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<? /components/com_miniorange_saml/assets/images/paypal.png" alt="" width="140px;">\xd\xa </div>\xd\xa <div>\xd\xa Use the following PayPal ID <em><strong>[email protected]</strong></em> for making the payment via PayPal.<br><br>\xd
</div>\xd\xa </div>
\xa <div class="mo_boot_col-sm-4">\xd
<div class="plan-box">\xd\xa <div style="background-color:white; border-radius:10px; ">
\xa <img class="payment-images card-image" src="" alt="">
\xa <em style="font-size:30px;" class="fa fa-university" aria-hidden="true"><span style="font-size: 20px;font-weight:500;"> Bank Transfer</span></em>\xd
\xd\xa </div>\xd\xa <div> \xd\xa If you want to use bank transfer for the payment then contact us at <strong><em><span>[email protected]</span></em></strong> so that we can provide you the bank details.
\xa </div>\xd
\xa </div>
\xa </div>\xd
<div class="row">
\xa <p style="margin-top:20px;font-size:16px;text-align:center">
\xa <span style="font-weight:500;"> Note :</span> Once you have paid through PayPal/Net Banking, please inform us so that we can confirm and update your license.\xd
\xa </section>
\xa </div>\xd
<div style="border:2px solid blue;background:white;box-sizing:border-box; padding-top: 10px;margin-top:20px;" >
<details class='mo_details' style="margin: 22px;">\xd
<summary class='mo_summary'>LICENSING POLICY</summary>
\xa <div style="margin-left: 33px;"><br><br>\xd
<h3>* This is the price for 1 instance. Check our <a style="color:blue;" href="" target='_blank'>payment page</a> for full details.</h3>\xd
<br>\xd\xa <p><h3>** Multiple IdPs Supported</h3></p>
\xa <p>If you want users from different Identity Providers to SSO into your site then you can configure the plugin with multiple IDPs. Additional charges will be applicable based on the number of Identity Providers you wish to configure.</p>
\xa <h3>End to End Identity Provider Integration - </h3>\xd
<p>We will setup a Conference Call / Gotomeeting and do end to end configuration for your IDP as well as plugin. We provide services to do the configuration on your behalf. (Extra charges applicable at $60/hr) </p>
\xa <p>If you have any doubts regarding the licensing plans, you can email us at <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>.</p>
<h3>Return Policy -</h3>\xd
<p>If the licensed plugin you purchased is not working as advertised and you\342\x80\231ve attempted to resolve any feature issues with our support team , which couldn't get resolved,\xd
we will refund the whole amount. If the request for issue resolution is made within 10 days of the purchase, the issue will be resolved within the period stated by the team.
\xa <br><br><strong>Note that this policy does not cover the following cases:</strong>
<li>1. Change in mind or change in requirements after purchase.</li>
\xa <li>2. Infrastructure issues do not allow the functionality to work.</li>
<\ ?>
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Original Code
Function Calls
None |
MD5 | 479898e0858d86c9dea9ab2b5df35db4 |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 65 ms |