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PHP Decode

<?php /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Th..

Decoded Output download


 | This file is part of the Roundcube Webmail client                     |
 |                                                                       |
 | Copyright (C) The Roundcube Dev Team                                  |
 |                                                                       |
 | Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3 or            |
 | any later version with exceptions for skins & plugins.                |
 | See the README file for a full license statement.                     |
 |                                                                       |
 | PURPOSE:                                                              |
 |   Render a simple HTML page with the given contents                   |
 | Author: Thomas Bruederli <[email protected]>                        |

 * Class to create an empty HTML page with some default styles
class rcmail_html_page extends rcmail_output_html
    protected $inline_warning;

     * Process the page content and write to stdOut
     * @param string $contents HTML page content
    public function write($contents = '')

        // load embed.css from skin folder (if exists)
        $embed_css = $this->config->get('embed_css_location', '/embed.css');
        if ($embed_css = $this->get_skin_file($embed_css, $path, null, true)) {
        } else {  // set default styles for warning blocks inside the attachment part frame
            $this->add_header(html::tag('style', ['type' => 'text/css'],
                '.rcmail-inline-message { font-family: sans-serif; border:2px solid #ffdf0e;'
                                        . "background:#fef893; padding:0.6em 1em; margin-bottom:0.6em }
" .
                '.rcmail-inline-buttons { margin-bottom:0 }'

        if (empty($contents)) {
            $contents = '<html><body></body></html>';

        if ($this->inline_warning) {
            $body_start = 0;
            if ($body_pos = strpos($contents, '<body')) {
                $body_start = strpos($contents, '>', $body_pos) + 1;

            $contents = substr_replace($contents, $this->inline_warning, $body_start, 0);


     * Add inline warning with optional button
     * @param string $text         Warning content
     * @param string $button_label Button label
     * @param string $button_url   Button URL
    public function register_inline_warning($text, $button_label = null, $button_url = null)
        $text = html::span(null, $text);

        if ($button_label) {
            $onclick = "location.href = '{$button_url}'";
            $button = html::tag('button', ['onclick' => $onclick], rcube::Q($button_label));
            $text .= html::p(['class' => 'rcmail-inline-buttons'], $button);

        $this->inline_warning = html::div(['class' => 'rcmail-inline-message rcmail-inline-warning'], $text);

Did this file decode correctly?

Original Code


 | This file is part of the Roundcube Webmail client                     |
 |                                                                       |
 | Copyright (C) The Roundcube Dev Team                                  |
 |                                                                       |
 | Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3 or            |
 | any later version with exceptions for skins & plugins.                |
 | See the README file for a full license statement.                     |
 |                                                                       |
 | PURPOSE:                                                              |
 |   Render a simple HTML page with the given contents                   |
 | Author: Thomas Bruederli <[email protected]>                        |

 * Class to create an empty HTML page with some default styles
class rcmail_html_page extends rcmail_output_html
    protected $inline_warning;

     * Process the page content and write to stdOut
     * @param string $contents HTML page content
    public function write($contents = '')

        // load embed.css from skin folder (if exists)
        $embed_css = $this->config->get('embed_css_location', '/embed.css');
        if ($embed_css = $this->get_skin_file($embed_css, $path, null, true)) {
        } else {  // set default styles for warning blocks inside the attachment part frame
            $this->add_header(html::tag('style', ['type' => 'text/css'],
                '.rcmail-inline-message { font-family: sans-serif; border:2px solid #ffdf0e;'
                                        . "background:#fef893; padding:0.6em 1em; margin-bottom:0.6em }\n" .
                '.rcmail-inline-buttons { margin-bottom:0 }'

        if (empty($contents)) {
            $contents = '<html><body></body></html>';

        if ($this->inline_warning) {
            $body_start = 0;
            if ($body_pos = strpos($contents, '<body')) {
                $body_start = strpos($contents, '>', $body_pos) + 1;

            $contents = substr_replace($contents, $this->inline_warning, $body_start, 0);


     * Add inline warning with optional button
     * @param string $text         Warning content
     * @param string $button_label Button label
     * @param string $button_url   Button URL
    public function register_inline_warning($text, $button_label = null, $button_url = null)
        $text = html::span(null, $text);

        if ($button_label) {
            $onclick = "location.href = '{$button_url}'";
            $button = html::tag('button', ['onclick' => $onclick], rcube::Q($button_label));
            $text .= html::p(['class' => 'rcmail-inline-buttons'], $button);

        $this->inline_warning = html::div(['class' => 'rcmail-inline-message rcmail-inline-warning'], $text);

Function Calls





MD5 3c1066731064206756fbed02b115d01c
Eval Count 0
Decode Time 97 ms