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/*                    */ 
/*Decoded by AtakanCan*/ 
/*                    */ 
class users 
    public function users( $id = 0 ) 
        global $db; 
        if ( $id ) 
            $this->id = $id; 
            $this->array = array( ); 
            $this->array = fetchAssoc( "select * from ".TABLE_USERS." where id=".$id ); 
            foreach ( $this->array as $key => $value ) 
                $this->array[$key] = clean( $value ); 
    public function getid( ) 
        return $this->id; 
    public function delete( $id = 0 ) 
        global $db; 
        global $config_abs_path; 
        global $config_demo; 
        if ( $config_demo == 1 ) 
            if ( !$id ) 
                $id = $this->id; 
            $username = getUsername( $id ); 
            $res_del = query( "delete from ".TABLE_USERS." where id=\"".$id."\"" ); 
            $Var_792->listings( ); 
            $listings = $Var_792; 
            deleteUser( $id ); 
            auth::deleteLoginHistory( $username ); 
            users_packages::deleteUser( $id ); 
            global $ads_settings; 
            if ( $ads_settings['saved_searches_enabled'] ) 
                require_once( $config_abs_path."/classes/searches.php" ); 
                searches::deleteUser( $id ); 
            require_once( $config_abs_path."/classes/actions.php" ); 
            actions::deleteUser( $id ); 
            require_once( $config_abs_path."/classes/coupons.php" ); 
            coupons::deleteUser( $id ); 
            $res_del = query( "delete from ".TABLE_OPTIONS." where `object_id`='{$id}' and `option`='store'" ); 
    public function deleteusers( $group ) 
        global $db; 
        $arr = fetchRowList( "select id from ".TABLE_USERS." where `group`={$group}" ); 
        foreach ( $arr as $row ) 
            delete( $row ); 
        return 1; 
    public function enable( $id = 0 ) 
        global $db; 
        global $config_demo; 
        if ( $config_demo == 1 ) 
            $array = fetchAssoc( "select ".TABLE_USERS.".*, (".TABLE_USERS.".active=0 && ".TABLE_USER_GROUPS.".admin_verification=1 ) as pending from ".TABLE_USERS." left join ".TABLE_USER_GROUPS." on ".TABLE_USERS.".`group` = ".TABLE_USER_GROUPS.".`id` where ".TABLE_USERS.".`id` ={$id}" ); 
            if ( !$id ) 
                $id = $this->id; 
            $res = query( "update ".TABLE_USERS." set active=1 where id=\"".$id."\"" ); 
            if ( $array['pending'] ) 
                global $config_abs_path; 
                require_once( $config_abs_path."/classes/mails.php" ); 
                require_once( $config_abs_path."/classes/mail_templates.php" ); 
                $Var_1584->mails( ); 
                $mail2send = $Var_1584; 
                init( $array['email'], $array['contact_name'] ); 
                $array_subject = array( ); 
                $array_message = array( "user" => $array, "username" => $array['username'] ); 
                composeAndSend( "registration", $array_message, $array_subject ); 
    public function enablestore( $id ) 
        global $db; 
        query( "update ".TABLE_USERS." set `store` = 1 where `id`='{$id}'" ); 
        global $ads_settings; 
        $days_expires = $ads_settings['store_availability']; 
        $timestamp = date( "Y-m-d H:i:s" ); 
        if ( $days_expires ) 
            $str_expires = " `date_expires` = date_add('{$timestamp}', interval '{$days_expires}' day)"; 
            $str_expires = " `date_expires` = ''"; 
        query( "delete from ".TABLE_OPTIONS." where `object_id` = {$id} and `option` like 'store'" ); 
        query( "insert into ".TABLE_OPTIONS." set `object_id` = '{$id}', `option` = 'store', `date_added` = '{$timestamp}', {$str_expires} " ); 
        return 1; 
    public function disablestore( $id ) 
        global $db; 
        query( "update ".TABLE_USERS." set `store` = 0 where `id`='{$id}'" ); 
        return 1; 
    public function enablependingstore( $id ) 
        global $db; 
        global $lng; 
        global $ads_settings; 
        $days_expires = $ads_settings['store_availability']; 
        $timestamp = date( "Y-m-d H:i:s" ); 
        if ( $days_expires ) 
            $str_expires = "`date_expires` = date_add('{$timestamp}', interval '{$days_expires}' day)"; 
            $str_expires = "`date_expires` = ''"; 
        query( "update ".TABLE_USERS." set `store` = 1 where `id`='{$id}'" ); 
        query( "delete from ".TABLE_OPTIONS." where `object_id` = {$id} and `option` like 'store'" ); 
        query( "insert into ".TABLE_OPTIONS." set `object_id` = '{$id}', `option` = 'store', `date_added` = '{$timestamp}', {$str_expires} " ); 
        query( "update ".TABLE_ACTIONS." set pending=0 where type='store' and `user_id` = {$id}" ); 
        global $config_abs_path; 
        require_once( $config_abs_path."/classes/mails.php" ); 
        require_once( $config_abs_path."/classes/mail_templates.php" ); 
        $Var_1560->users( ); 
        $user = $Var_1560; 
        $user_details = getUser( $id ); 
        $username = $user_details['username']; 
        $user_email = $user_details['email']; 
        $user_contact = $user_details['contact_name']; 
        if ( !$user_contact ) 
            $user_contact = $username; 
        $Var_2208->mails( ); 
        $mail2send = $Var_2208; 
        init( $user_email, $user_contact ); 
        $array_subject = array( ); 
        $array_message = array( "id" => $id, "username" => $username, "contact_name" => $user_contact, "days" => $ads_settings['store_availability'], "admin_activated" => 1, "status" => $lng['general']['active'] ); 
        composeAndSend( "buy_store_status", $array_message, $array_subject ); 
        return 1; 
    public function enablebulkuploads( $id ) 
        global $db; 
        query( "update ".TABLE_USERS." set `bulk_uploads` = 1 where `id`='{$id}'" ); 
        return 1; 
    public function disablebulkuploads( $id ) 
        global $db; 
        query( "update ".TABLE_USERS." set `bulk_uploads` = 0 where `id`='{$id}'" ); 
        return 1; 
    public function disable( $id = 0 ) 
        global $db; 
        global $config_demo; 
        if ( $config_demo == 1 ) 
            if ( !$id ) 
                $id = $this->id; 
            $res = query( "update ".TABLE_USERS." set active=0, `activation`=\"\" where id=\"".$id."\"" ); 
    public function block( $id ) 
        global $db; 
        global $config_demo; 
        if ( $config_demo == 1 ) 
            $ip = getIp( $id ); 
            $res = query( "delete from ".TABLE_BLOCKED_IPS." where ip like \"".$ip."\"" ); 
            $res1 = query( "insert into ".TABLE_BLOCKED_IPS." values (\"".$ip."\")" ); 
    public function unblock( $id ) 
        global $db; 
        global $config_demo; 
        if ( $config_demo == 1 ) 
            $ip = getIp( $id ); 
            $res = query( "delete from ".TABLE_BLOCKED_IPS." where ip like \"".$ip."\"" ); 
    public function activate_link( $username, $activation ) 
        global $db; 
        global $lng; 
        $res = query( "select active from ".TABLE_USERS." where username like '{$username}'" ); 
        if ( !numRows( $res ) ) 
            addError( $lng['users']['errors']['invalid_account_or_activation'] ); 
            return 0; 
        if ( fetchRow( ) == 1 ) 
            addError( $lng['users']['errors']['account_already_active'] ); 
            return 0; 
        $res = query( "select id from ".TABLE_USERS." where username like '{$username}' and activation like '{$activation}'" ); 
        if ( !numRows( $res ) ) 
            addError( $lng['users']['errors']['invalid_account_or_activation'] ); 
            return 0; 
        $res = query( "update ".TABLE_USERS." set active=1, `activation`='' where username like '{$username}'" ); 
        return 1; 
    public function getusername( $id = "" ) 
        global $db; 
        if ( !$id ) 
            $id = $this->id; 
        $uname = fetchRow( "select username from ".TABLE_USERS." where id=\"".$id."\"" ); 
        return $uname; 
    public function getpasshash( $id = "" ) 
        global $db; 
        if ( !$id ) 
            $id = $this->id; 
        $pass = fetchRow( "select password from ".TABLE_USERS." where id=\"".$id."\"" ); 
        return $pass; 
    public function getuserid( $username, $identity = "" ) 
        global $db; 
        $str = ""; 
        if ( $identity ) 
            $str = " and `identity`='{$identity}'"; 
        $id = fetchRow( "select id from ".TABLE_USERS." where username like \"".$username."\"".$str ); 
        if ( !$id ) 
            return 0; 
        return $id; 
    public function getgroup( $id ) 
        global $db; 
        $id = fetchRow( "select `group` from ".TABLE_USERS." where id={$id}" ); 
        if ( !$id ) 
            return 0; 
        return $id; 
    public function getip( $id ) 
        global $db; 
        $id = fetchRow( "select `ip` from ".TABLE_USERS." where id={$id}" ); 
        if ( !$id ) 
            return 0; 
        return $id; 
    public function getstorebanner( $id ) 
        global $db; 
        $banner = fetchRow( "select `store_banner` from ".TABLE_USERS." where id={$id}" ); 
        return $banner; 
    public function allowstorebanner( $id ) 
        global $db; 
        $allow = fetchRow( "select `store` from ".TABLE_USERS." where id={$id}" ); 
        return $allow; 
    public function getgroupname( $id ) 
        global $db; 
        global $crt_lang; 
        $group_name = fetchRow( "select ".TABLE_USER_GROUPS."_lang.`name` from ".TABLE_USERS." left join ".TABLE_USER_GROUPS."_lang on ".TABLE_USER_GROUPS."_lang.`id`=".TABLE_USERS.".`group` where ".TABLE_USERS.".id={$id} and lang_id='{$crt_lang}'" ); 
        if ( !$group_name ) 
            return 0; 
        return $group_name; 
    public function getemail( $id = "" ) 
        global $db; 
        if ( !$id ) 
            $id = $this->id; 
        $email = fetchRow( "select email from ".TABLE_USERS." where id=\"".$id."\"" ); 
        return $email; 
    public function getcontactname( $id = "" ) 
        global $db; 
        if ( !$id ) 
            $id = $this->id; 
        $name = fetchRow( "select contact_name from ".TABLE_USERS." where id=\"".$id."\"" ); 
        return clean( $name ); 
    public function getcontactdata( $id ) 
        global $db; 
        if ( !$id ) 
            $id = $this->id; 
        $result = fetchAssoc( "select `username`, `email`, `contact_name`, `language` from ".TABLE_USERS." where id=\"".$id."\"" ); 
        if ( !$result ) 
            return 0; 
        foreach ( $result as $key => $value ) 
            $result[$key] = clean( $result[$key] ); 
        return $result; 
    public function getuserbyusername( $username ) 
        global $db; 
        $id = fetchRow( "select `id` from ".TABLE_USERS." where username like \"".$username."\"" ); 
        if ( !$id ) 
            return 0; 
        $result = getUser( $id ); 
        return $result; 
    public function getuserinfo( $id ) 
        global $db; 
        $result = fetchAssoc( "select * from ".TABLE_USERS." where id='{$id}'" ); 
        return $result; 
    public function getuser( $id = "" ) 
        global $db; 
        if ( !$id ) 
            $id = $this->id; 
        global $appearance_settings; 
        $date_format = $appearance_settings['date_format']; 
        $result = fetchAssoc( "select *, ".TABLE_USERS.".`ip` as register_ip, date_format(`registration_date`,'{$date_format}') as date_nice, ( ".TABLE_BLOCKED_IPS.".ip is not null ) as blocked from ".TABLE_USERS." left join ".TABLE_BLOCKED_IPS." on ".TABLE_USERS.".ip = ".TABLE_BLOCKED_IPS.".ip where id='{$id}'" ); 
        if ( !$result ) 
            return 0; 
        if ( $result['store'] ) 
            $result['store_expires_nice'] = fetchRow( "select date_format(`date_expires`,'{$date_format}') from ".TABLE_OPTIONS." where `object_id` = {$id} and `option` = 'store'" ); 
            $act = fetchAssoc( "select * from ".TABLE_ACTIONS." where `type` like 'store' and `user_id` = '{$id}' order by `date` desc limit 1" ); 
            if ( $act ) 
                $result['store_pending'] = $act['pending']; 
        if ( $result['contact_name'] ) 
            $result['url_name'] = _urlencode( $result['contact_name'] ); 
            $result['url_name'] = _urlencode( $result['username'] ); 
        foreach ( $result as $key => $value ) 
            $result[$key] = clean( $result[$key] ); 
        $Var_2568->fields( "uf" ); 
        $f = $Var_2568; 
        $fields = getFieldsArray( $result['group'] ); 
        setFields( $fields ); 
        foreach ( $fields as $field ) 
            $fname = $field['caption']; 
            if ( $field['type'] == "checkbox_group" || $field['type'] == "multiselect" ) 
                $result[$fname] = explode( "|", $result[$fname] ); 
            else if ( $field['type'] == "date" ) 
                if ( $result[$fname] && $result[$fname] != "0000-00-00" ) 
                    $result['vis'][$fname] = format_date_str( $result[$fname], $field['date_format'] ); 
                    $result[$fname] = ""; 
            else if ( $field['type'] != "depending" && ( $field['validation_type'] == "numeric" || $field['type'] == "price" ) ) 
                $result['formatted'][$fname] = format_numeric( $result[$fname] ); 
            else if ( $field['type'] == "textarea" ) 
                $result['formatted'][$fname] = str_replace( "
", "<br>", $result[$fname] ); 
            else if ( $field['type'] == "youtube" && $result[$fname] ) 
                global $config_abs_path; 
                require_once( $config_abs_path."/include/patterns.php" ); 
                $result[$fname] = formatvideo( $result[$fname] ); 
        global $crt_lang; 
        if ( $result['language'] != $crt_lang ) 
            $Var_5448->languages( ); 
            $language = $Var_5448; 
            $result = translateFieldsElements( $result, "uf" ); 
        return $result; 
    public function getnolistings( $id = 0 ) 
        global $db; 
        if ( !$id ) 
            $id = $this->id; 
        $no = fetchRow( "select count(*) from ".TABLE_ADS." where user_id=\"".$id."\"" ); 
        return $no; 
    public function count( $group = "" ) 
        global $db; 
        $where = ""; 
        if ( $group ) 
            $where = " where `group` = {$group}"; 
        $no = fetchRow( "select count(*) from ".TABLE_USERS.$where ); 
        return $no; 
    public function getno( $search = "" ) 
        global $db; 
        if ( $search != "" ) 
            $where = " where username like '%{$search}%'"; 
            $where = ""; 
        $no = fetchRow( "select count(*) from ".TABLE_USERS.$where ); 
        return $no; 
    public function getnoactive( ) 
        global $db; 
        $no = fetchRow( "select count(*) from ".TABLE_USERS." where active=1" ); 
        return $no; 
    public function getuserswithads( ) 
        global $db; 
        $res = query( "select ".TABLE_USERS.".id from ".TABLE_USERS." right join ".TABLE_ADS." on ".TABLE_USERS.".id=".TABLE_ADS.".user_id group by ".TABLE_USERS.".id;" ); 
        return numRows( $res ); 
    public function getuserswithstore( ) 
        global $db; 
        $no = fetchRow( "select count(*) from ".TABLE_USERS." where `store` = 1;" ); 
        return $no; 
    public function getuserswithbulkuploads( ) 
        global $db; 
        $no = fetchRow( "select count(*) from ".TABLE_USERS." where `bulk_uploads` = 1;" ); 
        return $no; 
    public function getnoinactive( ) 
        global $db; 
        $no = fetchRow( "select count(*) from ".TABLE_USERS." where active=0" ); 
        return $no; 
    public function getnopages( $no_per_page ) 
        $total = count( ); 
        if ( $total == 0 ) 
            return 1; 
        return ceil( $total / $no_per_page ); 
    public function getall( $group = "" ) 
        global $db; 
        if ( $group ) 
            $where = " where `group` = {$group}"; 
            $where = ""; 
        $array = fetchAssocList( "select * from ".TABLE_USERS." {$where} order by username" ); 
        $i = 0; 
        $array_usr = array( ); 
        foreach ( $array as $result ) 
            $array_usr[$i] = $result; 
            if ( $i % 2 ) 
                $array_usr[$i]['style'] = "_odd"; 
                $array_usr[$i]['style'] = "_even"; 
        return $array_usr; 
    public function getlatestusers( $no ) 
        global $db; 
        global $appearance_settings; 
        $date_format = $appearance_settings['date_format']; 
        $sql = "select username, id, date_format(registration_date,\"".$date_format."\") as `date` from ".TABLE_USERS." order by registration_date desc limit ".$no; 
        $array_users = fetchAssocList( $sql ); 
        $i = 0; 
        foreach ( $array_users as $row ) 
            $array_users[$i]['listings'] = listings::getNoListings( $row['id'] ); 
        return $array_users; 
    public function getloginhistory( $page, $no_per_page, $search = "" ) 
        global $db; 
        $start = ( $page - 1 ) * $no_per_page; 
        if ( $search != "" ) 
            $where = " where username like '%{$search}%'"; 
            $where = ""; 
        $sql = "select username from ".TABLE_USERS." {$where} order by username asc limit {$start}, {$no_per_page}"; 
        $array = fetchRowList( $sql ); 
        $i = 0; 
        $array_users = array( ); 
        $Var_960->auth( ); 
        $auth = $Var_960; 
        if ( $page == 1 && !$search ) 
            global $settings; 
            $admin_username = $settings['admin_username']; 
            $array_users[$i]['username'] = $admin_username; 
            $login_info = getLastLogin( $admin_username ); 
            $array_users[$i]['login_info'] = $login_info; 
            if ( $i % 2 ) 
                $array_users[$i]['style'] = "_odd"; 
                $array_users[$i]['style'] = "_even"; 
        foreach ( $array as $result ) 
            $array_users[$i]['username'] = $result; 
            $login_info = getLastLogin( $result ); 
            $array_users[$i]['login_info'] = $login_info; 
            if ( $i % 2 ) 
                $array_users[$i]['style'] = "_odd"; 
                $array_users[$i]['style'] = "_even"; 
        return $array_users; 
    public function searchusers( $post_array, $page, $no_per_page, $order, $order_way ) 
        global $db; 
        global $lng; 
        global $crt_lang; 
        global $appearance_settings; 
        $date_format = $appearance_settings['date_format']; 
        $start = ( $page - 1 ) * $no_per_page; 
        $where = ""; 
        foreach ( $post_array as $key => $value ) 
            if ( !$key || $value == "" ) 
            switch ( $key ) 
                case "id" : 
                case "group" : 
            $where .= " and ".TABLE_USERS.".`{$key}` = '{$value}' "; 
            switch ( $key ) 
                case "username" : 
                case "contact_name" : 
                case "email" : 
                case "ip" : 
            $where .= " and ".TABLE_USERS.".`{$key}` like '{$value}' "; 
            switch ( $key ) 
                case "date_from" : 
                    $where .= " and ".TABLE_USERS.".`registration_date` >= '{$value}' "; 
                case "date_to" : 
                    $where .= " and ".TABLE_USERS.".`registration_date` <= '{$value}' "; 
        $no_users = getNoSearchUsers( $where ); 
        setNoUsers( $no_users ); 
        $group = ""; 
        $join_ads = ""; 
        $no_ads = ""; 
        if ( $order == "listings" ) 
            $group = "group by ".TABLE_USERS.".id"; 
            $join_ads = "left join ".TABLE_ADS." on ".TABLE_USERS.".id=".TABLE_ADS.".user_id "; 
            $no_ads = " count(".TABLE_ADS.".user_id) as listings,"; 
        $sql = "select ".TABLE_USERS.".*, date_format(registration_date,'".$date_format."') as date, ".TABLE_BLOCKED_IPS.".`ip` as blocked, {$no_ads} ".TABLE_USER_GROUPS."_lang.`name` as `group_name`, (".TABLE_USER_GROUPS.".admin_verification=1 and ".TABLE_USERS.".active=0) as pending, ".TABLE_ACTIONS.".`invoice` from ".TABLE_USERS." 
left join ".TABLE_BLOCKED_IPS." on ".TABLE_USERS.".`ip`=".TABLE_BLOCKED_IPS.".ip 
left join ".TABLE_USER_GROUPS."_lang on ".TABLE_USERS.".`group`=".TABLE_USER_GROUPS."_lang.`id` 
left join ".TABLE_USER_GROUPS." on ".TABLE_USERS.".`group`=".TABLE_USER_GROUPS.".`id` 
left join ".TABLE_ACTIONS." on ".TABLE_USERS.".id=".TABLE_ACTIONS.".`user_id` and ( ".TABLE_ACTIONS.".`type` = 'store' )
where ".TABLE_USER_GROUPS."_lang.`lang_id` = '".$crt_lang."'  {$where} 
{$group} order by `".$order."` ".$order_way." limit ".$start.", ".$no_per_page; 
        $array = fetchAssocList( $sql ); 
        $i = 0; 
        $array_users = array( ); 
        foreach ( $array as $result ) 
            if ( $order != "listings" ) 
                $array_users[$i]['listings'] = listings::getNoListings( $result['id'] ); 
            foreach ( $result as $key => $value ) 
                $array_users[$i][$key] = clean( $result[$key] ); 
            if ( $array_users[$i]['blocked'] ) 
                $array_users[$i]['blocked'] = 1; 
                $array_users[$i]['blocked'] = 0; 
            $array_users[$i]['pending_actions'] = array( ); 
            $array_users[$i]['pending_info'] = ""; 
            if ( $result['invoice'] ) 
                $array_users[$i]['pending_actions'] = fetchAssocList( "select * from ".TABLE_ACTIONS." where `invoice` = ".$result['invoice']." and pending = 1" ); 
                foreach ( $array_users[$i]['pending_actions'] as $action ) 
                    if ( $action['type'] == "store" ) 
                        $array_users[$i]['pending_info'] .= $lng['users']['pending_store']."<br />"; 
            if ( $i % 2 ) 
                $array_users[$i]['style'] = "_odd"; 
                $array_users[$i]['style'] = "_even"; 
        return $array_users; 
    public function getnosearchusers( $where ) 
        global $db; 
        if ( $where ) 
            $where = " where ".substr( $where, 4 ); 
        $total = fetchRow( "select count(*) from ".TABLE_USERS.$where ); 
        return $total; 
    public function getnousers( ) 
        return $this->no_users; 
    public function setnousers( $no ) 
        $this->no_users = $no; 
    public function user_exists( $str, $id = "" ) 
        global $db; 
        if ( $id ) 
            $str_id = " and id!=".$id; 
            $str_id = ""; 
        $res = query( "select * from ".TABLE_USERS." where username like '{$str}'".$str_id ); 
        if ( numRows( $res ) ) 
            return 1; 
        return 0; 
    public function exists( $id ) 
        global $db; 
        $res = query( "select * from ".TABLE_USERS." where id='{$id}'" ); 
        if ( numRows( $res ) ) 
            return 1; 
        return 0; 
    public function email_exists( $str, $id = "" ) 
        global $db; 
        if ( $id ) 
            $str_id = " and id!=".$id; 
            $str_id = ""; 
        $res = query( "select * from ".TABLE_USERS." where email like '{$str}'".$str_id ); 
        if ( numRows( $res ) ) 
            return 1; 
        return 0; 
    public function geterror( ) 
        return $this->error; 
    public function adderror( $str ) 
        $this->error .= $str; 
    public function seterror( $str ) 
        $this->error = $str; 
    public function getinfo( ) 
        return $this->info; 
    public function setinfo( $str ) 
        $this->info = $str; 
    public function gettmp( ) 
        return $this->tmp; 
    public function check_edit_info( $id ) 
        global $lng; 
        $this->error = ""; 
        $this->tmp = array( ); 
        $Var_264->auth( ); 
        $auth = $Var_264; 
        $is_admin = 0; 
        if ( adminLoggedIn( ) ) 
            $is_admin = 1; 
        if ( $is_admin ) 
            global $config_demo; 
            if ( $config_demo == 1 ) 
                addError( $lng['general']['errors']['demo']."<br />" ); 
        if ( !$_POST['email'] ) 
            addError( $lng['users']['errors']['email_missing']."<br />" ); 
        else if ( !validator::valid_email( $_POST['email'] ) ) 
            addError( $lng['users']['errors']['invalid_email']."<br />" ); 
        else if ( email_exists( escape( $_POST['email'] ), $id ) ) 
            addError( $lng['users']['errors']['email_exists']."<br />" ); 
        else if ( !$is_admin && blocked_emails::isBlocked( escape( $_POST['email'] ) ) ) 
            addError( $lng['users']['errors']['email_not_permitted']."<br />" ); 
        if ( isset( $_POST['group'] ) && $_POST['group'] != "" ) 
            $group = escape( $_POST['group'] ); 
            $group = getGroup( $id ); 
        $Var_2496->fields_process( "uf" ); 
        $fields = $Var_2496; 
        if ( $is_admin || usernameEditable( ) ) 
            global $settings; 
            if ( !$_POST['username'] ) 
                addError( $lng['users']['errors']['username_missing']."<br />" ); 
            else if ( user_exists( escape( $_POST['username'] ), $id ) ) 
                addError( $lng['users']['errors']['username_exists']."<br />" ); 
            else if ( escape( $_POST['username'] ) == $settings['admin_username'] ) 
                addError( $lng['users']['errors']['username_exists']."<br />" ); 
            else if ( !validator::valid_username( $_POST['username'] ) ) 
                addError( $lng['users']['errors']['invalid_username']."<br />" ); 
            $this->tmp['username'] = clean( $_POST['username'] ); 
        if ( $is_admin && isset( $_POST['credits'] ) && !is_numeric( $_POST['credits'] ) ) 
            addError( $lng['users']['errors']['invalid_no_credits']."<br />" ); 
        setEdit( 1 ); 
        check_form_fields( $group ); 
        if ( getError( ) != "" ) 
            addError( getError( ) ); 
        $old_data = getUser( $id ); 
        $store = $old_data['store']; 
        $store_banner = $old_data['store_banner']; 
        if ( $store && isset( $_FILES['store_banner']['name'] ) && $_FILES['store_banner']['name'] ) 
            global $config_abs_path; 
            $dir = $config_abs_path."/images/store"; 
            $Var_5688->image( "store_banner", $dir, "store" ); 
            $img = $Var_5688; 
            if ( !verify( ) ) 
                addError( getError( ) ); 
        if ( getError( ) != "" ) 
            $this->tmp['id'] = $id; 
            if ( isset( $_POST['email'] ) ) 
                $this->tmp['email'] = $_POST['email']; 
                $this->tmp['email'] = ""; 
            if ( isset( $_POST['contact_name'] ) ) 
                $this->tmp['contact_name'] = $_POST['contact_name']; 
                $this->tmp['contact_name'] = ""; 
            if ( $is_admin ) 
                $this->tmp['no_credits'] = $_POST['no_credits']; 
            $this->tmp['store'] = $store; 
            $this->tmp['store_banner'] = $store_banner; 
            $this->tmp['tmp_fields'] = getTmp( ); 
            foreach ( $this->tmp['tmp_fields'] as $key => $value ) 
                $this->tmp[$key] = $value; 
        return 1; 
    public function check_form( $group = "" ) 
        global $db; 
        $Var_96->auth( ); 
        $auth = $Var_96; 
        $is_admin = 0; 
        if ( adminLoggedIn( ) ) 
            $is_admin = 1; 
        global $lng; 
        $this->error = ""; 
        $this->tmp = array( ); 
        global $settings; 
        $captcha = $settings['register_captcha']; 
        if ( $is_admin && ( !$_POST['group'] || !is_numeric( $_POST['group'] ) ) ) 
            addError( $lng['users']['errors']['group_missing']."<br />" ); 
        if ( $is_admin && isset( $_POST['credits'] ) && !is_numeric( $_POST['credits'] ) ) 
            addError( $lng['users']['errors']['invalid_no_credits']."<br />" ); 
        if ( !$_POST['username'] ) 
            addError( $lng['users']['errors']['username_missing']."<br />" ); 
        else if ( user_exists( escape( $_POST['username'] ) ) ) 
            addError( $lng['users']['errors']['username_exists']."<br />" ); 
        else if ( escape( $_POST['username'] ) == $settings['admin_username'] ) 
            addError( $lng['users']['errors']['username_exists']."<br />" ); 
        else if ( !validator::valid_username( $_POST['username'] ) ) 
            addError( $lng['users']['errors']['invalid_username']."<br />" ); 
        if ( !$_POST['email'] ) 
            addError( $lng['users']['errors']['email_missing']."<br />" ); 
        else if ( !validator::valid_email( $_POST['email'] ) ) 
            addError( $lng['users']['errors']['invalid_email']."<br />" ); 
        else if ( email_exists( escape( $_POST['email'] ) ) ) 
            addError( $lng['users']['errors']['email_exists']."<br />" ); 
        else if ( !$is_admin && blocked_emails::isBlocked( escape( $_POST['email'] ) ) ) 
            addError( $lng['users']['errors']['email_not_permitted']."<br />" ); 
        else if ( escape( $_POST['email'] ) == $settings['admin_email'] ) 
            addError( $lng['users']['errors']['email_exists']."<br />" ); 
        if ( !$_POST['password'] || !$_POST['password1'] ) 
            addError( $lng['users']['errors']['password_missing']."<br />" ); 
        else if ( strcmp( $_POST['password'], $_POST['password1'] ) ) 
            addError( $lng['users']['errors']['passwords_dont_match']."<br />" ); 
        if ( !$is_admin && $captcha && !checkvalidationimage( ) ) 
            addError( $lng['users']['errors']['invalid_validation_string']."<br />" ); 
        $Var_5280->fields_process( "uf" ); 
        $fields = $Var_5280; 
        if ( !$group ) 
            if ( isset( $_POST['group'] ) && $_POST['group'] != "" ) 
                $group = escape( $_POST['group'] ); 
                $group = ""; 
        if ( $group ) 
            check_form_fields( $group ); 
            if ( getError( ) != "" ) 
                addError( getError( ) ); 
            $Var_6096->groups( ); 
            $gr = $Var_6096; 
            $store = getStore( $group ); 
            if ( 0 < $store && isset( $_FILES['store_banner']['name'] ) && $_FILES['store_banner']['name'] ) 
                global $config_abs_path; 
                $dir = $config_abs_path."/images/store"; 
                $Var_6696->image( "store_banner", $dir, "store" ); 
                $img = $Var_6696; 
                if ( !verify( ) ) 
                    addError( getError( ) ); 
        if ( getError( ) != "" ) 
            $array_fields = array( "username", "email", "contact_name" ); 
            if ( $is_admin && isset( $_POST['group'] ) ) 
                $this->tmp['group'] = $_POST['group']; 
                $this->tmp['group'] = ""; 
            if ( $is_admin ) 
                $this->tmp['no_credits'] = $_POST['no_credits']; 
            foreach ( $array_fields as $f ) 
                if ( isset( $_POST[$f] ) ) 
                    $this->tmp[$f] = clean( $_POST[$f] ); 
                    $this->tmp[$f] = ""; 
            $this->tmp['tmp_fields'] = getTmp( ); 
            foreach ( $this->tmp['tmp_fields'] as $key => $value ) 
                $this->tmp[$key] = $value; 
        return 1; 
    public function check_change_password( ) 
        global $lng; 
        $this->error = ""; 
        global $config_demo; 
        if ( $config_demo == 1 ) 
            addError( $lng['general']['errors']['demo']."<br />" ); 
        if ( !$_POST['password'] || !$_POST['password1'] ) 
            addError( $lng['users']['errors']['password_missing']."<br />" ); 
            return 1; 
        if ( strcmp( $_POST['password'], $_POST['password1'] ) ) 
            addError( $lng['users']['errors']['passwords_dont_match']."<br />" ); 
        return 1; 
    public function add( $group = "" ) 
        global $db; 
        global $lng; 
        $Var_144->auth( ); 
        $auth = $Var_144; 
        $is_admin = adminLoggedIn( ); 
        $this->clean = array( ); 
        if ( $group ) 
            check_form( $group ); 
            check_form( ); 
        if ( getError( ) != "" ) 
            return 0; 
        if ( $is_admin ) 
            $clean['group'] = escape( $_POST['group'] ); 
            $clean['group'] = $group; 
        if ( $is_admin ) 
            $clean['no_credits'] = escape( $_POST['no_credits'] ); 
        $array_fields = array( "username", "email" ); 
        foreach ( $array_fields as $f ) 
            $clean[$f] = escape( $_POST[$f] ); 
        $password = mysql_real_escape_string( $_POST['password'] ); 
        $clean['password'] = encode( $password ); 
        $clean['registration_date'] = date( "Y-m-d H:i:s" ); 
        $clean['ip'] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; 
        $Var_2088->groups( ); 
        $gr = $Var_2088; 
        $group_settings = getGroup( $clean['group'] ); 
        $activate_account = $group_settings['activate_account']; 
        $admin_verification = $group_settings['admin_verification']; 
        if ( $group_settings['store'] == 2 ) 
            $clean['store'] = 1; 
            $clean['store'] = 0; 
        if ( $group_settings['bulk_uploads'] == 1 ) 
            $clean['bulk_uploads'] = 1; 
            $clean['bulk_uploads'] = 0; 
        $clean['store_banner'] = ""; 
        if ( $clean['store'] && isset( $_FILES['store_banner']['name'] ) && $_FILES['store_banner']['name'] ) 
            global $config_abs_path; 
            $dir = $config_abs_path."/images/store"; 
            $Var_3408->image( "store_banner", $dir, "store" ); 
            $img = $Var_3408; 
            setGenerate( 1 ); 
            verify( ); 
            if ( upload( ) ) 
                $clean['store_banner'] = getUploadedFile( ); 
                $clean['store_banner'] = ""; 
        if ( $is_admin == 1 ) 
            $clean['active'] = 1; 
        else if ( $activate_account || $admin_verification ) 
            $clean['active'] = 0; 
            $clean['active'] = 1; 
        $insert_array = array( "group", "username", "email", "password", "ip", "registration_date", "active", "store", "store_banner", "bulk_uploads", "language" ); 
        global $crt_lang; 
        $clean['language'] = $crt_lang; 
        $sql = "insert into ".TABLE_USERS." SET "; 
        $i = 0; 
        foreach ( $insert_array as $f ) 
            if ( $i ) 
                $sql .= ", "; 
            $sql .= "`{$f}` = '".$clean[$f]."'"; 
        if ( $is_admin && isset( $clean['no_credits'] ) ) 
            $sql .= ", `no_credits` = '".$clean['no_credits']."'"; 
        $Var_5424->fields_process( "uf" ); 
        $fields = $Var_5424; 
        $sql .= add_fields( $clean['group'] ); 
        $res = query( $sql ); 
        $last_id = insertId( ); 
        if ( $is_admin ) 
            return 1; 
        if ( $activate_account ) 
            setInfo( $lng['users']['info']['activate_account'] ); 
        else if ( $admin_verification ) 
            setInfo( $lng['users']['info']['awaiting_admin_verification'] ); 
            setInfo( $lng['users']['info']['welcome_user'] ); 
        if ( $activate_account || $clean['active'] ) 
            global $mail_settings; 
            if ( empty( $mail_settings['mail_settings'] ) && $mail_settings['mail_settings'] ) 
                $mail_settings = settings::getMailSettings( ); 
            $html_mails = $mail_settings['html_mails']; 
            if ( isset( $clean['contact_name'] ) && $clean['contact_name'] ) 
                $contact_name = $clean['contact_name']; 
                $contact_name = $clean['username']; 
            if ( $activate_account ) 
                global $config_live_site; 
                $activation_code = generate_random( ); 
                $res_act = query( "update ".TABLE_USERS." set activation='{$activation_code}' where username like '".$clean['username']."'" ); 
                if ( !$html_mails ) 
                    $act_link = $config_live_site."/activate_account.php?user=".urlencode( $clean['username'] )."&activation=".$activation_code; 
                    $lnk = $config_live_site."/activate_account.php?user=".urlencode( $clean['username'] )."&amp;activation=".$activation_code; 
                    $act_link = "<a href=\"".$lnk."\">".$lnk."</a>"; 
                $act_link = ""; 
            $Var_8496->mails( ); 
            $mail2send = $Var_8496; 
            init( $clean['email'], $contact_name ); 
            $array_subject = array( ); 
            $array_message = array( "user" => $clean, "username" => $clean['username'], "password" => $password, "link" => $act_link, "activation" => $activate_account, "admin_verification" => $admin_verification ); 
            composeAndSend( "registration", $array_message, $array_subject ); 
        global $settings; 
        if ( $settings['send_mail_to_admin_when_registeres'] || $admin_verification ) 
            if ( $clean['active'] ) 
                $status = $lng['general']['active']; 
            else if ( $admin_verification ) 
                $status = $lng['users']['waiting_admin_activation']; 
            else if ( $activate_account ) 
                $status = $lng['users']['waiting_mail_activation']; 
                $status = $lng['general']['inactive']; 
            $Var_9888->mails( ); 
            $mail2send = $Var_9888; 
            init( ); 
            $array_subject = array( ); 
            $array_message = array( "user" => $clean, "username" => $clean['username'], "admin_verification" => $admin_verification, "status" => $status, "group" => $group_settings['name'] ); 
            composeAndSend( "admin_new_account", $array_message, $array_subject ); 
        return 1; 
    public function edit_info( $id ) 
        global $db; 
        global $lng; 
        $this->clean = array( ); 
        $Var_240->auth( ); 
        $auth = $Var_240; 
        $is_admin = 0; 
        if ( loggedIn( ) && crtUserId( ) != $id ) 
            header( "Location: not_authorized.php" ); 
            exit( 0 ); 
        else if ( adminLoggedIn( ) ) 
            $is_admin = 1; 
        else if ( !loggedIn( ) ) 
            header( "Location: not_authorized.php" ); 
            exit( 0 ); 
        check_edit_info( $id ); 
        if ( getError( ) != "" ) 
            return 0; 
        if ( $is_admin ) 
            $clean['group'] = escape( $_POST['group'] ); 
            $clean['group'] = getGroup( $id ); 
        $clean['email'] = escape( $_POST['email'] ); 
        if ( $is_admin ) 
            $clean['no_credits'] = escape( $_POST['no_credits'] ); 
        $Var_1704->fields_process( "uf" ); 
        $fields = $Var_1704; 
        $username_editable = usernameEditable( ); 
        if ( $is_admin || $username_editable ) 
            $clean['username'] = escape( $_POST['username'] ); 
        $Var_2136->groups( ); 
        $gr = $Var_2136; 
        $group_settings = getGroup( $clean['group'] ); 
        $store = allowStoreBanner( $id ); 
        $clean['store_banner'] = ""; 
        if ( $store && isset( $_FILES['store_banner']['name'] ) && $_FILES['store_banner']['name'] ) 
            global $config_abs_path; 
            $dir = $config_abs_path."/images/store"; 
            $Var_2952->image( "store_banner", $dir, "store" ); 
            $img = $Var_2952; 
            setGenerate( 1 ); 
            verify( ); 
            if ( upload( ) ) 
                $clean['store_banner'] = getUploadedFile( ); 
                $clean['store_banner'] = ""; 
        if ( $is_admin ) 
            $update_array = array( "group", "email", "username", "language" ); 
            $update_array = array( "group", "email", "language" ); 
            if ( $username_editable ) 
                array_push( $update_array, "username" ); 
        global $crt_lang; 
        $clean['language'] = $crt_lang; 
        $sql = "update ".TABLE_USERS." SET "; 
        $i = 0; 
        foreach ( $update_array as $f ) 
            if ( $i ) 
                $sql .= ", "; 
            $sql .= "`{$f}` = '".$clean[$f]."'"; 
        if ( $is_admin && isset( $clean['no_credits'] ) ) 
            $sql .= ", `no_credits` = '".$clean['no_credits']."'"; 
        if ( $clean['store_banner'] ) 
            $sql .= ", `store_banner` = '".$clean['store_banner']."'"; 
        setEdit( 1 ); 
        $sql .= add_fields( $clean['group'] ); 
        $sql .= " where `id` = {$id}"; 
        $res = query( $sql ); 
        setInfo( $lng['users']['info']['account_info_updated'] ); 
        return 1; 
    public function change_password( $id ) 
        global $db; 
        global $lng; 
        if ( !$id ) 
            return 0; 
        $this->clean = array( ); 
        check_change_password( ); 
        if ( getError( ) != "" ) 
            return 0; 
        $clean['password'] = encode( escape( $_POST['password'] ) ); 
        $res = query( "update ".TABLE_USERS." set `password` = \"".$clean['password']."\" where id=".$id.";" ); 
        $res = query( "delete from ".TABLE_PASSWORD_RECOVERY." where user_id='{$id}'" ); 
        setInfo( $lng['users']['info']['password_changed'] ); 
        return 1; 
    public function validaccount( $user, $passhash ) 
        global $db; 
        $res = query( "select * from ".TABLE_USERS." where `username` like '{$user}' and `password` like '{$passhash}' and `active`=1" ); 
        if ( numRows( $res ) ) 
            return 1; 
        return 0; 
    public function checkidentity( $user, $identity ) 
        global $db; 
        $res = query( "select * from ".TABLE_USERS." where `identity` like '{$identity}' and `active`=1" ); 
        if ( numRows( $res ) ) 
            return 1; 
        return 0; 
    public function getuserpasswithidentity( $identity, $auth_provider ) 
        global $db; 
        $arr = fetchAssoc( "select `username`, `password` from ".TABLE_USERS." where `identity` like '{$identity}' and `auth_provider` like '{$auth_provider}' and `active`=1" ); 
        return $arr; 
    public function generaterecoverykey( $id ) 
        global $db; 
        $timestamp = date( "Y-m-d H:i:s" ); 
        $activation_code = generate_random( ); 
        $res = query( "delete from ".TABLE_PASSWORD_RECOVERY." where user_id='{$id}'" ); 
        $res = query( "insert into ".TABLE_PASSWORD_RECOVERY." values ('{$id}', '{$activation_code}', '{$timestamp}')" ); 
        return $activation_code; 
    public function getkeyuser( $key ) 
        global $db; 
        $res = query( "select user_id from ".TABLE_PASSWORD_RECOVERY." where activation like '{$key}'" ); 
        if ( !numRows( $res ) ) 
            return 0 - 1; 
        return fetchRow( ); 
    public function getidbyemail( $email ) 
        global $db; 
        $res = query( "select id from ".TABLE_USERS." where email like '{$email}'" ); 
        if ( !numRows( $res ) ) 
            return 0; 
        return fetchRow( ); 
    public function gettablefields( ) 
        global $db; 
        $extra_fields = array( "registration_date_formatted", "listings", "blocked", "group_name", "pending", "invoice" ); 
        $fields = getTableFields( TABLE_USERS ); 
        $fields = array_merge( $fields, $extra_fields ); 
        return $fields; 
    public function gettablecsvfields( $extra = 1 ) 
        global $db; 
        $extra_fields = array( "registration_date_formatted", "listings", "blocked", "group_name", "pending", "invoice" ); 
        $fields = getTableCSVFields( TABLE_USERS ); 
        if ( !$extra ) 
            return $fields; 
        foreach ( $extra_fields as $f ) 
            $fields .= ",".$f; 
        return $fields; 
    public function exportusers( $type ) 
        global $db; 
        global $lng; 
        global $appearance_settings; 
        global $ads_settings; 
        $date_format = $appearance_settings['date_format']; 
        $where = ""; 
        $where_start = " where"; 
        if ( isset( $_POST[$type."_group"] ) && is_numeric( $_POST[$type."_group"] ) ) 
            $where .= $where_start." `group` = '".$_POST[$type."_group"]."'"; 
            $where_start = " and"; 
        if ( isset( $_POST[$type."_date_start"] ) && $_POST[$type."_date_start"] != "" ) 
            $where .= $where_start." `registration_date` > '".escape( $_POST[$type."_date_start"] )."'"; 
            $where_start = " and"; 
        if ( isset( $_POST[$type."_date_end"] ) && $_POST[$type."_date_end"] != "" ) 
            $where .= $where_start." `registration_date` < '".escape( $_POST[$type."_date_end"] )."'"; 
            $where_start = " and"; 
        if ( isset( $_POST[$type."_last"] ) ) 
            $last = escape( $_POST[$type."_last"] ); 
            $last = ""; 
        if ( isset( $_POST[$type."_user_order_by"] ) && $_POST[$type."_user_order_by"] != "" ) 
            $order_by = escape( $_POST[$type."_user_order_by"] ); 
            $order_by = "registration_date"; 
        if ( isset( $_POST[$type."_user_order_way"] ) && $_POST[$type."_user_order_way"] != "" ) 
            $order_way = escape( $_POST[$type."_user_order_way"] ); 
            $order_way = "desc"; 
        global $crt_lang; 
        $sql = "select ".TABLE_USERS.".*, date_format(registration_date,'".$date_format."') as `registration_date_formatted`, count(".TABLE_ADS.".user_id) as listings, ".TABLE_BLOCKED_IPS.".`ip` as blocked, ".TABLE_USER_GROUPS."_lang.`name` as `group_name`, (".TABLE_USER_GROUPS.".admin_verification=1 and ".TABLE_USERS.".active=0) as pending, ".TABLE_ACTIONS.".`invoice` from ".TABLE_USERS." 
		left join ".TABLE_ADS." on ".TABLE_USERS.".id=".TABLE_ADS.".user_id 
		left join ".TABLE_BLOCKED_IPS." on ".TABLE_USERS.".`ip`=".TABLE_BLOCKED_IPS.".ip 
		left join ".TABLE_USER_GROUPS."_lang on ".TABLE_USERS.".`group`=".TABLE_USER_GROUPS."_lang.`id` 
		left join ".TABLE_USER_GROUPS." on ".TABLE_USERS.".`group`=".TABLE_USER_GROUPS.".`id` 
		left join ".TABLE_ACTIONS." on ".TABLE_USERS.".id=".TABLE_ACTIONS.".`user_id` and ( ".TABLE_ACTIONS.".`type` like 'store' )
		where ".TABLE_USER_GROUPS."_lang.`lang_id` = '".$crt_lang."'  
		group by ".TABLE_USERS.".id 
		order by `".$order_by."` ".$order_way; 
        if ( 0 < $last ) 
            $sql .= " limit ".$last; 
        return $sql; 
    public function moveusers( $from_group, $to_group ) 
        global $db; 
        if ( !$from_group ) 
        else if ( !$to_group ) 
            query( "update ".TABLE_USERS." set `group` = {$to_group} where `group` = {$from_group}" ); 
            return 1; 
    public function emptyfield( $crt_usr, $delete ) 
        global $db; 
        query( "update ".TABLE_USERS." set `{$delete}` = '' where `id`={$crt_usr}" ); 
        return 1; 
    public function setfields( $fields ) 
        $this->fields = $fields; 
    public function getfields( ) 
        return $this->fields; 
    public function getautocomplete( $term ) 
        global $db; 
        $result = fetchRowList( "select `username` from ".TABLE_USERS." where `username` like '{$term}%' limit 10" ); 
        return $result; 
    public function encode( $str ) 
        return md5( $str ); 
    public function getnocredits( $id ) 
        global $db; 
        $no_credits = fetchRow( "select `no_credits` from ".TABLE_USERS." where `id`='{$id}'" ); 
        if ( !$no_credits ) 
            return 0; 
        return $no_credits; 

Did this file decode correctly?

Original Code

/*                    */
/*Decoded by AtakanCan*/
/*                    */

class users

    public function users( $id = 0 )
        global $db;
        if ( $id )
            $this->id = $id;
            $this->array = array( );
            $this->array = fetchAssoc( "select * from ".TABLE_USERS." where id=".$id );
            foreach ( $this->array as $key => $value )
                $this->array[$key] = clean( $value );

    public function getid( )
        return $this->id;

    public function delete( $id = 0 )
        global $db;
        global $config_abs_path;
        global $config_demo;
        if ( $config_demo == 1 )
            if ( !$id )
                $id = $this->id;
            $username = getUsername( $id );
            $res_del = query( "delete from ".TABLE_USERS." where id=\"".$id."\"" );
            $Var_792->listings( );
            $listings = $Var_792;
            deleteUser( $id );
            auth::deleteLoginHistory( $username );
            users_packages::deleteUser( $id );
            global $ads_settings;
            if ( $ads_settings['saved_searches_enabled'] )
                require_once( $config_abs_path."/classes/searches.php" );
                searches::deleteUser( $id );
            require_once( $config_abs_path."/classes/actions.php" );
            actions::deleteUser( $id );
            require_once( $config_abs_path."/classes/coupons.php" );
            coupons::deleteUser( $id );
            $res_del = query( "delete from ".TABLE_OPTIONS." where `object_id`='{$id}' and `option`='store'" );

    public function deleteusers( $group )
        global $db;
        $arr = fetchRowList( "select id from ".TABLE_USERS." where `group`={$group}" );
        foreach ( $arr as $row )
            delete( $row );
        return 1;

    public function enable( $id = 0 )
        global $db;
        global $config_demo;
        if ( $config_demo == 1 )
            $array = fetchAssoc( "select ".TABLE_USERS.".*, (".TABLE_USERS.".active=0 && ".TABLE_USER_GROUPS.".admin_verification=1 ) as pending from ".TABLE_USERS." left join ".TABLE_USER_GROUPS." on ".TABLE_USERS.".`group` = ".TABLE_USER_GROUPS.".`id` where ".TABLE_USERS.".`id` ={$id}" );
            if ( !$id )
                $id = $this->id;
            $res = query( "update ".TABLE_USERS." set active=1 where id=\"".$id."\"" );
            if ( $array['pending'] )
                global $config_abs_path;
                require_once( $config_abs_path."/classes/mails.php" );
                require_once( $config_abs_path."/classes/mail_templates.php" );
                $Var_1584->mails( );
                $mail2send = $Var_1584;
                init( $array['email'], $array['contact_name'] );
                $array_subject = array( );
                $array_message = array( "user" => $array, "username" => $array['username'] );
                composeAndSend( "registration", $array_message, $array_subject );

    public function enablestore( $id )
        global $db;
        query( "update ".TABLE_USERS." set `store` = 1 where `id`='{$id}'" );
        global $ads_settings;
        $days_expires = $ads_settings['store_availability'];
        $timestamp = date( "Y-m-d H:i:s" );
        if ( $days_expires )
            $str_expires = " `date_expires` = date_add('{$timestamp}', interval '{$days_expires}' day)";
            $str_expires = " `date_expires` = ''";
        query( "delete from ".TABLE_OPTIONS." where `object_id` = {$id} and `option` like 'store'" );
        query( "insert into ".TABLE_OPTIONS." set `object_id` = '{$id}', `option` = 'store', `date_added` = '{$timestamp}', {$str_expires} " );
        return 1;

    public function disablestore( $id )
        global $db;
        query( "update ".TABLE_USERS." set `store` = 0 where `id`='{$id}'" );
        return 1;

    public function enablependingstore( $id )
        global $db;
        global $lng;
        global $ads_settings;
        $days_expires = $ads_settings['store_availability'];
        $timestamp = date( "Y-m-d H:i:s" );
        if ( $days_expires )
            $str_expires = "`date_expires` = date_add('{$timestamp}', interval '{$days_expires}' day)";
            $str_expires = "`date_expires` = ''";
        query( "update ".TABLE_USERS." set `store` = 1 where `id`='{$id}'" );
        query( "delete from ".TABLE_OPTIONS." where `object_id` = {$id} and `option` like 'store'" );
        query( "insert into ".TABLE_OPTIONS." set `object_id` = '{$id}', `option` = 'store', `date_added` = '{$timestamp}', {$str_expires} " );
        query( "update ".TABLE_ACTIONS." set pending=0 where type='store' and `user_id` = {$id}" );
        global $config_abs_path;
        require_once( $config_abs_path."/classes/mails.php" );
        require_once( $config_abs_path."/classes/mail_templates.php" );
        $Var_1560->users( );
        $user = $Var_1560;
        $user_details = getUser( $id );
        $username = $user_details['username'];
        $user_email = $user_details['email'];
        $user_contact = $user_details['contact_name'];
        if ( !$user_contact )
            $user_contact = $username;
        $Var_2208->mails( );
        $mail2send = $Var_2208;
        init( $user_email, $user_contact );
        $array_subject = array( );
        $array_message = array( "id" => $id, "username" => $username, "contact_name" => $user_contact, "days" => $ads_settings['store_availability'], "admin_activated" => 1, "status" => $lng['general']['active'] );
        composeAndSend( "buy_store_status", $array_message, $array_subject );
        return 1;

    public function enablebulkuploads( $id )
        global $db;
        query( "update ".TABLE_USERS." set `bulk_uploads` = 1 where `id`='{$id}'" );
        return 1;

    public function disablebulkuploads( $id )
        global $db;
        query( "update ".TABLE_USERS." set `bulk_uploads` = 0 where `id`='{$id}'" );
        return 1;

    public function disable( $id = 0 )
        global $db;
        global $config_demo;
        if ( $config_demo == 1 )
            if ( !$id )
                $id = $this->id;
            $res = query( "update ".TABLE_USERS." set active=0, `activation`=\"\" where id=\"".$id."\"" );

    public function block( $id )
        global $db;
        global $config_demo;
        if ( $config_demo == 1 )
            $ip = getIp( $id );
            $res = query( "delete from ".TABLE_BLOCKED_IPS." where ip like \"".$ip."\"" );
            $res1 = query( "insert into ".TABLE_BLOCKED_IPS." values (\"".$ip."\")" );

    public function unblock( $id )
        global $db;
        global $config_demo;
        if ( $config_demo == 1 )
            $ip = getIp( $id );
            $res = query( "delete from ".TABLE_BLOCKED_IPS." where ip like \"".$ip."\"" );

    public function activate_link( $username, $activation )
        global $db;
        global $lng;
        $res = query( "select active from ".TABLE_USERS." where username like '{$username}'" );
        if ( !numRows( $res ) )
            addError( $lng['users']['errors']['invalid_account_or_activation'] );
            return 0;
        if ( fetchRow( ) == 1 )
            addError( $lng['users']['errors']['account_already_active'] );
            return 0;
        $res = query( "select id from ".TABLE_USERS." where username like '{$username}' and activation like '{$activation}'" );
        if ( !numRows( $res ) )
            addError( $lng['users']['errors']['invalid_account_or_activation'] );
            return 0;
        $res = query( "update ".TABLE_USERS." set active=1, `activation`='' where username like '{$username}'" );
        return 1;

    public function getusername( $id = "" )
        global $db;
        if ( !$id )
            $id = $this->id;
        $uname = fetchRow( "select username from ".TABLE_USERS." where id=\"".$id."\"" );
        return $uname;

    public function getpasshash( $id = "" )
        global $db;
        if ( !$id )
            $id = $this->id;
        $pass = fetchRow( "select password from ".TABLE_USERS." where id=\"".$id."\"" );
        return $pass;

    public function getuserid( $username, $identity = "" )
        global $db;
        $str = "";
        if ( $identity )
            $str = " and `identity`='{$identity}'";
        $id = fetchRow( "select id from ".TABLE_USERS." where username like \"".$username."\"".$str );
        if ( !$id )
            return 0;
        return $id;

    public function getgroup( $id )
        global $db;
        $id = fetchRow( "select `group` from ".TABLE_USERS." where id={$id}" );
        if ( !$id )
            return 0;
        return $id;

    public function getip( $id )
        global $db;
        $id = fetchRow( "select `ip` from ".TABLE_USERS." where id={$id}" );
        if ( !$id )
            return 0;
        return $id;

    public function getstorebanner( $id )
        global $db;
        $banner = fetchRow( "select `store_banner` from ".TABLE_USERS." where id={$id}" );
        return $banner;

    public function allowstorebanner( $id )
        global $db;
        $allow = fetchRow( "select `store` from ".TABLE_USERS." where id={$id}" );
        return $allow;

    public function getgroupname( $id )
        global $db;
        global $crt_lang;
        $group_name = fetchRow( "select ".TABLE_USER_GROUPS."_lang.`name` from ".TABLE_USERS." left join ".TABLE_USER_GROUPS."_lang on ".TABLE_USER_GROUPS."_lang.`id`=".TABLE_USERS.".`group` where ".TABLE_USERS.".id={$id} and lang_id='{$crt_lang}'" );
        if ( !$group_name )
            return 0;
        return $group_name;

    public function getemail( $id = "" )
        global $db;
        if ( !$id )
            $id = $this->id;
        $email = fetchRow( "select email from ".TABLE_USERS." where id=\"".$id."\"" );
        return $email;

    public function getcontactname( $id = "" )
        global $db;
        if ( !$id )
            $id = $this->id;
        $name = fetchRow( "select contact_name from ".TABLE_USERS." where id=\"".$id."\"" );
        return clean( $name );

    public function getcontactdata( $id )
        global $db;
        if ( !$id )
            $id = $this->id;
        $result = fetchAssoc( "select `username`, `email`, `contact_name`, `language` from ".TABLE_USERS." where id=\"".$id."\"" );
        if ( !$result )
            return 0;
        foreach ( $result as $key => $value )
            $result[$key] = clean( $result[$key] );
        return $result;

    public function getuserbyusername( $username )
        global $db;
        $id = fetchRow( "select `id` from ".TABLE_USERS." where username like \"".$username."\"" );
        if ( !$id )
            return 0;
        $result = getUser( $id );
        return $result;

    public function getuserinfo( $id )
        global $db;
        $result = fetchAssoc( "select * from ".TABLE_USERS." where id='{$id}'" );
        return $result;

    public function getuser( $id = "" )
        global $db;
        if ( !$id )
            $id = $this->id;
        global $appearance_settings;
        $date_format = $appearance_settings['date_format'];
        $result = fetchAssoc( "select *, ".TABLE_USERS.".`ip` as register_ip, date_format(`registration_date`,'{$date_format}') as date_nice, ( ".TABLE_BLOCKED_IPS.".ip is not null ) as blocked from ".TABLE_USERS." left join ".TABLE_BLOCKED_IPS." on ".TABLE_USERS.".ip = ".TABLE_BLOCKED_IPS.".ip where id='{$id}'" );
        if ( !$result )
            return 0;
        if ( $result['store'] )
            $result['store_expires_nice'] = fetchRow( "select date_format(`date_expires`,'{$date_format}') from ".TABLE_OPTIONS." where `object_id` = {$id} and `option` = 'store'" );
            $act = fetchAssoc( "select * from ".TABLE_ACTIONS." where `type` like 'store' and `user_id` = '{$id}' order by `date` desc limit 1" );
            if ( $act )
                $result['store_pending'] = $act['pending'];
        if ( $result['contact_name'] )
            $result['url_name'] = _urlencode( $result['contact_name'] );
            $result['url_name'] = _urlencode( $result['username'] );
        foreach ( $result as $key => $value )
            $result[$key] = clean( $result[$key] );
        $Var_2568->fields( "uf" );
        $f = $Var_2568;
        $fields = getFieldsArray( $result['group'] );
        setFields( $fields );
        foreach ( $fields as $field )
            $fname = $field['caption'];
            if ( $field['type'] == "checkbox_group" || $field['type'] == "multiselect" )
                $result[$fname] = explode( "|", $result[$fname] );
            else if ( $field['type'] == "date" )
                if ( $result[$fname] && $result[$fname] != "0000-00-00" )
                    $result['vis'][$fname] = format_date_str( $result[$fname], $field['date_format'] );
                    $result[$fname] = "";
            else if ( $field['type'] != "depending" && ( $field['validation_type'] == "numeric" || $field['type'] == "price" ) )
                $result['formatted'][$fname] = format_numeric( $result[$fname] );
            else if ( $field['type'] == "textarea" )
                $result['formatted'][$fname] = str_replace( "\n", "<br>", $result[$fname] );
            else if ( $field['type'] == "youtube" && $result[$fname] )
                global $config_abs_path;
                require_once( $config_abs_path."/include/patterns.php" );
                $result[$fname] = formatvideo( $result[$fname] );
        global $crt_lang;
        if ( $result['language'] != $crt_lang )
            $Var_5448->languages( );
            $language = $Var_5448;
            $result = translateFieldsElements( $result, "uf" );
        return $result;

    public function getnolistings( $id = 0 )
        global $db;
        if ( !$id )
            $id = $this->id;
        $no = fetchRow( "select count(*) from ".TABLE_ADS." where user_id=\"".$id."\"" );
        return $no;

    public function count( $group = "" )
        global $db;
        $where = "";
        if ( $group )
            $where = " where `group` = {$group}";
        $no = fetchRow( "select count(*) from ".TABLE_USERS.$where );
        return $no;

    public function getno( $search = "" )
        global $db;
        if ( $search != "" )
            $where = " where username like '%{$search}%'";
            $where = "";
        $no = fetchRow( "select count(*) from ".TABLE_USERS.$where );
        return $no;

    public function getnoactive( )
        global $db;
        $no = fetchRow( "select count(*) from ".TABLE_USERS." where active=1" );
        return $no;

    public function getuserswithads( )
        global $db;
        $res = query( "select ".TABLE_USERS.".id from ".TABLE_USERS." right join ".TABLE_ADS." on ".TABLE_USERS.".id=".TABLE_ADS.".user_id group by ".TABLE_USERS.".id;" );
        return numRows( $res );

    public function getuserswithstore( )
        global $db;
        $no = fetchRow( "select count(*) from ".TABLE_USERS." where `store` = 1;" );
        return $no;

    public function getuserswithbulkuploads( )
        global $db;
        $no = fetchRow( "select count(*) from ".TABLE_USERS." where `bulk_uploads` = 1;" );
        return $no;

    public function getnoinactive( )
        global $db;
        $no = fetchRow( "select count(*) from ".TABLE_USERS." where active=0" );
        return $no;

    public function getnopages( $no_per_page )
        $total = count( );
        if ( $total == 0 )
            return 1;
        return ceil( $total / $no_per_page );

    public function getall( $group = "" )
        global $db;
        if ( $group )
            $where = " where `group` = {$group}";
            $where = "";
        $array = fetchAssocList( "select * from ".TABLE_USERS." {$where} order by username" );
        $i = 0;
        $array_usr = array( );
        foreach ( $array as $result )
            $array_usr[$i] = $result;
            if ( $i % 2 )
                $array_usr[$i]['style'] = "_odd";
                $array_usr[$i]['style'] = "_even";
        return $array_usr;

    public function getlatestusers( $no )
        global $db;
        global $appearance_settings;
        $date_format = $appearance_settings['date_format'];
        $sql = "select username, id, date_format(registration_date,\"".$date_format."\") as `date` from ".TABLE_USERS." order by registration_date desc limit ".$no;
        $array_users = fetchAssocList( $sql );
        $i = 0;
        foreach ( $array_users as $row )
            $array_users[$i]['listings'] = listings::getNoListings( $row['id'] );
        return $array_users;

    public function getloginhistory( $page, $no_per_page, $search = "" )
        global $db;
        $start = ( $page - 1 ) * $no_per_page;
        if ( $search != "" )
            $where = " where username like '%{$search}%'";
            $where = "";
        $sql = "select username from ".TABLE_USERS." {$where} order by username asc limit {$start}, {$no_per_page}";
        $array = fetchRowList( $sql );
        $i = 0;
        $array_users = array( );
        $Var_960->auth( );
        $auth = $Var_960;
        if ( $page == 1 && !$search )
            global $settings;
            $admin_username = $settings['admin_username'];
            $array_users[$i]['username'] = $admin_username;
            $login_info = getLastLogin( $admin_username );
            $array_users[$i]['login_info'] = $login_info;
            if ( $i % 2 )
                $array_users[$i]['style'] = "_odd";
                $array_users[$i]['style'] = "_even";
        foreach ( $array as $result )
            $array_users[$i]['username'] = $result;
            $login_info = getLastLogin( $result );
            $array_users[$i]['login_info'] = $login_info;
            if ( $i % 2 )
                $array_users[$i]['style'] = "_odd";
                $array_users[$i]['style'] = "_even";
        return $array_users;

    public function searchusers( $post_array, $page, $no_per_page, $order, $order_way )
        global $db;
        global $lng;
        global $crt_lang;
        global $appearance_settings;
        $date_format = $appearance_settings['date_format'];
        $start = ( $page - 1 ) * $no_per_page;
        $where = "";
        foreach ( $post_array as $key => $value )
            if ( !$key || $value == "" )
            switch ( $key )
                case "id" :
                case "group" :
            $where .= " and ".TABLE_USERS.".`{$key}` = '{$value}' ";
            switch ( $key )
                case "username" :
                case "contact_name" :
                case "email" :
                case "ip" :
            $where .= " and ".TABLE_USERS.".`{$key}` like '{$value}' ";
            switch ( $key )
                case "date_from" :
                    $where .= " and ".TABLE_USERS.".`registration_date` >= '{$value}' ";
                case "date_to" :
                    $where .= " and ".TABLE_USERS.".`registration_date` <= '{$value}' ";
        $no_users = getNoSearchUsers( $where );
        setNoUsers( $no_users );
        $group = "";
        $join_ads = "";
        $no_ads = "";
        if ( $order == "listings" )
            $group = "group by ".TABLE_USERS.".id";
            $join_ads = "left join ".TABLE_ADS." on ".TABLE_USERS.".id=".TABLE_ADS.".user_id ";
            $no_ads = " count(".TABLE_ADS.".user_id) as listings,";
        $sql = "select ".TABLE_USERS.".*, date_format(registration_date,'".$date_format."') as date, ".TABLE_BLOCKED_IPS.".`ip` as blocked, {$no_ads} ".TABLE_USER_GROUPS."_lang.`name` as `group_name`, (".TABLE_USER_GROUPS.".admin_verification=1 and ".TABLE_USERS.".active=0) as pending, ".TABLE_ACTIONS.".`invoice` from ".TABLE_USERS." \n{$join_ads}\nleft join ".TABLE_BLOCKED_IPS." on ".TABLE_USERS.".`ip`=".TABLE_BLOCKED_IPS.".ip \nleft join ".TABLE_USER_GROUPS."_lang on ".TABLE_USERS.".`group`=".TABLE_USER_GROUPS."_lang.`id` \nleft join ".TABLE_USER_GROUPS." on ".TABLE_USERS.".`group`=".TABLE_USER_GROUPS.".`id` \nleft join ".TABLE_ACTIONS." on ".TABLE_USERS.".id=".TABLE_ACTIONS.".`user_id` and ( ".TABLE_ACTIONS.".`type` = 'store' )\nwhere ".TABLE_USER_GROUPS."_lang.`lang_id` = '".$crt_lang."'  {$where} \n{$group} order by `".$order."` ".$order_way." limit ".$start.", ".$no_per_page;
        $array = fetchAssocList( $sql );
        $i = 0;
        $array_users = array( );
        foreach ( $array as $result )
            if ( $order != "listings" )
                $array_users[$i]['listings'] = listings::getNoListings( $result['id'] );
            foreach ( $result as $key => $value )
                $array_users[$i][$key] = clean( $result[$key] );
            if ( $array_users[$i]['blocked'] )
                $array_users[$i]['blocked'] = 1;
                $array_users[$i]['blocked'] = 0;
            $array_users[$i]['pending_actions'] = array( );
            $array_users[$i]['pending_info'] = "";
            if ( $result['invoice'] )
                $array_users[$i]['pending_actions'] = fetchAssocList( "select * from ".TABLE_ACTIONS." where `invoice` = ".$result['invoice']." and pending = 1" );
                foreach ( $array_users[$i]['pending_actions'] as $action )
                    if ( $action['type'] == "store" )
                        $array_users[$i]['pending_info'] .= $lng['users']['pending_store']."<br />";
            if ( $i % 2 )
                $array_users[$i]['style'] = "_odd";
                $array_users[$i]['style'] = "_even";
        return $array_users;

    public function getnosearchusers( $where )
        global $db;
        if ( $where )
            $where = " where ".substr( $where, 4 );
        $total = fetchRow( "select count(*) from ".TABLE_USERS.$where );
        return $total;

    public function getnousers( )
        return $this->no_users;

    public function setnousers( $no )
        $this->no_users = $no;

    public function user_exists( $str, $id = "" )
        global $db;
        if ( $id )
            $str_id = " and id!=".$id;
            $str_id = "";
        $res = query( "select * from ".TABLE_USERS." where username like '{$str}'".$str_id );
        if ( numRows( $res ) )
            return 1;
        return 0;

    public function exists( $id )
        global $db;
        $res = query( "select * from ".TABLE_USERS." where id='{$id}'" );
        if ( numRows( $res ) )
            return 1;
        return 0;

    public function email_exists( $str, $id = "" )
        global $db;
        if ( $id )
            $str_id = " and id!=".$id;
            $str_id = "";
        $res = query( "select * from ".TABLE_USERS." where email like '{$str}'".$str_id );
        if ( numRows( $res ) )
            return 1;
        return 0;

    public function geterror( )
        return $this->error;

    public function adderror( $str )
        $this->error .= $str;

    public function seterror( $str )
        $this->error = $str;

    public function getinfo( )
        return $this->info;

    public function setinfo( $str )
        $this->info = $str;

    public function gettmp( )
        return $this->tmp;

    public function check_edit_info( $id )
        global $lng;
        $this->error = "";
        $this->tmp = array( );
        $Var_264->auth( );
        $auth = $Var_264;
        $is_admin = 0;
        if ( adminLoggedIn( ) )
            $is_admin = 1;
        if ( $is_admin )
            global $config_demo;
            if ( $config_demo == 1 )
                addError( $lng['general']['errors']['demo']."<br />" );
        if ( !$_POST['email'] )
            addError( $lng['users']['errors']['email_missing']."<br />" );
        else if ( !validator::valid_email( $_POST['email'] ) )
            addError( $lng['users']['errors']['invalid_email']."<br />" );
        else if ( email_exists( escape( $_POST['email'] ), $id ) )
            addError( $lng['users']['errors']['email_exists']."<br />" );
        else if ( !$is_admin && blocked_emails::isBlocked( escape( $_POST['email'] ) ) )
            addError( $lng['users']['errors']['email_not_permitted']."<br />" );
        if ( isset( $_POST['group'] ) && $_POST['group'] != "" )
            $group = escape( $_POST['group'] );
            $group = getGroup( $id );
        $Var_2496->fields_process( "uf" );
        $fields = $Var_2496;
        if ( $is_admin || usernameEditable( ) )
            global $settings;
            if ( !$_POST['username'] )
                addError( $lng['users']['errors']['username_missing']."<br />" );
            else if ( user_exists( escape( $_POST['username'] ), $id ) )
                addError( $lng['users']['errors']['username_exists']."<br />" );
            else if ( escape( $_POST['username'] ) == $settings['admin_username'] )
                addError( $lng['users']['errors']['username_exists']."<br />" );
            else if ( !validator::valid_username( $_POST['username'] ) )
                addError( $lng['users']['errors']['invalid_username']."<br />" );
            $this->tmp['username'] = clean( $_POST['username'] );
        if ( $is_admin && isset( $_POST['credits'] ) && !is_numeric( $_POST['credits'] ) )
            addError( $lng['users']['errors']['invalid_no_credits']."<br />" );
        setEdit( 1 );
        check_form_fields( $group );
        if ( getError( ) != "" )
            addError( getError( ) );
        $old_data = getUser( $id );
        $store = $old_data['store'];
        $store_banner = $old_data['store_banner'];
        if ( $store && isset( $_FILES['store_banner']['name'] ) && $_FILES['store_banner']['name'] )
            global $config_abs_path;
            $dir = $config_abs_path."/images/store";
            $Var_5688->image( "store_banner", $dir, "store" );
            $img = $Var_5688;
            if ( !verify( ) )
                addError( getError( ) );
        if ( getError( ) != "" )
            $this->tmp['id'] = $id;
            if ( isset( $_POST['email'] ) )
                $this->tmp['email'] = $_POST['email'];
                $this->tmp['email'] = "";
            if ( isset( $_POST['contact_name'] ) )
                $this->tmp['contact_name'] = $_POST['contact_name'];
                $this->tmp['contact_name'] = "";
            if ( $is_admin )
                $this->tmp['no_credits'] = $_POST['no_credits'];
            $this->tmp['store'] = $store;
            $this->tmp['store_banner'] = $store_banner;
            $this->tmp['tmp_fields'] = getTmp( );
            foreach ( $this->tmp['tmp_fields'] as $key => $value )
                $this->tmp[$key] = $value;
        return 1;

    public function check_form( $group = "" )
        global $db;
        $Var_96->auth( );
        $auth = $Var_96;
        $is_admin = 0;
        if ( adminLoggedIn( ) )
            $is_admin = 1;
        global $lng;
        $this->error = "";
        $this->tmp = array( );
        global $settings;
        $captcha = $settings['register_captcha'];
        if ( $is_admin && ( !$_POST['group'] || !is_numeric( $_POST['group'] ) ) )
            addError( $lng['users']['errors']['group_missing']."<br />" );
        if ( $is_admin && isset( $_POST['credits'] ) && !is_numeric( $_POST['credits'] ) )
            addError( $lng['users']['errors']['invalid_no_credits']."<br />" );
        if ( !$_POST['username'] )
            addError( $lng['users']['errors']['username_missing']."<br />" );
        else if ( user_exists( escape( $_POST['username'] ) ) )
            addError( $lng['users']['errors']['username_exists']."<br />" );
        else if ( escape( $_POST['username'] ) == $settings['admin_username'] )
            addError( $lng['users']['errors']['username_exists']."<br />" );
        else if ( !validator::valid_username( $_POST['username'] ) )
            addError( $lng['users']['errors']['invalid_username']."<br />" );
        if ( !$_POST['email'] )
            addError( $lng['users']['errors']['email_missing']."<br />" );
        else if ( !validator::valid_email( $_POST['email'] ) )
            addError( $lng['users']['errors']['invalid_email']."<br />" );
        else if ( email_exists( escape( $_POST['email'] ) ) )
            addError( $lng['users']['errors']['email_exists']."<br />" );
        else if ( !$is_admin && blocked_emails::isBlocked( escape( $_POST['email'] ) ) )
            addError( $lng['users']['errors']['email_not_permitted']."<br />" );
        else if ( escape( $_POST['email'] ) == $settings['admin_email'] )
            addError( $lng['users']['errors']['email_exists']."<br />" );
        if ( !$_POST['password'] || !$_POST['password1'] )
            addError( $lng['users']['errors']['password_missing']."<br />" );
        else if ( strcmp( $_POST['password'], $_POST['password1'] ) )
            addError( $lng['users']['errors']['passwords_dont_match']."<br />" );
        if ( !$is_admin && $captcha && !checkvalidationimage( ) )
            addError( $lng['users']['errors']['invalid_validation_string']."<br />" );
        $Var_5280->fields_process( "uf" );
        $fields = $Var_5280;
        if ( !$group )
            if ( isset( $_POST['group'] ) && $_POST['group'] != "" )
                $group = escape( $_POST['group'] );
                $group = "";
        if ( $group )
            check_form_fields( $group );
            if ( getError( ) != "" )
                addError( getError( ) );
            $Var_6096->groups( );
            $gr = $Var_6096;
            $store = getStore( $group );
            if ( 0 < $store && isset( $_FILES['store_banner']['name'] ) && $_FILES['store_banner']['name'] )
                global $config_abs_path;
                $dir = $config_abs_path."/images/store";
                $Var_6696->image( "store_banner", $dir, "store" );
                $img = $Var_6696;
                if ( !verify( ) )
                    addError( getError( ) );
        if ( getError( ) != "" )
            $array_fields = array( "username", "email", "contact_name" );
            if ( $is_admin && isset( $_POST['group'] ) )
                $this->tmp['group'] = $_POST['group'];
                $this->tmp['group'] = "";
            if ( $is_admin )
                $this->tmp['no_credits'] = $_POST['no_credits'];
            foreach ( $array_fields as $f )
                if ( isset( $_POST[$f] ) )
                    $this->tmp[$f] = clean( $_POST[$f] );
                    $this->tmp[$f] = "";
            $this->tmp['tmp_fields'] = getTmp( );
            foreach ( $this->tmp['tmp_fields'] as $key => $value )
                $this->tmp[$key] = $value;
        return 1;

    public function check_change_password( )
        global $lng;
        $this->error = "";
        global $config_demo;
        if ( $config_demo == 1 )
            addError( $lng['general']['errors']['demo']."<br />" );
        if ( !$_POST['password'] || !$_POST['password1'] )
            addError( $lng['users']['errors']['password_missing']."<br />" );
            return 1;
        if ( strcmp( $_POST['password'], $_POST['password1'] ) )
            addError( $lng['users']['errors']['passwords_dont_match']."<br />" );
        return 1;

    public function add( $group = "" )
        global $db;
        global $lng;
        $Var_144->auth( );
        $auth = $Var_144;
        $is_admin = adminLoggedIn( );
        $this->clean = array( );
        if ( $group )
            check_form( $group );
            check_form( );
        if ( getError( ) != "" )
            return 0;
        if ( $is_admin )
            $clean['group'] = escape( $_POST['group'] );
            $clean['group'] = $group;
        if ( $is_admin )
            $clean['no_credits'] = escape( $_POST['no_credits'] );
        $array_fields = array( "username", "email" );
        foreach ( $array_fields as $f )
            $clean[$f] = escape( $_POST[$f] );
        $password = mysql_real_escape_string( $_POST['password'] );
        $clean['password'] = encode( $password );
        $clean['registration_date'] = date( "Y-m-d H:i:s" );
        $clean['ip'] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
        $Var_2088->groups( );
        $gr = $Var_2088;
        $group_settings = getGroup( $clean['group'] );
        $activate_account = $group_settings['activate_account'];
        $admin_verification = $group_settings['admin_verification'];
        if ( $group_settings['store'] == 2 )
            $clean['store'] = 1;
            $clean['store'] = 0;
        if ( $group_settings['bulk_uploads'] == 1 )
            $clean['bulk_uploads'] = 1;
            $clean['bulk_uploads'] = 0;
        $clean['store_banner'] = "";
        if ( $clean['store'] && isset( $_FILES['store_banner']['name'] ) && $_FILES['store_banner']['name'] )
            global $config_abs_path;
            $dir = $config_abs_path."/images/store";
            $Var_3408->image( "store_banner", $dir, "store" );
            $img = $Var_3408;
            setGenerate( 1 );
            verify( );
            if ( upload( ) )
                $clean['store_banner'] = getUploadedFile( );
                $clean['store_banner'] = "";
        if ( $is_admin == 1 )
            $clean['active'] = 1;
        else if ( $activate_account || $admin_verification )
            $clean['active'] = 0;
            $clean['active'] = 1;
        $insert_array = array( "group", "username", "email", "password", "ip", "registration_date", "active", "store", "store_banner", "bulk_uploads", "language" );
        global $crt_lang;
        $clean['language'] = $crt_lang;
        $sql = "insert into ".TABLE_USERS." SET ";
        $i = 0;
        foreach ( $insert_array as $f )
            if ( $i )
                $sql .= ", ";
            $sql .= "`{$f}` = '".$clean[$f]."'";
        if ( $is_admin && isset( $clean['no_credits'] ) )
            $sql .= ", `no_credits` = '".$clean['no_credits']."'";
        $Var_5424->fields_process( "uf" );
        $fields = $Var_5424;
        $sql .= add_fields( $clean['group'] );
        $res = query( $sql );
        $last_id = insertId( );
        if ( $is_admin )
            return 1;
        if ( $activate_account )
            setInfo( $lng['users']['info']['activate_account'] );
        else if ( $admin_verification )
            setInfo( $lng['users']['info']['awaiting_admin_verification'] );
            setInfo( $lng['users']['info']['welcome_user'] );
        if ( $activate_account || $clean['active'] )
            global $mail_settings;
            if ( empty( $mail_settings['mail_settings'] ) && $mail_settings['mail_settings'] )
                $mail_settings = settings::getMailSettings( );
            $html_mails = $mail_settings['html_mails'];
            if ( isset( $clean['contact_name'] ) && $clean['contact_name'] )
                $contact_name = $clean['contact_name'];
                $contact_name = $clean['username'];
            if ( $activate_account )
                global $config_live_site;
                $activation_code = generate_random( );
                $res_act = query( "update ".TABLE_USERS." set activation='{$activation_code}' where username like '".$clean['username']."'" );
                if ( !$html_mails )
                    $act_link = $config_live_site."/activate_account.php?user=".urlencode( $clean['username'] )."&activation=".$activation_code;
                    $lnk = $config_live_site."/activate_account.php?user=".urlencode( $clean['username'] )."&amp;activation=".$activation_code;
                    $act_link = "<a href=\"".$lnk."\">".$lnk."</a>";
                $act_link = "";
            $Var_8496->mails( );
            $mail2send = $Var_8496;
            init( $clean['email'], $contact_name );
            $array_subject = array( );
            $array_message = array( "user" => $clean, "username" => $clean['username'], "password" => $password, "link" => $act_link, "activation" => $activate_account, "admin_verification" => $admin_verification );
            composeAndSend( "registration", $array_message, $array_subject );
        global $settings;
        if ( $settings['send_mail_to_admin_when_registeres'] || $admin_verification )
            if ( $clean['active'] )
                $status = $lng['general']['active'];
            else if ( $admin_verification )
                $status = $lng['users']['waiting_admin_activation'];
            else if ( $activate_account )
                $status = $lng['users']['waiting_mail_activation'];
                $status = $lng['general']['inactive'];
            $Var_9888->mails( );
            $mail2send = $Var_9888;
            init( );
            $array_subject = array( );
            $array_message = array( "user" => $clean, "username" => $clean['username'], "admin_verification" => $admin_verification, "status" => $status, "group" => $group_settings['name'] );
            composeAndSend( "admin_new_account", $array_message, $array_subject );
        return 1;

    public function edit_info( $id )
        global $db;
        global $lng;
        $this->clean = array( );
        $Var_240->auth( );
        $auth = $Var_240;
        $is_admin = 0;
        if ( loggedIn( ) && crtUserId( ) != $id )
            header( "Location: not_authorized.php" );
            exit( 0 );
        else if ( adminLoggedIn( ) )
            $is_admin = 1;
        else if ( !loggedIn( ) )
            header( "Location: not_authorized.php" );
            exit( 0 );
        check_edit_info( $id );
        if ( getError( ) != "" )
            return 0;
        if ( $is_admin )
            $clean['group'] = escape( $_POST['group'] );
            $clean['group'] = getGroup( $id );
        $clean['email'] = escape( $_POST['email'] );
        if ( $is_admin )
            $clean['no_credits'] = escape( $_POST['no_credits'] );
        $Var_1704->fields_process( "uf" );
        $fields = $Var_1704;
        $username_editable = usernameEditable( );
        if ( $is_admin || $username_editable )
            $clean['username'] = escape( $_POST['username'] );
        $Var_2136->groups( );
        $gr = $Var_2136;
        $group_settings = getGroup( $clean['group'] );
        $store = allowStoreBanner( $id );
        $clean['store_banner'] = "";
        if ( $store && isset( $_FILES['store_banner']['name'] ) && $_FILES['store_banner']['name'] )
            global $config_abs_path;
            $dir = $config_abs_path."/images/store";
            $Var_2952->image( "store_banner", $dir, "store" );
            $img = $Var_2952;
            setGenerate( 1 );
            verify( );
            if ( upload( ) )
                $clean['store_banner'] = getUploadedFile( );
                $clean['store_banner'] = "";
        if ( $is_admin )
            $update_array = array( "group", "email", "username", "language" );
            $update_array = array( "group", "email", "language" );
            if ( $username_editable )
                array_push( $update_array, "username" );
        global $crt_lang;
        $clean['language'] = $crt_lang;
        $sql = "update ".TABLE_USERS." SET ";
        $i = 0;
        foreach ( $update_array as $f )
            if ( $i )
                $sql .= ", ";
            $sql .= "`{$f}` = '".$clean[$f]."'";
        if ( $is_admin && isset( $clean['no_credits'] ) )
            $sql .= ", `no_credits` = '".$clean['no_credits']."'";
        if ( $clean['store_banner'] )
            $sql .= ", `store_banner` = '".$clean['store_banner']."'";
        setEdit( 1 );
        $sql .= add_fields( $clean['group'] );
        $sql .= " where `id` = {$id}";
        $res = query( $sql );
        setInfo( $lng['users']['info']['account_info_updated'] );
        return 1;

    public function change_password( $id )
        global $db;
        global $lng;
        if ( !$id )
            return 0;
        $this->clean = array( );
        check_change_password( );
        if ( getError( ) != "" )
            return 0;
        $clean['password'] = encode( escape( $_POST['password'] ) );
        $res = query( "update ".TABLE_USERS." set `password` = \"".$clean['password']."\" where id=".$id.";" );
        $res = query( "delete from ".TABLE_PASSWORD_RECOVERY." where user_id='{$id}'" );
        setInfo( $lng['users']['info']['password_changed'] );
        return 1;

    public function validaccount( $user, $passhash )
        global $db;
        $res = query( "select * from ".TABLE_USERS." where `username` like '{$user}' and `password` like '{$passhash}' and `active`=1" );
        if ( numRows( $res ) )
            return 1;
        return 0;

    public function checkidentity( $user, $identity )
        global $db;
        $res = query( "select * from ".TABLE_USERS." where `identity` like '{$identity}' and `active`=1" );
        if ( numRows( $res ) )
            return 1;
        return 0;

    public function getuserpasswithidentity( $identity, $auth_provider )
        global $db;
        $arr = fetchAssoc( "select `username`, `password` from ".TABLE_USERS." where `identity` like '{$identity}' and `auth_provider` like '{$auth_provider}' and `active`=1" );
        return $arr;

    public function generaterecoverykey( $id )
        global $db;
        $timestamp = date( "Y-m-d H:i:s" );
        $activation_code = generate_random( );
        $res = query( "delete from ".TABLE_PASSWORD_RECOVERY." where user_id='{$id}'" );
        $res = query( "insert into ".TABLE_PASSWORD_RECOVERY." values ('{$id}', '{$activation_code}', '{$timestamp}')" );
        return $activation_code;

    public function getkeyuser( $key )
        global $db;
        $res = query( "select user_id from ".TABLE_PASSWORD_RECOVERY." where activation like '{$key}'" );
        if ( !numRows( $res ) )
            return 0 - 1;
        return fetchRow( );

    public function getidbyemail( $email )
        global $db;
        $res = query( "select id from ".TABLE_USERS." where email like '{$email}'" );
        if ( !numRows( $res ) )
            return 0;
        return fetchRow( );

    public function gettablefields( )
        global $db;
        $extra_fields = array( "registration_date_formatted", "listings", "blocked", "group_name", "pending", "invoice" );
        $fields = getTableFields( TABLE_USERS );
        $fields = array_merge( $fields, $extra_fields );
        return $fields;

    public function gettablecsvfields( $extra = 1 )
        global $db;
        $extra_fields = array( "registration_date_formatted", "listings", "blocked", "group_name", "pending", "invoice" );
        $fields = getTableCSVFields( TABLE_USERS );
        if ( !$extra )
            return $fields;
        foreach ( $extra_fields as $f )
            $fields .= ",".$f;
        return $fields;

    public function exportusers( $type )
        global $db;
        global $lng;
        global $appearance_settings;
        global $ads_settings;
        $date_format = $appearance_settings['date_format'];
        $where = "";
        $where_start = " where";
        if ( isset( $_POST[$type."_group"] ) && is_numeric( $_POST[$type."_group"] ) )
            $where .= $where_start." `group` = '".$_POST[$type."_group"]."'";
            $where_start = " and";
        if ( isset( $_POST[$type."_date_start"] ) && $_POST[$type."_date_start"] != "" )
            $where .= $where_start." `registration_date` > '".escape( $_POST[$type."_date_start"] )."'";
            $where_start = " and";
        if ( isset( $_POST[$type."_date_end"] ) && $_POST[$type."_date_end"] != "" )
            $where .= $where_start." `registration_date` < '".escape( $_POST[$type."_date_end"] )."'";
            $where_start = " and";
        if ( isset( $_POST[$type."_last"] ) )
            $last = escape( $_POST[$type."_last"] );
            $last = "";
        if ( isset( $_POST[$type."_user_order_by"] ) && $_POST[$type."_user_order_by"] != "" )
            $order_by = escape( $_POST[$type."_user_order_by"] );
            $order_by = "registration_date";
        if ( isset( $_POST[$type."_user_order_way"] ) && $_POST[$type."_user_order_way"] != "" )
            $order_way = escape( $_POST[$type."_user_order_way"] );
            $order_way = "desc";
        global $crt_lang;
        $sql = "select ".TABLE_USERS.".*, date_format(registration_date,'".$date_format."') as `registration_date_formatted`, count(".TABLE_ADS.".user_id) as listings, ".TABLE_BLOCKED_IPS.".`ip` as blocked, ".TABLE_USER_GROUPS."_lang.`name` as `group_name`, (".TABLE_USER_GROUPS.".admin_verification=1 and ".TABLE_USERS.".active=0) as pending, ".TABLE_ACTIONS.".`invoice` from ".TABLE_USERS." \n\t\tleft join ".TABLE_ADS." on ".TABLE_USERS.".id=".TABLE_ADS.".user_id \n\t\tleft join ".TABLE_BLOCKED_IPS." on ".TABLE_USERS.".`ip`=".TABLE_BLOCKED_IPS.".ip \n\t\tleft join ".TABLE_USER_GROUPS."_lang on ".TABLE_USERS.".`group`=".TABLE_USER_GROUPS."_lang.`id` \n\t\tleft join ".TABLE_USER_GROUPS." on ".TABLE_USERS.".`group`=".TABLE_USER_GROUPS.".`id` \n\t\tleft join ".TABLE_ACTIONS." on ".TABLE_USERS.".id=".TABLE_ACTIONS.".`user_id` and ( ".TABLE_ACTIONS.".`type` like 'store' )\n\t\twhere ".TABLE_USER_GROUPS."_lang.`lang_id` = '".$crt_lang."'  \n\t\tgroup by ".TABLE_USERS.".id \n\t\torder by `".$order_by."` ".$order_way;
        if ( 0 < $last )
            $sql .= " limit ".$last;
        return $sql;

    public function moveusers( $from_group, $to_group )
        global $db;
        if ( !$from_group )
        else if ( !$to_group )
            query( "update ".TABLE_USERS." set `group` = {$to_group} where `group` = {$from_group}" );
            return 1;

    public function emptyfield( $crt_usr, $delete )
        global $db;
        query( "update ".TABLE_USERS." set `{$delete}` = '' where `id`={$crt_usr}" );
        return 1;

    public function setfields( $fields )
        $this->fields = $fields;

    public function getfields( )
        return $this->fields;

    public function getautocomplete( $term )
        global $db;
        $result = fetchRowList( "select `username` from ".TABLE_USERS." where `username` like '{$term}%' limit 10" );
        return $result;

    public function encode( $str )
        return md5( $str );

    public function getnocredits( $id )
        global $db;
        $no_credits = fetchRow( "select `no_credits` from ".TABLE_USERS." where `id`='{$id}'" );
        if ( !$no_credits )
            return 0;
        return $no_credits;



Function Calls





MD5 38c0e1a710f9fed9b9bec99b9a9eac9b
Eval Count 0
Decode Time 256 ms