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PHP Decode
<?php $bin = $binaa; //=================================================== function g..
Decoded Output download
$bin = $binaa;
function getFlags($code) {
$code = strtoupper($code);
if ($code === 'AFGHANISTAN') return '';
if ($code === 'ALBANIA') return '';
if ($code === 'ALGERIA') return '';
if ($code === 'ANDORRA') return '';
if ($code === 'ANGOLA') return '';
if ($code === 'ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA') return '';
if ($code === 'ARGENTINA') return '';
if ($code === 'ARMENIA') return '';
if ($code === 'AUSTRALIA') return '';
if ($code === 'AUSTRIA') return '';
if ($code === 'AZERBAIJAN') return '';
if ($code === 'BAHAMAS') return '';
if ($code === 'BAHRAIN') return '';
if ($code === 'BANGLADESH') return '';
if ($code === 'BARBADOS') return '';
if ($code === 'BELARUS') return '';
if ($code === 'BELGIUM') return '';
if ($code === 'BELIZE') return '';
if ($code === 'BENIN') return '';
if ($code === 'BHUTAN') return '';
if ($code === 'BOLIVIA') return '';
if ($code === 'BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA') return '';
if ($code === 'BOTSWANA') return '';
if ($code === 'BRAZIL') return '';
if ($code === 'BRUNEI') return '';
if ($code === 'BULGARIA') return '';
if ($code === 'BURKINA FASO') return '';
if ($code === 'BURUNDI') return '';
if ($code === 'CABO VERDE') return '';
if ($code === 'CAMBODIA') return '';
if ($code === 'CAMEROON') return '';
if ($code === 'CANADA') return '';
if ($code === 'CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC') return '';
if ($code === 'CHAD') return '';
if ($code === 'CHILE') return '';
if ($code === 'CHINA') return '';
if ($code === 'COLOMBIA') return '';
if ($code === 'COMOROS') return '';
if ($code === 'CONGO') return '';
if ($code === 'CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE') return '';
if ($code === 'COSTA RICA') return '';
if ($code === 'CROATIA') return '';
if ($code === 'CUBA') return '';
if ($code === 'CYPRUS') return '';
if ($code === 'CZECH REPUBLIC') return '';
if ($code === 'DENMARK') return '';
if ($code === 'DJIBOUTI') return '';
if ($code === 'DOMINICA') return '';
if ($code === 'DOMINICAN REPUBLIC') return '';
if ($code === 'ECUADOR') return '';
if ($code === 'EGYPT') return '';
if ($code === 'EL SALVADOR') return '';
if ($code === 'EQUATORIAL GUINEA') return '';
if ($code === 'ERITREA') return '';
if ($code === 'ESTONIA') return '';
if ($code === 'ESWATINI') return '';
if ($code === 'ETHIOPIA') return '';
if ($code === 'FIJI') return '';
if ($code === 'FINLAND') return '';
if ($code === 'FRANCE') return '';
if ($code === 'GABON') return '';
if ($code === 'GAMBIA') return '';
if ($code === 'GEORGIA') return '';
if ($code === 'GERMANY') return '';
if ($code === 'GHANA') return '';
if ($code === 'GREECE') return '';
if ($code === 'GRENADA') return '';
if ($code === 'GUATEMALA') return '';
if ($code === 'GUINEA') return '';
if ($code === 'GUINEA-BISSAU') return '';
if ($code === 'GUYANA') return '';
if ($code === 'HAITI') return '';
if ($code === 'HONDURAS') return '';
if ($code === 'HUNGARY') return '';
if ($code === 'ICELAND') return '';
if ($code === 'INDIA') return '';
if ($code === 'INDONESIA') return '';
if ($code === 'IRAN') return '';
if ($code === 'IRAQ') return '';
if ($code === 'IRELAND') return '';
if ($code === 'ISRAEL') return '';
if ($code === 'ITALY') return '';
if ($code === 'IVORY COAST') return '';
if ($code === 'JAMAICA') return '';
if ($code === 'JAPAN') return '';
if ($code === 'JORDAN') return '';
if ($code === 'KAZAKHSTAN') return '';
if ($code === 'KENYA') return '';
if ($code === 'KIRIBATI') return '';
if ($code === 'KUWAIT') return '';
if ($code === 'KYRGYZSTAN') return '';
if ($code === 'LAOS') return '';
if ($code === 'LATVIA') return '';
if ($code === 'LEBANON') return '';
if ($code === 'LESOTHO') return '';
if ($code === 'LIBERIA') return '';
if ($code === 'LIBYA') return '';
if ($code === 'LIECHTENSTEIN') return '';
if ($code === 'LITHUANIA') return '';
if ($code === 'LUXEMBOURG') return '';
if ($code === 'MADAGASCAR') return '';
if ($code === 'MALAWI') return '';
if ($code === 'MALAYSIA') return '';
if ($code === 'MALDIVES') return '';
if ($code === 'MALI') return '';
if ($code === 'MALTA') return '';
if ($code === 'MARSHALL ISLANDS') return '';
if ($code === 'MAURITANIA') return '';
if ($code === 'MAURITIUS') return '';
if ($code === 'MEXICO') return '';
if ($code === 'MICRONESIA') return '';
if ($code === 'MOLDOVA') return '';
if ($code === 'MONACO') return '';
if ($code === 'MONGOLIA') return '';
if ($code === 'MONTENEGRO') return '';
if ($code === 'MOROCCO') return '';
if ($code === 'MOZAMBIQUE') return '';
if ($code === 'MYANMAR') return '';
if ($code === 'NAMIBIA') return '';
if ($code === 'NAURU') return '';
if ($code === 'NEPAL') return '';
if ($code === 'NETHERLANDS') return '';
if ($code === 'NEW ZEALAND') return '';
if ($code === 'NICARAGUA') return '';
if ($code === 'NIGER') return '';
if ($code === 'NIGERIA') return '';
if ($code === 'NORTH KOREA') return '';
if ($code === 'NORTH MACEDONIA') return '';
if ($code === 'NORWAY') return '';
if ($code === 'OMAN') return '';
if ($code === 'PAKISTAN') return '';
if ($code === 'PALAU') return '';
if ($code === 'PALESTINE') return '';
if ($code === 'PANAMA') return '';
if ($code === 'PAPUA NEW GUINEA') return '';
if ($code === 'PARAGUAY') return '';
if ($code === 'PERU') return '';
if ($code === 'PHILIPPINES') return '';
if ($code === 'POLAND') return '';
if ($code === 'PORTUGAL') return '';
if ($code === 'QATAR') return '';
if ($code === 'ROMANIA') return '';
if ($code === 'RUSSIA') return '';
if ($code === 'RWANDA') return '';
if ($code === 'SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS') return '';
if ($code === 'SAINT LUCIA') return '';
if ($code === 'SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES') return '';
if ($code === 'SAMOA') return '';
if ($code === 'SAN MARINO') return '';
if ($code === 'SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE') return '';
if ($code === 'SAUDI ARABIA') return '';
if ($code === 'SENEGAL') return '';
if ($code === 'SERBIA') return '';
if ($code === 'SEYCHELLES') return '';
if ($code === 'SIERRA LEONE') return '';
if ($code === 'SINGAPORE') return '';
if ($code === 'SLOVAKIA') return '';
if ($code === 'SLOVENIA') return '';
if ($code === 'SOLOMON ISLANDS') return '';
if ($code === 'SOMALIA') return '';
if ($code === 'SOUTH AFRICA') return '';
if ($code === 'SOUTH KOREA') return '';
if ($code === 'SOUTH SUDAN') return '';
if ($code === 'SPAIN') return '';
if ($code === 'SRI LANKA') return '';
if ($code === 'SUDAN') return '';
if ($code === 'SURINAME') return '';
if ($code === 'SWEDEN') return '';
if ($code === 'SWITZERLAND') return '';
if ($code === 'SYRIA') return '';
if ($code === 'TAIWAN') return '';
if ($code === 'TAJIKISTAN') return '';
if ($code === 'TANZANIA') return '';
if ($code === 'THAILAND') return '';
if ($code === 'TIMOR-LESTE') return '';
if ($code === 'TOGO') return '';
if ($code === 'TONGA') return '';
if ($code === 'TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO') return '';
if ($code === 'TUNISIA') return '';
if ($code === 'TURKEY') return '';
if ($code === 'TURKMENISTAN') return '';
if ($code === 'TUVALU') return '';
if ($code === 'UGANDA') return '';
if ($code === 'UKRAINE') return '';
if ($code === 'UNITED ARAB EMIRATES') return '';
if ($code === 'UNITED KINGDOM') return '';
if ($code === 'UNITED STATES') return '';
if ($code === 'URUGUAY') return '';
if ($code === 'UZBEKISTAN') return '';
if ($code === 'VANUATU') return '';
if ($code === 'VENEZUELA') return '';
if ($code === 'VIETNAM') return '';
if ($code === 'YEMEN') return '';
if ($code === 'ZAMBIA') return '';
if ($code === 'ZIMBABWE') return '';
return '';
// URL cible
$url = "";
$data = 'action=searchbins&bins=' . $bin . '&bank=&country=';
// Configuration des en-ttes HTTP
$header = array(
'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/119.0',
'Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8',
'Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5',
'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'Content-Length: ' . strlen($data),
'DNT: 1',
'Connection: keep-alive',
'Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1'
// Initialisation de cURL
$ch = curl_init($url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $header);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_ENCODING, 'gzip, deflate, br');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, true);
// Excution de la requte
$result = curl_exec($ch);
$status_code = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
// Gestion des erreurs cURL
if (curl_errno($ch)) {
echo json_encode(["error" => "Erreur cURL : " . curl_error($ch)]);
// Vrification du statut HTTP
if ($status_code !== 200) {
echo json_encode(["error" => "Erreur HTTP : $status_code"]);
// Fermeture de la session cURL
// Dcompression de la rponse si ncessaire
if (stripos($result, "") === 0) { // Vrifie si la rponse est gzip
$result = gzdecode($result);
// Extraction des donnes avec Regex
preg_match_all('/<td[^>]*style="text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd;"[^>]*>(.*?)<\/td>/', $result, $matches);
// Vrification des rsultats extraits
if (!isset($matches[1]) || count($matches[1]) < 6) {
echo json_encode(["error" => "Impossible d'extraire les donnes."]);
// Mapping des donnes extraites
$binx = $matches[1][0];
$country = $matches[1][1];
$type = $matches[1][2];
$level = $matches[1][3];
$scheme = $matches[1][4];
$bank = $matches[1][5];
// Fonction pour obtenir les drapeaux ( dfinir)
function getFlags($country) {
// Exemple simple : utiliser des emojis comme drapeaux
$flags = [
'USA' => '',
// Ajoutez d'autres pays si ncessaire
return $flags[strtoupper($country)] ?? '';
// Construction du rsultat en JSON
$binresult = json_encode([
"country" => $country,
"scheme" => $scheme,
"type" => $type,
"brand" => $level,
"emoji" => getFlags($country),
"bank" => [
"name" => $bank
// Affichage du rsultat
echo $binresult;
Did this file decode correctly?
Original Code
$bin = $binaa;
function getFlags($code) {
$code = strtoupper($code);
if ($code === 'AFGHANISTAN') return '';
if ($code === 'ALBANIA') return '';
if ($code === 'ALGERIA') return '';
if ($code === 'ANDORRA') return '';
if ($code === 'ANGOLA') return '';
if ($code === 'ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA') return '';
if ($code === 'ARGENTINA') return '';
if ($code === 'ARMENIA') return '';
if ($code === 'AUSTRALIA') return '';
if ($code === 'AUSTRIA') return '';
if ($code === 'AZERBAIJAN') return '';
if ($code === 'BAHAMAS') return '';
if ($code === 'BAHRAIN') return '';
if ($code === 'BANGLADESH') return '';
if ($code === 'BARBADOS') return '';
if ($code === 'BELARUS') return '';
if ($code === 'BELGIUM') return '';
if ($code === 'BELIZE') return '';
if ($code === 'BENIN') return '';
if ($code === 'BHUTAN') return '';
if ($code === 'BOLIVIA') return '';
if ($code === 'BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA') return '';
if ($code === 'BOTSWANA') return '';
if ($code === 'BRAZIL') return '';
if ($code === 'BRUNEI') return '';
if ($code === 'BULGARIA') return '';
if ($code === 'BURKINA FASO') return '';
if ($code === 'BURUNDI') return '';
if ($code === 'CABO VERDE') return '';
if ($code === 'CAMBODIA') return '';
if ($code === 'CAMEROON') return '';
if ($code === 'CANADA') return '';
if ($code === 'CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC') return '';
if ($code === 'CHAD') return '';
if ($code === 'CHILE') return '';
if ($code === 'CHINA') return '';
if ($code === 'COLOMBIA') return '';
if ($code === 'COMOROS') return '';
if ($code === 'CONGO') return '';
if ($code === 'CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE') return '';
if ($code === 'COSTA RICA') return '';
if ($code === 'CROATIA') return '';
if ($code === 'CUBA') return '';
if ($code === 'CYPRUS') return '';
if ($code === 'CZECH REPUBLIC') return '';
if ($code === 'DENMARK') return '';
if ($code === 'DJIBOUTI') return '';
if ($code === 'DOMINICA') return '';
if ($code === 'DOMINICAN REPUBLIC') return '';
if ($code === 'ECUADOR') return '';
if ($code === 'EGYPT') return '';
if ($code === 'EL SALVADOR') return '';
if ($code === 'EQUATORIAL GUINEA') return '';
if ($code === 'ERITREA') return '';
if ($code === 'ESTONIA') return '';
if ($code === 'ESWATINI') return '';
if ($code === 'ETHIOPIA') return '';
if ($code === 'FIJI') return '';
if ($code === 'FINLAND') return '';
if ($code === 'FRANCE') return '';
if ($code === 'GABON') return '';
if ($code === 'GAMBIA') return '';
if ($code === 'GEORGIA') return '';
if ($code === 'GERMANY') return '';
if ($code === 'GHANA') return '';
if ($code === 'GREECE') return '';
if ($code === 'GRENADA') return '';
if ($code === 'GUATEMALA') return '';
if ($code === 'GUINEA') return '';
if ($code === 'GUINEA-BISSAU') return '';
if ($code === 'GUYANA') return '';
if ($code === 'HAITI') return '';
if ($code === 'HONDURAS') return '';
if ($code === 'HUNGARY') return '';
if ($code === 'ICELAND') return '';
if ($code === 'INDIA') return '';
if ($code === 'INDONESIA') return '';
if ($code === 'IRAN') return '';
if ($code === 'IRAQ') return '';
if ($code === 'IRELAND') return '';
if ($code === 'ISRAEL') return '';
if ($code === 'ITALY') return '';
if ($code === 'IVORY COAST') return '';
if ($code === 'JAMAICA') return '';
if ($code === 'JAPAN') return '';
if ($code === 'JORDAN') return '';
if ($code === 'KAZAKHSTAN') return '';
if ($code === 'KENYA') return '';
if ($code === 'KIRIBATI') return '';
if ($code === 'KUWAIT') return '';
if ($code === 'KYRGYZSTAN') return '';
if ($code === 'LAOS') return '';
if ($code === 'LATVIA') return '';
if ($code === 'LEBANON') return '';
if ($code === 'LESOTHO') return '';
if ($code === 'LIBERIA') return '';
if ($code === 'LIBYA') return '';
if ($code === 'LIECHTENSTEIN') return '';
if ($code === 'LITHUANIA') return '';
if ($code === 'LUXEMBOURG') return '';
if ($code === 'MADAGASCAR') return '';
if ($code === 'MALAWI') return '';
if ($code === 'MALAYSIA') return '';
if ($code === 'MALDIVES') return '';
if ($code === 'MALI') return '';
if ($code === 'MALTA') return '';
if ($code === 'MARSHALL ISLANDS') return '';
if ($code === 'MAURITANIA') return '';
if ($code === 'MAURITIUS') return '';
if ($code === 'MEXICO') return '';
if ($code === 'MICRONESIA') return '';
if ($code === 'MOLDOVA') return '';
if ($code === 'MONACO') return '';
if ($code === 'MONGOLIA') return '';
if ($code === 'MONTENEGRO') return '';
if ($code === 'MOROCCO') return '';
if ($code === 'MOZAMBIQUE') return '';
if ($code === 'MYANMAR') return '';
if ($code === 'NAMIBIA') return '';
if ($code === 'NAURU') return '';
if ($code === 'NEPAL') return '';
if ($code === 'NETHERLANDS') return '';
if ($code === 'NEW ZEALAND') return '';
if ($code === 'NICARAGUA') return '';
if ($code === 'NIGER') return '';
if ($code === 'NIGERIA') return '';
if ($code === 'NORTH KOREA') return '';
if ($code === 'NORTH MACEDONIA') return '';
if ($code === 'NORWAY') return '';
if ($code === 'OMAN') return '';
if ($code === 'PAKISTAN') return '';
if ($code === 'PALAU') return '';
if ($code === 'PALESTINE') return '';
if ($code === 'PANAMA') return '';
if ($code === 'PAPUA NEW GUINEA') return '';
if ($code === 'PARAGUAY') return '';
if ($code === 'PERU') return '';
if ($code === 'PHILIPPINES') return '';
if ($code === 'POLAND') return '';
if ($code === 'PORTUGAL') return '';
if ($code === 'QATAR') return '';
if ($code === 'ROMANIA') return '';
if ($code === 'RUSSIA') return '';
if ($code === 'RWANDA') return '';
if ($code === 'SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS') return '';
if ($code === 'SAINT LUCIA') return '';
if ($code === 'SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES') return '';
if ($code === 'SAMOA') return '';
if ($code === 'SAN MARINO') return '';
if ($code === 'SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE') return '';
if ($code === 'SAUDI ARABIA') return '';
if ($code === 'SENEGAL') return '';
if ($code === 'SERBIA') return '';
if ($code === 'SEYCHELLES') return '';
if ($code === 'SIERRA LEONE') return '';
if ($code === 'SINGAPORE') return '';
if ($code === 'SLOVAKIA') return '';
if ($code === 'SLOVENIA') return '';
if ($code === 'SOLOMON ISLANDS') return '';
if ($code === 'SOMALIA') return '';
if ($code === 'SOUTH AFRICA') return '';
if ($code === 'SOUTH KOREA') return '';
if ($code === 'SOUTH SUDAN') return '';
if ($code === 'SPAIN') return '';
if ($code === 'SRI LANKA') return '';
if ($code === 'SUDAN') return '';
if ($code === 'SURINAME') return '';
if ($code === 'SWEDEN') return '';
if ($code === 'SWITZERLAND') return '';
if ($code === 'SYRIA') return '';
if ($code === 'TAIWAN') return '';
if ($code === 'TAJIKISTAN') return '';
if ($code === 'TANZANIA') return '';
if ($code === 'THAILAND') return '';
if ($code === 'TIMOR-LESTE') return '';
if ($code === 'TOGO') return '';
if ($code === 'TONGA') return '';
if ($code === 'TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO') return '';
if ($code === 'TUNISIA') return '';
if ($code === 'TURKEY') return '';
if ($code === 'TURKMENISTAN') return '';
if ($code === 'TUVALU') return '';
if ($code === 'UGANDA') return '';
if ($code === 'UKRAINE') return '';
if ($code === 'UNITED ARAB EMIRATES') return '';
if ($code === 'UNITED KINGDOM') return '';
if ($code === 'UNITED STATES') return '';
if ($code === 'URUGUAY') return '';
if ($code === 'UZBEKISTAN') return '';
if ($code === 'VANUATU') return '';
if ($code === 'VENEZUELA') return '';
if ($code === 'VIETNAM') return '';
if ($code === 'YEMEN') return '';
if ($code === 'ZAMBIA') return '';
if ($code === 'ZIMBABWE') return '';
return '';
// URL cible
$url = "";
$data = 'action=searchbins&bins=' . $bin . '&bank=&country=';
// Configuration des en-ttes HTTP
$header = array(
'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/119.0',
'Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8',
'Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5',
'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'Content-Length: ' . strlen($data),
'DNT: 1',
'Connection: keep-alive',
'Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1'
// Initialisation de cURL
$ch = curl_init($url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $header);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_ENCODING, 'gzip, deflate, br');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, true);
// Excution de la requte
$result = curl_exec($ch);
$status_code = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
// Gestion des erreurs cURL
if (curl_errno($ch)) {
echo json_encode(["error" => "Erreur cURL : " . curl_error($ch)]);
// Vrification du statut HTTP
if ($status_code !== 200) {
echo json_encode(["error" => "Erreur HTTP : $status_code"]);
// Fermeture de la session cURL
// Dcompression de la rponse si ncessaire
if (stripos($result, "\x1f\x8b\x08") === 0) { // Vrifie si la rponse est gzip
$result = gzdecode($result);
// Extraction des donnes avec Regex
preg_match_all('/<td[^>]*style="text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd;"[^>]*>(.*?)<\/td>/', $result, $matches);
// Vrification des rsultats extraits
if (!isset($matches[1]) || count($matches[1]) < 6) {
echo json_encode(["error" => "Impossible d'extraire les donnes."]);
// Mapping des donnes extraites
$binx = $matches[1][0];
$country = $matches[1][1];
$type = $matches[1][2];
$level = $matches[1][3];
$scheme = $matches[1][4];
$bank = $matches[1][5];
// Fonction pour obtenir les drapeaux ( dfinir)
function getFlags($country) {
// Exemple simple : utiliser des emojis comme drapeaux
$flags = [
'USA' => '',
// Ajoutez d'autres pays si ncessaire
return $flags[strtoupper($country)] ?? '';
// Construction du rsultat en JSON
$binresult = json_encode([
"country" => $country,
"scheme" => $scheme,
"type" => $type,
"brand" => $level,
"emoji" => getFlags($country),
"bank" => [
"name" => $bank
// Affichage du rsultat
echo $binresult;
Function Calls
None |
MD5 | 39d020bd12bace7f579f9d1e45c6074d |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 87 ms |