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PHP Decode

<?php eval(base64_decode('CiBmb3IgKCR4ID0gMDsgJHggPD0gMTA7ICR4KyspIHsgaWYgKCR4ID09IDMpIHsg..

Decoded Output download

The number is: 0 <br>The number is: 1 <br>The number is: 2 <br>

Did this file decode correctly?

Original Code

<?php eval(base64_decode('CiBmb3IgKCR4ID0gMDsgJHggPD0gMTA7ICR4KyspIHsgaWYgKCR4ID09IDMpIHsgYnJlYWs7IH0gZWNobyAiXHg1NFwxNTBcMTQ1XHgyMFx4NmVcMTY1XHg2ZFwxNDJceDY1XHg3Mlw0MFx4NjlcMTYzXDcyXHgyMHskeH1cNDBcNzRceDYyXHg3Mlx4M2UiOyB9IA==')); ?>

Function Calls

base64_decode 1


$x 3


MD5 41907c57e1d6a8eaf471c92d5e606fe2
Eval Count 1
Decode Time 61 ms