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<?php declare (strict_types=1); namespace zKysW\FKOoh\WeAU8; use const IkA17; use DateInt..

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 declare (strict_types=1); namespace zKysW\FKOoh\WeAU8; use const IkA17; use DateInterval; use DateTimeImmutable; use Generator; use ZKysW\FKoOH\zvjgZ; use ZKYSW\fkoOh\PBWRr; use zKYsW\fKoOh\dLsE9; use zKySW\fkOoh\uqE0K; use zKySW\fKOoH\Y88QW; use zKYSw\FKOOh\Xp27q; use zKySW\fKOoH\gCHeu; use zKySw\fkoOh\yKtlp; use ZKysw\Fkooh\Km0si; use ZKySW\FkooH\bf71t; use zKysw\FKOoH\hlorp; use zkysw\fKOoH\ifX_K\dh6hJ; use Zkysw\fkooh\iFx_k\rNvdb; use ZkYSW\fkOoh\cgts2; use ydt7E\EnJVq\X90S3; use Throwable; use function file_get_contents; use function is_resource; use function iterator_to_array; abstract class eIKTP extends X90s3 { use n3NA_; protected static $LPv8d; protected $wdL7y = false; public static function gCRm6() : void { static::$LPv8d = null; } protected static abstract function CfcuF() : FilesystemAdapter; public function r8qz9() : FilesystemAdapter { goto G3tte; G3tte: if (static::$LPv8d instanceof y88QW) { goto kRzI0; } goto TRDmV; AgvoC: return static::$LPv8d; goto kaNAs; O_kpd: kRzI0: goto AgvoC; TRDmV: static::$LPv8d = static::CFcuf(); goto O_kpd; kaNAs: } public static function T2Ux9() : void { oA220::Gcrm6(); } protected function cvGK2() : void { pfNK0::CVgk2(); $this->r8qz9(); } protected function OYXef(y88Qw $l2MAW) : FilesystemAdapter { goto GMc1T; QdSf8: $this->wdL7y = true; goto saw3H; saw3H: return $l2MAW; goto KjvwP; GMc1T: static::$LPv8d = $l2MAW; goto QdSf8; KjvwP: } public function vfr07() : void { $this->PXWDZ(); $this->RlQTY(); } public function RlqTY() : void { goto Vdf6B; cdtyk: $this->MZBj4(function () use($l2MAW) { foreach ($l2MAW->ShVrU('', false) as $mkNsE) { goto yWdMz; nT80l: osQtN: goto graOp; graOp: H3Md7: goto YCe9P; yBWmj: B99kV: goto Ky6Hh; yWdMz: if ($mkNsE->isDir()) { goto B99kV; } goto ESXHl; oaxBf: goto osQtN; goto yBWmj; ESXHl: $l2MAW->delete($mkNsE->m8kps()); goto oaxBf; Ky6Hh: $l2MAW->lavO1($mkNsE->M8kPs()); goto nT80l; YCe9P: } fdkOh: }); goto XUpCE; fttIS: try { $l2MAW = $this->r8QZ9(); } catch (Throwable $rhOsv) { return; } goto cdtyk; Vdf6B: Z93Fr(); goto fttIS; XUpCE: } public function PxWDZ() : void { goto OUfy9; yh_aF: oA220::gcRM6(); goto AeHt2; AeHt2: vFpNx: goto hj5T0; iD6MK: $this->wdL7y = false; goto yh_aF; OUfy9: if (!$this->wdL7y) { goto vFpNx; } goto iD6MK; hj5T0: } public function fnScM() : void { $this->ML465(function () { goto t76uD; KayCf: $this->FzLmJ($FAhwD); goto ijlSK; J96pF: $l2MAW->write("path.txt", "contents", new PBwrR()); goto yS7Og; yS7Og: $FAhwD = $l2MAW->w6kfe("path.txt"); goto GkCvb; t76uD: $l2MAW = $this->R8qZ9(); goto J96pF; GkCvb: $Wskpu = $l2MAW->read("path.txt"); goto KayCf; ijlSK: $this->o70o7("contents", $Wskpu); goto PfASG; PfASG: }); } public function PoHUp() : void { $this->Ml465(function () { goto pxyCv; x6XQo: yX38L: goto PMc_n; b9o03: $BTbZV = W8Yip("contents"); goto VyTxO; VyTxO: $l2MAW->P7sHL("path.txt", $BTbZV, new pbwrR()); goto fMcD1; PMc_n: $FAhwD = $l2MAW->W6kFE("path.txt"); goto T55v1; pxyCv: $l2MAW = $this->R8qZ9(); goto b9o03; fMcD1: if (!is_resource($BTbZV)) { goto yX38L; } goto I5YPk; I5YPk: fclose($BTbZV); goto x6XQo; T55v1: $this->FzlmJ($FAhwD); goto SvBGD; SvBGD: }); } public function fl1lT(string $tCYsQ) : void { $this->Ml465(function () use($tCYsQ) { goto DqntU; Pq8pT: $l2MAW->write($tCYsQ, "contents", new PBWRr()); goto LM1tg; DqntU: $l2MAW = $this->R8QZ9(); goto Pq8pT; x4zdJ: $this->O70o7("contents", $Wskpu); goto vICLQ; LM1tg: $Wskpu = $l2MAW->read($tCYsQ); goto x4zdJ; vICLQ: }); } public static function bCuPy() : Generator { goto cGKeg; P6g9d: (yield "a path with curly brackets in dirname 1" => ["some{name}/filename.txt"]); goto H1rEq; ab9pD: (yield "a path with square brackets in dirname 1" => ["some[name]/file.txt"]); goto VymFK; XAmdw: (yield "a path with curly brackets in dirname 3" => ["some{10}/filename.txt"]); goto LY1ZQ; ziBlF: (yield "a path with curly brackets in filename 3" => ["some/file{10}.txt"]); goto P6g9d; VymFK: (yield "a path with square brackets in dirname 2" => ["some[0]/file.txt"]); goto t4cmC; H1rEq: (yield "a path with curly brackets in dirname 2" => ["some{0}/filename.txt"]); goto XAmdw; rZEkA: (yield "a path with curly brackets in filename 1" => ["some/file{name}.txt"]); goto QmOaN; QmOaN: (yield "a path with curly brackets in filename 2" => ["some/file{0}.txt"]); goto ziBlF; LY1ZQ: (yield "a path with space in dirname" => ["some dir/filename.txt"]); goto zKHFm; t4cmC: (yield "a path with square brackets in dirname 3" => ["some[10]/file.txt"]); goto rZEkA; SgfUp: (yield "a path with square brackets in filename 3" => ["some/file[10].txt"]); goto ab9pD; zKHFm: (yield "a path with space in filename" => ["somedir/file name.txt"]); goto gEiNQ; cGKeg: (yield "a path with square brackets in filename 1" => ["some/file[name].txt"]); goto sYM1r; sYM1r: (yield "a path with square brackets in filename 2" => ["some/file[0].txt"]); goto SgfUp; gEiNQ: } public function N2E4r() : void { $this->Ml465(function () { goto yUFro; iKpP7: oiGjS: goto nNC0W; V0SwN: if (!is_resource($BTbZV)) { goto oiGjS; } goto c1wfz; yUFro: $l2MAW = $this->R8Qz9(); goto OMva0; c1wfz: fclose($BTbZV); goto iKpP7; EFppi: $this->O70O7('', $Wskpu); goto Uo1nH; OMva0: $BTbZV = w8YIp(''); goto qr2SE; nNC0W: $FAhwD = $l2MAW->w6KFe("path.txt"); goto agtbn; agtbn: $this->fZlmJ($FAhwD); goto uTDqI; uTDqI: $Wskpu = $l2MAW->read("path.txt"); goto EFppi; qr2SE: $l2MAW->p7SHl("path.txt", $BTbZV, new PbwRr()); goto V0SwN; Uo1nH: }); } public function JTbu1() : void { $this->iAxw_("path.txt", "contents"); $this->mL465(function () { $Wskpu = $this->r8Qz9()->read("path.txt"); $this->o70O7("contents", $Wskpu); }); } public function Y17bG() : void { $this->iaXw_("path.txt", "contents"); $this->Ml465(function () { goto AyuVI; lGiJN: $this->o70o7("contents", $Wskpu); goto qdCXZ; MKwlW: $this->QOFLd($lipiK); goto lGiJN; AyuVI: $lipiK = $this->R8qz9()->z1OpX("path.txt"); goto IOQFD; IOQFD: $Wskpu = stream_get_contents($lipiK); goto MKwlW; qdCXZ: fclose($lipiK); goto WGKzI; WGKzI: }); } public function isH3p() : void { $this->ML465(function () { goto v3Kaf; jY4ZN: $DeXwJ = $l2MAW->Gxq29("path.txt")->GxQ29(); goto iWvOY; rOJp4: $Wskpu = $l2MAW->read("path.txt"); goto V_7fc; iWvOY: $this->o70o7(cGTs2::BwrYq, $DeXwJ); goto XXPC1; hU89G: $l2MAW->write("path.txt", "new contents", new PbwRR(["visibility" => CGTS2::BwrYq])); goto rOJp4; XOkqr: $l2MAW = $this->R8QZ9(); goto hU89G; v3Kaf: $this->IAXW_("path.txt", "contents", ["visibility" => cgTS2::nG00W]); goto XOkqr; V_7fc: $this->o70O7("new contents", $Wskpu); goto jY4ZN; XXPC1: }); } public function Qvyg2() : void { $this->mL465(function () { goto gUJif; ASqlY: OA220::fzlMj($l2MAW->W6kfE("path.txt")); goto FK4d9; gUJif: $l2MAW = $this->r8Qz9(); goto zX2y9; FK4d9: $l2MAW->delete("path.txt"); goto Zz6WO; Zz6WO: OA220::Z3M5U($l2MAW->w6kfe("path.txt")); goto W232r; E1wQF: $this->IaXw_("path.txt"); goto ASqlY; zX2y9: oA220::Z3M5U($l2MAW->w6kFe("path.txt")); goto E1wQF; W232r: }); } public function DGYFI() : void { $this->ml465(function () { goto Ab_Pi; BpKeB: $this->FZLmj($UlXDl[$r_Aqx]->isDir()); goto zoBxS; D4jR2: $this->qjkNb(xP27q::class, $UlXDl); goto wtfPT; pl55W: $this->JhwaY(Generator::class, $rjg35); goto D4jR2; wtfPT: $this->HMIeC(2, $UlXDl, $this->KT_eK($UlXDl)); goto AYG4a; k2ywQ: $this->FzLMJ($UlXDl[$YUJEG]->isFile()); goto BpKeB; SaDqM: $this->Iaxw_("some/1-nested/path.txt", "contents"); goto CJfAT; JJHWf: $this->o70o7("some/0-path.txt", $UlXDl[$YUJEG]->M8KPS()); goto x6bY9; qFrZV: $UlXDl = iterator_to_array($rjg35); goto pl55W; x6bY9: $this->o70o7("some/1-nested", $UlXDl[$r_Aqx]->M8KPS()); goto k2ywQ; CJfAT: $rjg35 = $this->R8qz9()->shVru("some", false); goto qFrZV; AYG4a: [$YUJEG, $r_Aqx] = $UlXDl[0]->isFile() ? [0, 1] : [1, 0]; goto JJHWf; Ab_Pi: $this->IaXw_("some/0-path.txt", "contents"); goto SaDqM; zoBxS: }); } public function v7pqF() : void { $this->Ml465(function () { $l2MAW = $this->R8qz9(); OA220::Z3M5u($l2MAW->Sstgc("this-does-not-exist.php")); }); } public function nEU3q() : void { $this->ml465(function () { goto tOuAs; tOuAs: $l2MAW = $this->R8qZ9(); goto mRuU4; es9Hd: oA220::FzLMJ($l2MAW->ssTgc("existing-directory")); goto s39Nz; mRuU4: $this->iaXW_("existing-directory/file.txt"); goto es9Hd; s39Nz: }); } public function ngwVL() : void { $this->ML465(function () { goto OD63P; kkeEJ: $l2MAW->LAvO1("explicitly-created-directory"); goto d39PF; nssFY: Oa220::z3m5u($l2MAW->SsTGC("explicitly-created-directory")); goto NE_PP; fLBve: oA220::O70o7([], $NcVuf); goto nssFY; OD63P: $l2MAW = $this->R8qZ9(); goto veWJI; veWJI: $l2MAW->cpGC3("explicitly-created-directory", new pBWRR()); goto nq8jB; nq8jB: OA220::fZlMj($l2MAW->Sstgc("explicitly-created-directory")); goto kkeEJ; d39PF: $NcVuf = iterator_to_array($l2MAW->sHVru("/", false), false); goto fLBve; NE_PP: }); } public function bKCsy() : void { $this->Ml465(function () { goto ZlwfS; WtY5I: $l2MAW->write("path/file.txt", "string", new PBwRr()); goto An5bg; JRpNX: $UlXDl = iterator_to_array($rjg35); goto LoKB3; An5bg: $rjg35 = $l2MAW->ShVRU('', true); goto JRpNX; Y0_IH: $l2MAW->CpGC3("path", new pBwrr()); goto WtY5I; LoKB3: $this->hmiec(2, $UlXDl, $this->kt_ek($UlXDl)); goto ENNZI; ZlwfS: $l2MAW = $this->R8qz9(); goto Y0_IH; ENNZI: }); } protected function Kt_EK(array $UlXDl) : string { goto T0eFM; T0eFM: $okEHu = "Incorrect number of items returned.
The listing contains:\xa\xa"; goto NPJNn; ttQxn: return $okEHu . PHP_EOL; goto H6xCZ; lbU5f: FyHoX: goto ttQxn; NPJNn: foreach ($UlXDl as $mkNsE) { $okEHu .= "- {$mkNsE->m8KpS()}
"; e4QhG: } goto lbU5f; H6xCZ: } protected function IaXW_(string $tCYsQ, string $Wskpu = "contents", array $nQ2W1 = []) : void { $this->mZBJ4(function () use($tCYsQ, $Wskpu, $nQ2W1) { $this->R8qz9()->write($tCYsQ, $Wskpu, new pbwrR($nQ2W1)); }); } public function avbsV() : void { goto HIADi; feXrP: $this->iaxW_("path.txt", "contents"); goto Xl4HK; HIADi: $l2MAW = $this->R8Qz9(); goto feXrP; Xl4HK: $this->mL465(function () use($l2MAW) { goto uzHaN; uzHaN: $Sn_Sr = $l2MAW->fileSize("path.txt"); goto RMzv4; NJh5b: $this->O70o7(8, $Sn_Sr->fileSize()); goto l8WT2; RMzv4: $this->JHwaY(UQE0K::class, $Sn_Sr); goto NJh5b; l8WT2: }); goto E4uab; E4uab: } public function e0P4w() : void { $this->Ml465(function () { goto d85aB; gYQqM: $l2MAW->LkBug("path.txt", cGTs2::nG00W); goto nz7zR; d85aB: $l2MAW = $this->r8qZ9(); goto uUm80; uUm80: $this->iaxw_("path.txt", "contents", [pBwrR::htRP2 => cgts2::nG00W]); goto idQeU; idQeU: $this->o70o7(cGTS2::nG00W, $l2MAW->gXq29("path.txt")->gxq29()); goto gwZkY; nz7zR: $this->o70o7(cGtS2::nG00W, $l2MAW->gxQ29("path.txt")->GxQ29()); goto CNefA; VaaSP: $this->O70o7(cGTS2::BwrYq, $l2MAW->gXQ29("path.txt")->gXQ29()); goto gYQqM; gwZkY: $l2MAW->LKbUg("path.txt", CgTS2::BwrYq); goto VaaSP; CNefA: }); } public function drXGI() : void { goto La2kS; La2kS: $this->S2Aci(bF71t::class); goto ly_O8; VhXiI: $this->ml465(function () use($l2MAW) { $l2MAW->CpGC3("path", new PbWRR()); $l2MAW->fileSize("path/"); }); goto W1_3t; ly_O8: $l2MAW = $this->R8qz9(); goto VhXiI; W1_3t: } public function zMQx0() : void { $this->S2ACI(Bf71T::class); $this->ML465(function () { $this->R8qz9()->fileSize("non-existing-file.txt"); }); } public function XUxft() : void { $this->S2aCI(bf71t::class); $this->Ml465(function () { $this->R8Qz9()->l8rlx("non-existing-file.txt"); }); } public function qu45R() : void { $this->S2AcI(bf71t::class); $this->Ml465(function () { $this->r8Qz9()->GXQ29("non-existing-file.txt"); }); } public function AOwk1() : void { $this->ml465(function () { goto sHzhu; tufR0: $l20BX = $this->r8QZ9()->k8RzU("file.svg")->K8rZU(); goto YnpLp; sHzhu: $this->iaXW_("file.svg", file_get_contents(__DIR__ . "/test_files/flysystem.svg")); goto tufR0; YnpLp: $this->yOB1l("image/svg+xml", $l20BX); goto n3q35; n3q35: }); } public function ih0EL() : void { $this->s2aCi(Bf71T::class); $this->ml465(function () { $this->r8qz9()->K8Rzu("non-existing-file.txt"); }); } public function a0Wvr() : void { goto LjnyU; gj1WA: $this->s2acI(Bf71T::class); goto REbN2; REbN2: $this->mL465(function () { $this->R8qz9()->k8rzU("unknown-mime-type.md5"); }); goto KBdeG; LjnyU: $this->IaXW_("unknown-mime-type.md5", file_get_contents(__DIR__ . "/test_files/unknown-mime-type.md5")); goto gj1WA; KBdeG: } public function uCTnK() : void { goto E1qki; j6Gbq: $this->Ml465(function () { $Wskpu = iterator_to_array($this->R8qz9()->sHvrU('', true)); $this->hMiEc(2, $Wskpu); }); goto h6hkT; u52Rq: $this->IaxW_("path2.txt"); goto j6Gbq; E1qki: $this->Iaxw_("path1.txt"); goto u52Rq; h6hkT: } public function jFX5e() : void { $this->Ml465(function () { goto xQgHq; sTVDw: ailvD: goto vWvhM; Yn62F: $l2MAW->p7sHL("path.txt", $BTbZV, new pBWRR()); goto IllTT; bMln3: fclose($lipiK); goto y_JAh; vWvhM: $lipiK = $l2MAW->z1oPX("path.txt"); goto ZpJi0; Perb3: fclose($BTbZV); goto sTVDw; y_JAh: $this->o70o7("contents", $Wskpu); goto unsiL; IllTT: if (!is_resource($BTbZV)) { goto ailvD; } goto Perb3; hvr_2: $Wskpu = stream_get_contents($lipiK); goto bMln3; ZpJi0: $this->QOfLD($lipiK); goto hvr_2; xQgHq: $BTbZV = W8yIp("contents"); goto CDqG5; CDqG5: $l2MAW = $this->R8Qz9(); goto Yn62F; unsiL: }); } public function q3Xl5() : void { $this->S2acI(HLOrP::class); $this->ml465(function () { $this->r8qZ9()->LKbug("this-path-does-not-exists.txt", CgTS2::BwrYq); }); } public function HyiDV() : void { $this->mL465(function () { goto yGcoa; yGcoa: $l2MAW = $this->r8qZ9(); goto aSJxE; pGgDn: $this->FZLMJ($l2MAW->w6Kfe("source.txt")); goto PgqYj; PgqYj: $this->fZLMJ($l2MAW->w6Kfe("destination.txt")); goto NWbOg; aSJxE: $l2MAW->write("source.txt", "contents to be copied", new PBWRR([PbWRr::htRP2 => CgTs2::nG00W])); goto whmO1; gAzVt: $this->o70o7("contents to be copied", $l2MAW->read("destination.txt")); goto xyC9K; whmO1: $l2MAW->copy("source.txt", "destination.txt", new pBWRr()); goto pGgDn; NWbOg: $this->o70o7(cGts2::nG00W, $l2MAW->gXq29("destination.txt")->gxq29()); goto gAzVt; xyC9K: }); } public function rS95V() : void { $this->ml465(function () { goto CynJY; O5Uds: $l2MAW->copy("source.txt", "destination.txt", new PBWrR()); goto OOptY; DaF41: $this->o70O7("contents to be copied", $l2MAW->read("destination.txt")); goto x3ucQ; FmILi: $this->FZLMJ($l2MAW->W6Kfe("destination.txt")); goto pDjfd; CynJY: $l2MAW = $this->r8Qz9(); goto GmgRk; pDjfd: $this->O70o7(cGts2::nG00W, $l2MAW->GXQ29("destination.txt")->gXq29()); goto DaF41; OOptY: $this->FZlMJ($l2MAW->w6kFe("source.txt")); goto FmILi; GmgRk: $l2MAW->write("source.txt", "contents to be copied", new pBWrr([PBWrr::htRP2 => CgtS2::nG00W])); goto O5Uds; x3ucQ: }); } public function w9TO7() : void { $this->ml465(function () { goto xCm2V; AVVyf: $this->z3m5u($l2MAW->W6KFe("source.txt"), "After moving a file should no longer exist in the original location."); goto LsYff; OXAGb: $this->O70o7("contents to be copied", $l2MAW->read("destination.txt")); goto R59K_; LsYff: $this->FZLmj($l2MAW->w6Kfe("destination.txt"), "After moving, a file should be present at the new location."); goto OL5Gr; WUJde: $l2MAW->K3Kjz("source.txt", "destination.txt", new PbwRr()); goto AVVyf; mbAyq: $l2MAW->write("source.txt", "contents to be copied", new pbwrR([pBwRR::htRP2 => CGtS2::nG00W])); goto WUJde; xCm2V: $l2MAW = $this->R8qz9(); goto mbAyq; OL5Gr: $this->o70o7(CGTs2::nG00W, $l2MAW->Gxq29("destination.txt")->GXq29()); goto OXAGb; R59K_: }); } public function S25pI() : void { $this->S2aCI(Km0si::class); $this->Ml465(function () { $this->R8Qz9()->read("path.txt"); }); } public function F9CVt() : void { $this->S2Aci(gcHeu::class); $this->ml465(function () { $this->R8QZ9()->k3KJZ("source.txt", "destination.txt", new pBWRr()); }); } public function snzBz() : void { goto em7Ep; XAZ4R: $FAhwD = $l2MAW->w6KfE("path.txt"); goto ugJ01; em7Ep: $l2MAW = $this->r8Qz9(); goto gkNyT; ugJ01: $this->z3M5u($FAhwD); goto lXFuz; gkNyT: $l2MAW->delete("path.txt"); goto XAZ4R; lXFuz: } public function Ag2N3() : void { $this->ML465(function () { goto Y3ZVr; P6apB: $l2MAW->write("some/path.txt", "contents", new PbwRR()); goto UHbxb; i1feT: $this->z3M5u($fN61F); goto PE1H_; PE1H_: $this->FZLMJ($dlWPl); goto juaom; Y3ZVr: $l2MAW = $this->r8qz9(); goto CfkwH; CfkwH: $fN61F = $l2MAW->W6kFe("some/path.txt"); goto P6apB; UHbxb: $dlWPl = $l2MAW->w6KFE("some/path.txt"); goto i1feT; juaom: }); } public function g40Ns() : void { $this->Ml465(function () { goto jxr2F; RTJwm: $this->FZLMj($Sn_Sr->l8rlX() < time() + 30); goto q2NIw; jxr2F: $l2MAW = $this->R8QZ9(); goto EEHWH; Mu7hR: $Sn_Sr = $l2MAW->L8Rlx("path.txt"); goto nUvik; LehQp: $this->OQXDC($Sn_Sr->L8Rlx()); goto cZoo_; cZoo_: $this->FZLmj($Sn_Sr->L8rLx() > time() - 30); goto RTJwm; EEHWH: $l2MAW->write("path.txt", "contents", new pBwRR()); goto Mu7hR; nUvik: $this->JhwAy(uqe0K::class, $Sn_Sr); goto LehQp; q2NIw: }); } public function HvQis() : void { $this->s2Aci(Km0SI::class); $this->r8Qz9()->z1Opx("something.txt"); } public function eYilo() : void { $this->s2aCI(km0sI::class); $this->R8Qz9()->read("something.txt"); } public function Xfygs() : void { $this->ML465(function () { goto nEUHh; nEUHh: $l2MAW = $this->R8qZ9(); goto ikEFJ; PQTh9: $l2MAW->CPGC3("creating_a_directory/path", new PbwRR()); goto GIS7e; ikEFJ: $l2MAW->cPgc3("creating_a_directory/path", new pBwrr()); goto PQTh9; GIS7e: $Wskpu = iterator_to_array($l2MAW->Shvru("creating_a_directory", false)); goto V31cQ; V31cQ: $this->hmieC(1, $Wskpu, $this->KT_ek($Wskpu)); goto XFstK; pEhwL: $l2MAW->LavO1("creating_a_directory/path"); goto yBe2l; koc08: $this->o70O7("creating_a_directory/path", $Iq8d1->M8kPs()); goto pEhwL; dvNhs: $this->JHway(DLSe9::class, $Iq8d1); goto koc08; XFstK: $Iq8d1 = $Wskpu[0]; goto dvNhs; yBe2l: }); } public function JZ58R() : void { $this->ml465(function () { goto DryOI; DryOI: $l2MAW = $this->r8qZ9(); goto jnzWm; jnzWm: $l2MAW->write("path.txt", "new contents", new PbwRr()); goto vDj6a; lxZJM: $Wskpu = $l2MAW->read("new-path.txt"); goto g7Z88; vDj6a: $l2MAW->write("new-path.txt", "contents", new pBwRR()); goto G2LVn; g7Z88: $this->O70o7("new contents", $Wskpu); goto iwEkY; G2LVn: $l2MAW->copy("path.txt", "new-path.txt", new pbwRR()); goto lxZJM; iwEkY: }); } protected function uS7Yk(string $tCYsQ) : void { $this->mL465(function () use($tCYsQ) { $FAhwD = $this->r8qz9()->W6KFE($tCYsQ); $this->FZLMJ($FAhwD); }); } public function j3hpL() : void { goto XpBd7; L8GWy: $this->qPRxc("Adapter does not supply public URls"); goto AJU4f; XpBd7: $l2MAW = $this->r8qZ9(); goto d2ciH; d2ciH: if ($l2MAW instanceof Dh6Hj) { goto XaxOn; } goto L8GWy; lPdvM: $Wskpu = file_get_contents($cMBA9); goto RLANp; RLANp: oa220::O70o7("public contents", $Wskpu); goto RgMe6; AJU4f: XaxOn: goto vJBOz; x1Le8: $cMBA9 = $l2MAW->EUrfH("some/path.txt", new PBwrR()); goto lPdvM; vJBOz: $l2MAW->write("some/path.txt", "public contents", new PbWRr(["visibility" => "public"])); goto x1Le8; RgMe6: } public function IlilV() : void { goto RGAx7; RGAx7: $l2MAW = $this->r8QZ9(); goto dbp4l; i49NT: $h77rs = (new DateTimeImmutable())->add(DateInterval::createFromDateString("1 minute")); goto fOBXh; hxsIy: lM3r3: goto LFgkz; WZ218: $Wskpu = file_get_contents($cMBA9); goto qTIMG; dbp4l: if ($l2MAW instanceof RNvDB) { goto lM3r3; } goto GfBMt; LFgkz: $l2MAW->write("some/private.txt", "public contents", new pBWrR(["visibility" => "private"])); goto i49NT; fOBXh: $cMBA9 = $l2MAW->pycDs("some/private.txt", $h77rs, new PbWrr()); goto WZ218; qTIMG: Oa220::O70o7("public contents", $Wskpu); goto Sj3XR; GfBMt: $this->Qprxc("Adapter does not supply temporary URls"); goto hxsIy; Sj3XR: } public function R4IJA() : void { goto cTE_L; CEd9r: $l2MAW->write("path.txt", "foobar", new Pbwrr()); goto hYXtX; wMWo1: h3rLZ: goto CEd9r; DnFoT: if ($l2MAW instanceof zVjGZ) { goto h3rLZ; } goto sBgtN; cTE_L: $l2MAW = $this->r8Qz9(); goto DnFoT; sBgtN: $this->qprxC("Adapter does not supply providing checksums"); goto wMWo1; hYXtX: $this->QbrBb("3858f62230ac3c915f300c664312c63f", $l2MAW->D4tzg("path.txt", new PbwRr())); goto gGm0A; gGm0A: } public function lhAJa() : void { goto eq39b; QTQl0: $this->S2Aci(Yktlp::class); goto DnVSX; eq39b: $l2MAW = $this->r8QZ9(); goto a1DpS; FjRBG: $this->qPRxC("Adapter does not supply providing checksums"); goto Y_MOm; Y_MOm: VYslE: goto QTQl0; a1DpS: if ($l2MAW instanceof zVJgZ) { goto VYslE; } goto FjRBG; DnVSX: $l2MAW->d4tzg("path.txt", new PbwrR()); goto EDp1L; EDp1L: } public function bXBNO() : void { goto NqF1c; d6mPZ: qLQIu: goto q2lQF; q2lQF: $l2MAW->cPgC3("dir", new pBWRr()); goto sFtlL; flfpf: $l2MAW->d4tZG("dir", new pbWRR()); goto vXcdI; rgF7A: $this->QPRXC("Adapter does not supply providing checksums"); goto d6mPZ; D20qC: if ($l2MAW instanceof zvJgZ) { goto qLQIu; } goto rgF7A; sFtlL: $this->S2Aci(ykTlp::class); goto flfpf; NqF1c: $l2MAW = $this->r8qz9(); goto D20qC; vXcdI: } } ?>

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Original Code

 declare (strict_types=1); namespace zKysW\FKOoh\WeAU8; use const IkA17; use DateInterval; use DateTimeImmutable; use Generator; use ZKysW\FKoOH\zvjgZ; use ZKYSW\fkoOh\PBWRr; use zKYsW\fKoOh\dLsE9; use zKySW\fkOoh\uqE0K; use zKySW\fKOoH\Y88QW; use zKYSw\FKOOh\Xp27q; use zKySW\fKOoH\gCHeu; use zKySw\fkoOh\yKtlp; use ZKysw\Fkooh\Km0si; use ZKySW\FkooH\bf71t; use zKysw\FKOoH\hlorp; use zkysw\fKOoH\ifX_K\dh6hJ; use Zkysw\fkooh\iFx_k\rNvdb; use ZkYSW\fkOoh\cgts2; use ydt7E\EnJVq\X90S3; use Throwable; use function file_get_contents; use function is_resource; use function iterator_to_array; abstract class eIKTP extends X90s3 { use n3NA_; protected static $LPv8d; protected $wdL7y = false; public static function gCRm6() : void { static::$LPv8d = null; } protected static abstract function CfcuF() : FilesystemAdapter; public function r8qz9() : FilesystemAdapter { goto G3tte; G3tte: if (static::$LPv8d instanceof y88QW) { goto kRzI0; } goto TRDmV; AgvoC: return static::$LPv8d; goto kaNAs; O_kpd: kRzI0: goto AgvoC; TRDmV: static::$LPv8d = static::CFcuf(); goto O_kpd; kaNAs: } public static function T2Ux9() : void { oA220::Gcrm6(); } protected function cvGK2() : void { pfNK0::CVgk2(); $this->r8qz9(); } protected function OYXef(y88Qw $l2MAW) : FilesystemAdapter { goto GMc1T; QdSf8: $this->wdL7y = true; goto saw3H; saw3H: return $l2MAW; goto KjvwP; GMc1T: static::$LPv8d = $l2MAW; goto QdSf8; KjvwP: } public function vfr07() : void { $this->PXWDZ(); $this->RlQTY(); } public function RlqTY() : void { goto Vdf6B; cdtyk: $this->MZBj4(function () use($l2MAW) { foreach ($l2MAW->ShVrU('', false) as $mkNsE) { goto yWdMz; nT80l: osQtN: goto graOp; graOp: H3Md7: goto YCe9P; yBWmj: B99kV: goto Ky6Hh; yWdMz: if ($mkNsE->isDir()) { goto B99kV; } goto ESXHl; oaxBf: goto osQtN; goto yBWmj; ESXHl: $l2MAW->delete($mkNsE->m8kps()); goto oaxBf; Ky6Hh: $l2MAW->lavO1($mkNsE->M8kPs()); goto nT80l; YCe9P: } fdkOh: }); goto XUpCE; fttIS: try { $l2MAW = $this->r8QZ9(); } catch (Throwable $rhOsv) { return; } goto cdtyk; Vdf6B: Z93Fr(); goto fttIS; XUpCE: } public function PxWDZ() : void { goto OUfy9; yh_aF: oA220::gcRM6(); goto AeHt2; AeHt2: vFpNx: goto hj5T0; iD6MK: $this->wdL7y = false; goto yh_aF; OUfy9: if (!$this->wdL7y) { goto vFpNx; } goto iD6MK; hj5T0: } public function fnScM() : void { $this->ML465(function () { goto t76uD; KayCf: $this->FzLmJ($FAhwD); goto ijlSK; J96pF: $l2MAW->write("\160\141\x74\x68\56\x74\x78\x74", "\143\157\x6e\x74\x65\x6e\x74\163", new PBwrR()); goto yS7Og; yS7Og: $FAhwD = $l2MAW->w6kfe("\x70\x61\x74\150\x2e\x74\170\164"); goto GkCvb; t76uD: $l2MAW = $this->R8qZ9(); goto J96pF; GkCvb: $Wskpu = $l2MAW->read("\160\141\x74\x68\56\x74\x78\x74"); goto KayCf; ijlSK: $this->o70o7("\143\157\156\x74\x65\x6e\164\163", $Wskpu); goto PfASG; PfASG: }); } public function PoHUp() : void { $this->Ml465(function () { goto pxyCv; x6XQo: yX38L: goto PMc_n; b9o03: $BTbZV = W8Yip("\x63\157\x6e\164\145\156\164\163"); goto VyTxO; VyTxO: $l2MAW->P7sHL("\x70\x61\x74\150\x2e\164\x78\x74", $BTbZV, new pbwrR()); goto fMcD1; PMc_n: $FAhwD = $l2MAW->W6kFE("\x70\141\164\x68\x2e\164\170\x74"); goto T55v1; pxyCv: $l2MAW = $this->R8qZ9(); goto b9o03; fMcD1: if (!is_resource($BTbZV)) { goto yX38L; } goto I5YPk; I5YPk: fclose($BTbZV); goto x6XQo; T55v1: $this->FzlmJ($FAhwD); goto SvBGD; SvBGD: }); } public function fl1lT(string $tCYsQ) : void { $this->Ml465(function () use($tCYsQ) { goto DqntU; Pq8pT: $l2MAW->write($tCYsQ, "\x63\157\156\164\145\x6e\x74\163", new PBWRr()); goto LM1tg; DqntU: $l2MAW = $this->R8QZ9(); goto Pq8pT; x4zdJ: $this->O70o7("\x63\157\156\164\x65\x6e\164\163", $Wskpu); goto vICLQ; LM1tg: $Wskpu = $l2MAW->read($tCYsQ); goto x4zdJ; vICLQ: }); } public static function bCuPy() : Generator { goto cGKeg; P6g9d: (yield "\141\x20\160\141\x74\150\40\x77\151\164\150\40\x63\165\x72\154\x79\40\x62\162\x61\x63\x6b\x65\x74\x73\x20\x69\x6e\40\144\x69\x72\x6e\x61\155\145\x20\x31" => ["\163\x6f\x6d\x65\173\x6e\x61\155\x65\x7d\57\x66\151\x6c\145\x6e\x61\155\145\x2e\x74\170\x74"]); goto H1rEq; ab9pD: (yield "\x61\x20\160\x61\x74\150\x20\167\151\x74\150\40\x73\x71\x75\141\162\145\x20\142\162\x61\x63\x6b\145\x74\x73\40\x69\x6e\40\144\x69\x72\156\x61\155\x65\x20\61" => ["\163\157\x6d\145\x5b\156\141\155\x65\x5d\57\146\x69\154\x65\x2e\164\170\x74"]); goto VymFK; XAmdw: (yield "\141\x20\x70\x61\164\x68\x20\167\151\x74\x68\x20\143\165\162\x6c\171\40\x62\x72\141\143\153\x65\164\x73\40\151\156\x20\144\151\x72\156\141\x6d\x65\40\63" => ["\x73\157\155\145\173\61\60\x7d\57\146\x69\x6c\145\x6e\x61\155\145\56\x74\170\164"]); goto LY1ZQ; ziBlF: (yield "\141\x20\160\141\x74\150\x20\167\151\x74\x68\40\143\165\x72\154\x79\x20\x62\x72\141\x63\x6b\145\164\163\40\151\156\x20\146\x69\x6c\145\156\141\155\145\x20\63" => ["\x73\157\x6d\x65\57\146\151\154\x65\173\61\x30\175\56\164\x78\x74"]); goto P6g9d; VymFK: (yield "\x61\x20\160\141\x74\150\40\167\x69\x74\150\x20\x73\x71\165\141\162\145\40\x62\x72\141\x63\153\145\164\x73\x20\151\156\x20\x64\x69\x72\156\141\x6d\x65\40\62" => ["\x73\157\x6d\x65\x5b\x30\135\x2f\x66\151\154\145\56\164\x78\164"]); goto t4cmC; H1rEq: (yield "\141\40\160\141\164\150\x20\167\151\x74\150\40\x63\x75\x72\x6c\x79\x20\x62\x72\x61\143\153\145\x74\163\x20\151\156\40\x64\x69\x72\156\x61\155\145\x20\62" => ["\x73\157\155\x65\173\60\x7d\x2f\146\x69\154\x65\x6e\141\155\145\56\x74\x78\x74"]); goto XAmdw; rZEkA: (yield "\x61\x20\160\141\x74\x68\x20\167\x69\164\150\40\x63\165\162\154\171\40\142\x72\x61\143\153\x65\x74\163\x20\x69\156\40\x66\151\x6c\x65\x6e\141\x6d\145\40\61" => ["\x73\157\x6d\x65\x2f\x66\151\154\x65\x7b\156\141\155\145\175\x2e\x74\170\164"]); goto QmOaN; QmOaN: (yield "\141\x20\160\141\164\x68\40\167\151\164\x68\x20\x63\x75\x72\x6c\x79\x20\x62\x72\141\143\x6b\145\164\163\40\151\156\40\146\151\154\x65\x6e\141\x6d\x65\x20\x32" => ["\x73\157\155\x65\57\x66\x69\x6c\145\173\x30\x7d\56\x74\x78\164"]); goto ziBlF; LY1ZQ: (yield "\x61\40\160\141\164\150\x20\x77\x69\x74\x68\40\163\160\141\x63\x65\40\151\x6e\x20\x64\151\x72\156\141\x6d\x65" => ["\163\x6f\x6d\x65\40\144\x69\162\57\146\151\x6c\x65\156\141\x6d\x65\x2e\164\170\x74"]); goto zKHFm; t4cmC: (yield "\141\x20\x70\141\x74\150\x20\x77\151\164\x68\x20\x73\161\x75\x61\162\145\40\142\x72\141\x63\x6b\145\x74\x73\x20\151\156\x20\144\151\162\156\x61\x6d\145\40\63" => ["\163\x6f\x6d\x65\x5b\x31\x30\135\x2f\146\x69\x6c\145\56\164\x78\164"]); goto rZEkA; SgfUp: (yield "\141\40\160\x61\x74\x68\x20\167\x69\164\x68\x20\x73\161\x75\x61\x72\145\x20\x62\162\x61\x63\x6b\145\x74\x73\x20\151\x6e\40\146\151\x6c\x65\156\141\155\x65\40\63" => ["\x73\x6f\155\145\x2f\x66\x69\x6c\145\x5b\x31\60\x5d\x2e\164\170\x74"]); goto ab9pD; zKHFm: (yield "\141\x20\160\141\164\x68\40\167\x69\164\x68\x20\163\160\141\x63\x65\x20\151\x6e\40\146\151\x6c\145\156\x61\155\145" => ["\163\157\155\x65\x64\x69\162\x2f\x66\x69\154\145\x20\156\x61\x6d\x65\x2e\x74\170\x74"]); goto gEiNQ; cGKeg: (yield "\x61\40\160\141\164\150\40\x77\x69\x74\150\x20\163\161\165\141\162\x65\40\x62\x72\141\143\153\145\164\x73\x20\x69\156\40\146\x69\x6c\x65\156\x61\155\145\x20\x31" => ["\163\x6f\x6d\145\57\x66\151\x6c\145\x5b\156\141\x6d\x65\x5d\56\x74\x78\x74"]); goto sYM1r; sYM1r: (yield "\x61\40\160\141\x74\150\40\167\151\x74\150\x20\163\x71\165\x61\x72\x65\40\x62\162\x61\143\x6b\145\x74\163\40\x69\156\x20\146\151\154\x65\x6e\141\155\x65\40\62" => ["\x73\157\155\x65\x2f\146\151\154\145\x5b\x30\x5d\x2e\164\170\164"]); goto SgfUp; gEiNQ: } public function N2E4r() : void { $this->Ml465(function () { goto yUFro; iKpP7: oiGjS: goto nNC0W; V0SwN: if (!is_resource($BTbZV)) { goto oiGjS; } goto c1wfz; yUFro: $l2MAW = $this->R8Qz9(); goto OMva0; c1wfz: fclose($BTbZV); goto iKpP7; EFppi: $this->O70O7('', $Wskpu); goto Uo1nH; OMva0: $BTbZV = w8YIp(''); goto qr2SE; nNC0W: $FAhwD = $l2MAW->w6KFe("\x70\x61\164\150\x2e\x74\170\x74"); goto agtbn; agtbn: $this->fZlmJ($FAhwD); goto uTDqI; uTDqI: $Wskpu = $l2MAW->read("\160\141\164\x68\56\164\170\x74"); goto EFppi; qr2SE: $l2MAW->p7SHl("\x70\x61\x74\150\x2e\164\x78\164", $BTbZV, new PbwRr()); goto V0SwN; Uo1nH: }); } public function JTbu1() : void { $this->iAxw_("\x70\x61\x74\150\x2e\164\x78\x74", "\143\157\x6e\x74\145\x6e\x74\163"); $this->mL465(function () { $Wskpu = $this->r8Qz9()->read("\160\141\x74\150\x2e\x74\170\164"); $this->o70O7("\143\x6f\156\x74\x65\x6e\164\x73", $Wskpu); }); } public function Y17bG() : void { $this->iaXw_("\x70\x61\x74\x68\56\x74\170\x74", "\143\x6f\x6e\164\x65\156\164\x73"); $this->Ml465(function () { goto AyuVI; lGiJN: $this->o70o7("\x63\x6f\156\x74\145\x6e\164\x73", $Wskpu); goto qdCXZ; MKwlW: $this->QOFLd($lipiK); goto lGiJN; AyuVI: $lipiK = $this->R8qz9()->z1OpX("\160\141\x74\x68\56\x74\x78\164"); goto IOQFD; IOQFD: $Wskpu = stream_get_contents($lipiK); goto MKwlW; qdCXZ: fclose($lipiK); goto WGKzI; WGKzI: }); } public function isH3p() : void { $this->ML465(function () { goto v3Kaf; jY4ZN: $DeXwJ = $l2MAW->Gxq29("\160\x61\x74\150\x2e\x74\170\x74")->GxQ29(); goto iWvOY; rOJp4: $Wskpu = $l2MAW->read("\160\141\x74\x68\x2e\164\x78\x74"); goto V_7fc; iWvOY: $this->o70o7(cGTs2::BwrYq, $DeXwJ); goto XXPC1; hU89G: $l2MAW->write("\x70\141\164\150\x2e\x74\170\x74", "\156\x65\167\40\143\x6f\x6e\164\x65\156\164\163", new PbwRR(["\166\x69\x73\151\142\151\154\x69\x74\x79" => CGTS2::BwrYq])); goto rOJp4; XOkqr: $l2MAW = $this->R8QZ9(); goto hU89G; v3Kaf: $this->IAXW_("\x70\141\164\150\56\164\x78\164", "\143\157\x6e\164\x65\x6e\x74\163", ["\166\x69\163\x69\x62\x69\x6c\151\x74\171" => cgTS2::nG00W]); goto XOkqr; V_7fc: $this->o70O7("\x6e\x65\x77\x20\143\157\156\x74\x65\x6e\164\163", $Wskpu); goto jY4ZN; XXPC1: }); } public function Qvyg2() : void { $this->mL465(function () { goto gUJif; ASqlY: OA220::fzlMj($l2MAW->W6kfE("\160\141\164\150\x2e\164\x78\x74")); goto FK4d9; gUJif: $l2MAW = $this->r8Qz9(); goto zX2y9; FK4d9: $l2MAW->delete("\160\141\164\x68\56\164\x78\x74"); goto Zz6WO; Zz6WO: OA220::Z3M5U($l2MAW->w6kfe("\x70\x61\x74\x68\56\x74\x78\164")); goto W232r; E1wQF: $this->IaXw_("\x70\141\164\150\x2e\164\170\x74"); goto ASqlY; zX2y9: oA220::Z3M5U($l2MAW->w6kFe("\160\141\x74\x68\x2e\164\170\x74")); goto E1wQF; W232r: }); } public function DGYFI() : void { $this->ml465(function () { goto Ab_Pi; BpKeB: $this->FZLmj($UlXDl[$r_Aqx]->isDir()); goto zoBxS; D4jR2: $this->qjkNb(xP27q::class, $UlXDl); goto wtfPT; pl55W: $this->JhwaY(Generator::class, $rjg35); goto D4jR2; wtfPT: $this->HMIeC(2, $UlXDl, $this->KT_eK($UlXDl)); goto AYG4a; k2ywQ: $this->FzLMJ($UlXDl[$YUJEG]->isFile()); goto BpKeB; SaDqM: $this->Iaxw_("\x73\157\155\145\57\61\x2d\x6e\x65\163\x74\145\144\57\160\141\x74\150\x2e\164\x78\x74", "\143\x6f\x6e\164\145\x6e\164\x73"); goto CJfAT; JJHWf: $this->o70o7("\163\157\155\x65\x2f\60\x2d\160\141\164\150\56\164\170\x74", $UlXDl[$YUJEG]->M8KPS()); goto x6bY9; qFrZV: $UlXDl = iterator_to_array($rjg35); goto pl55W; x6bY9: $this->o70o7("\x73\157\155\x65\x2f\61\x2d\156\145\x73\164\x65\144", $UlXDl[$r_Aqx]->M8KPS()); goto k2ywQ; CJfAT: $rjg35 = $this->R8qz9()->shVru("\163\x6f\155\145", false); goto qFrZV; AYG4a: [$YUJEG, $r_Aqx] = $UlXDl[0]->isFile() ? [0, 1] : [1, 0]; goto JJHWf; Ab_Pi: $this->IaXw_("\163\x6f\155\x65\57\x30\55\160\141\164\x68\x2e\x74\x78\x74", "\x63\x6f\156\x74\145\x6e\164\163"); goto SaDqM; zoBxS: }); } public function v7pqF() : void { $this->Ml465(function () { $l2MAW = $this->R8qz9(); OA220::Z3M5u($l2MAW->Sstgc("\x74\x68\x69\163\55\144\157\x65\x73\x2d\x6e\x6f\164\55\145\170\x69\x73\x74\x2e\160\x68\160")); }); } public function nEU3q() : void { $this->ml465(function () { goto tOuAs; tOuAs: $l2MAW = $this->R8qZ9(); goto mRuU4; es9Hd: oA220::FzLMJ($l2MAW->ssTgc("\145\170\x69\x73\x74\151\156\147\55\x64\151\x72\x65\x63\x74\x6f\x72\x79")); goto s39Nz; mRuU4: $this->iaXW_("\145\170\x69\x73\x74\151\x6e\x67\55\144\x69\x72\145\143\164\157\x72\x79\57\x66\x69\154\x65\x2e\164\170\x74"); goto es9Hd; s39Nz: }); } public function ngwVL() : void { $this->ML465(function () { goto OD63P; kkeEJ: $l2MAW->LAvO1("\145\x78\160\154\x69\x63\x69\x74\154\171\x2d\x63\x72\145\x61\164\145\144\55\144\151\x72\x65\x63\x74\157\162\x79"); goto d39PF; nssFY: Oa220::z3m5u($l2MAW->SsTGC("\145\x78\x70\154\151\x63\151\x74\x6c\x79\55\143\x72\145\141\x74\145\144\55\144\x69\x72\145\x63\164\x6f\x72\x79")); goto NE_PP; fLBve: oA220::O70o7([], $NcVuf); goto nssFY; OD63P: $l2MAW = $this->R8qZ9(); goto veWJI; veWJI: $l2MAW->cpGC3("\145\x78\160\x6c\x69\143\x69\164\154\x79\x2d\x63\162\x65\x61\164\145\144\55\144\x69\x72\145\x63\164\x6f\162\171", new pBWRR()); goto nq8jB; nq8jB: OA220::fZlMj($l2MAW->Sstgc("\145\x78\x70\x6c\151\x63\151\164\x6c\171\55\143\x72\x65\141\x74\145\x64\55\x64\151\x72\145\x63\x74\157\162\x79")); goto kkeEJ; d39PF: $NcVuf = iterator_to_array($l2MAW->sHVru("\x2f", false), false); goto fLBve; NE_PP: }); } public function bKCsy() : void { $this->Ml465(function () { goto ZlwfS; WtY5I: $l2MAW->write("\x70\x61\x74\150\x2f\x66\x69\x6c\145\x2e\164\x78\164", "\x73\x74\x72\x69\156\147", new PBwRr()); goto An5bg; JRpNX: $UlXDl = iterator_to_array($rjg35); goto LoKB3; An5bg: $rjg35 = $l2MAW->ShVRU('', true); goto JRpNX; Y0_IH: $l2MAW->CpGC3("\160\141\164\x68", new pBwrr()); goto WtY5I; LoKB3: $this->hmiec(2, $UlXDl, $this->kt_ek($UlXDl)); goto ENNZI; ZlwfS: $l2MAW = $this->R8qz9(); goto Y0_IH; ENNZI: }); } protected function Kt_EK(array $UlXDl) : string { goto T0eFM; T0eFM: $okEHu = "\111\x6e\x63\x6f\162\162\145\143\x74\x20\156\x75\155\142\x65\162\40\x6f\146\x20\151\164\x65\155\x73\40\x72\x65\164\x75\162\156\x65\144\56\12\x54\x68\145\40\154\x69\163\164\x69\x6e\147\40\x63\x6f\x6e\x74\141\x69\156\163\x3a\xa\xa"; goto NPJNn; ttQxn: return $okEHu . PHP_EOL; goto H6xCZ; lbU5f: FyHoX: goto ttQxn; NPJNn: foreach ($UlXDl as $mkNsE) { $okEHu .= "\x2d\x20{$mkNsE->m8KpS()}\12"; e4QhG: } goto lbU5f; H6xCZ: } protected function IaXW_(string $tCYsQ, string $Wskpu = "\143\x6f\156\x74\x65\156\x74\x73", array $nQ2W1 = []) : void { $this->mZBJ4(function () use($tCYsQ, $Wskpu, $nQ2W1) { $this->R8qz9()->write($tCYsQ, $Wskpu, new pbwrR($nQ2W1)); }); } public function avbsV() : void { goto HIADi; feXrP: $this->iaxW_("\x70\141\x74\150\56\x74\170\164", "\x63\157\156\164\145\x6e\164\x73"); goto Xl4HK; HIADi: $l2MAW = $this->R8Qz9(); goto feXrP; Xl4HK: $this->mL465(function () use($l2MAW) { goto uzHaN; uzHaN: $Sn_Sr = $l2MAW->fileSize("\160\141\164\x68\x2e\x74\170\164"); goto RMzv4; NJh5b: $this->O70o7(8, $Sn_Sr->fileSize()); goto l8WT2; RMzv4: $this->JHwaY(UQE0K::class, $Sn_Sr); goto NJh5b; l8WT2: }); goto E4uab; E4uab: } public function e0P4w() : void { $this->Ml465(function () { goto d85aB; gYQqM: $l2MAW->LkBug("\160\141\x74\x68\56\164\170\164", cGTs2::nG00W); goto nz7zR; d85aB: $l2MAW = $this->r8qZ9(); goto uUm80; uUm80: $this->iaxw_("\160\x61\164\150\x2e\164\x78\164", "\143\157\x6e\x74\145\x6e\x74\163", [pBwrR::htRP2 => cgts2::nG00W]); goto idQeU; idQeU: $this->o70o7(cGTS2::nG00W, $l2MAW->gXq29("\x70\141\x74\x68\x2e\164\x78\x74")->gxq29()); goto gwZkY; nz7zR: $this->o70o7(cGtS2::nG00W, $l2MAW->gxQ29("\x70\141\164\x68\56\x74\170\x74")->GxQ29()); goto CNefA; VaaSP: $this->O70o7(cGTS2::BwrYq, $l2MAW->gXQ29("\x70\x61\164\150\x2e\x74\x78\164")->gXQ29()); goto gYQqM; gwZkY: $l2MAW->LKbUg("\160\x61\164\150\x2e\x74\x78\x74", CgTS2::BwrYq); goto VaaSP; CNefA: }); } public function drXGI() : void { goto La2kS; La2kS: $this->S2Aci(bF71t::class); goto ly_O8; VhXiI: $this->ml465(function () use($l2MAW) { $l2MAW->CpGC3("\160\141\x74\150", new PbWRR()); $l2MAW->fileSize("\160\x61\164\x68\x2f"); }); goto W1_3t; ly_O8: $l2MAW = $this->R8qz9(); goto VhXiI; W1_3t: } public function zMQx0() : void { $this->S2ACI(Bf71T::class); $this->ML465(function () { $this->R8qz9()->fileSize("\x6e\157\x6e\x2d\x65\x78\151\163\164\x69\x6e\147\55\x66\151\x6c\x65\x2e\164\x78\x74"); }); } public function XUxft() : void { $this->S2aCI(bf71t::class); $this->Ml465(function () { $this->R8Qz9()->l8rlx("\x6e\x6f\x6e\55\x65\170\151\163\x74\x69\156\147\55\146\151\x6c\x65\56\164\170\x74"); }); } public function qu45R() : void { $this->S2AcI(bf71t::class); $this->Ml465(function () { $this->r8Qz9()->GXQ29("\x6e\157\x6e\55\x65\x78\151\163\x74\151\156\x67\x2d\x66\151\x6c\x65\56\x74\170\164"); }); } public function AOwk1() : void { $this->ml465(function () { goto sHzhu; tufR0: $l20BX = $this->r8QZ9()->k8RzU("\146\x69\154\145\56\163\166\147")->K8rZU(); goto YnpLp; sHzhu: $this->iaXW_("\146\151\x6c\145\x2e\x73\166\x67", file_get_contents(__DIR__ . "\57\x74\x65\x73\x74\137\x66\151\154\145\163\x2f\x66\154\171\163\171\x73\x74\145\x6d\x2e\x73\166\147")); goto tufR0; YnpLp: $this->yOB1l("\151\x6d\x61\147\145\57\163\166\147\x2b\x78\x6d\x6c", $l20BX); goto n3q35; n3q35: }); } public function ih0EL() : void { $this->s2aCi(Bf71T::class); $this->ml465(function () { $this->r8qz9()->K8Rzu("\x6e\x6f\x6e\55\x65\170\151\163\x74\151\156\x67\x2d\146\x69\x6c\x65\56\x74\x78\164"); }); } public function a0Wvr() : void { goto LjnyU; gj1WA: $this->s2acI(Bf71T::class); goto REbN2; REbN2: $this->mL465(function () { $this->R8qz9()->k8rzU("\165\156\153\x6e\157\167\x6e\55\x6d\x69\x6d\x65\x2d\164\x79\160\145\x2e\x6d\144\65"); }); goto KBdeG; LjnyU: $this->IaXW_("\x75\x6e\x6b\x6e\157\167\156\55\x6d\151\x6d\x65\55\x74\x79\160\x65\56\155\x64\x35", file_get_contents(__DIR__ . "\x2f\x74\145\163\164\137\x66\x69\x6c\x65\163\57\165\156\x6b\x6e\x6f\167\156\x2d\x6d\x69\x6d\x65\x2d\164\x79\160\145\56\155\x64\x35")); goto gj1WA; KBdeG: } public function uCTnK() : void { goto E1qki; j6Gbq: $this->Ml465(function () { $Wskpu = iterator_to_array($this->R8qz9()->sHvrU('', true)); $this->hMiEc(2, $Wskpu); }); goto h6hkT; u52Rq: $this->IaxW_("\160\141\164\150\x32\56\164\170\x74"); goto j6Gbq; E1qki: $this->Iaxw_("\x70\141\x74\x68\61\56\164\x78\164"); goto u52Rq; h6hkT: } public function jFX5e() : void { $this->Ml465(function () { goto xQgHq; sTVDw: ailvD: goto vWvhM; Yn62F: $l2MAW->p7sHL("\x70\x61\x74\150\56\164\x78\164", $BTbZV, new pBWRR()); goto IllTT; bMln3: fclose($lipiK); goto y_JAh; vWvhM: $lipiK = $l2MAW->z1oPX("\x70\141\x74\150\56\x74\170\164"); goto ZpJi0; Perb3: fclose($BTbZV); goto sTVDw; y_JAh: $this->o70o7("\x63\x6f\x6e\164\x65\x6e\x74\163", $Wskpu); goto unsiL; IllTT: if (!is_resource($BTbZV)) { goto ailvD; } goto Perb3; hvr_2: $Wskpu = stream_get_contents($lipiK); goto bMln3; ZpJi0: $this->QOfLD($lipiK); goto hvr_2; xQgHq: $BTbZV = W8yIp("\143\x6f\x6e\164\145\156\164\163"); goto CDqG5; CDqG5: $l2MAW = $this->R8Qz9(); goto Yn62F; unsiL: }); } public function q3Xl5() : void { $this->S2acI(HLOrP::class); $this->ml465(function () { $this->r8qZ9()->LKbug("\x74\x68\x69\x73\x2d\160\141\x74\150\55\x64\157\145\163\x2d\x6e\x6f\164\55\x65\170\151\163\164\163\56\164\170\x74", CgTS2::BwrYq); }); } public function HyiDV() : void { $this->mL465(function () { goto yGcoa; yGcoa: $l2MAW = $this->r8qZ9(); goto aSJxE; pGgDn: $this->FZLMJ($l2MAW->w6Kfe("\x73\x6f\x75\162\x63\145\56\164\170\x74")); goto PgqYj; PgqYj: $this->fZLMJ($l2MAW->w6Kfe("\x64\145\163\x74\x69\x6e\x61\164\151\x6f\156\56\164\170\x74")); goto NWbOg; aSJxE: $l2MAW->write("\163\x6f\x75\x72\x63\145\x2e\164\170\x74", "\x63\157\x6e\x74\x65\156\164\163\40\x74\x6f\40\x62\x65\x20\143\157\x70\x69\145\x64", new PBWRR([PbWRr::htRP2 => CgTs2::nG00W])); goto whmO1; gAzVt: $this->o70o7("\143\x6f\156\164\145\x6e\164\x73\x20\164\x6f\40\x62\145\40\143\x6f\160\x69\x65\144", $l2MAW->read("\x64\145\163\x74\151\156\141\x74\151\x6f\x6e\x2e\x74\x78\164")); goto xyC9K; whmO1: $l2MAW->copy("\163\157\x75\x72\143\x65\x2e\164\170\x74", "\x64\x65\x73\x74\151\x6e\141\x74\151\x6f\x6e\56\x74\x78\x74", new pBWRr()); goto pGgDn; NWbOg: $this->o70o7(cGts2::nG00W, $l2MAW->gXq29("\144\145\163\x74\x69\x6e\141\164\x69\157\156\x2e\164\x78\x74")->gxq29()); goto gAzVt; xyC9K: }); } public function rS95V() : void { $this->ml465(function () { goto CynJY; O5Uds: $l2MAW->copy("\163\x6f\x75\162\x63\x65\x2e\x74\x78\164", "\x64\145\163\x74\151\x6e\x61\164\151\157\x6e\56\x74\x78\164", new PBWrR()); goto OOptY; DaF41: $this->o70O7("\143\157\x6e\x74\145\x6e\164\x73\x20\164\x6f\40\142\145\40\143\x6f\x70\151\x65\x64", $l2MAW->read("\x64\x65\163\164\x69\156\141\164\151\157\x6e\56\x74\170\x74")); goto x3ucQ; FmILi: $this->FZLMJ($l2MAW->W6Kfe("\x64\x65\163\164\151\x6e\141\164\x69\x6f\x6e\x2e\164\x78\164")); goto pDjfd; CynJY: $l2MAW = $this->r8Qz9(); goto GmgRk; pDjfd: $this->O70o7(cGts2::nG00W, $l2MAW->GXQ29("\144\145\163\x74\x69\x6e\141\x74\151\x6f\x6e\x2e\x74\170\164")->gXq29()); goto DaF41; OOptY: $this->FZlMJ($l2MAW->w6kFe("\163\x6f\165\162\143\145\x2e\x74\x78\x74")); goto FmILi; GmgRk: $l2MAW->write("\163\x6f\x75\x72\x63\145\x2e\164\x78\164", "\143\x6f\x6e\x74\145\156\x74\163\40\x74\x6f\40\142\145\40\x63\157\160\151\x65\144", new pBWrr([PBWrr::htRP2 => CgtS2::nG00W])); goto O5Uds; x3ucQ: }); } public function w9TO7() : void { $this->ml465(function () { goto xCm2V; AVVyf: $this->z3m5u($l2MAW->W6KFe("\x73\157\x75\162\x63\x65\x2e\x74\170\164"), "\101\x66\x74\x65\x72\40\155\x6f\x76\x69\x6e\147\40\x61\x20\x66\x69\x6c\x65\x20\x73\x68\x6f\x75\154\x64\40\x6e\x6f\40\154\x6f\156\147\x65\162\x20\x65\170\x69\x73\x74\40\151\156\x20\x74\x68\x65\x20\x6f\x72\x69\x67\x69\156\141\x6c\40\x6c\x6f\143\141\164\151\x6f\156\56"); goto LsYff; OXAGb: $this->O70o7("\143\x6f\156\164\x65\x6e\x74\163\x20\164\157\x20\x62\x65\40\143\x6f\160\x69\145\144", $l2MAW->read("\x64\145\163\x74\x69\x6e\x61\x74\151\157\x6e\x2e\x74\170\x74")); goto R59K_; LsYff: $this->FZLmj($l2MAW->w6Kfe("\x64\145\x73\x74\x69\x6e\x61\164\151\x6f\156\56\164\170\164"), "\101\146\x74\x65\x72\40\x6d\157\166\151\156\x67\x2c\x20\x61\x20\146\151\x6c\x65\40\163\x68\157\x75\154\144\40\142\145\x20\x70\162\145\x73\x65\x6e\164\x20\141\164\x20\164\150\x65\40\x6e\145\x77\x20\x6c\157\x63\x61\164\x69\x6f\x6e\56"); goto OL5Gr; WUJde: $l2MAW->K3Kjz("\x73\157\165\x72\143\x65\x2e\164\170\164", "\x64\x65\163\164\151\x6e\141\x74\151\157\156\56\x74\170\x74", new PbwRr()); goto AVVyf; mbAyq: $l2MAW->write("\x73\157\165\x72\143\145\56\x74\x78\164", "\143\157\x6e\164\145\x6e\164\163\x20\164\157\40\142\145\40\x63\157\160\x69\x65\x64", new pbwrR([pBwRR::htRP2 => CGtS2::nG00W])); goto WUJde; xCm2V: $l2MAW = $this->R8qz9(); goto mbAyq; OL5Gr: $this->o70o7(CGTs2::nG00W, $l2MAW->Gxq29("\x64\x65\163\x74\151\x6e\141\x74\151\x6f\x6e\56\164\x78\x74")->GXq29()); goto OXAGb; R59K_: }); } public function S25pI() : void { $this->S2aCI(Km0si::class); $this->Ml465(function () { $this->R8Qz9()->read("\x70\x61\x74\150\x2e\164\170\x74"); }); } public function F9CVt() : void { $this->S2Aci(gcHeu::class); $this->ml465(function () { $this->R8QZ9()->k3KJZ("\163\x6f\165\162\x63\x65\x2e\164\170\x74", "\x64\x65\x73\x74\x69\x6e\141\164\x69\x6f\156\x2e\164\170\164", new pBWRr()); }); } public function snzBz() : void { goto em7Ep; XAZ4R: $FAhwD = $l2MAW->w6KfE("\x70\141\164\x68\56\x74\170\164"); goto ugJ01; em7Ep: $l2MAW = $this->r8Qz9(); goto gkNyT; ugJ01: $this->z3M5u($FAhwD); goto lXFuz; gkNyT: $l2MAW->delete("\160\x61\164\x68\x2e\164\170\164"); goto XAZ4R; lXFuz: } public function Ag2N3() : void { $this->ML465(function () { goto Y3ZVr; P6apB: $l2MAW->write("\x73\157\155\x65\x2f\160\141\164\150\x2e\x74\x78\x74", "\x63\x6f\x6e\x74\145\x6e\164\x73", new PbwRR()); goto UHbxb; i1feT: $this->z3M5u($fN61F); goto PE1H_; PE1H_: $this->FZLMJ($dlWPl); goto juaom; Y3ZVr: $l2MAW = $this->r8qz9(); goto CfkwH; CfkwH: $fN61F = $l2MAW->W6kFe("\x73\x6f\x6d\145\x2f\x70\141\x74\x68\x2e\164\170\164"); goto P6apB; UHbxb: $dlWPl = $l2MAW->w6KFE("\163\157\155\x65\x2f\160\141\x74\x68\x2e\164\170\x74"); goto i1feT; juaom: }); } public function g40Ns() : void { $this->Ml465(function () { goto jxr2F; RTJwm: $this->FZLMj($Sn_Sr->l8rlX() < time() + 30); goto q2NIw; jxr2F: $l2MAW = $this->R8QZ9(); goto EEHWH; Mu7hR: $Sn_Sr = $l2MAW->L8Rlx("\x70\141\164\x68\56\x74\170\164"); goto nUvik; LehQp: $this->OQXDC($Sn_Sr->L8Rlx()); goto cZoo_; cZoo_: $this->FZLmj($Sn_Sr->L8rLx() > time() - 30); goto RTJwm; EEHWH: $l2MAW->write("\x70\141\164\x68\x2e\x74\x78\x74", "\x63\157\x6e\x74\x65\156\164\163", new pBwRR()); goto Mu7hR; nUvik: $this->JhwAy(uqe0K::class, $Sn_Sr); goto LehQp; q2NIw: }); } public function HvQis() : void { $this->s2Aci(Km0SI::class); $this->r8Qz9()->z1Opx("\x73\x6f\x6d\145\x74\150\x69\156\x67\56\x74\170\164"); } public function eYilo() : void { $this->s2aCI(km0sI::class); $this->R8Qz9()->read("\163\157\155\x65\x74\150\x69\x6e\147\x2e\164\170\164"); } public function Xfygs() : void { $this->ML465(function () { goto nEUHh; nEUHh: $l2MAW = $this->R8qZ9(); goto ikEFJ; PQTh9: $l2MAW->CPGC3("\x63\162\145\141\x74\151\x6e\x67\137\141\x5f\x64\x69\x72\145\x63\164\x6f\162\x79\x2f\160\141\x74\150", new PbwRR()); goto GIS7e; ikEFJ: $l2MAW->cPgc3("\143\162\x65\141\x74\151\x6e\147\x5f\141\x5f\144\151\x72\x65\143\164\157\x72\x79\x2f\x70\141\x74\x68", new pBwrr()); goto PQTh9; GIS7e: $Wskpu = iterator_to_array($l2MAW->Shvru("\143\x72\145\141\164\151\156\147\x5f\141\137\144\151\x72\145\143\x74\157\162\x79", false)); goto V31cQ; V31cQ: $this->hmieC(1, $Wskpu, $this->KT_ek($Wskpu)); goto XFstK; pEhwL: $l2MAW->LavO1("\x63\x72\x65\x61\x74\x69\x6e\147\x5f\141\x5f\x64\x69\162\145\143\164\157\162\171\x2f\x70\x61\x74\150"); goto yBe2l; koc08: $this->o70O7("\143\162\x65\x61\x74\x69\156\x67\x5f\x61\137\x64\x69\x72\x65\143\164\157\162\171\x2f\x70\141\164\150", $Iq8d1->M8kPs()); goto pEhwL; dvNhs: $this->JHway(DLSe9::class, $Iq8d1); goto koc08; XFstK: $Iq8d1 = $Wskpu[0]; goto dvNhs; yBe2l: }); } public function JZ58R() : void { $this->ml465(function () { goto DryOI; DryOI: $l2MAW = $this->r8qZ9(); goto jnzWm; jnzWm: $l2MAW->write("\160\x61\x74\150\56\x74\x78\164", "\156\x65\167\40\143\x6f\156\x74\145\x6e\x74\x73", new PbwRr()); goto vDj6a; lxZJM: $Wskpu = $l2MAW->read("\156\x65\x77\55\160\x61\164\150\x2e\x74\170\x74"); goto g7Z88; vDj6a: $l2MAW->write("\156\x65\167\x2d\x70\141\x74\150\56\x74\x78\164", "\143\157\x6e\x74\x65\156\x74\x73", new pBwRR()); goto G2LVn; g7Z88: $this->O70o7("\156\145\167\x20\x63\x6f\x6e\164\x65\x6e\164\x73", $Wskpu); goto iwEkY; G2LVn: $l2MAW->copy("\x70\x61\x74\150\56\164\x78\164", "\x6e\145\167\55\x70\141\x74\150\56\164\170\164", new pbwRR()); goto lxZJM; iwEkY: }); } protected function uS7Yk(string $tCYsQ) : void { $this->mL465(function () use($tCYsQ) { $FAhwD = $this->r8qz9()->W6KFE($tCYsQ); $this->FZLMJ($FAhwD); }); } public function j3hpL() : void { goto XpBd7; L8GWy: $this->qPRxc("\x41\144\x61\x70\164\145\162\x20\x64\157\145\163\40\x6e\x6f\164\40\163\x75\x70\x70\154\x79\x20\160\165\x62\x6c\151\143\x20\125\x52\154\163"); goto AJU4f; XpBd7: $l2MAW = $this->r8qZ9(); goto d2ciH; d2ciH: if ($l2MAW instanceof Dh6Hj) { goto XaxOn; } goto L8GWy; lPdvM: $Wskpu = file_get_contents($cMBA9); goto RLANp; RLANp: oa220::O70o7("\160\x75\x62\x6c\151\143\40\x63\157\x6e\x74\x65\x6e\x74\163", $Wskpu); goto RgMe6; AJU4f: XaxOn: goto vJBOz; x1Le8: $cMBA9 = $l2MAW->EUrfH("\163\157\155\145\x2f\x70\x61\x74\x68\x2e\164\x78\164", new PBwrR()); goto lPdvM; vJBOz: $l2MAW->write("\x73\x6f\155\x65\x2f\160\x61\164\x68\x2e\x74\x78\164", "\160\x75\142\154\x69\143\x20\143\x6f\x6e\x74\x65\156\x74\x73", new PbWRr(["\x76\x69\163\x69\142\x69\154\x69\x74\x79" => "\160\165\x62\154\x69\x63"])); goto x1Le8; RgMe6: } public function IlilV() : void { goto RGAx7; RGAx7: $l2MAW = $this->r8QZ9(); goto dbp4l; i49NT: $h77rs = (new DateTimeImmutable())->add(DateInterval::createFromDateString("\61\x20\155\x69\156\165\164\x65")); goto fOBXh; hxsIy: lM3r3: goto LFgkz; WZ218: $Wskpu = file_get_contents($cMBA9); goto qTIMG; dbp4l: if ($l2MAW instanceof RNvDB) { goto lM3r3; } goto GfBMt; LFgkz: $l2MAW->write("\x73\157\155\x65\57\x70\x72\151\166\141\164\x65\56\x74\170\164", "\160\x75\x62\x6c\151\143\40\x63\157\x6e\x74\145\156\164\163", new pBWrR(["\166\151\x73\x69\142\x69\x6c\x69\164\x79" => "\160\x72\x69\166\141\x74\145"])); goto i49NT; fOBXh: $cMBA9 = $l2MAW->pycDs("\x73\x6f\x6d\x65\x2f\160\162\x69\166\x61\164\145\x2e\164\x78\164", $h77rs, new PbWrr()); goto WZ218; qTIMG: Oa220::O70o7("\160\x75\x62\154\x69\x63\x20\143\157\x6e\x74\145\x6e\164\x73", $Wskpu); goto Sj3XR; GfBMt: $this->Qprxc("\101\x64\141\160\x74\145\x72\x20\x64\x6f\145\163\x20\x6e\157\164\40\x73\x75\160\x70\x6c\x79\x20\164\145\x6d\160\157\162\141\x72\171\x20\x55\122\x6c\163"); goto hxsIy; Sj3XR: } public function R4IJA() : void { goto cTE_L; CEd9r: $l2MAW->write("\x70\141\164\x68\56\164\x78\x74", "\146\157\157\x62\x61\x72", new Pbwrr()); goto hYXtX; wMWo1: h3rLZ: goto CEd9r; DnFoT: if ($l2MAW instanceof zVjGZ) { goto h3rLZ; } goto sBgtN; cTE_L: $l2MAW = $this->r8Qz9(); goto DnFoT; sBgtN: $this->qprxC("\101\x64\141\160\x74\145\162\40\x64\x6f\145\163\x20\156\x6f\x74\x20\x73\x75\x70\160\154\x79\x20\x70\x72\x6f\166\151\x64\x69\x6e\147\40\x63\150\145\x63\153\x73\165\155\x73"); goto wMWo1; hYXtX: $this->QbrBb("\63\x38\x35\70\x66\66\62\62\63\x30\x61\143\63\143\x39\61\x35\x66\x33\x30\x30\x63\x36\66\x34\x33\61\62\x63\66\x33\146", $l2MAW->D4tzg("\x70\141\x74\150\x2e\164\x78\164", new PbwRr())); goto gGm0A; gGm0A: } public function lhAJa() : void { goto eq39b; QTQl0: $this->S2Aci(Yktlp::class); goto DnVSX; eq39b: $l2MAW = $this->r8QZ9(); goto a1DpS; FjRBG: $this->qPRxC("\101\x64\141\160\164\x65\162\40\144\157\145\163\x20\156\x6f\x74\x20\x73\165\x70\x70\154\171\x20\x70\x72\x6f\x76\x69\x64\151\x6e\147\x20\143\150\145\x63\x6b\163\x75\155\x73"); goto Y_MOm; Y_MOm: VYslE: goto QTQl0; a1DpS: if ($l2MAW instanceof zVJgZ) { goto VYslE; } goto FjRBG; DnVSX: $l2MAW->d4tzg("\x70\141\x74\150\x2e\164\x78\164", new PbwrR()); goto EDp1L; EDp1L: } public function bXBNO() : void { goto NqF1c; d6mPZ: qLQIu: goto q2lQF; q2lQF: $l2MAW->cPgC3("\x64\x69\x72", new pBWRr()); goto sFtlL; flfpf: $l2MAW->d4tZG("\144\151\162", new pbWRR()); goto vXcdI; rgF7A: $this->QPRXC("\101\144\141\160\x74\145\162\x20\x64\x6f\145\163\x20\x6e\157\164\x20\163\x75\160\160\x6c\x79\40\160\x72\x6f\x76\x69\x64\151\x6e\x67\40\143\x68\x65\x63\153\163\165\155\163"); goto d6mPZ; D20qC: if ($l2MAW instanceof zvJgZ) { goto qLQIu; } goto rgF7A; sFtlL: $this->S2Aci(ykTlp::class); goto flfpf; NqF1c: $l2MAW = $this->r8qz9(); goto D20qC; vXcdI: } }

Function Calls





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