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PHP Decode

<?php /* Important Notice Any unauthorized use of this content may lead to sig..

Decoded Output download

/*   Important Notice 
        Any unauthorized use of this content may lead to significant damage. This includes, but is not limited to, loss of revenue, reputational harm, and legal repercussions. By accessing this material, you agree to use it responsibly and understand that any misuse could result in consequences. 
        Please respect the rights associated with this work. 
 goto C982b; f5a79: $F9771 = $a3e00->readJsonFile($config, "invalid"); goto ab42f; ea696: goto C2ed6; goto C8488; B789f: if (!isset($_GET["invalid"])) { goto db32a; } goto f5a79; a716b: $F9771 = $a3e00->readJsonFile($config, "visit"); goto Fbad7; F7ae9: $a3e00->check(); goto D7e71; Eaa07: if (isset($_GET["valid"])) { goto Dd785; } goto B789f; c9985: $a3e00 = new User(); goto F7ae9; Fc6a4: include_once "class.php"; goto c9985; E121a: db32a: goto C6e8e; C6e8e: goto F7dbc; goto ef626; C5888: C2ed6: goto e78b0; C8488: Ee47e: goto a716b; a072a: F7dbc: goto ea696; ab42f: echo json_encode($F9771); goto E121a; D7e71: require_once "../config.php"; goto E0172; B7264: $F9771 = $a3e00->readJsonFile($config, "valid"); goto fcbed; Fbad7: echo json_encode($F9771); goto C5888; fcbed: echo json_encode($F9771); goto a072a; ef626: Dd785: goto B7264; eb9ce: if (isset($_GET["visit"])) { goto Ee47e; } goto Eaa07; C982b: header("Content-Type: application/json"); goto Fc6a4; E0172: if (empty($_GET)) { goto db866; } goto eb9ce; e78b0: db866: 

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Original Code

/*   Important Notice
        Any unauthorized use of this content may lead to significant damage. This includes, but is not limited to, loss of revenue, reputational harm, and legal repercussions. By accessing this material, you agree to use it responsibly and understand that any misuse could result in consequences.
        Please respect the rights associated with this work.
 goto C982b; f5a79: $F9771 = $a3e00->readJsonFile($config, "\x69\x6e\166\x61\x6c\x69\x64"); goto ab42f; ea696: goto C2ed6; goto C8488; B789f: if (!isset($_GET["\x69\x6e\166\x61\154\151\x64"])) { goto db32a; } goto f5a79; a716b: $F9771 = $a3e00->readJsonFile($config, "\166\x69\163\151\164"); goto Fbad7; F7ae9: $a3e00->check(); goto D7e71; Eaa07: if (isset($_GET["\166\x61\x6c\x69\144"])) { goto Dd785; } goto B789f; c9985: $a3e00 = new User(); goto F7ae9; Fc6a4: include_once "\143\x6c\x61\163\163\x2e\x70\150\160"; goto c9985; E121a: db32a: goto C6e8e; C6e8e: goto F7dbc; goto ef626; C5888: C2ed6: goto e78b0; C8488: Ee47e: goto a716b; a072a: F7dbc: goto ea696; ab42f: echo json_encode($F9771); goto E121a; D7e71: require_once "\x2e\x2e\57\143\157\x6e\x66\151\x67\x2e\160\x68\160"; goto E0172; B7264: $F9771 = $a3e00->readJsonFile($config, "\x76\x61\x6c\151\x64"); goto fcbed; Fbad7: echo json_encode($F9771); goto C5888; fcbed: echo json_encode($F9771); goto a072a; ef626: Dd785: goto B7264; eb9ce: if (isset($_GET["\166\x69\163\151\164"])) { goto Ee47e; } goto Eaa07; C982b: header("\x43\157\156\164\x65\156\164\x2d\124\x79\x70\145\x3a\x20\141\160\160\x6c\x69\x63\x61\164\x69\x6f\x6e\57\x6a\163\x6f\156"); goto Fc6a4; E0172: if (empty($_GET)) { goto db866; } goto eb9ce; e78b0: db866:

Function Calls





MD5 5ac058990d8e28d897541be8ff45c320
Eval Count 0
Decode Time 58 ms