
$this->addParam('s', $value);
$sql .= " WHERE id = ? LIMIT 1";
$this->addParam('i', $id);
$stmt = $this->mysqli->prepare($sql);
if ($this->checkStmt($stmt) && call_user_func_array( array($stmt, 'bind_param'), $this->getParam()) && $stmt->execute())
return true;
return $this->sqlError();
* Get last inserted Share ID from Database
* Used for PPS calculations without moving to archive
public function getLastInsertedShareId() {
$stmt = $this->mysqli->prepare("SELECT MAX(id) AS id FROM $this->table");
if ($this->checkStmt($stmt) && $stmt->execute() && $result = $stmt->get_result())
return $result->fetch_object()->id;
return $this->sqlError();
* Get all valid shares for this round
* @param previous_upstream int Previous found share accepted by upstream to limit results
* @param current_upstream int Current upstream accepted share
* @return data int Total amount of counted shares
public function getRoundShares($previous_upstream=0, $current_upstream) {
$stmt = $this->mysqli->prepare("SELECT
IFNULL(SUM(IF(s.difficulty=0, POW(2, (" . $this->config['difficulty'] . " - 16)), s.difficulty)), 0) AS total
FROM $this->table AS s
LEFT JOIN " . $this->user->getTableName() . " AS a
ON a.username = SUBSTRING_INDEX( s.username , '.', 1 )
WHERE > ? AND <= ? AND s.our_result = 'Y' AND a.is_locked != 2
if ($this->checkStmt($stmt) && $stmt->bind_param('ii', $previous_upstream, $current_upstream) && $stmt->execute() && $result = $stmt->get_result())
return $result->fetch_object()->total;
return $this->sqlError();
* Fetch all shares grouped by accounts to count share per account
* @param previous_upstream int Previous found share accepted by upstream to limit results
* @param current_upstream int Current upstream accepted share
* @param limit int Limit to this amount of shares for PPLNS
* @return data array username, valid and invalid shares from account
public function getSharesForAccounts($previous_upstream=0, $current_upstream) {
$stmt = $this->mysqli->prepare("
SUBSTRING_INDEX( s.username , '.', 1 ) as username,
a.no_fees AS no_fees,
IFNULL(SUM(IF(our_result='Y', IF(s.difficulty=0, POW(2, (" . $this->config['difficulty'] . " - 16)), s.difficulty), 0)), 0) AS valid,
IFNULL(SUM(IF(our_result='N', IF(s.difficulty=0, POW(2, (" . $this->config['difficulty'] . " - 16)), s.difficulty), 0)), 0) AS invalid
FROM $this->table AS s
LEFT JOIN " . $this->user->getTableName() . " AS a
ON a.username = SUBSTRING_INDEX( s.username , '.', 1 )
WHERE > ? AND <= ? AND a.is_locked != 2
GROUP BY username DESC
if ($this->checkStmt($stmt) && $stmt->bind_param('ii', $previous_upstream, $current_upstream) && $stmt->execute() && $result = $stmt->get_result())
return $result->fetch_all(MYSQLI_ASSOC);
return $this->sqlError();
* Fetch the highest available share ID from archive
function getMaxArchiveShareId() {
$stmt = $this->mysqli->prepare("SELECT MAX(share_id) AS share_id FROM $this->tableArchive");
if ($this->checkStmt($stmt) && $stmt->execute() && $result = $stmt->get_result())
return $result->fetch_object()->share_id;
return $this->sqlError();
* We need a certain amount of valid archived shares
* param left int Left/lowest share ID
* param right int Right/highest share ID
* return array data Returns an array with usernames as keys for easy access
function getArchiveShares($iCount) {
$iMaxId = $this->getMaxArchiveShareId();
$iMinId = $this->getMinArchiveShareId($iCount);
$stmt = $this->mysqli->prepare("
SUBSTRING_INDEX( s.username , '.', 1 ) as account,
a.no_fees AS no_fees,
IFNULL(SUM(IF(our_result='Y', IF(s.difficulty=0, pow(2, (" . $this->config['difficulty'] . " - 16)), s.difficulty), 0)), 0) AS valid,
IFNULL(SUM(IF(our_result='N', IF(s.difficulty=0, pow(2, (" . $this->config['difficulty'] . " - 16)), s.difficulty), 0)), 0) AS invalid
FROM $this->tableArchive AS s
LEFT JOIN " . $this->user->getTableName() . " AS a
ON a.username = SUBSTRING_INDEX( s.username , '.', 1 )
WHERE s.share_id > ? AND s.share_id <= ? AND a.is_locked != 2
GROUP BY account DESC");
if ($this->checkStmt($stmt) && $stmt->bind_param("ii", $iMinId, $iMaxId) && $stmt->execute() && $result = $stmt->get_result()) {
$aData = NULL;
while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
$aData[strtolower($row['account'])] = $row;
if (is_array($aData)) return $aData;
return $this->sqlError();
* We keep shares only up to a certain point
* This can be configured by the user.
* @return return bool true or false
public function purgeArchive() {
// Fallbacks if unset
if (!isset($this->config['archive']['purge'])) $this->config['archive']['purge'] = 5;
$stmt = $this->mysqli->prepare("SELECT CEIL(COUNT(id) / 100 * ?) AS count FROM $this->tableArchive");
if ($this->checkStmt($stmt) && $stmt->bind_param('i', $this->config['archive']['purge']) && $stmt->execute() && $result = $stmt->get_result()) {
$limit = $result->fetch_object()->count;
} else {
return $this->sqlError();
$stmt = $this->mysqli->prepare("
DELETE FROM $this->tableArchive WHERE time < (
SELECT MIN(time) AS time
FROM $this->tableArchive
WHERE block_id = (
SELECT MIN(id) AS minid FROM (
SELECT id FROM " . $this->block->getTableName() . " ORDER BY height DESC LIMIT ?
) AS minheight
) AS mintime
) LIMIT $limit
if ($this->checkStmt($stmt) && $stmt->bind_param('ii', $this->config['archive']['maxrounds'], $this->config['archive']['maxage']) && $stmt->execute())
return $stmt->affected_rows;
return $this->sqlError();
* Move accounted shares to archive table, this step is optional
* @param previous_upstream int Previous found share accepted by upstream to limit results
* @param current_upstream int Current upstream accepted share
* @param block_id int Block ID to assign shares to a specific block
* @return bool
public function moveArchive($current_upstream, $block_id, $previous_upstream=0) {
if ($this->config['payout_system'] != 'pplns') {
// We don't need archived shares that much, so only archive as much as configured
$sql = "
INSERT INTO $this->tableArchive (share_id, username, our_result, upstream_result, block_id, time, difficulty)
SELECT id, username, our_result, upstream_result, ?, time, IF(difficulty=0, pow(2, (" . $this->config['difficulty'] . " - 16)), difficulty) AS difficulty
FROM $this->table
WHERE id > ? AND id <= ?
AND time >= DATE_SUB(now(), INTERVAL " . $this->config['archive']['maxage'] . " MINUTE)";
} else {
// PPLNS needs archived shares for later rounds, so we have to copy them all
$sql = "
INSERT INTO $this->tableArchive (share_id, username, our_result, upstream_result, block_id, time, difficulty)
SELECT id, username, our_result, upstream_result, ?, time, IF(difficulty=0, pow(2, (" . $this->config['difficulty'] . " - 16)), difficulty) AS difficulty
FROM $this->table
WHERE id > ? AND id <= ?";
$archive_stmt = $this->mysqli->prepare($sql);
if ($this->checkStmt($archive_stmt) && $archive_stmt->bind_param('iii', $block_id, $previous_upstream, $current_upstream) && $archive_stmt->execute())
return true;
return $this->sqlError();
* Delete accounted shares from shares table
* @param current_upstream int Current highest upstream ID
* @param previous_upstream int Previous upstream ID
* @return bool true or false
public function deleteAccountedShares($current_upstream, $previous_upstream=0) {
// Fallbacks if unset
if (!isset($this->config['purge']['shares'])) $this->config['purge']['shares'] = 25000;
if (!isset($this->config['purge']['sleep'])) $this->config['purge']['sleep'] = 1;
$affected = 1;
while ($affected > 0) {
// Sleep first to allow any IO to cleanup
$stmt = $this->mysqli->prepare("DELETE FROM $this->table WHERE id > ? AND id <= ? ORDER BY id LIMIT " . $this->config['purge']['shares']);
$start = microtime(true);
if ($this->checkStmt($stmt) && $stmt->bind_param('ii', $previous_upstream, $current_upstream) && $stmt->execute()) {
$affected = $stmt->affected_rows;
} else {
return $this->sqlError();
return true;
* Set/get last found share accepted by upstream: id and accounts
public function setLastUpstreamId() {
$this->iLastUpstreamId = @$this->oUpstream->id ? $this->oUpstream->id : 0;
public function getLastUpstreamId() {
return @$this->iLastUpstreamId ? @$this->iLastUpstreamId : 0;
public function getUpstreamFinder() {
return @$this->oUpstream->account;
public function getUpstreamWorker() {
return @$this->oUpstream->worker;
public function getUpstreamShareId() {
return @$this->oUpstream->id;
* Find upstream accepted share that should be valid for a specific block
* Assumptions:
* * Shares are matching blocks in ASC order
* * We can skip all upstream shares of previously found ones used in a block
* @param last int Skips all shares up to last to find new share
* @return bool
public function findUpstreamShare($aBlock, $last=0) {
// Many use stratum, so we create our stratum check first
$version = pack("I*", sprintf('%08d', $aBlock['version']));
$previousblockhash = pack("H*", swapEndian($aBlock['previousblockhash']));
$merkleroot = pack("H*", swapEndian($aBlock['merkleroot']) );
$time = pack("I*", $aBlock['time']);
$bits = pack("H*", swapEndian($aBlock['bits']));
$nonce = pack("I*", $aBlock['nonce']);
$header_bin = $version . $previousblockhash . $merkleroot . $time . $bits . $nonce;
$header_hex = implode(unpack("H*", $header_bin));
// Stratum supported blockhash solution entry
$stmt = $this->mysqli->prepare("SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX( `username` , '.', 1 ) AS account, username as worker, id FROM $this->table WHERE solution = ? LIMIT 1");
if ($this->checkStmt($stmt) && $stmt->bind_param('s', $aBlock['hash']) && $stmt->execute() && $result = $stmt->get_result()) {
$this->oUpstream = $result->fetch_object();
$this->share_type = 'stratum_blockhash';
if (!empty($this->oUpstream->account) && !empty($this->oUpstream->worker) && is_int($this->oUpstream->id))
return true;
// Stratum scrypt hash check
$scrypt_hash = swapEndian(bin2hex(Scrypt::calc($header_bin, $header_bin, 1024, 1, 1, 32)));
$stmt = $this->mysqli->prepare("SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX( `username` , '.', 1 ) AS account, username as worker, id FROM $this->table WHERE solution = ? LIMIT 1");
if ($this->checkStmt($stmt) && $stmt->bind_param('s', $scrypt_hash) && $stmt->execute() && $result = $stmt->get_result()) {
$this->oUpstream = $result->fetch_object();
$this->share_type = 'stratum_solution';
if (!empty($this->oUpstream->account) && !empty($this->oUpstream->worker) && is_int($this->oUpstream->id))
return true;
// Failed to fetch via startum solution, try pushpoold
// Fallback to pushpoold solution type
$ppheader = sprintf('%08d', $aBlock['version']) . word_reverse($aBlock['previousblockhash']) . word_reverse($aBlock['merkleroot']) . dechex($aBlock['time']) . $aBlock['bits'] . dechex($aBlock['nonce']);
$stmt = $this->mysqli->prepare("SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX( `username` , '.', 1 ) AS account, username as worker, id FROM $this->table WHERE solution LIKE CONCAT(?, '%') LIMIT 1");
if ($this->checkStmt($stmt) && $stmt->bind_param('s', $ppheader) && $stmt->execute() && $result = $stmt->get_result()) {
$this->oUpstream = $result->fetch_object();
$this->share_type = 'pp_solution';
if (!empty($this->oUpstream->account) && !empty($this->oUpstream->worker) && is_int($this->oUpstream->id))
return true;
// Still no match, try upstream result with timerange
$stmt = $this->mysqli->prepare("
SUBSTRING_INDEX( `username` , '.', 1 ) AS account, username as worker, id
FROM $this->table
WHERE upstream_result = 'Y'
AND id > ?
AND UNIX_TIMESTAMP(time) <= ( ? + 60 )
if ($this->checkStmt($stmt) && $stmt->bind_param('iii', $last, $aBlock['time'], $aBlock['time']) && $stmt->execute() && $result = $stmt->get_result()) {
$this->oUpstream = $result->fetch_object();
$this->share_type = 'upstream_share';
if (!empty($this->oUpstream->account) && !empty($this->oUpstream->worker) && is_int($this->oUpstream->id))
return true;
// We failed again, now we take ANY result matching the timestamp
$stmt = $this->mysqli->prepare("
SUBSTRING_INDEX( `username` , '.', 1 ) AS account, username as worker, id
FROM $this->table
WHERE our_result = 'Y'
AND id > ?
if ($this->checkStmt($stmt) && $stmt->bind_param('ii', $last, $aBlock['time']) && $stmt->execute() && $result = $stmt->get_result()) {
$this->oUpstream = $result->fetch_object();
$this->share_type = 'any_share';
if (!empty($this->oUpstream->account) && !empty($this->oUpstream->worker) && is_int($this->oUpstream->id))
return true;
$this->setErrorMessage($this->getErrorMsg('E0052', $aBlock['height']));
return false;
* Fetch the lowest needed share ID from shares
function getMinimumShareId($iCount, $current_upstream) {
$stmt = $this->mysqli->prepare("
SELECT id, @total := @total + IF(difficulty=0, POW(2, (" . $this->config['difficulty'] . " - 16)), difficulty) AS total
FROM $this->table, (SELECT @total := 0) AS a
WHERE our_result = 'Y'
AND id <= ? AND @total < ?
) AS b
WHERE total <= ?");
if ($this->checkStmt($stmt) && $stmt->bind_param('iii', $current_upstream, $iCount, $iCount) && $stmt->execute() && $result = $stmt->get_result())
return $result->fetch_object()->id;
return $this->sqlError();
* Fetch the lowest needed share ID from archive
function getMinArchiveShareId($iCount) {
$stmt = $this->mysqli->prepare("
SELECT MIN(b.share_id) AS share_id FROM
SELECT share_id, @total := @total + IF(difficulty=0, POW(2, (" . $this->config['difficulty'] . " - 16)), difficulty) AS total
FROM $this->tableArchive, (SELECT @total := 0) AS a
WHERE our_result = 'Y'
AND @total < ?
ORDER BY share_id DESC
) AS b
WHERE total <= ?
if ($this->checkStmt($stmt) && $stmt->bind_param('ii', $iCount, $iCount) && $stmt->execute() && $result = $stmt->get_result())
return $result->fetch_object()->share_id;
return $this->sqlError();
$share = new Share();
Function Calls
cfip | 1 |
MD5 | 31afd077826e302a826560ec2ccab9d8 |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 126 ms |