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PHP Decode
<?php declare(strict_types=1); /* * This file is part of PHP CS Fixer. * * (c) Fabien..
Decoded Output download
* This file is part of PHP CS Fixer.
* (c) Fabien Potencier <[email protected]>
* Dariusz Rumiski <[email protected]>
* This source file is subject to the MIT license that is bundled
* with this source code in the file LICENSE.
namespace PhpCsFixer\Tests\Fixer\Import;
use PhpCsFixer\Tests\Test\AbstractFixerTestCase;
use PhpCsFixer\WhitespacesFixerConfig;
* @author VeeWee <[email protected]>
* @internal
* @covers \PhpCsFixer\Fixer\Import\FullyQualifiedStrictTypesFixer
* @extends AbstractFixerTestCase<\PhpCsFixer\Fixer\Import\FullyQualifiedStrictTypesFixer>
* @phpstan-import-type _AutogeneratedInputConfiguration from \PhpCsFixer\Fixer\Import\FullyQualifiedStrictTypesFixer
final class FullyQualifiedStrictTypesFixerTest extends AbstractFixerTestCase
* @param _AutogeneratedInputConfiguration $config
* @dataProvider provideFixCases
public function testFix(
string $expected,
?string $input = null,
array $config = [],
?WhitespacesFixerConfig $whitespaceConfig = null
): void {
if (null !== $whitespaceConfig) {
$expected = str_replace("\n", $whitespaceConfig->getLineEnding(), $expected);
if (null !== $input) {
$input = str_replace("\n", $whitespaceConfig->getLineEnding(), $input);
$this->doTest($expected, $input);
* @return iterable<array{0: string, 1?: null|string, 2?: array<string, mixed>}>
public static function provideFixCases(): iterable
yield 'namespace === type name' => [
namespace Foo\Bar;
function test(\Foo\Bar $x) {}',
yield 'reserved type' => [
function test(int $x): void {}',
yield 'namespace cases' => [
namespace A\B\C\D
class Foo {}
namespace A\B\C\D\E
class Bar {}
namespace A\B\C\D
function A(Foo $fix, \X\B\C\D\E\Bar $doNotFix) {}
namespace A\B\C\D
class Foo {}
namespace A\B\C\D\E
class Bar {}
namespace A\B\C\D
function A(\A\B\C\D\Foo $fix, \X\B\C\D\E\Bar $doNotFix) {}
yield 'simple use' => [
'<?php use A\Exception; function foo(Exception $e) {}',
'<?php use A\Exception; function foo(\A\Exception $e) {}',
yield 'simple use with global' => [
'<?php use A\Exception; function foo(Exception $e, \Exception $e2) {}',
'<?php use A\Exception; function foo(\A\Exception $e, \Exception $e2) {}',
yield 'no backslash with global' => [
'<?php use A\Exception; function foo(Exception $e, Foo $e2) {}',
'<?php use A\Exception; function foo(A\Exception $e, \Foo $e2) {}',
yield 'leading backslash in global namespace' => [
'<?php use A\Exception; function foo(Exception $e, \Foo $e2) {}',
'<?php use A\Exception; function foo(A\Exception $e, Foo $e2) {}',
['leading_backslash_in_global_namespace' => true],
yield 'backslash must be kept when conflicts with other use with global' => [
'<?php use A\Exception; function foo(Exception $e, \Exception $e2) {}',
yield 'simple use as' => [
'<?php use A\Exception as C; function foo(C $e) {}',
'<?php use A\Exception as C; function foo(\A\Exception $e) {}',
yield 'simple use as casing' => [
'<?php use A\Exception as C; function foo(C $e) {}',
'<?php use A\Exception as C; function foo(\A\EXCEPTION $e) {}',
yield 'simple use 2' => [
'<?php use \A\Exception; function foo(Exception $e) {}',
'<?php use \A\Exception; function foo(\A\Exception $e) {}',
yield 'common prefix 1' => [
'<?php namespace Foo; function foo(\FooBar $v): \FooBar {}',
yield 'common prefix 2' => [
'<?php namespace Foo; function foo(\FooBar\Baz $v): \FooBar {}',
yield 'issue #7025 - non-empty namespace, import and FQCN in argument' => [
'<?php namespace foo\bar\baz;
use foo\baz\buzz;
class A {
public function b(buzz $buzz): void {
'<?php namespace foo\bar\baz;
use foo\baz\buzz;
class A {
public function b(\foo\baz\buzz $buzz): void {
yield 'interface multiple extends' => [
namespace Foo\Bar;
use D\E;
use IIII\G;
use Foo\Bar\C;
interface NakanoInterface extends IzumiInterface, A, E, \C, EZ
namespace Foo\Bar;
use D\E;
use IIII\G;
use Foo\Bar\C;
interface NakanoInterface extends \Foo\Bar\IzumiInterface, \Foo\Bar\A, \D\E, \C, EZ
yield 'interface in global namespace with global extend' => [
'<?php interface Foo1 extends \ArrayAccess2{}',
'<?php interface Foo1 extends ArrayAccess2{}',
['leading_backslash_in_global_namespace' => true],
yield 'interface in global namespace with multiple extend' => [
'<?php use B\Exception; interface Foo extends \ArrayAccess, \Exception, Exception {}',
'<?php use B\Exception; interface Foo extends \ArrayAccess, \Exception, \B\Exception {}',
['leading_backslash_in_global_namespace' => true],
yield 'class implements' => [
namespace Foo\Bar;
class SomeClass implements Izumi
namespace Foo\Bar;
class SomeClass implements \Foo\Bar\Izumi
yield 'anonymous class implements, shorten to namespace' => [
namespace Foo\Bar;
$a = new class implements Izumi {};',
namespace Foo\Bar;
$a = new class implements \Foo\Bar\Izumi {};',
yield 'anonymous class implements, shorten to imported name' => [
use Foo\Bar\Izumi;
$a = new class implements Izumi {};',
use Foo\Bar\Izumi;
$a = new class implements \Foo\Bar\Izumi {};',
yield 'class extends and implements' => [
namespace Foo\Bar;
class SomeClass extends A implements Izumi
namespace Foo\Bar;
class SomeClass extends \Foo\Bar\A implements \Foo\Bar\Izumi
yield 'class extends and implements multiple' => [
namespace Foo\Bar;
class SomeClass extends A implements Izumi, A, \A\B, C
namespace Foo\Bar;
class SomeClass extends \Foo\Bar\A implements \Foo\Bar\Izumi, A, \A\B, \Foo\Bar\C
yield 'single caught exception' => [
'<?php use A\B; echo 1; try{ foo(999); } catch (B $z) {}',
'<?php use A\B; echo 1; try{ foo(999); } catch (\A\B $z) {}',
yield 'single caught exception namespaced' => [
'<?php namespace B; try{ foo(999); } catch (A $z) {}',
'<?php namespace B; try{ foo(999); } catch (\B\A $z) {}',
yield 'multiple caught exceptions' => [
'<?php namespace D; use A\B; try{ foo(); } catch (B | \A\C | /* 1 */ \A\D $z) {}',
'<?php namespace D; use A\B; try{ foo(); } catch (\A\B | \A\C | /* 1 */ \A\D $z) {}',
yield 'catch in multiple namespaces' => [
namespace {
try{ foo(); } catch (\Exception $z) {}
try{ foo(); } catch (\Exception $z) {}
try{ foo(); } catch (\A\X $z) {}
try{ foo(); } catch (\A\X $z) {}
try{ foo(); } catch (\B\Z $z) {}
try{ foo(); } catch (\B\Z $z) {}
namespace A {
try{ foo(); } catch (\Exception $z) {}
try{ foo(); } catch (X $z) {}
try{ foo(); } catch (\B\Z $z) {}
namespace B {
try{ foo(); } catch (\Exception $z) {}
try{ foo(); } catch (\A\X $z) {}
try{ foo(); } catch (Z $z) {}
namespace {
try{ foo(); } catch (Exception $z) {}
try{ foo(); } catch (\Exception $z) {}
try{ foo(); } catch (A\X $z) {}
try{ foo(); } catch (\A\X $z) {}
try{ foo(); } catch (B\Z $z) {}
try{ foo(); } catch (\B\Z $z) {}
namespace A {
try{ foo(); } catch (\Exception $z) {}
try{ foo(); } catch (\A\X $z) {}
try{ foo(); } catch (\B\Z $z) {}
namespace B {
try{ foo(); } catch (\Exception $z) {}
try{ foo(); } catch (\A\X $z) {}
try{ foo(); } catch (\B\Z $z) {}
['leading_backslash_in_global_namespace' => true],
yield 'new class' => [
'<?php use A\B; new B();',
'<?php use A\B; new \A\B();',
yield 'new class namespaced' => [
'<?php namespace B; new A();',
'<?php namespace B; new \B\A();',
yield 'new class not imported' => [
'<?php new A\B(); new A\B();',
'<?php new \A\B(); new A\B();',
yield 'instanceof' => [
'<?php use A\B; $res = $v instanceof B;',
'<?php use A\B; $res = $v instanceof \A\B;',
yield 'instanceof namespaced' => [
'<?php namespace B; $res = ($v->obj()) instanceof A;',
'<?php namespace B; $res = ($v->obj()) instanceof \B\A;',
yield 'use trait simple' => [
'<?php use A\B; class Foo { use B; };',
'<?php use A\B; class Foo { use \A\B; };',
yield 'use trait complex' => [
'<?php use A\B; class Foo { use A\C; use D; use B { B::bar as baz; } };',
'<?php use A\B; class Foo { use \A\C; use \D; use \A\B { \A\B::bar as baz; } };',
yield 'typed property in class' => [
'<?php use A\B; class Cl { public B $p; var B $p2; }',
'<?php use A\B; class Cl { public \A\B $p; var \A\B $p2; }',
yield 'typed property in anonymous class' => [
'<?php use A\B; new class() { public B $p; };',
'<?php use A\B; new class() { public \A\B $p; };',
yield 'typed nullable property in class' => [
'<?php use A\B; class Cl { public ?B $p = null, $r; }',
'<?php use A\B; class Cl { public ?\A\B $p = null, $r; }',
yield 'starts with but not full name extends' => [
'<?php namespace a\abcd;
class Foo extends \a\abcdTest { }',
yield 'starts with but not full name function arg' => [
namespace Z\B\C\D
function A(\Z\B\C\DE\Foo $fix) {}
yield 'static class reference' => [
use ZXY\A;
echo A::class;
echo A::B();
echo A::class;
echo $a[A::class];
echo A::class?>
use ZXY\A;
echo \ZXY\A::class;
echo \ZXY\A::B();
echo \ZXY\A::class;
echo $a[\ZXY\A::class];
echo \ZXY\A::class?>
yield [
namespace Foo\Test;
$this->assertSame($names, \Foo\TestMyThing::zxy(1,2));
yield [
use ZXY\A;
use D;
echo parent::CONST_VALUE;
echo self::$abc;
echo Z::F;
echo X\Z::F;
yield 'import new symbols from all supported places' => [
namespace Foo\Test;
use Other\BaseClass;
use Other\CaughtThrowable;
use Other\FunctionArgument;
use Other\FunctionReturnType;
use Other\InstanceOfClass;
use Other\Interface1;
use Other\Interface2;
use Other\NewClass;
use Other\PropertyPhpDoc;
use Other\StaticFunctionCall;
class Foo extends BaseClass implements Interface1, Interface2
/** @var PropertyPhpDoc */
private $array;
public function __construct(FunctionArgument $arg) {}
public function foo(): FunctionReturnType
try {
} catch (CaughtThrowable $e) {}
new NewClass();
if ($a instanceof InstanceOfClass) { return false; }
namespace Foo\Test;
class Foo extends \Other\BaseClass implements \Other\Interface1, \Other\Interface2
/** @var \Other\PropertyPhpDoc */
private $array;
public function __construct(\Other\FunctionArgument $arg) {}
public function foo(): \Other\FunctionReturnType
try {
} catch (\Other\CaughtThrowable $e) {}
new \Other\NewClass();
if ($a instanceof \Other\InstanceOfClass) { return false; }
['import_symbols' => true],
yield 'import new symbols under already existing imports' => [
namespace Foo\Test;
use Other\A;
use Other\B;
use Other\C;
use Other\D;
use Other\E;
function foo(A $a, B $b) {}
function bar(C $c, D $d): E {}
namespace Foo\Test;
use Other\A;
use Other\B;
function foo(A $a, B $b) {}
function bar(\Other\C $c, \Other\D $d): \Other\E {}
['import_symbols' => true],
yield 'import new symbols within multiple namespaces' => [
namespace Foo\Bar {
use Other\A;
use Other\B;
function foo(A $a, B $b) {}
namespace Foo\Baz {
use Other\A;
use Other\C;
function foo(A $a, C $c) {}
namespace Foo\Bar {
use Other\A;
function foo(A $a, \Other\B $b) {}
namespace Foo\Baz {
use Other\A;
function foo(A $a, \Other\C $c) {}
['import_symbols' => true],
yield 'import new symbols with no existing imports nor namespace /wo declare' => [
use Ns\A;
// comment
function foo(A $v) {}
// comment
function foo(\Ns\A $v) {}
['import_symbols' => true],
yield 'import new symbols with no existing imports nor namespace /w declare' => [
// comment
use Ns\A;
function foo(A $v) {}
// comment
function foo(\Ns\A $v) {}
['import_symbols' => true],
yield 'import new symbols with custom whitespace config' => [
namespace Foo\Bar;
use Other\A;
use Other\B;
function foo(A $a, B $b) {}
namespace Foo\Bar;
use Other\A;
function foo(A $a, \Other\B $b) {}
['import_symbols' => true],
new WhitespacesFixerConfig("\t", "\r\n"),
yield 'ignore importing if there is name conflict' => [
'<?php namespace Foo\Test; use Other\A; function foo(A $a, \YetAnother\A $b) {}',
['import_symbols' => true],
yield 'ignore importing if symbol is not a FQN' => [
'<?php namespace Foo\Test; use Foo\Test\Sub\Symbol1; function foo(Symbol1 $a, Sub\Symbol2 $b) {}',
['import_symbols' => true],
yield 'ignore global FQNs (there is GlobalNamespaceImportFixer for that)' => [
'<?php namespace Foo\Test; function foo(\Symbol $a, \OtherSymbol $b) {}',
['import_symbols' => true],
yield '@link shall not crash fixer' => [
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\Valid;
* {@link Valid} is assumed.
* @return void
function validate(): void {}
* {@link \Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\Valid} is assumed.
* @return void
function validate(): void {}
['import_symbols' => true, 'phpdoc_tags' => ['link']],
yield 'import short name only once (ignore consequent same-name, different-namespace symbols)' => [
namespace Test;
use A\A;
class Foo extends A implements \B\A, \C\A
/** @var \D\A */
private $array;
public function __construct(\E\A $arg) {}
public function foo(): \F\A
try {
} catch (\H\A $e) {}
namespace Test;
class Foo extends \A\A implements \B\A, \C\A
/** @var \D\A */
private $array;
public function __construct(\E\A $arg) {}
public function foo(): \F\A
try {
} catch (\H\A $e) {}
['import_symbols' => true],
yield 'do not import if already implicitly used by class declaration' => [
namespace Ns;
class City
public \Ns2\City $city;
['import_symbols' => true],
yield 'do not import if already implicitly used by interface declaration' => [
namespace Ns;
interface City
public function f(\Ns2\City $city);
['import_symbols' => true],
yield 'do not import if already implicitly used by trait declaration' => [
namespace Ns;
trait City
public \Ns2\City $city;
['import_symbols' => true],
yield 'do not import if already implicitly used by short name usage in class instantiation' => [
namespace Ns;
new \Ns2\MyCl();
new MyCl();
['import_symbols' => true],
yield 'do not import if already implicitly used by short name usage in attribute' => [
namespace Ns;
new \Ns2\MyCl();
class Cl {}
['import_symbols' => true],
yield 'do not import if already implicitly used by short name usage in phpdoc' => [
namespace Ns;
new \Ns2\MyCl();
/** @var MyCl */;
['import_symbols' => true],
yield 'do not import if already implicitly used by relative name first part' => [
namespace Ns;
new \Ns2\MyCl();
new MyCl\Sub();
['import_symbols' => true],
yield 'do not import if already implicitly used by relative name first part (with more backslashes than other FQCN)' => [
namespace Ns;
new \Ns2\MyCl();
new MyCl\A\B\C();
['import_symbols' => true],
yield 'prevent import if implicitly used by generics template' => [
namespace Ns;
use Foo\T;
class Cl
* @return T
public function before()
return new T();
* @template T of \Exception
* @param \Closure(\Foo\T): T $fx
* @return T
public function makeException(\Closure $fx)
$arg = new \Foo\T();
return $fx($arg);
* @return T
public function after()
return new T();
* @return T
public function anony()
$anony = new
* @template T of \Exception
class(new RuntimeException()) {
/** @var T */
public \Exception $e;
* @param T $e
public function __construct(\Exception $e)
$this->e = $e;
public function before(): void
new \Foo\T();
* @return T
public function returnT()
new \Foo\T();
return $this->e;
public function after(): void
new \Foo\T();
return new T();
namespace Ns;
class Cl
* @return \Foo\T
public function before()
return new \Foo\T();
* @template T of \Exception
* @param \Closure(\Foo\T): T $fx
* @return T
public function makeException(\Closure $fx)
$arg = new \Foo\T();
return $fx($arg);
* @return \Foo\T
public function after()
return new \Foo\T();
* @return \Foo\T
public function anony()
$anony = new
* @template T of \Exception
class(new RuntimeException()) {
/** @var T */
public \Exception $e;
* @param T $e
public function __construct(\Exception $e)
$this->e = $e;
public function before(): void
new \Foo\T();
* @return T
public function returnT()
new \Foo\T();
return $this->e;
public function after(): void
new \Foo\T();
return new \Foo\T();
['import_symbols' => true],
yield 'prevent import if implicitly used by local type' => [
namespace Ns;
use Ns2\Bar;
use Ns2\Foo;
* @phpstan-type Foo array{int, int}
* @phpstan-import-type Bar from OtherCl
class Cl
* @param \Ns2\Foo $v
* @return Foo
public function foo($v)
return [1, 2];
* @param \Ns2\Bar $v
* @return Bar
public function bar($v)
return null;
class Cl2
* @param Foo $v
public function foo($v): void {}
* @param Bar $v
public function bar($v): void {}
namespace Ns;
* @phpstan-type Foo array{int, int}
* @phpstan-import-type Bar from OtherCl
class Cl
* @param \Ns2\Foo $v
* @return Foo
public function foo($v)
return [1, 2];
* @param \Ns2\Bar $v
* @return Bar
public function bar($v)
return null;
class Cl2
* @param \Ns2\Foo $v
public function foo($v): void {}
* @param \Ns2\Bar $v
public function bar($v): void {}
['import_symbols' => true],
yield 'prevent import if implicitly used by generics template - psalm/phpstan prefix' => [
/** @psalm-template T1 */
/** @phpstan-template T2 */
class Foo {
/** @var T1 */
public $v1;
/** @var T2 */
public $v2;
/** @var \T3 */
public $v3;
/** @psalm-template T1 */
/** @phpstan-template T2 */
class Foo {
/** @var T1 */
public $v1;
/** @var T2 */
public $v2;
/** @var T3 */
public $v3;
['leading_backslash_in_global_namespace' => true],
yield 'prevent import if implicitly used by generics template - covariant/contravariant suffix' => [
/** @template-covariant T1 */
/** @psalm-template-contravariant T2 */
class Foo {
/** @var T1 */
public $v1;
/** @var T2 */
public $v2;
['leading_backslash_in_global_namespace' => true],
yield 'import with relative and absolute symbols - global' => [
use Foo\Bar;
new Exception();
new Exception();
new Bar();
new \Exception();
new Exception();
new Foo\Bar();
['import_symbols' => true],
yield 'import with relative and absolute symbols - global and leading backslash' => [
use Foo\Bar;
new \Exception();
new \Exception();
new Bar();
new \Exception();
new Exception();
new Foo\Bar();
['import_symbols' => true, 'leading_backslash_in_global_namespace' => true],
yield 'import with relative and absolute symbols - namespaced' => [
namespace Ns;
use Ns2\Foo4;
use Ns\Foo3\Sub3;
use Ns\Foo\Sub2;
new Foo();
new Foo\Sub();
new Foo();
new Foo2();
new Sub2();
new Sub3();
new \Ns2\Foo();
new Foo4();
namespace Ns;
new Foo();
new Foo\Sub();
new \Ns\Foo();
new \Ns\Foo2();
new \Ns\Foo\Sub2();
new \Ns\Foo3\Sub3();
new \Ns2\Foo();
new \Ns2\Foo4();
['import_symbols' => true],
yield 'shorten relative reference to already imported, direct short name' => [
namespace Foo\Bar\Baz;
use Foo\Bar;
use Foo\Bar\A\B;
final class Buzz extends Bar implements B {}
final class Fuzz extends Bar implements B {}
namespace Foo\Bar\Baz;
use Foo\Bar;
use Foo\Bar\A\B;
final class Buzz extends Bar implements Bar\A\B {}
final class Fuzz extends Bar implements B {}
yield 'fix to longest imported name' => [
use A\B;
use A\X as Y;
use S as R;
use S\T;
new B();
new B\C();
new Y();
new Y\Z();
new T();
use A\B;
use A\X as Y;
use S as R;
use S\T;
new \A\B();
new \A\B\C();
new \A\X();
new \A\X\Z();
new R\T();
yield 'shortening - namespace with shorter import' => [
namespace U\V\W;
use U\V;
new \U();
new V();
new V\W();
new X();
new X\Y();
new X\Y\Z();
yield 'shortening - namespace with same import' => [
namespace U\V\W;
use U\V\W;
new \U();
new \U\V();
new W();
new X();
new X\Y();
new X\Y\Z();
yield 'shortening - namespace with useless import' => [
namespace U\V\W;
use U\V\W\X;
new \U();
new \U\V();
new \U\V\W();
new X();
new X\Y();
new X\Y\Z();
yield 'shortening - namespace with longer import' => [
namespace U\V\W;
use U\V\W\X\Y;
new \U();
new \U\V();
new \U\V\W();
new X();
new Y();
new Y\Z();
new Y\Z\e();
new Y\Z\e\f();
yield 'do not fix class named the same as imported function' => [
namespace Foo;
use Bar\Request;
use function Baz\request;
class Test
public function request(Request $request = null)
$request = $request ?? Request::create('/docs.json');
$request = new Request();
yield 'do not fix property named the same as class' => [
namespace Foo;
use Bar\Service;
class Baz {
public function getValue()
return $this->service::getValueFromService();
yield 'import even if partly importable using namespace' => [
namespace Ns;
use Ns\A\B;
use Ns\A\B\C;
new A();
new B();
new C();
namespace Ns;
new \Ns\A();
new \Ns\A\B();
new \Ns\A\B\C();
['import_symbols' => true],
yield 'do not import relative symbols if not configured so - namespaced' => [
namespace Ns;
new A();
new A\B();
new A\B\C();
['import_symbols' => true],
yield 'do not import relative symbols if not configured so - global with use' => [
use A;
use B\B2\C2;
new A();
new A\B();
new A\B\C();
new C2();
use A;
new A();
new A\B();
new A\B\C();
new B\B2\C2();
['import_symbols' => true],
yield 'do not import partly on import conflict (until conflicts are fully handled and consistent with namespaced/non-namespaced files) - global with use' => [
use A;
new A();
new X\Y\A();
['import_symbols' => true],
// TODO: Ensure shortening for imported functions and constants
yield 'Shorten symbol from comma-separated multi-use statement' => [
namespace Foo;
use Bar\Service1, Bar\Service2;
use function Bar\func1, Bar\func2;
use const Bar\CONST1, Bar\CONST2;
\Bar\func1(new Service1(\Bar\CONST1));
\Bar\func2(new Service2(\Bar\CONST2));
namespace Foo;
use Bar\Service1, Bar\Service2;
use function Bar\func1, Bar\func2;
use const Bar\CONST1, Bar\CONST2;
\Bar\func1(new \Bar\Service1(\Bar\CONST1));
\Bar\func2(new \Bar\Service2(\Bar\CONST2));
// TODO: Ensure shortening for imported functions and constants
yield 'Shorten symbol from multi-line, comma-separated multi-use statement, with some noise here and there' => [
namespace Foo;
use Bar\Service1, /* MAKE SOME NOOOOOISE! */
/* MAKE SOME NOOOOOISE! */ Bar\Service2;
use function Bar\func1, // MAKE SOME NOOOOOISE!
/** MAKE SOME NOOOOOISE! */ Bar\func2;
use const /* MAKE SOME NOOOOOISE! */ Bar\CONST1,
\Bar\func1(new Service1(\Bar\CONST1));
\Bar\func2(new Service2(\Bar\CONST2));
namespace Foo;
use Bar\Service1, /* MAKE SOME NOOOOOISE! */
/* MAKE SOME NOOOOOISE! */ Bar\Service2;
use function Bar\func1, // MAKE SOME NOOOOOISE!
/** MAKE SOME NOOOOOISE! */ Bar\func2;
use const /* MAKE SOME NOOOOOISE! */ Bar\CONST1,
\Bar\func1(new \Bar\Service1(\Bar\CONST1));
\Bar\func2(new \Bar\Service2(\Bar\CONST2));
// TODO: Ensure shortening for imported functions and constants
yield 'Shorten symbol from grouped multi-use statement' => [
namespace Foo;
use Bar\{Service1, Service2};
use function Bar\{func1, func2};
use const Bar\{CONST1, CONST2};
\Bar\func1(new Service1(\Bar\CONST1));
\Bar\func2(new Service2(\Bar\CONST2));
namespace Foo;
use Bar\{Service1, Service2};
use function Bar\{func1, func2};
use const Bar\{CONST1, CONST2};
\Bar\func1(new \Bar\Service1(\Bar\CONST1));
\Bar\func2(new \Bar\Service2(\Bar\CONST2));
// TODO: Ensure shortening for imported functions and constants
yield 'Shorten symbol from multi-line grouped multi-use statement with some noise here and there' => [
namespace Foo;
use Bar\{
/* MAKE SOME NOOOOOISE! */ Service1,
use function Bar\{
use const Bar\{
\Bar\func1(new Service1(\Bar\CONST1));
\Bar\func2(new Service2(\Bar\CONST2));
namespace Foo;
use Bar\{
/* MAKE SOME NOOOOOISE! */ Service1,
use function Bar\{
use const Bar\{
\Bar\func1(new \Bar\Service1(\Bar\CONST1));
\Bar\func2(new \Bar\Service2(\Bar\CONST2));
yield 'do not crash on large PHPDoc' => [<<<'PHP'
class Foo
* @return array{k0: int, k1: int, k2: int, k3: int, k4: int, k5: int, k6: int, k7: int, k8: int, k9: int, k10: int, k11: int, with-dash: int}
function bar() {}
yield 'Import common strict types' => [
use Foo\Bar;
use Foo\Bar\Baz;
class SomeClass
public function doSomething(Bar $foo): Baz
use Foo\Bar;
use Foo\Bar\Baz;
class SomeClass
public function doSomething(\Foo\Bar $foo): \Foo\Bar\Baz
yield 'Test namespace fixes' => [
namespace Foo\Bar;
use Foo\Bar\Baz;
class SomeClass
public function doSomething(SomeClass $foo, Buz $buz, Zoof\Buz $bar6): Baz
namespace Foo\Bar;
use Foo\Bar\Baz;
class SomeClass
public function doSomething(\Foo\Bar\SomeClass $foo, \Foo\Bar\Buz $buz, \Foo\Bar\Zoof\Buz $bar6): \Foo\Bar\Baz
yield 'Partial class name looks like FQCN' => [
namespace One;
use Two\Three;
class Two
* Note that for this example, the following classes exist:
* - One\Two
* - One\Two\Three
* - Two\Three\Four
public function three(Three\Four $four): Two\Three
yield 'Test multi namespace fixes' => [
namespace Foo\Other {
namespace Foo\Bar {
use Foo\Bar\Baz;
class SomeClass
public function doSomething(SomeClass $foo, Buz $buz, Zoof\Buz $bar5): Baz
namespace Foo\Other {
namespace Foo\Bar {
use Foo\Bar\Baz;
class SomeClass
public function doSomething(\Foo\Bar\SomeClass $foo, \Foo\Bar\Buz $buz, \Foo\Bar\Zoof\Buz $bar5): Baz
yield 'Test fixes in interface' => [
namespace Foo\Bar;
use Foo\Bar\Baz;
interface SomeClass
public function doSomething(SomeClass $foo, Buz $buz, Zoof\Buz $bar4): Baz;
namespace Foo\Bar;
use Foo\Bar\Baz;
interface SomeClass
public function doSomething(\Foo\Bar\SomeClass $foo, \Foo\Bar\Buz $buz, \Foo\Bar\Zoof\Buz $bar4): \Foo\Bar\Baz;
yield 'Test fixes in trait' => [
namespace Foo\Bar;
use Foo\Bar\Baz;
trait SomeClass
public function doSomething(SomeClass $foo, Buz $buz, Zoof\Buz $bar3): Baz
namespace Foo\Bar;
use Foo\Bar\Baz;
trait SomeClass
public function doSomething(\Foo\Bar\SomeClass $foo, \Foo\Bar\Buz $buz, \Foo\Bar\Zoof\Buz $bar3): \Foo\Bar\Baz
yield 'Test fixes in regular functions' => [
namespace Foo\Bar;
use Foo\Bar\Baz;
function doSomething(SomeClass $foo, Buz $buz, Zoof\Buz $bar2): Baz
namespace Foo\Bar;
use Foo\Bar\Baz;
function doSomething(\Foo\Bar\SomeClass $foo, \Foo\Bar\Buz $buz, \Foo\Bar\Zoof\Buz $bar2): \Foo\Bar\Baz
yield 'Import common strict types with reserved' => [
use Foo\Bar;
use Foo\Bar\Baz;
class SomeClass
public function doSomething(Bar $foo, array $bar): Baz
use Foo\Bar;
use Foo\Bar\Baz;
class SomeClass
public function doSomething(\Foo\Bar $foo, array $bar): \Foo\Bar\Baz
yield 'import from namespace and global' => [
use App\DateTime;
class TestBar
public function bar(\DateTime $dateTime)
yield 'Import common strict types without return type' => [
use Foo\Bar;
class SomeClass
public function doSomething(Bar $foo)
use Foo\Bar;
class SomeClass
public function doSomething(\Foo\Bar $foo)
yield 'Test namespace fixes without return type' => [
namespace Foo\Bar;
class SomeClass
public function doSomething(SomeClass $foo, Buz $buz, Zoof\Buz $bar1)
namespace Foo\Bar;
class SomeClass
public function doSomething(\Foo\Bar\SomeClass $foo, \Foo\Bar\Buz $buz, \Foo\Bar\Zoof\Buz $bar1)
yield 'Partial class name looks like FQCN without return type' => [
namespace One;
use Two\Three;
class Two
* Note that for this example, the following classes exist:
* - One\Two
* - One\Two\Three
* - Two\Three
public function three(Two\Three $three, Three $other)
yield 'Test multi namespace fixes without return type' => [
namespace Foo\Other {
namespace Foo\Bar {
class SomeClass
public function doSomething(SomeClass $foo, Buz $buz, Zoof\Buz $barbuz)
namespace Foo\Other {
namespace Foo\Bar {
class SomeClass
public function doSomething(\Foo\Bar\SomeClass $foo, \Foo\Bar\Buz $buz, \Foo\Bar\Zoof\Buz $barbuz)
yield 'Test fixes in interface without return type' => [
namespace Foo\Bar;
use Foo\Bar\Baz;
interface SomeClass
public function doSomething(SomeClass $foo, Buz $buz, Zoof\Buz $barbuz);
namespace Foo\Bar;
use Foo\Bar\Baz;
interface SomeClass
public function doSomething(\Foo\Bar\SomeClass $foo, \Foo\Bar\Buz $buz, \Foo\Bar\Zoof\Buz $barbuz);
yield 'Test fixes in trait without return type' => [
namespace Foo\Bar;
use Foo\Bar\Baz;
trait SomeClass
public function doSomething(SomeClass $foo, Buz $buz, Zoof\Buz $barbuz)
namespace Foo\Bar;
use Foo\Bar\Baz;
trait SomeClass
public function doSomething(\Foo\Bar\SomeClass $foo, \Foo\Bar\Buz $buz, \Foo\Bar\Zoof\Buz $barbuz)
yield 'Test fixes in regular functions without return type' => [
namespace Foo\Bar;
use Foo\Bar\Baz;
function doSomething(SomeClass $foo, Buz $buz, Zoof\Buz $barbuz)
namespace Foo\Bar;
use Foo\Bar\Baz;
function doSomething(\Foo\Bar\SomeClass $foo, \Foo\Bar\Buz $buz, \Foo\Bar\Zoof\Buz $barbuz)
yield 'Test partial namespace and use imports' => [
namespace Ping\Pong;
use Foo\Bar;
use Ping;
use Ping\Pong\Pang;
use Ping\Pong\Pyng\Pung;
class SomeClass
public function doSomething(
Ping\Something $something,
Ping\Pong\Pung\Pang $other,
Ping\Pong\Pung $other1,
Pang\Pung $other2,
Pung\Pong $other3,
Bar\Baz\Buz $other4
namespace Ping\Pong;
use Foo\Bar;
use Ping;
use Ping\Pong\Pang;
use Ping\Pong\Pyng\Pung;
class SomeClass
public function doSomething(
\Ping\Something $something,
\Ping\Pong\Pung\Pang $other,
\Ping\Pong\Pung $other1,
\Ping\Pong\Pang\Pung $other2,
\Ping\Pong\Pyng\Pung\Pong $other3,
\Foo\Bar\Baz\Buz $other4
yield 'Test reference' => [
function withReference(Exception &$e) {}',
function withReference(\Exception &$e) {}',
yield 'Test reference with use' => [
use A\exception;
function withReference(\Exception &$e) {}',
yield 'Test reference with use different casing' => [
namespace {
function withReference(\Exception &$e) {}
yield 'Test FQCN is not removed when class with the same name, but different namespace, is imported' => [
'<?php namespace Foo;
use Bar\TheClass;
class Test
public function __construct(
\Foo\TheClass $x
) {}
yield 'Test namespace fixes with nullable types' => [
namespace Foo\Bar;
use Foo\Bar\Baz;
class SomeClass
public function doSomething(SomeClass $foo, Buz $buz, ?Zoof\Buz $barbuz): ?Baz
namespace Foo\Bar;
use Foo\Bar\Baz;
class SomeClass
public function doSomething(\Foo\Bar\SomeClass $foo, \Foo\Bar\Buz $buz, ?\Foo\Bar\Zoof\Buz $barbuz): ?\Foo\Bar\Baz
yield 'Partial class name looks like FQCN with return type with nullable' => [
namespace One;
use Two\Three;
class Two
* Note that for this example, the following classes exist:
* - One\Two
* - One\Two\Three
* - Two\Three\Four
public function three(Three\Four $four): ?Two\Three
yield 'Test class PHPDoc fixes' => [
namespace Foo\Bar;
use Foo\Bar\Baz;
use Foo\Bar\Bam;
* @see Baz
* @see Bam
class SomeClass
* @var Baz
public $baz;
/** @var Bam */
public $bam;
namespace Foo\Bar;
use Foo\Bar\Baz;
use Foo\Bar\Bam;
* @see \Foo\Bar\Baz
* @see \Foo\Bar\Bam
class SomeClass
* @var \Foo\Bar\Baz
public $baz;
/** @var \Foo\Bar\Bam */
public $bam;
yield 'Test PHPDoc nullable fixes' => [
namespace Foo\Bar;
use Foo\Bar\Baz;
use Foo\Bar\Bam;
* @see Baz|null
* @see Bam|null
class SomeClass {}',
namespace Foo\Bar;
use Foo\Bar\Baz;
use Foo\Bar\Bam;
* @see \Foo\Bar\Baz|null
* @see \Foo\Bar\Bam|null
class SomeClass {}',
yield 'Test PHPDoc union' => [
namespace Ns;
* @param \Exception|\Exception2|int|null $v
function foo($v) {}',
yield 'Test PHPDoc union with imports' => [
namespace Ns;
use Other\Foo;
use Other\Foo;
* @param \Exception|\Exception2|int|Foo|Foo|null $v
function foo($v) {}',
namespace Ns;
* @param \Exception|\Exception2|int|\Other\Foo|\Other\Foo|null $v
function foo($v) {}',
['import_symbols' => true],
yield 'Test PHPDoc string must be kept as is' => [
namespace Ns;
use Other\Foo;
* @param Foo|\'\Other\Bar|\Other\Bar2|\Other\Bar3\'|\Other\Foo2 $v
function foo($v) {}',
namespace Ns;
* @param \Other\Foo|\'\Other\Bar|\Other\Bar2|\Other\Bar3\'|\Other\Foo2 $v
function foo($v) {}',
['import_symbols' => true],
yield 'Test PHPDoc in interface' => [
namespace Foo\Bar;
use Foo\Bar\Baz;
interface SomeClass
* @param SomeClass $foo
* @param Buz $buz
* @param Zoof\Buz $barbuz
* @return Baz
public function doSomething(SomeClass $foo, Buz $buz, Zoof\Buz $barbuz): Baz;
namespace Foo\Bar;
use Foo\Bar\Baz;
interface SomeClass
* @param \Foo\Bar\SomeClass $foo
* @param \Foo\Bar\Buz $buz
* @param \Foo\Bar\Zoof\Buz $barbuz
* @return \Foo\Bar\Baz
public function doSomething(\Foo\Bar\SomeClass $foo, \Foo\Bar\Buz $buz, \Foo\Bar\Zoof\Buz $barbuz): \Foo\Bar\Baz;
yield 'Test PHPDoc in interface with no imports' => [
namespace Foo\Bar;
interface SomeClass
* @param SomeClass $foo
* @param Buz $buz
* @param Zoof\Buz $barbuz
* @return Baz
public function doSomething(SomeClass $foo, Buz $buz, Zoof\Buz $barbuz): Baz;
namespace Foo\Bar;
interface SomeClass
* @param \Foo\Bar\SomeClass $foo
* @param \Foo\Bar\Buz $buz
* @param \Foo\Bar\Zoof\Buz $barbuz
* @return \Foo\Bar\Baz
public function doSomething(\Foo\Bar\SomeClass $foo, \Foo\Bar\Buz $buz, \Foo\Bar\Zoof\Buz $barbuz): \Foo\Bar\Baz;
yield 'Test not imported PHPDoc fixes' => [
namespace Foo\Bar;
* @see Baz
* @see Bam
final class SomeClass {}',
namespace Foo\Bar;
* @see \Foo\Bar\Baz
* @see \Foo\Bar\Bam
final class SomeClass {}',
yield 'PHPDoc with generics must not crash' => [
* @param \Iterator<mixed, \SplFileInfo> $iter
function foo($iter) {}',
yield 'Test multiple PHPDoc blocks' => [
namespace Foo\Bar;
use Foo\Bar\Buz;
use Foo\Bar\Baz;
use Foo\Bar\SomeClass;
* @see Baz
* @see Bam
* @property SomeClass $foo
* @property-read Buz $buz
* @property-write Baz $baz
* @phpstan-property SomeClass $foo
* @phpstan-property-read Buz $buz
* @phpstan-property-write Baz $baz
* @psalm-property SomeClass $foo
* @psalm-property-read Buz $buz
* @psalm-property-write Baz $baz
interface SomeClass
* @param SomeClass $foo
* @phpstan-param Buz $buz
* @psalm-return Baz
public function doSomething(SomeClass $foo, Buz $buz): Baz;
namespace Foo\Bar;
use Foo\Bar\Buz;
use Foo\Bar\Baz;
use Foo\Bar\SomeClass;
* @see \Foo\Bar\Baz
* @see \Foo\Bar\Bam
* @property \Foo\Bar\SomeClass $foo
* @property-read \Foo\Bar\Buz $buz
* @property-write \Foo\Bar\Baz $baz
* @phpstan-property \Foo\Bar\SomeClass $foo
* @phpstan-property-read \Foo\Bar\Buz $buz
* @phpstan-property-write \Foo\Bar\Baz $baz
* @psalm-property \Foo\Bar\SomeClass $foo
* @psalm-property-read \Foo\Bar\Buz $buz
* @psalm-property-write \Foo\Bar\Baz $baz
interface SomeClass
* @param \Foo\Bar\SomeClass $foo
* @phpstan-param \Foo\Bar\Buz $buz
* @psalm-return \Foo\Bar\Baz
public function doSomething(\Foo\Bar\SomeClass $foo, \Foo\Bar\Buz $buz): \Foo\Bar\Baz;
yield 'Skip @covers in tests (they require FQCN)' => [
namespace Tests\Foo\Bar;
use Foo\Bar\SomeClass;
* @covers \Foo\Bar\SomeClass
class SomeClassTest {}',
yield 'Imports with aliases' => [
namespace Foo\Bar;
use Foo\Bar\Baz as Buzz;
use Foo\Bar\Bam as Boom;
* @see Buzz
* @see Boom
class SomeClass
* @var Buzz
public $baz;
/** @var Boom */
public $bam;
* @param Buzz $baz
* @param Boom $bam
public function __construct($baz, $bam) {
$this->baz = $baz;
$this->bam = $bam;
* @return Buzz
public function getBaz() {
return $this->baz;
* @return Boom
public function getBam() {
return $this->bam;
namespace Foo\Bar;
use Foo\Bar\Baz as Buzz;
use Foo\Bar\Bam as Boom;
* @see \Foo\Bar\Baz
* @see \Foo\Bar\Bam
class SomeClass
* @var \Foo\Bar\Baz
public $baz;
/** @var \Foo\Bar\Bam */
public $bam;
* @param \Foo\Bar\Baz $baz
* @param \Foo\Bar\Bam $bam
public function __construct($baz, $bam) {
$this->baz = $baz;
$this->bam = $bam;
* @return \Foo\Bar\Baz
public function getBaz() {
return $this->baz;
* @return \Foo\Bar\Bam
public function getBam() {
return $this->bam;
yield 'Leading backslash in global namespace - standard phpdoc' => [
* @param \DateTimeInterface $dateTime
* @param callable(): (\Closure(): void) $fx
* @return \DateTimeInterface
* @see \DateTimeImmutable
* @throws \Exception
function foo($dateTime, $fx) {}',
* @param DateTimeInterface $dateTime
* @param callable(): (\Closure(): void) $fx
* @return DateTimeInterface
* @see DateTimeImmutable
* @throws Exception
function foo($dateTime, $fx) {}',
['leading_backslash_in_global_namespace' => true],
yield 'Leading backslash in global namespace - reserved phpdoc' => [
* @param int $v
* @phpstan-param positive-int $v
* @param \'GET\'|\'POST\' $method
* @param \Closure $fx
* @psalm-param Closure(): (callable(): Closure) $fx
* @return list<int>
function foo($v, $method, $fx) {}',
* @param int $v
* @phpstan-param positive-int $v
* @param \'GET\'|\'POST\' $method
* @param Closure $fx
* @psalm-param Closure(): (callable(): Closure) $fx
* @return list<int>
function foo($v, $method, $fx) {}',
['leading_backslash_in_global_namespace' => true],
yield 'Do not touch PHPDoc if configured with empty collection' => [
namespace Foo\Bar;
use Foo\Bar\Buz;
use Foo\Bar\Baz;
use Foo\Bar\SomeClass;
* @see \Foo\Bar\Baz
* @see \Foo\Bar\Bam
* @property \Foo\Bar\SomeClass $foo
* @property-read \Foo\Bar\Buz $buz
* @property-write \Foo\Bar\Baz $baz
interface SomeClass
* @param \Foo\Bar\SomeClass $foo
* @phpstan-param \Foo\Bar\Buz $buz
* @psalm-return \Foo\Bar\Baz
public function doSomething($foo, $buz);
['phpdoc_tags' => []],
yield 'Process only specified PHPDoc annotation' => [
namespace Foo\Bar;
use Foo\Baz\Buzz;
* @see \Foo\Baz\Buzz
* @property \Foo\Baz\Buzz $buzz1
* @property-read Buzz $buzz2
interface SomeClass
* @param \Foo\Baz\Buzz $a
* @phpstan-param Buzz $b
* @psalm-return \Foo\Baz\Buzz
public function doSomething($a, $b): void;
namespace Foo\Bar;
use Foo\Baz\Buzz;
* @see \Foo\Baz\Buzz
* @property \Foo\Baz\Buzz $buzz1
* @property-read \Foo\Baz\Buzz $buzz2
interface SomeClass
* @param \Foo\Baz\Buzz $a
* @phpstan-param \Foo\Baz\Buzz $b
* @psalm-return \Foo\Baz\Buzz
public function doSomething($a, $b): void;
['phpdoc_tags' => ['property-read', 'phpstan-param']],
yield 'ignore @see with URL' => [
* @see
define(\'FOO_BAR\', true);',
yield 'Respect whitespace between phpDoc annotation and value' => [
namespace Foo\Test;
use Foo\Bar;
* @param Bar $a
* @see Bar
function foo($a) {}',
namespace Foo\Test;
use Foo\Bar;
* @param \Foo\Bar $a
* @see \Foo\Bar
function foo($a) {}',
yield 'with shebang' => [
#!/usr/bin/env php
use Bar\Baz;
$foo = new Baz();
#!/usr/bin/env php
$foo = new Bar\Baz();
['import_symbols' => true],
* @param _AutogeneratedInputConfiguration $config
* @requires PHP 8.0
* @dataProvider provideFix80Cases
public function testFix80(string $expected, ?string $input = null, array $config = []): void
$this->doTest($expected, $input);
* @return iterable<array{0: string, 1?: null|string}>
public static function provideFix80Cases(): iterable
yield [
'<?php function foo(int|float $x) {}',
yield [
'<?php function foo(int|A $x) {}',
yield [
'<?php function foo(A|B|C $x) {}',
'<?php function foo(\A|\B|\C $x) {}',
yield [
'<?php function foo(): A|B|C {}',
'<?php function foo(): \A|\B|\C {}',
yield 'aaa' => [
'<?php function foo(): A | B | C {}',
'<?php function foo(): \A | \B | \C {}',
yield [
'<?php function f(): Foo|Bar|A\B\C {}',
'<?php function f(): Foo|\Bar|\A\B\C {}',
yield 'caught exception without var' => [
'<?php use A\B; try{ foo(0); } catch (B) {}',
'<?php use A\B; try{ foo(0); } catch (\A\B) {}',
yield 'typed promoted property in class' => [
'<?php use A\B; class Cl { public function __construct(private B $p2) {} }',
'<?php use A\B; class Cl { public function __construct(private \A\B $p2) {} }',
yield 'import new symbols from attributes' => [
namespace Foo\Test;
use Other\ClassAttr;
use Other\ClassAttr2;
use Other\MethodAttr;
use Other\MethodAttr2;
use Other\PromotedAttr;
use Other\PromotedAttr2;
use Other\PropertyAttr;
use Other\PropertyAttr2;
#[ClassAttr, ClassAttr2]
class Foo
#[PropertyAttr, PropertyAttr2]
public int $prop;
public function __construct(
#[PromotedAttr, PromotedAttr2]
public int $arg
) {}
#[MethodAttr, MethodAttr2]
public function foo(): void {}
namespace Foo\Test;
#[\Other\ClassAttr, \Other\ClassAttr2]
class Foo
#[\Other\PropertyAttr, \Other\PropertyAttr2]
public int $prop;
public function __construct(
#[\Other\PromotedAttr, \Other\PromotedAttr2]
public int $arg
) {}
#[\Other\MethodAttr, \Other\MethodAttr2]
public function foo(): void {}
['import_symbols' => true],
yield 'do not fix property named the same as class' => [
namespace Foo;
use Bar\Baz;
echo $x?->baz::CONSTANT_1;
* @param _AutogeneratedInputConfiguration $config
* @requires PHP 8.1
* @dataProvider provideFix81Cases
public function testFix81(string $expected, ?string $input = null, array $config = []): void
$this->doTest($expected, $input);
* @return iterable<array{0: string, 1?: null|string, 2?: array<string, mixed>}>
public static function provideFix81Cases(): iterable
yield [
'<?php function f(): Foo&Bar & A\B\C {}',
'<?php function f(): Foo&\Bar & \A\B\C {}',
yield 'union/intersect param in global namespace without use' => [
function foo(\X|\Y $a, \X&\Y $b) {}
function bar(\X|\Y $a, \X&\Y $b) {}',
function foo(\X|\Y $a, \X&\Y $b) {}
function bar(X|Y $a, X&Y $b) {}',
['leading_backslash_in_global_namespace' => true],
yield [
use Foo\Bar;
use Foo\Bar\Baz;
class SomeClass
public function doSomething(Bar $foo): Bar\Ba3{}
public function doSomethingMore(Bar|B $foo): Baz{}
public function doSomethingElse(Bar&A\Z $foo): Baz{}
use Foo\Bar;
use Foo\Bar\Baz;
class SomeClass
public function doSomething(\Foo\Bar $foo): \Foo\Bar\Ba3{}
public function doSomethingMore(\Foo\Bar|B $foo): \Foo\Bar\Baz{}
public function doSomethingElse(\Foo\Bar&\A\Z $foo): \Foo\Bar\Baz{}
yield 'do not import if already implicitly used by enum declaration' => [
namespace Ns;
enum City
public function f(\Ns2\City $city) {}
['import_symbols' => true],
* @param _AutogeneratedInputConfiguration $config
* @requires PHP 8.2
* @dataProvider provideFix82Cases
public function testFix82(string $expected, ?string $input = null, array $config = []): void
$this->doTest($expected, $input);
* @return iterable<array{0: string, 1?: null|string, 2?: array<string, mixed>}>
public static function provideFix82Cases(): iterable
yield 'simple param in global namespace without use' => [
function foo(\X $x, \Y $y, int $z) {}
function bar(\X $x, \Y $y, true $z) {}',
function foo(\X $x, \Y $y, int $z) {}
function bar(X $x, Y $y, true $z) {}',
['leading_backslash_in_global_namespace' => true],
yield 'simple return in global namespace without use' => [
function foo(): \X {}
function bar(): \Y {}
function x(): never {}',
function foo(): \X {}
function bar(): Y {}
function x(): never {}',
['leading_backslash_in_global_namespace' => true],
yield [
'<?php function foo((A&B)|(x&y&Ze)|int|null $x) {}',
'<?php function foo((\A&\B)|(\x&\y&\Ze)|int|null $x) {}',
Did this file decode correctly?
Original Code
* This file is part of PHP CS Fixer.
* (c) Fabien Potencier <[email protected]>
* Dariusz Rumiski <[email protected]>
* This source file is subject to the MIT license that is bundled
* with this source code in the file LICENSE.
namespace PhpCsFixer\Tests\Fixer\Import;
use PhpCsFixer\Tests\Test\AbstractFixerTestCase;
use PhpCsFixer\WhitespacesFixerConfig;
* @author VeeWee <[email protected]>
* @internal
* @covers \PhpCsFixer\Fixer\Import\FullyQualifiedStrictTypesFixer
* @extends AbstractFixerTestCase<\PhpCsFixer\Fixer\Import\FullyQualifiedStrictTypesFixer>
* @phpstan-import-type _AutogeneratedInputConfiguration from \PhpCsFixer\Fixer\Import\FullyQualifiedStrictTypesFixer
final class FullyQualifiedStrictTypesFixerTest extends AbstractFixerTestCase
* @param _AutogeneratedInputConfiguration $config
* @dataProvider provideFixCases
public function testFix(
string $expected,
?string $input = null,
array $config = [],
?WhitespacesFixerConfig $whitespaceConfig = null
): void {
if (null !== $whitespaceConfig) {
$expected = str_replace("\n", $whitespaceConfig->getLineEnding(), $expected);
if (null !== $input) {
$input = str_replace("\n", $whitespaceConfig->getLineEnding(), $input);
$this->doTest($expected, $input);
* @return iterable<array{0: string, 1?: null|string, 2?: array<string, mixed>}>
public static function provideFixCases(): iterable
yield 'namespace === type name' => [
namespace Foo\Bar;
function test(\Foo\Bar $x) {}',
yield 'reserved type' => [
function test(int $x): void {}',
yield 'namespace cases' => [
namespace A\B\C\D
class Foo {}
namespace A\B\C\D\E
class Bar {}
namespace A\B\C\D
function A(Foo $fix, \X\B\C\D\E\Bar $doNotFix) {}
namespace A\B\C\D
class Foo {}
namespace A\B\C\D\E
class Bar {}
namespace A\B\C\D
function A(\A\B\C\D\Foo $fix, \X\B\C\D\E\Bar $doNotFix) {}
yield 'simple use' => [
'<?php use A\Exception; function foo(Exception $e) {}',
'<?php use A\Exception; function foo(\A\Exception $e) {}',
yield 'simple use with global' => [
'<?php use A\Exception; function foo(Exception $e, \Exception $e2) {}',
'<?php use A\Exception; function foo(\A\Exception $e, \Exception $e2) {}',
yield 'no backslash with global' => [
'<?php use A\Exception; function foo(Exception $e, Foo $e2) {}',
'<?php use A\Exception; function foo(A\Exception $e, \Foo $e2) {}',
yield 'leading backslash in global namespace' => [
'<?php use A\Exception; function foo(Exception $e, \Foo $e2) {}',
'<?php use A\Exception; function foo(A\Exception $e, Foo $e2) {}',
['leading_backslash_in_global_namespace' => true],
yield 'backslash must be kept when conflicts with other use with global' => [
'<?php use A\Exception; function foo(Exception $e, \Exception $e2) {}',
yield 'simple use as' => [
'<?php use A\Exception as C; function foo(C $e) {}',
'<?php use A\Exception as C; function foo(\A\Exception $e) {}',
yield 'simple use as casing' => [
'<?php use A\Exception as C; function foo(C $e) {}',
'<?php use A\Exception as C; function foo(\A\EXCEPTION $e) {}',
yield 'simple use 2' => [
'<?php use \A\Exception; function foo(Exception $e) {}',
'<?php use \A\Exception; function foo(\A\Exception $e) {}',
yield 'common prefix 1' => [
'<?php namespace Foo; function foo(\FooBar $v): \FooBar {}',
yield 'common prefix 2' => [
'<?php namespace Foo; function foo(\FooBar\Baz $v): \FooBar {}',
yield 'issue #7025 - non-empty namespace, import and FQCN in argument' => [
'<?php namespace foo\bar\baz;
use foo\baz\buzz;
class A {
public function b(buzz $buzz): void {
'<?php namespace foo\bar\baz;
use foo\baz\buzz;
class A {
public function b(\foo\baz\buzz $buzz): void {
yield 'interface multiple extends' => [
namespace Foo\Bar;
use D\E;
use IIII\G;
use Foo\Bar\C;
interface NakanoInterface extends IzumiInterface, A, E, \C, EZ
namespace Foo\Bar;
use D\E;
use IIII\G;
use Foo\Bar\C;
interface NakanoInterface extends \Foo\Bar\IzumiInterface, \Foo\Bar\A, \D\E, \C, EZ
yield 'interface in global namespace with global extend' => [
'<?php interface Foo1 extends \ArrayAccess2{}',
'<?php interface Foo1 extends ArrayAccess2{}',
['leading_backslash_in_global_namespace' => true],
yield 'interface in global namespace with multiple extend' => [
'<?php use B\Exception; interface Foo extends \ArrayAccess, \Exception, Exception {}',
'<?php use B\Exception; interface Foo extends \ArrayAccess, \Exception, \B\Exception {}',
['leading_backslash_in_global_namespace' => true],
yield 'class implements' => [
namespace Foo\Bar;
class SomeClass implements Izumi
namespace Foo\Bar;
class SomeClass implements \Foo\Bar\Izumi
yield 'anonymous class implements, shorten to namespace' => [
namespace Foo\Bar;
$a = new class implements Izumi {};',
namespace Foo\Bar;
$a = new class implements \Foo\Bar\Izumi {};',
yield 'anonymous class implements, shorten to imported name' => [
use Foo\Bar\Izumi;
$a = new class implements Izumi {};',
use Foo\Bar\Izumi;
$a = new class implements \Foo\Bar\Izumi {};',
yield 'class extends and implements' => [
namespace Foo\Bar;
class SomeClass extends A implements Izumi
namespace Foo\Bar;
class SomeClass extends \Foo\Bar\A implements \Foo\Bar\Izumi
yield 'class extends and implements multiple' => [
namespace Foo\Bar;
class SomeClass extends A implements Izumi, A, \A\B, C
namespace Foo\Bar;
class SomeClass extends \Foo\Bar\A implements \Foo\Bar\Izumi, A, \A\B, \Foo\Bar\C
yield 'single caught exception' => [
'<?php use A\B; echo 1; try{ foo(999); } catch (B $z) {}',
'<?php use A\B; echo 1; try{ foo(999); } catch (\A\B $z) {}',
yield 'single caught exception namespaced' => [
'<?php namespace B; try{ foo(999); } catch (A $z) {}',
'<?php namespace B; try{ foo(999); } catch (\B\A $z) {}',
yield 'multiple caught exceptions' => [
'<?php namespace D; use A\B; try{ foo(); } catch (B | \A\C | /* 1 */ \A\D $z) {}',
'<?php namespace D; use A\B; try{ foo(); } catch (\A\B | \A\C | /* 1 */ \A\D $z) {}',
yield 'catch in multiple namespaces' => [
namespace {
try{ foo(); } catch (\Exception $z) {}
try{ foo(); } catch (\Exception $z) {}
try{ foo(); } catch (\A\X $z) {}
try{ foo(); } catch (\A\X $z) {}
try{ foo(); } catch (\B\Z $z) {}
try{ foo(); } catch (\B\Z $z) {}
namespace A {
try{ foo(); } catch (\Exception $z) {}
try{ foo(); } catch (X $z) {}
try{ foo(); } catch (\B\Z $z) {}
namespace B {
try{ foo(); } catch (\Exception $z) {}
try{ foo(); } catch (\A\X $z) {}
try{ foo(); } catch (Z $z) {}
namespace {
try{ foo(); } catch (Exception $z) {}
try{ foo(); } catch (\Exception $z) {}
try{ foo(); } catch (A\X $z) {}
try{ foo(); } catch (\A\X $z) {}
try{ foo(); } catch (B\Z $z) {}
try{ foo(); } catch (\B\Z $z) {}
namespace A {
try{ foo(); } catch (\Exception $z) {}
try{ foo(); } catch (\A\X $z) {}
try{ foo(); } catch (\B\Z $z) {}
namespace B {
try{ foo(); } catch (\Exception $z) {}
try{ foo(); } catch (\A\X $z) {}
try{ foo(); } catch (\B\Z $z) {}
['leading_backslash_in_global_namespace' => true],
yield 'new class' => [
'<?php use A\B; new B();',
'<?php use A\B; new \A\B();',
yield 'new class namespaced' => [
'<?php namespace B; new A();',
'<?php namespace B; new \B\A();',
yield 'new class not imported' => [
'<?php new A\B(); new A\B();',
'<?php new \A\B(); new A\B();',
yield 'instanceof' => [
'<?php use A\B; $res = $v instanceof B;',
'<?php use A\B; $res = $v instanceof \A\B;',
yield 'instanceof namespaced' => [
'<?php namespace B; $res = ($v->obj()) instanceof A;',
'<?php namespace B; $res = ($v->obj()) instanceof \B\A;',
yield 'use trait simple' => [
'<?php use A\B; class Foo { use B; };',
'<?php use A\B; class Foo { use \A\B; };',
yield 'use trait complex' => [
'<?php use A\B; class Foo { use A\C; use D; use B { B::bar as baz; } };',
'<?php use A\B; class Foo { use \A\C; use \D; use \A\B { \A\B::bar as baz; } };',
yield 'typed property in class' => [
'<?php use A\B; class Cl { public B $p; var B $p2; }',
'<?php use A\B; class Cl { public \A\B $p; var \A\B $p2; }',
yield 'typed property in anonymous class' => [
'<?php use A\B; new class() { public B $p; };',
'<?php use A\B; new class() { public \A\B $p; };',
yield 'typed nullable property in class' => [
'<?php use A\B; class Cl { public ?B $p = null, $r; }',
'<?php use A\B; class Cl { public ?\A\B $p = null, $r; }',
yield 'starts with but not full name extends' => [
'<?php namespace a\abcd;
class Foo extends \a\abcdTest { }',
yield 'starts with but not full name function arg' => [
namespace Z\B\C\D
function A(\Z\B\C\DE\Foo $fix) {}
yield 'static class reference' => [
use ZXY\A;
echo A::class;
echo A::B();
echo A::class;
echo $a[A::class];
echo A::class?>
use ZXY\A;
echo \ZXY\A::class;
echo \ZXY\A::B();
echo \ZXY\A::class;
echo $a[\ZXY\A::class];
echo \ZXY\A::class?>
yield [
namespace Foo\Test;
$this->assertSame($names, \Foo\TestMyThing::zxy(1,2));
yield [
use ZXY\A;
use D;
echo parent::CONST_VALUE;
echo self::$abc;
echo Z::F;
echo X\Z::F;
yield 'import new symbols from all supported places' => [
namespace Foo\Test;
use Other\BaseClass;
use Other\CaughtThrowable;
use Other\FunctionArgument;
use Other\FunctionReturnType;
use Other\InstanceOfClass;
use Other\Interface1;
use Other\Interface2;
use Other\NewClass;
use Other\PropertyPhpDoc;
use Other\StaticFunctionCall;
class Foo extends BaseClass implements Interface1, Interface2
/** @var PropertyPhpDoc */
private $array;
public function __construct(FunctionArgument $arg) {}
public function foo(): FunctionReturnType
try {
} catch (CaughtThrowable $e) {}
new NewClass();
if ($a instanceof InstanceOfClass) { return false; }
namespace Foo\Test;
class Foo extends \Other\BaseClass implements \Other\Interface1, \Other\Interface2
/** @var \Other\PropertyPhpDoc */
private $array;
public function __construct(\Other\FunctionArgument $arg) {}
public function foo(): \Other\FunctionReturnType
try {
} catch (\Other\CaughtThrowable $e) {}
new \Other\NewClass();
if ($a instanceof \Other\InstanceOfClass) { return false; }
['import_symbols' => true],
yield 'import new symbols under already existing imports' => [
namespace Foo\Test;
use Other\A;
use Other\B;
use Other\C;
use Other\D;
use Other\E;
function foo(A $a, B $b) {}
function bar(C $c, D $d): E {}
namespace Foo\Test;
use Other\A;
use Other\B;
function foo(A $a, B $b) {}
function bar(\Other\C $c, \Other\D $d): \Other\E {}
['import_symbols' => true],
yield 'import new symbols within multiple namespaces' => [
namespace Foo\Bar {
use Other\A;
use Other\B;
function foo(A $a, B $b) {}
namespace Foo\Baz {
use Other\A;
use Other\C;
function foo(A $a, C $c) {}
namespace Foo\Bar {
use Other\A;
function foo(A $a, \Other\B $b) {}
namespace Foo\Baz {
use Other\A;
function foo(A $a, \Other\C $c) {}
['import_symbols' => true],
yield 'import new symbols with no existing imports nor namespace /wo declare' => [
use Ns\A;
// comment
function foo(A $v) {}
// comment
function foo(\Ns\A $v) {}
['import_symbols' => true],
yield 'import new symbols with no existing imports nor namespace /w declare' => [
// comment
use Ns\A;
function foo(A $v) {}
// comment
function foo(\Ns\A $v) {}
['import_symbols' => true],
yield 'import new symbols with custom whitespace config' => [
namespace Foo\Bar;
use Other\A;
use Other\B;
function foo(A $a, B $b) {}
namespace Foo\Bar;
use Other\A;
function foo(A $a, \Other\B $b) {}
['import_symbols' => true],
new WhitespacesFixerConfig("\t", "\r\n"),
yield 'ignore importing if there is name conflict' => [
'<?php namespace Foo\Test; use Other\A; function foo(A $a, \YetAnother\A $b) {}',
['import_symbols' => true],
yield 'ignore importing if symbol is not a FQN' => [
'<?php namespace Foo\Test; use Foo\Test\Sub\Symbol1; function foo(Symbol1 $a, Sub\Symbol2 $b) {}',
['import_symbols' => true],
yield 'ignore global FQNs (there is GlobalNamespaceImportFixer for that)' => [
'<?php namespace Foo\Test; function foo(\Symbol $a, \OtherSymbol $b) {}',
['import_symbols' => true],
yield '@link shall not crash fixer' => [
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\Valid;
* {@link Valid} is assumed.
* @return void
function validate(): void {}
* {@link \Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\Valid} is assumed.
* @return void
function validate(): void {}
['import_symbols' => true, 'phpdoc_tags' => ['link']],
yield 'import short name only once (ignore consequent same-name, different-namespace symbols)' => [
namespace Test;
use A\A;
class Foo extends A implements \B\A, \C\A
/** @var \D\A */
private $array;
public function __construct(\E\A $arg) {}
public function foo(): \F\A
try {
} catch (\H\A $e) {}
namespace Test;
class Foo extends \A\A implements \B\A, \C\A
/** @var \D\A */
private $array;
public function __construct(\E\A $arg) {}
public function foo(): \F\A
try {
} catch (\H\A $e) {}
['import_symbols' => true],
yield 'do not import if already implicitly used by class declaration' => [
namespace Ns;
class City
public \Ns2\City $city;
['import_symbols' => true],
yield 'do not import if already implicitly used by interface declaration' => [
namespace Ns;
interface City
public function f(\Ns2\City $city);
['import_symbols' => true],
yield 'do not import if already implicitly used by trait declaration' => [
namespace Ns;
trait City
public \Ns2\City $city;
['import_symbols' => true],
yield 'do not import if already implicitly used by short name usage in class instantiation' => [
namespace Ns;
new \Ns2\MyCl();
new MyCl();
['import_symbols' => true],
yield 'do not import if already implicitly used by short name usage in attribute' => [
namespace Ns;
new \Ns2\MyCl();
class Cl {}
['import_symbols' => true],
yield 'do not import if already implicitly used by short name usage in phpdoc' => [
namespace Ns;
new \Ns2\MyCl();
/** @var MyCl */;
['import_symbols' => true],
yield 'do not import if already implicitly used by relative name first part' => [
namespace Ns;
new \Ns2\MyCl();
new MyCl\Sub();
['import_symbols' => true],
yield 'do not import if already implicitly used by relative name first part (with more backslashes than other FQCN)' => [
namespace Ns;
new \Ns2\MyCl();
new MyCl\A\B\C();
['import_symbols' => true],
yield 'prevent import if implicitly used by generics template' => [
namespace Ns;
use Foo\T;
class Cl
* @return T
public function before()
return new T();
* @template T of \Exception
* @param \Closure(\Foo\T): T $fx
* @return T
public function makeException(\Closure $fx)
$arg = new \Foo\T();
return $fx($arg);
* @return T
public function after()
return new T();
* @return T
public function anony()
$anony = new
* @template T of \Exception
class(new RuntimeException()) {
/** @var T */
public \Exception $e;
* @param T $e
public function __construct(\Exception $e)
$this->e = $e;
public function before(): void
new \Foo\T();
* @return T
public function returnT()
new \Foo\T();
return $this->e;
public function after(): void
new \Foo\T();
return new T();
namespace Ns;
class Cl
* @return \Foo\T
public function before()
return new \Foo\T();
* @template T of \Exception
* @param \Closure(\Foo\T): T $fx
* @return T
public function makeException(\Closure $fx)
$arg = new \Foo\T();
return $fx($arg);
* @return \Foo\T
public function after()
return new \Foo\T();
* @return \Foo\T
public function anony()
$anony = new
* @template T of \Exception
class(new RuntimeException()) {
/** @var T */
public \Exception $e;
* @param T $e
public function __construct(\Exception $e)
$this->e = $e;
public function before(): void
new \Foo\T();
* @return T
public function returnT()
new \Foo\T();
return $this->e;
public function after(): void
new \Foo\T();
return new \Foo\T();
['import_symbols' => true],
yield 'prevent import if implicitly used by local type' => [
namespace Ns;
use Ns2\Bar;
use Ns2\Foo;
* @phpstan-type Foo array{int, int}
* @phpstan-import-type Bar from OtherCl
class Cl
* @param \Ns2\Foo $v
* @return Foo
public function foo($v)
return [1, 2];
* @param \Ns2\Bar $v
* @return Bar
public function bar($v)
return null;
class Cl2
* @param Foo $v
public function foo($v): void {}
* @param Bar $v
public function bar($v): void {}
namespace Ns;
* @phpstan-type Foo array{int, int}
* @phpstan-import-type Bar from OtherCl
class Cl
* @param \Ns2\Foo $v
* @return Foo
public function foo($v)
return [1, 2];
* @param \Ns2\Bar $v
* @return Bar
public function bar($v)
return null;
class Cl2
* @param \Ns2\Foo $v
public function foo($v): void {}
* @param \Ns2\Bar $v
public function bar($v): void {}
['import_symbols' => true],
yield 'prevent import if implicitly used by generics template - psalm/phpstan prefix' => [
/** @psalm-template T1 */
/** @phpstan-template T2 */
class Foo {
/** @var T1 */
public $v1;
/** @var T2 */
public $v2;
/** @var \T3 */
public $v3;
/** @psalm-template T1 */
/** @phpstan-template T2 */
class Foo {
/** @var T1 */
public $v1;
/** @var T2 */
public $v2;
/** @var T3 */
public $v3;
['leading_backslash_in_global_namespace' => true],
yield 'prevent import if implicitly used by generics template - covariant/contravariant suffix' => [
/** @template-covariant T1 */
/** @psalm-template-contravariant T2 */
class Foo {
/** @var T1 */
public $v1;
/** @var T2 */
public $v2;
['leading_backslash_in_global_namespace' => true],
yield 'import with relative and absolute symbols - global' => [
use Foo\Bar;
new Exception();
new Exception();
new Bar();
new \Exception();
new Exception();
new Foo\Bar();
['import_symbols' => true],
yield 'import with relative and absolute symbols - global and leading backslash' => [
use Foo\Bar;
new \Exception();
new \Exception();
new Bar();
new \Exception();
new Exception();
new Foo\Bar();
['import_symbols' => true, 'leading_backslash_in_global_namespace' => true],
yield 'import with relative and absolute symbols - namespaced' => [
namespace Ns;
use Ns2\Foo4;
use Ns\Foo3\Sub3;
use Ns\Foo\Sub2;
new Foo();
new Foo\Sub();
new Foo();
new Foo2();
new Sub2();
new Sub3();
new \Ns2\Foo();
new Foo4();
namespace Ns;
new Foo();
new Foo\Sub();
new \Ns\Foo();
new \Ns\Foo2();
new \Ns\Foo\Sub2();
new \Ns\Foo3\Sub3();
new \Ns2\Foo();
new \Ns2\Foo4();
['import_symbols' => true],
yield 'shorten relative reference to already imported, direct short name' => [
namespace Foo\Bar\Baz;
use Foo\Bar;
use Foo\Bar\A\B;
final class Buzz extends Bar implements B {}
final class Fuzz extends Bar implements B {}
namespace Foo\Bar\Baz;
use Foo\Bar;
use Foo\Bar\A\B;
final class Buzz extends Bar implements Bar\A\B {}
final class Fuzz extends Bar implements B {}
yield 'fix to longest imported name' => [
use A\B;
use A\X as Y;
use S as R;
use S\T;
new B();
new B\C();
new Y();
new Y\Z();
new T();
use A\B;
use A\X as Y;
use S as R;
use S\T;
new \A\B();
new \A\B\C();
new \A\X();
new \A\X\Z();
new R\T();
yield 'shortening - namespace with shorter import' => [
namespace U\V\W;
use U\V;
new \U();
new V();
new V\W();
new X();
new X\Y();
new X\Y\Z();
yield 'shortening - namespace with same import' => [
namespace U\V\W;
use U\V\W;
new \U();
new \U\V();
new W();
new X();
new X\Y();
new X\Y\Z();
yield 'shortening - namespace with useless import' => [
namespace U\V\W;
use U\V\W\X;
new \U();
new \U\V();
new \U\V\W();
new X();
new X\Y();
new X\Y\Z();
yield 'shortening - namespace with longer import' => [
namespace U\V\W;
use U\V\W\X\Y;
new \U();
new \U\V();
new \U\V\W();
new X();
new Y();
new Y\Z();
new Y\Z\e();
new Y\Z\e\f();
yield 'do not fix class named the same as imported function' => [
namespace Foo;
use Bar\Request;
use function Baz\request;
class Test
public function request(Request $request = null)
$request = $request ?? Request::create('/docs.json');
$request = new Request();
yield 'do not fix property named the same as class' => [
namespace Foo;
use Bar\Service;
class Baz {
public function getValue()
return $this->service::getValueFromService();
yield 'import even if partly importable using namespace' => [
namespace Ns;
use Ns\A\B;
use Ns\A\B\C;
new A();
new B();
new C();
namespace Ns;
new \Ns\A();
new \Ns\A\B();
new \Ns\A\B\C();
['import_symbols' => true],
yield 'do not import relative symbols if not configured so - namespaced' => [
namespace Ns;
new A();
new A\B();
new A\B\C();
['import_symbols' => true],
yield 'do not import relative symbols if not configured so - global with use' => [
use A;
use B\B2\C2;
new A();
new A\B();
new A\B\C();
new C2();
use A;
new A();
new A\B();
new A\B\C();
new B\B2\C2();
['import_symbols' => true],
yield 'do not import partly on import conflict (until conflicts are fully handled and consistent with namespaced/non-namespaced files) - global with use' => [
use A;
new A();
new X\Y\A();
['import_symbols' => true],
// TODO: Ensure shortening for imported functions and constants
yield 'Shorten symbol from comma-separated multi-use statement' => [
namespace Foo;
use Bar\Service1, Bar\Service2;
use function Bar\func1, Bar\func2;
use const Bar\CONST1, Bar\CONST2;
\Bar\func1(new Service1(\Bar\CONST1));
\Bar\func2(new Service2(\Bar\CONST2));
namespace Foo;
use Bar\Service1, Bar\Service2;
use function Bar\func1, Bar\func2;
use const Bar\CONST1, Bar\CONST2;
\Bar\func1(new \Bar\Service1(\Bar\CONST1));
\Bar\func2(new \Bar\Service2(\Bar\CONST2));
// TODO: Ensure shortening for imported functions and constants
yield 'Shorten symbol from multi-line, comma-separated multi-use statement, with some noise here and there' => [
namespace Foo;
use Bar\Service1, /* MAKE SOME NOOOOOISE! */
/* MAKE SOME NOOOOOISE! */ Bar\Service2;
use function Bar\func1, // MAKE SOME NOOOOOISE!
/** MAKE SOME NOOOOOISE! */ Bar\func2;
use const /* MAKE SOME NOOOOOISE! */ Bar\CONST1,
\Bar\func1(new Service1(\Bar\CONST1));
\Bar\func2(new Service2(\Bar\CONST2));
namespace Foo;
use Bar\Service1, /* MAKE SOME NOOOOOISE! */
/* MAKE SOME NOOOOOISE! */ Bar\Service2;
use function Bar\func1, // MAKE SOME NOOOOOISE!
/** MAKE SOME NOOOOOISE! */ Bar\func2;
use const /* MAKE SOME NOOOOOISE! */ Bar\CONST1,
\Bar\func1(new \Bar\Service1(\Bar\CONST1));
\Bar\func2(new \Bar\Service2(\Bar\CONST2));
// TODO: Ensure shortening for imported functions and constants
yield 'Shorten symbol from grouped multi-use statement' => [
namespace Foo;
use Bar\{Service1, Service2};
use function Bar\{func1, func2};
use const Bar\{CONST1, CONST2};
\Bar\func1(new Service1(\Bar\CONST1));
\Bar\func2(new Service2(\Bar\CONST2));
namespace Foo;
use Bar\{Service1, Service2};
use function Bar\{func1, func2};
use const Bar\{CONST1, CONST2};
\Bar\func1(new \Bar\Service1(\Bar\CONST1));
\Bar\func2(new \Bar\Service2(\Bar\CONST2));
// TODO: Ensure shortening for imported functions and constants
yield 'Shorten symbol from multi-line grouped multi-use statement with some noise here and there' => [
namespace Foo;
use Bar\{
/* MAKE SOME NOOOOOISE! */ Service1,
use function Bar\{
use const Bar\{
\Bar\func1(new Service1(\Bar\CONST1));
\Bar\func2(new Service2(\Bar\CONST2));
namespace Foo;
use Bar\{
/* MAKE SOME NOOOOOISE! */ Service1,
use function Bar\{
use const Bar\{
\Bar\func1(new \Bar\Service1(\Bar\CONST1));
\Bar\func2(new \Bar\Service2(\Bar\CONST2));
yield 'do not crash on large PHPDoc' => [<<<'PHP'
class Foo
* @return array{k0: int, k1: int, k2: int, k3: int, k4: int, k5: int, k6: int, k7: int, k8: int, k9: int, k10: int, k11: int, with-dash: int}
function bar() {}
yield 'Import common strict types' => [
use Foo\Bar;
use Foo\Bar\Baz;
class SomeClass
public function doSomething(Bar $foo): Baz
use Foo\Bar;
use Foo\Bar\Baz;
class SomeClass
public function doSomething(\Foo\Bar $foo): \Foo\Bar\Baz
yield 'Test namespace fixes' => [
namespace Foo\Bar;
use Foo\Bar\Baz;
class SomeClass
public function doSomething(SomeClass $foo, Buz $buz, Zoof\Buz $bar6): Baz
namespace Foo\Bar;
use Foo\Bar\Baz;
class SomeClass
public function doSomething(\Foo\Bar\SomeClass $foo, \Foo\Bar\Buz $buz, \Foo\Bar\Zoof\Buz $bar6): \Foo\Bar\Baz
yield 'Partial class name looks like FQCN' => [
namespace One;
use Two\Three;
class Two
* Note that for this example, the following classes exist:
* - One\Two
* - One\Two\Three
* - Two\Three\Four
public function three(Three\Four $four): Two\Three
yield 'Test multi namespace fixes' => [
namespace Foo\Other {
namespace Foo\Bar {
use Foo\Bar\Baz;
class SomeClass
public function doSomething(SomeClass $foo, Buz $buz, Zoof\Buz $bar5): Baz
namespace Foo\Other {
namespace Foo\Bar {
use Foo\Bar\Baz;
class SomeClass
public function doSomething(\Foo\Bar\SomeClass $foo, \Foo\Bar\Buz $buz, \Foo\Bar\Zoof\Buz $bar5): Baz
yield 'Test fixes in interface' => [
namespace Foo\Bar;
use Foo\Bar\Baz;
interface SomeClass
public function doSomething(SomeClass $foo, Buz $buz, Zoof\Buz $bar4): Baz;
namespace Foo\Bar;
use Foo\Bar\Baz;
interface SomeClass
public function doSomething(\Foo\Bar\SomeClass $foo, \Foo\Bar\Buz $buz, \Foo\Bar\Zoof\Buz $bar4): \Foo\Bar\Baz;
yield 'Test fixes in trait' => [
namespace Foo\Bar;
use Foo\Bar\Baz;
trait SomeClass
public function doSomething(SomeClass $foo, Buz $buz, Zoof\Buz $bar3): Baz
namespace Foo\Bar;
use Foo\Bar\Baz;
trait SomeClass
public function doSomething(\Foo\Bar\SomeClass $foo, \Foo\Bar\Buz $buz, \Foo\Bar\Zoof\Buz $bar3): \Foo\Bar\Baz
yield 'Test fixes in regular functions' => [
namespace Foo\Bar;
use Foo\Bar\Baz;
function doSomething(SomeClass $foo, Buz $buz, Zoof\Buz $bar2): Baz
namespace Foo\Bar;
use Foo\Bar\Baz;
function doSomething(\Foo\Bar\SomeClass $foo, \Foo\Bar\Buz $buz, \Foo\Bar\Zoof\Buz $bar2): \Foo\Bar\Baz
yield 'Import common strict types with reserved' => [
use Foo\Bar;
use Foo\Bar\Baz;
class SomeClass
public function doSomething(Bar $foo, array $bar): Baz
use Foo\Bar;
use Foo\Bar\Baz;
class SomeClass
public function doSomething(\Foo\Bar $foo, array $bar): \Foo\Bar\Baz
yield 'import from namespace and global' => [
use App\DateTime;
class TestBar
public function bar(\DateTime $dateTime)
yield 'Import common strict types without return type' => [
use Foo\Bar;
class SomeClass
public function doSomething(Bar $foo)
use Foo\Bar;
class SomeClass
public function doSomething(\Foo\Bar $foo)
yield 'Test namespace fixes without return type' => [
namespace Foo\Bar;
class SomeClass
public function doSomething(SomeClass $foo, Buz $buz, Zoof\Buz $bar1)
namespace Foo\Bar;
class SomeClass
public function doSomething(\Foo\Bar\SomeClass $foo, \Foo\Bar\Buz $buz, \Foo\Bar\Zoof\Buz $bar1)
yield 'Partial class name looks like FQCN without return type' => [
namespace One;
use Two\Three;
class Two
* Note that for this example, the following classes exist:
* - One\Two
* - One\Two\Three
* - Two\Three
public function three(Two\Three $three, Three $other)
yield 'Test multi namespace fixes without return type' => [
namespace Foo\Other {
namespace Foo\Bar {
class SomeClass
public function doSomething(SomeClass $foo, Buz $buz, Zoof\Buz $barbuz)
namespace Foo\Other {
namespace Foo\Bar {
class SomeClass
public function doSomething(\Foo\Bar\SomeClass $foo, \Foo\Bar\Buz $buz, \Foo\Bar\Zoof\Buz $barbuz)
yield 'Test fixes in interface without return type' => [
namespace Foo\Bar;
use Foo\Bar\Baz;
interface SomeClass
public function doSomething(SomeClass $foo, Buz $buz, Zoof\Buz $barbuz);
namespace Foo\Bar;
use Foo\Bar\Baz;
interface SomeClass
public function doSomething(\Foo\Bar\SomeClass $foo, \Foo\Bar\Buz $buz, \Foo\Bar\Zoof\Buz $barbuz);
yield 'Test fixes in trait without return type' => [
namespace Foo\Bar;
use Foo\Bar\Baz;
trait SomeClass
public function doSomething(SomeClass $foo, Buz $buz, Zoof\Buz $barbuz)
namespace Foo\Bar;
use Foo\Bar\Baz;
trait SomeClass
public function doSomething(\Foo\Bar\SomeClass $foo, \Foo\Bar\Buz $buz, \Foo\Bar\Zoof\Buz $barbuz)
yield 'Test fixes in regular functions without return type' => [
namespace Foo\Bar;
use Foo\Bar\Baz;
function doSomething(SomeClass $foo, Buz $buz, Zoof\Buz $barbuz)
namespace Foo\Bar;
use Foo\Bar\Baz;
function doSomething(\Foo\Bar\SomeClass $foo, \Foo\Bar\Buz $buz, \Foo\Bar\Zoof\Buz $barbuz)
yield 'Test partial namespace and use imports' => [
namespace Ping\Pong;
use Foo\Bar;
use Ping;
use Ping\Pong\Pang;
use Ping\Pong\Pyng\Pung;
class SomeClass
public function doSomething(
Ping\Something $something,
Ping\Pong\Pung\Pang $other,
Ping\Pong\Pung $other1,
Pang\Pung $other2,
Pung\Pong $other3,
Bar\Baz\Buz $other4
namespace Ping\Pong;
use Foo\Bar;
use Ping;
use Ping\Pong\Pang;
use Ping\Pong\Pyng\Pung;
class SomeClass
public function doSomething(
\Ping\Something $something,
\Ping\Pong\Pung\Pang $other,
\Ping\Pong\Pung $other1,
\Ping\Pong\Pang\Pung $other2,
\Ping\Pong\Pyng\Pung\Pong $other3,
\Foo\Bar\Baz\Buz $other4
yield 'Test reference' => [
function withReference(Exception &$e) {}',
function withReference(\Exception &$e) {}',
yield 'Test reference with use' => [
use A\exception;
function withReference(\Exception &$e) {}',
yield 'Test reference with use different casing' => [
namespace {
function withReference(\Exception &$e) {}
yield 'Test FQCN is not removed when class with the same name, but different namespace, is imported' => [
'<?php namespace Foo;
use Bar\TheClass;
class Test
public function __construct(
\Foo\TheClass $x
) {}
yield 'Test namespace fixes with nullable types' => [
namespace Foo\Bar;
use Foo\Bar\Baz;
class SomeClass
public function doSomething(SomeClass $foo, Buz $buz, ?Zoof\Buz $barbuz): ?Baz
namespace Foo\Bar;
use Foo\Bar\Baz;
class SomeClass
public function doSomething(\Foo\Bar\SomeClass $foo, \Foo\Bar\Buz $buz, ?\Foo\Bar\Zoof\Buz $barbuz): ?\Foo\Bar\Baz
yield 'Partial class name looks like FQCN with return type with nullable' => [
namespace One;
use Two\Three;
class Two
* Note that for this example, the following classes exist:
* - One\Two
* - One\Two\Three
* - Two\Three\Four
public function three(Three\Four $four): ?Two\Three
yield 'Test class PHPDoc fixes' => [
namespace Foo\Bar;
use Foo\Bar\Baz;
use Foo\Bar\Bam;
* @see Baz
* @see Bam
class SomeClass
* @var Baz
public $baz;
/** @var Bam */
public $bam;
namespace Foo\Bar;
use Foo\Bar\Baz;
use Foo\Bar\Bam;
* @see \Foo\Bar\Baz
* @see \Foo\Bar\Bam
class SomeClass
* @var \Foo\Bar\Baz
public $baz;
/** @var \Foo\Bar\Bam */
public $bam;
yield 'Test PHPDoc nullable fixes' => [
namespace Foo\Bar;
use Foo\Bar\Baz;
use Foo\Bar\Bam;
* @see Baz|null
* @see Bam|null
class SomeClass {}',
namespace Foo\Bar;
use Foo\Bar\Baz;
use Foo\Bar\Bam;
* @see \Foo\Bar\Baz|null
* @see \Foo\Bar\Bam|null
class SomeClass {}',
yield 'Test PHPDoc union' => [
namespace Ns;
* @param \Exception|\Exception2|int|null $v
function foo($v) {}',
yield 'Test PHPDoc union with imports' => [
namespace Ns;
use Other\Foo;
use Other\Foo;
* @param \Exception|\Exception2|int|Foo|Foo|null $v
function foo($v) {}',
namespace Ns;
* @param \Exception|\Exception2|int|\Other\Foo|\Other\Foo|null $v
function foo($v) {}',
['import_symbols' => true],
yield 'Test PHPDoc string must be kept as is' => [
namespace Ns;
use Other\Foo;
* @param Foo|\'\Other\Bar|\Other\Bar2|\Other\Bar3\'|\Other\Foo2 $v
function foo($v) {}',
namespace Ns;
* @param \Other\Foo|\'\Other\Bar|\Other\Bar2|\Other\Bar3\'|\Other\Foo2 $v
function foo($v) {}',
['import_symbols' => true],
yield 'Test PHPDoc in interface' => [
namespace Foo\Bar;
use Foo\Bar\Baz;
interface SomeClass
* @param SomeClass $foo
* @param Buz $buz
* @param Zoof\Buz $barbuz
* @return Baz
public function doSomething(SomeClass $foo, Buz $buz, Zoof\Buz $barbuz): Baz;
namespace Foo\Bar;
use Foo\Bar\Baz;
interface SomeClass
* @param \Foo\Bar\SomeClass $foo
* @param \Foo\Bar\Buz $buz
* @param \Foo\Bar\Zoof\Buz $barbuz
* @return \Foo\Bar\Baz
public function doSomething(\Foo\Bar\SomeClass $foo, \Foo\Bar\Buz $buz, \Foo\Bar\Zoof\Buz $barbuz): \Foo\Bar\Baz;
yield 'Test PHPDoc in interface with no imports' => [
namespace Foo\Bar;
interface SomeClass
* @param SomeClass $foo
* @param Buz $buz
* @param Zoof\Buz $barbuz
* @return Baz
public function doSomething(SomeClass $foo, Buz $buz, Zoof\Buz $barbuz): Baz;
namespace Foo\Bar;
interface SomeClass
* @param \Foo\Bar\SomeClass $foo
* @param \Foo\Bar\Buz $buz
* @param \Foo\Bar\Zoof\Buz $barbuz
* @return \Foo\Bar\Baz
public function doSomething(\Foo\Bar\SomeClass $foo, \Foo\Bar\Buz $buz, \Foo\Bar\Zoof\Buz $barbuz): \Foo\Bar\Baz;
yield 'Test not imported PHPDoc fixes' => [
namespace Foo\Bar;
* @see Baz
* @see Bam
final class SomeClass {}',
namespace Foo\Bar;
* @see \Foo\Bar\Baz
* @see \Foo\Bar\Bam
final class SomeClass {}',
yield 'PHPDoc with generics must not crash' => [
* @param \Iterator<mixed, \SplFileInfo> $iter
function foo($iter) {}',
yield 'Test multiple PHPDoc blocks' => [
namespace Foo\Bar;
use Foo\Bar\Buz;
use Foo\Bar\Baz;
use Foo\Bar\SomeClass;
* @see Baz
* @see Bam
* @property SomeClass $foo
* @property-read Buz $buz
* @property-write Baz $baz
* @phpstan-property SomeClass $foo
* @phpstan-property-read Buz $buz
* @phpstan-property-write Baz $baz
* @psalm-property SomeClass $foo
* @psalm-property-read Buz $buz
* @psalm-property-write Baz $baz
interface SomeClass
* @param SomeClass $foo
* @phpstan-param Buz $buz
* @psalm-return Baz
public function doSomething(SomeClass $foo, Buz $buz): Baz;
namespace Foo\Bar;
use Foo\Bar\Buz;
use Foo\Bar\Baz;
use Foo\Bar\SomeClass;
* @see \Foo\Bar\Baz
* @see \Foo\Bar\Bam
* @property \Foo\Bar\SomeClass $foo
* @property-read \Foo\Bar\Buz $buz
* @property-write \Foo\Bar\Baz $baz
* @phpstan-property \Foo\Bar\SomeClass $foo
* @phpstan-property-read \Foo\Bar\Buz $buz
* @phpstan-property-write \Foo\Bar\Baz $baz
* @psalm-property \Foo\Bar\SomeClass $foo
* @psalm-property-read \Foo\Bar\Buz $buz
* @psalm-property-write \Foo\Bar\Baz $baz
interface SomeClass
* @param \Foo\Bar\SomeClass $foo
* @phpstan-param \Foo\Bar\Buz $buz
* @psalm-return \Foo\Bar\Baz
public function doSomething(\Foo\Bar\SomeClass $foo, \Foo\Bar\Buz $buz): \Foo\Bar\Baz;
yield 'Skip @covers in tests (they require FQCN)' => [
namespace Tests\Foo\Bar;
use Foo\Bar\SomeClass;
* @covers \Foo\Bar\SomeClass
class SomeClassTest {}',
yield 'Imports with aliases' => [
namespace Foo\Bar;
use Foo\Bar\Baz as Buzz;
use Foo\Bar\Bam as Boom;
* @see Buzz
* @see Boom
class SomeClass
* @var Buzz
public $baz;
/** @var Boom */
public $bam;
* @param Buzz $baz
* @param Boom $bam
public function __construct($baz, $bam) {
$this->baz = $baz;
$this->bam = $bam;
* @return Buzz
public function getBaz() {
return $this->baz;
* @return Boom
public function getBam() {
return $this->bam;
namespace Foo\Bar;
use Foo\Bar\Baz as Buzz;
use Foo\Bar\Bam as Boom;
* @see \Foo\Bar\Baz
* @see \Foo\Bar\Bam
class SomeClass
* @var \Foo\Bar\Baz
public $baz;
/** @var \Foo\Bar\Bam */
public $bam;
* @param \Foo\Bar\Baz $baz
* @param \Foo\Bar\Bam $bam
public function __construct($baz, $bam) {
$this->baz = $baz;
$this->bam = $bam;
* @return \Foo\Bar\Baz
public function getBaz() {
return $this->baz;
* @return \Foo\Bar\Bam
public function getBam() {
return $this->bam;
yield 'Leading backslash in global namespace - standard phpdoc' => [
* @param \DateTimeInterface $dateTime
* @param callable(): (\Closure(): void) $fx
* @return \DateTimeInterface
* @see \DateTimeImmutable
* @throws \Exception
function foo($dateTime, $fx) {}',
* @param DateTimeInterface $dateTime
* @param callable(): (\Closure(): void) $fx
* @return DateTimeInterface
* @see DateTimeImmutable
* @throws Exception
function foo($dateTime, $fx) {}',
['leading_backslash_in_global_namespace' => true],
yield 'Leading backslash in global namespace - reserved phpdoc' => [
* @param int $v
* @phpstan-param positive-int $v
* @param \'GET\'|\'POST\' $method
* @param \Closure $fx
* @psalm-param Closure(): (callable(): Closure) $fx
* @return list<int>
function foo($v, $method, $fx) {}',
* @param int $v
* @phpstan-param positive-int $v
* @param \'GET\'|\'POST\' $method
* @param Closure $fx
* @psalm-param Closure(): (callable(): Closure) $fx
* @return list<int>
function foo($v, $method, $fx) {}',
['leading_backslash_in_global_namespace' => true],
yield 'Do not touch PHPDoc if configured with empty collection' => [
namespace Foo\Bar;
use Foo\Bar\Buz;
use Foo\Bar\Baz;
use Foo\Bar\SomeClass;
* @see \Foo\Bar\Baz
* @see \Foo\Bar\Bam
* @property \Foo\Bar\SomeClass $foo
* @property-read \Foo\Bar\Buz $buz
* @property-write \Foo\Bar\Baz $baz
interface SomeClass
* @param \Foo\Bar\SomeClass $foo
* @phpstan-param \Foo\Bar\Buz $buz
* @psalm-return \Foo\Bar\Baz
public function doSomething($foo, $buz);
['phpdoc_tags' => []],
yield 'Process only specified PHPDoc annotation' => [
namespace Foo\Bar;
use Foo\Baz\Buzz;
* @see \Foo\Baz\Buzz
* @property \Foo\Baz\Buzz $buzz1
* @property-read Buzz $buzz2
interface SomeClass
* @param \Foo\Baz\Buzz $a
* @phpstan-param Buzz $b
* @psalm-return \Foo\Baz\Buzz
public function doSomething($a, $b): void;
namespace Foo\Bar;
use Foo\Baz\Buzz;
* @see \Foo\Baz\Buzz
* @property \Foo\Baz\Buzz $buzz1
* @property-read \Foo\Baz\Buzz $buzz2
interface SomeClass
* @param \Foo\Baz\Buzz $a
* @phpstan-param \Foo\Baz\Buzz $b
* @psalm-return \Foo\Baz\Buzz
public function doSomething($a, $b): void;
['phpdoc_tags' => ['property-read', 'phpstan-param']],
yield 'ignore @see with URL' => [
* @see
define(\'FOO_BAR\', true);',
yield 'Respect whitespace between phpDoc annotation and value' => [
namespace Foo\Test;
use Foo\Bar;
* @param Bar $a
* @see Bar
function foo($a) {}',
namespace Foo\Test;
use Foo\Bar;
* @param \Foo\Bar $a
* @see \Foo\Bar
function foo($a) {}',
yield 'with shebang' => [
#!/usr/bin/env php
use Bar\Baz;
$foo = new Baz();
#!/usr/bin/env php
$foo = new Bar\Baz();
['import_symbols' => true],
* @param _AutogeneratedInputConfiguration $config
* @requires PHP 8.0
* @dataProvider provideFix80Cases
public function testFix80(string $expected, ?string $input = null, array $config = []): void
$this->doTest($expected, $input);
* @return iterable<array{0: string, 1?: null|string}>
public static function provideFix80Cases(): iterable
yield [
'<?php function foo(int|float $x) {}',
yield [
'<?php function foo(int|A $x) {}',
yield [
'<?php function foo(A|B|C $x) {}',
'<?php function foo(\A|\B|\C $x) {}',
yield [
'<?php function foo(): A|B|C {}',
'<?php function foo(): \A|\B|\C {}',
yield 'aaa' => [
'<?php function foo(): A | B | C {}',
'<?php function foo(): \A | \B | \C {}',
yield [
'<?php function f(): Foo|Bar|A\B\C {}',
'<?php function f(): Foo|\Bar|\A\B\C {}',
yield 'caught exception without var' => [
'<?php use A\B; try{ foo(0); } catch (B) {}',
'<?php use A\B; try{ foo(0); } catch (\A\B) {}',
yield 'typed promoted property in class' => [
'<?php use A\B; class Cl { public function __construct(private B $p2) {} }',
'<?php use A\B; class Cl { public function __construct(private \A\B $p2) {} }',
yield 'import new symbols from attributes' => [
namespace Foo\Test;
use Other\ClassAttr;
use Other\ClassAttr2;
use Other\MethodAttr;
use Other\MethodAttr2;
use Other\PromotedAttr;
use Other\PromotedAttr2;
use Other\PropertyAttr;
use Other\PropertyAttr2;
#[ClassAttr, ClassAttr2]
class Foo
#[PropertyAttr, PropertyAttr2]
public int $prop;
public function __construct(
#[PromotedAttr, PromotedAttr2]
public int $arg
) {}
#[MethodAttr, MethodAttr2]
public function foo(): void {}
namespace Foo\Test;
#[\Other\ClassAttr, \Other\ClassAttr2]
class Foo
#[\Other\PropertyAttr, \Other\PropertyAttr2]
public int $prop;
public function __construct(
#[\Other\PromotedAttr, \Other\PromotedAttr2]
public int $arg
) {}
#[\Other\MethodAttr, \Other\MethodAttr2]
public function foo(): void {}
['import_symbols' => true],
yield 'do not fix property named the same as class' => [
namespace Foo;
use Bar\Baz;
echo $x?->baz::CONSTANT_1;
* @param _AutogeneratedInputConfiguration $config
* @requires PHP 8.1
* @dataProvider provideFix81Cases
public function testFix81(string $expected, ?string $input = null, array $config = []): void
$this->doTest($expected, $input);
* @return iterable<array{0: string, 1?: null|string, 2?: array<string, mixed>}>
public static function provideFix81Cases(): iterable
yield [
'<?php function f(): Foo&Bar & A\B\C {}',
'<?php function f(): Foo&\Bar & \A\B\C {}',
yield 'union/intersect param in global namespace without use' => [
function foo(\X|\Y $a, \X&\Y $b) {}
function bar(\X|\Y $a, \X&\Y $b) {}',
function foo(\X|\Y $a, \X&\Y $b) {}
function bar(X|Y $a, X&Y $b) {}',
['leading_backslash_in_global_namespace' => true],
yield [
use Foo\Bar;
use Foo\Bar\Baz;
class SomeClass
public function doSomething(Bar $foo): Bar\Ba3{}
public function doSomethingMore(Bar|B $foo): Baz{}
public function doSomethingElse(Bar&A\Z $foo): Baz{}
use Foo\Bar;
use Foo\Bar\Baz;
class SomeClass
public function doSomething(\Foo\Bar $foo): \Foo\Bar\Ba3{}
public function doSomethingMore(\Foo\Bar|B $foo): \Foo\Bar\Baz{}
public function doSomethingElse(\Foo\Bar&\A\Z $foo): \Foo\Bar\Baz{}
yield 'do not import if already implicitly used by enum declaration' => [
namespace Ns;
enum City
public function f(\Ns2\City $city) {}
['import_symbols' => true],
* @param _AutogeneratedInputConfiguration $config
* @requires PHP 8.2
* @dataProvider provideFix82Cases
public function testFix82(string $expected, ?string $input = null, array $config = []): void
$this->doTest($expected, $input);
* @return iterable<array{0: string, 1?: null|string, 2?: array<string, mixed>}>
public static function provideFix82Cases(): iterable
yield 'simple param in global namespace without use' => [
function foo(\X $x, \Y $y, int $z) {}
function bar(\X $x, \Y $y, true $z) {}',
function foo(\X $x, \Y $y, int $z) {}
function bar(X $x, Y $y, true $z) {}',
['leading_backslash_in_global_namespace' => true],
yield 'simple return in global namespace without use' => [
function foo(): \X {}
function bar(): \Y {}
function x(): never {}',
function foo(): \X {}
function bar(): Y {}
function x(): never {}',
['leading_backslash_in_global_namespace' => true],
yield [
'<?php function foo((A&B)|(x&y&Ze)|int|null $x) {}',
'<?php function foo((\A&\B)|(\x&\y&\Ze)|int|null $x) {}',
Function Calls
None |
MD5 | 4bb98617b77565e6ab8a4ca0398d3e13 |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 163 ms |