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PHP Decode

<?php //todo ioncube ob_start(); session_start(); $_SESSION['session']=session_id(); ..

Decoded Output download

//todo ioncube 
header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); 
ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL^E_NOTICE); 
date_default_timezone_set( 'Europe/Istanbul' ); 
include "includes/config/config.php"; 
include "includes/config/lisans.php"; 
include "includes/config/language.php"; 
include "includes/config/parabirimi.php"; 
include "includes/config/functions.php"; 
include 'includes/config/Mobile_Detect.php'; 
$detect = new Mobile_Detect; 
function isMobileDevice() 
    global $detect; 
    return $detect->isMobile(); 
include "includes/config/hit.php"; 
//** Ayar SQL */ 
$settings=$db->prepare("SELECT * from ayarlar where id='1'"); 
$siteurl = $ayar['site_url']; 
$site_adi = $ayar['site_baslik']; 
$demo = $ayar['demo_mod']; 
$licenceProcessRequestAddress = $ayar['merchant_request']; 
$sms_setting = $db->prepare("select * from sms where id='1'"); 
$sms = $sms_setting->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); 
$odemesettings=$db->prepare("SELECT * from odeme_ayar where id='1'"); 
$BakimDurum = $db->prepare("select * from bakim where id='1' and durum='1' order by id"); 
$bakim = $BakimDurum->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); 
$cacheCek = $db->prepare("select * from cache where id='1'"); 
$cacheRow = $cacheCek->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); 
$dilMevcut = $db->prepare("select * from dil where kisa_ad=:kisa_ad order by id"); 
    'kisa_ad' => $_SESSION['dil'] , 
$current_lang = $dilMevcut->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); 
$mevcut_adresi_cek = ''.$ayar['protokol'].''.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].''.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].''; 
$_SESSION['mevcut_adres_cek'] = $mevcut_adresi_cek; 
$uyelikAyar = $db->prepare("select * from uyeler_ayar where id=:id "); 
        'id' => '1' 
$uyeayar = $uyelikAyar->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); 
<?php if($uyeayar['durum'] == '0' ) {?> 
    <?php unset($_SESSION['user_email_address']); ?> 
<?php }?> 
$userSorgusu = $db->prepare("select * from uyeler where eposta=:eposta and onay=:onay order by id"); 
    'eposta' => $_SESSION['user_email_address'], 
    'onay' => '1', 
$userCek = $userSorgusu->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); 
if ($userSorgusu->rowCount()<=0){ 
/* Grup sresi kontrol */ 
if($userSorgusu->rowCount()>'0'  ) { 
    if($userCek['uye_grup'] >'0' ) { 
        if($userCek['uye_grup_sure_durum'] == '1' ) { 
            $today =  date('Y-m-d'); 
            if($userCek['uye_grup_sure_2'] < $today  ) { 
                $guncelle = $db->prepare("UPDATE uyeler SET 
                      WHERE id={$userCek['id']}       
                $sonuc = $guncelle->execute(array( 
                    'uye_grup' => null, 
/*  <========SON=========>>> Grup sresi kontrol SON */ 
/* Onaysz yelik */ 
$userSorgusuOnaysiz = $db->prepare("select * from uyeler where eposta=:eposta and onay=:onay order by id"); 
    'eposta' => $_SESSION['user_email_address_onaysiz'], 
    'onay' => '0' 
$userOcek = $userSorgusuOnaysiz->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); 
if ($userSorgusuOnaysiz->rowCount()<=0){ 
/*  <========SON=========>>> Onaysz yelik SON */ 
$uyegruplariCek = $db->prepare("select * from uyeler_grup where id=:id "); 
    'id' => $userCek['uye_grup'] 
$uyegrup = $uyegruplariCek->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); 
/* E-Posta Template */ 
$ePostaTema = $db->prepare("select * from eposta_tema where id=:id"); 
    'id' => '1' 
$epostatema = $ePostaTema->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); 
/*  <========SON=========>>> E-Posta Template SON */ 
/* Sepet Count */ 
$ipAdres = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; 
$shopCount = $db->prepare("select * from sepet where ip=:ip and sepet_durum=:sepet_durum "); 
    'ip' => $ipAdres, 
    'sepet_durum' => '1' 
$shoppingCartCount = $shopCount->rowCount(); 
/*  <========SON=========>>> Sepet Count SON */ 
/* Bildirimler */ 
$bildirimAyar = $db->prepare("select * from bildirimler_ayar where id=:id "); 
    'id' => '1' 
$bildirimayar = $bildirimAyar->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); 
if($bildirimayar['durum'] == '1') { 
    $bellCountQuery = $db->prepare("select * from bildirimler where dil=:dil and durum=:durum"); 
        'dil' => $_SESSION['dil'], 
        'durum' => '1' 
    $bellCountTotal = 0; 
    $bellCountTotalUser = 0; 
    $bellCountTotalUserID = 0; 
    foreach ($bellCountQuery as $bellquery){ 
        if($bellquery['tur'] == '0'  ) { 
            $ip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; 
            $bellIPKontrolHead = $db->prepare("select * from bildirimler_ip where ip_adres=:ip_adres and bildirim_id=:bildirim_id "); 
                'ip_adres' => $ip, 
                'bildirim_id' => $bellquery['bildirim_id'] 
        if($bellquery['tur'] == '1'  ) { 
            $bellIPKontrolHead = $db->prepare("select * from bildirimler_ip where uye_id=:uye_id and bildirim_id=:bildirim_id "); 
                'uye_id' => $userCek['id'], 
                'bildirim_id' => $bellquery['bildirim_id'] 
        if($bellquery['tur'] == '2'  ) { 
            $bellIPKontrolHead = $db->prepare("select * from bildirimler_ip where uye_id=:uye_id and bildirim_id=:bildirim_id "); 
                'uye_id' => $userCek['id'], 
                'bildirim_id' => $bellquery['bildirim_id'] 
        if($bellquery['tur'] == '0' && $bellquery['uye_id'] <= '0' && $bellIPKontrolHead->rowCount()<='0'  ) { 
            $bellCountTotal = $bellCountTotal+($bellquery['durum']); 
        if($bellquery['tur'] == '1' && $userSorgusu->rowCount()>'0' && $bellIPKontrolHead->rowCount()<='0'  ) { 
            $bellCountTotalUser = $bellCountTotalUser+($bellquery['durum']); 
        if($bellquery['tur'] == '2' && $bellquery['uye_id'] == $userCek['id'] && $bellIPKontrolHead->rowCount()<='0'  ) { 
            $bellCountTotalUserID = $bellCountTotalUserID+($bellquery['durum']); 
/*  <========SON=========>>> Bildirimler SON */ 

Did this file decode correctly?

Original Code

//todo ioncube
header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL^E_NOTICE);
date_default_timezone_set( 'Europe/Istanbul' );
include "includes/config/config.php";
include "includes/config/lisans.php";
include "includes/config/language.php";
include "includes/config/parabirimi.php";
include "includes/config/functions.php";
include 'includes/config/Mobile_Detect.php';
$detect = new Mobile_Detect;
function isMobileDevice()
    global $detect;
    return $detect->isMobile();
include "includes/config/hit.php";
//** Ayar SQL */
$settings=$db->prepare("SELECT * from ayarlar where id='1'");
$siteurl = $ayar['site_url'];
$site_adi = $ayar['site_baslik'];
$demo = $ayar['demo_mod'];
$licenceProcessRequestAddress = $ayar['merchant_request'];
$sms_setting = $db->prepare("select * from sms where id='1'");
$sms = $sms_setting->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$odemesettings=$db->prepare("SELECT * from odeme_ayar where id='1'");
$BakimDurum = $db->prepare("select * from bakim where id='1' and durum='1' order by id");
$bakim = $BakimDurum->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$cacheCek = $db->prepare("select * from cache where id='1'");
$cacheRow = $cacheCek->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$dilMevcut = $db->prepare("select * from dil where kisa_ad=:kisa_ad order by id");
    'kisa_ad' => $_SESSION['dil'] ,
$current_lang = $dilMevcut->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$mevcut_adresi_cek = ''.$ayar['protokol'].''.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].''.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'';
$_SESSION['mevcut_adres_cek'] = $mevcut_adresi_cek;
$uyelikAyar = $db->prepare("select * from uyeler_ayar where id=:id ");
        'id' => '1'
$uyeayar = $uyelikAyar->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
<?php if($uyeayar['durum'] == '0' ) {?>
    <?php unset($_SESSION['user_email_address']); ?>
<?php }?>
$userSorgusu = $db->prepare("select * from uyeler where eposta=:eposta and onay=:onay order by id");
    'eposta' => $_SESSION['user_email_address'],
    'onay' => '1',
$userCek = $userSorgusu->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
if ($userSorgusu->rowCount()<=0){
/* Grup sresi kontrol */
if($userSorgusu->rowCount()>'0'  ) {
    if($userCek['uye_grup'] >'0' ) {
        if($userCek['uye_grup_sure_durum'] == '1' ) {
            $today =  date('Y-m-d');
            if($userCek['uye_grup_sure_2'] < $today  ) {
                $guncelle = $db->prepare("UPDATE uyeler SET
                      WHERE id={$userCek['id']}      
                $sonuc = $guncelle->execute(array(
                    'uye_grup' => null,
/*  <========SON=========>>> Grup sresi kontrol SON */
/* Onaysz yelik */
$userSorgusuOnaysiz = $db->prepare("select * from uyeler where eposta=:eposta and onay=:onay order by id");
    'eposta' => $_SESSION['user_email_address_onaysiz'],
    'onay' => '0'
$userOcek = $userSorgusuOnaysiz->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
if ($userSorgusuOnaysiz->rowCount()<=0){
/*  <========SON=========>>> Onaysz yelik SON */
$uyegruplariCek = $db->prepare("select * from uyeler_grup where id=:id ");
    'id' => $userCek['uye_grup']
$uyegrup = $uyegruplariCek->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
/* E-Posta Template */
$ePostaTema = $db->prepare("select * from eposta_tema where id=:id");
    'id' => '1'
$epostatema = $ePostaTema->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
/*  <========SON=========>>> E-Posta Template SON */
/* Sepet Count */
$ipAdres = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
$shopCount = $db->prepare("select * from sepet where ip=:ip and sepet_durum=:sepet_durum ");
    'ip' => $ipAdres,
    'sepet_durum' => '1'
$shoppingCartCount = $shopCount->rowCount();
/*  <========SON=========>>> Sepet Count SON */

/* Bildirimler */
$bildirimAyar = $db->prepare("select * from bildirimler_ayar where id=:id ");
    'id' => '1'
$bildirimayar = $bildirimAyar->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
if($bildirimayar['durum'] == '1') {
    $bellCountQuery = $db->prepare("select * from bildirimler where dil=:dil and durum=:durum");
        'dil' => $_SESSION['dil'],
        'durum' => '1'
    $bellCountTotal = 0;
    $bellCountTotalUser = 0;
    $bellCountTotalUserID = 0;
    foreach ($bellCountQuery as $bellquery){
        if($bellquery['tur'] == '0'  ) {
            $ip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
            $bellIPKontrolHead = $db->prepare("select * from bildirimler_ip where ip_adres=:ip_adres and bildirim_id=:bildirim_id ");
                'ip_adres' => $ip,
                'bildirim_id' => $bellquery['bildirim_id']
        if($bellquery['tur'] == '1'  ) {
            $bellIPKontrolHead = $db->prepare("select * from bildirimler_ip where uye_id=:uye_id and bildirim_id=:bildirim_id ");
                'uye_id' => $userCek['id'],
                'bildirim_id' => $bellquery['bildirim_id']
        if($bellquery['tur'] == '2'  ) {
            $bellIPKontrolHead = $db->prepare("select * from bildirimler_ip where uye_id=:uye_id and bildirim_id=:bildirim_id ");
                'uye_id' => $userCek['id'],
                'bildirim_id' => $bellquery['bildirim_id']
        if($bellquery['tur'] == '0' && $bellquery['uye_id'] <= '0' && $bellIPKontrolHead->rowCount()<='0'  ) {
            $bellCountTotal = $bellCountTotal+($bellquery['durum']);
        if($bellquery['tur'] == '1' && $userSorgusu->rowCount()>'0' && $bellIPKontrolHead->rowCount()<='0'  ) {
            $bellCountTotalUser = $bellCountTotalUser+($bellquery['durum']);
        if($bellquery['tur'] == '2' && $bellquery['uye_id'] == $userCek['id'] && $bellIPKontrolHead->rowCount()<='0'  ) {
            $bellCountTotalUserID = $bellCountTotalUserID+($bellquery['durum']);

/*  <========SON=========>>> Bildirimler SON */


Function Calls

ob_start 1
session_id 1
session_start 1




MD5 5b1eb39d6037bff0f9b9b337074c4e84
Eval Count 0
Decode Time 71 ms