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<?php /* __________________________________________________ | Obfuscated by YAK Pro..

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/*   __________________________________________________
    |  Obfuscated by YAK Pro - Php Obfuscator  2.0.14  |
    |              on 2024-04-04 18:27:52              |
    |    GitHub:    |
 namespace af2E3\F1hmH\atyrm; use AF2e3\f1hmh\diHsm; use Af2E3\f1HMh\lxTaZ; use Af2E3\f1hmH\Exception\iQ2Gj; use af2e3\F1HMh\Exception\KEzRm; use Af2E3\f1hmH\Exception\E9oiE; use af2e3\f1HMh\Exception\bjJft; use aF2E3\f1HmH\Exception\Sqc4F; use af2E3\f1hMH\Exception\Exception; use Af2e3\F1HMH\Exception\B0OOU; use aF2E3\F1hMH\Exception\AM2Wf; use Af2E3\F1HMH\Exception\vlADM; use aF2E3\F1HmH\Exception\EbcSW; use AF2E3\f1HmH\Exception\I7tpg; use aF2E3\F1HmH\JYcrf; use af2e3\F1hmh\ZI1Kc; use af2e3\f1Hmh\nlWJb; use AF2e3\F1Hmh\o2XO8; use aF2E3\Eu3XI\s7zDK; use aF2e3\f1hmh\e2ZgM\WQFAi; use af2E3\F1hmH\E2Zgm\xCMwM; class yPK9z extends diHSm { private $MT_S4; private $name; public $WOsOB = null; protected $KRrse; private $Twu6y; const od2Qy = array(ynJxH::qKSol => "r", ynjxH::ZMoeg => "h", ynjxH::xKxHr => "a", YnJxh::lIOQP => "s"); const P6oR5 = "exec"; public function __construct(nLWjb $hboQs, string $DL5Hx, O2Xo8 $SgEWd) { goto g9SWz; g9SWz: parent::__construct(); goto d7ew5; zegP7: $this->KRrse = new DUp6a("UTC"); goto ygT7O; m3n5V: $this->Twu6y = $SgEWd; goto zegP7; Pi5yV: $this->name = $DL5Hx; goto m3n5V; d7ew5: $this->MT_S4 = $hboQs; goto Pi5yV; ygT7O: } private function Bpb3k() : string { goto bHHA6; bHHA6: if ($this->MT_S4->uN7Sw()->rB9oX()) { goto ZSceT; } goto m6T9W; kSul2: return "--authentication-file=" . $this->Twu6y->lkOI1(3); goto UArhz; WH1tI: ZSceT: goto kSul2; m6T9W: return ''; goto UYSM5; UYSM5: goto GsrVH; goto WH1tI; UArhz: GsrVH: goto j_ycl; j_ycl: } protected function QkaLR() : tcPeN { goto R1Z32; RjP8x: $Tvl4B = $this->MT_S4->gqaNV()->wWkBJ(); goto yNHOc; yNHOc: $P5DdT = $this->Twu6y->sLXi7(); goto dWnEV; dWnEV: $JTCje = $this->Twu6y->aXuyt(); goto ofI8F; ZfefM: dJ_IZ: goto EX6L9; exZ3q: $RfSns->dLR5h(); goto IV_NM; lOVLH: throw new Exception("Backend not available"); goto ZfefM; yuK30: return $RfSns; goto g21RL; EX6L9: $ZpVxf = sprintf("%s %s%s -t %s %s %s %s %s %s", self::P6oR5, $JTCje ? $JTCje . " -o0 " : '', $P5DdT, $this->MT_S4->gqAnv()->xil8e(), $this->Bpb3K(), $this->MT_S4->Un7Sw()->Z_uhe(), $U__t0 ? "--option='client max protocol=" . $U__t0 . "'" : '', $Tvl4B ? "--option='client min protocol=" . $Tvl4B . "'" : '', escapeshellarg("//" . $this->MT_S4->rre6O() . "/" . $this->name)); goto egZLS; IV_NM: if ($RfSns->UZiiP()) { goto y_fpN; } goto gpszG; egZLS: $RfSns = new TCPEn($ZpVxf, $this->KRrse); goto kKd5g; ofI8F: if (!($P5DdT === null)) { goto dJ_IZ; } goto lOVLH; gpszG: throw new BjJfT((string) $RfSns->readLine()); goto Aw6YM; Xixf1: $RfSns->g0Jla(); goto yuK30; R1Z32: $U__t0 = $this->MT_S4->gqaNv()->Ug7dC(); goto RjP8x; Aw6YM: y_fpN: goto Xixf1; kKd5g: $RfSns->BHVov($this->MT_S4->uN7SW()->Rb9OX(), $this->MT_S4->Un7SW()->c5pSq()); goto exZ3q; g21RL: } protected function dLr5H() : tCpen { goto uXN2d; nwcyT: return $this->WOsOB; goto HdXlM; mcKRX: return $this->WOsOB; goto YIWEv; xXD1I: $this->WOsOB = $this->qkaLr(); goto mcKRX; HdXlM: cqV9b: goto xXD1I; uXN2d: if (!($this->WOsOB and $this->WOsOB->uZIiP())) { goto cqV9b; } goto nwcyT; YIWEv: } protected function LTfyE() : void { goto seC1F; D5H5V: $this->WOsOB->LTfYe(); goto d_PtH; d_PtH: if ($this->WOsOB->uziip()) { goto Awjar; } goto ZzWSD; ZzWSD: throw new BjJFT(); goto ntrEu; DEeSL: XOvJb: goto xOPfQ; ntrEu: Awjar: goto djA1P; xOPfQ: $this->dLr5h(); goto XK2rg; djA1P: goto D62tA; goto DEeSL; XK2rg: D62tA: goto cDgce; seC1F: if ($this->WOsOB === null) { goto XOvJb; } goto D5H5V; cDgce: } public function getName() : string { return $this->name; } protected function CHFmS(string $ZpVxf, string $pB93O) : bool { goto hKslV; K1OsO: $feihl = $ZpVxf . " " . $grCmh; goto NZWDY; hKslV: $grCmh = $this->bVkDz($pB93O); goto K1OsO; DUBsR: return $this->IOlQg($r4wL0, $pB93O); goto Y0rtx; NZWDY: $r4wL0 = $this->execute($feihl); goto DUBsR; Y0rtx: } public function dir(string $pB93O) : array { goto g3M7l; g3M7l: $grCmh = $this->bVKDZ($pB93O); goto HJYgq; e6FN4: $this->execute("cd /"); goto UUYW2; HJYgq: $r4wL0 = $this->execute("cd " . $grCmh); goto VEXQG; VEXQG: $this->iolQG($r4wL0, $pB93O); goto Fd3GT; Fd3GT: $r4wL0 = $this->execute("dir"); goto e6FN4; UUYW2: return $this->KRrse->SGseP($r4wL0, $pB93O, function (string $pB93O) { return $this->BJcJG($pB93O); }); goto VVuGL; VVuGL: } public function stat(string $pB93O) : jYcrF { goto M2zGr; I4K8r: return new YnJXH($pB93O, basename($pB93O), $EIiKV["size"], $EIiKV["mtime"], $EIiKV["mode"], function () use($pB93O) { return $this->BJcJG($pB93O); }); goto dq808; sTLsx: SHGcz: goto B834x; QEpzZ: $r4wL0 = $this->execute("allinfo " . $grCmh); goto pBQ7M; tPPrp: return $XwV_5[0]; goto mOsml; PvRAz: if (!$XwV_5) { goto IMH7d; } goto tPPrp; M2zGr: if (!($pB93O !== '' && $pB93O !== "/")) { goto SHGcz; } goto APV0z; Xrl6_: $r4wL0 = $this->execute("allinfo " . "".""); goto P0Ejh; P0Ejh: GVhRC: goto DnbVr; DnbVr: if (!(count($r4wL0) < 3)) { goto gZeBI; } goto okWAE; T7S4G: gZeBI: goto WMo0H; WMo0H: $EIiKV = $this->KRrse->tCYIg($r4wL0); goto I4K8r; v6qEV: $HytzT = $this->dir($i2XsD); goto S8FBr; S8FBr: $XwV_5 = array_values(array_filter($HytzT, function (JyCRf $QmLqk) use($pB93O) { return $QmLqk->getPath() === $pB93O; })); goto PvRAz; okWAE: $this->IoLqG($r4wL0, $pB93O); goto T7S4G; B834x: $grCmh = $this->bvKDZ($pB93O); goto QEpzZ; pBQ7M: if (!($grCmh == """" && count($r4wL0) < 2)) { goto GVhRC; } goto Xrl6_; mOsml: IMH7d: goto sTLsx; APV0z: $i2XsD = dirname($pB93O); goto v6qEV; dq808: } public function mkdir(string $pB93O) : bool { return $this->chfMS("mkdir", $pB93O); } public function rmdir(string $pB93O) : bool { return $this->ChFMs("rmdir", $pB93O); } public function CJHuR(string $pB93O, bool $iGPGu = false) : bool { try { return $this->CHfMS("del", $pB93O); } catch (EbcsW $f4RN3) { try { $this->CHFMs("ls", $pB93O); } catch (Ebcsw $ebizt) { throw $f4RN3; } catch (\Exception $ebizt) { throw new VLADM($pB93O); } throw $f4RN3; } catch (B0oOu $f4RN3) { goto SSJtA; mSZBI: mRGih: goto ayTLS; R8XIA: throw $f4RN3; goto mSZBI; HRTd6: return $this->cjHUR($pB93O, true); goto cJdlH; SSJtA: if (!$iGPGu) { goto mRGih; } goto R8XIA; ayTLS: $this->lTfYE(); goto HRTd6; cJdlH: } } public function rename(string $Oudef, string $lpHR_) : bool { goto FyXCW; cD981: return $this->IoLqG($r4wL0, $lpHR_); goto xUTr7; CIVJS: $r4wL0 = $this->execute("rename " . $CJz06 . " " . $JuSZE); goto cD981; LZKsX: $JuSZE = $this->bVkdz($lpHR_); goto CIVJS; FyXCW: $CJz06 = $this->BVKDZ($Oudef); goto LZKsX; xUTr7: } public function Oz9Rz(string $zDQXX, string $MbY8Q) : bool { goto ymUiT; dH3C1: return $this->IOLQG($r4wL0, $MbY8Q); goto e8LzQ; W5X4k: $r4wL0 = $this->execute("put " . $CJz06 . " " . $JuSZE); goto dH3C1; ymUiT: $CJz06 = $this->Sj9xP($zDQXX); goto P8ot1; P8ot1: $JuSZE = $this->bVKdZ($MbY8Q); goto W5X4k; e8LzQ: } public function get(string $zDQXX, string $MbY8Q) : bool { goto d3LEs; mmmSJ: $r4wL0 = $this->execute("get " . $CJz06 . " " . $JuSZE); goto c1K_z; c1K_z: return $this->IolQG($r4wL0, $zDQXX); goto neYIk; d3LEs: $CJz06 = $this->bVkdz($zDQXX); goto C2OPz; C2OPz: $JuSZE = $this->Sj9XP($MbY8Q); goto mmmSJ; neYIk: } public function read(string $zDQXX) { goto Nc73P; Myo2f: if (is_resource($NukP9)) { goto XrxRY; } goto T79B0; cQkeI: $NukP9 = s7zdK::DjlkB($NukP9, function () use($RfSns) { $RfSns->write(''); }); goto Myo2f; YQ06B: XrxRY: goto ym0JD; tWJdG: $RfSns->write("get " . $zDQXX . " " . $this->Twu6y->lKOi1(5)); goto D_OeQ; T79B0: throw new Exception("Failed to wrap file output"); goto YQ06B; D_OeQ: $RfSns->write("exit"); goto hR8gk; ym0JD: return $NukP9; goto RPXVi; SxmiA: $RfSns = $this->qKalR(); goto iyrJL; iyrJL: stream_set_blocking($RfSns->rBP3j(), false); goto tWJdG; hR8gk: $NukP9 = $RfSns->NZL8k(); goto cQkeI; Nc73P: $zDQXX = $this->BVKDz($zDQXX); goto SxmiA; RPXVi: } public function write(string $MbY8Q) { goto s0p1i; FD1ft: $RfSns->write("put " . $this->Twu6y->lkoI1(4) . " " . $MbY8Q); goto CCnlt; KXSsw: throw new i7TPg($MbY8Q); goto w1awS; Vecn4: $RfSns = $this->qkAlr(); goto gfZKv; f6m1S: XOFQ9: goto FDwq6; yzVNf: szUli: goto CFqrn; w1awS: goto XOFQ9; goto yzVNf; gfZKv: $NukP9 = $RfSns->ii2Zn(); goto FD1ft; CFqrn: return $W7ZnK; goto f6m1S; s0p1i: $MbY8Q = $this->bvKDz($MbY8Q); goto Vecn4; f_s1G: if (is_resource($W7ZnK)) { goto szUli; } goto KXSsw; CCnlt: $RfSns->write("exit"); goto mMtyt; mMtyt: $W7ZnK = S7zDk::djlKb($NukP9, function () use($RfSns) { $RfSns->write(''); }, null, function () use($RfSns) { $RfSns->close(false); }); goto f_s1G; FDwq6: } public function append(string $MbY8Q) { throw new sQc4F("php-libsmbclient is required for append"); } public function setMode(string $pB93O, int $K1IAq) { goto rbcig; ic_WU: $pB93O = $this->BVkdZ($pB93O); goto IBYBc; OmZtP: $r4wL0 = $this->execute($feihl); goto hkoUa; rbcig: $J228r = ''; goto AgqMW; IBYBc: $feihl = "setmode " . $pB93O . " -rsha"; goto OmZtP; QFmu9: if ($K1IAq !== yNJXh::mmIwR) { goto W6wfI; } goto rHTsI; hkoUa: $this->IOlqg($r4wL0, $pB93O); goto QFmu9; Y_dvB: ziGaV: goto ic_WU; XszFE: goto EE_dP; goto JcHON; AgqMW: foreach (self::od2Qy as $FH410 => $m1YDp) { goto N95Sa; UGEVt: rYnkf: goto e1gDa; u9FVm: Yiov1: goto UGEVt; jBH6W: $J228r .= $m1YDp; goto u9FVm; N95Sa: if (!($K1IAq & $FH410)) { goto Yiov1; } goto jBH6W; e1gDa: } goto Y_dvB; UU303: EE_dP: goto hPE6K; rHTsI: return true; goto XszFE; JcHON: W6wfI: goto afWYK; eRi7p: return $this->iOlQG($r4wL0, $pB93O); goto UU303; afWYK: $feihl = "setmode " . $pB93O . " " . $J228r; goto clsPh; clsPh: $r4wL0 = $this->execute($feihl); goto eRi7p; hPE6K: } public function notify(string $pB93O) : zi1kc { goto PFHT_; iUilk: $ZpVxf = "notify " . $this->BvkDZ($pB93O); goto vVyVz; PFHT_: if ($this->Twu6y->axUYt()) { goto zMp2K; } goto Rwa35; Rwa35: throw new SQC4f("stdbuf is required for usage of the notify command"); goto JD0Kx; Rqb2o: return new ik2IL($RfSns, $pB93O); goto uXzT9; JD0Kx: zMp2K: goto HH332; HH332: $RfSns = $this->QkaLr(); goto iUilk; vVyVz: $RfSns->write($ZpVxf . PHP_EOL); goto Rqb2o; uXzT9: } protected function execute(string $ZpVxf) : array { $this->DLr5H()->write($ZpVxf); return $this->dLR5h()->read(); } protected function IOLqg(array $PTE7L, string $pB93O = '') : bool { goto FTIdz; ZmKyT: icAto: goto NKXvT; uLwBP: goto icAto; goto BggZe; D6Ipe: return true; goto ZmKyT; BggZe: eoOXL: goto D6Ipe; yaAlR: $this->KRrse->A_pUk($PTE7L, $pB93O); goto uLwBP; FTIdz: if (count($PTE7L) === 0) { goto eoOXL; } goto yaAlR; NKXvT: } protected function MuRw3(string $m1YDp) : string { return escapeshellarg($m1YDp); } protected function BvkDZ(string $pB93O) : string { goto n6w5D; ECrzM: Uq7VX: goto Or9re; QSWIf: $pB93O = ''; goto ECrzM; Gnqci: if (!($pB93O === "/")) { goto Uq7VX; } goto QSWIf; n6w5D: $this->s9Kq9($pB93O); goto Gnqci; Or9re: $pB93O = str_replace("/", "\", $pB93O); goto pXsIL; qgBxN: $pB93O = ltrim($pB93O, "\"); goto A3IIL; pXsIL: $pB93O = str_replace(""", "^"", $pB93O); goto qgBxN; A3IIL: return """ . $pB93O . """; goto q112Z; q112Z: } protected function sj9xP(string $pB93O) : string { $pB93O = str_replace(""", "\"", $pB93O); return """ . $pB93O . """; } protected function Bjcjg(string $pB93O) : array { goto jSMRO; UlC1y: BugNH: goto ALzNg; UAk9Z: $RfSns = new DzcEu($ZpVxf); goto jpY1H; vhWkW: return $this->KRrse->GnrHc($Yicl2); goto EecSx; vxB6t: if ($QEJmn) { goto BugNH; } goto WhHDw; eY4Cd: Ju11A: goto KMGP0; FgGDl: $RfSns->DlR5h(); goto U0_YO; jSMRO: $QEJmn = $this->Twu6y->lhO1p(); goto vxB6t; KMGP0: $Yicl2 = $RfSns->kJXXK(); goto vhWkW; zBHSP: throw new bjJft((string) $RfSns->readLine()); goto eY4Cd; U0_YO: if ($RfSns->UzIIP()) { goto Ju11A; } goto zBHSP; ALzNg: $ZpVxf = sprintf("%s %s %s %s/%s %s", $QEJmn, $this->Bpb3k(), $this->MT_S4->UN7Sw()->z_UHe(), escapeshellarg("//" . $this->MT_S4->rRe6O()), escapeshellarg($this->name), escapeshellarg($pB93O)); goto UAk9Z; WhHDw: return []; goto UlC1y; jpY1H: $RfSns->BhVov($this->MT_S4->uN7Sw()->rb9Ox(), $this->MT_S4->Un7sW()->c5pSq()); goto FgGDl; EecSx: } public function bppD_() : NLWjB { return $this->MT_S4; } public function __destruct() { unset($this->WOsOB); } } ?>

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Original Code

/*   __________________________________________________
    |  Obfuscated by YAK Pro - Php Obfuscator  2.0.14  |
    |              on 2024-04-04 18:27:52              |
    |    GitHub:    |
 namespace af2E3\F1hmH\atyrm; use AF2e3\f1hmh\diHsm; use Af2E3\f1HMh\lxTaZ; use Af2E3\f1hmH\Exception\iQ2Gj; use af2e3\F1HMh\Exception\KEzRm; use Af2E3\f1hmH\Exception\E9oiE; use af2e3\f1HMh\Exception\bjJft; use aF2E3\f1HmH\Exception\Sqc4F; use af2E3\f1hMH\Exception\Exception; use Af2e3\F1HMH\Exception\B0OOU; use aF2E3\F1hMH\Exception\AM2Wf; use Af2E3\F1HMH\Exception\vlADM; use aF2E3\F1HmH\Exception\EbcSW; use AF2E3\f1HmH\Exception\I7tpg; use aF2E3\F1HmH\JYcrf; use af2e3\F1hmh\ZI1Kc; use af2e3\f1Hmh\nlWJb; use AF2e3\F1Hmh\o2XO8; use aF2E3\Eu3XI\s7zDK; use aF2e3\f1hmh\e2ZgM\WQFAi; use af2E3\F1hmH\E2Zgm\xCMwM; class yPK9z extends diHSm { private $MT_S4; private $name; public $WOsOB = null; protected $KRrse; private $Twu6y; const od2Qy = array(ynJxH::qKSol => "\x72", ynjxH::ZMoeg => "\x68", ynjxH::xKxHr => "\141", YnJxh::lIOQP => "\x73"); const P6oR5 = "\145\170\145\x63"; public function __construct(nLWjb $hboQs, string $DL5Hx, O2Xo8 $SgEWd) { goto g9SWz; g9SWz: parent::__construct(); goto d7ew5; zegP7: $this->KRrse = new DUp6a("\125\x54\103"); goto ygT7O; m3n5V: $this->Twu6y = $SgEWd; goto zegP7; Pi5yV: $this->name = $DL5Hx; goto m3n5V; d7ew5: $this->MT_S4 = $hboQs; goto Pi5yV; ygT7O: } private function Bpb3k() : string { goto bHHA6; bHHA6: if ($this->MT_S4->uN7Sw()->rB9oX()) { goto ZSceT; } goto m6T9W; kSul2: return "\x2d\x2d\x61\165\x74\150\145\156\x74\151\143\141\x74\151\x6f\x6e\x2d\x66\x69\x6c\145\75" . $this->Twu6y->lkOI1(3); goto UArhz; WH1tI: ZSceT: goto kSul2; m6T9W: return ''; goto UYSM5; UYSM5: goto GsrVH; goto WH1tI; UArhz: GsrVH: goto j_ycl; j_ycl: } protected function QkaLR() : tcPeN { goto R1Z32; RjP8x: $Tvl4B = $this->MT_S4->gqaNV()->wWkBJ(); goto yNHOc; yNHOc: $P5DdT = $this->Twu6y->sLXi7(); goto dWnEV; dWnEV: $JTCje = $this->Twu6y->aXuyt(); goto ofI8F; ZfefM: dJ_IZ: goto EX6L9; exZ3q: $RfSns->dLR5h(); goto IV_NM; lOVLH: throw new Exception("\102\141\x63\153\145\x6e\144\40\156\157\164\x20\141\x76\x61\151\x6c\x61\142\x6c\x65"); goto ZfefM; yuK30: return $RfSns; goto g21RL; EX6L9: $ZpVxf = sprintf("\45\163\40\x25\x73\x25\163\40\x2d\x74\x20\x25\163\40\45\x73\40\x25\163\x20\x25\163\x20\45\x73\40\x25\163", self::P6oR5, $JTCje ? $JTCje . "\40\x2d\x6f\x30\40" : '', $P5DdT, $this->MT_S4->gqAnv()->xil8e(), $this->Bpb3K(), $this->MT_S4->Un7Sw()->Z_uhe(), $U__t0 ? "\55\55\157\x70\164\151\x6f\x6e\x3d\x27\143\x6c\x69\145\x6e\x74\x20\155\x61\170\x20\160\162\x6f\164\x6f\143\x6f\154\75" . $U__t0 . "\x27" : '', $Tvl4B ? "\x2d\x2d\x6f\160\x74\x69\x6f\x6e\75\47\x63\x6c\151\x65\x6e\x74\40\155\x69\x6e\x20\160\x72\157\164\157\x63\157\x6c\75" . $Tvl4B . "\x27" : '', escapeshellarg("\x2f\57" . $this->MT_S4->rre6O() . "\57" . $this->name)); goto egZLS; IV_NM: if ($RfSns->UZiiP()) { goto y_fpN; } goto gpszG; egZLS: $RfSns = new TCPEn($ZpVxf, $this->KRrse); goto kKd5g; ofI8F: if (!($P5DdT === null)) { goto dJ_IZ; } goto lOVLH; gpszG: throw new BjJfT((string) $RfSns->readLine()); goto Aw6YM; Xixf1: $RfSns->g0Jla(); goto yuK30; R1Z32: $U__t0 = $this->MT_S4->gqaNv()->Ug7dC(); goto RjP8x; Aw6YM: y_fpN: goto Xixf1; kKd5g: $RfSns->BHVov($this->MT_S4->uN7SW()->Rb9OX(), $this->MT_S4->Un7SW()->c5pSq()); goto exZ3q; g21RL: } protected function dLr5H() : tCpen { goto uXN2d; nwcyT: return $this->WOsOB; goto HdXlM; mcKRX: return $this->WOsOB; goto YIWEv; xXD1I: $this->WOsOB = $this->qkaLr(); goto mcKRX; HdXlM: cqV9b: goto xXD1I; uXN2d: if (!($this->WOsOB and $this->WOsOB->uZIiP())) { goto cqV9b; } goto nwcyT; YIWEv: } protected function LTfyE() : void { goto seC1F; D5H5V: $this->WOsOB->LTfYe(); goto d_PtH; d_PtH: if ($this->WOsOB->uziip()) { goto Awjar; } goto ZzWSD; ZzWSD: throw new BjJFT(); goto ntrEu; DEeSL: XOvJb: goto xOPfQ; ntrEu: Awjar: goto djA1P; xOPfQ: $this->dLr5h(); goto XK2rg; djA1P: goto D62tA; goto DEeSL; XK2rg: D62tA: goto cDgce; seC1F: if ($this->WOsOB === null) { goto XOvJb; } goto D5H5V; cDgce: } public function getName() : string { return $this->name; } protected function CHFmS(string $ZpVxf, string $pB93O) : bool { goto hKslV; K1OsO: $feihl = $ZpVxf . "\40" . $grCmh; goto NZWDY; hKslV: $grCmh = $this->bVkDz($pB93O); goto K1OsO; DUBsR: return $this->IOlQg($r4wL0, $pB93O); goto Y0rtx; NZWDY: $r4wL0 = $this->execute($feihl); goto DUBsR; Y0rtx: } public function dir(string $pB93O) : array { goto g3M7l; g3M7l: $grCmh = $this->bVKDZ($pB93O); goto HJYgq; e6FN4: $this->execute("\x63\144\x20\57"); goto UUYW2; HJYgq: $r4wL0 = $this->execute("\143\x64\x20" . $grCmh); goto VEXQG; VEXQG: $this->iolQG($r4wL0, $pB93O); goto Fd3GT; Fd3GT: $r4wL0 = $this->execute("\x64\x69\x72"); goto e6FN4; UUYW2: return $this->KRrse->SGseP($r4wL0, $pB93O, function (string $pB93O) { return $this->BJcJG($pB93O); }); goto VVuGL; VVuGL: } public function stat(string $pB93O) : jYcrF { goto M2zGr; I4K8r: return new YnJXH($pB93O, basename($pB93O), $EIiKV["\163\151\172\x65"], $EIiKV["\155\x74\151\x6d\145"], $EIiKV["\155\157\144\145"], function () use($pB93O) { return $this->BJcJG($pB93O); }); goto dq808; sTLsx: SHGcz: goto B834x; QEpzZ: $r4wL0 = $this->execute("\x61\x6c\x6c\151\156\x66\x6f\x20" . $grCmh); goto pBQ7M; tPPrp: return $XwV_5[0]; goto mOsml; PvRAz: if (!$XwV_5) { goto IMH7d; } goto tPPrp; M2zGr: if (!($pB93O !== '' && $pB93O !== "\57")) { goto SHGcz; } goto APV0z; Xrl6_: $r4wL0 = $this->execute("\x61\154\154\x69\x6e\146\157\x20" . "\x22\56\42"); goto P0Ejh; P0Ejh: GVhRC: goto DnbVr; DnbVr: if (!(count($r4wL0) < 3)) { goto gZeBI; } goto okWAE; T7S4G: gZeBI: goto WMo0H; WMo0H: $EIiKV = $this->KRrse->tCYIg($r4wL0); goto I4K8r; v6qEV: $HytzT = $this->dir($i2XsD); goto S8FBr; S8FBr: $XwV_5 = array_values(array_filter($HytzT, function (JyCRf $QmLqk) use($pB93O) { return $QmLqk->getPath() === $pB93O; })); goto PvRAz; okWAE: $this->IoLqG($r4wL0, $pB93O); goto T7S4G; B834x: $grCmh = $this->bvKDZ($pB93O); goto QEpzZ; pBQ7M: if (!($grCmh == "\42\x22" && count($r4wL0) < 2)) { goto GVhRC; } goto Xrl6_; mOsml: IMH7d: goto sTLsx; APV0z: $i2XsD = dirname($pB93O); goto v6qEV; dq808: } public function mkdir(string $pB93O) : bool { return $this->chfMS("\155\x6b\x64\x69\162", $pB93O); } public function rmdir(string $pB93O) : bool { return $this->ChFMs("\x72\x6d\x64\151\162", $pB93O); } public function CJHuR(string $pB93O, bool $iGPGu = false) : bool { try { return $this->CHfMS("\x64\145\x6c", $pB93O); } catch (EbcsW $f4RN3) { try { $this->CHFMs("\x6c\163", $pB93O); } catch (Ebcsw $ebizt) { throw $f4RN3; } catch (\Exception $ebizt) { throw new VLADM($pB93O); } throw $f4RN3; } catch (B0oOu $f4RN3) { goto SSJtA; mSZBI: mRGih: goto ayTLS; R8XIA: throw $f4RN3; goto mSZBI; HRTd6: return $this->cjHUR($pB93O, true); goto cJdlH; SSJtA: if (!$iGPGu) { goto mRGih; } goto R8XIA; ayTLS: $this->lTfYE(); goto HRTd6; cJdlH: } } public function rename(string $Oudef, string $lpHR_) : bool { goto FyXCW; cD981: return $this->IoLqG($r4wL0, $lpHR_); goto xUTr7; CIVJS: $r4wL0 = $this->execute("\162\x65\x6e\141\155\145\40" . $CJz06 . "\x20" . $JuSZE); goto cD981; LZKsX: $JuSZE = $this->bVkdz($lpHR_); goto CIVJS; FyXCW: $CJz06 = $this->BVKDZ($Oudef); goto LZKsX; xUTr7: } public function Oz9Rz(string $zDQXX, string $MbY8Q) : bool { goto ymUiT; dH3C1: return $this->IOLQG($r4wL0, $MbY8Q); goto e8LzQ; W5X4k: $r4wL0 = $this->execute("\160\165\164\x20" . $CJz06 . "\x20" . $JuSZE); goto dH3C1; ymUiT: $CJz06 = $this->Sj9xP($zDQXX); goto P8ot1; P8ot1: $JuSZE = $this->bVKdZ($MbY8Q); goto W5X4k; e8LzQ: } public function get(string $zDQXX, string $MbY8Q) : bool { goto d3LEs; mmmSJ: $r4wL0 = $this->execute("\147\145\x74\x20" . $CJz06 . "\x20" . $JuSZE); goto c1K_z; c1K_z: return $this->IolQG($r4wL0, $zDQXX); goto neYIk; d3LEs: $CJz06 = $this->bVkdz($zDQXX); goto C2OPz; C2OPz: $JuSZE = $this->Sj9XP($MbY8Q); goto mmmSJ; neYIk: } public function read(string $zDQXX) { goto Nc73P; Myo2f: if (is_resource($NukP9)) { goto XrxRY; } goto T79B0; cQkeI: $NukP9 = s7zdK::DjlkB($NukP9, function () use($RfSns) { $RfSns->write(''); }); goto Myo2f; YQ06B: XrxRY: goto ym0JD; tWJdG: $RfSns->write("\147\145\164\x20" . $zDQXX . "\x20" . $this->Twu6y->lKOi1(5)); goto D_OeQ; T79B0: throw new Exception("\x46\141\151\x6c\x65\x64\40\x74\x6f\40\x77\x72\x61\160\x20\146\x69\x6c\145\40\157\x75\164\160\x75\x74"); goto YQ06B; D_OeQ: $RfSns->write("\145\170\x69\164"); goto hR8gk; ym0JD: return $NukP9; goto RPXVi; SxmiA: $RfSns = $this->qKalR(); goto iyrJL; iyrJL: stream_set_blocking($RfSns->rBP3j(), false); goto tWJdG; hR8gk: $NukP9 = $RfSns->NZL8k(); goto cQkeI; Nc73P: $zDQXX = $this->BVKDz($zDQXX); goto SxmiA; RPXVi: } public function write(string $MbY8Q) { goto s0p1i; FD1ft: $RfSns->write("\x70\165\x74\x20" . $this->Twu6y->lkoI1(4) . "\40" . $MbY8Q); goto CCnlt; KXSsw: throw new i7TPg($MbY8Q); goto w1awS; Vecn4: $RfSns = $this->qkAlr(); goto gfZKv; f6m1S: XOFQ9: goto FDwq6; yzVNf: szUli: goto CFqrn; w1awS: goto XOFQ9; goto yzVNf; gfZKv: $NukP9 = $RfSns->ii2Zn(); goto FD1ft; CFqrn: return $W7ZnK; goto f6m1S; s0p1i: $MbY8Q = $this->bvKDz($MbY8Q); goto Vecn4; f_s1G: if (is_resource($W7ZnK)) { goto szUli; } goto KXSsw; CCnlt: $RfSns->write("\x65\170\151\164"); goto mMtyt; mMtyt: $W7ZnK = S7zDk::djlKb($NukP9, function () use($RfSns) { $RfSns->write(''); }, null, function () use($RfSns) { $RfSns->close(false); }); goto f_s1G; FDwq6: } public function append(string $MbY8Q) { throw new sQc4F("\x70\x68\160\55\x6c\151\142\163\x6d\x62\143\x6c\151\145\x6e\164\x20\151\x73\40\162\x65\x71\x75\x69\162\145\144\40\146\x6f\162\40\x61\160\x70\145\x6e\x64"); } public function setMode(string $pB93O, int $K1IAq) { goto rbcig; ic_WU: $pB93O = $this->BVkdZ($pB93O); goto IBYBc; OmZtP: $r4wL0 = $this->execute($feihl); goto hkoUa; rbcig: $J228r = ''; goto AgqMW; IBYBc: $feihl = "\x73\x65\x74\x6d\x6f\144\145\40" . $pB93O . "\x20\55\162\x73\x68\141"; goto OmZtP; QFmu9: if ($K1IAq !== yNJXh::mmIwR) { goto W6wfI; } goto rHTsI; hkoUa: $this->IOlqg($r4wL0, $pB93O); goto QFmu9; Y_dvB: ziGaV: goto ic_WU; XszFE: goto EE_dP; goto JcHON; AgqMW: foreach (self::od2Qy as $FH410 => $m1YDp) { goto N95Sa; UGEVt: rYnkf: goto e1gDa; u9FVm: Yiov1: goto UGEVt; jBH6W: $J228r .= $m1YDp; goto u9FVm; N95Sa: if (!($K1IAq & $FH410)) { goto Yiov1; } goto jBH6W; e1gDa: } goto Y_dvB; UU303: EE_dP: goto hPE6K; rHTsI: return true; goto XszFE; JcHON: W6wfI: goto afWYK; eRi7p: return $this->iOlQG($r4wL0, $pB93O); goto UU303; afWYK: $feihl = "\163\145\164\x6d\x6f\144\x65\40" . $pB93O . "\40" . $J228r; goto clsPh; clsPh: $r4wL0 = $this->execute($feihl); goto eRi7p; hPE6K: } public function notify(string $pB93O) : zi1kc { goto PFHT_; iUilk: $ZpVxf = "\x6e\157\x74\x69\146\x79\x20" . $this->BvkDZ($pB93O); goto vVyVz; PFHT_: if ($this->Twu6y->axUYt()) { goto zMp2K; } goto Rwa35; Rwa35: throw new SQC4f("\163\164\x64\x62\x75\x66\40\151\163\40\x72\x65\x71\165\x69\x72\x65\144\x20\146\157\162\40\x75\x73\141\147\145\40\x6f\146\x20\164\x68\145\40\x6e\x6f\164\151\x66\x79\x20\143\157\x6d\155\x61\x6e\x64"); goto JD0Kx; Rqb2o: return new ik2IL($RfSns, $pB93O); goto uXzT9; JD0Kx: zMp2K: goto HH332; HH332: $RfSns = $this->QkaLr(); goto iUilk; vVyVz: $RfSns->write($ZpVxf . PHP_EOL); goto Rqb2o; uXzT9: } protected function execute(string $ZpVxf) : array { $this->DLr5H()->write($ZpVxf); return $this->dLR5h()->read(); } protected function IOLqg(array $PTE7L, string $pB93O = '') : bool { goto FTIdz; ZmKyT: icAto: goto NKXvT; uLwBP: goto icAto; goto BggZe; D6Ipe: return true; goto ZmKyT; BggZe: eoOXL: goto D6Ipe; yaAlR: $this->KRrse->A_pUk($PTE7L, $pB93O); goto uLwBP; FTIdz: if (count($PTE7L) === 0) { goto eoOXL; } goto yaAlR; NKXvT: } protected function MuRw3(string $m1YDp) : string { return escapeshellarg($m1YDp); } protected function BvkDZ(string $pB93O) : string { goto n6w5D; ECrzM: Uq7VX: goto Or9re; QSWIf: $pB93O = ''; goto ECrzM; Gnqci: if (!($pB93O === "\57")) { goto Uq7VX; } goto QSWIf; n6w5D: $this->s9Kq9($pB93O); goto Gnqci; Or9re: $pB93O = str_replace("\57", "\x5c", $pB93O); goto pXsIL; qgBxN: $pB93O = ltrim($pB93O, "\x5c"); goto A3IIL; pXsIL: $pB93O = str_replace("\42", "\136\42", $pB93O); goto qgBxN; A3IIL: return "\x22" . $pB93O . "\x22"; goto q112Z; q112Z: } protected function sj9xP(string $pB93O) : string { $pB93O = str_replace("\x22", "\x5c\42", $pB93O); return "\42" . $pB93O . "\x22"; } protected function Bjcjg(string $pB93O) : array { goto jSMRO; UlC1y: BugNH: goto ALzNg; UAk9Z: $RfSns = new DzcEu($ZpVxf); goto jpY1H; vhWkW: return $this->KRrse->GnrHc($Yicl2); goto EecSx; vxB6t: if ($QEJmn) { goto BugNH; } goto WhHDw; eY4Cd: Ju11A: goto KMGP0; FgGDl: $RfSns->DlR5h(); goto U0_YO; jSMRO: $QEJmn = $this->Twu6y->lhO1p(); goto vxB6t; KMGP0: $Yicl2 = $RfSns->kJXXK(); goto vhWkW; zBHSP: throw new bjJft((string) $RfSns->readLine()); goto eY4Cd; U0_YO: if ($RfSns->UzIIP()) { goto Ju11A; } goto zBHSP; ALzNg: $ZpVxf = sprintf("\x25\163\40\x25\x73\x20\45\163\x20\45\x73\x2f\x25\x73\40\45\163", $QEJmn, $this->Bpb3k(), $this->MT_S4->UN7Sw()->z_UHe(), escapeshellarg("\57\57" . $this->MT_S4->rRe6O()), escapeshellarg($this->name), escapeshellarg($pB93O)); goto UAk9Z; WhHDw: return []; goto UlC1y; jpY1H: $RfSns->BhVov($this->MT_S4->uN7Sw()->rb9Ox(), $this->MT_S4->Un7sW()->c5pSq()); goto FgGDl; EecSx: } public function bppD_() : NLWjB { return $this->MT_S4; } public function __destruct() { unset($this->WOsOB); } }

Function Calls





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Decode Time 109 ms