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<?php declare (strict_types=1); namespace Vy6Cu\kchbX\MFXfn; use DateTime; use Generator;..
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declare (strict_types=1); namespace Vy6Cu\kchbX\MFXfn; use DateTime; use Generator; use Vy6cu\KChBx\NRfwi; use vY6cu\kChBx\ziBNc; use Vy6cU\KCHbX\pIe8C; use VY6CU\KChbx\CmJSs; use VY6CU\kchbx\DTFcB; use VY6cu\kchBX\MM0oS; use vy6cU\kChbx\i45gB; use Vy6Cu\KChbx\ITrzm; use VY6cu\KChbx\ihR4k; use Vy6CU\KChBx\TfGwO; use vy6cU\kcHbx\uZfXw; use VY6CU\kchbX\gm8e4; use VY6cU\KChBx\fdV31; use Vy6Cu\kcHBX\ElMQx; use vY6cu\kCHbx\aYnAv; use vy6cU\KCHBx\mLC5R\a7izF; use vy6cU\kcHbx\mLc5R\BsOiA; use VY6Cu\y4Dh0\LPuc6; use Vy6CU\y4dh0\DUVUd; use Throwable; use function error_clear_last; use function error_get_last; use function ftp_chdir; use function ftp_close; use function is_string; class wrAP1 implements CMJss { private const Gcs0z = "windows"; private const Jln71 = "unix"; private ConnectionProvider $iHpzG; private ConnectivityChecker $lBt3q; private mixed $k7iEz = false; private PathPrefixer $yVowv; private VisibilityConverter $SaEH8; private ?bool $ZhaK0 = null; private ?bool $TYF3Z; private ?string $pWarG; private MimeTypeDetector $fvy1W; private ?string $SVENG = null; public function __construct(private rytnA $yZ02y, ?ConnectionProvider $CzZGZ = null, ?ConnectivityChecker $fvS6_ = null, ?VisibilityConverter $Wprhj = null, ?MimeTypeDetector $L16X2 = null, private bool $gkVPF = false) { goto NVA83; FclCb: $this->fvy1W = $L16X2 ?? new lPuC6(); goto KwH0V; f4NDf: $this->lBt3q = $fvS6_ ?? new wX3Px(); goto S9LEN; S9LEN: $this->SaEH8 = $Wprhj ?? new a7Izf(); goto FclCb; n9LCq: $this->iHpzG = $CzZGZ ?? new hvYW1(); goto f4NDf; KwH0V: $this->TYF3Z = $yZ02y->OH9Rl(); goto Eqs9r; NVA83: $this->pWarG = $this->l5bqh->epKbl(); goto n9LCq; Eqs9r: } public function __destruct() { $this->Fi6o2(); } private function hmIpQ() { goto VnKUg; SZDtF: ftp_chdir($this->k7iEz, $this->SVENG); goto KvGbp; ehvZI: return $this->k7iEz; goto DhGEC; VnKUg: start: goto QVu_Q; QVu_Q: if ($this->ncbD2()) { goto X18Y9; } goto DstHi; XpswP: goto start; goto chmd5; KvGbp: return $this->k7iEz; goto N47bG; DstHi: $this->k7iEz = $this->iHpzG->Dto3p($this->l5bqh); goto t80iE; ufKFw: $this->k7iEz = false; goto XpswP; qZcqU: if (!($this->lBt3q->RALKL($this->k7iEz) === false)) { goto yhoQ2; } goto ufKFw; t80iE: $this->SVENG = $this->djN3F($this->k7iEz); goto Pmxed; Pmxed: $this->yVowv = new dtFCB($this->SVENG); goto ehvZI; chmd5: yhoQ2: goto SZDtF; DhGEC: X18Y9: goto qZcqU; N47bG: } public function fi6O2() : void { goto RET_a; xFw0A: RXAtE: goto UHI1B; RET_a: if (!$this->ncbD2()) { goto RXAtE; } goto fm23R; fm23R: @ftp_close($this->k7iEz); goto xFw0A; UHI1B: $this->k7iEz = false; goto jmRWW; jmRWW: } private function xk1Nn() : bool { goto pQFVz; LOjp9: $bJUCq = ftp_raw($this->k7iEz, "HELP"); goto Yb3gU; Yb3gU: return $this->ZhaK0 = stripos(implode(" ", $bJUCq), "Pure-FTPd") !== false; goto Jtf7l; immX0: k1Rlj: goto LOjp9; pQFVz: if (!($this->ZhaK0 !== null)) { goto k1Rlj; } goto vjmdW; vjmdW: return $this->ZhaK0; goto immX0; Jtf7l: } private function JF33j() : bool { goto u2iCQ; LsDKG: UvkG0: goto zXjpX; UiVAX: return $this->TYF3Z = stripos($nN4bt, "FileZilla") === false && stripos($nN4bt, "L8") === false; goto hgRE5; u2iCQ: if (!($this->TYF3Z !== null)) { goto UvkG0; } goto gnWP3; zXjpX: $bJUCq = ftp_raw($this->k7iEz, "SYST"); goto tn6_G; gnWP3: return $this->TYF3Z; goto LsDKG; tn6_G: $nN4bt = implode(" ", $bJUCq); goto UiVAX; hgRE5: } public function BK_6k(string $kn4ye) : bool { try { $this->fileSize($kn4ye); return true; } catch (fdV31 $QwN8t) { return false; } } public function write(string $kn4ye, string $d8utu, nrfWi $eW3DR) : void { try { goto x2qvo; Bz79k: rewind($DIFSg); goto Gg7tF; Gg7tF: $this->uGL7Y($kn4ye, $DIFSg, $eW3DR); goto CLU9b; KPcu7: fwrite($DIFSg, $d8utu); goto Bz79k; x2qvo: $DIFSg = fopen("php://temp", "w+b"); goto KPcu7; CLU9b: } finally { isset($DIFSg) && is_resource($DIFSg) && fclose($DIFSg); } } public function uGl7Y(string $kn4ye, $d8utu, nrfwI $eW3DR) : void { goto R8kyR; I3Ho4: return; goto Hdqwr; GCsUe: if ($E4C71 = $eW3DR->get(NRFwI::UQSpK)) { goto Kwsal; } goto I3Ho4; Il0JP: try { $this->J3ziM($kn4ye, $E4C71); } catch (Throwable $QwN8t) { throw ayNav::wI5BA($kn4ye, "setting visibility failed", $QwN8t); } goto UtjtH; MfHaH: throw ayNAV::wI5BA($kn4ye, "writing the file failed"); goto wHkqP; wHkqP: UlgEy: goto GCsUe; VQZfg: if (ftp_fput($this->hmipQ(), $h4_Mr, $d8utu, $this->l5bqh->i_tWL())) { goto UlgEy; } goto MfHaH; NR2AD: $h4_Mr = $this->IXEzR()->Ei9ZJ($kn4ye); goto VQZfg; R8kyR: try { $this->VoXiM($kn4ye, $eW3DR->get(NRFWI::OpDH7)); } catch (Throwable $QwN8t) { throw ayNAv::Wi5bA($kn4ye, "creating parent directory failed", $QwN8t); } goto NR2AD; Hdqwr: Kwsal: goto Il0JP; UtjtH: } public function read(string $kn4ye) : string { goto YYxCb; oiVNb: return $d8utu; goto L1g8T; YYxCb: $q4huo = $this->VVD1L($kn4ye); goto cvtNI; Nbrsc: fclose($q4huo); goto oiVNb; cvtNI: $d8utu = stream_get_contents($q4huo); goto Nbrsc; L1g8T: } public function VvD1L(string $kn4ye) { goto O_AGv; Bcp_7: throw Gm8E4::uiNOg($kn4ye, error_get_last()["message"] ?? ''); goto xbQ9_; Q0oeO: if ($bZHQJ) { goto mujCj; } goto JCbIH; oaW6h: $ADHOb = fopen("php://temp", "w+b"); goto C5pm0; xbQ9_: mujCj: goto vqtGi; C5pm0: $bZHQJ = @ftp_fget($this->hmiPQ(), $ADHOb, $h4_Mr, $this->l5bqh->i_twL()); goto Q0oeO; O_AGv: $h4_Mr = $this->IXeZR()->Ei9ZJ($kn4ye); goto oaW6h; p6p5k: return $ADHOb; goto CrGIG; vqtGi: rewind($ADHOb); goto p6p5k; JCbIH: fclose($ADHOb); goto Bcp_7; CrGIG: } public function delete(string $kn4ye) : void { $MEgxj = $this->hMIPq(); $this->AjPcx($kn4ye, $MEgxj); } private function AjPcX(string $kn4ye, $MEgxj) : void { goto rsHu9; mxXPi: $AGJyf = @ftp_delete($MEgxj, $h4_Mr); goto Gz0ft; uJLXh: throw tFgwO::wI5ba($kn4ye, "the file still exists"); goto upGjH; upGjH: B6rMr: goto X5og2; rsHu9: $h4_Mr = $this->iXeZr()->eI9zJ($kn4ye); goto mxXPi; Gz0ft: if (!($AGJyf === false && ftp_size($MEgxj, $h4_Mr) !== -1)) { goto B6rMr; } goto uJLXh; X5og2: } public function kc9qi(string $kn4ye) : void { goto QP2rY; cuESV: CGauj: goto t7Yk1; QP2rY: $d8utu = $this->HFRf5($kn4ye, true); goto LilPC; FGOcT: foreach ($jcurT as $J5ZMg) { goto UgPbE; kSKpL: Zzx2c: goto ROTn7; QyeBl: throw Ihr4k::wI5ba($kn4ye, "Could not delete directory {$J5ZMg}"); goto kSKpL; UgPbE: if (@ftp_rmdir($MEgxj, $this->IXeZr()->eI9Zj($J5ZMg))) { goto Zzx2c; } goto QyeBl; ROTn7: EvGG2: goto BGRgt; BGRgt: } goto YWnMN; YWnMN: GTvyV: goto k32Ax; LilPC: $MEgxj = $this->hmIpq(); goto uXnUZ; t7Yk1: rsort($jcurT); goto FGOcT; P6RKO: foreach ($d8utu as $Vc2u8) { goto ti5wl; ti5wl: if (!$Vc2u8->isDir()) { goto TSVPi; } goto B7rvo; TexEQ: TSVPi: goto vDzMN; k2rce: nN3hN: goto eQO12; vDzMN: try { $this->AjpCx($Vc2u8->oGyB3(), $MEgxj); } catch (Throwable $QwN8t) { throw IHR4k::WI5bA($kn4ye, "unable to delete child", $QwN8t); } goto k2rce; Af72n: goto nN3hN; goto TexEQ; B7rvo: $jcurT[] = $Vc2u8->oGyb3(); goto Af72n; eQO12: } goto cuESV; uXnUZ: $jcurT = [$kn4ye]; goto P6RKO; k32Ax: } public function iaQzf(string $kn4ye, NRFwI $eW3DR) : void { $this->H7m1T($kn4ye, $eW3DR->get(nRFwI::OpDH7, $eW3DR->get(NrFwi::UQSpK))); } public function j3zim(string $kn4ye, string $E4C71) : void { goto ERH0a; ERH0a: $h4_Mr = $this->IxezR()->ei9zJ($kn4ye); goto MdoiM; F4imx: throw ElMQX::WI5ba($kn4ye, $MEbIi); goto QRssZ; QRssZ: z0qn0: goto zIjUs; gyRGW: $MEbIi = error_get_last()["message"] ?? ''; goto F4imx; PE0vf: if (@ftp_chmod($this->Hmipq(), $lv8Fc, $h4_Mr)) { goto z0qn0; } goto gyRGW; MdoiM: $lv8Fc = $this->SaEH8->NnKOi($E4C71); goto PE0vf; zIjUs: } private function RHNzD(string $kn4ye, string $RyKdq) : FileAttributes { goto q_eZY; nIXZa: if (!$this->ZhaK0) { goto l0Cpq; } goto tfrUK; axasQ: Y4V30: goto i5U_y; fn8Dx: if (!(empty($c_MDV) || count($c_MDV) < 3 || str_starts_with($c_MDV[1], "ftpd:"))) { goto Y4V30; } goto AZ_pD; ILE_I: $c_MDV = @ftp_raw($this->HMipq(), "STAT " . $h4_Mr); goto fn8Dx; i5U_y: $ANIZf = $this->Ju2Id($c_MDV[1], ''); goto m_C1B; uhsQK: LtppK: goto LEMpA; LEMpA: return $ANIZf; goto jTYqR; tfrUK: $h4_Mr = $this->rum5e($h4_Mr); goto wKmUw; m_C1B: if ($ANIZf instanceof PiE8C) { goto LtppK; } goto J511M; J511M: throw FDV31::create($kn4ye, $RyKdq, "expected file, " . ($ANIZf instanceof ZiBnc ? "directory found" : "nothing found")); goto uhsQK; wKmUw: l0Cpq: goto ILE_I; AZ_pD: throw fDV31::create($kn4ye, $RyKdq, error_get_last()["message"] ?? ''); goto axasQ; q_eZY: $h4_Mr = $this->IxeZR()->eI9zJ($kn4ye); goto nIXZa; jTYqR: } public function YL1wx(string $kn4ye) : FileAttributes { goto tIwW5; EwDrk: return new pie8C($kn4ye, null, null, null, $JfExR); goto wZHjy; b2cY5: throw fdV31::YL1wx($kn4ye, "Unknown."); goto hCzkG; hCzkG: AKp2W: goto EwDrk; C3FHQ: if (!($JfExR === null)) { goto AKp2W; } goto b2cY5; tIwW5: try { $JfExR = $this->xuuqZ ? $this->fvy1W->k0txg($kn4ye) : $this->fvy1W->s9H8F($kn4ye, $this->read($kn4ye)); } catch (Throwable $QwN8t) { throw fDv31::Yl1wX($kn4ye, $QwN8t->getMessage(), $QwN8t); } goto C3FHQ; wZHjy: } public function M9Tk_(string $kn4ye) : FileAttributes { goto LDSIA; CYkGD: if (!($J4UPi < 0)) { goto RK_TU; } goto pNCcq; LDSIA: $h4_Mr = $this->iXezR()->EI9zJ($kn4ye); goto mZDvp; NCMCD: $J4UPi = @ftp_mdtm($MEgxj, $h4_Mr); goto CYkGD; YBDe3: RK_TU: goto Wqe9N; mZDvp: $MEgxj = $this->HMIPq(); goto NCMCD; pNCcq: throw fDv31::M9tk_($kn4ye); goto YBDe3; Wqe9N: return new pIe8C($kn4ye, null, null, $J4UPi); goto C7Cfz; C7Cfz: } public function X6pSB(string $kn4ye) : FileAttributes { return $this->rHnZd($kn4ye, PIe8c::BWTVX); } public function fileSize(string $kn4ye) : FileAttributes { goto VkQB2; QgqPe: $MEgxj = $this->hmipq(); goto yDDjZ; VkQB2: $h4_Mr = $this->ixeZr()->EI9Zj($kn4ye); goto QgqPe; lmzwJ: cbj9Z: goto TYboq; TYboq: return new piE8c($kn4ye, $CZXOQ); goto Ay02j; CJT2T: throw fDV31::fileSize($kn4ye, error_get_last()["message"] ?? ''); goto lmzwJ; qxqda: if (!($CZXOQ < 0)) { goto cbj9Z; } goto CJT2T; yDDjZ: $CZXOQ = @ftp_size($MEgxj, $h4_Mr); goto qxqda; Ay02j: } public function hFrF5(string $kn4ye, bool $qRcbW) : iterable { goto V0Lq8; dM5rz: $h4_Mr = $this->IxEZR()->EI9ZJ($kn4ye); goto AiNON; dwjqa: yield from $this->HizMB($kn4ye); goto ePr4e; AiNON: $S3vQ3 = $qRcbW ? "-alnR" : "-aln"; goto SEv2r; SEv2r: $utzX4 = $this->X5u_1($S3vQ3, $h4_Mr); goto BeAFD; XVKOp: goto ZdISG; goto mifKA; eBtkG: $kn4ye = $kn4ye === '' ? $kn4ye : trim($kn4ye, "/") . "/"; goto qgVZx; V0Lq8: $kn4ye = ltrim($kn4ye, "/"); goto eBtkG; mifKA: BZxth: goto dwjqa; qgVZx: if ($qRcbW && $this->l5bqh->JtzZK()) { goto BZxth; } goto dM5rz; BeAFD: yield from $this->Dcy4E($utzX4, $kn4ye); goto XVKOp; ePr4e: ZdISG: goto kNrnn; kNrnn: } private function dCY4e(array $utzX4, string $Z66T8 = '') : Generator { goto V7iR7; V7iR7: $XjvLa = $Z66T8; goto oaCbK; oRznG: A2hjk: goto zzqdC; oaCbK: foreach ($utzX4 as $Vc2u8) { goto cJFCd; baQ_L: goto dhY53; goto nNOyu; MLdP8: $XjvLa = preg_replace("~^\./*|:$~", '', $Vc2u8); goto mCzM1; XGP9r: if (!preg_match("#^.*:$#", $Vc2u8)) { goto p03Yw; } goto MLdP8; oMw0F: dhY53: goto wn6hW; cJFCd: if (!($Vc2u8 === '' || preg_match("#.* \.(\.)?$|^total#", $Vc2u8))) { goto AIQY0; } goto baQ_L; nNOyu: AIQY0: goto XGP9r; vtnAv: p03Yw: goto DO1l2; mCzM1: goto dhY53; goto vtnAv; DO1l2: (yield $this->Ju2iD($Vc2u8, $XjvLa)); goto oMw0F; wn6hW: } goto oRznG; zzqdC: } private function jU2ID(string $Vc2u8, string $XjvLa) : StorageAttributes { goto VEFDt; VEFDt: $this->pWarG === null && ($this->pWarG = $this->p3V_g($Vc2u8)); goto u7B8j; u7B8j: if (!($this->pWarG === Bdgmg::Jln71)) { goto umLGK; } goto BBWaQ; FFOW0: return $this->GxcWE($Vc2u8, $XjvLa); goto jwBFW; v8flX: umLGK: goto FFOW0; BBWaQ: return $this->KpAD4($Vc2u8, $XjvLa); goto v8flX; jwBFW: } private function p3V_G(string $Vc2u8) : string { return preg_match("/^[0-9]{2,4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}/", $Vc2u8) ? bdGmg::Gcs0z : bdGMg::Jln71; } private function GXCWE(string $Vc2u8, string $XjvLa) : StorageAttributes { goto x1FE6; dS9h5: hx4ma: goto WRrpq; VmVsV: $kn4ye = $XjvLa === '' ? $VhyN7 : rtrim($XjvLa, "/") . "/" . $VhyN7; goto s17kG; vSFjl: throw new stfSb("Metadata can't be parsed from item '{$Vc2u8}' , not enough parts."); goto cgexf; z9Y20: $byCwN = explode(" ", $Vc2u8, 4); goto iIgsm; A6tPH: return new ZibnC($kn4ye); goto dS9h5; s17kG: if (!($mM_oS === "<DIR>")) { goto hx4ma; } goto A6tPH; ZCygT: $xO0am = DateTime::createFromFormat($jbw7I, $edKhU . $d_cI9); goto KuAMe; KuAMe: $J4UPi = $xO0am ? $xO0am->getTimestamp() : (int) strtotime("{$edKhU} {$d_cI9}"); goto Vm6KD; iIgsm: if (!(count($byCwN) !== 4)) { goto oYzBX; } goto vSFjl; WRrpq: $jbw7I = strlen($edKhU) === 8 ? "m-d-yH:iA" : "Y-m-dH:i"; goto ZCygT; cgexf: oYzBX: goto ItRll; x1FE6: $Vc2u8 = preg_replace("#\s+#", " ", trim($Vc2u8), 3); goto z9Y20; ItRll: [$edKhU, $d_cI9, $mM_oS, $VhyN7] = $byCwN; goto VmVsV; Vm6KD: return new PIE8C($kn4ye, (int) $mM_oS, null, $J4UPi); goto nuiuR; nuiuR: } private function kPAD4(string $Vc2u8, string $XjvLa) : StorageAttributes { goto zzsAD; pLqSl: $J4UPi = $this->l5bqh->Bn0nz() ? $this->gJNfP($PhHCS, $B546D, $J2CtV) : null; goto Oy5ER; waJDi: rminN: goto S06kO; S06kO: [$wBlT8, , , , $mM_oS, $PhHCS, $B546D, $J2CtV, $VhyN7] = $byCwN; goto dYTrM; dYTrM: $cR8qa = $this->fhG31($wBlT8); goto NC0o2; PIDIw: return new piE8C($kn4ye, (int) $mM_oS, $E4C71, $J4UPi); goto xvYdk; Wkq2k: Vw0UE: goto nzKDt; Oy5ER: if (!$cR8qa) { goto Vw0UE; } goto Q2k0I; r5RYC: $byCwN = explode(" ", $Vc2u8, 9); goto cygRA; cygRA: if (!(count($byCwN) !== 9)) { goto rminN; } goto NM4yN; AhWl_: $kn4ye = $XjvLa === '' ? $VhyN7 : rtrim($XjvLa, "/") . "/" . $VhyN7; goto pLqSl; NM4yN: throw new STFSb("Metadata can't be parsed from item '{$Vc2u8}' , not enough parts."); goto waJDi; zzsAD: $Vc2u8 = preg_replace("#\s+#", " ", trim($Vc2u8), 7); goto r5RYC; NC0o2: $wBlT8 = $this->qsjn3($wBlT8); goto AhWl_; Q2k0I: return new ZibnC($kn4ye, $this->SaEH8->OAq2E($wBlT8), $J4UPi); goto Wkq2k; nzKDt: $E4C71 = $this->SaEH8->qT386($wBlT8); goto PIDIw; xvYdk: } private function FHg31(string $wBlT8) : bool { return str_starts_with($wBlT8, "d"); } private function gjNfP(string $PhHCS, string $B546D, string $J2CtV) : int { goto lRK9G; DDdom: [$n7H6C, $oIbnC] = explode(":", $J2CtV); goto s9_lq; RS7Tn: $oIbnC = "00"; goto jIFFE; u4kyX: $w0DnD = $J2CtV; goto KFJrt; PnU0r: $dBd2W = DateTime::createFromFormat("Y-M-j-G:i:s", "{$w0DnD}-{$PhHCS}-{$B546D}-{$n7H6C}:{$oIbnC}:00"); goto yiqvw; lRK9G: if (is_numeric($J2CtV)) { goto hm8hb; } goto FyKcQ; jIFFE: LFUTT: goto PnU0r; yiqvw: return $dBd2W->getTimestamp(); goto zM3Bc; FyKcQ: $w0DnD = date("Y"); goto DDdom; VVS9c: hm8hb: goto u4kyX; KFJrt: $n7H6C = "00"; goto RS7Tn; s9_lq: goto LFUTT; goto VVS9c; zM3Bc: } private function qSjN3(string $wBlT8) : int { goto BXjTa; MS3v0: $vajCg = static function ($ldiWL) { return array_sum(str_split($ldiWL)); }; goto u4py7; QXHv7: $byCwN = str_split($wBlT8, 3); goto MS3v0; A5Duc: $SFfAr = ["-" => "0", "r" => "4", "w" => "2", "x" => "1"]; goto OvH7x; u4py7: return octdec(implode('', array_map($vajCg, $byCwN))); goto vwCv0; OvH7x: $wBlT8 = strtr($wBlT8, $SFfAr); goto QXHv7; BXjTa: $wBlT8 = substr($wBlT8, 1); goto A5Duc; vwCv0: } private function HiZMB(string $J5ZMg) : Generator { goto qtKmG; Bj13V: $utzX4 = $this->x5u_1("-aln", $h4_Mr); goto qtX3h; rTuX7: uMlJq: goto wNhal; qtX3h: $utzX4 = $this->dCY4E($utzX4, $J5ZMg); goto XQD4D; XQD4D: foreach ($utzX4 as $Vc2u8) { goto RKTFJ; RZkIu: foreach ($EGmpi as $YC1cC) { (yield $YC1cC); zmEPN: } goto HgYQT; RKTFJ: (yield $Vc2u8); goto DBIH0; HgYQT: RPexs: goto yf8qe; UDwPN: ID2jp: goto lOkf9; DBIH0: if ($Vc2u8->isDir()) { goto ID2jp; } goto KY_N5; KY_N5: goto ZGb4x; goto UDwPN; lOkf9: $EGmpi = $this->HiZmB($Vc2u8->OGyb3()); goto RZkIu; yf8qe: ZGb4x: goto UIUg0; UIUg0: } goto rTuX7; qtKmG: $h4_Mr = $this->IxeZr()->ei9Zj($J5ZMg); goto Bj13V; wNhal: } private function x5U_1(string $S3vQ3, string $kn4ye) : array { goto hMCmr; vscdH: qgAc0: goto IVR9h; yrI50: $S3vQ3 = ''; goto JbTWU; tEMfb: $kn4ye = str_replace(" ", "\ ", $kn4ye); goto c8l6j; c8l6j: $kn4ye = $this->rUm5e($kn4ye); goto vscdH; hMCmr: $kn4ye = rtrim($kn4ye, "/") . "/"; goto aNhHe; QUbQ8: return ftp_rawlist($MEgxj, ($S3vQ3 ? $S3vQ3 . " " : '') . $kn4ye, stripos($S3vQ3, "R") !== false) ?: []; goto kaZ6Y; fjyfb: if (!$this->XK1nn()) { goto qgAc0; } goto tEMfb; JbTWU: J1NYc: goto QUbQ8; IVR9h: if ($this->JF33j()) { goto J1NYc; } goto yrI50; aNhHe: $MEgxj = $this->HmIpq(); goto fjyfb; kaZ6Y: } public function uh_3A(string $ed_75, string $HpmoY, nrFWi $eW3DR) : void { goto ieyLc; Re1Bh: throw uzFxW::wb0DS(error_get_last()["message"] ?? "reason unknown", $ed_75, $HpmoY); goto poc11; fTanW: $MEgxj = $this->HmIPQ(); goto xu7iX; xu7iX: if (@ftp_rename($MEgxj, $pJrU3, $CJJk4)) { goto AsVsX; } goto Re1Bh; IVCJ5: $pJrU3 = $this->IxeZR()->Ei9Zj($ed_75); goto sOOHA; ieyLc: try { $this->VOxIM($HpmoY, $eW3DR->get(nRfwi::OpDH7)); } catch (Throwable $QwN8t) { throw UZfXw::jOfIn($ed_75, $HpmoY, $QwN8t); } goto IVCJ5; sOOHA: $CJJk4 = $this->IxEZR()->EI9Zj($HpmoY); goto fTanW; poc11: AsVsX: goto YJvMu; YJvMu: } public function copy(string $ed_75, string $HpmoY, Nrfwi $eW3DR) : void { try { goto iULZw; buuwA: if (!($E4C71 === null && $eW3DR->get(NrFWi::mlCpt, true))) { goto qRJRR; } goto aojt8; M8Sru: $E4C71 = $eW3DR->get(nrFwI::UQSpK); goto buuwA; aojt8: $eW3DR = $eW3DR->pkl3e(NRfwI::UQSpK, $this->X6PSb($ed_75)->x6pSb()); goto LHBoe; iB3Ge: $this->uGL7y($HpmoY, $q4huo, $eW3DR); goto Qlsl4; LHBoe: qRJRR: goto iB3Ge; iULZw: $q4huo = $this->vvd1l($ed_75); goto M8Sru; Qlsl4: } catch (Throwable $QwN8t) { goto uX7Xh; ngh4d: ALeoA: goto ja17F; ja17F: throw I45Gb::jofIN($ed_75, $HpmoY, $QwN8t); goto ufPjH; uX7Xh: if (!(isset($q4huo) && is_resource($q4huo))) { goto ALeoA; } goto s2Bu1; s2Bu1: @fclose($q4huo); goto ngh4d; ufPjH: } } private function VoXIm(string $kn4ye, ?string $E4C71) : void { goto YSIlB; MerRa: TZ1qg: goto PJkPq; YSIlB: $yUYjH = dirname($kn4ye); goto JpB0N; YQkOv: return; goto MerRa; PJkPq: $this->h7M1T($yUYjH, $E4C71); goto lhiji; JpB0N: if (!($yUYjH === '' || $yUYjH === ".")) { goto TZ1qg; } goto YQkOv; lhiji: } private function h7m1t(string $yUYjH, ?string $E4C71) : void { goto pm_iv; dcC1b: $lv8Fc = $E4C71 ? $this->SaEH8->jx9Te($E4C71) : false; goto QmBFA; DGR6_: $byCwN = explode("/", trim($yUYjH, "/")); goto dcC1b; CAGUM: $TeknX = ''; goto DGR6_; QmBFA: foreach ($byCwN as $ldiWL) { goto Rsann; qwmtv: throw iTRZM::Wi5bA($TeknX, "unable to chmod the directory: " . (error_get_last()["message"] ?? "reason unknown")); goto zIP2h; PvYqt: error_clear_last(); goto Glo7O; myRUD: uVeo0: goto hcKPu; zwUuj: if (!($bZHQJ === false)) { goto cg0gE; } goto pCnIz; zIP2h: HcAQN: goto myRUD; p8sKC: cg0gE: goto ba2fh; FyihY: if (!@ftp_chdir($MEgxj, $h4_Mr)) { goto YLiGL; } goto AtvE8; ba2fh: if (!($lv8Fc !== false && @ftp_chmod($MEgxj, $lv8Fc, $h4_Mr) === false)) { goto HcAQN; } goto qwmtv; Glo7O: $bZHQJ = @ftp_mkdir($MEgxj, $h4_Mr); goto zwUuj; pCnIz: $tE2LQ = error_get_last()["message"] ?? "unable to create the directory"; goto HkOv2; nVtQL: YLiGL: goto PvYqt; HkOv2: throw ItRZM::Wi5BA($TeknX, $tE2LQ); goto p8sKC; DwB4M: $h4_Mr = $this->iXezR()->ei9zJ($TeknX); goto FyihY; AtvE8: goto uVeo0; goto nVtQL; Rsann: $TeknX .= "/" . $ldiWL; goto DwB4M; hcKPu: } goto TmGTu; pm_iv: $MEgxj = $this->HMiPQ(); goto CAGUM; TmGTu: wCJrz: goto LQ4_u; LQ4_u: } private function Rum5e(string $kn4ye) : string { return str_replace(["*", "[", "]"], ["\*", "\[", "\]"], $kn4ye); } private function nCbD2() : bool { return $this->k7iEz instanceof \MFxfn\f2KAz || is_resource($this->k7iEz); } public function jHOAS(string $kn4ye) : bool { goto wLvYc; wLvYc: $h4_Mr = $this->IxeZr()->Ei9zJ($kn4ye); goto b1jVU; gMrhG: return @ftp_chdir($MEgxj, $h4_Mr) === true; goto SBYGm; b1jVU: $MEgxj = $this->HmIPq(); goto gMrhG; SBYGm: } private function DJN3F($MEgxj) : string { goto nnLvJ; nnLvJ: $PQBCl = $this->l5bqh->YJxa9(); goto t4XMG; YKq11: throw MHhEH::NrVcZ(error_get_last()["message"] ?? ''); goto OfpjV; F6ino: K7vOe: goto YPyhq; HKzhu: $jn5Ok = @ftp_pwd($MEgxj); goto x4xdI; U3FyK: throw mHHEH::WJhZL($PQBCl, error_get_last()["message"] ?? ''); goto F6ino; JtUll: if (!($PQBCl !== '' && @ftp_chdir($MEgxj, $PQBCl) !== true)) { goto K7vOe; } goto U3FyK; t4XMG: error_clear_last(); goto JtUll; x4xdI: if (is_string($jn5Ok)) { goto SX1zq; } goto YKq11; dskLh: return $jn5Ok; goto hm5FZ; OfpjV: SX1zq: goto dskLh; YPyhq: error_clear_last(); goto HKzhu; hm5FZ: } private function ixEZr() : PathPrefixer { goto Gzjpd; Gzjpd: if (!($this->SVENG === null)) { goto BvlRS; } goto UfSL1; fd9yL: BvlRS: goto VoGsY; UfSL1: $this->hMiPq(); goto fd9yL; VoGsY: return $this->yVowv; goto i9X4u; i9X4u: } } ?>
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Original Code
declare (strict_types=1); namespace Vy6Cu\kchbX\MFXfn; use DateTime; use Generator; use Vy6cu\KChBx\NRfwi; use vY6cu\kChBx\ziBNc; use Vy6cU\KCHbX\pIe8C; use VY6CU\KChbx\CmJSs; use VY6CU\kchbx\DTFcB; use VY6cu\kchBX\MM0oS; use vy6cU\kChbx\i45gB; use Vy6Cu\KChbx\ITrzm; use VY6cu\KChbx\ihR4k; use Vy6CU\KChBx\TfGwO; use vy6cU\kcHbx\uZfXw; use VY6CU\kchbX\gm8e4; use VY6cU\KChBx\fdV31; use Vy6Cu\kcHBX\ElMQx; use vY6cu\kCHbx\aYnAv; use vy6cU\KCHBx\mLC5R\a7izF; use vy6cU\kcHbx\mLc5R\BsOiA; use VY6Cu\y4Dh0\LPuc6; use Vy6CU\y4dh0\DUVUd; use Throwable; use function error_clear_last; use function error_get_last; use function ftp_chdir; use function ftp_close; use function is_string; class wrAP1 implements CMJss { private const Gcs0z = "\x77\x69\x6e\x64\x6f\x77\x73"; private const Jln71 = "\165\156\x69\x78"; private ConnectionProvider $iHpzG; private ConnectivityChecker $lBt3q; private mixed $k7iEz = false; private PathPrefixer $yVowv; private VisibilityConverter $SaEH8; private ?bool $ZhaK0 = null; private ?bool $TYF3Z; private ?string $pWarG; private MimeTypeDetector $fvy1W; private ?string $SVENG = null; public function __construct(private rytnA $yZ02y, ?ConnectionProvider $CzZGZ = null, ?ConnectivityChecker $fvS6_ = null, ?VisibilityConverter $Wprhj = null, ?MimeTypeDetector $L16X2 = null, private bool $gkVPF = false) { goto NVA83; FclCb: $this->fvy1W = $L16X2 ?? new lPuC6(); goto KwH0V; f4NDf: $this->lBt3q = $fvS6_ ?? new wX3Px(); goto S9LEN; S9LEN: $this->SaEH8 = $Wprhj ?? new a7Izf(); goto FclCb; n9LCq: $this->iHpzG = $CzZGZ ?? new hvYW1(); goto f4NDf; KwH0V: $this->TYF3Z = $yZ02y->OH9Rl(); goto Eqs9r; NVA83: $this->pWarG = $this->l5bqh->epKbl(); goto n9LCq; Eqs9r: } public function __destruct() { $this->Fi6o2(); } private function hmIpQ() { goto VnKUg; SZDtF: ftp_chdir($this->k7iEz, $this->SVENG); goto KvGbp; ehvZI: return $this->k7iEz; goto DhGEC; VnKUg: start: goto QVu_Q; QVu_Q: if ($this->ncbD2()) { goto X18Y9; } goto DstHi; XpswP: goto start; goto chmd5; KvGbp: return $this->k7iEz; goto N47bG; DstHi: $this->k7iEz = $this->iHpzG->Dto3p($this->l5bqh); goto t80iE; ufKFw: $this->k7iEz = false; goto XpswP; qZcqU: if (!($this->lBt3q->RALKL($this->k7iEz) === false)) { goto yhoQ2; } goto ufKFw; t80iE: $this->SVENG = $this->djN3F($this->k7iEz); goto Pmxed; Pmxed: $this->yVowv = new dtFCB($this->SVENG); goto ehvZI; chmd5: yhoQ2: goto SZDtF; DhGEC: X18Y9: goto qZcqU; N47bG: } public function fi6O2() : void { goto RET_a; xFw0A: RXAtE: goto UHI1B; RET_a: if (!$this->ncbD2()) { goto RXAtE; } goto fm23R; fm23R: @ftp_close($this->k7iEz); goto xFw0A; UHI1B: $this->k7iEz = false; goto jmRWW; jmRWW: } private function xk1Nn() : bool { goto pQFVz; LOjp9: $bJUCq = ftp_raw($this->k7iEz, "\x48\x45\x4c\120"); goto Yb3gU; Yb3gU: return $this->ZhaK0 = stripos(implode("\40", $bJUCq), "\x50\165\x72\145\55\106\x54\x50\x64") !== false; goto Jtf7l; immX0: k1Rlj: goto LOjp9; pQFVz: if (!($this->ZhaK0 !== null)) { goto k1Rlj; } goto vjmdW; vjmdW: return $this->ZhaK0; goto immX0; Jtf7l: } private function JF33j() : bool { goto u2iCQ; LsDKG: UvkG0: goto zXjpX; UiVAX: return $this->TYF3Z = stripos($nN4bt, "\106\x69\x6c\x65\132\151\x6c\154\141") === false && stripos($nN4bt, "\114\x38") === false; goto hgRE5; u2iCQ: if (!($this->TYF3Z !== null)) { goto UvkG0; } goto gnWP3; zXjpX: $bJUCq = ftp_raw($this->k7iEz, "\x53\x59\123\124"); goto tn6_G; gnWP3: return $this->TYF3Z; goto LsDKG; tn6_G: $nN4bt = implode("\40", $bJUCq); goto UiVAX; hgRE5: } public function BK_6k(string $kn4ye) : bool { try { $this->fileSize($kn4ye); return true; } catch (fdV31 $QwN8t) { return false; } } public function write(string $kn4ye, string $d8utu, nrfWi $eW3DR) : void { try { goto x2qvo; Bz79k: rewind($DIFSg); goto Gg7tF; Gg7tF: $this->uGL7Y($kn4ye, $DIFSg, $eW3DR); goto CLU9b; KPcu7: fwrite($DIFSg, $d8utu); goto Bz79k; x2qvo: $DIFSg = fopen("\x70\x68\x70\x3a\x2f\x2f\164\145\155\x70", "\x77\53\142"); goto KPcu7; CLU9b: } finally { isset($DIFSg) && is_resource($DIFSg) && fclose($DIFSg); } } public function uGl7Y(string $kn4ye, $d8utu, nrfwI $eW3DR) : void { goto R8kyR; I3Ho4: return; goto Hdqwr; GCsUe: if ($E4C71 = $eW3DR->get(NRFwI::UQSpK)) { goto Kwsal; } goto I3Ho4; Il0JP: try { $this->J3ziM($kn4ye, $E4C71); } catch (Throwable $QwN8t) { throw ayNav::wI5BA($kn4ye, "\x73\145\164\x74\151\156\x67\40\x76\151\x73\151\x62\x69\x6c\151\x74\x79\40\x66\141\151\x6c\145\x64", $QwN8t); } goto UtjtH; MfHaH: throw ayNAV::wI5BA($kn4ye, "\167\x72\151\x74\151\x6e\x67\40\x74\150\x65\x20\146\x69\x6c\145\40\x66\x61\x69\x6c\145\144"); goto wHkqP; wHkqP: UlgEy: goto GCsUe; VQZfg: if (ftp_fput($this->hmipQ(), $h4_Mr, $d8utu, $this->l5bqh->i_tWL())) { goto UlgEy; } goto MfHaH; NR2AD: $h4_Mr = $this->IXEzR()->Ei9ZJ($kn4ye); goto VQZfg; R8kyR: try { $this->VoXiM($kn4ye, $eW3DR->get(NRFWI::OpDH7)); } catch (Throwable $QwN8t) { throw ayNAv::Wi5bA($kn4ye, "\143\x72\145\x61\164\x69\156\147\40\x70\141\162\x65\156\164\40\144\151\x72\145\143\x74\x6f\x72\x79\40\146\141\x69\x6c\x65\144", $QwN8t); } goto NR2AD; Hdqwr: Kwsal: goto Il0JP; UtjtH: } public function read(string $kn4ye) : string { goto YYxCb; oiVNb: return $d8utu; goto L1g8T; YYxCb: $q4huo = $this->VVD1L($kn4ye); goto cvtNI; Nbrsc: fclose($q4huo); goto oiVNb; cvtNI: $d8utu = stream_get_contents($q4huo); goto Nbrsc; L1g8T: } public function VvD1L(string $kn4ye) { goto O_AGv; Bcp_7: throw Gm8E4::uiNOg($kn4ye, error_get_last()["\155\x65\x73\x73\x61\x67\145"] ?? ''); goto xbQ9_; Q0oeO: if ($bZHQJ) { goto mujCj; } goto JCbIH; oaW6h: $ADHOb = fopen("\160\x68\x70\72\57\x2f\x74\x65\155\160", "\x77\x2b\x62"); goto C5pm0; xbQ9_: mujCj: goto vqtGi; C5pm0: $bZHQJ = @ftp_fget($this->hmiPQ(), $ADHOb, $h4_Mr, $this->l5bqh->i_twL()); goto Q0oeO; O_AGv: $h4_Mr = $this->IXeZR()->Ei9ZJ($kn4ye); goto oaW6h; p6p5k: return $ADHOb; goto CrGIG; vqtGi: rewind($ADHOb); goto p6p5k; JCbIH: fclose($ADHOb); goto Bcp_7; CrGIG: } public function delete(string $kn4ye) : void { $MEgxj = $this->hMIPq(); $this->AjPcx($kn4ye, $MEgxj); } private function AjPcX(string $kn4ye, $MEgxj) : void { goto rsHu9; mxXPi: $AGJyf = @ftp_delete($MEgxj, $h4_Mr); goto Gz0ft; uJLXh: throw tFgwO::wI5ba($kn4ye, "\164\150\145\x20\146\151\154\x65\x20\x73\x74\x69\x6c\154\x20\145\170\x69\163\x74\163"); goto upGjH; upGjH: B6rMr: goto X5og2; rsHu9: $h4_Mr = $this->iXeZr()->eI9zJ($kn4ye); goto mxXPi; Gz0ft: if (!($AGJyf === false && ftp_size($MEgxj, $h4_Mr) !== -1)) { goto B6rMr; } goto uJLXh; X5og2: } public function kc9qi(string $kn4ye) : void { goto QP2rY; cuESV: CGauj: goto t7Yk1; QP2rY: $d8utu = $this->HFRf5($kn4ye, true); goto LilPC; FGOcT: foreach ($jcurT as $J5ZMg) { goto UgPbE; kSKpL: Zzx2c: goto ROTn7; QyeBl: throw Ihr4k::wI5ba($kn4ye, "\103\157\x75\154\144\x20\x6e\157\164\x20\144\145\154\145\164\x65\40\144\151\x72\x65\x63\x74\x6f\162\171\40{$J5ZMg}"); goto kSKpL; UgPbE: if (@ftp_rmdir($MEgxj, $this->IXeZr()->eI9Zj($J5ZMg))) { goto Zzx2c; } goto QyeBl; ROTn7: EvGG2: goto BGRgt; BGRgt: } goto YWnMN; YWnMN: GTvyV: goto k32Ax; LilPC: $MEgxj = $this->hmIpq(); goto uXnUZ; t7Yk1: rsort($jcurT); goto FGOcT; P6RKO: foreach ($d8utu as $Vc2u8) { goto ti5wl; ti5wl: if (!$Vc2u8->isDir()) { goto TSVPi; } goto B7rvo; TexEQ: TSVPi: goto vDzMN; k2rce: nN3hN: goto eQO12; vDzMN: try { $this->AjpCx($Vc2u8->oGyB3(), $MEgxj); } catch (Throwable $QwN8t) { throw IHR4k::WI5bA($kn4ye, "\165\x6e\141\x62\x6c\x65\x20\x74\157\x20\x64\x65\154\x65\x74\x65\40\143\x68\x69\154\144", $QwN8t); } goto k2rce; Af72n: goto nN3hN; goto TexEQ; B7rvo: $jcurT[] = $Vc2u8->oGyb3(); goto Af72n; eQO12: } goto cuESV; uXnUZ: $jcurT = [$kn4ye]; goto P6RKO; k32Ax: } public function iaQzf(string $kn4ye, NRFwI $eW3DR) : void { $this->H7m1T($kn4ye, $eW3DR->get(nRFwI::OpDH7, $eW3DR->get(NrFwi::UQSpK))); } public function j3zim(string $kn4ye, string $E4C71) : void { goto ERH0a; ERH0a: $h4_Mr = $this->IxezR()->ei9zJ($kn4ye); goto MdoiM; F4imx: throw ElMQX::WI5ba($kn4ye, $MEbIi); goto QRssZ; QRssZ: z0qn0: goto zIjUs; gyRGW: $MEbIi = error_get_last()["\x6d\145\163\163\141\x67\x65"] ?? ''; goto F4imx; PE0vf: if (@ftp_chmod($this->Hmipq(), $lv8Fc, $h4_Mr)) { goto z0qn0; } goto gyRGW; MdoiM: $lv8Fc = $this->SaEH8->NnKOi($E4C71); goto PE0vf; zIjUs: } private function RHNzD(string $kn4ye, string $RyKdq) : FileAttributes { goto q_eZY; nIXZa: if (!$this->ZhaK0) { goto l0Cpq; } goto tfrUK; axasQ: Y4V30: goto i5U_y; fn8Dx: if (!(empty($c_MDV) || count($c_MDV) < 3 || str_starts_with($c_MDV[1], "\146\164\x70\144\72"))) { goto Y4V30; } goto AZ_pD; ILE_I: $c_MDV = @ftp_raw($this->HMipq(), "\123\124\101\124\x20" . $h4_Mr); goto fn8Dx; i5U_y: $ANIZf = $this->Ju2Id($c_MDV[1], ''); goto m_C1B; uhsQK: LtppK: goto LEMpA; LEMpA: return $ANIZf; goto jTYqR; tfrUK: $h4_Mr = $this->rum5e($h4_Mr); goto wKmUw; m_C1B: if ($ANIZf instanceof PiE8C) { goto LtppK; } goto J511M; J511M: throw FDV31::create($kn4ye, $RyKdq, "\145\170\x70\145\x63\164\145\x64\40\146\151\x6c\145\54\x20" . ($ANIZf instanceof ZiBnc ? "\x64\151\x72\x65\x63\164\x6f\x72\171\x20\x66\x6f\165\156\x64" : "\x6e\157\x74\150\x69\x6e\147\40\146\157\165\156\144")); goto uhsQK; wKmUw: l0Cpq: goto ILE_I; AZ_pD: throw fDV31::create($kn4ye, $RyKdq, error_get_last()["\x6d\145\x73\x73\x61\147\145"] ?? ''); goto axasQ; q_eZY: $h4_Mr = $this->IxeZR()->eI9zJ($kn4ye); goto nIXZa; jTYqR: } public function YL1wx(string $kn4ye) : FileAttributes { goto tIwW5; EwDrk: return new pie8C($kn4ye, null, null, null, $JfExR); goto wZHjy; b2cY5: throw fdV31::YL1wx($kn4ye, "\125\156\x6b\156\x6f\x77\156\56"); goto hCzkG; hCzkG: AKp2W: goto EwDrk; C3FHQ: if (!($JfExR === null)) { goto AKp2W; } goto b2cY5; tIwW5: try { $JfExR = $this->xuuqZ ? $this->fvy1W->k0txg($kn4ye) : $this->fvy1W->s9H8F($kn4ye, $this->read($kn4ye)); } catch (Throwable $QwN8t) { throw fDv31::Yl1wX($kn4ye, $QwN8t->getMessage(), $QwN8t); } goto C3FHQ; wZHjy: } public function M9Tk_(string $kn4ye) : FileAttributes { goto LDSIA; CYkGD: if (!($J4UPi < 0)) { goto RK_TU; } goto pNCcq; LDSIA: $h4_Mr = $this->iXezR()->EI9zJ($kn4ye); goto mZDvp; NCMCD: $J4UPi = @ftp_mdtm($MEgxj, $h4_Mr); goto CYkGD; YBDe3: RK_TU: goto Wqe9N; mZDvp: $MEgxj = $this->HMIPq(); goto NCMCD; pNCcq: throw fDv31::M9tk_($kn4ye); goto YBDe3; Wqe9N: return new pIe8C($kn4ye, null, null, $J4UPi); goto C7Cfz; C7Cfz: } public function X6pSB(string $kn4ye) : FileAttributes { return $this->rHnZd($kn4ye, PIe8c::BWTVX); } public function fileSize(string $kn4ye) : FileAttributes { goto VkQB2; QgqPe: $MEgxj = $this->hmipq(); goto yDDjZ; VkQB2: $h4_Mr = $this->ixeZr()->EI9Zj($kn4ye); goto QgqPe; lmzwJ: cbj9Z: goto TYboq; TYboq: return new piE8c($kn4ye, $CZXOQ); goto Ay02j; CJT2T: throw fDV31::fileSize($kn4ye, error_get_last()["\x6d\x65\x73\x73\x61\x67\x65"] ?? ''); goto lmzwJ; qxqda: if (!($CZXOQ < 0)) { goto cbj9Z; } goto CJT2T; yDDjZ: $CZXOQ = @ftp_size($MEgxj, $h4_Mr); goto qxqda; Ay02j: } public function hFrF5(string $kn4ye, bool $qRcbW) : iterable { goto V0Lq8; dM5rz: $h4_Mr = $this->IxEZR()->EI9ZJ($kn4ye); goto AiNON; dwjqa: yield from $this->HizMB($kn4ye); goto ePr4e; AiNON: $S3vQ3 = $qRcbW ? "\55\141\154\156\122" : "\55\x61\x6c\x6e"; goto SEv2r; SEv2r: $utzX4 = $this->X5u_1($S3vQ3, $h4_Mr); goto BeAFD; XVKOp: goto ZdISG; goto mifKA; eBtkG: $kn4ye = $kn4ye === '' ? $kn4ye : trim($kn4ye, "\x2f") . "\57"; goto qgVZx; V0Lq8: $kn4ye = ltrim($kn4ye, "\57"); goto eBtkG; mifKA: BZxth: goto dwjqa; qgVZx: if ($qRcbW && $this->l5bqh->JtzZK()) { goto BZxth; } goto dM5rz; BeAFD: yield from $this->Dcy4E($utzX4, $kn4ye); goto XVKOp; ePr4e: ZdISG: goto kNrnn; kNrnn: } private function dCY4e(array $utzX4, string $Z66T8 = '') : Generator { goto V7iR7; V7iR7: $XjvLa = $Z66T8; goto oaCbK; oRznG: A2hjk: goto zzqdC; oaCbK: foreach ($utzX4 as $Vc2u8) { goto cJFCd; baQ_L: goto dhY53; goto nNOyu; MLdP8: $XjvLa = preg_replace("\176\x5e\x5c\56\57\52\x7c\72\44\176", '', $Vc2u8); goto mCzM1; XGP9r: if (!preg_match("\x23\x5e\56\x2a\x3a\44\x23", $Vc2u8)) { goto p03Yw; } goto MLdP8; oMw0F: dhY53: goto wn6hW; cJFCd: if (!($Vc2u8 === '' || preg_match("\43\56\52\x20\134\56\50\134\x2e\x29\77\44\174\x5e\164\157\164\141\x6c\x23", $Vc2u8))) { goto AIQY0; } goto baQ_L; nNOyu: AIQY0: goto XGP9r; vtnAv: p03Yw: goto DO1l2; mCzM1: goto dhY53; goto vtnAv; DO1l2: (yield $this->Ju2iD($Vc2u8, $XjvLa)); goto oMw0F; wn6hW: } goto oRznG; zzqdC: } private function jU2ID(string $Vc2u8, string $XjvLa) : StorageAttributes { goto VEFDt; VEFDt: $this->pWarG === null && ($this->pWarG = $this->p3V_g($Vc2u8)); goto u7B8j; u7B8j: if (!($this->pWarG === Bdgmg::Jln71)) { goto umLGK; } goto BBWaQ; FFOW0: return $this->GxcWE($Vc2u8, $XjvLa); goto jwBFW; v8flX: umLGK: goto FFOW0; BBWaQ: return $this->KpAD4($Vc2u8, $XjvLa); goto v8flX; jwBFW: } private function p3V_G(string $Vc2u8) : string { return preg_match("\57\x5e\133\x30\x2d\x39\x5d\x7b\x32\54\64\x7d\x2d\133\60\x2d\71\135\x7b\62\x7d\x2d\x5b\60\55\x39\x5d\173\62\175\x2f", $Vc2u8) ? bdGmg::Gcs0z : bdGMg::Jln71; } private function GXCWE(string $Vc2u8, string $XjvLa) : StorageAttributes { goto x1FE6; dS9h5: hx4ma: goto WRrpq; VmVsV: $kn4ye = $XjvLa === '' ? $VhyN7 : rtrim($XjvLa, "\57") . "\x2f" . $VhyN7; goto s17kG; vSFjl: throw new stfSb("\115\145\164\x61\x64\x61\x74\x61\x20\143\141\x6e\47\164\40\142\x65\40\160\x61\162\x73\145\144\40\x66\x72\157\155\40\x69\x74\145\x6d\x20\x27{$Vc2u8}\47\x20\x2c\x20\156\157\x74\40\145\156\157\x75\x67\150\x20\160\x61\x72\x74\163\56"); goto cgexf; z9Y20: $byCwN = explode("\x20", $Vc2u8, 4); goto iIgsm; A6tPH: return new ZibnC($kn4ye); goto dS9h5; s17kG: if (!($mM_oS === "\74\104\111\x52\x3e")) { goto hx4ma; } goto A6tPH; ZCygT: $xO0am = DateTime::createFromFormat($jbw7I, $edKhU . $d_cI9); goto KuAMe; KuAMe: $J4UPi = $xO0am ? $xO0am->getTimestamp() : (int) strtotime("{$edKhU}\x20{$d_cI9}"); goto Vm6KD; iIgsm: if (!(count($byCwN) !== 4)) { goto oYzBX; } goto vSFjl; WRrpq: $jbw7I = strlen($edKhU) === 8 ? "\x6d\x2d\x64\55\171\110\x3a\x69\x41" : "\x59\55\x6d\x2d\x64\x48\72\x69"; goto ZCygT; cgexf: oYzBX: goto ItRll; x1FE6: $Vc2u8 = preg_replace("\x23\134\x73\x2b\43", "\40", trim($Vc2u8), 3); goto z9Y20; ItRll: [$edKhU, $d_cI9, $mM_oS, $VhyN7] = $byCwN; goto VmVsV; Vm6KD: return new PIE8C($kn4ye, (int) $mM_oS, null, $J4UPi); goto nuiuR; nuiuR: } private function kPAD4(string $Vc2u8, string $XjvLa) : StorageAttributes { goto zzsAD; pLqSl: $J4UPi = $this->l5bqh->Bn0nz() ? $this->gJNfP($PhHCS, $B546D, $J2CtV) : null; goto Oy5ER; waJDi: rminN: goto S06kO; S06kO: [$wBlT8, , , , $mM_oS, $PhHCS, $B546D, $J2CtV, $VhyN7] = $byCwN; goto dYTrM; dYTrM: $cR8qa = $this->fhG31($wBlT8); goto NC0o2; PIDIw: return new piE8C($kn4ye, (int) $mM_oS, $E4C71, $J4UPi); goto xvYdk; Wkq2k: Vw0UE: goto nzKDt; Oy5ER: if (!$cR8qa) { goto Vw0UE; } goto Q2k0I; r5RYC: $byCwN = explode("\x20", $Vc2u8, 9); goto cygRA; cygRA: if (!(count($byCwN) !== 9)) { goto rminN; } goto NM4yN; AhWl_: $kn4ye = $XjvLa === '' ? $VhyN7 : rtrim($XjvLa, "\57") . "\57" . $VhyN7; goto pLqSl; NM4yN: throw new STFSb("\x4d\145\x74\141\144\141\164\x61\x20\143\141\x6e\47\x74\40\x62\x65\x20\160\x61\162\163\x65\x64\40\146\162\x6f\155\40\x69\x74\x65\155\x20\x27{$Vc2u8}\x27\x20\54\40\156\x6f\x74\40\x65\156\x6f\x75\147\x68\40\160\141\x72\164\163\x2e"); goto waJDi; zzsAD: $Vc2u8 = preg_replace("\x23\134\163\53\43", "\40", trim($Vc2u8), 7); goto r5RYC; NC0o2: $wBlT8 = $this->qsjn3($wBlT8); goto AhWl_; Q2k0I: return new ZibnC($kn4ye, $this->SaEH8->OAq2E($wBlT8), $J4UPi); goto Wkq2k; nzKDt: $E4C71 = $this->SaEH8->qT386($wBlT8); goto PIDIw; xvYdk: } private function FHg31(string $wBlT8) : bool { return str_starts_with($wBlT8, "\x64"); } private function gjNfP(string $PhHCS, string $B546D, string $J2CtV) : int { goto lRK9G; DDdom: [$n7H6C, $oIbnC] = explode("\72", $J2CtV); goto s9_lq; RS7Tn: $oIbnC = "\x30\x30"; goto jIFFE; u4kyX: $w0DnD = $J2CtV; goto KFJrt; PnU0r: $dBd2W = DateTime::createFromFormat("\x59\x2d\115\55\152\55\107\x3a\151\x3a\163", "{$w0DnD}\55{$PhHCS}\x2d{$B546D}\x2d{$n7H6C}\72{$oIbnC}\72\x30\60"); goto yiqvw; lRK9G: if (is_numeric($J2CtV)) { goto hm8hb; } goto FyKcQ; jIFFE: LFUTT: goto PnU0r; yiqvw: return $dBd2W->getTimestamp(); goto zM3Bc; FyKcQ: $w0DnD = date("\131"); goto DDdom; VVS9c: hm8hb: goto u4kyX; KFJrt: $n7H6C = "\60\60"; goto RS7Tn; s9_lq: goto LFUTT; goto VVS9c; zM3Bc: } private function qSjN3(string $wBlT8) : int { goto BXjTa; MS3v0: $vajCg = static function ($ldiWL) { return array_sum(str_split($ldiWL)); }; goto u4py7; QXHv7: $byCwN = str_split($wBlT8, 3); goto MS3v0; A5Duc: $SFfAr = ["\55" => "\60", "\162" => "\x34", "\x77" => "\62", "\x78" => "\x31"]; goto OvH7x; u4py7: return octdec(implode('', array_map($vajCg, $byCwN))); goto vwCv0; OvH7x: $wBlT8 = strtr($wBlT8, $SFfAr); goto QXHv7; BXjTa: $wBlT8 = substr($wBlT8, 1); goto A5Duc; vwCv0: } private function HiZMB(string $J5ZMg) : Generator { goto qtKmG; Bj13V: $utzX4 = $this->x5u_1("\x2d\x61\154\x6e", $h4_Mr); goto qtX3h; rTuX7: uMlJq: goto wNhal; qtX3h: $utzX4 = $this->dCY4E($utzX4, $J5ZMg); goto XQD4D; XQD4D: foreach ($utzX4 as $Vc2u8) { goto RKTFJ; RZkIu: foreach ($EGmpi as $YC1cC) { (yield $YC1cC); zmEPN: } goto HgYQT; RKTFJ: (yield $Vc2u8); goto DBIH0; HgYQT: RPexs: goto yf8qe; UDwPN: ID2jp: goto lOkf9; DBIH0: if ($Vc2u8->isDir()) { goto ID2jp; } goto KY_N5; KY_N5: goto ZGb4x; goto UDwPN; lOkf9: $EGmpi = $this->HiZmB($Vc2u8->OGyb3()); goto RZkIu; yf8qe: ZGb4x: goto UIUg0; UIUg0: } goto rTuX7; qtKmG: $h4_Mr = $this->IxeZr()->ei9Zj($J5ZMg); goto Bj13V; wNhal: } private function x5U_1(string $S3vQ3, string $kn4ye) : array { goto hMCmr; vscdH: qgAc0: goto IVR9h; yrI50: $S3vQ3 = ''; goto JbTWU; tEMfb: $kn4ye = str_replace("\x20", "\x5c\x20", $kn4ye); goto c8l6j; c8l6j: $kn4ye = $this->rUm5e($kn4ye); goto vscdH; hMCmr: $kn4ye = rtrim($kn4ye, "\57") . "\57"; goto aNhHe; QUbQ8: return ftp_rawlist($MEgxj, ($S3vQ3 ? $S3vQ3 . "\40" : '') . $kn4ye, stripos($S3vQ3, "\122") !== false) ?: []; goto kaZ6Y; fjyfb: if (!$this->XK1nn()) { goto qgAc0; } goto tEMfb; JbTWU: J1NYc: goto QUbQ8; IVR9h: if ($this->JF33j()) { goto J1NYc; } goto yrI50; aNhHe: $MEgxj = $this->HmIpq(); goto fjyfb; kaZ6Y: } public function uh_3A(string $ed_75, string $HpmoY, nrFWi $eW3DR) : void { goto ieyLc; Re1Bh: throw uzFxW::wb0DS(error_get_last()["\x6d\x65\163\163\x61\x67\145"] ?? "\x72\145\141\x73\x6f\x6e\40\x75\x6e\153\156\x6f\x77\156", $ed_75, $HpmoY); goto poc11; fTanW: $MEgxj = $this->HmIPQ(); goto xu7iX; xu7iX: if (@ftp_rename($MEgxj, $pJrU3, $CJJk4)) { goto AsVsX; } goto Re1Bh; IVCJ5: $pJrU3 = $this->IxeZR()->Ei9Zj($ed_75); goto sOOHA; ieyLc: try { $this->VOxIM($HpmoY, $eW3DR->get(nRfwi::OpDH7)); } catch (Throwable $QwN8t) { throw UZfXw::jOfIn($ed_75, $HpmoY, $QwN8t); } goto IVCJ5; sOOHA: $CJJk4 = $this->IxEZR()->EI9Zj($HpmoY); goto fTanW; poc11: AsVsX: goto YJvMu; YJvMu: } public function copy(string $ed_75, string $HpmoY, Nrfwi $eW3DR) : void { try { goto iULZw; buuwA: if (!($E4C71 === null && $eW3DR->get(NrFWi::mlCpt, true))) { goto qRJRR; } goto aojt8; M8Sru: $E4C71 = $eW3DR->get(nrFwI::UQSpK); goto buuwA; aojt8: $eW3DR = $eW3DR->pkl3e(NRfwI::UQSpK, $this->X6PSb($ed_75)->x6pSb()); goto LHBoe; iB3Ge: $this->uGL7y($HpmoY, $q4huo, $eW3DR); goto Qlsl4; LHBoe: qRJRR: goto iB3Ge; iULZw: $q4huo = $this->vvd1l($ed_75); goto M8Sru; Qlsl4: } catch (Throwable $QwN8t) { goto uX7Xh; ngh4d: ALeoA: goto ja17F; ja17F: throw I45Gb::jofIN($ed_75, $HpmoY, $QwN8t); goto ufPjH; uX7Xh: if (!(isset($q4huo) && is_resource($q4huo))) { goto ALeoA; } goto s2Bu1; s2Bu1: @fclose($q4huo); goto ngh4d; ufPjH: } } private function VoXIm(string $kn4ye, ?string $E4C71) : void { goto YSIlB; MerRa: TZ1qg: goto PJkPq; YSIlB: $yUYjH = dirname($kn4ye); goto JpB0N; YQkOv: return; goto MerRa; PJkPq: $this->h7M1T($yUYjH, $E4C71); goto lhiji; JpB0N: if (!($yUYjH === '' || $yUYjH === "\x2e")) { goto TZ1qg; } goto YQkOv; lhiji: } private function h7m1t(string $yUYjH, ?string $E4C71) : void { goto pm_iv; dcC1b: $lv8Fc = $E4C71 ? $this->SaEH8->jx9Te($E4C71) : false; goto QmBFA; DGR6_: $byCwN = explode("\x2f", trim($yUYjH, "\x2f")); goto dcC1b; CAGUM: $TeknX = ''; goto DGR6_; QmBFA: foreach ($byCwN as $ldiWL) { goto Rsann; qwmtv: throw iTRZM::Wi5bA($TeknX, "\x75\x6e\x61\142\154\145\40\x74\x6f\x20\x63\150\155\x6f\144\40\164\150\145\40\144\x69\162\x65\143\x74\157\162\x79\72\x20" . (error_get_last()["\155\145\163\163\x61\147\145"] ?? "\162\x65\141\163\x6f\x6e\40\165\x6e\153\x6e\x6f\x77\x6e")); goto zIP2h; PvYqt: error_clear_last(); goto Glo7O; myRUD: uVeo0: goto hcKPu; zwUuj: if (!($bZHQJ === false)) { goto cg0gE; } goto pCnIz; zIP2h: HcAQN: goto myRUD; p8sKC: cg0gE: goto ba2fh; FyihY: if (!@ftp_chdir($MEgxj, $h4_Mr)) { goto YLiGL; } goto AtvE8; ba2fh: if (!($lv8Fc !== false && @ftp_chmod($MEgxj, $lv8Fc, $h4_Mr) === false)) { goto HcAQN; } goto qwmtv; Glo7O: $bZHQJ = @ftp_mkdir($MEgxj, $h4_Mr); goto zwUuj; pCnIz: $tE2LQ = error_get_last()["\155\145\x73\x73\x61\x67\145"] ?? "\x75\x6e\141\142\154\145\x20\164\x6f\x20\x63\162\x65\x61\164\145\40\164\150\145\x20\144\x69\x72\145\x63\164\x6f\162\x79"; goto HkOv2; nVtQL: YLiGL: goto PvYqt; HkOv2: throw ItRZM::Wi5BA($TeknX, $tE2LQ); goto p8sKC; DwB4M: $h4_Mr = $this->iXezR()->ei9zJ($TeknX); goto FyihY; AtvE8: goto uVeo0; goto nVtQL; Rsann: $TeknX .= "\57" . $ldiWL; goto DwB4M; hcKPu: } goto TmGTu; pm_iv: $MEgxj = $this->HMiPQ(); goto CAGUM; TmGTu: wCJrz: goto LQ4_u; LQ4_u: } private function Rum5e(string $kn4ye) : string { return str_replace(["\52", "\133", "\x5d"], ["\134\x2a", "\134\x5b", "\x5c\x5d"], $kn4ye); } private function nCbD2() : bool { return $this->k7iEz instanceof \MFxfn\f2KAz || is_resource($this->k7iEz); } public function jHOAS(string $kn4ye) : bool { goto wLvYc; wLvYc: $h4_Mr = $this->IxeZr()->Ei9zJ($kn4ye); goto b1jVU; gMrhG: return @ftp_chdir($MEgxj, $h4_Mr) === true; goto SBYGm; b1jVU: $MEgxj = $this->HmIPq(); goto gMrhG; SBYGm: } private function DJN3F($MEgxj) : string { goto nnLvJ; nnLvJ: $PQBCl = $this->l5bqh->YJxa9(); goto t4XMG; YKq11: throw MHhEH::NrVcZ(error_get_last()["\155\x65\x73\163\x61\x67\145"] ?? ''); goto OfpjV; F6ino: K7vOe: goto YPyhq; HKzhu: $jn5Ok = @ftp_pwd($MEgxj); goto x4xdI; U3FyK: throw mHHEH::WJhZL($PQBCl, error_get_last()["\x6d\145\x73\x73\141\x67\x65"] ?? ''); goto F6ino; JtUll: if (!($PQBCl !== '' && @ftp_chdir($MEgxj, $PQBCl) !== true)) { goto K7vOe; } goto U3FyK; t4XMG: error_clear_last(); goto JtUll; x4xdI: if (is_string($jn5Ok)) { goto SX1zq; } goto YKq11; dskLh: return $jn5Ok; goto hm5FZ; OfpjV: SX1zq: goto dskLh; YPyhq: error_clear_last(); goto HKzhu; hm5FZ: } private function ixEZr() : PathPrefixer { goto Gzjpd; Gzjpd: if (!($this->SVENG === null)) { goto BvlRS; } goto UfSL1; fd9yL: BvlRS: goto VoGsY; UfSL1: $this->hMiPq(); goto fd9yL; VoGsY: return $this->yVowv; goto i9X4u; i9X4u: } }
Function Calls
None |
MD5 | 451ed2f67fed6fac4d3806c7bbf09148 |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 113 ms |