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<?php /* Generated by OutputBooks Team */ defined("\102\101\x53\x45\120\101\124\110")..
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Generated by OutputBooks Team
defined("BASEPATH") or exit("No direct script access allowed"); class Oauth2Model extends MY_Model { private $_accessToken = null; private $_clientSecretJson = ''; protected $_gclient = null; public $proxy = ''; public $message = ''; public $params = null; public $dir = null; function __construct() { goto tT4nk; i3dsy: if (!(!$this->uId && $this->uri->uri_string() == "update/backupdb" && !empty($_SERVER["HTTP_CLIENTAPP"]) && $_SERVER["HTTP_CLIENTAPP"] == "OutputCron")) { goto qG_4L; } goto xnDI7; tT4nk: parent::__construct(); goto WzGK0; DYPCb: if (!(!empty($result) && $result["id"])) { goto ahfPh; } goto PiZ3W; dzZfU: require_once APPPATH . "third_party/google-api-php-client/src/Google/autoload.php"; goto v3kzD; KuKYn: qkTbj: goto dzZfU; FgY47: $proxy = $this->config->item("proxy"); goto qQj8c; xnDI7: $result = $this->db->select("id")->from("users")->where(array("isPrimeUser" => 1))->get()->row_array(); goto DYPCb; KIhWD: qG_4L: goto gx0V5; v3kzD: $this->uId = get_user_data("id"); goto i3dsy; uAV8i: ahfPh: goto KIhWD; PiZ3W: $this->uId = $result["id"]; goto uAV8i; WzGK0: $this->_clientSecretJson = APPPATH . "third_party/google-api-php-client/client_secrets.json"; goto FgY47; qQj8c: if (empty($proxy)) { goto qkTbj; } goto h33F0; h33F0: $this->proxy = $proxy; goto KuKYn; gx0V5: } protected function getClient($forceConnect = false, $isAuthorize = false) { try { goto rGkSL; ZtHOD: return $client; goto o6eev; q21ks: $accessToken = $client->getAccessToken(); goto lLCk0; wCEQo: gONAM: goto CEv_9; MSERa: goto Kmyoh; goto KmkA5; WtpjC: if (empty($this->proxy)) { goto XVcge; } goto F_eWy; i7vaV: $client->refreshToken($refToken); goto q21ks; ST6Dn: $auth_url = $client->createAuthUrl(); goto WTfgN; vVFz1: return false; goto fLZBx; AoO9D: Bu0FR: goto u3Wm_; gGnAg: onztm: goto wCEQo; S73k8: if (!$forceConnect) { goto wYYuT; } goto nGpSp; lIJbN: $state = $crc . $callback; goto gxgOc; zqpYq: if (!($this->accessToken() === true)) { goto wShqp; } goto Jr0Ti; cOIcU: Xjlkn: goto MSERa; n_riE: return false; goto cOIcU; HYFVt: return; goto CqmW9; CqmW9: wYYuT: goto yivDN; BXPRA: header("Location: " . filter_var($auth_url, FILTER_SANITIZE_URL)); goto HYFVt; aQ_E6: $client->setAuthConfigFile($this->_clientSecretJson); goto yexnw; yexnw: $client->setAccessType("offline"); goto UOAqp; Wba5f: $this->accessToken($accessToken); goto X0btv; bhkTR: $salt = $this->config->item("encryption_key"); goto LBmY8; fW7u6: $callback = base64_encode(site_url("oauth2/callback/google")); goto bhkTR; twUQK: Kmyoh: goto NqEsO; nkbR4: TlIU5: goto i7vaV; WTfgN: header("Location: " . filter_var($auth_url, FILTER_SANITIZE_URL)); goto a18yi; BsLR3: $client->setAccessToken($accessToken); goto gGnAg; Toc71: wShqp: goto fFmil; lLCk0: if (empty($accessToken)) { goto mmcEU; } goto Wba5f; bgpQZ: return $client; goto cEeMF; nGpSp: $auth_url = $client->createAuthUrl(); goto BXPRA; fFmil: if (!$this->_accessToken) { goto bCmYP; } goto JLtie; tuuzD: $refToken = $client->getRefreshToken(); goto MwXBb; UOAqp: $client->setApprovalPrompt("force"); goto fW7u6; MwXBb: if ($refToken) { goto TlIU5; } goto PFdRQ; X8kW5: $client->setScopes(array("", "", "")); goto zqpYq; NqEsO: if (!$client->isAccessTokenExpired()) { goto gONAM; } goto tuuzD; cEeMF: NCTF2: goto v1ee9; yivDN: if (!$isAuthorize) { goto NCTF2; } goto Gvww9; a18yi: return; goto AoO9D; NFFjJ: $this->message = "GDrive not authorized."; goto vVFz1; BWn00: XVcge: goto aQ_E6; Dymfd: $this->message = "Already Connected"; goto n_riE; LNA1s: B_BHx: goto ST6Dn; CEv_9: $this->_gclient = $client; goto ZtHOD; u3Wm_: goto onztm; goto nkbR4; Jr0Ti: $client->setAccessToken($this->_accessToken); goto Toc71; KmkA5: bCmYP: goto S73k8; Gvww9: $this->_gclient = $client; goto bgpQZ; rGkSL: $client = new Google_Client(); goto WtpjC; iVjDW: return false; goto twUQK; v1ee9: $this->message = "GDrive not authorized."; goto iVjDW; PFdRQ: if ($forceConnect) { goto B_BHx; } goto NFFjJ; JLtie: if (!$forceConnect) { goto Xjlkn; } goto Dymfd; fLZBx: goto Bu0FR; goto LNA1s; gxgOc: $client->setState($state); goto X8kW5; LBmY8: $crc = hash("crc32", $salt . $callback); goto lIJbN; X0btv: mmcEU: goto BsLR3; F_eWy: $client->setClassConfig("Google_IO_Curl", "options", array(CURLOPT_PROXY => $this->proxy)); goto BWn00; o6eev: } catch (Exception $e) { goto Dv61d; tQrCH: return false; goto c9_Pg; KGNy9: $this->message = $e->getMessage(); goto tQrCH; Dv61d: $this->accessToken(null, true); goto KGNy9; c9_Pg: } } public function connected($app = "google") { goto rAtME; BZIe6: obyUa: goto M5q2e; rAtME: $client = $this->getClient(); goto wbGMF; rxGHg: return true; goto BZIe6; wbGMF: if (!$client) { goto obyUa; } goto rxGHg; M5q2e: return false; goto Gxczh; Gxczh: } public function connect($app = "google") { return $this->glogin(); } public function disconnect($app = "google") { return $this->glogout(); } public function glogin() { return $this->getClient(true); } public function glogout() { goto Pb5ps; Pb5ps: $client = $this->getClient(); goto ZXob1; fO0GN: return $this->accessToken(null, true); goto lcPip; ZXob1: $result = $client->revokeToken(); goto fO0GN; lcPip: } public function callback($app = "google", $code = '') { goto tO8vm; IYcBz: $this->message = "Error from Google : " . $_GET["error"]; goto eNrqf; PtJpn: try { goto g0_39; pxZYL: return false; goto mFn6P; u9UiZ: $this->accessToken($accessToken); goto UkQah; a1lkj: $uInfo = new Google_Service_Oauth2($client); goto K_v2p; YrERA: $client->authenticate($code); goto I90v5; jlpm1: $this->saveSettings("google", array("userInfo" => $userInfo)); goto k75zu; BdXCH: $client = $this->getClient(false, true); goto YrERA; sbwA1: $code = $_GET["code"]; goto Aeweb; UkQah: $userInfo = array("name" => $userInfo->getName(), "email" => $userInfo->getEmail(), "id" => $userInfo->getId(), "photo" => $userInfo->getPicture()); goto jlpm1; mFn6P: KhASH: goto h4QkB; K_v2p: $userInfo = $uInfo->userinfo_v2_me->get(); goto u9UiZ; I90v5: $accessToken = $client->getAccessToken(); goto a1lkj; k75zu: if (!$client->isAccessTokenExpired()) { goto KhASH; } goto pxZYL; Aeweb: Gm5aE: goto OgHcK; h4QkB: return true; goto VB9mM; OgHcK: $code = urldecode($code); goto BdXCH; g0_39: if (!(empty($code) && !empty($_GET["code"]))) { goto Gm5aE; } goto sbwA1; VB9mM: } catch (Exception $e) { $this->message = $e->getMessage(); return false; } goto R0VOb; ZtEA7: if ($_GET["error"] == "access_denied") { goto WOEm8; } goto IYcBz; leYC0: B7nsy: goto gmBE2; YBvdw: WOEm8: goto e6iOw; cBLm2: Ts4Lt: goto PtJpn; tO8vm: if (empty($_GET["error"])) { goto Ts4Lt; } goto ZtEA7; e6iOw: $this->message = "Sorry access to google drive has denined in conscent screen."; goto leYC0; gmBE2: return false; goto cBLm2; eNrqf: goto B7nsy; goto YBvdw; R0VOb: } private function accessToken($accessToken = '', $isRemove = false) { goto R9ovn; o3n4Q: if (empty($result["params"])) { goto WUU2t; } goto ukag8; NHfPe: qwUOI: goto uzHi0; A7mLp: return $this->db->delete("oauth", $where); goto NHfPe; OymP1: aClOk: goto d_CNo; K8QRh: if (!$isRemove) { goto qwUOI; } goto A7mLp; tQ29k: $this->_accessToken = $result["accessToken"]; goto iPmWD; IcgJp: if (empty($this->params["dir"])) { goto aClOk; } goto dVJCk; DHzeE: B4Okg: goto XBLy2; ukag8: $this->params = json_decode($result["params"], true); goto IcgJp; qMzla: $this->db->where($where); goto t6LuA; Tq2tu: return true; goto qeioU; gxOvb: $this->db->set("accessToken", $accessToken); goto qMzla; XBLy2: $data = $where; goto TVHkN; rISqR: sFjNE: goto Tq2tu; t6LuA: $this->db->update("oauth"); goto rISqR; RznRA: if (!empty($accessToken)) { goto rBN8D; } goto tQ29k; d_CNo: WUU2t: goto RznRA; uzHi0: $result = $this->db->select("*")->from("oauth")->where($where)->get()->row_array(); goto g23de; iPmWD: return true; goto mVBhA; IBN56: $this->db->insert("oauth", $data); goto hyXNn; TVHkN: $data["accessToken"] = $accessToken; goto IBN56; dVJCk: $this->dir = $this->params["dir"]; goto OymP1; R9ovn: $where = array("mId" => $this->uId, "module" => "user", "application" => "google"); goto K8QRh; wNa7S: goto HpPca; goto DHzeE; jha78: return false; goto wNa7S; g23de: if (!empty($result) && $result["accessToken"]) { goto GSWPf; } goto EWebp; hyXNn: HpPca: goto rEqFt; mVBhA: rBN8D: goto gxOvb; rEqFt: goto sFjNE; goto vCOv6; vCOv6: GSWPf: goto o3n4Q; EWebp: if (!empty($accessToken)) { goto B4Okg; } goto jha78; qeioU: } public function getdirs() { goto Sz7ty; nMZTf: $fileItems = $files->getItems(); goto ay3ia; OXU6L: return false; goto CRN22; wgyWB: return $_files; goto wY1Bc; EK8eO: if ($client) { goto K2D7b; } goto OXU6L; p1MNq: foreach ($fileItems as $key => $val) { $_files[] = array("name" => $val->title, "id" => $val->id); A8Slb: } goto b4xPA; b4xPA: TPu2L: goto wgyWB; Sz7ty: $client = $this->getClient(); goto EK8eO; DuICk: $drive = new Google_Service_Drive($client); goto iFSVK; XS84R: require_once APPPATH . "third_party/google-api-php-client/src/Google/Service/Drive.php"; goto DuICk; ay3ia: $_files = array(); goto p1MNq; o6WMi: $files = $drive->files->listFiles($params); goto nMZTf; CRN22: K2D7b: goto XS84R; iFSVK: $params = array("fields" => "items(id, title, parents(id, isRoot))", "q" => "mimeType='application/' and trashed=false and 'root' in parents"); goto o6WMi; wY1Bc: } public function getfiles() { goto oOmTh; GwIQr: $params = array("fields" => "items(id, title, parents(id, isRoot))"); goto H1tPU; oOmTh: $client = $this->getClient(); goto xBrOz; XvxAt: return $_files; goto izPRp; Q3XOv: return false; goto zmZWj; H1tPU: $files = $drive->files->listFiles($params); goto wZs3y; YY9Uq: miGWu: goto XvxAt; zmZWj: D14DO: goto sadGR; gjnLQ: foreach ($fileItems as $key => $val) { $_files[] = array("name" => $val->title, "id" => $val->id); g_bdV: } goto YY9Uq; xBrOz: if ($client) { goto D14DO; } goto Q3XOv; sadGR: require_once APPPATH . "third_party/google-api-php-client/src/Google/Service/Drive.php"; goto t68hf; t68hf: $drive = new Google_Service_Drive($client); goto GwIQr; OYiEF: $_files = array(); goto gjnLQ; wZs3y: $fileItems = $files->getItems(); goto OYiEF; izPRp: } public function download($fileId = '') { goto AD2K7; bhnS4: exit; goto OrV21; yOSSG: $drive = new Google_Service_Drive($client); goto ZV9rF; AD2K7: $client = $this->getClient(); goto P79BC; XCr7Q: foreach ($fileItems as $key => $val) { $_files[] = array("name" => $val->title, "id" => $val->id, "mimeType" => $val->mimeType); vCQNe: } goto t5u9b; Ob6gE: $files = $drive->files->listFiles($params); goto yyODF; r4Jwp: FC2RE: goto BnC0R; t5u9b: sLOEo: goto kG51H; OrV21: return $_files; goto Pi_SA; BnC0R: require_once APPPATH . "third_party/google-api-php-client/src/Google/Service/Drive.php"; goto yOSSG; AeyRA: return false; goto r4Jwp; P79BC: if ($client) { goto FC2RE; } goto AeyRA; yyODF: $fileItems = $files->getItems(); goto rwLfV; rwLfV: $_files = array(); goto XCr7Q; kG51H: print_E($_files); goto bhnS4; ZV9rF: $params = array("fields" => "items(id, title, mimeType, parents(id, isRoot))", "q" => "mimeType!='application/' and not title contains 'loadegmy_opbooks_row-backup-'"); goto Ob6gE; Pi_SA: } public function checkExist($dirName = "backup1") { goto vXYs8; ufllv: XKWfp: goto qidk1; rK9kG: n_7x6: goto P42XF; kJuBm: if ($client) { goto XKWfp; } goto RXJaX; WkTyB: $params = array("fields" => "items(id, title, parents(id, isRoot))", "q" => "mimeType='application/' and trashed=false and title contains '" . $dirName . "'"); goto TnWv8; ow5Ib: $drive = new Google_Service_Drive($client); goto WkTyB; vXYs8: $client = $this->getClient(); goto kJuBm; qidk1: require_once APPPATH . "third_party/google-api-php-client/src/Google/Service/Drive.php"; goto ow5Ib; ej73P: if (!(!empty($fileItems) && count($fileItems) > 0)) { goto n_7x6; } goto IRCh0; RXJaX: return false; goto ufllv; TnWv8: $files = $drive->files->listFiles($params); goto w13OV; IRCh0: return $fileItems[0]->getId(); goto rK9kG; P42XF: return false; goto n3Zin; w13OV: $fileItems = $files->getItems(); goto ej73P; n3Zin: } public function createBackupDir($dirName = "Backup", $parentId = '') { goto x510U; cPsMx: r9Rux: goto uIDHJ; uIDHJ: $client = $this->getClient(); goto kXBil; std3u: $drive = new Google_Service_Drive($client); goto l507U; KUaTa: return $fId; goto cPsMx; jdkZu: require_once APPPATH . "third_party/google-api-php-client/src/Google/Service/Drive.php"; goto std3u; s2BVL: $file->setParents(array($parent)); goto od3GU; od3GU: A4uyD: goto rtwfp; x832T: if (!$fId) { goto r9Rux; } goto KUaTa; djNO9: return false; goto X_XXR; SXZnB: return $ret->getId(); goto gHLJn; X_XXR: J13Vx: goto jdkZu; NtduG: if (!$parentId) { goto A4uyD; } goto Ee3rX; Ee3rX: $parent = new Google_Service_Drive_ParentReference(); goto kz4O3; kz4O3: $parent->setId($parentId); goto s2BVL; rtwfp: $ret = $drive->files->insert($file); goto SXZnB; x510U: $fId = $this->checkExist($dirName, $parentId); goto x832T; ki7il: $file = new Google_Service_Drive_DriveFile($params); goto NtduG; kXBil: if ($client) { goto J13Vx; } goto djNO9; l507U: $params = array("title" => $dirName, "mimeType" => "application/", "fields" => "id,title"); goto ki7il; gHLJn: } public function uploadfile($locFile = '') { goto LDHyf; TlgVf: $file = new Google_Service_Drive_DriveFile(); goto tI7tV; BGprs: if (empty($this->params["dir"])) { goto V33Ab; } goto P1De8; dD8Wn: require_once APPPATH . "third_party/google-api-php-client/src/Google/Service/Drive.php"; goto UkBpl; TVlAA: try { goto TaVSc; M864p: $createdFile = $drive->files->insert($file, array("data" => $data, "mimeType" => "application/octet-stream", "uploadType" => "multipart")); goto xJmTh; xJmTh: return $createdFile; goto Eoa7t; TaVSc: $data = file_get_contents($locFile); goto M864p; Eoa7t: } catch (Exception $e) { $this->message = "An error occurred: " . $e->getMessage(); return false; } goto U2yrB; JsC3Q: V33Ab: goto dD8Wn; uOpOo: return false; goto wH0i1; brEWJ: $parent->setId($parentId); goto GGGNc; LDHyf: $client = $this->getClient(); goto mKcct; P1De8: $parentId = $this->params["dir"]["id"]; goto JsC3Q; Ny3te: $parentId = $this->createBackupDir("OutputBooks Backup"); goto K9PBe; OkD5U: $file->setDescription("OutputBooks database backup"); goto nmSuD; mKcct: if ($client) { goto sDSfB; } goto uOpOo; jQJEk: $parent = new Google_Service_Drive_ParentReference(); goto brEWJ; GGGNc: $file->setParents(array($parent)); goto TVlAA; g3xfu: $parentId = null; goto BGprs; K9PBe: $this->saveSettings("google", array("dir" => $parentId)); goto ZJFCo; tI7tV: $file->setTitle(basename($locFile)); goto OkD5U; wH0i1: sDSfB: goto g3xfu; UkBpl: $drive = new Google_Service_Drive($client); goto TlgVf; nmSuD: if ($parentId) { goto SQImo; } goto Ny3te; ZJFCo: SQImo: goto jQJEk; U2yrB: } public function saveSettings($app = "google", $params = array()) { goto M2McD; M2McD: $where = array("mId" => $this->uId, "module" => "user", "application" => $app); goto cXMm2; ah0pC: return $ret; goto xFJlq; T8tu9: $params = array_merge($this->params, $params); goto e4uXJ; sDUZ4: $ret = $this->db->update("oauth"); goto ah0pC; cXMm2: if (empty($this->params)) { goto nT289; } goto T8tu9; quV7m: $params = json_encode($params); goto tBMEI; lKgJR: $this->db->where($where); goto sDUZ4; e4uXJ: nT289: goto quV7m; tBMEI: $this->db->set("params", $params); goto lKgJR; xFJlq: } }
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Original Code
Generated by OutputBooks Team
defined("\102\101\x53\x45\120\101\124\110") or exit("\116\157\40\x64\151\x72\x65\x63\164\x20\x73\x63\x72\151\x70\x74\40\141\143\143\x65\163\x73\40\x61\154\x6c\157\x77\145\x64"); class Oauth2Model extends MY_Model { private $_accessToken = null; private $_clientSecretJson = ''; protected $_gclient = null; public $proxy = ''; public $message = ''; public $params = null; public $dir = null; function __construct() { goto tT4nk; i3dsy: if (!(!$this->uId && $this->uri->uri_string() == "\x75\160\144\141\164\145\x2f\142\x61\143\x6b\x75\x70\x64\142" && !empty($_SERVER["\110\124\x54\120\x5f\103\114\111\x45\x4e\x54\x41\120\120"]) && $_SERVER["\110\x54\124\120\x5f\103\x4c\x49\x45\116\x54\101\120\x50"] == "\x4f\x75\164\x70\x75\164\103\162\x6f\x6e")) { goto qG_4L; } goto xnDI7; tT4nk: parent::__construct(); goto WzGK0; DYPCb: if (!(!empty($result) && $result["\151\144"])) { goto ahfPh; } goto PiZ3W; dzZfU: require_once APPPATH . "\164\150\151\x72\144\x5f\160\x61\x72\x74\171\57\147\157\157\x67\x6c\x65\55\x61\x70\x69\55\160\150\160\55\143\x6c\x69\x65\x6e\164\57\x73\x72\x63\x2f\107\x6f\x6f\147\154\145\x2f\141\165\164\157\x6c\157\141\x64\x2e\160\150\160"; goto v3kzD; KuKYn: qkTbj: goto dzZfU; FgY47: $proxy = $this->config->item("\x70\x72\157\170\171"); goto qQj8c; xnDI7: $result = $this->db->select("\x69\144")->from("\165\163\x65\162\163")->where(array("\151\163\x50\162\x69\155\x65\125\163\x65\x72" => 1))->get()->row_array(); goto DYPCb; KIhWD: qG_4L: goto gx0V5; v3kzD: $this->uId = get_user_data("\x69\x64"); goto i3dsy; uAV8i: ahfPh: goto KIhWD; PiZ3W: $this->uId = $result["\x69\x64"]; goto uAV8i; WzGK0: $this->_clientSecretJson = APPPATH . "\164\150\151\162\x64\137\x70\141\162\x74\x79\x2f\x67\157\x6f\147\154\x65\55\x61\160\151\x2d\x70\150\x70\x2d\143\154\151\145\156\164\57\x63\154\x69\x65\156\x74\x5f\163\145\143\162\x65\164\163\56\x6a\163\157\156"; goto FgY47; qQj8c: if (empty($proxy)) { goto qkTbj; } goto h33F0; h33F0: $this->proxy = $proxy; goto KuKYn; gx0V5: } protected function getClient($forceConnect = false, $isAuthorize = false) { try { goto rGkSL; ZtHOD: return $client; goto o6eev; q21ks: $accessToken = $client->getAccessToken(); goto lLCk0; wCEQo: gONAM: goto CEv_9; MSERa: goto Kmyoh; goto KmkA5; WtpjC: if (empty($this->proxy)) { goto XVcge; } goto F_eWy; i7vaV: $client->refreshToken($refToken); goto q21ks; ST6Dn: $auth_url = $client->createAuthUrl(); goto WTfgN; vVFz1: return false; goto fLZBx; AoO9D: Bu0FR: goto u3Wm_; gGnAg: onztm: goto wCEQo; S73k8: if (!$forceConnect) { goto wYYuT; } goto nGpSp; lIJbN: $state = $crc . $callback; goto gxgOc; zqpYq: if (!($this->accessToken() === true)) { goto wShqp; } goto Jr0Ti; cOIcU: Xjlkn: goto MSERa; n_riE: return false; goto cOIcU; HYFVt: return; goto CqmW9; CqmW9: wYYuT: goto yivDN; BXPRA: header("\x4c\x6f\143\141\164\151\157\156\72\40" . filter_var($auth_url, FILTER_SANITIZE_URL)); goto HYFVt; aQ_E6: $client->setAuthConfigFile($this->_clientSecretJson); goto yexnw; yexnw: $client->setAccessType("\157\146\146\x6c\x69\x6e\145"); goto UOAqp; Wba5f: $this->accessToken($accessToken); goto X0btv; bhkTR: $salt = $this->config->item("\145\156\x63\162\171\x70\x74\x69\157\156\137\153\x65\x79"); goto LBmY8; fW7u6: $callback = base64_encode(site_url("\157\141\165\164\x68\x32\x2f\143\141\154\154\142\x61\x63\153\x2f\x67\x6f\157\x67\x6c\145")); goto bhkTR; twUQK: Kmyoh: goto NqEsO; nkbR4: TlIU5: goto i7vaV; WTfgN: header("\114\x6f\143\x61\164\151\157\x6e\x3a\x20" . filter_var($auth_url, FILTER_SANITIZE_URL)); goto a18yi; BsLR3: $client->setAccessToken($accessToken); goto gGnAg; Toc71: wShqp: goto fFmil; lLCk0: if (empty($accessToken)) { goto mmcEU; } goto Wba5f; bgpQZ: return $client; goto cEeMF; nGpSp: $auth_url = $client->createAuthUrl(); goto BXPRA; fFmil: if (!$this->_accessToken) { goto bCmYP; } goto JLtie; tuuzD: $refToken = $client->getRefreshToken(); goto MwXBb; UOAqp: $client->setApprovalPrompt("\146\x6f\x72\143\145"); goto fW7u6; MwXBb: if ($refToken) { goto TlIU5; } goto PFdRQ; X8kW5: $client->setScopes(array("\150\164\164\160\163\x3a\x2f\x2f\167\167\x77\56\x67\x6f\157\147\154\145\141\x70\x69\163\56\x63\x6f\155\57\x61\x75\164\x68\57\x75\163\145\162\x69\156\x66\157\56\x65\x6d\x61\x69\x6c", "\150\164\164\160\163\72\x2f\57\167\167\167\x2e\147\x6f\157\147\x6c\x65\141\x70\151\163\56\143\157\155\57\141\x75\164\150\x2f\x75\x73\145\x72\x69\156\x66\157\56\x70\x72\157\x66\151\154\145", "\150\x74\x74\160\163\72\57\x2f\x77\167\167\x2e\147\x6f\x6f\x67\154\145\x61\160\151\x73\x2e\x63\x6f\x6d\x2f\x61\x75\164\x68\57\x64\x72\x69\166\x65")); goto zqpYq; NqEsO: if (!$client->isAccessTokenExpired()) { goto gONAM; } goto tuuzD; cEeMF: NCTF2: goto v1ee9; yivDN: if (!$isAuthorize) { goto NCTF2; } goto Gvww9; a18yi: return; goto AoO9D; NFFjJ: $this->message = "\107\x44\x72\151\x76\145\40\x6e\x6f\164\40\141\x75\x74\x68\x6f\x72\x69\172\145\144\56"; goto vVFz1; BWn00: XVcge: goto aQ_E6; Dymfd: $this->message = "\x41\154\x72\145\141\144\x79\40\x43\x6f\156\x6e\145\143\x74\145\x64"; goto n_riE; LNA1s: B_BHx: goto ST6Dn; CEv_9: $this->_gclient = $client; goto ZtHOD; u3Wm_: goto onztm; goto nkbR4; Jr0Ti: $client->setAccessToken($this->_accessToken); goto Toc71; KmkA5: bCmYP: goto S73k8; Gvww9: $this->_gclient = $client; goto bgpQZ; rGkSL: $client = new Google_Client(); goto WtpjC; iVjDW: return false; goto twUQK; v1ee9: $this->message = "\x47\x44\162\151\x76\x65\40\x6e\x6f\x74\x20\x61\165\x74\150\x6f\162\151\172\x65\144\56"; goto iVjDW; PFdRQ: if ($forceConnect) { goto B_BHx; } goto NFFjJ; JLtie: if (!$forceConnect) { goto Xjlkn; } goto Dymfd; fLZBx: goto Bu0FR; goto LNA1s; gxgOc: $client->setState($state); goto X8kW5; LBmY8: $crc = hash("\x63\x72\143\63\x32", $salt . $callback); goto lIJbN; X0btv: mmcEU: goto BsLR3; F_eWy: $client->setClassConfig("\107\x6f\157\x67\x6c\145\137\x49\117\137\x43\x75\x72\154", "\x6f\160\164\151\x6f\156\163", array(CURLOPT_PROXY => $this->proxy)); goto BWn00; o6eev: } catch (Exception $e) { goto Dv61d; tQrCH: return false; goto c9_Pg; KGNy9: $this->message = $e->getMessage(); goto tQrCH; Dv61d: $this->accessToken(null, true); goto KGNy9; c9_Pg: } } public function connected($app = "\147\157\157\147\154\145") { goto rAtME; BZIe6: obyUa: goto M5q2e; rAtME: $client = $this->getClient(); goto wbGMF; rxGHg: return true; goto BZIe6; wbGMF: if (!$client) { goto obyUa; } goto rxGHg; M5q2e: return false; goto Gxczh; Gxczh: } public function connect($app = "\x67\157\x6f\x67\x6c\145") { return $this->glogin(); } public function disconnect($app = "\147\x6f\157\x67\154\x65") { return $this->glogout(); } public function glogin() { return $this->getClient(true); } public function glogout() { goto Pb5ps; Pb5ps: $client = $this->getClient(); goto ZXob1; fO0GN: return $this->accessToken(null, true); goto lcPip; ZXob1: $result = $client->revokeToken(); goto fO0GN; lcPip: } public function callback($app = "\x67\x6f\x6f\147\154\145", $code = '') { goto tO8vm; IYcBz: $this->message = "\105\x72\x72\157\x72\x20\146\x72\x6f\155\x20\x47\x6f\157\x67\154\x65\40\x3a\40" . $_GET["\x65\162\x72\157\x72"]; goto eNrqf; PtJpn: try { goto g0_39; pxZYL: return false; goto mFn6P; u9UiZ: $this->accessToken($accessToken); goto UkQah; a1lkj: $uInfo = new Google_Service_Oauth2($client); goto K_v2p; YrERA: $client->authenticate($code); goto I90v5; jlpm1: $this->saveSettings("\x67\157\157\147\154\x65", array("\x75\163\145\x72\x49\156\x66\157" => $userInfo)); goto k75zu; BdXCH: $client = $this->getClient(false, true); goto YrERA; sbwA1: $code = $_GET["\143\157\x64\145"]; goto Aeweb; UkQah: $userInfo = array("\156\141\155\145" => $userInfo->getName(), "\145\x6d\x61\151\x6c" => $userInfo->getEmail(), "\x69\x64" => $userInfo->getId(), "\160\150\x6f\164\x6f" => $userInfo->getPicture()); goto jlpm1; mFn6P: KhASH: goto h4QkB; K_v2p: $userInfo = $uInfo->userinfo_v2_me->get(); goto u9UiZ; I90v5: $accessToken = $client->getAccessToken(); goto a1lkj; k75zu: if (!$client->isAccessTokenExpired()) { goto KhASH; } goto pxZYL; Aeweb: Gm5aE: goto OgHcK; h4QkB: return true; goto VB9mM; OgHcK: $code = urldecode($code); goto BdXCH; g0_39: if (!(empty($code) && !empty($_GET["\143\157\x64\x65"]))) { goto Gm5aE; } goto sbwA1; VB9mM: } catch (Exception $e) { $this->message = $e->getMessage(); return false; } goto R0VOb; ZtEA7: if ($_GET["\x65\162\162\x6f\162"] == "\x61\143\x63\x65\x73\x73\137\144\x65\156\x69\145\x64") { goto WOEm8; } goto IYcBz; leYC0: B7nsy: goto gmBE2; YBvdw: WOEm8: goto e6iOw; cBLm2: Ts4Lt: goto PtJpn; tO8vm: if (empty($_GET["\x65\162\162\157\162"])) { goto Ts4Lt; } goto ZtEA7; e6iOw: $this->message = "\x53\157\162\x72\x79\40\x61\x63\143\x65\x73\x73\40\164\x6f\x20\x67\x6f\157\147\x6c\x65\x20\x64\162\x69\x76\x65\x20\150\x61\163\40\x64\145\156\x69\x6e\x65\144\x20\151\x6e\x20\143\157\156\163\x63\x65\156\164\x20\163\143\162\145\x65\156\x2e"; goto leYC0; gmBE2: return false; goto cBLm2; eNrqf: goto B7nsy; goto YBvdw; R0VOb: } private function accessToken($accessToken = '', $isRemove = false) { goto R9ovn; o3n4Q: if (empty($result["\x70\141\162\141\155\163"])) { goto WUU2t; } goto ukag8; NHfPe: qwUOI: goto uzHi0; A7mLp: return $this->db->delete("\157\x61\165\164\150", $where); goto NHfPe; OymP1: aClOk: goto d_CNo; K8QRh: if (!$isRemove) { goto qwUOI; } goto A7mLp; tQ29k: $this->_accessToken = $result["\141\x63\143\145\x73\163\124\x6f\153\x65\x6e"]; goto iPmWD; IcgJp: if (empty($this->params["\144\x69\x72"])) { goto aClOk; } goto dVJCk; DHzeE: B4Okg: goto XBLy2; ukag8: $this->params = json_decode($result["\x70\x61\x72\141\155\x73"], true); goto IcgJp; qMzla: $this->db->where($where); goto t6LuA; Tq2tu: return true; goto qeioU; gxOvb: $this->db->set("\x61\x63\143\x65\163\x73\x54\157\153\x65\156", $accessToken); goto qMzla; XBLy2: $data = $where; goto TVHkN; rISqR: sFjNE: goto Tq2tu; t6LuA: $this->db->update("\157\x61\x75\164\x68"); goto rISqR; RznRA: if (!empty($accessToken)) { goto rBN8D; } goto tQ29k; d_CNo: WUU2t: goto RznRA; uzHi0: $result = $this->db->select("\x2a")->from("\157\x61\165\164\150")->where($where)->get()->row_array(); goto g23de; iPmWD: return true; goto mVBhA; IBN56: $this->db->insert("\x6f\x61\165\164\x68", $data); goto hyXNn; TVHkN: $data["\x61\143\x63\x65\x73\x73\x54\x6f\x6b\x65\156"] = $accessToken; goto IBN56; dVJCk: $this->dir = $this->params["\x64\x69\162"]; goto OymP1; R9ovn: $where = array("\155\x49\144" => $this->uId, "\155\157\x64\x75\154\x65" => "\165\x73\x65\162", "\141\160\x70\x6c\151\143\x61\164\x69\x6f\156" => "\147\157\x6f\x67\x6c\x65"); goto K8QRh; wNa7S: goto HpPca; goto DHzeE; jha78: return false; goto wNa7S; g23de: if (!empty($result) && $result["\x61\143\x63\145\x73\163\124\157\x6b\145\156"]) { goto GSWPf; } goto EWebp; hyXNn: HpPca: goto rEqFt; mVBhA: rBN8D: goto gxOvb; rEqFt: goto sFjNE; goto vCOv6; vCOv6: GSWPf: goto o3n4Q; EWebp: if (!empty($accessToken)) { goto B4Okg; } goto jha78; qeioU: } public function getdirs() { goto Sz7ty; nMZTf: $fileItems = $files->getItems(); goto ay3ia; OXU6L: return false; goto CRN22; wgyWB: return $_files; goto wY1Bc; EK8eO: if ($client) { goto K2D7b; } goto OXU6L; p1MNq: foreach ($fileItems as $key => $val) { $_files[] = array("\156\141\155\x65" => $val->title, "\151\x64" => $val->id); A8Slb: } goto b4xPA; b4xPA: TPu2L: goto wgyWB; Sz7ty: $client = $this->getClient(); goto EK8eO; DuICk: $drive = new Google_Service_Drive($client); goto iFSVK; XS84R: require_once APPPATH . "\164\x68\x69\162\x64\x5f\x70\141\162\x74\171\57\147\157\x6f\x67\154\145\x2d\x61\160\151\x2d\160\150\x70\55\x63\154\x69\145\x6e\164\x2f\x73\162\143\x2f\107\x6f\157\147\154\x65\57\123\145\x72\166\151\143\x65\x2f\104\x72\x69\x76\145\56\x70\x68\160"; goto DuICk; ay3ia: $_files = array(); goto p1MNq; o6WMi: $files = $drive->files->listFiles($params); goto nMZTf; CRN22: K2D7b: goto XS84R; iFSVK: $params = array("\146\x69\145\154\144\x73" => "\151\164\145\x6d\x73\50\151\144\54\x20\x74\x69\x74\x6c\145\x2c\x20\160\x61\x72\x65\x6e\164\163\x28\151\144\54\40\151\x73\122\x6f\x6f\x74\x29\51", "\161" => "\155\151\x6d\x65\124\x79\160\x65\x3d\x27\141\x70\160\x6c\151\x63\141\x74\151\x6f\x6e\x2f\x76\156\x64\x2e\147\x6f\157\x67\154\145\55\x61\160\x70\163\x2e\146\157\154\144\x65\162\x27\x20\x61\x6e\144\40\x74\162\x61\163\x68\145\144\75\x66\x61\x6c\163\145\40\x61\156\144\x20\x27\162\x6f\157\x74\47\x20\x69\156\40\x70\x61\x72\145\156\x74\x73"); goto o6WMi; wY1Bc: } public function getfiles() { goto oOmTh; GwIQr: $params = array("\146\x69\x65\154\x64\x73" => "\x69\x74\x65\155\x73\50\151\x64\x2c\40\x74\151\x74\154\x65\54\x20\160\141\162\145\156\164\163\x28\151\144\54\40\x69\x73\122\157\x6f\164\x29\x29"); goto H1tPU; oOmTh: $client = $this->getClient(); goto xBrOz; XvxAt: return $_files; goto izPRp; Q3XOv: return false; goto zmZWj; H1tPU: $files = $drive->files->listFiles($params); goto wZs3y; YY9Uq: miGWu: goto XvxAt; zmZWj: D14DO: goto sadGR; gjnLQ: foreach ($fileItems as $key => $val) { $_files[] = array("\156\141\x6d\145" => $val->title, "\x69\144" => $val->id); g_bdV: } goto YY9Uq; xBrOz: if ($client) { goto D14DO; } goto Q3XOv; sadGR: require_once APPPATH . "\x74\x68\151\x72\x64\x5f\x70\141\x72\164\171\57\147\x6f\x6f\x67\x6c\145\55\x61\x70\x69\55\160\150\160\55\x63\x6c\151\145\156\x74\x2f\163\x72\x63\57\107\157\157\147\154\x65\57\123\x65\162\x76\151\143\x65\57\x44\x72\151\x76\145\x2e\160\x68\160"; goto t68hf; t68hf: $drive = new Google_Service_Drive($client); goto GwIQr; OYiEF: $_files = array(); goto gjnLQ; wZs3y: $fileItems = $files->getItems(); goto OYiEF; izPRp: } public function download($fileId = '') { goto AD2K7; bhnS4: exit; goto OrV21; yOSSG: $drive = new Google_Service_Drive($client); goto ZV9rF; AD2K7: $client = $this->getClient(); goto P79BC; XCr7Q: foreach ($fileItems as $key => $val) { $_files[] = array("\x6e\141\155\145" => $val->title, "\151\144" => $val->id, "\x6d\x69\155\145\x54\x79\160\145" => $val->mimeType); vCQNe: } goto t5u9b; Ob6gE: $files = $drive->files->listFiles($params); goto yyODF; r4Jwp: FC2RE: goto BnC0R; t5u9b: sLOEo: goto kG51H; OrV21: return $_files; goto Pi_SA; BnC0R: require_once APPPATH . "\164\150\151\x72\144\x5f\x70\x61\x72\x74\x79\57\147\157\157\147\154\145\55\x61\x70\151\55\x70\x68\x70\55\143\x6c\151\145\156\164\57\163\162\x63\57\107\157\x6f\147\x6c\145\x2f\123\x65\x72\166\x69\x63\145\57\104\162\151\166\145\56\160\150\x70"; goto yOSSG; AeyRA: return false; goto r4Jwp; P79BC: if ($client) { goto FC2RE; } goto AeyRA; yyODF: $fileItems = $files->getItems(); goto rwLfV; rwLfV: $_files = array(); goto XCr7Q; kG51H: print_E($_files); goto bhnS4; ZV9rF: $params = array("\x66\x69\145\154\x64\163" => "\x69\x74\145\x6d\163\50\151\x64\54\x20\x74\151\164\x6c\145\x2c\40\155\x69\x6d\x65\124\171\160\x65\54\x20\x70\x61\162\145\156\x74\163\x28\x69\144\x2c\40\x69\163\122\157\157\x74\51\51", "\161" => "\x6d\151\155\145\x54\171\160\145\x21\75\47\141\x70\x70\x6c\151\x63\x61\164\x69\157\x6e\x2f\166\x6e\144\x2e\147\157\x6f\147\154\x65\x2d\x61\160\160\163\56\146\157\154\144\x65\162\x27\x20\x61\156\x64\x20\156\x6f\164\x20\x74\x69\x74\x6c\x65\x20\143\x6f\x6e\164\x61\x69\156\x73\x20\x27\154\157\x61\144\145\x67\155\x79\137\157\160\142\x6f\157\153\163\137\x72\x6f\167\x2d\142\x61\143\153\165\160\x2d\x27"); goto Ob6gE; Pi_SA: } public function checkExist($dirName = "\x62\x61\x63\x6b\x75\x70\61") { goto vXYs8; ufllv: XKWfp: goto qidk1; rK9kG: n_7x6: goto P42XF; kJuBm: if ($client) { goto XKWfp; } goto RXJaX; WkTyB: $params = array("\146\x69\145\x6c\x64\163" => "\151\164\145\155\163\x28\151\x64\x2c\40\x74\151\x74\154\x65\54\x20\160\x61\x72\x65\156\x74\163\50\x69\x64\54\40\x69\163\x52\x6f\157\x74\x29\51", "\161" => "\155\x69\x6d\x65\x54\x79\160\145\x3d\47\141\x70\x70\154\x69\143\141\164\151\157\x6e\57\x76\156\144\x2e\147\x6f\157\147\154\x65\55\x61\x70\160\x73\x2e\146\157\x6c\144\x65\162\x27\x20\x61\x6e\144\x20\164\x72\141\163\x68\x65\144\x3d\146\x61\154\x73\x65\40\141\156\144\x20\x74\x69\164\154\x65\40\x63\157\156\164\x61\x69\x6e\163\x20\x27" . $dirName . "\x27"); goto TnWv8; ow5Ib: $drive = new Google_Service_Drive($client); goto WkTyB; vXYs8: $client = $this->getClient(); goto kJuBm; qidk1: require_once APPPATH . "\x74\x68\151\x72\x64\x5f\160\x61\x72\x74\x79\x2f\147\x6f\157\147\154\145\55\x61\x70\151\x2d\160\150\x70\55\143\154\151\145\156\x74\57\x73\x72\x63\x2f\107\157\157\x67\x6c\145\57\123\x65\x72\x76\151\x63\145\57\x44\162\x69\x76\x65\56\x70\x68\160"; goto ow5Ib; ej73P: if (!(!empty($fileItems) && count($fileItems) > 0)) { goto n_7x6; } goto IRCh0; RXJaX: return false; goto ufllv; TnWv8: $files = $drive->files->listFiles($params); goto w13OV; IRCh0: return $fileItems[0]->getId(); goto rK9kG; P42XF: return false; goto n3Zin; w13OV: $fileItems = $files->getItems(); goto ej73P; n3Zin: } public function createBackupDir($dirName = "\x42\x61\x63\153\x75\160", $parentId = '') { goto x510U; cPsMx: r9Rux: goto uIDHJ; uIDHJ: $client = $this->getClient(); goto kXBil; std3u: $drive = new Google_Service_Drive($client); goto l507U; KUaTa: return $fId; goto cPsMx; jdkZu: require_once APPPATH . "\164\150\151\162\x64\137\160\x61\162\x74\x79\57\147\157\157\x67\x6c\x65\x2d\141\160\x69\55\x70\x68\x70\x2d\x63\154\151\145\x6e\164\57\x73\162\x63\57\107\157\157\x67\x6c\x65\57\x53\145\x72\x76\151\143\145\57\104\x72\151\x76\x65\x2e\x70\150\160"; goto std3u; s2BVL: $file->setParents(array($parent)); goto od3GU; od3GU: A4uyD: goto rtwfp; x832T: if (!$fId) { goto r9Rux; } goto KUaTa; djNO9: return false; goto X_XXR; SXZnB: return $ret->getId(); goto gHLJn; X_XXR: J13Vx: goto jdkZu; NtduG: if (!$parentId) { goto A4uyD; } goto Ee3rX; Ee3rX: $parent = new Google_Service_Drive_ParentReference(); goto kz4O3; kz4O3: $parent->setId($parentId); goto s2BVL; rtwfp: $ret = $drive->files->insert($file); goto SXZnB; x510U: $fId = $this->checkExist($dirName, $parentId); goto x832T; ki7il: $file = new Google_Service_Drive_DriveFile($params); goto NtduG; kXBil: if ($client) { goto J13Vx; } goto djNO9; l507U: $params = array("\164\x69\164\x6c\145" => $dirName, "\x6d\x69\x6d\145\124\x79\x70\x65" => "\x61\160\160\x6c\x69\143\x61\x74\x69\x6f\156\x2f\x76\156\x64\56\x67\x6f\157\147\x6c\x65\55\141\x70\160\x73\56\x66\157\x6c\x64\x65\x72", "\x66\x69\145\154\144\x73" => "\151\x64\x2c\x74\x69\164\x6c\x65"); goto ki7il; gHLJn: } public function uploadfile($locFile = '') { goto LDHyf; TlgVf: $file = new Google_Service_Drive_DriveFile(); goto tI7tV; BGprs: if (empty($this->params["\x64\x69\162"])) { goto V33Ab; } goto P1De8; dD8Wn: require_once APPPATH . "\164\x68\x69\x72\x64\x5f\x70\x61\x72\x74\171\x2f\147\x6f\157\x67\154\145\55\141\160\151\x2d\160\150\x70\x2d\143\154\x69\145\x6e\164\x2f\x73\162\x63\x2f\x47\x6f\157\147\x6c\x65\x2f\123\x65\162\x76\x69\143\145\x2f\104\162\151\166\x65\56\x70\150\x70"; goto UkBpl; TVlAA: try { goto TaVSc; M864p: $createdFile = $drive->files->insert($file, array("\144\x61\x74\x61" => $data, "\x6d\151\x6d\145\124\171\x70\x65" => "\x61\x70\x70\x6c\x69\143\x61\164\x69\x6f\x6e\57\x6f\143\x74\145\x74\55\x73\164\x72\145\x61\x6d", "\x75\x70\x6c\157\141\x64\124\171\x70\x65" => "\155\165\154\x74\x69\x70\x61\162\x74")); goto xJmTh; xJmTh: return $createdFile; goto Eoa7t; TaVSc: $data = file_get_contents($locFile); goto M864p; Eoa7t: } catch (Exception $e) { $this->message = "\101\x6e\40\x65\x72\162\x6f\162\40\x6f\143\143\165\162\x72\x65\144\72\x20" . $e->getMessage(); return false; } goto U2yrB; JsC3Q: V33Ab: goto dD8Wn; uOpOo: return false; goto wH0i1; brEWJ: $parent->setId($parentId); goto GGGNc; LDHyf: $client = $this->getClient(); goto mKcct; P1De8: $parentId = $this->params["\x64\151\162"]["\x69\144"]; goto JsC3Q; Ny3te: $parentId = $this->createBackupDir("\117\x75\164\160\x75\x74\x42\157\157\153\x73\40\102\141\143\153\165\x70"); goto K9PBe; OkD5U: $file->setDescription("\x4f\165\x74\160\165\164\x42\157\157\x6b\163\x20\x64\x61\164\x61\142\141\163\x65\x20\142\x61\x63\x6b\x75\x70"); goto nmSuD; mKcct: if ($client) { goto sDSfB; } goto uOpOo; jQJEk: $parent = new Google_Service_Drive_ParentReference(); goto brEWJ; GGGNc: $file->setParents(array($parent)); goto TVlAA; g3xfu: $parentId = null; goto BGprs; K9PBe: $this->saveSettings("\x67\157\157\x67\154\x65", array("\144\x69\162" => $parentId)); goto ZJFCo; tI7tV: $file->setTitle(basename($locFile)); goto OkD5U; wH0i1: sDSfB: goto g3xfu; UkBpl: $drive = new Google_Service_Drive($client); goto TlgVf; nmSuD: if ($parentId) { goto SQImo; } goto Ny3te; ZJFCo: SQImo: goto jQJEk; U2yrB: } public function saveSettings($app = "\147\157\x6f\x67\x6c\x65", $params = array()) { goto M2McD; M2McD: $where = array("\155\111\144" => $this->uId, "\155\157\x64\165\x6c\145" => "\165\x73\x65\x72", "\141\x70\x70\x6c\151\143\x61\x74\151\x6f\156" => $app); goto cXMm2; ah0pC: return $ret; goto xFJlq; T8tu9: $params = array_merge($this->params, $params); goto e4uXJ; sDUZ4: $ret = $this->db->update("\x6f\x61\165\x74\x68"); goto ah0pC; cXMm2: if (empty($this->params)) { goto nT289; } goto T8tu9; quV7m: $params = json_encode($params); goto tBMEI; lKgJR: $this->db->where($where); goto sDUZ4; e4uXJ: nT289: goto quV7m; tBMEI: $this->db->set("\x70\x61\162\x61\155\x73", $params); goto lKgJR; xFJlq: } }
Function Calls
None |
MD5 | 39ba92203305e12b79c9ca2555c02f5a |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 100 ms |