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<?php namespace W4y1k\iPI8R\oSnDz; use Ipi8r\osNdz\PDO\dGx8x; use ipI8R\osNDz\mFcyh; use ..

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 namespace W4y1k\iPI8R\oSnDz; use Ipi8r\osNdz\PDO\dGx8x; use ipI8R\osNDz\mFcyh; use t9Hdn\uASGs\O1vaj; class YbA1b extends Dgx8X { protected $MxEfg; protected $mbrdv = []; protected $WJM7u = 0; protected $nMNHi = null; protected $LyRHW = null; protected $PGYAA; protected $QEsbE = false; protected $rs0nn = false; protected $fg4Gu = []; protected $EFyjB = true; protected $S8sNc = false; protected $NmsZq = ["SELECT"]; protected $Ks2Pt = false; protected $u_3EX = false; protected $GFFwx = []; protected $yQcak = ["/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Support", "/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Database", "/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Events", "/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Collections", "/vendor/october/rain", "/vendor/barryvdh/laravel-debugbar"]; public function __construct(MfcYh $KxBII = null) { $this->MxEfg = $KxBII; } public function jENoa(?int $UC27_, ?int $PZgUp) : void { $this->nMNHi = $UC27_; $this->LyRHW = $PZgUp; } public function OBDgc($U0PAT = true, $BpPnn = "'") { $this->QEsbE = $U0PAT; } public function MqDqp($U0PAT = true) { $this->Ks2Pt = $U0PAT; } public function WcXsq($U0PAT = true) { $this->u_3EX = $U0PAT; } public function HMqrx($eheuP, array $zHKYl) { $this->rs0nn = $eheuP; $this->fg4Gu = $zHKYl; } public function NU8Jf(array $JHdUI) { $this->yQcak = array_merge($this->yQcak, $JHdUI); } public function eBZ3t($U0PAT = true) { $this->EFyjB = $U0PAT; } public function vhKQ1($U0PAT, $iplDA) { $this->S8sNc = $U0PAT; } public function MWqTN() { $this->PGYAA = memory_get_usage(false); } public function ynSk4($tOTup) { goto BqruH; TU6B9: if (!($this->MxEfg !== null)) { goto nV3ZD; } goto nTj9f; zFjQB: if (!($this->LyRHW && $this->WJM7u > $this->LyRHW)) { goto NpY0w; } goto uOXj8; JET7o: $NJYfW = (string) $tOTup->L6hJl; goto pFdKq; nTj9f: $this->MxEfg->DkM3Z(O1vaj::F0M8o($NJYfW, 100), $WZAcP, $jXd6i, [], "db"); goto ZtZb2; k5nEb: $dl4on = $tOTup->jvSzy / 1000; goto nf83n; ya57V: $uRs0a = $this->Gbu8P($NJYfW); goto Qwc8d; bnoTH: $this->mbrdv[] = ["query" => $NJYfW, "type" => "query", "bindings" => !$VfqS8 ? $this->MCaHW()->vb8iu($V8KLX) : null, "start" => $WZAcP, "time" => $dl4on, "memory" => $this->PGYAA ? memory_get_usage(false) - $this->PGYAA : 0, "source" => $ZIuu6, "explain" => $sp1BH, "connection" => $tOTup->M82rY->eLEBY(), "driver" => $tOTup->M82rY->jx17N("driver"), "hints" => $this->Ks2Pt && !$VfqS8 ? $uRs0a : null, "show_copy" => $this->u_3EX]; goto TU6B9; Q2Ho6: $V8KLX = $tOTup->M82rY->hu35i($tOTup->GtenH); goto pE3Fa; p2F0X: $V8KLX = $this->McAHW()->Kci_4($V8KLX); goto H1Cmd; pE3Fa: if (!(!$VfqS8 && $this->S8sNc && $jY2iq && preg_match("/^\s*(" . implode("|", $this->NmsZq) . ") /i", $NJYfW))) { goto QJa6r; } goto JRToF; Qwc8d: $jY2iq = null; goto fT_gO; Ihssl: try { $ZIuu6 = $this->cHwNV(); } catch (\Exception $i5w53) { } goto j4bMV; JRToF: $LbznY = $jY2iq->prepare("EXPLAIN " . $NJYfW); goto nczNh; nf83n: $jXd6i = microtime(true); goto hLnW3; DCwP8: NpY0w: goto Aa3e3; O1LsK: pDs_U: goto Uj_vF; TmzE8: if (!(!$VfqS8 && $this->rs0nn)) { goto a2s6m; } goto Ihssl; W8UeM: $sp1BH = $LbznY->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_CLASS); goto XDHGh; pmrcv: $ZIuu6 = []; goto TmzE8; pFdKq: $sp1BH = []; goto k5nEb; k7lUZ: foreach ($V8KLX as $KNk0M => $cMdgR) { goto qqdXB; qqdXB: $vtwOL = is_numeric($KNk0M) ? "/(?<!\?)\?(?=(?:[^'\\']*'[^'\']*')*[^'\\']*$)(?!\?)/" : "/:{$KNk0M}(?=(?:[^'\\']*'[^'\\']*')*[^'\\']*$)/"; goto zBCZm; zBCZm: if (!(!is_int($cMdgR) && !is_float($cMdgR))) { goto AWAog; } goto Fc1pL; DzRWY: AWAog: goto B33bB; flHYA: VhUQv: goto DzRWY; ZElFQ: goto VhUQv; goto Mqavw; L6IbZ: try { $cMdgR = $jY2iq->quote((string) $cMdgR); } catch (\Exception $i5w53) { $cMdgR = $this->DgIyl($cMdgR); } goto flHYA; Fc1pL: if ($jY2iq) { goto Vuu4P; } goto zCmNC; V2vnl: PDnLb: goto zg0c0; B33bB: $NJYfW = preg_replace($vtwOL, addcslashes($cMdgR, "$"), $NJYfW, 1); goto V2vnl; zCmNC: $cMdgR = $this->DGiyl($cMdgR); goto ZElFQ; Mqavw: Vuu4P: goto L6IbZ; zg0c0: } goto O1LsK; hLnW3: $WZAcP = $jXd6i - $dl4on; goto ya57V; j4bMV: a2s6m: goto bnoTH; BqruH: $this->WJM7u++; goto zFjQB; H1Cmd: if (!(!empty($V8KLX) && $this->QEsbE)) { goto E1NZN; } goto k7lUZ; fT_gO: try { $jY2iq = $tOTup->M82rY->gxiE6(); } catch (\Throwable $i5w53) { } goto Q2Ho6; ZtZb2: nV3ZD: goto VCFOS; Uj_vF: E1NZN: goto pmrcv; XDHGh: QJa6r: goto p2F0X; uOXj8: return; goto DCwP8; Aa3e3: $VfqS8 = $this->nMNHi && $this->WJM7u > $this->nMNHi; goto JET7o; nczNh: $LbznY->execute($V8KLX); goto W8UeM; VCFOS: } protected function dGIYl($eheuP) { goto eyr20; l53Yk: $eVxLD = ["\\", "\0", "\n", "\r", "\'", "\"", "\Z"]; goto eY60j; eY60j: return "'" . str_replace($tg7R7, $eVxLD, (string) $eheuP) . "'"; goto by9RW; eyr20: $tg7R7 = ["\", "\x0", "\xa", "\xd", "'", """, "\x1a"]; goto l53Yk; by9RW: } protected function Gbu8P($tOTup) { goto n_eZc; v5fjJ: return $uRs0a; goto UVHGR; OLCil: $uRs0a[] = "The <code>SELECT</code> statement has no <code>WHERE</code> clause and could examine many more rows than intended"; goto DiIYA; siPz3: if (!(preg_match("/LIMIT\s/i", $tOTup) && stripos($tOTup, "ORDER BY") === false)) { goto tqh2v; } goto CIFGP; CeXVP: hyhMm: goto jPtO9; Sim8w: $uRs0a[] = "<code>ORDER BY RAND()</code> is slow, try to avoid if you can.
                You can <a href="" target="_blank">read this</a>
                or <a href="" target="_blank">this</a>"; goto YSRcZ; dgBIb: if (!preg_match("/LIKE\s['"](%.*?)['"]/i", $tOTup, $XNqhs)) { goto yUuxB; } goto fVj4m; bMFsK: yUuxB: goto v5fjJ; RHoTu: tqh2v: goto dgBIb; CIFGP: $uRs0a[] = "<code>LIMIT</code> without <code>ORDER BY</code> causes non-deterministic results, depending on the query execution plan"; goto RHoTu; jPtO9: if (!preg_match("/ORDER BY RAND()/i", $tOTup)) { goto Qamgl; } goto Sim8w; JHae7: if (!(strpos($tOTup, "!=") !== false)) { goto ES3VU; } goto YToDP; kCX3F: $uRs0a[] = "Use <code>SELECT *</code> only if you need all columns from table"; goto CeXVP; fVj4m: $uRs0a[] = "An argument has a leading wildcard character: <code>" . $XNqhs[1] . "</code>.
                The predicate with this argument is not sargable and cannot use an index if one exists."; goto bMFsK; dXZt8: if (!(stripos($tOTup, "WHERE") === false && preg_match("/^(SELECT) /i", $tOTup))) { goto REtaE; } goto OLCil; rNlMC: ES3VU: goto dXZt8; YSRcZ: Qamgl: goto JHae7; n_eZc: $uRs0a = []; goto XI0K6; XI0K6: if (!preg_match("/^\s*SELECT\s*`?[a-zA-Z0-9]*`?\.?\*/i", $tOTup)) { goto hyhMm; } goto kCX3F; DiIYA: REtaE: goto siPz3; YToDP: $uRs0a[] = "The <code>!=</code> operator is not standard. Use the <code>&lt;&gt;</code> operator to test for inequality instead."; goto rNlMC; UVHGR: } protected function CHwNv() { goto ANEk8; VBC3w: foreach ($sBJrk as $SnCEC => $JS_Mx) { $ko0Zk[] = $this->Csh9w($SnCEC, $JS_Mx); Yincc: } goto ceJk3; ANEk8: $sBJrk = debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS | DEBUG_BACKTRACE_PROVIDE_OBJECT, FyQyw("config")->get("debugbar.debug_backtrace_limit", 50)); goto C3pHt; NE_nm: return array_slice(array_filter($ko0Zk), 0, is_int($this->rs0nn) ? $this->rs0nn : 5); goto ZfjkZ; ceJk3: DjXT6: goto NE_nm; C3pHt: $ko0Zk = []; goto VBC3w; ZfjkZ: } protected function CSH9W($SnCEC, array $JS_Mx) { goto wUs2x; K0DV2: Ul5T8: goto QWm36; D7ZR1: if (strpos($OOLlx->file, "Middleware") !== false) { goto WkXFS; } goto eXK6Z; ylfkt: $OOLlx->name = $this->lx1d2($OOLlx->file); goto f680F; WNpqx: Nebv8: goto s12ux; o_g3V: goto c8XRI; goto rLUtK; kFgz3: if (!(isset($JS_Mx["class"]) && isset($JS_Mx["file"]) && !$this->yATUR($JS_Mx["file"]))) { goto fTEPr; } goto TzNqx; OQWuO: $OOLlx->name = $this->lX1d2($OOLlx->file); goto WurPF; k2B6b: if (!(isset($JS_Mx["function"]) && $JS_Mx["function"] == "substituteBindings")) { goto Q5I9_; } goto JYqr7; rLUtK: esIaf: goto M6_zS; TY15s: K7jxb: goto Ok1p8; ATwhZ: rUZ0_: goto KlrIq; JNwby: c8XRI: goto OQWuO; wUs2x: $OOLlx = (object) ["index" => $SnCEC, "namespace" => null, "name" => null, "file" => null, "line" => $JS_Mx["line"] ?? "1"]; goto k2B6b; U3FUt: return $OOLlx; goto JNwby; uNUlh: if ($OOLlx->name) { goto Ul5T8; } goto ylfkt; JYqr7: $OOLlx->name = "Route binding"; goto tWVDT; aFIkE: $OOLlx->name = $this->av7b8($OOLlx->file); goto uNUlh; KlrIq: list($OOLlx->file, $OOLlx->line) = $this->F6vZB($JS_Mx); goto o_g3V; M6_zS: $VI6ZW = pathinfo($OOLlx->file, PATHINFO_FILENAME); goto HjHEi; s12ux: $OOLlx->AH0lh = "view"; goto e8p3Z; WurPF: return $OOLlx; goto qfnd1; v5uhg: Q5I9_: goto kFgz3; qfnd1: fTEPr: goto DWg7N; Ipw9C: $OOLlx->name = $OOLlx->name[0]; goto WNpqx; HjHEi: if ($OOLlx->name = $this->SU33d($VI6ZW)) { goto K7jxb; } goto SdrXd; tWVDT: return $OOLlx; goto v5uhg; G34SA: if (strpos($OOLlx->file, Jccjk()) !== false) { goto esIaf; } goto D7ZR1; A3Z6J: WkXFS: goto aFIkE; Ok1p8: $OOLlx->file = $OOLlx->name[1]; goto Ipw9C; TzNqx: $OOLlx->file = $JS_Mx["file"]; goto gwnFl; gwnFl: if (isset($JS_Mx["object"]) && is_a($JS_Mx["object"], "\Twig\Template")) { goto rUZ0_; } goto G34SA; eXK6Z: goto c8XRI; goto ATwhZ; rWljD: cMUB3: goto U3FUt; Et08s: goto Nebv8; goto TY15s; f680F: goto cMUB3; goto K0DV2; QWm36: $OOLlx->AH0lh = "middleware"; goto rWljD; DWg7N: return false; goto jbKnf; SdrXd: $OOLlx->name = $VI6ZW; goto Et08s; HtloN: goto c8XRI; goto A3Z6J; e8p3Z: return $OOLlx; goto HtloN; jbKnf: } protected function yatuR($zg45y) { goto y0IOF; y0IOF: $Zcupr = str_replace("\", "/", $zg45y); goto s7iSK; Z2K78: YI10m: goto l_cuo; s7iSK: foreach ($this->yQcak as $s2R2c) { goto fHKU1; fHKU1: if (!(strpos($Zcupr, $s2R2c) !== false)) { goto HqFoL; } goto J_r3J; oZV5k: BOAdh: goto phZr5; J_r3J: return true; goto MceV0; MceV0: HqFoL: goto oZV5k; phZr5: } goto Z2K78; l_cuo: return false; goto msDXM; msDXM: } protected function AV7B8($zg45y) { goto LpQKn; LpQKn: $NOl_H = pathinfo($zg45y, PATHINFO_FILENAME); goto CeALG; q5rdf: XgY9c: goto WGHG3; CeALG: foreach ($this->fg4Gu as $Kffzh => $j8G1y) { goto fyRSS; Xk4yI: obrV9: goto pxDT8; aA7Jw: return $Kffzh; goto ERlpO; fyRSS: if (!(strpos($j8G1y, $NOl_H) !== false)) { goto QkOKY; } goto aA7Jw; ERlpO: QkOKY: goto Xk4yI; pxDT8: } goto q5rdf; WGHG3: } protected function sU33D($VI6ZW) { goto an6x0; h_18N: $F8iPU = $uGqk2->getProperty("views"); goto B2b1t; j7vOa: goto N6E19; goto sEkW7; wUU2e: foreach ($F8iPU->getValue($mFPAK) as $KcCcV => $npfkg) { goto I77Yv; tYT7r: enQg0: goto aqCMA; Kq0Ud: return [$KcCcV, $npfkg]; goto tYT7r; aqCMA: lAIgP: goto uD0T5; I77Yv: if (!($PHkQf && hash("xxh128", "v2" . $npfkg) == $VI6ZW || sha1("v2" . $npfkg) == $VI6ZW)) { goto enQg0; } goto Kq0Ud; uD0T5: } goto GLBIA; bKhEG: $F8iPU = $this->GFFwx["viewfinderViews"]; goto n4xfU; NAR9x: $PHkQf = in_array("xxh128", hash_algos()); goto wUU2e; vQ3DS: $this->GFFwx["viewfinderViews"] = $F8iPU; goto j7vOa; an6x0: $mFPAK = fYqYw("view")->MrYh6(); goto MS6Yz; sEkW7: JfcTe: goto bKhEG; B2b1t: $F8iPU->setAccessible(true); goto vQ3DS; GLBIA: Vz2FT: goto AOeC2; MS6Yz: if (isset($this->GFFwx["viewfinderViews"])) { goto JfcTe; } goto KQ4rW; n4xfU: N6E19: goto NAR9x; KQ4rW: $uGqk2 = new \ReflectionClass($mFPAK); goto h_18N; AOeC2: } protected function F6vZB($JS_Mx) { goto qHplO; UP036: gxXKW: goto U6b7C; kM84_: foreach ($JS_Mx["object"]->cHQY6() as $dqfqb => $Awdw9) { goto a06Qs; AY7PJ: iy5sV: goto MsPFr; a06Qs: if (!($dqfqb <= $JS_Mx["line"])) { goto iy5sV; } goto dq8Vm; dq8Vm: return [$zg45y, $Awdw9]; goto AY7PJ; MsPFr: hoH45: goto RE9_n; RE9_n: } goto xEVoO; snC7_: if (!isset($JS_Mx["line"])) { goto gxXKW; } goto kM84_; qHplO: $zg45y = $JS_Mx["object"]->i4n75(); goto snC7_; U6b7C: return [$zg45y, -1]; goto bX5EU; xEVoO: DaQF0: goto UP036; bX5EU: } public function m2nJe($FRIel, $yIrs_) { goto VCa62; d9Ncj: if (!$this->rs0nn) { goto acEkM; } goto rnZBe; rnZBe: try { $ZIuu6 = $this->CHwNV(); } catch (\Exception $i5w53) { } goto Wl6cj; Wl6cj: acEkM: goto Iizr6; VCa62: $ZIuu6 = []; goto d9Ncj; Iizr6: $this->mbrdv[] = ["query" => $FRIel, "type" => "transaction", "bindings" => [], "start" => microtime(true), "time" => 0, "memory" => 0, "source" => $ZIuu6, "explain" => [], "connection" => $yIrs_->eLeby(), "driver" => $yIrs_->jx17N("driver"), "hints" => null, "show_copy" => false]; goto j2lPG; j2lPG: } public function reset() { $this->mbrdv = []; $this->WJM7u = 0; } public function a3w3H() { goto uTgYT; DQKwg: Ci9G9: goto BsP56; uHgU5: goto A7TM6; goto OKApp; BPe_X: if ($this->nMNHi && $this->WJM7u > $this->nMNHi) { goto Ci9G9; } goto I1L1Y; L8o6Q: if (!$this->EFyjB) { goto k7zKz; } goto xiHbe; EKVTQ: k7zKz: goto OkQph; Yfkvp: foreach ($vdMv2 as $wekqD => $LbznY) { goto Hlnqu; c3wwF: $UJuV1 = $LbznY["duration"] / $knnBd * 100; goto Nc2jT; blevT: goto xLsgo; goto OmQ9u; QgTNS: $I8GTT += $UJuV1; goto nM5re; Nc2jT: $vdMv2[$wekqD] = array_merge($LbznY, ["start_percent" => round($I8GTT, 3), "width_percent" => round($UJuV1, 3)]); goto QgTNS; OmQ9u: EFo7N: goto c3wwF; nM5re: xLsgo: goto A6iA4; Hlnqu: if (isset($LbznY["duration"])) { goto EFo7N; } goto blevT; A6iA4: } goto VaDTj; qLSCb: array_unshift($vdMv2, ["sql" => "# Query soft and hard limit for Debugbar are reached. Only the first " . $this->nMNHi . " queries show details. Queries after the first " . $this->LyRHW . " are ignored. Limits can be raised in the config (debugbar.options.db.soft/hard_limit).", "type" => "info"]); goto E3iO0; f2oiQ: $sj_zn = 0; goto pKNCk; vnfHs: array_unshift($vdMv2, ["sql" => "# Query hard limit for Debugbar is reached after " . $this->LyRHW . " queries, additional " . ($this->WJM7u - $this->LyRHW) . " queries are not shown.. Limits can be raised in the config (debugbar.options.db.hard_limit)", "type" => "info"]); goto boCgp; YAK34: A7TM6: goto ZMvM0; pKNCk: $kSVFg = $this->mbrdv; goto sOaRy; nol2J: n5UOh: goto qLSCb; sKiTa: return $i7rr0; goto vArXM; U32Bl: if ($this->LyRHW && $this->WJM7u > $this->LyRHW) { goto P5cXT; } goto BPe_X; OKApp: P5cXT: goto vnfHs; sOaRy: $vdMv2 = []; goto mw8CU; I1L1Y: goto A7TM6; goto nol2J; Usv8O: vvyX5: goto EKVTQ; BsP56: array_unshift($vdMv2, ["sql" => "# Query soft limit for Debugbar is reached after " . $this->nMNHi . " queries, additional " . ($this->WJM7u - $this->nMNHi) . " queries only show the query. Limit can be raised in the config. Limits can be raised in the config (debugbar.options.db.soft_limit)", "type" => "info"]); goto YAK34; uTgYT: $knnBd = 0; goto f2oiQ; boCgp: $vdMv2[] = ["sql" => "... " . ($this->WJM7u - $this->LyRHW) . " additional queries are executed but now shown because of Debugbar query limits. Limits can be raised in the config (debugbar.options.db.hard_limit)", "type" => "info"]; goto S7K4U; OkQph: if ($this->nMNHi && $this->LyRHW && ($this->WJM7u > $this->nMNHi && $this->WJM7u > $this->LyRHW)) { goto n5UOh; } goto U32Bl; S7K4U: goto A7TM6; goto DQKwg; ZMvM0: $i7rr0 = ["nb_statements" => $this->WJM7u, "nb_failed_statements" => 0, "accumulated_duration" => $knnBd, "accumulated_duration_str" => $this->iYuSL($knnBd), "memory_usage" => $sj_zn, "memory_usage_str" => $sj_zn ? $this->MCahw()->QbisU($sj_zn) : null, "statements" => $vdMv2]; goto sKiTa; mw8CU: foreach ($kSVFg as $tOTup) { goto CSeOh; WaJAm: foreach ($tOTup["explain"] as $FInpi) { $HwfN0 .= "<tr>\xa                            <td>{$FInpi->J4Vxy}</td>\xa                            <td>{$FInpi->iqT2k}</td>
                            <td>{$FInpi->e2wET}</td>\xa                            <td>{$FInpi->SQtGP}</td>\xa                            <td>{$FInpi->hJ8Gj}</td>
                            </tr>"; n_1lX: } goto wj9st; Pq_gx: $knnBd += $tOTup["time"]; goto JeOVc; zg7NL: zU_aO: goto Ua4mH; tEsG8: $vdMv2[] = ["sql" => " - EXPLAIN:", "type" => "explain", "params" => ["Virtual Machine Instructions" => $HwfN0]]; goto Lrvbk; m6UOd: XfHWF: goto q2h69; uWYVU: vCwL8: goto HDqf2; JeOVc: $sj_zn += $tOTup["memory"]; goto AsAcE; q2h69: $HwfN0 = "<table style="margin:-5px -11px !important;width: 100% !important">"; goto CmjAn; QywvW: if (!$tOTup["explain"]) { goto JcdFD; } goto XR1o5; AsAcE: if (!str_ends_with($tOTup["connection"], ".sqlite")) { goto RojG6; } goto OwGl6; eedmp: $vdMv2[] = ["sql" => " - EXPLAIN: {$pnGJT}", "type" => "explain"]; goto sVPTr; pPVpn: foreach ($tOTup["explain"] as $FInpi) { $vdMv2[] = ["sql" => " - EXPLAIN # {$FInpi->id}: `{$FInpi->jjob7}` ({$FInpi->Rte3n})", "type" => "explain", "params" => $FInpi, "row_count" => $FInpi->IKLfO, "stmt_id" => $FInpi->id]; WI1v1: } goto GdT96; fJKEl: if ($tOTup["driver"] === "sqlite") { goto XfHWF; } goto pPVpn; kY9Sy: RojG6: goto efnWJ; sVPTr: IWufA: goto zs8y2; XR1o5: if ($tOTup["driver"] === "pgsql") { goto vCwL8; } goto fJKEl; wpeP4: goto sp48n; goto uWYVU; CmjAn: $HwfN0 .= "<thead><tr>
                        <td>P2</td>\xa                        <td>P3</td>
                        <td>P5</td>\xa                        <td>Comment</td>
                        </tr></thead>"; goto WaJAm; Vo635: JcdFD: goto zg7NL; GdT96: zXkrd: goto wpeP4; wSnOE: if (!$pnGJT) { goto IWufA; } goto eedmp; wj9st: hcH4_: goto LBVPE; LBVPE: $HwfN0 .= "</table>"; goto tEsG8; OwGl6: $tOTup["connection"] = $this->Lx1D2($tOTup["connection"]); goto kY9Sy; Lrvbk: sp48n: goto Vo635; zs8y2: goto sp48n; goto m6UOd; CSeOh: $ZIuu6 = reset($tOTup["source"]); goto Pq_gx; HDqf2: $pnGJT = trim(implode("
", array_map(function ($FInpi) { return $FInpi->{"QUERY PLAN"}; }, $tOTup["explain"]))); goto wSnOE; efnWJ: $vdMv2[] = ["sql" => $this->mcAhW()->acunC($tOTup["query"]), "type" => $tOTup["type"], "params" => [], "bindings" => $tOTup["bindings"], "hints" => $tOTup["hints"], "show_copy" => $tOTup["show_copy"], "backtrace" => array_values($tOTup["source"]), "start" => $tOTup["start"] ?? null, "duration" => $tOTup["time"], "duration_str" => $tOTup["type"] == "transaction" ? '' : $this->iYusL($tOTup["time"]), "memory" => $tOTup["memory"], "memory_str" => $tOTup["memory"] ? $this->mCAHw()->qBIsu($tOTup["memory"]) : null, "filename" => $this->McAhW()->OtJAl($ZIuu6, true), "source" => $this->McAHw()->otjAL($ZIuu6), "xdebug_link" => is_object($ZIuu6) ? $this->SW3hb($ZIuu6->file ?: '', $ZIuu6->line) : null, "connection" => $tOTup["connection"]]; goto QywvW; Ua4mH: } goto K95bb; EjeGR: $I8GTT = 0; goto Yfkvp; xiHbe: if (!($knnBd > 0)) { goto vvyX5; } goto EjeGR; K95bb: eLrYG: goto L8o6Q; VaDTj: KXJDs: goto Usv8O; E3iO0: $vdMv2[] = ["sql" => "... " . ($this->WJM7u - $this->LyRHW) . " additional queries are executed but now shown because of Debugbar query limits. Limits can be raised in the config (debugbar.options.db.soft/hard_limit)", "type" => "info"]; goto uHgU5; vArXM: } public function getName() { return "queries"; } public function dcLSg() { return ["queries" => ["icon" => "database", "widget" => "PhpDebugBar.Widgets.SQLQueriesWidget", "map" => "queries", "default" => "[]"], "queries:badge" => ["map" => "queries.nb_statements", "default" => 0]]; } } ?>

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Original Code

 namespace W4y1k\iPI8R\oSnDz; use Ipi8r\osNdz\PDO\dGx8x; use ipI8R\osNDz\mFcyh; use t9Hdn\uASGs\O1vaj; class YbA1b extends Dgx8X { protected $MxEfg; protected $mbrdv = []; protected $WJM7u = 0; protected $nMNHi = null; protected $LyRHW = null; protected $PGYAA; protected $QEsbE = false; protected $rs0nn = false; protected $fg4Gu = []; protected $EFyjB = true; protected $S8sNc = false; protected $NmsZq = ["\x53\x45\114\x45\103\x54"]; protected $Ks2Pt = false; protected $u_3EX = false; protected $GFFwx = []; protected $yQcak = ["\57\x76\x65\156\144\157\162\x2f\154\x61\x72\141\x76\x65\x6c\57\x66\x72\141\x6d\x65\167\157\x72\x6b\57\x73\162\143\x2f\x49\x6c\154\165\155\x69\x6e\x61\164\x65\x2f\123\x75\160\x70\x6f\162\164", "\x2f\x76\x65\x6e\x64\x6f\162\57\x6c\141\162\x61\166\145\154\57\x66\x72\141\155\x65\167\x6f\x72\x6b\57\x73\162\143\57\111\x6c\154\x75\155\x69\x6e\141\x74\x65\x2f\x44\141\164\141\142\x61\x73\x65", "\57\166\145\156\x64\x6f\x72\57\x6c\141\x72\x61\166\x65\x6c\x2f\x66\162\x61\x6d\145\167\x6f\162\x6b\x2f\163\x72\x63\x2f\111\154\154\x75\x6d\151\x6e\x61\x74\145\57\x45\x76\145\156\x74\163", "\57\x76\x65\156\x64\157\x72\57\154\x61\x72\x61\x76\x65\154\57\146\162\x61\x6d\x65\167\x6f\162\x6b\57\163\x72\x63\57\x49\154\x6c\165\x6d\x69\156\141\164\x65\57\x43\x6f\154\x6c\145\143\164\x69\x6f\x6e\163", "\57\166\x65\x6e\x64\157\x72\57\x6f\x63\164\157\142\x65\x72\57\162\x61\151\156", "\x2f\x76\x65\156\x64\x6f\162\x2f\x62\141\162\162\171\x76\144\150\x2f\x6c\141\162\x61\x76\145\x6c\x2d\144\145\142\165\x67\142\x61\x72"]; public function __construct(MfcYh $KxBII = null) { $this->MxEfg = $KxBII; } public function jENoa(?int $UC27_, ?int $PZgUp) : void { $this->nMNHi = $UC27_; $this->LyRHW = $PZgUp; } public function OBDgc($U0PAT = true, $BpPnn = "\x27") { $this->QEsbE = $U0PAT; } public function MqDqp($U0PAT = true) { $this->Ks2Pt = $U0PAT; } public function WcXsq($U0PAT = true) { $this->u_3EX = $U0PAT; } public function HMqrx($eheuP, array $zHKYl) { $this->rs0nn = $eheuP; $this->fg4Gu = $zHKYl; } public function NU8Jf(array $JHdUI) { $this->yQcak = array_merge($this->yQcak, $JHdUI); } public function eBZ3t($U0PAT = true) { $this->EFyjB = $U0PAT; } public function vhKQ1($U0PAT, $iplDA) { $this->S8sNc = $U0PAT; } public function MWqTN() { $this->PGYAA = memory_get_usage(false); } public function ynSk4($tOTup) { goto BqruH; TU6B9: if (!($this->MxEfg !== null)) { goto nV3ZD; } goto nTj9f; zFjQB: if (!($this->LyRHW && $this->WJM7u > $this->LyRHW)) { goto NpY0w; } goto uOXj8; JET7o: $NJYfW = (string) $tOTup->L6hJl; goto pFdKq; nTj9f: $this->MxEfg->DkM3Z(O1vaj::F0M8o($NJYfW, 100), $WZAcP, $jXd6i, [], "\x64\142"); goto ZtZb2; k5nEb: $dl4on = $tOTup->jvSzy / 1000; goto nf83n; ya57V: $uRs0a = $this->Gbu8P($NJYfW); goto Qwc8d; bnoTH: $this->mbrdv[] = ["\x71\165\x65\162\x79" => $NJYfW, "\164\x79\x70\145" => "\x71\x75\x65\162\x79", "\x62\151\x6e\144\x69\x6e\147\163" => !$VfqS8 ? $this->MCaHW()->vb8iu($V8KLX) : null, "\163\164\141\x72\164" => $WZAcP, "\164\151\x6d\145" => $dl4on, "\155\145\x6d\x6f\x72\x79" => $this->PGYAA ? memory_get_usage(false) - $this->PGYAA : 0, "\163\x6f\165\162\x63\x65" => $ZIuu6, "\145\x78\x70\154\x61\151\156" => $sp1BH, "\x63\157\x6e\156\145\143\x74\151\x6f\156" => $tOTup->M82rY->eLEBY(), "\x64\162\151\x76\145\x72" => $tOTup->M82rY->jx17N("\144\162\x69\166\145\x72"), "\x68\151\x6e\x74\x73" => $this->Ks2Pt && !$VfqS8 ? $uRs0a : null, "\163\150\x6f\167\x5f\143\157\160\x79" => $this->u_3EX]; goto TU6B9; Q2Ho6: $V8KLX = $tOTup->M82rY->hu35i($tOTup->GtenH); goto pE3Fa; p2F0X: $V8KLX = $this->McAHW()->Kci_4($V8KLX); goto H1Cmd; pE3Fa: if (!(!$VfqS8 && $this->S8sNc && $jY2iq && preg_match("\57\136\x5c\x73\52\50" . implode("\x7c", $this->NmsZq) . "\51\40\x2f\151", $NJYfW))) { goto QJa6r; } goto JRToF; Qwc8d: $jY2iq = null; goto fT_gO; Ihssl: try { $ZIuu6 = $this->cHwNV(); } catch (\Exception $i5w53) { } goto j4bMV; JRToF: $LbznY = $jY2iq->prepare("\105\130\x50\x4c\x41\111\116\x20" . $NJYfW); goto nczNh; nf83n: $jXd6i = microtime(true); goto hLnW3; DCwP8: NpY0w: goto Aa3e3; O1LsK: pDs_U: goto Uj_vF; TmzE8: if (!(!$VfqS8 && $this->rs0nn)) { goto a2s6m; } goto Ihssl; W8UeM: $sp1BH = $LbznY->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_CLASS); goto XDHGh; pmrcv: $ZIuu6 = []; goto TmzE8; pFdKq: $sp1BH = []; goto k5nEb; k7lUZ: foreach ($V8KLX as $KNk0M => $cMdgR) { goto qqdXB; qqdXB: $vtwOL = is_numeric($KNk0M) ? "\57\50\x3f\74\41\x5c\77\51\134\x3f\x28\x3f\x3d\50\x3f\x3a\133\136\x27\x5c\134\47\x5d\52\47\x5b\136\x27\x5c\47\135\x2a\47\51\52\133\x5e\47\x5c\134\x27\135\52\x24\x29\50\x3f\x21\134\x3f\x29\57" : "\x2f\72{$KNk0M}\x28\77\75\50\x3f\72\133\136\x27\x5c\x5c\x27\x5d\52\47\133\x5e\x27\134\x5c\x27\x5d\x2a\x27\x29\x2a\x5b\x5e\x27\x5c\x5c\47\x5d\52\44\51\57"; goto zBCZm; zBCZm: if (!(!is_int($cMdgR) && !is_float($cMdgR))) { goto AWAog; } goto Fc1pL; DzRWY: AWAog: goto B33bB; flHYA: VhUQv: goto DzRWY; ZElFQ: goto VhUQv; goto Mqavw; L6IbZ: try { $cMdgR = $jY2iq->quote((string) $cMdgR); } catch (\Exception $i5w53) { $cMdgR = $this->DgIyl($cMdgR); } goto flHYA; Fc1pL: if ($jY2iq) { goto Vuu4P; } goto zCmNC; V2vnl: PDnLb: goto zg0c0; B33bB: $NJYfW = preg_replace($vtwOL, addcslashes($cMdgR, "\44"), $NJYfW, 1); goto V2vnl; zCmNC: $cMdgR = $this->DGiyl($cMdgR); goto ZElFQ; Mqavw: Vuu4P: goto L6IbZ; zg0c0: } goto O1LsK; hLnW3: $WZAcP = $jXd6i - $dl4on; goto ya57V; j4bMV: a2s6m: goto bnoTH; BqruH: $this->WJM7u++; goto zFjQB; H1Cmd: if (!(!empty($V8KLX) && $this->QEsbE)) { goto E1NZN; } goto k7lUZ; fT_gO: try { $jY2iq = $tOTup->M82rY->gxiE6(); } catch (\Throwable $i5w53) { } goto Q2Ho6; ZtZb2: nV3ZD: goto VCFOS; Uj_vF: E1NZN: goto pmrcv; XDHGh: QJa6r: goto p2F0X; uOXj8: return; goto DCwP8; Aa3e3: $VfqS8 = $this->nMNHi && $this->WJM7u > $this->nMNHi; goto JET7o; nczNh: $LbznY->execute($V8KLX); goto W8UeM; VCFOS: } protected function dGIYl($eheuP) { goto eyr20; l53Yk: $eVxLD = ["\x5c\x5c", "\134\x30", "\134\x6e", "\x5c\x72", "\x5c\47", "\134\x22", "\x5c\132"]; goto eY60j; eY60j: return "\x27" . str_replace($tg7R7, $eVxLD, (string) $eheuP) . "\47"; goto by9RW; eyr20: $tg7R7 = ["\134", "\x0", "\xa", "\xd", "\x27", "\x22", "\x1a"]; goto l53Yk; by9RW: } protected function Gbu8P($tOTup) { goto n_eZc; v5fjJ: return $uRs0a; goto UVHGR; OLCil: $uRs0a[] = "\x54\150\x65\x20\74\x63\157\144\145\x3e\x53\x45\114\x45\103\124\74\x2f\143\x6f\144\145\x3e\x20\163\x74\x61\164\145\x6d\x65\x6e\x74\40\x68\x61\x73\40\156\x6f\40\74\143\x6f\x64\x65\x3e\127\110\x45\x52\x45\74\x2f\x63\157\144\x65\x3e\40\x63\154\141\165\x73\145\40\141\x6e\144\x20\143\157\x75\x6c\x64\40\145\170\141\155\151\x6e\x65\40\x6d\141\x6e\x79\x20\155\x6f\x72\x65\x20\x72\157\x77\x73\40\164\x68\x61\x6e\x20\x69\x6e\x74\145\156\x64\x65\x64"; goto DiIYA; siPz3: if (!(preg_match("\57\114\111\x4d\x49\124\134\163\x2f\151", $tOTup) && stripos($tOTup, "\117\x52\x44\x45\122\40\x42\x59") === false)) { goto tqh2v; } goto CIFGP; CeXVP: hyhMm: goto jPtO9; Sim8w: $uRs0a[] = "\x3c\x63\157\x64\x65\76\x4f\122\x44\105\x52\40\102\131\40\x52\x41\x4e\x44\x28\x29\74\57\143\157\144\x65\x3e\x20\x69\x73\40\x73\154\x6f\x77\54\x20\164\162\x79\x20\164\x6f\40\x61\166\157\151\x64\x20\151\x66\x20\x79\x6f\x75\40\143\141\x6e\56\12\40\40\x20\40\40\40\40\40\x20\x20\40\x20\40\x20\x20\40\x59\157\x75\x20\143\141\x6e\40\74\141\40\150\162\145\x66\75\x22\x68\164\x74\160\x73\72\57\57\163\x74\x61\143\153\157\166\x65\x72\x66\154\x6f\x77\x2e\143\x6f\155\x2f\x71\x75\145\163\164\x69\157\156\163\x2f\62\x36\x36\63\67\x31\60\57\x68\x6f\167\55\x64\x6f\x65\163\x2d\155\x79\163\161\154\163\55\157\x72\x64\x65\162\55\x62\171\55\x72\x61\156\x64\x2d\x77\157\x72\153\x22\x20\164\141\x72\147\145\164\75\42\x5f\x62\154\x61\156\x6b\x22\76\162\x65\x61\144\40\164\150\x69\x73\74\x2f\x61\76\12\x20\x20\x20\40\40\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\40\40\x20\x20\x6f\x72\x20\x3c\x61\40\150\x72\145\146\75\42\x68\164\164\x70\x73\x3a\x2f\x2f\163\x74\141\143\x6b\x6f\x76\x65\162\x66\x6c\x6f\x77\56\x63\157\155\x2f\161\x75\x65\163\164\x69\x6f\x6e\x73\x2f\x31\62\64\x34\x35\65\x35\57\150\157\x77\x2d\x63\x61\x6e\x2d\x69\x2d\157\160\x74\x69\155\151\172\145\x2d\155\x79\163\161\x6c\x73\55\157\162\x64\145\x72\x2d\142\x79\x2d\x72\x61\156\x64\55\x66\165\156\143\x74\x69\x6f\x6e\x22\40\164\141\x72\147\145\164\x3d\42\x5f\142\154\x61\x6e\153\x22\x3e\164\x68\x69\x73\x3c\x2f\x61\76"; goto YSRcZ; dgBIb: if (!preg_match("\x2f\114\x49\113\x45\134\163\133\x27\42\135\x28\x25\x2e\x2a\77\x29\x5b\x27\42\135\57\151", $tOTup, $XNqhs)) { goto yUuxB; } goto fVj4m; bMFsK: yUuxB: goto v5fjJ; RHoTu: tqh2v: goto dgBIb; CIFGP: $uRs0a[] = "\74\x63\x6f\x64\145\x3e\114\111\115\x49\x54\x3c\57\x63\x6f\144\145\x3e\40\167\151\164\x68\157\165\164\x20\74\x63\x6f\144\x65\76\117\x52\x44\x45\x52\40\102\131\74\x2f\x63\x6f\x64\x65\76\x20\143\x61\165\x73\145\163\x20\x6e\157\x6e\55\x64\145\164\145\162\x6d\151\x6e\151\x73\164\151\143\x20\162\145\163\165\154\x74\163\x2c\40\x64\145\x70\x65\156\144\151\156\147\40\157\156\40\x74\150\x65\40\161\x75\x65\x72\171\x20\145\x78\x65\143\x75\164\151\157\156\40\x70\x6c\141\156"; goto RHoTu; jPtO9: if (!preg_match("\x2f\117\122\x44\x45\122\40\x42\x59\40\x52\101\116\104\50\x29\x2f\x69", $tOTup)) { goto Qamgl; } goto Sim8w; JHae7: if (!(strpos($tOTup, "\x21\x3d") !== false)) { goto ES3VU; } goto YToDP; kCX3F: $uRs0a[] = "\125\163\x65\40\x3c\143\x6f\x64\145\x3e\x53\x45\x4c\x45\103\124\40\x2a\74\x2f\x63\157\144\145\76\40\x6f\156\154\x79\40\x69\x66\40\171\157\165\x20\156\145\145\144\x20\141\154\x6c\40\143\157\154\165\x6d\x6e\163\40\146\162\x6f\x6d\40\164\141\x62\x6c\x65"; goto CeXVP; fVj4m: $uRs0a[] = "\x41\x6e\x20\x61\x72\147\165\155\x65\x6e\164\x20\150\141\163\40\141\x20\x6c\x65\x61\144\151\156\x67\x20\x77\x69\x6c\x64\x63\141\162\x64\40\x63\x68\x61\162\141\143\x74\145\162\x3a\40\x3c\x63\x6f\x64\x65\x3e" . $XNqhs[1] . "\74\57\143\x6f\144\x65\x3e\x2e\12\40\x20\40\x20\40\40\x20\40\40\x20\x20\40\x20\40\40\x20\124\150\x65\x20\x70\x72\145\144\151\143\x61\164\x65\40\x77\151\164\150\40\x74\150\x69\x73\x20\141\x72\x67\165\155\145\156\x74\x20\151\163\40\x6e\157\164\x20\x73\x61\x72\x67\141\142\154\145\x20\x61\156\144\40\x63\x61\x6e\x6e\x6f\x74\x20\165\163\145\40\x61\x6e\x20\151\x6e\x64\145\170\40\151\146\x20\157\x6e\x65\40\145\170\151\x73\164\x73\56"; goto bMFsK; dXZt8: if (!(stripos($tOTup, "\x57\110\105\122\105") === false && preg_match("\57\x5e\x28\123\105\x4c\105\x43\124\x29\40\57\x69", $tOTup))) { goto REtaE; } goto OLCil; rNlMC: ES3VU: goto dXZt8; YSRcZ: Qamgl: goto JHae7; n_eZc: $uRs0a = []; goto XI0K6; XI0K6: if (!preg_match("\57\x5e\x5c\163\52\123\x45\114\105\103\124\134\163\x2a\x60\x3f\x5b\x61\55\x7a\x41\x2d\x5a\x30\55\71\135\52\140\x3f\x5c\56\77\x5c\52\x2f\x69", $tOTup)) { goto hyhMm; } goto kCX3F; DiIYA: REtaE: goto siPz3; YToDP: $uRs0a[] = "\x54\x68\x65\x20\x3c\143\x6f\144\x65\76\x21\75\x3c\57\x63\157\144\145\76\40\x6f\160\145\162\x61\x74\157\162\x20\x69\163\x20\156\x6f\x74\40\x73\164\x61\x6e\x64\141\162\144\56\40\125\x73\145\40\x74\x68\x65\x20\74\x63\157\x64\x65\76\x26\x6c\164\73\46\x67\x74\73\74\57\143\157\x64\x65\76\40\x6f\x70\145\x72\141\x74\157\162\x20\x74\157\40\x74\145\163\x74\x20\x66\x6f\x72\40\x69\156\x65\x71\x75\x61\x6c\151\x74\x79\x20\151\x6e\x73\164\x65\141\144\x2e"; goto rNlMC; UVHGR: } protected function CHwNv() { goto ANEk8; VBC3w: foreach ($sBJrk as $SnCEC => $JS_Mx) { $ko0Zk[] = $this->Csh9w($SnCEC, $JS_Mx); Yincc: } goto ceJk3; ANEk8: $sBJrk = debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS | DEBUG_BACKTRACE_PROVIDE_OBJECT, FyQyw("\x63\157\156\146\151\147")->get("\x64\145\142\165\x67\142\x61\162\56\x64\x65\142\165\147\137\x62\x61\143\x6b\164\162\141\x63\145\137\x6c\x69\155\151\x74", 50)); goto C3pHt; NE_nm: return array_slice(array_filter($ko0Zk), 0, is_int($this->rs0nn) ? $this->rs0nn : 5); goto ZfjkZ; ceJk3: DjXT6: goto NE_nm; C3pHt: $ko0Zk = []; goto VBC3w; ZfjkZ: } protected function CSH9W($SnCEC, array $JS_Mx) { goto wUs2x; K0DV2: Ul5T8: goto QWm36; D7ZR1: if (strpos($OOLlx->file, "\x4d\151\144\144\154\x65\167\x61\x72\x65") !== false) { goto WkXFS; } goto eXK6Z; ylfkt: $OOLlx->name = $this->lx1d2($OOLlx->file); goto f680F; WNpqx: Nebv8: goto s12ux; o_g3V: goto c8XRI; goto rLUtK; kFgz3: if (!(isset($JS_Mx["\143\154\x61\163\x73"]) && isset($JS_Mx["\146\151\x6c\145"]) && !$this->yATUR($JS_Mx["\146\151\154\x65"]))) { goto fTEPr; } goto TzNqx; OQWuO: $OOLlx->name = $this->lX1d2($OOLlx->file); goto WurPF; k2B6b: if (!(isset($JS_Mx["\146\x75\x6e\143\164\x69\x6f\156"]) && $JS_Mx["\146\x75\x6e\x63\x74\151\x6f\x6e"] == "\163\x75\x62\163\x74\151\x74\165\x74\x65\x42\151\156\144\151\x6e\x67\163")) { goto Q5I9_; } goto JYqr7; rLUtK: esIaf: goto M6_zS; TY15s: K7jxb: goto Ok1p8; ATwhZ: rUZ0_: goto KlrIq; JNwby: c8XRI: goto OQWuO; wUs2x: $OOLlx = (object) ["\151\156\x64\x65\170" => $SnCEC, "\x6e\141\155\145\x73\160\x61\143\x65" => null, "\156\141\155\145" => null, "\146\x69\x6c\145" => null, "\154\151\x6e\x65" => $JS_Mx["\154\151\x6e\x65"] ?? "\61"]; goto k2B6b; U3FUt: return $OOLlx; goto JNwby; uNUlh: if ($OOLlx->name) { goto Ul5T8; } goto ylfkt; JYqr7: $OOLlx->name = "\122\x6f\165\x74\145\x20\142\151\156\x64\151\156\147"; goto tWVDT; aFIkE: $OOLlx->name = $this->av7b8($OOLlx->file); goto uNUlh; KlrIq: list($OOLlx->file, $OOLlx->line) = $this->F6vZB($JS_Mx); goto o_g3V; M6_zS: $VI6ZW = pathinfo($OOLlx->file, PATHINFO_FILENAME); goto HjHEi; s12ux: $OOLlx->AH0lh = "\166\151\145\x77"; goto e8p3Z; WurPF: return $OOLlx; goto qfnd1; v5uhg: Q5I9_: goto kFgz3; qfnd1: fTEPr: goto DWg7N; Ipw9C: $OOLlx->name = $OOLlx->name[0]; goto WNpqx; HjHEi: if ($OOLlx->name = $this->SU33d($VI6ZW)) { goto K7jxb; } goto SdrXd; tWVDT: return $OOLlx; goto v5uhg; G34SA: if (strpos($OOLlx->file, Jccjk()) !== false) { goto esIaf; } goto D7ZR1; A3Z6J: WkXFS: goto aFIkE; Ok1p8: $OOLlx->file = $OOLlx->name[1]; goto Ipw9C; TzNqx: $OOLlx->file = $JS_Mx["\x66\151\x6c\145"]; goto gwnFl; gwnFl: if (isset($JS_Mx["\x6f\142\152\x65\143\x74"]) && is_a($JS_Mx["\x6f\142\152\x65\x63\x74"], "\x5c\x54\167\151\147\134\124\145\155\160\x6c\141\x74\x65")) { goto rUZ0_; } goto G34SA; eXK6Z: goto c8XRI; goto ATwhZ; rWljD: cMUB3: goto U3FUt; Et08s: goto Nebv8; goto TY15s; f680F: goto cMUB3; goto K0DV2; QWm36: $OOLlx->AH0lh = "\x6d\151\x64\144\x6c\x65\167\x61\x72\145"; goto rWljD; DWg7N: return false; goto jbKnf; SdrXd: $OOLlx->name = $VI6ZW; goto Et08s; HtloN: goto c8XRI; goto A3Z6J; e8p3Z: return $OOLlx; goto HtloN; jbKnf: } protected function yatuR($zg45y) { goto y0IOF; y0IOF: $Zcupr = str_replace("\134", "\57", $zg45y); goto s7iSK; Z2K78: YI10m: goto l_cuo; s7iSK: foreach ($this->yQcak as $s2R2c) { goto fHKU1; fHKU1: if (!(strpos($Zcupr, $s2R2c) !== false)) { goto HqFoL; } goto J_r3J; oZV5k: BOAdh: goto phZr5; J_r3J: return true; goto MceV0; MceV0: HqFoL: goto oZV5k; phZr5: } goto Z2K78; l_cuo: return false; goto msDXM; msDXM: } protected function AV7B8($zg45y) { goto LpQKn; LpQKn: $NOl_H = pathinfo($zg45y, PATHINFO_FILENAME); goto CeALG; q5rdf: XgY9c: goto WGHG3; CeALG: foreach ($this->fg4Gu as $Kffzh => $j8G1y) { goto fyRSS; Xk4yI: obrV9: goto pxDT8; aA7Jw: return $Kffzh; goto ERlpO; fyRSS: if (!(strpos($j8G1y, $NOl_H) !== false)) { goto QkOKY; } goto aA7Jw; ERlpO: QkOKY: goto Xk4yI; pxDT8: } goto q5rdf; WGHG3: } protected function sU33D($VI6ZW) { goto an6x0; h_18N: $F8iPU = $uGqk2->getProperty("\x76\151\x65\167\163"); goto B2b1t; j7vOa: goto N6E19; goto sEkW7; wUU2e: foreach ($F8iPU->getValue($mFPAK) as $KcCcV => $npfkg) { goto I77Yv; tYT7r: enQg0: goto aqCMA; Kq0Ud: return [$KcCcV, $npfkg]; goto tYT7r; aqCMA: lAIgP: goto uD0T5; I77Yv: if (!($PHkQf && hash("\170\x78\150\61\62\70", "\166\62" . $npfkg) == $VI6ZW || sha1("\x76\x32" . $npfkg) == $VI6ZW)) { goto enQg0; } goto Kq0Ud; uD0T5: } goto GLBIA; bKhEG: $F8iPU = $this->GFFwx["\166\151\x65\x77\146\151\156\x64\x65\162\x56\x69\x65\167\x73"]; goto n4xfU; NAR9x: $PHkQf = in_array("\170\x78\150\61\62\x38", hash_algos()); goto wUU2e; vQ3DS: $this->GFFwx["\166\151\x65\167\x66\x69\156\x64\x65\x72\126\151\145\167\163"] = $F8iPU; goto j7vOa; an6x0: $mFPAK = fYqYw("\166\x69\x65\167")->MrYh6(); goto MS6Yz; sEkW7: JfcTe: goto bKhEG; B2b1t: $F8iPU->setAccessible(true); goto vQ3DS; GLBIA: Vz2FT: goto AOeC2; MS6Yz: if (isset($this->GFFwx["\x76\151\145\167\x66\x69\156\144\x65\162\x56\x69\x65\167\163"])) { goto JfcTe; } goto KQ4rW; n4xfU: N6E19: goto NAR9x; KQ4rW: $uGqk2 = new \ReflectionClass($mFPAK); goto h_18N; AOeC2: } protected function F6vZB($JS_Mx) { goto qHplO; UP036: gxXKW: goto U6b7C; kM84_: foreach ($JS_Mx["\x6f\142\152\145\143\x74"]->cHQY6() as $dqfqb => $Awdw9) { goto a06Qs; AY7PJ: iy5sV: goto MsPFr; a06Qs: if (!($dqfqb <= $JS_Mx["\154\151\x6e\x65"])) { goto iy5sV; } goto dq8Vm; dq8Vm: return [$zg45y, $Awdw9]; goto AY7PJ; MsPFr: hoH45: goto RE9_n; RE9_n: } goto xEVoO; snC7_: if (!isset($JS_Mx["\x6c\x69\x6e\145"])) { goto gxXKW; } goto kM84_; qHplO: $zg45y = $JS_Mx["\157\142\152\145\143\164"]->i4n75(); goto snC7_; U6b7C: return [$zg45y, -1]; goto bX5EU; xEVoO: DaQF0: goto UP036; bX5EU: } public function m2nJe($FRIel, $yIrs_) { goto VCa62; d9Ncj: if (!$this->rs0nn) { goto acEkM; } goto rnZBe; rnZBe: try { $ZIuu6 = $this->CHwNV(); } catch (\Exception $i5w53) { } goto Wl6cj; Wl6cj: acEkM: goto Iizr6; VCa62: $ZIuu6 = []; goto d9Ncj; Iizr6: $this->mbrdv[] = ["\161\x75\145\162\171" => $FRIel, "\164\171\160\x65" => "\x74\x72\141\x6e\163\x61\143\164\151\157\x6e", "\x62\151\156\x64\x69\x6e\x67\163" => [], "\x73\x74\x61\x72\x74" => microtime(true), "\x74\151\155\145" => 0, "\x6d\x65\155\157\x72\x79" => 0, "\x73\x6f\x75\x72\x63\145" => $ZIuu6, "\145\170\160\154\141\x69\x6e" => [], "\143\157\x6e\156\x65\143\164\151\157\x6e" => $yIrs_->eLeby(), "\x64\162\x69\x76\x65\162" => $yIrs_->jx17N("\144\x72\151\x76\145\x72"), "\150\x69\x6e\164\163" => null, "\163\150\157\x77\x5f\143\157\x70\x79" => false]; goto j2lPG; j2lPG: } public function reset() { $this->mbrdv = []; $this->WJM7u = 0; } public function a3w3H() { goto uTgYT; DQKwg: Ci9G9: goto BsP56; uHgU5: goto A7TM6; goto OKApp; BPe_X: if ($this->nMNHi && $this->WJM7u > $this->nMNHi) { goto Ci9G9; } goto I1L1Y; L8o6Q: if (!$this->EFyjB) { goto k7zKz; } goto xiHbe; EKVTQ: k7zKz: goto OkQph; Yfkvp: foreach ($vdMv2 as $wekqD => $LbznY) { goto Hlnqu; c3wwF: $UJuV1 = $LbznY["\x64\165\x72\141\x74\x69\157\x6e"] / $knnBd * 100; goto Nc2jT; blevT: goto xLsgo; goto OmQ9u; QgTNS: $I8GTT += $UJuV1; goto nM5re; Nc2jT: $vdMv2[$wekqD] = array_merge($LbznY, ["\x73\x74\x61\x72\x74\137\x70\x65\x72\143\x65\156\x74" => round($I8GTT, 3), "\167\151\144\164\x68\137\160\x65\x72\143\145\156\x74" => round($UJuV1, 3)]); goto QgTNS; OmQ9u: EFo7N: goto c3wwF; nM5re: xLsgo: goto A6iA4; Hlnqu: if (isset($LbznY["\144\165\x72\x61\164\151\157\x6e"])) { goto EFo7N; } goto blevT; A6iA4: } goto VaDTj; qLSCb: array_unshift($vdMv2, ["\163\x71\154" => "\x23\40\121\x75\x65\162\171\40\163\x6f\x66\164\x20\141\x6e\x64\40\x68\141\162\144\x20\154\151\x6d\x69\x74\x20\146\x6f\162\x20\104\x65\x62\x75\147\142\x61\x72\40\x61\162\x65\x20\x72\145\141\143\x68\145\144\x2e\x20\117\156\x6c\171\40\164\x68\145\x20\146\151\162\x73\x74\40" . $this->nMNHi . "\x20\161\x75\145\x72\x69\x65\x73\40\163\x68\x6f\167\x20\x64\145\x74\141\151\154\x73\x2e\40\121\165\x65\162\151\x65\x73\x20\x61\146\164\x65\162\40\164\150\x65\40\x66\x69\x72\x73\164\x20" . $this->LyRHW . "\x20\x61\x72\x65\40\151\x67\x6e\157\162\145\144\56\x20\x4c\151\155\x69\x74\x73\x20\143\141\x6e\40\x62\145\x20\162\x61\x69\163\x65\x64\x20\151\x6e\40\164\x68\145\x20\x63\157\156\x66\x69\x67\40\x28\144\x65\x62\165\147\x62\x61\162\x2e\x6f\160\164\x69\x6f\x6e\x73\56\144\x62\x2e\163\157\146\x74\57\150\x61\162\144\x5f\154\151\x6d\x69\x74\x29\x2e", "\164\x79\x70\x65" => "\x69\156\146\x6f"]); goto E3iO0; f2oiQ: $sj_zn = 0; goto pKNCk; vnfHs: array_unshift($vdMv2, ["\x73\161\154" => "\43\x20\121\165\145\162\171\40\x68\x61\162\144\x20\x6c\x69\x6d\151\164\40\146\157\162\x20\104\145\x62\165\x67\x62\x61\x72\x20\x69\x73\x20\x72\145\141\143\x68\x65\144\40\141\x66\164\145\162\40" . $this->LyRHW . "\40\x71\x75\x65\162\x69\x65\163\54\x20\141\x64\144\151\164\151\157\156\x61\x6c\x20" . ($this->WJM7u - $this->LyRHW) . "\40\x71\x75\145\162\x69\145\163\x20\x61\x72\x65\x20\156\157\164\40\x73\x68\157\167\x6e\56\x2e\x20\114\x69\x6d\151\x74\x73\40\143\141\156\40\142\145\40\x72\x61\151\x73\x65\144\x20\x69\x6e\40\x74\x68\x65\40\x63\x6f\156\x66\x69\147\x20\50\x64\145\x62\x75\x67\x62\x61\162\56\x6f\x70\x74\x69\x6f\156\163\x2e\x64\142\x2e\150\x61\x72\x64\137\x6c\151\x6d\151\164\51", "\x74\171\x70\x65" => "\151\156\146\x6f"]); goto boCgp; YAK34: A7TM6: goto ZMvM0; pKNCk: $kSVFg = $this->mbrdv; goto sOaRy; nol2J: n5UOh: goto qLSCb; sKiTa: return $i7rr0; goto vArXM; U32Bl: if ($this->LyRHW && $this->WJM7u > $this->LyRHW) { goto P5cXT; } goto BPe_X; OKApp: P5cXT: goto vnfHs; sOaRy: $vdMv2 = []; goto mw8CU; I1L1Y: goto A7TM6; goto nol2J; Usv8O: vvyX5: goto EKVTQ; BsP56: array_unshift($vdMv2, ["\163\x71\154" => "\43\40\x51\x75\145\x72\171\x20\163\x6f\x66\164\40\x6c\151\x6d\151\x74\x20\x66\x6f\x72\x20\104\x65\142\x75\147\x62\141\162\40\151\x73\x20\x72\145\141\x63\150\x65\144\40\x61\146\x74\x65\x72\40" . $this->nMNHi . "\40\x71\x75\x65\162\151\145\x73\x2c\40\x61\x64\144\x69\x74\151\x6f\x6e\x61\x6c\x20" . ($this->WJM7u - $this->nMNHi) . "\x20\161\x75\x65\162\151\145\x73\x20\157\156\x6c\x79\40\163\x68\157\x77\x20\164\x68\x65\40\x71\165\x65\162\x79\56\x20\114\x69\x6d\x69\x74\x20\x63\141\x6e\x20\x62\145\x20\162\x61\x69\x73\145\x64\x20\x69\x6e\40\164\150\x65\x20\143\157\156\x66\151\147\56\40\x4c\151\x6d\x69\x74\163\x20\x63\141\x6e\x20\142\145\40\x72\141\x69\x73\145\x64\x20\151\x6e\40\x74\150\x65\40\143\157\156\x66\x69\x67\40\50\144\145\142\165\147\142\x61\162\56\x6f\x70\164\151\157\156\x73\x2e\x64\x62\x2e\163\x6f\146\x74\137\154\151\x6d\151\x74\51", "\164\x79\160\x65" => "\151\156\146\157"]); goto YAK34; uTgYT: $knnBd = 0; goto f2oiQ; boCgp: $vdMv2[] = ["\163\161\154" => "\x2e\x2e\56\40" . ($this->WJM7u - $this->LyRHW) . "\40\x61\x64\144\151\164\151\157\x6e\x61\x6c\40\161\165\x65\x72\x69\145\163\40\x61\x72\145\40\145\x78\145\x63\165\164\145\x64\x20\142\x75\164\40\x6e\x6f\x77\x20\x73\150\x6f\167\156\40\x62\145\143\141\165\163\145\40\157\146\40\x44\x65\x62\165\147\x62\141\162\40\161\x75\x65\x72\x79\40\154\151\x6d\151\164\x73\56\x20\x4c\x69\155\x69\x74\163\x20\x63\x61\156\40\142\x65\x20\x72\x61\x69\x73\x65\x64\x20\151\x6e\x20\x74\150\145\x20\143\157\x6e\146\x69\x67\x20\x28\144\145\x62\165\x67\x62\141\x72\x2e\157\x70\164\x69\157\x6e\x73\56\144\142\56\150\x61\x72\x64\x5f\154\x69\155\x69\164\51", "\164\x79\x70\145" => "\151\x6e\x66\x6f"]; goto S7K4U; OkQph: if ($this->nMNHi && $this->LyRHW && ($this->WJM7u > $this->nMNHi && $this->WJM7u > $this->LyRHW)) { goto n5UOh; } goto U32Bl; S7K4U: goto A7TM6; goto DQKwg; ZMvM0: $i7rr0 = ["\x6e\x62\x5f\163\x74\x61\164\x65\155\145\156\164\x73" => $this->WJM7u, "\156\142\137\146\141\x69\x6c\145\x64\x5f\x73\164\x61\164\x65\155\x65\156\x74\x73" => 0, "\141\143\x63\165\x6d\x75\x6c\141\x74\x65\x64\x5f\144\165\162\141\x74\151\157\x6e" => $knnBd, "\141\x63\x63\165\155\165\154\141\x74\x65\x64\137\x64\165\x72\x61\164\x69\157\156\137\163\164\x72" => $this->iYuSL($knnBd), "\x6d\x65\155\x6f\162\171\137\x75\x73\x61\x67\x65" => $sj_zn, "\x6d\145\155\157\162\x79\137\x75\x73\141\147\145\x5f\163\164\162" => $sj_zn ? $this->MCahw()->QbisU($sj_zn) : null, "\x73\x74\x61\x74\x65\155\145\156\164\163" => $vdMv2]; goto sKiTa; mw8CU: foreach ($kSVFg as $tOTup) { goto CSeOh; WaJAm: foreach ($tOTup["\145\170\x70\154\x61\x69\x6e"] as $FInpi) { $HwfN0 .= "\74\164\x72\76\xa\40\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\x20\40\40\40\x20\40\40\x20\x20\x20\40\x20\40\40\40\40\40\x20\40\40\40\x20\74\x74\x64\76{$FInpi->J4Vxy}\74\x2f\164\144\x3e\xa\x20\40\x20\x20\40\x20\x20\40\40\x20\40\40\40\40\x20\40\40\x20\40\x20\x20\40\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\x20\74\164\x64\x3e{$FInpi->iqT2k}\74\57\x74\144\x3e\12\40\x20\40\x20\40\40\40\x20\40\40\40\40\40\40\x20\x20\x20\40\x20\40\x20\x20\40\40\40\40\x20\x20\74\164\144\x3e{$FInpi->AMRsh}\x3c\x2f\164\x64\x3e\12\40\40\40\40\40\40\40\x20\x20\x20\40\x20\40\40\40\x20\x20\40\40\40\40\40\x20\x20\40\40\40\40\74\x74\x64\76{$FInpi->OWWQQ}\x3c\57\164\144\76\12\x20\40\x20\40\40\40\40\40\x20\40\40\x20\40\40\x20\40\40\x20\x20\40\x20\x20\40\40\x20\40\x20\x20\74\x74\x64\76{$FInpi->j1Gct}\x3c\57\164\144\76\12\40\x20\40\40\x20\x20\x20\40\40\x20\40\40\x20\x20\40\40\x20\40\x20\x20\40\40\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\x20\x3c\x74\x64\x3e{$FInpi->e2wET}\74\x2f\x74\144\x3e\xa\x20\40\40\40\40\40\x20\x20\x20\x20\40\x20\40\40\x20\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\40\40\40\40\40\x20\40\x20\74\x74\144\x3e{$FInpi->SQtGP}\x3c\57\x74\144\x3e\xa\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\40\40\40\40\40\40\40\40\x20\40\x20\40\x20\40\40\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\74\x74\144\x3e{$FInpi->hJ8Gj}\74\57\x74\144\76\12\40\40\40\40\x20\x20\x20\x20\40\x20\x20\40\40\40\40\40\x20\40\x20\40\40\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\40\74\x2f\164\x72\x3e"; n_1lX: } goto wj9st; Pq_gx: $knnBd += $tOTup["\x74\151\155\x65"]; goto JeOVc; zg7NL: zU_aO: goto Ua4mH; tEsG8: $vdMv2[] = ["\x73\x71\x6c" => "\40\55\x20\x45\130\120\x4c\101\111\x4e\x3a", "\x74\x79\160\x65" => "\x65\170\160\x6c\141\151\156", "\160\x61\x72\141\x6d\x73" => ["\126\x69\162\x74\165\x61\154\40\x4d\141\143\150\151\156\x65\x20\111\156\x73\x74\x72\x75\x63\164\151\157\156\163" => $HwfN0]]; goto Lrvbk; m6UOd: XfHWF: goto q2h69; uWYVU: vCwL8: goto HDqf2; JeOVc: $sj_zn += $tOTup["\x6d\145\155\x6f\x72\x79"]; goto AsAcE; q2h69: $HwfN0 = "\74\x74\x61\142\x6c\145\x20\x73\164\171\154\x65\75\x22\155\x61\x72\147\x69\156\72\x2d\x35\160\170\40\55\61\x31\160\170\40\41\151\x6d\160\157\162\x74\x61\x6e\x74\x3b\x77\x69\144\x74\150\x3a\x20\61\x30\x30\x25\x20\x21\151\155\x70\157\x72\164\141\x6e\164\42\76"; goto CmjAn; QywvW: if (!$tOTup["\x65\x78\160\x6c\141\151\x6e"]) { goto JcdFD; } goto XR1o5; AsAcE: if (!str_ends_with($tOTup["\x63\x6f\x6e\x6e\x65\143\164\x69\x6f\156"], "\x2e\x73\161\154\151\x74\145")) { goto RojG6; } goto OwGl6; eedmp: $vdMv2[] = ["\x73\x71\x6c" => "\x20\x2d\40\105\x58\x50\114\x41\111\116\72\40{$pnGJT}", "\x74\171\160\145" => "\x65\x78\x70\154\x61\x69\156"]; goto sVPTr; pPVpn: foreach ($tOTup["\145\x78\x70\154\141\151\x6e"] as $FInpi) { $vdMv2[] = ["\x73\x71\x6c" => "\x20\55\40\x45\x58\x50\x4c\101\x49\116\x20\x23\40{$FInpi->id}\x3a\x20\140{$FInpi->jjob7}\140\x20\x28{$FInpi->Rte3n}\51", "\164\x79\x70\145" => "\x65\170\x70\154\141\x69\x6e", "\160\141\x72\x61\x6d\163" => $FInpi, "\162\x6f\x77\137\143\157\x75\x6e\164" => $FInpi->IKLfO, "\x73\x74\x6d\164\x5f\151\144" => $FInpi->id]; WI1v1: } goto GdT96; fJKEl: if ($tOTup["\x64\x72\151\166\x65\x72"] === "\x73\161\x6c\x69\164\145") { goto XfHWF; } goto pPVpn; kY9Sy: RojG6: goto efnWJ; sVPTr: IWufA: goto zs8y2; XR1o5: if ($tOTup["\x64\162\x69\166\x65\x72"] === "\x70\147\x73\x71\x6c") { goto vCwL8; } goto fJKEl; wpeP4: goto sp48n; goto uWYVU; CmjAn: $HwfN0 .= "\x3c\x74\x68\145\141\144\76\x3c\164\x72\76\12\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\40\x20\40\40\x20\40\40\x20\x20\x20\40\40\40\x20\x20\x3c\x74\144\76\101\x64\x64\x72\x65\163\163\74\57\164\144\76\12\40\40\x20\40\x20\x20\40\40\x20\40\40\x20\40\x20\40\40\x20\40\40\x20\x20\40\x20\40\74\x74\144\x3e\x4f\160\143\x6f\144\145\x3c\x2f\x74\144\76\12\40\x20\x20\x20\40\40\40\40\x20\40\40\40\x20\40\x20\x20\40\40\x20\x20\40\40\x20\x20\x3c\164\x64\76\120\x31\x3c\x2f\164\144\x3e\12\x20\x20\x20\40\40\40\40\40\x20\40\x20\x20\40\40\x20\40\x20\40\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\x20\74\164\x64\76\x50\62\74\57\164\x64\76\xa\x20\x20\x20\40\40\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\40\x20\x20\40\40\x20\40\x20\x20\40\x20\40\40\x3c\164\x64\76\x50\63\x3c\57\164\x64\x3e\12\x20\x20\x20\x20\40\x20\40\40\40\40\40\x20\40\40\x20\40\40\x20\x20\40\40\40\x20\40\74\x74\144\76\120\x34\x3c\57\164\144\76\12\x20\40\x20\40\40\x20\40\40\40\x20\40\40\40\x20\x20\40\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\x20\40\x20\74\164\144\x3e\120\x35\x3c\x2f\x74\144\x3e\xa\x20\x20\40\x20\x20\40\40\x20\x20\40\x20\x20\40\40\40\40\x20\x20\x20\x20\40\x20\40\40\74\164\144\76\x43\x6f\x6d\x6d\x65\156\x74\x3c\57\164\144\x3e\12\x20\40\40\40\x20\x20\x20\40\40\40\x20\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\40\x20\x20\40\40\x20\x20\40\x3c\x2f\164\162\76\x3c\x2f\164\x68\145\x61\x64\x3e"; goto WaJAm; Vo635: JcdFD: goto zg7NL; GdT96: zXkrd: goto wpeP4; wSnOE: if (!$pnGJT) { goto IWufA; } goto eedmp; wj9st: hcH4_: goto LBVPE; LBVPE: $HwfN0 .= "\74\57\x74\x61\x62\x6c\145\76"; goto tEsG8; OwGl6: $tOTup["\143\x6f\x6e\x6e\145\143\164\151\x6f\156"] = $this->Lx1D2($tOTup["\x63\157\156\x6e\145\143\164\x69\x6f\x6e"]); goto kY9Sy; Lrvbk: sp48n: goto Vo635; zs8y2: goto sp48n; goto m6UOd; CSeOh: $ZIuu6 = reset($tOTup["\x73\x6f\165\162\x63\x65"]); goto Pq_gx; HDqf2: $pnGJT = trim(implode("\12", array_map(function ($FInpi) { return $FInpi->{"\x51\x55\105\x52\131\40\120\114\101\x4e"}; }, $tOTup["\x65\x78\160\x6c\x61\x69\156"]))); goto wSnOE; efnWJ: $vdMv2[] = ["\163\x71\154" => $this->mcAhW()->acunC($tOTup["\x71\x75\145\x72\x79"]), "\x74\171\x70\x65" => $tOTup["\164\171\x70\145"], "\160\x61\162\x61\155\163" => [], "\142\x69\156\144\151\156\147\x73" => $tOTup["\142\151\x6e\144\151\x6e\147\x73"], "\150\151\x6e\164\x73" => $tOTup["\150\151\x6e\x74\163"], "\163\x68\x6f\x77\137\143\157\160\171" => $tOTup["\x73\x68\157\x77\137\143\157\160\x79"], "\142\x61\x63\153\164\x72\x61\x63\x65" => array_values($tOTup["\163\157\165\x72\x63\x65"]), "\x73\x74\141\x72\x74" => $tOTup["\x73\164\x61\x72\164"] ?? null, "\144\x75\x72\x61\164\151\157\156" => $tOTup["\x74\x69\x6d\145"], "\x64\165\162\x61\164\151\157\x6e\x5f\x73\164\162" => $tOTup["\x74\x79\160\x65"] == "\164\162\141\156\163\141\x63\164\x69\x6f\x6e" ? '' : $this->iYusL($tOTup["\164\151\155\x65"]), "\x6d\x65\155\157\x72\x79" => $tOTup["\x6d\x65\x6d\x6f\x72\171"], "\x6d\x65\x6d\x6f\162\171\x5f\x73\x74\x72" => $tOTup["\155\145\x6d\x6f\x72\171"] ? $this->mCAHw()->qBIsu($tOTup["\x6d\145\x6d\x6f\162\171"]) : null, "\146\151\x6c\145\x6e\141\x6d\x65" => $this->McAhW()->OtJAl($ZIuu6, true), "\x73\157\x75\162\143\x65" => $this->McAHw()->otjAL($ZIuu6), "\170\144\x65\x62\165\x67\137\154\x69\x6e\153" => is_object($ZIuu6) ? $this->SW3hb($ZIuu6->file ?: '', $ZIuu6->line) : null, "\143\157\x6e\156\145\x63\164\x69\157\x6e" => $tOTup["\x63\157\x6e\156\x65\x63\x74\151\157\156"]]; goto QywvW; Ua4mH: } goto K95bb; EjeGR: $I8GTT = 0; goto Yfkvp; xiHbe: if (!($knnBd > 0)) { goto vvyX5; } goto EjeGR; K95bb: eLrYG: goto L8o6Q; VaDTj: KXJDs: goto Usv8O; E3iO0: $vdMv2[] = ["\163\161\x6c" => "\56\56\x2e\40" . ($this->WJM7u - $this->LyRHW) . "\x20\x61\144\144\x69\x74\x69\x6f\156\x61\x6c\x20\161\165\x65\162\x69\x65\x73\40\141\162\x65\x20\145\x78\145\143\165\x74\145\x64\40\142\165\164\x20\x6e\157\167\x20\163\x68\x6f\x77\156\40\142\145\x63\x61\165\163\145\x20\x6f\146\40\x44\x65\142\165\147\x62\141\x72\x20\x71\165\x65\x72\x79\40\154\x69\x6d\151\164\163\x2e\x20\x4c\x69\x6d\x69\x74\x73\x20\143\x61\156\40\x62\145\40\x72\141\151\163\145\x64\40\x69\156\40\164\x68\145\40\143\x6f\x6e\x66\x69\147\x20\x28\144\145\142\165\x67\x62\141\x72\x2e\x6f\x70\164\151\157\156\163\x2e\x64\142\56\x73\x6f\x66\x74\57\150\141\162\x64\137\154\x69\x6d\151\x74\51", "\164\171\x70\145" => "\151\156\146\x6f"]; goto uHgU5; vArXM: } public function getName() { return "\161\x75\145\162\151\145\x73"; } public function dcLSg() { return ["\x71\165\x65\162\151\x65\163" => ["\151\143\x6f\x6e" => "\144\x61\x74\141\x62\x61\x73\145", "\x77\x69\x64\x67\x65\164" => "\120\x68\x70\104\x65\142\165\x67\102\x61\x72\56\x57\x69\x64\147\x65\164\x73\56\x53\121\114\x51\x75\x65\162\151\145\x73\x57\151\144\x67\145\x74", "\x6d\141\x70" => "\161\165\145\162\151\145\x73", "\144\145\146\141\165\154\x74" => "\x5b\135"], "\161\165\x65\162\151\145\x73\72\x62\x61\144\147\x65" => ["\155\141\x70" => "\161\165\145\x72\x69\x65\163\56\x6e\142\137\x73\164\141\x74\x65\x6d\x65\x6e\164\163", "\144\145\146\x61\x75\x6c\x74" => 0]]; } }

Function Calls





MD5 368a4a1a55a8b3c4e10c1e05e93476c3
Eval Count 0
Decode Time 114 ms