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PHP Decode

<?php /** * ATUM Multi-Inventory * * @link https://stockmanagementlabs..

Decoded Output download

 * ATUM Multi-Inventory 
 * @link     
 * @since             1.0.0 
 * @package           AtumMultiInventory 
 * @wordpress-plugin 
 * Plugin Name:          ATUM Multi-Inventory 
 * Plugin URI:  
 * Description:          Create as many inventories per product as you wish! 
 * Version:              1.8.8 
 * Author:               Stock Management Labs 
 * Author URI:  
 * Contributors:         BE REBEL Studio - 
 * Requires at least:    5.9 
 * Tested up to:         6.4.3 
 * Requires PHP:         7.3 
 * WC requires at least: 5.0 
 * WC tested up to:      8.6.1 
 * Text Domain:          atum-multi-inventory 
 * Domain Path:          /languages 
 * License:              2024 Stock Management Labs 
 defined('ABSPATH') || die; use Automattic\WooCommerce\Utilities\FeaturesUtil; goto JpKR6; sc3lv: class AtumMultiInventoryTrialAddon { const MINIMUM_ATUM_VERSION = '1.9.37'; const MINIMUM_PHP_VERSION = '7.3'; const MINIMUM_WC_VERSION = '5.0'; const MINIMUM_WP_VERSION = '5.9'; const ADDON_NAME = 'Multi-Inventory'; const ADDON_KEY = 'multi_inventory'; public function __construct() { goto RqpYA; uZTI9: register_uninstall_hook(__FILE__, array(__CLASS__, 'uninstall')); goto Redba; yCFoC: add_action('before_woocommerce_init', array($this, 'declare_wc_compatibilities')); goto ObqwD; RqpYA: register_activation_hook(__FILE__, array(__CLASS__, 'activate')); goto ugCAp; ugCAp: register_deactivation_hook(__FILE__, array(__CLASS__, 'deactivate')); goto uZTI9; ObqwD: add_filter('atum/addons/setup', array($this, 'register')); goto jAlnO; Redba: add_action('plugins_loaded', array($this, 'check_dependencies_minimum_versions')); goto yCFoC; jAlnO: } public function register($installed) { $installed[self::ADDON_KEY] = array('name' => self::ADDON_NAME, 'description' => __('Create as many inventories per product as you wish!', ATUM_MULTINV_TEXT_DOMAIN), 'addon_url' => '', 'version' => ATUM_MULTINV_VERSION, 'basename' => plugin_basename(__FILE__), 'bootstrap' => array($this, 'bootstrap')); return $installed; } public function bootstrap() { goto d2v4P; vDBQF: return $bootstrapped; goto J68yz; JTsc1: egGKu: goto vDBQF; lV1M8: $bootstrapped = TRUE; goto pt6S3; d2v4P: $bootstrapped = FALSE; goto h5RuB; PdjFZ: new \AtumMultiInventory\Bootstrap(self::ADDON_KEY); goto JTsc1; h5RuB: if (!$this->check_minimum_versions()) { goto egGKu; } goto lV1M8; pt6S3: require_once ATUM_MULTINV_PATH . 'vendor/autoload.php'; goto PdjFZ; J68yz: } public static function activate() { do_action('atum/multi_inventory/activated', '1.8.8'); } public static function deactivate() { goto O1gwX; dy_bR: \Atum\Components\AtumAdminNotices::clear_permament_notices(); goto A33gO; A33gO: M7qqM: goto yXPuy; O1gwX: if (!class_exists('\\Atum\\Components\\AtumAdminNotices')) { goto M7qqM; } goto dy_bR; yXPuy: do_action('atum/multi_inventory/deactivated', '1.8.8'); goto LdVg_; LdVg_: } public static function uninstall() { goto U3LfD; U3LfD: global $wpdb; goto C7kU8; lC0wn: do_action('atum/multi_inventory/uninstalled', '1.8.8'); goto xHBep; KMOye: $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM {$wpdb->options} WHERE option_name LIKE '%_atum_addon_status_%'"); goto lC0wn; C7kU8: delete_transient('atum_addons_list'); goto KMOye; xHBep: } public function check_minimum_versions() { goto eDkBW; hZMVI: $message = sprintf(__('The ATUM %s add-on requires WooCommerce to be activated.', ATUM_MULTINV_TEXT_DOMAIN), self::ADDON_NAME); goto uOkEw; ffsyW: $message = sprintf(__("The %1\$s add-on requires the WooCommerce %2\$s version or greater. Please <a href='%3\$s'>update it</a>.", ATUM_MULTINV_TEXT_DOMAIN), self::ADDON_NAME, self::MINIMUM_WC_VERSION, esc_url(self_admin_url('update-core.php?force-check=1'))); goto ztlw9; bMeqP: IYK4L: goto hZMVI; BNVUG: OlrH8: goto PC36q; gxOyd: if (!$minimum_version) { goto kiN5b; } goto rESjW; MpNZ_: kiN5b: goto HQ2e9; JWyN0: goto y640M; goto ma_6W; hH8UW: $message = ''; goto S7yqo; ma_6W: YUerD: goto noedf; S7yqo: if (!defined('ATUM_VERSION') || version_compare(ATUM_VERSION, self::MINIMUM_ATUM_VERSION, '<')) { goto oJdKA; } goto TDNZL; BfGfV: $minimum_version = TRUE; goto hH8UW; PC36q: $minimum_version = FALSE; goto XOM1B; o9M7o: $message = sprintf(__('The %1$s add-on requires ATUM version %2$s or greater. Please update it.', ATUM_MULTINV_TEXT_DOMAIN), self::ADDON_NAME, self::MINIMUM_ATUM_VERSION); goto PJrge; PJrge: $minimum_version = FALSE; goto JWyN0; J2Xu3: goto y640M; goto QyC9_; HQ2e9: \Atum\Components\AtumAdminNotices::add_notice($message, 'multi_inventory_minimum_version', 'error'); goto TA2nm; eDkBW: global $wp_version; goto BfGfV; tEe5x: if (version_compare(wc()->version, self::MINIMUM_WC_VERSION, '<')) { goto M7H4M; } goto J2Xu3; k7P1f: goto d1JPL; goto MpNZ_; QyC9_: oJdKA: goto o9M7o; rESjW: if (!\Atum\Addons\Addons::get_addons_loader_class()::check_addon(self::ADDON_KEY, self::ADDON_NAME, plugin_basename(__FILE__))) { goto OlrH8; } goto k7P1f; TZQOq: goto y640M; goto bMeqP; vHhMb: goto y640M; goto FMZMb; ztlw9: $minimum_version = FALSE; goto i0m0G; i0m0G: y640M: goto gxOyd; drlGq: $minimum_version = FALSE; goto TZQOq; FMZMb: M7H4M: goto ffsyW; TA2nm: goto d1JPL; goto BNVUG; TDNZL: if (version_compare($wp_version, self::MINIMUM_WP_VERSION, '<')) { goto YUerD; } goto dVTX5; RbQkD: return $minimum_version; goto dcytm; XOM1B: d1JPL: goto RbQkD; dVTX5: if (!function_exists('wc')) { goto IYK4L; } goto tEe5x; noedf: $message = sprintf(__("The %1\$s add-on requires the WordPress %2\$s version or greater. Please <a href='%3\$s'>update it</a>.", ATUM_MULTINV_TEXT_DOMAIN), self::ADDON_NAME, self::MINIMUM_WP_VERSION, esc_url(self_admin_url('update-core.php?force-check=1'))); goto drlGq; uOkEw: $minimum_version = FALSE; goto vHhMb; dcytm: } public function check_dependencies_minimum_versions() { goto C0wgR; Ci0i2: if (!function_exists('get_plugins')) { require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php'; } goto U6O9Y; Ao5s6: $message = sprintf(__("The ATUM %1\$s add-on requires the ATUM Inventory Management for WooCommerce plugin. Please enable it from <a href='%2\$s'>plugins page</a>.", ATUM_MULTINV_TEXT_DOMAIN), self::ADDON_NAME, admin_url('plugins.php')); goto OmoS2; j9tIz: $atum_file = 'atum-stock-manager-for-woocommerce/atum-stock-manager-for-woocommerce.php'; goto kQ_eN; ChmIw: if (!isset($installed[$atum_file])) { goto HI9nr; } goto nd7xJ; C0wgR: $minimum_version = TRUE; goto aGvDo; wUZWj: $message = sprintf(__("The ATUM %1\$s add-on requires the ATUM Inventory Management for WooCommerce plugin. Please <a href='%2\$s'>install it</a>.", ATUM_MULTINV_TEXT_DOMAIN), self::ADDON_NAME, admin_url('plugin-install.php?s=atum&tab=search&type=term')); goto gCSG5; yjiZu: X_T5z: goto Ao5s6; iaOnz: goto CM79a; goto yjiZu; r2YP0: CM79a: goto ukIcD; mjViI: add_action('admin_notices', function () use($message) { goto ZemRW; MBrS7: ?> 
				<?php  goto P8Yms; ZemRW: ?> 
				<div class="atum-notice notice notice-error"> 
							<?php  goto C1rR4; C1rR4: echo wp_kses_post($message); goto MBrS7; P8Yms: }); goto pxmAQ; sxlMK: $message = sprintf(__('The ATUM %1$s add-on requires PHP version %2$s or greater. Please, update it or contact your hosting provider.', ATUM_MULTINV_TEXT_DOMAIN), self::ADDON_NAME, self::MINIMUM_PHP_VERSION); goto iDpUx; xHxKo: HI9nr: goto wUZWj; u5Hp7: goto CM79a; goto dITYg; kQ_eN: if (version_compare(phpversion(), self::MINIMUM_PHP_VERSION, '<')) { goto eRqjx; } goto ChmIw; dITYg: eRqjx: goto sxlMK; aGvDo: $message = ''; goto Ci0i2; ukIcD: if ($minimum_version) { goto pjn57; } goto mjViI; U6O9Y: $installed = get_plugins(); goto j9tIz; iDpUx: $minimum_version = FALSE; goto igVu2; nd7xJ: if (!is_plugin_active($atum_file)) { goto X_T5z; } goto u5Hp7; igVu2: goto CM79a; goto xHxKo; OmoS2: $minimum_version = FALSE; goto r2YP0; pxmAQ: pjn57: goto cASih; gCSG5: $minimum_version = FALSE; goto iaOnz; cASih: } public function declare_wc_compatibilities() { goto OXUdq; tihB4: HMNGH: goto C0qIp; d6nFV: FeaturesUtil::declare_compatibility('cart_checkout_blocks', ATUM_MULTINV_BASENAME); goto tihB4; OXUdq: if (!class_exists('\\Automattic\\WooCommerce\\Utilities\\FeaturesUtil')) { goto HMNGH; } goto F76rD; F76rD: FeaturesUtil::declare_compatibility('custom_order_tables', ATUM_MULTINV_BASENAME); goto d6nFV; C0qIp: } } goto Z_tBP; JpKR6: add_action('plugins_loaded', function () { goto bJe1U; yQuaH: QrDhQ: goto JrtsK; HSBOV: define('ATUM_MULTINV_TEXT_DOMAIN', 'atum-multi-inventory'); goto yQuaH; Ti4XX: if (defined('ATUM_MULTINV_URL')) { goto d4hLN; } goto mlvXm; Wtu9Z: if (defined('ATUM_MULTINV_TEXT_DOMAIN')) { goto QrDhQ; } goto HSBOV; bJe1U: if (defined('ATUM_MULTINV_VERSION')) { goto wXuuY; } goto N9pV1; AjMyJ: hpYfB: goto Wtu9Z; PkFlg: define('ATUM_MULTINV_BASENAME', plugin_basename(__FILE__)); goto Qszic; yLD0L: d4hLN: goto emjC1; NtBBs: wXuuY: goto Ti4XX; uLzuu: define('ATUM_MULTINV_PATH', plugin_dir_path(__FILE__)); goto AjMyJ; Qszic: e3edt: goto E4d_w; N9pV1: define('ATUM_MULTINV_VERSION', '1.8.8'); goto NtBBs; emjC1: if (defined('ATUM_MULTINV_PATH')) { goto hpYfB; } goto uLzuu; mlvXm: define('ATUM_MULTINV_URL', plugin_dir_url(__FILE__)); goto yLD0L; JrtsK: if (defined('ATUM_MULTINV_BASENAME')) { goto e3edt; } goto PkFlg; E4d_w: }, 0); goto sc3lv; Z_tBP: new AtumMultiInventoryTrialAddon(); 

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Original Code

 * ATUM Multi-Inventory
 * @link    
 * @since             1.0.0
 * @package           AtumMultiInventory
 * @wordpress-plugin
 * Plugin Name:          ATUM Multi-Inventory
 * Plugin URI: 
 * Description:          Create as many inventories per product as you wish!
 * Version:              1.8.8
 * Author:               Stock Management Labs
 * Author URI: 
 * Contributors:         BE REBEL Studio -
 * Requires at least:    5.9
 * Tested up to:         6.4.3
 * Requires PHP:         7.3
 * WC requires at least: 5.0
 * WC tested up to:      8.6.1
 * Text Domain:          atum-multi-inventory
 * Domain Path:          /languages
 * License:              2024 Stock Management Labs
 defined('ABSPATH') || die; use Automattic\WooCommerce\Utilities\FeaturesUtil; goto JpKR6; sc3lv: class AtumMultiInventoryTrialAddon { const MINIMUM_ATUM_VERSION = '1.9.37'; const MINIMUM_PHP_VERSION = '7.3'; const MINIMUM_WC_VERSION = '5.0'; const MINIMUM_WP_VERSION = '5.9'; const ADDON_NAME = 'Multi-Inventory'; const ADDON_KEY = 'multi_inventory'; public function __construct() { goto RqpYA; uZTI9: register_uninstall_hook(__FILE__, array(__CLASS__, 'uninstall')); goto Redba; yCFoC: add_action('before_woocommerce_init', array($this, 'declare_wc_compatibilities')); goto ObqwD; RqpYA: register_activation_hook(__FILE__, array(__CLASS__, 'activate')); goto ugCAp; ugCAp: register_deactivation_hook(__FILE__, array(__CLASS__, 'deactivate')); goto uZTI9; ObqwD: add_filter('atum/addons/setup', array($this, 'register')); goto jAlnO; Redba: add_action('plugins_loaded', array($this, 'check_dependencies_minimum_versions')); goto yCFoC; jAlnO: } public function register($installed) { $installed[self::ADDON_KEY] = array('name' => self::ADDON_NAME, 'description' => __('Create as many inventories per product as you wish!', ATUM_MULTINV_TEXT_DOMAIN), 'addon_url' => '', 'version' => ATUM_MULTINV_VERSION, 'basename' => plugin_basename(__FILE__), 'bootstrap' => array($this, 'bootstrap')); return $installed; } public function bootstrap() { goto d2v4P; vDBQF: return $bootstrapped; goto J68yz; JTsc1: egGKu: goto vDBQF; lV1M8: $bootstrapped = TRUE; goto pt6S3; d2v4P: $bootstrapped = FALSE; goto h5RuB; PdjFZ: new \AtumMultiInventory\Bootstrap(self::ADDON_KEY); goto JTsc1; h5RuB: if (!$this->check_minimum_versions()) { goto egGKu; } goto lV1M8; pt6S3: require_once ATUM_MULTINV_PATH . 'vendor/autoload.php'; goto PdjFZ; J68yz: } public static function activate() { do_action('atum/multi_inventory/activated', '1.8.8'); } public static function deactivate() { goto O1gwX; dy_bR: \Atum\Components\AtumAdminNotices::clear_permament_notices(); goto A33gO; A33gO: M7qqM: goto yXPuy; O1gwX: if (!class_exists('\\Atum\\Components\\AtumAdminNotices')) { goto M7qqM; } goto dy_bR; yXPuy: do_action('atum/multi_inventory/deactivated', '1.8.8'); goto LdVg_; LdVg_: } public static function uninstall() { goto U3LfD; U3LfD: global $wpdb; goto C7kU8; lC0wn: do_action('atum/multi_inventory/uninstalled', '1.8.8'); goto xHBep; KMOye: $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM {$wpdb->options} WHERE option_name LIKE '%_atum_addon_status_%'"); goto lC0wn; C7kU8: delete_transient('atum_addons_list'); goto KMOye; xHBep: } public function check_minimum_versions() { goto eDkBW; hZMVI: $message = sprintf(__('The ATUM %s add-on requires WooCommerce to be activated.', ATUM_MULTINV_TEXT_DOMAIN), self::ADDON_NAME); goto uOkEw; ffsyW: $message = sprintf(__("The %1\$s add-on requires the WooCommerce %2\$s version or greater. Please <a href='%3\$s'>update it</a>.", ATUM_MULTINV_TEXT_DOMAIN), self::ADDON_NAME, self::MINIMUM_WC_VERSION, esc_url(self_admin_url('update-core.php?force-check=1'))); goto ztlw9; bMeqP: IYK4L: goto hZMVI; BNVUG: OlrH8: goto PC36q; gxOyd: if (!$minimum_version) { goto kiN5b; } goto rESjW; MpNZ_: kiN5b: goto HQ2e9; JWyN0: goto y640M; goto ma_6W; hH8UW: $message = ''; goto S7yqo; ma_6W: YUerD: goto noedf; S7yqo: if (!defined('ATUM_VERSION') || version_compare(ATUM_VERSION, self::MINIMUM_ATUM_VERSION, '<')) { goto oJdKA; } goto TDNZL; BfGfV: $minimum_version = TRUE; goto hH8UW; PC36q: $minimum_version = FALSE; goto XOM1B; o9M7o: $message = sprintf(__('The %1$s add-on requires ATUM version %2$s or greater. Please update it.', ATUM_MULTINV_TEXT_DOMAIN), self::ADDON_NAME, self::MINIMUM_ATUM_VERSION); goto PJrge; PJrge: $minimum_version = FALSE; goto JWyN0; J2Xu3: goto y640M; goto QyC9_; HQ2e9: \Atum\Components\AtumAdminNotices::add_notice($message, 'multi_inventory_minimum_version', 'error'); goto TA2nm; eDkBW: global $wp_version; goto BfGfV; tEe5x: if (version_compare(wc()->version, self::MINIMUM_WC_VERSION, '<')) { goto M7H4M; } goto J2Xu3; k7P1f: goto d1JPL; goto MpNZ_; QyC9_: oJdKA: goto o9M7o; rESjW: if (!\Atum\Addons\Addons::get_addons_loader_class()::check_addon(self::ADDON_KEY, self::ADDON_NAME, plugin_basename(__FILE__))) { goto OlrH8; } goto k7P1f; TZQOq: goto y640M; goto bMeqP; vHhMb: goto y640M; goto FMZMb; ztlw9: $minimum_version = FALSE; goto i0m0G; i0m0G: y640M: goto gxOyd; drlGq: $minimum_version = FALSE; goto TZQOq; FMZMb: M7H4M: goto ffsyW; TA2nm: goto d1JPL; goto BNVUG; TDNZL: if (version_compare($wp_version, self::MINIMUM_WP_VERSION, '<')) { goto YUerD; } goto dVTX5; RbQkD: return $minimum_version; goto dcytm; XOM1B: d1JPL: goto RbQkD; dVTX5: if (!function_exists('wc')) { goto IYK4L; } goto tEe5x; noedf: $message = sprintf(__("The %1\$s add-on requires the WordPress %2\$s version or greater. Please <a href='%3\$s'>update it</a>.", ATUM_MULTINV_TEXT_DOMAIN), self::ADDON_NAME, self::MINIMUM_WP_VERSION, esc_url(self_admin_url('update-core.php?force-check=1'))); goto drlGq; uOkEw: $minimum_version = FALSE; goto vHhMb; dcytm: } public function check_dependencies_minimum_versions() { goto C0wgR; Ci0i2: if (!function_exists('get_plugins')) { require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php'; } goto U6O9Y; Ao5s6: $message = sprintf(__("The ATUM %1\$s add-on requires the ATUM Inventory Management for WooCommerce plugin. Please enable it from <a href='%2\$s'>plugins page</a>.", ATUM_MULTINV_TEXT_DOMAIN), self::ADDON_NAME, admin_url('plugins.php')); goto OmoS2; j9tIz: $atum_file = 'atum-stock-manager-for-woocommerce/atum-stock-manager-for-woocommerce.php'; goto kQ_eN; ChmIw: if (!isset($installed[$atum_file])) { goto HI9nr; } goto nd7xJ; C0wgR: $minimum_version = TRUE; goto aGvDo; wUZWj: $message = sprintf(__("The ATUM %1\$s add-on requires the ATUM Inventory Management for WooCommerce plugin. Please <a href='%2\$s'>install it</a>.", ATUM_MULTINV_TEXT_DOMAIN), self::ADDON_NAME, admin_url('plugin-install.php?s=atum&tab=search&type=term')); goto gCSG5; yjiZu: X_T5z: goto Ao5s6; iaOnz: goto CM79a; goto yjiZu; r2YP0: CM79a: goto ukIcD; mjViI: add_action('admin_notices', function () use($message) { goto ZemRW; MBrS7: ?>
				<?php  goto P8Yms; ZemRW: ?>
				<div class="atum-notice notice notice-error">
							<?php  goto C1rR4; C1rR4: echo wp_kses_post($message); goto MBrS7; P8Yms: }); goto pxmAQ; sxlMK: $message = sprintf(__('The ATUM %1$s add-on requires PHP version %2$s or greater. Please, update it or contact your hosting provider.', ATUM_MULTINV_TEXT_DOMAIN), self::ADDON_NAME, self::MINIMUM_PHP_VERSION); goto iDpUx; xHxKo: HI9nr: goto wUZWj; u5Hp7: goto CM79a; goto dITYg; kQ_eN: if (version_compare(phpversion(), self::MINIMUM_PHP_VERSION, '<')) { goto eRqjx; } goto ChmIw; dITYg: eRqjx: goto sxlMK; aGvDo: $message = ''; goto Ci0i2; ukIcD: if ($minimum_version) { goto pjn57; } goto mjViI; U6O9Y: $installed = get_plugins(); goto j9tIz; iDpUx: $minimum_version = FALSE; goto igVu2; nd7xJ: if (!is_plugin_active($atum_file)) { goto X_T5z; } goto u5Hp7; igVu2: goto CM79a; goto xHxKo; OmoS2: $minimum_version = FALSE; goto r2YP0; pxmAQ: pjn57: goto cASih; gCSG5: $minimum_version = FALSE; goto iaOnz; cASih: } public function declare_wc_compatibilities() { goto OXUdq; tihB4: HMNGH: goto C0qIp; d6nFV: FeaturesUtil::declare_compatibility('cart_checkout_blocks', ATUM_MULTINV_BASENAME); goto tihB4; OXUdq: if (!class_exists('\\Automattic\\WooCommerce\\Utilities\\FeaturesUtil')) { goto HMNGH; } goto F76rD; F76rD: FeaturesUtil::declare_compatibility('custom_order_tables', ATUM_MULTINV_BASENAME); goto d6nFV; C0qIp: } } goto Z_tBP; JpKR6: add_action('plugins_loaded', function () { goto bJe1U; yQuaH: QrDhQ: goto JrtsK; HSBOV: define('ATUM_MULTINV_TEXT_DOMAIN', 'atum-multi-inventory'); goto yQuaH; Ti4XX: if (defined('ATUM_MULTINV_URL')) { goto d4hLN; } goto mlvXm; Wtu9Z: if (defined('ATUM_MULTINV_TEXT_DOMAIN')) { goto QrDhQ; } goto HSBOV; bJe1U: if (defined('ATUM_MULTINV_VERSION')) { goto wXuuY; } goto N9pV1; AjMyJ: hpYfB: goto Wtu9Z; PkFlg: define('ATUM_MULTINV_BASENAME', plugin_basename(__FILE__)); goto Qszic; yLD0L: d4hLN: goto emjC1; NtBBs: wXuuY: goto Ti4XX; uLzuu: define('ATUM_MULTINV_PATH', plugin_dir_path(__FILE__)); goto AjMyJ; Qszic: e3edt: goto E4d_w; N9pV1: define('ATUM_MULTINV_VERSION', '1.8.8'); goto NtBBs; emjC1: if (defined('ATUM_MULTINV_PATH')) { goto hpYfB; } goto uLzuu; mlvXm: define('ATUM_MULTINV_URL', plugin_dir_url(__FILE__)); goto yLD0L; JrtsK: if (defined('ATUM_MULTINV_BASENAME')) { goto e3edt; } goto PkFlg; E4d_w: }, 0); goto sc3lv; Z_tBP: new AtumMultiInventoryTrialAddon();

Function Calls





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Eval Count 0
Decode Time 65 ms