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PHP Decode

<?php require_once "baglan.php"; error_reporting(0); if ($moduller["alan20"] ==..

Decoded Output download

require_once "baglan.php"; 
if ($moduller["alan20"] == "1") { 
    $html = ".html"; 
} else { 
    $html = ""; 
$_GET = array_map("get_filtrele", $_GET); 
$sayactarih = date("d-m-Y"); 
$buguntarih = time(); 
$sayacay = date("m-Y"); 
$buay = date("m"); 
$sayacyil = date("Y"); 
$sayacip = ip(); 
function g_base_url() 
    if (!empty($_SERVER["HTTPS"])) { 
        return "https://" . str_replace("www.", "", $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]); 
    return "http://" . str_replace("www.", "", $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]); 
function unig_key() 
    return md5(g_base_url()); 
function olr_url() 
    return md5("ardentas" . hash("sha1", md5(base64_decode(rtrim(str_replace(["http://", "https://", "www."], ["", "", ""], g_base_url()), "/"))) . GetSitesiAdi())); 
function licenses_check() 
    global $baglan; 
    global $db; 
    if (!isset($baglan) && !isset($db)) { 
        exit("Balan bulunamad!"); 
    $LK = olr_url(); 
    if (isset($baglan)) { 
        $license = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM lisans WHERE kod = '" . $LK . "'"); 
        if (mysql_num_rows($license) == 0) { 
            require_once "lisans.php"; 
    return true; 
function remve_all() 
    global $baglan; 
    global $db; 
    if (isset($baglan)) { 
        mysql_query("DELETE FROM lisans WHERE 1"); 
        mysql_query("DROP TABLE IF EXIST lisans"); 
    if (isset($db)) { 
        $db->query("DELETE FROM lisans WHERE 1")->fetch(); 
        $db->query("DROP TABLE IF EXIST lisans")->fetch(); 
    return licenses_check(); 
function GetSitesiAdi() 
    return "DGKx}ueJrl"; 
function get_filtrele($get) 
    return is_array($get) ? array_map("get_filtrele", $get) : htmlspecialchars($get); 
function ip() 
    if (!empty($_SERVER["HTTP_CLIENT_IP"])) { 
        $ip = $_SERVER["HTTP_CLIENT_IP"]; 
    } else { 
        if (!empty($_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"])) { 
            $ip = $_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"]; 
        } else { 
            $ip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; 
    return $ip; 
function getBrowser() 
    $u_agent = $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]; 
    $bname = "Bilinmiyor"; 
    $platform = "Bilinmiyor"; 
    $version = ""; 
    if (preg_match("/linux/i", $u_agent)) { 
        $platform = "linux"; 
    } else { 
        if (preg_match("/macintosh|mac os x/i", $u_agent)) { 
            $platform = "mac"; 
        } else { 
            if (preg_match("/windows|win32/i", $u_agent)) { 
                $platform = "windows"; 
    if (preg_match("/MSIE/i", $u_agent) && !preg_match("/Opera/i", $u_agent)) { 
        $bname = "Internet Explorer"; 
        $ub = "MSIE"; 
    } else { 
        if (preg_match("/Firefox/i", $u_agent)) { 
            $bname = "Mozilla Firefox"; 
            $ub = "Firefox"; 
        } else { 
            if (preg_match("/Chrome/i", $u_agent)) { 
                $bname = "Google Chrome"; 
                $ub = "Chrome"; 
            } else { 
                if (preg_match("/Safari/i", $u_agent)) { 
                    $bname = "Apple Safari"; 
                    $ub = "Safari"; 
                } else { 
                    if (preg_match("/Opera/i", $u_agent)) { 
                        $bname = "Opera"; 
                        $ub = "Opera"; 
                    } else { 
                        if (preg_match("/Netscape/i", $u_agent)) { 
                            $bname = "Netscape"; 
                            $ub = "Netscape"; 
    $known = ["Version", $ub, "other"]; 
    $pattern = "#(?<browser>" . join("|", $known) . ")[/ ]+(?<version>[0-9.|a-zA-Z.]*)#"; 
    if (!preg_match_all($pattern, $u_agent, $matches)) { 
    $i = count($matches["browser"]); 
    if ($i != 1) { 
        if (strripos($u_agent, "Version") < strripos($u_agent, $ub)) { 
            $version = $matches["version"][0]; 
        } else { 
            $version = $matches["version"][1]; 
    } else { 
        $version = $matches["version"][0]; 
    if ($version == NULL || $version == "") { 
        $version = "?"; 
    return ["userAgent" => $u_agent, "name" => $bname, "version" => $version, "platform" => $platform, "pattern" => $pattern]; 
function icon($s) 
    $tr = ["<i class=\"", "\"></i>"]; 
    $en = ["", ""]; 
    $s = str_replace($tr, $en, $s); 
    return $s; 
function _array_key_exists($cur_key, $arr) 
    if (array_key_exists($cur_key, $arr)) { 
        return true; 
    foreach ($arr as $key => $val) { 
        if (is_array($val)) { 
            return _array_key_exists($cur_key, $val); 
function seo($str, $options = []) 
    $defaults = ["delimiter" => "-", "limit" => NULL, "lowercase" => true, "transliterate" => true]; 
    $options = array_merge($defaults, $options); 
    $dmr = $defaults["delimiter"]; 
    $char_map = []; 
    if ($options["transliterate"]) { 
        $str = str_replace(array_keys($char_map), $char_map, $str); 
    $str = preg_replace("/[^\p{L}\p{Nd}]+/u", $options["delimiter"], $str); 
    $str = preg_replace("/(" . preg_quote($options["delimiter"], "/") . "){2,}/", "\$1", $str); 
    $str = mb_substr($str, 0, $options["limit"] ? $options["limit"] : mb_strlen($str, "UTF-8"), "UTF-8"); 
    $str = trim($str, $options["delimiter"]); 
    return $options["lowercase"] ? mb_strtolower($str, "UTF-8") : $str; 
function turkce($s) 
    $tr = ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""]; 
    $en = ["s", "S", "i", "I", "g", "G", "u", "U", "o", "O", "c", "C"]; 
    $s = str_replace($tr, $en, $s); 
    return $s; 
function kisa($metin, $uzunluk = 50) 
    if ($uzunluk < strlen($metin)) { 
        $metin = mb_substr($metin, 0, $uzunluk) . "..."; 
        $metin_son = strrchr($metin, " "); 
        $metin = str_replace($metin_son, " ...", $metin); 
    return strip_tags($metin); 
function kisa2($metin, $uzunluk = 50) 
    if ($uzunluk < strlen($metin)) { 
        $metin = substr($metin, 0, $uzunluk) . "..."; 
        $metin_son = strrchr($metin, " "); 
        $metin = str_replace($metin_son, " ...", $metin); 
    return strip_tags($metin); 
function tarih_panel($par) 
    $explode = explode(" ", $par); 
    $explode2 = explode("-", $explode[0]); 
    $zaman = substr($explode[1], 0, 5); 
    if ($explode2[1] == "01") { 
        $ay = "Ocak"; 
    } else { 
        if ($explode2[1] == "02") { 
            $ay = "ubat"; 
        } else { 
            if ($explode2[1] == "03") { 
                $ay = "Mart"; 
            } else { 
                if ($explode2[1] == "04") { 
                    $ay = "Nisan"; 
                } else { 
                    if ($explode2[1] == "05") { 
                        $ay = "Mays"; 
                    } else { 
                        if ($explode2[1] == "06") { 
                            $ay = "Haziran"; 
                        } else { 
                            if ($explode2[1] == "07") { 
                                $ay = "Temmuz"; 
                            } else { 
                                if ($explode2[1] == "08") { 
                                    $ay = "Austos"; 
                                } else { 
                                    if ($explode2[1] == "09") { 
                                        $ay = "Eyll"; 
                                    } else { 
                                        if ($explode2[1] == "10") { 
                                            $ay = "Ekim"; 
                                        } else { 
                                            if ($explode2[1] == "11") { 
                                                $ay = "Kasm"; 
                                            } else { 
                                                if ($explode2[1] == "12") { 
                                                    $ay = "Aralk"; 
    return $explode2[2] . " " . $ay . " " . $explode2[0] . ", " . $zaman; 
function tarih($par) 
    global $dil; 
    $explode = explode(" ", $par); 
    $explode2 = explode("-", $explode[0]); 
    $zaman = substr($explode[1], 0, 5); 
    if ($explode2[1] == "01") { 
        $ay = $dil["txt197"]; 
    } else { 
        if ($explode2[1] == "02") { 
            $ay = $dil["txt198"]; 
        } else { 
            if ($explode2[1] == "03") { 
                $ay = $dil["txt199"]; 
            } else { 
                if ($explode2[1] == "04") { 
                    $ay = $dil["txt200"]; 
                } else { 
                    if ($explode2[1] == "05") { 
                        $ay = $dil["txt201"]; 
                    } else { 
                        if ($explode2[1] == "06") { 
                            $ay = $dil["txt202"]; 
                        } else { 
                            if ($explode2[1] == "07") { 
                                $ay = $dil["txt203"]; 
                            } else { 
                                if ($explode2[1] == "08") { 
                                    $ay = $dil["txt204"]; 
                                } else { 
                                    if ($explode2[1] == "09") { 
                                        $ay = $dil["txt205"]; 
                                    } else { 
                                        if ($explode2[1] == "10") { 
                                            $ay = $dil["txt206"]; 
                                        } else { 
                                            if ($explode2[1] == "11") { 
                                                $ay = $dil["txt207"]; 
                                            } else { 
                                                if ($explode2[1] == "12") { 
                                                    $ay = $dil["txt208"]; 
    return $explode2[2] . " " . $ay . " " . $explode2[0] . ", " . $zaman; 
function tarih2($par) 
    global $dil; 
    $explode = explode(" ", $par); 
    $explode2 = explode("-", $explode[0]); 
    $zaman = substr($explode[1], 0, 5); 
    if ($explode2[1] == "01") { 
        $ay = $dil["txt197"]; 
    } else { 
        if ($explode2[1] == "02") { 
            $ay = $dil["txt198"]; 
        } else { 
            if ($explode2[1] == "03") { 
                $ay = $dil["txt199"]; 
            } else { 
                if ($explode2[1] == "04") { 
                    $ay = $dil["txt200"]; 
                } else { 
                    if ($explode2[1] == "05") { 
                        $ay = $dil["txt201"]; 
                    } else { 
                        if ($explode2[1] == "06") { 
                            $ay = $dil["txt202"]; 
                        } else { 
                            if ($explode2[1] == "07") { 
                                $ay = $dil["txt203"]; 
                            } else { 
                                if ($explode2[1] == "08") { 
                                    $ay = $dil["txt204"]; 
                                } else { 
                                    if ($explode2[1] == "09") { 
                                        $ay = $dil["txt205"]; 
                                    } else { 
                                        if ($explode2[1] == "10") { 
                                            $ay = $dil["txt206"]; 
                                        } else { 
                                            if ($explode2[1] == "11") { 
                                                $ay = $dil["txt207"]; 
                                            } else { 
                                                if ($explode2[1] == "12") { 
                                                    $ay = $dil["txt208"]; 
    return $explode2[0] . " " . $ay . " " . $explode2[2] . ", " . $zaman; 
function tarih_ay($par) 
    global $dil; 
    $explode = explode(" ", $par); 
    $explode2 = explode("-", $explode[0]); 
    if ($explode2[1] == "01") { 
        $ay = $dil["txt209"]; 
    } else { 
        if ($explode2[1] == "02") { 
            $ay = $dil["txt210"]; 
        } else { 
            if ($explode2[1] == "03") { 
                $ay = $dil["txt211"]; 
            } else { 
                if ($explode2[1] == "04") { 
                    $ay = $dil["txt212"]; 
                } else { 
                    if ($explode2[1] == "05") { 
                        $ay = $dil["txt213"]; 
                    } else { 
                        if ($explode2[1] == "06") { 
                            $ay = $dil["txt214"]; 
                        } else { 
                            if ($explode2[1] == "07") { 
                                $ay = $dil["txt215"]; 
                            } else { 
                                if ($explode2[1] == "08") { 
                                    $ay = $dil["txt216"]; 
                                } else { 
                                    if ($explode2[1] == "09") { 
                                        $ay = $dil["txt217"]; 
                                    } else { 
                                        if ($explode2[1] == "10") { 
                                            $ay = $dil["txt218"]; 
                                        } else { 
                                            if ($explode2[1] == "11") { 
                                                $ay = $dil["txt219"]; 
                                            } else { 
                                                if ($explode2[1] == "12") { 
                                                    $ay = $dil["txt210"]; 
    return $ay; 
function ay_yil($par) 
    global $dil; 
    $explode = explode("/", $par); 
    if ($explode[1] == "01") { 
        $ay = $dil["txt197"]; 
    } else { 
        if ($explode[1] == "02") { 
            $ay = $dil["txt198"]; 
        } else { 
            if ($explode[1] == "03") { 
                $ay = $dil["txt199"]; 
            } else { 
                if ($explode[1] == "04") { 
                    $ay = $dil["txt200"]; 
                } else { 
                    if ($explode[1] == "05") { 
                        $ay = $dil["txt201"]; 
                    } else { 
                        if ($explode[1] == "06") { 
                            $ay = $dil["txt202"]; 
                        } else { 
                            if ($explode[1] == "07") { 
                                $ay = $dil["txt203"]; 
                            } else { 
                                if ($explode[1] == "08") { 
                                    $ay = $dil["txt204"]; 
                                } else { 
                                    if ($explode[1] == "09") { 
                                        $ay = $dil["txt205"]; 
                                    } else { 
                                        if ($explode[1] == "10") { 
                                            $ay = $dil["txt206"]; 
                                        } else { 
                                            if ($explode[1] == "11") { 
                                                $ay = $dil["txt207"]; 
                                            } else { 
                                                if ($explode[1] == "12") { 
                                                    $ay = $dil["txt208"]; 
    return $ay . " " . $explode[2]; 
function ay_yil_panel($par) 
    $explode = explode("/", $par); 
    if ($explode[1] == "01") { 
        $ay = "Ocak"; 
    } else { 
        if ($explode[1] == "02") { 
            $ay = "ubat"; 
        } else { 
            if ($explode[1] == "03") { 
                $ay = "Mart"; 
            } else { 
                if ($explode[1] == "04") { 
                    $ay = "Nisan"; 
                } else { 
                    if ($explode[1] == "05") { 
                        $ay = "Mays"; 
                    } else { 
                        if ($explode[1] == "06") { 
                            $ay = "Haziran"; 
                        } else { 
                            if ($explode[1] == "07") { 
                                $ay = "Temmuz"; 
                            } else { 
                                if ($explode[1] == "08") { 
                                    $ay = "Austos"; 
                                } else { 
                                    if ($explode[1] == "09") { 
                                        $ay = "Eyll"; 
                                    } else { 
                                        if ($explode[1] == "10") { 
                                            $ay = "Ekim"; 
                                        } else { 
                                            if ($explode[1] == "11") { 
                                                $ay = "Kasm"; 
                                            } else { 
                                                if ($explode[1] == "12") { 
                                                    $ay = "Aralk"; 
    return $ay . " " . $explode[2]; 
function tarih_yil($par) 
    $explode = explode(" ", $par); 
    $explode2 = explode("-", $explode[0]); 
    return $explode2[0]; 
function tarih_gun($par) 
    $explode = explode(" ", $par); 
    $explode2 = explode("-", $explode[0]); 
    return $explode2[2]; 
function bot($a) 
    $ch = curl_init(); 
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $a); 
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); 
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); 
    $isle = curl_exec($ch); 
    return $isle; 
function tr_tarih($tarih = "Y-m-d H:i:s") 
    $zaman = new DateTime(date($tarih)); 
    $zaman->setTimeZone(new DateTimeZone("Europe/Istanbul")); 
    return $zaman->format($tarih); 
function tarihcevir($unixtime) 
    return tarih_panel($time = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $unixtime)); 
function unixtarih($unixtime) 
    return date("d-m-Y H:i", $unixtime); 
function tirnak($par) 
    return str_replace(["'", "\""], ["&#39;", "&quot;"], $par); 
function ilkbuyuk($str) 
    $m_uzunluk = mb_strlen($str, "UTF-8"); 
    $ilkharf = mb_substr($str, 0, 1, "UTF-8"); 
    $kalan = mb_substr($str, 1, $m_uzunluk - 1, "UTF-8"); 
    $ilkharf = mb_strtoupper($ilkharf, "UTF-8"); 
    $kalan = mb_strtolower($kalan, "UTF-8"); 
    return $ilkharf . $kalan; 
function buyuk($str) 
    return mb_strtoupper($str, "UTF-8"); 
function kucuk($str) 
    $str = strtr($str, "I", "i"); 
    return mb_strtolower($str, "UTF-8"); 
function tumu($str, $secenek = 1, $degisken = NULL) 
    global $db; 
    if ($secenek == 1) { 
        $tumu = $db->query("SELECT * FROM " . $str . " WHERE dil = '" . $_SESSION["admin_dil"] . "'")->rowCount(); 
    } else { 
        if ($secenek == 2) { 
            $tumu = $db->query("SELECT * FROM " . $str . " ")->rowCount(); 
        } else { 
            if ($secenek == 3) { 
                $tumu = $db->query("SELECT * FROM " . $str . " WHERE durum = '0'")->rowCount(); 
            } else { 
                if ($secenek == 4) { 
                    $tumu = $db->query("SELECT * FROM " . $str . " WHERE " . $degisken)->rowCount(); 
    return $tumu; 
function mesaj($deger1, $secenek = 1, $deger2, $mesaj) 
    if ($secenek == 1 && $_SESSION[$deger1] == $deger2) { 
        echo "
				  heading: 'Baarl!',
				  text: '" . $mesaj . "',
				  showHideTransition: 'slide',
				  icon: 'success',
				  loaderBg: '#fff',
				  position: 'top-right'
    if ($secenek == 2 && $_SESSION[$deger1] == $deger2) { 
        echo "
				  heading: 'Hata!',
				  text: '" . $mesaj . "',
				  showHideTransition: 'slide',
				  icon: 'error',
				  loaderBg: '#fff',
				  position: 'top-right'
    if ($secenek == 3 && $_SESSION[$deger1] == $deger2) { 
        echo "
				  heading: 'Uyar!',
				  text: '" . $mesaj . "',
				  showHideTransition: 'slide',
				  icon: 'warning',
				  loaderBg: '#fff',
				  position: 'top-right'
function site_mesaj($deger1, $secenek = 1, $deger2, $title, $mesaj, $tamam) 
    if ($secenek == 1 && $_SESSION[$deger1] == $deger2) { 
        echo "
				type: 'success',
				title: '" . $title . "',
				text: '" . $mesaj . "',
				confirmButtonText: '" . $tamam . "',
				timer: 5000
    if ($secenek == 2 && $_SESSION[$deger1] == $deger2) { 
        echo "
				type: 'error',
				title: '" . $title . "',
				text: '" . $mesaj . "',
				confirmButtonText: '" . $tamam . "',
				timer: 5000
    if ($secenek == 3 && $_SESSION[$deger1] == $deger2) { 
        echo "
				type: 'warning',
				title: '" . $title . "',
				text: '" . $mesaj . "',
				confirmButtonText: '" . $tamam . "',
				timer: 5000
function kod($uzunluk = 8, $buyuk_harf = 1, $kucuk_harf = 1, $sayi_kullan = 1, $ozel_karakter = "") 
    $kucukler = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; 
    $sayilar = "0123456789"; 
    if ($buyuk_harf) { 
        $seed_length += 26; 
        $seed .= $buyukler; 
    if ($kucuk_harf) { 
        $seed_length += 26; 
        $seed .= $kucukler; 
    if ($sayi_kullan) { 
        $seed_length += 10; 
        $seed .= $sayilar; 
    if ($ozel_karakter) { 
        $seed_length += strlen($ozel_karakter); 
        $seed .= $ozel_karakter; 
    for ($x = 1; $x <= $uzunluk; $x++) { 
        $sifre .= $seed[rand(0, $seed_length - 1)]; 
    return $sifre; 
function oturumgiris() 
    if (isset($_SESSION["Yonetim_Id"]) || isset($_SESSION["Yonetim_Kadi"]) || isset($_SESSION["Yonetim_Sifre"]) || isset($_SESSION["rutbe"])) { 
        header("Location:index" . $html . ""); 
function oturumkontrol($url) 
    global $db; 
    $oturumkontrol = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM kullanici WHERE BINARY id = ? AND kadi = ? AND sifre = ? AND rutbe = ?"); 
    $oturumkontrol->execute([$_SESSION["Yonetim_Id"], $_SESSION["Yonetim_Kadi"], $_SESSION["Yonetim_Sifre"], $_SESSION["rutbe"]]); 
    if (!$oturumkontrol->rowCount()) { 
        header("Location:" . $url . "/giris" . $html . ""); 
function bildirim($baslik, $ikon, $last_id, $menu_isim, $msj) 
    global $db; 
    $BSorgu = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO bildirimler SET
		baslik		= :baslik,
		icon		= :icon,
		bid			= :bid,
		bildirim	= :bildirim,
		ktarih		= :ktarih,
		tarih 		= :tarih"); 
    $BEkle = $BSorgu->execute(["baslik" => $baslik, "icon" => $ikon, "bid" => $last_id, "bildirim" => "Ynetici <strong>" . $menu_isim . "</strong> " . $msj, "ktarih" => strtotime(tr_tarih("Y-m-d")), "tarih" => strtotime(tr_tarih("Y-m-d H:i:s"))]); 
function sitebildirim($baslik, $ikon, $last_id, $menu_isim, $msj) 
    global $db; 
    $BSorgu = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO bildirimler SET
		baslik		= :baslik,
		icon		= :icon,
		bid			= :bid,
		bildirim	= :bildirim,
		ktarih		= :ktarih,
		tarih 		= :tarih"); 
    $BEkle = $BSorgu->execute(["baslik" => $baslik, "icon" => $ikon, "bid" => $last_id, "bildirim" => "<strong>" . $menu_isim . "</strong> " . $msj, "ktarih" => strtotime(tr_tarih("Y-m-d")), "tarih" => strtotime(tr_tarih("Y-m-d H:i:s"))]); 
function panelislemkontrol($deger = "") 
    if (empty($_SESSION["Yonetim_Id"]) || empty($_SESSION["Yonetim_Kadi"]) || empty($_SESSION["Yonetim_Sifre"])) { 
        header("Location:../" . yonetim . "/index" . $html . ""); 

Did this file decode correctly?

Original Code


require_once "baglan.php";

if ($moduller["alan20"] == "1") {
    $html = ".html";
} else {
    $html = "";
$_GET = array_map("get_filtrele", $_GET);
$sayactarih = date("d-m-Y");
$buguntarih = time();
$sayacay = date("m-Y");
$buay = date("m");
$sayacyil = date("Y");
$sayacip = ip();
function g_base_url()
    if (!empty($_SERVER["HTTPS"])) {
        return "https://" . str_replace("www.", "", $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]);
    return "http://" . str_replace("www.", "", $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]);
function unig_key()
    return md5(g_base_url());
function olr_url()
    return md5("ardentas" . hash("sha1", md5(base64_decode(rtrim(str_replace(["http://", "https://", "www."], ["", "", ""], g_base_url()), "/"))) . GetSitesiAdi()));
function licenses_check()
    global $baglan;
    global $db;
    if (!isset($baglan) && !isset($db)) {
        exit("Balan bulunamad!");
    $LK = olr_url();
    if (isset($baglan)) {
        $license = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM lisans WHERE kod = '" . $LK . "'");
        if (mysql_num_rows($license) == 0) {
            require_once "lisans.php";
    return true;
function remve_all()
    global $baglan;
    global $db;
    if (isset($baglan)) {
        mysql_query("DELETE FROM lisans WHERE 1");
        mysql_query("DROP TABLE IF EXIST lisans");
    if (isset($db)) {
        $db->query("DELETE FROM lisans WHERE 1")->fetch();
        $db->query("DROP TABLE IF EXIST lisans")->fetch();
    return licenses_check();
function GetSitesiAdi()
    return "DGKx}ueJrl";
function get_filtrele($get)
    return is_array($get) ? array_map("get_filtrele", $get) : htmlspecialchars($get);
function ip()
    if (!empty($_SERVER["HTTP_CLIENT_IP"])) {
        $ip = $_SERVER["HTTP_CLIENT_IP"];
    } else {
        if (!empty($_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"])) {
            $ip = $_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"];
        } else {
            $ip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
    return $ip;
function getBrowser()
    $u_agent = $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"];
    $bname = "Bilinmiyor";
    $platform = "Bilinmiyor";
    $version = "";
    if (preg_match("/linux/i", $u_agent)) {
        $platform = "linux";
    } else {
        if (preg_match("/macintosh|mac os x/i", $u_agent)) {
            $platform = "mac";
        } else {
            if (preg_match("/windows|win32/i", $u_agent)) {
                $platform = "windows";
    if (preg_match("/MSIE/i", $u_agent) && !preg_match("/Opera/i", $u_agent)) {
        $bname = "Internet Explorer";
        $ub = "MSIE";
    } else {
        if (preg_match("/Firefox/i", $u_agent)) {
            $bname = "Mozilla Firefox";
            $ub = "Firefox";
        } else {
            if (preg_match("/Chrome/i", $u_agent)) {
                $bname = "Google Chrome";
                $ub = "Chrome";
            } else {
                if (preg_match("/Safari/i", $u_agent)) {
                    $bname = "Apple Safari";
                    $ub = "Safari";
                } else {
                    if (preg_match("/Opera/i", $u_agent)) {
                        $bname = "Opera";
                        $ub = "Opera";
                    } else {
                        if (preg_match("/Netscape/i", $u_agent)) {
                            $bname = "Netscape";
                            $ub = "Netscape";
    $known = ["Version", $ub, "other"];
    $pattern = "#(?<browser>" . join("|", $known) . ")[/ ]+(?<version>[0-9.|a-zA-Z.]*)#";
    if (!preg_match_all($pattern, $u_agent, $matches)) {
    $i = count($matches["browser"]);
    if ($i != 1) {
        if (strripos($u_agent, "Version") < strripos($u_agent, $ub)) {
            $version = $matches["version"][0];
        } else {
            $version = $matches["version"][1];
    } else {
        $version = $matches["version"][0];
    if ($version == NULL || $version == "") {
        $version = "?";
    return ["userAgent" => $u_agent, "name" => $bname, "version" => $version, "platform" => $platform, "pattern" => $pattern];
function icon($s)
    $tr = ["<i class=\"", "\"></i>"];
    $en = ["", ""];
    $s = str_replace($tr, $en, $s);
    return $s;
function _array_key_exists($cur_key, $arr)
    if (array_key_exists($cur_key, $arr)) {
        return true;
    foreach ($arr as $key => $val) {
        if (is_array($val)) {
            return _array_key_exists($cur_key, $val);
function seo($str, $options = [])
    $defaults = ["delimiter" => "-", "limit" => NULL, "lowercase" => true, "transliterate" => true];
    $options = array_merge($defaults, $options);
    $dmr = $defaults["delimiter"];
    $char_map = [];
    if ($options["transliterate"]) {
        $str = str_replace(array_keys($char_map), $char_map, $str);
    $str = preg_replace("/[^\\p{L}\\p{Nd}]+/u", $options["delimiter"], $str);
    $str = preg_replace("/(" . preg_quote($options["delimiter"], "/") . "){2,}/", "\$1", $str);
    $str = mb_substr($str, 0, $options["limit"] ? $options["limit"] : mb_strlen($str, "UTF-8"), "UTF-8");
    $str = trim($str, $options["delimiter"]);
    return $options["lowercase"] ? mb_strtolower($str, "UTF-8") : $str;
function turkce($s)
    $tr = ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""];
    $en = ["s", "S", "i", "I", "g", "G", "u", "U", "o", "O", "c", "C"];
    $s = str_replace($tr, $en, $s);
    return $s;
function kisa($metin, $uzunluk = 50)
    if ($uzunluk < strlen($metin)) {
        $metin = mb_substr($metin, 0, $uzunluk) . "...";
        $metin_son = strrchr($metin, " ");
        $metin = str_replace($metin_son, " ...", $metin);
    return strip_tags($metin);
function kisa2($metin, $uzunluk = 50)
    if ($uzunluk < strlen($metin)) {
        $metin = substr($metin, 0, $uzunluk) . "...";
        $metin_son = strrchr($metin, " ");
        $metin = str_replace($metin_son, " ...", $metin);
    return strip_tags($metin);
function tarih_panel($par)
    $explode = explode(" ", $par);
    $explode2 = explode("-", $explode[0]);
    $zaman = substr($explode[1], 0, 5);
    if ($explode2[1] == "01") {
        $ay = "Ocak";
    } else {
        if ($explode2[1] == "02") {
            $ay = "ubat";
        } else {
            if ($explode2[1] == "03") {
                $ay = "Mart";
            } else {
                if ($explode2[1] == "04") {
                    $ay = "Nisan";
                } else {
                    if ($explode2[1] == "05") {
                        $ay = "Mays";
                    } else {
                        if ($explode2[1] == "06") {
                            $ay = "Haziran";
                        } else {
                            if ($explode2[1] == "07") {
                                $ay = "Temmuz";
                            } else {
                                if ($explode2[1] == "08") {
                                    $ay = "Austos";
                                } else {
                                    if ($explode2[1] == "09") {
                                        $ay = "Eyll";
                                    } else {
                                        if ($explode2[1] == "10") {
                                            $ay = "Ekim";
                                        } else {
                                            if ($explode2[1] == "11") {
                                                $ay = "Kasm";
                                            } else {
                                                if ($explode2[1] == "12") {
                                                    $ay = "Aralk";
    return $explode2[2] . " " . $ay . " " . $explode2[0] . ", " . $zaman;
function tarih($par)
    global $dil;
    $explode = explode(" ", $par);
    $explode2 = explode("-", $explode[0]);
    $zaman = substr($explode[1], 0, 5);
    if ($explode2[1] == "01") {
        $ay = $dil["txt197"];
    } else {
        if ($explode2[1] == "02") {
            $ay = $dil["txt198"];
        } else {
            if ($explode2[1] == "03") {
                $ay = $dil["txt199"];
            } else {
                if ($explode2[1] == "04") {
                    $ay = $dil["txt200"];
                } else {
                    if ($explode2[1] == "05") {
                        $ay = $dil["txt201"];
                    } else {
                        if ($explode2[1] == "06") {
                            $ay = $dil["txt202"];
                        } else {
                            if ($explode2[1] == "07") {
                                $ay = $dil["txt203"];
                            } else {
                                if ($explode2[1] == "08") {
                                    $ay = $dil["txt204"];
                                } else {
                                    if ($explode2[1] == "09") {
                                        $ay = $dil["txt205"];
                                    } else {
                                        if ($explode2[1] == "10") {
                                            $ay = $dil["txt206"];
                                        } else {
                                            if ($explode2[1] == "11") {
                                                $ay = $dil["txt207"];
                                            } else {
                                                if ($explode2[1] == "12") {
                                                    $ay = $dil["txt208"];
    return $explode2[2] . " " . $ay . " " . $explode2[0] . ", " . $zaman;
function tarih2($par)
    global $dil;
    $explode = explode(" ", $par);
    $explode2 = explode("-", $explode[0]);
    $zaman = substr($explode[1], 0, 5);
    if ($explode2[1] == "01") {
        $ay = $dil["txt197"];
    } else {
        if ($explode2[1] == "02") {
            $ay = $dil["txt198"];
        } else {
            if ($explode2[1] == "03") {
                $ay = $dil["txt199"];
            } else {
                if ($explode2[1] == "04") {
                    $ay = $dil["txt200"];
                } else {
                    if ($explode2[1] == "05") {
                        $ay = $dil["txt201"];
                    } else {
                        if ($explode2[1] == "06") {
                            $ay = $dil["txt202"];
                        } else {
                            if ($explode2[1] == "07") {
                                $ay = $dil["txt203"];
                            } else {
                                if ($explode2[1] == "08") {
                                    $ay = $dil["txt204"];
                                } else {
                                    if ($explode2[1] == "09") {
                                        $ay = $dil["txt205"];
                                    } else {
                                        if ($explode2[1] == "10") {
                                            $ay = $dil["txt206"];
                                        } else {
                                            if ($explode2[1] == "11") {
                                                $ay = $dil["txt207"];
                                            } else {
                                                if ($explode2[1] == "12") {
                                                    $ay = $dil["txt208"];
    return $explode2[0] . " " . $ay . " " . $explode2[2] . ", " . $zaman;
function tarih_ay($par)
    global $dil;
    $explode = explode(" ", $par);
    $explode2 = explode("-", $explode[0]);
    if ($explode2[1] == "01") {
        $ay = $dil["txt209"];
    } else {
        if ($explode2[1] == "02") {
            $ay = $dil["txt210"];
        } else {
            if ($explode2[1] == "03") {
                $ay = $dil["txt211"];
            } else {
                if ($explode2[1] == "04") {
                    $ay = $dil["txt212"];
                } else {
                    if ($explode2[1] == "05") {
                        $ay = $dil["txt213"];
                    } else {
                        if ($explode2[1] == "06") {
                            $ay = $dil["txt214"];
                        } else {
                            if ($explode2[1] == "07") {
                                $ay = $dil["txt215"];
                            } else {
                                if ($explode2[1] == "08") {
                                    $ay = $dil["txt216"];
                                } else {
                                    if ($explode2[1] == "09") {
                                        $ay = $dil["txt217"];
                                    } else {
                                        if ($explode2[1] == "10") {
                                            $ay = $dil["txt218"];
                                        } else {
                                            if ($explode2[1] == "11") {
                                                $ay = $dil["txt219"];
                                            } else {
                                                if ($explode2[1] == "12") {
                                                    $ay = $dil["txt210"];
    return $ay;
function ay_yil($par)
    global $dil;
    $explode = explode("/", $par);
    if ($explode[1] == "01") {
        $ay = $dil["txt197"];
    } else {
        if ($explode[1] == "02") {
            $ay = $dil["txt198"];
        } else {
            if ($explode[1] == "03") {
                $ay = $dil["txt199"];
            } else {
                if ($explode[1] == "04") {
                    $ay = $dil["txt200"];
                } else {
                    if ($explode[1] == "05") {
                        $ay = $dil["txt201"];
                    } else {
                        if ($explode[1] == "06") {
                            $ay = $dil["txt202"];
                        } else {
                            if ($explode[1] == "07") {
                                $ay = $dil["txt203"];
                            } else {
                                if ($explode[1] == "08") {
                                    $ay = $dil["txt204"];
                                } else {
                                    if ($explode[1] == "09") {
                                        $ay = $dil["txt205"];
                                    } else {
                                        if ($explode[1] == "10") {
                                            $ay = $dil["txt206"];
                                        } else {
                                            if ($explode[1] == "11") {
                                                $ay = $dil["txt207"];
                                            } else {
                                                if ($explode[1] == "12") {
                                                    $ay = $dil["txt208"];
    return $ay . " " . $explode[2];
function ay_yil_panel($par)
    $explode = explode("/", $par);
    if ($explode[1] == "01") {
        $ay = "Ocak";
    } else {
        if ($explode[1] == "02") {
            $ay = "ubat";
        } else {
            if ($explode[1] == "03") {
                $ay = "Mart";
            } else {
                if ($explode[1] == "04") {
                    $ay = "Nisan";
                } else {
                    if ($explode[1] == "05") {
                        $ay = "Mays";
                    } else {
                        if ($explode[1] == "06") {
                            $ay = "Haziran";
                        } else {
                            if ($explode[1] == "07") {
                                $ay = "Temmuz";
                            } else {
                                if ($explode[1] == "08") {
                                    $ay = "Austos";
                                } else {
                                    if ($explode[1] == "09") {
                                        $ay = "Eyll";
                                    } else {
                                        if ($explode[1] == "10") {
                                            $ay = "Ekim";
                                        } else {
                                            if ($explode[1] == "11") {
                                                $ay = "Kasm";
                                            } else {
                                                if ($explode[1] == "12") {
                                                    $ay = "Aralk";
    return $ay . " " . $explode[2];
function tarih_yil($par)
    $explode = explode(" ", $par);
    $explode2 = explode("-", $explode[0]);
    return $explode2[0];
function tarih_gun($par)
    $explode = explode(" ", $par);
    $explode2 = explode("-", $explode[0]);
    return $explode2[2];
function bot($a)
    $ch = curl_init();
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $a);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
    $isle = curl_exec($ch);
    return $isle;
function tr_tarih($tarih = "Y-m-d H:i:s")
    $zaman = new DateTime(date($tarih));
    $zaman->setTimeZone(new DateTimeZone("Europe/Istanbul"));
    return $zaman->format($tarih);
function tarihcevir($unixtime)
    return tarih_panel($time = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $unixtime));
function unixtarih($unixtime)
    return date("d-m-Y H:i", $unixtime);
function tirnak($par)
    return str_replace(["'", "\""], ["&#39;", "&quot;"], $par);
function ilkbuyuk($str)
    $m_uzunluk = mb_strlen($str, "UTF-8");
    $ilkharf = mb_substr($str, 0, 1, "UTF-8");
    $kalan = mb_substr($str, 1, $m_uzunluk - 1, "UTF-8");
    $ilkharf = mb_strtoupper($ilkharf, "UTF-8");
    $kalan = mb_strtolower($kalan, "UTF-8");
    return $ilkharf . $kalan;
function buyuk($str)
    return mb_strtoupper($str, "UTF-8");
function kucuk($str)
    $str = strtr($str, "I", "i");
    return mb_strtolower($str, "UTF-8");
function tumu($str, $secenek = 1, $degisken = NULL)
    global $db;
    if ($secenek == 1) {
        $tumu = $db->query("SELECT * FROM " . $str . " WHERE dil = '" . $_SESSION["admin_dil"] . "'")->rowCount();
    } else {
        if ($secenek == 2) {
            $tumu = $db->query("SELECT * FROM " . $str . " ")->rowCount();
        } else {
            if ($secenek == 3) {
                $tumu = $db->query("SELECT * FROM " . $str . " WHERE durum = '0'")->rowCount();
            } else {
                if ($secenek == 4) {
                    $tumu = $db->query("SELECT * FROM " . $str . " WHERE " . $degisken)->rowCount();
    return $tumu;
function mesaj($deger1, $secenek = 1, $deger2, $mesaj)
    if ($secenek == 1 && $_SESSION[$deger1] == $deger2) {
        echo "\r\n\t\t\t<script>\r\n\t\t\t\t\$.toast({\r\n\t\t\t\t  heading: 'Baarl!',\r\n\t\t\t\t  text: '" . $mesaj . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t  showHideTransition: 'slide',\r\n\t\t\t\t  icon: 'success',\r\n\t\t\t\t  loaderBg: '#fff',\r\n\t\t\t\t  position: 'top-right'\r\n\t\t\t\t})\r\n\t\t\t</script>";
    if ($secenek == 2 && $_SESSION[$deger1] == $deger2) {
        echo "\r\n\t\t\t<script>\r\n\t\t\t\t\$.toast({\r\n\t\t\t\t  heading: 'Hata!',\r\n\t\t\t\t  text: '" . $mesaj . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t  showHideTransition: 'slide',\r\n\t\t\t\t  icon: 'error',\r\n\t\t\t\t  loaderBg: '#fff',\r\n\t\t\t\t  position: 'top-right'\r\n\t\t\t\t})\r\n\t\t\t</script>";
    if ($secenek == 3 && $_SESSION[$deger1] == $deger2) {
        echo "\r\n\t\t\t<script>\r\n\t\t\t\t\$.toast({\r\n\t\t\t\t  heading: 'Uyar!',\r\n\t\t\t\t  text: '" . $mesaj . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t  showHideTransition: 'slide',\r\n\t\t\t\t  icon: 'warning',\r\n\t\t\t\t  loaderBg: '#fff',\r\n\t\t\t\t  position: 'top-right'\r\n\t\t\t\t})\r\n\t\t\t</script>";
function site_mesaj($deger1, $secenek = 1, $deger2, $title, $mesaj, $tamam)
    if ($secenek == 1 && $_SESSION[$deger1] == $deger2) {
        echo "\r\n\t\t\t<script>\r\n\t\t\tswal({\r\n\t\t\t\ttype: 'success',\r\n\t\t\t\ttitle: '" . $title . "',\r\n\t\t\t\ttext: '" . $mesaj . "',\r\n\t\t\t\tconfirmButtonText: '" . $tamam . "',\r\n\t\t\t\ttimer: 5000\r\n\t\t\t})\r\n\t\t\t</script>";
    if ($secenek == 2 && $_SESSION[$deger1] == $deger2) {
        echo "\r\n\t\t\t<script>\r\n\t\t\tswal({\r\n\t\t\t\ttype: 'error',\r\n\t\t\t\ttitle: '" . $title . "',\r\n\t\t\t\ttext: '" . $mesaj . "',\r\n\t\t\t\tconfirmButtonText: '" . $tamam . "',\r\n\t\t\t\ttimer: 5000\r\n\t\t\t})\r\n\t\t\t</script>";
    if ($secenek == 3 && $_SESSION[$deger1] == $deger2) {
        echo "\r\n\t\t\t<script>\r\n\t\t\tswal({\r\n\t\t\t\ttype: 'warning',\r\n\t\t\t\ttitle: '" . $title . "',\r\n\t\t\t\ttext: '" . $mesaj . "',\r\n\t\t\t\tconfirmButtonText: '" . $tamam . "',\r\n\t\t\t\ttimer: 5000\r\n\t\t\t})\r\n\t\t\t</script>";
function kod($uzunluk = 8, $buyuk_harf = 1, $kucuk_harf = 1, $sayi_kullan = 1, $ozel_karakter = "")
    $kucukler = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
    $sayilar = "0123456789";
    if ($buyuk_harf) {
        $seed_length += 26;
        $seed .= $buyukler;
    if ($kucuk_harf) {
        $seed_length += 26;
        $seed .= $kucukler;
    if ($sayi_kullan) {
        $seed_length += 10;
        $seed .= $sayilar;
    if ($ozel_karakter) {
        $seed_length += strlen($ozel_karakter);
        $seed .= $ozel_karakter;
    for ($x = 1; $x <= $uzunluk; $x++) {
        $sifre .= $seed[rand(0, $seed_length - 1)];
    return $sifre;
function oturumgiris()
    if (isset($_SESSION["Yonetim_Id"]) || isset($_SESSION["Yonetim_Kadi"]) || isset($_SESSION["Yonetim_Sifre"]) || isset($_SESSION["rutbe"])) {
        header("Location:index" . $html . "");
function oturumkontrol($url)
    global $db;
    $oturumkontrol = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM kullanici WHERE BINARY id = ? AND kadi = ? AND sifre = ? AND rutbe = ?");
    $oturumkontrol->execute([$_SESSION["Yonetim_Id"], $_SESSION["Yonetim_Kadi"], $_SESSION["Yonetim_Sifre"], $_SESSION["rutbe"]]);
    if (!$oturumkontrol->rowCount()) {
        header("Location:" . $url . "/giris" . $html . "");
function bildirim($baslik, $ikon, $last_id, $menu_isim, $msj)
    global $db;
    $BSorgu = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO bildirimler SET\r\n\t\tbaslik\t\t= :baslik,\r\n\t\ticon\t\t= :icon,\r\n\t\tbid\t\t\t= :bid,\r\n\t\tbildirim\t= :bildirim,\r\n\t\tktarih\t\t= :ktarih,\r\n\t\ttarih \t\t= :tarih");
    $BEkle = $BSorgu->execute(["baslik" => $baslik, "icon" => $ikon, "bid" => $last_id, "bildirim" => "Ynetici <strong>" . $menu_isim . "</strong> " . $msj, "ktarih" => strtotime(tr_tarih("Y-m-d")), "tarih" => strtotime(tr_tarih("Y-m-d H:i:s"))]);
function sitebildirim($baslik, $ikon, $last_id, $menu_isim, $msj)
    global $db;
    $BSorgu = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO bildirimler SET\r\n\t\tbaslik\t\t= :baslik,\r\n\t\ticon\t\t= :icon,\r\n\t\tbid\t\t\t= :bid,\r\n\t\tbildirim\t= :bildirim,\r\n\t\tktarih\t\t= :ktarih,\r\n\t\ttarih \t\t= :tarih");
    $BEkle = $BSorgu->execute(["baslik" => $baslik, "icon" => $ikon, "bid" => $last_id, "bildirim" => "<strong>" . $menu_isim . "</strong> " . $msj, "ktarih" => strtotime(tr_tarih("Y-m-d")), "tarih" => strtotime(tr_tarih("Y-m-d H:i:s"))]);
function panelislemkontrol($deger = "")
    if (empty($_SESSION["Yonetim_Id"]) || empty($_SESSION["Yonetim_Kadi"]) || empty($_SESSION["Yonetim_Sifre"])) {
        header("Location:../" . yonetim . "/index" . $html . "");


Function Calls





MD5 54e9c7bc210a1702f376a14781bbcad9
Eval Count 0
Decode Time 72 ms